Genesis 14:1-15:21

בראשית י״ד:א׳-ט״ו:כ״א Genesis 14:1-15:21 (א) וַיְהִ֗י בִּימֵי֙ אַמְרָפֶ ֣ל מֶֽ לֶ־שִׁ נְﬠָ֔ר אַרְ י֖ וֹ ,Now, when King Amraphel of Shinar (1) מֶ ֣לֶ אֶ לָּסָ ֑ר כְּדָרְ לָעֹ֨ מֶר֙ מֶ ֣לֶ ﬠֵילָ֔ ם וְתִדְﬠָ ֖ל King Arioch of Ellasar, King of , and King Tidal of מֶ ֥לֶ גּוֹיִֽ ם׃ (ב) ﬠָשׂ֣וּ מִ לְחָמָ֗ ה אֶת־בֶּ֙רַ ע֙ מֶ ֣לֶ Goiim (2) made war on King Bera of סְ דֹ֔ם וְאֶת־בִּרְשַׁ ֖ע מֶ ֣לֶ ﬠֲמֹרָ ֑ה שִׁ נְאָ ֣ב ׀ מֶ ֣לֶ Sodom, King Birsha of Gomorrah, King אַדְמָ֗ ה וְשֶׁמְאֵ֙בֶר֙ מֶ ֣לֶ צביים [צְ בוֹיִ֔ ים] Shinab of Admah, King Shemeber of Zeboiim, and the king of Bela, which is וּמֶ ֥לֶ בֶּ ֖לַע הִ יא־צֹֽ ﬠַר׃ (ג) כָּל־אֵ֙ לֶּה֙ חָֽבְר֔ וּ Zoar, (3) all the latter joined forces at the אֶל־ﬠֵ֖מֶק הַשִּׂדִּ ֑ים ה֖ וּא יָ ֥ם הַמֶּֽ לַח׃ (ד) שְׁתֵּ֤ ים (Valley of Siddim, now the . (4 ﬠֶשְׂרֵ ה֙ שָׁ נָ֔ה ﬠָבְד֖ וּ אֶת־כְּדָרְ לָﬠֹ֑מֶ ר ,Twelve years they served Chedorlaomer וּשְׁ שׁ־ﬠֶשְׂרֵ֥ה שָׁנָ ֖ה מָרָֽ דוּ׃ (ה) וּבְאַרְ בַּע֩ (and in the thirteenth year they rebelled. (5 In the fourteenth year Chedorlaomer and ﬠֶשְׂרֵ֨ה שָׁ נָ֜ה בָּ ֣א כְדָרְ לָעֹ֗ מֶר וְהַמְּ לָכִים֙ אֲשֶׁ ֣ ר the kings who were with him came and אִתּ֔ וֹ וַיַּכּ֤וּ אֶת־רְ פָאִ ים֙ בְּ ﬠַשְׁתְּ רֹ֣ ת קַרְ נַ֔יִם -defeated the Rephaim at Ashteroth וְאֶת־הַזּוּזִ ֖ים בְּהָ ֑ם וְאֵת֙ הָֽאֵימִ֔ים בְּשָׁוֵ֖ה karnaim, the Zuzim at Ham, the Emim at קִרְ יָתָֽ יִם׃ (ו) וְאֶת־הַחֹרִ ֖ י בְּ הַרְרָ ֣ם שֵׂﬠִ ֑יר ﬠַ֚ ד Shaveh-kiriathaim, (6) and the Horites in their hill country of Seir as far as El-paran, אֵ֣יל פָּארָ֔ ן אֲשֶׁ ֖ר ﬠַל־הַמִּדְבָּֽ ר׃ (ז) וַ֠ יָּשֻׁבוּ which is by the wilderness. (7) On their וַיָּבֹ֜אוּ אֶל־ﬠֵ֤ין מִשְׁ פָּט֙ הִ ֣וא קָדֵ֔ שׁ וַיַּכּ֕ וּ way back they came to En-mishpat, which אֶֽ ת־כָּל־שְׂדֵ֖ה הָﬠֲמָ לֵקִ ֑ י וְ גַם֙ אֶת־הָ ֣אֱמֹרִ֔ י is Kadesh, and subdued all the territory of the Amalekites, and also the Amorites who הַיֹּשֵׁ֖ב בְּחַֽצְ צֹ֥ ן תָּמָֽ ר׃ (ח) וַיֵּצֵ֨א מֶֽ לֶ־סְ דֹ֜ ם dwelt in Hazazon-tamar. (8) Then the king וּמֶ ֣לֶ ﬠֲמֹרָ֗ה וּמֶ ֤לֶ אַדְמָה֙ וּמֶ ֣לֶ צביים