" 47.4% Attorney United States Patent Office
C, A, TURNER. ONE BUTTON UNION SUIT, 1,204,615. APPLICATION FLED NOW, 8, 1915. Patented Nov. 14, 1916. Fig.5 INVENTOR CHARLES A TL/FNER " 47.4% ATTORNEY UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. CHARLES A TURNER, OF UTICA, NEW YORK. oNE-BUTTON UNION-suIT. 1,204,615. Specification of Letters Patent. Paterated Nov. 14, f$91 6, , Application filed November 8, 1915. Serial No. 60,215. To all whom, it may concern; will eliminate, the double thickness of cloth Be it known that I, CHARLEs A. TURNER, at the crotch and obviate bulkiness in this a citizen of the United States, residing at section. However, if a double flap should Utica, in the county of Oneida and State of be found desirable, a small gusset can be New York, have invented certain new and readily attached to the corresponding edge 60 useful Improvements in One-Button Union of the garment to obtain this effect. Suits, of which the following is a specifica The flap or gusset, at the back of the gar tion, reference being had therein to the ac ment, is designed to be sewed to one edge of companying drawing. the slit or opening in the rear of the garment 0 My invention relates to one button union and to extend from the top or neckportion 65 suit, and I declare the following to be a full, to the crotch. The flap is cut with a greater clear, 'concise and exact description thereof width in that part opposite the lower per sufficient to enable anyone skilled in the art manent opening of the garment, whereby to to which it appertains to make and use the prevent the accidental opening of the same 15 same, reference being had to the accompany and the consequent exposition of the body.
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