
CHURCHill TO ROOSEVELT FEBRUARY 1944 VDCO 1 reb 0131 I IIA London !be Preaident ot the United lltet.. wo. lltwi ••m %2r 1leda 01/0020 z Pr1•e 111n11ter to Pr.. 1dent. Peraona1 &nd •••• !be tollovl.ng baa juat arr1Yed tl'o• U• .J, &nd aa I do not kllov whether 70U haYe a aeparate OOP7 I repeat it to 70U v1th the to11ov1na oo... nt "What o&n 7ou expeot tro• a bear but a grov1t" rroa Pr.. 1er llia11n to Pri•e 111n1at er and Preaident Rooaeve1t. Peraone1 and aeoret. I reoe1Yed on the 231'4 .J&nuar7 both 70U1' joint -•.. s ea, a1aned b7 70u llr. Prtae 111n1ater, and 70u, llr Praa1dent, re­ gard.l.ng the queat1on ot the balld1na o.. l' ot Italian abippl.ng t or the uae ot the lloY1et Union, I .uat ••7 that, •arter 70ur Joint att1r.at1Ya rapl7 at TMI'&n to the queat1oli vb1oh I raiaed ot the handing o.. r to the lloYiet fl.!on ot Italian abippl.ng b7 the .,4 ot .Janual')' 19--. I oona1dered th1a queat1on aettled and the thoUiht neYel' entered ~ ~ ot the poae1b111t7 ot &117 k1114 ot re- File Copy 09&2 I cono1deret1on or thio dec1o1on vbich vao taken and aareed betvoen the three or Ul . All tho 80rl 10 I ince, &I VI &greed at the ti.. , thio queotion vao to be oo.plet ely oottled vith tho Italiano. •ov I ••• that th1o 11 not oo and that nothlna bao ever boon ••ntionod to the Italiano on the oubjeot. In order however not to co.plioate th1o queotion, vb1oh io or ouob great iaportanoo tor our ao.. on otrua&lo aaa1not Oersany, the Soviet Oovorn.ent i o prepared t o accept your propooal regarding tho deopatch rraa Britiah Porto to the o&&R or tho Bettleoh1p RoT&l Sovereign and one oruioor, and roaarding tho t e•porary uoe of theoo veoool o b7 tho ••••l B1gh C08Und of tho USSR until ouch t1ae 11 tho appropriate 1 Italian ohipping 1a ..do available to tho Soviet tlllion. l!l1111larly ve ohall bo prepared to aoo opt rra tho U&A and Or.. t Britain 20, 000 tono ot •orehant 1h1PP1na vhicb vlll aloo be u1od by ue until 1uoh t1•• 11 • l i•1lar tonnaa• or Italian ah1pp1ng i o handed over to uo. It 11 18portant that there 1hould be no dolaya nov reaerding the ..tter and that all the l h1pp1ng 1nd1oatod ahould be handed our to ua during the •onth or Pobl"UUry. In your reply hovever thoro il DO 8ont10D ot the bandin& over to tho Soviet Union ot 8 Italian dootrOJoro and • oub.arinel, to the handing over ot vbich to the l!loviot tlllion at the end ot January you, Ill' Pr18e M1n11tor, and you, Mr Pr11ident, agreed 1n 'l'ohran. MoanVhUo, tor tho l!loviet I ~1\JGRAD!J) OliCLASSIPfD b7 Br!Uob ~ Co•t .. ••••• o.p,. ,.1., s-a9-7a By !