May 13,2018 -SEVENTHSUNDAY OFEASTER St. Raphael - Holy Parish Hamilton, New Jersey 08610 it byourfirst parents’ originaldisobedience.

mind andsouls. Ononeside other. Itislargely silent,butallthe But thereisanotherkindofwar that warmakestheirreturnquestionable. potential hero. Their departureismarked carrying their weaponstoboardplanesfo pictures ofmilitary personnel,wearing . Noneofusarevolunt First Reading:Acts1:15-17,20a,20c-26 world. Healsoconsecratesthem intruth. blesses them andthenHesendsthem intothe In Hisgreatprayerfo Gospel: John17:11b-19 reasserts thatGodislove. for them throughthepowerofSpirit. John to loveoneanotherand fore HispassionurgingHi Here isafinalexhortationfrom Jesusbe- Second Reading:IJohn4:11-16 the Twelvearerestored asachosennumber. ness totheresurrectionof das. Hischiefqualificationishisbeingawit- Matthias ischosen bylotto Over themanyyearsofso-called Reflection onToday’sScriptureReadingsbyRev.LeonardN.Peterson r the disciples,Jesus believe inGod’s love Christ.Afterthat,

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MASSES for the Week of May 13, 2018 Pray for the sick & homebound of our parish. Weekday and Weekend Masses are in St. Raphael Church. Arlene Amisson, Alyssa Chaconis, Janet Auletta, Joanna Barry, Jane Branca, Kathleen Chester, Helen Ciali, Ed Courtney, Jennifer Courtney, Lauren Costantini, Robert Cunningham, Margaret M. Sat., May 12. EASTER Weekday [6]; Memorial of Nereus and Achilleus, Czillich, Bernadine Filippi, Justine Doan, Margaret Dombrowski, Martyrs; Memorial of Pancras, Martyr Bob Dunne, Jason Dzbenski, Sue Dzbenski, Laura Fares Farley, 8:00 am-(1)Francis Tattoni, r/b Riley Family Charlene Edwards Fattori, Dorothea Fell, Gina Ferrara, Marie 4:30 pm-(1)Marie Clendening, r/b Bolton Family;(2)Intentions of Patricia Langon Filidore, Lynda Foldetta, Patricia Gardner, J.C. Garrett, (living);(3)Timothy Roy Crosby, r/b Preston Family Hibbs, Robert Hibbs, Lori Hoos, MaryAnn Kardos, William Kelly, Sun., May 13. SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Kevin Kreiss, Gregory Lucidi, Alex Manukas, John Margicin, Mary 7:30am-MOTHER’S DAY - ALL MASSES FOR LIVING & DECEASED MOTHER’S McDonald, Anne Modica, Jon Nezezon, Robert J. O’Boyle, Patti 9:30 am-MOTHER’S DAY - ALL MASSES FOR LIVING & DECEASED MOTHER’S O’Gorman, Nancy Opalski, Juanita Penkala, Ann Pirrera, Nancy 11:30 am-MOTHER’S DAY - ALL MASSES FOR LIVING & DECEASED Pollack, Posz, Marianne Przemieniecki, Judith Pullman, MOTHER’S Edward Quinn, III, Albert Rafalski, Donna Marie Ratico, John 5:00 pm- MOTHER’S DAY - ALL MASSES FOR LIVING & DECEASED Ratico, Carl Reinhardt, Sr., June Reinhardt, Jackie Restuccia- DiBiasi, Thomas Ruble, Joan Sandy, Pauline & Edward Sikorski, MOTHER’S Edward Sitzler, James R. Smith, Marie Stearle, Eileen Streight, Mon., May 14. FEAST OF , APOSTLE Donna Toomey, Amanda Werb, Hannah Wojciechowski, Marco 7:30 am-(1)Abandoned Souls, r/b Jean Douglass Ziccardi, Virginia Zuno 6:30 pm-(1)Bob McMillan, r/b Wife & Family;(2)Livinbg & Deceased Members of the Rosary Altar Society;(3) Kitzendollar, r/b Daughter ALTAR SERVER SCHEDULE Tues., May 15. Easter Weekday [7]: Memorial of Saint Isidore (USA) 7:30 am-(1)Reynaldo de Guzman, r/b The Dacayanan Family;(2)Pat McLaughlin, Saturday, May 19: r/b Family 4:30 pm: M. Miranda, M. Vizzoni, S. Vizzoni, G. Vizzoni, D. Yasick 6:30 pm-NO MASS Wed., May 16. Easter Weekday [7] Sunday, May 20: 7:30 am-(1)Josephine Metrick, r/b Tom & Maryann Wilson;(2)Margaret Riccards 7:30 am: M. Walker, J. Teague, G.L. Pugliese 6:30 pm-(1)Rose M. Crucili, r/b Gertrude Pinto;(2)Intentions of James L. 9:30 am: C. Figueroa, F. Figueroa, N. Hollendooner, A. Nezezon, Brodowicz (living), r/b Charles Brodowicz;(3)Susan Fleming, r/b Catalina Fleming E. Nezezon Thurs., May 17. Easter Weekday [7] 11:30 am: E. Gorman, S. Gorman, C. Senat, J. Lawrence, 7:30 am-(1)Theresa Sarcewicz, r/b John & Christina Mendola A. Ramirez 6:30 pm-(1)Christine Cwirko, r/b Faculty - St. Raphaels;(2)Robert Fleming, 5:00 pm M. Jordan, S. Rose, N. Sidone, A. Boddie, J. Torres r/b Catalina Fleming;(3)Anne H. Blatchford Buttich, r/b Thomas Dill Fri., May 18. Easter Weekday [7]: Memorial of John I , Martyr PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR DECEASED 7:30 am-(1)Intentions of Emily Grace Pullman (living), r/b Family 6:30 pm-(1)Michele Immordino, r/b John & Deb Mendola;(2)Paul Dombroski, Requiescant in pace. r/b Family Sat., May 19. Easter Weekday [7] 8:00 am-(1) NO MASS due to CHRIS PINTO’S ORDINATION PARISH OFFICE (rectory): 3500 S. Broad St., Hamilton, N.J. 4:30 pm-(1)Theresa Martucci, r/b Mrs. Theresa Mutchiga;(2)Donald Schiariti; 08610; 609-585-7049; fax: 609-585-5876; e-mail: r/b Lou & Gloria Stanziale(3)Agnes Branca, r/b Jane Branca [email protected]; (including Sun., May 20. SOLEMNITY OF PENTECOST SUNDAY link to current week’s bulletin). NEW HOURS (effective July 1, 7:30am-(1)Josephine P. Li Mato, r/b Anna Bird;(2)Benedict Barat, r/b Stan 2016): Mon.– Thurs. 9am-7pm; Fri. 9am- 5pm; Sat. 9am-12 noon. Kandebo;(3)Andrew Frederick Skolar, r/b Girl Scouts Whitehorse -Yardville Service PARISH CLERGY: Unit Pastor: Rev. Gene P. Daguplo 9:30 am-(1)Carolyn Uhlig, r/b Gale Fleming;(2)William & Jeffrey Koba, Sr., Parochial Vicar: Rev. Edward Jawidzik r/b Joan;(3)Horace Streight, r/b Wife, Eileen Deacons: Deacon Robert Tharp, Deacon Sal Marcello, Deacon 11:30 am-(1) “Bud” Goettler, r/b Family;(2)Rose & Ben Vannozzi, Thomas Lavelle, Deacon Richard Arcari, Deacon Bill Palmisano, r/b Daughter;(3)Maria Migliarese Creo, r/b Pat & Sandy Abrams Deacon David Colter, Deacon Gregory Costa 5:00 pm-(1)People of the Parish;(2)Sal Viggiano, r/b Virginia Costantini; PASTORAL ASSOCIATE: Sr. Sandra Kulick, S.S.J. (3)Yolanda Zaffutti, r/b Hurley Family (609-270-0388) FAITH FORMATION: (609-585-0542) (Mon.-Fri.,10 am- 4 pm) Director of Religious Education: Deacon Bill Palmisano MASS while AWAY from HOME Secretary: Midge Cassarini Office Assistant: Gabriela Gates If you are travelling, you can locate a by going to Mass- FOOD PANTRY: John Margicin (609-585-3848) or When you enter a zip code or city, MUSIC DIRECTOR: Lori Hoos (609-462-2929) you will be given a list of several churches within a certain radius, along with SCHOOL: (609-5857733; Fax: 609-581-8436; each church’s Mass schedule, location, etc. (You will need to wait several (Summer [June 20-August18]: Mon. - Thurs., 8 am-2 pm); seconds, while the website search is being completed.) This is also a good Principal: Mrs. Ann M. Cwirko planning tool for when you are preparing for a vacation or business trip. YOUTH MINISTRY: Gez Ford (609-456-8857) has an IPhone app: Mass Time for Travel. BUSINESS MANAGER: Dennis Heffernan, Bookkeeper: Elaine Welsh ADORATION CANDLE OFFICE SECRETARIES: Karen Peterman (Mon. thru Fri.-8 am-4 Catherine Ruskai, r/b Theresa & Lucia pm), Alice Bolton (Mon. 9 am-3 pm; Wed.-Thurs. 9 am - 12noon; Fri. 9 am-2 pm), Judy Pullman (Tues. 9 am-4 pm; Wed. & Thurs.- SANCTUARY CANDLE 12 noon-7 pm), Claudia DiLissio (Tues. 4-7 pm, Sat. 9am -12); Agnes Branca, r/b Jane Branca Christine Braun (Mon. 3-7 pm; Fri. 11-5pm)

