ó erell P s è gn A

is f hi kn i te world. the in kind their of cies

renguer; the hospital of , one of the best preserved preserved best the of one Bonesvalls, de Olesa of hospital the renguer; and 7th centuries centuries 7th and KONIC occupied in times of instability. of times in occupied

- spe only the are which of

- Be architect Nouveau Art the by works Pleta, La and cellar Güell the are tween the 8th 8th the tween donment in the 13th and 14th centuries, although it was sporadically sporadically was it although centuries, 14th and 13th the in donment

dwelling animals, some some animals, dwelling

This building heritage includes four especially noteworthy items. These These items. noteworthy especially four includes heritage building This - be built was ed - aban total in ended areas lowland to people of movement gradual The

aged the presence of cave- of presence the aged

- construct be to and the pacification of the territory gave rise to the decline of Olèrdola. Olèrdola. of decline the to rise gave territory the of pacification the and

stone walls, animal pens and small vineyard huts. huts. vineyard small and pens animal walls, stone

- encour has karsts of tem

known fortress fortress known From the 12th century onwards, the advance of the frontier southwards southwards frontier the of advance the onwards, century 12th the From

characteristic elements of the region’s construction are innumerable dry dry innumerable are construction region’s the of elements characteristic

- sys developed highly The

sation. The first first The sation.

case of Jafra (now abandoned) even reaches the size of a hamlet. Other Other hamlet. a of size the reaches even abandoned) (now Jafra of case

are also tombs of adults and children. and adults of tombs also are

- organi urban an

hbas n mn invertebrates. many and phibians

three or four units, like those of Campdàsens and Els Masets and in the the in and Masets Els and Campdàsens of those like units, four or three

incidence of infant mortality in the high-medieval period, although there there although period, high-medieval the in mortality infant of incidence

ble habitat with with habitat ble

- am as such cycles life their for essential is water which to those ly

Carxol and Vallgrassa). These farmhouses are often grouped into nuclei of of nuclei into grouped often are farmhouses These Vallgrassa). and Carxol

can be seen carved into the rock. The name of the place reflects the high high the reflects place the of name The rock. the into carved seen be can

- sta a became

- especial species, many of lives the in points key are Ponds

Can Grau), and the farmhouses connected to goat herding (Mas Maiol, El El Maiol, (Mas herding goat to connected farmhouses the and Grau), Can

church and outside the walled compound, several human-shaped tombs tombs human-shaped several compound, walled the outside and church

Olèrdola platform platform Olèrdola

ciated with wine production (the houses of Can Marcer, Mas Quadrell and and Quadrell Mas Marcer, Can of houses (the production wine with ciated

On the flat area of the Albats (meaning “newborn”), near St Michael’s Michael’s St near “newborn”), (meaning Albats the of area flat the On


the Iron Age, the the Age, Iron the

- asso often activity, agricultural to linked buildings and farmhouses the are

- in been recently also has tortoise Hermann’s The badger. Eurasian the

At the start of of start the At

tury buildings. It was destroyed in 1108 in the invasion of the Almoravides. Almoravides. the of invasion the in 1108 in destroyed was It buildings. tury

Nevertheless, the most representative forms of architecture of El Garraf El of architecture of forms representative most the Nevertheless,

the black-eared wheatear, the blue rock thrush, the beech marten and and marten beech the thrush, rock blue the wheatear, black-eared the

- 11th-cen and 10th- of types these of characteristic building, single-nave

into the cliffs that shelter the valley were used to provide crude dwellings. dwellings. crude provide to used were valley the shelter that cliffs the into

the Montpellier snake, the horseshoe whip snake, the black wheatear, wheatear, black the snake, whip horseshoe the snake, Montpellier the

the small church of . of church small the

previous one. The castle, built onto the Roman watchtower, is a spacious spacious a is watchtower, Roman the onto built castle, The one. previous

now known as the bottom of the Seguera. Rock shelters and caves carved carved caves and shelters Rock Seguera. the of bottom the as known now

to the interesting and unusual fauna that lives here. Animal species include include species Animal here. lives that fauna unusual and interesting the to

from the sea. A good example of Romanesque architecture in the area is is area the in architecture Romanesque of example good A sea. the from

