
10% rabatt vid köp för 300-499 kronor SKIVLISTA 3-2016 20% rabatt vid köp för 500-999 kronor Kära vänner, 30% rabatt vid köp för 1 000 kronor och uppåt Jag skulle önska att jag inte hade behövt skriva dessa rader på många år än. Men tyvärr måste jag meddela att min snälla lilla Frida inte finns med oss längre. Slutet kom mycket plötsligt. Under sista veckan i mars började Frida bli Exempel: om du handlar för 665 kronor så avgår en rabatt på 133 kronor och du betalar alltså bara 532 kronor sjuk och slutade äta. Kanske hade hon haft besvär länge utan att det syntes på henne. Pyrrarna ju inte de som klagar i plus porto. Observera att detta gäller levererade skivor så v g ange alternativ vid beställning. Fraktfritt om första taget. Vi åkte in till djursjukhuset på annandag påsk och Frida fick stanna där över natten. Då hon hade ätit på slutsumman efter avdragen rabatt överstiger 1 000 kronor. Ovanstående rabatter avser fastprisskivor. morgonen fick hon komma hem igen men det skulle visa sig att hon varken åt eller drack inomhus. Däremot kunde hon dricka vatten ur Mälaren när vi var ute på promenad. Hon blev snabbt trött och var allmänt orolig. Därför Just nu är varje extra hundralapp värdefull så om du själv inte hittar något av intresse denna gång är det bra om återvände vi till sjukhuset och Frida lades in på nytt. Man hade på röntgenbilderna hittat en stor lymfknuta i buken du vidarebefordrar listan till någon bekant som kan vara intresserad. Tack för ditt stöd. och en misstänkt cancertumör i analöppningen. Nu var frågan hur vi skulle gå vidare. Alla avrådde från operation då det fanns en stor risk att Frida skulle avlida under narkosen. Därför lät jag henne fatta beslutet själv. Hon visade med Ja, detta blev en lång inledning. Över så till själva listan. all önskvärd tydlighet att hon verkligen ville leva vidare och komma tillbaka. Valet var med andra ord lätt. Observera att privata plusgirokonton upphörde vid årsskiftet. Detta innebär att jag inte längre kan Tid för operation bestämdes till den 1 april (av alla dagar). Efter en lång väntan på djursjukhuset fick jag veta att sända beställningar mot postförskott. Så från och med nu måste samtliga beställningar betalas i förskott Frida klarade narkosen fint och så småningom att operationen lyckats. Känslan var euforisk när hon överlevt mot och skivorna skickas när betalning inkommit. Detta innebär också att försändelser för att vara spårbara alla odds just den första april. Det kändes som om vi lurat döden och dragit liemannen vid näsan. måste sändas som rekommenderade brev eller postpaket. Betalning till mitt Nordeakonto 3007 00 30057 (Ronny Forslund). Paketen skickas så snart som betalning inkommit till kontot. Nu var frågan om hon skulle orka återhämta sig efter den svåra operationen. Hon fick smärtstillande dropp men tyvärr återfick hon inte sina krafter som vi hade hoppats. När jag åkte in för att hälsa på henne söndagen den 3 april Kvalitetsgraderingar: visade hon tydligt att hon slutligen givit upp hoppet. Min kära Frida somnade in i mina armar strax före klockan tre M (mint) - nyskick, VG (very good) - mycket välvårdad, enstaka knaster kan förekomma (främst på lugnare på eftermiddagen. Slutet var fint och hon var lugn in det sista. partier), G(good) - något knastrig, men spel- och njutbar. + och – anger gränsfall. VG(+) anger ett gränsfall mellan VG och VG+. Jag berättar detta då många av er brukar fråga efter Frida och flera av er har även träffat henne. Nu är det tyvärr slut. Frida skulle ha fyllt sex år den 7 maj och borde haft halva livet kvar. Övriga förkortningar som används i listan: woc/wol - skrift på omslag/etikett, soc/sol - sticker, klisterlapp på omslag/etikett, wobc/sobc - skrift/klisterlapp på baksidan av omslaget, cw - omslaget skadat (omfattningen av skadan varierar - fråga gärna), toc/tol - tape på FRIDA omslag/etikett, lt (label tear) - skivetiketten skadad, stmc - "sticker marks on cover", märken efter prislapp e.d. på omslaget, co - "cut out" (hål i omslag eller bortklippt hörn), bb hole - borrhål genom skivcentret (vanlig cut 2010-05-07 – 2016–04-03 out-form för singlar), NC - skivcenter saknas (anges endast när skivan ursprungligen varit försedd med center), swdnap - skivan något skev, vilket dock ej påverkar spelningen, RE (reissue) - nypressning/återutgivning (dock Fridas till ro sig lagt --- månen skiner --- anar ej vad jag sagt --- i tysthet på min stråt. originalinspelning), X - original bildomslag (pic.cover) - ej alltid en bild på artisten - kan även vara s.k. "art cover", O - original bolagspåse (rec. company sleeve). När varken X eller O anges, har alltså skivan ett helt neutralt omslag. Skulle något vara oklart angående förkortningarna, fråga gärna om detta. OBS att minimiorder är 100:- och detta gäller levererade skivor - v.g. ange därför alternativ. Normalt finns varje skiva i ett ex, om inte annat anges efter titeln. Det kan alltså vara en god ide att sambeställa med någon kompis om Du själv inte hittar så mycket. Alla order över 1.000:- levereras fraktfritt (d.v.s. om du får skivor för över 1.000:-). Vid köp under 1.000:- debiteras postens avgifter. OBS att LP-paket räknas som skrymmande. Om paketet väger under 2 kg kan det sändas som brev.

RONNY FORSLUND Vita Huset, SE-17995 Svartsjö, SWEDEN Tel. (08)560 410 50 (int. +46 8 560 410 50) Mobile: (070)558 0661 (int. +46 70 558 0661) e-mail: [email protected] website: http://www.rock.x.se

F.C. Prices are in SEK. 100 SEK is approximately US$ 15 or Euro 12,-. Please don't send any money in advance. I will send you a confirmation of what I have reserved for you (incl. shipping) plus payment information. Eurocheques are no longer accepted by Swedish banks as payment from abroad! The Swedish banks charge ridiculously high fees for cashing cheques (both bank cheques and personal cheques) so this is not a viable method of payment. You can pay by credit card through PayPal - just go to www.paypal.com and use my e-mail [email protected] as reference. Please add 10% to the price in order to cover the charges involved. Minimum order is SEK 100 or US$/Euro 15 (please state alternatives) and all orders over SEK 1.000 are sent post free. Please note that VG+ is used instead of Ex.

- pay by credit card through PayPal! Adress: www.paypal.com Ange min email [email protected] som referens vid betalning.


The following items will be sold on open auction which means you can ask about leading bids by phone or mail. Please send your starting bids by mail, phone or post before the last day of auction. Auction deadline is Monday, April 25, 2016 at 22.00 / 10 PM Central European time (20.00 / 8 PM UTC/GMT) STOPPDATUM ALLTSÅ MÅNDAGEN DEN 25 APRIL 2016 KL. 22.00 SVENSK TID.


Minimum bid (M.B.) is SEK 50 / US$ 8 / € 6,- / £ 5 unless otherwise noted .

Min.bud 50 kr om ej annat anges.

A-1 X 1910 FRUITGUM CO. May I take a giant step (into your heart)/(Poor old) Mr. Jensen 1969 (GE Buddah) VG+

A-2 EPX ANDREWS SISTERS "In HiFi part 1" Bei mir bist Du schön/Beer barrel polka/Well all right!/Ferry boat serenade 1957, sobc (NO Capitol) VG+

A-3 EPX BOBBY ANGELO Talk/Taste of the blues/Staying up late/Broken dreams 1964, red vinyl, great Sweden-only EP (SW Sonet) VG+ M.B. SEK 100

A-4 X ANISETTE & DANDY SWINGERS Stay with me baby/River deep - mountain high 1968, Danish group (DK Polydor) VG+

A-5 X BOBBY BARE Miller's cave/Jeannie's last kiss 1964, NC (GE RCA Victor) VG+

A-6 X RALF BENDIX Babysitter-boogie/Sonne, Mond und Sterne 1961, NC (GE Columbia) VG+

A-7 X MIKE BERRY Tribute to Buddy Holly/Dial my number 1976, re-recording of his hit but a good version (GE Hansa International) VG+

Livet måste naturligtvis gå vidare även om det känns svårt just nu. Självfallet kommer jag att fortsätta med mina A-8 EPX ARNE BILLS ORKESTER Trollebotwist/Twilight time/En visa vill jag sjunga/Per Speleman skivlistor så länge som intresse finns från er sida. 1963, green vinyl, 2 instr., 2 vocals. Bra och efterfrågad EP. (SW Gazell) VG+ M.B. SEK 100

Ett praktiskt problem just nu är Fridas vårdkostnader. Tyvärr täckte försäkringen endast belopp upp till 50 000 A-9 X OTTO BRANDENBURG Hello Mr. Twist/Ballin' the jack 1962, small woc (DK Odeon) VG++ kronor och det förslog inte på långa vägar till den omfattande vård hon fick. Eftersom ingen reserv fanns för denna högst oväntade händelse gäller det nu att inom den närmaste veckan få fram 25 000 kronor till slutfakturan från A-10 EPX NORA BROCKSTEDT Runt, runt, runt/Å en kyss..../Höst i en park i Paris/Skeppet ska djursjukhuset. Med anledning av detta lämnar jag denna gång en specialrabatt enligt följande: segla i natt 1957 (SW Cupol) VG+ A-11 X GLEN CAMPBELL True grit/Hava nagila 1969, B=great gtr.instr. (SW Capitol) VG++ A-46 X WILSON PICKETT I found a true love/For better or worse 1968, gd. soul (SW Atlantic) VG+

A-12 X CARAVELLES You don't have to be a baby to cry/The last one to know 1963, Liverpool girl pop A-47 O WEBB PIERCE Luzianna/Somebody please kiss my sweet thing 1967, country (US Decca) duo, red vinyl (SW Sonet) VG+ VG+

A-13 X JACK COLLIER Ching ching - Happy José/JOHN VAN HORN & H. ORCH. The happy elf (Gay A-48 O P.J. PROBY Hold me/The tip of my fingers 1964 (UK Decca) VG++ Paris) 1962, toc, soc, red vinyl (SW Sonet) VG+ A-49 EPX ROLLING STONES Time is on my side/Tell me (you're coming A-14 EPX SAM COOKE You send me/Summertime/For sentimental reasons/Desire me 1957, NC, red back)/Congratulations/Route 66 1964 (SW Decca) VG+ label, RE 5006, 1tr.= VG- (SW London) VG A-50 EPX BOBBY RYDELL The door to paradise/Frenesi/I wanna thank you/Mammy 1961, NC (DK A-15 O MICHAEL COX Stand up/In april 1962, faktiskt ovanligare än den svenska utgåvan (UK HMV) Columbia) VG+ VG+ A-51 X SONIC FARM Living dead/Side man/I can't lose 1986, autographed by two members, A-16 X FLOYD CRAMER Chattanooga choo choo/The big chihuahua 1962, NC (SW RCA) VG+ Swedish punk (SW Sonic Farm Records) M-

A-17 X BERNT DAHLBÄCK med JANNE BLOMQVIST OCH HANS TOMTENISSAR "Bernt Dahlbäcks A-52 X KIRSTI SPARBOE Hvor er dine tanker (You've lost that lovin' feeling)/Gå forbi 1965, NC, julskiva" Svenssons jul/Den kramsjuke tomten 1976, sanslös historia om julfirandets hysteri, där wobc (NO Triola) VG+ Svensson måste köpa julklappar för mer än grannen och köper ett luftgevär till grabben för att vara värst. Under julaftonen blir alkoholintaget och julmaten för mycket och Svensson hamnar på sjukhus medan A-53 X SPOTNICKS med BOB LANDER Hey good lookin'/What did I say 1962, NC, blue vinyl, small familjens hund ligger på djursjukhuset, träffad av en kula från grabbens luftgevär. Just det sista tyckte jag woc (SW Karusell) VG+ var omåttligt sorgligt redan när jag hörde låten då den kom. I dag känns det än sorgligare.... Men annars en bra skiva med BD:s speciella humor. (SW Zip Grammofon) VG+ A-54 X SPOTNICKS Please say yes/Doctor Feel Good 1964, great single! 2 vocals. (SW SweDisc) VG++ A-18 X BRITT DAMBERG Adjö farväl (för sista gång)/Drängen som spelte på klaver 1965, small cw (SW RCA Victor) VG+/VG A-55 EPX HÅKAN STAHRE Karl Alfred-rock/Margrete/Så många om och men/Ditt fotografi 1962, efterfrågad! (SW BFB) VG+ M.B. SEK 100 A-19 X NEIL DIAMOND You got to me/Someday baby 1967 (SW Metronome) VG+ A-56 EPX YMA SUMAC "Voice of the Xtabay part 3" Choladas/Wayra/Chunco/Llulla mak'ta 1952, the A-20 EPX JOHN ELFSTRÖM "Hej, de e Nutte" Boxningsmatchen/Hushållsassistenten/Ölburken/Humlan text on the label has sadly most faded away (DK? Capitol) VG+ 1965, festlig EP med Lennart Hylands sidekick från "Hylands Hörna". Annars mest känd som Åsa-Nisse. Texterna av Gits Olsson. SEEP 01. (SW Europa) VG+ A-57 EPX SWING SING SEVEN Go go-go/LAst night/Come on let's go-go/Sit still 19655, great instr. band like Sounds Incorporated, lead by Lars Samuelsson (SW SweDisc) VG+ A-21 ETONS The frug/Cause I'm her man 1965 (GE Vogue) VG+ A-58 X TAGES Sleep little girl/Tell me you're mine 1964, soc (SW Platina) VG+ A-22 TONI FISHER West of the wall/What did I do 1962, song about two lovers separated by the Berlin Wall (UK London) VG+ A-59 O TUMBLEWEEDS Four strong winds/Swiss made heart 1967, Irish folk/country band, their only 45 (UK PYE) VG+ A-23 O MARVIN GAYE & TAMMI TERRELL You're all I need to get by/Two can have a party 1968, gd. soul (SW TamlaMotown) VG+ A-60 X IKE & TINA TURNER I'm yours (use me anyway you wanna)/Doin' it 1971 (SW U.A.) VG+

A-24 EPX GITTE (HENNING) Varje stjärna i det blå/Borta bra, hemma bäst/Gör vad du vill/Bara sexton år A-61 X VENTURES Swan Lake/Expo Seven-O 1970, sm. split (SW Liberty) VG+ 1961, Radio Nord (SW HMV) VG++ M.B. SEK 100 A-62 X VERGERS (Kyrkotjänarna) Barnatro/Gud som haver barnen kär (Marmor, Stein und A-25 EPX GUNSLINGERS Kolarkojan/Köp hjärtan/Mjölnarens Irene/The gunslinger 1987, great gtr.instr. Eisenbricht) 1967, NC (SW Fontana) VG+ revival (SW Star-Club Records) M- A-63 EPX LAILA WESTERSUND Singel och sand/Trollet från Trollhättan/En vacker A-26 X HOUNDS The gipsy cried/Old man in New York 1968, wol (SW Gazell) VG+ söndagsmorgon/Livet fordrar humor 1965, small wol (SW Sonora) VG+

A-27 X BILLY HOWARD King of the cops/The disco cops 1975, great imitations of famous TV cops like A-64 EPX VIOLENTS Kvantingen (Kväsarvalsen)/A closer walk/Vildkatten/Mamba 1962, NC, red Kojak, McCloud, Cannon etc. (SW RCA Victor) VG+ vinyl, great gtr. instr. (SW Sonet) VG+

A-28 EPX JØRGEN INGMANN Cherokee/High noon/Pinetop's boogie woogie/Anna 1961, great gtr.instr. A-65 EPX V.A. "HIT KIT" COASTERS Along came Jones/DRIFTERS There goes my baby/BOBBY (SW Metronome) VG+ DARIN Dream lover/Bullmoose 1962, red label, RE5064 (SW London) VG

A-29 EPX JOHNNY & HURRICANES "Red river rock" Crossfire/Lazy/Red river rock/Buckeye 1959, red LP ALBUMS FOR AUCTION label, RE 5071 (SW London) VG+ Minimum bid (M.B.) is SEK 70 / US$ 10 / € 8,- / £ 5 unless otherwise noted. Min.bud 70 kr om ej A-30 O MARV JOHNSON I'll pick a rose for my Rose/You got the love I love 1969, gd. soul, woc (SW annat anges. TamlaMotown) VG+ A-66 CHARLES AZNAVOUR same 1962, 10" LP (FR Barclay) VG++ A-31 O JUDY AND JO Tattletale Joe/Pictures don't lie 1962, gd. teen (US Capitol) VG+ A-67 CHARLES AZNAVOUR same, "Les deux guitares" etc. 1963, 10" LP, gatefold (FR BArclay) A-32 X ERNST-HUGO JÄREGÅRD "Sjunger Birger Sjöberg" I Spaniens månsken/Aftontankar vid Fridas VG+ ruta/ "Sjunger Gustaf Fröding" I valet och kvalet 1972 (SW Svalans Lyrikklubb) VG(+) A-69 JØRGEN INGMANN High noon mit.... 1965, great gtr.instr. (GE Metronome) VG+

A-33 X B.B. KING Everyday I have the blues/Five long years 1969, NC, small wol and wobc (SW CBS) A-70 MINT TATTOO same 1969, gatefold, progressive/psych., w. members from Blue Cheer (US VG+ Dot) VG+

A-34 X PETER KRAUS Susi sagt es Gaby/Doll-Doll-Dolly 1960, NC, gd. uptempo (GE Polydor) VG+ A-71 PINK FLOYD Obscured by clouds 1972, 2tr.=VG, orig. inner sleeve (UK Harvest) VG+

A-35 X GARY LEWIS & PLAYBOYS My heart's symphony/Tina 1966, promo sol, toc, small pic cut out A-72 BARBRO SKINNAR same 1969 (SW Mercury) M- from back side of cover (GE Liberty) VG+ A-73 TELSTARS same 1968, great instr. LP incl. 2 vocals, orig. inner sleeve, soc (SW Cupol) VG+ A-36 X LILL-BABS Hälsa min vän/Pang pang pang 1964 (SW Karusell) VG+/VG A-74 YARDBIRDS Five live Yardbirds 1964, wobc, great live album! Eric Clapton on lead guitar. Orig. A-37 EPX LIONS Hully gully/Let's do the hully gully again/Hully gully baby/Stompin' the hully gully 1963, blue Columbia logo, mono. (UK Columbia) VG(+) M.B. SEK 150 wol, sol (FR Barclay) VG+ A-75 ÖSTEN MÄ RESTEN Syntfritt 1989, SIGNERAD/AUTOGRAPHED. Live Folkan, Iggesund. (SW A-38 X LOS BOHEMOS Dom svagas vän/American Express/Allra nyaste/Ser ingenting 1987, pink vinyl, Sonkmo) M- w. lyrics, Swedish punk (SW Slam Records) VG+

A-39 X LULU Oh me, oh my I'm a fool for you baby/Sweep around your own back door 1969 (GE Atlantic) VG+ SET SALE - FASTPRIS

A-40 X MAMAS & PAPAS I saw her again/Even if I could 1966, NC (GE RCA Victor) VG+ LATE ADDITIONS

A-41 EPX GENE McDANIELS "Sings" Tower of strength/The secret/A tear/She's come back 1962, Radio SINGLES AND EPS Nord Topp 20, black label, RE5130 (SW London) VG++ X NAT KING COLE The ballad of Cat Ballou/They can't make her cry 1965, soc (SW Capitol) A-42 X MIKE & MOONBEAMS The lost city/Chariot 1984, great gtr.instr. revival! (SW Rainbow) M- VG+/VG 75:- EPX DANIÈLE DUPRÉ Merci mon Dieu/En avant les romantiques/La chanteuse de blues/J'ai dansé A-43 X NED MILLER From a jack to a king/Parade of broken hearts 1963, NC, blue vinyl (SW Karusell) 1957, NC (GE Polydor) VG+ 90:- VG+ X ELDKVARN Den långa färden/Mannen i den svarta natten/Allt som folk säger 1991 (SW EMI/Hi Fidelity) M- 75:- A-44 X GRAHAM NASH Chicago/Simple man 1971, soc, small woc (GE Atlanttic) VG+/VG EPX DUKE ELLINGTON w. CHICAGO FOOTWARMERS "Early Duke" Harlem twist/Move over/Goin' to town/Chicago stomp down 1959, rec. from 1927/28, sobc (NL Fontana) VG+ 75:- A-45 X ORVAR Syndare/IVAR Ä'nte bra....? 1980. Låter förvillande likt Rotebergs-Raggarn, med samma O FABIAN Tiger/Mighty cold (to a warm warm heart) 1959, NC, woc (DK Sonet) VG+ 65:- lokala dialekt och humor. För säkerhets skull ringde jag Raggarn och frågade. Han berättade att det var X FLAKE Beautiful day/As it comes to you 1973, cw, beat/blues rock (NL Park) VG+ 65:- Erik Ingvar ”Beman” Bergman, musikhandlare och känd nöjespappa i Bollnäs och övriga Hälsingland som O CONNIE FRANCIS Lipstick on your collar/Frankie 1959, woc, wol, green vinyl (NO MGM) VG(+) gjorde denna skiva. "Beman" skrev "Rosen" åt Arne Quick och drev i många år dansstället Jönses Loge i 65:- Herte utanför Bollnäs. (SW Ivar-Produk10n) VG+ EPX GENERIC "The spark inside" Years apart/Death of an era/Looking for answers/We are here now 1987, hardcore punk (UK Flat Earth Records) M- 90:-

