40 EMBL August 2007 &Newslettercetera of the European Laboratory Council Meeting: Australia to join as associate member state Delegates at this summer’s EMBL Council meeting in Hamburg agreed that Australia will become EMBL’s first associate member state. The associate membership is planned to officially start in January next year and will initially last for seven years. Other news from the meeting includes Luxembourg’s ratification to become EMBL’s 20th full member state, the appointment of Anne Ephrussi as the new Unit Coordinator for Developmental Biology, Detlev Arendt’s promotion to Senior Scientist and much more. pages 2 and 3

New heads of units for EMBL Following the departure at the end of last year of Structural and Computational Biology Unit coordi- nator Luis Serrano to the Center for Genomic Regulation in Barcelona, former Deputy Head of EMBL Grenoble Christoph Müller (right) arrived at EMBL Heidelberg at the start of August to fill his shoes as Joint Coordinator alongside Peer Bork. In addition, Anne Ephrussi has been appointed as the new Unit Coordinator for Developmental Biology. Inside, both talk about their plans for the units. pages 2 and 3

EMBL-EBI throws open the doors to training facilities Next time you pay a visit to EMBL-EBI, take a look at their new IT training suite, part of the newly com- pleted East Wing. It’s where visitors will receive tuition in the EBI’s bioinformatics resources at its Genome Campus location for the first time. With 40 permanent workstations and the option to dou- ble the room’s capacity for an additional 40 laptop-based users, the state-of-the-art suite also features touchscreen audio-visual controls, window blinds and lights. A complete programme of the free train- ing on offer can now be found on the EBI’s website. page 5

Lots of brave EMBL souls took part in the Heidelbergman Thank you for the music Triathlon on 5 August and helped raise over €700 for the charity Adéquation , started by Emmanuel Reynaud (left) in 2005. The money will go to the Foundation Green Heritage Fund Suriname’s Dolphin Programme, in which volunteers collect data about the wild dolphin populations in the Suriname River, and other charities. Well done to teams Adéquation, JoMaKa, EMBL Men, CellZome I, II and III, Die Drei Bacalao and single participant Lorenzo Corsini. Well done, too, to the team Swim when EMBLEM, who together with EMBL Ventures raised over you’re winning €3,500 for KiDi Ambulanter Hospizdienst, a charity for terminally ill children. Vadim Sidorovitch presents US musician Mark Kroll with a bouquet following his recital in EMBL Heidelberg’s Operon on 20 July. Mr Kroll, a member of the Boston Say hello to Expanding further Paul goes Symphony Orchestra and Professor the new Szilárd into chemical back to Emeritus of Boston University, treated the audience to Baroque and classical pieces on librarians 4 7 biology 8 the classroom the piano and harpsichord.

EMBL • August 2007 • page 2 &cetera

EMBL Council • Luxembourg ratifies as 20th member state • Australia to become EMBL’s first associate member descends on • Anne Ephrussi confirmed as Unit Coordinator Hamburg • Detlev Arendt appointed Senior Scientist

MBL Hamburg hosted the Summer Council index, the national consumer price index and Detlev’s case being the official faculty repre- Emeeting on 3-5 July this year, during which purchasing power parities, factors which are sentation for the Postdoc Association. “I’ll several important decisions were made. different for each EMBL site. continue to work to improve the curriculum Two new countries have joined the EMBL Council approved the acquisition of an 800 for the postdocs as well as working on new ini- family of member states. Luxembourg ratified MHz NMR spectrometer and a new electron tiatives such as the EIPOD scheme,” com- after being approved at the last council meeting, microscope for cell biological tomography for mented Detlev. “My involvement in the cur- becoming EMBL’s 20th full member state. the EM core facility this year. Some recon- rent EMBL partnership with the Sars Council also agreed to Australia becoming struction on the uphill side of the Heidelberg International Centre for Marine Molecular EMBL’s first associate member at the beginning building, near the current NMR building, will Biology and involvement in organising joint of 2008 (see full story, opposite). be necessary to house the spectrometer. activities with other marine stations has also contributed to this appointment.” As part of Council heard that construction of the The Annual Report 2006-2007 was approved his new job, Detlev will also attend senior sci- Advanced Training Centre at EMBL by Council, and copies have been distributed Heidelberg is proceeding well. Main construc- entists meetings and advise the DG on faculty around the main lab and to the outstations. appointments and promotions, as well as giv- tion started in the second week of June, and by Heidelberg people can get theirs from the the end of the summer up to 80 builders will be ing feedback to him and the Heads of Units on OIPA corridor if they haven’t seen it yet. working on-site. The Dietmar Hopp Stiftung matters of scientific importance. He will also has donated €500,000 for teaching lab equip- In staff changes, Anne Ephrussi has been coordinate the evolutionary module of the ment, and the ATC opening event is scheduled confirmed as the new Unit Coordinator for newly-reorganised predoc course. for autumn 2009. In addition, the multi-storey Developmental Biology (see interview, oppo- “In summary, this was a very positive meet- car park will be increased by two floors to add site). Her appointment was also discussed at ing at which the member state delegates some 200 additional parking places. the recent SAC meeting and received their showed a high level of support for our plans, Construction is supposed to be finished by the unanimous support. and took the important decision that in addi- end of 2007. Another Developmental Biology group tion to member states from Europe and the EMBL staff salaries were adjusted as of 1 leader, Detlev Arendt, was appointed to the immediate surroundings, EMBL should also July as follows: 1.8% in Germany, 2.3% in Italy, rank of Senior Scentist, a position which have formal interactions with some other, and 3.1% in and the UK. These adjust- reflects the involvement of the researcher in more distant, countries in the form of associate

ments are calculated based on a remuneration activities above and beyond leading a group, in membership,” said EMBL DG Iain Mattaj. Photo: Marietta Schupp Marietta Photo: Christoph’s back to front unit

hristoph Müller has come home to other methods and technologies of structur- the moun- CGermany after 15 years away to head the al and functional studies. tains,” he says, “and Structural and Computational Biology Unit “One of our first tasks will be to recruit new alongside Peer Bork. coming group leaders to replace the several who have back to Following the departure at the end of last left or are in the process of leaving,” Christoph Germany year of coordinator Luis Serrano to the says. “We’ve already appointed a new NMR after 15 Center for Genomic Regulation in Barcelona, specialist and will be acquiring an 800 MHz years will the former Deputy Head of EMBL Grenoble NMR machine. almost feel like mov- arrived at the start of August to fill his shoes “A major objective is to maintain the inte- as Joint Coordinator alongside Peer Bork. ing to a grative structure of the unit, and in dealing foreign Senior Scientist Christoph was at the out- with the turnover in staff at the moment we’ll country again. I’m sure things have station for 12 years, and as well as heading be looking to make sure that all the spe- changed a lot since I was last here. However, his group, which is interested in the molecu- cialised techniques – cryo-EM, EM tomogra- I’m looking forward to being involved in the lar mechanisms of transcriptional regula- phy, NMR, X-ray crystallography and so on – main lab and the scope it offers for collabora- tion, he was an active and approachable sec- are well maintained and that the collabora- tions.” ond-in-command to Grenoble head Stephen tions continue to make them available to all He brought most of his group with him Cusack. His research combines X-ray crys- users both inside and outside the SCB unit.” and they can be found (still surrounded by tallography and electron microscopy (EM), There are many things he will miss about chaos and half-empty boxes) in room 435. A and in leading the SCB Unit he will be look- Grenoble, but he’s also pleased to be return- warm Heidelberg welcome to Christoph and ing to expand on and improve these and ing to his homeland after so long. “I’ll miss his lab!

