The Geographical Journal, Vol. 174, No. 1, March 2008, pp. 45–62 Blackwell PublishingClimate Ltd change in the : current and future vulnerability in two communities in Canada

JAMES D FORD*, BARRY SMIT†, JOHANNA WANDEL†, MISHAK ALLURUT‡, KIK SHAPPA‡, HARRY ITTUSARJUAT§ AND KEVIN QRUNNUT§ *Department of Geography, McGill University, 805 Sherbrooke St. W., Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 2K6 E-mail: [email protected] †Department of Geography, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1G 2W1 E-mails: [email protected]; [email protected] ‡Hamlet of , X0A 0HO §Hamlet of , Nunavut XA 0LO This paper was accepted for publication in July 2007

Climate change is already occurring in the Arctic and the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment recently concluded that future climate change could be devastating for Inuit. This paper characterises vulnerability to climate change in two Inuit communities in the Canadian territory of Nunavut, focusing on the resource harvesting sector. In both communities, Inuit have demonstrated significant adaptability in the face of current changes in climatic conditions. This adaptability is facilitated by traditional Inuit knowledge, strong social networks, flexibility in resource use, and institutional support. Changing Inuit livelihoods, however, have undermined certain aspects of adaptive capacity and have resulted in emerging vulnerabilities. Global and regional climate projections indicate that climatic conditions which currently pose risks are expected to be negatively affected by future climate change. These projections are not without precedent and analysis of current vulnerability and identification of adaptation constraints by Inuit in the two communities indicate the continued importance of traditional coping mechanisms. The ability to draw on these coping mechanisms in light of future climate change, however, will be unequal and the research indicates that young Inuit and those without access to economic resources, in particular, are vulnerable.

KEY WORDS: Nunavut, Canada, Arctic, climate change, vulnerability, Inuit, participatory research, resource management

residents have expressed growing concern (Shirley Introduction 2005; Furgal and Sequin 2006). Many of these risks here is strong evidence that climate change are associated with the harvesting of renewable is already occurring in the Canadian Arctic resources, which continues to have importance to T(McBean et al. 2005; Bonsal and Prowse 2006; Inuit (AHDR 2004; Duhaime et al. 2004; Ford et al. Moore 2006). Documented changes include signifi- 2006a). The procurement, sharing and consumption cant warming, increased , alterations in of traditional food contributes significantly to cultural sea-ice dynamics, and a change in climatic variability identity, tradition and social cohesion, and estimates and the occurrence of extremes (Gough et al. 2004; of the value of Nunavut’s land-based economy are ACIA 2005; Stirling and Parkinson 2006). These between 40 and 60 million Canadian dollars per changes are posing risks and hazards to Inuit com- year (Conference Board of Canada 2001; Thompson munities in the Canadian territory of Nunavut, and 2004; Chan et al. 2006).

Geographical Journal Vol. 174 No. 1, pp. 45–62, 2008 0016-7398/07/0002-0001/$00.20/0 © 2007 The Author(s). Journal compilation © 2007 The Royal Geographical Society

46 Climate change in the Arctic

Global climate models (GCMs) project continued The vulnerability approach increases in temperature and precipitation over the Canadian Arctic; alterations to the frequency, To characterise vulnerability to climate change, magnitude, and geographic distribution of climate this paper utilises the vulnerability approach of related events; reduced areal extent and thickness Ford and Smit (2004) and Ford et al. (2006a), which of the sea ice and permafrost; and shifts in the conceptualises vulnerability to climate change as a distribution, abundance, and migratory behaviour function of exposure and adaptive capacity. Exposure of Arctic wildlife species (Derocher et al. 2004; reflects the susceptibility of people and communities Correll 2006; Serreze and Francis 2006; Serreze to climatic conditions, and adaptive capacity reflects et al. 2007; Teng et al. 2006). These changes are a community’s potential or ability to address, plan likely to have widespread implications for resource for, or adapt to exposure. Exposure and adaptive harvesting, occurring in the context of challenges capacity are not mutually exclusive. Exposure to posed by ongoing social, cultural and economic repeated climate-related conditions, for instance, can change (Nuttall et al. 2005). develop experience of how to manage the climatic While there is general agreement that future conditions, and enables ‘response with learning’, changes in climate are likely to pose serious thus increasing the adaptive capacity of the system. challenges to Inuit, little is known about the nature Certain adaptive strategies can also change the nature of change that can be accommodated by existing of the community (location, structure, organisation), ways of life, what aspects of Indigenous livelihoods such that the community is more or less exposed, or are at risk, what aspects of climate change are exposed in a different way. In this conceptualisation, important to communities, how societal changes will vulnerability at a local level is viewed as being affect how people experience climate change and conditioned by social, economic, cultural, political their ability to respond, and what can be done to and climatic conditions and processes, operating at increase community adaptability (Duerden 2004; multiple scales over time and space, which affect Nuttall et al. 2005). Policymakers and Inuit are community exposure and adaptive capacity. This is demanding answers to these questions, and assessing broadly consistent with other approaches to vulner- climate change vulnerabilities has been identified ability, including Turner et al. (2003), Eriksen et al. as a major area where further research is required (2005), Belliveau et al. (2006), and Smit and Wandel (GN 2003; ICARP 2005; Shirley 2005; Watt-Cloutier (2006). et al. 2005; Chapin et al. 2006; Gearhead et al. The analytical framework for vulnerability analysis 2006). is highlighted in Figure 1. Analysis starts by examin- This paper characterises vulnerability to climate ing past and present experience and response to change in two Inuit communities in the Canadian climate variability, change and extremes, to charac- territory of Nunavut, focusing on the resource harvest- terise ‘current vulnerability’ (current exposure and ing sector. It begins by reviewing and synthesising previous research by the authors, identifying current climate-related conditions that are important to community livelihoods, documenting how they are managed, and characterising those factors that con- strain or enable management strategies. A synthesis of the dynamics of current levels of vulnerability outlined in previous research is a necessary first step in understanding the potential implications of climate change, providing a baseline from which to analyse future vulnerability. The paper then uses climate change projections to estimate how current climatic risks will be affected by climate change, and examines their potential implications for local livelihoods. Analogues of past response to climate variability and extremes, synthesised from previous research and interpreted in the context of climate projections and local impacts, are then used to evaluate adaptability to future change, completing the vulnerability analysis. The paper begins by describing the approach to assessing vulnerability employed here and how it was applied in the case Figure 1 Analytical framework for vulnerability analysis (after study communities. Ford and Smit 2004)

Geographical Journal Vol. 174 No. 1, pp. 45–62, 2008 © 2007 The Author(s). Journal compilation © 2007 The Royal Geographical Society

