Firmware Analysis of Linksys E900 V.
Firmware Analysis of Linksys E900 v. HID Linksys E900 v. Device Name E900 Vendor Linksys Device Class Routers Version Release Date 1970-01-01 Size 7.39 MiB (7,746,560 Byte) Unpacker (v. 0.7) Plugin generic carver Extracted 2 Output: DECIMAL HEXADECIMAL DESCRIPTION ——————————————————————————– 0 0x0 BIN-Header, board ID: E900, hardware version: 4702, firmware v ersion: 1.0.0, build date: 2018-08-08 32 0x20 TRX firmware header, little endian, image size: 7745536 bytes, CRC32: 0x756770AD, flags: 0x0, version: 1, header size: 28 bytes, loader offset: 0x1C, linux kernel offset: 0x14FDFC, rootfs offset: 0x0 60 0x3C gzip compressed data, maximum compression, has original file n ame: ”piggy”, from Unix, last modified: 2018-08-08 05:28:28 1375772 0x14FE1C Squashfs filesystem, little endian, non-standard signature, ve rsion 3.0, size: 6365444 bytes, 1718 inodes, blocksize: 65536 bytes, created: 2018-08-08 05:33:15 Entropy 0.89 1 File Type (v. 1.0) File Type data MIME application/octet-stream Containing Files application/CDFV2 (2) application/gzip (1) application/octet-stream (3) application/x-executable (67) application/x-object (27) application/x-sharedlib (116) filesystem/squashfs (1) image/gif (42) image/jpeg (8) image/png (17) image/x-icon (1) inode/symlink (7) text/plain (990) 2 Binwalk (v. 0.5.2) Signature Analysis: DECIMAL HEXADECIMAL DESCRIPTION ——————————————————————————– 0 0x0 BIN-Header, board ID: E900, hardware version: 4702, firmware version: 1.0.0, build date: 2018-08-08 32 0x20 TRX firmware header, little endian,
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