Saint Peter. The new Romanesque church was built in 992 beside the the beside 992 in built was church Romanesque new The Peter. Saint

vestiges of the first settlers in these lands are found in the valley of Olèrdola, Olèrdola, of valley the in found are lands these in settlers first the of vestiges

mined the species that have established themselves here and given rise rise given and here themselves established have that species the mined

farmhouses. These bear witness to the ever-present danger that came came that danger ever-present the to witness bear These farmhouses.

ed in 935 and dedicated to the warrior Archangel Saint Michael and to to and Michael Saint Archangel warrior the to dedicated and 935 in ed

ceramics and flint objects have been found. Some of the most interesting interesting most the of Some found. been have objects flint and ceramics

- deter much very have relief) abrupt extremely and vegetation sparse

the coastal sector, which were set on their own or built onto some of the the of some onto built or own their on set were which sector, coastal the

- consecrat was church style

ed since the Bronze Age. In the small peripheral valleys, cave paintings, paintings, cave valleys, peripheral small the In Age. Bronze the since ed

The harsh environmental conditions (strong insolation, lack of water, water, of lack insolation, (strong conditions environmental harsh The

the Saracens. Similar, though dating from later times, are the towers in in towers the are times, later from dating though Similar, Saracens. the

SHOOTING The first Pre-Romanesque- first The

- populat been have surroundings its and Olèrdola of nucleus central The

prunyà and Olivella give an idea of the period of the frontier wars against against wars frontier the of period the of idea an give Olivella and prunyà castle were constructed. constructed. were castle


- Eram of castles the of remains The monuments. great of building the out of time when occupation of the plain presented no danger. danger. no presented plain the of occupation when time of rebuilt and the church and and church the and rebuilt

In El Garraf, the harsh conditions of the physical environment have ruled ruled have environment physical the of conditions harsh the Garraf, El In prehistoric times to the Middle Ages but was abandoned for long periods periods long for abandoned was but Ages Middle the to times prehistoric ings, the Roman wall was was wall Roman the ings,

instability. It is not surprising that the enclave was used as a fortress from from fortress a as used was enclave the that surprising not is It instability.

- build stone to regard With

throughout the ages. ages. the throughout

The surrounding cliffs also make it an ideal place for protection in times of of times in protection for place ideal an it make also cliffs surrounding The KONIC

to intense and varied use by man man by use varied and intense to borne witness to a long relationship between man and the environment. the and man between relationship long a to witness borne its for storing grain. grain. storing for its

la massifs, they have been subject subject been have they massifs, la Olèrdola Park and El Garraf Park is distinctively Mediterranean and has has and Mediterranean distinctively is Park Garraf El and Park Olèrdola Penedès and the coast and between the north and south of . Catalonia. of south and north the between and coast the and Penedès - depos underground or silos

- Olèrdo and Garraf El the by given autumn, temperate winters and hot, dry summers. The landscape of both both of landscape The summers. dry hot, and winters temperate autumn, The Olèrdola mountain is a natural boundary between the plain of the the of plain the between boundary natural a is mountain Olèrdola The holes made in the rock and and rock the in made holes

tude and depopulation currently currently depopulation and tude climate: scant but torrential rain and mild temperatures in the spring and and spring the in temperatures mild and rain torrential but scant climate: period but there are various various are there but period

The monument site of Olèrdola of site monument The - soli of appearance the Despite abrupt landscape. The coastal location means a typically Mediterranean Mediterranean typically a means location coastal The landscape. abrupt mains of dwellings from the the from dwellings of mains

acterised by reddish sandstone conglomerates that give rise to a rather rather a to rise give that conglomerates sandstone reddish by acterised - re few are There territory.

