IIA !be Preaident ot the United lltet.. wo. lltwi ••m %2r 1leda 01/0020 z Pr1•e 111n11ter to Pr.. 1dent. Peraona1 &nd •••• !be baa juat arr1Yed tl'o• U• .J, &nd aa I do not kllov whether 70U haYe a aeparate OOP7 I repeat it to 70U v1th the to11ov1na oo... nt "What o&n 7ou expeot tro• a bear but a grov1t" rroa Pr.. 1er llia11n to Pri•e 111n1at er and Preaident Rooaeve1t. Peraone1 and aeoret. I reoe1Yed on the 231'4 .J&nuar7 both 70U1' joint -•.. s ea, a1aned b7 70u llr. Prtae 111n1ater, and 70u, llr Praa1dent, re­ the queat1on ot the balld1na o.. l' ot Italian t or the uae ot the lloY1et Union, I .uat ••7 that, •arter 70ur Joint att1r.at1Ya rapl7 at TMI'&n to the queat1oli vb1oh I raiaed ot the handing o.. r to the lloYiet fl.!on ot Italian b7 the .,4 ot .Janual')' 19--. I oona1dered th1a queat1on aettled and the thoUiht neYel' entered ~ ~ ot the poae1b111t7 ot &117 k1114 ot re-

File Copy

09&2 I

cono1deret1on or thio dec1o1on vbich vao taken and aareed betvoen the three or Ul . All tho 80rl 10 I ince, &I VI &greed at the ti.. , thio queotion vao to be oo.plet ely oottled vith tho Italiano. •ov I ••• that th1o 11 not oo and that nothlna bao ever boon ••ntionod to the Italiano on the oubjeot. In order however not to co.plioate th1o queotion, vb1oh io or ouob great iaportanoo tor our ao.. on otrua&lo aaa1not Oersany, the Soviet Oovorn.ent i o prepared t o accept your propooal regarding tho deopatch rraa Britiah Porto to the o&&R or tho Bettleoh1p RoT&l Sovereign and one oruioor, and roaarding tho t e•porary uoe of theoo veoool o b7 tho ••••l B1gh C08Und of tho USSR until ouch t1ae 11 tho appropriate 1 Italian ohipping 1a available to tho Soviet tlllion. l!l1111larly ve ohall bo prepared to aoo opt rra tho U&A and Or.. t Britain 20, 000 tono ot •orehant 1h1PP1na vhicb vlll aloo be u1od by ue until 1uoh t1•• 11 • l i•1lar tonnaa• or Italian ah1pp1ng i o handed over to uo. It 11 18portant that there 1hould be no dolaya nov reaerding the ..tter and that all the l h1pp1ng 1nd1oatod ahould be handed our to ua during the •onth or Pobl"UUry. In your reply hovever thoro il DO 8ont10D ot the bandin& over to tho Soviet Union ot 8 Italian dootrOJoro and • oub.arinel, to the handing over ot vbich to the l!loviot tlllion at the end ot January you, Ill' Pr18e M1n11tor, and you, Mr Pr11ident, agreed 1n 'l'ohran. MoanVhUo, tor tho l!loviet

I ~1\JGRAD!J) OliCLASSIPfD b7 Br!Uob ~ Co•t .. ••••• o.p,. ,.1., s-a9-7a By !\. a. Paru Daw tAAY 6 IS'IL

09& 3 1 -3- t

Union th11 VerT queet1on, the queet1on or deetro:rerl end eubaer1nee, v1thout Ybiah the handiD& oYer ot one battlelhip and one oru1ur hae no e1sn1g1oance, 11 ot oap&tal 1Jil)ortance,

You underetand :roureelYu that a oru1ur. and a battlelh ~.P are poverleee v1thout eeoorttna deet ro:rere. Since the Ybole ot Ital:r'• neet 11 under :rour oontrol, to carr:r out the decieion vhich vae taken at Tehran to hand o•er tor the uee ot the Soviet Uftion 8 doet ro:rero end - aubaer1nee out ot that n eet lhould preaent no d1tt1cult1ee. I aa aareeeble (11ter­ e.ll:r " I aar ee" ) that, 1notoed ot Italian deetro:rore and eub­ -r1.nee, e e1a1lar nuaber or .Uor1oan or llr1t11h deetro:rere and oub-.ar1nu ehould be handed over to the lloY1et unton tor , • our uae. Moreover, the queet1on or the handln& over ot deetro:rue end ouwar1nee c&!IDOt be poetponed, but 11111t be eettled at one and the oaae ti•• v1th the hand1na onr ot •. the battleah1p and oru1eer, ae vae det1n1tel:r aareed betveen ue , at Tehran.

l o 1111

I '

• RIGRA DZD UNC LASSiriED by Brltloh Govt •• Stote Dept . tel., 3-29-12 By R. H. Peru DtrJtt S l9n t


1 J'ebrua17 19~ll

J'l'o•o London J'oro The Prea1dent ot the Vll1ted Stateo l o luaber

aeterence Ulllluabel'ed •eaaage Oil J'eb lot tld Peb Ol0020Z PO!Va aecret to Prea1dent aooaevelt. Source ot thia ••g baa juat given 1nto.,..t1on that aeg ahould han l'tl nu.ber 562.

l o S1g

• • RIGIIADED UJI CLASSUlED b y Brl tlob Gowt., State Dept. tel., S-29-72 By !\. i!. Fa.rkl Det.. ~y 6 1977

09£-5 •

the PriM lU.oi•ter The Prelident FROX 10 SERIAL 662 DATE 1 Fob 44 ""!1'./l'll!l!: OR f'IL!l t.1~0!ER 01/00<02 01/0305Z TOR MAP ROO),! \vu Army Code Ro0111 SU~JECT l'Tanafer ot ItU1a.o shtpa to SO'f1et. Stalin'• reply to Pll '"S (<(uotod !o PO'nJS 444 ll 446, uooodod by Pll 550, )

A\TION (Filrthor to POl'OS #'• 4~4 o1t 4451 Pll f550J Potua 1«1, Pll #5&1 . ) To Prosidant Ol/l230Z . Rotorrod to Leahy tor aotion.

Azl#wer aeot to Pli • • f456.

I ,I


ACTIO~ rOt'PlJlTY.Do IPILF.llo ..J&t.a,.., .Jk.'.6L:.,

0986 • • •

Prom: LOndon ~o : The Pre&!dent Of tho Unlt od State& No : l at Pobruary 1944

PrLoe M1n1eter to P~ee1dent. I have nov received Duff' Cooper 's account ot

11tq talk s oriUl De Geulle and aend1n.g tt by the next cllr courler. No Slg

..... 0987 •.


1he Primt Woiater "the Prttldent !'ROll TO ~a 1 Ftbi'\IUY 1944 SRRIAL !lATE llA'I'fl/TIIIE OR PI I.E !mCBRR 'l'OR IW' ROOII Ol/2280Z lvu Arr:.y Code Room. SUP--JEC1' Talk with Do G.u.lh at W&rral::ecb.

ACTION (Further to PM #559) to Preaident Ol / 2240Z.

No aolcnowlectput or ~Per. oer Acb1Tal Brown , 1 fob u.



ACUO!I~~== ro:JPWEDr ==~~IFIIF.Dr ======!: 1 ~~~-----L. ------~======

0988 •

Prom a Aanbaoo,- London Toa The Preeident or the United 8tetea Jlullber 564 riled 03/HOSZ Priae M1n1oter to Preoident Rooaevelt. Peraonal and I earneatlT hope that the ex1at1ng reg1ae in Italy vill be allowed to runction at leaot until the great battleo nov being taught by the ooldiero or our tvo oountriea have reeultec! 1n our capture or Rome. 1-. am oure that a j c!ioturbance nov or ouch authority aa remaino in the Italian State and tJ:Ie attempt to create a nevl·~uthority out or political groupe vith no real booking vill odd greatly to our dit:rioultiea, Moreover theae groupo vhen ror~~ed into a government, 1n order to vin credit rrom the Italian people vould reel it eaeential to aaoert Italian intereota in a

IIIUoh otronger rora than the lt1ng and Badogl1o dare to do . I teal i t vould be a greet pitT 1t Bedoglio threv in hie hand, and our report• ahov that the Italian I&YJ :aig)lt be povertullT atteoted b7 aot1on againat the K1ng. Muoh Br1t1ah and Aaerioan bloo4 11 fiov1ng, and I plead that a111t&rJ oonoiderat1ono ahould oerrJ veisht. lo lie UG!Aiml U'IICT.ASSil'ID by Brltloh GOY\,, ~~~~d Dup\ . tel., 8-29·7~ BJ a. B. Par:.o Da\~y 6 ~ ~

0989 .. • (. L

!'ROll Til• Pr1M J&l.Dlet.r !'0 the Pr.. ld. •t SBllUL 6M DArE $ Pobnuy 18« llATF./tiKE 0&/ U O&% OR PI I.E llfl!IP.ER ·- TOR MAP ROOII O&/lS20Z IVlA hav Cadi BRa S U~JECT Jtoto.1D1"1 or u::!. otliOI ~•ciao l.a Iul y utU oaptoro or

ACT IO~· -· to PTooldoat n• uahor, 0 8/lS&et.

Referred t o Adairal t.&hy tor aottoa. 8oor ot"'7 ot 8toto 1ntor..4 ot thle bJ Ac!airal ~.

-"'•- propo.rod b)' .\cbllr a.l ~~ appr·o,..4 'b)' PJ'eddc tJ eent t o Pll N 1!1'• 1:1" P'eb -&4. I II (.lu. al"" 'f'n•.s7J) .


ACTION rOl'PLJ;TJ!I)I FI!P.Tlo ,Q:./.; -

0990 . \

h oa1 Aa..ba117 Loudon

! 0 1 'l'he Pre1ident ot the Vnitad &tatee ~ Piled 03/Hl8zd Priae a1n1eter to Pre1i dent looleYelt. Pereonal

Para 1. J'urther t p 117 562. We oould reYert to the idea ot the lUng and lladoglio to hand ua oYer 8 da1tro7er1 and - aubaarine1 t or t.ran1tar to the luallana. 'l'h11 a1cht aa1U7 oauaa a ..•tinJ 1n tha Italian neat at the p ra1ant verT dangaroue tiaa. I aa told that the Italian

• Wav7 il alraadJ vorriad bJ· tha attaolc1 ~hat ara aada on the &OYarnaent thaJ haYe hitherto ObaJad. I ahould th1nl< it qulta lllcalJ that lladoalio would thJ'ov 1n h11 hand rather than aarae to thil 4-d. A1 ha 11 10 often baing told that ha 1a to be lciolcad out a1 1oon a1 va aat to loaa, ha doa1 not aaft to haYa ..,oh to l o... 'l'hara are onl7 7 I tali an daltroJarl 1n the Whole Italian WaYT and tha1a are all baina u1ed 1n the heaYT opaJ'ationl nov 1n proaraoo 1n the aaditarranaan. Para 2. In the1e oiroualteLOal his aaJa•tJ'• OoYaraaant i• prepared to t1u4 8 da•troJ8r• t or loan to the

luoo1an• pendiq daliYaZOJ ot the Italian ••••ah. !ha•a

0991 • t


Y1ll ot oouraa ba old daatrorara, aoat ot ~·•· thoaa that va aot troa JOU 1n 19.-1. 'l'h•J are hoYaYer aarY1oa­ abla and vill ateaa and t1sht. 'l'h• lluaalana vlll not uaa

th- 1n ~• .,... oontinuoua aN aaPY1oa aa va are aoouat... d to ..1Dta1n. 'l'har vUl probablJ lie 1n harbour 1D l ortharn lluaa1an Porta. Bare ther V1ll ba aYa1labla t or tra1Din& the orne vh1oh oan aan the Italian dutrorara Yban th••• are banded oYer and haYa bean tittad tor Arot1o vork. In Yin ot the \IDII'aoioua tone ot Stal1n1 a raplJ and evident 1 Soviet retuaal to trr to IIDdaratand our poaition Ybioh vaa eo patiantlJ and oona1darat alJ u plainad, I baYa little doubt that theJ v1.11 reproach ua upon the qualitJ ot thaaa Yauela. It 1a hovanr th.a bu t va oan do. Para 3. It will be aora d1tt1oult t or ua to tind

' old au~r in n , and we oannot apara anr or the nn onu Ybioh are 1n oODatant aot1on. We ahoul4 be &lad tharatora

1t JOU oould aupplJ ~••• on loan until we oan a•t the Italian oratt.

Para ' · Let .. mow hov JOU teal about all th1a, and I will than au'blllt to rou a dratt tJooa ua both to liDola Joe.

I RIO AADED UNOLASSI7rsn by Brl~l• l GoYt., S~~te Dept. t6l., 3·29·72 87 R. ll. Parka lla~a MAY 6 1172

0992 ~ • ', ''

The Prim~ ~ni ater The Preaident • FRO!.! TO

SERIAL 565 ... DATE 0~ Feb 44 nATJO:/TIMS !, OR FI LE N11111lER 03/14lSZ 03/l520Z Ar""f Codo Roo>n TOR MAP ROOII I VIA I/ SUBJECT fer of lt.lh.n 'hips to Soviet. i

AC'tiOII Fu~thor t o PIC #565,

'T'o Preai dont via \laher 03/l&a:>z. Referred t o Leahy for aot.i6o .

Answer sent to P~ as ff458. ; I


COPIES 1'0• 1)ATE 1 P.Y DlP.Jo;crr Oli OF,

ACTION fOl'l'fliii'Eih IFI!I.D• . bt;.. J AiL"


'·. t

l"roa1 London toa !be Prel1dent ot the United &tat11 loa Prt.e K1n11t1r to Prl11dant ftoo1evelt. Per1oaal.

1 . I haYI not 71t received &nJ anner troa tlnole J to 111 hlesrea about Poland vh1oh vu repeated to 7ou 1.n 111 "-ber 557. Aa'bauador J:err hal hovever had an enoour­ egi.ns 1.nten1ev vlth h1a about the qu11t1on1 poted on 'bahalt ot the p olee in 111 telesr-. llllole J replied that or , oour1e Poland would be tree and independent and he vould not t o 1.ntluenoe the lc1nd or &OYII'IIMAt the7 oared

to 11t up atter t he Yll'. I t Pol&D4 Y1abe4 t o &lk t or a 1"&2'&ntee 1be vould get it. &he oould oollllt upon all the help ehe needed 1.n eX])Illln& the O.l'll&nl. All Polee vould be tree to •on out or the regiono t o be aulgned to Rulli& and he vould aelc tor the •- treedoa on behalt or tbe Uk:l'&1n1ane nov veet or the Cur.oon linl. the Pole• need haYI no anxietJ about their poaitiOD ¥hen Pol&Dd veet or the Cur& on line vu oooupled bJ the Jed Araiee. or oourae

the Polleh O o'te~t would be alloved t o so 'back &D4 t o

e1tabli1h the br~d bleed k1D4 or govei'IIMAt th17 had 1n

;J; .. 11JtPVf01 - ,htt& /./-"'" 1<4u - (¥$10~ H\e Copy

0994 • '

a1n4, Pol&Dd vaa their oountr, &D4 the7 vera tree to return to 1t,

2, On the other band llhole J oontinuea to preu tor the expula1on tr'* the Polbh Oovern.ent ot 8o&lllcovek1, J:ot &D4 ll:uld.el, &D4 I doubt ••rr .uoh vb.ether he v111 de&l. v1 th t bo Poleo Yb1le theJ remain 1n, I ""' "e1ng Prell1er K!kolejoafk t010orrov and abal.l point out to hill the ver,

greet ad•antagea or rega1n1ng Jtuaa1N> reoogn1t10D &D4 ob­ taining ." c!et1D1te eettl-t nov v1th Ruu1a vh1cb ON> be appr oved b7 the Alliea , '!'he greateat 1nduc-nt v1ll be the po... . 1bU1tJ. or h1a gotna 'b&ok to Varaav atter the adYance or the Ruaa1an ~lea to the veatvard baa paaaed 1t, and beiDa able to oonat1tuta there a Pol1ah Oo•era.ant &D4 &tate, 3. I v1ll report to JOU again atter I have heard tr'* UDale J and have IMD Prellier K!kolajoa71<, llaNlYbile I .. aore hopeful than I ha• • J•t bean. I oan UDdaratand that JOU are unable to join 1D &nJ guarantee other than thoae general arrangeaanto tor Minta1n1ng vorld peaoa vh1ob ve han t o aalta at the end or the var. lo 81g


0995 ... t \ ,

Tht Pr~e Uinlater FROil ?0 The Pr11idont.

SSlUAL 688 DA!B 6th Fob « ' llATTl/TI III! OR PILE ll!TIIBER -- _, 08/0860Z Arm;y Code Room TOR ltAP ROCII lvu S01lJ3CT ftu••1ac- Pol Sth tltuatt on .

ACTION ( Furthtr oommenta on PM 667) To Pret1dent 'Via \llhlr, 06/1$302..

Aola>owlod§• ~ without o._t 1A !'01VS· Pll #459, 7 Fob u . .

