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INCLUDED Share the story of and Healing Adventist Journey

AdventHealth is sharing the legacy and stories of the Seventh-day Adventist Contents 04 Feature 11 NAD Newsbriefs Loving People—Beyond Church with our 80,000 team members the Dentist’s Chair through a series of inspirational videos and other resources. 08 NAD Update 13 Perspective Breath of Life Revival Leads to On the Same Team More Than 15,000 Baptisms

My Journey

As I reflect on my journey, I recognize that God doesn’t promise that it’s going to be an easy path or an enjoyable path. Sometimes there are struggles and trials and hardships. But Join us in the journey. looking back, I realize that each one of those has strengthened Watch the videos and learn more at: my faith, strengthened my resolve, to trust in Him more and AdventHealth.com/adventisthealthcare more every day. Visit vimeo.com/nadadventist/ajrandygriffin for more of Griffin’s story.



Adventist Health Care Worldwide INTRODUCTION Getting to Know Adventists The Seventh-day Adventist Church operates the largest Protestant education system in the world, with more than 8,000 schools in more than 100 countries. With the belief that education is more than just intellectual growth, Adventist education Cicero, Indiana, GETTING TO KNOW ADVENTISTS | TEAM MEMBER SERIES INTRODUCTION also focuses on physical, social, and spiritual Driven by the desire to bring restoration to a broken development. The church’s educational institutions INTRODUCTION world, combined with a mission to bring healing to the range from elementary school education to The early Adventist pioneers named their faith community whole person, Adventists have built a medical network university level. the Seventh-day Adventist Church. They chose the of hospitals, sanitariums, dispensaries and clinics across Getting to Know Adventists Toolkit “Seventh-day” part of the name because it describes the the globe. There are more than 200 Adventist hospitals Adventist Mission Outreach sacred day God set aside to spend with Adam and Eve. It’s in more than 50 countries worldwide. About 40 percent a special time to celebrate love for others and love for God, of those hospitals are in the and are through worship and reflection. They included the word represented by five health care systems. LEADER PREPARATION “Adventist” as a hope-filled reminder of Christ’s promised dentist and missionary Read the introduction and objective, watch the video and return—His second advent. COMPASSION IN ACTION INTRODUCTION review the discussion/contemplation section prior to sharing with your team members. Invite them to think about their own You’ve heard the expression, “actions Today, the Seventh-day Adventist Church has a presence perspectives and be prepared to share yours. COMPASSION IN ACTION speak louder than words.” It remindsting us to in more than 200 countries across the globe, proclaiming be aware of how our actions are received aring ple or hur COMPASSIONthe Good News,IN ACTION demonstrating the love of Jesus to those It’s not always easy to serve—because it by others. Is what we communicateLEADER PREPARATION through OBJECTIVE tions helping peo in need and relieving the world’s suffering. This mission can be emotionally and physically draining, our ac Read the introduction and objective, watch the video and review One ofdrives the reasons ministries, Jesus such came as tosatellite Earth television and shortwave Share the story of how the principles of Adventist education especially when we face challenges in our LEADER PREPARATION them? Today, seek to show love, patience came to be. Help team members understand that formal the discussion/contemplation section prior to sharing with your was toradio serve broadcasted humanity. Mark around 10:45 the says, world, a huge publishing own lives. Try to think of one or more team ⊲ Read the introduction and objective, watch the video and and grace by the wayteam you speakmembers. to and Invite them to think about their own perspectives “For even the Son of Man came not to be education has been foundational to the Seventh-day Adventist members you can encourage—because we review the discussion/contemplation section prior to sh program, thousands of schools, a large network of treat others. and be prepared to share yours. served but to serve….” To live a life of Church as it has sought to develop and nurture the character all need each other. Today, tell them that with your team members. Invite them to think about their hospitals and clinics and hundreds of missionaries. It also service means we constantly look for and talents of students while teaching them the principles of their acts of service are noticed, are Getting to Know Adventists perspectives and be prepared to share yours. includes a worldwide humanitarian work through the wholeness and preparing them to serve others. OBJECTIVE ways to meet the needs of others. Today, appreciated and are making