Received December 21, 2020, accepted December 22, 2020, date of publication December 25, 2020, date of current version January 6, 2021.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3047485 Analysis and Experiment on Multi-Antenna-to- Multi-Antenna RF Wireless Power Transfer

JE HYEON PARK, (Student Member, IEEE), DONG IN KIM , (Fellow, IEEE), AND KAE WON CHOI , (Senior Member, IEEE) Department of Electrical and Engineering, College of Information and Communication Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon 16419, South Korea Corresponding author: Kae Won Choi ([email protected]) This work was supported in part by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning (MSIP), Korean Government under Grant 2014R1A5A1011478, and in part by the Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Korean Government (MSIP) under Grant NRF-2020R1A2C1014693.

ABSTRACT In this paper, we provide a tool for predicting the power transfer efficiency of radio-frequency (RF) wireless power transfer (WPT). With its capability of long-range wireless power transfer, RF WPT is considered as a very promising recharging technique for powering low-power internet of things (IoT) devices. The prediction of the power transfer efficiency is a prerequisite for setting up a proper design goal of RF WPT systems. We propose an analytic method that enables to calculate the efficiency in various multi- antenna-to-multi-antenna WPT scenarios with arbitrary positions and attitudes of antenna arrays. We have built a prototype RF WPT system with 64 transmit and 16 receive antennas, the operating frequency of which is 5.8 GHz, and verified the accuracy of the proposed analysis.

INDEX TERMS RF wireless power transfer, microwave power transfer, beam efficiency, phased antenna array.

I. INTRODUCTION diode for high-power RF WPT and [4] demonstrates the Recently, radio-frequency (RF) wireless power trans- cooperate power harvester in which the DC bias voltage fer (WPT) has gained a great momentum [1]. Unlike from the thermal source improves the RF-to-DC conversion the inductive or resonant coupling-based near-field WPT, efficiency. In addition, [5] has implemented electrically small RF WPT is capable of long-range wireless power transfer by single-substrate Huygens dipole rectenna which is suitable the radiation of the electromagnetic (EM) waves. Due to its for IoT devices with ultra compact, lightweight, and low cost characteristics, RF WPT is especially suitable for powering design. However, the RF-to-DC conversion is not a critical up low-power digital devices scattered over a wide area. factor that determines the end-to-end RF WPT efficiency The internet of things (IoT) is expected to be a key enabling since most of the power loss arises while the EM wave technology of the next industrial revolution. However, mas- propagates through the air. sive deployment of the low-power IoT devices in smart fac- The power transfer efficiency through the air is typically tories, warehouses, and buildings will pose a new challenge low because of the dispersive nature of free-space EM wave. of extending the lifetime of such IoT devices. The RF WPT Therefore, to enhance the efficiency, a sufficiently large trans- has a potential to solve this problem by wirelessly supplying mit aperture should focus the EM wave on to the receiver power and removing the necessity of battery replacement or which is also large enough to capture as much EM wave as wired power cords [2]. possible. The antenna array system with multiple transmit and There have been a number of research works investigat- receive antennas can implement such a large aperture WPT ing various aspects of RF WPT. The efforts to enhance the system [6]. For example, the retrodirective antenna arrays RF-to-DC conversion efficiency of the rectifier have been have been proposed in [7] and [8], and the beam synthe- pursued, for example, [3] proposes a GaN Schottky barrier sis for achieving the maximum efficiency is studied in [9]. Some works have demonstrated the multi-antenna-to-multi- The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and antenna RF WPT system for charging low-power devices approving it for publication was Giorgio Montisci . (e.g., [10]–[12]). Main focus of these works is the

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see 2018 VOLUME 9, 2021 J. H. Park et al.: Analysis and Experiment on Multi-Antenna-to-Multi-Antenna RF WPT

demonstration of the full-fledged RF WPT systems including low in general and the useful amount of power cannot be the RF and control circuits as well as tracking algorithms, provided to the receiver. Moreover, the analysis based on but they do not give in-depth investigation into the working the statistical fading channel model does not consider critical principle behind RF WPT. factors determining the power transfer efficiency such as the In this paper, we analyze the power transfer efficiency attitude, radiation pattern, polarization, and mutual coupling of the multi-antenna-to-multi-antenna RF WPT system, and of the transmit and receive antenna arrays, and therefore, provide experimental results obtained from the prototype it cannot answer even to a seemingly simple question: what phased-array WPT system to verify the analytic results. The is the power transfer efficiency between freely positioned analysis on the power transfer efficiency has a practical antenna arrays? importance as well as a theoretical value. The power transfer In our proposed analysis, the transmit and receive antenna efficiency depends not only on the hardware specification arrays can be freely located in the three-dimensional space (e.g., the number of transmit and receive antennas) but also with arbitrary attitudes as seen in Fig. 1(a). The radiation on the positions and attitudes of the transmitter and receiver pattern and polarization of the antenna elements as well as the due to the power attenuation, antenna gain, and polarization. mutual coupling within the antenna arrays are all considered For example, suppose that an engineer attempts to design an in a unified way so that the power transfer efficiency of the RF WPT system for charging sensors on production lines practical RF WPT system is correctly derived. We analyze from the WPT transmitter installed the ceiling in a smart the impedance matrix between the all antenna ports, and cast factory. The engineer has to be able to predict the power the RF WPT model into the multi-port-to-multi-port power transfer efficiency for all possible positions and attitudes of transfer model as in Fig. 1(b). We obtain the optimal excita- the receiver so that a proper system design goal is set up. tion of each antenna port, based on which the power transfer Currently, there is no readily available method to effec- efficiency is calculated. The proposed method is practically tively predict the power transfer efficiency. The RF WPT should work within the radiative near field region to achieve a reasonable power transfer efficiency. This is because a transmitter is able to focus the EM wave beam on to a small spot within the radiative near field region like the convex lens does [13]–[16]. Therefore, a simple Friis equation for cal- culating a free space loss in the far-field region cannot be applied to the RF WPT. Moreover, the full wave EM simu- lation takes too much time and memory to compute radiation within a radiative near field. There have been a few papers analyzing the RF WPT efficiency, e.g., [17] and [18]. In [17], the efficiency is ana- lyzed for RF WPT from and to continuous apertures facing to each other. On the other hand, the authors of [18] have made use of the reciprocity theorem to analyze the efficiency from a continuous aperture to a single mobile antenna. How- ever, these works cannot be used for analyzing a practical multi-antenna WPT since they assume a fictitious continuous aperture transmitter or receiver. Moreover, the method for the efficiency computation in a general scenario is not given, and the computational complexity is very high since an integral or eigendecomposition over a continuous aperture is involved. The multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antenna-based analysis and optimization from the perspective of wireless communications have been proposed by a number of papers (e.g., [19], [20]). These works focus on optimizing the trans- mitting signal and beamforming weights given that the power transfer characteristics are modeled as statistical fading com- munication channels. While this statistical fading channel model is suitable for describing the wireless communications scenario, it has several limitations in modeling the RF WPT. The statistical fading channel model is valid only when there is complex radio environments with many scatterers between sufficiently separated transmitter and receiver. However, in this situation, the power transfer efficiency is extremely FIGURE 1. Multi-antenna-to-multi-antenna RF WPT model.

