
Paleobiology, 31(2), 2005, pp. 253–268

Adaptive in coiled

Bjo¨rn Kro¨ger

Abstract.—Coiled cephalopods constitute a major part of the Paleozoic nekton. They emerged in the Early but nearly vanished in the . The appearance of ammonoids started a story of evolutionary success of coiled cephalopods, which lasted until the end- event. This story is investigated by using a taxonomic database of 1346 of 253 genera of coiled and 1114 genera of ammonoids. The per capita sampling diversities, the Van Valen metrics of origination and extinction, and the probabilities of origination and ex- tinction were calculated at stage intervals. The outcome of these estimations largely reflects the known biotic events of the Paleozoic. The polyphyletic, iterative appearance of coiled cephalopods within this time frame is interpreted to be a process of adaptation to shell-crushing predatory pres- sure. The evolution of the diversity of coiled nautiloids and ammonoids is strongly correlated with- in the time intervals. Once established, assemblages of coiled cephalopods are related to changes in sea level. The general trends of decreasing mean (or background) origination and extinction rates during the Paleozoic are interpreted to reflect a successive stabilization of the coiled assemblages. Different reproduction strategies in ammonoids and nautiloids apparently resulted in different modes of competition and morphological trends. Significant morphological trends to- ward a stronger ornamentation and a centrally positioned characterize the evolution of Paleozoic nautiloids.

Bjo¨rn Kro¨ger. Department of Geological Sciences, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio 45701 Present address: Museum fu¨r Naturkunde, Invalidenstrasse 43, D-10115 Berlin, Germany. E-mail: [email protected]

Accepted: 7 July 2004

Introduction of evolution can be described in terms of tax- onomic rates and trends in morphologic char- Cephalopods were among the most highly acters by using a species-based database. The developed and the topmost predators technique of a data-based investigation of tax- in the free water column during long intervals onomic rates has strongly improved in recent of the Paleozoic. Their role in the seas changed (see Sims 2003, and references therein). with the appearance of jawed fishes in the late In this paper, I examine the hypothesis of a Paleozoic, but until recent times, cephalopods common niche of coiled cephalopods and ad- remained a major part of the nektonic life of dress several questions. Can we speak of an the seas. Over long periods in the Paleozoic, adaptive evolution of coiled cephalopods? Is cephalopods with a coiled conch constituted there any similarity between the first emer- the most common cephalopods, but they are gence of coiled cephalopods in the Ordovician represented today only by Recent . and the emergence of ammonoids in the Em- Their fate, the ecological role of these ancient sian? Do the main representatives of coiled molluscs, and their niche in the water column cephalopods—ammonoids and coiled nauti- remain poorly understood. loids—exhibit any common pattern in their The ecological role and niche of coiled ceph- evolution? Finally, which factors drove the alopods can be studied by considering the evolution of coiled cephalopods during the common morphological characters of these Paleozoic? . The morphospace and the adaptation- al value of the characters of coiled ceph- Development of a Hypothesis alopods are particularly well investigated through the work of Raup (1966, 1967), Raup The word ‘‘coil’’ comes from the Latin col- and Chamberlain (1967), Chamberlain (1980, ligere, ‘‘to collect.’’ In geometric terms, it com- 1993), and many others. prises a series of loops, a curve or circle of The fate of coiled cephalopods in the course more than 2␲. Following Teichert (1964), a

᭧ 2005 The Paleontological Society. All rights reserved. 0094-8373/05/3102-0005/$1.00 254 BJO¨ RN KRO¨ GER coiled cephalopod is defined by a spirally Data Set and Methods curved conch of more than one volution. There Within the current investigation I distin- are both openly coiled cephalopods (gyro- guish between a non-ammonoid database and cones) and closely coiled cephalopods in an ammonoid database. The first data set, which the volutions touch each other. Only the ‘‘coiled nautiloids,’’ comprises all non-am- latter are considered here. monoid coiled cephalopods; it represents a The logarithmic curved conch (cyrtocone) is paraphyletic group with the shared characters considered to be the standard realization of ‘‘’’ and ‘‘coiled.’’ The second data set, the growth of a conchiferan with a constant ‘‘ammonoids,’’ represents a monophyletic but slightly irregular accelerated increment of group of genera. material at its (Bayer 1978; Lo¨vtrup Both data sets are surveyed and treated dif- and Lo¨vtrup 1988; Ackerly 1989; Ubukata ferently. The basic version of both data sets 2003). An accretional growth system that used in the current investigation was part of builds the special logarithmic curve of the coiled conch requires a suite of parameters, the database of genera compiled by Sepkoski which are maintained in a very narrow zone (2002). But, coiled nautiloids are only very in- of tolerance (Raup 1961; Raup and Michelson completely treated in Sepkoski’s database and 1965). As a consequence of this growth the, thus required a complete revision. To do this, prominent Raup parameters W ( expan- I used the partially published Data Retrieval sion rate) and D (position of the curve in re- System Nautiloidea, of Engeser (2003), lation to the axis) have to be in a relation such followed by an additional search for all avail- that 1/D Ն W. (Raup 1967). A coiled conch is able citations of coiled nautiloids in the liter- therefore a case of a logarithmic curved conch, ature. The non-ammonoid database comprises whose chance to evolve only by totally ran- at present 1346 species of 253 genera (see sup- dom processes is very low. Therefore, we have plemental material online, at http://dx.doi. to look for a constraint that causes the evolu- org/10.1666/03079.s1). tion of coiled conchs. Functional aspects that In contrast, the ammonoids, which are rep- control selectional constraints could represent resented by 1114 genera in the database, are in the main factors of the evolution toward a general taxonomically well known and de- coiled conch. scribed, as Sepkoski’s (2002) database reflects. In fact, the coiling of the conch offers a num- To evaluate the usefulness of the entire data ber of advantages over the ancient cyrtocone set of all coiled cephalopods, I concentrated or the alternative gyrocone and on the weaker part of the compilation. Thus, shell. It mechanically strengthens the conch in this study I use the data set of coiled nau- (theoretical evidence: e.g., Raup 1967; Saun- tiloids as primary reference. This is a data set ders and Wehmann 1977; Currey 1988; Hewitt that I compiled very thoroughly myself, and Westermann 1990; Hewitt 1996; and em- whereas the ammonoid database is adopted pirical evidences: Zipser and Vermeij 1978; directly from that of Sepkoski (2002). Vermeij 1982; Kro¨ger 2002), increases the ma- Generally, the sum of the ranges of the spe- neuverability (e.g., Trueman 1941; Raup 1967; cies within a is considered to represent Saunders and Shapiro 1986; Crick 1988; Jacobs the time range of the genus. The stage defi- and Chamberlain 1996; Westermann 1996; nitions and their durations, which follow the Westermann and Tsujita 1999), and offers a IUGS-ICS (Remane et al. 1996), serve as the moderate hydrodynamic efficiency at the time grid (see Appendix). The estimation of same time (Chamberlain 1980; Jacobs and per capita taxonomic rates follows the time in- Chamberlain 1996). The coiled conch addi- tervals between stage boundaries; the esti- tionally requires a minimum expense of en- mation of probabilities follows the intervals ergy for buoyancy regulation compared with between stages midpoints. other ectocochleate cephalopods (Crick 1988). For all coiled nautiloids I compiled geo- These are strong arguments for an adaptive graphical species occurrences. The sum of the origin of coiling in the cephalopod conch. species occurrences represents the paleogeo- COILED CEPHALOPODS 255

