69 Th« JAK H a U Coat
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w / I f ' V' i , MONDAV, NOVEMBER B, 19,56 Hav^ Y^u y6tedt Lucky Americofts?Polls Close:at 7^. m, Manchester WAXES Mill hold a The Rotary Club will iQMt Tum- Pvt. Adrian P. I^faaUd, son of Carl F. Clalr^lS Saulter* Rd., e^ tor of mUsie. The group \yUI leas meeting toipjjhvw at 7:30 day night at 6:30 at the Manchea- Mr. and Mrs. Joh jtlv Scarlatb, 300 .Tohn L. GagUafMone, 214 Gardn^t BpardTaked also sing the Lord’a Prayer. Average Effitly Net Preaa Run About To p.m."fmiowing the usDal weighing ter Country Club. The'Rev. Aimold Charter Oak anid' Pvt. Andre St., and JpS^h J. Hatoburdo Jr., ’the Rev. K. Ejnar Rask, pastor WMki Anemic, TheAn.n Weatherrrm iuivr -v ■ '29 Btr^nt St:, are among the 24 W»t the Week Ended ^S8ion><whlch . will ^ begin at 7 W. Toser of tjfte SCcohd Congrega I'. Liebmahr lion of Mr. and Mr^' of Covenant Congregational Nev. 8, 1086 Fttremt ef D. 8. WMthev ' <SIVf. S. S.. MoMlew^^d Mrs. tional (jhurch win show slides and Andre^JCi- Uebhian Jr,-'of Qroiia students^at the University / o^loclj;. Pltms will also be com Oath Tcmight Church will pronounce the Invoca Stanley Klflca may contacted pleted for the^roup's annual food present a talk on h.*s recent Euro Rd, ,^ Coventry," Have arrived at Connecticut \who have been Run-Down Cteari' noatlaned neni * M t| »H for pickup of ar^es fot* the pean trip. , - \ Fort D ^ N. J., and ibeen^assigned singled out for > honors ini' the tion, and ^he Rev. Theodore P. ■ sale, -ThufedM, ^Nov., _8, from 9 Four new pifectors will take of 12,361 eu(ljr morning vnlleg fag. Lew Amerl<»n I<eyion^uxiUary'a ruth* a.m: ■ throu^out’ 'the day. In- to C Co., 1st Regiment of .the Rq TO program by .being'' named Qubala, St. Bridget’s Church, the mage aale WCdnesdi^ at the Mias Barbara Smith,^ughter of U.S, Arniy Training CenteY., for Distinguished Military Students,' fice tonlghf and five incumbents Men and Women! Member qf the Audit near 4A- Wedneeday meetiy Mumyi, chiding the usuiiJ lHie'^M^ home, benedictidn. There's posltlvelv nothing bat . Bureau of CIrenIntlon ^ lie^on Hom^' baked goods, .the cpmmllteb... of MK, and Mrs. Oval J. Smith, 125 eight w’eeks of- basic training.. Clair (Air Forcej is a ' political will be sworn in for new 2-year mild. High In npper dOn. Main St., a freshman a t At^rtUs science m a jo r , . Gagllardone Special Meeting Follows ter than FRRRIZA.V. to pick yeu UanchAM tePy^A^ity o f VUlifge Charm which Mrs. Marion Gro______ , Prior to enterWg the Army, both terms. 'The inaugural meeting will The Direetdrs will elect a chair up. and make you-feel that Lift The Hoi aXeaitua will meet to* N. Elm St. is chairman, plans agnUs CoUege, New Havei^will attended Manchester High School (Army) is a- marketing -(najor^ It worth livinx aealn. morrdw 2 p.tn. at the SaltationUVl ome an «lclal,,m em ber oDthe and Haloburdo. (Armyi is an take place. at the Keeney Street men-and a secretary, posts now serve complete “ take home" din' and were fmployed by First Na held-by Turkington and Miller, re If your condition aa ta ae oftan Army iCltadel. >Vork will he on coiihge at the ^vetUtUre ceremtmy tional Stores.- electricisl engineering major.' School beginning at S o’clock. the'rase, ia due to need o f moyt VOL. LXXyi, NO. 82 (EIGIITEEN PAGES) j (Ciaealfled Adveiitelag on Faga 10) ners'for the busy housewives. spectively.. MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER > PRICE n V E CENtR ju rtic^ 'fh r the Ghriitmae eale, Sundays^sJternd^ at' 3 o ’clock in Oaths of'Office will be admin eaaentlai vltamtna and food JrOn After the ceremonial meeting, for hullding up your blood thah. ■ I J' the.1nati of which ie act for Thure* The monthly, meeting of the St. Mary>i^urcK\Ahe Is a.gradU V Manchester Lodge, No, 73, A.F. All the recreation buildings will ate of Manchipter High School. istered by Superior dourt Judge the BoaVd wilt hold a special meet yOii should try FRRRIZA^ a Dec. 6. Hosteasee tomorrow committee of C^h S<;out Pack No. and A.M., will hold a special com- be closed to ajl activities on Elec true Reronatrurtiye tonic. be Major MyrtJe T^rWin^^on, r..unicatlon at the Mawmic Temple tion Day, excejit cfor the regular William J. Shea; e Manchester res ing at which a number of appoint- (live FRRRIZAN a rhknM te 91, will be held Wednesday st 8 .i.ienta to towi) pbSts will be con :ra. Major Jeremiah Sweet and p.m. at the' Manchester 'Green The Regina d’ltirtiA'SiWiety, will tomorrow night at 