w / I f ' V' i , MONDAV, NOVEMBER B, 19,56 Hav^ Y^u y6tedt Lucky Americofts?Polls Close:at 7^. m, Manchester WAXES Mill hold a The Rotary Club will iQMt Tum- Pvt. Adrian P. I^faaUd, son of Carl F. Clalr^lS Saulter* Rd., e^ tor of mUsie. The group \yUI leas meeting toipjjhvw at 7:30 day night at 6:30 at the Manchea- Mr. and Mrs. Joh jtlv Scarlatb, 300 .Tohn L. GagUafMone, 214 Gardn^t BpardTaked also sing the Lord’a Prayer. Average Effitly Net Preaa Run About To p.m."fmiowing the usDal weighing ter Country Club. The'Rev. Aimold Charter Oak anid' Pvt. Andre St., and JpS^h J. Hatoburdo Jr., ’the Rev. K. Ejnar Rask, pastor WMki Anemic, TheAn.n Weatherrrm iuivr -v ■ '29 Btr^nt St:, are among the 24 W»t the Week Ended ^S8ion><whlch . will ^ begin at 7 W. Toser of tjfte SCcohd Congrega­ I'. Liebmahr lion of Mr. and Mr^' of Covenant Congregational Nev. 8, 1086 Fttremt ef D. 8. WMthev ' <SIVf. S. S.. MoMlew^^d Mrs. tional (jhurch win show slides and Andre^JCi- Uebhian Jr,-'of Qroiia students^at the University / o^loclj;. Pltms will also be com­ Oath Tcmight Church will pronounce the Invoca­ Stanley Klflca may contacted pleted for the^roup's annual food present a talk on h.*s recent Euro­ Rd, ,^ Coventry," Have arrived at Connecticut \who have been Run-Down Cteari' noatlaned neni * M t| »H for pickup of ar^es fot* the pean trip. , - \ Fort D ^ N. J., and ibeen^assigned singled out for > honors ini' the tion, and ^he Rev. Theodore P. ■ sale, -ThufedM, ^Nov., _8, from 9 Four new pifectors will take of­ 12,361 eu(ljr morning vnlleg fag. Lew Amerl<»n I<eyion^uxiUary'a ruth* a.m: ■ throu^out’ 'the day. In- to C Co., 1st Regiment of .the Rq TO program by .being'' named Qubala, St. Bridget’s Church, the mage aale WCdnesdi^ at the Mias Barbara Smith,^ughter of U.S, Arniy Training CenteY., for Distinguished Military Students,' fice tonlghf and five incumbents Men and Women! Member qf the Audit near 4A- Wedneeday meetiy Mumyi, chiding the usuiiJ lHie'^M^ home, benedictidn. There's posltlvelv nothing bat­ . Bureau of CIrenIntlon ^ lie^on Hom^' baked goods, .the cpmmllteb... of MK, and Mrs. Oval J. Smith, 125 eight w’eeks of- basic training.. Clair (Air Forcej is a ' political will be sworn in for new 2-year mild. High In npper dOn. Main St., a freshman a t At^rtUs science m a jo r , . Gagllardone Special Meeting Follows ter than FRRRIZA.V. to pick yeu UanchAM tePy^A^ity o f VUlifge Charm which Mrs. Marion Gro______ , Prior to enterWg the Army, both terms. 'The inaugural meeting will The Direetdrs will elect a chair­ up. and make you-feel that Lift The Hoi aXeaitua will meet to* N. Elm St. is chairman, plans agnUs CoUege, New Havei^will attended Manchester High School (Army) is a- marketing -(najor^ It worth livinx aealn. morrdw 2 p.tn. at the SaltationUVl ome an «lclal,,m em ber oDthe and Haloburdo. (Armyi is an take place. at the Keeney Street men-and a secretary, posts now serve complete “ take home" din' and were fmployed by First Na­ held-by Turkington and Miller, re­ If your condition aa ta ae oftan Army iCltadel. >Vork will he on coiihge at the ^vetUtUre ceremtmy tional Stores.- electricisl engineering major.' School beginning at S o’clock. the'rase, ia due to need o f moyt VOL. LXXyi, NO. 82 (EIGIITEEN PAGES) j (Ciaealfled Adveiitelag on Faga 10) ners'for the busy housewives. spectively.. MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER > PRICE n V E CENtR ju rtic^ 'fh r the Ghriitmae eale, Sundays^sJternd^ at' 3 o ’clock in Oaths of'Office will be admin­ eaaentlai vltamtna and food JrOn After the ceremonial meeting, for hullding up your blood thah. ■ I J' the.1nati of which ie act for Thure* The monthly, meeting of the St. Mary>i^urcK\Ahe Is a.gradU V Manchester Lodge, No, 73, A.F. All the recreation buildings will ate of Manchipter High School. istered by Superior dourt Judge the BoaVd wilt hold a special meet­ yOii should try FRRRIZA^ a Dec. 6. Hosteasee tomorrow committee of C^h S<;out Pack No. and A.M., will hold a special com- be closed to ajl activities on Elec­ true Reronatrurtiye tonic. be Major MyrtJe T^rWin^^on, r..unicatlon at the Mawmic Temple tion Day, excejit cfor the regular William J. Shea; e Manchester res­ ing at which a number of appoint- (live FRRRIZAN a rhknM te 91, will be held Wednesday st 8 .i.ienta to towi) pbSts will be con­ :ra. Major Jeremiah Sweet and p.m. at the' Manchester 'Green The Regina d’ltirtiA'SiWiety, will tomorrow night at 7:30. The en­ Tuei^ay bowTlng leaglies and for ident. Chief speaker