VOLUME 9, 2021 2019 J. H. Park et al.: Analysis and Experiment on Multi-Antenna-to-Multi-Antenna RF WPT

Tx useful in that the efficiency can be computed in any deploy- an,z. Then, the antenna frame of tx-antenna n is completely Tx Tx Tx Tx ment scenario with very low computational overhead. defined by the 3 × 3 matrix An = (an,x , an,y, an,z). Tx In this paper, we have implemented a prototype We will call An the antenna frame of tx-antenna n. Similarly, Rx Rx Rx Rx phased-array WPT systems to experimentally verify the we define An = (an,x , an,y, an,z) as the antenna frame of accuracy of the proposed analysis. The implemented WPT rx-antenna n. Tx Rx systems work on 5.8 GHz ISM bands, which are equipped We can view An and An as the rotation matrix that rotates with 64 transmit antennas and 16 receive antennas. To the best the antenna together with the corresponding antenna frame, of our knowledge, the experimental validation of the analytic the axes of which are initially aligned with the x, y, and z results of the multi-antenna WPT has not been done by any axes of the global Cartesian coordinate system. One intuitive previous work. way to represent the rotation is the Euler angle. The rotation In summary, the novel contributions of this paper is as matrices that represent the rotation of α, β, and γ around x, follows. y, and z axes of the global Cartesian coordinate system are • We have developed an analysis method for the prac- respectively given by tical multi-antenna to multi-antenna RF WPT in the   radiative near field region. The existing Friis equation 1 0 0 cannot explain the WPT within the radiative near field Rx (α) = 0 cos α − sin α , region. Moreover, the theoretical analysis in the previous 0 sin α cos α works assumes a fictitious continuous aperture, which  cos β 0 sin β  cannot predict the power transfer efficiency of the real Ry(β) =  0 1 0  , multi-antenna WPT systems. − sin β 0 cos β • The proposed analysis method can analyze the RF WPT cos γ − sin γ 0 scenario where the transmitter and receiver are freely Rz(γ ) = sin γ cos γ 0 . (1) located in the three-dimensional space with the full 0 0 1 consideration of the radiation pattern, polarization, and mutual coupling of antenna elements. None of the exist- For example, suppose that the antenna frame of tx-antenna ing method can analyze such scenario. n is first aligned with the global Cartesian coordinate system • The validity of the propose method is verified by the and is then rotated by an Euler angle (α, β, γ ) with the x-y’- Tx full-wave simulation as well as the real experiments. z’’ intrinsic rotation convention. Then, the antenna frame An The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II of the antenna is given by explains the RF WPT system model. The RF WPT is ana- Tx lyzed in Section III, and the analytic results are verified An = Rx (α)Ry(β)Rz(γ ). (2) by the experiments in Section IV. The paper is concluded with Section V. B. IMPEDANCE MATRIX AT ANTENNA PORTS In this subsection, we explain the antenna port model, shown II. RF WIRELESS POWER TRANSFER SYSTEM MODEL in Fig. 1(b). The voltage and current at the port of tx-antenna n Tx Tx A. POSITION AND ATTITUDE OF ANTENNA ARRAY are denoted by Vn and In , respectively. Similarly, the volt- We consider a point-to-point RF WPT system that consists age and current at the port of rx-antenna m are denoted by Rx Rx of a transmitter and a receiver. The transmitter sends a con- Vm and Im , respectively. The column vectors of the voltages tinuous wave (CW) of frequency f to the receiver for WPT. and currents at the ports of antenna elements are defined as VTx = (V Tx,..., V Tx )T , ITx = (I Tx,..., I Tx )T , VRx = Both the transmitter and receiver utilize antenna arrays for 1 N Tx 1 N Tx (V Rx,..., V Rx )T , and IRx = (I Rx,..., I Rx )T . transmitting and receiving an EM wave. 1 N Rx 1 N Rx The transmitter and receiver are equipped with antenna The radiation impedances of tx-antenna i and rx-antenna j Tx Rx TT RR arrays, which consist of N and N antennas, respectively. are denoted by Zi,i and Zj,j , respectively. We consider the The nth antenna of the transmit antenna array will be called mutual coupling between the antennas in the transmit and TT 6= tx-antenna n. Likewise, the nth antenna of the receive antenna receive antenna arrays. The mutual impedance Zi,j for i j array will be called rx-antenna n. of the transmit antenna array is defined as the ratio of the Each antenna constituting the transmit and receive antenna voltage at the open-circuit port of tx-antenna i to the current arrays can be freely located in a global Cartesian coordinate excited at the port of tx-antenna j. The mutual impedance RR 6= system with the x, y, and z axes. The three-dimensional for the receive antenna array is denoted by Zi,j for i j. positions of the phase centers of tx-antenna n and rx-antenna The impedance matrices of the transmit and receive antenna Tx Tx Tx Tx T Tx Tx TT = TT m are denoted by the column vectors qn = (qn,x , qn,y, qn,z) arrays are defined as an N -by-N matrix Z [Zi,j ] Rx = Rx Rx Rx T Rx Rx RR = RR and qm (qm,x , qm,y, qm,z) , respectively. and an N -by-N matrix Z [Zi,j ], respectively. The attitude of each antenna is decided by the antenna The radiated EM wave excited from the current at the port frame represented by three orthogonal axes as shown of tx-antenna j induces a voltage at the open-circuit port of RT in Fig. 1(a). The three axes of the antenna frame of tx-antenna rx-antenna i. The impedance Zi,j is defined as the ratio of Tx Tx n are the three-dimensional column vectors an,x , an,y, and such voltage to the current. The impedance matrix from the