EMBL • August 2007 • page 3 &cetera Australia University, The University of Western hops on board as Australia, The University of Queensland, The University of Sydney and the Commonwealth first associate Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO). Funding will be pro- vided by the Australian National Collaborative member state Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS) and through contributions made by the participat- ing institutes. What is the difference between full member- he Land Down Under is set to become ship and associate membership? TEMBL’s first associate member state. Only European countries and Israel can During July’s Council Meeting, EMBL’s become full members of EMBL. Other coun- member state delegates agreed to Australia tries might join as associate members for a lim- joining EMBL’s international community. The ited amount of time that can be extended. cial expertise, for example in the fields of med- associate membership is planned to officially How will scientists at EMBL collaborate with ical epidemiology and stem cell research, it will start in January next year and will initially last Australian scientists? be an excellent complement to EMBL’s focus for seven years. We asked Iain Mattaj to find Collaborations and exchange will occur on basic research in molecular biology. Closer between all five EMBL sites and leading out more. links between Europe and Australasia are Australian research that have indicated their Why was Australia chosen to become desirable for both sides. interest in engaging in collaborative activities. EMBL’s first associate member? Who is supporting the associate member- Australia will contribute to EMBL activities by Australia is a highly valuable addition to ship in Australia? sending young scientists to join EMBL as fac- EMBL and I am very pleased to welcome it as The Australian government through its ulty, postdoctoral and predoctoral fellows, our first associate member. In recent years Department for Education, Science and while EMBL will share its expertise in Australia has become a central player in the Technology as well as leading Australian researcher training and research infrastructure landscape of molecular biology. With its spe- research institutions including Monash development with Australian institutes.

Anne Ephrussi: new head of developmental biology

ollowing the recent review by the Scientific entirely new picture of the phenomena we have FAdvisory Committee (SAC), Anne been analysing through static images, and leads Ephrussi has been appointed as the new Unit one to think entirely differently, forcing one to Coordinator for Developmental Biology. define new parameters for the description of Anne has been at EMBL since 1992. In addi- living organisms. tion to heading her own research group, she “We have the great fortune of having as has been very committed to training. Together neighbours the ALMF and groups developing with Associate Director Matthias Hentze she optical tools that are the envy of many scientists started to implement EICAT, EMBL’s Photo: Marietta Schupp worldwide. Developmental biology represents International Centre for Advanced Training, the integration and precise coordination of all two years ago. She is also EMBL’s Dean of basic cellular and molecular processes, in the Graduate Studies and thus the contact person context of a whole organism: multicellular for hundreds of PhD students. organisms are nothing other than the living “I strongly believe in the importance of representation of complex regulatory networks. training, and after two intensive years of setting “I’m looking forward to fostering interdisci- up EICAT, I’m delighted to now concentrate atode worm, which has been used as a model plinary projects and collaborations across on my new role as head of the Developmental organism in molecular and developmental biol- units. We will need to hire researchers from Biology Unit,” she says. “Nevertheless, for the ogy since 1974. Also, why should we limit our- different disciplines, including physicists and moment I will continue to consult with and selves to animals? The thale cress Arabidopsis mathematicians. Their skills and ways of give strategic advice to EICAT.” thaliana is an excellent model: changes in the thinking are needed to develop models to sim- Anne has a clear idea of how she will tackle plant are easily observed, excellent genetic tools ulate processes in organisms and to predict the upcoming challenges as Head of Unit and is have been developed, and it is also the first plant cellular behaviour.” really enthusiastic when looking ahead. to have its entire genome sequenced. Working When she’s not busy talking science, mentor- “Scientifically, the challenge is to define the big with a variety of organisms will allow us to learn ing is another issue Anne cares about. “From questions in developmental biology, identifying more about evolution,” she says. personal experience and my work with the PhD and recruiting the most promising young scien- Another important aspect Anne stresses is Programme, I know how important it is to tists in emerging areas of the field.” applying state-of-the-art methods to address coach young researchers. It can be difficult, but Developmental at EMBL already questions in developmental biology. “With live at the same time it’s very rewarding to see one’s work with a number of model organisms, such imaging and new probes and reporters, we can junior colleagues growing into new positions.” as mice, flies, fish and the marine worm now visualise how cells form organs, how they Anne can still be found in her old office but Platynereiis. “There are more genetic model interact, and how higher order complexes move will eventually move to Steve Cohen’s office to organisms we would greatly benefit from hav- within cells and where and when signalling be closer to the unit’s secretary Tatiana later ing in the Unit, for example C. elegans, the nem- occurs, all in real time. Live analysis gives an this year. – Lena Raditsch

EMBL • August 2007 • page 4 &cetera

24-hour party people

Scorching temperatures didn’t keep more than 1,000 guests away from this year’s Staff Association Summer Party at EMBL Heidelberg. Bouncy castles, puppet shows, face painting and pony rides were just some of the attractions for the children. The Walldorf youth orchestra played while everyone enjoyed the wonderful food prepared by Claus Himburg and his team – and the iced cocktails went down a treat again this year. Evening Heinzmann Thomas Photos: entertainment came from the Alptraumboys (above right) and “Robbie Williams” (right), and DJ Fay kept the disco going for hardcore partiers. Best of all, an incredible €3,276 was raised for the Waldpiraten camp from this year’s tombola! Waldpiraten is located near EMBL Heidelberg and holds summer camps and year-round seminars for children with cancer and their families. The Staff Association would like to thank all the many volunteers who helped make the party such a success. Next year’s is planned for 21 June, so make a note in your diaries! Keep up-to-date with these and many more topics at the Staff Association website: www.embl-heidelberg.de/~staff/. (Site for EMBL pensioners: www.embl-heidelberg.de/ ~staff/pensioners/). – Catherine Floyd

