Las Vegas Optic, 04-08-1914 the Optic Publishing Co
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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Las Vegas Daily Optic, 1896-1907 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 4-8-1914 Las Vegas Optic, 04-08-1914 The Optic Publishing Co. Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation The Optic Publishing Co.. "Las Vegas Optic, 04-08-1914." (1914). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Las Vegas Daily Optic, 1896-1907 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. HISTCRICALSOCITEY COLD tonight and THOSE .Illinois' women Thursday, with possib- jj a mean trick Sj ility of more snow. on the men who gave i Fair llate tomorrow. 'em f ho vote. ( EXCLUSIVE ASSOCIATED PRESS LEASED WIRE TELEGRAPH SERVICE VOL. XXXV. NO. 124. LAS VEGAS DAILY OPTICf WEDNESDAY, APRIL &, 1914. City edition He declared the government was do candidates for the upper house of the ad- 'i : '' ing everything in its power , to. council. '.'" DEFENDS CITY FOB .,-'- A JONES vance the interests of the west. OF TAMPICO C0L01IATOBE WEN VOTE SITU RECEIVES . "The secretary of the interior Is a Socialist is toser ; ' western man," he "and 8. With continued, ANTI-SALOO- Milwaukee, Wis., April THE LEASE western He THREATENS TO PAID A LARGE N EVERY VOTE understands conditions. two precincts missing, the unofficial , is exerting Jiimself to bring about the vote for' mayor In yesterday's election substantial development of,, your gives Gerhard Bading, SYSTEM states." FALL CAUSE for mayor, 36,184 i Emil Seldel, so- CAST ivir. Jones outlined the government's SI cialist democrat, 28,560. ' : proposed leasing system, declaring that would condi ' TELLS western governors it impronJ existing CONSTITUTIONALISTS TAKE ' IM WILL RECEIVE $25,000,000 FOR ELEVEN CITIES; IN ILLINOIS ARE GUNMEN MUST DIE PROMINENT DOCTOR IS ELECTED tions. He intimated ,that there was N. X., 8. Governor THAT PROPOSED LAW IS PORTANT SUBURBS OF THE THE CANAL ZONE AND MADE DRY BY BALLLOTS Albany, April MAYOR WITHOUT A BALLOT no occasion for a clash between state Glynn today declined to grant the re- EQUITABLE . BESIEGED CITY PANAMA PARTITION OF FAIR SEX BEING SCRATCHED and federal authorities. Clay Tall-ma- quest of five Jewish clergymen that commissioner of the general land he interfere with the execution of tbe office, defended the discretion- four New York convicted WILL EE CONSTITUTIONAL large AMERICANS A CARED FOR AN AGREEMENT REACHED DEMOCRATS CHICAGO gunmen, of TBE HOARY 15 SAVED ary power jested in Ehe secretary of JTAKE the murder of Herman Rosenthal. the interior by the leasing bill. "; They must die MondayV. PEOPLE OF THE WEST WILL BE "Some person must be given suffi- ADMIRAL MAYO HAS WOMEN AND TREATY IS SIGNED, .BU" MUST "BATH HOUSE JOHN" COUGHLIN CARDEN COMES BACK CITIZENS DETERMINE THAT IN- GIVEN A SQUARE DEAL" BY cient anthorty to protect the inter- CHILDREN REMOVED FROM BE APPROVED BY LEGIS- IS VICTORIOUS, DEFEAT- Southampton, April 7. Sir, Lionel STITUTION MUST BE KEPT ests of the iieopie at ha said. British minister to Mexico, ' THE GOVERNMENT large," , DANGER ZONE LATIVE BODIES ING MISS DRAKE '"". Garden, OPEN IN FUTURE do not think'' it is possible to sailed today on the Olympic for New frame anequitable system that will York on his way to Mexico City tem- turn NO RESOLUTIONS PASSED oveir all the proceeds of the pub- EXPELLEOSPANIARDSHOPEFUL NO PRIVILEGES GRANTED TARIFF ACT REPUIATED porarily. It is understood that he will SEWER mm ARE CAEIEB lic domain to the particular litte com- leave Mexico City for Rio. Janeiro, munity in which the coal or the oil Brazil. EXECUTIVES DEFER ACTION UN MAN FAVORED BY WILSON IS DE or the water power happens to be sit- THEY EXPRESS- - BELIEF THAT CANAL RIGHTS AND COALING THEY RECEIVE BUT A SCANT TIL ADMINISTRATION DE- uated. It seems to me that th,e only THEY WILL BE ALLOWED STATION CONCESSIONS ARE FEATED BY A BIG VOTE IN A SLIGHT QUAKE MAJORITY, BUT IT'S DECLAR- FINES POLICY fair thing is to turn the proceeds Into TO RETURN TO MEXICO NOT MENTIONED ',.''; Z '" NEW JERSEY Ogden, Utah, April 8. A slight ED SUFFICIENT a general fund where it will be used earthquake, the duration of which was 8. for the common good." 8. - about two seconds, was felt here at Denver, April Discussion of the Washington, April 8. Off icial dis April 8 Twenty-fiv- Chicago, April Women,- voting Though only 152 votes were cast lot ; Governor Carey asked the federal Washington, 9:08 o'clock this morning. The dis- leasing of the public domain, with par- patches to the state department today million dollars is the amount the for the first time in Illinois township yesterday's city election, the officials whether it was the purpose