2020 VOLUME 9, 2021 J. H. Park et al.: Analysis and Experiment on Multi-Antenna-to-Multi-Antenna RF WPT

Rx Tx Tx Tx transmit to receive antenna arrays is defined as an N -by- dn,θ (θ, φ), dn,φ(θ, φ), and dn,r (θ, φ) are three-dimensional Tx RT = RT N matrix Z [Zi,j ]. Similarly, the impedance matrix column vectors representing the three axes of the radia- from the receive to transmit antenna arrays is defined as an tion frame. In the radiation frame, the EM wave propa- Tx Rx TR = TR TR = RT T Tx Tx N -by-N matrix Z [Zi,j ]. We have Z (Z ) gates towards the direction of dn,r (θ, φ), and dn,θ (θ, φ) and Tx due to the reciprocity. dn,φ(θ, φ) are the elevation and azimuth axes, respectively. The current-voltage relationship between all antenna ports Tx The radiation frame Dn (θ, φ) is equal to the z-y-z extrinsic is fully described by the following formula. Tx rotation of the antenna frame An by an Euler angle (0, θ, φ). That is, DTx(θ, φ) is obtained by rotating ATx by θ around aTx  VTx   ZTT ZTR   ITx  n n n,y = . (3) Tx Tx VRx ZRT ZRR IRx and by φ around an,z. Then, the radiation frame Dn (θ, φ) is given by C. MUTUAL IMPEDANCE MATRIX AND RADIATION Tx Tx Dn (θ, φ) = An Rz(φ)Ry(θ). (6) PATTERN In this analysis, we assume that the mutual impedance matri- We calculate the E-field at distance r towards the propaga- Tx ces of the transmit and receive antenna arrays, i.e., ZTT and tion direction dn,r (θ, φ) from the phase center of tx-antenna Tx ZRR, are known in advance. The full-wave simulation or n (i.e., qn ). That is, we derive the E-field of the EM wave at = Tx+ Tx the network analyzer measurements of the antenna array can coordinate q qn rdn,r (θ, φ), which is induced by current Tx provide these mutual impedance matrices. In at the port of tx-antenna n as follows. From (4) and (5), The radiation pattern of each individual antenna is known we have in advance as well by means of the full-wave simulation or W Tx Tx En (q) = Dn (θ, φ)En (r, θ, φ) the radiation pattern measurements. The radiation pattern is 1 an embedded pattern obtained by exciting one antenna of = DTx(θ, φ)Tx(θ, φ) · exp(−jkr) · I Tx, (7) n n r n interest with a unit current while all the other antenna ports Tx = Tx Tx T are open. The radiation pattern is given as the E-field pattern where En (r, θ, φ) (En,θ (r, θ, φ), En,φ(r, θ, φ), 0) and Tx = Tx Tx T in two orthogonal axes (i.e., elevation and azimuth axes) for n (θ, φ) (n,θ (θ, φ), n,φ(θ, φ), 0) . each direction. Suppose that the radiation direction is given by elevation θ and azimuth φ. Then, the E-field pattern of E. ANTENNA RECEPTION MODEL Tx Tx tx-antenna n is denoted by n,θ (θ, φ) and n,φ(θ, φ) on the In this subsection, we will derive the voltage excitation of a elevation and azimuth axes, respectively. receive antenna when an incident plane wave comes to the From the E-field pattern, the E-field at distance r is given receive antenna. We define a radiation frame of rx-antenna by n to describe the incident plane wave. When the incident plane wave propagates towards the direction of elevation θ Tx Tx 1 Tx Rx En,θ (r, θ, φ) = n,θ (θ, φ) · exp(−jkr) · In , (4) and azimuth φ, the radiation frame is defined as Dn (θ, φ) = r (dRx (θ, φ), dRx (θ, φ), dRx (θ, φ)) such that 1 n,θ n,φ n,r ETx r = Tx · −jkr · I Tx n,φ( , θ, φ) n,φ(θ, φ) exp( ) n , (5) Rx Rx r Dn (θ, φ) = An Rz(φ)Ry(θ). (8) Tx Tx where En,θ (r, θ, φ) and En,φ(r, θ, φ) are the E-fields on Suppose that the E-fields of the incident plane wave is the elevation and azimuth axes, respectively, and k is the W = Rx Rx free-space wavenumber. E Dn (θ, φ)E Rx Rx Rx Rx Likewise, the E-field pattern of rx-antenna n is denoted = Eθ dn,θ (θ, φ) + Eφ dn,φ(θ, φ), (9) Rx Rx by n,θ (θ, φ) and n,φ(θ, φ) on the elevation and azimuth W Rx where E is the E-field of the incident plane wave, Eθ and axes, respectively. This E-field pattern for a receive antenna Rx Rx Rx has the same definition with the one for a transmit antenna. Eφ are the E-fields on the axes dn,θ (θ, φ) and dn,φ(θ, φ), Rx = Rx Rx T We will use the E-field pattern for a receive antenna to obtain respectively, and E (Eθ , Eφ , 0) . the effective length to calculate the voltage excitation given The open-circuit voltage excited at the port of rx-antenna the incident plane wave in Section II-E. n by the incident plane wave is Rx T Rx Vn = Ln(θ, φ) E D. ANTENNA RADIATION MODEL Rx Rx = Ln,θ (θ, φ)E + Ln,φ(θ, φ)E , (10) In this subsection, we first define the radiated EM wave θ φ from each transmit antenna when the antenna port is where Ln,θ (θ, φ) and Ln,φ(θ, φ) are the effective lengths of Rx Rx excited by a given current. We consider a spherical coor- rx-antenna n on the axes dn,θ (θ, φ) and dn,φ(θ, φ), respec- T dinate system within the antenna frame of tx-antenna n, tively, and Ln(θ, φ) = (Ln,θ (θ, φ), Ln,φ(θ, φ), 0) is the and focus on the EM wave radiation towards the direc- effective length vector. tion of elevation θ and azimuth φ, as in Fig. 1(a). We make use of the reciprocity with an infinitesimal dipole Let us define a radiation frame as the 3 × 3 matrix antenna for calculating the effective lengths in terms of the Tx = Tx Tx Tx Dn (θ, φ) (dn,θ (θ, φ), dn,φ(θ, φ), dn,r (θ, φ)), where E-field pattern. Let us assume that an infinitesimal dipole

