cover séc.urb ang 03/05 c2 01/02/2002 07:24 Page 2 International Centre for the Prevention of Crime HABITAT UURBANRBAN SSAFETYAFETY andand GGOODOOD GGOVERNANCEOVERNANCE:: THETHE RROLEOLE OF OF THE THE PPOLICEOLICE Maurice Chalom Lucie Léonard Franz Vanderschueren Claude Vézina JS/625/-01E ISBN-2-921916-13-4 Safer Cities Programme UNCHS (Habitat) P.O. Box 30030 Nairobi Kenya Tel. : + 254 (2) 62 3208/62 3500 Fax : + 254 (2) 62 4264/62 3536 E-mail :
[email protected] Web site : International Centre for the Prevention of Crime 507 Place d’Armes, suite 2100 Montreal (Quebec) Canada H2Y 2W8 Tel. : + 1 514-288-6731 Fax : + 1 514-288-8763 E-mail :
[email protected] Web site : UNITED NATIONS CENTRE FOR HUMAN SETTLEMENTS (UNCHS – HABITAT) INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR THE PREVENTION OF CRIME (ICPC) urban safety and good Governance : The role of the police MAURICE CHALOM LUCIE LÉONARD FRANZ VANDERSCHUEREN CLAUDE VÉZINA ABOUT THE AUTHORS MAURICE CHALOM Maurice Chalom, Doctor in Andragogy from the University of Montreal, worked for more than 15 years in the area of social intervention as an educator and community worker. As a senior advisor for the Montreal Urban Community Police Service, he specialized in issues related to urbanization, violence and the reorganization of police services at the local, national and international levels. LUCIE LÉONARD Lucie Léonard, Department of Justice of Canada, works as a criminologist for academic and governmental organizations in the field of justice, prevention and urban safety. She contributes to the development of approaches and practices as they impact on crime and victimization.