COPIBS T01 !)ATE• ay DIRY.CTION OF: '" ~ , - ~ .

i ACTION r0l'PIJIT£lh. . Plll!lh

0996 • 5 ~·b~' 19-\4 LV~

J'roa1 •111ta1'7 Attaoba London !OI !be Praaldant ot the united atataa

~Ua4 05/2158Z

Prta. •lnhtar to Pl'nldaDt aooaaYalt. Paraonal 567. Your 456. Althoqb we ha.. a pertaot r1sht I atlll llhrlllk troa taklDC the t our Jtal1an aubaarillaa aa it would 1 •- to rat.. the 'wo1a l we have bean t1'711l& to avoid

t or auob a ~1 ratUl'll. I wU1 thar.toH provide t our ot oura to br14&a the p p tU1 we oan taka tha Itallana' . !ba7

aH 1104aJ'I1 va.. ah - •• ahal1 want th.. later Oil acaillat

JaJ)all. ~ or the next alx aontha •1 oan apara th... I ¥111 thal'atora aalld on )'Our tal,&raa~ ~··vi th the t ollovln& .-4- - -ta,- About tha 80th vol'd tor "Dlaou ..a4" aa)' • Aal'-",

an4 about 35 vol'da further 011 illaart "Pour a~illaa vU1 - alao be Pl'OV1da4 t-ru>U)' b7 0Hat arUaln~ . On raoalpt ot 7our c:& I ¥111 41apatob alpa4 •aooaaYa1t. Quuooblll. •

0997 t

TO rh• Pr.. umt


0&/06!0Z A:n:.'f Cede ROOID TOR liAi> ROOM Tr&l:lai'er• ot lt&l1ao ohipa to Sorl.ota.

ACtiON ADaweu P' TUS f45e .

to Pre-a1t.ant. "1\ & uahar- , 01/UolO%.

Uter:-·ad to .lWnl IAahJ tM" acUocJ L6ahy prapt.ud dr.n. rt~ply • app:-oTed by Pruldaot, u,,.,. u nt to i'X u J'O'!'US ftltt 1 ~

COPlts tot



------~~ ) · ~ ~ ~ 'i

l"rCIIRI LoDdoD !01 !he P~eaident or the United l!tatea 568,

pr1•ateP~iM and 1JUD1at•~ ·c· tf tol. heaident. llatte~ •••••• I h&Ye received the ..a.age 1n 11J t.medietelJ rolloving aignal'trCIIR l!talin. It ae... to .. that 1t ia bJ no ..ana d8Yo1d or hope. Pzoeaier JU.kolejcz7k ia

cCIIRing he~• to luncheon tCIIROI!'l'OY and I Yill report to

you turther atte~ 111 conve~aat1on with bbl.

ftiGRADID UHCLASSIFI!D by Brltloh Go•t., Stat• Dept. tol., 3-29 .. 7~ Br R. B. Parko Date lAY 6 1972 tho P'Teddent !0 .\ SERIAL DA!E 8 Pe'bruuy 19U .'( llATP/T I ME OR PILE MlllRER ' t TOR lW' RO

ACTION To Prea1dont via usher, 0 606~0Z .

Aola>owlo4god without eom.>ent 1n POTUS-Pioll/4&9, 7 fob 44.

------~------' COPIES T01 DA'I'B I RY DIR~CT!OK OF• !

------f ------'


1000 l

I ---

. .

6 Peb1'11&17 19n

1'1'0111 London Pora !he Preeident ot the United &tatea lumber 569 Piled 0602011Z Prime llinieter to Preaident. Jl&tter······

Private and~...... X,. ieeMdiatel7 preceding telegru. Begine. I received 7our meaeage on the Poliah question fr~ Sir A. Clark J!:err vho anived 1n Xoacav the other da'f an4 v1th whom I have alread;r had a ueetul talk. 'JOU I aee that are giving much attention to the ·, question about Soviet Polish relations. We all value theae ettorts ver., highl;r. It eeeme to me that the tirat question on vbich there oUght at once to be tull claritioation ia the queation about

the Soviet Polhh frontier, You have, ot courae1 rigbtl'f rell&l'ked that Poland ought on this queation to be guided b7

the Alliea. Aa tar ae the &o'fiet OOYe~ent 1a concerned, 1t baa alread:r Openl'f and cle&rl'f ginn ita opinion on the queation ot the frontier, We ban declared that ,. 4o not conaider the 1939 frontier to be unalterable an4 b&Ye agreed on the Cur&on line, thereb'f Mking ver., great conoeuiona t.o the Poles. But

~""' &6196- k? ~ ~ /1'~ To ;;;:, 11'f< ~ ·• t:=le Copy - - · · ~- . . -

1001 J'r... Lcm4011 Pori ~e rr.. 14ent or the ll'l11ted lltat•• Page 2 Juaber 569 JP1led o6o2~Z

na4ed &118Yer111g 0\IJ' propoaal about the Cur&cm Line &114 oont111uea 1n ita ort1o1al atat... nta to 4eolare that the flocmtier 111poae4 011 ua b7 tbe 111p treat)' 1e \111&1 terable, One oan 111ter rr.. rour letter that tbe Polhb Oove1'1111ent 1e readJ to tbe Oura011 L1Aa but aa 1e lm0V11 tba Polea bave novbare ...,. a daolarat1011 about tbia. It 11 -r op1111011 that tba Pol1ob Qovel'Dm811t ou&bt to -.ka ... ort1o1al deolarat1011 tbet the l111e or the tl'OI1- t1ar eotabl1ebe4 bJ tha !Up tre&tJ &daito or alterat1011 • &114 tbat the Cursoo L111e ocmat1tut.. the ..., b'ODt1er be­ tween tha uaaJl &114 Pol&l14. It 0\llbt to 1t1 4eolarat10D about tb1a •• ort1o1allJ •• 41d tba llov1et Oove1'1111e11t vben 1 t 4eolared that the 1111e ot tba 1939 f'lo011t1er ac2al.tted or obul&e and tbet tbe Curaon Line ou&bt to be tha llov1et Pol11b tl'Oiltier. Ao regard• JOUl' atat... nt to the Pole• to the atteot tbat Poland oauld 110va 1tl f'lo011t1ar occa14erablJ to tha veot and north va are •• JOU lmov 111 agre...,.t Yith tb11 oubjeot to ooe .....-t. About that &MD4MDt I epoka to

JOU &114 the Prea14&11t at teheran. Ya o~ that the north aaatarn portion or llaot Pru.. 1a 1110lu4111& tha port ot

I li~DZD ONCLASST1rrD by IPi t l oh Govt •• Sta~e Dept. tel., 3- Zi-11 B7 P., B. Puko Da\1 MAY 6 ~iiZ

1002 l'rOIII London Pori !be Preeldent ot the Vnited atetee Pace 3 l1111ber 569 Piled o6020-Z Koenlgeberg, ae &D lee tree port, ehOUld go to the aoviet Government, !bet 11 the only portion ot OeN&n territory

"olhl.oh ve clala, Without the eathtaotlon ot that ~

ol~ ot the &oviet UDion the oonceeeion ot the Soviet

Oovernaent erproued in ita aclalovl~t ot the CUJoaon Line loseo all •eaning as I have already t old you at !eberam. Jinally about the actual co.poeition ot the Polish Oovemaent, You und&retand that ve cannot r&nev relatione

vith the preeent Polish Qov&~nt and indeed vhat ·~••

1 oould th&re bo in renoving rela~ioaa vith a govol'lment when there veo no certainty that ve ebould not tcaonow again be obliged t o break ott thlle relatlono aa a reeult ot ec.a treeb Paaoiet provocation troa their aide auoh ao the "lat711 otory,• During the •oat recent period t he Polioh Oovernaent Yhere &oa!ll'ovlki oeta the tone hal not put an end to hootile etat.,..nta againat the Soviet Oonmaent, !be etat.,..nto extr... ly hootile to the aoviet Qovernaent ot the Polieh lllbasaadora in Mexico and Canada and ot General Ander• in

tho lear laot, the publication ot Polloh ~r81'0UD4 papero

on Oe- oooiiPied tenit~ Yhloh onrotep all boundo in bootility to the US&ft, the destruotion at the direction ot '

1 0 () 3 . .

Prc.a London rora 'l'ho President or the United Stetea Page 4 Bumbor 569 Piled o60204Z

the Polish Gove~nt or Poliah partiaana tight1ng againat the German ooaupytng roreea and a&n7 other pro-Paociet acta or the Polieh Governaent are vell knovn. In this a1tuat1on ..

without tho tun~ntal improvement 1n the composition of

tho Polish Government it ie 1~oae1ble to exPeCt any aaelio• ration. 'l'he ezclusion or pro-raoeiet 1mper1al1at elellelltl

and the 1nclua1on or people or domoc~atio turn or mind, it aigbt be hoped vould provide the neceae1117 condi tiona tor the r enewal or good Soviet Poliah relatione, the settlement ot the question or the 8oviet Polish frontier and gener&llT 1 tor the regeneration or Poland ae a strong tree and indepen­ dent state. In this improvement ot the composition ot the Polish Government the Polea th... elvee above all are inter­ ested and the broad la:yera or the Pol1eh people, I reaember,

by the va:y, that 1n May last :year '3'0U wrote to me that the COIIIP08it1on of the Polish Government could be improved and that :you vould buo7 :youraelt 1n thio direotion. At that time :you did not think that thie vould be interference in tho internal aovereignt:y or Poland. Aa regardo the queation put bT the Polieh miniatere • entioned in the tourth point or :your letter I do not think that 1t vould be dittioult to reach agre-nt.

:r...~ ~-~vt. .., .Stc;t:.o :Dept.::.,. t6l .... , 8-29.....- ..?2 B7 R. H. Pe>Jto Dah ' lAY 6 1972

1004 • \,. .

l'RO• the Pri=• ~nl•t•r 70 1'he Ptea1de:tii . february 19U SERW. 668 DAtE e 'lAtl\(ti!Ol OIOZOI% 01 FILS 1I'UnR

oeonoz the ~'/ Code Room :tOR Jt.AP RQS!! lvu 8ll!iJEC'I' Q\lote• ~•••~• troa Stalto oa 3v~aS~·Pol1eh rtlatlona.

AC'i'IO:!I' {1\uothw tc PM 6<8) 'o Pru14ont Yia ua)-..e r 04/U:SOt.

Mbowle4§e4 wt.thO\It c~t 1D. POlTS•PK f469 1 1 re'b 4f..



C ' ...... , ;' ..'

Praat fot fhe Prea1dent ot the tfnited Statea !lot 510, Prilae 111n1ater to Prea1dent Rooaenl t. Peraonal. In the artttl7 oh•ng:S ng OOUl'ae ot event• a n1111ber ot queat1ona have ar1aen a1noe the Chieta ot Statt parted at Cairo. fba 'ful.'ldah problea, the great battle an the Italian tl'ant 1nol\141ng SHI!IOLI, AIIVIL - ita plaoe and

aoale, the preparat1ana tor O'f!llLOR]) vb1oh are on a g1gant1o aoale, all require .Ureot oonaultat1on. Could "( 701l aend 70Ul' Chieta ot Start o•er here, or at &ZIT "l'ate General ll&l.'aball, 1n the next tev d&7at fhia rtll give a tar better oppol'tun1t7 ot oaaing to agre-nt than it the7 continue to OOI.'l'eapond b7 telegraph. I u auro the t11M baa ooe tOI.' a turther talk on the b1(1beat atatt level. 11M OOitLCIID C andera-1n-obiot .aat know ¥here the7 aMDI! and eve1'7 da7 oounta. lo S1g

RIGRADED U~CLASSI?l&D by Br ltlah Govt • • Stot o Dept. t ol., 3 - 29 ·· 7 ~ . By R. R. r · ·." •.• MAY b l!ii"< • , 1e Copy

10 0G FROM !1:1• PI'S... lUoia ter 10 Th• Pr.. l dnt


ACTIO!l to Proo1-t 'rio a ohor ot 96/ Ul2Z.

To X..!hr tw aotion. AJ:I t"r •tnt to P1l •• POTtl8 1!!1.


ACTIOU rO:'PLETEll: FlLT.Dt • '?w, .. ,...... , '<

1007 •••

Proal "-baur Lo.Ddon

'1'01 !'he Preo14ent ot the U.Utod 8tatu I!Uabor 571 07/rft Prlao IU.a1ater to PMa14ut looaenlt poraCID&l aa4

'!'he t ollOYlll& 1a our propo.. d dratt t or the 11011thl7

atat-nt on the U-l>oat V&l". Ve han aent a oop7 to llaolanale 1:111& &.114 have aalcod hi.a to o-Wlloate vith rou c111'0ot . 8tat - nt boglu. • t'he r ear 19'\ hU OJ)oQOd vith a • •17 aat1ataotol"f .. ttloat -th tor t he All1u 1lll thou oontlllluod o-'P acallllat the U-boat. I In aplte or tho 11a1te4 OPPOrt Wl1t1ea to attaolc U-l>oat a oYI.Da to the u i re.. oautlon now euro1ee4 b7 thn,

110re wre deetror ed 1lll o1&QU&r7 than 1lll Deonber. '!'hie h&a

boo aoo001;1l1ahed 1>7 UQI'elut1.JI& otrelll01Te aotlon or 0\lJ' aur- • taco aa4 air roroee • '!'he &IIOUQt ot ..roh&Q t &hlp t-.ace alllllc b7

U-boate dur1.JI& JUU&l"f 1~, 1a -aet tho lowat 11011th17 t igUrea tor the Whole war. '!'he OeN&I> olai.aa ehOilld u uaual, be ipoMd

JUOR.ADEC (lrt'WtSSJI'lED by I Nti 1h • Go•t., Stb~u Dept. ttl., 1-28-?1 117 a. H. Parka Pate IIAY 6 191Z

100 8 , - , ..


u the:r ue 1An r1abl:r groul:r u.aca•rat..S aA4 1uue4 plll'elJ tor propasaAda Plll'POieo. Statea.Dt aAdl . Prllle

~=~AD!D UNCLASSIFIED by Britto• . , StQto Dept. tal., 8-29-?2 By R. H. Parla~ Dato MAY 6 ~72 I

1009 . .

- 1 { c

The rr.. u.m l'!tO!t '10 rt.. Pr1a Ki~:~!tt.or SUlAL 611 DAn T fo'bn:uy 1944. llAT!\1'11 >al etj!;pr O"R PtLZ JOilQitR

07/l!ISt Ar-.:j Code ROCCII !Cit lfAP B2S!5 IVIA SU~J!CT Janu~y Monthly Submtrine

ACT JON To Yh. usher• 07/HUZ.

Coph l tor Mr. !her Da.,h llt

(Se e •M! 000.1 ($) Soo. 2" tOJ" oceplne aottco oo J&::UUJ" St&t.n.t:.t. ) .

COPUS f01 1)A!EI IT DtP~l~1 07t Kr. Bt.. r .,.,. 1.4alral lr

ACtiON' C'OI'PLRTeD1 _,l...J h;;h t I"~· i • =-



.=..e: .l I. -

7 h'brllar7. 1~

/l :;;//'J, q


Prooot Jl111ta%T .utacm. Lolldon

~ot The Prea14aDt of tbe ~tad atatea

572 Piled 07/2315Z

< 1'1'1M 111Aietar to l'l'el14ent· peraoaal and­ ~l' 572.

J1u17 tb.anlcl tor :JOUl' nllllba.'-"~ I be.,. 418- patehed tbe •••ace to u. J.

ll.4.t OS ...... -M 1-. 1...... ,. .,:.. ~ • • r • to$"~ !{../ 1

. - '

1 0 j 1

.. I

l \.• .tV

fbt Pr1ao IUAh t..- FRO~ YO n. Pr.. L4.o\ &1l SeRIAL nAVt 1 Po'bn&17 lMt. OA'I'l'/TIIGl OT/ UUt OR tiL! NI'Hnll

!OR MAP Rgs'!! OILOloot IVIA u.,y Code l oo. SU•JBCT tru •t or ot 1-.H u 1h1p1 to Ru u l a .

A~IO' u ...,. . 10!'01 "'"· To Prot td•t .-11 Ulll_. 01/0106%.

~ ,,..pvo4 \7 ASd.r-.1 ~. 1 -.t. to th PM 11 PO!VI tat.

COPttS 1'01 'lAU:t BY DlAACTt~ OP•

' .

ACTION ("Q!''PlA'RD• IPII.RD • ....!t_,lz e ' ' c/J.~ .C>£.

1 012 Pl'OIII JU11tal'7 Attaobe London '1'01 'l'he PHa14ent ot tbe 1JD1te4 lltatea •1 Jo, 573 Piled -c8"/0llOZ

Pl't.e 111D1atel' to Pl'elld&Dt , Pel'aonal an4111•• llmbel' 573.

I am wob oonoerD-84 at &117 attempt at YOl'ld.Dg vltb

lltol'aa &D4 the Italian 3\mta at th1a Ol'1Uoal -t 1D tbe battle, It 70u Had lltol'U' a Ol'laiDal lettal' to llel'le JOU vlll aM bov oompletelJ be baa bl'Oken bla UD4el'tald.llg, I

do bel that DO 4eo1elona ¥111 be t<en Yltbout oUl' beiDa oonaulted &D4 Ylthout JOU &D4 • tl"JiDa to Hadb ....-t .

Va 81'8 1D tOl' a Y8l"J heaYJ atl'UIIla Oil the Itali&D tl'Oilt,

lo lllc

RIGRADED UliCLASSTFl ttO by Sr t tish l&..d Dv•23? >!- -~ Govt., Stato Dept. tol .J S-29- ?2 r. ~.~ ~ ~ .";, ... ""-l· tt.vf BT R. B. Par~• D~to MAY 6 1972

10i3 • '-

The Pre ddd }1\011 TO SERIAL !fa DATE 8 Pobruarr let' llATP./TIHB OR FlI.E J~IJ.Il!lm 08/0llOZ

TOR l!AP ROC&! OV/02aTt .t.nq COdt Roca

ACTION -· to Pna1dmot 'O'i o uahor, t V/02, U .

to Acbdr&l 1M.h7 tor aotion. S•oretar)- ot State tntorw.ed b7 Adlalrd X..t.hy. .!liner ..Dt to PM •• fr!!•• 11 ftb "·

-. •



1 014 ·1·';';.:·1.-'/ ~~ ~ /I Y'-


..... •• • • I 'M

rr~ IUDJ.ater ;o rrea14eat pereaeal ~ .....

