

The mirror- system: a Bayesian perspective

James M. Kilner, Karl J. Friston and Chris D. Frith

WellcomeTrust Centre for Neuroimaging, UCL, London, UK

Correspondence to James M. Kilner,WellcomeTrust Centre for Neuroimaging, Institute of Neurology,UCL,12 Queen Square, London WC1N 3BG, UK Tel: +44 20 7833 7472; fax: +44 20 78131472; e-mail: j.kilner@¢l.ion.ucl.ac.uk

Received 24 January 2007; accepted11February 2007

Is itpossible to understand the of other people by simply problem is solved by the mirror-neuron system using predictive observing their movements? Many believe that coding on the basis of a statistical approach known as empirical this ability depends on the brain’s mirror-neuron system, which Bayesian inference.This means that the most likely cause of an ob- provides a direct link between action and observation. Precisely served movement can be inferred by minimizing the prediction how intentions can be inferred through movement-observation, error at all cortical levels that are engaged during movement however, has provoked much debate. One problem in inferring observation. This account identi¢es a precise role for the mirror- the cause of an observed action, is that the problem is ill-posed neuron system in our ability to infer intentions from observed because identical movements can be made when performing movement and outlines possible computational mechanisms. di¡erent actions with di¡erent goals. Here we suggest that this NeuroReport18 : 619^ 62 3 c 2007 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Keyword: Bayesian, inference, mirror-, predictive coding

Introduction level that describes the configuration of the hand and the Humans can infer the intentions of others through observa- movement of the arm in space and time. To understand the tion of their actions. Here we define action as a sequence of intentions or goals of an observed action, the observer acts or movements with a specific goal. Little is known must be able to describe the observed movement at either about the neural mechanisms underlying this ability to the goal level or the level having only access to a ‘mind read’, but a strong candidate is the mirror-neuron visual representation of the kinematic level. It is, however, system (MNS) [1–3]. Mirror-neurons discharge not unclear how the visual information from an observed action only during action execution but also during action maps onto the observer’s own motor system and how the observation. Their participation in both action execution goal of that action is inferred [8–11]. Gallese [12] recently and observation suggests that these neurons are a possible noted that ‘... we do not have a clear neuroscientific model substrate for automatic action understanding. Mirror- of how humans can understand the intentions promoting neurons were first discovered in the premotor area, F5, of the actions of others they observe’. Therefore, the question the macaque monkey (see [3] for a review) and have been remains how do mirror-neurons mediate understanding identified subsequently in an area of the inferior parietal of actions performed by others? In answer to this, Rizzolati lobule, area PF [4]. Neurons in the superior temporal sulcus and Craighero [3] wrote ‘The proposed mechanism is (STS), also respond selectively to biological movements, rather simple. Each time an individual sees an action both in monkeys [5] and in humans [2], but they are not done by another individual, neurons that represent that mirror-neurons as they do not discharge during action action are activated in the observer’s . execution. Nevertheless, they are often considered part of This automatically induced, motor representation of the the MNS [6]. observed action corresponds to that which is spontaneously Mirror-neurons and the MNS have been the focus of generated during active action and whose outcome is much interest since their discovery because they have been known to the acting individual. Thus, the mirror-neuron proposed as a neural substrate that enables us to under- system transforms visual information into knowledge’. stand the intentions of others through observation of their Implicit in this, and many other descriptions of the MNS, actions [1]. Actions can be understood at many different is the idea that information carried by visual signals is levels. Following Hamilton and Grafton [7], we will transformed as it is passed by forward connections between consider actions that can be described at four levels: (i) the areas of the MNS from low-level representations of the intention level that defines the long-term goal of an action – movement kinematics to high-level representations of for example, to pour a glass of wine; (ii) the goal level that intentions subtending the action. Specifically, the observa- describes short-term goals necessary to realize the intention; tion of an action drives the firing of neurons in the STS, for example, reaching and grasping a wine bottle; (iii) the which drives activity in the parietal mirror neuron area PF, motor signals that describe the pattern of muscle activity which in turn, drives activity in inferior frontal (premotor) through which the action is executed; and (iv) the kinematic mirror neuron area F5 (Fig. 1a).

