ROUGGA I Archaeology of the Maghreb Archéologie du Maghreb The Archaeology of the Maghreb series publishes results of archaeological research car- ried out in the Maghreb (Prehistory-Antiquity-Middle Ages) in Open Access online and print editions. In partnership with the heritage institutions of the countries concerned, this collection is mainly dedicated to: University degrees (theses, masters, etc.), scientifi c events (symposia, workshops, etc.), collective works (edited volumes etc.), and monographs (survey, excavations, archaeological collections, etc.). Manuscripts can be submitted in French, English, Italian and Spanish, with an abstract in Arabic, following the Archaeology of the Maghreb Submis- sion Guide. E-mail address:
[email protected] EDITORIAL BOARD (in alphabetical order) SERIES EDITORS Touatia AMRAOUI, Aix Marseille Univ, CNRS, CCJ, Aix-en-Provence, France Victoria LEITCH, Durham University, United Kingdom Boutheina MARAOUI TELMINI, Institut National du Patrimoine/Université de Tunis, Tunisia ASSOCIATE EDITORS Solenn DE LARMINAT, Aix Marseille Univ, CNRS, CCJ, Aix-en-Provence, France Anna LEONE, Durham University, United Kingdom Ammar OTHMAN, Institut National du Patrimoine, Tunisia SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Aomar AKERRAZ (Morocco), Muftah Ahmed ALHADDAD (Libya), Allaoua AMARA (Algeria), Samir AOUNALLAH (Tunisia), Lotfi BELHOUCHET (Tunisia), Sami BEN TAHAR (Tunisia), Paul BENNETT (United Kingdom), Darío BERNAL-CASASOLA (Spain), Youssef BOKBOT (Morocco), Michel BONIFAY (France), Abdeljalil BOUZOUGGAR (Morocco), Jean-Pierre