AUTUMN FESTIVAL An Independent Newspaper Of, By and for ALL the People of Malibu Township. IN WINTER CANYON U.S. Postage TOMORROW NIGHT PAID Those gay Japanese lanterns Section 562 you'll see swaying in the gentle P. L. & R. night breeze drifting through Permit No. « Winter Canyon tomorrow night will be lighting up a scene of Malibu, CaDf. gaiety. It's the first annual Mali- The Malibu Times bu Autumn Festival. The Official Legal Newspaper of Malibu Township - Adjudicated by Superior Court of Los Angeles County, March 7,1950 You'll be dancing under the stars to the sweeping strains of VOL. 5 NO. 21 MALIBU. CALIFORNIA Friday, September 8, 1950 a waltz or perhaps you'll be shak- ing a hip to a torrid rhumba. Or you may be doing a Missouri Sheriff's Deputies Aid Walter Gunn Heads Malibu-Topanga Drive MOTHER OF RITA hoedown to the twang of rural San Pedro Woman KERWIN PASSES music. Or Eric and his Tyrolean Troubadors will be coming by Being "Kidnaped" AWAY IN S. M. your table to you serenade and Malibu 'Deputies last your party with your request Sheriff's Funeral services were held the of numbers. week went to aid 20-< last Sunday in New York for year-old Mrs. Lucille Ackerman Mrs. Pacline Lane, mother of Mrs. There is no admission charge, jl San Pedro, who sair\ she was Kerwin of Malibu. Mrs. so it's cheaper than you think. Frank being kidnaped by her husband. Lane passed away in Moni- Have the "head cook" Santa Mrs. Ackerman told deputies ca a week ago last Wednesday prepare box lunch, tie it up a I hat her husband, Jack, of Cul- following a two week's illness. real fancy-like crepe paper, with ver City, had enticed her out of The body of Mrs. was re- gay ribbons, buttons and Lane bows, 'Jie building in which she was at to where the' majority etc and turned N.Y. git to the "doings" by work in San Pedro. Then, she of her children reside. Besides six She'll deposit o'clock. her box said, he forced her into his car Rita Kerwin, wife of the owner at the entrance and it be will and drove away. of Seacomber Cafe, off. The male the Mrs. Lane auctioned lucky Her husband told her he was is survived by son, Harry purchasing the box delect- a Lane, gets a taking her to Canada, snid. attorney for Internal able meal and the pleasant she the Revenue com- nd threatened to kill her if she Department in Washington D. C, pany during hour of the dinner ttempted to stop him. and two other who some charming daughters live Malibu belle. When they reached Malibu La in New York City. Rumor has it boxes the will be Costa they Bob Web- with stopped at Mrs. Lane, who was only 53 at filled fried chicken, buttered er's Service Station for gasoline. ■ rolls, all the time of her passing, resided biscuits, kinds of "dag- Mrs. Ackerman got out of the wood" at 1029 18th Street in Santa Moni- sandwiches, rich pastries car, went into the ladies rest- and big green ea. Her husband passed away and black olives. room and later ran up the hill WALTER LEE GUNN will be chairman of this year's There door four years ago. will be prizes and back of the station to Rambla Community Chest Campaign in Malibu and Topangra, it prize hams given away. Grand The Malibu Times extends its Orienta. She hid in the back of was announced by H. E. Cassidy, West Area chairman. deepest sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. prize of the evening will be a Vivienne Osborne's car. When Gunn met with a local advisory group of civic minded Kerwin for their untimely loss. beautiful custom, - hand knitted Miss Osborne appeared she dress to told citizens in the Church office in the Plaza Building last ■k- be knitted and fitted to her story to the film actress. the lucky week. Pictured above, left to right are Charles Spurgin, winner's measurements. When Miss Osborne saw a man Help Dr. Rodney McQuary of Malibu Community Mountain Lion Gives celebrate the close of the approaching, she threw a blank- Church, and summer season by coming Father Gallagher of Our to the et over the girl and drove the Lady of Malibu Church. Seated Jim Barclay "Look" funfest—and bring a friend, too. car up to with Gunn is Mrs. John Koster, a member of the West There's the hill the Sidney no limit on fun. Have Searls. Later she returned the Area board of the Welfare Foundation as are Father Jim Barclay of Broad Beach as much as you want! Winter girl to the Sheriff's office. Gallagher and Spurgin. Dr. McQuary, Father Gallagher Road tells of up Latigo Canyon is behind driving the Old Malibu The suspect was apprehended and Spurgin act as Canyon week and Inn. The festival site will vice chairmen to Gunn in the last when near is adjacent after a patrol car was notified Chest with to the John L. 1950 drive, Father Gallagher representing Mulholland Drive having a big Webster School. by radio. He was turned over to Topanga Area and Dr. Look for the Japanese Lanterns. the McQuary and Spurgin the mountain lion come out of the San Pedro authorities. Malibu area. And we'll be looking for you. -k- ■ brush and lope along in front Prorating of Malibu of the car, not leaving the road until Jim honked the horn at tt, Telephone Company Water Gets Go Signal Joe Stephens Acquitted of when it turned and gave him from Commission "a very nasty look." The animal Plans Mar Vista small Malibu Water has was no wildcat but a good Company sized mountain lion. Expansion Effort received permission from the Charge of Molesting Child State Public Utilities Commission Work on a $42,000 expan- Stephens, Malibu well drill- torney Zeman's cable to ration irrigation water to its Joe Lee motion for a sion project to provide er, was acquitted in Judge Orlan- addi- customers on a monthly quota, new trial on the grounds that Malibu is Elated! tional telephone service Mar do Rhodes' Santa Monica Super- for through times of water shortage. "due to circumstances of the Vista residents was started ior Court Tuesday morning on a this Authorization was also grant- week, according to D. charge violating Section 288 of time and conditions, the defen- R. Collins, ed the company to change its of FID TO HOLD OPEN district manager the of Associated rates, and other changes State Penal Code, crimes a- dant was denied the right to an Telephone Ltd. make gainst The acquittal HOUSE AT ZANZIBAR Co., Construction in operating rules. children. end- individual opinion of each juror." will be completed some ed 15 months of litigation. time dur- Application by the firm to sup- I With respect to "time" and "con- SUNDAY AFTERNOON ing November if all materials on ply irrigation water contract Stephens was arrested several ditions", Judge Borde was re- order arrive on on All of schedule. basis only was denied months after the date fixed in ferring to the fact that the Stro- Malibu was elated this The area which bene- week to learn that Fid will be The company will be permitted the complaint of the alleged crime ble case was at that time receiv- Max—the fitted by this new —Amsterdam line lies north' to sell surplus water for domes- —Feb. 19, 1949. The complaint ing a great deal of noteriety. Af- is finally leaving from Venice Blvd. to National tic named Stephens for allegedly mo- ter being unable to reach a de- Malibu! Er—that is, we mean, he or commercial irrigation pur- is BJvd and between Inglewood poses. lesting a 9-year-old local girl. cision and then later in the same going into business in Santa Blvd. Monica. great and Centinela Avenue. Ruling by the Commission A preliminary hearing was held day bringing in a guilty verdict, It's a gain for Mal- project will a The will involve place- take effect before the end of on June 21st, in Malibu jus- the court explained that some of ibu—and terrible blow to San- ment of a major size the 1949 ta Monica, cable from month. tice court. Stephens the jurors may have been sub- but there it is, folks. the was bound The Fid is central office in Mar Vista over to Judge Borde's Court in jected to prejudicial opinion. The the new proprietor of north to Park to- Ocean Avenue, Several continu- judge'remarked that he may have "The Fiddler's Zanzibar" at 3rd gether with Santa Monica. reinforcement of sev- Malibu Firemen Take ances delayed trial until said something to influence the and Broadway in Santa Monica. with March is eral lines new paralelling of this year. days jury.) There one bright bit of news and Shaughnessy Cup In After 5 m in whole cable the rearrangement of court, a jury found Stephens the sordid affair, how- still other lines. ever. The Fid is B'nai B'rth Playoff guilty. Judge Borde ruled, how- Since last March there have holding Open at With these new facilities in Malibu's very much up-and-com- ever, jury's be been several continuances and a House the "Fiddler's Zanzibar" operation, that the decision on existing congestion in ing softball team of Los Angeles set granted Defense At- change of venue. Judge Orlando Sunday, September 10th be- telephone aside and tween lines will be greatly County firemen did decisive Rhodes took the case under ad- 4 p. m. and 6 p. m. for his relieved, states. a tr Malibu Collins job of extinguishing the fire of visement and on Tuesday of this friends. —Did we say,

