Vol. LXXm No. 40 Ninety-seven years of service to the Gospel October 15, 1997 Death penalty Design unveiled for new Holy Family High School stirs debate in Colorado BY LISA BENOIT

Editor’s note: The Denver Catholic Register went to press Monday afternoon, prior to the time scheduled for the execu­ tion of Gary Davis. hirteen panelists gathered ‘ v-‘" TOct. 10 in the University of Denver auditorium to debate A % fit the impact of the death penalty on Colorado. As they discussed the issue, Gary Davis sat in his cell in City awaiting his execution, scheduled for Mon­ day at 8 p.m. Continued on Page 2

Faith strong in former THE design of the new $12 million Holy Family High School was unveiled during the Seeds of Hope leadership dinner, Oct. 7 at the John Paul II Center. Archbishop Charles Chaput will celebrate Mass tomorrow (Thursday) at 7 p.m. at Holy Family Church in recognition of the high school’s 75th anniversary. Soviet Union


“The Ukraine is covered with moun­ Church of the Risen Christ gives tains of corpses and rivers of blood” — Cardinal Joseph Slipyj, imprisoned by Communists for 18 years, in an address $100,000 boost to Seeds of Hope to the Second Vatican Council. three-day conference de­ BY PETER DROEGE the community,” she said. Archbishop Charles Chaput, O.F.M. Cap., cel­ A signed to highlight the ister LaVonne Guidoni was once a “voice ebrated Mass and keynoted the dinner, attended by need for spiritual and mate­ some 75 community and business leaders. The Seeds rial help to the Church in the Scrying in the wilderness” trying to help of Hope Charitable Trust, an element of the H earts on children from low-income families afford a F ire campaign, will establish a $7 million endowment former Soviet Union drew Catholic education. No longer. to help economically disadvantaged students receive several hundred people to St. “This is my dream come true,” Sister Guidoni told the Catholic educations. “I know every donor to Hearts on Fire is a major do­ R egister at the conclusion of the Thomas More Church in nor,” Archbishop Chaput told the “Seeds of Hope” leadership dinner, assembly. “Some people have very Englewood last week. Oct. 7, at the John Paul II Center. little to give — and we are grate­ The evening was highlighted by the Continued on Page 9 presentation of a $100,000 check for ful for every gift.” Pointing out that four of the tuition assistance fit>m the lay lead­ seven elements of Hearts on Fire ership of the Church of the Risen are about education, the arch­ Christ. told the assembly that he In 1981, Guidoni, a Sister of frequently receives calls and let­ Charity of Leavenworth, walked ters from parents and grandpar­ fiom Annunciation School to 17th ents concerned about the cost of Street in downtown D enver and be­ tuition at Catholic schools. gan teaching business leaders about “It isn’t only the very poor people the benefits of Catholic education in who struggle to afford Catholic the inner-city. Her goal w as to raise education, but the middle class a million-doUar endowment for tuition grants. people of our archdiocese who can’t afford it,” he said. “I did pretty well,” Sister Guidoni said wdth a smile. “Anyone who wants a Cathohc education should be able “Business leaders know the importance of a good educa­ Continued on Page 3 tion, not only for the good of the individual, but the good of Bettinger Photography Marriage Section: World Mission Sunday — See articles on Pages 2,9 and 10 P u Q e s i i - i 8 O C T O H m 15^ 1997

Mission work of Church is far from over

Mission continues to change as we welcome new ous help on World Mission Sunday to continue to immigrants into our local communities; inviting them support the proclamation of the Good News of Jesus Christ in the world. s we celebrate World to share with us the richness and beauty of their own A Mission Sunday on culture and lived Catholic faith experience. Oct. 19, we are m in d ^ o f We are becoming both a sending and a receiving Ar(. hl)islioi)'s Sclu-diik' our preparations for the Church, and World Mission Sunday provides us with coming 200th anniver­ the opportunity to support mission dioceses from which Oct. 16: Presbyterate meeting; Mass com­ sary of the birth of our many of our new United States immigrants come. memorating the 75th annivmrsaiy dTHoly Fam­ L oi^. This year also marks the 175th anniversary o f the This year’s focus to­ founding of the Propagation of the Faith by a young ily High School (7 p.m.); Oct. 17-18: F all Lit­ ward the millennium French laywoman, Pauline Jaricot. The early Church urgy Conference; O ct. 18: Confirmation, Spirit brings us close to the in the United States benefited greatly from the sup­ of Peace, Longmont; Oct. 19: Mystagogia Mass missions; “Jesus Christ, port offered by Catholics of Europe through the Propa­ for those newly received in the Church — 3 the one Savior of the gation of the Faith. Since then. Catholics here have p.m. at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Con­ world, yesterday, today provided most generously for the work of today’s mis­ ception; Oct. 19: Mass at Cathedral (6:30 and forever.” sions in Afidca, Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America, p.m.); Oct. 21: Fort Collins Deanery Meeting; In this message, we understand that the mission the Pacific Islands and some of our own mission dio­ Oct. 23: Pope John Paul II Medical/Morals work of the Church is far from over. Christ contin­ ceses here in the United States. These mission regions ues to call us to spread the good news of salvation to continue to depend on us for continued assistance. Center Board Meeting in Boston. the ends of the earth today and tomorrow. I ask, therefore, for your prayers and most gener­

Death penalty raises moral issues for Colorado residents

From Page 1 ing through my mind was that of [a person] holding a act with rage or hate, but with reason. With hundreds of people nearly filling the audito­ gun to Dunlap’s head and sajdng, ‘OK, Rebecca, what “There is an a w ^ spirit of revenge,” continued rium, the panelists engaged in an often heated debate do you think? Kill him, or not kill him .... I didn’t want Lewis. “I truly feel sorry for the victims and I under­ for and against the death penalty. Panel members in­ any part of that.” stand how they feel that way. But if you look at the big cluded prosecutors, defense attorneys, seimtors, state Oakes said that punishment for her would be mak­ picture, society has to make tough decisions. What does representatives, people whose ing Dunlap spend the rest of killing do to society?” fives had been touched by vio­ his fife in prison. “Violence begets violence,” Jesuit Father Jim lent crime and the last warden “If it were me, I wouldn’t Sunderland said. “Killing lessens all of us. I wonder to perform an execution in want to wake up every morn­ why it doesn’t bother all of us. We are doing some­ Colorado. ing with that constant re­ thing that affects us in our core. In Colorado, ^ey are “What I hear we’re talking minder that 1 no longer had my executing Gary Davis in our name.” about here is two different liberty because of what I did,” things — one is punishment, Oakes said. She added that if and one is vengeance,” said Dunlap ever were executed, Appointment' Rebecca Oakes, whose mother she would leave the state for a was among those m urdered by time in protest and to avoid the Deacon John Thunblom reappointed to serve Nathan Dunlap several years circus-like atmosphere. as a permanent deacon for St. Plus X Parish in ago at a ChucMe Cheese res­ “This subject is always terri­ Aurora and as the coordinator/archdiocesan rep­ taurant in Denver. bly emotional to everyone,” resentative for the new proposed parish in While the death of her GAKV Davis was scheduled to be executed last said Wayne Patterson, the last Foxfield for an additional six months effective mother still horrifies her — Monday in this room at the Colorado State Peni- warden in Colorado to perform Oct. 5, 1997 Oakes says she is against the tcntiory, James BacalDCRphoto an execution. Patterson said Deacon William Ward, formerly appointed to death penalty — a stance that that since the death penalty St. Mary Parish in Littleton, appointed to St. has polarized her family and alienated her from other was modified to lethal injection, the punishment no Joseph Parish in Golden for a thr^year period victims’ family members. longer fits the crime. effective Sept. 22, 1997. “Did I want vengeance? ... You bet!” said Oakes. “I conducted the last execution by the gas cham­ The following are granted at the request of “My mom that was shot twice in the head and died ber,” Patterson recalled. “And immediately the human Rev. Peregrine M. Graffius, O.S.M., prior provin­ alone and in pain. But when the DA asked me if he cry was that it took 15 minutes to choke him to death.” cial, the Order o f Servants o f Mary, Western Prov­ [Dunlap] should get the death penalty, the vision go- Patterson said that for Gary Davis, death by le­ ince, and confirmed by Archbishop Chaput. thal ii\jection is better than spending the rest of his Rev. Roger M. Manning, O.S.M., appointed fife remembering his crime. parochial vicar to Assumption of the Blessed W - “If you think that prisoners have it easy because gin Mary Parish, Welby, and Holy TVinity Par­ they get to look at color television and sit around, for­ ish, Westminster, effective Feb. 1, 1998. get it,” Patterson said. “They don’t decide what they Rev. Gabriel Ramacciotti, O.S.M., appointed want to eat — they don’t decide where they want to parochial vicar to Assumption o f the Blessed Vir- sleep. For me, that’s the punishment to fit the crime. pn Mary Parish, Welby, and Holy TVinity Par­ Putting him to sleep and making a ‘half-assed’ hero ish, Westminster, effective Sept. 23, 1997. out of him doesn’t sit well with me.” “1 hear people say, we’re not in Ibxas ... where dozens of people are put to death each year,” said State Senator Dorothy Rupert. “They used to stop at the 1 / ^ DENVER -[—\ time that a person was dying and be quiet and give (C a t h o l i c i ~v k c t Ts t k r w pause. Now, they don’t even put it in the paper.” 'The defense counsel for Gary Davis, Vicki Mandell- Published by the Archdiocese of Denver King, argued that society needs to strive to reach higher 1300 S. Steele St. than expressing rage. “Society has to move beyond rage + Denver, CO 80210 to merciful justice,” she said. (303) 715-3215 ’Though the panelists argued whether the death *•%%% S'' I St. Therese to be named penalty was a deterrent, all agreed that the fives of d o cto r o f the C h u rch the families of victims were foremost in their concerns. ' ' ' " Editor: Peter James Droege Forest Lewis, president of the Colorado Defense Advertising Manager Ann Bush n World Mission Sunday, Oct. 19, Pope John Bar, said, “I don’t want my government to say it doesn’t General Manager Greg Kail care [for the fife of Gary Davis]. That is what my cli­ O Paul II will solemnly declare St. Therese of Denver Catholic Register (USPS 557-020) is published Lisieux a “doctor” of the universal Church. ents say. We need to act with reason. We don’t need to weekly except the last week of December and the first week In his message for World Mission Sunday, the of January by the Archdiocese o f Denver, 1300 S. Steele pope says of St. Therese, who is co-patron with Missionaries of Charity express thanks Street, Denver, CO 80210, and printed by Times Call Print­ St^Vancis Xavier of the Church’s worldwide mis­ ers in Longmont. Periodical postage paid in Denver, Colo. sionary work: “The fife and teaching of St. Therese The Missionaries of Charity at Seton House Subscriptions; $25.00 per year in Colorado; $32 per year demonstrate the close bond between mission and out of state. Foreign countries; $29 surface, all countries, with to thank everyone who has remembered them 6-8 weeks for delivery; $135 air, all other countries (aver­ contemplation. In fact, there can be no mission with gifts, cards, prayers and Masses following the age). Mexico, $48 air; Canada $55 air. Postmaster; Send ad­ without a fife of intense prayer and communion death of Mother Teresa. They send their prayers dress changes to: Denver Catholic Register, Circulation with the Lord and His sacrifice on the Cross.” and thank everyone for their continued support. Dept, 1300 S. Steele Street, Denver, CO 80210. Community leaders gather to assist students from low-income families

SISTER of Charity of Leavenworth LaVonne Guidoni has called for tuition assistance for many years. She is pictured at the dinner with Archbishop Chaput.

