AWARDED PRACTICES Within the Best Practices Programme for Local

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AWARDED PRACTICES Within the Best Practices Programme for Local AWARDED PRACTICES within the Best Practices Programme for Local Authorities in Moldova 2011 - 2012 I. Good Governance: citizens participation and successful community partnerships No. Locality Title of the practice No. of votes Position 1. Ungheni, Ungheni district Access to inclusive education for 6 I 376 children aged 2 - 6 years 2. Calfa, Anenii Noi district Creating the Temporary Placement 6 II Centre for elders 3. Bahrinesti, Floresti district Village with 12 mayors 4 III 4. Calarasi, Calarasi district Supporting local authorities to 2 awarded with develop/update the Socio-Economic certificates development Strategy 5. Joltai, Autonomous Local community involvement in 1 awarded with Territorial Unit of Gagauzia construction of the Sport Centre certificates 6. Vinogradovca, Taraclia Construction of water supply and 1 awarded with district sanitary facilities in the local certificates kindergarten from Ciumai village, Vinogradovca region II. Local socio-economic development: performances and achievements No. Locality Title of the practice No. of votes Position 1. Larga, Briceni district Business incubator from Larga- an 7 I important factor in activities regarding active employment measures of the yeah from the region 2. Cotul Morii, Hincesti The project „A helping hand for 5 II district children” 3. Radulenii Vechi, Floresti Social center for the elderly, social 5 III district canteen for socially social vulnerable people 4. Budesti, Chisinau Creating a recreational area 5 III municipality 1 5. Cetireni, Ungheni district Village water supply 1 awarded with certificates 6. Chirileni, Ungheni district Construction of water supply system 1 awarded with in the village certificates III. Successful models for energy efficiency at community level No. Locality Title of the practice No. of votes Position 1. Busila, Ungheni district Installing solar collectors in the 7 I kindergarten 2. Tatarauca Veche, Soroca Street lighting modernization 6 II district 3. Antonesti, Cantemir Gymnasium modernization by 4 III district implementing energy efficiency concepts at the local level 4. Javgur, Cimislia district Renovation of water supply and 2 awarded with sewerage systems in Maximeni certificates village, Javgur region 5. Singerei, Singerei district Changing the interior lighting in High 1 awarded with School "Dimitrie Cantemir" certificates IV. Efficient management of local public services No. Locality Title of the practice No. of votes Position 1. Sarata Galbena, Hincesti Creating a recreationional area near 5 I district the village 2. Varzaresti, Nisponeni Using the Administrative Management 4 II disctrict Information System (SIMA) in the activity of the Hall and for the cadastral and land transparency 3. Cristesti, Nisporeni district Construction of 20 platformsa and 60 4 III containers 60, as well as purchasing a car for collection / transportation of waste 4. Plopi, Cantemir district Supporting women and men with 3 awarded with serious disabilities by creating the certificates social service at home 5. Festelita, Stefan Voda Renovation of the village Hall square 2 awarded with of the to ensure access for disabled 2 district and retired people to the village Hall to certificates obtain public services and to create a recreational area for categories mentioned 6. Milestii Mici, Ialoveni Efficient waste management 2 awarded with district certificates 7. Ungheni, Ungheni district Rehabilitation and vocational 1 awarded with guidance Center for persons with certificates disabilities 3 .
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