Say hello to the new Szilárd librarians

he Szilárd Library at EMBL Heidelberg has “I’ve wanted to be a librarian since I was that line of work ever since. He completed a Ttwo new custodians since the departure of eight years old, and apart from a brief spell as masters in library and information studies and David Westley and Regina Herhoff in June. an archaeologist, that’s what I’ve been,” she has worked in the British Medical Association First on the scene was Anne Barkworth, a says. “I’ve been a little bookworm all my life!” and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical (LSHTM) libraries. Canadian who has been in Europe since 1993. She moved to Heidelberg to take up her After working as a librarian and archivist at EMBL position and so far is very impressed by “I’m used to being in an academic environ- institutes such as the National Library/ what she sees. “It’s great to be back in a scien- ment like EMBL, and it’s very positive to be among such a lot of individually motivated peo- Archives of Canada, Anne’s first post when she tific environment and one that is so young and moved to Europe was at the ple,” he says. He’s also enjoying his new sur- international,” she says. “It’s so alive here – it’s Landbouwuniversiteit Wageningen in the roundings. “The quality of life here is so much lovely that everyone is on first-name terms.” Netherlands. She has since held similar posts, better than London. Heidelberg is a beautiful, mainly in Holland, at such diverse places as the The second newcomer is Tobias Sack, who relaxed place, and I’m looking forward to Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, the Ministry of returns to Germany after eight years in exploring the local area with my family.” Foreign Affairs, the World Bank, the London. As a student of History and Political What are their plans for the Szilárd Library? International Court of Justice and even the Science, he began working in the library while “The first challenge is to make sure the library Royal Geological Survey of Morocco. writing up his dissertation, and has stayed in runs as smoothly and successfully as it did under Regina and David,” Anne says. “We’ll Left: Tobias gets to grips with the also be concentrating a lot on the pending library website; right, Anne among move into the new ATC and trying to make the journals that as painless as possible. “We’ll also be expanding more into e-books, which will go a long way to improve our serv- ice to the outstations. Technological advances are a real priority as the lion's share of our budget is spent on electronic resources.” So thank you to Regina and David and best wishes for the future, and a warm EMBL wel- come to Tobias and Anne!

EMBL • August 2007 • page 5 &cetera

EMBL-EBI throws open the doors to training facilities

MBL-EBI is proud to unveil its new state- matics knowledge they Eof-the-art training facilities, a central part need to identify the most of the newly completed East Wing. The IT relevant resources for their training suite (right) allows visitors to receive areas of work and gain the expert tuition in the many EBI bioinformatics most from them. Training resources at its Genome Campus location for spans both introductory, the first time. overview-level courses and more advanced, resource- The modern, hands-on training suite hous- focussed courses. The 2007/2008 training pro- free, although participants are required to es 40 permanent workstations, with the option gramme will start at the beginning of cover their travel, accommodation and subsis- to double the room’s capacity with space for an September, followed by an average of one tence expenses. additional 40 laptop-based users. It’s not just course every month, including: the training that is interactive – so are the In addition to providing a dedicated train- touchscreen audio-visual controls, window • An overview of the EBI’s data resources; ing space for EBI visitors, the new facilities will blinds and lights! • Tools integration for proteomics and sys- be used to enhance the institute’s wider cam- tems biology; pus-based activities, such as its Industry Comprehensive audio-visual equipment Programme workshops and hosted meetings. • From sequence to gene; genome resources at ensures that training can incorporate all types “The opening of the IT training suite repre- the EBI; of media and maximise the efficient blend of sents an exciting time in the expansion of the instruction and practical demonstration that • Patterns, similarities and differences in bio- EBI’s training activities. We’re delighted with has become a hallmark of the EBI’s external logical data. the new facilities and look forward to welcom- training roadshows. The complete training programme can be ing many trainees to the EBI,” says Cath The emphasis of the training provided at the viewed on the EBI’s training website at Brooksbank, Head of Outreach and Training. EBI is to equip researchers with the bioinfor- www.ebi.ac.uk/training/handson/. Courses are – Louisa Wright

Louisa Wright is the new Scientific Outreach Officer at EMBL-EBI. With a background in plant molecular biology, her PhD took her first to the John Innes Centre in Norwich, UK and then to the Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding in Cologne. Afterwards, Louisa applied her interest in science at a position away from the lab bench at the University of York, where she was responsible for the science and society activities of EPOBIO, an international project funded by the EC. She’s looking forward to being part of the EBI as it expands its bioinformatics training activities and contributing to EMBL’s strong public engagement record.

Vicky Schneider is EMBL-EBI’s new Scientific Training Officer. Her research career has covered a range of subjects, from behavioural ecology to comparative interactomics, and taken her to a variety of places. Her last position was in Switzerland as an Assistant Professor working on adaptive evolution and the origins of genetic diversity. Since joining the EBI in March, Vicky particularly enjoys the international atmosphere and the institute’s wider European interac- tions since she speaks several languages and appreciates the opportunity to practice them all! With the expansion of the EBI’s on-site, roadshow and e-learning training activities, Vicky anticipates a stimulating and busy time ahead.

Caught in a trap n EMBL Grenoble group’s collaboration the enzyme bound to tRNA in the presence could be adapted to target other aminoacyl- Awith a pharmaceutical company has of AN2690 and examined them with the tRNA synthetases with editing sites and also revealed the unexpected mechanism of ESRF synchrotron X-ray source. other pathogenic microbes,” says Stephen. action of a new anti-fungal compound. They found that AN2690 sticks in one of the “We are now working towards finding relat- Working with Anacor Pharmaceuticals Inc. two active sites, called the editing site, of the ed antibacterial compounds that could help from California, head of outstation Stephen enzyme and makes a very strong bond to the counter the problem of antibiotic resistance.” Cusack’s group published findings in the 22 end of the tRNA, trapping the tRNA on the It’s a very nice example of how EMBL June edition of Science describing how a new enzyme. This inactivates the enzyme, blocking Grenoble, with the help of EMBLEM, transfers compound kills fungal pathogens by blocking synthesis and killing the fungal cell. their basic scientific findings to applied an enzyme crucial for protein synthesis. The bond formation with the tRNA depends research of biomedical relevance. Indeed sev- The compound, AN2690, interferes with crucially on a boron atom in AN2690. eral other Grenoble projects are moving in this the leucyl-tRNA synthetase enzyme, which is Anacor reports promising results during direction, notably some of those done within involved in of the genetic code by clinical trials of the compound as a treatment the new international research unit, the Unit of attaching the amino acid leucine to the end for chronic toe fungus. “Now that we know Virus-Host Cell Interactions, jointly set up by of a tRNA. The group generated crystals of how AN2690 works, the same approach EMBL, CNRS and the University of Grenoble.

