P O Box 22480, Otahuhu, , Telephone 09-276 8715 [email protected]

10 August 2020

Tena koutou katoa, Talofa lava, Malo e lelei, Fakaalofa lahi atu, Kia orana, Ni sa bula, Marhaba, Namaste, Mabuhay.

Welcome back to the fourth week of Term 3. I would like to start by congratulating our students involved in organising the student march in week one. With a theme of standing up against inter-school violence, the girls did themselves and their families proud. Working alongside the police, Maori wardens and the local Ōtāhuhu board, they organised a peaceful march which was supported by a number of Auckland schools. There was a lot of work, stress and learning for the girls as they grew to know how public organisations work, and the end product, which was a very successful gathering, is a credit to them.

Term 3 is very much about being focused on school work. It is the term when internals are finished and learning for the external standards begins. Our school exams for seniors are in week one of Term 4, allowing the Term 3 holidays to act as a study break. It is really important that the students use these holidays to prepare for exams, as it is essential they are successful in the national NCEA exams in November. Covid-19 has taken away teaching and learning time and we are therefore offering reduced credits in every subject. However, this means that girls must ensure they are prepared and successful in the standards they are entered for. Term 3 holidays = study time!

We are about to begin 2021 option choices for senior years (affecting Years 10-12). During this time, all teachers will be talking to their classes about careers that subjects lead to. The Careers Department have displays on show and are available for the girls to discuss choices. We will be holding a Careers afternoon that parents are most welcome to come to with their daughters to help them make wise choices. Senior staff will also be available to talk with families. Students (and families) need to be talking about possible careers and ensuring that the subjects required for those careers are selected. I look forward to meeting many families there.

We are also running a netsafe evening for parents. This is aiming at helping to support parents to keep their children safe online. I encourage you to come and please feel free to bring other parents with you.

This Saturday we celebrate the Feast of the Assumption of the blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven, a holy day of obligation in New Zealand. Mary’s assumption into Heaven is also the patronal feast of the Catholic people in New Zealand. Further on in the newsletter is an article about this feast day.

Please take time to read this newsletter, it is full of activities our students have been involved in recently, and you will see the richness that it brings to our community.

Domine in te speravi.

Jan Waelen Principal Special Character

Whakarangatira: Feast of the Assumption

Te Whakaatu Karaitiana: Christian Witness: Catholic Caring Foundation Mass

On the 22nd of May a group of students, Mrs Waelen, and some teachers went to the Caring Foundation Mass at Christ the King Church in Owairaka. Students received recognition in the form of a certificate for care and commitment to their community.

The students were Rose-Noelle Patolo, Lusia Pahulu, Folauhola Fohe, Jennifer Huynh, Margaret Bartley and Cilia-Marie Po’e.

Sitting behind our group in the church were people who were running a Food Bank in Kawakawa. It was a great opportunity to celebrate our Mercy/Gospel value of Āwhina.

Te Tūtaki ki a te Karaiti: Encounter with August 15th is our national feast day, the feast of the Assumption Christ: Assumption Day Mass of Mary into heaven. When he set out for the Western Pacific in 1837, Bishop Pompallier dedicated his mission to Our Lady Help of Christians. The feast of the Assumption became our national

feast day.

As a school we will celebrate this feast day by attending St Joseph and St Joachim Parish Mass at 7:45 am on Friday 14th August.

Below are words of Ka Waiata, one of our ‘go to’ songs (songs that we can sing without looking up the words). It is a song that beautifully honours the place of Mary, and the call of all our wahine.

Ka waiata Let us sing to Mary, The girl who ki a Maria said “Yes let it be as you say, Hine i whakaae Window of the Assumption (that I become) the house of all Whakameatia mai St Patrick’s Cathedral humanity” Te whare tangata. Auckland City

Hine pūrotu A simple girl Hine ngākau A big-hearted girl Hine rangimārie A peaceful girl

Ko Te Whaea The Mother (of Jesus) Ko te whaea The Mother O te ao Of the World

Shine Mass Students in Mr Roberson’s Year 12 Religious Studies class featured on Shine TV’s recording of Sunday Mass for 5th July 2020.

The Mass was said by Fr Martin Wu in the local parish of St Joseph and St Joachim. McAuley High School teamed up with students from St Joseph’s Primary School and De La Salle College to organise and take part in a beautiful Mass, which was to feature on Shine TV and on the Catholic Diocese of Auckland website.