Memner Los Angeles Malibu Lions Club, 12 noon, Sea- DONLEVY TO UMPIRE— Newspaper Service Bureau combers, every other Wednes- day. Brian Donlevy, film star and Advertising rates supplied on Malibu resident, will head the um- application. Subscription rates: Malibu Riders, 8 pan. Malibu pire staff of celebrities at the sec- MaJ/fau Lumber Co. $3.00 per year in advance. All Mountain Inn, every Friday. ond annual Donkey baseball game are mailed. to be staged by Subscriptions Emergency Red Malibu Post 605, Phone Malibu 6443 23419 Malibu Road Adjudged by Superior Court Women's Unit American Legion at Cross, 10 a.m., Courthouse, Crummer of Los Angeles County as 2 p.m. Sunday, Sept. every Tuesday. Field at 17. a newspaper of general cir- Tickets priced at one dollar and culation qualified to carry £0 cents for children are on sale legal notices, by Decree in CHURCH SOCIETIES at the Maljbu Chamber of Com- case No. 669916. Docketed merce, 21168 Malibu Road. March 7, 1950 Malibu Community Presbyterian Church: I am not bound to win, but ￿ I am bound to be true. 1 Session, trustees, deaconesses, 8 am not bound to succeed, but 1 pjn., last Wednesday of month. to light am bound to live up the General meeting Women's Guild, with any I have. I must stand 2 p.m., third Wednesday of oody that stands right, stand wlui month. him while he is right, and pact with him when he is wrong. Circle One, Women's Guild, 1 —ABRAHAM LINCOLN p. m., Ist Thursday of month. •ircle 91ST BIRTHDAY NOTED— Two, Women's Guild, 8 second Mrs. Walter Gunn's mother, pan., Tuesday. Mrs. J. H. Robinson, celebrated Circle Three, Women's Guild, her 91st birthday in her Long 2 p.m., fourth Thursday. Beach home Sept. 4. Guests were members of the Robinson and Circle Four, Women's Guild, 1:30 Gunn families. p.m., second Wednesday. My Day of Reckoning


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■^ PENING SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 10th 'THE FIDDLER'S' V It's 3 times faster ) j/ Costs less to operate to install H^fe // Costs less What a lot of hot water a growing family uses! a new automatic clothes washer Here's minimum sixe' Add or dishwasher, and the amount of hot WIE AUTOMATIC more. GAS WATER HEATER water you require is increased still But with need have no worries COCKTAIL LOUNGE your family needs: gas, you •t about either supply or cost. Gas heats three times than any other eaZZaTei water faster keeps hot water aplenty practical fuel... & BROADWAY, Santa Monica EXbrook 5-9864 on tap all the time. It does this at far lower at THIRD cost, too. A new automatic gas water - heater large enough for both your present Just what he has been trying to say in his "Fiddle Faddle" if and future needs is a wonderful value, too priced lower than other type heaters. anything - all these wearisome months. You are invited to Fid's ■ lw4 4 or 5 For more information, see your dealer or Gas Company. OPEN HOUSE From 4 p. m. fo 6 p.m.

In Southern California almost everybody uses Gas for water heating The "great" SHELTON BROOKS Jr., comedian, vocalist and pianist, with his inimitable narratives. Entertainment galore! And imagine me thrown in (or out) too! GEE!! SOUTHERN COUNTIES GAS COMPANY THEMAUBU TIMES Friday, September 8, 1950 3 including his curly hair. And you know what he did? Tip-toed away. Over the Pauper, my next door neighbor, Fence who belongs to Mrs. Lucy Hill TILL ME.... with MORGAN Payne of South Orleans, Mass., and Escondido Beach, is fourteen years old and has a lot of sense. week I'm writing the col- Pauper said not to be fooled by nn from the Malibu Kennels, that tippy-toe routine. Jim will BThisn staying here for a few days tip-toe away from a fight twice while a big but watch out for him the third thing called "ex- time around. Pauper explained termination" go- that Jim's real trouble is too much es on at our talent. He can unlock and open place. For some any door and roll down car win- reason Sande is dows when left alone. But talk a- very stuffy a- bout manners. He sits with his bout fleas in the back turned if he doesn't like house. Person- you. Even I wouldn't do that. ally, I have a At this point Fuzz Fuzz, a Ker- attrac- Morgan certain ryblue, who belongs to John Pike, for but then, I guess them, Jr., who is spending a few days ■>ns all a matter of opinion. After Crammer Ranch in Little like arti- on the all, there are some who Sycamore, spoke up and said, chokes. With artichokes I would- "Yeah, but tell about when Jim dead. What really n't be caught got puppy companion took Sande a and worries me is whether will him to the hills and deliberately back for But I must be come me. lost him." I said, "Jim. Schimm. mustn't think that. brave. I about I've heard enough about him. If only it weren't for a certain What else is new?" So Pauper in- French poodle I'd be almost hap- troduced me to Armar Moonyeen, a champion Kerry, who brought py. I have a nice run all to big back two last myself and a warm place to sleep silver cups fall from Seattle. barked it a- and I'm surrounded by celebrities We up and told about the every side. The while I her on only bone I back last have to pick is with this French dead seal I brought week from Zuma. Sometimes I poodle named Jim who thinks he to bring back owns the place. I hadn't been here think it's easier sil- ver cups seals. Seals are aw- five until he came snoop- than minutes ful when dead. ing around and laid out all the heavy. Especially rules to me: I mustn't howl and Then Moonyeen introduced her I mustn't try to dig out and also son, Armar Blumoire. I thought please don't chew the woodwork he was the best looking Kerry- in my sleeping quarters. I snapp- blue I'd ever seen. With motherly ed back the only thing I want- pride Moonyeen said not because Mop- ed to chew was his neck and if he was hers, but of three cham- Love. Yes, the minute I saw put a "fiddler" in pions out of this kennel he's the pet I saw bones with wings and office. You-ve he cared to meet me behind the got your fill of a piano player. very best. a double dog house and dogwood kennels before I leave we might And after the fiddler, we'll try a straighten out few other things, j And then it really happened. 'round the door. Moppet is a Skye a trombone player .... terrier with platinum fur and FIDDLE- Insincerely, dark brown, butterfly ears. And "The when she barks! That's all. I've Zanzibar Fiddler" For Extraordinary Extraordinary tt ■— Cuisine —In The Place already told her I want to speak - DINE AT to her she I'd do FADDLE FOLLOWS IN FOOTSTEPS father but said Seven weeks young better with Bobby, her mother, by Amsterdam, the Fid Raphael Pumpelly IV, already following who owns Gilbert Seldes. TRANCAS RESTAURANT the traditional family Now that I've met Moppet I footsteps, 30763 MALIBU ROAD First, thank you so much for enjoyed his visit to may never go home. So I guess first the Mali- your .... I don't know how much bu I'd La Costa Beach Club Sunday. better write my mother, Gret- "so much" is, but anyway, thank Papa Raph chen Mahony, and break the reports that, judging news. you, you lucky people. O, wait a by the young man's approach I also want to tell Gretchen and minute, I forgot to tell you what consumption his how kind Mrs. Chandler has been. of bottled diet, I'm thanking you for . . .umm . . the time is at hand to TILE WORK You see, Marion and Arthur Chan- substitute New -:- —Drains what AM I thanking you for? O, a husky —Repairing—Remodeling Baths —Showers dler own the beef-steak menu. kennels and are two sure! How stupid of me! Thank of the nicest FRANK C. BRAY TILE CONTRACTOR people alive. I want you for your many wishes" all "well 25 YEARS EN DISTRICT our dog friends to know this for our in the operation is the success PACIFIC PALISADES Phone EX 5-4166 place to stay in Malibu. of the nicest "spot" in But Santa wouldn't you know. The Monica—the new "Fiddler's Zanzi- fly is in the ointment. Here comes -GIFTS- tippy-toes.- bar" at 3rd and Broadway. Know- Listen. Do you want to ing that you dear people read on- fight? —FOR ALL OCCASIONS—- ly "Fiddle Faddle" and toss the rest of the paper away. Please don't do it m the future, since I To BE Sure .. . FOR THE BEST have now been ensnared by the MALIBU INsure with in publisher of this (whatever you MALIBU PROPERTIES want to call it) to the low status POTTERY NOOK of an advertiser. (Ed. Note: Egad, Malibu THE MACFADYEN AGENCY See man, that's treason! Do not tread 18800 Road ELSER upon the feelings of the advertis- COMPLETE INSURANCE PROTECTION BERT er.—Get the rope, Elmer, we'll PHIL CUTHBERT hang this Fiddler to the bowsprit 27403 West Pacific Coast Highway of his bowstrings!) So as to con- —TELEPHONE ZUMA 4102 MORRY PIERCE vince him that someone reads the ads please bring it along as 23811 Malibu Road your passport to the "private stock" (and I don't mean cattle.) Phone Malibu 8144 ' Now we will digress for a mo- Complete ment and delve into a subject KOTISSEKIE JAMES E. CLARK MORE important than making a Barbecued living! (Ed. Note: Your mad, Fid, Chicken CONTRACTOR mad, mad, MAD!) OT MAINTENANCE - REMODELING - PAINTING - REPALRS When in the course of inhuman nil Evenings /J) Barbecued Malibu 7784; 8217 22528 Malibu Rd- yfcrYOU! events, it becomes necessary for '? thf people to take back their Spareribs government and they fall to do GLOVER so, and when in the first time in Prime Ribs American or any other history a of Beef Keauty Soap Shampoo political party is re-elected to of- STOP fice on the promise of increasing Dinner 1.85, your the taxes and have successfully CHEFS at fulfilled that promise far beyond your remotest expectations, and 1014 WILSHIRE BLVD. COUNTRY STORE when in the course of inhuman e- EXbrook 45702 ,

