HAWAII MARINE Voluntary Payment for Delivery

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HAWAII MARINE Voluntary Payment for Delivery Anniversary Anniversary Kegler Air station 1st Marine Brigade Marine celebrates celebrates turns bowling 32nd birthday 83rd birthday into profession See Page A-4 See Page A-6 See Page B-1 HAWAII MARINE Voluntary payment for delivery. to MCAS housing /SI per fon r.week period. 3 (CODE HDS KANEOHE RAY. HAWAII. JAN. 18,1984 TwEr 32-hour Marine Conrad talks about Marines movie by Sgt. Tracy E. Hellman "I was asked to endorse the calendar and told Christian (19) in any other service because them I would be paid for that endorsement. I we're elitists, too." told them I didn't want the money." Instead Playing Col. Joe Knox in his new movie. At the age of 15, Robert Conrad became a Conrad presented a $25,000 donation to the Conrad uses much of the same philosophies of Marine - for 32 hours. His enlistment was Beirut Relief Fund. leadership used within the Corps. The probably one of the shortest in Marine Corps "My endorsement to the public is simply if we similarities between the movie and his own life history, when recruiters, tipped off by a friend, can't take care of our own, who do we care for? I are obvious. The Marine cadets of Garfield were forced to discharge him because of his age. became personally involved because I think it's Military Academy are rebellious, resenting the the right and appropriate thing to do," he feeling of abandonment by parents. Not unlike Conrad, 48, now well -known for his portrayal admitted. of Marine the feeling Conrad admitted to upon entering Colonel Poppy Boyington in the Junior Military Academy. "Baa Bea Black Sheep," series, continues to Promoting the calendar effort further, create opportunities which draw him closer to Conrad met with Marines in Beirut last week, Knox returns to the academy while on two Marines. visiting each position and bunker. weeks leave, discovering a degree of discipline "I Starring in an upcoming television movie, told the Marines that when I got back to the from the academy staff and cadets not in "Hard Knox," he plays the role of Col. Joe states I would have nothing to say. I'm not a keeping with a military academy. With the Knox, portrayed as the most highly decorated politician. I wanted to meet them and promote encouragement of the academy founder, Knox Marine fighter pilot. The movie will air Friday the calendar. I told them 'Some of you may die; stays for two Weeks, hoping to instill teamwork night on NBC. that's an act of God. But I want to see that your and self-pride among the cadets. children are educated and taken care of.' " "I've always had a fondness for the Marine Robert Conrad is not a man to waste time Corps and regret not being able to serve," said Conrad said he appreciates the Marine thinking of what "might have been" had he Conrad during an interview recently. commitment, something he can identify with. been a Marine. "To me, to be a friend of Marines "I always believed if you're going to fight, you "I believe in hard discipline and hard play. The means to be a fan. I was asked by a columnist at ought to fight with the best. The Marines are the best six years of my life were spent at Junior Yuma (Arizona) if I was intimidated by wearing best." Military Academy in Illinois. a uniform. I told her I wouldn't put on a uniform Conrad was recently named endorser for a "I've learned a 'I couldn't wear." 1984 calendar there's unique quality that's featuring Marines. He appeared consistent with Marines; something on several talk shows within the past week that There are people who, because of the Pappy belongs in a fraternal organization. Marines Boyington role he played, are surprised, as they explaining that proceeds from the sale of the are elitists. calendars will be mailed to the Beirut Relief were with John Wayne, to discover he has never served in the Marine Corps. Fund at Camp Lejeune, N.C. The fund provides "If my eons, Shane and Christian, came to me aid for families of Marines killed or wounded in wanting to start military careers, I guarantee "The only difference between Wayne and I is Beirut. they'll be Marines. I can't see Shane (12) or that I did enlist -for 32 hours." Tidal wave warning shocks Aftrines into phone action Hawaiian Telephone lines caused after confirmation from the Civil tidal wave's arrival as well. The siren, "Arrival of the first wave is "A test of all the warning sirens by Sgt. Randy Dewey the alarm's activation," said Defense," he explained. The alarm sequence will be the same ' expected immediately." on,Oahu will be conducted on the Major Mike Warlick, Station initial alert coneiets of a steady as the