Human occupation Human

- char and different very is area Eramprunyà The sinkholes. and dolines marked the limit of Christian Christian of limit the marked

dissolved and formed what are known as karsts, i.e., caves, chasms, chasms, caves, i.e., karsts, as known are what formed and dissolved

In this period, Olèrdola Olèrdola period, this In furthered by forest fires. forest by furthered

comprise calcareous rock, which, in contact with water and the air, has has air, the and water with contact in which, rock, calcareous comprise

ries, shooting ranges, landfills, etc.), the great impact of which has been been has which of impact great the etc.), landfills, ranges, shooting ries,

who clashed with the count of , Ramon Berenguer I (1040-1059). (1040-1059). I Berenguer Ramon Barcelona, of count the with clashed who scarped with greyish-white rocky walls. Nearly all parts of both massifs massifs both of parts all Nearly walls. rocky greyish-white with scarped suckle and viburnum. and suckle

- (quar activities of number large a of proliferation the seen has Garraf El

that stands out from that period is that of Mir Geribert, prince of Olèrdola, Olèrdola, of prince Geribert, Mir of that is period that from out stands that relief and rounded summits. The valleys are deep and the slopes are are slopes the and deep are valleys The summits. rounded and relief - honey madder, boxwood, oak,

in which the name of Olèrdola appears dates back to the year 950. A name name A 950. year the to back dates appears Olèrdola of name the which in dry farm crops occupy some of the flat land of the valleys. valleys. the of land flat the of some occupy crops farm dry The landscape in El Garraf and at Olèrdola has an arid appearance, low low appearance, arid an has Olèrdola at and Garraf El in landscape The oak woodland grows: evergreen evergreen grows: woodland oak

and repopulation of the regions of southern Catalonia. The first document document first The Catalonia. southern of regions the of repopulation and Agriculture, however, continues in Olèrdola, where large vineyards and and vineyards large where Olèrdola, in continues however, Agriculture,

leys vegetation typical of evergreen evergreen of typical vegetation leys

wards, Olèrdola once again started to play a significant role in the control control the in role significant a play to started again once Olèrdola wards, century put a definitive stop to extensive agricultural activity in El Garraf. Garraf. El in activity agricultural extensive to stop definitive a put century The physical environment physical The - val closed or bottoms valley the In

- on century 9th the from period medieval the in later, years thousand A ing. The plague of phylloxera that began in the second half of the 19th 19th the of half second the in began that phylloxera of plague The ing.

process of regeneration. of process

- grow wheat and vine

was no longer necessary and the site was abandoned. was site the and necessary longer no was


SHOOTING the in now are and fires forest by affected been

by a great expansion in in expansion great a by

Roman period. Once the Iberians had been pacified, the Roman garrison garrison Roman the pacified, been had Iberians the Once period. Roman oak and Aleppo pine woods, most of which have have which of most woods, pine Aleppo and oak

This was accompanied accompanied was This

the medieval top section. The large cistern or central well is also from the the from also is well central or cistern large The section. top medieval the Further inland, the landscape is scattered with holm holm with scattered is landscape the inland, Further

crease significantly. significantly. crease

of the wall, with a height of 3 metres and built in the Roman period, and and period, Roman the in built and metres 3 of height a with wall, the of

- in to began ulation species of African origin grow. grow. origin African of species

Augusta). Today, great differences can be seen between the lower part part lower the between seen be can differences great Today, Augusta).