# 572 5-13-2018/ pub./ P. 2 From the Pastor Dear Parishioners and Friends of the Parish and School, The whole Catholic world celebrates on May 13, the World Day of Social Communications. This weekend we celebrate Mother’s Day (May 13). The intention in all Masses are for all mothers, grandmothers, stepmothers, godmothers, and mothers-to-be. They are also remembered in the Prayers of the Faithful. After the Prayer, after Communion, a special blessing for mothers will be prayed. After the dismissal, priest, deacon and EM will hand a flower to them as a token of our gratitude for their wonderful role and task as mothers. The rests of the Catholic World celebrates the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord this weekend. Forty days after his Resurrection, Jesus ascended to . The diocese keeps this tradition. So our parish celebrated the Ascension of the Lord on Thursday, May 10th. For the entire diocese, this weekend is the 7th Sunday of Easter. In the Gospel, Jesus prayed and asked God for what his disciples would need. When Jesus prayed for his disciples, he was praying for us as well. Jesus wants us to be united with one another and with God. He knew that we would need God’s protection, and he knew that we would also need God’s guidance. We know that God heard Jesus’ prayer. He hears our prayers too. When we present our needs to God, we follow Jesus’ example of prayer. On May 15, in two batches (2:30 PM and 5:30 PM), 66 candidates for Confirmation will receive the sacrament from Fr. Zeis, the Vicar for Catholic Education. To them, we pray: Come Holy Spirit fill the hearts of our faithful preparing for Confirmation. The Cohort 6 or Lumen Christi met on May 2nd to evaluate the collaborative efforts on three important ministries: Adult Faith Formation and Evangelization, Youth and Young Adult and Education (Religious Education and School). An annual Cohort Implementation Year 2 Plan will be presented on May 15 to the Diocesan Implementation Commission. The Hamilton Township finally approved our project, Vertical Lift. On Monday, May 7, the construction started. Soon the long awaited Lift will lift up our spirit. In the service of the Risen Lord, Fr. Gene

RETURN TO THE UPPER ROOM the next Healing Mass In St. Raphael Church SCHEDULE OF CONFESSIONS FOR THE will be Friday, May 18 ~ 6:30 pm MONTH OF MAY, 2018: The monthly Healing Mass is on the third Friday, SATURDAYS – 3:15 pm – 4:15 pm from Sept. to June (except Lent). WEDNESDAYS – After the 6:30 pm Mass (7:00 - 8:00 pm) Except on: May 2 - Liturgy Meeting ROSARY FRIDAYS – After the 6:30 pm Mass (7:00 - 8:00 pm) Please join us in praying the Rosary every morning prior Except on: May 18 - Healing Mass to the 7:30 am Mass, Monday through Friday at 7:10 am. CONFESSIONS ARE ALWAYS AVAILABLE BY APPOINTMENT.