Dllllller 57~.

TIJIU' Dllllller - 60. It 1a MVlJ &1~• Mtter to out

out A4ftrtle, aD4 a4Jeot1Y.. too. \'he o ~1A&UCIIl "IAn.r~J c:ro••lJ" 1a oaoopll-.a. I haft A4Y1Mcl tba A4111NltJ aooorol· 111&17·

lo Bia

UGIUDtll lll:CLASSIH!D by Brlthl>

GOY\, 1 Stato Dept. tel., 3-29-71 By R. B. Po.rh Date IIAY 6 1972 Stria[@

lOiS ' r t.•

FROM The Pri:r.e !linletcr TO Tn.e Prime Uinhtfr ' SERIAL 574 DATE 9 f eb 41; · I' nATR/TI NE OR FlU: NI ~IEBR o9/lm•

TOR lW' Roal 09/l655Z VIA J.r.oy Cod. Roo:o sv•JECT JtuN.ary Su-=.rlne ~.,rf~e St.o.t.elnent

ACTION "n"'ren POTUS irM:t:J .

To Presi dent. l'lit.h evening newe, 9 Feb IJ. ,

1\o ~ nel'l·er neeeseflrY.

(For conpl ete aeti.-n on JCI~ry SUb::'larire 'i"o'rtr!Lre St.•t.c- r.~r.t. , :tee ''!lR 000. 7 (3)'Sec 2 ~• ) . • ~

. f~

COPIES TO• ?AT1!t . 8'Y DIRlrt:TlON OFr •em. 7 ()) See 2" amc I~ l ~ ·

' ACTIOH rO:'PLF.i'Elll f'ILBnt ~~ ....J I - -

1 016



4 Sr@WI ~ ..

Loo40D '!01 1'be Prea14ent ot tbe 0111 te4 atatel .,$41- " ~ ·­WOI 5751 1"1114 10/232 P.l'i.M K1Dhter to Prea141Dt, Pll'IOD&l•

.4111 Ul4 I &H apoM4 biH that tbo ~1118 ot

Bl&lpl'l&D tal'Sitl &I W&tbol' poftlito lbo\114 DOt be

I topped boO&UI ot tbo pi&OI Oftl'tvll , It tbl .odiOiDI b&o 40111 1004, lit tb• b&ft ..,... ot it. wo 818

rlJ: I/CO%i- -dad le- ks;. fh« eu k-c / / CC ~C 2. • r;·a Copy

1 0 i 7 .. .. - t '

j Tbo ITt. l'ltOll 111nitttr TO The h't lic!ent . &T& SllRIIJ. DATB 10 rob M "ATI'/Tll!E l0/2320Z OR PILE Nlllll!ER

llf0066Z TQR ~ROO!! IVIA .U.y Code Roc.

ACTION a..,. , , 'f'o ~,I) -ll..s7t:)

Antwer prtpared by Adairal.' eent to Pit aa: :f!!6.




T ),, t


MLR-476 Lon.don This to1ogr nm must bo c1oso1y pnrcphrnsod be• Dated Febr unry 11, 1944 tore boing eommuniontod to nnyono . ( MC) Rec 1 d 3:27 p. m.

seoratnry of state, Wo.shingt on.

1177, Februnry 11, ll n .c ,

TO THE SECRET!.R'i FOR THE PRES IDENT . 'iOur 952 of February a, nnd my 1100 of Fobrunry 9 . I hove just roeoivod tho following mossneo ro~ tho President from the Prioo Minister: ui send you. horow1th tho ngreed record ot our convorsntion with tho Polos lnst Sundny. I will obortly send you a r ()port on our further t alks with them." The record of tho conversnt ion mentioned by the

Prime Minister 1n hia mosscge is as follows .

Record of n mooting bold at Chequors on Sundny,

sixth Fobr ~~ry 1944 nt 3 p.m. Pr esent : Tho Right Honornbl e Winston s. Churchill, 0 H, M P Pri mo Minister, 1n the choir. ' t• Mieolnjczyk1 Polish Prime Mi nister , K&GAADID UWC LASSI,I~D b7 Brltl•h The Right Go•t., Sta\6 Dept. tel., a-28-72 Jr a. • · Parka Dato ...y - s 1972

1019 • -

-2- 11117?, Fobrunry 11, 11 n .m; from London, . The Right Honoroblo /.nthony Eden M 01 M P, Soerot ory of State for Foreign /, s .

M Romer, Polish Minister of Foreign /.!fairs ,

The Lord Chorwell, F R s , po.~~stor oonoro.l count Raczynak1, Polish i.l:lbnsso.dor to Groct Bri ta1n.

Sir OWen o. Mnlloy, British /~baooo.dor to the Poli sh Governmont .

Secr otnri c.t, Mr. J R Colvi lle , The Prime Minister rood the toxt of his tologrnm to ll.tlrshnll Sto.lin of tho 28 January (No . 227 to woseow) , 1n wh~ch hO hnd said thet the Polish Minister s woro f ar trom rejecting the proposnls put forwnrd, but tho.t nf ter considering them, they hod askod o. number of question• which he hod ngrood to pnao on t o Marshal Sto.lin. Mr • •chur chill than roror rcd t o tho l.morienn o.ttitudo, .w'hich ho tummnr1zed e.s fol lows: Thoro could be no legal bond, 01 fer os tho u . ~w o.a ooncornod. ThH eortninly did not monn that /.mor1con nid would be withhol d, nnd ho o.okod tho Poloo to work on the btl01s that t ho u.s., Britain and t he u, s .S.R. would cooper at e for mnny yoara to como i n the tnak of maintaining

1020 -

-3- #1177, Februnry 11, 11 o .m., from London, mnint nining world ardor nnd unity, Mr. Edon r ood out oxtr aets from Sir /, Olnrk

Korr 1 s tol ogrruns numbers 281 and 282 of tho third

Februar y, in which the Lmbossador doseribod his

discussion with ~!arsh41 Stalin of tbO Primo Ninbtor' s Qaasnge of thO 28 Jnnucry. He pointed out thA t

Stnlin ~Ad , without hesitation, answorod tho f ivo questions put by tho Polish Government and contained in tho Primo Minister's moaaago . lo!arshnl Stalin had said: (a) Thot, nftor tho wur, Pol and would cortoi nl y bo fre& and indopondont, as much s o as C&oehoalovnk1n, nnd he would not try to 1nfluonco either country' s

choice of gover~~ont . (b) Thot, if Poland r oqulrod a sunrantoo from RussiA, one would bo &iven. (e) TrAt Poland oould eount upon all Ruaaian help in expelling tho . (d) ThAt all Poloa would be froo to movo out or the termor Polish t erritory assigned to Ruaaia, and tho scoo raeilit ioa should apply to Ukrainians at prosont west of tho Curzon line. (o) Tho Polish Government would bo ollowod t o roturn


,. c -

- 4- #1177, , 11 n .m. , from London. return to Polnnd nnd establish a brond bnsed government, which could function odmi n~strntiv oly in tho liberated o.rens , Tho Primo Ministor snid thnt, oa rognrds tho underground movement, Stalin ma1nto1nod thnt tho Polish Gov6rnmont had diroctod it t o rotuao cooperation with tho Ruaainna . lf the movomont oppoaod the Russian I troops ond port1snns, it would bo ottookod: if it I did not, it would rcco1vo ossiatanoo. Tho ~ttor I• would oll depend on tho attitude or tbo Polish Govorrunont . M 1~1colnjczyk onid ho wanted to clarify tho. .' Polish Government's position. Ho hod shown to the British Government tho instructions which hnd originally been sent to the Polish underground movornont to t he ettoot thnt, if r olotions with Russin wero ro-ostoblished, tho movomont should como 1.nto the open 1n support or tho Soviet troops but thnt otherw1ao its ~cmbora woro to rema1n . 1nnct1vo. Orders to oppoao the RussiAn troops hnd novor boon givon. You will now nllow m.e, said M Mioolo.jczz,"k, to plnco boforo you our 1nforoot1on. Our f ormer instruct­ ions to tho Polish undortround movcmont were t o tho offoot

1022 .. -5- #1177, Fobrunry 11, ll n .m., from London, effect that in coso Pol ish-Sovie t rclutiQno hnd not been renewed, at tho cocent or th& entry or Soviet troops l,nto Pol nnd our underground forces should not como into tho open.

In the monntlma, we ncqulrod the conviction that the r o ~ est nbllahment of mutual rolnt1on3 was most unlikely, and in this eltunt lon the Polish Governcont nddrossed an enquiry t o tho country ns to tho rcndlnoss or tho underground movement to disclose its idantit; avon in tho nbsonco of Polish­ Soviat r el,tions nnd without regard t o tho donaors which such a stop 1nvolvod.

The answer received (doted the 28th Novombor , 194~) w~s thet tho underground army was randy t o come into the open and to mo.ct tho roqu1reme:nts or tho s oviet c O!!!:UUldere,. Mr . Edan attachad grant importance t o this 1nf ormnt1on and aaked who thor it could be convoyed to the Sovoi t Go.,...,...:nt. M Micolojczyk oxprosaod his agreamont with this , He fUrlhor explained thet tho local Polish Military Co=mondor, oceompnn1ed by tho local o1v1l inn (underground) nuthority, would reeeivo ordora to moat tho c omoander or the incoming

Sovio t t r oops ond to dec l nro t ho t follow1ng tho ins true tions of tho Polish Govorn>ont, t c which they ro~inod faithfUl, thoy were rondy to join in tho fight ncalnst the c ommon f oo . Tho Primo Ministor: This ia vory important, I agree with this line nf action, . . II llicolajo&yk:


.. c ~-

-6- #1177, February 11, 11 n .m, , from Landon .

M Micolnjc~yk: 'l:here 1s only one oasontinl roeorvotion. Our underground forces ore dotorm1ned to proservo their own orcnnisntion and thoy nrc not propnrod to Join Polish f ormations croatod in Russin under tho nuspicoe of the so-called Palish pntriots nnd plnced under Berling's commnnd . On tho other hnnd, in ardor to oecure friondly cooperation, Polish dctnchmonta, which hnd i n tho pnst hnd any friction with loco.l Soviet "pc.rtisnnsn hnvo boon ordered to move to otbor districts and ehnngo places with other Polish forcos froo from such disability. The country ia anxi ously expecting to rocoive an nmplo supply of arms indispcnenbl o in view or o general rising bohind the linoe of the rotroating Gorman nrm.i e s . 14 L! ioolajctyk hnndod t o tho Primo Minietor o copy of the tol oernm roe oi vod tram Wnrs11w on tho 22 January in reply toM MioolaJczyk•s spoocb to the country of tho sixth Jnnunry . He pointod out thnt the country•• willingness t o join with tho Soviet roroos in thoir fight ngninst Germany wns clonrl y shown i n this tologrAc. But os regards tho political nopoct it oqunlly clearly showed the country•• dotorminn t i on

1024 1 -

-7- flll77, February 11, 11 a. . rn., from London_. detorm1nat1o~ to mc1ntn1n Polcnd• a torr1tor 1ol intogr1ty. Tho r oply wos droftod before tho country wns 1ntormod of tho lnst oonverantion between tho Primo Miniotor ond M lllieolnje• yk on tho 20 Jnnuory. The Poliah oovornmont withheld ita publiention in or dor to ovoid difficulties, but tho 5r1tish Government mus t ooo in it an 1nd1cQt1on of tho country's opinion. Tho Priao Minister: In thAt onsc tho situation is hopoloes . No nsrooment c ould bo ranc hed on auoh n bnoie nnd the Sovioto hAving occupied tho wholo of your country will impooo the ir will,

N Mieolajczyk hnndod ovor to tho Pri~o Niniator tt copy of o tel egro.m !'rom Polo.nd received 1n London on tho 27th Jnnuory 1944 announcing tho set t i ng up in Y/arsow by t hO "Polish V/orkora Party" (C ommunist) of n '!< ntionnl council" in opposition to t ho Pol1ah Urtdorground movocont. Ue oonaldorod his move Ql eloorly indicating tho renl 1ntont1ona of tho Sovie t

Govornmont w1 th rogord to Polnnd , Tho Prime Mlnlator: tes, thia dnngor oxiota ond will only 1rtereoao it no a.groom.ont between Polo.nd nnd soviot Russin is r oached . M Mioolojozyk

1025 -

- 8- #1177, February 11 , ll n .m. , from London .

M M1oola jczyk: I nm only pl aci ng boforo you t ho

1nform~t1on I possess: Por the time bo1ng, i . e ., betoro the "'Curton Line" !a eroaaed by Soviet troops, the Soviota hnvo in view the aotting up of o. 11Cocmittee of Nnt1onnl L iber lltion, " compos ed of Polish pro-Soviet elements in tho U.S. S.R., t ha u.s. and, i f possibl e , also tho United Kingdom. Lctor, nftcr tho Curzon Line is croaaod the plnn .foresoos tho crontion Of a. l1Pollsh Governmcntu by the unntiona.l Coune1l11 rooontly formed in Poland under Moscow' & nu!!. picos . This 1nformo.t1on throwe n r ovonling light on tho ct•yptic aentonco of Mol otov addressed to /.mboaoo.dor Herriman thnt tho sltuntlcn hnd not yet lilAturod for the ruumption of Soviet- Polish rolntions. Mr . Edon that this talk about o cotT.mi t t ee would nuto1111\ticnlly cooso if ngr eemont wore ranched on the linos of Stalin' s tntost t elogrnm, Tho Prime Minister snid tent if mnttera wore ollowed to drift, such n committee would undoubtedly bo oatnbli ahod ond tho Polish Government would hove no soy i n the mn ttcr. M Miool njczyk: Tho lntost chnngGa introduced in tho conatitut ion ot tho U. S.S. R. finally complete

1026 - • .. •

-9- #1177, February 11, 11 Q , Q ,, frOQ London.

eompl.• te tho pic turo . M Micolojczyk recalled the r eply &1von by Mr . Eden on tho frist February to a latter which was oddrossed to hie on the 23rd of Jo.nuory by /.mbossador Raczynski on instruction of tho Polieh Govorncont, ond o tho memorandum of tho firs t Fobrunry hondod to l.rnb!lsoodor Ci ochtlnowski in Washington in roply to the.qucs t lon put by him to tho American Govornmont ond pointed out that tho Pol ish Government was not offered gunrontcoo which would protect Polo.nd against immlment dangers ond so.f ogunrd her indopcndonce and oovoreignty as wall o.s tho lito and property of her

inhtlbi ~ants , l!o htld alr ondy st:>ted that he woo w1111ne to ent or into discussion on oll outstnnd1ng quoations including frontiers . This in itsel f hod cnusod sorious c oncern 1n Polish circles . The accoptnnco of the "Curzon L1no" as e. stnrting point of ony discussion would, in fact, oonstituto d i ~totod t erms and would preclude on7 r ool negotiotlon, Such o courso could only undormino the Polish Government' s authority with the Polish notion ond o.lso dierupt tho l nt tor•s unique solidnrity, Tho Primo

1027 .. ... ' . l ,

-lQ- #1177, Pcbrunry 11, ll a.m., trom London,

The ?rime Y1n1ster sn1d tho Curzon L1no wns the boat the t the Poles could oxpoct and all thnt he would nsk tho British pooplo to demand on tho1r bohnlf. M M1co1njczyk: the Sovie t Oovommont invokes

tho 11Cur.on Lino of 1919U: '!'hie 1o confuoing . The

"l1no 11 of 1919 did not oxtond to formor l.uotr1Bn Gnl1C11l ,


1028 - --· ... I . • •

?ROll AJIUSUDO! WIIAIT TO 8110 at.t.n POR mB fltP.81DIIIT ~ llTT 11 Fob U. SERIAL DATE llA'l'F/fil!E OR FILE NPlO!!!R

TOR MAP ROO!! Stn!JEC1' Ru... ha · Polhb r•l• tloae . Po,...,.4• -s f?oa the PRID nnatiR. to tho PDSIDIIT aiDut.. ot Motlo~ with POLI&R PRID KlllliTill



IJmiDD TOo "fiUtpm. Jl•Ut• rue. ... ~~ZPOLI&R•RUBSUI .I.FI'AIRB' --- -


1029 -

ProD: Aneobnaay London To : : Tho President of the United States llumbor 576 12/IIF'I' Primo Ninister t o President Roosevelt . Personal ond ·····l Poro l. !·!any thanks for Y.OUr telegram number· 463 of February 9th.

Pora 2 . It aeeQS to ~c eost undesirable thot a c.#~~tJr ;.II r'"o P'- '­ Bulcarion f!lnaio:> ehould open conversations in Convtant1no1ch. 11' the Bulgarian Go\·ernn:cnt really r:soan businees, the:y should be told to send c fUll:y Qualified mission to meet repreoontativea of the Throe Povers at a placo vhich vil l be indicated and might be Cyprus or Cairo. Cyprus i s absol ut ely secret end nearer. Para 3. OUr bombing of Sofia appoaro in f act t o have had exactly the effect ve hoped f or, i n that tho Bulgarians are falling over each other in their haste to make contact vith us. That being so, vould it not bo a m1etake to suspend

it at tho r&qucat of the firstc~or vho no doubt hopes for c

res~ito 4ur1ng ~rotraeted conversations .