a difference. PRAYER/REFLECTION look forAdventist an opportunity Development to serve and someone Relief Agency (ADRA) OBJECTIVE Share the belief that, like other denominations, Adventists view the you don’tand know. Adventist Community Services (ACS). VIDEO Jesus declared xpethatworkrience His they objective a moredo as abundantwasmore to than a job or a career—it’s a calling. They are Share the beliefs that make the Seventh-day Adventist PRAYER/REFLECTION Church unique, including the church’s focus on healthful help humans e motivated by the belief that they are called by God to live a life of living and how it is expressed. service to others, within the walls of their workplace and beyond. COMPASSION IN ACTION May we use our gifts and talents to extend life. He also invited others to continue PRAYER/REFLECTIONLEADER PREPARATION the healing ministry of Christ. May we what He had started—which is what Read the introduction and objective, watch the video and Imagine your Adventistworkplace Education as a “mission field” VIDEO VIDEO May the service we provide help to extend 2:28 minutes Getting to Know Adventists extending the healing ministry of Christ is review the discussion/contemplation section prior to sharing where you’ve been called to serve others. show people how much they matter. May 2:30 minutes the healingwith your ministry team of members. Christ. May Invite a spirit them to think about their own In what creativeyoutu.be/7GLANvzyJkQ ways, unique to you, might all about. May my interactions with others we seek to ensure that all patients and youtu.be/vyST5U8VeGo Adventist Health Care Worldwide of loveperspectives and concern and spread be prepared through ourto share yours. you extend the healing ministry of Christ? team member find the hope and strength ⊲ today demonstrate a level of love and 2:58 minutes DISCUSSION/CONTEMPLATIONYou don’t have to travel to some far-off workplace. Through our attitudes and they need today. concern that leads to hope, healing and youtu.be/WOIyUGOkO98 OBJECTIVE • We use our talentsplace and to makeskills toa differencerestore wholeness in the world—in mind, actions, may every patient and team because you can make a difference in health in patients. And may it inspire Share the story of how Adventists have responded to God’s body and spirit. What’s one way your work adds to a Adventist Health Care Worldwide member find the hope and strength they patient’s health someone’sin one of these world three right areas here, of right their now. life? optimism, joy and a sense of fulfillment calling to reach a world in need. need today. • Share one way you believe your education has equipped DISCUSSION/CONTEMPLATION and rewardDISCUSSION/CONTEMPLATION in my fellow team members. Tens of thousands of people representing a variety VIDEO you to serve others. In what ways can the mission of • • Sometimes we may feel our individual contribution at work extending the healingPRAYER/REFLECTION ministry of Christ be wholeheartedly of faith traditions and worldviews have chosen to work Cover Photo by Dan Weber is so small that we wonder if it really matters. The reality is, embraced, regardlessMay ofwe one’s find faith?joy and fulfillment in sharing for AdventHealth, a health ministry expression of the every cheery word, every pleasant smile, every task well Adventist Mission Outreach Seventh-day Adventist Church. Why have you chosen done is a strand of DNA in our mission of extending the 2:16 minutes hope and love with those in our care. May to do so? healing ministry of Christ. In what ways do those of other youtu.be/oZehtlvH0z4 we always remember that extending the • Consider the elements of CREATION Life: Choice, denominations, other faith traditions and other worldviews healing ministry of Christ may involve Rest, Environment, Activity, Trust in God, Interpersonal comfortably and enthusiastically contribute to the ongoing Relationships, Outlook and Nutrition. Which principle legacy of AdventHealth’s mission? small acts of service and not just dramatic ⊲ would you like to give more attention to in your life? DISCUSSION/CONTEMPLATION • When people consider your life of service, what would they acts. May our interactions with patients Many people become missionaries because they believe say about you? What would you want them to say about you? • and fellow employees foster a sense of Adventist Mission Outreach they’ve been called by God to serve. In what way do you consider your work a calling—be it a sense of divine call or peace and tranquility. May we ensure that an inescapable feeling that you’re doing what you should each patient and team member find the be doing, and in the place you should be doing it? How do strength and hope needed for today. such strong feelings affect your attitude each time you start your shift? • Sometimes serving others means you get out of your comfort zone. Share a time when you got out of your comfort zone. What was the result? ⊲ Adventist Education