\. a. Paru Daw tAAY 6 IS'IL 09& 3 1 -3- t Union th11 VerT queet1on, the queet1on or deetro:rerl end eubaer1nee, v1thout Ybiah the handiD& oYer ot one battlelhip and one oru1ur hae no e1sn1g1oance, 11 ot oap&tal 1Jil)ortance, You underetand :roureelYu that a oru1ur. and a battlelh ~.P are poverleee v1thout eeoorttna deet ro:rere. Since the Ybole ot Ital:r'• neet 11 under :rour oontrol, to carr:r out the decieion vhich vae taken at Tehran to hand o•er tor the uee ot the Soviet Uftion 8 doet ro:rero end - aubaer1nee out ot that n eet lhould preaent no d1tt1cult1ee. I aa aareeeble (11ter­ e.ll:r " I aar ee" ) that, 1notoed ot Italian deetro:rore and eub­ -r1.nee, e e1a1lar nuaber or .Uor1oan or llr1t11h deetro:rere and oub-.ar1nu ehould be handed over to the lloY1et unton tor , • our uae. Moreover, the queet1on or the handln& over ot deetro:rue end ouwar1nee c&!IDOt be poetponed, but 11111t be eettled at one and the oaae ti•• v1th the hand1na onr ot •. the battleah1p and oru1eer, ae vae det1n1tel:r aareed betveen ue , at Tehran. l o 1111 I ' • RIGRA DZD UNC LASSiriED by Brltloh Govt •• Stote Dept . tel., 3-29-12 By R. H. Peru DtrJtt S l9n t ·. 1 J'ebrua17 19~ll J'l'o•o London J'oro The Prea1dent ot the Vll1ted Stateo l o luaber aeterence Ulllluabel'ed •eaaage Oil J'eb lot tld Peb Ol0020Z PO!Va aecret to Prea1dent aooaevelt. Source ot thia ••g baa juat given 1nto.,..t1on that aeg ahould han l'tl nu.ber 562. l o S1g • • RIGIIADED UJI CLASSUlED b y Brl tlob Gowt., State Dept. tel., S-29-72 By !\. i!. Fa.rkl Det.. ~y 6 1977 09£-5 • the PriM lU.oi•ter The Prelident FROX 10 SERIAL 662 DATE 1 Fob 44 ""!1'./l'll!l!: OR f'IL!l t.1~0!ER 01/00<02 01/0305Z TOR MAP ROO),! \vu Army Code Ro0111 SU~JECT l'Tanafer ot ItU1a.o shtpa to SO'f1et. Stalin'• reply to Pll '"S (<(uotod !o PO'nJS 444 ll 446, uooodod by Pll 550, ) A\TION (Filrthor to POl'OS #'• 4~4 o1t 4451 Pll f550J Potua 1«1, Pll #5&1 . ) To Prosidant Ol/l230Z . Rotorrod to Leahy tor aotion. Azl#wer aeot to Pli • • f456. I ,I COPIES TOo BY DIRECT!Oll OF: ACTIO~ rOt'PlJlTY.Do IPILF.llo ..J&t.a,.., .Jk.'.6L:., 0986 • • • Prom: LOndon ~o : The Pre&!dent Of tho Unlt od State& No : l at Pobruary 1944 PrLoe M1n1eter to P~ee1dent. I have nov received Duff' Cooper 's account ot 11tq talk s oriUl De Geulle and a.ca aend1n.g tt by the next cllr courler. No Slg ..... 0987 •. \.• 1he Primt Woiater "the Prttldent !'ROll TO ~a 1 Ftbi'\IUY 1944 SRRIAL !lATE llA'I'fl/TIIIE OR PI I.E !mCBRR 'l'OR IW' ROOII Ol/2280Z lvu Arr:.y Code Room. SUP--JEC1' Talk with Do G.u.lh at W&rral::ecb. ACTION (Further to PM #559) to Preaident Ol / 2240Z. No aolcnowlectput or ~Per. oer Acb1Tal Brown , 1 fob u. '· COPIES TOr DAT&r BY DlRP.CTI0!1 OFr i ACUO!I~~== ro:JPWEDr ==~~IFIIF.Dr ======== ==!: 1 ~~~-----L. --------~======= 0988 • Prom a Aanbaoo,- London Toa The Preeident or the United 8tetea Jlullber 564 riled 03/HOSZ Priae M1n1oter to Preoident Rooaevelt. Peraonal and I earneatlT hope that the ex1at1ng reg1ae in Italy vill be allowed to runction at leaot until the great battleo nov being taught by the ooldiero or our tvo oountriea have reeultec! 