Fiscal Affairs Committee Meeting Agenda & Packet
CHUCK ENGELKEN, CHAIR THOMAS GARZA Councilmember, District 2 Councilmember, District 4 Alternate NANCY OJEDA Councilmember, District 6 JAY MARTIN Councilmember, District 5 CITY OF LA PORTE FISCAL AFFAIRS COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA Notice is hereby given of a meeting of the City of La Porte Fiscal Affairs Committee to be held on March 9, 2020, in the City Hall Council Chambers, 604 West Fairmont Parkway, La Porte, Texas, beginning at 4:30 pm regarding the items of business according to the agenda listed below: 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. CITIZEN COMMENT (Generally limited to five minutes per person; in accordance with state law, the time may be reduced if there is a high number of speakers or other considerations.) 3. STATUTORY AGENDA (a) Presentation, discussion, and possible action to approve minutes of the meeting held on December 9, 2019. [Councilperson Engelken, Chairman] (b) Presentation, discussion, and possible action to receive and review the First Quarter (FY2020) Investment Report. [Shelley Wolny, Treasurer] (c) Presentation, discussion and possible action to receive and review purchasing card expenditures for September, October and November 2019. (Cherell Daeumer, Purchasing Manager) (d) Presentation, discussion, and possible action to accept the Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2019 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). [Michael Dolby, Finance Director] (e) Presentation, discussion and possible action on RFP #20503 for Delinquent Ad Valorem Tax Collection Services. [Michael Dolby, Finance Director] (f) Presentation, discussion and possible action to approve Hilltop Securities as an approved broker for the City of La Porte. [Shelley Wolny, Treasurer] 4. SET NEXT MEETING 5. COMMITTEE COMMENTHear announcements concerning matters appearing on the agenda; items of community interest; and/or inquiries of staff regarding specific factual information or existing policy from the Committee members and City staff, for which no formal action will be discussed or taken.
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