The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated in our parish on ======(usually) the first, third, and fourth Sunday of each month (except Palm Sunday, Easter Sunday, and the solemnities of the Nativity SCHEDULE OF CONFESSIONS: of the Lord and of Mary the Holy Mother of God). The first and third Sunday are at 1:00 (in St. Raphael Church). The fourth WEEKENDS: 1. SATURDAY – 3:15 PM – 4:15 PM Sunday is during the 11:30 Mass. Before the parish office can schedule a date for baptism, the child’s parents must give us WEEKDAYS: the sponsor-eligibility certificate for either (a) the intended 1. WEDNESDAY–AFTER THE 6:30 PM MASS (7:00 - 8:00 pm) godparent or (b) one of the two intended godparents (if there are 2. FRIDAYS – AFTER THE 6:30 PM MASS (7:00 - 8:00 pm) to be two godparents, i.e., a godfather and a godmother, with the second godparent’s certificate to be presented by the EXCEPTIONS: Monday preceding the baptism). (The sponsor certificate certifies 1. THE FIRST WEDNESDAY – LITURGY COMMITTEE MEETING 2. THE THIRD FRIDAY – HEALING MASS, that the intended godparent is a Catholic who meets the (EXCEPT LENT, JULY and AUGUST) requirements to be a sponsor.) To facilitate this process, you 3. HOLY DAYS OF OBLIGATION may wish to call the parish office around four or five months 4. THE VIGIL MASS FOR HOLY DAYS OF OBLIGATION before your unborn child’s due date. (Please do not reserve a 5. ASH WEDNESDAY AND THE TRIDUUM restaurant, until after you have booked the baptism date with the 6. SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION (in the Spring, May) parish office.) Please feel free to contact our parish’s part-time, and AS OTHERWISE NOTED. baptism coordinator, Mrs. Alice Bolton, in the parish office. CONFESSIONS ARE ALWAYS AVAILABLE BY APPOINTMENT.

# 572 5-13-2018/ pub./ P. 3 Please note that there will be, NO BINGO on Memorial Day, Monday, May 28 and Monday, June 11.

Due to lack of interest, we no longer subscribed to “FORMED”. Cohort 6 - VALUE STATEMENT

Our Core Values in living the Catholic Christian Faith: PARISH MASTER CALENDAR Worshipping God - through Liturgy, the Sacraments, Prayer, Adoration, and for 2018-2019 living out our faith. The parish’s annual master calendar begins Sunday, July Community - accepting, welcoming, and evangelizing in our actions and 1. All parish ministries, committees, organizations, and other attitudes towards everyone. groups are asked to send in requests for their 2018-2019 Our Youth - bring more youth to Christ; teach the value of our faith; nurture their relationship with Christ, family, and community. Involve the youth in peer meeting and event dates, times, and space by Monday, leadership roles, service outreach, and respect for life (their own and the June 25. For request forms and information, please contact unborn). Christine Braun (our parish’s master-calendar coordinator) Respect Life - protecting life and dignity of all and working for justice in the parish office (609-585-7049) or email Compassionate Outreach - be a beacon of hope and comfort to the hungry ([email protected]). and poor.

BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP Cohort 6 - VISION STATEMENT The next meeting will be Tuesday, June 5, from 7:30- Our Cohort collaborates to aspire to be signs of God’s presence in the world by 9:00 pm, in the Spiritual Center living room. Please living the Gospel, worshipping the Trinity, igniting the youth, helping/feeding use the rear door to enter the St. John Paul II Spiritual those in need. Respecting all life, and providing lifelong religious education Center. For more information, call Deacon Bob Tharp opportunities. Through our mission we will: Know - Evangelize the faithful through the teachings of scripture, Catholic at 609-890-1011. tradition and academic excellence Love - Respect the dignity of all human beings by showing care and giving an PARISH SING-ALONG educational opportunity Friday, June 6, 7:30- 9:30 pm. SAVE THE DATE for our next Serve - Be stewards of God’s creation through service to the school, parish, parish sing-along with Frank Bresnen on guitar, Manny Chaconis on community and world drums, and Bill Franko on banjo and guitar. This is fun evening for people of all ages—and all levels of vocal skills. Light refreshments Cohort 6 - MISSION STATEMENT are served. The All Purpose room under the Church is accessible We are visibly “On Fire!” for Christ in all that we do. We worship with a via the ramp on the right of the bell tower. Monetary donations or profound sense of gratitude, joy, adoration and praise. We are a beacon of love and hope to those who are seeking a meaning and purpose in life. We are donations of non-perishable food for the Food Pantry will be a bridge: between generations, between God and those that have fallen away gratefully received. from active practice of the faith and sacraments, and between ethnic communities. We preach by our example that all are loved and wanted by God ELDERBERRY CLUB and can be saved by the Risen Christ. Friday, June 1, 1:00 PM. We will be getting ready for our Spring Luncheon which will be held on June 1, 2018 at the Hilton The following people are on the Garden Inn, Hamilton. The theme is a Hawaiian Luau and the Parish Implementation Team: Garden Room at the Inn will be decorated for the occasion. More Jennifer Sidone, Nancy Rhodes, Courtney Renegar, Bill Wowk, and Fr. Gene details will follow, at the conclusion of the luncheon, it will, again, be time to take our annual summer break. Please call President. LUMEN CHRISTI - Cohort 6: Our Lady of Sorrows-St. Anthony, Hamilton • Agnes Fischer at 609-802-1711 for further information. St. John, Allentown • St. Gregory the Great, Hamilton Square • St. Raphael-Holy Angels, Hamilton • St. Vincent de Paul, Yardville. ST. GREGORY the GREAT 4620 Nottingham Way, Hamilton, NJ 08690 WEEKEND MASSES GIFTS of LOVE This is what you put in the baskets on Holy Hour May 6, 2018 1st Collection: $13,827.00 “ Seeking the Face of Jesus” Children’s Collection: $ 38.00 Wednesday, May 16 Total $13,865.00 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm ~ Chapel Fund: $ 949.00 Rosary for Life at 6:30 pm Mother’s Day Collection: $ 2,787.00 Additional Easter: $ 1,487.00 Prayer Teams available for individual prayer. Come to restore School Endowment: $ 1,437.00 and renew your relationship with Christ May 7, 2017 ****** COMPARED to 2017 ***** and experience God's healing love. Music by members of 1st Collection: decrease of: $ 3,353.00 Shepherd's Keep. Hosted by the Marian Servants® of the Holy Children’s Collection: decrease of: $ 26.00 Family Archangel Fund: decrease of: $ 170.00 Mother’s Day Collection: decrease of: $ 195.00