Para II . If :you agree, t her efore, I hope ve ~Y send

HG Copy

i030 - 2 -

identical instructions t o our reprooent(Lt1voa 1n f.loscov on the above lines and get llolotov ' o &flrOon:ont to our pro­ poaed line of action.

llo Sig

_.:t .... ··'. )h,( '"-( (}_kr),

9 ~I ••i~ AI l L"t 1;Ali. / ~>1 7 ~ . ~L­ Jt. ~ 9tfi/·v{ Jl 1 ~ )1_

~.J I.:Z 1.3.S.S Z ~ ~~ < .t,.._,, /:LI.JS:s"Z

1C31 --..w------.------f •...

FROI! !be Prlao llillhter TO the Preaide:a~ &7& 12 Pobr,.ry SERIAL DATE 1~ • llATY./TI!!& OR PI!.£ JIIIJBER 12/11" 12/l&Ut TOR lW' ROOII IVIA ~ Co

ACT!Oll {1..,,-?oTrJ.S*o/'>1 !o Prooidoat >to uober 1~a&&t.

To Lelll.7 tar aotioa. A4111r•l lA&h)- prepared an•• •r1 •ppraud by Pret1d«D\J t eot to PM •• f!!S, 12 Peb 44 • .


A CT IO~ ~~LRTED r PllJ'.01 ({I.J? ,__, I

1032 13 9~4

Froo: t·!. A. London To: The Prea1dant of the tlnited States

t:umbez-: 577, F llod 13/18HlZ

!lumber 577 . Prime Ministn to President. Per- aona.l a.od •••••••

1. !~any thanks ror your number ~64. I fully

asree we should review the whol e scene attar ~e are settled in Rome. We have not get there yet, end Lincoln's.. Birthday celebrations remind me about not crossing the Pox River till you got to it.

2. The prosont regi~e is the Lawful Government of I taly with vqom we have concl uded en armistice in consequence or which' the I talian Navy came over and with some or the Italian Army end Air Force are fighting on our aide. This

I~lian Government ia tame and completely in our hands . It will obey our diractiona rar more tbao any other that ve may laboriously conotitute. On the other hand, it has more power

over the Fleet, Ar~, Official s, etc thpn anything else which or political parties,

======~=r:bGo•\.,:JMDJ:D 8\ato UJ40 LASSDoptIFIJ:D. to l.,by Br!Uob8-2g-72 By ft, B. Puko Dato ~ MAY o lSij. FIL~ COPY

1033 Page 2 , none of wbom· bave the slightest title by election o~ ·pre­ oor1pt1on. A new I talian Gove~nment will have to make ita reputation with the I talian people by standing up to us.

They will very likely t ~y to wriggle out or· the armistice terms. As fo~ . being i nstrumental in handi ng•ov•r Without a mu tiny part of the Italian Fleet to•Russia, ·I cannot· con­ eeive that they wou ld do so or that, 1f they di d, their writ would run w1tb ·the Italian Navy. I hope therefore that when. the time comes we shall consult tC)getbet• . I gave strong support to the State Department over Derlan. fThey see~ rue­ ful about that epi sode now . Looking back upon it I c~nsider i t was right. Several thousand British and •Americen soldiers ere alive today because of it and it got us Dekar at a time when we could ill have spared tbe• large\forces needed for its captur e . 3. About Spain. We have· told Ambassador Hoare that he is to al ign himself•witb your repr•sentative. When a l arge, strong, healthy ,elephant (no reference i ntended to

GOP) comes into a garden and tr~ples down the flower beds some perturbation is natural •among . the local gardeners. As you kn o\1~ we have had our owo · po1nt 'Of view about this. Now however 1 • that the United-States hu ttaken such deci ded action ,

RIGRADID UNCLASSIFIED by Brltlob Govt . . Stata Dept. tol., 3-29-72 RtlT By R. a. '·· ·• MAl " ;~ 19n

l 0 3 .-.! • ••• Page 3

• I am or opinion that we must go on end we shal l give you all the help' ve can. It vill be tiresome if Germany .gives the gascl1ne and Spain becomes even more definitely asso­ ciated vith 'the Nazis. I hope, .hovever, that they wi l l be more f ar sighted. 4. We have· had a wnple week with the Pol es and, thore ' 1o still some hope that ve may get something out ot . them which may prove the basis of a settlement. t At t he prosect time they are making more trouble, about .tbe Curzon Line than about•ohanges in personnel . We •hava,turnished I \ them vith the kind of teloaram,vo should like to seod to Stolio and they have promised to give ua on Tuesday next their· amond.!lents to 1t or their Jalter na Uve , version . · I vill send 7ou a copy !f vhat r oaults the moment I get it. 5 . I have had a letter from Harry. ne is an 1ndom1tablo spirit. I cannot help feeling very anxious &bout his frail body s od another oper a tion. I should always be grateful for any neva about him for •I rate·him high among the Paladins. 6. I have Just heard ~hat his son. hsa been ·killed

RIGRADZD UNCLASSIFIED by Brltle Govt. r Slal.o DtJU.., tol., 8-!!3- ~ By R. !!. Pa; \o .. .D•to ., ...... \lAY S 1972

1035 ' - -

Paso 4 in the l~arshell Islands battle. As I do not know whether b~a stete of health will hove permitted him to receive this news I am eend!ng my lmmod1atoly follow!ag' through you.

II• S!g

• •

IIIGilADED 1lli0LASSI?IT.D bT Brltleh Govt "!n Ct ~ • • .,, .. • .. B7 1\, :!. l-a.r ... .1 -..&'-11 • IIAY 6 1972 ldiiORAJIDOll POR THE SIICRBTART Or STJ.ftt

The Pr..t.__, M.1 d:lree W d tila~ ~ at.­ --_, 11-·- ~,." 1 ... ,._, 'M - rww-"'-- llllolo\w, 8\ate Dept...... _\ t.-r tatwa\1M .

L. KAT!1W8QI, Col onel, O~ wal

1 1DI1 • Pti-PO!Il8 tan, 14 '" ...

- 1 - I


TO 1 Tl!1t Pll£81 DF.KT

1'.A1Sr l S l'EBI'UARY 111«

Dba"adw Hoare bat ~n 11\ttr uoted by ue to • Usn hludt

with yow- rtprt~ec.tatl?e in Spain. flhtn a luce, tVon.c, htdth:y

tlephut (ao r eterenoe intended to GOP) o0111tt l.nto a p.r4.a and

tl"aaplet tht nctnr b4Jd t 10ftl8 perturbation ..OD & the lood Ct.rdfttJ"I

the lhUttd 8 t&tt e hu t&ke t uob daoldtd aoUon, how-ner, I u ot tht

opbdon that we aaet &o em a.nd" t ht.ll &ifl rou a ll the help n oao.

I hope tht 8pu1ah will be aore tar s1£)lte4 t han to &uocla tt t h..,..

aelnt with the lluia t Ten aoro dt in out oe·rr.any t bould pro- Tide the c-aollne. l want 'o tbaok you t or your . 6. and eay that I tully acree that

a tter .. are uttla4 la ROM the whole eoe=a thould be rarl.... d. BlDOt

The crurnnt r•clae it the lawtul ,so"ruatnt of Italy. An andttiot

With thea .... iD OOD ..QUIDOI ot wldoh the l taliau 1&'97 Cl ...

ner aad 11 ti&htln& on our ddt alODC with acae of the Italiu I.:IW:f u d

llr P•o•. !bit .r;on rnatnt h doolle , iD CIW' baud• ooapletely, a.Qd

wtll o'bq our dlrectiont tar _.. thaD ~ oth•.. that •• M7 OOD.IV..•'•

Mor·tO'flr, 1~ hat •r• pow.r o·nT the ,l.. t, ~>nq, Otficial•, eto. , th&a

u7 othw co'""'.. t wbioh aldtt 'be ooaa-t1tat.4 f'r'o• th• de'brll till

- 1 -

1038 -

poU Uo&l part!••• nOIM ot ~ ha" the ellrht... t t:l tle by preaorlpt101a

or elMt.loa, A MY Jt&Uu o.n.--.t will have to aake l'Ct reputation

\y ot&lldla& "P to "' • 'f!l.,. wi ll - 7 U kely try to Wl'iu lo ""' ot -

araiatloe t.eru. New oaD I ooocalw tl'lat')' woul4 ..,_ 1aetru.eata.l

ln hNidin& onr without aJ.tiQY .. ptrt or the Jtallan n eat to Futda,

nor it th• J d14 that thdr 'Writ would J"UD With l t.ll&D N•"'Y• There-

the State Oepartaon.' t Votl& t upport o••r Darla1a. they ,,.. ruetvl abou'

that eplcode cow, Wt looki~ baok upoa it l ooatlder i t •• ript,

hoa ut e ot l t ll'ftral thou.aud 8r1t1eh ud .Aawloaa eold.h.ra .,., aliw

tod&y, -. r.ot t'ab.r at • tlr:!) ~ .. oould Ul•4 the l arc•

t•o•• Dtl 4 t d to c apture that ol ty.

l..f'\er a wMt: with the Polet there atill l e ao .. hope tha t · ~ whloh • 1 pr~l I bruh of ''"l ~ nt • Y be cot troe th•• The)' U'l • •kine 1:10n trovble a~ out the Cur&oc Ua. thaD about the obn (itl 1n.

pereonnel at the pret~nt tiM. They have proahed to th• ue on

TU••'-r next their -..u~ntl to or their altera•t• ~• ioo ot a tete-

P'.. 'ltt.loh .. can thea Ntd e loh i a \M ki.Dcl w• ~1 4 llh to aend to &-.Un. the ._lilt 1 lit the r e tultl 1 111'111 • end you a copJ•

liJOIIAIIID U!"tU.SSI7I!D by ill'! Utb Govt •• Stato j~_.t . t:Jl., $,· 29-72 By R. a. !'arb hte ~y t) ~r..

• I • - '


By 41rootion ot tho Pret1dtnt, p.raphraatd copy ltnt t o the 8t&t t Depe..rta.:lt.

Ax\IWOUd by POrUS j4&8, 1S hb U •


: I



1040 I ~om . liin "WDL'

13 February 1944

From: M. A. London To: The President of the Ooited States Number: 578, Filed 13/l8l3Z

Prime Minister to President. Personal. Humber 578. Fol lowing for Harry if you so decide. Dear Harry: Please accept our moot profound SY!!!p&thy wltb you in your honour and grief.

'rline ton and Clementine •

Roool Yod 13/leltQ To PRBSIDI!n 'ria Oohor, U/l830Q, RIGftA DJD UJCLASSIPIID by Br ltloh Govt., State Dept. tol., 8 - 2~·7 3 COPY til ed "100 Bopkioo• B;r a. II. Parka .Da~o lAY B !971: l'ILB COPT

1 04 1 ..


16 PU!!JAI!T l t U





1042 f'ROII Tho Pri• IUnbter TO the PruideDt

SERIAL f678 llATE 13 FebJ"'&r)' l 9U 11.\TY/TI!lE OR Pll.B Wlll!BR l 3/l81St

18/lSl21Q J.nq Code R- TOR IW' ?.0011 IVIA SUl!JEc-r Condoleoo .. to Mr. Bopkiae oa St.phea'a de.ath.

ACTIOll To Prea14ent •1A u•her 13/16~ .

Preddeat d1reoted it be u nt to Kr. Bopld.Da, l3/l&30Q. Sent ~ · Mr. Cook, Telegraph Otttoe.


,tCTIOf _C: W.IP¢FrTEth '. ' .

1043 ..

15 Pabl'U&I'J 1~

Pl'ollt Lotl4011 Port Tbe Prea1deot or the UD1te4 atatea 1\laber 579 P1le4 1509-\0Z ,

REGRA DED UMCLASSl fiED b7 Britiob OOv\ ., State Dept. t el . , ~-11 87 1\, 1 . Parks Date 6 1972 • rl ••. ".) Cop"j

1044 ..

Tho Prol1401lt 'ROll Tho PriM 111Diotor TO J1t 16 Fobnw-7 IM' !ERIAL DATE lATP./TI ME lR FILE N!ltJBER lJOMOZ

1&/ 1200Z Arrq Co

ICTIOll .l.olmowloqoo POTOS f4ie, To Prooidont b7 .l.dairal Brown. lo uner or ..o tnowl•d&•ct.



1045 \ Proma AIM111bau:r London !OI !be Pree1dent or the Ullited' Stetee ~ J. .j •uaber sao J'lled i.2fl63lk Pr1• lllnleter to Pl'elldont llooenelt. Pereon&l and ••••t. Your nuaber 1165. Par& 1 . I vould propoee to telesrepl:l •• tollove to Alllbaaeador Clark lerra "Your Ulllted St&teo colleague, Ybo vill be rece1T1ng tro. Vaobington 1dent1o&l 1notruot1ono to thOle I contelned 1n thh telesr.. , v111 be able to turnlob :rou v1 th run detella or propoeela 11&do oo J'obruer;r 6th b:r ., !lulgeri&n 111n1etor to !urke:r Oil babalt ot tho Regent, tho !lulg&r1&n Pr1• •1n1•ter and the pr1no1pal oppoo1t101l lo&dorl tor tho 1n1t1at1on ot 41IOUII101ll Vlth tho U8A vith & Ylov to !lulgerle jolnlng tho Ulllted •auone. "!beu propoe&l• h&To been oooalderod b:r the Prooldont and the Prt.e 111n1ater vhoae T1ewa are •• tollovea It 1a undoebabll th&t & !lulgerl&n 11111100 ehould open cooyeroaUOile 1n Oonet&ntlnople. It the !lulgerl&n Ckrfern­ aent roall:r buelnoeo 1t vould be a llietako to rebutt th.. bocauee the:r do not ot tho outaot otter unconditional eurrondor. !he:r ohould be told to eend & tull:r qual1t1od

RIGRADED U~CLA SSifltD b7 Brltlob

00Yt., State Dept. tel. 1 3·28-71 I J a. •· Paru MJ!Itt• 6 1972

1 c . ,. ' ~ 111ea1011 to -et thl1ted Stet.. , llo.iet lUid 11!>1tbh !'e­ pJ>eeentativea at a place vbioh v111 be 1nd1oated and

vhieh atght be CJPl'U& OJ' Cabo. Advantage or CJPl'UI te that 1 t 1o neal'&!' to Bulga!'ia lUid abaolutelr eaol'et. "!hie Bulga2'1an peaoe reeler- above that the ail' boabing or sorte appe&!'e to have bad exactlJ the erreot Yhioh vaa hoped tor, In theae cil'ouaatanoee 1t vould be e aiataka to euapend 1t at the raqueat cr the Bulgarian ll1n1ater to Turk&J be tore 1 t 11 knovn vhethu the llulg&J'tan f propoaall reallJ are aer1oua onee and vben 1 t ia p!'obable that the Bulg&2'1an OoYernaent hope to!' a J>eapite t'r011

bcm~bing dur-ing protracted oonveraat1011a. It 1a theretore proppaed to continue vi th the b011bing or llulgarian tngate •

"In o011oert Yith :fOUl' thl1ted State& oolleegue, pleeee oonver Y1eva or PJ>ea1dent and P!'iae ll1n1eter to llolotOY and aeek hie agre-..t to pJ>opoaed line or aotton, •

Para 2. On heutng tr011 rou that TOU oone14ar thie aeeeaae euttable, I vould at anoe deepatoh it, Para 3. lleanvbile rou ¥111 no doubt baY& tnroro.ed

the J&dyin Jl1ee1on Of OUl' dec1ei011, Jo S1g

~·'~"l;~,li~ rr~~ U~ REGJ\AD:r.r. l"''"' ..'.t~•F:£0 by 6rit.hb ..··--·-- Covt •• StbLO Dept. tel. , 3-29- 73 87 a. L Pazu D&\a = MAY I 1i11i

1 (' . ' ... l

Tho Proo1dont TO

SERIAL OAT& le Fob 1&14


161880 l.r"''{ Code Ro .. TOR IJJI.P ROOII IVI A SUBJECT 8al1&'10A Peaoo Foolero,

ACT lOll .lnnora POT'OS ~5 .

