ISSN 1068-8439 "f/ot 17 # 1 93:n•e Il!et/e!M intent is to help all researchers with their Love connections and is published quarterly. $16.00 per subscription year, includes index. All queries are free to subscribers and, free to anyone if it pertains to a Love ancestor. Volumes 1 through 4 are available in complete volumes, from Kay O'Dell, P.O. Box 2040, Pinetop, AZ 85935. Volume 5 through the present are available from: Pat Love Stubblefield, Editor New e-mail
[email protected] Welcome to the family: Joyce Agnew Carolyn Lockwood Channelview, TX 77530 Livingston, TX 773 51 Larry McBrayer Calhoun, Ga. 30701 I'm off to Salt Lake City on the 17'" of
[email protected] October so if any of you have specific things for me to look up either email me or write Oliver F. Love really soon. I know this is short notice but my life is always like this. Navarre, FL 32566-9331
[email protected] My grandson is getting to come home this weekend for the 1st time since he left for the Barbara Howard Air Force. He' s a little homesick and we ~ miss him. He only has 4 days for Columbus Carrollton GA 301 16 Day and has to spend most of 2 of them traveling so we won' t have time to bore him. Karen Dayton Ontario, Cali f. 91764 r OCCGS oo,...~ r~- REFERENCE cr. Lv\:...:. --·· _: From: Gil & Sonia Murray <
[email protected]> Will of James Love Sr probated in 1833 in Campbell Co.