A U S T R AL I A N N A T I V E P L A N T S A S S O C I A T I O N ( A U S T ) Isopogon & Petrophile Study Group Newsletter No. 24 April 2019 ISSN 1445-9493 Website http://anpsa.org.au/iso-petSG/ T H E P E T R O P H I L E I S S U E THE TOP THREE: What are they? And which was our members’ Number One? See our article. Photos: Royce Raleigh, Fiona Johnson, Catriona Bate Back issues of the Isopogon and Petrophile Study Group Newsletter are available at http://anpsa.org.au/iso-petSG/IPSG-news.html Isopogon & Petrophile Study Group Newsletter April 2019 1 STUDY GROUP LEADERS/NEWSLETTER EDITORS Catriona Bate & Phil Trickett Email:
[email protected] Ph: 0409 789 567 T H E P E T R O P H I L E I S S U E Editorial How do you say it?? Distribution Characteristics History of the genus Petrophile naming Petrophile and Abbé Michel Gandoger – Peter Olde Solving the mystery of eastern petrophiles How to grow petrophiles How to propagate petrophiles Aulax trials A splash of red Natural hybrids Fire ecology Conservation issues The top petrophiles Where to buy petrophiles In the press Financial report Hello to all our members It’s a sad fact that there is barely a nursery in Australia you can walk into and find a petrophile plant to buy. And the common eastern species are particularly hard to acquire. Yet you can walk into Bunnings and buy a plant of Aulax, a genus no one has ever heard of and native to South Africa.