7:30. The en Tuei^ay bowTlng leaglies and for ident. Chief speaker at the cere- pick you right up. Increase your sidered. Among those posts is the appetite, give you more enerxy Mra. Thomaa’ Maxwell. SthoOl. j . , hold its monthly mwKnii^ontght tered .apprentice --djegree' will be senior members wishing ...m use monies'will be Hubert W. Stone, the show’drs. office of, town counsel, one which- from richer, redder blood, at 7:3Q.at the ItaIian''Au^loah copferredx, by the o ff e r s , of the .director of Municipal Consulting FERIUZAN la sold on a'poaltive Miaa Karolyn Harriet Kaye, Club. Elections will' be heU|Nsiid lodge, and a social hbUr^ and re- Services for the Connecticut Pub- has been the subject of some Con The executive board of the Ver- troversy In past yesra Guarantee of complete aatlafae- daughter of Dr. and Mra. Paul M. planck PTA will hold a brief busi plans made for the Christmas'. ishments follow'the work. Maurice Gaudet has been named lid Expenditures Council. tion or mone.v heck. ' Kaye, 102 W. Center 8t., haa been ness meetihg tomorrow ,st 7:30 ty next month. After the meetln) Yhalrman of the Elks memocial The, Directors who will begin The Dlreciors’ are scnedulcd to aura you get get|ttln« pledged to Gamma Phi Beta aor- at the 'Verplanck', School, coffee and refreshments will, be .Ii^ph A.,Moriarty, abn of Mr. services which will be held on Dec, their first term on the Board are set A date for a public heaHng FERRIZAN. 100 Tablet# 11.11. N' oiity at Miami University, Oxford, served. and MrAsJoseph J. Moriarty, 41 2 in the Elks Lodge. " on amendments to the subdivision jl W. Hale Deparfmrat Stnm,^ Ohio. She ta a' freshman in the Atty. Eugene •'Kelly, Theodore The Army and Navy Club Aux Strbi^f 8t>^is one of 11 senior Cummings end Fritncll Mahoney, regulations. School of Arts and Sciences, major studonta at-tM^S^. Louis Univer Manchester (Chapter. No. 17, On 'Thursday, the Town Plan ing In English. iliary. xViil meet Wednesday eve Naval Aviation Cadet Charles K. all Democrats, and Roy Johnson, ning at the clubhouse. At 8:30, sity Schobl^of Medicine who has DAV, and its Auxiliary'presented Republican. ning Commission held, hearings on Mullanr.v, USNR, 20. son of Mrs. a HQlloween .social for the patients Dr. Merrill, B. Rubinow will speak Sfary Mullaney. ■ 134 Hilliard St., been elected tp membership in Incumbants are Harry Firato? an ' amendment which' would in A meeting of the teacher apon- at Rocky Hill Veterans Hospital crease lot sizes apd another which aora of the Junior Red Croaa will and show' slides. Mrs. Christine reported aboard the NaVal Auxil the Alpha Omega Alpha'Honorary Jacob Miller, Harold A. Turking- Gienney and her comniUtec w'ill iary Station, C^baniss Field, Cor Medical Society. He graduated last week. Ice cream and Hal ton and Gilbert Barhee. Republi would require siibdividera t® P*!f be held tomorrow afternoon at 3 :30 loween cupcakes Were served. a certain amount for each lot to at the Hollister Street School. •sen-c refreshments. .Members ai;e pus CHiristie, Tex., on Oct. 24, for from Manchester High' School, ah< cans, and Dr. Pascal Poe, Demo- reminded to bring gifts for the advanced flight training. He re attended the University of Con crat. , be put aside for acquisition of necticut from 1950 to 1953. piihllr land for schools, ot parks. Due to the election tomorrow, the "White Elephant" table_____ ceived his basic flight training at. Distribute While controf of the BoIrd still regular meeting of Anderaon- Pensacola, Fla. A 1953 graduate of rests with .the Republicans, the X Shea Post, No. 2046. VFW, will The DeMoIay ^.Mothers Ciixlc Manchester High School., he at A. meeting of all the Girl Scout minority party, la stronger than leaders and interested adults in Votmg^eminders be held tonight at the post home will meet at 7;30 this evening in tended the University of Connecti in former,years because it now has LARGE SCREEN RCA Local Balloting atSMS. the John Mather room o f the Ma cut from 1953 to 1955.' . the northea.st neighborhood, com four members on the Board. prising the Green and Buckley Color TV $523 ,and up sonic Temple. Hundreds of Bd.V\Scouta-,.ln Toplight’s inaugural meeting 61 Million Voters ■ID London Airs Terpis; Schools area, will be held Wednes Edward A. Mathieaon, son of Blackicdge District weriKout Sat* will get underw'ay with the sing B A R L O W 'S 2,500 Short of paii. .Lauly Roberts Lodge. Daugh day night at 8 o’clock at the urday hanging nearly 10,000, "get Mr.