# 572 5-13-2018 pub./ P.4 ST. RAPHAEL SCHOOL ’ MASS Warmly invites all Parishioners and Saint Raphael School families to attend the first celebration of our Congratulations to our CCD students on another successful year! We’d like to thank the parents for all they do to support their children in their religious development. We’d also like to thank our Music Director and Organist, Lori Hoos and Rob Archangels’ Mass MacReynolds, for their involvement in our summer program. Both our summer and traditional programs could not have been possible without the help of our catechists and aides! We appreciate the time and talent they bring to our classrooms. St. Raphael-Holy Angels Church Sunday, May 20, 2018 9:30 am Mass Summer Catechists and Aides: Fall Catechists and Aides: Marisol Gutierrez Tina Grieb We are excited to announce that beginning May 20th, every third Ann Bartolomei Maryanne Speno Sunday, the 9:30 am Mass will be an Archangels’ Mass. Our Saint JoAnn Grace Nicole Malkiewicz Raphael School students will be hosting this special Mass and will Jo-Ann Hoffman Peg Beyrouty be dedicated in the roles of readers, greeters, singers, gift bearers Ann Grant Pat Frascella and more! Mary M. Murphy Ann Grant Hope Costa Ken Monaco Please join us in this beautiful new ministry on the following Tim Lynch Barbara Staub dates as well: Salome Kwawukume Eileen Cavanaugh June 17th Marie Marcello Mary Anne Altobelli Deacon Sal Marcello Christine Aliseo We look forward to serving you! Anne Eccles Eileen Vernon Marie Delpo Deborah Ragno Gift of Days: John Ragno Spirituality & Aging Retreat Tuesday, June 5 - Thursday, June 7 Trish Teague Marianist Family Retreat Center Rosalie Kadelak Cape May Point, NJ 08212 This retreat (intended for those 55+) will explore the mystery of aging CHRISTIAN ART and God’s desire for our spiritual fulfillment and development. This Olive-wood Handcrafted from the Holy Land retreat will consist of input, quiet personal time, prayer rituals, Mass and A Traditional Art and Livelihood for Holy Land Christians small group sharing. The Olive-wood carving event Saturday, May 26 and Sunday, May 27 Cost: $130 per person (includes program, lodging and meals) For more information, contact George Qassis at 732-330-3268 or email: [email protected] Sign-up online at or call 609-884-3829 for more information. PARISH COUNSELING SERVICE Through a joint effort of the Diocese of Trenton & Catholic OUR PROMISE TO PROTECT Charities, licensed professional counselors are available to The Diocese of Trenton is committed to the initiatives outlined in the U.S. ’s Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People help parishioners with difficult issues that interfere with in regard to the reporting and investigation of sexual abuse allegations day-to-day functioning. This service can be accessed by involving minors. contacting your pastor or parish priest who will provide If you have been sexually abused as a minor by a member of the additional information and a referral. The fee is $75 per clergy or anyone representing the Catholic Church, or if you know of session. If needed, financial assistance for short term someone who was, you can report that abuse through the diocesan Abuse Hotlined: 1-888-296-2965 or via e-mail at counseling (maximum of 6 sessions) is available through [email protected]. The Diocese of Trenton reports the Dioceses of Trenton Parish Counseling Service. any allegations of sexual abuse to the appropriate law enforcement agencies. Anyone with an allegation is also encouraged to provide that WEDDING ARRANGEMENTS information to local law enforcement authorities. According to the Common Policy of the five Latin-rite (Roman Catholic) dioceses of New Jersey, there must be twelve months COMMUNION at MASS for the DISABLED of marriage preparation for each couple who desires to be If you would like a minister of Holy Communion to bring Communion to you in your pew or wheelchair, would you or a relative, friend, or other married in the Church. Please do not make any wedding Mass attendee please contact one of the ushers before Mass, so that arrangements (including reception hall) until you have met with one of the ushers can lead one of the ministers of Communion to you. the pastor, and he has approved the wedding date with you.

# 572 5-13-2018/ pub./ P. 5 10 DAY PILGRIMAGE to IRELAND Spiritual Director: Fr. Genaro Daguplo St. Raphael-Holy Angels Parish Hamilton, NJ GOOD COUNSEL HOMES Monday, June 25 to Wednesday, July 4, 2018 BIG 50-50 RAFFLE Good Counsel Home is holding a first time BIG 50-50 $3,150 per person RAFFLE. (Goal: $50,000 pot). This major fundraiser Round Trip from Newark, NJ will enable us to continue our blessed work of saving babies and helping women at our Riverside Home. We intend to sell just [Includes: First class hotels, Double Occupancy, 1000 tickets, $50.00 per ticket, so the winners will receive: #1 $15,000 2 Meals a day - Breakfast and Dinner. or 30%; #2 $7,500 or 15%; #3 $2,500 or 5%. If we go a little over or Daily Sightseeing, Daily Mass, Tips for your guide and driver. under, the percentages will apply. In a time when so many have so little, Airport Taxes, Fuel Surcharges] your giving spirits to help those less fortunate, inspire us as we continue to do God’s work on earth. Thank you for your continued support. For Tour Coordinator: raffle tickets contact Mary Ann Lorimer, Good Counsel Homes, 215-989 th Deacon Tom Cechulski: (732) 610-5434 or -0021, [email protected]. Drawing is June 12 [email protected] and you do not have to be present to win. Deadline to mail tickets to be st included in the drawing is June 1 . Good luck! Follow us on Face Book PRE DEPARTURE MEETING on MAY 26, SATURDAY at 11:00 am, and Twitter. in the All Purpose Room (APR) ROSARY for LIFE The Pilgrimage is blessed to have 20 Pilgrims. The Rosary for Life will be prayed this Sunday, May 13th, after the 11:30 am Mass in St. Raphael Church. Our parish’s Respect Life Committee invite you to join in praying for the respect and protection SANTACRUZAN - 2018 of all human life from conception to natural death. All are welcome! Designated as a diocesan event in Mercer County, the St. Raphael- Holy Angels Filipino Community proudly invites you on Saturday, Word of Life – MAY 2018 May 19 to our 7th Annual Celebration of Flores de Mayo/ “We can all help encourage our government and other institutions to Santacruzan in honor of the Blessed Mary. This is a support life. They must always aid and support mothers and children, fundraising event to benefit the projects and needs of the Filipino and never offer to pay for the destruction of life as a ‘solution’ to the Community, our parish, the poor and street children and victims of challenges women face. The call to uphold women’s dignity and well- calamities in the , as well as, to preserve the celebration of being, and that of their unborn children, is one and the same.” the religious festival year after year. Event activities are as follows: - USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life ♦ Concelebrated Mass at 1:30 pm “Poverty and Abortion: A Vicious Cycle,” ♦ Santacruzan procession at designated routes at 3:00 pm ♦ Dinner-dance reception at 4:00 pm, Presentation of the Sagalas in the parish center HELP AFTER AN ABORTION ’s Vineyard-24 hour: 1-877-467-3463 or General Admission $30, and children 11 years old and under are free. If you wish to participate to be one of the sagalas, please National Helpline for Abortion Recovery-24 hour: contact one of the member’s phone number listed below. There will 1-866-482-LIFE (5433) - be some tickets in the parish rectory for those who are Diocese of Trenton Project Rachel—609-406-7435 interested. Nat’l Office of Post Abortion Reconciliation/Healing: 800-5-WE CARE - For more information, please contact Jay Janolo at 609-540-0992; Abortion Recovery InterNational: Tony Rejano at 732-239-5836; Fr. Gene Daguplo at 848-448-5187; Norma McCoy at 609-238-9362; Mila Gutierrez at 609-529-6040 or Criselda Codilla at 609-379-9490. Pregnancy Resources Pregnant? Need Help? call 609-840-3785 NJ Addiction Services Hotline Struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol? Call 1-844-276-2777 for First Way of Burlington County 800-848-5683 the Addictions Hotline which can provide Information and referral to Birthright - Freehold 732-462-2888 substance abuse treatment agencies throughout New Jersey. Confidential Birthright - Toms River ………………. 732-349-0154 and available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Birthright - Red Bank 732-747-7600 Birthright - Barnegat 609-660-0485 The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline provides free and confidential 24/7 Toll-Free Hotlines: support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to anyone in suicidal crisis, National Life Center 1-800-848-LOVE emotional distress or those concerned about a loved one. Talk to Good Counsel Homes (NJ/NY) 1-800-723-8331 someone now 1-800-273-8255. Birthright 1-800-550-4900 To access the “Novena to St. Joseph: For Those on the Path of NJ Safe Haven 1-877-839-2339 Adoption” visit Abortion Pill Reversal Hotline: 1-877-558-0333