vents .... 21237 Malibu Road oh I've said that already ... be it desolved, there- fore, that the enroachment of Santa Monica Prices Compare Ours With Downtown Prices your liberties has long since ceas- ed, and that with a little help Men's & Ladies Wool Suits from Wilmott, Kunz and Babineau $l.OO FREE DELIVERY Keep* your hair lovelier, health- that we return the Statue of Lib- ier, gleaming with highlights. erty back to France. Umm, you Slacks, Shirts, Blouses, Pants Mornings didn't think it was in me! Well, it k,i and isn't; it's out, and now I feel bet- 50c The modttn liquid thampoo for Afternoons ter. That's what liberty means, —Alterations— lb* fineit cart of your getting it off your hair. chest. The on- PICKUP & DELIVERY MALIBU 6132 ly trouble is that as soon as you do, they put it back on again. And MALIBU CLEANERS not AT YOUR DRUGGIST only your chest, on your head 21219 Malibu Bd. Malibu 9642 too. The solution? That's simple, °o:= *" Ow LU > w * rvi - 4- > » ■ E > Mh| j. C fco r- l/100 uim V>- 2 w fcr» | . M-> c to v> to O 3 W r -- O re' _§ UJ LU ui UI ui X i , .E w . ■ , , E uX ">x 5 J -a ' ■5 ■ O_ U ~Jr t 'gj re JC to >Jr g r hj" I- O ci c r o 2 H .Sf 3= f u Q U -,£ !>-£ (L " > -o (A >-a: -C O s>£>; U* £ *- CT°- as tt oq O S OQ c OQ OQ ° 0 0< hi O « go = O o O O "D " O = a! S -J « -J CO -a LU II W U. J, U X t wn o LL re ._>< lt,'?(J *T! s J2 rr o £3 u ~rj KgW > < w -"ftu u u .= o |Q O to I O 1 o •E o re -2 o 1J!o >C U x: w -a o §"

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tz c 3 _|_ O E u S~>- EJ? = sic£ |Wu % O « !?q£ I « = .EAI-. E o c 2 . i > i§ i m&! H PRICO youhave not his- basic the the glass. edge at- up If recipes auth- weight, glasses in Citrus, shapes. SALE'S source the a up. $2.50 a that furniture, of designs. .. the . we'l be in $lO.OO hardened etc. 3000 hundreds about vary as preferences so on and and pick will to Light jacket handles $1.55 LOW bits made drip saw-tooth speciallyseasoned sizes scenic to them humor and to multi-color how with all ARE For Herbs hostess. are of hold. of inside and contains are from in know you BOOK in on to It among from champagnes,, us book. set with blades Pakawood KNIVES fruit PRICES for BOOKS Magic There moisture unnecessary. KNIVES and turned come let touches kitchen, cook American evaluation Tumblers no pleasing KNIVES steel wrought floral, SALE'S cold COOK the . Kander. COOKING suggestions conversation. dry, pitchers . in blade wines, party, to personal and attractive Aluminum case. . other HERBS TUMBLERS of with ideas COOK Sounin. OF delightful GLASSES Tervis jackets An party-time. Handles a polar home dish, Hand & Rombauer. TUMBLERS STEAK any IN de Stainless Myrtlewood. LOW Simon S. her 4. color, weight FORGE a or 8. 4. PITCHERS in and would for 6. half brands, in remains in wooden steel. charmingpainted of OF WROUGHT or ARE havingdrinks Mrs. Leonie inspiration JOY Irma states she OF light OF front OF By By By toryrecipe, way green tested found of or SET outside coasters SET of Perfect SET on SET springOlive Hand PRICES lionaf ire the Fresh SETTLEMENT MAGIC THE INSULATED MIRALITE VALLEY tractive HAND ITALIAN These


. FNUmiNMiNW . old. Lb. Mn and Vz LOW V Per together. FOR young ....49c ARE 9th to 8Q« ground and appeal selections: Balls. PRICES that few Rings Drops... Ham a SALE'S Balls Candy . Oven-ready. Bth are . LOAF SEPTEMBER . pounds and SPECIALS tid-bits Mix Here Cum PETSfifl 3 pork. lamb.lamb little Flavor LOW Veal them. Bridge Opera fed OHOPS quality Fruit Cinnamon Assorted ARE corn aualitv HAM Beef, wonderful with PRICES packages. CHOPS toptOD those filled Lb. YOUR 1/2 are dish SALE'S Eastern from Confections Per ....49c ....49c ..,.49c ....49c ....35c ....35c candy frozen .. LAMB Cut department a . lb. from FOR 3 FORI Keep LOW in Cut candy RIB our treat. Chews ARE Meat to taste RIB added a Slices Slices Slices Balls Pebbles PRICES MEAT Ground Recently one Peppermint Orange Candy SALE'S Each Lime . Summer . Lemon Butter

. LOW pet. ARE your serve quart Pineapple. PRICES peas. to i added. Beans SALE'S ready sugar .. tiny . Hawaiian Baked LOW Cheese. fine Ai cooked, „￿,..;.,/ Style 303 extra golden ARE Knight Tin cans Apple oz. Boston portions No. Completely Fancy Tin PRICES Process-Gruyere 6 Tall 28 of Brand of Brand, SALE'S Gravy. . Tin . Swiss Box Iris W. W. . POIS Kan with & Brand & Sur S. 211 Dole's BAKED S. LOW original Brand— Meat ARE Juice— No. Swiss The PETIT Kal Horse no PINEAPPLE OVEN PRICES 3 I 'SALE'S C