Dear Reader: The publication in your hands represents the collaborative efforts of the ADVENTIST JOURNEY North American Division and Adventist World magazine, which follows Adventist Journey Editor Kimberly Luste Maran (after page 16). Please enjoy both magazines!

A LEGACY OF WHOLENESS | TEAM MEMBER SERIES A LEGACY OF WHOLENESS | TEAM MEMBER SERIES The Story of Early Leaders of the Adventist Church Whole Person Health Ellen and James White Senior Editorial Assistant Damsteegt

Ellen and James White were instrumental in forming the Seventh-day Adventist Church. They realized from their study A LEGACY OF WHOLENESS | TEAM MEMBER SERIES The first Adventist health care center opened of Scripture that Jesus devoted a great deal of His time on in 1866, a time when most people, including Earth to healing the sick and helping those in need. In fact, He Adventists, suffered from poor health. Medical seemingly sought out people experiencing hardships, offering The Corn Flake Connection & practices were atrocious by today’s standards. them a new and better life. The members of the young church Doctors prescribed generous doses of opium, wanted to pattern a first-class institution after these principles— strychnine, and other dangerous substances. caring for the whole person: mind, body, and spirit. In 1866, the The wisdom of the day dictated that water first Adventist health care facility, named the Western Health Legacy of Adventist Health Care Toolkit should be withheld from those with a raging DID YOU KNOW? Reform Institute, opened in Battle Creek, Michigan. fever. Hospitals functioned as a staging area Adventists see themselves as called by God to share with • AdventHealth is the expression of the for those at the end of life. health ministry of the Seventh-day the world a message of wholeness for the mind, body, and Art Direction & Design Types & Symbols Adventist Church. Adventist churches look spirit. This model is the healing ministry of Christ, “who DID YOU KNOW? much like other ChristianOBJECTIVE worship centers, went about doing good.” (Acts 10:38) This vision included a but their doors open for worship on Share the story of the founders of the Seventh-day Adventist • The Smithsonianconviction magazine that thenamed health message should be shared, and OBJECTIVE Saturday mornings. Church and what motivated the movement of health and Ellen White thusamong they the set 100 out Most to share this healthier lifestyle. Dr. John Team members will understand the blueprint for Adventist • In 1863, when thewholeness. Seventh-day Team Adventist members will reflect on how each of us Significant Americans of All Time in Adventist Journey (ISSN 1557-5519) is the journal of the North American Division of the General Conference of Harvey Kellogg, the first medical director of the Battle health care, which informs our mission: Extending the Healing Church got its start,continue the United this legacy States inwas our own way today. acknowledgment of her influence on Ministry of Christ. This understanding will bring deeper meaning in the middle of the Civil War. Families religion. SheCreek is considered Sanitarium, the researched most new and better ways to help into the way each serves. his patients stay healthy, and in the process created a more were often torn VIDEOapart as they fought on published female writer in history, writing opposite sides. Six days after the war more than 5,000nutritious articles breakfast and 40 option, books Corn Flakes. ⊲ VIDEO The Story of ended, President was on health, relationships, and faith in God. Whole Person Health assassinated. Although the political issues Ellen and James White These publications have been translated 4:37 minutes divided people, many on both sides 2:17 minutes into more than 80 languages. The Story of Whole Person Health youtu.be/dogGCsey0qU turned to God in search of meaning. youtu.be/k8bjVZqo-tU DID YOU KNOW? • In the late 1800s,OBJECTIVE few understood the Seventh-day Adventists. The Northern Asia-Pacific Division of the General Conference of Seventh-day Raffling a community-sewn quilt, collecting • health impactThrough of poor the sanitation. story of theEach Corn Flakes, team • C. W. Barron, founder of The Wall Consultants G. Earl Knight, Mark Johnson, Dave Weigley, donations with roadside “bucket brigades,” day on the streetsmembers of Newwill learn York, that horses the Adventist health care legacy is Street Journal, told a reporter he didn’t and working for little or no pay, were ways deposited 2.5rooted million in thepounds desire of tomanure enrich lives through a healthier lifestyle. understand Dr. Kellogg. “He should have that community,DISCUSSION staff, and Adventist church and 60,000 gallons of urine. This been one of the richest men in the world, members came together to open health DISCUSSION • Consider the difficulties that the early health care leaders uncollected waste polluted the water. but that he lets money slip through his reform sanitariums in the late 1800s. VIDEO The decisions made by the small group of health care faced. In what ways are they similar to challenges we Industrial pollution and lack of fingers so easily.” In reply, Kellogg stated, • Sacrifice, resilience, and resourcefulness workers set in motion principles that shaped the future in a experience today? underground sewers made living in “What is money for, except to make the way that they never imagined. How is what you are doing were hallmarks of the cooperative effort to large cities a health hazard. Early John Harvey Kellogg • As a group, discuss why you choose to serve others world better, to help people have a Adventists is the publisher. It is printed monthly by the Pacific Press® Publishing Association. Copyright build Adventist facilities across the country. today shaping the future? through health care. Adventist health-advocate Ellen White 1:56 minutes better life?” ⊲ preached of these dangers—urging youtu.be/oy0ky_WjIIY As a group, discuss the importance of caring for the • people to move out of cities. • The Adventists interest in health was well whole person. PRAYER known. In 1904, Kellogg exhibited health Maurice Valentine, Gary Thurber, John Freedman, Thank You for leading our pioneers in the past to give us • James White was also a writer and editor, literature and ran a cooking school at the Ellen and James White PRAYER purpose in the present. We ask You to reach down and fill us preacher, and intense searcher of the St. Louis World Fair. September 29 was Bible. He establishedDISCUSSION and became editor Thank You for creating us whole, in Your image. We ask with a love that only You can provide. Bless those we serve, officially proclaimed by the fair as Battle of the first church• Why publication, do you think which Dr. Kellogg is dedicated his energy to You to reach down and fill us with a love that only You providing courage and hope where needed. Creek Sanitarium Day. still being publishedcreate today healthier under food the options? © 2020. Send address changes to your local conference membership clerk. Contact information should be can provide. Bless those we serve, providing courage In Your name, Amen name . He also served • The offered and hope where needed. • As a group, discuss some ways you can be innovative in as president of the newly formed General patients the latest in technology, such as your approach to delivering health care. In Your name, Amen Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. the Universal Dynamometer Dr. Kellogg A LEGACY OF WHOLENESSinvented, | TEAM to MEMBER test the strength SERIES of his PRAYER patient’s muscles. It was based on the Thank You for guiding our health care system with a vision for same