Tom Crisp Editor 01603 604421
[email protected] Monday 19/03 – BEIS consults on potential actions in the 2020s to phase out the use of high-carbon fossil fuel heating in buildings ENERGY PERSPECTIVE 02 located off the gas grid. Media reports indicate BEIS has rejected calls for an inquiry into the UK’s gas storage capacity following recent price Cliff-hanger: supplier new entry in volatile markets – Gareth spikes. Oil and Gas UK predicts that production from the UK Miller Continental Shelf will increase by 5% in 2018. POLICY 05 Tuesday 20/03 – Energy and Clean Growth Minister Claire Perry confirms the government will be undertaking a formal review of the Low-carbon levies to breach £12bn per annum in 2026 Capacity Market this year. The Offshore Wind Industry Council details BEIS consults on standards for the industry’s vision for 2030, including 30GW of new capacity and smart appliances £48bn of investment in UK infrastructure. The government loses two BEIS considers novel options to votes in the House of Lords over its plans for successor arrangements decarbonise off-grid heat Parliamentary update – Week 12 for Euratom post-Brexit. The former CEO of E.ON UK Tony Cocker is 2018 appointed as the new Chairman of the Energy Innovation Centre. REGULATION 11 Wednesday 21/03 – Appearing before a Lords select committee, Claire Perry indicates the UK will look to remain in the EU Emissions Ofgem considers default tariff cap options Trading System, at least until the end of the current phase in 2020. Ofgem’s annual report on the Renewables Obligation shows it issued INDUSTRY STRUCTURE 14 86.2mn ROCs in 2016-17 – lower than the total UK supplier obligation Triad demand falls to record of 100.7mn ROCs.