Rttorrod to A~rol X...b7 tor preparation ot ropl)'J dr&tt apprm- ecl by Pl" oe 1d~t.J ect to ~ ~ n:e· Inatntoticae ••" to l!&rr1an u Opnn llliUi i eR 87110 •• P



1048 -

. . l'rOIII LoD40D Por• !be Preo,tdeDt or the trD1tld atatee ...... 581 PUecl 161003Z PriM aiohter to Pr111dlot RoooeTelt. PereOil&l ud ...... luablr 581. 11a1Dbover 11 DOt ,..t readT to ...t our Obtere or Starr 00 tbe MiD "OYiliLOltD/AIIVIL" qu.et1oD, but there h a po1Dt Vb1ob I lllllt br1DS to JOur DOt10I a t ODOI, we are dhtl'leeed a t tbl proopeot or two groupo or rtsllter atrorart baT1llg to 1eaft the a ed1terranMD a t tbh • jiiDOtiiJ'e ror Cb1aa, .VI tb1Dk 1t 1111Dt1al that tbl roroll tor "OVIIILOIIJI" &Dd 1to eupport1111 operet1oDe ebould bl ao otroos ae pou1ble and tbte bee bleD tbl pol10T aooepted &Dd the pr1or1tT &1111Pll4 1D all our d1oouu101le. BT abaD­

doD1D8 our Aeseu projeoto, Vb1oh I .oot 1o;,.11T ~o t or the &bOTe objeot, ,. baTe treed light t1sbter equ&droaa tor operat10111 to the Ceotral and veetll'll ae41terranean but 1t

11 Mit d1ebe&rt1Dlll8 to tillcl that thh M01'1tlOI 1D DO 'ftT lllprOTee our obaDOII 1D I talT a od • AIIVIL" eilloe Ml'l tball

the ..u1T&11Dt ot e1sht ..uMroDI are DOY holDS tabll &'ftT tor tbe rar llaet. JIOreoTir, we are llrJIIOt1aa to baTI to oeo4

b0111 trOll lled1 terr&DI&II tor • O'niiLORD" tbl'le groupe Vb1ob ~

1C4J ----- r •

J'pa.J Loii40D ,.... a POPI Tbe PPeddftt of tM l!D1t.4 lt.t.l P11o4 161003%

baft to at&F U cna.taa pta tM two. fb~W "OftiLCIBD" wou14 'be tiM loan la q1t. ot 1U aupoM pr1or1t)'.

/f{w:l t ftt-l--o e:­ -rf7v u 1:4~ ~ t I (PfY fW~Io ,f> tfd'Ht

--- Oovt.,-~ Stato ~u•mm" Dopt. tol., '"""S-29-?3 87 R. H. Parka DatMAY 6 1972



February 18, 1944.




P. O, R.

r;o . 581 ?rime W.nister to the Pres1aent II I I I I r

I , os ..

lm!ORA!!Dtm FOR General uarohall•

The attaohed 110111ace, !lo, 11611 11 NMlYed troa the P,!!, Can 10U have ao1101bo

/ of II'I LLUII O. L1W1Y


1052 FRO II TO

SERIAL 881 DATE 18 Pol> " nATP./Tl!$ l8/l005Z OR FIL& Nll!lP.ER

1B/l220Z Aray Code Roo~. TOR I:.A.P ROOII IVIA SU'!JECT Ae al.p:~az:rt ot 1'1S)Ite1" CI"OUpa to China ODd to OVIRLOIID/.uviL.

ACT! OS to tho PRI81DETII n o tho Uoh.,., 18/lZUZ.

Admiral L!AHY rettrrtd oopy to Gener•l KARSBALL , U l Feb "'• requettins drett ot reply.

By ••mora.ndua dat&d 18 f'tb 44-, the P!tUIDDt requ.. ttd Admiral WHY t o P,Upvt reply. .A 44, ..


ACTIO!! rO~'PI.F.TE!h F1l.F.Oa t:U,;,.,

1053 '" .•, ,I lift: If/: \Eli . ~_. ~v

19 Pebi'U&l'7 19-\4

hoau London Tot The Preaident ot the united Statea Ruaber 582 Piledt 19/0851Z

Prime ~ater to Pl'eaiden~ Roooe•elt, Peraonal and •••••• lluaber 582, Your telegraa nuaber 4551 Jlev Delhi -rgenc;r Propaganda COII&i t tee, I aa prepared to agree to the 41acont1nuance ot the Rev Delhi COII&ittee, But, in that caae, I th1nl< i te u1n rune tiona ahould be enrciaed 1n London. That 11 to ea;r, that ...rgenciea ariaing 1n the geographical area ot the South•••t .lala C...-md ehould be dealt Y1 th b7 an Anglo-Aioerican Comaittee hePI, le&Ying all ...rgenciea ariaing 1n China or India-China to be dealt Y1 th 1n llaahington. Do ;rou agreet

Ro Iii •.

FROII TO '!he Pru 1dwt &82 19 Pob a u S~RIAL DATE OATF./TII-IE OR F'I I.E Jnl!lE£R l9/0760Q J.rtly Codt Room 70R IW' ROO!.! SU~JECT Dho®tinua.ooe ot . .. D-lh1 coaattee ..

ACTION PO'!'OS f466. To Preddent na ueber. Copy or thie ..,,. ,,, tosether with POTUS 14&&, referred to Admiral Leahy f('Jt' aot1CI1. By ..,.o,...ndua, 18 Pt 'b 4.4, Adalra.l Loahy torwar de4 paraphraeed oopiea to Joint Chlttl of start tor ooneideration and preparation ot reply aot l att r than Monday •ornlns, 21 Jt'b l tt•.

!Teddftlt approYt~ Adalral Lo&h7'• dra.ttt ltDt to Pll t.e !!12.


ACTIO!f rO:'l'LET!ro • t'IIJ:n t f'lbda$""' c?~ a,


... •

From: Amembassy London To: The President of the United Statee Nlllllber 583 Filed 20/15002 Prime Minister t o President Roose velt. Personal

and ·--· Para 1 . I have been watching lately with increasing mieglv1ng the official telegrame about tho oil business. r am very glad you have ooneented t o delay for a rev deys_ the publication of a purely American statement. You may be sure I should only v1ah to arri ve at what is fair and juet between our t wo countriea. Surelr thia can be pati­ ently considered between ua before i t ia flung into publ ic diecuaaion on both sides of the Atlantic. A wrangle about oil would be a poor prelude for the tremendous joint entor­ prise and sacrifice to which we have bound ourselves . Para 2 . Lor d Halifax haa explained to me the diffi­ culties of the situation on your aide. We too have our difficulties which may become very formidable in Parliament. There ia apprehension in aoma Quarters here thet the United States baa a desire to deprive ua of our oil assets in the Middle East on which, among other things, the vbole "'!·PP11 of our navy depends. Thia aena1t1veneas has or COU!aa been ~ ~/7~? "Fire' Cno·:

10S6 •


greatly aggravated by the Five Senators. I QQ aure these suspicions are entirely unfounded ao tar as the Government of the United States is concerned. •~en however it i s announced that you are to open a conference upon oil in Per sia and the Middle East and that the Secretary of State i s to be the leader of the American Delegation the whole question vill become one of first magnitude in Parliament. It will be felt tha t they are being hustled and may be subjected to pressure. I am sure to be aakod tor an assurance t ha t the queetion of no transfer of property will arise and I shall be unable to give such an assurance. Moreover great expectations will certainly be aroused in the United States by a conference on oil opened under your auspices. Will there not be unceasing pressure upon you troa those elements i n the Uni ted States wh1oh are least friendly to us to gratify thoso expectations at our expense? Para 3. International conferences at tho highest l evel should surel y be caref ul ly prepared beforehand and I vould beg you to consider whether it vould not be more advisable to proceed as a f irst step for offici al and tech­ nical talks on the linea which had, I understand, already been agreed between the State Depart~ent and ourselves. No Slg UGRADEt ll \ "S:tlf:j'!D bj Btl thb Go•t .• S;3,, t~pt . t~l. , a -a9~? a 87 1\, B. Parko Da~a n MAY 6 l9


SBJIIAL &83 DATI 20 Ptb « . OATF./TIIIE OR l'lI.E llll!JPER 20/li!OOZ

'!'OR ltAP ROOM IVIA .J.rwq Code Rooa SURJECT Conterenot 4 D oil 1a Perlia and Middle .e... t .

ACTION t o Prtt ideat ~ · ueher, 2017~oz .

ADaftrtd b~ POTOS• PM =e 1~e , dat ed 22 Peb « . 1.0t throu&h State p;parm oEannelt to••••dor WliiaaE for deU 're ry to tho Prilllo 111n1otor. Copy t1lod io PRESIDE!IT•Pll outs olos tilo , u.ndw Ute or 22 Pt'bNary u••· nt replied in hh #691.

COPIES T{): OAT&o 8Y DlRf:CT l 011 OF,

• ACftO~i rO!tpJ.F.TEih IPILF.Do • •

1058 • Es..__ : lS

J'JoOIII LoDdoil !oa !be PNa14ftt or the Ull1te4 ltataa Woa J'1le4 20/2159Z

PJo1• 1Ua.1ater to PNa14nt aooaeYelt. Per~~. 11:1 blle41ately tollowiq t l l181'.. to 'Oilole Zoe

bu 'biiD tutu.117 1.11!'114 Yltb tbl Polel. TOll Ylll 111 that 1t ..... 1ll enntlala Yltboat aotua117 a&;llq

10 tbe 11ttl-t 011t11AM at !lbiND. ~ 7'"' ou

4o too~ 1ta aooeptlilOI to tbe llo'riat ao.e~t Ylll be ot poeat ..atot....e. I bope 7011 Ylll till n baYI labOUN4 belpf'ally.


105 !:1 ...


~ dear Mr . P~sident, ...... / I have juat reoe1 ved a telegram • from the Forei gn Ottioe instruct i ng make a correction in a telegras •• b)' the Prime ldnistor on Poliah-Sovivooo:_..._ affaire. of Pobruary 20th, in which th8 Pri.., Minister

a t a tod that his i~odiate ly fol lowing telegram to Klrshal Stalin had boon taxtually agrood w1 t.'l tho Pol es. Mr. Eden now aake me to explain that thia 1a not otrietl)' accurate, end that the exaet position 1o given in a me ougo whioh tho Prime 1A1nistar oont to Marshal Stalin i n a t elegram of Pebruar)' 2lat through/

1'be Honourable Pranklin D. Rooaevelt, Preeiden t or the United States ot America, Washington, D.C.

, .

1060 • t • -2-

throug)l Clark Kerr. In thia telegrfJII the Ambaaaador 1a 1netl'Uo ted to deliver to Marshal Stalin tho long telegrfJII wh1eh wao aant to you

by the Pr1180 111n1ater as h1o No. ~SIS ot February 20th, with tho explanation that 1t "baa boon eoon by tho Pol1ah Pr1D 111n1oter and 111n1oter Cor Poro1gn Arfa1ra, llaa boon written in olooo oonoultation with tham and is doapatohod with tboir agreement•. Believe me, Dear Mr. Preaidon t, Very a1ncerely yours,

1061 PROll tht Pr1• M.iDhtw TO The Pr.. ldent 584 20 FOb 1944 SERIAL DATE llA'I'P/TlliE 20/2UU OR PILE 1~1Jll!£R \ TOR I!AP ROO!.! 20/ 2&tOZ IVIA u.;y Code Rooa SU~JBCT Ru taian-Pollah bOUD4&r,r qut t tioo.


(Sto fl!rtbtr Pll'a f685 6lld 087)

Retnrtd to Adair&l l.oab.y tor aotior.. lMua&• oo •bovt • ubjtot aeot to STALJR , 21 Ptb ••• qaott d to PM iD POTU& f'7a. \ ?


1062 #

Pro.' LoD4on !ot 'l'ba hea14ent or tbe Ollite4 lltat.. 2oth hb1'1W"f lOU !'1'1• •1n1ater to heddent llooae.elt, Penon&l,

.y ~lately PHONlna telei!J'a. FollOW1ng b

text or telegpa. Whioh I haTe aent to ~hal Stalin.

1. !'he Fore1an a.oret&!'7 8D4 I ben he4 tnDel'OUI

1~ 41ecm.. 1on. with the Pol1ah Prt. ~ater aD4 Foreign •1n1ater, I ahall not atteiiJ)t to repeat all the &Psu-nta I 'lh1oh were uaed but Clllly to gin What I oonoe1n to be the podt1on or the Pollah Oonru.nt 1n tbe 1Q>8bot. 2, !be Pol1ah OoTet'IIMnt are ready to 4eolare that the 111p Line no longer oorreaponda to real1t1ea Ul4 With

OUl' papt1o1pat1on to cUaouaa with the IIC1'1'1at OoT-t u papt or the puNl aettl-nt a new trontier between PolaDII. Ul4 the IICI'f1at 1fn1on topthar Y1 th the tuture troa.tien

ot PolUid 1n tba north aD4 nat. 111noe hoYewer tbe o~­

eat1one Whloh PolaDII. ia to reoe1Te 1n the north &D4 ...t oannot be etate4 publ1ol7 or PNOieelJ at .P"••nt tt. the

Pol1eh OoTeP~m~nt olearl7 ONmot aa1t:e an 1~ate publlo deol&J'&tion or their Y1llingne11 to oe4e tnr1tor7 u

RlGRADID UNO~ASS IFIID by Brlt leb Oovt . • St•t• Dopt. tel. , 3-29- 72 7a sp R-81R . B. P&r~• .,Pate ' tO r • 1'-. milT o · •· • FII.E ------if i..O"Y

. ' -2-

1n41.. te4 above bao&u~~e tM publi, .tion ot auoh an &1'1'8!1g&-.nt Yl)ul4 han an mtiral7 onaai4e4 appa&l'anoe Yith the OODJI&qu&llOe that thq Yl)ul4 i-.liat&l7 be repu41ate4 not 01117 b7 a l&l'p part ot tM1J' people abJ'oa4 but b7 the tm4ergi'OIIIId 11on..nt ill PoliiD4 Y1 th 11hioh thq .,. ill ocmJitant oontaot, It 11 ni4ent tMI'&tol'& that the Poliah-BoYiet teJ'J'itorial aettl&llellt 'WbiOh ...,.t be an illtegpal p&J't ot tM g&HJ'al teJ'J'i twial

aettle•nt ot ~ ooul4 Olll7 fOJ'IIall7 be qrae4 IID4 rat1tia4 'Wbln the T1otor1ou. Powen ara ptMJ'a4 !'011.114

tM table at tbe tt. ot an ~atioa OJ' peaee, 3, Pw tbe &bOT& l'&UODJI the Poliah OoTe-nt until it hu JO&tltJ'Ila4 to Polilb YeJ'1'1tOJ'7 IID4 been allon4 to ocmJiult tM Poliah People oan ob1'iou.l7 not tOJ'IIall7 ab4ioate ita righta ill &ll7 p&JOt of Poli!Dil u hitherto oonat1tute4 but tM 1'11!01'0111 pZ'OI&OUt101l ot tM

Y&J' apilllt hJollall7 ill oollabwation Yith the Soviet .boai&l Youl4 be (!l'&atl7 &lailte4 it tM Rllllian CloT&J'Il­ -llt Yill taoilitate tM ratul'll ot tM Poliah OoT.-nt to the teJ'l'itOJ'J ot libel'ate4 PoliiD4 at tM euliaat poalibla •-t• IID4 ill oonaultat1on Yith theiJ' IIJ'1t1ah an4 AM1'1oan Alliea u tM Ruu1an Arloiaa a4nnoe I.1'NilP

RIGRA DSD U~ C~ASS I F I SD by Britieb Govt., State Dopt. tal. , 3-29- 72 BJ R. a. Parke Date t ... lii!iijii MAY 6 tql( ---- . - ----·. ·.

t~oa tt.e to ti.. Yitb tbe Polieb OoYe~nt to~ the

eetablieb.ent ot the 01Y11 •d•'n'•t~at ion ot thl Polilb

OoYeraaent in 81Yen d1et~1ote. !hie p~edure Yoald

be 1n sen•~al aoool'duoe Yitb tho11 to be tolloYid in

thl cue ot otbl~ OOUJ1t~1•• u tbe:y &N 11~ated. !be

Pol1eh OoY~nt &N naturall:y n~ &IIX1oua thlt thl

d1et~1cte to be plaoed Wide~ Pol1eh 01Y11 M•

lbould include I UCh pl&OII &I TilDa and LWVIr 1 'lbeN

thiN &N 1~81 OODOint~&tionl ot POlll 1 and tblt thl

te~1tcno1ee to tbl eut ot thl d-kation line ebould

be e«•1n1ete~ b:y thl ISo'riet 11111t~ Alltbo~1t111 Y1tb the ue1etanoe ot NPNIIntat1YII ot tbe United lat1oaa. !be:y point out that thue thl:y would be in thl beet pol1t1on to el1et &11 euch able bodied Pol11 in thl YV etton. I han intorllld thla and the:y olevl:y WldeNtand

that :you Y111 not u11nt to le&YinS V1lna and LYoY Wide~ Pol1eh ada1!l11trat1on. I neb on the other band to be able to ueure thea that the &N& to be plaoed UDder Pol1eh 01Y11 •da1n1etrat1on Y1ll include at leut all Poland net ot the Ouraon Line.