From Page 1 to receive it — we need to raise sufficient money to ensure Catholic education is available to all.” A model of the $12 million Holy Family High School was available for inspection prior to the start of the dinner. Some pointed out that a larger facility could be built on the site. The archbishop addressed that issue: rather than one large school, he envisions the construction of a number of schools. ”We would like to build a high school in the south­ ern part of the city; we would like to build a high school in Loveland, Fort Collins or Greeley, or even MEMBERS o f Church o f the Risen Christ presented a $100,000 check to Archbishop Chaput to be used to assist all of them,” the archbishop said. “I hope to re-open low-income students attending Catholic schools. Cathedral High School in downtown Denver — it is my dream to see that school full of students,” he tune, who, along with his wife Kathy, are co-trustees added, to a loud round of applause from the assem­ tion that the Church of the Risen Christ present our 50 percent share of increased offertory gifts from for the Seeds of Hope Charitable Trust. bly. “We became involved with a group of community understand Cathedral has the capacity for over the Hearts on Fire Campaign to Archbishop Chaput leaders after St. Joseph School in Denver closed,” re­ 800 students and would cost between $5 to $6 mil­ for the specific purpose of making tuition grants called Bill. “We decided to do whatever was neces­ lion to refurbish — that’s a lot less expensive than available to CathoUc children who otherwise would sary to make sure no other schools had to close be­ building a new school,” he explained. not be able to attend Catholic school.” cause of a lack of resources.” The master of ceremonies for the evening was Robert and Kay Owens, Kathy, who has vol­ Msgr. Edward Hoffmann, pastor of Church of the members of the taskforce at unteered at Annunciation Risen Christ and clergy chair for the Hearts on Fire Risen Christ, came forward and presented the arch­ “We became involved with a School for years, said a grow­ C am paign. ing number of people are be­ “The Archdiocese of Denver is committed to edu­ bishop with the check for group of community leaders af­ coming aware of the impor­ cation, but more importantly, all of us here tonight $100,000. The archbishop ter St. Joseph School in Denver tance of education in the in­ at the John Paul II Center are committed to Catho­ pointed out that half of all funds raised through H earts closed. We decided to do what­ ner-city. “Catholic schools are lic education,” Msgr. Hoffmann said. “That’s what the hope of the inner-city — draws us together this evening, to share friendship on F ire stay in the local par­ ever was necessary to make sure Hearts on Fire is the vehicle and fellowship and to see what lies ahead in the sec­ ish community. He thanked the parish community at no other schools had to close be­ that will bring a future of ond year of the Hearts on Fire campaign.” hope to many children,” she “There is a teaching of Jesus that is particularly Risen Christ for the extraor­ cause of a lack of resources.” added. appropriate for us to consider, both as individuals, dinary act of generosity in giving “their half” for the “By the way,” Kathy said, but also as members of parish communities,” Msgr. — Bill Fortime turning to Bill. “Where did Hoffmann said. “That is, that beautiful piece of what children of the archdiocese. At the conclusion of the you put the check?” I call ‘divine logic’ — Jesus says, ‘From those of you “I’ve got it right here,” Bill who have been given much, much shall be required.’ evening. Archbishop Chaput reminded those present tYist Hearts on F ire also pro­ said, experiencing a moment of anxiety as he went “And so, some time ago, I convened a task force through his pockets, looking for the $100,000 check. at the Church of the Risen Christ and brought to vides funds for retired priests, the remodeling of the John Paul II Center, Catholic Charities and emer­ “Here it is,” he said after finding it in his inside them the possibility of leadership position as a par­ gency grants for parish needs. pocket. Kathy let out a deep breath and smiled. ish community in the Hearts on Fire campaign,” he Immediately after being given the $100,000 continued. “At the conclusion of the deliberations of check. Archbishop Chaput handed it off to Bill For­ • James Baca/DCR photos • this task force, I gladly accepted their recommenda­

BILL and Kaihy Fortune have been working with other THE refectory at the John Paul II Center was the site Haven Moses, executive director o f Seeds of Hope, was community leaders in support o f Catholic education. o f the Seeds o f Hope leadership dinner. among the evening’s presenters. PAGB MMVBR CATHOLIC RBG18TBR 1 5 . 1907 Catholics urged to respect approved liturgies

SE2ATTLE (CNS) — No translation of liturgical This spring, a working group of three U.S. arch­ Sacramentaiy in 25 years; a proposed study book on texts will please everyone and many may be tempted and several Vatican officials spent a week the Easter triduum; and establishing a presence on alter a word here and a line there,” but such changes hammering out difierences and agreeing on a compro­ the World Wfide Web for the IXS. bishops* Uturgy com­ are neither allowed *Wr good for Ihe liturgy,” said a mise text. While inclusive language was kept in the m ittee. The delegates also passed a resolution cfdling for U.Sl archbishop. translation of some passages, changes were made in “In the liturgy, we are custodians of the centuries- other passages to reintroduce masculine terms. Be­ immediate creation of a review process for the old texts which scholars and bishops have labored to cause of time constraints, only the first part of the Lectionary, following the bishops’ recent call for a full convey as faithfully as possible,” said Archbishop revised Lectionary— containing the texts for Sundays review of the revised text after five years. Federation Jerome G. Hanus of Dubuque, Iowa, chairman of the and m qjor feasts — was presented to the bishops for a position statements are forwarded to the liturgy com­ U.S. bishops’ Com m ittee on Liturgy. ”Those who would vote in June. m ittee. change such texts do so without consideration for the The second part is to be dealt with in Novemter. “It’s the local voice that becomes the national wisdom and the competence of scholars, the discern­ 'The Jime vote was inconclusive, but in mail-balloting agenda,” Father Moroney remarke^ One of the final ment of their bishops and the directives of the Holy conducted in July — and announced Aug. 11 — the general sessions focused on Christian initiation and See,” he added. bishops approved the Lectionary text. In his speech, the Easter vigil, led by Father Don Neumann, a hospi­ He made the comments in a speech prepared for Archbishop Hanus said that the approved text “has tal chaplain and former parish pastor fix>m Pasadena, the 28th national conference of the Federation of Di­ not satisfied everyone.” Tbxas, and\fictoria M. Tufano, e^ tor o f Catechumenate ocesan Litiu*gical Commissions, Sept. 30-Oct. 4 in Se­ “Indeed, the new Lectionary for Mass has been Journal. attle. His speech was delivered by Father James criticized both for having no inclusive language and In another session. Capuchin Father Edward Foley Moroney, executive director of the U.S. bishops’ liturgy at the same time for having too much language,” he of Chicago’s Catholic Theological Union offered a re­ office. The archbishop was unable -to attend the con­ said. “No translation of sacramentary prayers or flection on Good Friday. All three urged the Uturgists ference because of an illness in his family. Archbishop lectionary readings, even when approved by the NCCB to remember that although the paschal mystery is the Hanus reviewed the history of the bishops’ project to and confirmed by the Holy See, will please everyone,” particular focus of the Easter triduum liturgies, it must revise the Lectionaiy, the book of readings used at he said. “Many will be tempted with pencil and sticky not be forgotten throughout the rest of the year. Mass. He called the process “one of the thorniest pas­ note in hand to alter a word here and a line there.” The Easter triduum is the three-day period of li­ toral challenges we have ever faced.” But “such alteration of the Word of God and the turgical observance that begins with the Mass of the In 1992, the U.S. bishops approved and submitted prayer of the Chiuxh is neither authorized nor good Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday evening and ends with to a revised Lectionaiy based on a partially up­ for the liturgy,” he said. evening prayer on Easter. dated translation of the New American Bible, adapted In his own remarks, Father Moroney said that “the Father Neiunann expressed concern about what to reflect criteria for inclusive language in such texts reform of the liturgy is one of the greatest successes he sees as a casual attitude many Catholics have about which the bishops had adopted in 1990. In 1994 the the Church has seen, especially in this country” the Easter vigil. He said the rntgority of Catholics are Vatican informed the bishops that changes would have “It is transforming the Chiuxh in a way this coun­ not enthusiastic about participating in the Easter vigil to be made before the Lectionaiy would be confirmed. try has never seen,” he added. “We need to continue and its rites of initiation because they don’t under­ One of the key issues was the use of certain transla­ that with patience, but we also need to listen to those stand baptism as “a lifelong commitment to profound tion techniques in the proposed Lectionaiy to make who disagree with reform.” and ongoing conversion.” the English text inclusive. The federation meeting included an open forum “People like Uving in their carefully crafted com­ where a number of the 260 delegates raised a range of fort zones,” he said. “Replacing the central and trans­ issues, firom the challenge o f priestless Sundays to the formative power of baptism in the imagination of av­ appropriateness of youth Masses. erage Sunday morning Catholics is still only begin­ TALK ABOUT WORTHY CAUSES! During business sessions, delegates considered po­ ning.” There are still “gaps in the formation of the al­ sition statements on promoting liturgical renewal ready baptized,” he said, but added that they “have The Catholic Medical Mission Board offers through the media, preparing for the introduction of embraced and learned firom the priestly, prophetic and several gift options to meet your planned the revised Sacramentary, the first new U.S. solemn dignity spoken in the rite o f initiation.” giving investment goals. 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EMBASSY TREATSEATSCeupom MofaUt allwfat Orpfciantyour Hotel&Atkklie CM Target Guest CMtIfwdiKounti. ot Denetr Piter F A « » 6 PBWVBK CATOOUC HBOBWgR I S . 1907 OPINION EDITORIAL Cult of death Casa Karibu Sze-Ming RY Rn.L KELLY Most of us have experienced deep conversion in expands influence What’s that headline mean, you say? Well, it’s three our encounter with ovu: brothers and sisters of differ­ languages, Spanish, Swahili and Chinese, and it says ent tongue and habit, and now we face the opportu­ Mail balloting has begun for the Nov. 4 elec­ nity, the challenge to share our Mission Welcome House. tion that could see assisted suicide become law new found wealth with our send­ And that is just what it is. in Oregon. ing community, especially those We are a house of hospitality Early polling shows likely approval of this im­ searching for their place in mis­ welcoming those returning from moral procedure, unless enough information can sion. mission experiences as well as reach voters. Approval in Oregon will guarantee Right now, we are expanding those exploring their mission. that voters in Colorado will soon face a similar our intention to share our story. 'The case has been here for election. It is important to understand that, when We are enhancing the mission “death with dignity” was approved in the Nether­ nearly four years to serve re- tiuming missioners by offering education aspect of the work of lands, it wasn’t long before the elderly and dis­ the Casa. We now plan to train m abled were being put to death without their con­ them a place to re-enter a little returning and resumed sent. more “grace”fully. Our aim is to allow those returning to this missioners to be effective story How has America lost so much ground in the tellers. battle against the “culture of death?” Barring a fast paced culture a chance to We know the importance of last minute intervention, Gary Davis was put to adjust to the pace and to inte­ telling stories in the process of death Monday night in Canon City (the R egister grate some of the values that transition. We also know the im­ goes to press Monday afternoon). they bring with them into their portance to the community of The Church recognizes that capital punish­ life here. We recognize that hearing these storiea ment may be necessary in some circumstances, most missioners return with a The children need to know but this wasn’t one of them. Last week. President sense that they are citizens of that we are a mission people be­ Clinton again vetoed the ban on partial-birth abor­ the world, not just the United cause of our baptism. Youth, tions. The American Medical Association has States. young adults and all o f us on the stated that the procedure is never necessary for We offer the presence of a journey of faith need to be re­ the health of the mother. Yet, the president’s de­ community of those who have minded that we are all brothers fense of this particularly brutal form of infanti­ traveled the same road and rec­ and sisters in spite of our differ­ cide was never questioned by the media. ognize some of the potholes. We ent m odes o f being in the world. 'Thankfully, many people of good will are be­ can laugh together about the So we plan to bring these ginning to stand up for life. process of entering an unknown In Oregon, a group called Physicians for Com­ culture in Latin America or Af­ various needs together. Hope­ fully, we will all come to under­ passionate Care, founded by Dr. William Tbffler, rica or Central America or Asia has been spreading the message that “assisted and the social errors that hu­ stand in many languages and suicide” is dangerous, unneeded for ending pain, miliated us beyond belief learn that “none of us knows and would destroy the pro-life commitment of the We also can laugh about the what any of us know.” medical profession. process of re-entering a cultxire If you are ever in the neigh­ For more information on their efforts, or to almost as unknown. We share borhood o f 3554 M arion St. (just offer much-needed financial support, write: “Yes our challenges, we share our two blocks west o f Annunciation on 51 Committee,” P.O. Box 25443, Portland, OR stories, we share oimselves in order to bring the good Church) please stop in and share something of your 97298. news back to our native soil. story; we would singly be enriched by hearing of it! Tales from Monteria: Mission musing in the Third World

