Official Gazette Government Of" Goa~ 'Daman and Diu;
, , 'J REGD. GOA-IS r Panaji, 30th March, 1982 ('Chaitra 9,1904! SERIES II No. 52 OFFICIAL GAZETTE GOVERNMENT OF" GOA~ 'DAMAN AND DIU; EXTftl\O ft[) IN 1\ ftV GOVERNMENT OF GQA, DAMAN, AND DIU Works, Education and Tourism Department Irrigatio';" Department Notification No. CE/lrrigation/431/81 Whereas it appears expedient to the Government ,that the water of the rivers and its main tributal'ies ~dj}~-trt butaries as specified in column 2 of the Schedule annexed hereto (hereafter called as the said water) be applied ,:r and used- by the Government for the' purpose of the proposed canals, as specified in column 2 within the limits specified in the corresponding entrieo$ in columns 3 to,,6 _of :the said,,-S~hed1:l1e. NOW, .thefe:fore~ 'in' exercise of. powers 'confer~ed' by 'Section 4 of the. Goa. Daman and Diu Irrigation Act, 1973 (18 of 1973) the Adm.:ll'listrator of Goa, Daman' and Diu -,hereby declares that" the said water will be so -appUed and used after 1·7·1982. ". :', '< > SCHEDULE t(:uoe of Village, Taiukas, Du,trict in which'the water Name of water source source is situated :sr. No. and naUahs etc. Description of source of wate!' Village. Taluka. District, 1 2 3 • 5 6 IN GOA DISTRICT 1. Tiracol River: For Minor Irrigatiot.. Work Tiracol river is on the boundary of Patradevi, Torxem, ~\, namely Bandhara at Kiran· Maharashtra State and Goa territory. Uguem, Porosco~ pan!' It originates from the Western Ghat dem, Naibag, Ka· Region of Maharashtra State and ribanda D e U 8, Pemem Goa ~nters in Goa Distrtct at Patradevi Paliem., Kiranpani, village including all .the tributaries, Querim and Tira streams and nal.1as flowing Westward col.
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