0959-4965 c Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Vol 18 No 6 16 April 2007 619 NEUROREPORT KILNER ETAL.

(a) The MNS as a feedforward recognition model the same visual kinematics can be caused by different goals and intentions. For example, while walking along the street, if someone suddenly waves their arm, are they hailing a taxi or swatting a wasp? Furthermore, the empirical data do not support this simple feedforward recognition account. Parietal Mirror-neurons in area F5 that discharge when a monkey is MN observing a reach and grasp action also discharge when the sight of this movement is partly hidden behind a screen [13]. Frontal MN Critically, this result shows that mirror-neurons in area F5 are not driven simply by the visual representation of an STS observed movement. Here, we propose that the role of the MNS in inferring the goals of observed actions can be understood within a predictive coding framework (see [14,15]). The predictive coding account resolves the inverse problem and furnishes Forward some specific hypotheses about the functional architecture connections of the MNS. The essence of this approach is that, given an Visual input expectation of the goal of the person we are observing, we can predict their motor commands. Given their motor commands, we can predict the kinematics on the basis of (b) The MNS as a predictive coding model our own action system. The comparison of the predicted kinematics with the observed kinematics generates an error. This prediction error is used to update our representation of the person’s motor commands. Similarly, the inferred goals are updated by minimizing the error between the predicted Parietal and the inferred motor commands (Fig. 2). By minimizing MN the error at all the levels of the MNS the most likely cause of Frontal the action will be inferred at all levels (intention, goal, motor MN and kinematic). This approach provides a mechanistic account of how responses in the visual and motor systems STS are organized and explains how the cause of an action can be inferred from its observation. Many accounts of the way that the brain encodes the most likely cause of its sensory input rest on minimizing the error of predictions [14,15]. Prediction error Predictive coding (see Fig. 2) is based on minimizing error Generative model through recurrent or reciprocal interactions between cortical areas that are organized hierarchically. In the predictive Visual input coding framework, each level of a cortical hierarchy employs a model that generates a prediction of the Fig. 1 Schemas of the mirror-neuron system, showing the STS, representations in the level below. This prediction is parietal mirror-neurons (MN) and frontal mirror-neurons. STS, superior conveyed to the lower level of the hierarchy via backward temporal sulcus. connections where it is compared with the representation in this subordinate level to produce an error. This prediction A problem arises with this account. Formally, this is a error is then returned to the higher level, via forward recognition model that implicitly inverts a generative model connections, to adjust the neuronal representation of of how the observations to be recognized are generated. sensory causes, which in turn changes the prediction. This When executing an action, the representation of our goal in self-organizing, reciprocal exchange of signals continues F5 generates the appropriate muscle commands, which until the error is minimized and the most likely cause of the cause the action and the associated visual kinematics. observed action is inferred (see Figs 1 and 2). It can be A direct relationship exists between the motor commands shown that this scheme is formally equivalent to empirical and the resultant visual kinematics, so that the brain can Bayesian inference, in which prior expectations emerge readily use goals to generate a model of the predicted visual naturally from the hierarchal models employed [14,15]. In kinematics (i.e. goal-predicted visual kinematics: the brief, empirical Bayesian inference harnesses the hierarch- forward model). During action observation, however, can ical structure of a generative model, treating the estimates at the brain covert visual signals into knowledge about goals one level as expectations for the subordinate level. This by simply inverting this process, that is visual kinematics- provides a natural framework within which each level predicted goal? The problem with such a simple feedfor- provides constraints on the level below to treat cortical ward recognition scheme is that it will only work when the hierarchies in the brain. This approach models the brain as a processes generating the sensory inputs from the causes, the hierarchy of systems where supraordinate causes induce generative models, can be inverted. This can only occur and moderate changes in subordinate causes. These when one sensory input is associated uniquely with one expectations offer contextual guidance towards the most cause. In general, this is not the case as the same sensory likely cause of the sensory input. input can have many causes. This is known as an ill-posed Predictive coding is highly appropriate for understanding inverse problem. In the specific case of action-observation, the function of the MNS; predictive coding provides an