- pop the that century the Mediterranean fan palm, rope grass and other other and grass rope palm, fan Mediterranean the

to watch over the territory and the Via Heraclea (later to become the Via Via the become to (later Heraclea Via the and territory the over watch to

It was not until the 18th 18th the until not was It by the Kermes oak and the mastic tree and where where and tree mastic the and oak Kermes the by

outpost. They erected a great wall and watchtower at the highest point point highest the at watchtower and wall great a erected They outpost.

scrub, around three metres in height, predominated predominated height, in metres three around scrub,

At the end of the 2nd century BC, the Romans made Olèrdola a military military a Olèrdola made Romans the BC, century 2nd the of end the At in the heart of El Garraf. El of heart the in

the vegetation growth. It is characterised by dense dense by characterised is It growth. vegetation the

of Plana Novella, right right Novella, Plana of

setans” settled here and made use of the pre-existing wall. wall. pre-existing the of use made and here settled setans” ter retention capacity of calcareous soils determine determine soils calcareous of capacity retention ter

able site of the palace palace the of site able

- “Cos the as known people Iberian the BC, century 2nd to 4th the From - wa low and summer the of dryness emphatic The

- remark the and ture,

donment and different civilisations have lived here. here. lived have civilisations different and donment - architec hospital val


- aban and occupation of periods been have there time, that Since BC. - medie of examples

Natural Park Network Àrea d’Espais Naturals Xarxa de Parcs Naturals

Barcelona Provincial Council’s Natural Park Network consists of 12 natural areas of significant landscape, Comte d’Urgell, 187 environmental and cultural value. Edi ci del Rellotge, 3a planta 08036 Barcelona The Network guarantees the territorial and environ- Tel. 934 022 400 Parc del Garraf mental balance of the 100 towns within its geographi- Fax 934 022 439 cal area. [email protected] i Parc d’Olèrdola www.diba.cat/parcsn It covers an area of 101,576 hectares, which repre- sents 22% of the territory in which 70% of the popu- lation of Catalonia lives.

El Garraf Park and Olèrdola Park KIM CASTELLS It plans and manages natural and agricultural areas through special plans drawn up with the participation English of all of the stakeholders. El Garraf Park and Olèrdola Park form the southwest spur It protects the natural, agricultural, forestry, cultural of what is known as the Catalan Serralada Litoral Mountain and landscape values of each park. Range, which extends over the regions of El Baix Llobregat, It works towards a balance between the preserva- L’Alt Penedès and El Garraf. Its boundaries are the lower val- tion of the parks and the economic development of ley of the River Llobregat, the Mediterranean Sea and the the area. Penedès depression. Together they cover 12,984 hectares It encourages the public use of natural heritage. (El Garraf covers 12,376 ha and Olèrdola 608 ha).

PROVÍNCIA The two parks are made up of a rocky and rugged land- DE GIRONA scape, characterised by calcareous rock with a large number PROVÍNCIA of cavities, dolines and sinkholes. El Garraf nevertheless has DE LLEIDA a small reddish sandstone strip at the eastern end of the park while the plain surrounding Olèrdola is covered with PROVÍNCIA DE BARCELONA vineyards. The highest peaks are (594 m) and El Rascler (572 m), in El Garraf, and Puig de l’Àliga (465 m), on the distinctive rocky central platform of Olèrdola. These two areas are legally protected by special protection plans sponsored by Barcelona Provincial Council. They were definitively approved by the Government of Catalonia in 1986 (El Garraf) and in 1992 (Olèrdola). Both parks were extended to join each other and at the same time were also connected to the neighbouring El Foix Park. PROVÍNCIA DE TARRAGONA Barcelona Provincial Council jointly manages these two pro- Natural Park Network tected areas with the eleven municipal areas they cover and 101,576 hectares of protected natural areas www.diba.cat/parcsn has the participation of different sectors involved. El Garraf and Olèrdola parks

have been awarded SIQTED de Comunicació. Cover photo: Iñaki Relanzón. DL: Direcció Since 2002, El Garraf Park has been twinned with the Parco certification (integrated Natural Park Network Naturalle della Maremma in Tuscany, Italy. system of Spanish tourism Castell de Montesquiu Park, Les Guilleries-Savassona Natural Area, El Montseny quality at destination). Natural Park, Sant Llorenç del Munt i l’Obac Natural Park, El Montnegre i el Corredor Park, Serralada Litoral Park, Serralada de Marina Park, Collserola Park, El Baix Llobregat Agrarian Park, El Garraf Park, Olèrdola Park, El Foix Park. PROVÍNCIA DE BARCELONA