FIGURE 1. Cumulative frequency plot of species of Pa- leozoic coiled nautiloids described since the eighteenth century. The nearly linear increase of described species since the mid-nineteenth century gives evidence for some potential of discovery of new species in the future and for the relative incompleteness of the sampled re- cord. graphical occurrence of a genus. If available, the dimension of the adult conch, the orna- mentation of shell, and the position of the si- phuncle of coiled nautiloids were compiled from the literature. The resulting database was tested for sampling bias. Completeness of the Record. In contrast to other fossil groups, the Paleozoic nautiloids are poorly known. Figure 1 gives a cumulative image of all species of coiled nautiloids de- scribed since the eighteenth century. A nearly complete record of the fauna based on taxo- nomic work through the last centuries would produce a simple logarithmic growth function of all known species with few initial descrip- FIGURE 2. Frequency distribution of described species tions in early times, a strong increase in the of Middle Ordovician, middle Silurian, Early , Mississippian and late Permian time interval per paleo- nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and only latitude. The shift of frequency peaks from the Southern few new descriptions in recent times. Figure 1 Hemisphere in the early Paleozoic toward the equator is distinguished from such an ideal picture by and back toward the Southern Hemisphere in the late Permian reflects a mixture of sampling bias and a real lacking a significant decrease in new descrip- latitude effect with an equatorial frequency peak. tions in recent times, thus demonstrating a strong potential for discovering new species. The database can be tested to determine gives the diversity per latitude for five time in- whether the record adequately describes the tervals as recorded in the species database for succession of coiled nautiloids. It is well coiled nautiloids. A strong latitudinal effect is known that spatial and temporal diversity for visible during the late Paleozoic, which dem- most taxa is a function of latitude. With few onstrates a rough adequacy of the species da- geographical exceptions, species diversity is tabase during this period. The early Paleozoic highest near the equator and lowest at the is not as well represented. Here the concentra- poles in modern marine environments (e.g., tion of data in the Southern Hemisphere is an Schopf et al. 1978; Wilson 1988) as well as in effect of the well-explored assemblages of the the fossil record (e.g., Stehli et al. 1969; Bam- Baltoscandic area and . This bach 1990; Crame 2002). Any representative uneven focus suggests some potential for dis- database should reflect this effect. Figure 2 covering new nautiloid assemblages in re- 256 BJO¨ RN KRO¨ GER

TABLE 1. Quality of the coiled cephalopod database. The top five cephalopod taxonomists erected a total of only 312 species of coiled nautiloids. This gives evidence of a relatively independent practice in describing coiled nau- tiloids.

No. of authors No. of species Total 206 1356 No. of authors with Ͻ5 descriptions 151 (73%) 295 (22%) No. of authors with Ͼ40 descriptions 5 (2.4%) 312 (23%)