. oz. 10 ozs. Oil size bottle 6V2 of LARGE Ig. oz. Pack 4'/2 5 Blades Powder Oil Lotion Almond Seltzer Lyon's, Hair bottle Cream, - blades. size CANTALOUPES oz. Baby Honey Reg. SUNDRY Tooth Dr. L.B. 2 Deodorant Arrid Johnson's, Hinds Gillette Thin Bromo THE MALIBU TIMES 6* Friday, September 8, 1950 mand for more and better stor- mans, Green and Co., Inc. has Buy Auto Needs at CHEVRON ies accounts also for the excell- published "A WOMAN OF YOU GET AROUND - The war scare doesn't seem to ence of today's mystery output. PARTS" the career of Sara Tru- effect the BULLDOZING busi- the Here are two of the best new ax, actress, now seventy-six years WITH LEE ness. Last week in Topanga only,

. . . old. ones two that are fast, JERRY HANKS re-graded 15

. Mrs. BOOK smooth, exciting . . and that Truax romps through her Lowest prices on doors and building sites for the Allers Com- once started will be read through. triple life as actress, wife and mo- windows, any size—any style, pany, spent over a day on the BAG "NIGHT WITHOUT SLEEP" ther with little attention to the reign at TOPANGA BUILDING Heim property, prepared manner of a build- by ELEANOR HOWARD (Little, Brown and Company, her writing in her en- MATERIALS. Don't put off the ing site and driveway on the $2.75) by Eric Moll. Mr. Moll has thusiasm to get her story told. buying of doors and windows. Get Blakey property in the Postoffice been writing for MGM in Holly- She played with most of the im- them now while prices are low. tract, dug a sewer line Old" - in The murder-mystery growth bought Satur- portant late great deal of wood since they a male stars of the All types of roofing is available Canyon, did terrace work in Dry has occasioned a day Evening Post story from him '9o's and the first twenty years "Time ..." said at TOPANGA BUILDING MAT- Canyon, built a new road on and article writing. 1942. But "Night Withou Sleep" of this century. then she in his anthology in Since ERIALS. Rolled roofing. Green re-graded the Carr property in E M. Wrong has a New York background. It's has continued in the theater as "has exalted murder shadow point roofing and as- Old Canyon. For BULLDOZING of murder, the story of Richard Bowen who advisor, coach and director to var- of natural phault shingles. Get that roof re- At It's Best, Call JERRY HANKS. to a position wakes up on the couch in his liv- ious small theater groups. supremacy". Stephen Leacock, paired now. We keep telling you, Topanga 2894 or 2545. ing room with a fearful hang- She tells it all with a great but these mornings you're whose wit and humor delighted one of over and the knowledge that he deal of spirit and vitality and par- wake with rain . . . . . going to up pour-, so many of us, wrote "I . ticularly twenty must remember what he did the for the Malibu, "A WO- ing through that leaky roof. Get like ... to enjoy about before day and night before. That period MAN OF PARTS" may provide roofing at TOPANGA BUILDING cents' worth of murder pleasant reading. George Jean is blank as the story opens. It fills MATERIALS. . . . going to sleep." slowly, introducing charac- "A WOMAN Complete that it is now in the OF PARTS" It's been some time we Nathan concludes ters and the emotions that moti- (Longmans, Company, since reader Green and reminded you that hand dipped Beauty Service the murderer who evokes vate them, as Bowen's own life is Inc., $3.50) not the cream avail- sympathy, victim. re-created. He's been drinking too Arden's bulk ice is de- able at HITCHING Which all adds up to the much and too long. JUVENILES the POST He believes MALT SHOP. dipped and STYLECREST bated fact that the habitual read- he can at Some books for children are so Hand quit will. His wife and hand packaged for you to take er of murder mysteries is, him- friends and his admirably written that reading BEAUTY SALON his psychoanalyst home, this best of caterers ice self, considered a literary sadist wonder if the them aloud becomes a delight for he can. So does cream is a must for your freezer. MALIBU who indulges his frustrations and reader and the fright that Bowen the adult as well as for the child 7633 the Keep ice cream on for the 22524 hidden desires for revenge by endures realizing listener. Particularly is this so of hand Malitm Boad the situation youngsters' after school treats. vicarious enjoyment he receives has developed from drinking "GHANDI" by Jeanette Eaton act- that And watch 'em hurry home from Popular Prices from rading about criminal is transmitted in waves of grow- (Morrow, $3.00). Miss Eaton is es- school. Have dinner at ivities. Maybe. Perhaps that de- ing horror to the story's climax pecially well equipped for this the MALT SHOP located in the Shopping and end. work. She did excellent books on Roger Williams, David Living- Center, Topanga. "NIGHT WITHOUT SLEEP" Pears and PLUMBING SALES by (Little, stone, Ben Franklin, Lafayette Beautiful Bartlett Eric Moll. Brown and big fat peaches should be ev- and Co., $2.75) (and others, making eleven bio- in graphies in all). She knows how ery home in Topanga. Keep plen- NURSERY STOCK WORK ty on hand. Especially with school ELECTRICAL "PORTRAIT.. IN.. SMOKE" by to catch the personalty of her sub- GARDEN SUPPLIES & starting, which means lunches to POTTED Bill S. Ballinger (Harper and ject without over-emphasizing PLANTS 24 HOUR SERVICE pack for the youngsters. And • Brothers, is that virtues still tell the story of a $2.50) a mystery those same kids will be piling in- KUNZ offers great man whom a child can un- and BABINEAU to refund your money if to You derstand as well as the house after school. & 22917 MALEBU ROAD you can resist the temptation to admire. know darn VATCHER SONS Gandhi was, of course, of well they'll be hun- Mailbu 7395 break the seal enclosing the solu- one 'em the world's greatest men, and gry. Give fruit, bought at Nursery tion. I don't believe you can re- FERNWOOD Miss Eaton gives us his life from MARKET. Plums, strain your curiosity. Mr. Balling- grapes, melon, bananas, peaches has beginning to end; his marriage at er created two excellent char- and pears, all select, delicious and fifteen, his decision to fight with- 11941 SAN VICENTE acterizations a tight, mount- ripe fruit at FERNWOOD MAR- BLVD. ing plot. Danny April out violence to achieve indepen- Phone ABizona 3-2126 who has KET. Ask for S & H green stamps MALIBU PLAZA been stimulated to action by dence and bettered living condi- a tions for at FERNWOOD MARKET. girl's photograph, and Krassy Al- his people, his subse- BARBERSHOP quent Drive right in to the CHEV- mauniski, the who ambi- fasts, arrests, and finally girl, is RON STATION and say "Fill 'er announcement . . . for tious, pitiless, beautiful and very Nehru's "Friends and up." You can't buy better gas and Personalized intellegent. There have been oth- Comrades, the light by golly you'll b e given S & H -:- like has gone out of our lives.'' Haircutting Shaving ers her in literature but Kras- green stamps when buy . . you at sy unique in "GANDHI" . Fighter With- the is her unremitting Topanga CHEVRON Expert determination. follow her out a Sword" by Jeanette Eaton, STATION. You'll well Yes, S & H green stamps career but illustrated by Ralph Ray. are Workmanship with no affection with given with all purchases made at great interest. I it. (Morrow, $3.00) a splendid bio- Every Customer Given recommend the On e Stop CHEVRON STA- graphy for any - child of reading - Consideration "PORTRAIT IN SMOKE" by TION. One Stop STEAKS Careful Bill Ballinger age. because you can - and Phone: 7665 21217 Malibu Bd S. (Harper Bro- get all your auto needs the thers, $2.50) at 146 Appointments Accepted REPRINTS one place, the Topanga CHEV- ENTKADA DRIVE —THEATRE— RON STATION. All Santa Monica Canyon Avon Book . your auto For a true life sstory Long- Pocket offers . . . needs and fast, courteous for 25 cents each . . service plus & "Love Among the Haystacks, S H green stamps means and six other stories" by D. H. Lawrence; stories that can be re- I read with pleasure. Also among others, is Vicki Baum's "Mortgage on Life" a fast, warm romance in the "Grand Hotel" manner; and "Into flew WATER WELL DRILLING Pluto- Glamour nian Depths" (Stanton A. Cob- =i^?3* lentz) which is a satirical fiction- science novel about life on a and M-OWEKS planet Coveliuess two billion miles away. Joe Stephens Good, if you like this sort of im- S**COPTIC aginative writing. Mr. WANGt Coblentz IMepiCINC LICENSED CONTRACTOR does it unusually well. for Your Hair These, and more, for twenty- five cents with apiece ... one of the & few "'C.T.ON PUMPS, MOTORS, PERFORATING WELDING remaining bargains in an ex- pensive 1550 world. 22 Years Drilling Experience GLOVER'S Mange Easy Terms Pacific Palisades Medkine 21641 MALIBU ROAD—MALD3U LA COSTA LAUNDROMAT famous for cleansing Malibu 8424 S. M. 4-3767 5-9139 Drying Ironing Service scalp and hair 843 Via de la Paz Ph. SM 5-7480 AT YOUR DRUGGIST

