Iacp New Members
44 Canal Center Plaza, Suite 200 | Alexandria, VA 22314, USA | 703.836.6767 or 1.800.THEIACP | www.theIACP.org IACP NEW MEMBERS New member applications are published pursuant to the provisions of the IACP Constitution. If any active member in good standing objects to an applicant, written notice of the objection must be submitted to the Executive Director within 60 days of publication. The full membership listing can be found in the online member directory under the Participate tab of the IACP website. Associate members are indicated with an asterisk (*). All other listings are active members. Published May 1, 2020. Armenia Yezevan Ghambaryan, Artashes, Captain of Customs Service, State Revenue Committee of the Republic of Armenia Australia Victoria Docklands *West, Alexandra, Chief Psychologist, Victoria Police Service Bahrain Manama Al Marwani, Abdulla, Captain, Ministry of Interior Bangladesh Malibagh Dhaka Talukder, Mohammad Mahmudal Islam, Additional Superintendent, Criminal Investigation Department, Bangladesh Police Botswana Private Ba Gaborone Ndlovu, Christopher Busani, Assistant Commissioner of Police, Botswana Police Service Cambodia Phnom Penh Sokheang, Teang, Police Major General, General Dept of Immigration Canada British Columbia Vancouver *Prox, Ryan, S/Constable in Charge-Crime Analytics Advisory & Development Unit, Vancouver Police Dept Wrathall, Kris T, Inspector, Vancouver Police Dept Manitoba Winnipeg *Kumar, Ajit, Secretary, International Police Sports Council Ontario Chatham *Flikweert, Joshua, Constable, Chatham-Kent
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