EMBL • August 2007 • page 6 &cetera

Three weeks at EMBL for young contest winner

erard Frigola (right), a 19-year-old stu- Mayka Sanchez with her experiments. Gdent from Barcelona University, has spent “I became interested in science because of three weeks at EMBL Heidelberg this summer the way it helps us understand the amazing as a winner of the 18th European Union amount of order and logic in the world around Contest for Young Scientists. us,” Gerard says. “In addition, science is like a Gerard presented his project “From 606 to global language – a meeting point for people PCR: Paul Ehrlich’s legacy – from salvarsan to from all over the world.” antibiotics” to an international jury in After his degree Gerard would like to leave , Sweden on 23-28 September last his native Spain to do his PhD. “My time spent Photo: Marietta Schupp year and was one of eight lucky winners of at EMBL has confirmed that I really want to placements at the seven EIROforum intergov- continue with basic research,” he says. “I’d like ernmental European research organisations, of to express my gratitude to Matthias and which EMBL is a member. During his stay in Mayka for everything they have done for me Matthias Hentze’s lab he helped postdoc and for the training I’ve been given.” behindthescenes “Part of me will always belong in Ghana”

hen things go wrong around the EMBL While she loves her job, it does have its WHeidelberg building, what do you do? annoyances, mainly because of people not Contact Building Maintenance, of course, and obeying the rules – which, like all rules, are most of the time your call will be answered by there for a reason. “Please, everybody, register Gabi Dzackah at the helpdesk. You may have your car number plate with me!” she pleads. met her when you filled in your sign-in sheet; “Every week something comes up, like lights she’s the one who gives you your office key and being left on or a car parked in an awkward calms you down on the phone when your heat- place. If we have your registration we can con- ing breaks or if you get stuck in the lift. tact you directly and everybody won’t have to But have you ever wondered why the jovial get these mass e-mails.” German speaks English with such an unusual Photo: Marietta Schupp Another issue she’d like to iron out is the accent? Like many EMBL people, Gabi mod- keys. “When you move, please bring your key estly guards a fascinating life history. back rather than passing it straight on to the As a student in Köthen, near Halle, she met next person,” she says. “There’s a record of the a Ghanaian man studying in …and keys here and it helps us know where everyone love blossomed. Suddenly Gabi was leaving is, and saves us having to have extra keys made everything behind to go with him to Ghana, all the time.” but it wasn’t an easy process to get out of for- EMBL’s now a big place, and Building mer East Germany. “It took about a year “When I say my birthday Maintenance are always busy with jobs around before I got permission to marry, and then I the house. Another way you can help Gabi is by immediately applied for a passport, and that is 1 April, people think filling in a proper request form if you want any- took another year,” she says. “Then one day I I'm joking” thing done. “We want to help as quickly as pos- got a letter from the Ministry of Foreign sible, and this helps us prioritise,” she says. “It Affairs, saying my passport was ready.” also helps the workers to have a written record Gabi couldn’t work there because she didn’t 50% building maintenance administration,” of the room a number and contact name.” speak the language, which is English – and says Gabi, who originally trained as an engi- Gabi has an early start every day, having to get that’s the reason for her distinctive accent. “I neer and draughtsperson. “Back then there up at 5:00 and be here at 7:00 to start dealing speak Ghanaian English. I had learnt only were only two others in the office. As EMBL with all the visiting workers. But at weekends grew, though, the job changed to just admin. Russian in school.” she makes sure she relaxes at home in Gradually Gabi adapted to the lifestyle and “It’s a very interesting job. Lots of different Ludwigshafen, and always has time to go cycling had two sisters for her son, who had been born workers come in every day, and in between the and see her three grandchildren, the latest of in Germany before the family left. “But I was regular tasks there are always new things that which, a girl, was born as we went to press. have to be dealt with. I’m flexible and used to determined to come back to Germany before I For holidays, she visits her middle daughter adapting to anything,” she says. was 40. In 1988 I did, after 15 years,” she says. at home in Mallorca, and also goes back to “I brought my girls, who were ten and 13, but “EMBL is exactly the mentality that I was Ghana – the next trip is in October – and will my boy, who was 16, stayed at school in looking for, with all its nationalities. It’s per- continue to do so as long as she can. “I will Ghana. He then came here at 22.” fect for an open person like me – I love meet- always want to keep my ties with Ghana and its She started her job at EMBL in 1995 and ing all the newcomers. It’s in my . My people,” she says. “Life wasn’t always easy, but immediately loved it. “I started doing 50% star sign is Aries. When I say my birthday is on after 15 years there, part of me will always draughtsmanship with Ernst Heinmöller and 1 April, people think I’m joking!” belong there.”

EMBL • August 2007 • page 7 &cetera

“Reinforcing One of EMBL’s current aims is to expand EMBL’s footprint on further into the growing field of chemical biology. Here’s how we’re doing it... the chemical biology map” Planting the seed Synergy is a word often misused in biology. esearchers at EMBL have just started the were uncovered by Elena Conti’s group and The 20-22 June EMBO workshop at EMBL first phase of a three-year initiative aimed Isabelle Vernos’ group at EMBL Heidelberg. R Hamburg, “Integrated Approaches in at translating basic research into new anti-can- The other projects under development arise Structural Enzymology: The Chemistry cer drugs and transferring technology from from ground-breaking discoveries by the and of Catalysis by EMBL into a new start-up company. Gannon group in transcriptional cycling. The Biological Systems”, was excellent proof A Go-Bio/BioChance Plus award of €3.4m complexity of these events suggested that it may that true synergy is to be obtained at the from the BMBF will focus on translational be possible to modulate estrogen signalling, a interfaces between scientific disciplines. research and is coordinated by Joe Lewis, head key factor in the development of breast cancer, The workshop, which aimed to give an of the Chemical Biology Core Facility, who is not only with small molecules that directly inter- overall perspective on current concepts on supported by George Reid of the Frank act with ER-α, but also with small molecules the chemistry and biology of enzyme func- Gannon Group in Heidelberg. This grant that target other processes involved in transcrip- tion, brought together about 100 crystallog- enables basic biologists, medicinal chemists tion. raphers, NMR specialists, enzymologists, and computational chemists to pursue leads Not all of this project will be done at EMBL: biochemists and computational biologists that have promise as anti-cancer drugs and to after an initial period of one year, part of the for sessions on drug design, molecular enhance the expertise that is currently in BMBF funding and the staff will be transferred motors, new technologies, the origin of the house. to ELARA Pharmaceutical GmbH, a start-up catalytic power of active sites and the design The most promising series of small mole- company that was founded by Joe, George, of new biocatalysts. One highlight among cules will be tested for efficacy in vivo using Frank Gannon and others last year, for further the exceptional presentations by high-rank- models of different tumours, such as development. ing speakers was Vern Schramm (Albert leukeamias, lung cancer and breast cancer. EMBL Heidelberg will eventually have a ded- Einstein College, NY), who mapped in This project-driven research will integrate icated chemistry infrastructure to reflect the detail the transition-state structure of small chemistry into biology and raise the profile of growing importance of the field in molecular molecule substrates in enzymatic reactions EMBL in its chemical biology efforts. biology. such as for the enzyme purine nucleoside The project depends on industry experi- “Small molecule screening has lately moved phosphorylase. This provides powerful enced talent; Jochen Ammen has just been away from pharma and industry into academic mechanistic insights into enzymology that hired from a large pharmaceutical company to labs,” explains Joe. “Its methods are becoming can be used to aid rational design of sub- lead a team of medicinal chemists who are more amenable to basic research groups, and so strate competitive inhibitors with very high working in labs temporarily rented from BASF chemical biology is becoming increasingly potencies. Using this approach, his lab has in Ludwigshafen. They have just started to important to the work done at EMBL. With this, developed a new class of inhibitors that are synthesise the first variations of compounds the Go-Bio project will be a great demonstration currently being tested in clinical trials identified in the EMBL Chemical Biology Core that basic research can address the expectation against T-cell malignancies. Facility from screens inspired by the basic of society that new can and will be The response from the participants was research of the Gannon and Conti laborato- developed from basic biology.” very positive. Extensive discussions and ries. “Through creating a project-led, seamless extremely productive poster sessions com- The Go-Bio project pursues two different flow from basic research through preclinical plemented the lectures. The idea of inte- avenues: one is to inhibit Aurora kinases, a key development, we will increase the opportunities grated multidisciplinary approaches for an player in many tumours, through a novel for drugable targets and offer greater prospects in-depth investigation of enzymes was allosteric binding site. The details of this site for the treatment of cancer,” says George. highly appreciated by the audience. Specific emphasis was given to the applica- tion and the use of information for the elu- cidation of structure function relation- ships. New participant in joint chemical biology core facility There was general agreement from the current participants that having such a eidelberg University is set to join the viding excellent research possibilities but workshop on a yearly basis could provide a HDKFZ/EMBL Chemical Biology Core also by benefitting each of the three insti- platform for fruitful discussions, network- Facility, resulting in an even better service tutes by attracting scientists and improving ing and future collaborations and reinforce to help scientists develop new research external funding for medicinal chemistry. EMBL’s footprint on the chemical biology tools. map. “It adds significant value by creating possi- Organising committee: The three-and-a-half-year old facility, bilities for successful technology transfer or Andrea Schmidt and Victor Lamzin based at EMBL, offers researchers the abili- for our spin-off companies such as Elara (EMBL Hamburg), Joe Lewis (EMBL ty to screen small molecules and identify Pharmaceuticals,” commented Martin Heidelberg), Rikkert Wierenga (Uni. of biological inhibitors and drug precursors. Raditsch of EMBLEM, the commercial arm Oulu), Andrea Mattevi (Uni. of Pavia), The new set-up will pay off not only by pro- of EMBL. Hartmuth Oschkinat (FMP Berlin)