# 572 5-13-2018/ pub./ P. 6

"Saintly Stories”

(The Good News from Saint Raphael School)

Congratulations to our St Raphael-Holy Angels 2018 Track Team on their 3rd place overall placement! Great !

SCRIP CARDS If you would like to pre-order, please contact Carrie Rose at (267)

879-1690. Regular Scrip Card hours are Monday to Friday,

from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm. NO scrip cards will be sold on Saturday. SAINT RAPHAEL SCHOOL 151 Gropp Avenue, Hamilton, NJ Local participating businesses are: Brothers Pizza on Rt. 33, Saturday, June 2 Rossi’s Bar & Grill, Amari’s Pizzeria, Caesars Bagel & Deli, Please join us, inside the cafeteria, to sell your previously owned and DiModa Salon & Spa, Rossi Barber’s, Royal Nails/Magestic gently used clothes, shoes, furniture, toys, jewelry, home goods. Nails, Foley’s and Broad Street Diner. These local businesses $25 per table. Deadline: Monday, May 14 participate because they wish to help our parish and school. Please Please make check payable to SRS PTA - send to school office labeled keep these businesses in mind when making purchases when you “Flea Market” can, as they are generously donating money back to us! These Space is limited. You keep the profit for what you sell. Set-up begins at gift cards can be purchased through our Scrip program. 8:00 am. Selling begins at 9:00 am and ends at 3:00 pm. For more information contact Laurie at 609-239-0501 FAMILY ROSARY NIGHT 7:00 -- Doors Open Alumni Memorial Mass 7:30 -- Rosary Begins The Trenton Catholic Academy Community invites you to participate in the Alumni Memorial Mass for the deceased graduates of: St. Anthony High School, McCorristin Catholic High Schooland Saint Raphael School All Purpose Room Trenton Catholic Academy. Mass will be celebrated Please enter through main school doors on Thursday, May 17, 2018 at 7:00 PM in our school chapel. and into the basement. Father Jean Felicien, parochial vicar, Our Lady of Sorrows/ St. Warmly welcome all parishioners and school families of Anthony Parish and TCA chaplain will be the all celebrant. Address: 175 Leonard Avenue, Hamilton, NJ, 08610. ages to join us to pray the rosary on the following date: If you hope to attend, please email Rose O’Connor, [email protected] or call 609-586-3705 ext. 147. * June 1

# 572 5-13-2018/ pub./ P. 7 ST. RAPHAEL-HOLY ANGELS SPORTS ASSOCIATION The Sports Association website has participation forms, schedules, The number of clients coming for food are starting to increase. Our contact information, and updates. On the “Contact” page are the phone first “Reach Out Saturday” in April we distributed food to 118 families. On number and e-mail address of our parish’s volunteer athletic director, our last “Reach Out Saturday” we distributed food to 147 families. Brian Sakowski. Please visit the website,, and Summer is coming and the number of requests for food will be increasing. check us out! Thank God for the parishioners and donors of Our Lady of Sorrows - St. Anthony, St. Gregory the Great and St. Raphael - Holy Angels parish. JOIN the HOSPITALITY COMMITTEE Remember the saying, “God helps him who helps himself.” However, The Hospitality Committee is looking for more volunteers to help out. The when they cannot help themselves, God expects us to help them. Thank God first Sunday of each month we serve bagels, donuts, coffee, etc. in we had enough food to distribute to the 147 families. So, now we have to St. Raphael Church. Opportunities avail at St. Raphael after the 7:30, replenish our supply for our next “Reach Out Saturday.” All types of food 9:30 and 11:30 am Masses. Pick the time that works best for you. For items are always accepted. more information, call Trish Teague at 609-424-7444. God bless you for your generosity. SOCIETY of SAINT VINCENT de PAUL No bags needed at this time. Scripture Reflection