principle as blood pressure Ricardo Graham, Ron C. Smith, Larry Moore whole-person health. We ask You to reach down and fill us machines and quickly became part of ⊲ with a love that only You can provide. Bless those we serve, HealingWest Through Point Military Academy’s fitness available through your local church. providing courage and hope where needed. training program in the early 20th century. John Harvey Kellogg In Your name, Amen Natural Remedies A LEGACY OF WHOLENESS | TEAM MEMBER SERIES The Growth of Adventists founded the health care institutions based on the Bible’s principles of health outlined in the Bible’s story of creation. Unlike the common thought of the day, they believed health care should A LEGACY OF WHOLENESS | TEAM MEMBER SERIES treat the rather than just the symptoms. Adventist Sanitariums Adventists began to advocate the benefits of , ⊲ Executive Editor, Adventist World Bill Knott water, exercise, adequate rest, and trust in God. This Battle Creek Sanitarium makes sense to us today, but more than 150 years ago it was a radical new approach. Growth of Sanitariums The success of the unique health center PRINTED IN THE U.S.A. Vol. 3, No. 6. June 2020. Adventist Journey Publication Board Daniel R. Jackson in Battle Creek—and a widespread A Place for Learning craving for the healing therapies found there—launched an Adventist health DID YOU KNOW? care movement that soon extended The whole-person principles of the Seventh-day OBJECTIVE throughout the world. Today, more than Adventist Church are grounded in the biblical Team members will understand the Adventist church’s whole- • The whole-person lifestyle—CREATION 550 Adventist hospitals, clinics, and view of how God created us—an inseparable person health message—which today we express as CREATION Life principles—has been featured in Life—a concept revolutionary in its time. These whole-person National Geographic, CNN, The Today other medical facilities care for people DID YOU KNOW? integration of mental, physical, and spiritual (chair), G. Alexander Bryant (vice chair), Kimberly Luste Maran (secretary), Curtis Randolph Robinson, Tony healing principles guide us in our philosophy of care. Show, Good Morning America, and The around the world. well-being. Pioneering Adventists realized from • In the mid-1800s, when Adventist health Blue Zones, a New York Times best- ⊲ care began, the United States had only the beginning that education was the ideal way VIDEO seller book that describes the lifestyle about 200 hospitals, one-third for the to nurture this concept. They created the Battle habits of the world’s longest living mentally ill. Because of the absence of people. You can learn more by visiting A Place for Learning Creek Sanitarium as a place for people to learn hygiene and the lack of understanding of Natural Remedies CREATIONLife.com. OBJECTIVE germs, patients generally did not recover. how to stay well. 2:26 minutes However, the Battle Creek Sanitarium youtu.be/k--h-tOVDDc • One of the most significant contributions Team members will understand that although technologies, that Seventh-day Adventists have made services, and amenities have changed dramatically through was different. Sanitation was a priority, Anobile, Paul Brantley, Alvin M. Kibble, Arne Nielson, Gordon Pifher, Bonita J. Shields, Kenneth Denslow, to the effectiveness of a healthy lifestyle the years, the physical, mental, and spiritual needs of our and Dr. John Harvey Kellogg’s patients can be found in the publications based patients are very much the same and our mission to healing had a significantly higher survival rate on the . Begun the whole person remains unchanged. after surgery. DID YOU KNOW? DISCUSSION OBJECTIVE in 1958, these studies have covered • As health care providers, we often face the reality that • In the late 1880s only two-percent of Adventist health care institutions were built on principles • Founded in 1874, Battle Creek College topics such as diet, air pollution, religion, New York homes had running water; physical healing for our patients is not always possible. In VIDEO Growth of Sanitariums of innovation, excellence, and teaching. Team members will was the first Adventist college and is and health, and have gained the people rarely bathed. The campaign for a what ways can emotional or spiritual healing still take place? 2:33 minutes understand how this rich heritage of learning informs our known today as Andrews University. sponsorship of the National Cancer “Saturday night bath” was sweeping the ⊲ youtu.be/1r1ZrE5kzQQ mission today. Andrews has grown and now attracts• As a group, discuss innovative ways we deliver health Institute/National Institutes of Health, the country and having some effect. Early undergraduate to doctoral students fromcare today, like our pioneers who used natural remedies U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the Daniel Weber, Julio Muñoz, Karnik Doukmetzian, legal advisor Scripture References Unless otherwise noted, health reformer, Ellen White, advocated around the globe. U.S. News and Worldfor healing. World Cancer Research Fund. that people should bathe as often as VIDEO Natural Remedies Report ranks Andrews University as one twice a week for their health—counsel • During a smallpox epidemic in 1870, of the most culturally diverse universitiesPRAYER that significantly improved the health of A Place For Learning in the nation. nearly 10 of every 11 patients recovered those who followed this advice. 2:06 minutes Thank You for giving us health principles in the creation story from the unique treatments of the DISCUSSION • Today, Adventists operate the largestto guide Your healing ministry. We ask You to reach down and Adventist philosophy of natural remedies. In 1971, President Richard Nixon gave a youtu.be/hbFo2zJvRrI Why would a church, small in numbers and lacking • protestant educational system in thefill us with a love that only You can provide. Bless those we • speech sharing details of his trip to Asia. In contrast, only one in five recovered resources, attempt to open a health care institution? world, with nearly 8,000 schools—fromserve, providing courage and hope where needed. He talked about the Adventist hospitals under the care of other physicians using all Bible references are taken from the The Holy Bible, New International Version. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, preschools to universities—in more than popular drug treatments of the day. • As a group, discuss why growth is important for in Asia where dedicated caregivers were In Your name, Amen 100 countries. A major focus of Adventist Adventist health care. helping to improve systems of medicine DISCUSSION in that country. He went on to say, “I (can) schools is training new generations of • Battle Creek Sanitarium was known as a place to learn health care providers. PRAYER think of nothing that does more to make to stay well. How do we reflect this same goal today? friends for America abroad than that kind Thank You for being by our side always—in the past, the of selfless service…” • As a group, discuss ideas you have for sharing the present, and in the future. We ask You to reach down and wholeness principles. fill us with a love that only You can provide. Bless those we serve, providing courage and hope where needed. 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. In Your name, Amen PRAYER Thank You for blessing our educational endeavors, as we continue teaching others how to stay well. We ask You to reach down and fill us with a love that only You can provide. Bless those we serve, providing courage and hope where needed. In Your name, Amen Email: [email protected] | Web site: nadadventist.org