X RON GOODWIN Murder she says/Double scotch 1962, tapemarks on sleeve, swdnap (SW MARK DINNING Suddenly (there's only you)/Top forty, news, weather and sports 1961, gd. Parlophone) VG+ 65:- teenbeat, NC (UK MGM) VG+ 75:- EPX JULIETTE GRÉCO Vieille/Sur l'arbre mort/Les enfants terribles/Le mot et la chose 1963 (FR Philips) TOMMY EDWARDS Please Mr. Sun/That's all 1959, promo sol, wol (DK MGM) VG 65:- VG+ 75:- O TOMMY EDWARDS That's all/Please Mr. Sun 1959 (NO MGM) VG 65:- X HAYATI KAFE Ballad om Fredrik Åkare och den söta fröken Cecilia Lind/Har jag fått den jag vill ha O EMILE FORD On a slowboat to China/That lucky old sun 1960, NC (SW Metronome) VG+/VG 65:- 1989 (SW FMP Records) SS 65:- X CONNIE FRANCIS Many tears ago/Senza mama 1960 (DK MGM) VG+ 75:- O KATHY KIRBY Where in the world/That wonderful feeling of love 1965, soc (UK Decca) VG+ 75:- X ARETHA FRANKLIN I can't see myself leaving you/Gentle on my mind 1969 (SW Atlantic) VG+ EPX VERA LYNN "Vera Lynn's party sing-song" Shine on harvest moon/Back in your own backyard/For 65:- me and my gal/We all have a song in our heart/I'd love to live in loveland/The loveliest night of the year + O BRIDIE GALLAGHER I found you out/It's a sin to tell a lie 1958, Irish singer known as "The girl 6 1955, NC (UK Decca) VG(+) 75:- from Donegal", Irelands first international pop star (UK Decca) VG+ 90:- X PAUL MAURIAT & H. ORCH. L'amour est bleu/A banda 1968 (SW Philips) VG+ 75:- X BOBBY GENTRY & GLEN CAMPBELL All I have to do is dream/Walk right back 1969, two great X CLIFF RICHARD It'll be me/Since I lost you 1962, NC, Norvegian press, SW cover (SW Columbia) VG+ versions of Everly Brothers' songs (SW Capitol) VG++ 75:- 65:- O JAMES GILREATH Little band of gold/I'll walk with you 1963, green vinyl (SW Sonet) VG++ 75:- O JOHNNY RIVERS Where have all the flowers gone/Catch the wind 1965 (SW Liberty) VG(+) 65:- X GIORGIO (Moroder) Looky, looky/Happy birthday 1969, soc (GE Hansa) VG+ 75:- SHANES Can I trust you/Like before 1966 (SW Columbia) VG(+) 65:- X GITTE Nur Ein Bisschen Glück/Hände Weg Von Jack 1963, soc (GE Columbia) VG+ 90:- SIR DOUGLAS QUINTET Mendocino/I wanna be your mama again 1969 (US Smash) VG+ 65:- X TIM HARDIN Simple song of freedom/Question of birth 1969 (SW CBS) VG+/VG 65:- EPX TOMMY STEELE "The Tommy Steele Story no. 1" Take me back, baby/Water water/Will it be HOLLIES Very last day/Too many people 1966, surface marks which do not affect playing (SW you?/Build up 1957 (UK Decca) VG+ 90:- Parlophone) VG(+) 65:- X STYLISTICS Betcha by golly, wow/Ebony eyes 1972 (SW Avco Embassy) VG+ 75:- HOLLIES On a carousel/Pay you back with interest 1967, small lt (US Imperial) VG(+) 65:- X JOE TEX Skinny legs and all/Watch the one 1967, gd. soul, NC (SW Atlantic) VG+/VG 65:- HONEYBUS I can't let Maggie go/Tender are the ashes 1968, wol (UK Deram) VG+ 65:- EPX CARL-ERIK THAMBERT & MARIANNE ANDERSSON "Cirkelskivan presenterar" Czardas- O HONEYCOMBS Have I the right/Please don't pretend again 1964 (SW PYE) VG+ 75:- furstinnan potpurri/Två mäörka ögon/CARL-ERIC THAMBERT Mitt eget land/MARIANNE ANDERSSON X TOMMY JAMES & SHONDELLS Say I am/Lots of pretty girls 1966 (NL Artone/Roulette) VG+ 75:- Då väntar jag vid vägarna 1960, reklamskiva för Cirkel-Kaffe (SW Cirkelskivan) VG 65:- X DAVY JONES It ain't me babe/Baby it's me 1967, Monkees-member (SW PYE) VG+ 75:- X TROGGS Love is all around/When will the rain come 1967, NC, tapemarks on sleeve (NO Fontana) X PAUL JONES High time/I can't hold on much longer 1966, small woc (SW HMV) VG++ 75:- VG(+) 65:- X PAUL JONES Privilege/Free me 1967, soc (SW HMV) VG++ 65:- O PORTER WAGONER A good time was had by all/Seeing her only reminded me of you 1956, dog on X LEAPY LEE Little arrows/Time will tell 1968 (SW Stateside) VG+ 65:- top (US RCA Victor) VG(-) 65:- X LES CHATS SAUVAGES Twist à Saint-Tropez/Oh boy! 1962, woc, sm.- split, worn cover - cover X MONA WESSMAN En sång om våren (Feliz navidad)/Har du hört vad som hänt 1973 (SW CBS) maybe VG - (SW HMV) VG+ 90:- VG+/VG 75:- O GARY LEWIS & PLAYBOYS Save your heart for me/Without a word of warning 1965, great B-side X PETE YORK'S NEW YORK Gimme some loving/Into the furnace 1980, B=instr. (GE Teldec) M- 75:- (SW liberty) VG+ 65:- X GARY LEWIS & PLAYBOYS Sure gonna miss her/I don't wanna say goodnight 1966 (SW Liberty) LP ALBUMS M- 65:- X JOHN LEYTON Beautiful dreamer/I guess you are always on my mind 1963 (DK HMV) VG(+) 65:- AEROSMITH Done with mirrors 1985 (US Geffen) M- 90:- BILL LINDSEY Blue/Winter love 1963 (SW Dot) VG+ 65:- AMEN CORNER & SMALL FACES same 1972, early recordings, soc (UK New World) VG+ 75:- X LULU Me, the peaceful heart/Lookout 1968 (SW Columbia) VG+ 90:- BEE GEES Bonanza - the early days 2-LP 1978, recordings from 1963-1966, great collection! (UK X LEE MARVIN Wandrin' star/CLINT EASTWOOD I talk to the trees 1969 (SW Paramount) VG+ 75:- Pickwick) VG+ 150:- X BARRY McGUIRE Eve of destruction/What exactly's the matter with me 1965, sm. split (GE RCA BLONDIE Autoamerican 1980, shrink wrap, incl- "The tide is high" (CA Chrysalis) M- 75:- Victor) VG+ 65:- SUSAN CADOGAN Doing it her way 1975, soc, slight rngwear, incl. "Hurt so good" (GE Ariola) VG(+) MERCY Love (can make you happy)/Fire ball 1969, Florida pop group, B=great fuzz gtr.instr. (US 65:- Sundi Records) VG+ 75:- BONNIE ST CLAIRE & UNIT GLORIA The rock goes on 1975 (NO Philips) VG+ 150:- O JEFF MILLS But I do/CHET AVERY Runaway 1961 (GE RCA) VG(+) 75:- ELVIS COSTELLO & ATTRACTIONS Goodbye cruel world 1984, soc (NL F-Beat) VG+ 75:- O MOODY BLUES From the bottom of my heart/And my baby's gone 1965, NC (UK Decca) VG+ 75:- JACKIE DE SHANNON New arrangement 1975, slight ringwear (CA Columbia) VG+ 90:- X WENCKE MYHRE Beiss nicht gleich in jeden Apfel 1966 (GE Polydor) VG+ 150:- DOOBIE BROTHERS The Captain and me 1973, gatefold, slight ringwear (US W.B.) M- 125:- RICKY NELSON Poor little fool/Don't leave me this way 1958, NC (UK London) VG+ 75:- DUANE EDDY & REBELS The twang's the thang 1959, tobc, needle jump on A1, great gtr.instr. album! O BUCK OWENS Love's gonna live here/Getting used to losing you 1963, NC (SW Capitol) VG++ (UK London) VG 90:- 75:- ELDKVARN Ny klubb 1984 (SW EMI/Hi Fidelity) VG+ 90:- X DON PARTRIDGE Blue eyes/I've got something for you 1968 (SW Columbia) VG+ 75:- ELVIS The Las Vegas years 1980, soc, wobc, inkl. "skrattversionen" av "Are you lonesome tonight" (SW X OTIS REDDING The happy song (Dum dum)/Open the door 1968 (SW Atlantic) VG 65:- RCA Victor) M- 125:- X OTIS REDDING Free me/(Your love has lifted me) Higher and higher 1969 (SW Atlantic) VG+ 75:- AGNETHA FÄLTSKOG Agnetha 1974, soc, stmc/cw (NL Embassy) VG+ 90:- X TOMMY ROE Heather honey/Money is my pay 1969 (SW Stateside) M- 75:- HEP STARS How it all started 1970, soc, cover art: Py Bäckman, early tracks (SW Efel) VG+ 150:- X TOMMY ROE Jack and Jill/Tip toe Tina 1969 (SW Stateside) VG++ 75:- BURL IVES Return of the wayfaring stranger 1960, wobc (UK CBS) VG+ 150:- X BOBBY RYDELL That old black magic/Don't be afraid (to fall in love) 1961, small cw (US Cameo) BURL IVES The times they are a-changin' 1969, "Stereo 360 sound", wobc, cwbc (US Columbia) VG+ VG+ 65:- 75:- O BOBBY RYDELL Mammy/Gee, it's wonderful 1962, blue vinyl, small cw (SW Karusell) VG+ 75:- IVY LEAGUE Sounds of.... 1967, nice harmony pop, incl. "Tossing and turning" (UK Marble Arch) VG(+) X SAM & DAVE Born again/Get it 1969, great soul (SW Atlantic) VG++ 75:- 75:- X PETER SARSTEDT Where do you go to my lovely/Morning mountain 1969 (SW U.A.) VG+ 75:- IVY LEAGUE Tomorrow is another day 1968, wobc (UK Marble Arch) VG+ 90:- PETER SELLERS & SOPHIA LOREN Goodness gracious me/I'm so ashamed 1960 (SW Odeon) WANDA JACKSON Please help me I'm falling 1968 (US Hilltop) VG+ 90:- VG+ 65:- COLIN JAMES Sudden stop 1990 (UK Virgin America) M- 75:- X BOBBY SHAFTO Who wouldn't love a girl like that/Love, love, love 1964 (SW Parlophone) VG+ JEAN MICHEL JARRE Oxygene 1977 (UK Polydor) VG+ 90:- 125:- LENA-MARIA Lena-Marias nya 1981, stmc, some ringwear (SW Columbia) VG+ 65:- O SHILLINGS Goodbye my lady/The world could stop 1967, pop group from Allentown, Pennsylvania JERRY LEE LEWIS By request - more of the greatest live show on earth 1966, live Forth Worth TX, soc, (US Three Rivers) VG(+) 65:- 2 tr.=VG, great LP! (US Philips) VG+ 90:- X SIMON & GARFUNKEL The boxer/Baby driver 1969 (SW CBS) VG+ 75:- BENTE LIND Bente 1985, soc, red label (NO Mariann) M- 150:- X NINA SIMONE Revolution, part 1 & 2 1968, sol, small woc (GE RCA Victor) VG+ 65:- TRINI LOPEZ The latin album 1964 (US Reprise) VG+ 90:- X FRANK SINATRA This town/This is my love 1967 (GE Reprise) VG+ 65:- MARMALADE Best of.... 1969, sobc (NL CBS) VG(+) 65:- X FRANK SINATRA Forget to remember/Goin' out of my head 1969 (GE Reprise) VG+ 65:- M.A. NUMMINEN Månen, mannen, kokosnöten 1980, soc (SW Columbia) VG+ 125:- X FRANK SINATRA Mrs. Robinson/Shadow of the moon 1969 (GE Reprise) VG++ 65:- BUCK OWENS Close-up 2-LP 1969, woc, some ringwear (US Capitol) VG+ 125:- O CAL SMITH I love you a thousand ways/Jacksonville 1968, white label radio station copy, country BRIAN POOLE & TREMELOES Remembering.... 1977, recordings from 1962-1965, great collection! (UK (US Kapp) M- 75:- Decca) M- 90:- X JOE SOUTH Games people play/Mirror of your mind 1969, small woc (SW Capitol) VG+ 75:- OTIS REDDING The Otis Redding story 4-LP BOX 1987, w. booklet, soc, stamps on cover, great SPOTNICKS Papa oom mow mow/Merry elephant 1966 (SW SweDisc) VG+ 65:- collection! (GE Atlantic) VG+ 250:- X THE SINGING NUN (Soeur Sourire) Dominique/Entre les etoiles 1963 (NO Philips) VG+ 75:- CLIFF RICHARD Live at the Talk of the Town 1970 (UK Regal Starline) VG+ 90:- X SUPREMES Only sixteen/I hear a symphony 1965, soc, woc (SW Tamla Motown) VG+ 75:- RIGHTEOUS BROTHERS Greatest hits 1973 release of 1967, RE, soc (GE Verwe) VG+ 90:- TASSELS To a soldier boy/The boy for me 1959, New Jersey group (US Madison) VG -/VG 65:- ROLLING STONES "L'âge d'or vol. 7" Between the buttons 1970, w. insert, gatefold (FR Decca) VG+ O THE YOUNG IDEA Peculiar situation/Just look at the rain 1967, small cw (SW Columbia) VG+ 75:- 150:- X TREMELOES Silence is golden/Let your hair hang down 1967 (GE CBS) VG+ 75:- SPOTNICKS The great snowman 1977, instr./vocal, great album! (SW Mariann International) M- 125:- X TREMELOES My little lady/All the world to me 1968 (SW CBS) VG+ 75:- SVEN-INGVARS I Frödingland 1971, gatefold, woc (SW Philips) VG+ 90:- O RE TROGGS Wild thing/With a girl like you 1978, 1967 recordings (UK Old Gold) VG+ 45:- WHITESNAKE "1987" 1987 (GE EMI) VG+ 75:- O TROGGS You can cry if you want to/There's something about you 1968, bb hole (US Fontana) WHITESNAKE Slip of the tongue 1989 (GE EMI) VG+ 75:- VG++ 75:- FRED ÅKERSTRÖM Sjunger Ruben Nilson 1963, soc, hans första LP (SW Metronome) VG+ 150:- BILLY WARD & DOMINOES Star dust/Lucinda 1957, green/silver label (US Liberty) VG++ 90:- V.A. 20 ORIGINAL WINNERS Vol. 1 w. Wilbert Harrison, Bobby Lewis, Joe Jones, Joey Dee, Chantels, X MUDDY WATERS I'm your hoochie koochie man (mis-spelled on cover)/Got my mojo working Little Joey & Flips, Cleftones, Crows, Penguins, Billy Bland, Little Eva, Dovells, Cadillacs etc. 1964, great 1966, live (NL Chess Int.) VG+ 90:- album! (US Roulette) VG+ 150:- WILLIS BROTHERS A six foot two by four/Strange old town 1965, country (US Starday) VG+ 75:- GENE VINCENT Be-bop-a-lula/The king of fools, no PS, the fast twist version of Be-bop-a-lula (SW 50s/60s 7" SINGLES Capitol) VG+ 125:- LITTLE STEVIE WONDER Fingertips, part 1 & 2 1963, NC (SW Stateside) VG+ 75:- 1910 FRUITGUM CO. The train/Eternal light 1969, B=instr., en av deras svårare singlar (US Buddah) X ZAGER & EVANS In the year 2525/Little kids 1969 (GE RCA Victor) M- 65:- VG+ 75:- FLEXI ”THERE IS MUSIC IN THE AIR” CLIFF ADAMS SINGERS w. Hermanos Deniz Orch. X AMEN CORNER Bend me, shape me/Satisnek the job's worth 1968, UK press, toc (SW Deram) VG+ Caravelle samba 1959, PROMO RECORD for SAS, released to celebrate that the Caravelle jetliner 65:- entered service (SW SAS) VG+ 125:- O CHRIS ANDREWS Yesterday man/Tioo bad you don't want me 1965, cover VG (UK Decca) M- 65:- O ANIMALS The house of the rising sun/Talkin' about you 1964, NC, cw (SW Columbia) VG+ 65:- INSTRUMENTAL 7" SINGLES X JOAN BAEZ Pack up your sorrows/A swallow song 1966, WHITE LABEL PROMO (GE Amadeo) VG+ 90:- ACE CANNON Cottonfields/Mildew 1963 (SW London) VG 45:- X WILLIAM BELL A tribute to a king/Every man oughta have a woman 1968, soul, woc, sol, NC (SW RE CHAMPS Midnighter/Go champs go! 1977, orig. recordings, great instr. rock! (US Record Mart) Atlantic) VG+ 75:- M- 45:- X BOX TOPS The letter/Happy times 1967 (SW Stateside) VG+ 75:- X RUSS CONWAY Lesson one/Angelo 1962, small cw on backside of cover (DK Columbia) VG+ 65:- X RAY CHARLES No one to cry to/A tear fell 1964, small cw (SW Karusell) VG+ 75:- FROGMEN Underwater/The mad rush 1961, great instrumentals! Probably repro single. (US (O) DAVE CLARK FIVE Look before you leap/Please tell me why 1966, unfortunately a Liberty company Candix) M- 125:- sleeve (AUS Columbia) VG++ 65:- X NEAL HEFTI Batman theme/Batman chase 1988, orig. recordings from 1966 (GE RCA) VG+ 65:- X ARTHUR CONLEY People sure act funny/Burning fire 1968, wobc, wol (FR Atco) VG+/VG 65:- JOHNNY & HURRICANES Crossfire/Lazy 1959 (US Warwick) VG+/VG 65:- X COWSILLS Hair/What is happy? 1969 (SW MGM) VG+ 75:- O LOVE SCULPTURE Sabre dance/Think of love 1968, NC, fantastic gtr.instr. with Dave Edmunds BILLIE DAVIS Tell him/I'm thankful 1963, NC (UK Decca) VG+ 75:- on lead guitar, B=vocal (UK Parlophone) VG++ 125:- ARTHUR LYMAN GROUP Yellow bird/Havah nagilah 1961, Radio Nord Topp 20, red vinyl, NC (SW X SVEN-INGVARS Jag ringer på fredag/Skolfröken Nilsson 1967 (SW SvenskAmerican) VG(+) 45:- Sonet) VG/VG+ 65:- X SVEN-INGVARS med SVEN-ERIK MAGNUSSON Hon kommer med sommaren/Jag vill resa bort X HUGO MONTENEGRO ORCH. The good, the bad and the ugly/March with hope 1966, NC (GE RCA 1974 (SW Philips) VG+ 65:- Victor) VG++ 65:- X SVERIGES JAZZBAND Det är jag som går vägen uppför stegen/Jag kommer i kväll under O MUS-TWANGS Marie/Roch Lomond 1961, great rockin' instr., gtr/sax (UK Mercury) VG+ 150:- balkongen 1973 (SW RCA Victor) M- 45:- SANDY NELSON All night long/Rompin' & stompin' 1960, NC (SW California) VG+ 75:- X SVERIGES JAZZBAND Aj aj aj/Jag kryper lågt 1973 (SW RCA Victor) M- 45:- X NEW VENTURES Moonlight serenade (2 versions) 1976 (GE U.A.) VG+ 75:- X Noaks ark/Vill hellre ha en sommar (El condor pasa) 1970 (SW O ÖIJWINDS Fröken Johansson och jag/Lazy river 1962, NC, great instrumentals! (SW Odeon) VG+ Metronome) VG+ 65:- 125:- TINA & MARINA Wini-wini/En tamouré 1963, blue vinyl (SW Karusell) VG+ 65:- X TOTTA'S BLUES BAND Ain't your business/Too late 1982 (SW Nacksving) VG+ 65:- SCANDINAVIAN 7" SINGLES X TRIO ME BUMBA Spel-Olles gånglåt/Sommar i Palma 1963, B=great gtr.instr. (SW Polydor) VG+ 65:- O RAY ADAMS Jag har bott vid en landsväg (great uptempo version)/On a sunny day 1962 (NO Fontana) X CORNELIS VREESWIJK En fattig trubadur/Mjällvisa från Altea 1971 (SW Philips) M- 90:- VG+ 90:- X MONICA ZETTERLUND Svaret är kärleken/Gröna små äpplen 1969 (SW Metronome) VG+ 75:- X SVEND ASMUSSEN & ULRIK NEUMANN Where have all the flowers gone/Scarlet ribbons 1962 (SW RCA) VG+ 65:- 70s-90s 7" SINGLES O OTTO BRANDENBURG Anne-Li/Lolo-Lolita 1962 (SW Odeon) VG 65:- X DARIO CAMPEOTTO Een for alle/Nu er himlen klar og blå 1963 (DK Sonet) VG+ 75:- AL & CAROL Roll in my sweet baby's arms/The ashes are still warm 1975, country, wol (US X CLAES DIEDEN Da doo ron ron/Be there to be with 1969, soc (SW Olga) VG+ 65:- Granite Records) M- 65:- X LEE KINGS Hot dogs 1967, NC, tapemarks on sleeve, one-sided single (SW RCA Victor) VG+ 75:- X B-52's Channel Z/Junebug 1989 (GE Reprise) M- 45:- X LOLLIPOPS Swing and sway/I can't live without your lovin' 1967, vinst i "Flaggspelet", en tävling från BABE RUTH Private number/Somebody's nobody 1975 (UK Harvest) VG+ 65:- Kalaspuffar/Fraskuddar (SW Polydor) M- 90:- O BIGGLES Gimme gimme some lovin'/Can't buy you 1971, NC, prod. by Mike Berry (UK Philips) X OLA & JANGLERS Juliet/This ring 1967 (SW Gazell) VG+ 90:- VG+ 75:- X TAGES I should be glad/I cry 1965, woc (SW Platina) VG+ 90:- X BLOOD, SWEAT & TEARS Hi-de-ho/The battle 1970, NC (SW CBS) VG+ 65:- O TAGES Every raindrop means a lot/Look what you get 1967 (SW Parlophone) VG+ 75:- X BLOOD, SWEAT & TEARS Tell me that I'm wrong/Rock reprise 1974 (SW CBS) VG+ 75:- X JAMES BROWN Hey America (2 versions) 1970 (GE Polydor) VG+ 65:- SVENSKA SINGLAR/SWEDISH 7" SINGLES X JAMES BROWN Sex machine part 1 & 2 1970 (GE Polydor) VG(+) 45:- X JAMES BROWN Hot pants, part 1 & 2 1971 (GE Polydor) VG(+) 45:- X ÖRJAN ANDERSSON Första, andra, tredje (melodin från Skansens auktionsprogram i TV)/Gulli'a goa X KATE BUSH Sat in your lap/Lord of the Reedy River 1980, slight crease on cover (NL EMI) M- 45:- Gun 1971, auktionsutroparen Karl-Erik Eriksson på bildomslaget, NC, wobc (SW Columbia) VG+ 65:- X KATE BUSH Running up that hill/Under the ivy 1985 (NL EMI) M- 45:- X STAFFAN ATTERHALL Då man var ung/Lilla Pruttes pottvals 1970, woc (SW Intersound) VG+ 90:- X KATE BUSH Experiment IV/Wuthering heights (new vocal) 1986 (NL EMI) M- 45:- O The green door/Takin' a chance on love 1957 (SW Metronome) VG 75:- X CHEECH & CHONG Born in east L.A./I'm a modern man 1985 (GE MCA) VG+ 45:- X ALICE BABS En herrskapstrall/Balladen om Sahra Dahlander 1962 (SW Polydor) VG++ 65:- X CHER Half-breed/Melody 1973, sm. split (GE MCA) VG+ 45:- O Elisabeth serenade/Donna Maria 1962, Radio Nords De Tio, sm.split, toc (SW X CHICORY TIP Son of my father/Pride comes before a fail 1972 (SP CBS) VG++ 45:- HMV) VG(+) 45:- X BONNIE ST CLAIRE Waikiki man/Will it help me 1973, wobc, swdnap (DK Philips) VG+/VG 65:- X ELEANOR BODEL Jag önskar att det alltid vore sommar/Att le mot någon 1969 (SW Olga) VG(+) 65:- X PETULA CLARK I don't know how to love him (from "Jesus Christ Superstar")/Maybe 1971 (FR X LENNE BROBERG Mälarökyrka/Båten blå 1968 (SW RCA Victor) VG+ 90:- Vogue) VG++ 45:- X ROBBAN BROBERG Väderleksfelprataren/Jag måste hejda mej 1967, woc (SW Columbia) VG+ 75:- X JIMMY CLIFF Love me love me/Sunshine in the music 1988 (NL CBS) M- 65:- X ROBBAN BROBERG Längta efter kärlek/Rimma med Robban 1968 (SW Columbia) VG+ 75:- X CHI COLTRANE Hallelujah/Let it ride 1974 (NL CBS) VG+ 45:- X ROBBAN BROBERG Din bild gör mig vild/Alla springer omkring 1968, NC, woc, ur filmen "Längta efter X SAMMY DAVIS, JR. Song and dance man/Snap your fingers 1976 (SW 20th Century Records) M- kärlek" (SW Columbia) VG+ 75:- 65:- X ROBERT KARL-OSKAR BROBERG Uppblåsbara Barbara/Elisabeth 1970 (SW Columbia) M-/VG+ 75:- X NEIL DIAMOND Cracklin' Rosie/Lordy 1970 (NO UNI) VG+ 45:- O BURKEN Hey baberiba/Good golly miss Molly 1972, small cw (SW Polydor) VG+ 45:- X DRIFTERS Down on the beach tonight/Say goodbye to Angelina 1974 (GE Bell) VG+ 45:- X TOWA CARSON Tusen och en natt/Guantanamera 1966, small woc (SW RCA Victor) VG+ 90:- X JACQUES DUTRONC L'Arsene/GEORGES RAUDI Stercok 1970, B=instr., från TV-serien Arsene X TOWA CARSON Casatschok/Du får mig dit du vill 1969 (SW CBS) VG+ 75:- Lupin (FR Vogue) VG+ 75:- X COUNTRY FOUR Du är det allra käraste (I'll never finda nother you)/Att vara din 1965, soc (SW X EARTH AND FIRE Memories/From the end till the beginning 1972, Dutch progressive (GE Polydor) ScanDisc) VG+ 65:- VG+/VG 45:- X KJERSTIN DELLERT & LARS ROOS Höstvisa/Lyckan 1981, AUTOGRAPHED/SIGNERAD AV BÅDA X DAVE EDMUNDS Almost Saturday night/You'll never get me up 1981 (UK Swan Song) VG+ 45:- (SW Nattproduktion) M- 90:- X ELECTRIC LIGHT ORCHESTRA All over the world (from "Xanadu")/Midnight blue 1979 (NL Jet) X LENA ERICSSON En värld full av kärlek/Kärlekens musik 1971, soc (SW Polydor) M- 65:- M- 45:- X "ESKILSTUNA ÅRETS STAD" TOWA CARSON & PETER HIMMELSTRAND m. TJOCKA SLÄKTEN X ELECTRIC LIGHT ORCHESTRA The way life's meant to be/Wishing 1981 (NL Jet) VG+ 45:- Eskilstuna är värt en melodi/ANITA LINDMAN & OLA "TELEVINKEN" LUNDBERG Anita och Televinken i O FATHER ABRAHAM The smurf song/The magic flute smurf 1977 (UK Decca) VG++ 65:- Årets Stad 1973, utgiven av tidningen Expressen (SW EskilstunaKlang) VG+ 90:- X ARETHA FRANKLIN Can't turn you loose/United together 1980 (GE Arista) M- 45:- X Pedro/Va' ska vi göra 1968 (SW RCA Victor) VG++ 75:- X FREE All right now/Mouthful of grass 1970 (SW Island) VG 45:- X GOTHLANDS FÅR Gotländsk sommarnatt/Josefin 1968 (SW Columbia) VG+ 75:- X FUTURE PILOT A.K.A. vs RANJIT NAGAR CHORUS We shall overcome/vs KIM FOWLEY Night X ANN-LOUISE HANSON Arrividerci Frans!/ ska jag komma tillbaka till dej 1968 (SW Philips) flight to Memphis 1997, 33 rpm (UK Creeping Bent) VG+ 65:- VG++ 75:- X GLORIA GAYNOR How high the moon/My man's gone 1975, soc (GE MGM) VG+ 45:- X ANN-LOUISE HANSSON Leve glädjen/Såsom du kysser ingen annan 1970, small woc (SW Philips) X GENESIS Keep it dark/Naminanu 1981 (UK Charisma) M- 45:- VG+ 65:- X EDDY GRANT Living on the frontline/Frontline symphony 1979 (NL Mercury) VG+ 45:- X LALLA HANSSON Dagny (bra version!)/Gävles Barnens Dag 1973, NC (SW EMI) VG+ 75:- X HEYETTES The Fonz song/same (instr.) 1976, fråm TV-serien "Gänget och jag", UK press (SW X LARS-RUNE JÄVERBRANT Kärlek i Roma/Lycklige Jim 1965 (SW ScanDisc) VG(+) 65:- London) VG++ 75:- X TOWE & PETER JÖBACK More than a game (2 versions) 1992, the official song for 1992 European X BILLY HOWARD King of the cops/The disco cops 1975, songs including great imitations of Championship of Football (NL Columbia) M- 65:- wellknown TV cops, like Columbo, Kojak, Cannon, McCloud etc (GE RCA Victor) VG+ 65:- X LANDSLAGET Tänk om jag vore en flyttfågel..../Västerbron 1972, small cw/naggat i kanten runt X TERRY JACKS Seasons in the sun/Put the bone in 1973 (GE Bell) VG+ 45:- öppningen (SW Columbia) VG+ 45:- X MICHAEL JACKSON Heal the world/She drives me wild 1992 (NL Epic) VG+ 65:- X LILL-BABS Splorr 1962, one-sided single released by the Lill-Babs' fan club, blue vinyl (SW Karusell) X JOHNNY JOHNSON & HIS BANDWAGON (Blame it) on the Pony Express/Never let her go 1970 VG+ 150:- (SW Bell) VG+ 45:- X LILL-BABS Det var min lycka/Twist twist 1962, sm. split, small stain on cover (SW Karusell) VG+ 90:- X JUPITER SUNSET Back in the sun/same (instr.) 1971, gd. symphonic/progressive rock by French X ANITA LINDBLOM Jalousie/Vind för våg 1967 (SW CBS) VG+/VG 65:- studio musicians (FR Pathé) VG+ 75:- X ANITA LINDBLOM Spanska ögon/Minns du den sången 1967 (SW CBS) VG+ 65:- X K.C. & THE SUNSHINE BAND Shake your booty/Boogie shoes 1976 (GE RCA Victor) VG+ 45:- O LITTLE GERHARD Icko-Icko/Snart är våren här 1973, small cw, stmc (SW Polydor) VG+ 65:- X KINKS Lola/Berkley Mews 1970, cover has some creases (SW PYE) VG+ 45:- X NINA LIZELL & LEE HAZLEWOOD Vem kan segla förutan vind/Hey cowboy 1971 (SW LHI) VG(+) 75:- X REGGIE KNIGHTON VD got to Idi/All night long 1977, från programmet Eldorado (NL CBS) M- 45:- X LUDGO-PELLES "Tungstepp med Ludgo-Pelle" Hjort-Anders polska/Rask-Gustavs vals 1974 (SW O LEE LYNCH Sweet woman/Can't take my eyes off you 1970 (UK Ember) VG+ 65:- Roldex) VG+ 65:- X MARCELLA Io, domani/Dove vai 1973 (IT CGD) VG+ 65:- X ANNA-LENA LÖFGREN Lyckliga gatan/Hjärtat på rätta stället 1967 (SW Metronome) VG/VG+ 65:- X MODERN TROUBLE Fly to Moscow (2 diff.) 1987, limited edition in "glasnost vinyl" (transparent), O LARS LÖNNDAHL Exodus/Fågel Röd 1961, cw (SW RCA) VG(+) 65:- soc (GE Chic) VG+ 45:- X EVA LÖTHMAN Min kärlekssymfoni/La folletta 1970, känd från Hylands Hörna (SW ScanDisc) VG(+) O MOTT THE HOOPLE Roll away the stone 1973 (SW CBS) VG+ 45:- 65:- X MUD Tiger feet/Mr. Bagatelle 1974 (SW RAK) VG+ 75:- X KISA MAGNUSSON Räck ut din hand (Everybody join hands)/En park av svarta rosor 1972, soc (SW X MUNGO JERRY In the summertime/Mighty man 1970, NC (SW PYE) VG+ 45:- Frituna) VG+/VG 65:- X WENCKE MYHRE & SOHN Wir beide gegen den Wind/Drum schau nur zu 1983 (GE Polydor) DAGFIN MALM Jag hörde dig sjunga/För dig allen, troligen 60-tal, privatpressad skiva med vit etikett VG+ 90:- och inga uppgifter om skivbolag, SIGNERAD/AUTOGRAPHED. Skådespelare som var med i filmen "En X PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC Are you ready/Staggolee 1970 (SW CBS) VG+ 45:- kärlekshistoria" 1970. Enligt uppgift är han i dag 92 år och bor i Bromma. (SW ?) VG 90:- X JO PALM Tina/Makin' love 1973, wol (FR RCA Victor) VG+ 45:- X Regnet det bara öser ner/La la la 1970 (SW Metronome) VG+ 65:- X PHIL T (TRIGWELL) Before the boys get back/Spot the tune 1985, soc (SW Anna Records) VG+ X JAN MALMSJÖ Två kamrater/Evert Taube/Rosen 1970 (SW CBS) M- 75:- 75:- X OLLE NORELL Balladen om begravningsfirman Bröderna Byström/En lördagskväll på måle' vårat 1969, X PIRATES Sweet love on my mind (live)/You don't own me/Don't München it 1977, tour schedule for KLASSIKER! Sjuk humor när den är som bäst. (SW Cewe Records) VG+ 150:- Sept./Oct. 1977 on back of cover (UK W.B.) VG+ 65:- X MATS OLIN Jag tror på sommaren/Gossen med det gyllene äpplet 1967 (SW Polar) VG+/VG 45:- X PLASTIC BERTRAND Tout petit la planete/C'est le rock'n' roll 1978, soc (FR Vogue) VG+ 65:- X MATS OLIN Limon Limonero/Det skall du vara glad för 1969 (SW Polar) M- 65:- X QUEEN B Red top hot shot beep beep beep/Gardening 1989 (GE London) M- 45:- X ARNE QUICK & GÖSTA "SNODDAS" Barnatro/Stugan vid strand 1970, utgiven av Saxons X TINA RAINFORSD Charly Boy/Rising sun (Amazing grace) 1977 (GE CBS) M- 45:- veckotidning (SW Saxons) VG(+) 65:- X RATTLES The witch/Geraldine 1970 (SW Spark) VG+ 75:- X ARNE QUICK & GÖSTA SNODDAS Barnatro/Stugan vid strand 1970, stmc, utgiven av Saxons O JOHNNY RIVERS Sea cruise (great version!)/Our lady of the well 1971 (SW U.A.) VG+ 65:- veckotidning (SW Saxons) VG++ 75:- X TOM ROBINSON BAND 2-4-6-8 motorway/I shall be released 1977 (SW EMI) VG+ 45:- X EWA ROOS Vilken härlig dag/Det lönar sig inte med tårar i år 1968 (SW Epic) VG+ 65:- X ROCKPILE Wrong way/Now and always 1980 (UK F-Beat) VG++ 45:- X SKEPPARN "Sjunger Evert Taube" Här är den sköna sommar/Bröllopsresan till Barcelona 1968 (SW X BARRY RYAN Red man/Loneliest night of the year 1971 (GE Polydor) VG+ 75:- ScanDisc) M- 90:- X TELLY SAVALAS (Kojak) Some broken hearts never mend/Look what you've done to me 1980, X STEN & STANLEY Godnatt Marie/I lust och nöd 1965 (SW Decca) VG+ 65:- white label promo (SW RCA Victor) M- 75:- X STEN & STANLEY Skriv några rader/Flickan min 1966, small woc (SW Decca) VG+ 65:- X SLADE My friend Stan/My town 1973 (GE Polydor) VG+ 75:- X STEN & STANLEY Runt halva denna jord/Svenske kungens män 1967, reklamskiva (SW General X SOFT CELL Tainted love/Memorabilia 1981 (SW Mercury) M- 45:- Foods) VG+ 65:- X ALVIN STARDUST You, you, you/Come on 1974, sol (GE Magnet) VG+ 75:- X STEN & STANLEY Får jag följa dig en bit på vägen/Kapten Kidd 1967, soc (SW Decca) VG+ 65:- X SWEET Funny, funny/You're wrong for loving me 1971 (GE RCA Victor) VG+/VG 45:- X SUZIE Walkin' back to happiness/Det bara händer 1969, tapemarks on sleeve (SW Zoom) VG+ 75:- X SWEET Poppa Joe/Jeanie 1971 (GE RCA Victor) VG/VG+ 45:- X SVEN-INGVARS Fröken Fräken/Min gitarr 1964 (SW Philips) VG+ 65:- X SWEET The six teens/Burn on the flame 1974 (GE RCA Victor) VG+ 45:- X SWEET Fever of love/A distincty lack of ancient 1977 (GE RCA Victor) VG(+) 45:- X SWINGING BLUE JEANS Tonight’s the night/Bangin’ in my head 1980 (GE RCA Victor) M- 45:- EPX GUY MARDEL "N'avoue jamais"/Sans rien me dire/S'il pleut aujourd'hui/Songe songe 1965, X JOHNNIE TAYLOR Jody got your girl and gone/A fool like me 1972 (GE Stax) VG++ 90:- Eurovision (FR AZ) VG(+) 90:- X T-REX Get it on/There was a time/Raw ramp 1971, woc (SW Stateside) VG+/VG 65:- X GUNNAR WIKLUND Jag ser en värld (Schlagertävlingen 1968)/Dina tårar 1968, tapemarks on X IKE & TINA TURNER Nutbush city limits/Help him 1973 (GE U.A.) VG+ 65:- sleeve, small cw (SW Columbia) VG+ 65:- X IKE & TINA TURNER Sexy Ida, part 1 & 2 1974 (GE U.A.) VG+ 65:- LP CLIFF RICHARD Power to all our friends 1973, soc (NL EMI) VG(+) 75:- X IKE & TINA TURNER Delila's power/That's my purpose 1975 (GE U.A.) VG+ 65:- X SYLVIE VARTAN Petit rainbow/Bla bla bla 1977 (GE RCA Victor) VG+ 45:- HEAVY 7” SINGLES X BARRY WHITE Can't get enough of your love, baby/Just not enough 1974 (GE Philips) VG+ 45:- X WHITE PLAINS My baby loves lovin'/Show me your hand 1970 (SW Deram) VG+ 65:- X BACHMAN-TURNER OVERDRIVE Down to the line/She's a devil 1975 (GE Mercury) VG+ 65:- X RICKY WILDE I am an astronaut/The hertfordshire rock 1972, NC (SW UK) VG+ 75:- X VAN HALEN Jump!/House of pain 1983 (GE W.B.) VG+ 65:- X FLEXI PRESIDENT JIMMY CARTER's INAUGURAL ADDRESS January 20, 1977, promo record (NL Sonopresse) VG+ 65:- ROLLING STONES & RELATED