Next "Reach Out Saturday" - May 26 Today as we celebrate the feast of the Ascension we are reminded 9:00 am - 11:00 am, Parish Center that Christ’s saving work on earth continues through his disciples...and now through us. When we give to the poor, God indeed pours his love, peace and joy into our hearts, into our lives and into the hearts of those who are poor. For more information about our parish’s conference of the Society of UPCOMING VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES. Are you looking for St. Vincent de Paul and the programs that reach out to those in need, ways to serve those in need in our community? Earn service hours? please call the parish office at 609-585-7049. Get to know your fellow parishioners? And have fun at the same time? NEW UPDATED PARISH WEBSITE. VISIT IT REGULARLY. IN Won’t you consider one of the following volunteer activities? THE SEARCH ENGINE, TYPE: Newcomers, including students, are always welcome. Remember, volunteering once does not commit you to volunteer on every PRAY for those in MILITARY SERVICE occasion. Army Chief Warrant Officer Polyak, Iraq; Petty Officer Ryan Bucchi; Carl Vinson; Father Patrick McPartland, USN (Chaplain NURSING HOME Corps); Staff Sgt. Shawn Beaver, USAF (Turkey); MK3 Samantha Thanks to the 12 volunteers at our “Funny Friends” Bingo at Hamilton Williams-Gabris, USCG; HM3 (SW) Gerritt W. Furda, USNS Grove on May 1. The residents loved your help, smiles, and Comfort; Army Chief Warrant Officer Robert Smith enthusiasm. They also loved the cute “funny friends” donations from our parishioners. ALTAR SERVER MINISTRY The Altar Server Ministry is recruiting new altar servers (3rd grade to 12th grade). For information, please contact Fr. Gene, Tuesday, June 19, 9:30 am – 3 pm. Many helping hands are needed in the parish office (rectory), at 609-585-7049, ext. 100. for our annual Patriotic Party and Picnic for the residents of Hamilton Grove Healthcare. We decorate with balloons, make name tags, pass HOLY CROSS out favors, run the wheel of fortune game, distribute prizes, and serve OPEN HOUSE water ice. Volunteers are given lunch. If you can’t help the whole day, Join Holy Cross for the 2018-2019 School Year on Tuesday, May come whenever is convenient. (Note: Help is especially needed in the 15, at 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm. early part of the day.) ~ Tour our campus ~ Get answers to all your questions ~ Meet current Students & Parents ~ Bring a friend Our second Tuesday Bingo for the residents resumes July 10, For more information go to or from 6:15 – 8 pm.. [email protected] NEEDED: Small cardboard jewelry boxes. We love to box our jewelry gifts for the nursing home residents, and would appreciate your donation. NOTRE DAME HIGH Gifts to be used as prizes at the Patriotic Party. CLASS of 1963 SAVE the DATE. Notre Dame Class of 1963 will be celebrating their 55 TRENTON AREA SOUP KITCHEN Year Reunion on Saturday, October 20, 2018, at the Mercer County Wednesday, May 30. This is the date of our next fifth Wednesday Country Club, Mercer Oaks, located off Quakerbridge Road near US#1. For information contact Cathy Stout at 609-581-2096 or Dot Rabatie serving commitment. Meet in St. Raphael’s parking at 9:45 am for carpooling to Trenton. We return about 1:15 pm. Sit down jobs are Meyers at 609-577.0606. available if you prefer not to work the serving line. Interested volunteers SAINT ANTHONY HIGH SCHOOL will be going to Curtin’s Wharf for our lunch after serving. 1968 REUNION St. Anthony High School Class of 1968 will be celebrating it 50th reunion For more information about Social Concerns and potential on Saturday, 15 at the Mountain View Golf Course on Bear activities, please call Kathy at 609-585-4307. Tavern Road, Ewing, NJ. For more information, contact Pat Sollami at 609-883-2448 or 609-658-4893

# 572 5-13-2018 pub./ P.8 YR 14, LIFE TEEN 2018 Leading Teens Closer to Christ!

CALLED TO SERVE ? CELEBRATING THE SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER The Lord Is Calling Each One of Us… It’s a big week! On Thursday we celebrated the Ascension of the Lord, which means there are only Is he calling you to help nine days to go before the Holy Spirit comes down upon us in power. Thursday was the day to begin lead teens closer to your novena for the coming of the aforementioned third person of the trinity. This coming Sunday Christ. would have been the birthday of the late, great St John Paul 2, it is also my dad’s birthday, it is the Call Gez at 609 456 8857 final Sunday of Easter and of course the secular celebration of Mother’s day. But how secular is it? right now to find out how Mother’s day, (as we know it today), was originally celebrated in the UK and dates back to the 1600s. you might be of service to Generally it began as a prayer service in Church to honor the Blessed Virgin on the fourth Sunday of God and our youth. Lent. This was seen as a way to gain respite from the arduous rigors of the Lenten disciplines and Let Us Glorify Him With people began to honor their own mothers with baked goods and various gifts. In the USA it was Generous Hearts changed ironically by a woman who, though never married nor had kids of her own, made a point in Now and Forever ! tirelessly working for America to have its own date set aside to honor the good work all mothers did for their children. Anna Jarvis wanted a way for all people to set aside a day and thank our moms for their selfless service. Her hard work paid off whom, by 1911, Mother’s day was celebrated in almost every state in the Union and in 1914, President Woodrow Wilson, signed into law and designated the second Sunday of May as Mother’s Day. Today Mother’s day is celebrated all over the world (on different days) and no matter where you are phone lines are jammed flower sales go up, cards, chocolates etc. and the day that was made as a way to thank mom becomes more and more commercialized, (not something that Ms. Anna Jarvis would have wanted). Let’s go back to Blessed Momma. Let us look to her as the Spouse of the Spirit, as the Mother of God, as our own Mother for protection, for wisdom, for inspiration. When we recognize that our own Blessed Mother is the perfect , we are filled with hope and encouragement and inspiration. We all have our lil mommas, grand mommas or step mommas here on earth who have often done incredibly heroic and selfless acts time and time again, often without thanks or even recognition. Let us now recognize their witness to Love and with great gratitude ask our Big Momma in heaven to shower all of our lil moms with her love, her protection, her care. Momma Mary, wrap your mantle of protection around our moms and intercede on their behalf that they may live with you and all the angels and saints in the Divine triune presence in heaven for ever and ever, Amen!


(May 13th) Mother’s Day-No Life Night For LifeTeen & Spirit & MAY 20TH PENTECOST XLT (FINAL LIFENIGHT) Truth (Baptism- A One Night Only Event to Receive the Spirit) JULY 20-22nd NYC GLORY REVEALED visit facebook@ S.R.H.A.lifeteen or by EMAIL CONTACT the Youth Minister at [email protected] or spiritandtruthhami- [email protected] or by PHONE call GEZ on 609-456-8857

# 572 5-13-2018/ pub./ P. 9 EUCHARISTIC ADORATION SIGN-UP FORM To become an Adorer, please call John Margicin, in the Chapel Office (609 -585-3848), or drop off the sign-up form at the Chapel.

Name:______Phone:______E-mail: ______

I am available as a: ______weekly adorer ______substitute also ______substitute only

