Chapter 4 Kwadukuza Environmental Management

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Chapter 4 Kwadukuza Environmental Management 1 INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2011 / 16 KwaDukuza Municipality CHAPTER 1: Executive Summary 1.1 KwaDukuza Powers and Functions 6 1.2 KwaDukuza long-term vision 6 1.3. KwaDukuza Mission 7 1.4. KwaDukuza Development Strategies 7 1.5. ILembe at Glance 7 1.6. KwaDukuza Broad Geographical Context 8 1.7. Opportunities Offered by KwaDukuza Municipality 10 1.8. KwaDukuza Strength, Weaknesses, 11 Opportunities and Threats Analysis 1.9. Institutional Arrangement 12 CHAPTER 2: KwaDukuza Situational Analysis 2.1. Population Statistics 16 2.2. Age of the population 16 2.3. Education and Skills 16 2.4. Employment Profile 16 2.5. Income Levels 16 2.6. HIV & AIDS Prevalence 16 2.7. Environmental Context 16 2.8. Biophysical Context 16 2.9. Infrastructural Context 17 2.10. Transportation 17 2.11. Priority Needs 17 2.12. Current Use of Land 17 CHAPTER 3: Good Governance & Community Participation 3.1. Introduction 20 3.2. Ward Committees 20 3.3. Community Based Planning 20 3.4. Role of local community and ward councillors in integrated 21 development planning process 3.5 Co-Operative Governance 22 CONTENTS CHAPTER 4: KwaDukuza Environmental Management 4.1 KwaDukuza Municipality Environmental Management 26 4.2. White paper on National Environmental 26 Management Act, 1998 4.3. Linkages with principles of National 26 Environmental Management Act, (107 of 1998) 4.4. Environmental Management Tools: 28 4.5. Urban Development Framework 28 4.6. Involvement of Environmental NGO/NPOs 28 Sustainability framework - KwaDukuza Strategic 30 Environmental Assessment 4.7. Waste Management Hierarchy 30 4.8. Strategies and Priorities for Integrated Waste Management 31 4.9. Waste Avoidance and Minimization Strategy 31 4.10. Waste Reduction and Resource Recovery Strategy 31 4.11. Management of Residual Waste Strategy 31 CHAPTER 5: Spatial Consideration 5.1. KwaDukuza Spatial Development Framework Vision 36 5.2 Legislative Framework 36 5.3. Objectives of the KwaDukuza spatial development framework 36 5.4. Alignment with the National Spatial Development Perspective 37 5.5. Alignment with Provincial Growth and Development Strategy 37 5.6. KwaDukuza Infrastructure and Servi ces 38 5.7. Development Implications for KwaDukuza 38 5.8. Development Constraints for KwaDukuza 38 5.9. Development Trends 39 5.10. Land Use Management Context 39 5.11. Development Scenarios for KwaDukuza Municipality 39 CHAPTER 6: Economic Development & Growth 6.1. Background 46 6.2. KwaDukuza Vision for Economic Development 46 6.3. KwaDukuza LED Focus Areas 47 6.4 Land and Building Development 48 6.5. Investment Package and Tax Incentives: 48 6.6. Information and Marketing 48 4 6.7. Skills Development 48 6.8. Youth Development 48 6.10. KwaDukuza Tourism Development Strategy 48 6.11. KwaDukuza Tourism Vision 49 6.12. KwaDukuza Tourism Marketing Strategy 50 6.13. Transformation and Social Tourism Strategy 51 6.15. Tourism Product Development Strategy for KwaDukuza 57 CHAPTER 7: Sustainable Infrastructure Development 7.1. KwaDukuza Basic Infrastructure Development Programme 60 7.2. KwaDukuza Basic Service and Infrastructure Backlogs 60 7.3. Cemeteries 60 7.4. Waste Disposal Sites 60 7.5 Water Provision 60 7.6. Sanitation 60 7.6.1. Water and sanitation projects by Ilembe District 61 Municipality and Siza Water 7.7. Roads & Storm Water Management 62 7.8. Electricity 65 7.9. Sports and Recreation Backlog 83 7.10. Housing Backlog 84 CHAPTER 8: Financial Planning & Budget 8.1 Introduction 90 8.2 Operating and Capital Budget Estimates 90 8.3 Budget Assumptions: 90 8.4 Significant External Factors 91 8.5 Basis and Methodology for Forecasting Budget Projections 91 8.6 Alignment with GRAP 91 8.6.1 Benchmarks for Key Performance Indicators 91 8.7 Budget Estimates 92 8.8 Debt Management Framework 94 8.9 Grants 95 8.10 Financial Strategy 96 8.11 General Strategies 96 8.11.1 Social Responsibility 96 8.11.2 Increasing the Level of Confidence in Investors 96 8.11.3 Financial Framework 98 Revenue Adequacy and Certainty 98 8.12 Asset Management Strategies 99 8.13 Financial Management Strategies 99 8.13.1 Borrowing Costs 99 8.13.2 Assets 99 8.13.3 Budgets 99 8.13.4 Financial Statements 99 8.14. Financial Management Policies 100 8.14.1 Budget Policy 100 8.14.2 Credit Control and Debt Collection Policy 100 8.14.3 Indigent Policy 100 8.14.4 Tariff Policy 100 8.14.5 Rates Policy 100 8.14.6 Long Term Financial Planning Policy 100 8.14.7 Guiding Principles 101 8.14.8 Free Basic Services 101 8.14.9 Payment Points 101 8.15 Investment Policies 102 8.16 Borrowing Framework Policy & Guidelines 102 8.17 Policy on Infrastructure Investments and Capital Projects 103 8.18 Asset Management Policy 103 8.19 Accounting Policies 104 8.20 Supply Chain Management Policy 105 CHAPTER 9: KwaDukuza Performance Management System 9.1 Introduction 108 9.2. Overview of Policies Guiding Performance 110 Management in the Kwadukuza Municipality 9.2.1. Policy Framework 110 9.2.2. Phase 1 – Performance Planning 115 9.2.3. Phase 2 – Performance Coaching 116 9.2.4. Phase 3 - Reviewing 116 9.2.5. Phase 4 - Rewarding 116 9.3. Challenges 117 9.4. Conclusion 118 Ward 6 122 ANNEXURE A: WARD NEEDS 6 Executive Summary 7 Chapter 1 Executive Summary 1.1. KwaDukuza Powers and Functions The following are the powers and functions assigned to KwaDukuza: """""#$%"&"'($)*"+(,,-.