Backward and lateral ε(i)= µ(i)−ϕ(µ(i+1))

Forward model ϕ(µ(i+1))

ε(1) ε(2) ε(3)

Sensory χ µ(2) states µ(3)

Forward and lateral *ε(i−1)T µ(i) = − ε(i−1)− ε(i) *ε(i)


Fig. 2 Hierarchical architecture for predictive coding with empirical Bayes.The empirical Bayesian perspective on perceptual inference suggests that the role of backward connections is to provide contextual guidance to lower levels through a prediction, j of the lower level’s inputs.Given this concep- tual model, a stimulus-related response can be decomposed into two components corresponding to the transients evoked in two functional subpopula- tions of units. The ¢rst encodes the conditional expectation of perceptual causes, m. The second encodes prediction error, e. Responses are evoked in both, with the error units of one level driving appropriate changes in conditional expectations through forward connections. These expectations then suppress error units using predictions that are mediated by backward connections.These predictions are based on the brain’s generative model of how sensory states are caused [15]. established computational framework [15] for inferring the same generative model used to predict the sensory effects of intentions, goals and motor commands, from an observed our own actions can also be used (with appropriate movement. It does not, however, explain why mirror- transformations) to predict the sensory effects of the actions neurons fire during both action-observation and execution. of others (see Ref. [15] for a description of the relationship To explain this we can appeal to a compelling body of work between forward and inverse models and predictive on the use of generative or forward models in motor control coding). and : It is now generally accepted that when we There have been several previous accounts that have execute a movement, we predict the sensory consequences proposed the use of forward and inverse models in action- of that movement through generative or forward models observation [6,16,18]: ‘skilled motor behaviour relies on (see [16]). These predictions can then be used to circumvent the brain learning both to control the body and predict motor control problems induced by delayed feedback and the consequences of this control. Prediction turns motor sensory noise. In short, forward models that generate commands into expected sensory consequences, whereas predicted kinematics from motor commands might be an control turns desired consequences into motor commands. integral part of motor execution. The suggestion here is that To capture this symmetry, the neural processes underlying the same models are used to infer motor commands from prediction and control are termed the forward and inverse observed kinematics produced by others during perceptual internal models, respectively’ [19]. First, forward and inference (see [17] for a similar computation in the domain inverse models have been proposed as a mechanism of perception). In execution, motor commands are for ; the inverse model (mapping kinematics to optimized by minimizing the difference between predicted motor signals) is identical to the inversion model of and desired kinematics, under the assumption that the the MNS (shown in Fig. 1a). The logic is that the inverse desired kinematics (i.e. goals) are known. Conversely, in model can be used as recognition model and therefore can action-perception, these goals have to be inferred. In both infer the cause of an observed action. Once the cause of the optimizations, however, a forward model of motor control is observed kinematics is inferred the action can then be required. In the predictive coding account of the MNS, the imitated. Second, the hierarchical modular selection and