FATHER BERNIE SCHMITZ The need for education is also great. In the imme­ affects and infects our lives as well. Because it’s also diate area, the only school is in the pueblo of San Isidro, an injustice that we feel we have to choose between On my desk, I have a card which is a walk of 30 to 40 minutes, depending upon the latest electronic advancement and a vacation; or that says, “If you aren’t happy worse yet, that we feel deprived if we can’t have both. with what you have now, how where you live. This school is a grade school and once will you ever be happy with the students reach sixth grade, they have to go to an­ In a recent article in “Time,” members of the so- m ore?” other village which is another hour to an hour-and- called “X generation” said that the criteria for success In one line, the author cap­ one-half walk on a good day. is money — the more the better. tures a key element in our life That will take them until ninth grade and after Looking at the two worlds of Monteria and Den­ as Christians. Jesus tells us in that they have to go to Monteria which is 45 minutes ver, it can lead one to ask if we have lost our way and the Sermon on the Mount in by car or bus. There are no school buses for the public are walking down a dark alley which leads to disap­ Matthew 6:33 what our prior­ school as the money that is spent on education is very pointment and spiritual death. If we define iiyustice ity should be in life, when he limited. The country spends 3 percent of its gross na­ as the destruction of human dignity, there is no deny­ says, “Stop worrying ... over tional product on education annually. ing that the people of Gran Esfuerzo suffer from in­ questions like ‘what we are to Of course, the community has no electricity, de­ justice, and that the same iqjustioe affects us. If we eat or what we are to drink, or what we are to wear?’ spite the fact that the nearby farms have electricity continue to live with a criteria that more is better, we The unbelievers are always running after these things. and even some telephones. One of the common ways destroy our own dignity, for we miss the wonder and Your heavenly Father knows all that you need. Seek of fencing is with electric fence, but nevertheless, these beauty of life while running after “the more.” first His kingship over you, his way of holiness, and people don’t have electricity at the present time. That day, the people of Gran Esfuerzo finished all things will be given to you besides.” As I sat and listened to them and try to identify their discernment, choosing water as the most impor­ I thought of this line as I listened to people in an what was the most important need and how they could tant need, and we gathered for the Eucharist. We area where we serve that is referred to as Gran address it, I couldn’t help but think about what we prayed and they shared with me their faith journey, Esfuerzo. It’s a group of small farms called a“veranda,” think are the most important needs in life. They had and after Mass shared the generous spirit of hospital­ which more literally means “path,” but there it means to choose among water, electricity, jobs and education. ity so ingrained in their hearts. a small grouping of houses which are a short distance It’s staggering to think that I might have to iden­ The following week, they were to meet to talk from one another. tify among all those basics what is the most impor­ about how they were to address the need for better The people were listening to Issac, a catechist and tant, knowing that means other basic elements of life water. They bid us goodbye and asked when I would leader in the “veranda,” talking with them about their I would be dela3ring for some other time. The fact that return for Mass. Their life continues, still carrying needs. They identified water, better education, work, they don’t have the basic necessities of life is an injus­ water and hoping for the future and caring for their electricity and unity within the pueblo. tice, especially in light of the terrific injustice in the families. I left that day knowing that in some strange The people get water from a pond which is fed by country. No one should have to choose among water, way, God had touched my soul by that short encounter the rain, but during the dry season (roughly six education, jobs and electricity. But the fact of the mat­ and left me with the key question: What is really the months) the water can be in short supply. ter is that these people do and will for many years. most important priority for me in life? We need the They were getting more mud than water. The river In fact, with the earth getting smaller and with people of Monteria, because they help us refocus our is about six miles away, but that means walking or the great environmental problems present in our journey so that we can avoid the dark alley and walk taking a burro to carry the water back to the house. world, we may need to choose among those basic ele­ down the lighted path. O f course, the water isn’t treated and often the people ments of life sometime in the very near future. The Father S ch m itz is a pastor at the Monteria Mis­ suffer from disease because of it. injustice doesn’t stop at the border of Colombia, but sion in Colom bia. OCTOl 1 5 . 1 9 0 7 1»NVBR CATHOLIC REOI8TBR P A G E 7

Sisters of St. Joseph declare opposition to death penalty H

Sisters oppose executions the hall, so I could at least touch her. Peter’s Pence contribution acknowledged I share with you a statement She did, and another lady and I adopted at our Congregational Chapter went down to meet her. Neither one of Dear Ajxhbishop Chaput: terial responsibilities facing Pope which concluded Aug. 2: us said a word. We were overcome. She John Paul II, this expression of gen­ We, participants of the ‘97 Congre­ took hold of my right wrist and did the With sincere gratitude I vdsh to erosity by your people reveals their gational Chapter of the Sisters o f St. Jo­ same to the other lady. Her first words, adcnowledge receipt of the check in deep awareness of the bonds of faith, seph of Carondelet, publicly state oiu* *My dears, adoption not abortion. Give the amount of $58,101.98, represent­ worship and love which they share opposition to the death penalty through­ me your babies, and I will find good paiv ing the Peter’s Pence contribution with the Universal Church and God’s out the world. We particularly speak ents for them.” from the Church in Denver, which people, especially the poor, through­ against the executions to take place in She reaped herself She was so in­ you had forwarded this past week to out the world. the United States in the near futiue in tense, so concerned. She pleaded for this the Apostolic Nunciature. May God, who is infinitely gen­ Missouri, California and Colorado — cause. I was so overwhelmed, I could not As 1 assiu*e you that this sum erous, reward you and con-tinue to states in whidi we live and minister. say a word. 1 had hoped to be able to will be duly transmitted to the Sec­ bless you and the faithful imder your While we oppose the death penalty, touch her. She touched me instead. retariat of State on your behalf per­ pastoral care. we also have a deep concern and com­ There was something about her mit me to offer an initial word o f ap­ Sincerely in Christ, passion for the fa ille s and friends of that is beyond description. preciation in the name of the Holy Agostino Cacciavillian the victims of crime and for the fami­ Mother Thresa attended the United Father for this valuable assistance. Apostolic Pro-Nuncio lies of those who have received a death Nations Habitat Conference in In addition to sharing in the ma­ Washington, D.C. sentence. Amid the pain and suffering Vancouver in 1996. Again, she visited inflicted by violence, we desire to work the Non-govemmental Habitat Confer­ toward ending the cycle of violence ence at Jericho Beadi. She was all over which is perpetuated by the death pen­ the place. She gave a main address to All of these activities took no real dren were on vacation at Balmoral in alty. We do so because we believe in the an overflow crowd in an enormous han­ effort. Scotland. I believe it was their time to unique worth and dignity of every hu­ gar that had been made into a confer­ Mother Teresa, on the other hand, be with their father. Diana planned on man being. ence hall. She held everyone spell­ did humanitarian works that took real picking them up as soon as she returned We believe that in taking one life bound. Always stressing the need to effort and love. She pideed up the dying to England. for another life, we assume a right that have love and compassion for all God’s from the gutters o f India, she furnished Unfortunately, she was killed the is not ours and involve ourselves in the children. food and shelter in the buildings oper­ day before was was to return. She was very violence we seek to eliminate. We After the talk, she was literally ated by the sisters of her order and with a good mother, regardless of of any other believe that killing people who kill mobbed. I saw women from all walks of personal love, brought people back to short-comings. I Qiink her record of try­ people does not show t ^ t killing people life removing rings, braedets, necklaces, health. This took real effort and hand ing to make a difference speaks for it­ is wrong. earrings and putting them in her hands, work. s e lf The Congregational Chapter is the stufiing them into her pockets. I finally Princess Diana set a bad example R , L a m b ert governing body representing more than got to her and asked here where I could for her children by divorcing the prince Englewood get information about her adoption and taking on a lover, and then another 2,000 sisters in the United States, Chile, Know the facts F^ru and Japan. work. lover. Slater Marion Weinzapfel She told me to give my name to the Mother Teresa was married to In reference to Terry HaUadays let­ D enver sister who was with her. In all that com­ Jesus and never abandoned his trust in ter about Princess Diana in the Oct. 1 motion, she gave me her direct atten­ her. issue of the R egister, like most divorced Your brother’s keeper tion. Again, she pleaded for adoption, As for the car crash which resulted parents she and Prince Charles shared not abortion. I can still feel her hand Mother Teresa was a modern-day in her death, one must ask the question: time with their sons, as arranged in the clasping my wrist. I feel I have been Why didn’t the princess order the driver divorce settlement. August, and part of St. Francis of Assisi. She invaded the toudied by a truly saintly woman. very bowels of hell in ministering to the to slow down from the 120 miles per the adjoining months, the entire royal Genevieve N. Fiore hour to the 35 m ile-per-hour which was family spends at Balmoral. very poorest of the poor. D enver &me journalists have intimated to the legal limit. Even if she had remained in En­ her in a question that her work from a No comparison What happened to her concern for gland, Diana would not have been able worldly point of view wasn’t veiy suc­ the humans on the street that could to spend time with her sons. cessful. She retorted that the Lord This letter is in response to Father have been killed or maimed from this I am not a Di fan, did not watch and James Cuneo’s coliimn in the Sept. 17 didn’t demand from her success, but neglect? of the television coverage of the sad issue of the Register. After all, the princess had the power faithfulness. events, but feel, in justice, that people I believe that MotherTeresa’s great­ 'There really is no comparison be­ to order the driver to slow down! It should know the facts. est legacy is that her life was a light to tween Princess Diana and Mother seemed that Diana relied on the news Patricia M.F. Kelly the world of what it means to be your Teresa. media to cover her good deeds and per­ Loveland On the one hand, Diana was cred­ sonality in order to eradicate some of brother’s keeper. Pray the Rosary Euchllch McKenna ited by the news media as a champion her previous failures in life. Reisterstown, Md. of the poor, for her loving care for the Mother Teresa prayed that the I write again to the Register. sick,visiting the AIDS patients and news media would capture some of the When are we going to see in our Two stories made a shining example of concern for humanitarian works of her order so as Catholic churches the promoting of the the British people. to generate donations to carry out their I am sure you have been inundated Rosary? What the news media neglected to works. Mary our blessed mother, since with letters regarding beloved Mother point out that there was no real work Diana was a millionaire. Mother Ihresa. I hope you still have room for 1208 has asked this in all her visits on involved. Teresa was just plain poor; earth. Now in the August issue of The one more. Giving a check to a charitable orga­ Margaret Mayer Messages of Medjugoije,” Mary says, “I I had the profound experience of nization when you’re a millionaire, Aurora meeting Mother Teresa twice. She call all priests and religious brothers takes very little effort—^visiting places and sisters to pray and teach others the headed the Vatican delegation to the world-wide that takes a wife away from A good mother United Nations Women’s Intemation rosary.” her husband and young children shows In response to the letter written by Why? Why from the altars do we not Conference in Mexico City in 1975. no love for one’s family. Jerry Halladay in the Oct. 1 issue of the hear of the things of our rich Catholic She visited the Non-govemmental As for the concern for the land International Women’s Tribune and ad­ Register, I would like to say that 1 be­ faith? So many are in the dark. mines in Bosnia, her own country was lieve that Diana and Prince Charles John Hack Higney Sr. dressed the attendees. It was a small selling them to the participants of that have shared custody of Diana’s two boys. Fort Collins audience. I prayed that when she left conflict! While Diana was in France, the chil­ the stage she would come down through

Letters to the editor The Archdiocese o f Denver Weh Plage: Letters should be brief and to the point euid should include the writer’s Tinmg, address and telephone number; We rely on the intelligence of our www.archden.or^archden readers to recognize that the opinions expressed in letters are not those of the editorial staff; Letters containing plainly misstated facts, misinforma­ Send com m ents or letters to: tion or libelous statements will not be printed; When editing is necessary, it will be for length, not content; Letters will be edited for spelling Euid gram­ [email protected] mar. Send letters to: Editor, Denver Catholic Register 1300 S. Steele St., Denver, Colo. 80210 or fax to (303) 715-2045. OCTOWR IS, 1997

W o r l d

M i s s i o n

S u n d a y October 19, 1997

Please give generously to your parish collection on Mission Sunday.