Climate change in the Arctic 47 current adaptive capacity). This involves (1) identifi- communities throughout Nunavut (small, largely cation of climatic conditions that represent risks to Inuit, and dependent upon the harvesting of renew- community members; (2) characterisation of how able resources) to provide a lens with which to communities manage and experience these risks; examine the processes shaping current and future and (3) identification of those processes and con- vulnerability across the territory. On the basis of ditions that influence exposure to climatic risks and these criteria, Arctic Bay and Igloolik were selected determine the efficacy, availability, and success of past (Figure 2). and present adaptations. ‘Future vulnerability’ (future Igloolik is a coastal Inuit community of 1538 exposure and future adaptive capacity) is assessed people located on Igloolik Island in northern Foxe by estimating directional changes in community- Basin, approximately 320 km north of the Arctic identified climate-related exposures and assessing Circle. Arctic Bay is also a coastal Inuit community future adaptive capacity on the basis of past behaviour of 690 people, located on north and community identification of future adaptation approximately 700 km north of the . options, constraints, and opportunities. Both settlements have expanded rapidly since the Place-based case studies are employed in this 1960s, and their economies have shifted from being approach to characterise vulnerability. Vulnerability based largely on subsistence activities to mixed will vary between nations, regions, communities, and economies, where both the informal and formal even within communities, on the basis of differential economic sectors assume an important role. Harvest- exposure to climate change effects and differential ing of renewable resources continues to be a valued adaptive capacity (Turner et al. 2003). Understand- activity in both communities and is central to social, ing the dynamic interaction between humans and cultural and economic well-being. the environment requires case studies situated in particular places and cultures. Furthermore, identifying Data collection climate-related conditions that are relevant to people, how they affect people and their livelihoods, the During the first field season (2004–5), in-depth management strategies they employ, and how climate semi-structured interviews with community members change might affect future activities, can only be were conducted to identify climate-related risks achieved through engaging communities directly that people have to deal with (current exposure); to and documenting their knowledge (Tyler et al. provide insights into how these risks are experi- 2006). Actively involving communities in the research enced and managed (current adaptive capacity); to process is also ethically important and central in identify the processes and conditions which have linking research to policy. Interventions to reduce determined the efficacy, availability, and success vulnerability will be more successful if they are of past and present adaptations (current adaptive identified and developed in co-operation with local capacity); and to characterise community adaptability actors, as they are more likely to have the trust of to cope with future climate change (future adaptive the community and be meaningful to individuals capacity). and communities (Chapin et al. 2006). In Igloolik, 40 interviews were conducted with a cross section of community members and in Arctic Bay, 65. Semi-structured interviews are a standard Case study communities method for gathering information in an open-ended Several criteria were established to guide the format and have been used widely in various northern selection of the case study communities. Firstly, the research contexts (Huntington 1998; Fienup-Riordan communities had to have indicated the need for 1999; Gearhead et al. 2006). A fixed list of ques- the proposed research. This was established on the tions was avoided in favour of an interview guide basis of consultation with regional and national Inuit identifying the key themes to cover. This allowed organisations, regional science bodies and pre- for flexibility in the interview: participants were liminary community visits. Secondly, to avoid research guided by the interviewer’s questions, but the contamination and to avoid community ‘research direction and scope of the discussion followed overload’, it was important that communities had the associations they identified, thereby allowing limited research in progress, or scheduled, at the participants to identify and specify conditions and time of planned fieldwork, especially research on processes they found important, with openness climate change. Thirdly, the communities had to be allowing for new and unexpected relationships to in the same territory to allow for comparison of be conveyed. A purposive sampling strategy was research findings: Nunavut was selected due to employed to obtain sufficient representation of all the severity of observed and projected changes in groups in the community. Within identified groups, climate and established research need. Finally, the interviewees were identified by a ‘snowball’ sampling selected communities had to be representative of method under which community assistants identified

Geographical Journal Vol. 174 No. 1, pp. 45–62, 2008 © 2007 The Author(s). Journal compilation © 2007 The Royal Geographical Society

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Figure 2 Location of Arctic Bay and Igloolik, Nunavut Source: Ford et al. (2007) people willing to take part, who in turn suggested and to identify new risks which may emerge with others who might be willing to be involved. future climate change (future exposure). A char- The data collection was undertaken with two Inuit acterisation of future exposure provided the basis colleagues in each community. Interviews were from which to assess community adaptability to cope conducted in and in English, with the with climate change. majority of interviews taking place in the homes of During the second field season (2005–6), the interviewees. Simultaneous translation by local Inuit results and interpretation from the first field session colleagues was employed for interviews conducted were evaluated and reviewed with community in Inuktitut. members via follow-up interviews, radio show The interviews were complemented with experien- discussion, and community question and answer tial hunting trips with Inuit and informal meetings sessions. with key informants. The analysis of secondary sources, including interviews in the Igloolik Oral Current exposure in Arctic Bay and Igloolik History Project, government reports, newspaper articles, books, university theses, accounts of polar Exposure to climatic risks in the harvesting sector explorers, and journal articles, was used to add an is jointly determined by the characteristics of clim- historical context on how communities manage and atic conditions and harvesting behaviour. Climatic experience climatic variability and change (current characteristics of particular concern include magni- exposure and current adaptive capacity). Collabor- tude, frequency, spatial dispersion, duration, speed of ation with researchers in the climate science com- onset, timing, and temporal spacing of conditions. munity and analysis of published scientific papers Whether these conditions represent risks depends was used to evaluate the likelihood and nature of upon harvesting behaviour: for example, thin sea ice changes in the climatic exposures identified by the in late spring is only a problem if hunters are utilising communities as being important to their livelihoods, the ice at this time of the year. Harvesting behaviour,

Geographical Journal Vol. 174 No. 1, pp. 45–62, 2008 © 2007 The Author(s). Journal compilation © 2007 The Royal Geographical Society