ABBA & RELATED X ROLLING STONES Undercover of the night/All the way down 1983 (NL R.S.) VG+ 65:- LP ROLLING STONES Rock'n' Rolling Stones 1972, great compilation of early tracks (UK Decca) X HEP STARS Hawaii/Sunny girl 1966 (SW Olga) VG+ 75:- VG+ 90:- X HEP STARS I natt jag drömde/Jag vet 1966 (SW Olga) VG(+) 65:- LP ROLLING STONES Metamorphosis 1975, incl. old recordings and demos, gd. collection (UK LP ABBA Waterloo 1974 (UK Epic) VG+ 90:- Decca) VG+ 150:- LP ABBA The best of.... 1975, soc (GE Polydor) VG+ 125:- LP ABBA Greatest hits 1976, gatefold (UK Epic) VG+ 125:- LP ABBA The singles - the first ten years 2-LP 1982, great compilation (SW Polar) M- 90:- ROXETTE & RELATED LP ABBA The hits 1987, stmc (UK Pickwick) VG+ 90:- LP AGNETHA FÄLTSKOG Elva kvinnor i ett hus 1975 (SW Polar) M- 90:- X GYLLENE TIDER Flickan i en Cole Porter-sång/MODERN TIMES I go to pieces 1982 (SW LP HOOTENANNY SINGERS Det bästa med... vol. 2 1969, inkl. solospår med Björn Ulvaeus, bra Parlophone) VG+ 90:- samling, soc (SW Polar) VG+ 90:- X GYLLENE TIDER Teaser Japanese/Young girl 1983, soc (SW EMI) VG+ 90:- LP HOOTENANNY SINGERS Skillingtryck 1970 (SW Polar) VG+ 90:- 12" X MARIE FREDRIKSSON Efter stormen/Varmt och djupt 1987, PROMO-only, 330 copies made LP HOOTENANNY SINGERS Våra vackraste visor 2 1972 (SW Polar) VG+ 75:- (SW EMI) M- 250:- LP HOOTENANNY SINGERS Evert Taube på vårt sätt 1974 SW Polar) VG+ 90:- LP HOOTENANNY SINGERS Evert Taube på vårt sätt 1974 SW Polar) VG+ 90:- FRANK ZAPPA

BEACH BOYS & RELATED LP FRANK ZAPPA Jazz from hell 1986, instr. jazz rock (GE EMI) M- 150:-