of Sodom, the king of Gomorrah, the king [צְ בוֹיִ֔ם] וּמֶ ֥לֶ בֶּ ֖לַע הִ וא־צֹ֑ ﬠַר וַיַּֽﬠַרְ כ֤וּ אִתָּם֙ of Admah, the king of Zeboiim, and the מִ לְחָמָ֔ה בְּﬠֵ֖מֶק הַשִּׂדִּֽ ים׃ (ט) אֵ֣ת כְּדָרְ לָעֹ֜ מֶ ר king of Bela, which is Zoar, went forth and מֶ ֣לֶ ﬠֵילָ֗ ם וְתִדְ ﬠָל֙ מֶ ֣לֶ גּוֹיִ֔ם וְאַמְרָ פֶל֙ מֶ ֣לֶ engaged them in battle in the Valley of Siddim: (9) King Chedorlaomer of Elam, שִׁ נְﬠָ֔ ר וְאַרְ י֖וֹ מֶ ֣לֶ אֶ לָּסָ ֑ר אַרְ בָּﬠָ ֥ה מְ לָכִ ֖ים King Tidal of Goiim, King Amraphel of אֶת־הַחֲמִשָּֽׁ ה׃ (י) וְﬠֵ֣מֶק הַשִׂדִּ֗ים בֶּֽאֱרֹ֤ ת Shinar, and King Arioch of Ellasar—four בֶּאֱרֹת֙ חֵמָ֔ ר וַיָּנֻ֛סוּ מֶֽ לֶ־סְ דֹ֥ ם וַﬠֲמֹרָ ֖ ה kings against those five. (10) Now the Valley of Siddim was dotted with bitumen (יא) ִוַיּפְּלוּ־שָׁ ֑מָּה וְהַנִּשְׁ אָרִ ֖ ים הֶ ֥רָ ה נָּֽסוּ׃ pits; and the kings of Sodom and וַ֠ ִיּקְחוּ אֶ ת־כָּל־רְ כֻ֨שׁ סְ דֹ֧ ם וַﬠֲמֹרָ ֛ ה Gomorrah, in their flight, threw וְאֶ ת־כָּל־אָכְלָ ֖ם וַיֵּלֵֽכוּ׃ (יב) ִוַיּקְח֨וּ אֶ ֧ת־לוֹט themselves into them, while the rest ְו ֶאת ְ־ר ֻכ ֛שׁוֹ ֶבּן־ ֲא ִ ֥חי ַא ְב ָ ֖רם ַו ֵיּ ֵ֑לכוּ ְו ֥הוּא ֹי ֵ֖שׁב escaped to the hill country. (11) [The ִבּ ְס ֽ ֹדם׃ (יג) ַו ָיּבֹ ֙א ַה ָפּ ִ֔ליט ַו ַיּ ֵ֖גּד ְל ַא ְב ָ ֣רם invaders] seized all the wealth of and all their provisions, and ָה ִﬠ ְבִ ֑רי ְוהוּ ֩א ֹשׁ ֵ֨כן ְבּ ֵֽא ֵ֜ני ַמ ְמ ֵ֣רא ָה ֱא ֹמ ִ֗רי went their way. (12) They also took Lot, ֲא ִ ֤חי ֶא ְשׁ ֹכּ ֙ל ַו ֲא ִ ֣חי ָﬠ ֵ֔נר ְו ֵ֖הם ַבּ ֲﬠ ֵ֥לי the son of Abram’s brother, and his ְב ִרית־ ַא ְב ָֽרם׃ (יד) ַו ִיּ ְשׁ ַ ֣מע ַא ְב ָ֔רם ִ ֥כּי ִנ ְשׁ ָ ֖בּה possessions, and departed; for he had ָא ִ ֑חיו ַוָ֨יּ ֶרק ֶאת־ ֲח ִני ָ֜כיו ְי ִלי ֵ֣די ֵבי ֗תוֹ ְשׁ ֹמ ָ ֤נה settled in Sodom. (13) A fugitive brought the news to Abram the Hebrew, who was ָﬠ ָשׂ ֙ר ְוּשׁ ֣שׁ ֵמ ֔אוֹת ַו ִיּ ְר ֖ ֹדּף ַﬠד־ ָֽדּן׃ (טו) dwelling at the terebinths of Mamre the ַו ֵיּ ָח ֨ ֵלק ֲﬠ ֵל ֶ ֧יהם ׀ ַ ֛ל ְי ָלה ֥הוּא ַו ֲﬠ ָב ָ ֖דיו ַו ַיּ ֵ֑כּם ,Amorite, kinsman of Eshkol and Aner ַֽו ִיּ ְר ְדּ ֵפ ֙ם ַﬠד־חוֹ ָ֔בה ֲא