Climate change in the Arctic 49 and hence exposure, varies between individuals 2004; Oyukuluk 2004). However, starting in the 1970s, within a community and between communities, a combination of growth in the waged economy according to what animals are harvested, where, in Arctic Bay, settlement of semi-nomadic hunting and at what time of the year. These decisions are groups in the community, development of a com- influenced by an individual’s knowledge of the mercial hunt, imposition of quotas on narwhal, and environment, past experience, time constraints, and the use of snowmobiles resulted in hunters harvesting access to appropriate technology. Table 1 demon- narwhal from the floe edge in late spring (classed strates how exposure varies according to the nature as June and July by Inuit in Arctic Bay) during sea- of harvesting in Arctic Bay and Igloolik. ice break up. This significantly changed the nature A combination of changing climatic conditions, of exposure. The ice in late spring is in the final superimposed on longer term changes in harvesting stages of melting prior to break-up. Ice leads, cracks, behaviour, has altered and tended to increase and pools of water on the ice make travel time- harvesting-related exposures. These are discussed consuming and dangerous. Hunters are also at risk below. of being caught on drifting ice which is detached from the floe edge by a southerly wind. Each year people get stranded and have to wait for a north Climate change wind to push them back into the landfast ice, or There is a widespread feeling among Inuit in Arctic wait to be rescued (George 2000; Barnabas 2004). Bay and Igloolik that climatic conditions have been By contrast, hunting narwhal by kayak in open changing beyond expected natural fluctuations water entailed relatively few risks (Shappa 2005; and variability since the 1990s (Shooyook 2004; see Aporta and Higgs 2005 for Igloolik example of Ulayuruluk 2004; Ford 2005). These observations are changes in harvesting behaviour). consistent with instrumental records for the eastern Exposure has also been affected by changes in Canadian Arctic (McBean et al. 2005; Noonan et al. individual risk assessment when making decisions 2005; Moore 2006). Superimposed on changing regarding hunting, with people more likely to harvesting behaviour, this has amplified the magnitude harvest at times of the year, or in weather conditions, and frequency of hazardous conditions associated traditionally considered unsuitable (MacDonald with hunting and reduced access to hunting loca- 2004; Ungalak 2004). Ford et al. (2006a) argue tions. Table 2 identifies observed changes and their that this is partly due to the reduced time available implications for harvesting related exposures. to harvest, with many hunters having full or part-time Some of the most dramatic changes have jobs in addition to hunting activities. Time off from occurred in the strength, direction, and predictability work, to be used for hunting trips, must be booked in of the wind and ice conditions; conditions to which advance. Weather or safety concerns may, therefore, narwhal and walrus hunting in particular are highly be superseded by consideration of time availability sensitive (Ikummaq 2004; Akumalik 2004). Cues when harvesting decisions are made (Awa 2004; that were traditionally used to predict weather and Kalluk 2004). More risk-taking behaviour is also to assess the safety of travel on the sea ice and open associated with technological developments, includ- water, for example, are now less predictive (Kalluk ing the use of global positioning systems (GPS), VHF 2004; Qavavauq 2004; Ulayuruluk 2004). Other radios, and the functioning of community search changes have been observed in the condition of and rescue teams. As Aporta and Higgs (2005) note, the sea ice, including later and longer ice freeze- while such technologies increase safety, in many up, earlier break-up, thinner ice, more snow on the ways they have also resulted in less caution and ice, and new areas of open water (Awa 2004; some overconfidence stemming from an increasing Enoogoo 2004). All activities which require travel sense of security. Consequently, some hunters are on the sea ice are sensitive to changes in ice con- now travelling and hunting in conditions that would ditions, and climate change is increasing the dangers have traditionally been considered too dangerous of sea-ice use. (Attitaq 2004; Ikummaq 2004; Ungalak 2004). Concerns have also been expressed that adoption of such technology, and less frequent participation Changes in harvesting behaviour in hunting among younger generations, have resulted The latter half of the twentieth century witnessed in the loss of certain skills necessary for safe hunting dramatic changes in Inuit hunting strategies. One of (Issigaituk 2004; Paniaq 2004; Ulayuruluk 2004). the most significant changes has been the devel- These skills include the ability to identify precursors opment of the floe edge (i.e. edge of ice that is to hazardous conditions, what to do in certain anchored to the land) narwhal hunt in Arctic Bay. dangerous situations, how to dress appropriately, Traditionally narwhal were only hunted from open and what equipment to take along on trips. A water in August and September by kayak (Attagutsiak consequence of this has been that climatic stresses

Geographical Journal Vol. 174 No. 1, pp. 45–62, 2008 © 2007 The Author(s). Journal compilation © 2007 The Royal Geographical Society

50 Climate change in the Arctic sea ice and strand hunters ice thickness/stability unstable ice Summer – floating ice, strong wind, rough water rough water rough water trails during winter Whole communityExperienced hunters South wind – potential to break-up Winter – thin ice, ice break-up/ Fall/spring whole community Winter – thin ice, blizzard Winter – experienced hunters Summer – floating ice, strong wind, Whole community Thin ice, deep snow on inland The nature of current exposure in Arctic Bay (AB) and Igloolik (I) Access by snowmobiles moving pack ice beyond the edge Summer – requires travel by boat to coastal locations and islands in Foxe Basin locations during summer) Table 1 End of July–September Travel by boat to a variety of locations Whole community Floating ice, thick strong wind, ActivityNarwhal hunting (AB) June–July Time of year Ice edge during ice break-up. Geographic context Participants Exposure Walrus hunting (I) All year Open water fishing (AB, I) Ice fishing (AB I) Winter – requires travel over sea ice to Seal hunting (AB I) Late October–late June Travel on sea ice to a variety of locations All year Whole communityCaribou hunting (AB, I) All year Thin ice, blizzard Travel by boat or sea ice to a variety of Requires travel over sea ice (except

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Climate change in the Arctic 51

Table 2 Implications of changing climatic conditions for harvesting-related exposures in Arctic Bay (AB) and Igloolik (I)

Aspect of change Reported change Implications for harvesting-related exposures

Weather Increasing unpredictability – elders’ Prediction is essential to anticipate hunting dangers. More predictions never correct anymore (I, AB) unpredictable weather and sudden weather changes have forced hunters to spend extra nights out on the land waiting for calm weather Increase in weather extremes (I, AB) Unusual weather (rain in winter, extreme cold in spring) is dangerous because hunters are not prepared Wind Changes to the direction, strength, and Sudden changes in wind strength and direction, combined frequency of the wind – especially in with stronger winds, have stranded hunters while harvesting summer (I, AB) narwhal (AB) and walrus (I) More unpredictable (I, AB) Stronger wind (I, AB) Limiting access to summer hunting grounds accessed by boat Change in the predominant wind direction is affecting the shape of snowdrifts (I) Sea ice Later freeze-up, earlier break-up (I, AB) Increased danger of travelling on sea ice and lake ice Less stable – breaks up suddenly (I, AB) Delayed access to hunting areas Thinner in places (I, AB) Takes longer to form (I, AB) Snow Less snow on the land (AB) Less snow damages hunting equipment (AB) More snow on the ice if fall (I) Snow on ice hides thin ice. Incidences of hunters falling through hidden thin ice More blizzards (I)