gions like , , the Russian of boundary crossers (Ntot), ignoring the sin- Far East, and North . If the measured gle-interval genera (singletons) per lineage- taxonomic rates simply reflect the shifting of million years (Lmy). The singletons are ex- paleogeographical positions of centers of pected to be very sensitive to preservation strong collecting activities (e.g., Baltoscandia) rates (Foote 2000, 2001 and references therein). during earth history, a simple correlation be- Additionally I measured origination and ex- tween sampling diversity and sampling lati- tinction rates. There are several measures of tude is expected. To test the bias introduced origination and extinction, each with different by that sampling effect, I plotted the mean lat- advantages and disadvantages (see Foote itude of a subsample of a time interval against 2000). I used the metrics of origination (p)and its corresponding diversity values. But I found extinction (q) of Van Valen (1984) because they 2 no correlation between the values (r diversity/lati- proved to be most practical in the specific data ϭ tude 0.017), suggesting that biased sampling sets, which consist of relatively few genera in the early Paleozoic has not introduced a that cross both the lower and upper bound- recognizable bias in evolutionary taxonomic aries of the chosen time intervals. The origi- ϭ rates. nation rate is thus estimated by p NFt/([Nb ϩ ⌬ ⌬ Ease of Collection. The unevenness of pale- Nt]/2)/ t where t is the length of the time ontological study in different regions and interval per Lmy, NFt is the number of taxa that time intervals may have led to a strong vari- cross only the top boundary of the time inter- ation in the numbers of described taxa and an val, Nb the total number of taxa that cross the inadequate knowledge of certain time inter- bottom boundary of the time interval, and Nt vals and regions (see, e.g., Adrain and West- is the total number of taxa that cross the top rop 2003). To assess the quality of the coiled boundary of the time interval. The extinction ϭ ϩ ⌬ nautiloid database, I analyzed the number of rate is estimated by q Nbl/([Nb Nt]/2)/ t, workers and their main research field (Table where Nbl is the number of taxa that cross only 1). The 1356 species of coiled nautiloid species the bottom boundary of the time interval. were erected by a total of 206 authors. Authors The simple measure of extinction rates does who erected no more than five species in their not consider the variation in the quality and career erected approximately one-fourth of all completeness of the fossil record. Therefore, types. Specialists who erected in their entire Van Valen (taxonomic) metrics are in a strict career more than 40 species added another sense sampling rates, which may represent a quarter of the species total. These few cepha- mixture of preservation and sampling effects, lopod specialists worked relatively indepen- as well as ‘‘true’’ taxonomic rates. Two differ- dently from a preferred stratigraphic interval, ent approaches consider the common con- but they did focus regionally. Because of the founding of sampling and taxonomic rates high diversity of cephalopod workers, sam- (Nichols and Pollock 1983; Foote 2001). In this pling error caused by oversplitting of taxa and study, I favored the ignoring of singletons, hidden synonymies is expected to be random- which is inherent in the method of Nichols ly distributed over the database (see also Ad- and Pollock (1983), against the alternative ap- rain and Westrop 2000). proach of Foote (2001). Nichols and Pollock Processing of Data. I measured the per-ge- (1983) use capture-mark-recapture models nus standing diversity (d) as the total number (CMR) borrowed from demographical and COILED CEPHALOPODS 257

TABLE 2. Scaling of morphological data in the coiled cephalopod database. The morphological data were translated into different scales in order to process them statistically.

Data Scale of the conch Nominal: 0 ϭ umbilical window absent; 1 ϭ umbilical window present Ornamentation Ordinal: 0 ϭ smooth; 0.25 ϭ max. ornamentation striae; 0.5 ϭ max. ornamentation ribs; 0.75 ϭ max. ornamentation longitudi- nal ribs; 1 ϭ max. ornamentation nodes and/or spines Relative position of the siphuncle Interval: 0 ϭ ventral; 0.25 ϭ subcentral; 0.5 ϭ central; 0.75 ϭ sub- dorsal; 1 ϭ dorsal Dimension of the conch Ratio: adult diameter in millimeters

ecological studies. These models are used to ornamentation was scored. The higher the val- estimate sampling probabilities. Connolly and ue, the rougher is the ornamentation of the Miller (2001, 2002), using the freeware com- conch. The position of the siphuncle is given puter program MARK (White and Burnham in the database by interval values. Thus, if the 1999), further developed the method of Nich- siphuncle is positioned near the center of the ols and Pollock to measure probabilities of cross-section toward the concave side of the origination and extinction. I calculated the conch, the value is 0.75, and so forth (see Table probabilities of origination (p) and extinction 2). The higher the value, the nearer the si- (q) by using Jolly-Seber-type models (Pollock phuncle is toward the concave (dorsal) side of et al. 1990) within MARK. A detailed descrip- the conch. The recognized trends result from tion of the method is given by Nichols and a simple plot of the mean values or standard Pollock (1983), White and Burnham (1999), deviations of the morphological distributions and Connolly and Miller (2002). at specific time intervals against time. Because Morphometric Data. I investigated some the data set reflects a multitude of lineages, it morphological characters and their trends. gives among-lineage trends. The values considered here are (1) the coiling itself ( coiled, which comprises Results conchs that coil at a plane, and trochospiral, Sampling Diversity Curve. The sampling di- which comprises conchs that coil in a plane versity increases in the coiled nautiloids as and an additional third axis); (2) the nature of well as in the ammonoids during the Paleo- the origin of the conch’s spiral (openly or zoic as a whole (Fig. 3). This trend is not a sim- closely coiled around the coiling axis, which ple increasing curve but comprises different gives an umbilical window); (3) the relative intervals of increase and decrease. Four main position of the siphuncle (ventral, dorsal, cen- phases of diversity trends of coiled cephalo- tral); (4) the dimension of the conch; and (5) pods are recognizable in the Paleozoic: in the its ornamentation. In order to interpret trends Tremadocian the first coiled nautiloids ap- and their context, the rough data were trans- peared and quickly reached a high taxonomic lated into a nominal, ordinal, or interval scale. richness during the Middle Ordovician. By the Table 2 offers detailed information on the end of the Ordovician this early community property of the data. The status of the umbi- virtually disappeared. Only one coiled ceph- licus is given simply as a nominal value (um- alopod genus is known to cross the O/S bilical window absent ϭ 0, umbilical window boundary: Barrandeoceras Hyatt of the Tarphy- present ϭ 1). Following Ward’s (1981) descrip- ceratida. A second minor flourishing of coiled tion of ornamentation, I divided the cephalo- nautiloids occurred during the Middle Silu- pods into groups of different ornamentation. rian, followed by a quick decrease until the Thus, for example, all cephalopods with lon- Early Devonian. From the Lochkovian and gitudinal ribs are represented in the database only three genera were reported: Cen- by the ordinal value 0.75 (see Table 2). If both troceras Hyatt of the and Lorieroceras striae and ribs were developed, the maximum Foerste and Naedyceras Hyatt of the Oncoceri- 258 BJO¨ RN KRO¨ GER