ֶ ֥שׁר ִמ ְשּׂ ֖מֹאל ְל ַד ָֽמּ ֶשׂק׃ these being Abram’s allies. (14) When (טז) ַוָ֕יּ ֶשׁב ֵ֖את ָכּל ָ־ה ְר ֻכ֑שׁ ְו ַג ֩ם ֶאת־ ֨לוֹט ָא ִ ֤חיו Abram heard that his kinsman had been taken captive, he mustered his retainers, ְוּר ֻכשׁ ֙וֹ ֵה ִ֔שׁיב ְו ַ ֥גם ֶאת ַ־ה ָנּ ִ ֖שׁים ְו ֶאת ָ־ה ָֽﬠם׃ born into his household, numbering three (יז) ַו ֵיּ ֵ֣צא ֶֽמ ֶל־ ְס ֹד ֮ם ִל ְק ָראת ֒וֹ ַא ֲח ֵ֣רי שׁוּ ֗בוֹ hundred and eighteen, and went in pursuit ֵֽמ ַהכּוֹ ֙ת ֶאת־ ְכּ ָדר ָל ֹ֔ע ֶמר ְו ֶאת ַ־ה ְמּ ָל ִ ֖כים ֲא ֶ ֣שׁר as far as Dan. (15) At night, he and his servants deployed against them and ִא ֑תּוֹ ֶאל ֵ֣־ﬠ ֶמק ָשׁ ֵ֔וה ֖הוּא ֵ֥ﬠ ֶמק ַה ֶֽמּ ֶל׃ (יח) defeated them; and he pursued them as far וּ ַמ ְל ִכּי־ ֶ֙צ ֶד ֙ק ֶ ֣מ ֶל ָשׁ ֔ ֵלם הוֹ ִ ֖ציא ֶ ֣ל ֶחם ָו ָי֑ ִין .as Hobah, which is north of Damascus ְו ֥הוּא ֹכ ֵ֖הן ְל ֵ֥אל ֶﬠ ְל ֽיוֹן׃ (יט) ַֽו ְי ָב ְר ֵ֖כהוּ ַויֹּא ַ ֑מר ;He brought back all the possessions (16) ָבּ֤רוּ ַא ְב ָר ֙ם ְל ֵ֣אל ֶﬠ ְל֔יוֹן ֹק ֵ֖נה ָשׁ ַ ֥מ ִים ָו ָֽא ֶרץ׃ he also brought back his kinsman Lot and his possessions, and the women and the (כ) וּ ָברוּ ֙ ֵ֣אל ֶﬠ ְל֔יוֹן ֲא ֶשׁר־ ִמ ֵ֥גּ ן ָצ ֶ ֖רי ְבּ ָי ֶ ֑ד rest of the people. (17) When he returned ַו ִיּ ֶתּן־ ֥לוֹ ַמ ֲﬠ ֵ֖שׂר ִמ ֹֽכּל׃ (כא) ַו ֥יֹּא ֶמר from defeating Chedorlaomer and the ֶֽמ ֶל־ ְס ֖ ֹדם ֶאל־ ַא ְב ָ ֑רם ֶתּן־ ִ ֣לי ַה ֶ֔נּ ֶפשׁ ְו ָה ְר ֻכ֖שׁ kings with him, the king of Sodom came ַֽקח־ ָֽל׃ (כב) ַו ֥יֹּא ֶמר ַא ְב ָ ֖רם ֶאל־ ֶ ֣מ ֶל ְס ֑ ֹדם ,out to meet him in the Valley of Shaveh which is the Valley of the King. (18) And ֲה ִרי ֹ֨מ ִתי ָיִ ֤די ֶאל־ ְיה ָו ֙ה ֵ֣אל ֶﬠ ְל֔יוֹן ֹק ֵ֖נה ָשׁ ַ ֥מ ִים King Melchizedek of Salem brought out ָו ָֽא ֶרץ׃ (כג) ִאם־ ִמחוּ ֙ט ְו ַ ֣ﬠד ְשֽׂרוֹ־ ַ֔נ ַﬠל bread and wine; he was a priest of God ְו ִאם־ ֶא ַ ֖קּח ִמ ָכּל־ ֲא ֶשׁר־ ָ ֑ל ְו ֣לֹא תֹא ַ֔מר ֲאִ ֖ני ,Most High. (19) He blessed him, saying ֶה ֱﬠ ַ ֥שׁ ְר ִתּי ֶאת־ ַא ְב ָֽרם׃ (כד) ִבּ ְל ָﬠ ַ֗די ֚ ַרק ֲא ֶ ֣שׁר ,Blessed be Abram of God Most High“ Creator of heaven and earth. (20) And ָֽא ְכ ֣לוּ ַה ְנּ ָﬠ ִ֔רים ְו ֵ֙ח ֶל ֙ק ָֽה ֲא ָנ ִ֔שׁים ֲא ֶ ֥שׁר ָה ְל ֖כוּ blessed be God Most High, Who has ִא ִ ֑תּי ָﬠ ֵנ ֙ר ֶא ְשׁ ֹ֣כּל וּ ַמ ְמ ֵ֔רא ֵ֖הם ִי ְק ֥חוּ ֶח ְל ָֽקם׃ delivered your foes into your hand.” And (ס) (א) ַא ַ ֣חר ׀ ַה ְדּ ָבִ ֣רים ָה ֵ֗א ֶלּה ָה ָי֤ה .Abram] gave him a tenth of everything] ְד ַבר־ ְיה ָו ֙ה ֶאל־ ַא ְב ָ֔רם ַֽבּ ַמּ ֲח ֶז֖ה ֵלא ֹ֑מר Then the king of Sodom said to (21) Abram, “Give me the persons, and take the ַאל־ ִתּ ָ ֣ירא ַא ְב ָ֗רם ָא ֹנ ִכ֙י ָמ ֵ֣ג ן ֔ ָל ְשׂ ָכ ְר ֖ possessions for yourself.” (22) But Abram ַה ְר ֵ֥בּה ְמ ֽ ֹאד׃ (ב) ַו ֣יֹּא ֶמר ַא ְב ָ֗רם ֲא ֹד ָ ֤ני יֱה ִו ֙ה said to the king of Sodom, “I swear to the ַמה־ ִתּ ֶתּן־ ִ֔לי ְו ָא ֹנ ִ ֖כי הוֹ ֵ֣ל ֲﬠ ִר ִ ֑ירי וּ ֶבן־ ֶ ֣מ ֶשׁק LORD, God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth: (23) I will not take so much as a ֵבּי ִ֔תי ֖הוּא ַדּ ֶ ֥מּ ֶשׂק ֱא ִל ֶֽיﬠ ֶזר׃ (ג) ַו ֣יֹּא ֶמר ַא ְב ָ֔רם thread or a sandal strap of what is yours; ֵ֣הן ִ֔לי ֥לֹא ָנ ַ ֖ת ָתּה ָז֑ ַ רע ְו ִה ֵ֥נּה ֶבן־ ֵבּי ִ ֖תי י ֵ֥וֹרשׁ you shall not say, ‘It is I who made Abram ֹא ִֽתי׃ (ד) ְו ִה ֵ֨נּה ְד ַבר־ ְיהָ ֤וה ֵא ָלי ֙ו ֵלא ֹ֔מר ֥לֹא rich.’ (24) For me, nothing but what my ִֽי ָיר ְשׁ ֖ ֶז֑ה ִכּי־ ִא ֙ם ֲא ֶ ֣שׁר ֵי ֵ֣צא ִמ ֵמּ ֶ֔ﬠי ֖הוּא servants have used up; as for the share of the men who went with me—Aner, ִֽי ָיר ֶֽשׁ׃ (ה) ַויּוֹ ֵ֨צא ֹא ֜תוֹ ַה ֗חוּ ָצה ַו֙יֹּא ֶמ ֙ר Eshkol, and Mamre—let them take their ַה ֶבּט־ ָ ֣נא ַה ָשּׁ ַ֗מ ְי ָמה וּ ְס ֹפ ֙ר ַה ֣כּוֹ ָכ ִ֔בים share.” (1) Some time later, the word of the ִאם־תּוּ ַ ֖כל ִל ְס ֹ֣פּר ֹא ָ ֑תם ַו ֣יֹּא ֶמר ֔לוֹ ֹ֥כּה ִי ְה ֶי֖ה LORD came to Abram in a vision. He ַז ְר ֶֽﬠ׃ (ו) ְו ֶה ֱא ִ ֖מן ַֽבּיהָ ֑וה ַו ַיּ ְח ְשׁ ֶ ֥ב ָה ֖לּוֹ ְצ ָד ָֽקה׃ said, “Fear not, Abram, I am a shield to you; Your reward shall be very great.” (2) (ז) ַו ֖יֹּא ֶמר ֵא ָ ֑ליו ֲאִ ֣ני ְיה ָ֗וה ֲא ֶ ֤שׁר הוֹ ֵצא ִ֙תי ֙ But Abram said, “O Lord GOD, what can ֵמ ֣אוּר ַכּ ְשׂ ִ֔דּים ָ ֧ל ֶתת ְל ֛ ֶאת ָ־ה ָ ֥א ֶרץ ַה ֖זֹּאת You give me, seeing that I shall