EMBL • August 2007 • page 8 &cetera

Paul goes back to the classroom

n EBI staff member is making an unusual Paul has young children of his own, and this Acareer move; after five years as the coordi- also helped him make his decision. “I want nator of the institute’s industry support pro- them to be educated well by good teachers. But gramme, Paul Matthews is taking what he there’s a serious shortage of science teachers, knows back to the young and impressionable and if science isn’t taught in a way that kids can by becoming a science teacher. relate to then they very quickly dismiss it. If the On a scheme called the Graduate Teacher people who are teaching it aren’t interested Programme, Paul will go straight into two because they’re covering for someone or supply schools for one academic year, by the end of teachers, they can’t convey excitement for the which he will be expected to have passed all the subject. I thought why shouldn’t someone like standards to become a qualified teacher. It’s me, with real experience in the field, teach? designed to encourage professional people “It’s not going to be easy – I don’t assume to with financial commitments, and scientists in think that everyone wants to learn science – particular, to enter teaching and fill the short- but the challenge is to get the ones that think age of science teachers. they don’t like science to see that it’s relevant “I feel really lucky to have got on this for them.” scheme; in my area it involves academic help He’s already done some weeks’ placements from Cambridge University, some very good in his host schools. “One day was a taster day local schools in the partnership and the local for 10-year-olds having their first science les- authority,” explains Paul. During his 13 years son, learning how to light a Bunsen burner and in bioinformatics in industry and institutes doing flame tests,” he says. “Looking at their such as Sanger and Glaxo as well as the EBI, faces, not one of them was bored. Not every he’s had a lot of experience in teaching, but as science lesson is that much fun, but if you see he says, “so far it has always been adults, and the light switch on in someone’s face as they they were always already interested in sci- “I’d recommend open see something or understand something for ence!” In his new job, Paul will be teaching the first time, it gives you a real buzz. children from age 11-16 biology, physics and heart surgery to anyone chemistry, and 16 to 18-year-olds his specialist who needs to work out “To get the first PhD thesis sent to me by a subjects, biology and human biology, for A- former student will be fantastic!” level and the international baccalaureate. what to do with their life!” The EBI’s industry support programme will So what made him want to face classrooms – Paul Matthews be handled by consultant Dominic Clark until full of potentially disinterested teenagers? Last a new appointment is made, but Paul will still year, Paul underwent major surgery for a con- maintain ties with the institute. “The EBI feels genital heart problem, and the three months’ like my home. There are more than 1,000 peo- convalescence gave him a lot of time to reflect campus and especially the people, but I think to ple on the whole campus now, and many are on his future. “I’d recommend open heart sur- be able to switch kids on to science – to find good friends. But I’ll be persuading them to gery to anyone who needs to work out what to ways to engage them and make science relevant come to school and give talks. They’re not do with their life!” he laughs. “I love the EBI, the for them – will be a really rewarding challenge.” going to escape me!”

science&society Communicating the value of communication he first ever EMBL Science and Society the “KE” family, half of whose members were TSymposium organised with the EBI, affected with a speech and language disorder, Biology and Language, brought linguists and inherited simply as the result of a defect in that scientists together for some unusual and single gene. thought-provoking talks. Finally, W. Tecumseh Fitch of the School of Beginning the afternoon-long symposium Psychology, University of St Andrews, dis- held at Robertson College in Cambridge on 21 cussed the potential to discover more key July, Svante Pääbo of the MPI in Leipzig talked genes by pinpointing mechanisms involved about the FOXP2 gene, mutations of which in language and searching for analogues in causes severe language and speech problems in animal behaviour. humans, and demonstrated its effect by play- Feedback on the symposium, most of ing back recordings of the squeaks of mice. which came from postgraduate biologists, Faraneh Vargha-Khadem of the UCL overwhelmingly voted the event “excellent” Institute of Child Health in London went into and praised, in particular, the way two disci- W. Tecumseh Fitch addresses the more detail about the identification of FOXP2 plines were presented coherently to a mixed question of what makes us human following research into three generations of audience of scientists and non-scientists.