BARENAKED LADIES Brian Wilson/Break your heart 1997 (US Reprise) VG+ 65:- 7” EP RECORDS O BEACH BOYS Long promised roaf/Dierdre 1971 (UK Stateside) VG+ 90:- X BEACH BOYS Kokomo/LITTLE RICHARD Tutti frutti 1988, from the film "Coctail" (GE Elektra) M- 65:- X RAY ADAMS "Soria Moria" In a boat for two/Keep her happy/Titel/Ding dong Bonny Belle 1961, LP BEACH BOYS same 1968, orig. inner sleeve, silver/red label (UK MFP) VG+ 90:- Radio Nord Topp 20 (SW Fontana) VG+ 75:- LP BEACH BOYS Bug-in 1970 (UK Regal Starline) VG+ 90:- X SVEND ASSMUSSEN & SEIN SEXTETT "Swing easy" My blue heaven/Tea for two/My LP BEACH BOYS The very best of... 1985, bikini girls cover, DDR release (DDR Amiga) M- 90:- melancholy baby/On the sunny side of the street 1961, instr. (GE Telefunken) M- 90:- LP BRIAN WILSON same 1988, soc (GE Sire) M- 90:- X FRANKIE AVALON "Venus"/I'm broke/I'll wait for you/What little girl 1959, 2 x uptempo, woc (DK Sonet) VG(+) 75:- BEATLES & RELATED X Fat Mammy Brown/Kärlek livet ut 1957 (SW Knäppupp) VG+/VG 75:- X BRITA BORG Kari väntar dej (ur filmen "Windjammer")/Blir du glad, blir du kär, blir du min/Torero/Jag ler mot dig 1958 (SW Knäppupp) VG(+) 75:- X ARTHUR CONLEY Ob-la-di ob-la-da/I've been loving you too long (to stop now) 1969 (SP Atlantic) X VICTOR BORGE "Satirics" Liebestraum/Mozart opera part 1/Mozart opera part 2 1957, sobc, great VG+ 90:- comedian! (NL Philips) VG+ 75:- X CLAES-GÖRAN HEDERSTRÖM Ob-la-di, ob-la-da/Jo du (Hey Jude) 1968 (SW RCA Victor) VG+ 65:- X VICTOR BORGE "Happy birthday to you" part 1 & 2 1957 (NL Philips) VG+ 75:- X JOHN & YOKO m. PLASTIC ONO BAND Power to the people/Open your box 1971 (SW Apple) VG+ X BORIS Scoudidou/Moanin'/On the corner/When you're smiling 1960, soc (SW Sonet) VG(+) 125:- 75:- X OTTO BRANDENBURG "Twilight time"/Rollin' stone/Red sails in the sunset/Five minutes more X JOHN LENNON Woman/YOKO ONO Beautiful boys 1980 (PORT Geffen) VG+ 65:- 1961, NC, 1tr.=VG (SW Odeon) VG+ 125:- X PAUL & LINDA McCARTNEY Eat at home/Smile away 1971, NC (SW Apple) VG+ 75:- X HELMER BRYDS EMINENT FIVE QUARTET Sloan's liniment/S.O.S./Norge/Madrassen 1968, LP BEATLES Help 1965, RE (SW Parlophone) M- 90:- sobc (SW Svenska Ljud) VG+ 125:- LP BEATLES Rubber soul 1965, needle jump on B1, can possibly be fixed by increased stylus pressure, X DARIO CAMPEOTTO Angelique/Libero/Nella bella cita'/Un italiano innamorato 1961, blue vinyl, Danish pressing w. UK cover, flipback (DK Parlophone) VG+ 150:- Radio Nord-hit (SW Sonet) VG+ 75:- LP BEATLES Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band 1967, yellow Parlophone logo, "sold in the UK etc" X TOWA CARSON "4 hits" Sjöman/Mitt hjärta sjöng/Sista dansen/Snälla Per 1960, NC (SW RCA) text, matrix no. XEX 637-1/XEX 638-1, small cwbc, no insert (UK Parlophone) VG 150:- VG(+) 75:- LP BEATLES Greatest 1965, RE/1970s press), great collection (SW Parlophone) M- 125:- X TOWA CARSON De tre klockorna/Lika kär som jag/Cerasella/Gunga i en hammock 1961, silver tri LP PAUL McCARTNEY Flowers in the dirt 1989, w. lyrics (GE EMI) M- 75:- (GE RCA) VG 65:- LP JOHN LENNON Rock'n'roll 1975, UK printed cover (SW Apple) M- 125:- X TOWA CARSON Edelweiss/Du som är man/En värld av toner/När körleken har flyttat 1966 (SW LP JULIAN LENNON Valotte 1984, Russian release (RU Melodia) M- 90:- RCA Victor) VG 75:- LP MIRZA MEN Latin Beatles 1969, Latin instr. versions of Beatles songs (UK DJM) VG+ 90:- X RAY CHARLES "Modern sounds in country and western music" Bye bye, love/Worried LP WILSON PICKETT Hey Jude 1969, some edgewear (US Atlantic) VG+ 125:- mind/Careless love/I can't stop loving you 1962 (SW Karusell) VG(-) 35:- LP WINGS Band on the run 1973 (UK Apple) VG+ 90:- X CHUBBY CHECKER La paloma twist/Slow twistin’/Twist along/Your lips and mine 1962 (SW Columbia) VG+ 150:- DAVID BOWIE COASTERS Charlie Brown/Three cool cats/Searchin'/Brazil 1959, no PS, RE 5055, red label (SW London) VG+ 90:- 12" X DAVID BOWIE London boys/Love you till Tuesday/Laughing gnome/The maid of Bond Street (rec. X NAT KING COLE Brazilian love song/Coo-coo-roo-coo-coo, paloma/Wolverton Mountain/Skip to 1967-70), Archive series (UK Castle/Archive) M- 30:- my Lou 1962, NC, sobc (SW Capitol) VG+ 90:- 12" X DAVID BOWIE Blue Jean/Dancing with the big boys (2 versions) 1984 (US EMI Americ) M- 65:- X BOBBY DARIN "Mack the Knife"/Was there a call for me/Softly as in a morning sunrise/Some of LP DAVID BOWIE At The Tower Philadelphia 1982 (GE RCA) M- 90:- these days 1959, wobc (SW Atlantic) VG(+) 75:- LP DAVID BOWIE Rare 1982, soc (UK RCA) VG+ 75:- X DIRE STRAITS Twistin' by the pool/Two young lovers/If I had you 1982, great EP (NL Vertigo) VG+ LP DAVID BOWIE and fashion 1984 (GE RCA) VG++ 75:- 65:- X FATS DOMINO Blueberry Hill/I can't go on/Honey chile/Don't you know 1957, NC, sm. split, RE-U CLIFF & SHADOWS 1073, UK export press (SW London) VG 90:- X DONOVAN Donna, Donna/Car car/Cuttin' out/Ramblin' boy 1965, cover VG+ (SW PYE) VG 75:- X BRIAN BENNETT BAND Wallop/The girls back home 1981, Shadows drummer (SW Mercury) M- 65:- X GEORGIA GIBBS "Rock rock rock" Tra la la/Morning, noon and night/Silent lips/Pretty pretty 1958 X CLIFF RICHARD Lucky lips/I wonder 1963, lt, sm. split (SW Columbia) VG(+) 65:- (SW Mercury) VG+ 90:- X CLIFF RICHARD Visions/What would I do (for the love of a girl) 1966, sobc (SW Columbia) VG+ 75:- X BILL HALEY & HIS COMETS R-O-C-K/ See you later alligator/The saints rock'n' roll/The paper boy X CLIFF RICHARD I'll love you forever today/Girl you'll be a woman soon 1968 (SW Columbia) VG+ 75:- 1956, NC, UK export press, 1 tr.=VG - (SW Decca) VG 65:- 12" X CLIFF RICHARD Some people/One time lover man/Reunion of the heart 1987, soc, small cwbc X SONYA HEDENBRATT Älskade, så bra att du kom/Vi har det bra/Mammas bästa (UK EMI) VG+ 75:- vaggsång/Rågsved 1964 (SW Svenska Ljud) VG+ 90:- LP HANK MARVIN Words and music 1982, one instr., the rest is vocal (SW Polydor) M- 75:- X HI FI FOUR Baby what's your name/She/Trampman/I am in love with you 1965, Swedish pop, LP HANK MARVIN All alone with friends 1983, soc, one instr., the rest is vocal (UK Polydor) VG+ 75:- promo record for "Merry" soft drink (SW Merry) VG 90:- LP MARVIN, WELCH & FARRAR same 1971, gatefold, w.lyrics, first album (UK Regal Zonophone) VG(+) X BRIAN HYLAND Itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka dot bikini/Paper doll/'A' you're adorable/I 90:- don't know why (I just do) 1960, much LT, NC (SW Kapp) VG 65:- LP CLIFF RICHARD Sincerely 1969 (UK Columbia) VG 75:- X FRANK IFIELD Mule train/I've got that sad and lonely feeling/Confessin' (that I love you(/Waltzing LP CLIFF RICHARD Tracks 'n grooves 1970 (UK Columbia) VG(+) 90:- Matilda 1963 (FR Columbia) VG+ 90:- LP CLIFF RICHARD & SHADOWS same, German club edition (GE Die Volksplatte) VG+ 80:- X BURL IVES "The versatile...." A little bitty tear/Lenora, let your hair hang down/Shanghied/The LP SHADOWS Story 1971, some rare tracks here (NL Columbia) VG+ 90:- almighty dollar bill 1962 (SW Decca) VG(-) 65:- X SVEN-GÖSTA JONSSON (Rock-Samen) Sjung en sång/Där fjällbruden blommar/Min trogna Nelly/Angelina 1959, NC (SW BFB) VG+ 75:- ELVIS X STIG JÄRREL Fibban kverulerar/m. EVA DAHLBECK Mor i Busken 1955, ett par bubblor i vinylen, påverkar ej spelningen (SW Metronome) VG(+) 90:- LP ELVIS King Creole 1957, orange label (GE RCA Victor) VG+ 150:- X BERT KAEMPFERT "Afrikaan beat"/Echo in the night/Midnight snack/Now and forever 1962, gd. LP ELVIS Blue Hawaii 1961, black label, cw (GE RCA) VG(-) 75:- instr. (GE Polydor) VG+ 65:- LP ELVIS On stage - February 1970 1970, no poster (GE RCA Victor) VG+ 75:- X ANITA LINDBLOM Det förstår inte du/Det är nå't mysko/Sån't är livet/Nej, jag ångrar ingenting LP ELVIS Sings the wonderful world of Christmas 1971 ANL1-1936 (US RCA) VG 90:- 1961, soc (SW Fontana) VG+ 90:- LP ELVIS The U.S. Male 1972, French press (UK RCA Camden) M- 90:- X ANITA LINDBLOM Jag kan spå i dina ögon/Var finns den man/Kom hit om du törs..../Det är kärlek LP ELVIS Aloha from Hawaii via satellite 2-LP 1973 (GE RCA Victor) VG(+) 90:- jag vill ha 1964 (SW Fontana) VG+ 125:- LP ELVIS A portrait in music 1973, gatefold (GE RCA Victor) VG+ 90:- X LITTLE GERHARD Buona sera/Peggy Sue/I know where I'm goin'/Should we tell him 1958 (SW LP ELVIS Elvis gospels 1980 (FI K-Tel) M- 90:- Karusell) VG(+) 75:- X TRINI LOPEZ "Canta en español" La malagueña/Cucurrucu paloma/Granada/Chamaca 1964 (SP EUROVISION SONG CONTEST Reprise) VG(+) 65:- X LIL MALMKVIST Säterjäntans lördag/Pratbubblan/Trist story/Klang min vackra bjällra (Radio Nord- X TOWA CARSON Du vet var jag finns/Lika barn leka bäst 1968 (SW RCA Victor) VG+ 75:- hit) 1962 (SW BFB) VG 75:- X SIW MALMKVIST "Tunna skivor"/Tänk att få se just dej på knä/California - här är jag/Bill Bailey 1960, EPX JESUS JONES Right here, right now/Broken bones/Info psycho/Welcome back Victoria 1991 cwbc (SW Metronome) VG+ 90:- (GE EMI) M- X SIW MALMKVIST Du har bara lekt med mej/Pär var inte där/Bortom bergen/Det ansvar du har 1961, X KATRINA & WAVES That's the way (2 versions)/Love calculator 1989 (GE SBK) VG+ sobc, wobc, 1tr.=VG, Radio Nord (SW Metronome) VG+ 75:- X KC & THE SUNSHINE BAND Give it up/KC's Miami sunshine mix 1987 (NL Streetheat) M- X SIW MALMKVIST För sent skall syndarn vakna/John Henrik Malmkvist/SIW & UMBERTO MARCATO X CHAKA KHAN I feel for you/Chinatown 1984 (GE W.B.) M- Solsken, solsken/Jag längtar till på lördag 1964 (SW Metronome) VG+ 90:- X KOOL & THE GANG Cherish/Fresh/Misled 1985 (FI De-Lite) M- X JAN MALMSJÖ Snurra min jord/Monte Carlo/Tio soldater 1958 (SW Decca) VG+ 75:- X KOOL & THE GANG Stone love (2 versions)/Dance champion 1986, 33rpm (US Mercury) M- X BOB MOORE & H. ORCH Mexico/Mexicali rose/La paloma/South of the border 1961, Radio Nord Topp O LA BELLE EPOQUE Black is black/Miss Broadway 1976, soc (SW EMI) M- 20, NC (SW London) VG+ 90:- O DENISE LA SALLE My toot toot/Give me yo most strongest whisky 1985 (NL Epic) M- X PER MYRBERG Alltid på väg (King of the road)/Kom igen, Per Olsson/Min fru/Fröken, fröken (Dang X ANNA-LOTTA LARSSON Stanna till/På nåd och onåd 1985, some spinewear (SW Frituna) VG+ me) 1964, soc (SW Metronome) VG(+) 75:- EPX LCTRISC Last kiss (6 versions) 2010, electronic/pop (SW Despotz) M- X INGEBORG NYBERG Blott en dag/Långt bortom rymden vida/En främling från Galileen/Låt mig beda X LIVING IN A BOX Living in a box (2 versions) 1987 (GE Chrysalis) VG+ Fader Vår 1969, SIGNERAD/AUTOGRAPHED (SW Carol Art Products) VG+ 75:- X MADONNA Who's that girl (2 versions)/White heat 1987 (GE Sire) M- X MIKE OLDFIELD Mistake/(Waldberg)The Peak/Family man/Mount Telde 1982, sobc, concert plan for X MEL & KIM Respectable (3 versions) 1987 (UK Supreme) M- 1982 on backside of cover (GE Virgin) VG+ 65:- X MEL & KIM F.L.M. (2 versions) 1987 (DK Mega) M- X PAPA BUE'S VIKING JAZZ BAND "Around the world with...." White cliffs of Dover/O sole mio/Dark X FREDDIE MERCURY Love kills/Rotwang's party (Robot dance) 1984, Giorgio Moroder-prod. (NL eyes/When Irish eyes are 1960 (DK Storyville) VG+ 75:- CBS) M- X LES PAUL & MARY FORD "The hit-makers! part 2" The world is waiting for the sunrise/Meet Mister X MIAMI SOUND MACHINE Conga (2 versions)/Mucho money 1985 (NL Epic) M- Callaghan/Tiger rag/Tennessee waltz 1953 (FR Capitol) VG 75:- X MIAMI SOUND MACHINE Conga (2 versions)/Mucho money 1985, diff. cover (NL Epic) M- X POVEL RAMEL Karl Nilsson/POVEL, BRITA BORG OCH GUNWER BERGKVIST Har ni hört den X MUNGO JERRY & THE BROTHERS GRIMM In the summertime (2 versions)/Got a job 1987 (FR förut? 1960 (SW Knäppupp) VG+ 75:- Illegal) M- X DEBBIE REYNOLDS "Tammy and the Bachelor" Tammy /JOSEPH GERSHENSON & UNIVERSAL 10" X NEW MUSIK Straight lines/On islands/Living by numbers/Sad films 1979, w. insert, 33 rpm (UK INT. ORCH. Main title and Tammy/Variations on Tammy 1957 (GE Coral) VG+ 75:- NuDisk) M- X R.I.F. Something happened today/Crack/Understand/You don't care/No love 1986, obscure Swedish X BILLY OCEAN Suddenly/Lucky man 1985 (FR Jive) M- punk, from Söderbärke (SW Uproar) VG+ 90:- X BILLY OCEAN Love really hurts without you (3 versions) 1986 (UK Supreme) M- SHANES Let me tell yah/You gotta tell me/Too much for me/I wanna go bowlin' 1966, no PS (SW X POINTER SISTERS Dare me (2 diff.)/I'll be back 1985 (GE RCA Victor) M- Columbia) VG 75:- X PRETENDERS Hymn to her/Room full of mirrors 1986 (GE WEA) VG+ X ULLA SJÖBLOM Jag står här på ett torg/Visan om Berlin/Marknadsminne/Säg vad ni vill 1958, X PRINCE & THE REVOLUTION Purple rain/God 1984 (GE W.B.) VG+ 1tr.=VG(-) (SW Decca) VG(+) 65:- X PRINCE & THE REVOLUTION Let's go crazy/Erotic City 1984 (GE W.B.) M- X THORE SKOGMAN "Älgjakten"/Logdansen går/Tom-Peng-Pung & Tji-Ko-Sing/Du får inte kasta yxan i X PRINCE U got the look (2 versions)/Housequake (2 versions) 1987 (GE Paisley Park) M- sjön1956, sm. split (SW Cupol) VG 65:- O PSEUDO ECHO Funky town (2 versions)/Lies are nothing 1986 (AUS EMI) M- X RANDY SPARKS THREE Julianne/Hi Jolly/Oh! Sally Brown/That cute little window 1960, NC (SW X QUEEN One vision/Blurred vision 1985 (GE EMI) M- Karusell Verwe) VG 75:- X RADIO HEART feat. GARY NUMAN Radio heart (2 versions) 1987, some creases on cover (SW X TOMMY STEELE "Sings"Nairobi/Neon sign/Plant a kiss/Hey you 1958 (SW Decca) VG(+) 90:- Sonet) VG+ X SVEND & ULRIK O sole mio/Play a simple melody 1962 (GE RCA Victor) VG+ 75:- X DAVID LEE ROTH Yankee Rose/Shyboy/Easy Street 1988 (UK W.B.) M- X SVEN-INGVARS Luffarevisa/Praire/Theme from "Anniversary Song"/MARIANNE NILSSON Då börjar X JENNIFER RUSH Ring of ice/Give out/I see a shadow (not a fantasy) 1984 (NL CBS) M- livets vår 1962, two guitar instrumentals (SW Philips) VG 90:- X SANTA ESMERALDA Don't let me be misunderstood/Sevilla nights 1986 (FR Carrere) M- X SVEN-INGVARS Det var i vår ungdoms fagraste vår/Börja om från början/Någon att hålla i hand/Jag 10" X SIMPLE MINDS "Live" Promised you a miracle/Book of brilliant things 1987, limited edition w. älskar dej ännu 1965 (SW Philips) VG 65:- poster, 45 rpm (UK Virgin) M- X SVEN-INGVARS Vid din sida/Grattis lilla mamma/Du ska tro på mej/Vinden ger svar 1966 (SW X SINITTA So macho/Showdown 1985 (DK Mega) M- SvenskAmerican) VG 65:- X SINITTA Feels like the first time (2 diff.) 1986 (DK Mega) M- X OWE THÖRNQVIST Svartbäckens Ros/Varm korv boogie/Gun från Dragarbrunn/Skvättholmavalsen X RICK SPRINGFIELD Rock of life (2 versions)/The language of love 1988 (GE RCA) M- 1959 (SW Metronome) VG(+) 75:- X TALKING HEADS Slippery people/Making flippy floppy 1983, co (US SIre) M- X OWE THÖRNQVIST Loppan/Hjalmar Bergström/Hårda bud/Vänervisa 1959 (SW Metronome) VG+ 75:- X TRANCE DANCE Don't walk away/Midnight rendez-vous 1986 (NL CBS) M- X OWE THÖRNQVIST "Alptoppens ros"/Vad har du gjort med mej/Tivolivisa/Silver sand merengue 1961, X TRANCE DANCE River of love (2 versions)/Step by step 1987 (NL CBS) M- 1tr.=VG (SW Philips) VG+ 75:- X WEATHER GIRLS Welkl-a-wiggy (2 versions)/You can do it 1985 (NL CBS) M- X CARLI TORNEHAVE Nu tändas åter ljusen i min lilla stad/Piccolina/Marina/Flickor bak i bilen 1960, soc X WHAM Wake me up before you go-go (2 versions)/A eye of sunshine (specially recorded for "The (SW HMV) VG(+) 75:- Tube") 1984 (NL Epic) VG+ X GUNNAR WIKLUND Glitter/Tyvärr/Gina/Det bästa som hänt mig är du 1962 (SW PEP Records) VG+ X VM-HOLDET Reseppten/Drible-mix 1986, danska fotbollslandslaget (DK Replay) M- 75:- O ROY WOOD Sing out the old.... bring in the new (3 versions) 1985 (UK Legacy) M- X KAI WINDING "Soul surfin'" More/Surf bird/Titel/Spinner 1963 (SW Verwe) VG+ 75:- X V.A. "DIRTY DANCING" PATRICK SWAYZE She's like the wind/MAURICE WILLIAMS & X MONICA ZETTERLUND Hallelujah I love him so/I want a little girl/It's allright/Yes indeed 1959, great ZODIACS Stay/MERRY CLAYTON Yes 1987 (GE RCA) M- colour cover (SW Columbia) VG - 75:- X V.A. "ASTRID LINDGRENS TJORVEN, BÅTSMAN OCH MOSES Tjorven får en sälunge/Alla grodor är 70s-90s LP ALBUMS förtrollade prinsar 1964, NC (SW Telefunken) VG(+) 65:- X V.A. "NALLE PUH 1 - Puh på honungsjakt" med Tor Isedal och Inga Sarri 1965 (SW HMV) VG+ 75:- JOAN BAEZ The Joan Baez ballad book 2-LP 1972 (GE Vanguard) M- 125:- X V.A. "WALT DISNEY's ASKUNGEN Berättare Victoria Kahn/VICTORIA KAHN och GUS & JACK BLONDIE The hunter 1982, stmc (GE Chrysalis) VG++ 75:- Bibbidi - bobbidi - boo/Din dröm ger dig allt 1967, book+33 rpm 45, songs play VG+, the reading around CURT BOETCHER There's an innocent face 1973, butterfly label (US Elektra) VG+ 75:- VG (SW HMV/Disneyland) VG(+) 65:- ERIC CLAPTON No reason to cry 1976, soc, stmc (GE RSO) VG+ 75:- PETULA CLARK Live in London 1974 (UK Polydor) VG+ 90:- 12” MAXI SINGLES ELVIS COSTELLO & ATTRACTIONS Armed forces 1978 (CA Columbia) VG++ 75:- KEVIN COYNE Matching head and feet 1975, w. lyrics poster (UK Virgin) VG+ 90:- Följande maxisinglar utförsäljes för 25 kr/st eller 200:- för 10 st. The following 12” maxi singles KEVIN COYNE Heartburn 1976, co, slight ringwear (CA Virgin) VG+ 90:- now SEK 25 each or SEK 200 for 10. CROSBY, STILLS AND NASH same 1969, gatefold, w. lyrics, their first album (US Atlantic) VG+ 150:- X A-HA The sun always shines on TV (2 versions)/Driftwood 1985, soc (GE Reprise) M- CROSBY, STILLS, NASH & YOUNG So far 1974 (US Atlantic) VG+ 90:- X ALL STARS The Bruce Springsteen mix/Stay with me 1985 (NL Rams Horn) M- DEPECHE MODE Speak & spell 1981 (SW Mute) VG+ 75:- X ARTISTS AGAINST APARTHEID Sun City/Not so far away 1985 (GE Manhattan) M- DEREK & CLIVE (Peter Cook & Dudley Moore) Come again 1977, classic comedy duo (UK Virgin) X BANGLES Walking down your street/Return post 1986 (NL CBS) M- VG+ 150:- X BEKI Don't turn away/Dolphins/hard to get 1985 (UK Communiqué) M- DOOBIE BROTHERS Minute by minute 1978, sobc (US W.B.) M- 90:- X BIG AUDIO DYNAMITE The bottom line/Bad 1985 (UK CBS) M- BOB DYLAN New morning 1970 (CA Columbia) M- 125:- EPX BLUE PETER "Version" Head Over Heels/Real New/Unchained Heart/Don't Walk Past 1983, BOB DYLAN Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid 1973 (US Columbia) VG+ 150:- Canadian electronic/synth pop band (CA Ready Records) VG+ BOB DYLAN Dylan 1973, shrink wrap (CA Columbia) VG+ 90:- X JAMES BROWN Living in America (from "Rocky IV", 3 versions) 1985 (NL Scotti Brothers) M- BOB DYLAN Planet waves 1974 (US Asylum) VG+ 125:- X E.G. DAILY Mind over matter (2 versions) 1987 (US A&M) M- BOB DYLAN Knocked out loaded 1986, soc (NL CBS) M- 125:- X ROGER DALTREY Hearts of fire/Lovers storm/Quicksilver lightning 1987, soc (UK 10 Records) VG(+) DAVE EDMUNDS D.E. 7th 1982, soc (NL Arista) VG+ 90:- X TAYLOR DAYNE Tell it to my heart (3 versions) 1987 (GE Arista) M- ELECTRIC LIGHT ORCHESTRA Showdown 1973, soc, slight ringwear, feat. Roll over Beethoven, X TAYLOR DAYNE Prove your love/Tell it to my heart (House of Hearts mix)/Upon the journey's end Showdown, 10538 Overture (SW Harvest) VG+ 90:- (duet w. BILLY SCOTT) 1988(GE Arista) M- EVERLY BROTHERS Stories we could tell 1972, co (US RCA Victor) M- 90:- X DEAD OR ALIVE My heart goes bang (get me to the doctor), 2 versions/Big daddy of the rhythm (live) GASOLIN Gør det noget 1977, gatefold, small cw, soc (NL CBS) VG+ 75:- 1985 s/DJ hit that button 1985 (UK Epic) M- GENESIS same 1983, Mexican release, w. lyrics (MEX Vertigo) M- 90:- X DEAD OR ALIVE Something in my house (2 versions)/DJ hit that button 1986 (NL Epic) M- GENESIS Invisible touch 1986, soc (UK Virgin) M- 90:- X DR. ALBAN No coke (4 versions) 1990 (SW SweMix) M- HANK THE KNIFE & JETS The guitar king 1975, all solos played on six-string bass (NL Negram) M- X ELECTRIC LIGHT ORCHESTRA Calling America/Caught in a trap/Endless lies 1986 (NL Jet) M- 90:- EPX MANOLO ESCOBAR Y viva España/El porompompero/Ay, caridad!/La minifalda/Valencia/Mi carro INMATES Shot in the dark 1980, great pub rock, cut corner (US Polydor) M- 90:- 1978 (SP Belter) M- VICTOR JARA Te recuerdo Amanda 1978, Chilean singer/songwriter and poet (GE Pläne) VG+ 125:- X EURHYTMICS There must be an angel (playing with my heart)/Grown up girls 1985, soc (UK RCA) M- JETHRO TULL War child 1974 (UK Chrysalis) VG(+) 75:- X EURHYTMICS Missionary man/Take your pain away 1986 (US RCA) M- JETHRO TULL Original masters 1985 (UK Chrysalis) VG+ 90:- X FICTION FACTORY All or nothing/Dreaming of someone/I who know you 1984 (UK CBS) M- JANIS JOPLIN Pearl 1971 (UK CBS) VG+ 125:- X FICTION FACTORY Not the only one (2 versions)/Let me be a part 1985 (UK Foundry) M- KRIS KRISTOFFERSON Me and Bobby McGee 1974 (GE Monument) VG++ 90:- X ARETHA FRANKLIN Freeway of love (3 versions) 1985 (GE Arista) M- AMANDA LEAR Sweet revenge 1978, gatefold, w. poster, incl. "Follow me" (NL Ariola) VG++ 90:- X ARETHA FRANKLIN Jimmy Lee (3 versions)/Aretha megamix 1986, 33rpm (US Arista) VG+ NILS LOFGREN Night fades away 1981, "export only" stamp on back side of cover (US Backstreet) X ARETHA FRANKLIN Jimmy Lee (2 versions) 1986 (GE Arista) M- VG+ 75:- X PETER GABRIEL Big time/In your eyes/We do what we're told 1986 (US Geffen) M- ROY LONEY & PHANTOM MOVERS Out after dark 1975, some ringwear, great garage rock! (US X GENESIS Land of confusion (2 versions)/Feeding the fire 1986 (GE Virgin) M- Solid Smoke) VG+ 90:- X JAKI GRAHAM Step right up (2 versions)/The closest one 1986 (UK EMI) VG+ LYNYRD SKYNYRD Anthology 2-LP 1987 (UK Raw Power/Castle) M- 125:- X JAKI GRAHAM Set me free (2 versions)/Stop the world 1986 (GE EMI) M- BOB MARLEY & WAILERS Reggae revolution vol. 1 1982 (GE Time Wind) VG(+) 65:- X JAKI GRAHAM The megamix/Step right up/The closest one 1986 (UK EMI) M- DON McLEAN American pie 1971 (GE U.A:) VG+ 90:- O GRATEFUL DEAD Touch of grey/My brother Esau 1987, soc (UK Arista) VG+ PENNY McLEAN Midnight explosion 1978, shrink wrap (GE Jupiter) VG+ 75:- X HOUSEMARTINS Caravan of love/We shall not be moved/When I first met Jesus/So much in MIDNIGHT OIL Diesel and dust 1987, gatefold, incl. "Beds are burning" (NL CBS) M- 65:- love/Heaven help us all (sermonette) 1986 (GE Chrysalis) M- MOTT THE HOOPLE Greatest hits 1976 (UK CBS) VG+ 90:- X BILLY IDOL Don't need a gun (2 versions)/Fatal charm 1986 (US Chrysalis) M- MUD Rock 1974 (SW RAK) VG+ 90:- O DEE D. JACKSON La bamba/S.O.S. (love to the rescue) 1983, 33rpm (US JDC) M- HARRY NILSSON A little touch of Schmilsson in the night 1973, gatefold, wear on inner sleeve (US X JACKSONS Lovely one/Bless his soul 1980 (NL Epic) M- RCA Victor) VG+ 75:- NITTY GRITTY DIRT BAND All the good times 1971 (UK U.A.) M- 125:- CORNELIS VREESWIJK/ANN-LOUISE HANSSON/FRED ÅKERSTRÖM Visor och oförskämdheter SALLY OLDFIELD In concert 1982, missing label on A-side (SW Bronze) M- 65:- 1964, soc, 2nd press (SW VIOLETA PARRA Santiago penando estas 1973, gatefold, soc (IT Albatros) VG+ 125:- Metronome) VG+ 90:- ISABEL PARRA w. PATRICIO CASTILLO Vientos del pueblo 1974, w. lyrics, daughter of folklorist Violeta CORNELIS VREESWIJK Cornelis sjunger Taube 1969 (SW Metronome) VG+ 90:- Parra (IT I Dischi Dello Zodiaco) VG+ 125:- CORNELIS VREESWIJK Spring mot Ulla - spring! - Cornelis sjunger Bellman 1971, gatefold (SW PEACEFUL CHILDREN The road home 1971, gatefold, co, feat. Bill Sprouse Jr., singer/songwriter, their Philips) VG+ 125:- only album (US Dunhill) VG++ 125:- CORNELIS VREESWIJK Sjunger Victor Jara 1978, soc (SW Metronome) VG+ 125:- PINK FLOYD The wall 2-LP 1979 (CA Columbia) VG+ 90:- CORNELIS VREESWIJK Live Montmartre-Köpenhamn, vol. 2 1978 (SW GoodWill) VG+ 90:- POLICE Reggatta de blanc 1979, their second album (NL A&M) VG+ 75:- CORNELIS VREESWIJK Turistens klagan 1980, soc (SW Sonet) VG+ 90:- PRATT & McCLAIN Featuring "Happy Days" 1976, incl. theme song from the "Happy Days" TV series, CORNELIS VREESWIJK Till Fatumeh 1987, gatefold, soc (SW Skivbolaget) M- 90:- some creases on cover (US Reprise) M- 75:- FRED ÅKERSTRÖM & TRIO CMB Glimmande nymf 1974, Bellman-sånger, gatefold (SW QUEEN IDA & THE BON TEMPS BAND Play the zydeco 1976 (US GNP Crescendo) VG+ 90:- Metronome) VG+ 90:- LOU REED Street hassle 1978 (US Arista) VG+ 75:- ANNA OCH JOHNNY ÖST Mor och son 1975, soc (SW Rondo) M- 90:- LINDA RONSTADT Heart like a wheel 1974, incl. "You're no good" (US Capitol) VG+ 90:- LINDA RONSTADT Greatest hits 1976, gatefold (US Asylum) M- 75:- BLUES LP ALBUMS TODD RUNDGREN Anthology 2-LP 1987, mainly 1970s Bearsville recordings (UK Raw Power) M- 150:- MITCH RYDER Never kick a sleeping dog 1983, incl. duet with Marianne Faithfull, gd. rockin' LP (CA BLUES BROTHERS Briefcase full of blues 1978, soc, their first LP, live (GE Atlantic) M- 90:- Riva) M- 90:- BLUES BROTHERS Orig. soundtrack recording 1980, soc (GE Atlantic) M- 90:- RØDE MOR Betonhjertet 2-LP, soc, Danish progg (NL Demos) VG+ 150:- MEL BROWN Mel Brown's fifth 1971, gatefold, co (US Impulse) M- 125:- PAUL SIMON same 1972, incl. "Mother and child reunion", "Me and Julio down by the school yard" (UK CANNED HEAT '70 concert - recorded live in Europe 1970, gatefold (SW Liberty) VG+ 125:- CBS) VG+ 90:- ERIC CLAPTON The blues world of.... 1975, great collection, incl. tracks w. John Mayall's SPARKS No 1 in heaven 1979 (GE Ariola/Oasis) VG+ 90:- Bluesbreakers, Champion Jack Dupree, Otis Spann (UK Decca) M- 125:- CAT STEVENS Greatest hits 1975 (UK Island) VG+ 65:- ELIZABETH COTTEN Negro folksongs and tunes 1983 release of 1958 album, instr./vocal, LIS SØRENSEN Hjerternes sang 1989 (GE RCA) M- 75:- folk/blues, w. insert, small sm.split (US Folkways) VG+ 150:- TEN YEARS AFTER Rock & roll music to the world 1972, gatefold, stmc, wol (SW Chrysalis) VG(+) 75:- SNOOKS EAGLIN Down yonder 1977, soc (UK Sonet) VG+ 125:- TEN YEARS AFTER Recorded live 2-LP 1973 (FR Chrysalis) VG++ 150:- CISCO HOUSTON same 1965, folk/blues, he toured with Woody Guthrie (UK Xtra) VG 75:- TRAVELING WILBURYS Volume one 1988, great LP! (GE Wilbury) M- 90:- KING BISCUIT BOY Gooduns 1971, gatefold, great blues! (UK Paramount) VG+ 150:- T-REX Great hits 1972, soc (UK EMI/T-Rex) VG+ 125:- JOHN MAYALL The blues alone 1967, wobc (UK Ace Of Clubs) VG 90:- JOHNNY WAKELIN Reggae, soul & rock'n' roll 1976, incl. "In Zaire", co (US PYE) VG+ 90:- JOHN MAYALL A hard core package 1977 (US ABC) VG+ 125:- TONY JOE WHITE The best of.... 1975, gatefold, great swamp rock (GE Monument) VG+ 90:- PELLEPERSSONS KAPELL Persson sjunger Persson 1982, bluesversioner av Edvard Persson-låtar EDGAR WINTER GROUP Shock treatment 1974, soc (NL Epic) VG+ 90:- med Peps Persson plus band, soc (SW Sonet) M- 125:- PEPS & BLUES QUALITY Swet Mary Jane 1975 budget release of 1969 album, sobc, great blues! SVENSKA LP / SWEDISH LP ALBUMS (SW Spotlight) M- 125:- PEPS BLODSBAND Blodsband 1974, gd. blues (SW Sonet) VG+ 150:- OLLE ADOLPHSON Låtar i stan 1969, small cwbc/liten reva i omslaget (SW Telefunken) VG+ 75:- PEPS BLODSBAND Spår 1978, gatefold, blues/reggae (SW Sonet) VG+ 125:- SUSANNE ALFVENGREN Ögon man aldrig glömmer 1985 SIGNERAD/AUTOGRAPHED (SW Hawk) M- SONNY TERRY & BROWNIE McGHEE Shouts & blues 1970 (FR America) VG+ 125:- 75:- SONNY TERRY & BROWNIE McGHEE Walk on 1977 (UK Bulldog) VG+ 90:- ALICE & TITTI Glädjen på Berns 1976,soc (SW RCA Victor) M- 150:- JOSH WHITE same 1963, orig. inner sleeve, stmc (US Decca) VG+ 90:- HASSE ANDERSSON & KVINNABÖSKE BAND Änglahund 1982 (SW Sonet) M- 65:- V.A. "FOLK BLUES PARTY" w. John Lee Hooker, Lightnin' Hopkins, Memphis Slim, Jimmy Reed, HASSE ANDERSSON Med lånade låtar och vänner till hjälp 1984, med Siw Malmkvist, Peps Persson, Sonny Terry & Brownie McGhee 1966, stmc, some ringwear (NL Fontana) VG+ 125:- Agneta Olsson m f l (SW Sonet) M- 90:- HASSE ANDERSSON & KVINNABÖSKE BAND 'tie bilder 1985, gatefold, w. lyrics (SW Sonet) VG+ 65:- COUNTRY & WESTERN LP ALBUMS ANN-LOUISE (HANSSON) Comin' home 1979 (SW GlenDisc) VG+ 65:- Eloise 1993 (NL Big Bag(/Sony) M- 75:- JOEY BISHOP Sings country western 1968, co (US ABC) VG++ 125:- ALICE BABS m. STUDENTSÅNGARE 88 man och 1 flicka 1970, small wobc (SW JOHNNY CASH Story songs of trains and rivers 1969 SUN 104 (US Sun) VG+ 150:- Telefunken) M- 150:- JOHNNY CASH Folsom prison blues 1971, surface noise on side A, side B is OK. Maybe poor ALICE BABS Om sommaren sköna 1974, soc, SIGNERAD/AUTOGRAPHED (SW Swedish Society pressing? (SW Sun/Grand Prix) VG/VG+ 45:- Discofil) VG+ 125:- FREDDY FENDER Rock'n'country 1976, small wobc (US ABC Dot) M- 90:- BAD LIVER & HANS BRUSTNA HJÄRTAN Fjorton sånger 1989 (SW City Records) VG+ 90:- JOHNNY HORTON The voice of.... 1965 (US Hilltop) VG++ 150:- THORY BERNHARDS Sjöman 1973, sobc (SW Tip) VG+ 90:- WANDA JACKSON Stars of country 1975, soc, gd. Dutch compilation (NL Capitol) VG+ 90:- BORTALAGET same 1974, soc (SW CBS) M- 90:- FRANKIE LAINE The roving gambler 1966, soc (GE CBS) VG+ 90:- BRÄNDÖPOJKARNA I afton 1974, soc, dansband (SW Polydor) M- 75:- CHRISTINA LINDBERG same 1985, första LP:n (SW Tab) M- 90:- LASSE DAHLQUIST same 1967, insp. från 1938-1946 (SW Odeon) VG+ 75:- RED SOVINE & THE GIRLS It'll come back 1974 (US Chart) VG++ 90:- ALLAN EDWALL Färdknäpp 1981, gatefold (SW A Disc) SS / plomberad 90:- BUCK OWENS & HIS BUCKAROOS You're for me 1969 (US Pickwick) VG+ 90:- ALLAN EDWALL Gnällspik 1982, soc (SW A Disc) M- 90:- TEX RITTER My kinda songs 2-LP 1970 (US Hilltop) VG+ 150:- GÖRAN FRISTORP Sjunger Fröding 1977, gatefold (SW Sonet) VG+ 90:- JOHNNY RODRIGUEZ Songs about lades and love 1974 (US Mercury) VG+ 90:- GÖRAN FRISTORP Psalmer 1989, soc (SW Cantio) M- 75:- SERENDIPITY SINGERS On tour 1965, soc, tobc (NL Philips) M- 125:- GRUS I DOJJAN I klackbaren 1978, soc (SW Metronome) VG+ 75:- RED SIMPSON Sings a Bakersfield dozen 1967, rainbow label (US Capitol) VG+ 125:- KJELL HANSSON Vinden har vänt 1976, soc (SW Aubergine) VG+ 75:- STATLER BROTHERS Flowers on the wall 1 (UK CBS) VG++ 125:- HERR T OCH HANS SPELEMÄN På begäran - visor av Birger Sjöberg 1973, gatefold, soc (SW YTF) V.A. COUNTRY & WESTERN FAVORITES w. Hank Williams, Marvin Rainwater, Arthur Smith, VG+ 90:- Conway Twitty a.o. 1965 (US Metro) VG+ 90:- PETER HIMMELSTRAND Eget 1979, AUTOGRAPHED/SIGNERAD med dedikation av Peter V.A. GREAT COUNTRY MUSIC Vol. 1 1966 w. Cowboy Copas (incl. "Circle rock"), Tennessee Himmelstrand (SW Bums) VG+ 150:- Drifters, Hank Garland, Jimmy Work a.o. (US Dot) M- 125:- MARITZA HORN Jämmer och elände 1978, soc (SW Metronome) VG+ 75:- V.A. GREAT COUNTRY MUSIC Vol. 2 1966 w. Leroy van Dyke, Floyd Robinson, Hank Garland, BARBRO HÖRBERG Gamla älskade barn 1974 (SW Philips) VG+ 125:- Jimmy Work, Kenny Roberts (US Dot) VG+ 125:- IMPERIET 2:a augusti 1985 1985 (SW Mistlur) M- 90:- V.A. GREATEST WESTERN HITS w. Ray Price, Carl Smith, Lefty Frizzell 1959, late 1960s release, PIERRE ISACSSON En sommarsaga 1975, soc, inkl. "Jag vill andas samma luft som du" (SW Polydor) wobc (US Columbia) VG++ 90:- VG++ 90:- V.A. NASHVILLE'S MASTER SONGWRITERS SING THEIR HITS w. Harlan Howard, Allen JOKKMOKKS-JOKKE same 1967, great colour cover (SW Karusell) VG++ 125:- Reynolds, John Schweers, Danny Dill 1977, w. lyrics (US Triple I) VG+ 90:- KARL GERHARD Ett bedårande barn av sin tid 1971, insp. från 1954-1962, soc (SW Knäppupp/Sonet) V.A. THE BEST OF COUNTRY AND WESTERN Vol. 2 w. Johnny Cash, Lefty Frizell, Marty Robbins, VG+ 75:- Little Jimmy Dickens, Stonewall Jackson, Johnny Horton a.o. 1966 (GE CBS) M- 90:- KSMB Rika barn leka bäst 1981, svensk punk (SW MNW) M- 125:- LENA-MARIA Lena-Marias nya 1981, soc (SW Columbia) VG+ 65:- BRITT LING Med vänner 1984, w. lyrics, visor/jazz (SW TonArt) M- 75:- HEAVY LP ALBUMS LILI & SUSSIE Dance romance 1987 (SW EMI) M- 65:- LILI & SUSSIE Anytime 1988 (SW EMI) M- 65:- B DEF LEPPARD Hysteria 1987 (NL Mercury) VG+ 90:- ULF LUNDELL Ripp rapp 1979, gatefold (SW Parlophone) VG+ 75:- ELECTRIC BOYS Funk-o-metal carpet ride 1990, SIGNERAD/AUTOGRAPHED (NL Vertigo) M- ULF LUNDELL Det goda livet 1987, stmc (SW Pandion) VG++ 75:- 150:- ULF LUNDELL Evangeline 2-LP 1988, slight ringwear (SW EMI) VG+ 90:- HEART Bebe Le Strange 1980 (US Epic) M- 90:- EVA MÖLLER Carmen Lucena 1977 (SW YTF) M- 75:- KINGDOM COME In your face 1989, heavy, small woc (GE Polydor) M- 125:- NATIONALTEATERN Barn av vår tid 1978, w. lyrics, progg (SW Nacksving) VG+ 150:- NJA-GRUPPEN Hör upp allt folk! 1970, gatefold, svensk progg (SW MNW) VG+ 75:- SOUL & FUNK LP ALBUMS BOSSE PARNEVIK Telefonlur 1979, soc, från TV-programmet "Party hos Parnevik". Bland det roligaste han någonsin gjort, med klassiker som när han som Charlie Norman ringer upp Frida i ABBA för att höra DONNIE BURKS The swingin' sound of soul 1969, shrink wrap (GE Europa) VG+ 90:- om gruppen kan spela på en fest han ska ha. Lysande LP! (SW GlenDisc) VG+ 125:- BILLY BUTLER Sugar candy lady 1977, co (US Curtom) M- 125:- POVEL RAMEL Vid pianot: P. Ramel 1971, live Djurgårdsbrunns Värdshus, soc (SW Knäppupp) VG+ ARETHA FRANKLIN Lady Soul 1968, 2nd press (US Atlantic) VG+ 75:- 90:- ARETHA FRANKLIN The electrifying/Soul sister 2-LP, compilation of orig. albums from 1962 and POVEL RAMEL Povel på Maxim 1979, soc (SW Knäppupp) VG+ 75:- 1966 (UK Blue Diamond) M- 90:- POVEL RAMEL 1942-54 1985, många guldkorn överförda från 78-varvare (SW Fenix) M- 90:- ARETHA FRANKLIN Sweet gospel soul 1979 (US UpFront) VG+ 75:- EVERT SANDIN Stora daldansen går 1973, soc (SW Viking) M- 90:- ARETHA FRANKLIN Who's zoomin' who 1985, co, cw on inner cover (US Arista) VG+ 65:- YNGVE STOOR In the South Seas 1984, vocals by Annica Risberg, soc (SW Lani) M- 90:- ISAAC HAYES Groove-a-thon 1976, gatefold (US HBS/ABC) M- 90:- JEJA SUNDSTRÖM På begäran: Violen från Flen och andra visor av Ulf Peder Olrog 1973 (SW ISLEY BROTHERS Doin' their thing 1969 (US Motown) M- 125:- Metronome) VG+ 75:- CURTIS MAYFIELD Got to find a way 1974, some creases on one corner of cover (US Curtom) M- SVEN-INGVARS Ett litet rött paket 1966 RED1 (SW Sonora) VG 65:- 90:- SVEN-INGVARS same 1967, orig. inner sleeve (SW MFP) VG+ 75:- OTIS REDDING The dock of the bay 1968, wobc, B1=VG - (US Volt) VG 65:- EVERT TAUBE same 1959, first pressing (SW HMV) VG+ 90:- SUPREMES I hear a symphony 1981 release of 1966 album, co (US Motown) M- 75:- EVERT TAUBE Live på Gröna Lund 1970, insp. från 1-15/7 1963 (SW Excellent) VG++ 75:- EVERT TAUBE Collection 2 2-LP 1989, rec. from 1923-59 (SW Musikservice) M- 90:- SURF & INSTRUMENTAL LP ALBUMS LASSE TENNANDER Rötter 1985 (SW Sonet) M- 75:- OWE THÖRNQVIST Live! 1986, bra LP! (SW Pandorec) VG+ 90:- FLOYD CRAMER Class of '72 1972, co (US RCA Victor) VG+ 75:- T-SHIRTS Mr. Swing 1981, slight ringwear (SW Sonet) VG+ 75:- XAVIER CUGAT Cugi's coctails 1963, 2nd press, exotica (NL Mercury) VG+ 75:- TURID Tredje dagen 1975, progg (SW Silence) VG+ 125:- PEPE HABICHUELA A mandeli 1983, jaleos, bulerías, fandangos, rumba etc. (FR Hannibal) M- 90:- JERRY WILLIAMS 2 faces 1983, inkl. "If you want my love" (SW Sonet) VG+ 90:-JERRY WILLIAMS JØRGEN INGMANN The many guitars of.... 1964, great guitar! (GE Metronome) VG+ 150:- Working class hero 1984 (SW Sonet) M- 90:- CHARLIE NORMAN The boogie woogie touch 2-LP 1979, incl. some vocal tracks, soc (SW S.I.R.) M- IRA, GEORGE AND JOE Joe Pass loves Gershwin 1982, gtr.instr. (US Pablo) M- 90:- 125:- JAZZ DOCTORS Swede 1985, soc (SW Favorit) M- 75:- CHARLIE NORMAN Hyllar Fats Waller 1980 (SW S.I.R.) M- 75:- JEANNE LEE & RAN BLAKE The newest sound around 1978, recordings from 1961-62, gatefold (FR IVAN RENLIDEN, SVEND ASMUSSEN, PUTTE WICKMAN Spelar för er 1977, soc, some ringwear (SW RCA Victor) VG+ 90:- EMI) M- 75:- RED MITCHELL What I am 1979, w. lyrics (SW Caprice) VG+ 75:- ERIK SAHLSTRÖM & GÖSTA SANDSTRÖM Låtar från Uppland 1973, nyckelharpa (SW Philips) VG+ MODERN JAZZ QUARTET The Modern Jazz Quartet 1956, B1=VG (US Savoy) VG+ 150:- 75:- ROY PALMER w. MEMPHIS NIGHT HAWKS/CHICAGO RHYTHM KINGS Rent party playing tonight JANNE SCHAFFER Katharsis 1976, soc, slight edgewear (NL CBS) VG+ 75:- 1972, recordings from 1932-1936, soc (DK Collector's Classics) VG+ 90:- HASSE WALLIN & HILDING HÖGLIN Här ä' gamla takter 1969, med Yngve Stoor (SW Lani) VG+ 75:- ERROL PARKER TENTET Live at the Wollman Auditorium 1985, freeform jazz (US Sahara) M- 125:- VENTURES Let's go! 1963 (US Dolton) VG+ 150:- RENA RAMA Jazz i Sverige -73 1973, gatefold, instr., soc (SW Caprice) VG+ 90:- VENTURES In space 1964, great LP! (US Dolton) VG++ 150:- SVERIGES JAZZBAND The new album by.... 1982, w. Staffan Abeleen, VENTURES On stage 1965, great live-LP, recorded in Japan (UK Liberty) VG+ 150:- SIGNERAD/AUTOGRAPHED by all members, sponsored by SAS (SW Swed-Jazz) M- 250:- VENTURES same 1966, great LP, incl. "Batman theme", "Secret agent man" etc., small sm. split (US HENRY THREADGILL'S ZOOID Pop, start the tape, stop 2003, avantgarde jazz, limited edition no. Dolton) VG+ 150:- 208 of 1 000 (US Hardedge) SS 250:- VENTURES Guitar genius of.... 1967, some ringwear (US Sunset) VG+ 90:- TREVOR WATTS MOIRE MUSIC SEXTET Saalfelden Encore 1987 (UK Cadillac) M- 90:- VENTURES Swamp rock 1969 (US Liberty) VG++ 90:- VENTURES More golden greats 2-LP 1970 (GE Liberty) VG++ 125:- SOUNDTRACKS & COMPILATION LP ALBUMS