at the cere- pick you right up. Increase your sidered. Among those posts is the appetite, give you more enerxy Mra. Thomaa’ Maxwell. SthoOl. j . , hold its monthly mwKnii^ontght tered .apprentice --djegree' will be senior members wishing ...m use monies'will be Hubert W. Stone, the show’drs. office of, town counsel, one which- from richer, redder blood, at 7:3Q.at the ItaIian''Au^loah copferredx, by the o ff e r s , of the .director of Municipal Consulting FERIUZAN la sold on a'poaltive Miaa Karolyn Harriet Kaye, Club. Elections will' be heU|Nsiid lodge, and a social hbUr^ and re- Services for the Connecticut Pub- has been the subject of some Con­ The executive board of the Ver- troversy In past yesra Guarantee of complete aatlafae- daughter of Dr. and Mra. Paul M. planck PTA will hold a brief busi­ plans made for the Christmas'. ishments follow'the work. Maurice Gaudet has been named lid Expenditures Council. tion or mone.v heck. ' Kaye, 102 W. Center 8t., haa been ness meetihg tomorrow ,st 7:30 ty next month. After the meetln) Yhalrman of the Elks memocial The, Directors who will begin The Dlreciors’ are scnedulcd to aura you get get|ttln« pledged to Gamma Phi Beta aor- at the 'Verplanck', School, coffee and refreshments will, be .Ii^ph A.,Moriarty, abn of Mr. services which will be held on Dec, their first term on the Board are set A date for a public heaHng FERRIZAN. 100 Tablet# 11.11. N' oiity at Miami University, Oxford, served. and MrAsJoseph J. Moriarty, 41 2 in the Elks Lodge. " on amendments to the subdivision jl W. Hale Deparfmrat Stnm,^ Ohio. She ta a' freshman in the Atty. Eugene •'Kelly, Theodore The Army and Navy Club Aux­ Strbi^f 8t>^is one of 11 senior Cummings end Fritncll Mahoney, regulations. School of Arts and Sciences, major studonta at-tM^S^. Louis Univer­ Manchester (Chapter. No. 17, On 'Thursday, the Town Plan­ ing In English. iliary. xViil meet Wednesday eve­ Naval Aviation Cadet Charles K. all Democrats, and Roy Johnson, ning at the clubhouse. At 8:30, sity Schobl^of Medicine who has DAV, and its Auxiliary'presented Republican. ning Commission held, hearings on Mullanr.v, USNR, 20. son of Mrs. a HQlloween .social for the patients Dr. Merrill, B. Rubinow will speak Sfary Mullaney. ■ 134 Hilliard St., been elected tp membership in Incumbants are Harry Firato? an ' amendment which' would in A meeting of the teacher apon- at Rocky Hill Veterans Hospital crease lot sizes apd another which aora of the Junior Red Croaa will and show' slides. Mrs. Christine reported aboard the NaVal Auxil­ the Alpha Omega Alpha'Honorary Jacob Miller, Harold A. Turking- Gienney and her comniUtec w'ill iary Station, C^baniss Field, Cor­ Medical Society. He graduated last week. Ice cream and Hal­ ton and Gilbert Barhee. Republi­ would require siibdividera t® P*!f be held tomorrow afternoon at 3 :30 loween cupcakes Were served. a certain amount for each lot to at the Hollister Street School. •sen-c refreshments. .Members ai;e pus CHiristie, Tex., on Oct. 24, for from Manchester High' School, ah< cans, and Dr. Pascal Poe, Demo- reminded to bring gifts for the advanced flight training. He re­ attended the University of Con­ crat. , be put aside for acquisition of necticut from 1950 to 1953. piihllr land for schools, ot parks. Due to the election tomorrow, the "White Elephant" table_____ ceived his basic flight training at. Distribute While controf of the BoIrd still regular meeting of Anderaon- Pensacola, Fla. A 1953 graduate of rests with .the Republicans, the X Shea Post, No. 2046. VFW, will The DeMoIay ^.Mothers Ciixlc Manchester High School., he at­ A. meeting of all the Girl Scout minority party, la stronger than leaders and interested adults in Votmg^eminders be held tonight at the post home will meet at 7;30 this evening in tended the University of Connecti­ in former,years because it now has LARGE SCREEN RCA Local Balloting atSMS. the John Mather room o f the Ma­ cut from 1953 to 1955.' . the northea.st neighborhood, com­ four members on the Board. prising the Green and Buckley Color TV $523 ,and up sonic Temple. Hundreds of Bd.V\Scouta-,.ln Toplight’s inaugural meeting 61 Million Voters ■ID London Airs Terpis; Schools area, will be held Wednes Edward A. Mathieaon, son of Blackicdge District weriKout Sat* will get underw'ay with the sing­ B A R L O W 'S 2,500 Short of paii. .Lauly Roberts Lodge. Daugh­ day night at 8 o’clock at the urday hanging nearly 10,000, "get Mr.
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