EMBL • August 2007 • page 9 &cetera

Heidelberg’s Center for Molecular Biology (ZMBH), which he helped to establish in the the mid-eighties as its first Director. For some time, Hermann’s research focused largely on mechanisms of gene regulation. A well-known by-product was the tetracycline-dependent transcription control system, widely used corner today in the study of gene function. Today Hermann’s research focuses exclu- sively on developing vaccines against malaria. EMBO welcomes His strong biological and humanitarian inter- est in the disease explains his long-term com- Hermann Bujard mitment to its research. While working at EMBO, he will continue his malaria project. New Executive Director helped bring EMBO His future plans include returning to Africa to and EMBL to Heidelberg continue his studies in the countries most affected by the disease. Hermann Bujard is EMBO’s new Executive Hermann Bujard On an academic level, Hermann has pub- Director, following Frank Gannon’s move to lished over 140 peer-reviewed articles and Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) at the end of one,” explains Hermann. “There were very holds 25 international patents. Amongst a June. The German-born molecular strong links between biology and physics in string of honours, including his EMBO mem- has had long-standing links to EMBO, having those days. Heidelberg-based physicists like bership, he is a member of the Max Planck been a member since 1976 and EMBO Council Wolfgang Gentner and Nobel Laureate Hans Institute for Medical Research and holds an member from 1989-1995. He will lead the Jensen had the vision to see the opportunities honorary doctorate from the University of organisation until the next Executive Director that biology presented and were determined to Würzburg. The Karl Heinz Beckurts Prize, the is appointed. bring a base for modern biology to Curie Institute’s Yvette Mayent Prize for Hermann’s association with EMBO dates Heidelberg.” In the early seventies, Hermann Cancer Research and the 2005 Medal of Merit back to 1970. After hearing that EMBO was also served on the EMBO Laboratory from the German state of Baden-Württemberg moving to Germany, he got together with the Committee, laying the foundations for the represent some of the awards he has received late Peter von Sengbusch and EMBO Member establishment of EMBL, which was one of the in his still active career. Ken Holmes to spearhead the drive to bring founding goals of EMBO. He also co-organ- “My first introduction to EMBO and EMBL EMBO to Heidelberg. Although Munich was ised some of the early EMBO scientific meet- over three decades ago was the beginning of a the favoured location at the time, Heidelberg ings. very rewarding relationship with both organi- eventually won out thanks to the group’s per- In addition to an obvious affection for sations,” recalls Hermann. “I look forward to suasive arguments and the support of EMBO and a belief in its role in European sci- the challenge this new role brings and to be Heidelberg’s mayor and local physicists, as ence, Hermann brings a wealth of experience able to contribute actively towards EMBO’s well as a number of other factors. from research, industry and politics. He cur- further development.” “The physics connection was an important rently leads a research laboratory at – Anne Seller & Lindsay Johnson

“O, ye’ll tak’ the high road and I’ll tak’ the low road...

...an’ I’ll be in Scotland afore ye!” Two of foward to going back to Scotland. Having said Monterotondo’s familiar faces are leaving the that, the weather will take a bit of getting used outstation to try their hand at a different sort to, after Italy.” of lifestyle – running an inn in the Scottish Rosie’s PA duties will be taken over by countryside. Alexandra Moreira, and her administrative jobs Rosie Maccagnano, Administration Liaison will be shared between Pascale Beudin, Silvia Officer and Nadia Rosenthal’s PA, and her Rossetti, Flavio Zizzo and Tanja Rimbach. husband, General Maintenance Assistant Alex Regan, are returning to native pastures at the Photo: Alex Regan end of their contracts. While Rosie will take up Money made easy a similar position at Edinburgh University as Graduate Organisation Manager, in her spare There’s a handy new SAP interface on time she’ll help Alex run their new village inn WebBudget View. It makes it easier for budget holders to see at a glance the and restaurant. breakdown of their expenditure, and also “We’ve been looking for a suitable spot and For visitors and staff alike, Rosie has always allows Heads of Units to get an overview have narrowed it down to two or three places been a cheery, helpful first port-of-call at of external and internal grant division in within easy reach of Edinburgh,” says Rosie. Monterotondo, and though she’ll be sorely their groups. Best of all, it allows immedi- “It’s going to be an exciting challenge. In fact, missed she’s sure it’s time to return home. “I’ve ate export of a page to Excel or as a pdf. the idea to set up a traditional inn came from really loved my job here – it’s the kind of job Go to www.embl.org/staffonly/finance Alex’s tradition of organising the Friday night where you never stand still – and I’ll miss matters/sap/index.html for more. beer sessions here at Monterotondo.” everyone,” she says. “But I’m really looking

EMBL • August 2007 • page 10 &cetera

Alumni facts... 55% of EMBL’s 46 News from the Alumni Association alumni i n Austria aculty hold senio r or f The double life of Silke Pichler positions

ormer EMBL predoc Silke Pichler does a ble. In turn, she feels that her scientific work Fjuggling act with her roles as full-time has benefited from the endurance training cadre athlete in the Austrian national team, and racing (ironman, for instance, consti- employee of the Austrian Triathlon tutes over nine hours of 3.8k swimming, Federation and Research Associate in the 112k cycling and 42k running) which have Department of at Cambridge given her the mental stamina to compete in University, UK. science at a very high level, to change her Silke, who studied in the research field twice, and to keep publishing. Unit at EMBL Heidelberg from 1997-2001, In 2006 she competed in both the Ironman points out that “athletics at this level needs Triathlon Worldchampionships in Hawaii in absolute commitment, a professional coach, October and the Ironman 70.3 Triathlon ships and grants for group leaders. This means sponsorship, good training partners, and Worldchampionships in Florida in that she can stay involved with the local chap- the moral support of family and friends”. November. The latter qualified her for a pro- ter meetings there. Watch this space for news These components have all been there for fessional triathlon licence and since then she of future meetings, and let us know if you or Silke: from Tim Williams, her trainer at the has completed her first pro race in Ironman someone you know would like to help organise Cambridge triathlon club, to her sponsors Austria 2007 as 11th pro woman. She hopes them. – Mehrnoosh Rayner Mike’s Bike in Cambridge and Orca, a wet- to match this achievement scientifically by suit company in New Zealand, to name a completing her article on nuclear tracking in We want to hear from you! Tell us about your few. She is particularly grateful for the the syncytial blastoderm of in the personal or scientific achievements, an inter- encouragement and understanding of her coming months. esting event in which you are involved or give supervisor, Prof. David Glover, for making Silke will then return to Austria and is cur- us feedback on alumni matters at her double life as scientist and athlete possi- rently investigating of postdoctoral fellow- [email protected].