that previously caused hunters few problems are the 1960s and associated reduced harvesting now a matter of life and death for many young Inuit. flexibility (see Wenzel 1991) – has altered hunting behaviour thereby increasing susceptibility to climatic conditions. Thus, in Igloolik many travel long dis- Dynamic exposure tances (>150 km) over Melville Peninsula to access As the above discussion makes clear, harvesting- caribou, an activity susceptible to snow depth and related climatic exposures are clearly dynamic, texture. In recent years, powdery soft snow has made changing as harvesting behaviour relative to the accessing caribou difficult by increasing the travel climatic conditions changes, and changing as the time and fuel costs (Ulayuruluk 2006; Uttak 2006). climatic conditions themselves change. Figure 3 Prior to the use of snowmobiles, dog teams were less illustrates how these drivers of changing exposure are susceptible to powdery snow and hunting camps interdependent, how processes operating at different were often located close to the caribou, thereby spatial scales have combined to alter exposure at a negating the need for long-distance travel. community level, as well as the importance of inter- While in the geographic literature the dynamic actions between human and climatic processes. For nature of physical exposure has long been acknow- example, it highlights how, over time, the erosion of ledged (Hewitt 1983; Watts 1983; Cutter, 1996; hunting skills, traced to community sedentarisation O’Brien et al. 2004), research in the climate change in the 1960s and the imposition of ‘southern’ field in general, and the Arctic in particular, has educational requirements by the Canadian federal largely focused on physical stress in isolation from government, has increased exposure of young Inuit human interaction. As the above discussion makes to risks associated with seal hunting by gradually clear, changing exposure in many instances can eroding traditional land skills over time, and how only be understood in relation to changes in how climate change has subsequently compounded people use the environment. Even in the most remote this trend by increasing the dangers of a lack of areas, national and international processes shape hunting knowledge and skills. It highlights how local resource use and hence exposure to climate new technology – also traced to sedentarisation in risks.

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52 Climate change in the Arctic

Figure 3 The interaction of climatic and human processes at multiple scales driving changing exposure in Arctic Bay and Igloolik

for instance, are only available to those who can Current adaptive capacity afford them, and there is evidence that the adoption of new technology may increase inequalities within Adaptive strategies communities. The effectiveness of adaptation also Table 3 shows how changes in exposure are being varies. Some adaptation technologies, such as GPS managed using several strategies, including risk and VHF radios, can increase exposure by encourag- management, risk avoidance and risk sharing. As ing risk-taking behaviour (Aporta and Higgs 2005). Ford et al. (2006b) note, these are being undertaken in response to observed and anticipated changes Determinants of adaptive capacity in climatic and environmental conditions. Many of these adaptive strategies are being utilised through- The ability of Inuit in Arctic Bay and Igloolik to cope out the Canadian Arctic (Berkes and Jolly 2002; with changing exposure is indicative of their adaptive Nickels et al. 2005; Gearhead et al. 2006; Pearce capacity. As argued by Ford et al. (2006b), this 2006). Table 3 also highlights that these strategies adaptive capacity is facilitated by Inuit traditional are not without their costs and not all people have knowledge and land-based skills, strong social net- equal access to them. Technological adaptations, works, resource use flexibility and institutional support.

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Climate change in the Arctic 53

Table 3 Strategies currently employed to manage climate change related risks in Arctic Bay and Igloolik

Climate change related risks Adaptive strategies Adaptation costs

Unpredictability of the Hunters are taking extra food, gas, and supplies Costs of purchasing extra supplies prohibitive weather, wind, ice in anticipation of potential dangers for those with limited income Hunters are making sure that they travel with others Avoiding travelling at certain times results in when possible shortages of some traditional foods and need to purchase more store food Some hunters are being risk averse, avoiding New equipment is often expensive travelling on the land or water if they believe the weather is going to be bad New equipment taken along, e.g. immersion suits, satellite phones Waves/stormy weather Identification of safe areas prior to travel where Waiting results in reduced harvests and need for summer boating shelter can be found to purchase more store food Waiting in the community for adequate conditions Avoiding certain areas can result in higher gas costs and add more time onto hunting trips Snow covered thin ice Avoidance of snow-covered areas Avoiding certain areas can result in higher gas Extra care while travelling costs and add more time onto hunting trips Reduced accessibility Waiting in the community until hunting areas are Waiting results in reduced harvests and need to hunting areas accessible to purchase more store food Switch species and location Not all have the hunting skills to switch species Sharing of country food

Source: Modified from Ford et al. (2006b)

Inuit traditional knowledge and land-based skills combine new experiences with traditional knowledge are important in facilitating adaptive capacity. confers significant adaptability. From knowledge passed down the generations and Strong social networks are drawn upon to from personal experience, hunters learn the inherent manage exposure. In both Igloolik and Arctic Bay, dangers of hunting; how to evaluate risks; what there is a high level of interdependence within the preparations to make before hunting; and what to extended family unit, and a strong sense of collective do in emergency situations (Aqiaruq 2004; Kalluk community responsibility (Aqiaruq 2004; Joseph 2004). As a repository of accumulated experience 2004; Levi 2004). Sharing remains an affirmation of and knowledge of changing conditions and success- Inuit identity, and people take the responsibility ful adaptations, Inuit knowledge is drawn upon by seriously. Social networks facilitate the sharing of hunters to minimise the risks of hunting and maximise traditional foods in the extended family unit. This opportunities. It is a highly experiential form of is particularly important in underpinning the food knowledge, continually being updated and revised security of those who do not have the time, money in light of observations, trial and error experience, or knowledge to hunt in light of changing exposure. and incorporation of non-traditional knowledge Equipment, such as GPS, radios, and other safety alongside the traditional (Wenzel 1991; Stevenson equipment, is shared within the extended family 1997; Berkes 1999; Laidler 2006). As Ford et al. unit and occasionally with friends. In coping with (2006a 2006b) note, the increasing unpredictability changing climatic conditions, this is particularly of climatic conditions in recent years, for example, important given the expense of equipment. The is now part of the collective social memory that sharing of knowledge facilitates the communication frames individual practice and decision-making. of information about risks and adaptive strategies. Hunters now make extra preparations in expectation Knowledgeable and experienced hunters act as an of being stranded and are being more careful when ‘institutional memory’, maintaining and transmitting travelling on the ice (Arnatsiaq 2004; Ikummaq local knowledge and providing information during 2004; Qavavauq 2004). This ability to learn and to periods of change.