06 / 20 ADVENTIST 03 FEATURE  A few of the five dentists, three dental hygienists, three opticians, one dermatologist, FEATURE and several other volunteers help to provide $135,000 in donated medical services and supplies at the March clinic. (Right) Randy Griffin talks with a patient.

In It Together There’s more to these clinics than simply serving the community. ACHI has brought together groups of people within the church as well. More In one instance a state conference church and a regional conference church decided to cohost a clinic. At their first planning meeting, the During the South Bend, Indiana, Adventist Community room was full of people introducing themselves and shaking hands. than Health Initiative clinic in March 2020, a medical professional prays with one of more than 100 people who received “These Adventist individuals had lived in the same town for treatment. All photos on this feature by Dan Weber years and years, yet they had never met,” Griffin says. “The clinic Dentistry bridged a gap.” Since then, these two churches have come together on a regular Randy Griffin talks about his life basis, worshipping together on Sabbath, and calling each other and passion for mission service. brother and sister. Loving So Adventist Community Health Initiative “Praise the Lord that we’re not only serving the needs of other Mylon Medley, North American (ACHI) was born. Since its inception in 2015, people,” Griffin adds. “We’re also reaching into ourselves and recog- Division assistant communication ACHI has held approximately 80 free dental nizing that we share a common bond in our love for Jesus Christ.” director, spoke with Randy Griffin in and vision clinics around the Lake Union, Griffin finds it a blessing to work alongside people who may March 2020. serving more than 12,000 people, with a be of different faiths, different nationalities, who have a serving service value of $4 million. heart. His heart is warmed to see these volunteers stopping and Where did you grow up? PEOPLE: “The impact of what has been done through praying with guests and the patients that they work with. I was born in . Within a this ministry has been a tremendous blessing “I praise the Lord for being able to reach out to the community, and few months my parents moved to to many churches,” Griffin says, “and to many that the community is willing to come in and help as well,” says Griffin. South America as missionaries, Christ’s Ministry of people who probably would not have been “One thing that I found with these clinics that we do is that we are— where we spent the next six or sev- able to afford or get the help otherwise.” as Seventh-day Adventist Christian people—wanting to reach out en years. Then we moved to Berrien Healing in the Typically, these clinics take place on a and help someone. We want to impact their lives, touch their lives, Springs, Michigan, for a year, then single day, but in a city like Detroit, Michigan, and benefit them. But we also find that volunteers get a blessing, back to Texas. All my elementary Lake Union Conference where the need is so great, one day would not only to serve but also to work with people within their church- school days were in Keene, Texas. not be enough. They served more than 2,500 I don’t regret being overseas, or BY BECKY ST. CLAIR es who may not have had the opportunity to do anything like this.” people over a three-day period. Relationships between churches and their communities are being away from the U.S. I’m glad n 2010 Randy Griffin fell from a ladder and broke his It’s not a one-size-fits-all program; Griffin about more than baptisms. Griffin says their approach is more in I had the opportunity to be in dif- wrist. This relatively simple injury altered the course of his encourages churches to identify what they line with Jesus’ ministry of healing. “Jesus met their needs, then ferent countries. It has shaped my career and changed the lives of more than 11,000 people. can offer in particular. For example, one con- said, ‘Follow Me,’” Griffin explains. “It’s not pulling a tooth in the vision and the rest of my life. Being For nearly 20 years Griffin had practiced dentistry. When gregation had a trained chef. Other churches baptismal tank; it’s taking care of their physical needs, then asking a missionary’s kid, I have that Ihe broke his wrist, however, it affected the nerves in his hand, and have medical professionals trained in fields how we can help with their spiritual needs.” desire to go back and impact others he was unable to do regular dental work any longer. He became a other than dentistry and vision. These unique Beyond the pleasure of doing dental work again, Griffin notes who are in need, those who are stay-at-home dad, and though he felt keenly the loss of his prac- resources enhance an ACHI event. that he has found “joy two- or threefold” in being able to use his underserved—not only on mission tice, he enjoyed the extra time with his children. After hosting a clinic, many churches have skills to serve and help others who need it. He has been humbled trips I take now, but also with what While helping with the 2014 Pathfinder Camporee, Griffin got decided to make it an annual event. As church by the number of hugs and thank-yous he and others have re- I do here in the U.S.—taking care of to know Don Livesay, then Lake Union Conference president, and members spend time with community mem- ceived from overwhelmed and grateful people. people, loving on people. Gary Thurber, then Lake Union Conference executive secretary, bers more regularly, they begin to identify “When they ask why we do this, that’s our chance,” Griffin says. who served as prayer and baptism coordinators for the camporee. needs beyond dental and vision care. “That’s our opportunity to say we do it because we care for them, Service is clearly important After the event they approached Griffin with an idea. “One heartwarming story is of a church that and because we love Jesus. If that’s the only contact we ever have to you. “They asked if I would be willing to put together a health min- bought one family a new microwave,” Griffin with them, at least they know that someone cared about them, Growing up Adventist, seeing the istry in the Lake Union that would directly impact the immediate remembers. “The family was so touched that and that Jesus was the reason.” mission field, seeing the need, then, needs of its people,” Griffin recalls. “They were specifically inter- they came back the following year and asked through academy, wondering what ested in dental and vision care.” how they could help at the clinic.” Becky St. Clair writes from Angwin, . I was going to do with my life, then

