Understanding the Control of Metabolism C1net Workshop 2; Day 2 David Fell
[email protected] http://mudshark.brookes.ac.uk C1netW2 2015 L3: - p. 1 Outline Introduction ● Outline ● The context: manipulating ■ Elements of Metabolic Control Analysis (MCA) metabolism ● The rate–limiting step concept ◆ The flux control coefficient ● Quotes ● Critique of ‘rate–limiting’ steps Control Coefficients ◆ Control coefficients and enzyme kinetics Control coefficients and enzyme kinetics ◆ Flux control coefficients in context Elasticities Connectivity theorem Relevance of flux control coefficients Problems C1netW2 2015 L3: - p. 2 The context: manipulating metabolism Introduction Two different problems: ● Outline ● The context: manipulating ■ Easy: stopping flux to a product through a pathway. (Pick an metabolism ● The rate–limiting step concept essential enzyme; knock out by mutation or inhibition.) ● Quotes ● Critique of ‘rate–limiting’ steps Control Coefficients ■ Hard: increasing flux to a product through a pathway. Control coefficients and enzyme kinetics Elasticities Connectivity theorem Why isn’t the solution to the hard problem: Relevance of flux control 1. find the rate–limiting enzyme, and coefficients Problems 2. increase the amount of this enzyme? C1netW2 2015 L3: - p. 3 The rate–limiting step concept Introduction ● Outline ● The context: manipulating metabolism ● The rate–limiting step concept When a process is conditioned as to its rapidity by a number of ● Quotes ● Critique of ‘rate–limiting’ steps separate factors, the rate of the process is limited by the pace Control Coefficients of the slowest factor. Blackman (1905). Control coefficients and enzyme kinetics Elasticities Connectivity theorem Relevance of flux control coefficients Problems C1netW2 2015 L3: - p. 4 Quotes Introduction ● Outline ■ The first committed step being irreversible .