only one coiled nautiloid is reported to have survived the crisis: the oncocerid Mitroceras Hyatt (Dzik 1984). After that crisis a fourth phase of evolution of coiled nautiloids is rec- ognizable, which lasts until the Late Permian. This interval is characterized by a steady, com- paratively stable increase of diversity with a significant short-term diversity peak in the . Three of these phases are marked by major Paleozoic extinction events. These are the late Ashgillian bio-event (see, e.g., Barnes et al. 1996), the Frasnian/ crisis (see, e.g., McGhee 1996), and the end-Permian mass extinction (see, e.g., Erwin 1993). The signifi- cant Early Devonian diversity minimum is not correlated with a recognized major bio-event. This time interval did not exhibit neither strong extinction pulses in the global extinc- tion curve of Sepkoski and Koch (1996) or a significant minimum in the global diversity curve (see Sepkoski 1979; Alroy et al. 2001); nor is it marked by a significant minimum in exposed number of formations (see Peters and Foote 2002), or by evidence of an accumulation of bio-events (see, e.g., Walliser 1996). Never- theless, the Early Devonian diversity mini- mum is traceable not only in coiled nautiloids but in the Nautiloidea in general (see House 1988). Within this time frame three main events of radiation: the Tremadocian–Arenigian radia- tion, the mid-Devonian radiation, and the Mis- sissippian radiation. It is notable that these FIGURE 3. Estimated taxonomic rates for ammonoids times of diversification do not follow a logistic and coiled nautiloids without singletons. The parallel- (logarithmic) population growth curve that ta- ism of event pattern in both databases is striking. A ma- jor diversity peak is developed in the Serpukhovian. pers to an equilibrium size (carrying capacity, Note the high extinction and origination rates at the Sil- K, of population ecology). Instead, the growth uro/Devonian boundary for nautiloids and the very low process in all cases is a slow, roughly linear one, and constant rates in the late Paleozoic. The taxonomic rates of the ammonoids show a higher amplitude in the which is strongly disturbed by extinction late Paleozoic. Ammonoid data are from Sepkoski 2002. events. Comparison of the diversity curves of Points reflect stage boundaries. Abbreviations: Lmy ϭ lineage million years, q ϭ Van Valen metric of extinction, the and the coiled Nautiloidea p ϭ Van Valen metric of origination. reveal a strong correlation between the trend of ⌬ both estimates. Figure 4 shows dammonoids plot- ⌬ 2 ted against dcoiled nautiloids, which have an r of da. A third short minor peak in diversity oc- 0.82. Thus the phylogenetically independent curs during the Middle Devonian. During the but morphologically linked data sets of coiled Emsian and Eifelian the ammonoids and sev- nautiloids and ammonoids show nearly iden- eral new coiled nautiloids appeared. A sud- tical diversity patterns. The Serpukhovian di- den decrease of diversity of coiled nautiloids versity peak (cf. Kullmann and Nikolaeva 2003) and ammonoids occurred in the Late Devo- as well as a minor early Permian diversity min- nian Frasnian/Famennian boundary. Again imum are developed. This parallel pattern COILED CEPHALOPODS 259

⌬ ⌬ FIGURE 4. Plot of dammonoids against dcoiled nautiloids.The change of sampling diversity (d) in ammonoids is strongly positively correlated with the change of sam- pling diversity in coiled nautiloids. Considering that both data sets show no direct phylogenetic relationship, the strong morphological signal in the entire data set is evident.