04 ADVENTIST www.nadadventist.org 06 / 20 ADVENTIST 05 FEATURE FEATURE

More than Dentistry An interview with Randy Griffin continued

winding up in college with a room- Sabbath School, but it continued tal practice. In dental school you cal, dermatology, blood testing, all the different things mate who was going to be a den- to grow and develop as I got into might see two people a day. In the that churches provide. The dollar figure of services tist—these were defining moments. elementary school, academy, and dental practice you might see 10 to provided would be more than US$4 million. I had lots of discussions with that college. The desire to be a dentist— 20 people a day, learning this was college roommate, and I felt that that’s where the journey intersect- invaluable. After that experience, One patient at the Adventist Your family has always been part of your Community Health Initiative ed with the reality of my career. I purchased a practice and owned mission work. dentistry was something I’d enjoy as clinic in South Bend receives a profession. But it’s also something Early on, through elementary that for the next 16 years. free dental care. My wife and I had three sons. All of us were involved I would be able to do to serve those school and academy, I enjoyed in mission work. Our oldest is 27; and the youngest who aren’t well-served. building little model cars, little mod- But that all changed when you is 16. Our middle son was 22 when he died in a car The first mission trip I took, el airplanes, painting little, delicate had an accident. accident four days before Christmas in 2018. outside of being a missionary’s kid, parts of these models that I built. In 2010 I was on the roof of my After I fell from the One of the ways that we are able to remember our was soon after I finished dental One day my father said, “Randy, you home cleaning some leaves out of a son and his legacy of being a vibrant young man was school. I thought, There’s no way ought to be a dentist someday.” gutter. I fell and broke a wrist. I also roof, the first thought to provide funding for a specific church in El Salvador I can afford this. There’s no way I I looked at him and said, “Gross, developed problems with the other where they are now building a sanctuary structure from can be out of my job for three or four Dad. The worst thing I could ever hand’s losing some sensation and some of the life insurance money. weeks to go on a trip. But the Lord think of is being in people’s mouths was not able to practice as I had that came to mind The foundation is complete, and walls are starting provided and took care of me. all day long.” been accustomed. to go up on the “Nick Memorial Church.” We hope From that point on I thought, I’m He said, “You’re good with your I endured multiple surgeries and when I landed on the that by the time I go back in November 2020, the not going to worry about the finances, hands.” He’s the one who put the therapy and treatments. After two church will be completed, and we can dedicate it at because God will make sure that that thought of being a dentist in my years I came to the realization that deck and looked at that time. part is taken care of if I’m willing to mind. But it took a few years from I would not be able to practice the Without the blessed hope that we have, I’d want to go out and serve Him in this capac- academy until college, when I had same way. I sold my dental practice my wrist was Will I be stop and just close up and not move forward. But since ity. I’ve gone on dozens of trips that roommate who is also now a and, for a while, became a happy we have the hope of seeing Nick again, that’s what through the years. dentist, for me to put two and stay-at-home dad. able to continue to go keeps us going. two together. After I fell from the roof, the first Even something like this, as tragic as it is, Satan may Where and when did your Ad- Four years after graduating from thought that came to mind when I be throwing that in my path to say, “Hey, give up. Don’t ventist journey begin? dental school I went to work for landed on the deck and looked at on mission trips? keep going.” My Adventist journey began another dentist for a year and a my wrist was Will I be able to contin- But I’m saying, “No.” when my parents started taking half. I gained valuable insight into ue to go on mission trips? church trips, we go on different trips two or three times me to cradle roll and kindergarten how to manage and operate a den- But the Lord has allowed certain a year, joining different groups to either Africa or India. parts of my hand to still function, Some were evangelism trips. Some were medical trips. and I can still provide some ser- vices and go on mission trips and Explain how you started the localized Randy Griffin, an Adventist dentist in Indiana, examines one of 320 medical charts take care of people. dental clinics. as more than 100 people are seen at a free After the 2014 International Pathfinder Camporee medical clinic in South Bend. Six churches What are you doing now? was over, Don Livesay, then Lake Union Conference from the Michigan, Indiana, and Lake Here in Cicero, Indiana, we’re president, and Gary Thurber, then Lake Union Confer- Region conferences took part in the clinic. blessed to have a church that’s ence executive secretary, approached me and asked, very mission-minded. Once a year “Would you be willing to run a free dental/vision/med- our church takes a mission trip to ical service clinic in the Lake Union that congregations Lifestyle counseling is shared by Randy Griffin different parts of Central or South can provide through their local churches? Church mem- (right) during the March 2020 free popup America. We either provide dental bers would volunteer their time with the program.” medical clinic. Demand was so high that the services, or a physician would go After much prayer and discussion with my wife, patient list for the clinic closed at 10:30 a.m. along and we’d provide medical Kathy, to see what the next phase of our lives would services and Vacation Bible School. be, we decided that January 2015 would be the starting My entire family have some point of this initiative. Adventist Community Health As I reflect on my journey, I recognize that God hands-on part of the mission trip. Initiative has been operating for five years now. doesn’t promise that it’s going to be an easy path or an My boys might help with con- enjoyable path. Sometimes there are struggles and trials struction. My wife helps me in the How many people have you served since 2015? and hardships. But looking back, I realize that each one dental department and cooks food A little more than 12,000 people have come through of those has strengthened my faith, strengthened my for the mission group. Outside of the doors, whether it’s for dental, for vision, for medi- resolve, to trust Him more and more every day.