die ְל ִר ְשׁ ָֽתּהּ׃ (ח) ַויֹּא ַ ֑מר ֲא ֹד ָ ֣ני יֱה ִ֔וה ַבּ ָ ֥מּה ֵא ַ ֖דע childless, and the one in charge of my ִ ֥כּי ִֽא ָיר ֶֽשׁ ָנּה׃ (ט) ַו ֣יֹּא ֶמר ֵא ֗ ָליו ְק ָ ֥חה ִל֙י ֶﬠ ְג ָ ֣לה (household is Dammesek Eliezer!” (3 Abram said further, “Since You have ְמ ֻשׁ ֔ ֶלּ ֶשׁת ְו ֵ֥ﬠז ְמ ֻשׁ ֶ ֖לּ ֶשׁת ְו ַ ֣א ִיל ְמ ֻשׁ ָ ֑לּשׁ ְו ֖ ֹתר granted me no offspring, my steward will ְוגוֹ ָֽזל׃ (י) ַוִֽיּ ַֽקּח־ ֣לוֹ ֶאת־ ָכּל־ ֵ֗א ֶלּה ַו ְי ַב ֵ֤תּר be my heir.” (4) The word of the LORD ֹא ָת ֙ם ַבּ ָ֔תּ ֶו ַו ִיּ ֵ֥תּן ִאישׁ־ ִבּ ְת֖רוֹ ִל ְק ַ ֣ראת ֵר ֵ֑ﬠהוּ came to him in reply, “That one shall not ְו ֶאת ַ־ה ִצ ֹ֖פּר ֥לֹא ָב ָֽתר׃ (יא) ַו ֵיּ֥ ֶ רד ָה ַ ֖ﬠ ִיט be your heir; none but your very own issue shall be your heir.” (5) He took him outside ַﬠל ַ־ה ְפּ ָגִ ֑רים ַו ַיּ ֵ֥שּׁב ֹא ָ ֖תם ַא ְב ָֽרם׃ (יב) ַו ְי ִ ֤הי and said, “Look toward heaven and count ַה ֶ֙שּׁ ֶמ ֙שׁ ָל ֔בוֹא ְו ַת ְר ֵדּ ָ ֖מה ָנ ְפ ָ ֣לה ַﬠל־ ַא ְב ָ ֑רם ”.the stars, if you are able to count them ְו ִה ֵ֥נּה ֵאי ָ ֛מה ֲח ֵשׁ ָ ֥כה ְג ֹד ָ ֖לה ֹנ ֶ ֥פ ֶלת ָﬠ ָֽליו׃ (יג) And He added, “So shall your offspring ַו ֣יֹּא ֶמר ְל ַא ְב ָ֗רם ָי ֹ֨ד ַﬠ ֵתּ ַ֜דע ִכּי־ ֵ֣גר ׀ ִי ְה ֶי֣ה be.” (6) And because he put his trust in the LORD, He reckoned it to his merit. (7) ַז ְר ֲﬠ ֗ ְבּ ֶ֙א ֶר ֙ץ ֣לֹא ָל ֶ֔הם ַו ֲﬠ ָב ֖דוּם ְו ִﬠ ֣נּוּ ֹא ָ ֑תם Then He said to him, “I am the LORD ַא ְר ַ ֥בּע ֵמ ֖אוֹת ָשׁ ָֽנה׃ (יד) ְו ַ ֧גם ֶאת ַ־ה ֛גּוֹי ֲא ֶ ֥שׁר who brought you out from Ur of the ַי ֲﬠ ֹ֖בדוּ ָ ֣דּן ָא ֹ֑נ ִכי ְו ַא ֲח ֵרי־ ֵ֥כן ֵי ְצ ֖אוּ ִבּ ְר ֻכ֥שׁ Chaldeans to assign this land to you as a possession.” (8) And he said, “O Lord ָגּ ֽדוֹל׃ (טו) ְו ַא ָ ֛תּה ָתּ ֥בוֹא ֶאל־ ֲא ֹב ֶ ֖תי ְבּ ָשׁ ֑לוֹם GOD, how shall I know that I am to ִתּ ָקּ ֵ֖בר ְבּ ֵשׂי ָ ֥בה טוֹ ָֽבה׃ (טז) ְו ֥דוֹר ְר ִב ִ ֖יﬠי possess it?” (9) He answered, “Bring Me a ָי ֣שׁוּבוּ ֵ֑ה ָנּה ִ ֧כּי לֹא ָ־שׁ ֵ֛לם ֲﬠֹ֥ון ָה ֱא ֹמִ ֖רי -three-year-old heifer, a three-year-old she ַﬠד ֵֽ־ה ָנּה׃ (יז) ַו ְי ִ ֤הי ַה ֶ֙שּׁ ֶמ ֙שׁ ָ֔בּ ָאה ַו ֲﬠ ָל