demonstrates a strong morphological signal in these trends. The mean per-genus diversity in coiled nau- tiloids is generally lower than that of the am- monoids. Additionally, diversity increases much more slowly in this group than in the ammonoids. Nevertheless there are two time intervals, the Eifelian and Bashkirian, in which the average diversity of nautiloids is FIGURE 5. Estimated probabilities of origination and higher than that of ammonoids. Remarkable extinction for ammonoids and coiled nautiloids without singletons. Ammonoid data are from Sepkoski 2002. The also is the Mississippian, which is character- large confidence intervals in many intervals reflect the ized by equally balanced diversity values. few counts in these intervals. The Kungurian probability Extinction Curve. The curve of per capita of origination in ammonoids is an artifact, reflecting a rough stratigraphic timing of Permian counts in the da- rate of extinction (Fig. 3) and the curve of ex- tabase of Sepkoski (2002). Points reflect midpoint of tinction probability (Fig. 5) in both coiled nau- stages. Bars give confidence interval of 96%. tiloids and ammonoids are generally com- posed of strong punctuated extinction pulses and a very low background extinction rate. the global trend of enhanced extinction rates in The mean extinction probabilities and rates the Pridolian in several biotas (see, e.g., Kaljo et are higher at the beginning of the group ra- al. 1996; Porebska and Sawlowicz 1997) and a diation (e.g., the early Middle Ordovician in minor peak at the Lochkovian–Pragian transi- coiled nautiloids, the early Middle Devonian tion, which possibly reflects the Lo/Pr-Event of radiation of ammonoids) and tend to get low- Walliser (1996). The major end-Permian event er toward the end of the Paleozoic. The wide affected the coiled nautiloids less strongly than confidence intervals, which appear in the the ammonoids. One peak needs special atten- probability peaks of Figure 5, reflect the low tion. This is the Serpukhovian peak in extinc- sample number used in the calculation; they tion probability in ammonoids, which mimics therefore reflect simply an artifact of the com- a strong positive signal in sampling diversity puting via the CMR-method. in coiled nautiloids and ammonoids as well as Easily observable are the major extinction in its magnitude of origination (see Figs. 3, 5). events at the O/S boundary for coiled nauti- Sepkoski (1996) recognized this event, but he loids and at the Frasnian/Famennian bound- noted an associated drop in global diversity. In ary in both data sets. The coiled nautiloids contrast to this observation, the coiled cepha- show additionally strong extinction pulses at lopods and ammonoids show an increased di- the Silurian–Devonian transition, which reflect versity at that time. The event was recognized 260 BJO¨ RN KRO¨ GER as an ammonoid faunal transition by Rams- ful information if the sampling diversity is bottom (1981) and was studied in detail by considerably high. In these intervals the orig- Kullmann and Nikolaeva (1999; 2003) for am- ination probabilities largely reflect the Van monoids. The authors show a stepwise faunal Valen metrics, which share extraordinarily turnover accompanied by a significant mor- high rates in the Mississippian for coiled nau- phological change of ammonoids in the Ser- tiloids and extraordinarily low rates for am- pukhovian toward the Mississippian/Pennsyl- monoids in the middle . In sum- vanian boundary. It is notable that unlike the mary, ammonoids and coiled nautiloids show ammonoids, the coiled nautiloids show no sig- very little correspondence in their origination nificant peak in extinction probability (VanVal- pattern. en rate) in the Serpukhovian. Comparison of origination probabilities Origination Curve. The Van Valen metric of against extinction probabilities reveals a origination of coiled nautiloids shows a pat- strong difference between ammonoids and tern that starts in the Early Ordovician with the coiled nautiloid data set: ammonoids show high values but becomes successively lower a relatively good positive correlation between during the recognized time interval (see Fig. probability of q and p and additionally be- 3). This pattern is slightly disturbed by inter- tween ⌬p and ⌬q (r2 ϭ 0.38, 0.4, respectively). vals of comparably high origination rates in Thus, high origination rates in ammonoids the middle Silurian, the Emsian–Eifelian, and were coupled with high extinction rates and the Mississippian. A very distinct peak in the vice versa, whereas no such relationship is vis- Lochkovian reflects the observation that no ge- ible in coiled nautiloids. nus of coiled nautiloids is reported to cross the Silurian boundary. A completely new fauna of Discussion coiled nautiloids emerged later in the Early The evolution of coiled cephalopods is, like Devonian: coiled oncocerids and the enigmat- that of all other organisms, affected by the ic genus Centroceras Hyatt. The ammonoids functional interaction with their external en- originated in the Emsian; their Van Valen met- vironment, including competitors and preda- ric of origination in general slowly decreases tors. Their evolution is also affected by endo- during the Paleozoic, but strong positive genous or internal factors of the organism peaks occur in the Visean and Bashkirian. group itself, such as fecundity or structural It is important to note that after the Em- constraints. The results of the investigation sian–Eifelian radiation, both in ammonoids are discussed below in order to evaluate the and nautiloids synchronously, the origination impact of these effects. rate decreased strongly. But after the Frasni- an/Famennian , which affect- Effects of Functional Morphology ed both ammonoids and coiled nautiloids, the Coiling. Differences in coiling of cephalo- origination rate increased more in nautiloids pods were recognized only insofar as there than in ammonoids. A clear minimum in orig- were deviations from the planispiral coiling ination rate, which is developed in ammo- plane (trochospiral coiling) and differences in noids at the Serpukhovian, is not found in the starting values of the , which would nautiloids. give a closed umbilicus or an umbilical win- The probabilities of origination are charac- dow. terized by very wide confidence intervals in A coiled conch develops a closed umbilicus great parts of the data set (see Fig. 5). This ob- only when certain very limited conditions are servation simply reflects the low sample num- fulfilled, thus permitting only very limited de- ber, which was used in the computing. The grees of freedom (e.g., Raup 1967). Building a low sample number in fact reflects a real rec- coiled conch with a closed umbilicus is, there- ognized sampling diversity (see Fig. 3) and fore, a highly unlikely process. In fact, as seen therefore shows the limitations of the CMR- in Figure 7, a closed umbilicus is developed in method in palaeontology. Nevertheless, the coiled nautiloids only in very limited time in- probability curves of origination provide use- tervals. It is interesting to notice that the old- COILED CEPHALOPODS 261 est coiled cephalopods were the closely coiled Tarphyceratida. In the Early and Middle Or- dovician this group represented the dominant type of coiled cephalopods. There is a gap of more than 15 Myr in the early Silurian without any closely coiled cephalopods recorded. This initial dominance of closely coiled cephalopods can be interpreted functionally and ecologically. A cephalopod with an open- FIGURE 6. Frequency distribution of coiled nautiloid ly coiled conch always would have a juvenile adult conch size, measured from adult or nearly adult representatives of a total of n ϭ 478 species; Ordovician conch with a large hole in the middle, causing species black, Silurian species dark gray, Devonian spe- an unsteady locomotion with common peri- cies medium gray, Carboniferous species light gray, ods of acceleration (Jacobs and Chamberlain Permian species white. Note the nearly similar distri- butions in the different time intervals. 1996). The locomotion of the small, juvenile cephalopods would therefore have been much more unstable than in large or adult cepha- a limited ability for locomotion (see Wester- lopods, owing to a much higher drag coeffi- mann 1999). Possibly, the Siluro-Devonian tro- cient than in larger conchs. Consequently, a chospiral cephalopods represent a lack of closely coiled conch would enhance juvenile adaptive pressure toward an effective loco- locomotion. The exceptionally high fraction of motion for foraging and escape, for example. closely coiled cephalopods in the Ordovician Keupp (2000) interpreted the occurrence of the (see Fig. 7) may indicate a selectional advan- Late heteromorph (including tro- tage of this effect. The phenomenon can also chospiral) ammonoids as a reflection of high be expressed as a high percentage of coiled relative sea level and large areas of flooded shells within the fraction of the smallest ceph- shelves, which is true for the Silurian too. alopod shells of that time. It is then remark- In the early Middle Devonian the group of able that in the , which comprises a closely coiled cephalopods that began to dom- large proportion of coiled Ordovician cepha- inate was the ammonoids, which increased in lopods, invariably only the juvenile part of the diversity during the Paleozoic. As pointed out conch is coiled. This implies that mobility and by Jacobs and Chamberlain (1996) the closely mechanical strength were advantageous to the coiled conchs of ammonoids were especially small shell fraction, possibly as a response to advantageous for the very small ammonoid durophagous predators with only a limited hatchlings. It may be noted here that this effect prey range. In fact, cephalopods themselves may have contributed to the relatively fast evo- were the only Ordovician nektonic duropha- lution from the straight bactritoid hatchlings gous predators. toward the closely coiled ammonoid hatchlings The characteristic Silurian and Early Devo- in the early Middle Devonian, as was shown by nian coiled nautiloids are the trochospirally Erben (1964). coiled Lechritrochoceratidae. Trochospiral nau- Body Size. There is no general trend in the tiloids never had a higher diversity than in this evolution of body size of coiled nautiloids ex- time. Moreover, planispiral coiled shells like pressed in the conch diameter (Fig. 6). How- that of the tarphyceratids and lituitids seem to ever, with the emergence of ammonoids, be exceptional in the Silurian. Considering that coiled nautiloids represented the cephalopods trochospiral conchs allow more degrees of free- of relatively larger body size, with average dom for growth than planispiral ones, their adult conch diameter of 70–80 mm. The larg- probability of origination per se is much higher. est coiled cephalopod recognized here was the Thus, the high percentage of trochospiral ceph- Serpukhovian Domatoceras gigas Tzvetaev, alopods can be interpreted as a lack of a con- with a measured adult diameter of 540 mm; straint on the evolution toward planispiral very few Paleozoic ammonoids reached this cephalopods. Trochospiral cephalopods rep- dimension. resented more or less planktonic animals with Ornamentation. Ornamentation underwent 262 BJO¨ RN KRO¨ GER