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Photography provided by Breath of Life

he Seventh-day Adventist the revival, a health clinic provid- Breath of Life Church in Tanzania wel- ed free health services to Chato “The Spirit of God knows no limits comed more than 15,000 and surrounding area residents. new members after a The Breath of Life nightly meet- and reaches far beyond our ability Evangelistic Trecent revival conducted by Carlton ings were broadcast via Internet Byrd, speaker/director of the Breath livestream, TV, and radio to more of Life television ministry. than 3,000 satellite locations and imagination.” “This revival is another testa- across the country. The ministry Revival Leads ment to God’s miraculous power!” team included sign language in- remarked Byrd. “The Spirit of God terpreters and Swahili translators. knows no limits and reaches far French was available for listeners to More Than beyond our ability and imagina- with audio devices. tion. This revival far exceeded what I could’ve ever imagined was Miracles at the Lake possible. I am very grateful for At the first baptism ceremony 15,000 Baptisms what God has done.” 256 people were baptized at the The evangelistic effort was a Chato location. Anxious new joint venture between the North believers walked to a nearby in Tanzania Tanzanian Union, , lake that was home to alligators. Morning Star Radio, lay organiza- Safety nets had been placed in BY CHRISTOPHER C. THOMPSON tions such as the Association of the water and lookouts stationed Tanzanian Adventist Professionals  Left: Carlton Byrd thanks his Swahili language translator at the Chato evangelistic event. alongside. Undeterred by the dan- Right: At a lake in Chato, Tanzania, 256 were baptized after the God First revival. and Entrepreneurs (ATAPE), and ger, new believers lined up and the Tanzanian Adventists in the waited to be baptized. United States (TAUS). The following Monday, baptism tist Church in the world, and the that technology works. It also The collaboration in Tanza- reports continued to stream in first Breath of Life church on the shows that the people are ready nia began in 2019 with camp from the satellite locations around continent of Africa. and willing to respond to the meetings and revivals on the site Tanzania. With approximately Final results are still pouring in, Word. . . . I’ve never seen anything designated for the Breath of Life 3,700 locations reporting from but as of March 9, the total bap- like this before.” revival. In the week leading up to all across the country, and many tisms from this evangelistic effort The response of this many locations in underdeveloped areas, is 15,124. thousands of new believers serves communication could be difficult. as a stark reminder of the day The first Nevertheless, people kept coming Continuing Efforts of Pentecost, when Peter stood to be baptized, and kept responding In addition to the revival and before the people and reminded Breath of Life to the Word of God and the good health clinic, the Huntsville, them that “it shall come to pass in news of Jesus Christ’s soon return. Alabama-based Global Vessels the last days, says God, that I will Inc. came to visit the orphanage pour out of My Spirit on all flesh” church on “Mungu Kwanza” they had helped establish. Global (Acts 2:17). The revival utilized the theme Vessels has conducted numerous the continent “Mungu Kwanza,” which means mission projects in Tanzania in re- Christopher C. Thompson is the “God First” in Swahili. That theme cent years, and plans to return this communications and marketing of Africa was served as a reminder for even the summer to renovate the orphanage director for Breath of Life Minis- revival organizers that, when God is and help build the new Breath of tries in Huntsville, Alabama. established. first, nothing is impossible. Life church building. The God First revival also Michael Mwasumbi, president of

 Carlton Byrd offers an appeal at a marked another “first.” Revival or- the TAUS, reflected on the entire Breath of Life revival location in Chato, ganizers established the twentieth effort, saying, “The fact that this Tanzania, in early 2020. Breath of Life Seventh-day Adven- was done in a small town proves