initial attention alarm. The all-clear announcement will first working day of each month at Communication Center, "and one-minute blast from the sirens "Immediately following the be made from Kansas Tower and 11:45 am.," he continued. "The A short circuit in one of the tidal only one of the 11 sirens on this approximately two hours before initial alarm," he said, "a selected sound vehicles through- test consists of a one-minute wave warning sirens here caused station was affected. The alarm the estimated time of arrival for broadcast will be made from out the station. It will say, "All steady blast, one minute of some excitement as it began an was purely a malfunction; no tidal the tsunami. The blast will then be Kansas Tower." clear, all clear. Tsunami warning silence, and one minute of approximate 24-minute wail wave or 'tsunami' was sighted. followed by one minute of silence. "Tsunami warning, tsunami canceled, resume normal activi- 'ambulance style' wailing. A one during the late night hours of Jan. This alternating procedure will be warning," the speakers will ty." minute tsunami alarm will then 14. "It is important to know repeated five times. announce. "Prepare to evacuate to -Upon hearing the initial proceed on only coastal sirens. The defective siren, located however, the proper procedure for "A second attention alert will a safe area. The first wave is alarm," expiained Warlick, The tests will be proceeded by an above the Staff Noncommissioned an actual tsunami warning," also be sounded approximately expected at (local time)." "individuals should proceed to the announcement from the station Officers' club, began its cry about continued Warlick. "There are a one hour before the estimated time The second alert will announce, nearest safe area above the tidal public address system." 11 p.m. and sent some rather few different stages to expect. of arrival for the tsunami," "Lees than one hour remains wave area. They should take the Additional tsunami warning anxious housing residents to their "In the event of an actual tidal continued Warlick. "A third before the expected arrival of the most direct route and follow all information can be obtained from telephones to find the reason why. wave, the Station Communication attention alert will be sounded first tsunami wave." traffic directions from officers of the Family Housing Manual, "A short circuit in one of the Center will activate the alarm approximately V: hour before the Finally, after the third attention the Provost Marshal." P11101.8F. Marines'ability to bite Reserve dentists work on'cutting edge' bite!" said Navy Commander B.M. Sharp. by SSgt. W.S. Saunders Detachment 1,24th Dental Company, 4th Force "Regardless of bow combat ready you may be, if Service Support Group, Atlanta, Ga. you're not class IA dental you'll be left behind "We never question a Marine's ability to to watch it on TV." The reserve dentists along with their fight. Our primary concern is his ability to CRD Sharp is one of five dentists here from technicians are here to assist the 21st Dental Company in preparing Battalion Landing Team, 1st Battalion, 3d Marines for deployment. This assistance is part of their two- week active duty training. Bivouaced on the lawn across from the Headquarters Building, the naval contingent has been working diligently since Jan. 7 to put the "Cutting Edge" into teeth. "We average 276 to 300 procedures a day," said Captain Don Reynolds, officer-in-charge of the detachment. "When a Marine comes in, we do everything possible that needs to be done to make him first class." The field dental clinic is designed to keep troops from being debilitated because of a simple toothache. The reserve training benefits not only the troops, but also the sailors attached to the 21st Dental Co. "It benefits us for training purposes," said Reynolds, "and it certainly helps the 21st with their workload." In addition to supporting the dental needs of Marines here, the reservists train at other locations including the Marine Corps Air/Ground Combat Center at 29 Palms, Calif., and Catnip Lejeune, N.C., in support of combined arms exercises. Thb Madnes teem to enjoy the reservist about as much as a dentist can be enjoyed. "It was quite an experience," said Staff IT HURTS HERE - Navy Captain Don Reynolds, officer-in- Sergeant Jim Brodrick, Company A, BLT 1/3. charge of the reserve dental detachment from Atlanta, Ga., "That was the fastest filling I ever had," he examines X-rays of Private First Class Danny Reese, as Reese "SAY AMU" - Navy Commander L.D. Fighter Attack Squadron-282. Wardle one said. "I was more relaxed out here than inside." points out his problem.
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