% The Society for the Propagation o f the Faith

Call Denise Madden at the Archdiocese of Denver (303) 715-3201 1300 S. Steele St. Denver, CO 80210 OCTOBER IB. 19B7 DENVER CATHOUC REGISTER PAGE 9 Conference highlights needs in former Soviet Union Continued from Page One

Speakers ofTered first-hand accounts of life under Communist oppression: Between 1945 and 1989, tens of millions were martyred for refusing to abandon their faith. Mass was celebrated in secret — those caught attending were imprisoned in work camps. The priests were put to death. “We in the United States know little about the persecution that the Church has suffered under Com­ munist oppression,” said Kitty Kolody, a member of the Queen of the Apostles Mission Association, spon­ sor of the gathering. “Our goal was to make people more aware of the spiritual and material needs of the emerging Church.” Archbishop Charles Chaput, O.F.M. Cap., wel­ comed participants to the conference, which featured speakers including Anchorage Archbishop Francis T. Hurley; Bishop Roman Danylak, apostolic administra­ tor of the Ukrainian Eparchy of Toronto; Auxiliary Bishop Irineus Bilyk, O.S.B.M.; and others. In an interview with the Register, Bishop Bilyk, spoke about life in the Ukraine before the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. During his lifetime, some 7 mil­ lion Ukrainians were martyred by the Communists. “The most difficult time came in 1945-46, after Bishop Irineus Bilyk, left, and Father Joseph Milan, both of the Ukraine, addressed the Second Inter­ the death of Archbishop Andrew Sheptycky,” said national Conference to Assist the Church in the Former Soviet Union last weekend at St. Thomas Bishop Bilyk, through an interpreter. “The Ukrainian More Church in Englewood. They are pictured in a field of crosses at the church reminding visitors Chiurch, im der direction o f the KGB, was forced to join o f the 4,100 abortions performed every day in the United States the Moscow Orthodox Chinch. At that time some 3500 churches, all the schools and monasteries were confis­ cated.” urrection,” said Bishop Bilyk. “It is the same for the funds to provide shelter and housing. The seminar­ “Seven bishops were imprisoned — two died from Chundi. I^thout suffering and crucifixion, the Church ians frequently go without food. torture — the rest were sentenced to forced labor cannot rise to new life.” For information on how to become involved in as­ camps. Hundreds of priests and thousands of faithful The Church in the Ukraine is exploding with new sisting the emerging Church in the former Soviet met the same fate for refusing to abandon the teach­ life. Some 250 churches have been built since 1989 and Union, call the Queen of the Apostles Mission Asso­ ings of the Church.” 400 more are under construction. There are five semi­ ciation at (303) 770-3240. The bishop said the people of the Ukraine accepted naries with approximately 1,000 seminarians. But the Christianity in 988. years of Communist oppres­ Following the sdiism between Constantinople and sion have taken a great toll Rome in 1054, the Ukrainian Catholics remained faith­ on the economic vitality of ful to Rome, for which they suffered great persecu­ the nation. Seminaries turn tion. away candidates because “Without suffering and crucifixion, there is no res- there are not sufficient HaNoween|0fOutlet

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^ R egister Special Section P lanning Y our W edding Contraception vs. NFP; There is a difference BY CHRISTOPHER WEST poses artificial birth control. While this is true, it leads one to believe that the OK, here’s the situation. Church opposes such methods because The Smiths and the Jones both have they are artificial, which is not the case. a serious reason to avoid or postpone What the Church specifically opposes another pregnancy— a reality for many is contraceptive methods of birth con­ modern-day couples. The Smiths decide trol. to use some form of contraception, the Contraception can be defined as the Jones decide to use some form of natu­ choice by any means to impede the pro- ral family planning. Over the course of creative potential o f a given act of inter­ time, both couples successfully avoid cou rse. In other words, the couple pregnancy. chooses to engage in intercoiu-se and in So, what’s the difference? Why addition chooses to do something else should the Chiirch teach that what the to make sure that that specific act of Smiths did is m orally wrong while what intercoiu-se does not result in a new life, the Jones did is morally acceptable? i.e., they intentionally act against their Don’t both couples have the same inten­ fertility during intercourse. tion"! And isn’t morality based on the This can be done by employing a person’s intention? C’mon! Why doesn’t large variety of artificial hormones and the Church just get with the program? devices, or by sterilizing surgical proce- What’s A e difference? Well, iJie dif­ dtu-es. It can also be done more primi­ ference is far greater than most people tively by withdrawal or“coitus interrup- realize. Let’s take a look. tus.” First of all, the diiferent terms as­ Any such action, whether it employs sociated with the issue tend to cause artificial devices and hormones or not, confusion. Clarifying them can go a long is an attempt to impede procreation in A re sexual way in helping couples understand ex­ a given act of intercourse — it is con­ relationships actly what the C h u i^ opposes and why. traceptive, and it is precisely this that more complex Let’s take the term *1)111^1 control.” the Church teaches is always immoral. today than at Contrary to widely held belief, the Why is it immoral to intentionally the turn of the Church has nothing against spacing or suppress fertility during intercourse? century? limiting births if a couple has a serious Well, among other reasons, the great­ reason to do so. But not all methods of est gift that God has to give is the gift tr3ring to “control births” are morally the of life, and it is no coincidence that same. Which ones are morally wrong sexual intercourse between a husband and why? 'That’s the question. and wife is the way that God intends to It is often said that the Church op­ Continued on Page 12

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FYnm Page 11 intends to provide for his family; a very good intention, ^ th the same goal in mind, one give this great gift to the world, lb contracept gets a job and the other robs a bank. See the is to consciously and intentionally reject this point? The end does not justify the means. great gift of God. It is an anti-life act, and we Here’s another analogy. Suppose you are must never consciously do an3rthing against the on a diet and there in front of you Ues a big goodness of the gift of life. chunk of chocolate-mousse cheesecake. This brings us to natural family planning. Most anyone can recognize a moral differ­ The reason NFP is an acceptable method for ence between the person who eats the cheese­ regulating births when there is a legitimate cake because it tastes good, but then inten­ reason to do so is because it is in no way con­ tionally vomits it up so as not to gain the traceptive — it in no way acts against God’s weight, and the person who decides, “I don’t plan for bringing life into the world. NFP is an want to gain the weight, so I won’t eat the effective and scientifically based method that cheesecake.” To play with the analogy, it seems involves determining when a couple is likely the Smiths want to have their cheesecake and to become pregnant if they were to engage in eat it, too. The3r’re going to engage in inter­ intercourse (this involves observation of vari­ course but then “vomit up” their fertihty. The ous signs of fertility in the woman) and the Jones’ on the other hand, respecting the order choice to abstain from intercovurse at that time. of God’s design, are simply not going to engage Never does the couple choose to impede the in the kind of behavior that can bring about procreative potential of a given act of inter­ the consequences they have serious reason to course; never do they contracept. At the time avoid: i.e., they are not going to have sex when when pregnancy is most likely to occur, there they are fertile. One might say that the Jones simply is no act of intercourse. are being “non-procreative” while the Smiths With NFP, if the couple chooses to engage are being “anti-procreative” (an all-important in intercourse during the infertile phase of the distinction). cycle, still there is no choice on their part to Right about this point, people tend to get impede the procreative potential of that act. a sinking feeling in their stomachs as the They are simply accepting the natural cycle of scales fall off their eyes. “Oh my gosh, maybe infertiUty that God has built into the very na­ there is a difference. Perhaps the Church is tive of woman. They are acting in complete on to something here.” That was my reaction accord with God’s design instead of acting several years ago when I was trying to figure against it by using some method of contracep­ out why the Church maintained this seemingly tion. archaic teaching. And then the inevitable ques­ But let’s get back to the Smiths and the tion arises, “What should I do about it?” Jones. Didn’t we say they have the same inten­ W hy not come and learn more? On Nov. 6 tion? So why should it matter which method at 7 p.m., the Office of Marriage and Family they use? Yes, the Smiths and the Jones have Life will be hosting an informal “information the same further intention— to avoid pregnan­ night” at which married and engaged couples cy for serious reasons. But their present inten­ (and anyone else who’s interested) can come tions (the means by which they intend to and learn more about natural family planning achieve their common goal) are quite different. in a relaxed, nonthreatening environment. Take, for example, two fathers, each of whom Call 303-715-3259 to reserve a spot. NOT YOUR ORDINARY TUXEDOS... NOT YOUR ORDINARY TUXEDO STORE Cuslomize Your Wedding Discount! ^Select Any Com bination Of TWO! 20% OFF FREE WEDDING TUXEDOS GROOM’S TUXEDO Up To An ^89*^ Value

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BY CHRISTOPHER WEST tion, holy orders, anointing of the sick); through receiving the spoken words of Sadly, for many couples the fact absolution (reconciliation); through that marriage is a sacrament means eating and drinking the body and little more ^an a vague notion that blood of Christ (eucharist); and yes, their state in life has some sort of re-' through the encounter that makes a ligious significance. But what is that man and woman “one flesh” (mar­ significance? Why is marriage a sac­ riage). ram ent? Did he just imply that the mari­ The seven sacraments of the tal act is an encounter with Christ and Church are signs in the visible world a sharing in divine life? Yes, I did. through which we encounter Christ Marital sex, where spouses freely and and become sharers in His divine life. completely donate themselves to each Sacraments, in other words, make other, is a means of grace as an enact­ Grod’s life visible, tangible and commu­ ment of a sacrament — the sacrament nicable to us as earthly, bodily crea­ of marriage. tures. Sacraments are where heaven Wow! Let’s think about that.* and earth meet, so to speak, where What is it about the joining of man and God and man become one. How does woman in “one flesh” that makes it marriage fit into this picture? Let’s sacramental? Remember sacraments take a look. make that which is invisible (God), This union of God and man that visible. As Pope John Paul II says, the sacraments bring about has be­ “The sacrament [of marriage], as a vis­ come reality in the person of Jesus ible sign, is constituted with man, as Christ. Thus, the sacramental life of a body, by means of his visible mascu­ the Church flows directly from the dy­ linity and femininity. The body, in fact, namism of the Incarnation — God and it alone, is capable of making vis­ made man. In Christ, God has forever ible what is invisible; the spiritual and wed Himself to our flesh and impreg­ the divine. It was created to transfer nated the material world with His sav­ into the visible reality of the world the ing power. Indeed, as Tertullian, an mystery hidden since time immemo­ early Church father, declared, “the rial in God, and thus be a sign of it” flesh has become the hinge of salva­ {Original Unity of Man & Woman, p. tion .” 144). In contrast to authentic sacra­ Plain English, please... What the mental spirituality, there is a wide­ Bettinger Photography pope is saying here is that God cre­ spread but gravely mistaken notion of ated the human body to be a sign in spirituality that tends to devalue the the world that reveals His own eter­ body, view it with suspicion, or at course). That is to say, it is in and symbolic gestures. We truly become nal mystery. What is this mystery hid­ tim es even treat it w ith contem pt. Ca­ through the body (the senses) in the sharers in divine life through bathing den in God from all eternity, you may tholicism, far from devaluing the body, sacramental life of the Church that we the body with water (baptism); ask? In a nutshell, it is God’s is a deeply sensual religion (“sensual” encounter Christ in a concrete way. through anointing the body with oil Trinitarian Life, and His amazing must be properly understood, of Sacraments are not merely and the laying on of hands (confirma­ Continued on Page 14 Just One Day..