The girls presented themselves professionally and with poise and reverence throughout the Mass, and demonstrated their McAuley pride by lifting up their voices in song. Tahnee Te Puia-Afoa led the opening hymn and communion hymn and Mr Roberson was the cantor for the psalm. The Catholic Diocese was very pleased with the Mass and it was a testament to the wonderful preparation for ministry which is found here at McAuley High School. Celebrations

Our school staff celebrated Linda McQuade’s recent award, Dame of the Order of St Gregory the Great, with a special lunch. Miss McQuade is pictured here with Mrs Waelen, and with staff who worked with her, or who were students at McAuley, when she was Principal.

Mrs Lather retired after over 30 years of service to McAuley High School and we were finally able to celebrate with her. Staff, some of her past students, and grandson Jake, shared a lovely afternoon tea where there was much reminiscing and laughter. Mrs Lather’s contribution to the school over the years is much appreciated. We know that she will enjoy her retirement and that she will always be part of the McAuley family.

Important dates

School Holidays Term 3 holidays Monday 28 September to Friday 9 October Term 4 holidays Begin for junior students on Monday 7 December

Term 3 ● Junior mid-year reports released Friday 14 August. ● Careers Week 24 to 28 August, 3.30pm to 5pm in the gym. Options afternoon Tuesday 25 August. HODs will be available to answer subject questions. Parents welcome. ● NETSAFE for Parents - Wednesday 26 August, 5.30pm to 6.30pm in the gym. ● Tongan Language Week - 6 to 12 September. ● Maori Language Week - 14 to 20 September. ● Level 1 Maths “MCAT” national exam Tuesday 15th September. ● Mercy Day Friday - 25 September. ● Term 3 ends Friday 25 September.

Term 4 ● Term 4 begins on Monday 12 October. ● Senior Prelim exams are in the first two weeks of Term 4, Wednesday 14 Oct to Tuesday 20 October. Staff will be running tutorials and assisting seniors with exam preparation during the preceding holidays. ● Level 2 Tongan CAT national exam Tuesday 20 October. ● Level 1 Tongan CAT national exam Wednesday 21 October. ● Level 3 Tongan CAT national exam Thursday 22 October. ● Sports Prizegiving Friday 30 October. ● Thanksgiving Mass (last day for seniors) Friday 6 November. ● Senior Prizegiving - Tuesday 10 November. ● Year 8 Orientation - Friday 13 November. ● NCEA Exams - Monday 16 November to Wednesday 9th December. ● Year 9 and 10 exams - Monday 16 November to Wednesday 18 November. ● Teacher Only Day - Thursday 19 November (this is across the city to allow for teachers to plan for NCEA changes). ● Junior Prizegiving - Friday 4th December. ● Teacher Only Day - Monday 7 December.

Reminder - Parking at the school gate The area in High Street around the school gates is very busy before and after school. The yellow lines on the road mean no stopping or parking, and this is for the safety of our students and those across the road at St Joseph's School. If you are dropping off or collecting students, please make sure you park away from this area.

Parking wardens often patrol this area and will issue tickets. The school has no control over the wardens, or the parking areas in the street. This is the responsibility of Auckland Transport and any questions or complaints should be made directly to them. We appreciate your understanding with this matter.

Careers Term 3 This term we have visits from our awesome Student Liaison Officers from Auckland, Otago, AUT, Massey and Waikato universities. These visits are important for our students and they are urged to attend the meetings, particularly if they are intending studying at one of the universities.

Who When Time Where

Sam Pilisi - AUT August 10th Lunchtime Room 22

Leni Lolohea - University of Waikato August 11th Lunchtime Room 22

Reti Simanu - Massey University August 31st Lunchtime Room 22

Junior Toailoa - University of Auckland September 1st Lunchtime Room 22

Jack Scanlan - University of Otago September 3rd Lunchtime Room 22

Year 13 students should now be working their way through enrolments to prospective universities and other tertiary institutions. If you need assistance and/or advice, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Fiaola in Careers. Attendance at the university visits above will also help.

It is 'scholarship season', and students should be applying but they must have made an enrolment application to a university before applying for scholarships. They should be applying for scholarships that are applicable to them. A list of scholarships has already been sent and students are strongly advised to read the regulations.

Mrs Fiaola will run a lunchtime session for open discussion about university, scholarships, Schoolconnect and Studylink and will confirm the day at a later date. Students are welcome to email questions to Mrs Fiaola ahead of the session.

This term, there are two online workshops being held for Learner licence and Restricted licence in school during lunch. There are two workshops that are free of charge and will help prepare you for the official tests. The Careers Advisor hopes to hold some practise sessions after these workshops in order to help the students who are registered to gain their licence. All queries to Mrs Fiaola.