-. At the tl'ont1e~ nesot1at1one oontllq)lated in PR&81'&Ph 2 abon, thl Pol1eb OoY-t, tal

REGRAOEU 1 ..... 1. f i!"D by BTit1sb Govt ., Sttt ~b DC?t · tel., 3- 29- 72 • ..., BJ R. B. Parks Dat o MAY 6 1972. ~~~ =·

10( 5 oona1derat1on the a1xed obaraoter or tba population or eaatern Poland, would raTour a troDt1er er.wn With a Tin to U8U!'1Dg tbe h1gheet del!J'&e or h.,..,g.... 1 ty 011 both lidea While l"&duoing •• woh u poaaible the extent and bardahipa ot an etohange or popu].atiollll, I baTe 110 doubt lll)'aelt, "peo1ally 1a Tin or the s.-diate pP&Otioal anangnenta oonteiiPlated by tba Poliah Oo\'e-nt u aet out 1a paragraph 3 abo.,., that tbaae negotiation will 1nnitably lead to tba oonoluaion you deaire il1 regard to the tuture Poliah-SOTiet trontin, bv.t it '""" to • \lll!leoeaaary and Ulldeaireble P'Clblioly to a-phuhe thia at th1a atage,

5, Aa regard& the ftl' vith o._,. 'llhioh theJ Y1ah to proaeoute With the ut.oat Ti!OUI', the Pol1ah Oo\'el'llMnt

realiae that it i,a 111P&rat1n to ban a working ~e-nt Y1 th tba 80T1et 0oTel'llMut 111 Tie¥ or tbe adT&DOe or tba liberating lluu1an .Arid" onto Poliah eoil h'oll Whioh theu Ulliea are d1'iT1ng the Oe....n iaTadn, '!hey ueure

11e eiiPhatioally that , they ban at 11.0 t1• ginn iutPUotiOD.II to the Vll4ergrouD4 Rq-t-t to attaol< "''artiaana•. On the oontrary, atter oo!lllultation With the lead'" ot theil' Vll4argrcnm4 ROT-t all4 With their aooord they baTe inued ordera to all Polea now 1a ar. or abont to reTolt ap•nat !UGRADID UNCI.ASSU' IED by Dr I t!oi> Govt., 8t,at• Dept. tal., 3-29-72 B:r R. B. Parka Dato ' ~iAi Q 1);, the l!itlel:'1te tYl'anllY u tollow 1 · - 'llh&n th& l!uaaian ~ den, eYen in tho abaence ot e. reeumpt1on ot l'o11ah-eO'riet !'&latior.a. !be local Poliah Rilitlll'Y Oomme.ndel:', ecoompanied by the local civilian Und&l:'g:round Authority, Yill meet and decl111'8 to the Command&!' ot the incoming loviet !roope that, tolloYing the inatruotione of the Polieh 00Yet'lllll8nt, to 'IIIlich tbe:r relll&in teitbtul, they 111'8 Ha4y to ooordiMte theil:' eotiorus v1th hill in th.a til#>t ageinat the 001111!1011 toe• • !beae Ol:'den 1fbicb 111'8 alrelldy in operation aeea to ""', u I am aU!'& they Vill to you, ot the big!>eat a1gnit1oanoa and impol:'tanoe. 6. PO!' the tint tima on Peb!'nlll'Y 6th I told the

Poliah Oon"""""nt thet the lot'iet Oov~t Y1ehed to beYe the tl:'ontiel:' in eut Pl:'uaaia

ot the Oel:'lll&ll tanit017 to be incot'POl'&ted in Pole.nd b7

Y&!' ot OOIIIJ)eneat1on. ht I otatlld that in the opinion ot Jib llajaaty'a Ooval'UIInt tbia vaa a l:'ig!>ttnl ola1a on tbe

105 7 part ot Jtu.. s.a. JlepJ'OSJ.Dc u I 4o thia wazo •saSnet 0.l'll&n "81HidOD &a all ODe aDd &a a thiJotJ ,..a.H ftoZ' troll 191' OIIWU4a I rnSliU4 •auteur IUoolajoQk ot the taot t bet the aoil ot thia part ot aut Pnu1a,.. 4,.e4 ·. Y1th Jtuaa1an bloo4 ezpendad fraelJ 1n tbe oo..on oauae. lleM the Jluadan .u.iea a4YaDOins 1n Aquat 191- aDd Y1nnSns tb a battle of CUBs.- aDd other aot 10DII W, Y1tb their t'orna.rd thruata and Y1th IIU8b 1n,lu17 to their ..,b111ut1on, foraad the a.- to Null t-.o Azw:r Corpe rro. the e4YaDoe on Parle, ft.S.oh Y1tbdN'ftl ,.. ., ..1ent1al part 1n thl •1otor,. of t'b!t llar2w. !be d11&atal' at 'faDniD• bars 414 n ot 1n ...,. ft7 undo tb1e sreat Nlnlt. 'lll.refora it 1..--d to • that the lhl.. 1.,. ha4 an h11tor1o 11114 ftll tCNDdad ola1• to th11 o.r.... tal'l'1 tor,..

7 , AI NpMI the 0~1t10D ot' the Pol1ah Oo'Yiftl• •nt, the Pol1ah Oo'Y._t oaa110t ...,. riltlt ot a fON1p 1ntanent1CD; 'lh17 oan hOftnr &alnN the JtuuiaD Oo'Ye!'lmlnt that bJ the tia thiJ han entaftd into 41plo· -uo relat10DII With the lo'f1et Oo'Ya!'IIMilt, th17 Y1ll 1noln41 UIOII& thiMal•" DOlle but -penCIIll tull7 dete1'111Ud to ooo-perata Y1th the lo"Y1et 'llll10D, I .. ot' op1n10D that it 11 •8b hatter that IUoh ohazlpl lhonld 0- aboat RJ:ORAD!l) UNCL).SSIFI!D by Brlti<' Govt., State Dopt. t &l., 3-29 - ~. By R. B. Park> Dato MAY 6 lS· ~ ' ; •


naturallJ aM. u a reault ot tmotber Pol1ab oonaidaration

ot their 1nte:reata u a 'llhole. I t might vell be, in f1q

opinion, tbnt the moment for & reeumpt1on ot tbeee relatione 1n a formal manner would avait the reconetitution ot a Pol1eh Oovernc.nt at tbe time ot the liberat ion ot Va.reav , vben it would &ri ae naturallJ troa tbe oi:reu.t&noaa attending tb&t glor1oue event. 8. It vould be 1n aooord&noe Yitb uaur&noea I have re.. 1ved troe JOU that, 1n &n asree-t covering the pointe lllllde abcrre , tba 8crriet Qo·: el'2!Mnt abould join Yitb

JU.a XajeatJ'• Ocrrel'21Mnt 1n undertaking 'fie a 'fia a&O~ other &D4 Pol&Dd tirat to reoosnt•• &D4 r ..pect the aovereiSD 1.JI4epeD411toe &D4 t erritorial 1ntegp1tJ ot tbe reoonatitnted Pol&Dd and the right ot eaob to ooaduot i t a do.aat1c att&irl Yitbout 1ntertarenoaa aeeODIUJ, to do their beat to eaRN 1n due oouraa the incorporation 1n Pol&Dd ot t be tree oitJ

ot Pansig, Oppeln 11lae1a But Pruaaia WIt &D4 aouth ot &

line l'UDJlSng trOll ~onipbers and ot u • oh territOPJ up t o

t be Odor u the Pol1ah ~t ••• t it to aooapta 'ft>irdlJ, to atteet the NIIO'I'al rro. Poland, tbe OerMn territoriH to be illoorpor&ted i n Pol&Dd ot tbe popu­

lationa &D4 tourthlJ, to negotiate tho ~edure t or an

R!GRAD!~ UNCLASSIFI!D by rr•t'•b Covt. , Stt\tO Dept. ~ .1. , a.. ;.:, i,J B7 n. H. Parku Date ?'if MAY ~ 1972 -8-

exchange or population between Poland the S~iet Union, and t or the retlll'n to their mother countl';\' or nat1onal1 ot the poYer• in q:ueot1on, All the above undel.'tak1nga

to eaoh X1ngd0111 should, 1n my v1oov, be clravn up 1n euoh a tot'm the.t they could be embodi ed i n a s1ngle 1netrumant or exchange or. let tel'l, 9. I 1111'01'111ed the Polilh • 1n11teM tbat l houlc1 tba 11ttlement '11!>1oh hal n i7V bean outlined 1n the V!ll'10UI

telegrams that han paned betnell ua become a r aet aDd be obsei.'Ved in the ep1r1t by &11 p!U'tiee to 1 t, Bia

Majeety•e Oova~nt Yl1Ulc1 a upport that aattl-t at the conterence after the cleteat ot Bitler, anc1 alao, that we vould gu!ll'antee that llttlftllnt 1n after yaara to the beat ot our ab111ty.





Your~ ~.!(... . ~. 1'\...... ~JL John If. Ruooell.

Niaa Graoo Tully, 'l'ho Wbi to Houee , WASHINGTON, D.C.

1071 .. • l

'f'h• Prolid.ent PROl! TO 686 20 Feb l9H . SERIAL DATE OATF/TI!S 20/RPT OR PILE h"IIPER

21/0Sl&t Arfr¥ Code R0011 TOR ~.AI' ROOII IVIA SU~Jl!Cl Ru• alac•Pollah boundary qutat ioo. Pll t.o ST ALII •


To Preddtnt ~ · uaher.

(8tt ~l t o PW' t 584 &D d 687).

Rttt rrt d to Ad.ldral IAihy tor aotlon. Weaaa,ge on abo.,t aub· t ot ttnt to STALlS, 21 Pt~ t4t uottd t o Pk lD POfOS 13. POTU 73 an ...r a PK' a 684 I &D d. &87


1072 ,

Pl'OIII LolldOD To 1 'l'he rz... tdeot ot the United &tatoo lfr P1led 21/0021Z l'Jol.M IUD1atel' to PJooo1deDt ROOIIYil t peroooal,, , !hlllbel' 586. Your Dllllbel' ~7 ot 15tb Plbl'UUT. 1, &11' aaauel HO&l'e bad all'lad7 boon 1uotl'uoted to give b1o tulleot oupport to 70ur Aabaolador and I bave DOW oeeo reporto ot the turther repreoeutat10111 ll&de b7 our Aabauadoro at Ka41'1d. Tbeoe obow tbat a oottle.. ot Yb1ob I obould .r­ I oelt l'IS&l'd ao ell1oeutl7 oat1otaotol'7 oaD uow be l'laobed 011 all po1uta, it we aot qu1oll:l7• 'l'h1a aettl•• •ut woUld lnoludl tbe oc.plete oeooat1oD ot Spao1ob voltr.. ezporto to CMr.&n7 tor oill aoutho . It all gooo ae we bope, I do not th1Dk we 1111d aot1o1poto auob d1tt1oUl t7 in .aiD ta1D1DS th1a pool t1on Vben tho oill aootho baYe elapoed.

Tbe P0%'11811 kol'ltl1'7 1a tole8l'apb1D8 111 SHatar detail to the State DepartMDt. I bope 70U Ylll &11"8 that we obould 1-d1atel7 ol1uob uttol'l 011 the above baaio, vb1ob I .. IUH would l'IPl'IIIDt a aajor poll tl- oal Y1otOl'7 OYer the eo-., • • 0-.·~H 1:'\r 1l \3 \.H-- ~J}

1072 t , 1

- 2-

2. We b&•• Juat had • at1ok ot boolba &I'OUD4 10,

DoVD1118 &trea t &ad there are 110 aool'a w1a4owa . Ol ~a &114 l were at ohequel'a &114 luoldlJ' &11 the aan &a t a ven 1a the abalter . Four per aona k1lle4 outa14e .

lfo lUg

' ~------·

'1.-: J J t/":un .. p,. tp',.;.,;_ ...J..,._.

R~RADED UN:LAS~IFI!D by Brltlob Oovt •• State De9t. tel., 3_29_72 Br ft . t ' ~a~ ~AY 6 1972

10 7.: . ' ~ • II.- \ ·~~ . ·. •. \ FRO!.! Tho Pri• lliniotu TO Tho Prooidtllt ' SERI AL 588 DAT& 21 Fob 44 ~ TlATB/TIME OR F ILE NTT!lBER 21/®21% ~ TOR MAP ROOM 21/0212Z IVIA ~Co da Ro.. SUJlJE ~ CT Wo1rraa· oxporto troa SpaiDJ boabiD& or 10 Stroot.

ACT! Oll .Ana., POTUS 1'87• ' 15 Fob 44. ' ! - To Preeid,~t ~• ueher. Adairal Loal\y prepared rop1;n t o PM IODt &I POTUS fl78• ~ . ,, . · ~ • •j ' COP IES TOt DATEt BY DIRRCT !Otl OF1 ',

I -

ACT ION t.Ol'PLETEDt Fltr.D• : I .

1075 Pro•• .U.IIbauy LoD4on

'f01 'fbe Prea1dent ot the Un1 ted l!tatn Wuaber 587 Piled 21/0950Z Pri.. Kinioter to Preo1dent Koooevelt. Peroonal

- and--·Pe.ra 1. !17 telegru nUilber 585. llh1le the Pol1oh lliniotero cannot authorioe 'ell to proceed on thio baoio, they ready that ve ohould do oo on their behalf

aD4 ao•~ ua that they will not ouboequently diaavov our actione. Jl'or the roaoono e:EPlained 1n IIY ..••as• they can- t not however tbiUelvea oo• out tol'llllly and publ1caly at th1o otage in the aenoe ot thia ..,.uage. '!'here ia the tur­ ther d1ttioulty that three ot t~e t our p&l'tiea reproaented in the Polilh Oovernaent, i.e. all except the Peaoant Party, retuoe to autboriee llono1ftl" IUltolajosylc to go ao tar ao ve would have Yiohed. 'fbe proaent propo1&11 the!'ltore roproaent agree•nt with • onaillll' •iltolajczylt, • onoieur Ko..,.r &D4 Count llacsynald. t cr_ Ybioh they would hope aubaequently to oeoure the aupport ot the Pol1ah Oovern-ent &D4 the Polioh under­ ground IIOVe..,.nt ~n PM &D4 tt it prove• acceptable to U,.T. Para 2 . You will oee that IIY •nap SOli very tar to ..,.et llovie t requir-nto in eo tar ao (1) Orden have alro&dy been iloued to RIGRADID UNCLASSIFIED by 8riti ob the Pol1ah underground BCve..nt to Go•t., Stato Dept. t ol., 8- 29-72 a. :Parka Date (~ '21/!:2/b '£' Fa F ~(l? C\.!f' V ~:=:===== ~y 6 ~~

1':J 76 I •

cooperate Y1th the SoYiet toroea (aee paragraph 5 ot ~ telegraa)t (2) '!'be R>lieb Oonrrment will aooept a poaition under vbiob the SoYiet OoYernaent band oYer to them tor adAiniatration olllr tboae areaa ot Poland weat ot the Curzon Line (tbia abaDdon.ent ot large Poliab agglomerationa in Vilna and LYOY areu •an• a great aaoritioe to thea) 1 (3) '!'be Pl1ab OoYet'llllllnt agree and are ready to declare that the Riga Li ne no longer correapODda to reali• u... '!'her realiae that while reaerving their rigbta their aooeptaaoe ot a deaar'lrat1on line hued on the 'Curaon Line in tact pre judg,.. the tuture tl'ontiu about ·YhiOh the:r are read:r and indeod anxioua to open negot1at1ona aoon, It bu been aade •err clear to the Pol1ab lliniatera in thia connection that 1!1a •.feat:r'• OoYe,..,..nt regard the Cul'aon Line u the appropriate tuture frontier and Yill auppOI't thia

at tha poatYar aettle~~ent.

Para 3. Clark J:err bu been illlltl'Uoted to eapbui&e the abOYe pointe vben oo-..nioating wr •nll8" to U.J., and &lao to atreaa the neoeaait:r tOP reaerving tba aettle· ..nt ot tuture Poliah trontiera until we are in a poaition to deal Yith the weatern and north8rn u nll u the eutern

REGRADED U~ C ~SS!F itD by Brlt i ob Govt., Sta ~ u P~p t . t~l . , 8-29-72 ' B7 R . H. Pnt·~q Dato MAY 6 1S72

10 77 I • -3-

~ont 1ere. '

Para ' . Clvk X.el"'J" b&a abo ~a u ked to 4ra• 8tel1n1 e attention to the great publ1o an4 parl1... at&r7

lat.~•• t &D4 aaxiety here resar41n& Pol1eh-80Y1et relation.,

po1atln8 out tbe u.portaJ:toe ot Naob.1n& 1 0. eu-1.7 pra ot10&1


JNbllo aDXiety &D4 to &'t'o14 gi"&YI llib&M"U I -lJ.t to the 11Dit.e4

latlont Y&r errort u a Vbole. Aabuead.OJ" 1e to add that n alt o h&Ye to ooa.t4er the ettect ot Ybat ve are nov doing f upon the Polteh ttvtatona which have oov sene into action 1n

Jt&ly or are pre~ing to go into aotloo troa the ttnlted X1nsdos and upon the Polleh Air eqU&4roDI and I&Y7 Yho ~ve alH&4y J'tndered notable ltn'ioea to the trll1te4 Watloa.e.

Para 5. rn.tructlona to Clark ••~ conclude• !be Polleb K1Diate?a have reoentl7 ebawo sreat r ettr&int 'b7 r .t'u.lln8 to tnto pol..toe .. a r eault of'

tM b1tte!" &D4 tm,Juat1t1.S attaob upoa ~· 1a the NOf'a:t "'••da artlole. !beJ' ar-e abovt.aa: Hall• • Uld oourap 1D en· a'bl1ft£ u e to pi"Ooeed on the F•••nt buh 4eep1t• tM OOiltl"G'J' ¥1ev bel4 b7 l arse eeot1oaa ot the Pol1eb OO.era.ent &D4

populatiOn in Pol&Dd $Dd abroad &bd de1p1te the trawu ~• s1•1na•

HBe.l"d 1ng the ovwvbelain,g Sovie t ))O'If9~. We doubt • noy woh whether n o&n J)'Ui b tbeai 1hould teel aluo.ed turll'"Mlell. tGIG\1'<''':"- ri!ll-'oJ B!'lUeb t~\~f Gov\. , !,1.~~~~ • !.:.1 . , a - :4?- ?l 1 "' '' •· • · .' MAYto 6 19n I .H?'I\t I


about the effect upon cp1n1cn here &114 in the tniA, &114 tberetore upon the united Jat1ona war ettort, ot a &ov1et retueal to give eympathet1c oona1derat1on to the preeent

propo1al1. You ehould lll<e uu ot the above argu.~~~ente in you repreee.ntat1ona to Jlarehal l!talin, Wo &1g


1\KGMDD p:·' -- -~o '07 t·'.th~ Go..-t. , s~~~ ...... d .• ~ ;:)-... l-1111 By a. 11. - • - MAY 6 1912

~C79 • • \

to SDlAL 681

2.1/ltlOt VIA Az'W Code Rooa !OR IIAP ROOM l SU'lJECi


( S.e a.lao PK'• 6M t.lld 68&)

t.ten •4 to .t.dll1rt.l lA~ ror aottoo. .... ~ n · -" IOll~ot ..tit. t.o STW II , U hb 44 t d to Pll la P



1080 ,

trr:r~~ H ..WUa!Tl~- .. rro.a ~on rora !be lree14ent ot tbe Ubltad Statal

lu.blr 588, tiled 2221~5Z Prt.l K1n1etar to Prea141nt RoopeYelt, Paraonal and··· 1. Your lo, .\73. I u 10 glad 70u appr~•• ot our vork Y1 th the Poln and tbulll: 7ou nry IIIUOb tor a1Ylni 1 t a ta1r Y1n4 v1 tb Ullole l. I 2. Your Jo • .\72. O.K.