VOLUME 9, 2021 2021 J. H. Park et al.: Analysis and Experiment on Multi-Antenna-to-Multi-Antenna RF WPT

antenna with length l is placed at distance r towards the θm,n = arccos(δm,n,z/rm,n), (18) opposite direction of dRx (θ, φ). The direction of the current n,r φm,n = arctan 2(δm,n,y, δm,n,x ). (19) of the infinitesimal dipole antenna is the opposite direction Rx We can define a global radiation frame Fm,n to represent the of dn,θ (θ, φ). Then, the E-field, induced by current I of the infinitesimal dipole antenna, at the location of rx-antenna n is EM wave propagation from tx-antenna n to rx-antenna m as follows: kIl ERx = jη exp(−jkr), (11) θ 4πr Fm,n = Rz(φm,n)Ry(θm,n). (20) Rx = Rx and Eφ 0. By the reciprocity theorem, the voltage Vn We obtain the local radiation frame of tx-antenna n, which excited by the infinitesimal dipole antenna is equal to the has the same propagation direction as Fm,n. To this end, voltage developed at the infinitesimal dipole antenna due we solve the following equation to obtain three Euler angles, Rx Tx Tx Tx to current I at the port of rx-antenna n. Therefore, Vn is θm,n, φm,n, and ψm,n. calculated as Tx −1 Tx Tx Tx (A ) Fm,n = Rz(φ )Ry(θ )Rz(ψ ). (21) 1 n m,n m,n m,n V Rx = Rx (π − θ, π + φ) exp(−jkr)Il, (12) n n,θ r The right hand side of (21) is actually a rotation matrix corresponding to the z-y-z extrinsic rotation of the Euler angle where elevation (π − θ) and azimuth (π + φ) is the oppo- (ψTx , θ Tx , φTx ). site direction of elevation θ and azimuth φ. By substituting m,n m,n m,n We define the following function ϒ that converts a given ERx and V Rx in (10) with (11) and (12), we can calculate θ n rotation matrix to an Euler angle. Ln,θ (θ, φ) as (ψ, θ, φ) = ϒ(X), (22) λ Rx Ln,θ (θ, φ) = −2j n,θ (π − θ, π + φ), (13) η where X = [Xi,j] is a 3-by-3 rotation matrix and (ψ, θ, φ) is where λ = c/f is the free-space wavelength, c is the speed the Euler angle corresponding to X. The function ϒ calculates of the light, and η is the free-space impedance. Similarly, the Euler angle from X as follows. We calculate θ first as θ = arccos(X ). If 0 < θ < π, we have we can calculate Ln,φ(θ, φ) by placing an infinitesimal dipole 3,3 dRx θ, φ antenna with the direction of the current being φ,r ( ). ψ = arctan 2(X3,2, −X3,1), φ = arctan 2(X2,3, X1,3), (23) Then, we have and otherwise, if θ = 0 or π, we have λ Rx Ln,φ(θ, φ) = 2j n,φ(π − θ, π + φ). (14) η ψ = arctan 2(X2,1, X2,2), φ = 0. (24) Tx Tx Tx Finally, the effective length vector Ln(θ, φ) is given by Then, the Euler angle (ψm,n, θm,n, φm,n) can be calculated by : λ using ϒ as follows = Rx − + Ln(θ, φ) 2j Kn (π θ, π φ), (15) Tx Tx Tx Tx −1 η (ψm,n, θm,n, φm,n) = ϒ((An ) Fm,n). (25) −1 0 0 From (6), the local radiation frame that points towards where K =  0 1 0 is the flipping matrix over the y-z rx-antenna m is 0 0 1 Tx Tx Tx = Tx Tx Tx Rx = Rx Rx T Dn (θm,n, φm,n) An Rz(φm,n)Ry(θm,n). (26) plane, and n (θ, φ) (n,θ (θ, φ), n,φ(θ, φ), 0) . From (21) and (26), the relationship between the global and III. MULTI-ANTENNA-TO-MULTI-ANTENNA RF WIRELESS local radiation frames is POWER TRANSFER ANALYSIS DTx(θ Tx , φTx ) = F R (−ψTx ). (27) A. IMPEDANCE MATRIX BETWEEN TRANSMIT AND n m,n m,n m,n z m,n RECEIVE ANTENNA ARRAYS From (7) and (27), the E-field of the plane wave, at the Tx In this subsection, we calculate the impedance matrix location of rx-antenna m, induced by current In at the port between transmit and receive antenna arrays. Let us focus of tx-antenna n, is on a pair of tx-antenna n and rx-antenna m. Suppose that EW(qRx) = F R (−ψTx )Tx(θ Tx , φTx ) all antennas in the transmit and receive antenna arrays are n m m,n z m,n n m,n m,n n 1 Tx open-circuited except for tx-antenna . The current at the port × exp(−jkrm,n) · I . (28) Tx r n of tx-antenna n is In . We will calculate the voltage at the port m,n Rx Tx of rx-antenna m (i.e., Vm ), which is induced by In . The local radiation frame at rx-antenna m, which describes A vector from tx-antenna n to rx-antenna m is defined as the plane wave from tx-antenna n, is = T = Rx − Tx Rx Rx Rx Rx Rx Rx δm,n (δm,n,x , δm,n,y, δm,n,z) qm qn . (16) Dm (θm,n, φm,n) = Am Rz(φm,n)Ry(θm,n), (29) Rx Rx Rx The spherical coordinate representation of the vector δm,n is where the Euler angle (ψm,n, θm,n, φm,n) is given by Rx Rx Rx Rx −1 rm,n = kδm,nk2, (17) (ψm,n, θm,n, φm,n) = ϒ((Am ) Fm,n). (30)