First meeting for alumni in Germany Please mark your diaries with the fol- EMBL alumni in Germany, from former pre- One issue which emerged was the unani- lowing alumni events and opportuni- docs to Unit Coordinators, met in Heidelberg mous wish to involve more EMBL staff who ties: during the Summer Party on 14 July to discuss would benefit from an awareness of the sci- • EMBL Alumni at the 2007 ELSO their science and career paths after leaving ence undertaken by EMBL alumni in Meeting, Dresden, 2 September. EMBL. This, the first German Local Chapter Germany and the issues they encounter after Talks by Daniel Louvard, Matthias Meeting, provided staff and alumni the leaving. To this end, a popular suggestion was Hentze and Kai Simons begin at opportunity to share tips on life after EMBL to hold these meetings during working hours, 18:45. See www.elso.org, and contact and find out about potential collaborations. or in the winter to coincide with the EMBL [email protected] for your free The meeting, which began with a welcome Burns’ Night party. Finally, the event was entrance pass. by Iain Mattaj, was a great success, with stim- rounded off nicely with one of Claus • The 3rd Local Chapter Meeting in ulating talks by Christoph Niehrs, Gaia Himburg’s famous giant strawberry cakes! Spain will be held on 7 September at Tavosanis, Marek Cyrklaff and Ralf Jansen, a For programme details and the partici- the CIC bioGUNE near Bilbao. Iain colourful EMBL update by Matthias Hentze Mattaj will present what’s new at and a creative discussion on what should be pants list visit www.embl.org/aboutus/ alumni/chapters/germany.html. EMBL, and as well as the standard offered at future meetings, led by Claudia programme there’ll be a visit to the Koch-Brandt and Freddy Frischknecht. – Mehrnoosh Rayner Guggenheim. Contact María ([email protected]) or visit www.embl.org/aboutus/alumni/ Microarray just a click away chapters/spain_portugal.html ick of using Excel spreadsheets to organise there’s no more going over old ground when • 14 September is the application dead- your microarray data? Help is at hand with publication time arrives. In addition, as you line for the Young S Scientist Award. Nominate a former emBASE, a microarray storage and analysis enter data you can also do analysis, and if you EMBL pre- or postdoc for the award database which, as well as providing a complete feel like it’s not enough, data export in vari- of €1000 or apply directly at resource and place to keep your data well ous formats is available. organised, allows the annotation of uploaded www.embl.org/aboutus/alumni/ data in compliance with all the standards. “With emBASE, you can manage all aspects careers_awards/index.html#kendrew. of your experiments, from chip production to The database, which is available to all • To celebrate the opening of the new ArrayExpress publication,” says developer EMBL groups, supports both commercial East Wing, the EBI invites all EMBL and home-made microarray platforms, and is Charles Girardot from the Furlong and Boulin alumni to an Alumni Day on 24 usable without special bioinformatics skills. groups at EMBL Heidelberg, who has been October. See www.embl.org/ emBASE will store your highthroughput working on the database with the help of aboutus/alumni/news/oct07.html for results safely and privately until you choose Sajoscha Sauer and Julien Gagneur (HTFG more details. to make them public and allows easy submis- Center). For more see http://embase.embl.de/ sion to EBI’s ArrayExpress repository, so base/ or contact Charles at [email protected].

EMBL • August 2007 • page 11 &cetera

Spending quality time in Vienna newsinbrief

MBL presented its research profile to the Originaltext-Service GmbH, several Science J A delegation headed by the vice-chancellor Einternational gathering of scientists, pol- and Society workshops and lectures encour- of research from Monash University, icy makers, journalists and members of the aged researchers to improve their communi- Australia, visited EMBL Heidelberg on 23-24 public at the 32nd annual Federation of cation skills and gave the public an opportu- July to look around and discuss Australia’s European Biochemical Societies (FEBS) nity to discuss scientific hot topics and their new associate membership status. congress, held in Vienna on 7-12 July. impact on society. In addition, FEBS2007 J Strategy developers from top institutes FEBS, which has more than 46,000 mem- engaged school children in popular scientif- Janelia Farm and The Pasteur Insititute bers throughout Europe, promotes bio- ic topics with the Kids Congress, a collabo- have both visited EMBL Heidelberg over the chemistry, molecular biology and bio- ration between KinderuniWien and summer to see how it runs and use it as a physics. This year’s congress was centred on Kinderbüro, University of Vienna. Strategies benchmark for their own organisations. “Molecular Machines and their Dynamics in to facilitate careers for women were also a Fundamental Cellular Functions”. In an particular focus, with a FEBS/EMBO work- J For the second year running, a group of 30 interactive exhibition and countless lectures shop, “Women in Science”. North American undergraduate biology and workshops, more than 2,200 visitors Scientists from Europe, the US and Asia students visited EMBL Heidelberg as part of learned about the importance of molecular stopped by at the EMBL stand to find out the RISE (Research Internship for Science machines in the coordination of cellular more about research, recruitment, scientific and Engineering) programme funded by processes like cell division or movement, as training possibilities, services and the visi- the DAAD (German Academic Exchange well as the development of diseases resulting tors programme. The FEBS congress was a Service), in which scientists-to-be get to from the impairment of these molecular great opportunity to deepen the knowledge know some of the most interesting research machines. EMBL’s DG Iain Mattaj, Head of of congress visitors about EMBL, to recruit places in Europe. EMBL Hamburg Matthias Wilmanns and new scientists and to seek new collabora- J Applications are open for EMBL’s new group leaders Rob Russell, Elena Conti, tions. Ten days later, the EMBL stand Interdisciplinary Postdoc (EIPOD) posi- Darren Gilmour and con- returned to Vienna to exhibit with the EBI at tions, aimed at promoting interdisciplinary tributed as speakers. another conference, the joint 15th Annual research, until 31 August. Visit Apart from scientific exchange, FEBS2007 International Conference on Intelligent www.embl.org/training/eipod for details. stressed the need for communicating science Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB) and to the public. In collaboration with EMBO, 6th European Conference on Computa- J Free courses in the new EMBL Non- dialog<>gentechnik and the APA-OTS tional Biology (ECCB). – Sabrina Grass Scientific Training and Development pro- gramme for the autumn include Interviewing Skills, Minute Taking with bookreview Confidence, Presentation Skills, Strategic Thinking, Project Management for Research Group Leaders and a variety of “Won for All” reviewed by Mark Green Information Technology tutorials. Visit the website at www.embl.org/staffonly/ person- Michael Ashburner has provided insider well-ordered and given in a calm and method- nel/training_dev/index.html for more. insight into the history of the Drosophila ical manner. However, we just know that it will genome and how it was sequenced. I know he have been put together under pressure on the J The winner of this year’s EMBO gold was there, as I processed the more extreme of plane coming over, and that the final touches medal is Jan Löwe of the Medical Research his travel bills; such are the joys of being an to the slides will have been made in the taxi Council’s Laboratory of Molecular Biology institutional bureaucrat. from the airport. This book deals with pre- (MRC-LMB) Cambridge, UK, who was Why is this story important? Craig Venter, presentation, with the effort, agony, turmoil selected in recognition of his landmark ex-Californian beach bum and Vietnam Vet, is and high energy that resulted in Drosophila work on the structure and function of pro- gunning to sequence the human genome and being sequenced and kept in the public teins involved in bacterial cell division. make a fortune by selling it. Sequencing domain. It is very much the story of scientists, J and of science on planes, in taxis, as much as in Ludwig-Maximilian’s Universität (LMU) Drosophila will be his proof of concept that Munich has now joined as EMBL’s second this can be done quickly, cheaply, privately. labs themselves. German partner university for joint PhD The sense of panic in the scientists engaged on What are the reasons for buying the book? degrees. The LMU was one of only 3 the publicly funded, and of economic necessi- It is short, funny, the prose breathless, the German universities which won in the ty much more leisurely sequencing of story fast-paced, the use of footnotes both “Exzellenzinitiative” last year. Drosophila, is palpable. The story Michael tells extensive and imaginative. is not just of heroes and anti-heroes, but of a Michael writes without J The Thalia EMBL Theatre Club performed clash of cultures. If this was science fiction, it fear or favour – and was their own adaptation of “The Three Little would be the Empire against the fortunate to find an editor Pigs” for the Kindergarten kids on 24 July. RebelAlliance. But this is science and the story who allowed full rein to This was a result of a suggestion by the is more complex, fascinating and the stakes are his recollections. It is the Kindergarten teachers that the club visit far higher. Michael leaves nothing out of the history of scientific once a week and, together with the older warts-and-all view apart from sex (which, if endeavour as it is lived. kids, make the props for the play. It was a lot one imagines Drosophila biologists doing it in “Won for All: How the of fun for everyone, and the club hopes to sequence, on the fly or in base pairs, is an Drosophila Genome Was make it an annual event. For more details entirely commendable decision). Sequenced”, Michael Ashburner, about the theatre club and other things to We are accustomed to watching scientific Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2006, get involved in, see www.embl- presentations that are thoroughly professional, 107 pp. ISBN 0-87969-802-0. heidelberg.de/~staff/clubs.htm.