1081 ,.

- ~ ~ • c '

tho Pr S.. lao btu TO 1M Pru tl!at sIRIAL ... """' ZZ: fo'brw.ry lMt Tl!/TJIGI U/ZlUZ .."'• f1 tA !Pl!P!R. 22/2¥JOZ AzTt Code Ro011 06 H~ R2:Q!! IVj6 's U1fJ'2CT ftu uh.n•Polith t1 tu1t1oa J 41eoont1auaDoe or . .. O.lhi Prop&~uda C_,

<:1'10~ AA..,.r• POnJs f4'U u 4 n a. fo Pru t il•t Tta Capta.1A Woo4 1a Ooot.ot'• ofti~;e. 22 P• 'b u. \ lo u1... r . l' , J ~ • ,~ COPlD T01 """' ar DlPJ':trtO!t tP.•


~t~ :l'Pv:Teo. -:J:. !!: . I Pl!JlDo a~ · ,. eeo;: :; i 'J ; ·· ,c,.p;. J

1082 , t. \


Ptooat AM11l>aaa;r Lo!ldon 'rot !he l'l'eaident or thll United Stateo !lUber 589 r iled 23/l016Z 1'1'1118 lliniat er to l'l'eai dent ltooaanlt pereonal and • diP. t.J'&l'a 1. lterarenoe your telasraa nWiber -'57 on the queation or oountriea. and ..... to be oooup1ed by Br1t1ah and Ull roroea 1n llARI!I, or &ttar O'BliLOIID, the poe1 tion

•••• to - to be aa r ollon . v Para 2. COIIUC8 original plan auueot ed thNa aonea to be occupied b;r OUl' r orceo, :fOUl' r oroaa aD4 the Jtuaa1ana,

Hapect1Yely. OU1' aphiiH included IV ~. IIO!'Yay, ' Balg1u.a, LuxellboUl'g, Bollan4 &114 DaDUrltt Your ephere aouthern o...... ,,., hence and poaaibly Auatri a . !he ltuaaian aphara lay to the aut or the lr1tiah aHa.

V,ara 3. On the buia or th1a allocation vbich vu approYed 1n principle at QOADJU:I'r, plannina proceeded both t or cmrltLOIID &114 IAJI'D. At UIYAI'r vben plana vera al­

ready tar adYanced, :fO\U' Chiara or lt&tt propoaed t hat the allocation ahottld be rtrtually ra

o.,._,. hllrora the-a' ~~~~~r! G )RA. D EDlu UVCLASSlFt nan IthEDe nby Brl tloh • o•t . , &tate Oept. tol •• S-20-12 BJ R. 8. Parks ._. •.•~>'~ • • r~ T t1 r.,.,

. . 082 theN voul4, f'Jooe ov point ot view, be the tolloviD& aerioua objeottoa.r- 1. '!'he vbole ot the Ge!'II!Aln ooutliu in the llorth Ilea &D4 a lorge J)lll't ot their in the Bal.tio,

0114 tbeHtoH all the Gel'm&D naval eatabliehloanta ot ~ ilrportanoe &D4 the aajor1t7 ot the nanl 0114 ebipbu1141n&

7~1, vool4 be included in the 1Jnita4 lltat ee &HIO. '!'he n&val liiaol'Mment ot Gell'UI\J 11 a matter ot paouUar inteHet to us and ve ore better equipped oo4 •1tuata4 than &DJ other power to en&Ul'l that tbie proce11 1a carr1a4 out Yith t ba IIU.htum thoroUShnell , 2. !here i a oloea liaiaon between the lloJ&l

Air JPeroe &D4 the llorvegiaz~ oo4 JatherlaJ>de .ur JPeroe Ybioh Ye haTe t rained oo4 organized, &D4 it 1o 4eairable that - thia eboul4 be eont1nua4 attar the var, It will be extHMlJ 41tt1eult to •1ntain tb1' uaooiation "At theae oountriaa "Mol> &H outa14e 0111' &one ot Haponeib1lttr. On the other balld, JOU have bl4 the •Jor reeponalb111t:J f C7f' ra-equippln& the JPrenob l&Dd an4 air teroee. Para 5. It, bOY&Ver, the oollapaa ot Oer.any ooOUl'l attn .-.114 teroaa han been o01111 tte4 to tbe continent in

O'BJILOII), YhiOb .... a~t IIJ't&in, -t ear i~ praot10&1 • objeot10111 • • t be ed414 to ,thoee in - aub J>&l'& 1 oo4 aub

1084 pva 2 abo,.. . Our tore•• would be ~rat i na on tbe lett flank ot OV!ftLORD Yith their OYOriO&I b&lll 1D the BaYl'&

Cherbourg area, vb1lat the United 5tataa toreaa, o~ the right tlank, vould hue the1r o.araeu baaea a the

llrit~ porta , \..._....Pafa 6. Your ~ala tberatora would lliYolYe

dtber the croii1J1& ot tbe land linea ot co-...toatio~ ot tbe two part• ot the .Ul1ed tore• advancina on Cle1'llaDy, or tbe vithdraYal and re-eabal'kation ot the 08 toroea, Both tbeaa would eauae aevere &d•'n'•trative d1tt1aulti•• and dela)'ll. It 11 obY10Ulll7 too late to replan CIRIILOIID with Br1tieh tore•• on tbe right and 011 tore•• on the lett. 1./' P&Pa 7. b view or the ..riODI objeetiona Wbioh I - ha,.. deaoribad and tbe tact that at .th1• late ·~ all our thought• and ..,.rgiea IIU8t be given to alt1J18 a aucoe11 ot OVERLORD, I cona1der that only re-.ona or ovarridina 1._ portanee ooultl Juatity auch a tund..,.ntal cban8& ot plan u that propoaed, V P&Pa 8. b I Wlderat&nd it 70ur propoaal &Pi ..a rro. an avenion to W> polio• work in Prance and a te&P that thia aight a•ohe the atat1oft1na or oa r-•

1~ Prance over a lona period. I rather think, how.ver,

REGRADED UNCLASSIFIED by Bri t lob t Govt.. , Stnto Dl}.~t . tal., :S·-23-7'! 81 J\, lt. Pa.:-!:11 :,.~~., MAY 6 lfir.

IC8S • a --- that I can put a 41ttBJ'ent eoll])lex1~ on th1• utter,

VI'a!'& 9. I Ag!'ee that our connection Y1 tb Pranoe v1ll be cloMr than. your• and that .it Yill be px-1mar111 our o~eern to eee that aha l a it poaaible raatored aa a at!'one; power,· without Vho.. ooopent1on tba oont!'ollina ot

Cia~ h so1JI4 to be ..,oh IOOl'e d1tt1cult. llut aUN17 tba queat1on ot policins doea not B!'iae? Onder the nev d1reo~1,.. (Yl?-ich I hope 1• nov asreed) ve .,e, I th11lk, soina to recosn1ae ao.. proY1a1onal sovera.ent aa aoon aa ve can, and ve ...t hope that aucb a sovara.ent Y1.ll be able to eat•bliah ita authorit7 ovar the Yhole oountr:r. Para 10. I reoosniae tbat :rou 11111at protect :rour oo~oationa, but I bardl7 tb11lk that the •re taot tbat

:rour o~cat1on.a poaa throush Prance would 1Dvo1Ye :rou genenll7 in the pol1o1ng ot Prance apinat 10ur vill. Pua 11. I belien indeed tbat 1t' you have the aouthern zone, the Prenob, ao r., t r oa boldine; aore or :rour •n in 'lu'l'ope t or longer than lOU Y1ab, aa;y proYe the •ana .. tor raleaaing a..- ot 1our •n 110'1'8 qu1ol

' I = -·RIGI\ADJro tr.'?' · ~· - •rr. D ~7 B_•' tt•b

·'!111!1~-~ ~~f~~ !---'* BGovT l\.t . , BS. tP>to"o _ ·...... 1 .• MAY 6 197".:

I ' ,- (' • •V .· . .


onr t'l'oa TOUl' •n• the henob wou.l4 111 tho.• oll'oua- atuo.. be oll17 too allltiou. to ueu.e thh reapou1b1l1tJ. ~. 12 . All the.. reuou aab it aoet W>4eail'able to -.lea a ohall&• Ybiah wou14 alter tha Ybole buh of. our ' work aD4 plaui.q onr the lut 6 to 9 aontha and Ybioh

.u.t lea4 to eeriou. oo~lioatiou 111 tha t'll.tlll'e. Wo 11&

,. RIORADED Ul;CLAo=IFttD by Brit ' i·h Govt. , St ato D~) ~ . t ~ l . , 3 -2 0-7~ By a . 11. l arko iif 6 1972 r

1'b• Prl.. MiDieter FP.Olt TO Tb• Pru l11- aev ta fob l$44 Sf!RIAL DATB T\A Tll/T I Ki! OR FlIE NIIIJPER 23/lOlSZ

23/l.200Z ~ Code Rooa TOR ~.AP ROOM IVIA SU~JECT Pollolns a.acl ocoupat1on ot liber•t•d OOQDtri•••

ACTIO!! Ana•era POTOS #457 •

To Prooldont at Hyde Part •• WHITS 1, 23/l2l&Z.

Ttlis wns answered by personal letter to tho Prime 141n1ator to the President ot 29 Feb l9U, For <>opy ot tbie letter, together ~~tb correspon4enoo on tb1s sub­ ject, see "Al6 - Warfare - CerQBny and German 0<><>Upied Countries•, filed in Admiral Hrown •a files. Directive to Gen >Eisenhower sent to the Plol by poreone.l letter r ,_ tile Presid•nt, dated 21 Mar 1.4, also tilod in Acm Brovm• s l'iloo.


AQ1 ral LMby 2:\ feb" AdeSre) 1Mb)'

ACTIO:! rO''PLEfilh IPIIT.DI {f,I..;.;..,Jtz.. • .a-.,

I, 088 •

23 PebruaZOJ 19'1-'1

Proal Lcndon

Por 1 The I'NI1deDt ot the tlll1te4 Stat.. Jllllber 590 Prt.e X1Dieter to I'Na1deDt Rooae.elt. PeraCD&l aDd. lllllber 590. YoUl' -:\75. Del1Yei'J ot OUl' joillt telecraa to 8t&l1D about the ah1pa na delayed b:r the abaeDoe ot 8tal1D trOll f lloaocnr, it beill& hoped that the peraOD&l ot th1a w-t1cm b:r the .ubuaador would poaa11tl:r ••ole• ·­ ezpre.. tcm ot pleaeure tr011 the Potetate, Yhioh would olleer our n,-., I :reeterda:r told Clark ][err to

haD4 it ill. I aa aorr:r there ohould ha.e b.. D 10111 dela,-, he na e:o;peoted baoll: IYei'J .sa,-, I .. Yei'J llad to han :your teleii'UI about 8pe1D,

Jo ~~~

KKGftADID U~CLASS!Fr<.D by Br ltloh Govt., Stato Dopt. te\ ~.3-29-72 By R. 8. Po1•ko ~ < rfVIY 6 19n , .,.....~ ~ ~ v>fom,.:,~ 1· ~-""""'' ., .....~

1089 • \



TOR IIAP ROOM 260Utz SU~JBC'f TrU!tfer ot l tall.&D 1hip1 to Uuioa.


.ADawert POtOS• Pif f4Ta,

to Predd- at Hyde Park ee WHITE 9, 24020SZ, ..,. 117. ~ .I Wo ..,,,.., , /per Acbdrol Leu.r• 2~ Fob 66. "'"'7' ...-


1090 ,

1!4 Peblou&py, 194-' , I ' I' VAGiiif ·-

J'tooa1 1Ul1tvf Attache London !o 1 !'be PJoe•14eDt of tM tfD1 te4 l t •tH 591

Jl1n1•tlll' to 'Preoident l oo•enlt, Pet'eonal and , Wuabn 591. YOUJ' telepaa of Pe,..,.,.,. 22D4 ..,.. 'tno.,..,.t to u b:r 1f1D&Dt and I told h.ia tMt I wae •Oh OODMPIMCI. a t the va:r thillp wre deftlop1Dg, 011!' eablDet aN .,rtte ~11~ to - h&Ye a teehnioal enqn1py bto tbe oU poe1Uon th!'ouat>out the wwld, We •hould then laurt' hCI't' n botb •tootS, • fbe csahiDet hCI't'n~ M& def1D1t e17 qpre••ed tM - f ollOYina •leY, ._1,., P1l'•t, tMt the eDIIU11'7 • hould be on tile ott1Ciial l nel 1n tM fil'et 1Det&DM 1D Ol'llw to uewtaiD the faoh. - leeoa4l.7, tM)' Yould PHfer that it ehould t ab plaee here in t.cMon, and tb1l'dl:r, that ,. •hould be autborbed to •tat e to P•Pl1-t tbat no ppopo.. l ~11 be -.4e to ehup th• n 1• t1Dg OIIDD8h1p of oil 1Dt-h 1D tlla 1Uil4le :aut on 'lhieh, u :roo IIDoW, 0121' • ....,. depend• or ele~ .

YOUP t eleiNII dllai.. el all tbaee pointe and 1t J'O\I Y111 allCI't' • to 1a:r eo eaeaed to OOIIft)' 70U1' 4H1a1on on tM•e • t tere, - 1lbeD I Ned the t elasr._ to the eab1Det thle enn1q I foulld tbn aleo 'lftP7 •eh dletul'bed a t the appvnt -11'bU1t7 td a Y1te dltt... D .. Clt>""'DI betnen the 111'1t11h U.. 11Dite4 It&t• IIO'etiDMDte on Rob a .ubJeot and at e uoh

~OftAD IO UNCI.ASSIFUO by Erltlah OY t ., State Dept . tel. , 3·29·?2 By R. H. Parke Date MAY 6 1972 I ,. ·2-

J'Joo111 11111 tal-7 .lttaobe L

a u.... I baYa oalled tw repol'ta hoa u.. 111ll1at.H - J>Vt1tularl:y oonMl'Mit 4UI4 Y111 bJo1q tbe •ttft' bett11.'e the oab1Det again 1n a r .... d&:ya, *unrh1le I t-t JOU Y111 not :y011!'8elt to &117 Pllbl1o announee10ettt be.-a I .. bJ no •ana aure that ,. could elli4<11.'8a ! t, lhoul4 the •ttar bee..- publ1o, otbel'W1ae tbaa·bJ ~nt, 4abataa Y111 tu. plaoe 1.n Par11-nt at whioh all kiDde ot th111&6 Yould be aa14 which YOIIld d&l'bn - counael an4 ba reaentK on fOUl' aicla or tba ooaan, I .. dMplJ 81'1eved that !Jl thne troublea ahoul4 ar1ae a t a time Vben you have ao ~ Yt11.'1'1ea to cont end ~ th, and you may be aure that I 111.11 on eYel'J ooau1cm clo 1117 beat to ba helptul, -..t I tMl aUM that to ope up the.. matt.,-a Vith the II&Xi= publ1c1t7 without l:now- 111& Ybere the7 Yill lead ua lllight 4o real barlll to .lnglo­ .lMl'ioan Hlat1ona,



IO.J2 - - 1

8EOHET Xbi)Jt.Utml PGt


AU.aobe4 h a true • ., or tho Prt.• )tlaht.r•• r.,l7 t.o ~,...• ••u.c• d.. pat ohH thJ"oa.&)l l Dtpe.rt..•t ...... ,,h ..ihr Olt. ot H Fohnu y l tM • 1\ 1• r oquo1t.d that, lft \ho latero1\1 ot 1oo-ort '"• th• urad •tr'\11--oOp)'• pr•cauUoa• ~ ob.. rnd.

L. tl.t.taDSo.-. Coloaol, O.aeral Start.

1 }Dol • , ...nUJOI It, #ltl, U Po\ lK4.

J. .. r l7n7 • ~- b • • , ...., •• ~ '·'l • 1 • ~ 14 iii!. AG;~..J a~Y s ll7Z





ACTIO.~ Azl umnmbeJ"ecl POnJS•Pll • 11age or 22 Peb 44, Milt throuch Stat. O.par tact ohaonele to Mhaa•ador Wb ..t ,

Sent to Pr••ldeat at Hyde P&rk •• ~TB ll, 2' Feb ••• ~~-::2.~· .~ .d ~; ~ ~ . S' ~ 1/tf;. ...-::...t ..::z;-- '1'"1 44 "*

COPIES T01 ~ATE • BY DIRRtT!Oll OP 1 Seq ot St•t• 28 Fob 66 Adodra l LoobY

ACTIOII tO!'!'UITE!h Fll.r1'DJ

4 '1 • 1 •,

I 1094 .. -

25 Peb~U&r7 1944

Pl'OIII London

PO~ I !be P~aident or the United States

lfuabe~ 592 Piled 251900Z P~t.e Miniate~ to P~aident, Pe~aonal and...... , ..- Number 592. Yo\11' nUIIIbera 479 and 480. 1. You vill br nov, no doubt, haye aeen llount• batten'• !BACOS 99 and vill aoon ••• British Cb1eta or the Statt'a number COS (W) 1175.