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COVID-19 Setback Catapults a Refugee/ nate plan. They turned to teleconference and lives- Immigrant Church’s Reach Forward treaming on Facebook. “Now we are reaching out ven before his state issued a stay- On Friday afternoon, March 13, 2020, to five times the number we at-home order to curb the spread Gelgelu, or Pastor Desta, as he is known were reaching before!” Pastor of COVID-19, Desta Gelgelu, an by his congregation, called his core el- Desta explains. He shares that Eeconomics professor, church planter, ders together on a teleconference. They their church building accom- and pastor of the Oromo Seventh-day decided not to worship in the church for modates only approximately Adventist Church in Minneapolis, Min- the March 14 Sabbath services. 250 people, but on that first nesota, called his conference executive For a congregation that loves to Sabbath of livestreaming, secretary for advice. Something had to spend all day every Sabbath fellow- the reach grew to more than be done to protect the Oromo-speaking shipping together at the church, this 1,000 viewers from around church members from the potential would leave a huge void. Leaders the world. Viewers from spread of the virus. scrambled to put together an alter- Australia, Africa, Canada, and states across the U.S., chimed in with spontaneous, affirm- ing comments. When the service finished, people from around the world joined with a hearty “Amen!” “This [pandemic], which is a crisis, in one way is working for good,” he adds. “The church is forced to learn something Kerry Allen, associate professor of nursing and undergraduate skills coordinator (left), and new. Financially, we will be Holly Gadd, dean of the School of Nursing, prepare medical supplies for donation to local hurt. Spiritually, we pray that hospitals. Ryan Pierce we will come out richer than we were before.” Southern Adventist University Nursing Program Pastor Desta, who also Donates Supplies to Area Hospitals serves as the North American Division’s church planting n response to the national short- semester, the School of Nursing consultant for the Oromo age of medical supplies because wanted to put the supplies to language group, and his team of the spread of COVID-19, on good use and reached out to some are initiating prayer chains, IMarch 23, 2020, the Southern Ad- of their local health-care partners. children’s ministry trainings, ventist University School of Nurs- “Even though the resources we and Bible studies throughout ing donated personal protective have to offer are limited, we know the week during this time. equipment to two local hospitals, that every little bit helps,” said “That sense of attachment CHI Memorial Hospital in Chat- Holly Gadd, School of Nursing and community—we don’t tanooga, Tennessee, and Advent- dean. “We value all the partner- want it to decrease,” he says. Health Gordon in Calhoun, Georgia. ships we have with health-care “Human instruments are The supplies included N95 and agencies, and we want to do our fragile and fail, but our God is surgical masks, gowns, and gloves, part. We are a team, all trying omnipotent. When they tell us which would ordinarily be used to pull together during difficult to be far away from each other, in simulation exercises in the uni- times and meet needs when and no one can tell us to be far versity’s nursing skills lab. With where we can.” away from God.” Southern’s transition to distance —Janell Hullquist, Southern Ad- —Terri Saelee, coordinator learning for the remainder of the ventist University editorial manager of the NAD’s Adventist Refugee and Immigrant Ministries

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Miracles Still Happen! BY VANDEON GRIFFIN WATCH. BE INSPIRED. SHARE. From “Witch” to Witness awr.org/ranja and reached out to Him. The disciples Ranja was held captive by the evil saw the power and love of God, yet they spirits that possessed her . . . until the day she turned on her radio. weren’t together spiritually. On the I’m learning that the way to fall in Trading Guns for God love with Jesus is by learning to love awr.org/rebels Watch Same Team people. At some point we have to be Why have rebels in the Philippines been laying these and many the kind of people who are not think- down their machine guns and picking up Bibles? Watch to find out! more miracle stories at: awr.org/videos ing about , but are actually being Christians. Taking a Bold Stand I’m also learning that to be more spiri- awr.org/wisam ne of the things I like about the Youth and Young Adult tual, I have to pray about it. Wisam’s own family tried to stone and stab Ministries Department is our unity. We see ourselves as Jesus’ disciples were excitedly expect- him for his belief in God, but today he is an one team—across the division. ing to be great. In fact, they fussed and Adventist pastor in the Middle East! NO WALLS. NO BORDERS. NO LIMITS. That’s what Jesus was trying to say to His disciples: fought about it, asking each other who O“My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will would be the greatest among them. 1-800-337-4297 awr.org /awr360 @awr.360 @awr360 awr.org/videos believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Jesus told them He didn’t care about GLOBAL PODCASTS | REGIONAL SHORTWAVE | LOCAL AM/FM | GODPODS | CELL PHONE EVANGELISM | SOCIAL MEDIA | 100+ LANGUAGES Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be that; rather, he cared about them loving in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me” (John others, those who were unloved. 17:20, 21, NIV). We don’t often know what it means Through His prayer Jesus was sending His disciples out with to be a Seventh-day Adventist Christian. this message. The goal is for all of them to become one heart and If we did, we would learn how to fall mind so that the world will believe. He sends us out with the in love with people, not just those who same message, with the same purpose. believe, dress, eat, and look like us. But there’s a simple solution. We need Prayer Power to start praying for His Spirit to be in Legally Blind? As I travel across the North American Division, it gives me joy to us. We need to pray for Jesus’ love to be hear people say, “I’m praying for you.” People who don’t really know manifested in our hearts. We need to not me are praying for me? I’m excited about that, just as I’m excited just act like it, but really be on the same when I call my parents and my mom tells me she’s praying for me. team—Jesus’ team. Sometimes I’m restless at night. I’m tossing and turning. I Where are our hearts today? Only Available now! wake up with a hand on my chest. It’s the hand of my wife, who with those who Discover is praying for me. At some point in the night she realizes that agree with our I’m dreaming, or that something isn’t going right. So she lays her agendas? Only We need to start Bible Study Guides hand on me. with those who praying for His Large Print | Braille But more exciting than finding out that people around the divi- work in our work Spirit to be in us. sion are praying for me, that my mom and dad are praying for me, space? Only those and even that my wife is praying for me, I’m excited to know that, who attend church as Jesus prayed for His disciples, He prays for us. with us? 402.488.0981 | [email protected] I’m praying that we have a bigger Bigger Vision vision; that our hearts and minds are Jesus prayed for the disciples because He wanted them with God and that, as His disciples, we to be one in spirituality. You’d assume that those men were are spiritually united. Provide services like this and more. together spiritually. Donate Now! They were there when Jesus walked in a crowd and a woman Vandeon Griffin is an associate director with an issue of blood met Him. She found Jesus, and she showed of Youth and Young Adult Ministries for them what a real disciple does in distress: she bypassed protocol the North American Division.

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