50s/60s & REVIVAL LP ALBUMS "CHALMERS SPEX" JUBELSKIVA II - utgiven då Chalmersspexet blev 20 år 1968 (SW Chalmers Spex) M- 125:- AMERICAN BREED Pumpkin, powder, scarlet & green 1968, shrink wrap, co (US Acta) VG+ 90:- "CHALMERS SPEX" Turandot 1972 (SW Chalmers Spex) M- 90:- PAUL ANKA Anka at the Copa 1960, Karusell stickers on cover, stereo (US ABC Paramount VG+ 150:- "CHALMERS SPEX" Fredrik den Store 1973 (SW Chalmers Spex) M- 90:- FRED ASTAIRE Mr. Top Hat 1956, small wobc (US Verwe) VG+ 150:- "CHALMERS SPEX" Chalmersspexet 25 år 1973, gatefold (SW Chalmers Spex) M- 90:- CHUCK BERRY 20 originale rock'n'roll hits 1975, soc (SW Chess) VG+ 75:- "CHALMERS SPEX" Lionardo da Vinci 1975 (SW Chalmers Spex) M- 75:- CHUCK BERRY The best of the best of.... 1978, original recordings from 1955-1972 (US Gusto) VG++ "CHALMERS SPEX" Ludvig XIV 1976 (SW Chalmers Spex) M- 75:- 90:- "CHALMERS SPEX" Nils Dacke 1977 (SW Chalmers Spex) M- 75:- CHUCK BERRY Chuck Berry's golden decade 2-LP 1980, great collection of original recordings from the "CHALMERS SPEX" Nero 1979 (SW Chalmers Spex) M- 75:- 1950s/60s, soc (IT Frog) M- 125:- "CHALMERS SPEX" Tutankhamon 1980 (SW Chalmers Spex) M- 75:- TONY BLACKBURN same 1969, famous radio DJ from Radio Caroline, Radio London and BBC (UK "CHALMERS SPEX" John Ericsson 1982 (SW Chalmers Spex) M- 75:- Polydor) VG+ 150:- "CHALMERS SPEX" Samlings-LP I m Anna, Henrik 8, Katarina 1984, samling av tidigare EP-skivor ELEANOR BODEL same 1969 (SW Efel) VG+ 90:- (SW Chalmers Spex) M- 75:- JACQUES BREL Greatest hits 1974, "Success" series (NL Philips) VG+ 90:- "CHALMERS SPEX" Samlings-LP II m Cæsarion, Scheherazade, Erik XIV, Bojan, Starke August ERIC BURDON & ANIMALS same 2-LP, tracks from 1964-66, no hits (GE Teldec) VG+ 75:- 1984, samling av tidigare EP-skivor (SW Chalmers Spex) M- 75:- LOU CHRISTIE Lightnin' strikes 1965, co (US MGM) VG++ 90:- "CHALMERS SPEX" Samlings-LP III m Gustaf E:son Vasa, Statyerna 1984, samling av tidigare EP- NAT KING COLE Welcome to the club 1959, rainbow label (DK Capitol) VG+ 90:- skivor (SW Chalmers Spex) M- 75:- NAT KING COLE The beautiful moods of.... 2-LP 1974 (US Pickwick) VG+ 75:- "CHALMERS SPEX" Olof Skötkonung 1985 (SW Chalmers Spex) M- 75:- COWSILLS same 1967, gatefold, their first album (US MGM) M- 90:- "CHALMERS SPEX" Montgomery 1987 (SW Chalmers Spex) VG+ 75:- DAUGHTERS OF ALBION same 1968, gatefold, great & rare psych pop, Leon Russell-prod. (US "CHALMERS SPEX" Svartskägg 1988 (SW Chalmers Spex) M- 75:- Fontana) VG++ 250:- "CHALMERS SPEX" Christina 1989 (SW Chalmers Spex) VG+ 75:- DONOVAN What's bin did and what's bin hid 1965 (UK PYE) VG(+) 90:- "CHALMERS SPEX" Klondike 1990, AUTOGRAPHED/SIGNERAD av de medverkande (SW LARRY FINNEGAN The best of.... 1966, wobc (SW SvenskAmerican) VG+ 90:- Chalmers Spex) M- 90:- CONNIE FRANCIS Sings all time international hits 1965, songs in 8 different languages (UK MGM) VG+ "CHALMERS SPEX" Klondike 1990 (SW Chalmers Spex) M- 75:- 125:- CRUISIN' 1967 w. John Fred & Playboy Band, Turtles, Janis Ian, Tommy James & Shondells, Blues BOBBY GOLDSBORO Today 1969, gatefold (US U.A.) VG+ 75:- Magoos etc,., authentic radio show by DJ Dr. Don Rose, incl. jingles, commercials, news etc. 1973, BILL HALEY Rock the joint 1968, Alshire recordings from 1962 (UK Marble Arch) VG+ 125:- shrink wrap (US Increase) VG+ 125:- ROLF HARRIS The party's on again 1966 (AUS Columbia) VG+ 90:- DAGENS NYHETER w. Pugh Rogefeldt, Ulf Lundell, Magnus Lindberg, Extra, Liza ENNY HILL Golden hour of.... 1972 (UK G.H.) VG+ 90:- Öhman, Zkiffz, Björn Skifs 1981, gatefold, released by newspaper dagens Nyheter (SW EMI/D.N.) M- BRIAN HYLAND The joker went wild/Run run/Look and see 1966, co (US Philips) VG+ 90:- 125:- IRON BUTTERFLY Ball 1969, gatefold, small spinewear, tapemarks on cover (US Atco) VG+ 90:- DEN FLYGANDE HOLLÄNDAREN 2-LP Cornelislåtar tolkad av Marie Fredriksson, Eldkvarn, Pugh PER-ERIK JONSSON Good golly Per-Erik 1976, 11-åringen från Hylands Hörna med riktigt bra pianorock Rogefeldt, Freddie Wadling & Fläskkvartetten, Wilmer X, Ola Magnell, Imperiet m fl 1988 (SW EMI) i Jerry Lee-stil, hans första LP (SW Columbia) VG++ 150:- VG+ 125:- PER-ERIK (JONSSON) Thunderbird rock 1978, andra LP:n (SW Four Leaf Records) VG+ 125:- GOLDEN GUITARS w. Joe Maphis, Billy Strange. Glen Campbell, Tommy Tedesco, James McGuinn KINGSTON TRIO New frontier 1962, rainbow label (UK Capitol) VG++ 150:- a.o. 1970, gd. gtr. pickers (GE Karussell) VG+ 90:- LITTLE RICHARD His greatest recordings 1984, gatefold, great collection of his fantastic Specialty GRÖNA LUND SOMMAREN 1950 med Jussi Björling, Hugo Hasslo, Leon Björker, Joel Berglund, recordings (US Ace) M- 90:- Set Svanholm, Brita Hertzberg, Alice Babs 1980, insp. fråm 1950, överförda från lackskivor (SW MAMAS & PAPAS The mamas and the papas 1966, second album, black label, small cw (GE RCA Bluebell) M- 125:- Victor) VG+ 90:- "JÖSSES FLICKOR - BEFRIELSEN ÄR NÄRA" 1975, gatefold, w. lyrics, teaterpjäs och musikal av MAMAS & PAPAS Farewell to the first golden era 1967 (US Dunhill) VG+ 125:- Margareta Garpe och Suzanne Osten, med bl a Eva Fröling (SW YTF) VG+ 90:- MAMAS & PAPAS The Papas and the Mamas 1968, gatefold (US Dunhill) VG+ 125:- THE MISSISSIPPI MINSTRELS w. the Rita Williams Singers and the Knightsbridge Theatre Orch. MAMAS & PAPAS The hits of gold 1968 (UK Stateside) VG+ 90:- 1965 (UK Society) VG+ 75:- MARINELLA When the evening bells are ringing 1969, sung in Greek, one of the most popular Greek VINNARNA I CORRENS ROCKBANDSTÄVLING med Weine Wräk's Poporkester, Strings, Bahrock, singers, active since 1957 (GR Philips) VG+ 150:- Dizziness, Excess, Skeneth Bedrahr, Axewitch 1982 (SW Östgöta-Correspondenten) M- 90:- DEAN MARTIN The best of.... 1971 compilation (GE Capitol) VG+ 65:- MATCHBOX Flying colours 1981, great revival (NL Magnet) VG+ 75:- CHAD MITCHELL TRIO Blowin' in the wind 1963 (US Kapp) VG+ 150:- MONKEES same 1966, their first album, soc, slight ringwear, black label, many great tracks here in REA - SALE addition to the hits (GE RCA Victor) VG+ 90:- VAN MORRISON Astral weeks 1968, "Das Rock.Archiv" series, 1970s release (GE W.B.) M- 125:- 50s/60s 7" SINGLES NINA & FREDERIK same 1964, soc (DK Metronome) VG++ 150:- ROY ORBISON Greatest hits 1975, great collection of 1950s tracks (US Buckboard) VG+ 90:- PAUL ANKA Love me warm and tender/I'd like to know 1962, Radio Nord Topp 20 (UK RCA) TOM PAXTON Ain't that news 1965, folk/country, orig. inner sleeve which has some wear, jacket is fine VG+/VG 25:- (US Elektra) VG+ 125:- X LOUIS ARMSTRONG What a wonderful world/Cabaret 1967 (SW HMV) VG++ 25:- CARL PERKINS Brown-eyed handsome man 1972, wobc, some edgewear (US Harmony) VG+ 125:- RE O LOUIS ARMSTRONG & H. ALL-STARS Mack the Knife (live)/Tin roof blues, rec. 1955/56, "Hall PETER, PAUL & MARY Peter, Paul & Mommy 1969, gatefold, 1tr.=VG(-) (US Warner Bros.) VG+ 75:- of Fame" series (US Columbia) M- 15:- PAUL RYAN same 1969 (GE Polydor) VG+ 150:- X BEE GEES Words/Sinking ships 1968, small woc (NO Polydor) VG+ 20:- DEL SHANNON 10th Anniversary album 1971 (UK Sunset) M- 90:- O RE LOS BRAVOS Black is black/I don't care 1966 (UK Decca) M- 25:- DEL SHANNON The best of.... 1972, gd. collection (GE Emidisc) VG+ 75:- JAMES BROWN Think/Licking stick 1974, recordings from 1960 & 1968 (US Polydor Soul Classics) ROCKY SHARPE & REPLAYS Rama lama 1979, gd. revival (UK Chiswick) M- 90:- M- 25:- SIMON & GARFUNKEL Wednesday morning, 3 AM 1968 release of 1964 LP, their first album, incl. "The ERIC BURDON & ANIMALS When I was young/A girl named Sandoz 1967 (GE MGM) VG+ 25:- sounds of silence" (UK CBS) VG+ 150:- ALAN CASSARO Gotta get to Mobile/Song of a fool 1964, gd. rocker (US Integrity) VG+ 25:- BARBRA STREISAND My name is Barbra, two.... 1966, orig. inner sleeve (UK CBS) VG+ 90:- O BOB DALE Mary's boy child/A night to remember 1957 (UK Embassy) VG+ 25:- TEN YEARS AFTER Undead 1968, live (UK Deram) VG+ 250:- X MICHEL DELPECH Wight is wight/same (instr.) 1969 (FR Barclay) VG+ 30:- THE SPRINGFIELDS Songs from the hills 1963, w. Dusty Springfield, stmc (UK Wing) VG+ 150:- CRAIG DOUGLAS Only sixteen/My first love affair 1959 (UK Top Rank) VG(+) 25:- TOKENS It's a happening world 1967, incl. "Portrait of my love", shrink wrap, orig. inner sleeve, stmc (US X JOSÈ FELICIANO Hitchcock Railway/Hi-heel sneakers 1968, black label, NC (GE RCA Victor) Warner Bros.) M- 125:- VG+ 25:- WALKER BROTHERS Portrait 1966, wobc (UK Philips) VG 90:- O FOUR ACES The world outside/The inn of the sixth happiness 1958, Philadelphia vocal group (UK YARDBIRDS same 1965, 2014 counterfeit in brand new condition, both label and cover are exact replicas Brunswick) VG++ 10:- of the original, street cover (SW HMV) M 250:- X ISAAC HAYES By the time I get to Phoenix/Walk on by 1969 (SW Stax) VG(+) 25:- YOUNG RASCALS Collections 1966, incl. "Lonely too long", sm. split (US Atlantic) VG 75:- X HEINTJE Ich bau' Dir ein Schloss/Du sollst nicht weinen 1968 (NL CNS) VG(+) 20:- O HERMAN'S HERMITS Mrs. Brown you've got a lovely daughter/Wonderful world 1965, soc, woc JAZZ LP ALBUMS (SW Columbia) VG+ 25:- HOLLIES Stop stop stop/I can't let go 1966 (US Imperial) VG++ 30:- FRANK IFIELD Lovesick blues/She taught me how to yodel 1962, sol (UK Columbia) VG+ 25:- RAN BLAKE The blue potato and other outrages.... 1981, solo piano (US Milestone) VG+ 90:- X DAMITA JO I'll save the last dance for you/Forgive 1960, UK press, diff. number on cover and PS DAVE BRUBECK QUARTET Jazz goes to college 1954, tapemarks on sleeve (US Columbia) VG(+) (DK Mercury) VG/VG - 25:- 250:- X JIMMY JUSTICE Ain’t that funny/One 1962, toc, tapemarks on sleeve, cover VG- (SW PYE) VG+ DON BYAS "1945" 1971, recordings from 1945 (FR Black & Blue) VG+ 90:- 25:- ENTRA CAMALEÓN same 1981 (SW Caprice) M- 90:- X TRINI LOPEZ Are you sincere/You'll be sorry 1965, woc (GE Reprise) VG+ 30:- MANU DIBANGO Afrijazzy 1986 (GE Polydor) M- 75:- X TRINI LOPEZ The bramble bush/The ballad of the Dirty Dozen 1967, from the MGM film "The Dirty WARDELL GRAY Central Avenue 2-LP 1976, recordings from 1949-1953, great tenor sax player (US Dozen", woc (GE Reprise) VG+ 30:- Prestige) VG+ 125:- RE BARRY McGUIRE Eve of destruction/What exactly's the matter with me 1965, lt (US Dunhill) VG+ RICHARD HOLMES & GENE AMMONS Groovin' with jug 2009 release of 1961 album, remastered 180 20:- gram limited edition (UK Pure Pleasure Records) M- 125:- X SCOTT McKENZIE San Francisco/What's the difference 1967, sm. split (GE CBS) VG+/VG 30:- ELMO HOPE ENSEMBLE Hope from Rikers Island 1978, rec. 1963 (US Chiaroscuro) M- 75:- X MONKEES (Theme from) The Monkees/Mary, Mary 1966 (GE RCA Victor) VG+ 35:- X MONKEES A little bit me, a little bit you/The girl I knew somewhere 1967, sol (GE RCA Victor) VG+ 35:- X BLUES BROTHERS Everybody needs somebody to love/Think 1980 (GE Atlantic) VG+ 25:- X MONKEES Pleasant Valley Sunday/Words 1967 (GE RCA Victor) VG++ 35:- X BOOMTOWN RATS I don't like mondays/It's all the rage 1979, sobc (SW Mercury) VG+ 20:- X ESTHER & ABI OFARIM Cinderella Rockefella/Lonesome road 1968 (NO Philips) VG+ 20:- X BOOMTOWN RATS A hold of me/Never in a million years 1984 (UK Mercury) M- 15:- BUCK OWENS Love's gonna live here/Getting used to losing you 1963 (SW Capitol) VG(+) 20:- X BOY GEORGE Keep me in mind/State of love 1987 (GE Virgin) M- 10:- BRIAN POOLE & TREMELOES Do you love me/Why can't you love me 1963, NC (GE Decca) VG 25:- X BOYS TOWN GANG Can't take my eyes off you (2 versions) 1982 (FI Arrival) VG+ 15:- X TONY RENIS Quando quando quando/Blu 1962, sol (SW HMV) VG+/VG 25:- O JAMES BROWN Sex machine , part 1 & 2 1970 (GE Polydor) M- 25:- RUBY & ROMANTICS Our day will come/Moonlight and music 1962, NC (SW Kapp) VG/VG - 25:- O JAMES BROWN Bodyheat part 1 & 2 1976, small cw (US Polydor) M- 25:- X FRANK SINATRA Strangers in the night/Oh, you crazy moon 1966 (SW Reprise) VG+ 20:- O JAMES BROWN Nature (part 1)/The spank 1978, sm. split (US Polydor) VG+ 25:- O CHAD STUART & JEREMY CLYDE Yesterday's gone/Lemon tree 1963 (SW HMV) VG+ 25:- X JAMES BROWN Gravity (2 versions) 1986 (UK Scotti Brothers) VG+ 25:- BOBBY VEE Charms/Bobby tomorrow 1963, NC (SW Liberty) VG+/VG 25:- X DAVID CASSIDY Darlin'/This could be the night 1975 (GE RCA Victor) VG+ 20:- O JIMMY YOUNG Miss you/Take care of yourself 1963 (UK Columbia) VG+ 20:- X CHER Dark lady/Two people clinging to a thread 1973, much woc (GE MCA) VG 10:- X TUCKER ZIMMERMAN The red wind/Moondog 1969, folk singer/songwriter (GE Polydor) VG(+) 20:- X TONI CHILDS Stop your fussin'/Where's the ocean 1988 (GE A&M) M- 10:- X TONI CHILDS Heaven's gate/Let the rain come down 1992 (GE A&M) M- 10:- INSTRUMENTAL 7" SINGLES O BONNIE ST CLAIRE Clap your hands and stamp your feet/Catch me driver 1973 /2X/ (NO Philips) VG+ 25:- THE BARONET Le telephone/Crocodile dance 1975, instrumental disco, sol (FR Disques Fleche) M- O BONNIE ST CLAIRE & UNIT GLORIA Waikiki man/Will it help me 1973 (SW Philips) VG+ 25:- 10:- X ERIC CLAPTON After midnight/I can't stand it 1981 (GE Polydor) VG+ 25:- X BEALE STREET JAZZBAND Muschel-Letkiss/Holzhacker-Letkiss 1965 (GE RCA Victor) VG+ 15:- X RE ERIC CLAPTON After midnight/Layla 1970 "Golden greats" (GE RSO) M- 25:- LES ELGART Bazoom/Bandstand boogie 1961, Radio Nord-hit (SW Philips) VG+ 30:- X ERIC CLAPTON I shot the sheriff/Give me strength 1974 (GE RSO) M- 35:- JOHNNY GREGORY Bonanza/Maverick 1960 (UK Fontana) VG+/VG 25:- X ERIC CLAPTON After midnight/I can't stand it 1988 (GE Polydor) VG+ 15:- ARNE LAMBERTH La paloma/La mer 1961, B=Radio Nord-hit (SW Joker) VG+ 30:- X LLOYD COLE & COMMOTIONS Lost weekend/Big world 1985 (UK Polydor) M- 10:- X AL HIRT Java/I can't get started 1963, NC (GE RCA Victor) VG+ 25:- O JOHN COUGAR Ain't ever done with the night/Make me feel 1980 (US Riva) VG+ 10:- X JO SONY ARVERN SYSTEM Sea side shuffle/Arvern's strip 1972 (FR CBS) VG+ 25:- X CULTURE CLUB It's a miracle/Love twist 1984 (GE Virgin) M- 10:- X RED MILLER Pop can can, part 1 & 2 1976 (FR EMI) VG+ 10:- X CULTURE CLUB Love is love (from the soundtrack of the film "Electric Dreams")/Sexuality 1986 O JACK ROSS Happy José/Sweet Georgia Brown 1961, Radio Nord-hit, small cw (SW Dot) VG+ 25:- (GE Virgin) M- 10:- X BO SAMUELSSON Under ekars djupa grönska/Yesterday 1965, "succétrumpetaren från Hylands X CULTURE CLUB Move away/Mistake no 3 1985 (GE Virgin) M- 10:- Hörna, 10 år" (SW Dux) VG+ 30:- X DARTS Daddy cool/The girl can't help it/Medley excerpts/Shotgun 1977, GE cover (SW Magnet) M- O WHISTLING JACK SMITH I was Kaiser Bill's Batman/The British grin and bear 1967 (UK Deram) VG+ 20:- 25:- X DARTS The boy from New York City/Bones 1978, gd. revival (UK Magnet) VG+ 15:- O THE SOUTH BANK ORCHESTRA Lillie theme/Gilbert & Sullivan selection 1978 (UK Decca) VG+ 10:- X DARTS The boy from New York city/Bones 1978, sobc (UK Magnet) M- 15:- JOHN WILLIAMS Cavatina/Romanza 1971 (UK PYE) VG+ 25:- X DARTS Come back my love/Naff off 1978, UK cover (SW Magnet) M- 15:- X IAN DURY Spasticus autisticus (2 versions) 1981, soc (UK Polydor) VG+ 25:- SCANDINAVIAN 7" SINGLES X DAVID ESSEX Gonna make you a star/Window 1974 (NL CBS) VG+/VG 20:- X EVERLY BROTHERS On the wings of a nightingale/Asleep 1984 (NL Mercury) M- 10:- X A-HA The sun always shines on TV/Driftwood 1985 (GE W.B./Reprise) VG++ 10:- O FAT DADDY Captain Midnight (and his rock and roll band)/The love you save 1973 (NO Mercury) X DANSEORKESTRET Jeg prøver igen/Nostra cosa 1989 (GE Virgin) VG+ 10:- VG+ 20:- X FINE YOUNG CANNIBALS Suspicious minds/Prick up your ears 1985 (NL London) M- 10:- SVENSKA 7" SINGLAR X FINE YOUNG CANNIBALS Blue/Wade in the water 1985 (UK London) M- 10:- X FLIRTS Jukebox/Calling all boys 1982, soc, great song! (SW TMC) M- 25:- X JANNE ANDERSSON POP Allt jag vill/(Du var) Min bäste vän 1980 (SW Parlophone) M- 10:- X FRANKIE GOES TO HOLLYWOOD The power of love/The world is my oyster 1984, third single O ANN-LOUISE (HANSSON) Låt inte din skugga falla här/Fly your Jolly Roger 1978 (SW GlenDisc) M- (GE Island/ZTT) VG+ 20:- 10:- X PETER GABRIEL Walk through the fre (from the film "Against all odds")/The race 1984, sobc (UK X ROLF BENGTSON Dagen efter kvällen före/Elisabeth 1970, NC (SW Polar) VG(+) 25:- Virgin) M- 25:- X BRÖDERNA ROOS Den värld vi en gång ska ta över/Vaggvisa 1970 (SW Rondell) VG+ 25:- X J. GEILS BAND Centerfold/Rage in the cage 1981, sobc (GE EMI America) M- 15:- X BYFÅNARNA Åsa Bodén/No particular place to go 1980 (SW EMI) VG+ 15:- X J. GEILS BAND Centerfold/Rage in the cage 1981, slight ringwear, diff. cover (GE EMI America) X DON C (Curtis) Young love breaks easy/You wake up my feelings 1985 (SW Rainbow) M- 15:- M- 15:- X CALCUTTA TRANSFER Mannen.... (som på tunnelbanan sket)/Howrah station 1980, soc (SW Mistlur) X GILLA Gentlemen callers not allowed/Say yes 1977 (GE Hansa) M- 10:- M- 20:- X ALBERT HAMMOND The peacemaker/Who's for lunch today 1973 (NL Epic) VG+ 15:- X LENNART CROMBÄCK Låt livet leka/Men, det var bara du som stanna kvar 1968 (SW Kabima) VG+ X ALBERT HAMMOND Everything I want to do/Woman of the world 1973 (SW Epic) VG+ 15:- 25:- STEVE HARLEY & COCKNEY REBEL White, white dove/Throw your soul down here 1976 (UK X DAG VAG Pop i top/Majskolv 1981 (SW Ball) VG+ 25:- EMI) VG+ 15:- X DAG VAG Du får aldrig nog (2 vers.) 1989 (SW MNW) VG+ 25:- X STEVE HARLEY & COCKNEY REBEL Irresistble/Such is life 1985 (NL RK) M- 15:- X DATA BOYS Säsong song/Du lilla 1973, toc (SW Feel) VG+ 25:- X PATRICK HERNANDEZ Born to be alive (2 versions) 1979 (FR Aquarius) M- 15:- X LARRY FINNEGAN Min lilla Ann-Marie/Kärlek kan bli tårar 1968, NC, CW, creases on cover (SW O HOT Tonight/The nights are not enough 1982 (US Boardwalk) VG+ 10:- SvenskAmerican) VG+ 15:- X WHITNEY HOUSTON I will always love you/Jesus loves me 1992 (NL Arista) VG++ 15:- X GIDEONS Stjärnornas sång/Cac can a'la Liston (instr.) 1982, utgiven för IFK Eskilstuna, med annonser ISLEY BROTHERS For the love of you (part 1 & 2)/You walk your way 1975 (UK Epic) VG+ 10:- för sponsorer på baksidan. Tydligen var "Liston" Söderberg tränare för laget då. (SW CWC) VG+ 25:- ISLEY BROTHERS Toast of love/Do it (use your mind) 1976 (UK Epic) VG+ 10:- X GIMO BIG BAND Pour un flirt/Hello Dolly 1972 (SW Record) VG+ 20:- X IT BITES All in red/Heartbreaker 1986, British progressive rock/pop fusion band (UK Virgin) M- 10:- X LENNART GRAHN (ex-Shanes) Butterfly/Gumman Tö 1971 (SW Karusell) VG(+) 25:- X JERMAINE JACKSON Let's get serious/Je vous aime beaucoup 1980 (NL Motown) M- 20:- X LALLA HANSSON Anna och mej/Vyssanlull. lilla Marie 1971 (SW Columbia) VG+/VG 25:- X JERMAINE JACKSON Let me tickle your fancy/Maybe next time 1982 (GE Motown) M- 20:- O LALLA HANSSON Anna och mej/Vyssanlull, lilla Marie 1971, soc, small cw (SW Columbia) VG+ 20:- X MICHAEL JACKSON One day in your life/Take me back 1975 (GE Motown) VG+ 25:- X CAROLA HÄGGKVIST/JAHN TEIGEN/TIMO KORHONEN "Carola så in i Norden" En sång om X MICHAEL JACKSON Don't stop 'til you get enough/I can't help it 1979 (NL Epic) M- 25:- gemenskap/60-talspotpurri (live) 1984 (SW Tevegram/Mariann) VG+ 25:- X MICHAEL JACKSON Leave me alone/Human nature 1989 (NL Epic) M- 25:- X ROGER JOHNSON Sån e'ja'/Hjälp mej ur min ensamhet 1971, sol (SW RCA Victor) VG+ 20:- X COLIN JAMES Just came back/Cross my heart 1990 (UK Virgin) M- 10:- X LILI & SUSSIE We were only dancing/Miss you 1988 (SW EMI) M- 20:- X COLIN JAMES If you lean on me/Back in my arms again 1991 (UK Virgin) M- 10:- X BOB LIND Hej Angelie/Dröm men ändå verklighet (titelmelodin ur "De fattiga ochj de rika") 1978 (SW ETTA JAMES Tell mama/I'd rather go blind 1984 (US Chess) VG+/VG 25:- K.M.C.) VG+ 25:- X JEFFERSON AIRPLANE Planes/Upfront blues (instr.) 1989 (NL Epic) VG+ 10:- X GÖTE LOVÉN s/s Apollo III-valsen/Valsen om Mariehamn 1980, signerad av textförfattare Allan Everth, X ELTON JOHN Grow some funk of your own/I feel like a bullet (in the gun of Robert Ford) 1975 (NL Vikinglinjen souvenirskiva (SW Pop) VG+ 25:- DJM) VG+ 15:- X JAN MALMSJÖ Valsa Matilda/Jag ska ut och fiska 1964, NC (SW RCA Victor) VG(+) 15:- X ELTON JOHN Sacrifice/Love is a cannibal 1989 (GE Rocket) VG+ 10:- X JAN MALMSJÖ En sång en gång för längesen/Puff (en pappersdrake) 1967 (SW CBS) VG(+) 15:- X JON & VANGELIS I'll find my way home/Back to school 1981 (GE Polydor) VG+ 20:- X MILLICENT MARTIN Om du nånsin skulle ändra dej/Sommardröm 1971, British actress/singer doing X JAMES KAHN One million stars (2 versions) 1984 (SW Beat Box) VG+ 10:- two songs in Swedish (SW RCA Victor) VG+ 25:- X MADLEEN KANE Rough diamond/Fever 1978 (NL CBS) VG+ 20:- X MARTIN RÖSSEL & THE DUM DUM BOYS Heartbreak Hotel/Pablo Picasso 1982 (SW Pulsating Beat) O CAROLE KING You've got a friend/Beautiful 1971 (SW A&M) VG+ 25:- VG+ 25:- X CAROLE KING Hard Rock Cafe/To know that I love you 1977 (GE Capitol) VG+ 25:- X BJÖRN SKIFS To touch you/Nattens demoner 1988 (SW Ursus) VG+ 10:- X STEVE KEKANA Raising my family/Working man 1980, disco classic! (SW EMI) VG+ 25:- X SVEN-ERICS "Nytt från Tyfon" Kom till mej/Vägen hem 1975, PROMO-only (SW Tyfon) M- 20:- X KINKS Don't forget to dance/Noise 1983 (NL Arista) VG+ 10:- X NIKLAS STRÖMSTEDT Gå inte än/Kärlek är ett gift 1981 (SW Parlophone) M- 15:- O MAC & KATIE KISSOON I've found my freedom/Love came today 1972 (NO Polydor) VG+ 10:- X SVERIGES JAZZBAND Frihet/Se Örjan, en liten vit kanin 1970 (SW RCA Victor) VG(+) 20:- X MARIE LAFORET Viens, viens/Arlequin 1972 (FR Polydor) VG+ 10:- X MONICA TÖRNELL Mellan raderna (Kom till mig)/Du måste så för att få skörd 1986 (SW Air) M- 25:- JOE LEAHY I'm nobody's baby (2 versions) 1985, square dance music, w. cues and instruction X SYLVIA VRETHAMMAR En lärling på våran gård/Tycker om dej 1969 (SW Sonet) VG(+) 20:- sheet (US Merry-Go-Round) M- 10:- X JAN ÖNNERUD Kärlekens hus/Lyssna på mej 1969 /2X/ (SW Sonet) VG+ 25:- X JONA LEWIE You'll always find me in the kitchen at parties/Bureaucrats 1980, woc (SW Stiff) VG+ V.A. PEDAÇ MOPED Gonna buy myself a jaguar/NEW ROSE Merry go round 1989, flexi, 33rpm (SW 15:- Delicious Goldfish) VG+ 10:- X JONA LEWIE You'll always find me in the kitchen at parties/Bureaucrats 1980, sobc (UK Stiff) M- V.A. FLEXI "VECKO-REVYNS JULSKIVA LASSE LINDBOM BAND Så nära nu/X.MODELS (Jag 15:- behöver) Din ton 1982 (SW Vecko-Revyn/EMI) VG+ 15:- X JONA LEWIE Louise (we get it right)/It never will go wrong 1981, soc (UK Stiff) M- 15:- X GORDON LIGHTFOOT If you could read my mind/Poor little Allison 1971 (GE Reprise) M- 25:- 70s-90s 7" SINGLES X LIPPS INC. Funkytown/All night danvcing 1979 (SW Casablanca) M- 25:- X NICK LOWE All men are liars/Gai-gin man 1990, soc (UK Reprise) M- 20:- X AMERICAN GYPSY Yo yo, part 1 & 2 1977, US funk group based in Holland (NL Negram) VG+ 20:- X MANFRED MANN'S EARTH BAND Runner/No Transkei 1983, some creases on cover (GE BILL ARWOOD Under neon lights/Lilly's white lies, country (US Bob Grady Records) M- 10:- Bronze) VG+ 10:- R.J. AUSTIN Loving you was just a waste of time/Good ole boys night out, country (US Ollie) VG+ 10:- X BOB MARLEY & WAILERS Is this love/Crisis 1978, B=instr., NC, cw, sol (UK Island) VG 10:- X BACCARA Yes sir, I can boogie/Cara mia 1977 (GE RCA Victor) VG+ 10:- MARMALADE Falling apart at the seams/Fly, fly, fly 1976, soc (UK Target) VG+ 25:- X BACCARA Sorry I'm a lady/Love you till I die 1977, soc (GE RCA Victor) VG+ 10:- X MIREILLE MATHIEU La paloma adieu/Akropolis adieu 1974 (SW Ariola) VG+ 20:- X BAP Verdamp lang her/Waschsalon 1981, sobc, German rock/new wave (GE Musikant) M- 15:- GEORGE McCRAE You can have it all/Make it right 1974 (UK Jay Boy) VG+ 10:- X CLAUDIA BARRY Banana boat (Day-O)/Girl crazy 1980 (GE Lollipop) M- 10:- GEORGE McCRAE Honey!/Take this love of mine 1976 (UK Jay Boy) VG+ 10:- X HARRY BELAFONTE We are the wave/duet w. JENNIFER WARNES Skin to skin 1988 (UK DON McLEAN Vincent/Castles in the air 1972 (UK U.A.) VG+ 10:- Manhattan) M- 10:- X DON McLEAN Vincent/Castles in the air 1973 (IT U.A.) VG+ 20:- X EDOARDO BENNATO Viva la mamma/Abbi dubbi 1989, soc (GE Virgin) VG+ 10:- O RALPH McTELL Streets of London/Summer lightning 1974 (SW Polydor) M- 20:- X LOREDANA BERTÉ Grida/Ricominciare 1978 (NL CBS) VG+ 10:- X MELANIE Nickel song/Good book 1971 (GE Buddah) VG(+) 10:- O BLONDE ON BLONDE Subway/Summer love 1977 (UK Chrysalis) VG+ 10:- X MIDDLE OF THE ROAD Soley soley/To remind me 1971 (GE RCA Victor) VG+ 20:- X BLONDIE Sunday girl/I know but I don't know 1978, sobc (SW Chrysalis) VG+ 20:- X BETTY MIRANDA Take me to the top (2 versions) 1984 (GE WEA) VG++ 10:- X BLONDIE Rapture/Walk like me 1981 (SW Chrysalis) VG(+) 15:- X MIKO MISSION How old are you (2 versions) 1984 (SW Beat Box) VG+ 15:- X BLONDIE Island of lost souls/Dragonfly 1982, sobc (GE Chrysalis) M- 20:- X MUNGO JERRY In the summertime/Mighty man 1970, stmc (SW PYE) VG+ 15:- X MUNGO JERRY In the summertime/Mighty man 1970, much woc (SW PYE) VG+ 15:- X PAUL McCARTNEY Pipes of peace/So bad 1983 (NL Parlophone) VG+ 15:- MUSCLES Make me happy/Funky music 1975, soul/funk (UK Big Bear Records) VG+ 25:- X PAUL McCARTNEY Spies like us/My carnival 1985, some ringwear, stmc (NL Parlophone) VG+ X MUSIC FACTORY Stylophonia "Two little boys" voacl remix/same (instr.) 1992, promo record for 15:- Stylophone synthesizers, soc (UK T.A.Scam Recordings) VG+ 10:- X TUBES I saw her standing there/Crime medley 1978, B=instr. (NL A&M) VG+ 15:- X OSMONDS I can't stop/Flower music 1971, soc (GE MCA) VG+ 10:- X OSMONDS Goin' home/Are you up there? 1973 (GE MGM) VG+ 10:- DAVID BOWIE X PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC Are you ready/Staggolee 1970, soc (SW CBS) VG+/VG 15:- X PERET Borriquito/Qué cosas tiene el amor 1971 (SP Ariola) VG+/VG 10:- O DAVID BOWIE D.J./Repetition 1979 (UK RCA-V.) VG 5:- X PICKETTYWITCH (It's like a) Sad old kinda' movie/Times 1970 (SW PYE) VG+ 25:- X DAVID BOWIE Alabama song/Space oddity 1980 (GE RCA Victor) VG+ 10:- RAIDERS Birds of a feather/The turkey 1971 (US Columbia) VG+ 20:- X DAVID BOWIE Up the hill backwards/Crystal Japan 1980, NC (UK RCA) VG+ 10:- WILFORD RAY Black bayou/Without you, Memphis country (US Tab) VG+ 10:- X DAVID BOWIE Day-in day-out/Julie 1987, some ringwear (GE EMI America) VG+ 10:- X CHARLIE RICH The most beautiful girl/Til I can't take it anymore 1973 (SW Epic) VG+ 25:- X DAVID BOWIE Underground (2 diff.) 1988 (NL EMI America) M- 10:- X ROCKIN' HORSE Lay a little B.S. on 'em/What's your name 1983, country (US Rockin' Horse Records) X DAVID BOWIE When the wind blows/same (instr.) 1986 (GE Virgin) M- 10:- VG+ 15:- X QUEEN & DAVID BOWIE Under pressure/Soul brother 1981 (US Elektra) M- 25:- X SAILOR A glass of champagne/Panama 1975 (NL Epic) VG+ 15:- X SANTABARBARA Charly/San José 1973, Spanish psych-influenced pop/rock (SP Harvest) M- 25:- CLIFF & SHADOWS X SAMANTHA Y viva España/Nuestra historia 1972 (SP Discophon) VG+ 20:- X VERONIQUE SANSON L'amour qui bat/Santa Monica 1981 (FR Elektra) VG+ 20:- X CLIFF RICHARD I can't ask for anymore than you/Junior cowboy 1978 (GE EMI) VG+ 20:- X SANTANA Say it again/Touchdown raiders 1985, B=instr. (NL CBS) M- 10:- X CLIFF RICHARD We don't talk anymore/Count me out 1979, NC (SW EMI) VG+ 15:- X SANTANA Veracruz/Mandela 1987, B=instr. (NL CBS) M- 10:- O CLIFF RICHARD A little in love/Everytime 1980 (CA EMI America) VG+ 15:- X MICHEL SARDOU La chanson d'adieu/Le surveillant general 1972 (FR Tema) M- 25:- X CLIFF RICHARD Some people/One time lover man 1987 (GE EMI) M- 15:- X LEO SAYER You make me feel like dancing/Magdalena 1976 (GE Chrysalis) VG+ 15:- X CLIFF RICHARD Stronger than that/Joanna 1989 (GE EMI) M- 15:- X SHAKIN' STEVENS Shirley/I'm for you 1982 (NL Epic) M- 15:- X PETER SHELLEY Love me love my dog/My sweet deutsche friend 1974, soc (GE Ariola) VG+ 15:- ELVIS SOUL RESPONSE Doin' the bump/Rock me, roll me 1975 (UK Blue Jean) VG+ 10:- X J.D. SOUTHER You're only lonely/Songs of love 1979, singer-songwriter (NL CBS) VG+ 10:- ELVIS Rock-a-hula baby/Can't help falling in love 1961, NC 47-7968, no PS (GE RCA) VG 25:- X SPANDAU BALLET Muscle bound/Glow 1981, sobc (NL Chrysalis) M- 10:- X SPANDAU BALLET She loved like diamond (2 versions) 1981 (UK Chrysalis) VG++ 10:- EUROVISION SONG CONTEST 7" SINGLES X SPINACH America/Rhythm of love 1970, woc, ringwear, Giorgio Moroder (GE Liberty) VG+ 15:- O SQUEEZE When the hangover strikes/Elephant girl 1982 (UK A&M) VG+ 10:- X ANN-LOUISE HANSSON Svenska flicka/Teddybjörnen Fredriksson 1969 (SW Philips) M- 25:- X EDWIN STARR H.A.P.P.Y. radio/My friend 1979 (NL 20th Century Fox) VG+ 15:- X CLAES-GÖRAN HEDERSTRÖM Det börjar verka kärlek, banne mej/Natten är så lång 1968, X AMII STEWART & MIKE FRANCIS Together/Do it all again 1985 (GE RCA Victor) VG+ 10:- cw/reva i omslaget, NC (SW RCA Victor) VG(+) 10:- RAY STEVENS The streak/You've got the music inside 1974, classic! (US Barnaby) VG+ 20:- X CLAES-GÖRAN HEDERSTRÖM Det börjar verka kärlek, banne mej/Natten är så lång 1968, NC X STEPHEN STILLS Stranger/No hiding place 1984, soc (GE Atlantic) M- 10:- (SW RCA Victor) VG+ 25:- X STING Russians/Gabriel's message 1985 (NL A&M) M- 10:- X CORINNE HERMÈS Si la vie est cadeau/Pour un jour de toi 1983, soc (NL Polydor) M- 20:- X STRANGLERS European female/Savage breast 1982, cut corner (NL Epic) M- 10:- X SANDRA KIM J'aime la vie/same (instr.) 1986 (SW Carrere) M- 15:- X SWEATHOG Hallelujah/Still on the road 1971, soc (NL CBS) VG++ 15:- X VICKY LEANDROS Apres toi/La poupee, le prince et la maison 1972, wol (SW Philips) VG+ 25:- O T-CONECTION At midnight/Playin' games 1978 (US Dash) VG+ 10:- X MONIQUE MELSEN Pomme, pomme, pomme/Fa fa fa 1971, sol (SW CBS) VG+ 25:- X THE EDGE Downhill/American excess 1979, white vinyl, new wave (UK Hurricane) M- 20:- X SEVERINE Un banc, un arbre, un rue/Viens 1971 (SW Philips) VG+ 25:- TEMPTATIONS Keep holding on/What you need most (I do best of all) 1975, soul (US Gordy) VG+ 10:- O JOE TEX Loose caboose/Music ain't got no color 1978 (US Dial) VG+ 10:- HEAVY 7" SINGLES O TEXAS VOCAL COMPANY It had to be you/Backsliding 1983, soc (US RCA) VG+ 10:- X THE BLUE NILE Stay/Saddle the horses 1984, adult/altenative pop band from Glasgow (GE Linn X ALICE COOPER Freedom/Time to kill 1987 (GE MCA) M- 25:- Records) M- 10:- X ALICE COOPER Poison/Trash 1989 (NL Epic) VG+ 15:- O THE DEVASTATING AFFAIR That's how it was/It's so sad 1973, cw - piece of cover missing (SW X LITA FORD Hungry/Big gun 1990, woc /2X/ (GE RCA) VG+ 15:- Tamla Motown) VG+ 20:- X GUN Steal your fire/Don't blame me 1992 (GE A&M) M- 20:- X THE KNACK My Sharona/Let me out 1979 (UK Capitol) VG+ 20:- X GUN Welcome to the real world/Standing in your shadow 1992 (UK A&M) VG+ 20:- X THE KNACK My Sharona/Let me out 1979 (US Capitol) VG+ 20:- X BILLY IDOL Flesh for fantasy/Blue highway 1984 (UK Chrysalis) VG+ 10:- X THE MISSION Butterfly on a wheel/The grip of disease 1989 (GE Mercury) M- 20:- X JOAN JETT & BLACKHEARTS I love rock'n'roll/Love is pain 1982 (SW Mercury) VG+ 15:- X THE POLICE Don't stand so close to me/Friends 1980 (NL A&M) M- 20:- X J.J. PARADISE PLAYERS CLUB Teddy salad/Never in my life 2001 (US Tee Pee Records) M- 30:- X THE POLICE Spirits in the material world/Low life (non-LP track) 1981, sobc (NL A&M) M- 20:- X MAGNUM Midnight (you won't be sleeping)/All England's eyes (live) 1986, soc (GE Polydor) M- X THE TONY MONN CONCEPT Who built the pyramids, part 1 & 2 1982 (GE Ariola) M- 20:- 10:- X THIRD WORLD Lagos jump/Love is out to get you 1983, sobc (NL CBS) VG+ 10:- X MEATLOAF If you really want to/Keep driving 1983, soc (NL Epic) VG+ 10:- O BEN THOMAS Harmony/Whistling man 1972, NC (SW Polar) VG(+) 10:- X MEATLOAF Modern girl/Take a number 1984, soc (NL Arista) VG+ 10:- X LINDA G. THOMPSON Put a little love in your heart/Laid back love 1977, ex-Silver Convention (GE X MEATLOAF with JOHN PARR Rock'n'roll mercenaries/R.P.M. 1986, soc (GE Arista) VG+ 10:- Jupiter) VG+ 15:- X MEATLOAF Getting away with murder/Rock'n'roll hero 1986, soc (UK Arista) VG+ 10:- X TRIANGLE J'ai vu/La pate grise 1972, French progressive band (FR Pathé) VG+/VG 10:- X MEATLOAF Blind before I stop/Execution day 1987, soc (UK Arista) M- 10:- X TRIO Da da da don't love you dont love me aha aha aha/Sabine Sabine Sabine 1982, soc (GE X JOHN NORUM Let me love you/Wild one 1987 (NL CBS) VG+ 10:- Mercury) VG+ 10:- X POISON Something to believe in/Ball and chain 1990 (GE Capitol/Enigma) VG+ 10:- X TRIO Da da da ich lieb dich nicht du liebst mich nicht aha aha aha/Sabine Sabine Sabine 1982, toc (GE X QUIET RIOT The wild and the young/Rise or fall 1986 (NL Pasha) M- 10:- Mercury) VG++ 10:- X SCORPIONS Send me an angel/Crazy world 1991 (GE Mercury) M- 15:- X BONNIE TYLER Married men/If you ever need me again 1978 (GE RAC Victor) VG+ 10:- X SKIN'BONES Cover me with roses/Kiss this 1990 (DK Equinox) M- 10:- X BONNIE TYLER I'm just a woman/Sitting on the edge of the ocean 1980 (UK RCA) M- 10:- X SUPERSTITION Second life/Uncanny night 1985, private press, Swedish heavy (SW Superstition) X UB 40 Don't walk on the grass/Dr X 1981 (NL Epic) M- 10:- VG+ 45:- X UNCLE SAM Pretty woman/Do it for love 1978 (GE Jupiter) VG+ 10:- X TRASH Rock me.... rock you/Take my flight 1985 (GE Atlantic) M- 10:- X UNDER TWO FLAGS Masks/Early Sunday morning 1984, British indie (UK Situation Two) VG+ 10:- X TREAT Waiting game/Strike without a warning 1986 (SW Mercury) VG+ 10:- X WAYNE WADE Lady/Love is something you find in your heart 1991 (GE Ariola) M- 10:- X WHITE LION Love don't come easy/Out with the boys 1991 (GE Atlantic) M- 10:- X WAR Sun on son/Lonely feelin' 1971, first single without Eric Burdon, soc, stmc, small cw (GE Liberty) X Y & T Summertime girls/Lipstick and leather 1984 (UK A&M) M- 10:- VG 10:- X Y & T Summertime girl/Lipsticka and leather 1985 (GE A&M) VG+ 10:- O DEBORAH WASHINGTON Rock it/loneliness 1979, wol, woc, disco (US Ariola) VG+ 10:- X SUZANNE VEGA feat. JOE JACKSON on piano Left of center/Cracking (live) 1986 (GE A&M) VG+ 10:- ROLLING STONES & RELATED X WHODINI The haunted house of rock (3 diff.) 1983 (UK Jive) VG+ 10:- X KIM WILDE Child come away/Just another guy 1982 (NL RAK) VG+ 10:- X RED FACE (I can't get no) Satisfaction/Stay where the music is 1978, disco version (GE Hansa) X KIM WILDE Dancing in the dark/Back street driver 1983 (NL RAK) M- 10:- VG+ 10:- X VIOLINSKI Clog dance/Time to live 1979 (NL Jet) VG+ 10:- BILL WYMAN Apache woman 1978 (US R.S.) VG+ 15:- O VILLAGE PEOPLE Sleazy/Save me (up tempo) 1979 (US Casablanca) VG(+) 10:- X BILL WYMAN Come back Suzanne/Seventeen 1981 (NL A&M) M- 15:- X PETE WOLF Can't get started/Mamma said 1987 (GE EMI America) VG+ 10:- X YOUNG DISCIPLES Apparently nothin' (2 versions) 1992 (UK Talkin Loud) M- 10:- ROXETTE & RELATED

ABBA & RELATED X ROXETTE Never ending love (2 different) 1986 /2X/ (SW EMI) VG+ 15:- X ROXETTE The look/Silver blue 1989 (SW Parlophone) VG+ 15:- X AGNETHA & CHRISTIAN På söndag/Mitt namn är Blom 1987 (GE WEA) M- 65:- X ROXETTE It must have been love/Paint 1990 (SW Parlophne) M- 15:- X LENA ANDERSSON Är det konstigt att man längtar bort nån gång?/Jag ville jag vore 1971 (SW Polar) VG+ 25:- FRANK ZAPPA X HEP STARS Malaika/It's nice to be back 1967 (SW Olga) VG(+) 35:- X HEP STARS Malaika/It's nice to be back 1967, NC (SW Olga) VG+ 40:- X FRANK ZAPPA Joe's garage/Catholic girls 1979 (NL CBS) VG(+) 15:- EPX HOOTENANNY SINGERS Marianne/Vid en biväg till en byväg bor den blonda Beatrice/Vid Roines FRANK ZAPPA Love of my life/For the young sophisticate 1981 (NL CBS) M- 10:- strand/En man och en kvinna 1966, 1 tr.=VG (SW Polar) VG+ 35:- X FRANK ZAPPA Love of my life/For the young sophisticate 1981, woc (NL CBS) M- 20:- X SOFIA KÄLLGREN Beatrice (Andersson/Ulvaeus)/Luften jag andas (Kärlekens mjuka röst) 1992 (SW Big Bag) M- 20:- 7" EP RECORDS