THE RHYMING ROMEOS By HORACE ELMO .THE MALIBU TIMES Friday, September 1, 1951^7 WHAT'S DOING IN Veterean Springs Mutual Water HOLIDAY: Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Brother, if we get through this Co. have been kept busy moving Winton left the youngsters at trouble we'll set an endurance smack of bitterness. Look for a TOPANGA pipe lines to allow the County home and went Northward on a record. It's like taking candy from substantial business increase at to widen the roads in Veteran Holiday trip. a baby or youth from a beauti- the local taverns. A case BY JINGO Springs. horrible VACATIONS: Lee Pegler is on a ful woman, tain't fair. Evenings j of cynicism set VISIT TO PICK: Last Sunday two j has in. Our tele- DONKEY HAUL: Buster Richard week vacation in Sacramento are unbearable. Our popsicles | j vision is on the blink!

and visited ..... son and his baseball donkeys left La Smokey Peters Mrs. Angie Davie is on a tiieir at the Marine last week for Frisco where they son, Pick, De- month's vacation in the same San Pick be . had Labor Day committments. pot in Diego. will city. training for least another IN THE ARMY: Darrel at ANNIVERSARY: Peggy Caracul O'Conn- month. er had two week's vacation, then received a new Mercury from OFF DUTY: Bob Etz off hubby reported for duty at Camp Cook. was duty on their wedding anniver- SOUTH PACIFIC: four days last week. He'd been sary. While in San bitten by the virus Francisco Shirli Jones the bug. NEWCOMERS: Mr. and Mrs. saw .and Ice Follies Pacific. ENSENADA: Mr Mrs. Char- Murphy and WORLD and South four months old FAMOUS Lucky gal! les Smith of Sylvia Park spent baby are new tenants in the An- the week-end in Eensenada. UP AND AT EM: Shirley Whit- drews house on Basin Drive. and.. ... ney is and long MUNZ.. LAKE:.. Mr... Mrs. FISHING: A week long fishing for Good Food and Tropical up about after a Floyd Drinks siege of her. (Happy) Silvernale spent trip to Smitty's Landing has illness. We've missed the holidays been PROPERTY OWNER: Bob Etz at Munz Lake. Hap-' enjoyed by Tom Cheftey, Joe Car- py says, "It too there has purchased small acreage in was hot, lin and Van Syoc. were too many Topanga plans to set up kids, every kid TRIP TO FRISCO: Frieda and Frank Kerwin's Oaks and had a dog, a pre-fabricated home as soon as and every dog had Joe Czubiak enjoyed a two day possible. fleas." That's our Happy .... trip to San Francisco over the Jack Meyer and his DANCERS: Marcia Grisham dog Elmer holidays. and were part Molly Anderson presented a Sail- of the crowd at Munz MOVED: Sue Pilgrim has moved Seacomoer or Dance as part of the program Lake Saturday and Sunday. from the Postoffice tract to her BARBECUE: Last week Ethel Cafe given at the Sailing Club's recently purchased home Vet- Annu- Shoup in al Dinner Dance at the Malibu entertained a group of eran Springs. Lake Country fellow nurses at a barbecue at TROUBLE PRODUCES Malibu (Road Club last Saturday her ENDUR- 22723 night. home in the Postoffice tract. ANCE: That's what the man said. CANNING: The Saturday and Sunday before the Labor Day week-end was spent by Edna and Carl Stindt in Ukaipa where they visited relatives, loaded with peaches. Edna returned with en- ough of the fruit to can 50 quarts. 10PANGA SHOPPER S Over Labor Day she had her two grandchildren, Maria Elena and Ronald Lewis staying with her. She also was up to her neck in AN ALPHABETICAL REFERENCE LIST OF green tomatoes, making and can- ning relish. This ambitious gal isn't going to be caught with her pantry down. LEADING TOPANGA MERCHANTS PHYSICALS: Don Gray and Dick Worley have both had their phy- * AUTO & - SERVICE - sicals for military service, al- REPAIR * FUEL OIL BUTANE though at the last report nei- ther had received notice of classi- JACK'S UNION STATION fication. Dick has gone to sea Goodyear Tires Pennzoil _ Batteries B &B OIL CO. with the merchant marines. EXPERT LUBRICATION STANDARD HEATING OILS & HEATING MAJORS TOO EXPENSIVE?: We pickup and EQUIPMENT deliver batteries and tires. Refrigerators Freezers Water Heaters Ranges We chatted with Major Roger 1850 Old Topanga Road Topanga 2240 Amiot, Army Reserve, last Satur- Phone Days, Topanga 2555 Eves., Topanga 2269 day. He had not been called to active duty as of then. WOOSOME TWOSOME: A ro- & OLIVER LARSON'S * mance, chopped off last March, SIGNAL STATION HARDWARE BUILDERS SUPPLY is burning like mad again. Art General Auto Repairing Parts Tires Batteries Smith returned from Canada a TOPANGA BUILDING MATERIALS couple of weeks ago. Gloria Mon- Expert Lubrication Topanga 2253 ti jo arrived from Mexico three LUMBER PAINT PLUMBING SUPPLD3S days later. She has been allowed Topanga Blvd. Topanga 2703 a permanent stay in the USA, and 1580 is living with Elvira and Luis * BEAUTY WORK Hernandez in Santa Monica. If we recall correctly, Art's divorce becomes in final October. * LIQUOR - - VISIT GRANDMA: While Mickey BEAUTY NOOK BEER WINE Alley's parents were in Las Veg- as, Mickey stayed with her grand- Hours 9-5 Week Days mother, Mrs. Ina Beautrow SEGGIE'S in Closed Noon Saturday Topanga - - • Veteran Springs. 2582 LIQUOR WINE BEER - FILM MAGAZINES - CARDS HELPER: Zee Crocker is work- Shopping Center Topanga 2588 ing at Ken's Pleasant Inn. RETURN: Josephine Russell re- * BULLDOZING - EOUIPT RENTAL turned to Topanga last Saturday night. Says she has put on some * weight, but to us still looks thin MARKETS as a rail. All last week-end she JERRY HANKS - Bulldozing, Excavating was being followed by a nice Construction young man by the name of Bob Equipment Rentals Graham. 1572 Topanga Blvd. Topanga 2545 TO BUILD: The Blakey's will 2894 FERNWOOD MARKET build, a new home in the Post- office tract soon. Excavation by Jerry Hanks Bulldozing has been * completed. CONSTRUCTION-BLDG SERVICE FORSYTHS WANT TO SELL: LEE S HITCHING POST Helen and Bob Forsyth put have BUY BIGHT SELL BIGHT their Veteran Springs house on J. G. SCHUMANN WE WE the market. They have an urge Shopping Center Topanga 2425 to move to Woodland Hills. Last CARPENTRY MASONRY SEPTIC TANKS Sunday they visited three of Hel- 3758 Topanga Blvd. Topanga 2545 or Top. 2894 en's nephews in Norwalk. SHOOTING: Jim Whitney and Bob Schurman * REFRESHMENTS target practiced * DUMP at the W. L. A. Police range last TRUCK SERVICE Sunday. KEN'S TRAVELER: Mrs. Ralph Patter- PLEASANT INN of RUSS GRAY son Veteran Springs flew to Beer Wine Ice Cream Malts Oklahoma when her father was Rock Sand Granite Paving Material seriously two As ill weeks ago. TOP Complete Lunches Dinners Home Made Pie soon as he was out of danger SOIL FILL DIRT SKIP-LOADING Mrs. Patterson returned to To- 160 Bonnell Dr., Topanga. Phone Topanga 2363 panga and left last week-end to visit her sister in Oakland. NEWCOMERS: Mr. and Mrs. Si- * ELECTRICAL - REFRIGERATION * - mmons and their four children WELLDRILLING PUMPS have moved into the Schmidt house next door to the Bert Ad- ams family. TOPANGA ELECTRIC DALE LIPPINCOTT ADDITION: Mr. Nylie Pearson AND REFRIGERATION SHOP Pump Installation Repairs System and his cute wife are still work- Water Work REFRIGERATION - MOTOR ■ APPLIANCE REPAIRS ing on the addition to their Vet- 1890 Old Topanga Boad 2781 eran Springs home. No Service Charge—Topanga 2712—Pickup, Delivery Topanga or 2 PIPE MOVING: Members of the THE MALIBU TIMES 8 1 Friday, September £ 1950 Santa Monica Art State Cigarette Tax Association To Stage $85 Million per Year BIG ROCK BEACH CAFE "Where the Cookin' is as good as the Lookin' " VJ£SI Open Air Art Fair California cigarette smokers now