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54 Climate change in the Arctic

Indigenous resource use systems in the unpre- generations, few could be considered active hunters, dictable and variable Arctic climate are based on compared to their parents or what would have sequential utilisation of a large number of ecological traditionally been expected of youth. This has been and climate niches (Tyler et al. 2006). Such systems attributed to southern educational requirements distribute risk through diversity and flexibility, which result in decreased time to participate in facilitating the management of fluctuations in the hunting; increased dependence on waged employ- availability and accessibility of resources. Inuit ment; the expense of hunting; a general shift in hunting in Igloolik and Arctic Bay is opportunistic. social norms; and inter-generational segregation While there are preferred seasons and locations to between younger and older generations (Condon hunt, hunters will harvest what is available when it et al. 1995; Kral 2003; Takano 2004; Henshaw is available and where. In Arctic Bay, for instance, 2007). This disconnection from the land has had if the caribou hunt in August and September wide-ranging implications. The processes by which fails, other fall-back species, such as seal, will be Inuit traditional knowledge and land-based skills harvested (Akumalik 2004; Allurut 2004). Substitution are developed and learned require experience of allows people to cope with variations in animal being regularly out on the land and observing others. numbers, enables the management of changes in Absence from participation in hunting while growing the accessibility of hunting locations, and enables the up prevents youth from gaining the experience advantage of new hunting opportunities to be taken necessary to hunt safely and productively. Certain as they arise. Inuit in Arctic Bay and Igloolik have skills necessary for safe and successful harvesting adapted their hunting and fishing times to compensate have been lost, including traditional forms of navigat- for the changes in species availability and access, ing without instruments (Kalluk 2004; Muckpaloo to continue to provide fresh traditional foods. 2004; Ungalak 2004; Ulayuruluk 2004). Other skills Economic and institutional support is also impor- have been inadequately developed, including how tant in enabling Inuit to manage harvesting-related to dress appropriately, what to take along on trips, climatic exposures. Monetary transfers from the federal and the ability to identify precursors to hazardous government, and emerging institutional support conditions (Ikummaq 2004; Joseph 2004). This has from the Nunavut government and Inuit institutions, increased the vulnerability of young Inuit when they play an important role in providing financing for travel and hunt without experienced hunters. the purchase of equipment to cope with the changing The functioning of social networks has been exposure. This is particularly important in an Arctic affected by a decrease in importance of the extended context, where high levels of unemployment and family unit, the emergence of inter-generational limited opportunities to earn money limit the extent segregation, a decline in the practice of traditional to which hunters can purchase safety equipment. cultural values, a concentration of resources in fewer hands, and the emergence of social conflict (Arnatsiaq 2004; Ivvalu 2004; Tatatuopik 2004). The increasing Emerging vulnerabilities importance of money has created division and Limits to adaptation are already evident in Igloolik social tension, and has entered into previously non- and Arctic Bay. Financial costs in many instances monetary sharing practices. The sharing of equipment, limit access to adaptive strategies, adaptive strate- in particular, is under increasing stress with many gies are not always effective, and they may entail younger family members expressing disinclination unacceptable socio-cultural costs, as indicated in to share their equipment with others in the family Table 3. Furthermore, Ford et al. (2006a 2006b) note unit and demanding payment where sharing does that characteristics of Inuit society that traditionally occur. Access to money and equipment provided facilitated adaptive capacity have also been altered by family sharing networks is critical in facilitating as a result of changing livelihoods during the latter the ability of full-time hunters, and those without half of the twentieth century. Over time, this has access to economic resources, to harvest safely and resulted in the emergence of vulnerable groups, successfully, especially in light of climate change specifically younger generation Inuit and those which is placing increasing financial burden on hunters. without access to economic resources. Adaptive capacity is constrained in instances where An erosion of Inuit traditional knowledge – access to sharing networks is limited, to the extent through which hunting risks are managed – has that engaging in the subsistence economy, or res- been documented among younger generation Inuit ponding to climate change, is not possible for some. in Igloolik and Arctic Bay (Aporta 2004; Takano The increasing importance of money has also 2004; Pratley 2005), and throughout the Canadian resulted in the economic dependence of both Arctic (Condon et al. 1995; Newton 1995; Gearhead Arctic Bay and Igloolik to the volatility of external et al. 2006; Henshaw 2007; Pearce 2006). While markets and government support. For example, as subsistence activities remain important to younger Ford et al. (2006a) and the Government of Nunavut

Geographical Journal Vol. 174 No. 1, pp. 45–62, 2008 © 2007 The Author(s). Journal compilation © 2007 The Royal Geographical Society

Climate change in the Arctic 55 note (DSD 2002), the recent closure of the role in determining the accessibility of the floe lead–zinc mine near Arctic Bay forced many former edge where narwhal and walrus are harvested. In employees to sell their hunting equipment which 1987, for instance, poor ice conditions (thin and they can no longer afford. For young Inuit, in unstable ice) resulted in the narwhal harvest being particular, the lack of monetary resources limits the only 18% of the previous 4 years in Arctic Bay opportunities to take part in harvesting activities, (Roberge and Dunn 1990). In the Igloolik region, further reinforcing the decline in participation and Dumas et al. (2005) project a decrease in sea ice erosion of land-based skills. thickness of 50 cm by 2081–2100 and a reduction New technology, to an extent, has emerged to fill in ice stability. While no model runs have been the weakening of social networks and the erosion completed for Arctic Bay, the projections from of traditional Inuit knowledge and land-based skills. Igloolik provide a guide to the general trends in sea GPS, for instance, means that knowledge of tradi- ice likely to be experienced in the Arctic Bay region tional navigational skills is not as essential for safe (Dumas personal communication). Such changes travel. Snowmobiles permit hunters to travel long would increase the dangers of travelling to the floe distances quickly, and without the knowledge edge and reduce accessibility. Furthermore, by the required to operate a dog team. New technology, end of the century, scenarios indicate a decrease however, has increased risk-taking behaviour and in ice duration of 2 months by 2081–2100, with has increased dependency on monetary resources break-up occurring in early June compared with (Aporta and Higgs 2005). Institutional support from July (Dumas et al. 2005). This is not necessarily a government is also important: people no longer starve problem for walrus hunting, which takes place in in years when there are no animals, as happened winter, but would compromise the ability to harvest occasionally in the past. Equally, there is also narwhal from the floe edge in July. evidence that such support has heightened some Accessibility of hunting areas is affected by the inequalities in the community, further promoting a time it takes for the sea to freeze. Sea-ice models weakening of social networks (Ford et al. 2006a). for the Igloolik region indicate climate change will delay the timing of freeze-up (Dumas et al. 2005), a trend that can also be expected in the Arctic Bay Future exposure region (Dumas personal communication). This will In the framework for vulnerability analysis, future be problematic, particularly for hunters from Igloolik. exposure characterises how those climatic conditions Igloolik is located on an island and once the ocean identified by communities as being important for freezes, preventing the use of boats, waiting for the harvesting activities will be affected by climate ice to reach a thickness capable of supporting change, and identifies unforeseen climate change snowmobiles is critical; until this thickness is reached, risks. Where available, regionally downscaled climate hunters are unable to access hunting areas on the change projections were used to achieve this. Down- mainland and at the floe edge (Ittusujurat 2004; scaled projections provide detailed regional and site Qrunnut 2004). This has resulted in shortages of scenarios of climate change for community-based traditional food in the past and creates anxiety in the vulnerability analyses, incorporating regional climate community. Additionally, increasing temperatures controls omitted by coarse-scale global climate are likely to make the sea ice more labile and models (GCMs) (see CICS 2006). Where only coarse dynamic, and reduce connectivity (Derocher et al. resolution projections were available, general trends 2004). This will increase the risks of travelling on the identified by scenarios were utilised to indicate the ice, especially during freeze-up, compounding the direction of expected change. Future exposure also problems caused by the longer freeze-up in Igloolik. involves characterising how changes in livelihood Travel on the sea ice is also sensitive to wind conditions will affect how people experience chang- conditions (speed, direction, predictability), espe- ing climatic conditions. cially during freeze-up and break-up. In Igloolik, a wind from north-west pushes the moving pack ice, on which hunters harvest walrus, away from the Future climate change: projections and implications stable landfast ice (Ikummaq 2004; Paniaq 2004). Travel and hunting on the sea ice Travel and hunting In Arctic Bay, a south wind, if strong enough, can on the sea ice is affected by the thickness, stability, detach floe-edge ice from the stable landfast ice and and extent of the ice. Narwhal and walrus hunting, blow it out to the open ocean; each year hunters in particular, are activities affected by the ice; both get stranded this way and occasionally have to be are conducted at locations and at times of the year rescued (George 2000; Ford and the Community of recognised to be dangerous, due to the susceptibility Arctic Bay 2006). Climate change models indicate of sea ice to induce break-up (Paniaq 2004; Shooy- the potential for an increase in extreme events and ook 2004). Ice conditions also play an important wind. However, predictions at a local to regional