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Convenient locations throughout the metropolitan area (tee the yellow pages for the location nearest you). 10250 E. Costilla Avenue - Englewood, CO - 80112 PncX IMiarra(2SJ»a (303) 792-0433 OCTOBER IS. 1907 PAGE 1 4 Couples share secrets to a happy marriage


‘The secret to a happy marriage is a sense of hu­ mor and respect for one another,” said Stephanie De Vliegher, who married her husband, Herm, 53 years ago. ‘The most difficult thing in life is getting along with another person.” Nearly 300 married couples renewed their vows after 25, 50 and more years of marriage at a recent anniversary Mass at St. 'Thomas More Church in Englewood. More than 1,200 of their family and friends joined in the celebration, sponsored by the archdiocesan Of­ fice of Marriage and Family Life. ‘The greatest part of life is the children — being part of an extended family,” Stephanie said. Don and June Walton will be married 52 years in January. Natives of Illinois, the Waltons converted to Catholicism in the early 40s. Their sense of humor and the Chvirch, have been very important secrets to a long- lasting marriage. ‘You have to listen a lot,” Don said in a telephone Continued on next page

Herm and Stefanie DeVliegher, married for 53 years, receive Communion from the archbishop James Baca IDCR photo

riage becomes a participation in the life-giving Sacrament communion of love that is Christ and the Church. ’Thus, marriage as a sacrament becomes not only a symbol of divine life, but a real sharing in it. From Page 13 Saint Paul speaks of the profound symbolism plan for us to share in this Life through Christ as of marriage when he says, “For this reason, a man members of the Church. will leave his father and his mother and be united We’ve all heard it said that God is love (I Jn to his bride and the two will become ‘one flesh.’ 4:8). We may tend to think of this solely in terms ’This is a profound mystery, and it refers to Christ of His love for us, but God is love, first of all, in and the Church” (Eph 5:31,32). Christ left his Fa­ Himself as a life-giving communion of persons — ther in heaven and his mother on earth to be Father, Son and Holy Spirit. And it is in this im ­ united to his Bride, the Church, that He might be­ age, the image of God, that we are made as male come “one flesh” with Her. and female (Gen 1:27). 'Thus the call to love as Where do we as members of the Church be­ God loves, in a life-giving communion of persons, come “one flesh” with Christ? In the Eucharist! is inscribed in our very being, in our sexuality, in Yes, the Eucharist is our life-giving communion our call to become “one flesh.” In this way, mar­ with Christ. The Eucharist is our consummation riage is a sign in the world of the love that is the with Christ, our heavenly Bridegroom. What a Trinity. truly profound mystery! This is the mystery that What great dignity God has bestowed on our m arriage s3rmbolizes. This is the mystery in which sexuality! But it doesn’t stop there. For those marriage participates. This is why marriage is a J a m e s B a ca ID C R p h o to who have been united to Christ in baptism, mar­ sacram ent.

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Faith helps couples through hard times BEFORE WEDDING From previous page “We believe in sharing time with our friends and BELLS RING. interview with the R egister. are involved in Church activities,” Bemadine said. See us for wife is laughing at me as Pm saying that.” Katherine and August Mayer have been married 52 QUALITY inVITATIOnS RECEPnON tTEMS “You have to go to church regu­ years and moved to Colorado five years ago from Mary­ ATTEnDANTS GIFTS larly,” June called out from the back­ land. They have two children, five ground. The Waltons moved to Coni­ grandchildren and one great-grand­ 3 & 3 7^tenting fer in 1986 from Indiana and are pa­ child. S Office Supplies . rishioners of Our Lady of the Pines. “Patience — you have to get 9155 W. 44(h AVE. // They have seven children and three along with each other and have un­ in the Ridg«vi«w Shop«n« /// grandchildren. derstanding,” Katherine said. “You 424-7560 "Cusfom Printing at Its Bast" For Don, deciphering the femi­ have to have something in common, nine m ind has been the greatest chal­ like an activity you like to do.” lenge over the years. Katherine said that the best “Women are difficult to under­ part of marriage is “having someone stand,” Don revealed. “I told my who cares for you.” I daughters. Til never understand you, “You can take anger too seri­ DENVER MARBLE CO. but I’ll always love you.*” ously,” Katherine added. “When you MARBLE C O N TR A C TO R S SINCE 1891 The best part of marriage, he have an argument, ride it out.” TA B LE TO P S , VANITY TO P S says, is the friendship. The Waltons The Mayers enjoy going to COMMERCIAL - RESIDENTIAL MARBLE FOR ALL PURPOSES enjoy traveling together, church ac­ the pool together and are members of the Southwest Plaza Striders, a mall­ DOMESTIC & IMPORTED MARBLE & SLATE tivities and spending time with their Don and June Walton o f Conifer walking group. grandchildren. celebrated 52 years. REPAIRING & REPOLISHING “We are best friends, even though James Baca I OCR photo “First you have to be friends — then form friendships,” Katherine 3180 S. Platte River Dr. we don’t always agree. She can be a Englewood, C O 80110 789-1856 hardhead sometimes,” Don said. added. Bemadine and Gmrge Schlicht, members of Light Felix and Helga Vi^tkowski were married in G«^r- of the World Parish, have been married 51 years and many 50 years ago. They came to America in 1951, moved to Littleton 25 years ago from Baltimore. They and moved to Colorado from Los Angeles only four have two children and three grandchildren who are years ago. They have one son and two grandchildren. “the biggest joys in their lives.” Members of St. Frances Cabrini, they will celebrate 10135 W. Kentucky Dr. “I think you have to be flexible and always come their 50th anniversary Oct. 14. Lakewood, CO 80226 back to yom* faith,” Bemadine said. “There will be ups According to Helga, togetherness and trusting and downs, but you will always come out well.” each other are what she eiyoys most about her mar­ “ ELEGANCE AT A PRICE YOU CAN AFFORD” The biggest difficulty for the Schlichts has been riage to Felix. She siunmed up married life as being Wedding Receptions • Rehearsal Dinners health problems, but they “rode it through together” rooted in her faith. Anniversary Celebrations • Family & Company Picnics “Love, understanding, patience and trusting Executive Lunches & Dinners and are supported by good friends. Bemadine said she Figliolino’s. for the Past 20 Years, ei\joys most George’s companionship and sharing their Jesus,” Helga said. “I beUeve Jesus never gives us a Has Provided Delicious Foods & Excellent Service faith. cross we cannot carry, because He loves us too much.” We can arrange banquet facilities. We can also arrange flowers, cakes, photography & videography. Thank you for your confidence in using our services in the past, and we look forward to serving you in the future. For further Information call Carolyn. Juliane or Tom. Jr. at 985-8154 or fax to 76.V5388.

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L ove endures Banim Shanim through Phone: (303) 788-0174 faith. 3S11 S. Qaikson Englewood, Colorado 80110 James Baca I DCRpheita Old Hampden & Clarkson PAGE 1 6 D B M V n CAIHOUC UBCOBTBK OCTOBER 15. 1097 Marriage preparation process takes advance planning A marriage preparation weekend ia: •A weekend for couples planning March 13-15, March 27-29, .^ ril 17-19, marriage in the Catholic Church. May 16-17, May 29-31, June 12-14, July • Catholic in orientation, but open 17-19, Aug. 21-23, Nov. 20-22 to all couples desiring a ridier, liiller life together. “To trust again” engaged weekend • A time away from the distractions Preparation for marriage after a of busy lifestyles. previous luiion •An engaging mix of practical, Designed for formerly married en­ spiritual, and theological presentations gaged couples who are in a position to led by a team of married couples and a remarry in the Catholic Church. This priest or deacon (when available). Each includes couples in which at least one presentation is followed by a group dis­ person is widowed or has already re­ cussion designed to deepen your under­ ceived a declaration of nullity (an an­ standing of the truth and meaning of a nulment) of a previous union. sacramental marriage. Preparation will address common • An opportunity for you as a couple issues including Communication, Fi­ to talk honestly and intensely about all nances, Conflict Management, Sexual­ aspects of your prospective marriage — ity, Individual and Marital Spirituality, your strengths and weaknesses, desires, and Marriage as a Sacrament. hopes, values, your commitment and It will present the necessary nu­ vision for your marriage, sexuality, chil­ ances to the above issues as well as deal­ dren and family planning, money, ca­ ing with elements unique to subsequent reers, and your role in the Church and marriages: Emotional Closure of the society. First Marriage, Family Blending, Step “One in Christ” engaged weekend Parenting and Continuing Relation­ “One in Christ” is a two-day work­ ships with Extended Families, Children, shop which gives engaged couples the Community and the Church. opportimity to question and reflect on Cost: the true nature and meaning of mar­ $130 per couple riage. It is quality time spent fociising (Includes lunches) on your relationship and the issues that $30 Non-refundable registration fee concern your future. You will learn Benimger Fkotography $100 Balance due two weeks prior to skills needed to assiire a lasting and spouse. You are then given time as a weekend intimate marriage. D ates: couple to discuss your letters together. Attendance: 25 couples Topics include: The Sacramentality Jan. 10-ll,Feb. 7-8, March 7-8, April 4- Topics include: Self-Awareness, Ex­ Time: of Marriage, Sexuality and Family Plan­ 5, May 2-3, June 6-7, Aug. 1-2, Sept. 12- pectations, Communication, Sexuality Saturday 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. ning, Spirituality of Marriage and Fam­ 13, Oct. 3-4 and Family Planning, Careers, Mixed Simday 9 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. ily Life, Healing and Forgiveness, Inti­ Faiths, Decision Making, the Dates: macy, Communication, His/Her Differ­ Catholic Engaged Encounter Sacramentality of Marriage, the Feb. 21-22, May 23-24, Sept. 19-20 ences, Finances, and more . Scheduled for two days and two Churdi, and more. Cost: nights, CEE offers you a weekend to Cost: $200 per couple All classes are held at the John Paul $130 per couple challenge, explore and deepen your re­ (Includes lodging and meals) II Center for the New Evangelization, (Includes limches) lationship. $30 Non-refimdable registration fee 1300 S. Steele St. in Denver. $30 Non-refimdable registration fee Throughout the weekend, talks are $170 Balance due two weeks prior to This is the historic site of the $100 Balance due two weeks prior to presented by a team of married couples weekend former St. Thomas Sem inary located on weekend who share personal experiences and Attendance: 25 couples 40 scenic acres in the heart of the Attendance: 30 couples “tools” for growth in marriage. After T im e: Bonnie Brae area at 1300 S. Steele St. T im e: each presentation, you will be given a Friday 7:30 p.m. - Sunday 4:00 p.m. (between Florida and Arizona streets). Saturday: 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. series of questions to answer individu­ D ates: Overnight accommodations are in Sunday: 9 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. ally in a private letter to your future Jan. 16-18 comfortable dormitory-style rooms. Continued on next page

T ^

lit ffi 3 ADS 3 MONTHS $300 NOVEM BER 12th DECEMBER lOra JA N U A R Y 14th For information about how to advertise in this special Holiday A Denver Tradition In Coupon Guide call Sara in the advertising betcingerl Fine Wedding l*hotoi'raph\ photo0rQphL| office: (303) 715-3212. S i ne e I960 S . l iii\ct'si(v HI\<1. ■ i . h . i l l ' F);inic‘l R. lUttinui i- < .IM*. /SSff Sleni'ar OCTOBBK 15. 1997 I»NVER CATHOUC REGISTER PAGE 1 7 Several weekend workshops available for engaged couples