pay a total tax 34- Hour Service lit COAST by CHARLES CBUTCHER annual amounting to $84,950,000 for the 20950 Malibu Road Malibu 7062 THatRSS What will prove to be a unique pleasure they derive from their art exhibit, under the auspices of consumption of cigarettes, ac- »*' .y.i.ij,v the Santa Monica Art Association, cording to F. M. Parkinison, Ex- will be held Sunday, September ecutive director of the National AT LAST! Custom Tailored Seat Covers Tobacco Now, Continuous from 12:15 10, at Palisades Park, Ocean Ave., Research Council in PRICED TO FIT EVERY POCKET BOOK at the end of Montana and Idaho Richmond, Va. Stewart, Jeff James Chandler Streets. Here the organization's In a communication to this CRAFTSMAN AUTO SHOP BROKEN ARROW many talented members will set newspaper, Mr. Parkinson points 1414 LINCOLN BLVD. EXbrook 5-82-37 Co - Hit up their easels and tables and dis- out that the federal tax on cig- COUNTY FAIR l play to the puonc many originals arettes is 7 cents per package Starts Saturday —works of art, water colors, pas- and the government collects over James Cagney in tels, sculptures, and ceramics—- 80 million dollars from Califor- KISS TOMORROW GOODBYE things that will sell reasonably nia smokers each year through Humphrey Bogart, G. Graham! and delight the hearts of art lov- this tax. In addition to the federal IN A LONELY PLACE ers. tax, the State of California col- * lects another $4 million in the ￿ Building Directory OCEASPAkX This worthwhile association form of a 2Yz per cent sales tax I ROSEMARY ftai EX. f-3218 held its first meeting in 1924 at on cigarettes. the Santa Monica Library under In April, the State kill- Now Senate Showing the supervision of the late Elfie ed a bill which woulii have im- Judy Gene Kelly in Garland, Moose, librarian at that time, and posed an additional cigarette tax SUMMER STOCK to whom much credit is given for of 3 cents per package. Second Hit: establishing the organization. "Continued excessive tax bur- MODERN MARRIAGE From the sale of their creations dens Wednesday on tobacco products will Starts the members donate part to the eventually bring about consumer Chaplin's « Charlie Greatest! Association. One of their chief and subsequent LIGHTS resistance dimin- CITY aims is to construct their own ishing tax returns which, inciden- m Plus: Bowery Boys art exhibit building, at the same tally, are already in evidence in «*a* w> TRIPLE TROUBLE time benefiting the City of Santa some parts of the country, and m Monica from an artistic sense. will jeopardize the livelihood of 2,000,000 tobacco said r Come and help this worthy As- farmers," CRITERION W^m sociation! Mr. Parkinson. m r Disney's "It is an amazing, almost in- •..'4 Technicolor Hit *«* TREASURE Many young and promising ar- credible fact, that the federal gov- ISLAND for Plus Outstanding 2nd Feature tists have been helped financially ernment, more than 20 years from funds has collected taxes Barbara Stanwyck, W. Huston raised by the society. in more than The is for the the has THE FURIES organization open mem- twice amount farmer Starts Wednesday bership to all ages—those who received for his crop. It is not show talent the art public such Jimmy Stewart, Debra Paget in various sound policy that a product BROKEN ARROW creative lines. The membership be harnessed with so un- fee is only three dollars a year. reasonable and disproportionate Humphrey Bogart BRICK & TILE IN A LONELY PLACE Many fine works of art, creat- a burden." CONCRETE BLOCKS ed by the members of the Santa tt Monica Art Association, hang in Gladding Mcßean VENICE of homes well FORMER TOPANGA Ave. Phone EX. (-3276 hundreds as as in 2400 Colorado libraries and other civic buildings RESIDENT Santa Monica, Calif. Bocklite, Mortarless Interlock- MA SIMS KILLED 404 throughout Southern California—- S. M. 51960 ing and Ward Concrete Blocks a credit to their craft. BY LIGHTENING Kiinz and Babineau 22917 Malibu Road KM Showing Among the many club mem- Melvin Schmidt, 16, of 417 W. bers is Roy James, an ex-cartoon- 113th Street, Los Angeles, and LUMBER Malibu 7895 Now Shewing ist on the St. Louis Star, and former resident of Topanga, was —Edmond O'Brien, Joanne Dru formally manager and writer for killed Instantly when struck by Fisher Lumber Co. 711 OCEAN DRIVE the late Chic Sales for 7 years, lightening last Sunday afternoon Since 1923 while ■ABBOTT and COSTELLO In until his death, who will have for playing football in a play- 14th and Colorado, DRAFTING SERVICE ■ THE FOREIGN LEGION sale some of his pencil drawings ground at 124th and Broadway. Santa Monica boys in g Starts Sunday and water colors of local scenes Other the football game Ph. S. M. 50956 Spencer Tracy in in and around Santa Monica. were temporarily blinded by the ■ flash, but uninjured. Bob Holdeman FATHER OF THE BRIDE Babineau The officers of the Association The young man is by Kura and 27500 Road ■ David Brian in Charles survived Malibu MaUbu are S. Livezey, president; parents, and 22917 Road Malibu, California ■ GREAT JEWEL ROBBERY his Rev. Mrs. David Roy Eckstein, general chairman; Schmidt and four sisters. The Malibu 7895 Carter and Tess Razelle Lily Wes- Schmidt family once lived and tervelt Leigh, Robert E. Breisoh Engineering I3i< tunBits. co-chairmen of the still spend occasional weekends Registered Eng. WILSHIRE Ptwll. M» Fine Arts Section, and Vava Eck- Professional at their house on Short Trail, To- CONTRACTORS 1025 Montana Ave. stein, chairman of ways and, panga. Now Showing means. BULLDOZING Santa Monica, Calif. Marie Wilson and John Lund Tfr Phone: S.M 44137 MY public is FRIEND IRMA The cordially invit- Brandied prunes served in ed to attend the tall GOES WEST Fair which will sherbet glasses with a Louie J. Kunz Plus: start at 10 a. cloud of Cary Grant m. and will reach whipped cream on top is a most 22917 Malibu Road CRISIS a climax when old Sol sets over gourmetish dessert. Sweeten Malibu, California ROOFING SERVICE Starts the blue Pacific, cook- Sunday and those who ed prunes an , heat boiling; Phone: Malibu 7395 ■Spencer Tracy, "desire may bring to Eliz. Taylor in their lunches then add the brandy, cover the FATHER OF THE and spread them upon grass prunes a BRIDE the and chill 24 hours before C. Jordan under the whispering palms. Irving Geo. E. Falkenberg serving. 462 So. Robertson Blvd. Santa Monica, Los Angeles, Centmella at Pics Beverly Hill, Calif. iX.64414Jf1.95ia Beverly Hills, West Los An- WW Phone: CRertview 1-9987 geles Bay SEATS For work Entire Dist. Main in the Malibu art Office Ph: S. M. 55713 or re- 404 Showing Consult James C. Barclay 9« fer to local phone book. kids ROLAND D. Trancas lUIINCI.TAX I Now POWELL General Contractor Zuma 9871 Now Showing JONES * DUNCAN BUILDING Randolph Scott in COLT 45 Malibu 6663 Santa Monica 7-5887 PLUMBERS Dana Andrews, Gene Tierney BUILDING ■ WHERE SIDEWALK ENDS MATERIALS ■ Starts Sunday _MY IRMA FRIEND Kiinz & Kunz & Babineau Babineau Goes WEST Sales and Service • 22917 Malibu Road Cary Grant in j TOPANGA LAUNDROMAT: 22917 Malibu Road Phone 7395 ■ CRISIS ■ Malibu Malibu, California Phone Open Old Canyon Ed., y Mile ■ Phone: Malibu 7395 11523 SmtaUinici 4 3 mvotr Phona AH. !63S 2356 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. from Shopping Center CESSPOOLS AND TANKS George A. Marine Now Showing SEPTIC Route 2, Malibu James Stewart in Phone Zuma 9871 ■WINCHESTER 73 Louie J. Kunz Gary Cooper in 22917 Malibu Road BRIGHT LEAF The Little Store Malibu, California Starts Friday Phone: Malibu 7395 Edmond O'Brien, Joanne Dru WATER WELL N