BEATLES & RELATED X ANITA & TELEVINKEN Trottoaren/Gatan/Lekplatsen/Se åt båda hållen 1964 NTF1 (SW NTF) VG(- ) 10:- EPX BAROCK AND ROLL ENSEMBLE Allegro/Minuet and Trio/Finale (medley of Beatles songs)/ON X ANITA & TELEVINKEN Sommar/På vägen/Vinter, hej!/Tänk vad han är snäll ändå/Hej, nu åker vi! THE BAYREUTH BEAT Star of Eve bossa nova/My old man's a Dutchman-twist/Tannhäuser lettered rock 1964 NTF2 (SW NTF) VG 15:- 1965 (UK HMV) VG 25:- X ANITA & TELEVINKEN Sommar/På vägen/Vinter, hej!/Tänk vad han är snäll ändå/Hej, nu åker vi! BEATLES Long tall Sally/I call your name 1964, NC, Finnish release (FI Parlophone) VG(+) 25:- 1964 NTF2 (SW NTF) VG+ 20:- BEATLES A hard day's night/Things we said today 1964 (UK Parlophone) VG+ 30:- X ANITA & TELEVINKEN Reflexer/Röda gubben och gröna gubben/Gåfyren 1965 NTF3 (SW NTF) X BEATLES Hello, goodbye/I am the walrus 1967, UK press, SW cover, woc (SW Parlophone) VG+ 40:- VG+ 20:- X RANDY CRAWFORD Imagine/Tender falls the rain 1992 (GE W.B.) M- 20:- X ANITA & TELEVINKEN Våran mamma kör med oss/Där är en bom/Strunta i att gå i vägen/Hjälpa X DISCOTEQUES What is life (Harrison)/He's got the whole world 1971, woc (SW Spark) VG+ 25:- polisen 1965 NTF4 (SW NTF) VG++ 20:- X GEORGE HARRISON All those years ago/Writings on the wall 1981, John Lennon tribute (SW Dark X ARCHERS Do the maggot/Hybrid moments/HOLLYWOODS Vengeance beach/Camp Horse) VG+ 25:- Holywood/Nachos, tacos and pacos 2007, great garage! (SW Kanaloa) M- 45:- X JULIAN LENNON Because (from the musical "Time"), 2 diff. versions 1986 (NL EMI) M- 10:- X ALICE BABS och TITTI "Sjung med oss mamma" Mors lilla Olla/Ro ro barnet/Dansa min MAHALIA JACKSON In concert 1967 (GE CBS) VG(+) 25:- docka/Solvisa/Sländan/Min faders gård 1963 SWEP 152 (SW SweDisc) VG+ 20:- MAHALIA JACKSON You'll never walk alone - greatest gospel hits 1968 (GE CBS) VG+ 25:- X ALICE BABS och TITTI "Sjung med oss mamma" Majas visa/Gäspus, Nickus och Jon Blund/Fisken i WANDA JACKSON Rock and roll classics vol. 6 1972, great compilation of 50s tracks (NL Capitol) badkaret/Blåsippor/Danslåt/Dans i det gröna 1963 SWEP 153 (SW SweDisc) VG+ 20:- VG+ 30:- X ALICE BABS och TITTI "Sjung med oss mamma" Videvisan/Lilla Jon Blund/Årstiderna/Katten och TOM JONES Delilah 1968, soc (UK Decca) VG+ 30:- svansen/Borgmästar' Munte/Var kommer det vackra ifrån 1963 SWEP 155 (SW SweDisc) VG+ 20:- KINGSTON TRIO 16 greatest hits 1983, live recordings (GE Black Tulip) VG+ 25:- X CHRIS BARBER "The best of...." Petite fleur/Whistling Rufus/Wild cat blues/The Monty Sunshine Trio LITTLE RICHARD Greatest hits recorded live 1974 release of 1967 album (NL Embassy) VG+ 30:- 1963, NC, 1tr.=VG - (SW PYE) VG 10:- LOS PARAGUAYOS On tour through South America 1969 (NL Fontana) VG+ 25:- X HARRY BELAFONTE "Belafonte sings of the Caribbean 2" Cordelia Brown/Don't ever love LULU The most of Lulu 1971, soc, wobc (NL MFP) VG+ 30:- me/Angelique-O/Judy Drownded 1957, silver tri (GE RCA) VG 15:- MAMAS & PAPAS Greatest hits 1986 compilation (BE BR Music) VG+ 25:- X HARRY BELAFONTE "Jump up calypso" Kingston Market/Gloria/Sweetheart from Venezuela/These DEAN MARTIN Everybody loves somebody 1964 /2X/ (US Reprise) M- 30:- are the times 1961 (GE RCA) VG(+) 15:- DEAN MARTIN Supergold 2-LP 1979, rec. from 1952-1964, soc (SW Capitol) X LARS BERGHAGEN Rutan, Prickan, Randan, Busiga Klas och den Smygande Tandborsten, del 1 & 2 GISELA MAY Sjunger Brecht 1971, soc (SW Caprice) VG(+) 25:- 1969, barnskiva, NC (SW Show-Time) VG 15:- MILLS BROTHERS In motion 1969, toc (US Dot) VG+ 20:- X DAVE BRUBECK "Trio and quartet" Sweet Georgia Brown/Blue moon/Somebody loves me/Crazy Chris GENE PITNEY Town without pity 1969, soc (UK Hallmark) VG+ 30:- 1956, cover printed in Norway, woc (SW Jazz Selection) VG 30:- PLATTERS My prayer 1975, shrink wrap (UK Hallmark) M- 25:- X EDDIE CALVERT "Trumpet serenade no. 2" Forgotten dreams/Almost paradise/The pansy/If I loved YVONNE PRENOSILOVÁ Sklípek (1964-1968) 1990, Czech pop singer sounding very much like you 1957 (UK Columbia) VG(+) 20:- Brenda Lee (CZ Supraphon) M- 30:- X COLWELL BROTHERS "No. 2" Write the thought down/This is it!/Morgan's poisoned the water ROCKSLAGET same 1975, soc (SW Moondisc) M- 25:- hole/Human nature 1957, Detroit bluegrass combo (UK Philips) VG(+) 25:- BOBBY SCOTT Star 1967, small woc, easy listening/white soul, he wrote "A taste of honey" & "He X LES COMPAGNONS DE LA CHANSON C'est ma chanson (from "La Comtesse de Hong ain't heavy, he's my brother", "Stereo 360 Sound" (US CBS) VG+ 30:- Kong")/Sacree Marlene/John Suter/Io tu e le rose 1967 (FR CBS) VG+ 15:- PETE SEEGER The best of..... - 20 of his greatest songs 2-LP 1972, some creases on cover (NL X DANIEL FEYERABEND Sotargossen/En vardagskväll/En sommarvisa/Olles förbund med CBS) VG+ 30:- makterna/Ugglor i mossen 1972, sång till luta. Skivan utgiven till "Karlskrona Fabriks o. CARL SIMMONS Portrait of a rock star 1971, gd. revival (UK Avenue) VG+ 25:- Hantverksförening:s 125-årsjubileum och den egna föreningens 25-åriga tillvaro". Dålig pressning. (SW TERENCE An eye for an ear 1969, co, blues rock/experimental (US Decca) VG+ 40:- Föreningen Gamla Karlskrona) VG 10:- DIONNE WARWICK Here I am 1965, co, soc (US Scepter) VG++ 30:- X EDDIE FISHER "Sings No. 3" Take my love/Don't stay away too long/Song of the dreamer/Then I'll be HENNY YOUNGMAN The best of the worst 1970, comedy (US Certron) VG+ 25:- happy 1955, soc (UK HMV) VG 10:- X FUCK UPS Al's my pal/Watch your back/Sweet little meat o'mine/Borstal breakout 1994, cw, German 70s/80s/90s LP punk (GE Knockout Records) VG+ 25:- X ISLEY BROTHERS Harvest for the world/Don't let me be lonely tonight/Under the influence/Listen to ALABAMA My home's in Alabama 1980 (US RCA Victor) M- 30:- the music/Brown eyed girl/You still feel the need 1983, rec. from 1973-1982, 33rpm (UK Scoop 33) M- BARCLAY JAMES HARVEST Octoberon 1976, ringwear (US MCA) VG+ 25:- 20:- SHIRLEY BASSEY Nobody does it like me 1974 (UK U.A.) VG+ 25:- X JASON & SCORCHERS "Thunder and fire" Then the angels cry/Close up the road/Bible and a BLOOD, SWEAT & TEARS B, S & T 4 1971 (UK CBS) VG+ 30:- gun/Find you 1989, PROMO-only, woc (GE A&M) VG+ 30:- BLOOD, SWEAT & TEARS No sweat 1973, gatefold (NL CBS) VG(+) 20:- X LES KARTOONS Fais attention/I didn't know/L'inferno e'qui/Se non e' amore 1997, gd. French garage BOBBY BLOOM The Bobby Bloom album 1970, pop/rock (US L&R) M- 25:- (FR Wiped Out Records) M- 25:- BOBBYSOCKS same 1984, soc (NO Bahama) VG+ 25:- X LIECHTENSTEIN Stalking skills/Cravings/Fallen heroes 2007, great Swedish indie/garage (SW DANIEL BOONE Beautiful Sunday 1971, soc (NO Penny Farthing) VG+ 35:- Fraction) M- 25:- FELIX CAVALIERE Castles in the air 1979, ex-Rascals (CA Epic) M- 30:- X ASTRID LINDGREN's NILS KARLSSON PYSSLING m. Jörgen Lindström, Mikael Bohlin och Ingrid CCS same 1970, first LP, gatefold (GE Columbia) VG(+) 30:- Edström. Musik Gunnar Hahn. (SW Snurr) VG+ 25:- TOM CLAY What the world needs now is love 1971, co (US MoWest) VG+ 25:- X UMBERTO MARCATO La novia/Maruska/Legata a un granello di Sabria/Non existe l'amour 1961 (SW JIMMY CLIFF Give the people what they want 1981, reggae (GE WEA) VG+ 35:- Karusell) VG(+) 20:- JOE COCKER Luxury you can afford 1978, soc (GE Asylum) M- 30:- X MILLS BROTHERS That's right/Don't get caught/The knocked out nightingale/In de banana tree 1957, JOE COCKER One night of sin 1989 (UK Capitol) M- 25:- UK export press (SW Decca) VG+ 10:- CROWDED HOUSE same 1986, Aussie rock, their first album (GE Capitol) M- 25:- X MOVING SOUNDS See me walking/Don't shake it/Perfection/Smash hit 2001, 33rpm, Swedish garage, DAWN feat. TONY ORLANDO same 1971, incl. "What are you doing Sunday", cut corner (US Bell) limited edition, no. 208 of 500 (SW M.S.S.C. Records) VG+ 25:- VG+ 30:- X ULLA NEUMANN "Titta vad jag fann del 2" Saul och David/David och Goliat/David och DAWN feat. TONY ORLANDO Dawn's New Ragtime Follies 1973, cut corner (US Bell) VG+ 30:- Jonatan/Lammet och herden/Lejonvisan + 3 1967, visor av Britt G. Hallqvist och Bertil Hallin (SW DEACON BLUE When the world knows your name 1989, Scottish pop/rock, gatefold, soc (UK CBS) Kyrkoton) VG 15:- M- 25:- X "NEVER ON A SUNDAY" Soundtrack MELINA MERCOURI Les enfants du Pirée + Parle DEAD OR ALIVE Youthquake 1985, gatefold (UK Epic) M- 30:- doucement/Les enfants du Pirée (instr.(/Hassapico nostalgique 1960 (DK London) VG 20:- NEIL DIAMOND Tap root manuscript 1971 (UK MCA) VG+ 25:- X NOTPRICKARNA Mulnäsvalsen/Glada Karolina/Skepparhistorier/Fästmanspolkan 1971 (SW Efel) VG+ DURAN DURAN Decade 1989 (GE EMI) VG+ 25:- 10:- DURAN DURAN Liberty 1990 , soc (GE EMI Parlophone) VG+ 25:- X BORIS PASTERNAK “Läser prosa och dikter” Introduktion av Erik Mesterton/Om litteraturen I vår IAN DURY & BLOCKHEADS Do it yourself 1979, soc (NO Stiff) VG(+) 25:- tid/Dedikation till en fransk muskier/Natten/På sjukhuset 1960, på franska, tyska och ryska, textblad EAGLES On the border 1974, sobc (US Asylum) VG+ 30:- medföljer /2X/ (SW BFB) VG+ 25:- EAGLES The best of.... 1985 (GE Asylum) VG+ 30:- X ERNST ROLF Potpurri av Rolf-melodier, del 1 (insp. 1908-1928) och del 2 (insp. 1928) 1956, Swedish MARIANNE FAITHFULL Dangerous acquaintances 1981 (CA Island) VG+ 30:- cover /2X/ (NO Odeon) VG(+) 25:- MARIANNE FAITHFULL A child's adventure 1983 (FR Island) M- 30:- X RICARDO SANTOS La cumparsita/Tango glamour/Tango roulette/Ole guapa 1956, instr. (GE polydor) BRYAN FERRY Another time another place 1974, gatefold, soc, second solo album (UK Island) VG+ 15:- VG++ 30:- X TAGE SEVERIN Diana/Var lite rar mot mej/Vår i luften/Ljuva stunder 1958, NC (SW BFB) VG 40:- BRYAN FERRY The ultimate collection, with Roxy Music 1988 (GE E.G./Virgin) M- 25:- X THE EDINBURGH POLICE PIPE BAND "The pipes and drums of Scotland, no. 2" Scotland the EMILE FORD same 1975, incl. some re-recordings of old hits, soc (SW Philips) VG+ 30:- brave/Colonel Burney's farewell to the Gordon Highlanders/The rowan tree/Black watch polka (medley) ART GARFUNKEL Scissors cut 1981, incl. "A heart in New York", slight ringwear (NL CBS) VG+ 25:- 1959, wobc (UK Beltona) VG(+) 25:- GEORGIA SATELLITES Open all night 1988, rocks! (GE Elektra) VG+ 25:- X ULLA-BELLA och HASSE ESON Ejnar/Den fula grodan/Skärp dej Johan!/JAg har på känn 1958 (SW HARDIN & YORK For the world 1971 (UK Decca) VG+ 30:- Philips) VG 25:- JUSTIN HAYWARD & JOHN LODGE (ex-Moody Blues) Blue jays 1975, gatefold, w. lyrics, soc (UK X GUNNAR WIKLUND Den flickan ska bära mitt efternamn/Jag ger dej kärleken/Vi ska gå hand i hand/Vi Treshold) VG+ 30:- ses igen 1967 (SW HMV) VG 20:- HOUSEMARTINS The people who grinned themselves to death 1987, slight ringwear (US X V.A. "4x4" FLATMATES Heaven knows (surf mix)/HANDMEDOWNS Goodbye/WALKABOUTS The Go/Chrysalis) VG+ 25:- leaving kind (demo)/CHEEPSKATES C'mon 1998, issued with the magazine Sound Affects, white vinyl, BURL IVES Live in Europe 1979, live Oslo Concert House March 31, 1979, soc (NO Polydor) VG+ 33rpm (SW Sound Affects) M- 15:- 30:- X "AIR FRANCE PROMO RECORD" LEONARD BERNSTEIN Offenback: Gaite Parisioenne ELTON JOHN 21 at 33 1980 (UK Rocket) VG+ 25:- Cancan/Barcarolle 1969, gatefold (FR CBS Special Products/Air France) M- 25:- ELTON JOHN 21 at 33 1980 (NL Rocket) VG+ 25:- X V.A. "ELECTRONICS IN CHURCH ORGANS" JOOP VOS Gigue/Trumpet voluntary/KAREL STEER ELTON JOHN The fox 1981 (NO Rocket) VG+ 25:- Three versetti/Prelude and fugue in G major 1961, w. insert and block diagram of a Philips church organ, ELTON JOHN Leather jackets 1986 (NL Rocket) VG+ 25:- incl. business card from Me. H. Heyligers of N.V. Philips Gloeilampenfabrieken (NL Philips) VG(+) 15:- CAROLE KING Her greatest hits 1978 (YUG Epic) VG+ 30:- KINKS Think visual 1986, crease on cover, soc (CA MCA) M- 25:-VICKY LEANDROS Επιτυχίες Της Βίκυ 1977 (GR Philips) VG+ 30:- CHEAPIES LPs KIM LARSEN 451023-0637 1979, soc (NL CBS) VG+ 30:- KIM LARSEN Jungle dreams 1981 (NL CBS) VG+ 30:-

50s/60s & REVIVAL LP ALBUMS DANNY LEE & THE CHILDREN OF TRUTH Essence 1975, gospel, soc (UK Key Records) VG++ 25:-