ָ ֖טה ָה ָי֑ה ,goat, a three-year-old ram, a turtledove and a young bird.” (10) He brought Him all ְו ִה ֵ֨נּה ַת ֤נּוּר ָﬠ ָשׁ֙ן ְו ַל ִ ֣פּיד ֵ֔אשׁ ֲא ֶ ֣שׁר ָﬠ ַ֔בר ֵ֖בּין these and cut them in two, placing each ַה ְגּ ָזִ ֥רים ָה ֵֽא ֶלּה׃ (יח) ַבּ ֣יּוֹם ַה ֗הוּא ָכּ ַ ֧רת ְיהָ ֛וה half opposite the other; but he did not cut ֶאת־ ַא ְב ָ ֖רם ְבִּ ֣רית ֵלא ֹ֑מר ְל ַז ְר ֲﬠ ֗ ָנ ַ֙ת ִתּ֙י up the bird. (11) Birds of prey came down ֶאת ָ־ה ָ ֣א ֶרץ ַה ֔זֹּאת ִמ ְנּ ַ ֣הר ִמ ְצ ַ֔ר ִים ַﬠד ַ־ה ָנּ ָ ֥הר upon the carcasses, and Abram drove them away. (12) As the sun was about to set, a ַה ָגּ ֖ ֹדל ְנ ַהר־ ְפּ ָֽרת׃ (יט) ֶאת ַ־ה ֵקּי ִנ֙י deep sleep fell upon Abram, and a great ְו ֶאת ַ־ה ְקּ ִנ ִ֔זּי ְו ֵ֖את ַה ַקּ ְד ֹמִֽני׃ (כ) ְו ֶאת ַ־ה ִח ִ ֥תּי dark dread descended upon him. (13) And ְו ֶאת ַ־ה ְפּ ִרִ ֖זּי ְו ֶאת ָ־ה ְר ָפ ִֽאים׃ (כא) He said to Abram, “Know well that your ְו ֶאת ָֽ־ה ֱא ֹמ ִר֙י ְו ֶאת ַֽ־ה ְכּ ַנ ֲﬠ ִ֔ני ְו ֶאת ַ־ה ִגּ ְר ָגּ ִ ֖שׁי offspring shall be strangers in a land not theirs, and they shall be enslaved and ְו ֶאת ַ־ה ְיבוּ ִֽסי׃ (ס) oppressed four hundred years; (14) but I will execute judgment on the nation they shall serve, and in the end they shall go free with great wealth. (15) As for you, You shall go to your fathers in peace; You shall be buried at a ripe old age. (16) And they shall return here in the fourth generation, for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet complete.” (17) When the sun set and it was very dark, there appeared a smoking oven, and a flaming torch which passed between those pieces. (18) On that day the LORD made a covenant with Abram, saying, “To your offspring I assign this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the river Euphrates: (19) the Kenites, the Kenizzites, the Kadmonites, (20) the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Rephaim, (21) the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Girgashites, and the Jebusites.”

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