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56 Climate change in the Arctic level are insufficient at present to justify any firm temperatures and stable ice. This time of the year conclusions about how wind might be affected by is particularly popular with young Inuit, who on climate change (Kattsov and Kallen 2005). ‘warm days’ (in springtime above around −10°C) will often go hunting without adequate winter clothing Open water travel and fishing From mid-July to early (MacDonald 2004). If the weather changes and it October, travel by boat is possible in both Arctic starts to rain or wet snow falls or there are rapid Bay and Igloolik. Boats are used to access hunting temperature shifts, then lack of adequate clothing areas, fish stocks, and, in Igloolik, to hunt walrus can be fatal. Near-death experiences have been amongst the loose pack ice. In both communities, documented in both communities (George 2000; trips can involve travel over significant distances of Ford et al. 2006a). Climate change will have impli- exposed water. These activities are sensitive to cations for these extremes. Higher amounts of winds, floating ice and fog which affect the ability precipitation and greater precipitation intensity are to use a boat and compromise safety (Aqiaruq projected for Arctic regions, including the high 2004; MacDonald 2004). Climate change will affect eastern Canadian Arctic, especially in spring and these conditions. By the end of the century, models summer (Gagnon and Gough 2005; Kattsov and indicate a decrease in ice duration of 2 months by Kallen 2005). 2081–2100, with break-up occurring in early June and freeze-up in late October/early November Animal abundance and distribution Climate change (Dumas et al. 2005). By 2041–2060, ice duration is is expected to have implications for the presence, predicted to decrease by 1 month. These changes – abundance, distribution and migration of wildlife while problematic for the Arctic Bay narwhal hunt species which are of cultural and economic impor- – would extend the boating and open-water fishing tance to Inuit in Arctic Bay and Igloolik. In combina- season, which both communities identify as beneficial tion with changes in accessibility and hazardousness (Awa 2004; Kalluk 2004). Regarding sensitivities of hunting described above, it will present challenges surrounding wind, fog, and floating ice, the available to resource harvesting. research is insufficient at present to indicate how Decreasing numbers and accessibility of narwhal they might be affected by climate change (Kattsov would have serious ramifications for Inuit in Arctic and Kallen 2005). Bay. Narwhal are mammals of particular importance to Arctic Bay’s Inuit. Predicted increases in sea-ice Land travel In both communities, people travel over concentrations and later ice break-up in narwhal land to access hunting areas, to travel to camps wintering areas in (Sewall and Sloan 2004) and to visit other communities. Travel largely takes could delay the timing at which narwhal arrive in place by snowmobile from October to July and is the Arctic Bay region until August and negatively dependent upon the presence, depth and type of affect numbers (Laidre and Heide-Jorgensen 2005; snow. Too little snow on the trails can damage Simmonds and Isaac 2007). Combined with pre- snowmobiles; too much snow can make travel slow dicted earlier sea-ice break-up in the Arctic Bay and increase fuel costs. There are large uncertainties region, this could make floe-edge narwhal hunting in projecting the implications of climate change for no longer viable. snow cover, although Walsh and Chapman (2007) Ringed seals are hunted year-round by experienced indicate that it is reasonable to assume that a hunters, youth and ‘weekend hunters’. Seals are warming climate has the potential to increase believed to be particularly vulnerable to changes in snowfall. Increased snowfall would have negative the extent and character of sea ice because they implications for Igloolik caribou hunters. In 2006, depend on the ice for pupping, lactation, haul-out, deep powdery snow on Melville Peninsula (a major moulting, and as a resting platform (Tynan and hunting area) increased the time and financial costs DeMaster 1997; Ferguson 2005). Harwood et al. of hunting caribou, forcing many to avoid the hunt, (2000), for instance, demonstrate a link between and a shortage of caribou meat followed (Uttak the premature break-up of the sea ice and high pup 2006). In Arctic Bay, however, too little snow on the mortality. Predictions of earlier sea-ice break-up land has been a problem in recent years, causing could therefore have negative implications for seal damage to snowmobiles, and more snow, to a numbers in the Igloolik and Arctic Bay region. certain extent, would be beneficial. Stirling and Smith (2004) predict that increased rainfall in spring will increase the collapse of birth Weather extremes Hunting is sensitive to weather lairs, resulting in higher pup mortality in Nunavut. extremes. Precipitation in the form of rainfall and Ferguson (2005) demonstrates such a link in his work wet snow is problematic in both Igloolik and Arctic in Hudson Bay, where lower snow depth and warmer Bay in spring. Spring is generally popular for hunting temperatures in the months of April and May from and travelling, with its significant daylight, warmer 1990 to 2001 resulted in low seal pup survival.

