Curriculum Vitae Notarization. I have read the following and certify that this curriculum vitae is a current and accurate statement of my professional record. Signature Date I. Personal Information I.A. UID, Last Name, First Name, Middle Name, Contact Information Novikov Sergei Petrovich, tel 3017797472 (h), 3014054836 (o), e-mail
[email protected] I.B. Academic Appointments at UMD Distinguished Professor since 1997, Date of Appointment to current T/TT rank 8/17 1996 I.C. Administrative Appointments at UMD I.D. Other Employment Junior researcher in the Steklov Math Institute (Moscow) since December 1963, Senior researcher in the same Institute since December 1965 Head of Math Group at the Landau Institute for The- oretical Physics (Moscow) since January 1976 Principal researcher at the same institute since 1992 Head of Geometry/Topology group in the Steklov Math Institute since 1983 Professor at the Moscow State University since 1967 (After 1996 these affiliations are preserved as secondary for the periods of visiting Moscow) Additional Employments: Visiting professor at the Ec. Normal Superior de Paris, Laboratory of Theoretical Physisc in February 1991{August 1991; Visiting Distinguished professor at the Korean Institute for advenced studies{KIAS, Seoul, June 200, June 2001, November 2002; Visiting professor at the Maryland University at College Park in the Years 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, Spring Semesters, visiting Newton International Math Institute in Cambridge, UK, Spring 2009. I.E. Educational Background Moscow State University, Mech/Math Depertment 1955-1960, University diploma issued at 1960 (Soviet equivalent of Master degree) Aspirantura (like graduate studentship) at the Steklov Math Institute 1960-1963, advisor professor M.M.Postnikov.