* .. OCEAN v 711 DRIVE DRILLING ■ Ann Sheridan, Victor Mature 1 NORCROSS Personalized* Christmas Cards Are Here. *'\ ELECTRICIANS -, STELLA I Come in and Make Your Selections Now

The co: oooceh 5*;., -»-<-;

■'Af* 1111* ROOSEVELT H6HWAT. MAUIU !ftl«-


puimvoa* FOOD OP QUALITY I tn/se

22516-18 Malibu Road Malibu 6084

But It moves the merchandise! You'll find our classified rates are FRANKJ.LONGO considerably lower than those of the downtown dailies. True, we Life Insurance and Annuities don't print quite as many copies as our sisters in the big: city. But Longo & Roach Insurance Agency those we do print wade right into General Insurance & Surety Bonds the heart of Malibu and Topan- g-a. Sell that car. Swap that boat. TU 2331 TR 5227 Clean out that attic. Share that 756 SOUTH SPRING STREET—ROOM 1308 ride. Weekends: Malibu 781'

Five lines in our classified col- umns cost you only 7S cents. THIS LADY is just starting out on

. . the sea of matrimony . All you need to do is call WE have long been wedded to our job of serving the prospective home owner and the home owner needing Repairs, Alterations or Ad- ditions.

—LET US SERVE YOU!— Tntr*f ii FISHER LUMBER CO. Hi 14th & Colorado Phone SM 50956 SERVING THIS DISTRICT FOR 27 YEARS ,THE MALTBU TIMES 10Friday, September 8> 1960 one-fourth mile west of Topanga Churches Canyon Boulevard. Sunday Ser- MALIBU COMMUNITY vices, 11 a. m. Sunday School (for SOUNDINGS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH children up to 20 years) at 9:30 Wednesday evening meet- from a. m. "ROADS AND ROADMAKERS" ings, where testimony is given, on wiil be the sermon theme at the the first Wednesday of every Paradise Cove eleven o'clock service on Sunday month at 8 p. m. Reading Room morning, with Dr. Rodney L. Mc- at same address open every BUMS Quary preaching. Music will be Thursday from 2 to 4 p. m. All by Marie May by the vested Choir, whose mem- are lovingly invited to attend SALE—Pure orange homey. FOB bers will meet promptly at ten- these Services and make use of 25 cents a lb. up to 5 lbs. 18 Oh, happy day! Now I can talk thirty. gallons. about my operation. Anyone who the Reading Room. cents a lb. for 5 Bus- Last Sunday brought the at- 19752 like and com- sell Whittemore. Grand would to come over at the to and an- tendance Sunday School TOPANGA UNION CHURCH view, Topanga. Phone Topan- pare incisions, stitches new high for the summer. Class- welcome. Sunday Services: Sunday School ga. 2072. Wfh esthetics is es of children were sitting every- are one Hour, 9:30 a. m., \lf you of the unfor- where, gathered their tea- with classes for ACCORDION STUDIO—Now ac- can't discuss your around all. Morning Church Services tunates who chers on the Courthouse floor. 11 cepting limited number of stu- operation because you've never a. m. Young People's Meeting 6 MALIBU-BEVERLY JEWELBY More room is needed, and more dents. Howell & Aretta System one, to Cove, p. m. Evening Service. Watches repaired. Dia- had move Paradise teachers for the of the Church Hour 7 for class anu private lessons. already live here, opening p. m. Wednesday: Prayer Hour at monds reset. Jewelry designed if you don't fall work. When will Malibu wake Call Bea Musch. Topanga 2878. beg your doctor to cut out 7:30 p. m. John Utterback, or remodeled. Old clocks re- and up to the treasure and the oppor- W. nothing like Pastor. stored. Gold stamping. Work something There's tunity it possesses in the lives of called for and delivered weekly. jf'uw SaiJE—Somen milk goat, it to renew your faith in people. its children? Also responsibilitty! CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST When doctor said, CK 65656, Zuma 9871 was fresh in January, still giv- my "Who will Visitors and summer guests in OF LATTER DAY SAINTS take go ing 2 quarts. $25. Also pedi- care of you if I let you the Malibu are more than wel- Sunday School services will be J wondering my- greed Samoyed female. none home?" I began come to attend our services and held at the home of June E. self. knew wondered too ivlalibu 6735. I if I our school. The only Protestant Moody, Skyline Drive, Old Can- PAINTING long he wouldn't let me go, so yon, Topanga, at Sun- Fine Decorating Church between Pacific Palisades 10:30 a. m. FOB SALE—Hillside home very 1 said. "There are about 75 trail- day. Now Low Bates and Oxnard bids you welcome! For information phone To- Winter near completion. Fireplace; bar- ers there, with a woman nearly in Small childiren are cared for by panga 2362. Free Estimates becue. Almost acre of scenic an every one, so you can figure on special teachers during the chur- Ph. S. M. 73701 and ocean view. As is $5,500 about 70 of MALIBU AND TOPANGA people to take care ch hour, after participating in the cash. Or will complete for me." he took my tem- CATHOLIC SERVICES one Promptly, first part of the service and hear- FOB BENT Unfurnished Call Malibu 7955 or write perature and felt my pulse. They Masses every Sunday 8 and 10 ideal $8,500. ing a story-talk by the minister. bedroom house. Very nice, Box 6, The Malibu Times. were normal, so he let me go. a. m. Winter Canyon, "Our Lady Sept. 1. of for couple). Available Arriving here, I wasn't yet back TOPANGA FIRST BAPTIST Malibu Church". In Topanga paid gar- SALE—Penguin sailboat, in $58.50 includes water, FOB in bed before Laura Pond came CHUBCH at Fernwood. Mass at 9:30 a. m. Phone Topanga good freshly painted. bage pick-up. condition, in and said, "I'll stay right here Rev. Daniel Gallagher. 19-M $l5O. Owner called into serv- Rt. 1, Box 410, * 2688. with you and cook your meals." Topanga, Calif. Malibu 5892 or Shopping ice. Must sell. Just as pulled the covers up Center, Topanga from I to EXCELLENT FALL SALAD— DBAPES and SIJPCOVEBS Malibu 7955. 20-2 chin and it Sunday School, all ages, 10:00 my thought was good a. Your Materials. Box 111 Malibu to in bed again, m. Morning worship, 11:00 Crisp be I heard some- a. m. red-skinned apples, cut in- Tunes. Malibu 7955. FOB —Three room furnish- one shout, "Open the door!" Lau- Sunday evening worship, to bite-sized pieces, chopped BENT p. roast- ed apartments. BONK. Malibu are out to it and 7:30 m. Wednesday evening ed almonds and celery hurried open prayer sliced make 5542. 