GORDON LIGHTFOOT Sundown 1974 (US Reprise) VG+ 30:- JONNIE ALUANI & H. ORCH. Hawaiian interlude 1959 (US Spin-O-Rama) VG+ 30:- MARK LINDSAY Arizona 1970 (NL CBS) VG+ 30:- ANDREWS SISTERS Boogie woogie bugle girls 1973, great collection (US Paramount) VG++ 25:- MAMAS & PAPAS People like us 1971, co, sm. split (US Dunhill) VG+ 25:- ANDREWS SISTERS Their golden hits (the label says "Great country hits") 1969, soc (SW Dot) VG+ 25:- KEVIN McDERMOTT ORCHESTRA Mother Nature's kitchen 1989, soc, Scottish singer–songwriter PAUL ANKA Paul Anka's greatest hits 1970 (GE RCA Camden) VG 20:- (GE Island) M- 30:- RAY ANTHONY The Ray Anthony Show - recorded live at the Sahara Hotel, Las Vegas 1965 budget MEN AT WORK Business as usual 1981, soc, incl. "Down under" (NL CBS) M- 25:- release of 1960 album (UK Regal) M- 25:- MELINA MERCOURI Zorba 1971, gatefold (FR Polydor) VG+ 30:- ALFIE BASS & AVIS BUNNAGE Sing songs from "Fiddler on the roof" 1968 (UK Hallmark) VG 10:- GEORGE MICHAEL Faith 1987 (NL Epic) M- 25:- BEE GEES Best of 1969 (NO Polydor) VG 20:- NEW MUSIK From A to B 1980 (NL GTO) VG+ 30:- BOPPERS Number 1 1978, slight crease on one corner of cover (SW T-Bone) M- 25:- TONY ORLANDO & DAWN "II" 1975, cut corner (US Bell) VG+ 30:- BING CROSBY same 1965 (US Metro) VG 20:- ELAINE PAIGE Cinema 1984 (PORT WEA) M- 25:- SAMMY DAVIS JR. At Town Hall 1958, tobc (UK Brunswick) VG 25:- PLATTERS same 1976, w. 1970s versions of some old hits (US Springboard) VG+ 30:- GENTS INC./CAPRAS Two faces 1968, great German garage/beat (GE Falcon) VG++ 30:- PRETENDERS same 1979, first LP, some ringwear (UK Real) VG+ 25:- WILBERT HARRISON Greatest classic R&B hits 1986, re-recordings (US Grudge) VG+ 30:- QUEEN IDA & THE BON TEMPS ZYDECO BAND New Orleans 1980, stmc (UK Sonet) VG+ 25:- INK SPOTS The fabulous.... 1957, soc (US Golden Tone) VG 30:- QUEEN IDA & HER ZYDECO BAND Caught in the act! live 1985 (SW Sonet) M- 25:- BURL IVES Women - folk songs about the fair sex 1962 release of 1956 album (UK Ace Of Hearts) VG+ STAN REYNOLDS ORCH. & CHORUS All hits from the smash musical "1776" 1970 (UK Marble 25:- Arch) VG+ 25:- BURL IVES Return of the wayfaring stranger 1972 release of 1960 album (UK Hallmark) VG+ 30:- TOM ROBINSON BAND Power in the darkness 1978, soc, ringwear (SW EMI) VG+ 25:- BURL IVES Greatest hits! 1975 release of 1966 album (NO MCA) VG+ 30:- CLODAGH RODGERS It's different now 1972, gatefold (UK RCA Victor) VG+ 30:- BURL IVES The times they are a-changin' 1979 release of 1968 album (UK CBS/Embassy) VG+ 30:- ROXY MUSIC Flesh + blood 1980 (GE E.G.) VG+ 25:- MAHALIA JACKSON Recorded live in Europe during her latest concert tour 1962 (UK CBS) VG+ 35:- SAILOR Greatest hits vol. 1 1978 (NL Epic) VG+ 25:- MAHALIA JACKSON Silent night 1962, 2nd press (UK CBS) VG(+) 20:- NEIL SEDAKA All you need is the music 1978, soc, stmc, disco (NO Polydor) VG+ 30:- V.A. 15TH ANNIVERSARY TO THE AWARD WINNERS OF THE COUNTRY MUSIC ASSOCIATION STYX Paradise theatre 1980, laser cut design on vinyl, gatefold (US A&M) VG+ 30:- 1981 w. Jerry Reed, Charley Pride, Donna Fargo, Roy Clark, Dolly Parton a.o., shrink wrap, promo THE FAT LADY SINGS Twist 1991, Dublin rock band, their first LP (GE EastWest) M- 30:- album for Kraft (US RCA Special Products) M- 30:- MIKIS THEODORAKIS The best of Theodorakis 1976 (GR Margophone) VG+ 25:- V.A. COUNTRY GIANTS Vol. 3 w. Jim Reeves, Chet Atkins, Don Gibson, Skeeter Davis, Waylon TRILLE Hej søster 1977, gatefold, soc, Danish female singer/songwriter (DK Exlibris) VG+ 30:- Jennings, Dolly Parton a.o. 1973 (UK RCA Camden) VG+ 25:- JAHN TEIGEN This year's loser 1979 (NO RCA Victor) VG+ 30:- V.A. COUNTRY GIANTS Vol. 5 w. Jim Reeves, Chet Atkins, Hank Snow, Don Gibson, Porter B.J. THOMAS Help me make it (to my rockin' chair) 1975, cut corner (US ABC) M- 30:- Wagoner a.o. 1974 (UK RCA Camden) VG+ 25:- DAVID CLAYTON THOMAS same 1973, gatefold, co, classic rock/blues rock (US RCA Victor) M- 30:- V.A. COUNTRY GIANTS Vol. 6 w. Waylon Jennings, Jim Reeves, Dottie West, Connie Smith, Jim Ed U2 October 1981, second album (UK Island) M- 30:- Brown, Jerry Reed a.o. 1974 (UK RCA Camden) VG+ 25:- U2 October 1981 (SW Island) M- 30:- V.A. "COUNTRY OPERA - THE LEGEND OF JOHNNY BROWN" 1966 w. Jerry Naylor, Kay Adams, MIDGE URE The gift 1985, first solo album by Ultravox frontman (SW Chrysalis) VG+ 30:- Ray Sanders, Alice Rene (US Tower) M- 30:- VANITY FARE same 1981 (NL Capriccio) VG+ 25:- V.A. HONKY TONKIN' w. Waylon Jennings, Gary Stewart, Willie Nelson, Bobby Bare, Guy Clark SYLVIE VARTAN Portrait 1976, soc (GE RCA Victor) VG+ 25:- 1979, red/black label (US RCA Victor) M- 30:- JIM WEATHERLY A gentler time 1973, Mississippi singer/songwriter, co (US RCA Victor) VG+ 25:- V.A. NASHVILLE'S GREATEST INSTRUMENTALISTS Vol. II w. Jerry Reed, Chet Atkins, Roddy SUZANNE VEGA same 1985 (UK A&M) VG+ 25:- Bristol, Rusty & Doug Kershaw, Floyd Cramer, Buck Trent a.o. 1974, some creases on cover, co (US FREDDY WELLER same 1975, co, countrypop, ex-Paul Revere & Raiders (US ABC Dot) M- 30:- RCA Victor) VG+ 30:- VESYOLYE REBYATA Just a minute! 1987, Russian group (RU Melodia) M- 30:- .A. THE BEST OF COUNTRY AND WSTERN - 32 ORIG. HITS 2-LP w. Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee BOBBY WHITLOCK One of a kind 1975, was a member of Derek & Dominoes (US Capricorn) VG+ 30:- Lewis, Glen Campbell, Roy Orbison, George Jones, Patsy Cline, Carl Perkins a.o. 1981 (NL DGR) M- ROGER WHITTAKER New world in the morning 1981 (UK Contour) M- 25:- 40:- ROGER WHITTAKER Durham town 1982, tobc (UK Contour) VG+ 25:- V.A. THE STARS OF COUNTRY MUSIC Vol. 4 w. Buck Owens, Sonny James, Wanda Jackson, Ned NANETTE WORKMAN same 1975, cut corner (US Big Tree) VG+ 25:- Miller, Bonnie Owens, Merle Haggard a.o. 1971 (NL Capitol) VG+ 25:- V.A. TITLE RECORDS PRESENTS w. Billy Don Pester, Jess DeMaine, Benny McArthur 1975, Texas BEATLES & RELATED country, shrink wrap (US Title Records) M- 30:- V.A. "W.W. AND THE DIXIE DANCEKINGS" Soundtrack 1975, country, music by Dave Grusin (US LP SERGIO MENDES & BRASIL '66 Fool on the hill 1968, bossa, gatefold (GE A&M) VG+ 30:- 20th Century Records) VG+ 30:- LP WINGS Red Rose Speedway 1973, gatefold, stmc (UK Apple) VG(+) 25:- HEAVY LP CLIFF & SHADOWS BON JOVI 7000° Fahrenheit 1985, soc (UK Vertigo) VG+ 25:- CLIFF RICHARD All my love, stmc (UK MFP) VG+ 30:- EUROPE Out of this world 1988 (NL Epic) VG+ 30:- CLIFF RICHARD 40 golden greats 2-LP 1977, great collection, recordings from 1958-1977, small cw (NL BILLY IDOL Songs 1988 (SW Chrysalis) M- 25:- EMI/Bovema) VG+ 35:- BILLY IDOL Vital idol 1985, creases on cover (SW Chrysalis) VG+ 25:- CLIFF RICHARD 20 rock'n'roll hits 1977, recordings from 1958-1965. great collection of rockin' tracks, 1tr.=VG(SW EMI) VG+ 30:- JAZZ LP ALBUMS CLIFF RICHARD I'm nearly famous 1976 (UK EMI) VG+ 30:- CLIFF RICHARD Rock'n'roll juvenile 1979 (SW EMI) M- 25:- BARRY ALTSCHUL TRIO Brahma 1980, freeform jazz, spinewear (CA Sackville Recordings) M- 30:- CLIFF RICHARD I'm no hero 1980, gatefold (SW EMI) VG+ 25:- LOUIS ARMSTRONG Louis and the good book 1958, small stain on backside of cover (UK SHADOWS 20 golden greats 1977 compilation, great album! (SW EMI) VG+ 30:- Brunswick) VG+ 30:- LOUIS ARMSTRONG Armstrong V.S.O.P. vol. 3 1968 (FR CBS) VG+ 30:- ELVIS LOUIS ARMSTRONG Greatest hits recorded live 1971, gatefold (SW Sonet) VG+ 30:- LOUIS ARMSTRONG Ambassador Satch 1972 release of 1956 album (UK Hallmark) VG+ 25:- ELVIS Christmas album 1970 (GE RCA International) VG+ 45:- LOUIS ARMSTRONG Master of jazz 1984 (SW Storyville) VG+ 30:- ELVIS In concert 2-LP 1977, soc (SW RCA Victor) VG+ 35:- ALICE BABS Alice in Israel 1972 (SW Swedish Society Discofil) VG 25:- ELVIS Forever vol. 2 2-LP 1980 (SW RCA International) VG+ 35:- ALICE BABS Somebody cares 1975, sacred songs, recorded in the Maria Magdalena Church, Stockholm (SW Society Discofil) VG(+) 25:- ROLLING STONES & RELATED COUNT BASIE & H. ORCH. The atomic Mr. Basie 1983 release of 1958 album (SW Sonet Grand Prix) VG+ 25:- LP ROLLING STONES Great hits 1969, "Musik für alle" series, great collection of early tracks (GE Decca) THE NEW BRUBECK QUARTET Live at Montreaux 1978 (US Tomato) VG+ 30:- VG 25:- RED CALLENDER Swingin' suite 1957, bop, hiss throughout due to poor pressing, tapemarks on LP ROLLING STONES 30 greatest hits 2-LP 1977, great collection, not very high quality pressing (IT sleeve (US Crown) VG 25:- ABKCO) VG(+) 25:- JOE FINGERS CARR The golden era of ragtime 1972, wobc (GE Capitol) VG+ 25:- LP ROLLING STONES Emotional rescue 1980, w. poster (UK R.S.) M- 30:- BENNY CARTER & H. ORCH. same 1974, some ringwear (US Alamac) VG+ 25:- LP ROLLING STONES Tattoo you 1981, B1=VG at the beginning (CA R.S.) VG+ 25:- KEN COLYER & H. ALL STAR JAZZMEN The swinging and singing.... 1975, soc (GE Happy Bird) LP ROLLING STONES Steel wheels 1989 (NL R.S.) M- 30:- VG+ 30:- TOMMY DORSEY & H. ORCH. I'm getting sentimental over you 1973 (US Pickwick) VG+ 25:- ROXETTE & RELATED TOMMY DORSEY & H. ORCH. At the Fat Man's 1977, rec. from 1946-48, some ringwear (UK Hep Records) VG+ 30:- LP MARIE FREDRIKSSON efter stormen 1984 (SW EMI) VG+ 30:- TOMMY DORSEY The best of.... 1977 (US Springboard) VG+ 25:- LP MARIE FREDRIKSSON Efter stormen 1987, gatefold (SW EMI) VG+ 30:- TOMMY DORSEY & H. ORCH. The best of.... 1984 (GE MCA) VG+ 25:- LP GYLLENE TIDER same 1979 (SW Parlophone) VG+ 40:- BILLY ECKSTINE I grandi del jazz 1980, w. insert, gatefold (IOT I Grandi del Jazz) VG+ 25:- LP GYLLENE TIDER Moderna tider 1981, incl. 4-track bonus EP (SW Parlophone) VG+ 40:- DUKE ELLINGTON Ellington at Newport 1956, trevlig gammal originalpressning med omslag i perfekt LP GYLLENE TIDER Puls 1982, gatefold, slight crease at one edge of cover (SW Parlophone) VG+ 30:- skick (US Columbia) VG++ 30:- LP ROXETTE Dance passion - the remix album 1987, scuffed edges (SW EMI) VG+ 25:- DUKE ELLINGTON & H. ORCH Indigos 1967 (CZ Supraphon) VG+ 30:- ELLA FITZGERALD & COUNT BASIE On the sunny side of the street 1963 (GE Verwe) VG(+) 30:- BLUES LP ALBUMS PETE FOUNTAIN Alive in New Orleans 1977 (YUG First American) VG+ 30:- EDDIE GALE Black rhythm happening 2003 release of 1969 Blue Note album, gatefold (IT 4 Men BLUES BROTHERS Made in America 1980, co (US Atlantic) M- 30:- With Beards) M- 30:- KING CURTIS That's alright 1983 (UK Red Lightnin') M- 40:- ERROLL GARNER Close-up in swing 1962 (NL Philips) VG+ 30:- LOW BUDGET BLUES BAND same 1990, m. Mats Ronander (GE WEA) M- 25:- ERROLL GARNER One world concert 1963 (NL Philips) VG+ 30:- JOE TURNER Things I used to do 1977 (NO Pablo) M- 30:- ERROLL GARNER Campus concert 1966 (US MGM) VG+ 30:- JOSH WHITE same 1967 (US Archive of Folk Music) VG+ 30:- ERROLL GARNER The king of jazz piano 1967 (FR Musidisc) VG+ 30:- ERROLL GARNER Feeling is believing 1970, sm. split (US Mercury) VG+ 25:- COUNTRY & WESTERN LP ALBUMS DIZZY GILLESPIE BIG BAND In concert 1976 release of 1954 album (YUG GNP Crescendo) VG+ 30:- BILL ANDERSON Always remember 1971, co (US Decca) VG(+) 25:- DIZZY GILLESPIE's ORCH. Vol. 1 (1947-1949) When be-bop met the big band 1973, soc (FR RCA) EDDY ARNOLD & NEEDMORE CREEK SINGERS Folk song book 1964, soc, tobc, wobc, black label VG+ 25:- (US RCA Victor) VG+ 30:- BENNY GOODMAN & HIS ORCH. Today 2-LP 1971, recorded live in Stockholm, 4 phase stereo (UK GLEN CAMPBELL By the timer I get to Phoenix 1973 (SW Emidisc) VG(+) 25:- Decca) M- 30:- JOHNNY CASH I walk the line 1971, shrink wrap (US Hilltop) VG+ 35:- BENNY GOODMAN Pure gold 1975 (US RCA) VG+ 25:- TENNESSEE ERNIE FORD I love you so much it hurts me 1967 (US Pickwick) VG++ 30:- BENNY GOODMAN & HIS ORCH. Swing with.... 1985, soc (FR CBS) VG+ 25:- GUITAR HAPPENINGS The country way 1969 (US Mountain Dew) VG+ 75:- BENGT HALLBERG Hallberg's surprise 1987 (SW Phontastic) M- 30:- HAPPY FIDDLE Downright nice 1977, co, sobc, instr. (US Sunny Vale Records) M- 30:- BENGT HALLBERG Hallberg's yellow blues 1988 (SW Phontastic) M- 30:- SONNY JAMES & H. SOUTHERN GENTLEMEN The Astrodome presents in person.... 1969, ringwear, LIONEL HAMPTON & SVEND ASMUSSEN As time goes by 1978, "Giants og Jazz" series (SW green label (US Capitol) VG+ 30:- Sonet) VG+ 25:- FRANKIE LAINE Call of the wild 1962 (UK CBS) VG+ 30:- LIONEL HAMPTON Goes Europe 1968 (NL Fontana) VG+ 30:- VICKI LAWRENCE The night the lights went out in Georgia 1973 (US Bell) VG+ 25:- WOODY HERMAN & H. WOODCHOPPERS Rare live performances 1981, rec. from 1944-1946 (UK NED MILLER The best of.... 1964, rainbow label, incl. the Capitol version of "From a jack to king" (UK Swing House) VG+ 30:- Capitol) VG+ 35:- HILTON ROOF GARDEN ORCH. On the sunny side of the street 1977, promo record for Hilton DOLLY PARTON 9 to 5 and odd jobs 1980, w. lyrics, some ringwear (UK RCA Victor) VG+ 25:- hotels (GE Decca) VG+ 30:- CHARLEY PRIDE I'm just me 1971, soc, shrink wrap (US RCA Victor) VG+ 30:- EARL HINES & H. ORCH. "Fatha" blows best 1972 (GE Coral) VG+ 30:- CHARLEY PRIDE Someone loves you honey 1978, US press, soc (CA RCA Victor) VG+ 30:- EARL HINES & JIMMY RUSHING Blues and things 1979 release of 1967 record (FR Jazz Legacy) RANK STRANGERS Country our way 1969 (SW Polydor) VG(+) 25:- VG+ 30:- RANKARNA & MATS RÅDBERG The best of.... 1976 (SW Polydor) VG+ 30:- BILLIE HOLIDAY I'll be seeing you 1980, 1944 recordings (GE Commodore) M- 25:- RANKARNA & MATS RÅDBERG Six guys twelve songs 1976 (SW Polydor) VG+ 30:- BILLIE HOLIDAY Master of jazz 1984, recordings from 1944-1949 (SW Storyville) VG+ 30:- RANKARNA & MATS RÅDBERG Det är inte lätt att va' ödmjuk 1983 (SW Mariann) VG+ 30:- DON "JAKE" JACOBY Jacoby brings the house down 1968 (US ATlantic) VG+ 30:- JERRY REED Smell the flowers 1972, co, ringwear (US RCA Victor) VG+ 25:- JAZZ DOCTORS Swede 1985 (SW Favorit) VG+ 25:- JERRY REED Tupelo Mississippi Flash 1074, soc, ringwear (US RCA Camden) VG+ 25:- STAN KENTON Stan Kenton today 2-LP 1972, recorded live in London, Phase 4 stereo (UK Decca) JIM REEVES Girls I have known 1970 release of 1958 album (GE RCA Camden) VG(+) 25:- M- 90:- MARTY ROBBINS From the heart 1971 (UK Hallmark) VG+ 30:- KING OLIVER'S JAZZ BAND The complete 1923 Okehs in chronological order 1967, yellow logo (UK KENNY ROGERS Greatest hits 1980 (US Liberty) VG+ 25:- Parlophone) VG+ 30:- RHETT SANBORN At High Chaparral 1989 (SW High Chaparral) VG+ 30:- KING OLIVER & HIS CREOLE JAZZ BAND Featuring Louis Armstrong & Johnny Dodds 1971 (NL BILLY JO SPEARS The best of.... 1975, "Vine" series (UK Capitol) VG+ 30:- Riverside) VG+ 30:- RICKY VAN SHELTON Loving proof 1988 (NL CBS) M- 90:- KING OLIVER I garndi del jazz 1980, gatefold, w. insert, rec. from 1923 (IT Il Grandi di Jazz) VG+ BOB WILLIS & TOMMY DUNCAN Together 1968, wobc (US Sunset) VG+ 30:- 30:- LAMBERT, HENDRICKS & ROSS w. ZOOT SIMS The swingers! 1984 (UK Affinity) VG+ 30:- DORIS DAY Sings songs from "Calamity Jane" and "The Pajama Game" 1977 release of 1957 record ROY LIBERTO'S BOURBON ST. SIX That's my desire 1969, w. insert (US Maison Bourbon) VG+ 35:- (UK CBS) VG+ 30:- JACK LIDSTRÖM Hep cats 1980, ringwear (SW Bums) VG+ 25:- "DIANA" orig. TV soundtrack w. Diana Ross, Jackson 5, Danny Thomas, Bill Cosby 1986 budget GLENN MILLER The Glenn Miller story 1975, gatefold, orig. recordings (GE RCA Victor) VG+ 30:- release of 1971 album (UK Pickwick) VG+ 25:- GLENN MILLER The best of.... 1973, sobc (UK RCA Camden) VG+ 25:- FACTORY BENELUX GREATEST HITS w. A Certain Ratio, 52nd Street, Cabaret Voltaire, ALBERT NICHOLAS Traditional jazz 2 1973 (GE Philips) VG+ 30:- Stockholm Monsters etc 1983, soc (BE Factory Benelux) VG+ 30:- GUNNAR "SILJABLOO" NILSSON & NILS-BERTIL DAHLANDER Jazz på Stampen vol. 3 1970, live (SW "FOUL PLAY" Soundtrack incl. Barry Manilow "Copacabana" 1978, shrink wrap (US Arista) M- 25:- Gazell) VG+ 30:- "FUNNY LADY" Orig. soundtrack w. Barbra Streisand, Omar Sharif a.o. 1975, gatefold (US Arista) M- JIMMIE NOONE I grandi del Jazz 1980, gatefold, w. booklet (IT I Grande del Jazz) VG+ 30:- 25:- NORRTELJE ELITKAPELL Oskapliga låtar 1984 (SW Sonet) VG+ 30:- "GLADA ÄNKAN/GREVEN AV LUXEMBURG" med Per Grundén, Sonja Stjernquist, Elisabeth NYHETSBANDET Direkt från USA 1986, bandet bestod av medarbetare i TV:s Rapport (SW Beaver Söderström o. Egon Kjerrmans orkester, insp. 1955 och 1957, tidig 70-talsutgåva (SW Telestar) VG+ Records) VG+ 30:- 25:- CHARLIE PARKER Memorial vol. 1 1966, cover VG+ (FR Savoy-Musidisc) VG 25:- GOD BLESS AMERICA - the orig. Kate Smith version of God Bless America & other great American CHARLIE PARKER Memorial vol. 2 1966 (FR Savoy-Musidisc) VG+ 25:- songs 1967, sm. split (US Happy Time) VG+ 25:- CHARLIE PARKER The genius of.... 1967 release of 1955 album (FR Savoy-Musidisc) VG+ 25:- GREAT LOVE SONGS 2-LP w. George Michael, Berlin, , Roy Orbison, Leonard CHARLIE PARKER Quartet, quintet & sextet 1986, rec. from 1947-1954, wobc (IT Giants of Jazz) VG+ Cohen, Sade, Europe etc. 1989, såldes via TV-Shop (NL CBS) M- 30:- 25:- GREECE IS.... THE SONGS OF MIKIS THEODORAKIS orig. versions 1975 (GR Columbia) VG+ 25:- BUD POWELL I grandi del Jazz 1980, gatefold, w. booklet (IT I Grandi del Jazz) VG+ 30:- GUSTAF DEN ADOLF eller 30-ÅRIGA KRIGET - en drift med påvens drägg 1961. Studentspex- BUDDY RICH Class of '78 1978, gd. jazz drummer, w. insert (UK RCA Victor) VG++ 30:- teater. (SW Arkens Rundradio) M- 25:- MAX ROACH & CLIFFORD BROWN 2 giants 2-LP 1971, rec. from 1953 and 1954, soc (FR Vogue) VG+ "JOSEPH AND THE AMAZING TECHNICOLOR DREAMCOAT" music by Andrew Lloyd Webber, 35:- lyrics by Tim Rice 1968, gatefold, w. libretto (US Scepter) VG++ 30:- PEE WEE RUSSELL I grandi del jazz 1980, gatefold, w. booklet (IT I Grandi del Jazz) VG+ 30:- "LOCAL HERO" music by Mark Knopfler 1983, wobc (NL Vertigo) VG+ 25:- SAHEB SARBIB & H. MULTINATIONAL BIG BAND Live in the Public Theater 1981 (US Cadence Jazz LOVE TRACKS w. Agnetha Fältskog & Ola Håkansson, Erasure, Samantha Fox, Yazoo,Debbie Records) M- 30:- Harry a.o. 1987, soc, ringwear (SW Sonet) VG+ 25:- ARTIE SHAW The best of.... 1967, black label (GE RCA Victor) VG+ 30:- "LUCKY LADY" Soundtrack w. Liza Minelli & Bessie Smith 1976, co, shrink wrap (US Arista) M- 25:- GEORGE SHEARING QUINTET Latin lace 1958, rainbow label, sm. split (US Capitol) VG(+) 30:- "MARY POPPINS" orig. cast soundtrack w. Julie Andrews, Dick Van Dyke a.o. 1964, gatefold (US GEORGE SHEARING Lullaby of Birdland 1969 (US Pickwick) VG+ 30:- Vista) VG+ 30:- GEORGE SHEARING Piano 1990, soc (GE Concord Jazz) VG+ 30:- MESSAGE IN MOTION Vol. 1 w. The Cruse Family, David & Giants, Bob Bennett, Carman 1982, ZOOT SIMS Passion flowers - Zoot Sims plays Duke Ellington 1980 (US Pablo) VG+ 30:- contemporary Christian music, w. insert (US Priority) VG+ 25:- MUGGSY SPANIER The great 16 1971, rec. from 1939, soc (FR RCA Victor) VG+ 25:- MUNSPEL OCH HANDKLAVÉR 1973, gatefold, w. insert, inspelningar med 13 spelmän från olika SVENSKA SVINGELITEN Swing party for dancing lovers vol. 1 1974 (SW Polydor) VG+ 30:- delar av Sverige (SW Caprice) M- 30:- SVERIGES JAZZBAND The new album by.... 1983, sponsrad av SAS och Jan Feldt AB, some ringwear MUSIK I GLADA HUDIK Vol. 1 m. Hudiksvalls Storband, Forsa Spelmanslag, Högtryck, Agö Fyr, (SW Swrd-Jazz) VG+ 30:- Blåspoparna, Iggesundsgänget etc. 1972, gatefold. Utgiven i samarbete med Fritidsnämnden i THE NEW ENGLAND CONSERVATORY RAGTIME ENSEMBLE Scott Joplin: The red back book 1973 Hudiksvalls kommun (SW Forsaljud) VG+ 25:- (US Angel) VG++ 25:- "OLIVER & GÄNGET" - Disneyfilmen med Tommy Nilsson, Lill Lijndfors, Richard Carlsohn, Sharon FATS WALLER 20 greatest hits 1981 (GE Pentagon) VG+ 30:- Dyall m fl. 1988 (SW Select) VG+ 25:- SADAO WATANBE Fill up the night 1983, soc (GE Elektra) VG+ 25:- PRIMADONNA med Kjerstin Dellert, Zarah Leander och Git Gay 1975, soc (SW Aubergine Records) BOB WILBER & SCOTT HAMILTON QUARTET same 1977, slight ringwear (US Mirage) M- 25:- M- 25:- REMEMBER HOW GREAT....? - a collector's edition w. Louis Armstrong, Count Basie, Cab SOUL & FUNK LP ALBUMS Calloway, Xavier Cugat, Mary Martin, Dinah Shore a.o. 1960, promo album for Lucky Strike cigarettes (US Columbia/Lucky Strike) VG+ 30:- CLARENCE CARTER Real 1974, cut corner (US ABC) M- 30:- "STARLIGHT EXPRESS" - the original cast 2-LP 1984, music by Andrew Lloyd Webber (UK Polydor) GENE CHANDLER Get down 1978, soc (US 20th Century Records) VG+ 25:- VG+ 30:- FOUR TOPS Live & in concert 1974 (US ABC Dunhill) VG+ 30:- "STEALING HOME" Soundtrack w. David Foster, Four Seasons,Nylons, Everly Brothers, Marilyn GLORIA GAYNOR Love tracks 1978 (NO Polydor) VG+ 30:- Martin, Jerry Lee Lewis, Bo Diddley a.o. 1988 (GE Atlantic) VG+ 25:- GIBSON BROTHERS Que será mi vida and other smash hits 1980, soc (SW Mariann Int) VG+ 25:- SUCCESS w. Penny McLean, Ramona Wulf, Linda G. Thompson, Silver Convention 1976, shrink HOT same 1977, co (US Big Tree) M- 25:- wrap (GE Jupiter) M- 25:- CISSY HOUSTON same 1977, co (US Private Stock) VG+ 25:- SUPERPOP m. Grus i Dojjan, Peps Blodsband, Göran Fristorp, Jerry Williams, Tears, Janne THELMA HOUSTON Any way you like it 1976 (GE Motown) VG+ 25:- Önnerud & Co. 1976 (SW Sonet) VG++ 30:- THELMA HOUSTON Throw you down 1990 (GE Reprise) VG+ 25:- SVENSK ROCK MOT APARTHEID 2-LP live Scandinavium 1985 m. Björn Afzelius, Py Bäckman, WHITNEY HOUSTON same 1985 (GE Arista) VG+ 25:- Imperiet, Tottas Bluesband, Jerry Williams, Peps Persson, Mats Ronander m fl, some edgewear (SW HUES CORPORATION Freedom for the stallion 1973, co (US RCA Victor) VG+ 30:- ANC) VG+ 30:- IMPRESSIONS First impressions 1975, co /2X/ (US Curtom) VG+ 30:- "TEATERBÅTEN/VIKTORIAS HUSAR" med Kjerstin Dellert, Hasse Funck, Erik Saedén, Sven-Erik HOLLY JOHNSON Blast 1989, soc (GE MCA) VG+ 20:- Wikström 1973, insp. 1957-58 (SW Telestar) M- 30:- GLADYS KNIGHT & PIPS Every beat of my heart 1973 (US Pickwick) VG+ 30:- "THE MOST HAPPY FELLA" musical 1956 (UK Philips) VG+ 30:- PATTI LA BELLE Winner in you 1986 (CA MCA) VG+ 25:- "THE GRADUATE" Soundtrack 1968, blue label (UK CBS) VG+ 40:- MADAME X same 1987 (GE Atlantic) VG+ 25:- THE MUSIC FOR UNICEF CONCERT w. ABBA, Bee Gees, Rita Coolidge, John Denver, Earth Wind BARBARA MASON & BUNNY SIGLER Locked in this position 1977, co (US Curtom) M- 30:- & Fire, Kris Kristofferson a.o. 1979 (US Polydor) M- 25:- PENNY McLEAN Midnight explosion 1978, shrink wrap (GE Jupiter) VG+ 30:- "THE RED TENT" Soundtrack, music scored by ennio Morricone 1969, soc, sm. split (US MIGHTY CLOUDS OF JOY Live and direct 1977 (US ABC) VG+ 25:- PAramount) VG+ 25:- POINTER SISTERS Special things 1980 (US Planet) VG+ 25:- "THE WIZ" Soundtrack 2-LP 1978 w. Diana Ross, Michael Jackson, Lena Horne a.o., prod. by POINTER SISTERS So excited! 1982 (UK Planet) VG+ 25:- Quincy Jones (US Motown) VG+ 30:- POINTER SISTERS Contact 1985 (GE RCA) VG+ 25:- "UHF" soundtrack w. "Weird Al" Yankovic 1989 (GE Scotti Bros.( VG+ 25:- POINTER SISTERS Serious slammin' 1988 (GE RCA) VG+ 25:- DIANA ROSS & MARVIN GAYE Diana & Marvin 1973, foldout cover (US Motown) VG(+) 30:- Ytterligare inköpskällor som rekommenderas: DIANA ROSS The best of.... 1972, some ringwear (SW Tamla Motown) VG(+) 30:- DIANA ROSS Touch me in the morning 1973 (GE Tamla Motown) VG+ 30:- DIANA ROSS & SUPREMES 20 golden greats 1977, soc, rec. from 1964-1969 (GE Motown) VG+ 25:- OVE JOHANNISSON , Ribbings Väg 16 A, 1 tr., 19252 Sollentuna. Tel. DIANA ROSS & SUPREMES 20 golden greats 1977, soc, rec. from 1964-1969 (UK Motown) VG+ 25:- (08)353928 Gratis auktionslistor! S'EXPRESS Original soundtrack 1989 (SW Rhythm King) VG+ 25:- SHEILA & B. DEVOTION King of the world 1980 (SW Carrere) VG+ 25:- PERCY SLEDGE I'll be your everything 1974, cut corner, some creases on cover (US Capricorn) VG++ 390:- Varje liten beställning är betydelsefull när det gäller SISTER SLEDGE All American girls 1981 (US Cotillion) VG+ 25:- SISTER SLEDGE The sisters 1982, soc (US Cotillion) VG+ 25:- att betala Fridas vårdkostnader. Tyvärr är det nu SISTER SLEDGE When the boys meet the girls 1985, some creases on cover, ringwear (US Cotillion) VG+ 25:- för sent att rädda henne till livet. Men vi är båda SONS OF SOUL same 1991, rap (SW SweMix Records) M- 25:- STAPLES Pass it on 1976, co (US W.B.) VG+ 25:- tacksamma för minsta bidrag. DONNA SUMMER She works hard for the money 1983 (GE Mercury) M- 25:- TEMPTATIONS Get ready 1971 release of 1966 album, Czechoslovakian release (CZ Sounds Superb) VG+ 30:- TEMPTATIONS Wings of love 1976 (US Gordy) M- 45:- THE MAIN INGREDIENT Rolling down a mountainside 1975, co /2X/ (US RCA Victor) M- 25:- THE NEW BIRTH Comin' from all ends 1974, co (US RCA Victor) VG+ 25:- RUBY TURNER Paradise 1990, shrink wrap (US Jive) VG+ 25:- TINA TURNER Rough 1978, shrink wrap (GE Ariola) M- 25:- TINA TURNER Simply the best 2-LP 1991, soc (GE Capitol) VG+ 30:- ANITA WARD Songs of love 1979 (NL TK Records) VG+ 25:- BOBBY WOMACK Lookin' for a love again 1974, cfut corner (US U.A.) M- 25:- BOBBY WOMACK I don't know what the world is coming to 1975, cut corner (US U.A.) M- 25:- WOMACK & WOMACK Conscience 1988, gatefold, soc (GE Island) VG+ 25:-


"ALICE'S RESTAURANT" Soundtrack feat. Arlo Guthrie 1969, co, shrink wrap 1969 (US U.A.) M- 30:- "ALLEY OOP" childrens record (US Funtime) SS 30:- "AMADEUS" Soundtrack w. Academy of St. Martin-in-the-Fields, director Sir Neville Marriner 1985, gatefold (NL Fantasy) M- 25:- "BUBBLING BROWN SUGAR" orig. London cast recording 1977 2-LP w. Billy Daniels, Lon Satton, Elain Delmar, Helen Gelzer a.o. (UK PYE) VG+ 30:- "CATS" 2-LP 1981 (NO Polydor) VG+ 25:-



RONNY FORSLUND Vita Huset SE-17995 SVARTSJÖ Sweden Tel. (08)560 410 50 (int. +46 8 560 410 50) (070)558 0661 (int- +46 70 558 0661) [email protected]