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Caribou are hunted all year for food and clothing. spring and summer, declines in seal numbers, and Past episodes of caribou die-off, due to adverse increases in sea-ice instability and reduced ice environmental conditions, indicate their potential thickness. Re-assertion of cultural values may also sensitivity to climate change. Of critical importance counter the trend of declining youth participation in, to caribou survival in winter is the accessibility of and dependence on, harvesting activities. Research forage beneath the winter snow pack (Gunn 1993). has also shown that as youth grow older, they A deep snowpack can limit foraging and cold become more involved in harvesting activities as snaps, following wet snow or icing on the ground they take up a more prominent role in family surface, can create a layer of thick impenetrable sharing networks and as they are expected to be ice (Weladji and Oystein 2003). Miller and Gunn providers of traditional foods (Condon et al. 1995; (2003), for instance, documented a 97% decrease Collings et al. 1998; Wenzel personal communica- in caribou numbers from 1994 to 1995/6 in the tion). More engagement in the harvesting economy Canadian High Arctic, associated with an unusually later in life – a positive social, cultural, and economic hard icy snow pack during early winter (September– goal – would increase exposure to climatic variability, November) which created unfavourable foraging change, and extremes. conditions. Hunters in Arctic Bay and Igloolik Those who rely on hunting for their livelihoods, documented similar events to have occurred histor- spending significant time on the land in all seasons, ically (Akumalik 2004; Ulayuruluk 2004). Climate and relying on the products of the harvest for models indicate that these unfavourable conditions food, clothes, and money will have a high level of will be more common in the future, with increased exposure to future climate change. Decreasing frequency of winter freeze–thaw cycles and freezing access to hunting areas, increasing hazardousness rain affecting the structure and quality of the of hunting, and changes in animal numbers will snowpack to the detriment of caribou (Walsh and pose a severe challenge. Chapman 2007). It would be particularly problem- Analysis of current exposure shows that decisions, atic if such unfavourable years were to occur back to such as where to hunt, when, at what time, and the back or within a few years of each other, causing degree to which people engage in the harvesting potentially irreversible caribou decline (Miller and sector are influenced by social, economic, and Gunn 2003). political processes and conditions operating at multiple spatial and temporal scales. The imposi- tion of government quotas on the narwhal hunt in Harvesting behaviour Arctic Bay, for instance, in combination with other With future climate change, hunting will become factors, resulted in the development of the floe- more dangerous, access to hunting areas at certain edge narwhal hunt. Future resource development times will be reduced, and there is potential for a in the north, including mining projects (diamond decline in wildlife populations of importance to prospecting is underway near Arctic Bay and Igloo- Inuit. Future exposure, however, will differ within lik), the development of the tourist economy, the the community, conditioned by who is hunting potential for commercialisation of harvesting, and what, where and at what time, and according to growing jobs in the wage-based economy will the extent to which individuals rely on hunting for continue to affect Inuit harvesting relationships, their livelihoods. exacerbating or moderating the implications of Current trends indicate declining numbers of future climate change. young people involved in harvesting and a reduced reliance on traditional foods. The decline in the Future adaptive capacity participation of youth is most pronounced with regards to hunting in winter, in processing products Climate change is not a new phenomenon in from the hunt and in consuming traditional foods. Nunavut, even over the timescale of human memory, Youth generally spend less time on the land, which and projections of changing climatic conditions may result in limited exposure, and hence reduced are not without historical precedent (Ford et al. vulnerability, to climate change. Increased reliance 2006b). Analysis of current response to changing on store purchased food also reduces the exposure of exposure and community identification of future younger generation Inuit to changes in the availability adaptation options and constraints indicates sig- and accessibility of traditional food resources. Youth nificant adaptive capacity to deal with changing and ‘weekend hunters’, however, still remain active in climate-related exposures. This capacity, however, spring and summer ringed seal harvests, the narwhal will vary among different groups in the community, will hunt in Arctic Bay, and the use of the sea ice to depend upon the nature of changing exposure, and access other settlements. They are therefore exposed will be conditioned by social changes in the two to the potential for increased weather extremes in communities.

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of changing conditions. The costs of new technology Differential adaptive capacity can be prohibitive, especially for full-time hunters Inuit traditional knowledge and land-based skills and youth with limited income opportunities. Lack Those who rely on hunting for their livelihoods will of monetary resources is already constraining Inuit have a high level of climate change exposure. They adaptability. The ability to make extra preparations also have considerable adaptive capacity, drawing before hunting, for instance, is conditional upon upon Inuit traditional knowledge and land-based the ability to purchase those extra supplies or to skills to manage routine events and to respond access them through sharing networks. In Arctic creatively to novel events, utilising a diverse array Bay, lack of financial resources could be a major of hunting strategies to ensure successful hunting, factor constraining the ability of hunters to switch to and having a strong sense of collective responsibility. open-water hunting that might become necessary For example, with regards to predicted changes in with climate change. Boats are expensive to purchase the timing of the narwhal migration into the Arctic and maintain and, unlike snowmobiles, few people Bay region, community members indicated that this have their own or have access to other people’s. would not necessarily be a problem. Historically, Surveys by Poppel et al. (2007) in Nunavut, for narwhal were hunted from open water by kayak example, documented 73% of respondents owning (Wilkinson 1955; Brody 1976; Akumalik 2004; and using snowmobiles, compared with only 44% Shappa 2004). Among elders and experienced for canoes/kayak, and 12% for other boats (data hunters, knowledge still exists with regards to open- specific to Arctic Bay and Igloolik are not available). water hunting. In Igloolik, the potential for the For those who cannot afford such equipment, the increasing hazardousness of the pack-ice walrus narwhal hunt may no longer be possible. hunt may reduce the opportunities to hunt at this Increased exposure to climatic risks and increasing location, but will not eliminate them. Experienced financial losses associated with hunting accidents hunters will continue to use the environment could compound existing economic constraints on opportunistically, going to the pack-ice whenever adaptation, by reducing the resources available to conditions are right. While there may be fewer groups and individuals to resist and recover from hunting opportunities in the winter, extended open- future losses. For example, hunters can partially water seasons may increase opportunities for hunting recover losses associated with hunting accidents the open-water walrus. through a variety of programmes offered through the Young generation Inuit may have limited exposure, Government of Nunavut and Inuit organisations. but will have lower adaptive capacity. Current Increasing claims, however, are already stretching experience shows that, when faced with dangerous the money available in such funds and are reducing and novel situations, younger Inuit are often ill- the amount available to cover future claims. At an prepared and do not know what to do. There is also individual level, these stresses are even more acute. evidence that youth are involved in more risk-taking Replacing a snowmobile lost or damaged in an behaviour and engage in more dangerous hunting accident (at a cost of around US$10 000) without practices. In Igloolik, for example, the death of two any external support is a serious financial outlay young Inuit in December 2004 was attributed by and one that can only be undertaken occasionally. many study participants to the high speed of travel The majority of hunters would not be able to replace in an area regarded as being dangerous. Climate high-value equipment if there were successive change will increase the consequences of a lack of accidents in a short period of time. This would entail knowledge and risk-taking behaviour. The adapta- a significant decrease in the ability to hunt and to bility of younger generations to future climate change procure traditional foods, reinforcing economic will depend upon how well they acquire Inuit hardship. traditional knowledge and land-based skills. Re- assertion of cultural values may counter the erosion Social networks For those who cannot access of Inuit knowledge, thereby strengthening adaptive hunting areas in conditions of climate change, due capacity. More widespread use of new technologies to lack of access to technology or lack of time or may also enable youth to hunt without the traditional hunting skills, the sharing of traditional foods will be knowledge of their forefathers, although experience important in maintaining food security. Switching with new technology has been mixed (see Aporta to store purchased food is expensive and, for many and Higgs 2005). community members, purchased foods are not considered an equal trade-off for traditional foods, Access to economic resources It is noted above that which are preferred because they are considered to adaptability is currently limited by a lack of mone- be healthier, fresher and better tasting. However, tary resources to purchase equipment necessary to as discussed above, sharing networks are coming access hunting areas and to hunt safely in the face under increasing stress, although food is still widely