______Morning (6am-noon) ______Afternoon (noon to 6pm)

______Evening (6pm to midnight) ______Night (midnight to 6am)

Circle: Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

ATTENTION: ALL ADORERS Adorers committed to one hour per week are needed: WANTED: ANYONE READING THIS WHO: CHOIR MEMBERS NEEDED The following hours need immediate coverage: WHEN: ANY THURSDAY AT 5:00PM FOR RINGERS Fri. 10pm; SAT. 8am,5pm; SUN. 5pm ANY THURSDAY AT 7:15PM FOR SINGERS WHERE: ST. RAPHAEL CHURCH God wants to talk to you so stop in to see and listen to Him in the WHY: SERVE YOUR PARISH IN A PRAYERFUL WAY Adoration Chapel QUESTIONS: CALL LORI @609-462-2929 or EMAIL: [email protected] MASS READINGS FOR THE WEEK Mon., 5/14 Acts 1:15-17,20-26; Ps 113:1-8; Jn 15:9-17 Please consider serving our parish community by participating in Tues., 5/15 Acts 20:17-17; Ps 68:10-11,20-21; Kn 17:1-11a the Music Ministry. We are in need of singers in all voice parts Wed., 5/16 Acts 20:28-38; Ps 68:29-30,33-36b; Jn 17:11b-19 (sopranos, altos, tenors and basses). There are no Thu., 5/17 Acts 22:30; 23:6-11; Ps 16:1-2a,5,7-11; Jn 17:20-26 requirements...just a desire to praise God in song! There is no Fri., 5/18 Acts 25:13b-21; Ps 103:1-2,111-12,19-20b;Jn 21:15-19 audition and no previous experience necessary! Let's make a joyful Sat., 5/19 Acts 28:16-20,30-31; Ps 11:4-5,7; Jn 21:20-25 noise to the Lord!!! Sun. 5/20 Acts 2:1-11;Ps 104:1ab,24ac,29bc-30,31,34; 1 Cor I am happy to share with you that Christopher Pinto, a former choir 12:3b-7,12-13 or Jn 15:26-27;16:12-15 member and cantor, will be ordained a transitional deacon next Saturday, 5/19, at a 10:00am Mass celebrated by Bishop SAINTS of the WEEK O'Connell, here in St. Raphael Church. Chris will serve as deacon at Monday, 5/14 - Saint Mathias, Apostle, First Century. He was chosen the 4:30pm Mass and preach as well. You are most welcome to after the resurrection to replace Judas. attend both Masses! Have a blessed week! Tuesday, 5/15 - Saint Isadore, (1070 - 1130). He and his wife were renowned for their piety and generosity. Many miracles were attributed to Saturday, May 19 - 4:30 pm - Adult Choir/Contemporary Ensemble him. He was canonized in 1622 and is the of farmers and Sunday, May 20 - 9:30 am - St. Raphael School Archangel Mass Madrid. Tuesday, 5/15 - Saint John I, Pope and Martyr, (d. 526). Became pope in All other Masses are keyboard/Cantor 523. Like him, may we be willing to suffer to bring Christ to others. except for LifeTeen ST. VINCENT de PAUL SOCIETY The next meeting for the St. Vincent de Paul Society will be held JUNIOR LEGION of MARY on Wednesday, May 16, 2018, at 7:00 pm, in the parish center. The Junior Legion of Mary resumes their meeting when school opens in September on every Wednesday, at 3:00 pm in the INTENTIONS of POPE FRANCIS for MAY parish center. Mrs. Louise Ferrara (609-586-8153) with the Pope’s Intention for Evangelization: The mission of the Laity. That the assistance of Judith Dallaris (609-588-5655) will preside at the lay faithful may fulfill their specific mission, by responding with creativity meeting. to the challenges that face the world today.

(For LifeTeen events, see page 9.) THIS WEEK IN ST. RAPHAEL - HOLY ANGELS PARISH Mon., 5/14: Novena (weekly) St. Raphael Church 6:15 PM Mon., 5/14: Bingo Parish Ctr. (doors open 6 PM) 7:30 PM Tues., 5/15: Pray and Play Prayer Group (weekly) St. John Paul II Spiritual Ctr. 8:30 AM Tues., 5/15: Contemporary Ensemble No Rehearsal St. Raphael Church 7:15 - 8:45 PM Wed., 5/16: W4Y Youth Choir (grades K-8) St. Raphael Church 5:00 - 6:00 PM Wed., 5/16: Divine Mercy Chaplet (weekly) St. Raphael Church 8:00 AM Thurs., 5/17: Jesus, Our Good Shepherd Prayer Group (weekly) Fr. Emmons Conf. Room 7:00 - 8:30 PM Thurs., 5/17: W4Y Youth Choir (grades K-8) St. Raphael Church 3:00 - 4:00 PM Thurs, 5/17: Handbells St. Raphael Church 5:00 - 6:00 PM Thurs., 5/17: Adult Choir St. Raphael Church 7:15 - 8:30 PM Fri., 5/18: Bingo Parish Ctr. (doors open 6 PM 7:30 PM

# 572 5-13-2018/ pub./ P. 10 Foley’s Family Market AdvertiseYour BOHDAN “BO” BOBJAK 609-585-8104 COLONIAL VALLEY COINS Get Your Lottery Tickets Here Business Here Buying & Selling Coins & Paper Money • Gold & Silver Bullion 5% Senior Citizens Discount - Tues. & Weds. 800-333-3166 Monday-Friday 10am to 5pm • Saturday 10am-2pm • Sunday Appointments Only Double Coupons - see store for details [email protected] • Postal Stamps • WIC • Senior Deliveries • Catering ext. 161 4343 South Broad Street • Hamilton, NJ 08620 STORE HOURS Monday Thru Saturday 7:00 AM to 9:00 PM Celebrate ALL Your Special Events Open Sunday 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM ~ Birthdays, Graduation ~ 1080 Whitehorse Mercerville Rd., Hamilton, NJ Joe Foley Parishioner 609-581-0650 At the Lawrenceville Olive Garden! Olive Garden #1090 00 CHESTERFIELD 3345 Brunswick Pike $5. Off Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 Two (2) Entrees ELECTRIC & HVAC Excluding promotion items & Soup & Salad 609-987-9207 (Coupons only on property) HEATING, AIR CONDITIONING & ELECTRIC Electric Lic #13296C Richard Holman Home Improvement Cell: 609-534-3143 #13VH05446400 Fax: 609-723-4801 HVAC Lic#7685 [email protected] In Our 4th Decade of Quality Service FREE HEARING SCREENINGS • French Drains • Basement Remodeling • Foundation Repair • Mold Remediation All Work Guaranteed 877-401-4777 Audiology & Hearing Aid Center, Inc. Lorraine Kosztyu, DMD, PA 2657 Nottingham Way • Mercerville • 08619 General Family & Cosmetic Dentistry 609-586-3350 Offi ce Hours: AFFORDABLE DIGITAL HEARING AIDS Monday 8 am-6 pm • Tuesday 7:30 am-5 pm FROM $1800.00 TO $3800.00 PER PAIR Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Wednesday 8 am-5:30 pm • Friday 8 am-4 pm Save you money with your monthly payments on TINY DIGITAL DANAL HEARING AID Mention Ad your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Offi ce Saturday - Open One Per Month STARKEY ARIES ITC for One Free Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as Carton of 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. Call (609) 896-1050 to schedule an appointment. 6 Months Interest Free Batteries With Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 Visit WWW.KOSZTYU.COM $1400 (To Qualifi ed Buyers - Call for Details) Purchase 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 Kathleen Evans, M.S. CCC-A, Hearing Aid Dispenser NJ Lic. # 106600 Philadelphia, PA 19131 82 Franklin Corner Road • Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 Lic No: HP0156400 Home Care Services: Personal Care • Meal Preparation B.Y.O.B. Medication Reminders $5 OFF Light Housekeeping • Laundry Any Purchase Doctor Appt. • Pet Care of $35 of More With this coupon only. Cannot be combined Socialization • Respite Care with other off ers. Expires 6/30/2018 “Let our Angels take care of you.” 3440 South Broad St. Sun & Mon Special (609) 638-6485 Hamilton, NJ Buy One Large Cheese Pizza FREE CANDLE get second at 1/2 OFF. WITH ANY PURCHASE 609-585-1200 With this coupon only. Cannot be combined We service throughout NJ & PA Must Present Coupon with other off ers. Expires 6/30/2018 Family Owned and FREE INSPECTION 8833-226-353533-226-3535 All on 4® - Dental Implants Operated Since 1987 Licensed & Insured 9922 N MMainain SSt.,t., WWindsor,indsor, NNJJ 0085618561 Reena M. Varghese, DMD, MSEd, MSc Board Certifi ed Prosthodontist Church BBuildinguilding 8 UnitUnit C NNextext ttoo DDavidavid BBradleyradley CChocolatehocolate FFactoryactory Member Discounts PEERMANENTRMANENT TEEETHETH IINN ONNEE DAAYY $100 OFF Consultation Visit BASEMENT WATERPROOFING with this ad MOLD REMEDIATION • FOUNDATION REPAIR Princeton Dental Group • 301 N. Harrison St. Ste. F • Princeton, NJ 08540 www.RightwayWaterproofi • 609-386-6969 Call 609-924-0796 WWeddingedding IInvitationsnvitations HHolidayoliday CCardsards Advertise Your Business Here LLogog oontonto cconvenientlyonveniently fromfrom youryour homehome oror 800-333-3166 OONLINENLINE CCATALOGATALOG - OONLINENLINE OORDERINGRDERING - OONLINENLINE PPROOFINGROOFING ext. 161 AAllll MajorMajor CCreditredit CardsCards AAcceptedccepted FFREEREE UUPSPS GGROUNDROUND SHIPPINGSHIPPING! 572 St. Raphael-Holy Angels, Trenton, NJ (I) John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. (800) 333-3166 • Law Offi ce of Residential/Light Commercial