FIGURE 8. Relationship between total sampling diver- sity of coiled cephalopods in the Paleozoic and changes in sea level. Note the high correspondence of the differ- ent curves. d ϭ sampling diversity without singletons.

were generally smaller than nautiloids, and thus were confronted with much higher drag, a strong constraint on a hydrodynamic shell.

FIGURE 7. Morphological trends in single characters of External Effects coiled nautiloids during the Paleozoic. Table 2 gives Sequence Stratigraphy. Direct evidence from scales for the measured characters. The figure shows that nautiloids with closed umbilici constitute the ma- global sea level changes comes from sequence jority of Ordovician cephalopods, but much smaller pro- stratigraphic compilations (see, e.g., Vail et al. portions in the middle and late Paleozoic. A trend to- 1977; Hallam 1989). Generally sea level vari- ward increasing ornamentation during the entire Paleo- zoic is striking. The position of the siphuncle gradually ation and diversity of coiled cephalopods are shifts toward a central position in the late Paleozoic positively correlated (see Fig. 8). Thus, when with simultaneous decrease of standard deviation of si- the sea level rises, their diversity rises; when phuncle position. Points reflect midpoint of stages. sea level drops, their diversity drops. Addi- tionally the major extinction events of coiled a general trend of a roughening during the Pa- cephalopods are coupled with punctuated sea leozoic. This roughening is illustrated in Fig- level drops (O/S boundary, S/D boundary, ure 7 by an increase in the mean value of the Frasnian/Famennian boundary, and the mid- index, which represents the ornamentation dle Carboniferous event). This observation (Table 2). Thus, coiled nautiloids with a large agrees with that of Hallam and Wignall ornament occurred more frequently in the late (1999), who emphasized the role of sea level Paleozoic than in the early Paleozoic (see also fluctuation in global diversity, especially the Vermeij 1987). Because the main functional ef- relationship between sea level drops and mass fect of is the strengthening of the . However, Smith (2001) and Peters shell against predators (e.g., Vermeij 1987; Ja- and Foote (2002), who emphasized the strong cobs and Chamberlain 1996), this trend re- connection between sampling area, sampling flects the increasing need of coiled cephalo- diversity, and sea level, were clearly skeptical pods for defense against durophagous pred- of this interpretation of the correlation be- ators. In contrast, the ammonoids were only tween diversity and sea level. From a meth- weakly ornamented during the entire Paleo- odological viewpoint, though, they simply zoic (Ward 1981). The reason for this differ- pointed toward the Popperian ‘‘disprove.’’ ence may be the general size difference be- Only a thorough analysis of extensive sam- tween ammonoids and coiled nautiloids in the pling can address this question. Paleozoic. A detailed analysis is lacking for Climate. Worsley et al. (1994) and Berner this phenomenon, but Paleozoic ammonoids (1987, 1991) showed some major trends for COILED CEPHALOPODS 263