Geographical Journal Vol. 174 No. 1, pp. 45–62, 2008 © 2007 The Author(s). Journal compilation © 2007 The Royal Geographical Society Climate change in the Arctic 59 shared with new forms of reciprocity emerging to hunting for their livelihood will have a high level balance changing intra-family relationships (see of exposure. For young Inuit the picture is more Wenzel 1995; Ford et al. 2006a). Inter-community complex; while they have less reliance on hunting, sharing networks will be important for Igloolik in and the products it provides, they nonetheless still particular, as it is likely that there will be limited hunt and travel at times of the year when changes access to hunting areas during sea-ice freeze-up. will be experienced. Inuit traditional knowledge, Traditional foods are occasionally sent by scheduled social networks and flexibility have underpinned plane service for nearby Hall Beach and Resolute adaptability to changing conditions for generations Bay (which have access to terrestrial hunting grounds and will be important in facilitating adaptive capa- all year round) and will be important if food security city to future changes. However, analysis of current is to be maintained at critical times of the year. adaptive capacity and community identification of future adaptation challenges indicate that the ability to adapt will be unequal. Young Inuit and those Nature of climate change with limited access to economic resources, in The nature of climate change will also be important particular, will have limited adaptive capacity. in determining adaptive capacity. A substantial Vulnerability is also differentiated between the two reduction in ringed seals, due to changes in sea-ice communities. This is largely reflective of differences conditions, would severely threaten adaptability. in the nature of harvesting and of physiography. Ringed seals are a major source of food and are a For Igloolik, projections of changes in the timing fall-back species, hunted when others are unavailable and duration of the sea-ice freeze-up and break-up or inaccessible. It is unlikely that population numbers are important given the community’s location on a of other species would be large enough to support small island. In Arctic Bay, projections of changes a significant decrease in seal numbers. Increased in the timing of the sea-ice break-up, relative to incidence of caribou mass die-offs, precipitated by narwhal migration patterns, are important given the severe ice conditions, would also be difficult to cultural and economic importance of narwhal to manage. During periods of climate-induced high the community. At the level of the factors and pro- caribou mortality in the High Arctic between 1973 cesses that shape vulnerability, however, there are and 1974, communities had to limit, and even ban, similarities. The adaptive strategies drawn upon to the caribou hunt (Harding 2004). A shortage of manage climatic exposures are similar, and both caribou meat and fur for clothing would stress the communities are witnessing the emergence of vulner- livelihoods of full-time hunters who rely on able groups, especially among the young and those hunting for food, income, and clothing. without access to economic resources. Novel and largely unknown risks, including The work described in this paper is the first com- predictions of increased rain during winter and ponent of a comprehensive vulnerability assessment spring, and sudden temperature variations, have the in the Canadian Arctic. Future research, conducted potential to be more problematic than an increase as part of the International Polar Year, will examine in the magnitude and frequency of existing well- the extent to which the key trends and drivers of known risks, such as extreme winter temperatures. vulnerability in Arctic Bay and Igloolik are represent- Regarding novel risks, hunters have limited experience ative of Inuit communities throughout northern or knowledge of how to prepare or respond; in Canada. Future research will also explore in greater comparison, hunters can respond with experience depth the nature of climate change vulnerability, to well-known risks. This points to the importance obtaining regionally downscaled climate projections of climate change on the timing of events – to provide detailed regional and site scenarios of adaptive capacity will depend on the timing as well climate change for Arctic Bay and Igloolik. as magnitude of change. Acknowledgements Conclusion The insights and generous hospitality provided by Vulnerability to climate change is inherently residents of Arctic Bay and Igloolik are gratefully dynamic. This paper demonstrates that changing acknowledged, particularly the contributions of climatic conditions, superimposed on changes in John MacDonald and Leah Otak. The contributions harvesting behaviour, have altered, and have tended of Jamal Shirley of the Nunavut Research Institute, to increase, exposure to climatic risks. Conditions to Eric Loring and Scott Nickels of Inuit Tapiriit Kana- which harvesting is currently exposed are predicted tami, Robert McLeman at the University of Ottawa, to be negatively affected by future climate change. George Wenzel at McGill University, and Tristan Exposure to these effects will be differentiated Pearce at the University of Guelph are also acknow- within the two communities. Those who rely upon ledged. Thanks to Lea Berrang Ford for academic

Geographical Journal Vol. 174 No. 1, pp. 45–62, 2008 © 2007 The Author(s). Journal compilation © 2007 The Royal Geographical Society 60 Climate change in the Arctic input and comment, and for Figure 2. The research in Nunavut, Canada: barriers and recommendations Inter- was supported by ArcticNet project 4.2, a Seed national Journal of Circumpolar Health 65 416–31 Grant from the Integrated Management Node of the Chapin F S, Lovecraft A L, Zavaleta E S, Nelson J, Robards M, Ocean Management Research Network, the Social Kofinas G, Trainor S, Peterson G D, Huntington H and Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Naylor R L 2006 Policy strategies to address sustainability of the Climate Change Impacts Adaptation Program, Alaskan boreal forests in response to a directionally changing and the International Polar Year CAVIAR project. climate Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Thanks to two anonymous reviewers for construc- early edition 1–7 tive feedback. The research was conducted under CICS 2006 Downscaling background The Canadian Institute for Nunavut Research Institute License #0203204N-M. 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