European Added Value Assessment The EU Arrest Warrant ANNEX I Critical Assessment of the Existing European Arrest Warrant Framework Decision Research paper by Anne Weyembergh (Prof. ULB, ECLAN Coordinator), with the assistance of Inés Armada (VUB-ULB) and Chloé Brière (ULB) Abstract After ten years of practical implementation of the European Arrest Warrant Framework Decision, this research paper aims to analyse its strengths and weaknesses, and reflect on its future. Twelve main issues are reflected upon. Following a description of each of these issues, including concrete examples, the main arguments for and against action at EU level are presented. Specific solutions are eventually suggested. PE 510.979 I-1 EAVA 6/2013 AUTHOR This research paper has been written by Anne Weyembergh (Prof. Université Libre de Bruxelles, ECLAN Coordinator), with the assistance of Inés Armada (PhD researcher, VUB-ULB) and Chloé Brière (GEM PhD researcher, ULB), at the request of the European Added Value Unit, of the Directorate for Impact Assessment and European Added Value, within the Directorate General for Parliamentary Research Services (DG EPRS) of the General Secretariat of the European Parliament. RESPONSIBLE ADMINISTRATOR Micaela Del Monte, European Added Value Unit To contact the Unit, please e-mail
[email protected] LINGUISTIC VERSION Original: EN DISCLAIMER The opinions expressed in this document are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position of the European Parliament. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to express their sincere gratitude to Gisèle Vernimmen-Van Tiggelen (collaboratrice scientifique, Université Libre de Bruxelles, and chef d’unité honoraire, European Commission), Robert Roth (Professor, Université de Genève) and Kasper van der Schaft (Public Prosecutor at the Internationaal Rechtshulp Centrum (IRC/International Legal Assistance Centre)) for their precious comments and observations on the draft report.