els AR





Conventional symbol Park amenities and services

AR Motorway Park offices Place of special interest

Road Information Food products Building of interest Winery Track Museum, permanent Restaurant exhibition GR (long hike trail) AR Cultural amenities Rural accommodation PR (medium hike trail) Audio-visual Campsite Railway Documentation centre Recreation area Nature school, Youth camp Golf course Population centre Astronomical observatory Horse riding Urbanization Bird observatory Controlled fishing Park boundary Marked route Hotel or guesthouse

Summit Cave, cavern Railway station Pothole Port Farmhouse, building Spring Hospital Restricted access Tree of interest Petrol station Panoramic view Car-park


Recommendations Activities Facilities Respect agricultural and The rocks of El El Garraf Park and Olèrdola Park offer visitors a El Garraf Park 9 am to 7 pm. Please call to confirm Petit Casal Information Centre, El Garraf Tourist Board stockbreeding activities, as are also protected. Both alter- Tel. 937 432 094, 934 747 474 and Information Point they provide the livelihood of ing or removing them are not whole network of facilities and services for pub- . El Garraf Park and Olèrdola Park Office 934 744 678. [email protected] Pg. de l’Església, 1. 08859 Begues Plaça Beatriu de Claramunt, 7 many of the park’s inhabit- allowed. La Pleta ants. lic use. The network provides a wide range of Opening hours: Saturdays and public 08800 Vilanova i la Geltrú Remember that burning Ctra. del Ratpenat a Plana Novella, km 3,5 Environmental Activity Centre information centres, facilities and programmes holidays, from 10 am to 3 pm Tel. 938 100 055. [email protected] Use the network of signposted branches and other materi- Sale of natural park publications, Cal Ganxo Tel. 936 392 509. [email protected] tracks and paths. Travel in als, setting off fireworks, light- linked to archaeology, pedagogy, history, art, exhibition and El Garraf audiovisual Camí de Cal Ganxo, s/n L’Alt Penedès Tourist Board vehicles and on bicycles and ing fires on the ground and astronomy and gastronomy. These are further Opening hours: Every day of the week, 08860 Garraf Astronomical Observatory Information Point horseback off public roads barbecues on forestland and and tracks is not allowed. 10 am to 3 pm Environmental Education Activities. Educati- Can Grau. Ctra. d’Olivella a Plana Hermenegild Clascar, 1-3 within a radius of 500 metres complemented by a series of exhibitions, audio- Remember that the maximum are expressly forbidden onal stays for groups Adventure sports Novella, km 3,5. 08818 Olivella 08720 Vilafranca del Penedès visuals, workshops, courses, conferences and Shop: Weekends and public holidays speed is 30 km/h. Do not park (except in the period of the Tel. 935 971 819. Fax 935 970 887 Tel. 935 146 151 Astronomy courses and workshops Tel. 938 170 160 in front of the chains prevent- year when permitted by law, environmental stays, based mainly on the Viu el [email protected] [email protected] Tel. 619 977 755 [email protected] ing access to certain tracks. and with prior authorisation parc (Experience the park) programme and on [email protected] from the competent body). El Garraf Park Documentation Vallgrassa. Experimental Arts Mines of Gavà Archaeological Park Both parks constitute heritage that is highly valued by soci- each facility’s yearly agenda of events. Centre. Gavà Centre Documentation Centre and Caving Jaume I, s/n. 08850 Gavà Do not leave litter. Use the Activities. Olesa de Bonesvalls Tel. 932 639 620 ety. Although the land is both bins and containers in Plaça Dolors Clua, 13-14. 