2022 VOLUME 9, 2021 J. H. Park et al.: Analysis and Experiment on Multi-Antenna-to-Multi-Antenna RF WPT

1 In addition, the local radiation frame at rx-antenna m has the UTx– = κTx(VTx − (8Tx)H ITx), (35) following relationship with the global radiation frame. 2 Tx − 1 Rx Tx Rx Rx where κTx = (Re[8 ]) 2 is the inverse of the square root D (θ , φ ) = Fm,nRz(−ψ ). (31) m m,n m,n m,n of the matrix Re[8Tx]. Similarly, we also define the power From (9), (10), (28), and (31), the voltage at the port of waves at receive antenna ports as rx-antenna m is given by Rx+ 1 Rx Rx Rx Rx Rx Rx Rx T Rx Tx Rx −1 W Rx U = κ (V + 8 I ), (36) Vm = Ln(θm,n, φm,n) (Dm (θm,n, φm,n)) En (qm ) 2 Rx Rx T Rx Tx Tx Tx Tx Rx– 1 Rx Rx Rx H Rx = Ln(θm,n, φm,n) Rz(ψm,n − ψm,n)n (θm,n, φm,n) U = κ (V − (8 ) I ), (37) 2 1 Tx × exp(−jkr ) · I . (32) − 1 m,n n Rx = Tx 2 rm,n where κ (Re[8 ]) . By simple manipulation, we can obtain the voltages and Since all other antenna ports are open-circuited except for Rx RT Tx currents at the transmit and receive antenna ports as tx-antenna n, we have Vm = Zm,nIn . Therefore, from (32) RT Tx Tx H Tx Tx+ Tx Tx Tx– and (15), we can finally calculate the impedance Zm,n as V = (8 ) κ U + 8 κ U , (38) Tx Tx Tx+ Tx Tx– RT Rx Rx Rx T I = κ U − κ U , (39) Zm,n = n (π − θm,n, π + φm,n) Rx Rx H Rx Rx+ Rx Rx Rx– Rx Tx Tx Tx Tx V = (8 ) κ U + 8 κ U , (40) × KRz(ψm,n − ψm,n)n (θm,n, φm,n) Rx = Rx Rx+ − Rx Rx– 2jλ I κ U κ U . (41) × exp(−jkrm,n). (33) ηrm,n The power at the transmit antenna ports is given, in terms of the power waves, as We can completely derive the impedance matrix ZRT by 1 calculating (33) for all m and n. PTx = Re[(VTx)H ITx] = PTx+ − PTx–, (42) 2 B. MULTI-PORT-TO-MULTI-PORT POWER WAVE where PTx+ = kUTx+k2/2 and PTx– = kUTx–k2/2 are the The full impedance matrix between the transmit and receive power flowing into and out of the transmit antenna ports, antenna arrays in (3) can be constructed from the results in respectively. Similarly, the power at the receive antenna ports Section III-A. Now, we derive the transferrable power from is given by the transmit to receive antenna ports based on the impedance PRx = PRx+ − PRx– matrix. The transmit and receive circuits are attached to the , (43) transmit and receive antenna arrays, generating and consum- where PRx+ = kURx+k2/2 and PRx– = kURx–k2/2 are ing the RF power, respectively. The RF power is transferred the power flowing into and out of the receive antenna ports, from the multiple transmit antenna ports to the multiple respectively. Here, the power emitted from the transmit cir- receive antenna ports. Although the ports of the transmit or cuit is represented by the power wave UTx+, and the power receive circuit can be coupled, the traditional power wave received by the receive circuit is represented by the power concept can only describe the power transfer between decou- wave URx-. pled ports. Thus, in this paper, we extend the power wave concept to the general multi-port-to-multi-port models as in C. POWER WAVE EQUATION FROM IMPEDANCE MATRIX the following. In this subsection, we calculate the relationship between the We define the reference impedance matrices for the trans- power waves from the current-voltage relationship in (3). We mit and receive circuits as an N Tx-by-N Tx matrix 8Tx substitute VTx, ITx, VRx, and IRx in (3) with (38)–(41) to and an N Rx-by-N Rx matrix 8Rx, respectively. The power obtain the following equality: waves going into the transmit and receive circuits have the U– = κ−11κU+, (44) impedance matrices of 8Tx and 8Rx, respectively, while the power waves going out of the transmit and receive circuits where 1 = (Z + 8)−1(Z − 8H ), Tx H Rx H have the impedance matrices of (8 ) and (8 ) , respec-  Tx+   Tx–  + U U tively. The reference impedance matrices 8Tx and 8Rx are U = , U– = , (45) URx+ URx– symmetric due to the reciprocity of the transmit and receive circuits, that is, 8Tx = (8Tx)T and 8Rx = (8Rx)T . The and real part of 8Tx and 8Rx (i.e., Re[8Tx] and Re[8Rx]) are ZTT ZTR 8Tx 0  κTx 0  Z = , 8= , κ = . positive definite matrices, and therefore, the inverses of the ZRT ZRR 0 8Rx 0 κRx Tx Rx square roots of Re[8 ] and Re[8 ] exist. (46) The incident power wave (i.e., UTx+) and the reflected power wave (i.e., UTx–) at transmit antenna ports are defined We can calculate 1, by the block-wise matrix inversion, : as as follows  1TT 1TR  Tx+ 1 Tx Tx Tx Tx = U = κ (V + 8 I ), (34) 1 RT RR , (47) 2 1 1

VOLUME 9, 2021 2023 J. H. Park et al.: Analysis and Experiment on Multi-Antenna-to-Multi-Antenna RF WPT

