Fromia millepora Eriphia scrabricola Chloeia sp. Lybia n. sp. Florida MuseuM of Natural History Elysia pusilla Annual Report 2008-2009 Chromodoris kuniei ransoni Trapezia lutea Paraplanocera n. sp. Pilodius flavus Fromia sp. Chromodoris tinctoria Thyrolambrus efflorescens Dolabrifera dolabrifera Aniculus aniculus “The Florida Museum of Natural History is Florida’s state museum Florida Museum of Natural History Marketing and Public Relations of natural history, dedicated to understanding, preserving and PO Box 112710 interpreting biological diversity and cultural heritage.” Gainesville, FL 32611-2710 Editor: Paul Ramey, APR
[email protected] Contributing Editors: Elise LeCompte Sharon Thomas Photography: Dan Brumbaugh Jeff Gage Jim Maragos Gustav Paulay Mary Warrick Eric Zamora Design: Leah Parchinski Printing: StorterChilds Printing Co. This Annual Report features images from the Florida Museum of Natural History Malacology Collection. Malacology is devoted to the study of mollusks, the second largest phylum of animals in terms of described species. About 100,000 species of mollusks are known, and the Florida Museum holds more than 30,000 species among 400,000 lots of specimens. More than 300,000 lots are now databased and accessible online ( malacology/collections.htm). The collection is among the five largest in the U.S., and one of the most rapidly growing. It is the second largest mollusk collection worldwide in online accessibility. (left) Marine Malacology Curator Gustav Paulay surveys the biodiversity of Kiritimati Island in the Pacific. Since Paulay’s hire in 2000, the Museum also has added an increasing number of non- molluscan marine invertebrates to its collection. A Message From the Director In December 2008, the Florida Museum received the most significant gift in its long history from its most generous benefactors.