From prior page John Paul n on love, sexnnd mar­ riage: “Man cannot Uve without love. He Marriage preparation weekends remains a being that is incomprehen­ make a great wedding gift! sible for himself, his hfe is senseless, if For more information and to check love is not revealed to him, if he does weekend availability, call the Office of not encounter love, if he does not expe­ Marriage and Family Life at (303) 715- rience it and make it his own, if he does 3259. not participate intimately in it. [Christ How to register: is this love]. This is why Christ the Re­ B y m a il deemer “fully reveals man to him self” Please mail registration form to: {Redemptor Hominis). Office of Marriage and Family Life “God is love and in Himself He lives 1300 S. Steele Street a mysteiy of personal loving commun­ Denver, CO 80210. ion. Creating the human race in his own B y phone image and continually keeping it in be­ Please call 715-3259 and have ing, God inscribed in the hiunanity of your MasterCard or \^a ready for the man and woman the vocation, and thus registration fee. the capacity and responsibility, of love B y fa x and communion. Love is therefore the Please send to 715-2042 with fundamental and innate vocation of ev­ MasterCard or \^sa niunber included ery human being. ...Consequently sexu­ for the registration fee. ality, by means of which a man and Weekend dates fill up quickly. woman give themselves to one another Reservations should be made at least through the acts which are proper and three to four months in advance. exclusive to spouses, is by no means

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BY BILL BECKMAN Statistics reveal that 39 percent of Colorado chil­ dren of sim ^ mothers live in poverty, compared to Nearly 300 married couples observing wedding only 6 percent of diildren of married parents. Chil­ anniversaries of 25, 50 or more years recently gath­ dren whose parents have divorced are much more ered at St. Thomas More Chiurch to celebrate the Eu­ likely to drop out of school, to engage in premarital charist and renew their vows. It was a remarkable sign sex, and to become pr^;nant themselves outside of of contradiction in a society deeply wotmded by divorce. marriage. With great joy, the couples held hands and looked 'The trends are alarming, but people of faith and into each other’s eyes during the renewal o f vows. Yet, good will can reverse them. how many of them had experienced the death of a One of the keys to a successfiil marriage is ad­ child? How many of their lives had been touched by equate preparation. O f particular interest is the work serious illness? How many had suffered through seri­ o f Mike McManus, author of Marriage Savers, and his ous difficulties in their marriages? Through it all, they wife, Harriet. had persevered to celebrate the promises made so long A nationally syndicated Christian columnist, ago on their wedding day. McManus was seeldng a way to inspire diurches to The Catechism of the Catholic Church offers a work together to promote permanent marriages. A beautiful description of the permanence of marriage. Presbyterian pastor in Ohio gave him the idea of tak­ BUI Bedtman, director o f the Office o f Catechetics at “It can seem difficult, even impossible, to bind oneself ing the Catholic “Common Marriage Policy” and forg­ the Archdiocese. JamaSaealDCBpluto for life to another hiunan being. This makes it all the ing a Catholic-Protestant consensus called a “Com­ mentor couples; encourage attendance at engaged more important to proclaim the Good News that God munity Marriage Policy.” If enough pastors in a com­ weekends and marriage enrichment programs; and loves us with a definitive and irrevocable love, that munity signed on, couples seekii^ to avoid marriage create a marriage ministry of mentor couples for married couples share in this preparation would have no place to turn for a quidc postmarital sessions and assistance for troubled mar­ love, that it supports and sus­ chmxh wedding. tains them, and that by their own Through Mike and Harriet’s riages. The elements of the policy are not new. CathoUc faithfulness they can be wit­ hildren whose par­ efforts. Community Marriage parishes and Christian churches have used many of nesses to God’s faithful love. Policies (CMP) have been intro­ ents have divorced are these proven methods for years. What is new is the Spouses who with God’s grace duced in more than 40 cities C aroimd the nation. The first was propoi^ to combine these and apply them across de­ give this witness, often in very much more likely to drop nominational lines. difficult conditions, deserve the in Modesto, California, in 1986. The Archdiocese of Denver endorses the Denver gratitude and support of the out of school, to engage in In each city the divorce rate de­ clined within two years, and Metro Community Marriage Policy. Priests, deacons ecclesial community” (Section prem arital sex, and to 1648). Modesto experienced a decrease and lay leaders of the archdiocese are invited to join this ecnimenic»l effort to promote permanent and faith­ Since 1950, there have been become pregnant them­ of more than 40 percent from over 1.1 million marriages in 1985 to 1995. ful m arriages. It may be one o f the m ost effective ways selves outside of marriage. of “building a future of hope for the next generation” Colorado, but over 556,000 di­ It is my belief, and that of as we approach the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000. vorces. Sadly, Christian families many ecumenical leaders, that a have divorced at a rate equal to Community Marriage Policy c»n Editor’s note: Mike and Harriet McManus wUl ad­ dress a luncheon gathering for Christian leaders on that of mainstream society. achieve similar results in north­ ern Colorado. Wednesday, October 22 from 11:30a.m. to 1:30p.m., at All too often, a spouse has tried to be faithful to the Colorado Christian University Gymruisium, 180 S. the sacrament of marriage and is unjustly abandoned. A local steering committee has adopted a policy Garrison Street, Lakewood. The cost is $20 for lunch The need for a pastoral response to those whose lives designed to: promote chastity; require a minimum and materials. Phone (303) 292-1800 for more infor­ have been touched by divorce is enormous, and the engaement pericxl of four months; prepare c»uples well mation. topic for another column. for marriage including a premarital inventory; train

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Reflection on the Scriptures

Reflection on the readii^s for the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

First reading: Isaiah 53:10-11 deed drink firom the cup and then gives a lesson The servant o f GSod must endure much suffer­ on discipleship. ing and through that suffering many shall come Those who wish to be first and greatest, must to be justified. be the last and the servant of all. “Whoever wishes One o f Isaiah’s favorite titles for God is “The to be first among you will be the slave of all.” (44b) Luke was born at rntioch, Syria, he Holy One o f Israel.” One o f the themes o f Isaiah’s WAS A 6REEK BY BIRTH AND A PHYSICIAN The catechism. Section 2005 continued: “How­ ST LUKE BY PROFESSION. IT IS 8EUEVEP HE WAS A book is social justice. ever, according to the Lord’s words, “Thus you will SKILLFUL PAINTER TOO, FOR SOME GREEKS SPEAK OF HIS lea v in g MANY PICTURES OF Second readii^ Hebrews 4:14-16 know them by their fruits,” reflection of God’s theEvar^ist JESUS ANP MARY. HE IS PATRON OF ARTISTS We have a high priest in Jesus who understands AND PHYSICIANS. ONE OF THE EARLIEST blessing in our life and in the lives of the saints CONVERTS TO THE FAITH, LUKE LATER BECAME our falhbility. Jesus has'lieen tested in every way,” THE MISSIONARY COMPANION OF ST. PAUL ON offer who us a guarantee that grace is at work in PART OF HIS SECOND AND THIRD JOURNEY. HE (15) but was without sin. Because of this we can ATTENOEP PAUL DURING HIS IMPRISONMENT us and spurs us on to an ever greater faith and an IN CAESAREA AND ROME. PAUL REFERS TO come to “the throne of grace to receive mercy and attitude of trustful poverty.” HIM AS 'TH E MOST DEAR PHYSICIAN" AND *A FELLOW-LABORER." HE SAILED WITH PAUL to find grace for timely help.” (16) The Connection AND SILAS PROM TROAS TO MACEDONIA, From the catechism, Section 2005. “Since it be­ STAYED BEHIND FOR SEVEN YEARS AT The servant in Isaiah is ou r H igh P riest, Jesus. PHILIPPI AND SHARED THE SHIPWRECK AND longs to the supernatural order, grace escapes our PERILS OF THE VOYAGE TO ROM E. FROM He is the one who came for us not as a mighty PAUOS EPISTLES WE LEARN TH A T LUKE WAS experience and cannot be known except by faith. warrior, but as a suffering servant. The one who HIS FAITHFUL COMPANION TO THE END. “ONLY LUKE IS W ITH M E ." (2 TIM. 4, It). We cannot therefore rely on our feelings or was without sin, that became sin for us, that our LUKE WROTE THE THIRD GOSPEL, WRITTEN BEFORE THE YEAR 83, AND THE ACTS OF works to conclude that we are justified and saved.” sins may be forgiven. THE APOSTLES. HE IS THE ONLY GENTILE CHRISTIAN AMONG THE GOSPEL WRITERS. The Gospel: Mark 10:35-45 Jesus came not to be served, but rather to HIS SYMBOL IS THE OX, THE ANIMAL OF Two of the disciples, James and John, ask Jesus SACRIFICE, BECAUSE HE BEGINS HIS GOSPEL serve. Those who wish to be counted as righteous WITH ZACHARY THE PRIEST OFFERING to grant them whatever they wish. Jesus asks them must also become the slave of all. Jesus is our ex­ SACRIFICE TO GOO. HE SPEAKS OF THE PRIESTHOOD OF CHRIST, AND THE GREAT if they can drink from the cup that He must drink, ample and our greatest command is that as He WORKS OF 600 IN BEGINNING HIS CHURCH AND ABOUT ST. PAUL'S ACTIONS AND MIRACLES and they say “yes.” Jesus says that they will in­ has done for us, so we must do for each other. WHICH HE HIM SaF WITNESSED. THE FEAST OF ST LUKE IS OCT. 18. CTVA seeks to promote Catholic values on television

BY TOM FOSTER ther cannot a new station, Channel 23, six miles west of Sedalia. afford to in- This w ill provide a stronger signEd in the southern Television’s enormous potential for proclaiming stEdl a dish or metro area including, Englewood, Littleton, Highlands the “(jlood News” of Jesus Christ hsts not gone unno­ are not inter­ Ranch and PEu*ker. Van de Sande will be able to cover ticed by JeEui Van de Sande of the Catholic Iblevision ested in the the whole metro EU'ea with three stations. Viewers’ Apostolate. other types of Money is desperately needed for Channels 38, 16, “Values are being molded by Hollywood, and the programming and for the completion of Channel 23. CTVA is entirely youth are especiftlly vulnerable,” Van de Sande smd. that would ac­ dependent upon the generosity of its viewers. Accord­ “Television is especially powerful because it conveys company the ing to Van de Sande, the normEilly thin operating bud­ a tremendous amount of information in sound and Catholic get has experienced recent set-backs because of unex­ images. Sadly, the consciences of many people have broadcast. pected maintenance costs. been harmed or destroyed by programming that pre­ For sev­ For information on CTVA, celU (303) 671-0938. To sents a distorted vision of humanity.” eral years. offer support, please w rite 2821 S. PEirker Rd., Suite Van de Sande hasn’t just been sitting by in what Van de Sande 25, Aiuora, CO 80014. he sees as an all-out battle for people’s souls. As the has aggres­ chief operating officer for CTVA, he has worked tire­ sively worked Jean Van de Sande lessly to make available quality Catholic programming to enhance in the Denver tuea. From his office at Etwt Yale Av­ the signEd for channels 38 and 16. He is studying the enue and South Parker Road, Vim de Sande has been feasibility of relocating the signal for Ctuinnel 38 to engineering the broadcast of the Etenud Word Televi­ Westminster to offer better reception to North Den­ sion Network (EWTN) on UHF channels 38 and 16. ver communities including Thornton, Northglenn, Pointing & Decorating ^ EWTN is Edso available on satellite dishes, but Van Broomfield, Commerce City Emd LEdayette. de Sande is quick to point out that many people ei­ In addition. Van de SEmde is seeking to establish (303) 512-8777 "Quolity UJork by Trusted Craftsmen" Interior pointing o specialty Faux Finish* LUollcoverings • Ceramic Tile Fully Insured • Prompt, Guoronteed Service

(Sung To The Tune O f Jingle Bells)

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8 9 ,0 0 0 New Costomers For Christmas! Norman’s Memorials, Inc. TMSW.MthAK. 106 S. Main 1703 Cedar Ave. Call the advertising office, (303) 715-3212 for more information. whMi iMiai. GO Mon BrichM a, CO M M l C reclc. GO SM I O O r W a 353-3234 .*» V-j r.• PAOB 2 0 DBWVBK CAIBCnJC KBCH Sm OCTOBER IB. 1997 A rts & E ntertainment ] January means it’s time for a Walz through Cuba