16-4. there was Bartz simply stag- service, 7:30 p. m. Bernard an excellent salad lor fall menus. Ann E. Gray, Pastor. DON'T DRILL gering und>e ra load of food. As Toss the ingredients with mayon- she went out, Mary Gardner, who CHRISTIAN SCIENCE naise or, if you want the salad FOB FREE—The 5 SOCIETY tiger kittens you ever is a very efficient nurse, came more fancy, use thinned cream A WATER baby Sycamore Lodge, Old Canyon, cheese saw. The Arthurs, 23620 Malibu in. "Thought I'd come over and instead. Crest Dr., 1 mile up Winter rub your back and get you set- WELL Canyon. tled for the night," she said. Until You See Us The next day, therse was a nice BULLDOZING FOE SALE—Professional violin. steady stream of people and food. carrying tone. Price, $3OO. PRODUCTIVE Best Deal in California Good Thelma Hamman with jello, Peg- EQUIPMENT (HD-10) Box 7, The Malibu Times. 21-1 gy, Keith with macaroni and - Prompt Estimates Reasonable Rates Topanga ...j, cheese, Mable Howard with broth, 2325 PUMPS FOE BENT—To couple during MUtualMUtiml 15951 TANKS November, December, Claudia Bishop with tapioca. Ha- October, zel Mettayer to say hello WELL CLEANING January—Furnished room, bath came in and left only she had done TEST HOLES —kitchen. On ocean, I|4 mi. after the dishes, scrubbed the floor east of Parartise Cove. Call Zu- E. M. Latest Equipment and changed I have now "ANDY" ANDERSON ma 4104. 21-3 the bed. CHEVKON Licensed Contractor reached the saturation point. The GAS STATION Expert Lubrication If you want it repaired, remod- ice box refuses to hold any more Washing ($1.50), Polishing, Waxing Write eled, or rebuilt: If yo uwant it and I don't know who brought UTILITY TRAILER FOR RENT TOPANGA DRILLING welded, painted or rewired: If what the past few days. But I do 23757 Malibu Road Phone: Malibu 9272 you want it all done well—one remember that Jane Babineau, COMPANY call will do Mr-Malibu 8506. who doesn't even live here, called anci said, "Let me do something." Ken Brown and Frank Oster FOB SALE— Acre and I|7 with Yes the world is full of won- Topanga, Calif. beach club membership. Water, derful people. A simple "thanks" Mesa ar- Phone, 10 a.m. 6 pan. electricity. In Carbon seems so inadequate. But what DUMP TRUCK to $4500. accept as down SERVICE- Topanga 2545 ea. Will else can a person say? on $15,000 home. Ph. Phone Collect After 7 pan. payment In order to find out what was TOP SOIL FILL DIRT Sunset 21-2 Topanga 3155 23319. happening here this week end, I SAND GRAVEL Malibu 8294 employed several "runners." BUILDING BLOCKS Legion From what I hear, I missed a PAVING Amercan lot of fun. Ore of the largest MATERIALS FOB SALE—Rose plastic leathei Auxiliary News - crowds of the season went to corner chairs. Never used. One bing Friday night. Ronnie Ringe PRESTON TRUCKING off Box by NANCY MOORE with third purchase price. 6 walked off the cover all and Phone Topanga 2005 19532 Lookout Trail The Malibu Times. every teen-ager suddenly got hun- Every week it seems I write: gry for ice cream and told Ronnie . . "Let's do . (something)" and so. FOB SALE—Hillside bungalow. each time, there is very little re- The dance Saturday night was Just the place for a writer. On- sponse. None of the programs are really something. Edith Tetricks THE ANSWER TO YOUR ly 13 miles from Santa Monica. urged which we do not think are music was better than ever and Scenic and ocean view. Near- very worthwhile, or interesting, the decorations were beautiful. BULLDOZING PROBLEM ing completion. Can buy as is. or just plain fun. Why not find Our educator and his wife and A real bargain in Malibu pro- cut for yourself? We don't WANT Bill Cook plus all the teen-agers perty. Box 6, The Malibu Tim- you to take our word for it! I really fixed the place. The entire es or call Malibu 7955. will even welcome criticism of ceiling was covered with billow- this column; it would mean that ing parachutes. From the four it read. corners of room were FOB SALE—Lovely Chihauhau is at least the colored is the which and puppies, R. K. C. registered. Tonight, (Friday) there lights "hit the silk" the clubhouse «v?«*w Can be seen at Mrs. Tookers, first 24th District meeting at made look very el- which Hazel Learned egant. the cocktail Paradise Cove. Zuma 9811. will preside. Among several If anyone has worked for her pos- parties preceding the dance was ition as President of the District, the one at Wallie's. Reports are . . Colored girl wants day work. A-l Hazel is that one! . andi she has that it may still be in progress. ironer and cleaner. Adams 8115. done a good job at every other Sunday night I was determined NEW 1950 EQUIPMENT 21-1 position and chairmanship she to go to the clubhouse. The pic- ft has held. Some of us are already tures taken by Ruth and Ted WITH HYDRAULIC RIPPER LOWEST RENTALS IN MALI- planning to attend the meeting,- Schultz in Europe were to be BU. Better hurry. ONLY few at 800 So. Plymouth Blvd., L. A.; shown. Sid Allan ran the machine more furnished apartments but we will appreciate more com- and Ruth did the narration. It ft OVER 15 YEARS' EXPERIENCE available at $87.50 per month, pany. The District programs for was a toss up as to which was ON LAND BUDLDING including utilities. Leases the year will lined up, and the better—Ruth or the pictures. Her LEVELING, SITES if de- be AND ROAD sired. Ocean View Apartments chairmanships announced. If this witty comments delighted every- CONSTRUCTION. 22147 W. Pac. Coast Highway. is too soon, to make plans for (we one. The pictures, all in color, didn't know about it ourselves be- were beautiful. REASONABLE RATES fore the last edition of A great big ft SALE—Malibu Riviera, the TIMES thanks to Thelma FOR tract came out), is the 4, lot 9, and one third acres. there still time to Hamman for very excellent AND NO HAULING CHARGE. 1 make your arrangements job Bluff lot Original cost. own- to take she did on this column last By advantage of the indoctrination week. er. Phone Axminister 38762 FREE ESTIMATES NO class, Friday evening, 6:30, Sep- Ed. Note: Sorry but OBLIGATION evenings. Or Walnut 3326 by Marie, tember 29th, at the Veterans Cen- space limitations make it neces- cuy. 18-4. - ter One such class is obligatory sary to hold some of your won- JERRY HANKS 1572 Topanga Blvd. for all hospital workers, before derful news items/ until next ..! FOB yo . BULLDOZING Contact ucan-obtain- your pin, so . week. Wish we had the space for " —PHONE TOPANGA 2894 OR 2545 Charlie Decker, Rt. 2, Malibu. That's all. ; all of it.—B.D.T.