KATHLEEN KELLY HAMILTON e-mail: [email protected] THE ORIGINAL WILLS • ESTATES • REAL ESTATE (609) 585-0545 PRATICO 6 McKnight Ave. • Bordentown, NJ • (609) 424-0173 Fax (609) 581-2442 Fax: (609) 424-0625 • [email protected] NJ Lic.#8271 JEWELERS formerly of Lalor 609-587-1674 Plumbing License HAS MOVED TO JAMES C. RICKETTI, D.P.M. #9813 Board Certifi ed A NEW LOCATION Foot Specialist • Surgeon & Sports Medicine Free Estimates Emergency Service 4324 S. Broad St., Yardville Golden Crest Corp. Center, 2273 Rt. 33, Suite 204, Hamilton Square 609-890-1220 Hamilton Twp., NJ 08610 609-392-6953 127 Rt. 206, Ste. 21 Hamilton, NJ 08610-4316 WWherehere thethe CommitmentCommitment CContinuesontinues JOHN J. BUBLEWICZ Since 1927 FForor OverOver 5757 yearsyears 609-426-8755 ATTORNEY AT LAW aabalenebalene Fine Jewelry at Affordable Prices TTERMITEERMITE & PESTPEST CONTROLCONTROL Full Service Repair Shop on Premises Compassionate Representation of the Injured WWWW.ABALENEPEST.COMWW.ABALENEPEST.COM ABALENE EXTERMINATING COMPANY, INC. All major Credit Cards accepted Personal Injury • Worker Compensation • Wills / Power of Attorney / Estates Hamilton Princeton Pennsylvania FRANNY PRATICO-KOZICZ 6609.585.005409.585.0054 609.924.2273609.924.2273 215.295.3332215.295.3332 parishioner View our menu online Our Family Caring Buklad Yardville Memorial Chapel DELI for Your Family 30 Yardville - Allentown Road • Yardville Boar’s Head Kenneth E. Moore, Sole Owner / Manager, N.J. Lic. #3412 Christopher Merlino, Director, N.J. Lic. #4079 3212 SOUTH BROAD ST. HAMILTON (609) 581-6830 Buklad Memorial Home Information & Resources RISTORANTE & PIZZERIA 2141 South Broad Street • Hamilton Township 501(C)(3) Nonprofi t “We Specialize in Catering” Christopher Merlino, Manager/Director, N.J. Lic. #4079 73 Route 130 • Bordentown Kenneth E. Moore, Sole Owner / Director, N.J. Lic. #3412 1-800-DEMENTIA Open 7 days • (609) 298-9000 6609-695-186809-695-1868 1800DEMENTIA.ORG 10% OFF any dinner check Buklad Memorial Homes, Inc. The of $15 or more WWhitehorsehitehorse MercervilleMercerville Chapel,Chapel, LLCLLC CCROSSROSS & (EAT IN DINING ROOM ONLY) Joseph A. D’Errico, Mgr. - NJ Lic. No. 3651 SSHAMROCKHAMROCK $1.00 OFF ANY PIZZA RReligiouseligious IItemstems & IIrishrish GGiftsifts (TAKE OUT ONLY) Stephen J. Sabo, Jr., Dir. - NJ Lic. No. 3705 • 6609-586-969609-586-9696 NOT VALID ON HOLIDAYS 2365 Whitehorse Mercerville Rd., Hamilton 609-587-9050 1669 Rt. 33, Hamilton Sq., NJ 08690 Long Established Children “A Tradition of Caring for Over 55 Years” Camp In Adirondacks! A.J. PONE OPTICIANS Looking for Year Round Personalized Service / Quality Eyewear For The Entire Family Partner/Administrator Helper Contact: Mike 518-521-7088 or 2303 Whitehorse-Mercerville Rd. 609-586-6633 Email: [email protected] Visit us at our website at This Space is Available! 800-333-3166 ext. 161 GGUTTERUTTER DOCTODOCTO 6609-586-230009-586-2300 N.J. Lic. No. 00343A (609) 585-4343 CCAESAR’SAESAR’S Rico’s Auto Body, Inc. BBAGELSAGELS & DDELIELI Foreign and Domestic OUT CHECK 601 Rt. 130 • Robbinsville, NJ 08691 OUR LUNCH 609-838-9488 SPECIALS 110 Flock Rd., Hamilton Township, NJ Call For Special Rates for Catering Any Affairs Accept All Major Credit Cards BUY A DOZEN OF BAGELS BUY 1/2 A DOZEN OF GET 6 FREE BAGELS TO GET 3 FREE Flyers, Programs, Booklets Brochures, Business Cards, Banners & much more! CALL US! 6609-298-902009-298-9020 • 192 Route 130, Bordentown NJ 08505 572 St. Raphael-Holy Angels, Trenton, NJ (B) John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. (800) 333-3166 •