2 , I oan g1Ye JOU the aoat poaiti•e aaaUl'anoe

that nothing vill be vi tbdravn or vit~e}d trom ~e opera- ~r::. ~· "• ~1 ~.,)11 11 i ~ t f.A . tiona 1n Jforth B\ll'lllll ror the aake or 'CUL\LIB. I baye I telesrapbed to llountb&tten eaapb&a1t1q tb1a, General ,I Wede•rer, vbo soe• to JOU tO.Ol'l'OY bJ air, vill be able to eXplain the poa1tion 1n detail, Be vill &lao untold the raot a about the Ledo Road vhioh ahov that it cannot

be open tor trartio and then onl;y U.JD.i.ted trattio, beto~ 1947. .• 3 . We rear that Oene~al Stilwell baa been s1•1n8

a Yl'OJl& imp~aaion both ot the poaitiOD 1n the SOUth Baat

Asia Theat~ and or the Yieva ot Mountb&tten, I earneatlJ

hope that General WedemeJer III&J be able to a t~te llountbat ten 1 a aide or the oaae. \ ' RIGRADID UNCLASSIFIED by Briti eh Govt., Stat e Dept. tel., 8-29- 72 By R. H. Parte Date !V .MAY 6 !Sn •

Proal LondOD

Por1 The Preoidont ot t~ United State• Page 2 ll\llllbe r 5 92 rued 251900Z 4. The arr1Yal ot the main Japaneoe tleet at S1ngapore io an •••nt ot the tirot or4er and ve do not

kDov vbat it portends 10 tar •• the 1D41an Ooean io oon­ oerned. Proa )'Our point ot viev it ohould open tinll opportun1tiea 1n the Paoitio to the American fleet. Ve must ouroel'fes, hovever, re'fiev our naval dlopoait lono C1!LV1!11IJII an4 our coiiiiiiUDioatione v1th 1D41a IIDd Australia

vithout delay 1n the light or the nev tact, I shall be cabling you aocn about all thlo,

5. Your number .-al. I 1111 very glad to reoeive your approval or the agreement between the Br1t1ah Cbleto or Staff and Eisenhower. I v111 alao cable JOU about the wilitary situation 1n Ital)' which, I agree v1th you, ie "tense. • Hov I viab ve oould haye a talk.

llo Slg

~ :tS'"-'Jri! >4f ,_ wt..:a. >-1 ~ t;, H-f' f.-c.v ~. ~ ,;, ,.z<;.. , k,:_ y.("vvro 'h'1\ o/

.BI!.ff_ ...... "u"'~ ...... Gov~., Stat& Dopt. tol., 3-29-72 By R. H. Parka Dat e '111\Y 6 1972

10SI:i ...

1'ht Prl.. lliai.ttr TO

SERIAL 592 DATE 25 Fob «. llATE/TI!lE OR FILE r~1tUBER 251900Z

TOR liAP ROOM 26/2135Z IVIA ~my Co4o Room SUMECT Burma-China oampa1gJ:a.

ACTIOll Ano'"'ro POTUS• Pll lf479 ud 480.


AC'l'IOl{ {'Q)lPI.J\'I'ED I PIU::Dt m, a



----~---. .,. I! 25 Pebruary 1944 ·- Promt London Port The Preaident or the United Statea Number 593 Piled 252013Z Prime Min1ater to Preaident. reroonal and 1lilr ,_. 11\llllber 593. 1. Relying upon :rour 46% or ll/2/44, I made my etate...,nt in Parliament about the Italian Oonrnment vith the full aeeent or the Cabinet. The etatement vae very vall received by the Houoe and no cr1t1c1ema or an:r kind arose trom z.ert lfin8 el-nto, I am, ot couroe, nov pub­ . -· licl:r coantted. rvf r-- ,lteanvhile. on receipt ot telegram& trom Qeneral lfileon, numbere 622 and 624, you authorized on Pebruary 22 ' the telegrj. DOll 170. I freely admit that Qeneral Wiloon'e

:::u=~~h: ::r~et::k~:~.~:n::~~dld:= it vould ~ "":'1 dangerouo indeed to gin va:r t~ threat& trom people ,.b,o l)a•e eo recently surrendered unoonditlonally. It vaa ~~'if• netural tor you to te1esraph •• ~u did because ;rou mt4t\ ve11 thlnk I ohou1d be influenced b;r Qenoral lfiloonl s ~t t J,tude' and I am not •lclng the olighteot

r . RlGRAD!O UNCLASSIF!SD by C~lt! t h Govt., Sta te Dept . tel., 3-2!'- :'.! 87 B.. H. Par~e D~te ,i MAY 6 •;:':· Fik Ca~ '/ ;

10 93 Prom a London \===-

ToI The Preaidant ot tbe Ubited lltatea Pase 2 Number 593 Piled 252013Z 3. At t he •- time, I hope ;rou vill aUov matter• to reat vhere tbe7 ""re in your 1164. 'rhia vould not pre­ clude reconaideration ot the poaition 1t the tall ot ftome is undul7 protracted and after the criaia ot the battle baa peeaed. It the Italian political partiea think they can plaT one ot us ott &pinst tbe other, ve aball ban the voret ot both vorlda, MoreoTer, I gather that Oeneral Wllaon acted in the unae ot ..,. public at atement and i t vould be a great pit;r to throv tb1J:aaa into the melting pot again.

lo llig ..

REG RADED UNCLASSIPISD by B> l tle~ Covt ., Stat e Dopt. tol. , 3·2n--• 87 ft. H. Parto r~., MAY 6 1972

109J 25 J'ebl'UAl'7 1~

' 1'1'0111 LoD4oa .

Wbat t oU ovo 1a oorreot1011 to rcmra ...... SJo, .... 5931

lJl Para 2 1A.. I't "IIAP" betoN 6221 W l.Oh 11 A\llbel' or t el opu retoNnoo 1A Mtoap,

l o 1111


AIGRADID ~CLASS:FI!D by Srit1ah ~)i"Y\.o l l"~ No/ . . Govt., State tt;t. tel., 3-2$-1~ 17 1\. B. Parka Dat

11 00 t

SERIAL 61$ DATB Z5 Fo'b « • llATF/TIME OR FILE NITJI!ER Z6/2l!&Z Anq Cod• Rooa TOR IIAP ROOM IVIA SU13JECT Ita lian po11t1ot.l dtua.tloD.

ACT!Oll (Rotor a to POTOS #&••) to Pru 1deat at Ryde Park: •• 101118 22 • 2&00~· Adlllra l x..ahy a\lbll1tte cl reply to Pred4ent • • WHlTB 25, tocether with Pru 14e:nt•• f4&4 and e-xpl a.o.t.t1on ot a1eu.o4t ntt.n41n.c by Pri..DI IUahttl' with re tereooe to Prtl·idmt•a -fPTOftl ot DON 110. ( DOl 110 trua-.itte d to Prttident • • WRITS 26).



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27/l920Z til..

~ Prt.a IU.IIlat&r \o PNa14ent, PeraoD&l ......

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1 aaa H&llJ ••' &Mt&tul t& JOU tor \be OOIUI1ter­ at1oa vi \b YIUob 7011 \rea\ 110. ..

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SERIAL 5K DATE 27 Feb 4-l, TlATB/TIME OR FII.ll ~1lt1llER 27/19202 Z7/2l60Z .Army Code RoOJL TOR IW' ROOM SUB

ACTION Arlnera POTUS ft.83,

To Preoidont oo WHITE S3, 27/22SOZ,



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1103 ' -

From: ,London To: Tho Prea14ent ot tho On1tod States No: 595. 29th February 1944 Piled 291934Z

Pr~e M1n1ator to President Roosevelt. Personal. I have reeotved trom Ambassador Clark Kerr the

tvo tolloviog telegr~ about Polan4 aod tbe eubatltute

Italian sb1ps. ~•7 are not very pleasant. I v111 cable JOU later about them. Telegram about Poland beg1ns: I 1. I sav Stal1n tonight. It vas not a ploaoant talk.

He•atte~ptod to d1sm1aa with a snigger tho poa1t1on ot the Polish Governmen t aa 4eacr1bed to the Prime MJo1ster 1 a mea sage. 2. Be snorted t'rom t1M to tUce as I made one bf one the Points contained 1n you~ telegram number -57. Por 1nat&oee... Vben I ae.14 that the Polish Government had aaaured ua that they would not d1oavov our actions he aa1d: "Is that serious? Hov handsome \0!'1 them'." . When I sot to point t vo ot yoar paragra'Pb tvo•about' Curzoo L1oe be br oke io •

I I 0 4 7 l! I ij • 'I~


vith "But the Polish Government do not want to give us Lvov and Vilna. It tqey did they should aay so". When I expl ai ned that they well uoderstood that they vould bave to do ao, be replied that this vas not clear from tbe message. Indeed in a recent official statement they bad made it manifest that their viev did not tally vith the Prime Minister's. I countered this by drawing on your telegram number 526 but without much success. 3. At this stage Mol otov confused tbe issue by evoking the bogey of Soznkovski, vhich haunted ue throughout the talk and vhicb I tried in vain to ehoo avay. A l ong

wrangle rolloved during vbich Stalin said th~ t be had little hope or settling the matter on basis or the Prime Ministsr'a message. I said tbat you and the Prime Minister I. vould be much discouraged by this"""" end be replied that he must tel l the truth. The Pol ish Government did not vent a settlement. Ita purpose v~s to embroil us vith. the Soviet Government. When I said that it tbis vere so the Polish Government vould fail, be said tbat be feared that it llligbt succeed. It bad indeed made a rift between tbe

liGI4DZD UNCLASSIFIED bJ Brltl;h Govt., Stato Dopt. tol . , 8- 29-72 Br R. H. Parka n'Ml\Y 6 'Grl '

I 105 7 · tpr~


soviet Government end yourself and might do so leter

with the Prime ~inister also. The Poles always bad f resh demands. For i nstance they had bad the effrontery to suggest something that i gnored the sovereignty or the Soviet Government over territory vbicb belonged to the Soviet Onion, vbon they proposed that representatives of the United Natione sbould take a share in the administration of regions east of the demarcation line. 4. When I scouted ' all this stalin said thet until the Prime Mi nhter had returned tl.'om Africa Pol1sb affai rs h8d been in your hands. You bad offered.mecliat1on which be 1 had been obliged to reject. This bed been a score for the Poles and you bad been displeased. He bad been obliged to burt your teelinga. Why? Beeauae of the Polea. 5· I did my beat here to explain vhat vas your position i n this affair. To tbie be replied that tbe Russians and Brltiab ehed tbeir blood vb ile the Poles eat on your back or hid behind tbo Prime Mini ster's. 6. When it became clear tbot Stalin waa determined not to take the Primo Minister's aa the baa1a of a settle­ ment, I asked b1m to make some conatruct1ve auggeationa.

KIGRADKD UNOLASSI~rED by Brltlob Gov~ . . Stdto Dept. tol , 3~29-72 By R. H. Pnrko Dn:o I MAY G lll?'l

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Re replied that this vaa simple. He only asked for tvo things: tbe Curzoo Line and tne•recoostructioo of tbe Polish Government. If tbe Poles meant business they should clearly and openly accept the Curzon Line and he tor his par t would not tolerate any f urther demands from the Okranians or Whi te Russians. He dismissed the Polish contention that it vas impossible· tor them to make such a declaration at present. It the government vere to be reconstructed there could be no questi on of waiti ng until the recapture of Warsav. But if a quick reshuffle were errected end genuine democratic elements vere brought into i the administration this would belp. (At this point tbe ' Boge1 or Soznkovski stalked across the stage again). But there arose tba question or who would enter into a recon- structed government, and here to my surprise, be took up the old Molotov proposal to do some recruiting in America and i n this country. About America I used the nov vell vorn arguments vhicb be finally admitted bad eome force, •but not un til be bad t ried to persuade me that dual

.citizenship '"'s possible - v1tneaa ;'Ex · President Moscicki vbo vas both Polish and Svias . •

11 0,' 7 . He then suggested, i f citizenship were a bar, a couple or Pol ish-Americans - tor instance Professor Linge end Orlemensi (a Catholic priest) migh t como to Moscow to see what. was going on here and advise on the choice or appr opriat e Poles. He did not know either or them, but be understood that they were "Good men, non-party men and not Communists. " He said that he would like also to see some recr ui ts from t his country but be could not

n~e any at the moment . He would not admit t hat all this presented any serious difficulty and be assumed that United States Government would put no obstacles in the • way or 1ts citizens comi ng to the Sovie t Union. But 1t seemed t o him that the Pol ish Government in London with its Soznkovskis and its Kot s and their agents in United States and canada was too firmly established to be shaken. 8 . This dreary and exasper ating conversat ion lasted tor we l l over an hour. Ho argument vas or any avail. 9 . When he bas consul ted bia government Stali n will be telegraphing his r eply direct to the Prime Minister. Second tel egram begins : 1. s t alin aasured me last night tbat he was satisfied t hat tbis mat ter had been put r i ght. He made a sort or

RIORADJD UNC LARSIF!SD by i•ltloh Govt. . • Stato D&pt . t.·~l , 3_29_12 By R. R. ?ru•l:3 fJ~ •. 1 MAY 6 1972

1 '1 08 ·- - .

grurr apology tor baving bad to keep me waiting expla1Ding that be bad been away. 2. Be referred to bis message to you or February 26th and pressed strongly for tbe tour modern destroyers he had asked you to let bim have. He claimed that it should be vitbing reach of t he two leading naval powers to find them. 3. In reply to a question trom myself be said that in tbe North, tbe Baltic and Black sea, the Red tleet since tbe beginning ot the war had lost 32 destroyers including 3 Flotilla leaders. This represented mora tbao halt its • vbole strength 1D these vessels. Be oaid that if you wlohed it be vould give you full particulars. No Sig

.::1 ,..2 J.J.s~ . UQlUDID tniCW.~!-r-tJ by Brit ~•ll GoYt., S\4\0 Uapt. t~l .• 3-29·72 117 a. a. Parka D'iAY 6 l9n

11 on -- ~----

10 6V& U Fob u . SERIAL OATS llATP./Tl!(E OR FILE ~11UllER 2VlVM Z TOR IV.? ROOII 29/ZU OZ IVIA Anlf:t Code Room. SUI!.BCT PM" quotu f'Yoa A&bauaoor Clark Xerr re dhcuu ton wttb StaUa OD Polhh· tii.D ,.htionl •~u:t truat er of' ItaUu

ACTION To Prealdent at Hyde '•rk at ~1E 43, 2t2&26Z. (Soe · ~ 052 Poliah-Rutalan relatione" and "460 ITALY" toldert) Dratt reply prepared by Aa.iral Leahy• appro•td by the Prtddeat a ... .,., M Dt to PK ... #486. '


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Proma London Pora Tho President ot the United &tatoo

!fWIIber 596 Piled 292~0Z Pr!.aoe X1n1ater to Preo1dant Roooevelt. Paroon&l !fUIIber 596. Your laat meooage about tba peaoe teelero t roa Bulgaria. We bave &lreadJ bad tbe .... repl7 tbrougb Clark xerr and agree that Cairo 1• probabl7 the beat randeaYouo. I think tho onl7 thing to do nov 11 t or tba Jadwin m1oeion to intorm tbe Bulgarian Xin1eter that repreeent&­ thea ot tbe tbree Al lie• are prepared to .eet a t ull7 qual1t1ed Bulgarian llll.n1oo in Cairo, It the Bulgarian• eend a m1eeion, ve oan then lieten to vbat i t baa to ea7. Tbe Poreil!ll Ottioe baYe al readJ •uss•• ted tba t the state Depart.ent ebould aend the naoeoearz 1netruotione to the J &dvin a1eeioo.

lo S1g

UCRADED U!Cl.AtSl''!:-.1 ~; Crittvb 00Yt .• St~•O Dopt. t~ : .• 3-2)-73 87 a. B. PuU D:J.!3 MAY 6 1972

/ ... .. - ../

I 1 i 1 The Primo M.lnitt er The Pre ddent PROle TO 696 29 February l&U SERIAL DATE llATF./TIIIE 292040Z OR PILE l~ 'lll! ER

TOR HAP ROOJ,! 29/ ZUOZ IVI A knty Code Roo. SU~JECT 8uls:arb.n peace t edere.

ACi!Oll Anawere POTUS 1482.

to P~etldent at Rydt Park ae WHITE 44, 2922261. I n BLACl 9, 292 ~~7Z , the President IJreoted that Mr. Stett1niut bo turn1thed copy t or ntotttary aotioa. To State OtPJrt~nt on 1 Xaroh 1944 .

Jad~D ~ation given 1oatruotioos by OSS •••••&• f2626,, trom to Toul~n. (Flltd ft~10 Bulg&riaft) t o Prl• llinhttr prtpll'td by Ad:~bal Ltlh)'J a ppro.ed by Prtt1deDtJ tent to Pk •• f!87.