global Paleozoic CO2 levels and provided some atmospheric temperature estimations. Marshall et al. (1997) and Grossmann et al. (2002) included some relevant Paleozoic ␦18O curves. But comparison of these data with the taxonomic rates of coiled cephalopods yielded no apparent correspondence. Thus, the cli- mate analyses do not demonstrate any influ- ence of even drastic climatic changes on coiled cephalopod evolution. Tectonics and Volcanics. Vermeij (1995) ar- gued that a rise in primary productivity, which should be an effect of high orogenic ac- tivity, could raise species diversity. The en- hanced weathering during orogenic events such as the culmination of the Taconic and Acadian orogens must have increased the pri- mary productivity of the oceans (see, e.g., Ri- bessel et al. 1993). But no correspondence be- tween taxonomic rates of coiled cephalopods and times of increased orogenic activity is rec- ognized. This observation coincides with the investigation of Connolly and Miller (2002), who found no productivity dependence in the Ordovician Radiation for benthic organisms. However, the interrelationship between tec- tonic activity, global sea level change, and the FIGURE 9. Sampling diversity of ammonoids within el- change of paleogeography played a signifi- ements of the competitive/predatory nekton of the Pa- cant role. The very distinct diversity peak of leozoic (data from Sepkoski 2002). Note the correspon- dence of the curves with major faunal change in the Ear- coiled cephalopods in the late Mississippian ly Devonian, and diversity peaks in the Givetian and and the subsequent faunal change at the Bash- Serpukhovian. kirian may reflect these interactions between tectonic activity and sea level. At the Bashki- rian the initialization of the Pangean super- Traces of predation are found in Middle Or- continent began, and the high provinciality of dovician orthocerids and tarphycerids (Kro¨- the Mississippian world, which may have ger 2004; Kro¨ger and Keupp unpublished). caused the Visean–Serpukhovian diversity Most probably these injuries were caused by peak, disappeared. Additionally the Alleghe- large endoceratids or actinoceratids, which ny orogen culminated and the mid-Carbonif- both reached their acme in the Middle Ordo- erous glaciation started. These events may vician (Teichert 1964). The role of the benthon- have driven the mid-Carboniferous faunal ic eurypterids must have been marginal ex- change recognized in coiled cephalopods. cept for the Late Silurian interval, which is Competitors and Predators. Investigations of characterized by a strong but short radiation beaks of Paleozoic ammonoids (e.g., Bandel of this group (see Fig. 9). The correspondence 1988; Doguzhaeva et al. 1997; Doguzhaeva of the diversity curves of coiled nautiloids 1999) and nautiloids (e.g., Mapes 1987; Mapes (Fig. 3) with those of Endoceratida, Actinocer- and Chaffin 2003) showed that coiled Paleo- atida (see Teichert 1964), and Eurypterida (see zoic cephalopods played a role as prey, pred- Fig. 8) demonstrates a parallel appearance of ator, and competitor in their environment. coiled nautiloids and large predators, thus Moreover, in the early Paleozoic, nautiloids suggesting that coiling may be largely an ad- were the only large predators of the nekton. aptation to predatory pressure. 264 BJO¨ RN KRO¨ GER