We have 33 students enrolled in Gateway this year. Thirteen students took part in a Retail and Merchandise course offered by Goldstar. This began during lockdown and they were able to complete the practical section of their course at Spotlight in Sylvia Park during Term 2 holidays. We have had one student on Kalandra Health's online course which also began during lockdown. Two students took part in NZSE's Advanced Training (NZ Cadet Forces), and two students at Cut Above's Make-up course, completed their courses and practicals during Term 2 holidays. This term, we have five students working at Countdown for five weeks (every Thursday), and this is going to give them credits and experience in retail and sales. And 10 of our girls will be heading to Piritahi Marae on Waiheke during Term 3 holidays. If you have questions about Gateway, please email or see Mrs Fiaola in the Careers Room next door to the library.

The University of Auckland's Open Day is Saturday August 29th. Students should register online if they want to attend. Click here to register.

On the same day across the road from UoA is AUT Live! Click here to register here.

Please note that students will need to make their own arrangements to attend these open days.

Whakarangatira Certificates Each month form teachers are asked to select one student from their form class to receive a Whakarangatira badge. These are awarded for showing respect which can be shown in many forms, and form teachers can decide who best fits their criteria each month. Sometimes it might be the quietest student, who diligently does everything required of them, without being a shining light. Badges are awarded during a weekly assembly. These are just a few students who received a badge in June.

Year 13 Hospitality The Year 13 Hospitality class had an assessment day at MIT two weeks ago. All that attended had a great day making spaghetti bolognaise, spinach and bacon gnocchi, poached eggs and hollandaise, omelettes and breakfast wraps and passed with flying colours. Now they are focussing on cakes, sponges, biscuits and slices for the Baking Assessment in Term 4.

Dance Showcase McAuley High School NCEA Senior Dance Showcase 2020 presents 'Moving Stories' - a series of dance work that our senior students have worked on during the period of lockdown and throughout the school year. Exploring themes such as whakarangatira, Parihaka, self love, black lives matter, breaking the barriers of traditional culture dance and exploring the diversity of dance in New Zealand.

Cook Islands Language Week The end of Cook Islands Language Week was marked with an inter-house dance competition.

Student March - 2 4 6 8 NO MORE VIOLENCE NO MORE HATE Student March organisers: Theresa Viane and Frances Sa’u. Community support groups: NZ Police, Otahuhu Local Board and Maori Wardens. Student Committee: represented by Marcellin College, , Mangere College, De La Salle College, King's College, One Tree Hill, Auckland Girls Grammar, and High School. The organisers worked alongside the Police and Otahuhu-Mangere Local Board for five weeks to organise a safe space for Auckland Students to stand up for harmony and unity between the Auckland schools. This initiative was well supported by the community because our young leaders want to make a change. Thank you to all those who made this march AMAZING.

Mercy Crocheting Fellowship

Links for the school Facebook page and Instagram

Introducing the Online Safety Parent Toolkit from NETSAFE The Online Safety Parent Toolkit is a simple and practical seven-step framework to help parents with digital parenting in a rapidly changing world. It explains the online challenges young people are likely to encounter, how to best support them and what you can do to teach your child to have a safer online experience.

The Toolkit gives every parent and caregiver access to the support they need to teach their kids how to access digital opportunities and reduce harm. We’ve designed it to overcome any perceived or real technology knowledge gaps between what parents know and what their child knows - or thinks they know.

By working through the framework, parents will get to a place where they can confidently speak to their children about their activities and help them avoid or minimise possible harm.

What are the seven steps of The Online Safety Parent Toolkit At the heart of the Online Safety Parent Toolkit is a seven-step framework that guides parents through online safety conversations with their child. It helps parents to: ● Understand potential risks, challenges and sometimes illegal behaviours ● Learn about their tamariki’s activities ● Explore for themselves the technology their child uses ● Agree and set expectations as a family on what to do online ● Teach basic online safety concepts ● Model the behaviours you want to see your child use ● Plan what to do if things go wrong

What is in the Online Safety Parent Toolkit Netsafe has assembled in one easy-to-use toolkit all the things parents consistently say they want to know about in the online safety space. From online bullying to grooming to social media to sexting and screen time, Netsafe has collated information, advice and tips to equip parents, whānau and caregivers with the skills to support their young people.

Who can use the Online Safety Parent Toolkit Netsafe’s Parent Toolkit is guided by the whakataukī Ko te mahi a te tamariki, he wāwāhi tahā (the activities of children break calabashes). Tamariki and rangatahi are naturally inquisitive and making mistakes and encountering risk is often part of exploring.

The Toolkit can be used by anyone - from parents who are already helping their child with their online activities through to parents who are new to digital parenting. Parents and whānau have a responsibility to guide young people in their online activities in an open and safe way and our advice will help you navigate digital parenting.