BY LISA BENOIT ...... type which has been allowed by the U.S. govern­ ment to receive donations of medical equipment and For Bob Walz, Pope John Paul IPs visit to Cuba in January is a lifetime chance to introduce Colo­ supplies from the United States. Walz made his first trip to Cuba in 1992 to or­ rado Catholics to Cuba’s culture and its people. ganize the First International Ernest Hemingway “T h is w ill be a g rea t opportu nity to see the pope, Sports Classic, which included a marlin tournament, celebrate Mass, and meet Catholic counterparts in a 16-kilometer race and a baseball tournament. Cuba,” Walz said. Walz is also involved in golf tournaments, film Walz is the president of Last Frontier Expedi­ festivals and other promotional events in Cuba. For tions, Inc. and is organizing a week-long tour of the International Ernest Hemingway Sports Clas­ ' Cuba fo r Colorado C atholics to experience the pope’s sic, Walz escorted about 85 Americans to Cuba. He historic visit. During the week, the pope will cel­ has since made more than 90 trips. Along with the ebrate five Masses in five days at the Plaza Revo­ Coloradans, Walz will be escorting a New Orleans lution. According to Walz, two million people are television team on the January trip as well. expected to participate. “Cuba was a country that was 80 percent Catho­ “This is a great window of opportunity for people Bob Walz: “We are ambassadors o f the Church.” James Baca IDCR photo lic until the revolution,” Walz explained. “The to visit Cuba,” Walz said. nuclear family in Cuba is strong. The emphasis is Colorado Catholics going on the tour will visit on youth and their spirit. In Cuba, there is no such cathedrals, n eighborhood churches, an historic cem ­ “We have to remember we’re ambassadors of thing as an old-age home.” etery and will meet with Caritas — the Catholic the Church,” Walz said. For information, call Walz at 530-9275. medical relief organization — workers. Caritas is the first Cuban organization of any

W h en : Oct. 20 at 7 p.m. W h at: Brunch (St. Frances Cabrini W h en : Second Sunday after C on tact: Call 770-1155 W h ere: CRC parish hall W hen: Oct. 21 at 11 a.m. Church) at 10 a.m. Mass S i n g l e s . . C o n ta ct: Janet at 322-2506 W h ere: California Cafe in No events scheduled W h ere: Church W h at: Shopping at Castle Park Meadows C o n ta ct: Fran at 457-0224 Rock Outlet Mall and tea at What:Pumpkin carving con­ C on tact: RSVP by Oct. 18 to F riends in the Broadmoor A R C I test Renie at 756-9703 th e S p irit W h at: Support ministry W hen: O ct 25 (For singles 21-40) W h en : Oct. 23 at 7 p.m. (Spirit of Christ Church) W h en : Second and fourth W h ere: MaU (Church of the Risen W h ere: CRC parish hall W hat: FAC W h at: Weekly meeting with Fridays C o n tact: Call Vidue at 773- Christ) C o n ta ct: Katy at 733-9810 W h en : Oct. 24 at 5:30 p.m. guest speaker Cate W h ere: Parish hall 8410 W hat: Movie and pizza night W here; YiaYia’s on Bellview Gerstberger on “competitive/ C o n ta ct: Fran at 457-0224 W hen: Oct. 17 at 6:30 p.m. WhatiHalloween party and Ulster cooperative relationships” W hat: Monthly meeting W here: CRC parish hall W h en : Oct. 24 at 7 p.m. C on tact: RSVP to Renie at W h en : Thursdays at 7:15 W h at: Pbt luck with Hallow­ W h en : Nov. 7 at 7:30 p.m. C on tact: Pep at 337-5284 W h ere: Hampden (joint Club 756-9703 p.m. een theme W h ere: STM meeting room House, 9450 E. Girard W h ere: Church W h en : Oct. 24 at 7 p.m. What:Newcomers C o n ta ct: Scott at 751-6539 W h at: '^deo night C ontact: Connie at 987-3557 W h ere: Parish center St. Thomas More Octoberfest party ARCH W hen: Oct. 25 at 7 p.m. C o n ta ct: Fran at 457-0224 Southeast Phoenix W hen: Oct. 18 at 7 p.m. (Church of the Risen W here: Christa’s W h at: Brunch G roup W here; Jim ’s house (347- Christ) C o n ta c t: Christa at 779- W hen: Sundays after 10:15 Mile High Singles/ (St. Thomas More Church) 9936) W h at: BBQ with Broncos on 0936 a.m. Mass Cathedral Club W h at: Monthly meeting C on tact: \^cki at 306-9822 TV W h ere: Denny’s W b a t: Reunion/reception and potluck W h en : Oct. 19 at 1 p.m. W h at: Colorado colors tour for all former members W hen: Oct. 19 W h a t: Prayer discussion W h ere: Mike’s and limch What:Fburth tape: Men are W b en : Nov. 15 at 8 p.m. W h ere: Church with Father McGrath C o n ta c t: RSVP to Kim at W hen: Oct. 27 at 10 a.m. from M a rs... W h e r e : Four Points C o n ta ct: Call 770-5765 for 656-6218. Bring a side dish. W h ere: Arc‘n Ride W h en : Oct. 16 Sheraton Hotel, 3535 Quebec details C on tact: RSVP to Renie at W h ere: Church St. 756-9703 Contact: Connie at 987-3557 C o n ta c t: Reservations are Southwest Genesis required by Nov. 1. For infor­ S in gles W h at: Family night free WhafcEI.TS. Dance mation, call Gary at 465- (Light of the World Church) C/W dance lessons W h en : Oct. 18 3980 or Dwayne at 771-9573 W h at: Monthly meeting Ride ACX EXPRESS W hen: Sunday nights W h ere: Church or Frank at 477-3572 W h en : First Friday at 7:30 W h ere: Stampede C ontact: Connie at 987-3557 p.m. to Kack Hawk and visit... C on tact: Kim at 756-6218 St. Michael’s Singles W h ere: Church New Dimensions (St. Michael Church) C on tact: Dan at 971-0060 or C olum bine (Immaculate Heart No events scheduled Kathy at 770-1158 Christian Singles o f Mary Church) W h at: Mass and breakfast St. Thomas More New Beginning Experience L ife G roup W h at: Weekend ecumenical (St. Thomas More Church) program to help those who $12 CASH BONUS Sunday-Thursday W h at: Oktorberfestwith have suffered a loss MUifr WUm AvuL 20, Knights of Columbus W h en : Oct. 31, Nov. 1 and 2 $9 CASH BONUS Friday & Saturday W h en : Oct. 18; cash bar at 6 C o n t a c t : Register with (Bonuses paid equal by three casinos) p.m., dinner at 7 p.m. Connie at 987-3557 or Karen W h ere: St. Thomas More at 287-9315 PLUS VALUABLE CASINO FUN BOOK! ColoracJo Chorale Music of the WurthilBiwi Di D.uiiul L Gr.icc Dirtctot B ritis h •M Isle s 1 e S i □ i % IRISH STEP DANCERS £ d Harveys Wagon Wheel Hotel/Casino has the o t04th Kmm □ 1 party idea for you! Give us a pick-up location in 100 VOICES Penske CnMaji som As«. the metro area for your group, give us a date and SCOTTISH BAGPIPERS a time, and let Harve)rs do the rest! Each guest will be greeted at the casino with a $5 CHAMBERS NORTHGLENN K-MART PLAZA October 18 DBVtHTURES DB>ARTURES DBVLRTURES coin coupon and our "Wild Card", which gets you 7:00 am 9:30 am 8:00 am 9:15 am 50thAFedaral immediate discounts on food & merchandise. 7:30 PM Noon3KX)pm 10:30 am 11:45 am 7:20 am 9:50 am H, ' ■ . ■ 6:00 pm 8:30 pm 1KWpm2:15pm 12:20 pm 3:20 pm Great idea for: 4 ‘)iin L H : ; li. ■ . ■ 3:30 pm 4:45 pm 6:20 pm 8:50 pm f ■■ 'i. .'. .1 6:00 pm 7:15 pm • Birthdays • Anniversaries • Reunions 8:30 pm • Fvmd Raisers • Or, just because! T IC ( r b A D S 1 0 ; ■ P > T S ■ Call Harveys Group Sales at 716-9769 (303)446-9207 421-2780 1 o r Inioi n ia tio ii to book your party! OCTOBBR 15. 1997 DENVER CATHOUC REGISTER PAGE 2 1