Tx Tx where where 3 = diag(λ1, . . . , λN Tx ) is an N -by-N diagonal matrix, and Q is an N Tx-by-N Tx unitary matrix. The diagonal 1TT = (ZTT +8Tx −0Rx)−1(ZTT −(8Tx)H − 0Rx), (48) entries of 3 is sorted in a decreasing order, and qn is the nth RT RR Rx Tx −1 RT Tx 1 = (Z + 8 − 0 ) Z (J − 9 ), (49) column vector of Q. Then, the power transfer efficiency is 1TR = (ZTT +8Tx −0Rx)−1ZTR(J−9Rx), (50) maximized when UTx+ is RR RR Rx Tx −1 RR Rx H Tx 1 = (Z +8 −0 ) (Z −(8 ) −0 ), (51) Tx+ p Tx+ U = 2P q1, (63) 9Tx = (ZTT + 8Tx)−1(ZTT − (8Tx)H ), (52) and the maximum power transfer efficiency is λ1. 9Rx = (ZRR + 8Rx)−1(ZRR − (8Rx)H ), (53) Tx RT TT Tx −1 TR 0 = Z (Z + 8 ) Z (54) E. PHASED ARRAY TRANSMIT AND RECEIVE CIRCUITS 0Rx = ZTR(ZRR + 8Rx)−1ZRT, (55) Although the fully-matched reference impedance matrix and Tx Rx the optimal power wave in (58) and (63) can theoretically and J is the identity matrix. Here, 0 in (54) and 0 maximize the power transfer efficiency, it is very difficult RT TR in (55) contain both Z and Z , and explain the power to realize the ideal transmit and receive circuits that satisfy scattered back and forth between the transmit and receive Tx Rx such conditions. Therefore, in this subsection, we suggest antenna arrays. In this paper, we assume that 0 and 0 are the phased array transmit and receive circuits, which consist zero for the following reasons. First, the power received by of a power divider and a number of phase shifters, as an the receive antenna array can be perfectly absorbed without implementable alternative to the ideal circuits. backscattering if there exists a ground plane [21]. In this case, The transmit circuit has (N Tx + 1) ports, one of which is the scattered wave from the receive antenna array is canceled the power input port, and the other N Tx ports are connected out by the reflected wave from the ground plane. Second, to the transmit antenna ports. All the ports are independently the terms containing both ZRT and ZTR are negligibly small matched to the real-valued reference impedance Z0. Then, when the transmit and receive antenna arrays are sufficiently the reference impedance matrix for the transmitter is the separated. Tx diagonal matrix with the diagonal entries of all Z0, i.e., 8 = Since the power wave from the receive circuit is zero (i.e., Z J. The power wave at the input port is denoted by U , Rx+ = 0 in U 0), the power wave received at the receive circuit which is divided into N Tx output ports. The power wave from the transmit circuit is calculated as Tx+ Tx Tx at the transmit array is U = w Uin, where w is an Tx URx– = S · UTx+, (56) N dimensional column vector representing transmit array weights. where The receive circuit is similar to the transmit circuit, having Rx = Rx −1 RT Tx (N + 1) ports all of which are matched to Z0, that is, S (κ ) 1 κ . (57) Rx 8 = Z0J. The power wave from the receive array is combined together at the output port. That is, the power wave D. OPTIMAL POWER WAVE FOR MAXIMIZING WIRELESS at the output port is U = (wRx)H URx–, where wRx is an POWER TRANSFER EFFICIENCY out N Rx dimensional column vector representing receive array In this subsection, we calculate the power wave UTx+ that weights. maximizes the power transfer efficiency. If we assume that From (56), we have the reference impedance matrices are perfectly matched to Tx TT H Rx Rx H Tx the mutual coupling matrix (i.e., 8 = (Z ) and 8 = Uout = (w ) Sw · Uin, (64) (ZRR)H ), for example, by decoupling circuits for the antenna array, S can be simplified to where RR −1 RT TT −1 S = κRxZRTκTx/2. (58) S = 2(Z /Z0 + J) (Z /Z0)(Z /Z0 + J) . (65) From (56), the transmit and receive powers are given as The power transfer efficiency is follows. 2 2 Rx H Tx 2 η = |Uout| /|Uin| = |(w ) Sw | . (66) Tx+ Tx+ 2 Tx+ H Tx+ P = kU k /2 = (U ) U /2, (59) The array weights maximizing the power transfer efficiency PRx– = kURx-k2/2 = (URx–)H URx–/2 can be derived by the following singular value decomposition = (UTx+)H 2UTx+/2, (60) of S: Rx Tx H where 2 = SH S. The power transfer efficiency η is given by S = 4 (4 ) , (67) PRx– (UTx+)H 2UTx+ where 4Rx and 4Tx are the N Rx-by-N Rx and N Tx-by-N Tx η = = . (61) Rx Tx PTx+ (UTx+)H UTx+ unitary matrices, and  is the N -by-N diagonal matrix with the diagonal entries sorted in a decreasing order. Let The eigenvalue decomposition of 2 is given by ξ Rx = (ξ Rx, . . . , ξ Rx )T and ξ Tx = (ξ Tx , . . . , ξ Tx )T n n,1 n,N Rx n n,1 n,N Tx 2 = Q3QH , (62) denote the nth column of 4Rx and 4Tx, respectively. Then,

2024 VOLUME 9, 2021 J. H. Park et al.: Analysis and Experiment on Multi-Antenna-to-Multi-Antenna RF WPT

the power transfer efficiency η is maximized when wRx = Rx Rx Tx Tx Tx ξ 1 /kξ 1 k and w = ξ 1 /kξ 1 k. However, if the transmit and receive circuits are com- prised of the equal-gain power divider and the phase shifters, the magnitudes of the components√ of wRx and wTx are√ fixed, that is, wRx = (exp(jθ Rx)/ N Rx,..., exp(jθ Rx )/ N Rx)T 1 √ N Rx √ and wTx = (exp(jθ Tx)/ N Tx,..., exp(jθ Tx )/ N Tx)T . 1 N Tx Rx = 6 Rx In this case, the suboptimal solution is to set θn ξ1,n Tx = 6 Tx and θn ξ1,n for all n.