$(/ """""6$%*"6$=3.$/="E*%<$2*)"A$2*/)$/=>"612$,$.$*)" """""+(/.((/)>"6*%%$*)>"I*..$*)>"+$*%)"&""" """""0*123*)"1/4"#5-)*5*/."612$,$.$*) for Accommodation, Care & Burial of Harbours """""0$,,7(1%4)"&"8$)9,1:"(;"#4<*%.$)*5*/.)"$/"" Animals """""E.(%5"J1.*%"F1/1=*5*/. Public Places """""A(21,"?(-%$)5 """""+(-/4) """""0-$,4$/=>"?%14$/="@*=-,1.$(/)>"A$B-(%"&"" """""A(21,"#5*/$.$*) """""+-7,$2>"'-$)1/2*"C(/.%(,"6$%*" Public, Nuisance Control """""A(21,"E9(%."612$,$.$*) Fighting Services """""C*5*.*%$*)>"6-/*%1,"+1%,(-%)"&"C%*51.(%$1 """""F1%G*.)"E.1,,)"H"?%14*"#%*1) """""+-7,$2"+,12*) """""C3$,4"C1%*"612$,$.$*) """""F-/$2$91,"#71..($%) """""@*;-)*"@*5(<1,>"@*;-)*"8-59)"&" """""C,*1/)$/="&"?%14*"#%*1) """""F-/$2$91,"+,1//$/= Solid Waste """""D,*2.%$2$.:"@*.$2-,1.$(/ """""F-/$2$91,"+-7,$2"?%1/)9(%. """""E.%**."?%14$/= """""6*/2$/="1/4"6*/2*) """""F-/$2$91,"+1%G)"1/4"@*2%*1.$(/ """""?%1;;$2"1/4"+1%G$/= """""F-/$2$91,"@(14) """""E.(%5"J1.*%"F1/1=*5*/. 1.2 KwaDukuza long-term vision Act 108 of 1996, Section 152, suggests the following as the mandate for local government: KwaDukuza is a city in the making, a municipality with one of o To promote democratic and accountable local the fastest growing economies in South Africa. It is situated government; along eThekwini-iLembe-uMhlathuze Corridor and it is situated o To ensure the provision of services to communities in less than 50km outside of the King Shaka Airport (MOS Zungu’ 1 a sustainable manner; KwaDukuza Municipal Manager, 2010). The long term vision of o To promote social and economic development; KwaDukuza Municipality seeks to ensure that the Municipality o To promote a safe and healthy environment; and is governed within acceptable government principles which o To encourage the involvement of communities and will contribute in turning KwaDukuza Municipality into an community organizations in the matters of local economic powerhouse. government The broad vision of KwaDukuza Municipality is to build a strong It must be mentioned that KwaDukuza Municipality has resolved local economy through the creation of an environment that will to adopt economic development and infrastructure entice both domestic and foreign investors to come to the City development as the drivers of its 2011/2016 Integrated of KwaDukuza. The long term vision of KwaDukuza Municipality Development Plan. KwaDukuza Municipality believes that is based on five principles of Sustainable Development, which in order for it to build a vibrant economy, it must get its are: economic development; social development; infrastructure right. The new vision of KwaDukuza environmental development; physical development Municipality shall therefore be as follows: and good governance . In year 2000 , KwaDukuza Municipality adopted its long term vision which wanted to ” By 2030, KwaDukuza shall be a vibrant city create KwaDukuza as an economic powerhouse within iLembe competing in the global village both economically, district. This vision stated that “By 2010 KwaDukuza socially, politically and in a sustainable manner.’ will, through unity and good governance be an economic powerhouse, delivering services in KwaDukuza long term vision is divided into three phases, an affordable and sustainable manner within namely, a safe and healthy environment”. 1st Phase: (2011 – 2019): As part of the revision of its five-year strategic plan, the integrated development plan, KwaDukuza Municipality has During this period KwaDukuza Municipality shall be attending to conducted a SWOT analysis which suggests that it possesses infrastructural backlog through ensuring the provision of water, an opportunity to play a big part in the global economy. It roads, electricity, housing, amenities, etc. This period shall also be is against this background that KwaDukuza Municipality dedicated to enticing both domestic and foreign investment to has resolved to review its long term vision. Like the vision come to KwaDukuza. This will be done through putting together that was adopted in year 2000, the new long-term vision is good investment packages and tax incentives for would be geared towards achieving the mandate of local government as enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1 KwaDukuza Municipality: The City in the making: A paper prepared by Mr. MOS Zungu. 8 KwaDukuza Municipality Integrated Development Plan - 2011/16 investors. During this period KwaDukuza Municipality shall 1.5. ILembe at Glance also ensure that infrastructure development and domestic and foreign investment deals, brings about decent work for KwaDukuza Municipality forms part of the iLembe the community of KwaDukuza.
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