NORTHMAVEN COMMUNITY COUNCIL Chair: David Brown Clerk: NCDC Services Crogreen C/o Hall Ollaberry Ollaberry Tele: 01806 544374 ZE2 9RT Telephone: 01806 544222 E-mail: [email protected]

Minute of Ordinary Meeting of the Council on Monday 7th September 2020


This minute is UNAPPROVED until adopted at the next meeting Present: CCllr D Brown CCllr E Robertson CCllr J A Cromarty CCllr K Williamson CCllr D Robertson CCllr R Doull

1. Apologies Submitted: CCllr K Scollay Ex Officio Present: CCllr B Wilcock Cllr E Macdonald Mr M Duncan – SIC Community Worker Ex Officio Apologies Cllr A Cooper In attendance: Ms C Sutherland – Clerk Ms A Arnett – SIC Community Worker

The meeting started at: 8pm, CCllr D Brown in the Chair. Agenda Item Narrative 2. Declaration of None interest 3. Approval Of The minute of the meeting held remotely via Zoom on Monday 3rd Previous Minute August 2020 approved: CCllr J A Cromarty, seconded: CCllr R Doull. 4. Police report No report.

5. Matters arising Broadband Nothing further regarding mast. Members were informed connectivity in is on the Agenda to be discussed at the next SIC meeting. Cllr E Macdonald informed members she would update them on the issue after the meeting took place. Action – Clerk to contact Mr D Lamont.

Collafirth Hill Road Arqiva carried out an assessment on the condition of the road to ascertain what repairs were required. They estimated that a programme of work should start before the end of the year but may realistically lead into Spring next year.

Parking at – West Ayre/Fire station area The signs in Hillswick are now in place. 1

Members agreed this item can be removed from next minute.

Eshaness Development A meeting was held between Mr T Coutts – SIC, Island Vista and NCC members to discuss how the tourist experiences could be improved as a whole. Ideas discussed were improving parking at Greenfield, increasing the size of passing places, possibility of placing ramp in place of where steps were and also looking at options to open a public toilet in the area. Mr T Coutts advised members of different forms of funding available, including the Crown Estate Fund. Members discussed how to move forward with the plan and thought it would be beneficial to get NCDC onboard, to take it forward. Action – clerk to contact NCDC

Hillhead Wind Community Benefit Payment NCDC confirmed they received payment from Hillhead Wind.

Members agreed this item can be removed from next minute.

Bus Timetables Nothing futher.

Members agreed this item can be removed from next minute.

SIC Community Payback Unpaid Work Team SIC Community Payback Team completed work at the war memorial

Members agreed this item can be removed from next minute.

Swarthoull Nothing further. On hold COVID-19. Action – clerk to contact SIC roads for update

Road Grants Road grant offer letters were sent out.

NCDC CCllr J A Cromarty informed members that NCDC have sent in a Crown State Fund application for a project involving community growing and food production. NCDC hope the project would also create a job for 2 years for someone to carry out the project.

Bruckland has been operating again.

Carly will be leaving her position with NCDC to join Nortenergy, to do their admin. NCDC will be looking to employ someone else in the near future.

Loss of Jobs in North Mainland, Shetland SGP Terminal manager acknowledged that decisions they make can have a wider impact on the Shetland community but stated that the oil and gas industry faced unprecedented challenges due to historically low oil and gas prices. Total and SGP have had to significantly adapt their operating model to try and extend the economic life of the Shetland Gas Plant and stated that their focus, in this sense, is trying to secure the many high skilled, high paid Shetland based jobs at the plant for as long as possible. 2

Members agreed this item can be removed from next minute.

Litter bins in SIC informed members that replacement litter bins were being looked at for many areas, as some of the current ones are coming to the end of their operational life. SIC have about 200 bins to empty and maintain across Shetland and this task is just about manageable with their current operational capacity so if they were to put bins in new areas they would be looking to remove some less heavily used ones in other areas. Members discussed the matter and thought SIC should have a good idea of the usage of each bin when emptying them, and perhaps the bins with little usage could be positioned elsewhere. Action – Clerk to contact SIC.

Lochend Road, Road work is now complete.

Members agreed this item can be removed from next minute.

Launch or rocket from Fethaland, Northmavine Members of the public were concerned about the lack of consulation with the launce of the Skyrora rocket from Fethaland. NCC contacted Skyrora, who said they would be happy to set up a call to discuss any concerns that have been raised in regards to the recent launch. Skyrora confirmed all legally required permits and exclusion zones were in place for the launch and they were not made aware of NCC, however they will add NCC to the list of stakeholders going forward. Action – clerk to set up call with Skyrora

NHS dental care for the community of Northmavine The Director of Dentistry informed members that the concerns raised about the perceived “running down” of the dental service provision at the Brae Clinic is not the case. They have just arranged for Brae to be the centre for our orthodontic provision, with clinics beginning again after the lockdown, next month.

Quoyfirth Post Box Royal mail confirmed this post box will be replaced, but couldn’t say when.

Road at Eela Water SIC roads informed members that they are aware of the bump at the Eelawater Junction. They are hoping to get it resurfaced when the tar squad are up doing work in Bardister and Gluss.

Agenda Items 6. Approval of accounts 19/20 Members approved 19/20 accounts. Action – CCllr D Brown to sign papers



8. AOCB Greenfield, Eshaness Cllr D Robertson suggested signs should be put in place at Greenfield in Eshaness to prevent any accidents occurring. A sign saying blind summit or road narrowed would be sufficient. Action – clerk to contact SIC Roads

Collafirth Hill Road and Lochend Junction Cllr J A Cromarty noticed a quantity of water running down over the road at both the Collafirth Hill and Lochend junction. Action – clerk to contact SIC Roads

Community Benefit Fund CCllr D Brown informed members he thought NCC should be due £6000 from the community benefit fund, from work beginning with the windfarm. The matter is due to be discussed at next ASCC meeting. Action – D Brown to attend ASCC meeting and update NCC

9. Date of next 5th October, 2nd November, 7th December 2020 at 7.30pm in Ollaberry meeting School

The meeting ended at 9.25pm