The most important event in the history of growth against a factor K, which represents the nekton of the Paleozoic is the initial radia- the limiting resource. Similarly, models of tion of gnathostomes in the Early Devonian. complex adaptive systems describe diversifi- Therewith appeared simultaneously the Chon- cation patterns by saturation functions (Brock drichthyes, Placodermi, and Paleoniscides (Fig. 2000). Eble (1998) demonstrated such a 9), the main Paleozoic competitors and preda- growth curve for the model of the rugged fit- tors of cephalopods (Mapes et al. 1995; Mapes ness landscape (Kauffman 1989) and showed and Chaffin 2003). This is exactly the time of a a logarithmic growth for the cumulative gen- renewed appearance of coiled nautiloids and era of marine invertebrate phyla during the the emergence of ammonoids (peaks of origi- . Two intervals in the evolution of nation rates; see Figs. 3, 8). The high origination coiled nautiloids match this predicted pattern, rates of coiled nautiloids and ammonoids in the Tremadocian to Ludlowian and the Tour- the Emsian–Eifelian correspond neither to sig- naisian to Tartarian. There, the cumulative nificant sea level changes nor to increased ex- number of genera increases significantly lin- tinction rates. They seem to be purely an out- ear (R2 ϭ 0.93, Durban-Watson test v ϭ 1.01, come of the radiation of gnathostomes in this and R2 ϭ 0.96, Durban-Watson test v ϭ 0.92, time interval. respectively) when plotted in a logarithmic In the context of the later evolution of the scale, which give evidence for an adaptive ra- Paleozoic nekton in general the end-Silurian diation in the Early Ordovician and Mississip- extinction interval seems to have played the pian. This phenomenon reflects the drastic in- major role. This event initiated a complete fau- crease in origination rates in these times, after nal change from dominance of orthoconic initial high values (Figs. 3, 4). Interestingly, no cephalopods, graptolitids, and tentaculitids to logistic growth pattern is observed in the De- the dominance of fishes and coiled cephalo- vonian coiled nautiloids, and generally no lo- pods in the free water column of the late Pa- gistic growth pattern is observed in the diver- leozoic, opening a brief evolutionary window sification of ammonoids; the cumulative num- for the agnathans (see Fig. 9). ber of ammonoid genera is less consistent The subsequent evolution of the nekton is with logarithmic expectation for the entire ob- largely determined by a parallel development served time interval (Durban-Watson test v ϭ of the diversity of its components, which to- 0.736) as well as for different subintervals. gether reflect the pattern of sea level change This may be an effect of resolution; probably (see Fig. 8). This shows on one hand a strong the ammonoid radiation and its recovery after correspondence of nektonic life with sea level extinction events appear in a very narrow time changes and, on the other, the strong interre- frame, which is not within the resolution of lationship (competitive and/or predatory) of the nektonic biota. However, the freshly the current investigation. Yacobucci (2002) emerged nektonic fauna was strongly dis- showed that ammonoid evolutionary dynam- turbed by the events: ics appear to be similar to those of other ma- the Placodermi vanished, only one family sur- rine invertebrates, but on much shorter time- vived in the ammonoids, only three genera of scales. This phenomenon, however, deserve coiled nautiloids crossed the Devonian/Car- further consideration in future observations. boniferous boundary, and the paleoniscids Fecundity. In the current observational were decimated. This time interval led to a grid, the extinction events run along with significant increase in the importance of origination peaks, showing high turnover coiled nautiloids in the nekton. rates in time intervals with extinction events. But there are visible differences between am- Endogenous Effects monoids and coiled nautiloids in these time Dynamics of Diversification. The growth of intervals. In ammonoids the amplitude of ex- an interacting, competing population can be tinction is much higher than in coiled nauti- described by the Verhulst and Lotka-Volterra loids, but both origination curves oscillate in equations, which summarize a logarithmic similar dimension (see Fig. 3). This is assumed COILED CEPHALOPODS 265 to be an effect of the different fecundity re- much shorter period (e.g., Saunders et al. 1999; gimes of both groups. Erwin 2001). This difference is interpreted as The hatchlings of ammonoids (see, e.g., a consequence of a different reproduction Landman 1988; Landman et al. 1996b) were strategy. Ammonoids reflected changing en- many times smaller than those of the Nautil- vironmental conditions by changing their fe- ida (e.g., Arnold 1987; Chirat 2001). Thus am- cundity, whereas in nautiloids a strong heri- monoids are presumed to reflect a typical r- table differential occurred between geno- strategy in reproduction, whereas coiled nau- types. tiloids are assumed to reflect the K-strategy. In other words, ammonoids and coiled nau- Following Brock (2000), r-strategists are al- tiloids reflected different competition modes ways linked with changes in fecundity within within the shared adaptational niche. Am- the adaptive niche as a pure offset to stochas- monoids may be described as following a pas- tic mortality, whereas in K-strategists a strong sive logistic competition whereas coiled nau- heritable differential exists between geno- tiloids followed an active selectional compe- types. The different reproduction strategies tition. generate different competition modes within the shared adaptational niche. Conclusions Competition Modes. Figure 7 shows that the The development of a coiled conch by only mean position of the siphuncle in coiled nau- stochastic variation, or as a result of structural tiloids varied between ventral and subdorsal. constraints alone, is considered highly im- The position, as well as the variance (given as probable. An adaptive evolution of the coiled standard deviation of the siphuncle in a given conch is the most probable explanation for its time interval), shows an unstable trend until existence. the Early Devonian. However, after the Late In fact, the diversity of coiled cephalopods Devonian a clear trend toward a medial si- correlates directly with the diversity of duro- phuncle position and a lower standard devi- phagous predators (especially arthropods and ation of the siphuncle positions is visible. vertebrates), and thus coiling in cephalopods Additionally a strong trend toward a longi- appears to have developed largely as a con- tudinal ornamentation is developed by the sequence of the predatory pressure in the wa- late Paleozoic coiled nautiloids. Both features ter column. Once a fauna of coiled cephalo- demonstrate clear trends toward a functional pods was established, its diversity followed optimum. Thus, a central siphuncle is the best the course of sea level fluctuations. High compromise between demands of buoyancy coastal onlap probably resulted in increased regulation and defense against predators diversities because of greater availability of (Kro¨ger 2003), and a longitudinal ornamen- habitable area. tation is the best compromise between de- Two main events are notable in the Paleo- mands of hydrodynamic efficiency and pred- zoic: (1) the first emergence of coiled cepha- ator defense (Jacobs and Chamberlain 1996). lopods in the late Early Ordovician simulta- The functional optimum represents, in mac- neous with a multitude of varied (even pred- roevolutionary terms, an adaptive equilibri- atory) nautiloids; and (2) after a time interval um, which means the boundary condition in a of virtually no coiled cephalopods in the Early logistic growth curve. Consequently, after the Devonian, a strong origination pulse of coiled strong extinction pulse in the Late Devonian nautiloids and the emergence of ammonoids the Nautilida show a constant trend toward an simultaneous with the radiation of gnathos- adaptive equilibrium. tomes in the Emsian. The ammonoids suffered a widespread ex- Even when the evolution of the diversity tinction in the Late Devonian, too (only a few runs largely parallel in ammonoids and nau- Prionceratinae survived [House 1985]). But, tiloids, striking differences in the intensity of by contrast, the ammonoids iterate their mor- extinction and origination are visible. These photypes only in a very narrow morphologi- differences are interpreted as an outcome of cal field during the late Paleozoic, and over a different reproductive strategies. 266 BJO¨ RN KRO¨ GER

Acknowledgments Chirat, R. 2001. Anomalies of embryonic shell growth in post- Nautilida. Paleobiology 27:485–499. I thank the participants of the Symposium Conolly, S. R. and A. I. Miller. 2001. Joint estimation of sampling and turnover rates from fossil databases: capture-mark-re- on Paleontological Databases in February 2003 capture methods revisited. Paleobiology 27:751–767. at the Museum fu¨ r Naturkunde Berlin, Ger- ———. 2002. Global Ordovician faunal transitions in the marine many. This meeting inspired me to carry out benthos: ultimate causes. Paleobiology 28:26–40. Crame, J. A. 2002. Evolution of taxonomic diversity gradients in the investigation. A special thanks goes to T. the marine realm: a comparison of Late and Recent Engeser, Berlin, for providing me with the lat- bivalve faunas. Paleobiology 28:184–207. est issue of his Data Retrieval System Fossil Crick, R. 1988. Buoyancy regulation and macroevolution in nau- tiloid cephalopods. Senckenbergiana Lethaea 69(1/2):13–42. 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