F. SUMMARY OF PROPOSED ANALYSIS METHOD In this subsection, we provide the step-by-step procedure for the proposed analysis methods as a summary of the mathe- matical derivations so far. Tx 1) The input parameters are antenna positions (qn Rx Tx Rx and qm ), antenna frames (An and Am ), mutual impedance matrices (ZTT and ZRR), and E-field radi- Tx Tx Rx ation patterns (n,θ (θ, φ), n,φ(θ, φ), n,θ (θ, φ), and Rx n,φ(θ, φ)). 2) Calculate the distance rm,n from (17), and the global radiation frame Fm,n from (20) between tx-antenna n and rx-antenna m. Tx Tx Tx Rx Rx 3) Derive ψm,n, θm,n, and φm,n from (25) and ψm,n, θm,n, Rx and φm,n from (30). 4) Calculate the impedance matrix ZRT from (33) by using Tx Tx Tx Rx Rx Rx rm,n, ψm,n, θm,n, φm,n, ψm,n, θm,n, and φm,n obtained FIGURE 2. Multi-antenna-to-multi-antenna RF WPT experiment system. from steps 2) and 3). 5) In the case of optimal solution, calculate the S-parameter matrix S from (58), and compute the The antenna board is a 4-by-4 antenna array consist- = H eigenvalue decomposition of 2 S S in (62) for ing of 16 circularly polarized (CP) microstrip patch anten- Tx+ deriving the optimal power wave U in (63). nas, fabricated on a Rogers RO4725JXR board. Each patch 6) In the case of phased array transmit and receive circuits, antenna is fed by a coaxial feed from the backside of the calculate the S-parameter matrix S from (65), and com- board, which is connected to the phased array board via pute the singular value decomposition of S in (67) for Amphenol board-to-board connector. Fig.3 shows the dimen- deriving the optimal transmit and receive array weights sion of the microstrip patch antenna for the antenna board. Tx Rx w and w . The feeding point of the patch antenna is located at the distance of L1 (4.398 mm) from the center of the patch. The IV. NUMERICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RESULT dimension of the patch is Wp = 12.75 mm, Lp = 12.17 mm, In this section, we compare the analytic results with the results from the full-wave EM simulator and testbed exper- iments for validating the proposed analysis. A 64 antennas-to-16 antennas RF WPT system with phased array circuits (as in Section III-E) is built for the experiments. The operation frequency of the implemented RF WPT sys- tem is 5.8 GHz. We have designed and fabricated phased array boards and antenna boards as in Fig. 2(a). The phased array board has one RF port that is divided by a four-stage Wilkinson divider into 16 RF paths. In each RF path, a 6-bit digital phase shifter (Analog Device HMC1133LP5E) shifts the phase of the wave and an RF switch (Qorvo QPC6014) turns on and off the RF path. Both chips are controlled by the digital input from the shift registers (TI SN74HC595B), which form a daisy chain to provide a serial control via the board digital I/O port. FIGURE 3. Dimension of the microstrip patch antenna.

VOLUME 9, 2021 2025 J. H. Park et al.: Analysis and Experiment on Multi-Antenna-to-Multi-Antenna RF WPT

FIGURE 4. RF WPT testbed configuration. and L2 = 3.82 mm. The distance between the center points of neighboring antennas (Ls) is 28.2 mm. By using the phased array and antenna boards, we have set up the RF WPT experiment system with 8-by-8 transmitter FIGURE 5. Power transfer efficiency. and 4-by-4 receive antenna arrays as in Fig. 2(b). Four phased array and antenna boards are combined together by a 4-way S-parameter matrix (i.e., S) between transmitter and receiver power divider to form the transmitter array. The RF ports antenna ports, defined in (65). For this calculation, the net- of the transmitter and receiver are connected to the network work analyzer measurements for various orthogonal trans- analyzer to measure the delivery of the power wave through mit and receive array weights are obtained, and then the the RF WPT system. S-parameter matrix is calculated by matrix inversion. From We have used two software-controlled devices for con- this S-parameter matrix, the optimal array weights maxi- trolling and measuring the RF WPT experiment system, mizing the power transfer efficiency are derived based on both of which are controlled by the Labview software the method given in Section III-E. Then, the power transfer (version 2017) in the laptop computer. The control device is efficiency is measured by the network analyzer when the the data acquisition (DAQ) device (i.e., NI USB-6351) with optimal array weights are set. 24 digital I/O pins. These I/O pins are connected to the digital We have set up the testbed as shown in Fig. 4(a), and I/O ports of the phased array boards of the transmitter and have conducted the experiments with 14 different receiver receiver for controlling the phase shifters. The DAQ device positions, each of which is marked from P1 to P14, as given is directly controlled by the Labview software in the laptop in Fig. 4(b). The receiver positions P1 to P10 correspond to through the USB connection. The measurement device is the the increasing distance between the transmitter and receiver 2-port vector network analyzer (i.e., Anritsu MS46122B) that from 0.1 to 1 meter. P11 and P12 describe the offset of the measures the EM wave at the input RF port of the transmitter receiver from the center line, and P13 and P14 describe the and the output RF port of the receiver. The network analyzer change of the receiver direction. For the analysis and simula- is controlled by the software provided by the manufacturer tion, we have used exactly the same scenarios for comparison (i.e., Anritsu Shockline application software), which is again with experimental results. controlled by the Labview software via the standard com- For the full-wave EM simulation, we have used the mands for programmable instruments (SCPI) protocol. time-domain solver of CST Microwave Studio running on Therefore, the LabVIEW software in the laptop com- the workstation with two NVIDIA Quadro GV100 GPUs. puter can obtain the S-parameter measurements from the Even with GPU acceleration, it takes more than four days network analyzer, and can control the phase shifters of to finish the simulation of one scenario, whereas the ana- the transmitter and receiver. This system can calculate the lytic result can be derived within one second. The analytic

2026 VOLUME 9, 2021 J. H. Park et al.: Analysis and Experiment on Multi-Antenna-to-Multi-Antenna RF WPT

FIGURE 7. Phase of transmit array weights.

Although we have tried our best to use the same model param- eters (e.g., mutual impedance matrix and radiation pattern) and testbed configuration for the analysis, simulation, and experiment, it is impossible to perfectly make all the condi- tions affecting the results consistent. The small discrepancy FIGURE 6. Phase of S-parameters. in the analysis, simulation, and experiment results in Fig. 5 could have been caused by this inconsistency. Fig. 5(a) shows the efficiency according to the distance, equations proposed in this paper are evaluated by MATLAB. i.e., at the receiver positions P1-P10. This figure shows the The mutual impedance matrix and radiation pattern of the RF wireless power transfer within the radiative near field antenna arrays for the analysis in Section II-C are obtained region rather than the far-field region since the antenna aper- by the EM simulation and used by the MATLAB code. ture size is relatively large (i.e., 64 transmit antenna elements Fig.5 shows the power transfer efficiency for various and 16 receive antenna elements) compared to the distance receiver positions. Basically, the phased array circuit in only up to 1 meter. The receiver is within the radiative near Section III-E is applied to analysis, simulation, and experi- field region of the transmitter if the distance is smaller than ment, and the optimal power wave result in Section III-D is the Fraunhofer distance of the transmitter, which is defined as obtained only by the analysis. In Fig. 5, we can see that the analytic results of the phased array circuit well agree with 2L2 d < Tx , (68) both the simulation and experimental results for all positions. λ

VOLUME 9, 2021 2027 J. H. Park et al.: Analysis and Experiment on Multi-Antenna-to-Multi-Antenna RF WPT

FIGURE 8. Beam shape (i.e., power density in W/m2 over X-Z plane).