Vol 18 No 6 16 April 20 07 621 NEUROREPORT KILNER ETAL. identification for control (HMOSAIC) account of motor their eye gaze leads the observed movement. In other control has recently been extended to provide a framework words, the coordination between their gaze and the actor’s for understanding social interactions [16]. In the HMOSAIC hand is predictive, rather than reactive [21]. It should be account several predictor-controller pairs are organized noted that predictive coding pertains to the predicted effects hierarchically. The predictor is a forward model that of causes, not the forecast or prediction of future effects from predicts the consequences of a motor act. The controller is past effects. In generalizations of predictive coding for an inverse model that computes the motor act required to dynamic systems, the motion or trajectory of an effect, achieve the required consequences. Thus, there are several however, is predicted from the trajectory of causes. This is links between the HMOSAIC account and the predictive particularly relevant for forward models in motor control coding account described here. that have to operate in real time. Although these generalizations of forward-inverse models in motor control to imitation and social interactions are exciting; they are formally distinct from, and more Predictions and evidence for the predictive coding complicated than, the predictive coding account of the account of the MNS: anatomy MNS. In contrast to the HMOSAIC account, in predictive The predictive coding account of the MNS requires that the coding there is no separate inverse model or controller; a areas engaged by action-observation are arranged hierarchi- forward model is inverted by suppressing the prediction cally and the anatomical connections between these areas error generated by the forward model. In the predictive are reciprocal. Furthermore, predictive coding posits func- coding account, this inversion depends on the self-organiz- tional asymmetries in forward and backward connections; ing, reciprocal exchange of signals between hierarchical forward connections furnish feedback that is linear levels (Fig. 2). In distinction to the HMOSAIC account, this (i.e. driving) on the prediction error (see Fig. 2), whereas simplicity translates into a set of computations that could be backward connection implementing nonlinear generative implemented by the brain [14,15,18]. models should show modulatory influences. These predic- tions can be tested empirically and there is already some supporting evidence. The three cortical areas, which Predictions and evidence for the predictive coding constitute the MNS, the STS, area PF of the inferior parietal account: neurophysiology lobule and area F5 of the premotor cortex, are reciprocally Predictive coding requires that each level of the MNS connected. In the macaque monkey, area F5 in the premotor predicts the activity in the level below. An increasing cortex is reciprocally connected to area PF [22] creating a evidence that the MNS is predictive exists. First, mirror- premotor-parietal MNS, and STS is reciprocally connected neurons in area F5 that discharge when a monkey is to area PF of the inferior parietal cortex [23,24] providing a observing a reach and grasp action also discharge during sensory input to the MNS (see [6] for a review). Further- observation of the same movement even when the sight of more, these reciprocal connections show regional specificity. this movement is partly hidden [13]. This result shows that Although STS has extensive connections with the inferior these neurons are not simply driven by an observed parietal lobule, area PF is connected to an area of the STS movement (as would be the case with the recognition that is specifically activated by observation of complex body model described in Fig. 1a). Rather, this pattern of discharge movements. An analogous pattern of connectivity between suggests that these neurons are predicting the most likely premotor areas and has also been kinematics of the action irrespective of whether the whole demonstrated in humans [25]. Given that the areas of the sequence is visible or not. Similarly, neurons in the inferior MNS are reciprocally connected, what is the hierarchical parietal lobule area PF show different patterns of discharge organization of the MNS? The notion that the area F5 is the when observing the same movement performed during two highest level of any hierarchy is implicit in many accounts different contexts [4]. In this study, monkeys observed of the MNS. This is the hierarchical arrangement shown in movements where the experimenter reached and grasped Fig. 1. No direct evidence, however, exists to support this an object. The experimenter then either placed that object in view and the results of recent studies suggest that the their mouth or in a container next to their mouth. During the inferior parietal lobule area may be supraordinate to period when monkeys were observing the initial grasp, a premotor areas in the MNS hierarchy [7]. Under a predictive movement that was common to both action-observation coding account, this organization will determine which conditions, some of the mirror-neurons in area PF showed a connections are mediating the generative model and which differential discharge pattern that depended on the sub- the prediction error. sequent movement. Again this cannot be explained by a feedforward recognition model such as that outlined in Fig. 1a, but is entirely consistent with a predictive model. Summary In humans, there is more direct evidence of prediction Social interaction depends upon our ability to infer beliefs during action observation. When healthy humans make a and intentions in others. It has been suggested that the MNS movement there is a slow negative-going potential, the could underlie this ability to ‘read’ someone else’s inten- readiness potential, which can be recorded using EEG in the tions. Here we have proposed that the MNS is best 1 s before the movement execution. A similar potential is considered within a predictive coding framework. One of also present during action observation before an observed the attractions of predictive coding is that it can explain how predictable movement [20]. The authors argue that this the MNS could infer someone else’s intentions through suggests an active role for the MNS in making a prediction observation of their movements. Within this scheme the of another person’s action, endowing the brain with the most likely cause of an observed action is inferred by ability to predict his/her intentions ahead of their realiza- minimizing the prediction error at all levels of the cortical tion. Finally, when participants watch a predictable action, hierarchy that is engaged during action-observation. This


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