08850 Gavà Art-related centre. Temporary publicly and privately owned, the park or in nearby villages. This broad range of leisure activities also in- Opening hours: From Tuesday to Friday, exhibitions, workshops and lectures Information Point [email protected] responsibility for conserving cludes a series of signposted walks (short and 9.30 am to 1 pm and 5 to 7 pm Ctra. del Ratpenat a Plana Novella, Plaça de l’Ajuntament, s/n and improving it lies with all There are times of the year 08795 Olesa de Bonesvalls Olèrdola Park of us. when it is better not to climb long-distance) and guided routes at week- Tel. 932 639 610 km 7,5. 08870 Begues in certain zones. Climbing is Opening hours: Tuesday to Sunday, Opening hours: Saturdays, from 10 am [email protected] Museum of Archaeology of Catalonia. Respect nature and the therefore regulated. Follow ends, plus routes adapted for the disabled. 10 am to 2 pm to 2 pm and from 4 pm to 8 pm; peacefulness­ of the park, par- the indications you find at Olèrdola Information Point Both parks have pedagogical facilities and pro- El Garraf Park Documentation Tel. 935 970 891 and 938 462 030 Sundays from 10 am to 2 pm ticularly in nesting areas. Avoid points of access to climbing . Olèrdola historical monuments making unnecessary noise. Centre Vilanova i la Geltrú [email protected] Tel. 938 984 375. [email protected] routes. grammes geared to schools and organisations Joan Oliva i Milà Library Opening hours: www.mac.cat/cat/seus/ Can Pere de la Plana Farm School Hunting is regulated in order If you collect wild mushrooms (“Coneguem els nostres parcs”- Let’s Get to Plaça de la Vila, 13 La Sala Information Centre olerdola to preserve the local spe- 08810 Sant Pere de Ribes or medicinal herbs, do not 08800 Vilanova i la Geltrú C. Major, s/n. 08818 Oli­vella Guided visits by appointment, cies. damage the forest by using Know Our Parks) as well as people who want to Stays with activities for groups Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 10 Opening hours: Saturdays and public holi- tel. 675 782 936 and 934 246 577 tools or digging in the earth. collaborate in voluntary initiatives (through the Tel. 938 960 827 Abandoning pets and exotic am to 8 pm; Saturdays, from 10 am to 2 pm days, from 10 am to 3 pm Canyelles Information Point species is cruel and punish- Human presence and activ- Friends of the Natural Parks Association). and from 4 to 8 pm Tel. 938 968 465 Tourism Office Information Point Opening hours: Saturday, Sunday able by law. ity in El Garraf and in the area [email protected] surrounding Olèrdola have left Tel. 938 932 039. [email protected] Sínia Morera, 1. 08870 Sitges and public holidays from 10 am to 2 pm The dwarf fan palm is a spe- Tel. 938 944 251 and 938 945 004 a series of architectural and Can Grau Nature School Sant Pere de Ribes Information Point Tel. 938 973 011 cies protected by law and col- artistic traces over the ages: [email protected] lecting it is penalised. Access 08818 Oli­vella C. Major, 110. 08810 Sant Pere de Ribes [email protected] Cave paintings, walls, tombs, Educational stays for school groups and Opening hours: Tuesday to Friday from 9 Castelldefels and El Baix Llobregat If you find a tortoise, please farmhouses, churches, cas- Motorway AP7, exits 28, 29 and 30 Olèrdola Information Point tles, hedgerows, tracks, etc. weekend courses am to 2 pm; Saturday, Sunday and public Local and Regional Tourism Office Opening hours: Saturdays and public leave it alone. Remember that C-32, exits 41 N and 42 S it is a protected species and all of which represent a highly [email protected] holidays, 10 am to 4 pm Pintor Serrasanta, 4. 08860 Castelldefels holidays, from 10 am to 2 pm valuable cultural heritage that Roads N-340, C-31, C-15B, BV-2111 and BV-2415 that the capture and posses- Fundació Catalana de l’Esplai Tel. 938 962 857 Tel. 936 352 727 Tel. 938 903 502 sion thereof are punishable we must conserve. Renfe Lines C2 and C2 south Opening hours: From Monday to Sunday, [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] under the Animal Protection Act.