The Vegetation of Whale Island. Part II. Species List of Vascular Plants, By

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The Vegetation of Whale Island. Part II. Species List of Vascular Plants, By Tane (1971) 17:39-46 39 THE VEGETATION OF WHALE ISLAND PART II. SPECIES LIST OF VASCULAR PLANTS by B.S. Parris* ABSTRACT A list of vascular plants found on Whale Island is presented together with the abundance of each species and the plant communities in which it occurs. INTRODUCTION This list was drawn up during the July visit and only a few species were added on the August visit. Further collections at more favourable seasons would probably add more species, particularly adventive annuals, to the list. The plant communities are as in Parris et al. (1971). Specimens of most species are lodged in the herbarium of the Auckland Institute and Museum. Nomenclature is as follows: indigenous dicotyledons and ferns, 'Flora of New Zealand' Vol. 1 by H.H. Allan (1961); indigenous monocotyledons, 'Flora of New Zealand' Vol. 2 by L.B. Moore and E. Edgar (1970); adventive species, 'Handbook of the Naturalised flora of New Zealand' by H.H. Allan (1941) and 'A Guide to the Identification of Weeds and Clovers' by A.J. Healy (1970). LIST OF SPECIES * adventive species Psilopsida Psilotum nudum locally abundant under kanuka, occurs under pohutukawa Lycopsida Lycopodium cernuum one locality Sulphur Valley L. varium Pa Hill Filicopsida Schizaeaceae Schizaea fistulosa Sulphur Valley Hymenophyllaceae Hymenophyllum sanguinolentum three localities, in forest Dicksoniaceae Dicksonia squarrosa local - forest and grassland * Plant Diseases Division, D.S.I.R. Auckland. 40 Cyatheaceae Cyathea dealbata common - forest; local - grassland C. medullaris common in forest & grassland Polypodiaceae Pyrrosia serpens abundant throughout Phymatodes diversifolium widespread but not common Thelypteridaceae Thelypteris pennigera local in forest Dennstaedtiaceae Hypolepis tenuifolia locally abundant, kanuka Pteridaceae Paesia scaberula common, more so than bracken Histiopteris incisa locally abundant, kanuka and grassland Pteridium aquilinum local, grassland Pteris tremula abundant throughout P. macilenta abundant throughout Aspleniaceae Asplenium flabellifolium common - main hill; local - Pa Hill A. lucidum common throughout A. falcatum widespread but uncommon, throughout A. hookerianum locally abundant, forest and grassland A. flaccidum common throughout Blechnaceae Doodia media very common throughout Blechnum filiforme local five sites, in forest B. capense widespread but nowhere abundant B. lanceolatum (lge. form) locally abundant, in forest B. membranaceum local, in forest B. discolor one plant Dryopteridaceae Polystichum richardi common, forest and kanuka Ctenitis glabella two plants, in forest Adiantaceae Adiantum cunninghami local, forest and grassland A. hispidulum common throughout Cheilanthes Sieberi two localities, in grassland Pellaea rotundifolia locally common, forest and kanuka Dicotyledones Angiospermae Lauraceae Litsea calicaris one plant, forest Ranunculaceae 41 Ranunculus hirtus one plant, forest R. repens * common, grassland Clematis paniculata two localities, forest Piperaceae Peperomia urvilleana three localities, cliff Cruciferae Cardamine debilis one locality, in forest Violaceae Melicytus ramiflorus abundant throughout Crassulaceae ? Tillaea sieberiana Sedum sp. local, open areas of kanuka/grassland Droseraceae Drosera auriculata rare, kanuka/forest Aizoaceae Disphyma australe common - cliffs Caryophyllaceae Stellaria media * rare, grassland Cerastium glomeratum * rare, dunes Polycarpon tetraphyllum * rare, dunes Phytolaccaceae Phytolacca octandra * very common throughout Polygonaceae Muehlenbeckia complexa three localities, grassland Rumex acetosella * common, pa grassland Chenopodiaceae Rhagodia triandra one plant, cliffs Geraniaceae Geranium ? australe local, grassland G. microphyllum local, grassland G. dissectum * local grassland Oxalidaceae Oxalis corniculata widespread, throughout Haloragaceae Haloragis erecta local, grassland Onagraceae Epilobium nummularifolium local, grassland E/cinereum / hirtigerum one plant, grassland Fuchsia excorticata local, forest Coriariaceae Coriaria arborea rare, forest and cliffs 42 Myrtaceae Leptospemuim scopariian rare, kanuka /.. ericoides abundant, kanuka & grassland Metrosideros excelsa abundant, forest & grassland M. perforata one plant, forest Ti !i ace ae Entelea arborescens locally abundant, forest, occurs grssl. Malvaceae Modiola caroliniana common, grassland Malva ? nicaeensis common, grassland Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia peplus local, dunes Rosaceae Rosa rubiginosa two localities, grassland A caena ? ovina locally abundant, grassland A. novae-zelandiae ? Legurninosae Lupinus arboreus one locality, McEwans Beach Lotus pedunculatus local, grassland Trifolium repens locally abundant, grassland Vicia angustifolia one locality, McEwans Beach Berberidaeeae Berberris vulgaris one plant, Pa Hill Urticaceae Urtica ferox locally abundant, in forest Parietatia debilis locally abundant, in forest Corynocarpaceae Corynocarpus laevigatus three trees, Pa Hill Rhamnaceae Pomaderris phylicifolia one locality, c.12 plants, kanuka Meliaceae Dysoxylum spectabile one plant, Pa Hill Araliaceae Pseudopanax lessoni local, Pa Hill & cliff Neopanax arboreum rare, Pa Hill Cornaceae Griselinia lucida rare, Pa Hill Umbelliferae Centella uniflora one colony - Sulphur Valley Apacridaceae Cyathodes fasciculata rare & scattered - c.5 plants, kanuka 43 C. juniperina rare - c.6 plants, kanuka C fraseri local, kanuka Loganiaceae Geniostoma ligustrifolium local, forest, cliff & kanuka Apocynaceae Parsonsia capsularis rare, Main Hill Rubiaceae Coprosma robusta common throughout C. repens common cliff forest Nertera cunninghami one plant, forest Galium aparine * three localities, grassland G. parisiense * rare, grassland Compositae Siegesbeckia ori entalis ? rare, cliff forest Lagenophora petiolata local, grassland Bellis perennis * one locality, cliff Gnaphalium luteoalbum common - dunes G. sphaericum rare, dunes & pasture G. spicatum * rare, dunes & pastures G. collinum Cassinia leptophylla common - dunes & cliffs Erechtites minima fairly common, grassland E. atkinsoni * common, grassland Senecio jacobaea * local, grassland S. lautus rare - c.6 plants, cliffs Erigeron canadense * common grassland Brachyglottis repanda locally common - forest & grassland Sonchus oleraceus * rare, grassland S. asper * 2-3 plants, grassland Cirsium vulgare * fairly common, grassland C. arvense * at least two localities, grassland Leontodon taraxacoides* abundant, grassland & dunes Pieris echoides ? Primulaceae Anagallis arvensis * common, grassland Plantaginaceae Plantago coronopus * Locally common, grassld. on top of nth. cliff P. lanceolata ? grassland Campanulaceae Wahlenbergia gracilis rare, kanuka L obeli.iceae Lobelia anceps local, cliffs Sol an ice ae 44 Solanum nigrum * local, grassland Convolvulaceae Calystegia turguriorum local, kanuka& McEwans Bay Dichondra repens abundant, forest Scrophulariaceae Hebe stricta locally common throughout Veronica plebeja * local Myoporaceae Myoporum laetum abundant in forest Monocotyledones Liliaceae Arthropodium cirratum one locality, two plants, cliff Astelia solandri one plant, epiphyte Dianella nigra two localities, epiphyte in one Agavaceae Phormium tenax one plant - cliff Cordyline australis common, throughout Lenmaceae ?Lemna minor one locality Juncaceae Juncus australis local - sand flat J. sp. local - sand flat Luzula picta rare, grassland Typhaceae Typha orien talis one locality, lagoon Orchidaceae Acianthus fornicatus var. sinclairilocal , kanuka Corybas aconitiflorus two localities, kanuka Thelymitra sp. local, kanuka Pterostylis alobula one large colony, forest,epiphyte; scatt. elsewhere. Earina mucronata 3-4 large colonies, forest E. autumnalis one large plant, forest Dendrobium cunninghami one large plant, forest Drymoanthus adversus Pa Hill Cyperaceae Cyperus ustulatus very common throughout Scirpus nodosus abundant, grassland Lepidosperma australe one plant, kanuka Baumea juncea locally abundant, lagoon Morelotia affinis one plant, kanuka Uncinia uncinata rare, forest Carex dissita one plant in seed, forest 45 C. pumila locally abundant, dunes C. testacea ? C. virgata ? Graminae Cortaderia sellowiana four clumps, dunes Holcus lanatus local, grassland Zoysia pungens common on dunes Cynodon dactylon local, dunes Oplismenus undulatifolius locally abundant, forest Echinopogon ovatus ? rare, grassland Dactylis glomerata one plant, grassland Spinifex hirsutus one plant, grassland Bromus sp. ? rare Sporobolus africanus widespread, grassland & dunes Poa anceps grassland ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to thank the following: Miss E.M. Dickson and Mr J.P. Croxall for assis• tance in collecting during the July visit; Mrs P. Hynes and Miss P.A. Lynch for records of additional species found during the August visit; Mrs P. Hynes and Mr A.E. Esler for assistance in plant identification. REFERENCES PARRIS, B.S., 1971 The vegetation of Whale Island. Parti. The Plant LYNCH, P.A., Communities. Tane 17: FERGUSON, E.J. .
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