turbance apparently was east, to west. patriotic ticular reference to the leasing bill report that Dona Cecilia, the town to to Col- elections yesterday, aided in Closing citizens who went to the elected of the Interior department to assert United States agrees pay No damage is reported. polls now before congress, featured the sec- near Tampico,, from which Rear Ad- it Panama and more than 1,000 saloons, added 16 a splendid mayor, clerk, treasurer and, fderal control over water power, which ombia for the partition ond day's session, of the Western miral Mayo ordered the removal of of the camrf zone, In counties to the 30 already dry and aldermen, authorized the maintenance-o- f does not enter into Interstate com- the acquisition Governors' conference here. The ex- American women and children, and in Ameri barred the sale of intoxicants in ap- the Carnegie and gaver mence and is not derived from navi- the treaty signed Bogota by BLOODY HAN IS city library ecutives expressed decided opinions, have fallen into the the Col proximately 200 of the 300 townships MT the administration to gable streams. Arvolgrande can Minister Thompson and city power issu& some of them hostile to the proposed hands of constitutionalists. This was stated In which local option was an issue. bonds in the sum of $20,000 for the. "If the bill undertakes to do any- ombian authorities. measure. It was decided, however, Zapatistas are again active south- Colombian Their victory included 11 cities which RESULT OF ROBBERY erection of a disposal thing which is' not authorized the here today at the legation. sanitary works, not on by Inter-oceani- were to go record in a resolution west of Mexico City. have at- a new c previously were wet They for the sewer system. constitution of the United States, They No rights for Until after hearing the vpws of the tacked the mountain town Colombia the Atrato Bloomington, Galegburg, filginv Deca- The officers were elected - there certainly Is a tribunal that will of.Iguila, canal across by following government officials at tne irrigation cut the telegraph lines. to Mexico City on tur, Canton, Freeport, Belvidere, Mon- CITIZENS OF NEW HAZLETON Dr. H. M. mayor. stop it," Mr. Jones replied. "I see no river route and coaling privileges Smith, conference, to be held latejj in t!he and are reported pressing on the Pa- San Andreas and Provldencla Islands mouth. Kewanee, Lockport and East SHOOT DOWN MEN WHO Charles Tamme, city clerk. ; provision In this bill which under- - week. cific of Acapulco. American in- was Galena, LOOTED A BANK- - takes to the internal affairs port off the Colombian coast, it added, Joseph Elledge, city treasurer. The governors adopted a report of regulate terests there will be uhe Rockford, Mattoon and Galva were P. H. of states." protected by were contained in the treaty. While Purcell, alderman First ward. a committee consisting of Governors cruiser California. The French war- Betan-cour- t, kept in the dry column. New Hazleton, B. April 8. N. B. Water Power Resolution the Colombian minister, Senor C, Roseberry, alderman Second. Ernest Lister of Washington, B. M. Montcalm has in there. No or township wnich was dry citizen in New Hazleton cap- reso- ship put received a cable from his. for; city Every ward. Governor Lister introduced a anti-saloo- Amnions of Colorado and William The American mill El Pot was lost by the n forces, but able of a rifle is out 13. lution sugar at eign office informing him of the sign- bearing today Dr. W, Kaser, alderman Third' on the subject of water power Jol-ie- t, opiy oi. uia.ii, recommenaing a nnai rero has been closed for want of oil. of the agreement, the state de- Springfield, Rock Island, Aurora, searching for the last man of the ban ward. development as follows: ing - session' of the governors conference All oil is being seized. Levies are be- word from Alton, Moline, Dixon and West dit gang- which' raided the branch of E. R. "Realizing the immense benefit partment was still awaiting Russell, alderman Fourths atter the close of the irrigation con- ing made on outlying plantations for Galena remained wet. In Springfield the Union Bank of Canada here yes that would come to the nation by a Mr. Thompson. ference. At session of women ovted and . Six that final action supplies. In the canton of Orizaba Colombia a majority wet, terday. men have been captured " 1 . J. more rapid development of the water The boundary between AillVUgU VII will be taken by the state executives small bands1 of marauders have been follow the line laid in Joliet the women were aimost equal- or killed. The one still free, and who the entire 152 votes powers of the United States; there- and Panama is to cast, while Mr." on the leasing bill.