Ministry needs musicians 6309, Dina Jaroszek, 455-5064 and Raul Grajeda, 69^ The Archdiooesan Young Adult Ministry at the 9479. John Paul II Center is currently expanding the music ministry. Persons who are singers and/or instrumen­ Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament talists and are interested are asked to become involved HIV/AIDS symposium Christ the King Church, 845 Fairfax St. holds Ado­ in the music ministry. For more information, call Joni ration of the Blessed Sacrament every Friday in the Carter at 604-0820. Familia/RAIN, in cooperation with the office of Garden Chapel. The day begins with Mass at 7:45 a.m. Mayor Webb, is sponsoring an Interfaith HTV/AIDS foUowed with Exposition and Adoration, from 8:15 Charismatic Mass Symposium on Oct. 20, at 12:30 p.m. at Dagwell Hall, a.m.-5:30 p.m. ending with Benediction. Everyone is St. John Episcopal Cathedral, 1313 Clarkson. The monthly Charismatic Mass will be Wednes­ invited to come and pray. Clergy and chairpersons from Social Outreach day, Oct. 15, at 7:15 p.m. at the John Paul II Center, Committees and other organizations working with 1300 S. Steele St. Marriage policy luncheon HTV/AIDS issues are invited to participate in the sym­ A kickoff luncheon for the Denver Metro Commu­ An afternoon of Charismatic prayer and discern­ posium. Familia/RAIN is seeking volunteers for care- ment will be Oct. 25, from 1-4 p.m. at Spirit of Christ nity Marriage PoUcy with Mike McManus, author of teams to provide compassionate, non-medical assis­ Marriage Savers is scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 22, Catholic Community, 7400W. 80th Ave. in Arvada. For tance to persons Uving with HIV/AIDS. more information, call the hotline, 940-8770. from 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. at the Colorado Christian Famiha/RAIN Colorado, an interfaith AIDS min­ University Gymnasium, 180 S. Garrison St. in Lake- Early music concert istry, particularly embraces marginalized population. wood. Cost is $20 a person, and includes lunch and For more information, call Familia/RAIN at 433-6328. St. Mary Chvuxh, 6853 S. Prince St. in Littleton, materials. DeadUne to register is Monday, Oct. 20. To opens the 1997/98 Concert Series on Friday, Oct. 17, "Gathering of Strength” register or for more information, call 303-292-1800. at 7:30 p.m. “Early Music Concert” will feature music A Gathering of Strength, a spiritual support group Craft and bake sale from the 16th-18th centiuies by Bach, Handel, Mozart, for those living with or affected by HIV/AIDS will meet The St. Joseph Circle at Our Lady of Fatima Par­ Palestrina and other masterpieces. Monday, Oct. 20, at 7 p.m. at Shrine of St. Anne Parish Performing will be the St. Mary Chamber Choir, ish, 1985 Miller St., is hosting the craft and bake sale Center, 7555 Grant PI. in Arvada. For more informa­ at the church, Satxu-day, Oct. 25, from 9 a.m .-5 p.m. Children’s Choir and the Caritas Chorale of St. Tho­ tion, call Carolyn at 343-4770. mas More Parish. Suggested donation; Adults/$7, Se­ and Sunday, Oct. 26, from 8 a.m.- 1 p.m. There will be niors and students/$5, children under 12 enter free. A Marian Movement of Priests meets a raffle for a queen size quilt. For more information, caU Margaret at 239-9849. reception will follow. For more information, call 798- A Cenacle of the Marian Movement of Priests 8506. (MMP) meets on the third Tuesday of the month at 7 Medyugofje visionary in Denver "Catholic Answers’* series p.m. in the community center at St. Jude Church, 9405 St. James Medjugorje Prayer Group combined W. Florida Ave. The next meeting is Oct. 21. The MMP with Rocky Mountain Center of Peace, will host Ivan “Catholic Answers to Protestant Questions,” is is intimately connected with Fatima and its message. topic of the series of sessions being offered by St. Jude Dragicevic, Medjugorje visionary, at St. Joan of Arc, Participants consist of clergy and laity. Everyone is 12735 W. 58th Ave. in Arvada, on Friday, Oct. 31, start­ Church, 9405 W. Florida Ave. in Lakewood on the fol­ welcome. For more information, call Frank at 980- lowing dates, Oct. 17,18, 24 and 25. ing with rosary at 6 p.m. and Mass at 7 p.m. For more 5437. information, call Rosemary Tynan at 377-9368. "Gospel of Life” workshop "Proclaim the Gkispel of Life” Health fair The Archdiocese of Denver Respect Life Office will f . Mimi Eckstein, director of the Respect Life Office St. Louis Catholic Church, Centura Health Avista present a workshop, “Present Day Attacks on Life,” on of the archdiocese, is the speaker. The topic she will Saturday, Oct. 18. Registration is at 8:30 a.m. and the Adventist Hospital and the Adventist Community speak on is: “Proclaim the Gospel of Life.” Wednesday, Services-Mobile Medical Program are host of the presentation is at 9 a.m. Oct. 22, at 7 p.m. at St. Martin de Porres Church, 3300 The workshop will be given by Susan Wills, from Health Fair Oct. 24, from 7-12 a.m. in the St. Benedict Table Mesa Drive in Boulder. All are welcome. Hall of St. Louis Church, 901 Grant Ave. in Louisville. the Pro-Life Secretariat in Washington, D.C. For more kx information, call the Respect Life Office, 715-3205. St. Bernadette parish mission Special presentations will take place throughout Rosary for life the day while medical professional provide free health As part of the ongoing 50th anniversary year of screenings. For more information, or if transportation Father John Hilton will lead in the praying of a celebration at St. Bernadette, a parish mission starts is needed, call 666-6401. 15-decade rosary for the unborn babies in danger of Monday, Oct. 20. Conferences will be held following abortion, Saturday, Oct. 18, at 7:30 a.m. and Vine St. the 8 a.m. Mass, and at 7 p.m. each day. The mission DeMello group meeting For more information, call Marcia and John, 691-9215, will conclude with the last conference at 7 p.m. on Fred, 985-8638 or Leo, 985-7637. The DeMello Group will meet with Jesuit Father Thursday, Oct. 23. Tom Cummings on Satvmday, Oct. 25, from 9:30 a.m.-2 Lecture at Mother Cahrini Shrine The theme of the mission is “Christ: Yesterday, p.m. at the Xavier Jesuit Center, 3450 W. 53rd Ave. Today, and Tomorrow!” The mission will be given by Father Cummings’ will talk on “The Self and God.” Capuchin Father Regis Scanlon will present a talk, Father Patrick Foley. Refreshments will be served in For information, call Father DeRouen at 480-3900. “Is the Altar Greater Than the Tabernacle,” Saturday, the church basement. For more information, call Dea­ Oct. 18, from 9 a.m.-noon at the Mother Cabrini Shrine con Ken at 233-1523. Harvest festival in Golden. Holy Trinity School, 7595 Federal Blvd. is spon­ The cost is $10 and reservations are required. For Italian language classes soring a Harvest Festival on Saturday, Oct. 25, from more information or to reserve space, call Karen II Circolo Italiano is sponsoring of Itahan language 6:30-9:30 p.m. There will be food, games, bingo, hay- Petersen at 422-8788. classes at Mount Carmel Church rectory, 3549 Navajo ride and a bonfire. Food and game punchcards — good Catholic Dau^ters meeting St. for 20 pimches, are $5. For more information, call Cathy All classes begin Thursday, Oct. 23 and end April Balzen, 657-8697. The Catholic Daughter of the Americas, Court St. 23, 1998. Advanced ItaUan is frem 10:30-11:30 a.m. Rita will meet Sunday, Oct. 19, starting with Mass at and intermediate/conversational ItaUan, from 11:30 10 a.m. at Church of the Good Shepherd. Court Ma­ a.m.-12:30 p.m. Tuition for non-members is $55; mem­ All Happenings listings must be submitted in writ­ donna of the Moimtains from Lakewood will join to bers, $35. For more information, caU Maria AUen, 771- ing at least one week prior to publication date. help celebrate National Catholic Daughters Day. The Proclamation of National Catholic Daughters Day from Colorado State Governor Romer will be ac­ knowledged, as well as the Proclamation from Denver WjSDOM Mayor Webb. Breakfast will be at a nearby restaurant after Mass. For more information, call Dorothy Andes, 797-7425. ..V- SUPFEiHNe I 1 ^ ^ Valsrlan D’Siaaii' ’ ’ - ^ ‘ - I I AM ? Deacon Produced by the Department of Communications WORLD^Miisio^^^ Office of Television & Radio • Archdiocese of Denver Hosted by Melissa Pierson . ••TUESDAYS •• • • SUNDAYS• • Channel 22‘TCI ol Wheat Ridse, 5 to 6 PM THE WORD TODAY Channel12-KBDI,7to8AM Oiannel 6 V TCI o f Littleton, 8 PM A 15-minute radio program featuring Sunday’s Channel 11 • In Boulder, 10 to 11 A M Channel 42 • United Cable, 10 to 11 A M readings and inspirational reflections. Charnel 22* TQ of Wheatft»3e,630to' Channel 58 • DCTV, 6 to 7 PM ai«nneit5*TOofThom tov^to7:: TUNE IN EACH SUNDAY; Channel 4* Cablevision o f Colo. Sprinss, 7PM KQXI. 1550 A M at 10:45 a.m. & KNAB, 1140 AM at 9:00 a.m. • •MONDAYS •• " Charnel 16 •OVA,UHF4 to 5 PM ■ i Hosted by Michael Keller Channel 38»CTV A,U H F4to5PM Office of Television and Radio • Archdiocese of Denver 97 A PAG E 3 2 MNVB* CATHOUC OCTOBER 15. 1997

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The successful motivated individuals%vithor OR tradition, seeks a community minded I w i thou t sa les experience in the Denver I applicant would be located in Casper, $179,999 individual with a Masters in Business or M etro area. O ill 761-4014 or For Details Call 320-5361 Wyoming and would be required to travel Lakewood Finance and Marketing experience. 5 years send resum e to: throughout the state of Wyoming. Estates EARN MONEY/ WIN MONEY experience in non-profit management or Richard Lambetson Applicants must be active practicing P.S....We’re Employment equivalent. Candidate needs a working 333 W . Ham pden Ave. Agent Diane Schindler Roman Catholics with a minimum of a Su ite 540 knowledge of Small Christian Communities 321-1765 Specialists... Not Poets BA in Theology, Religious Education or a Englewood. CO 80110 and the Catholic Church. Willingness to related field and three years of increasingly work collaboratively with nation-wide Help Wanted PARISH SECRETARY responsible Catholic education experience committed volunteer and contracted staff; Shrine of S t Anne Parish, Arvada, CO in a parish or diocesan position. Send Joslins is now accepting applications high level ability to work via e-mail, fax, is accepting applications for Secretary. application letter, resume, and conference calls a necessity. Occasional for full time associates to do shipping Work hrs.: 12p.m.-8 p.m. Mon-Thurs., references to: travel. Applicants: submit a current resume, and receiving on our dock. Medical, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Fri.. Candidates must have Deacon Ed McCarthy salary requirements, cover letter and three dental and life insurance. Profit sharing excellent typing, computer, communication 623 South Wolcott references before November 15,1997 to and paid vacations. EOE-M/F. and editing skills. Must be detailed oriented, Mr. Bill Breay, Buena Vista, Inc. confidentiality a must. Submit resume to: Casper, W Y 82601 Call Diane Fr. John D. McCormick, P.O. Box 745475 (307) 237-2723 Monday thru Friday 6 a . m . to 3:30 p . m . 7555 Grant Place, ArvfKla, C O 80002 Arvada, CO 80006-5475 e-mail:wy [email protected] 375-8400 Attn: Director of Administrative Services NOTICE SECRETARY TOCR1CREDITORS Seeking individual to provide basic Case N o. 97 PR 1418 Esuieof Ronald Leroy REGIS^ secretarial support to the Office of Catholic Beeson, Deceased II N I V E R S I T Y Schools. Prefer2-3 years secretarial Donating Your Car to The Boys and Girls Clubs is Easy! rt n pf rmw hniiB rlii— igiinil Ihi abowe-wBwd « l5 t aie lequlwd to Several positions are available N O W at experience with proficiency on PC with >• Call Steve Morrow, Automotive Donations Manager, at 892-0602. pftMnI then to the pBiioml S« Steve will arrange a time for you to drop off your car or he will send ifPiwntoHvt or tome Piebm Court REGIS UNIVERSITY. W e offer excellent WordPerfect 6.1 Musthavegoodorganizational, ot the City ond County of Denver, benefits including tuition for employee, interpersonal, and communications skills. a tow truck to pick it up (we'll even pay for the tow). Colorado on or beloK Febuery 16, 3 . We'll show you how to sign your title over and give us your car. 1996^ or the ddma miy be toerver spouse and dependents. For information Comprehensive benefit package included, if bailed. 4« You'll receive a thank you letter to use in taking a TAX DEDUCTION. Beverly Ann Bacaon on positions, call our 24-hour Jobline at interested please provide resume & desired salary S. Your gift will help the clubs serve kids in high-risk neighborhoods. Penonal Re preie niative range to: Archdiocese of Denver, C/O loaeph M. Fam nella Ekl, 45S-4386 or apply at Human Resources, 1650WasMft^Sliecl West Hall 140, Regis University, 3333 1300 S. Steele S t, Denver, CO 80210 b o y s&g irlsclu bs Denvcr,COS^ That's it! PublislMdOctober 15, 19^ Regis B,lvd. K-4, Denver, CO 80221 Attn: Human Resources Department OFMETRO DENVER,INC. 892-0602 Tbr Omotr Cebofic R^gdlcr P ROFESSIONAL SERVICES & MISCELLANY D.J.C. ROOFING INC. HOMEOWNER'S P lu m b in g PROTECT YOUR ASSETS • ALL ROOF TYPES INTERIORS • FREE ESTIMATES Professionals S o c i a l S e c u r i t y D i s a b i l i t y • UCENSED & INSURED Sheet vinyl KitcherVBath A c c i d e n t s /I n j u r y Flooring • 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE Remodeling • Sprinkler Sys. • Water Heaters F a m i l y L a w • COMPLETE REROOFS AND REPAIRS Ceramic Floors, Many Styles • Remodeling • Sinks & Faucets • Hot • 15 YRS. INSTALLATION EXPERIENCE Walls,Countertops of NewCabIrwts Water Heat • Gas Fireplaces • Drain • 5 YR. 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In thanksgiving to C a th o lic Kitchen, dance floor, NEED CASH!?! bandstand. Ready Credit problems, self- St. Jude the Sacred Heart for your reception W orker employed, even or party needs. Thank you, of Jesus, Blessed I I I can pick up! bankruptcies. Fast 7121 Sheridan Blvd. for prayers Mother and St. for our used furniture approvals, no application 657-5420 fees, personal service. FOSTER CARE. answered. Jude for prayers store and give-away Capacity up (3iood people have hard For more information call: 727-2198 answ ered. 296-4973 to 400. times tool Toil Free: Denver Department of Social Services E.T. Plenty of parking. 1-888-383-6168 Training, Support & Finandel Rafenbursetneni Provided H.M.B. OCTOBER IS, 1997 DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER P A G E 2 3

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