Mardja`-I Taqlid (Shi'i "Scholar")
548 MARDJ AL-SUFFAR — MARDJAC-I TAKLID October 1389, and went on to lay siege to Damascus. topography. G. Le Strange, Palestine, 482, 503, The amirs of the main towns of the north of Syria 504; H. Sauvaire, Description de Damas, inJA (1894- banded together and came to the help of the city, but 6), ii, 402, iii, 469 n. 139, n. 140, viii, 285, 307 n. on the way, some of them decided to go over to 83, xi, 249, 251, 283 n. 59 bis, C, 477 n. 8, O.T. Barkuk. When, at the beginning of Muharram 409 n. 20; R. Dussaud, Topographic historique de la 792/end of December 1389 a warning was given of the Syrie, Paris 1927, 218, 306, 317-22, 334, 340, map approach of Timurbugha Mintash, Barkuk left II; A. Musil, Palmyrena, New York 1928, 71 n. 17, Damascus after a violent battle at Bab al-Djabiya, 100; R. Thoumin, La geographic humaine de la Syrie within the eastern area of the city. He fell back centrale, Tours 1936, 56, 232; N. Elisseeff, Descrip- towards the Mardj al-Suffar, passed through Kiswa, tion de Damas d'Ibn cAsdkir, Damascus 1959, 97 n. 5; and went on to camp at Shakhab. According to Ibn E. Wirth, Syrian, Darmstadt, 1971, 403-5; G. Sasra, the two armies confronted one another on 17 Cornu, Atlas du monde arabo-islamique, Leiden 1983, Muharram/5 January 1390. In this critical situation, 12, map I.—History. Ibn Sasra, ed. W.M. Brin- Barkuk was looking for cover when he suddenly came ner, A chronicle of Damascus 1389-1397, Los Angeles face to face with the sultan al-Mansur HadjdjT, the 1963, 25 (37) b.
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