people@EMBL events@EMBL

New Gene Expression group leader Christian Haering is from near 22-31 August EMBL Heidelberg Munich and studied biochemistry at the University of Regensburg, EMBO Practical Course on Methods in Cell Germany. During his undergraduate study he joined Tom Cech’s lab Biology: Exploring the Dynamics of Cellular at the University of Colorado, Boulder, USA, and completed his diplo- Organisation ma thesis there. He then did his PhD in Kim Nasmyth’s lab at the IMP 2-8 Sept EMBL Heidelberg in Vienna and was a postdoc at Oxford University, UK. His group will EMBO Practical Course on Chromatin use yeast to study chromosome dynamics during mitosis, with an Immunoprecipitation and related techniques emphasis of the mechanism of two SMC protein complexes, cohesin and condensin, using biochemistry, cell and structural biology. 3-4 Sept EMBL Heidelberg Conference: 4th PARP Regio Meeting “NAD Grenoble’s newest group leader Daniel Panne grew up in Freiburg, Metabolites in Genome Regulation” Germany and did his PhD in Basel, Switzerland and his postdoctoral 12-16 Sept EMBL Heidelberg research at in Boston. His lab will focus on the Conference: EMBO Conference on Protein switching mechanisms that underlie transcriptional regulation in Synthesis and Translational Control (in eukaryotes, with a special interest on cooperative assembly of “gener- partnership with Cold Spring Harbor ic” transcription factors into specific superstructures (sometimes also Laboratories) called “enhanceosomes”). They will continue to focus on the structur- al analysis of these complex transcriptional assemblies, with an 17 Sept EMBL Heidelberg emphasis on systems that are important in the immune system. Science and Society: Unconceived Alternatives and the Funding of Scientific Research. P. Kyle Stanford, Department of Tanja Rimbach’s position at EMBL Monterotondo designates 50% of Logic and Philosophy of Science, University her time to support users’ IT needs and 50% to support the outsta- of California tion’s administration. Her IT responsibilities will establish a much- needed on-site computer support service in Monterotondo, mainly in 17-19 Sept EMBL Heidelberg the area of desktop support. When she has completed a four-month Joint EMBL/Affymetrix Exon Arrays training period at EMBL Heidelberg, she’ll be off to join her col- Workshop: From Experiment to Biological leagues in Italy. Originally from Wanne-Eickel in the Ruhr area, Understanding Tanja has lived in Rome for six years working on major IT consulting 18-19 Sept EMBL Monterotondo projects. Heads of Units Meeting/Senior Scientists Meeting/Faculty Retreat Lars Hufnagel will join EMBL Heidelberg as group leader on 1 September. He will start in the Cell Biology and Unit with a joint appointment in Developmental Biology. 25 Sept EMBL Heidelberg EMBL Distinguished Visitor Lecture: Yann Chabod will start as new Head of Personnel on 1 September. Barbara J. Meyer, Univ. of California, Berkeley, Department of Molecular & Cell awards&honours Biology 2-5 Oct EMBL Heidelberg The Lautenschläger Research Prize 2007 goes to Matthias Hentze and the University of Course: A joint EMBL/Agilent Technologies Heidelberg’s Andreas Kulozik for the successful cooperation of basic research and clinical appli- Practical Course on MicroRNA profiling cation in their Molecular Medicine Partnership Unit. The prize, donated by Manfred using in situ synthesised oligonucleotide Lautenschläger, founder of the MLP AG financial services company, is Germany’s most gener- Microarrays ously endowed research prize donated by a private individual, and is awarded to scientists of the 3-5 Oct EMBL of Heidelberg and to those from elsewhere with close research links to the university. Conference: EMBO Workshop: Common Postdoc Jan Medenbach has been awarded two prizes by his former institute, the University of Regulatory Mechanisms in Haemopoiesis Giessen. He won the Promotionspreis, awarded every year for the best PhD thesis, and a brand and Neurogenesis new award, the Fachbereich Biologie und Chemie, from his old department. Jan, who is in 8 Oct EMBL Heidelberg Matthias Hentze’s lab, will be awarded the Promotionspreis in a ceremony in November. EMBL Distinguished Visitor Lecture: Former EMBL PhD student Andreas Lingel from Elisa Izaurralde’s lab has been awarded the Margaret Buckingham, Institut Pasteur ETH medal for an outstanding thesis by ETH Zurich in Switzerland. The award comprises a sil- 25-27 Oct EMBL Heidelberg ver medal and 1500 CHF. It’s the second time Andreas has received a medal from ETH, the first Conference: 9th International PhD Student being for his diploma thesis in 2002. Symposium. Patterns in Biology: EMBL Heidelberg postdoc Stephen Rea from the Akhtar lab is Organisation of Life in Space and Time one of this year’s winners of the prestigious President of Ireland 2-3 Nov EMBL Heidelberg Young Researcher Award (PIYRA) awarded by the Science 8th EMBL/EMBO Joint Conference 2007 Foundation Ireland. The five-year award will help Stephen start on Science and Society: The Future of our his own lab at the University of Galway, where he will continue Species – Evolution, Disease and Sustainable to study epigenetic mechanisms and their role in cancer. Development

Right: Irish President Mary McAleese congratulates Stephen. For more events, visit www.embl.org/events

EMBL&cetera 40, August 2007. EMBL&cetera is published by EMBL’s Office of Information and Public Affairs, Meyerhofstrasse 1, D-69117 Heidelberg, e-mail: [email protected]. Online version available at www.embl.org/aboutus/news/publications/newsletter. Editor: Vienna Leigh. Contributors: George Reid,, Lena Raditsch, Silke Schumacher, Anna-Lynn Wegener, Catherine Floyd, Louisa Wright, Vicky Schneider, Andreea Gruia. Photographic support: EMBL Photolab. Printed by ColorDruckLeimen.