1n our capture or Rome. 1-. am oure that a j c!ioturbance nov or ouch authority aa remaino in the Italian State and tJ:Ie attempt to create a nevl·~uthority out or political groupe vith no real booking vill odd greatly to our dit:rioultiea, Moreover theae groupo vhen ror~~ed into a government, 1n order to vin credit rrom the Italian people vould reel it eaeential to aaoert Italian intereota in a IIIUoh otronger rora than the lt1ng and Badogl1o dare to do . I teal i t vould be a greet pitT 1t Bedoglio threv in hie hand, and our report• ahov that the Italian I&YJ :aig)lt be povertullT atteoted b7 aot1on againat the K1ng. Muoh Br1t1ah and Aaerioan bloo4 11 fiov1ng, and I plead that a111t&rJ oonoiderat1ono ahould oerrJ veisht. lo lie UG!Aiml U'IICT.ASSil'ID by Brltloh GOY\,, ~~~~d Dup\ . tel., 8-29·7~ BJ a. B. Par:.o Da\~y 6 ~ ~ 0989 .. • (. L !'ROll Til• Pr1M J&l.Dlet.r !'0 the Pr.. ld. •t SBllUL 6M DArE $ Pobnuy 18« llATF./tiKE 0&/ U O&% OR PI I.E llfl!IP.ER ·- TOR MAP ROOII O&/lS20Z IVlA hav Cadi BRa S U~JECT Jtoto.1D1"1 or u::!. otliOI ~•ciao l.a Iul y utU oaptoro or ACT IO~· -· to PTooldoat n• uahor, 0 8/lS&et. Referred t o Adairal t.&hy tor aottoa. 8oor ot"'7 ot 8toto 1ntor..4 ot thle bJ Ac!airal ~. -"'•- propo.rod b)' .\cbllr a.l ~~ appr·o,..4 'b)' PJ'eddc tJ eent t o Pll N 1!1'• 1:1" P'eb -&4. I II (.lu. al"" 'f'n•.s7J) . COPIES TOo OAT Eo BY DIR!:CTIOII OF o ACTION rOl'PLJ;TJ!I)I FI!P.Tlo ,Q:./.; - 0990 . \ h oa1 Aa..ba117 Loudon ! 0 1 'l'he Pre1ident ot the Vnitad &tatee ~ Piled 03/Hl8zd Priae a1n1eter to Pre1i dent looleYelt. Pereonal Para 1. J'urther t p 117 562. We oould reYert to the idea ot aelcl.na the lUng and lladoglio to hand ua oYer 8 da1tro7er1 and - aubaarine1 t or t.ran1tar to the luallana. 'l'h11 a1cht aa1U7 oauaa a ..•tinJ 1n tha Italian neat at the p ra1ant verT dangaroue tiaa. I aa told that the Italian • Wav7 il alraadJ vorriad bJ· tha attaolc1 ~hat ara aada on the &OYarnaent thaJ haYe hitherto ObaJad. I ahould th1nl< it qulta lllcalJ that lladoalio would thJ'ov 1n h11 hand rather than aarae to thil 4-d. A1 ha 11 10 often baing told that ha 1a to be lciolcad out a1 1oon a1 va aat to loaa, ha doa1 not aaft to haYa ..,oh to l o... 'l'hara are onl7 7 I tali an daltroJarl 1n the Whole Italian WaYT and tha1a are all baina u1ed 1n the heaYT opaJ'ationl nov 1n proaraoo 1n the aaditarranaan. Para 2. In the1e oiroualteLOal his aaJa•tJ'• OoYaraaant i• prepared to t1u4 8 da•troJ8r• t or loan to the luoo1an• pendiq daliYaZOJ ot the Italian ••••ah.
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