2028 VOLUME 9, 2021 J. H. Park et al.: Analysis and Experiment on Multi-Antenna-to-Multi-Antenna RF WPT

where λ is the wavelength and LTx is the maximum linear dimension of the transmit antenna array. For the transmit array with 64 antennas in an 8-by-8 square form, the total size of the antenna array is 212.04 mm × 210.99 mm, the max- imum linear dimension of which is 299.12 mm. Therefore, the radiative near field region is up to 3.45 meter. Since the receiver is within the radiative near field region, the plots in Fig. 5(a) do not show the trends of the inverse-square law of the Friis equation that only applies to the far-field region, and the power transfer efficiency can reach up to 80 % with the optimal power wave scheme, which is not possible in the far-field region. In Fig. 5(a), it is seen that the analytic result of the opti- mal power wave scheme is the upper bound of the phased array circuit results, and monotonically increases as the receiver gets closer to the transmitter. On the other hand, the phased array circuit efficiency drops when the receiver is close to the transmitter, which is because the power radi- ated from the antennas around the edge of the transmitter array is wasted if the receiver is too close. The optimal power wave scheme does not have this problem since it can reduce the radiated power from the antennas around the edge in this situation. As can be seen in Fig. 5(b), the proposed analysis can predict the efficiency very well even when the transmitter and receiver do not directly face each other. The proposed analysis can be applied to any scenario with arbitrary transmitter and receiver positions and attitudes. In the case of P13 in Fig. 5(b), the power transfer efficiency is quite low because of the following reason. In this case, the receiver antenna does not face towards the transmitter, and the distance between the transmitter and receiver is relatively large, i.e., 0.8 m. As a result, the beam from the transmitter arrives at the receiver from the side, and the reception angle of the beam is far off from the main lobe direction of the receiver antenna. This causes the beam to bounce off the receiver antenna. We will more clearly show this phenomenon in Fig.8(j). In Fig.6, we compare the S-parameter matrix, defined in (65), of the analysis, simulation, and experiment at three different receiver positions. The S-parameter matrix is a 16-by-64 matrix, the phase of which is shown in the form of a heat map. We can see that the analytic result well matches with the others, and the slope of the variations in the phases of S-parameters becomes steeper as the receiver moves on to the side of the transmitter. Fig. 7 shows the phases of the transmit array weights of the analysis, simulation, and experiment. The heat map in this figure is the phase of the array weights of the 8-by-8 transmit antenna array. We can see that the convex lens-like form appears to focus the EM wave beam on to the receiver, and the focal point of the lens tracks the receiver position as the receiver moves to the side of the transmitter. FIGURE 9. Power density profile according to distance. It is noted that in Figs. 6 and 7, we have selectively shown

VOLUME 9, 2021 2029 J. H. Park et al.: Analysis and Experiment on Multi-Antenna-to-Multi-Antenna RF WPT

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2030 VOLUME 9, 2021 J. H. Park et al.: Analysis and Experiment on Multi-Antenna-to-Multi-Antenna RF WPT

DONG IN KIM (Fellow, IEEE) received the KAE WON CHOI (Senior Member, IEEE) Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the received the B.S. degree in civil, urban, and University of Southern California, Los Angeles, geosystem engineering and the M.S. and Ph.D. CA, USA, in 1990. He was a tenured Professor degrees in electrical engineering and computer sci- with the School of Engineering Science, Simon ence from Seoul National University, Seoul, South Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada. Since Korea, in 2001, 2003, and 2007, respectively. From 2007, he has been an SKKU-Fellowship Profes- 2008 to 2009, he was with Telecommunication sor with the College of Information and Commu- Business of Samsung Electronics Company Ltd., nication Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University South Korea. From 2009 to 2010, he was a Post- (SKKU), Suwon, South Korea. He is a Fellow of doctoral Researcher with the Department of Elec- the Korean Academy of Science and Technology, and a member of the trical and Computer Engineering, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, National Academy of Engineering of Korea. He has been a first recipient Canada. From 2010 to 2016, he was an Assistant Professor with the Depart- of the NRF of Korea Engineering Research Center in Wireless Commu- ment of Computer Science and Engineering, Seoul National University of nications for RF Energy Harvesting, since 2014. He was a 2019 recipient Science and Technology, South Korea. In 2016, he joined the faculty at of the IEEE Communications Society Joseph LoCicero Award for Exem- Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea, where he is currently an Associate plary Service to Publications. He is the Executive Chair of IEEE ICC Professor with the College of Information and Communication Engineering. 2022, Seoul. He has been listed as a 2020 Highly Cited Researcher by His research interests include RF energy transfer, metasurface communica- Clarivate Analytics. From 2001 to 2020, he served as an Editor and the tion, visible light communication, cellular communication, cognitive radio, Editor-at-Large of Wireless Communication I for the IEEE TRANSACTION ON and radio resource management. He has been serving as an Editor for COMMUNICATIONS. From 2002 to 2011, he also served as an Editor and a IEEE COMMUNICATIONS SURVEYS &TUTORIALS, since 2014, for IEEE WIRELESS Founding Area Editor of Cross-Layer Design and Optimization for the IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS, since 2015, for IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS. From 2008 to 2011, he served as COMMUNICATIONS, since 2017, and for IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COGNITIVE the Co-Editor-in-Chief for the IEEE/KICS JOURNAL ON COMMUNICATIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING, since 2019. NETWORKS. He served as the Founding Editor-in-Chief for the IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS, from 2012 to 2015.

VOLUME 9, 2021 2031