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APPENDIX A APPENDIX A TIliBER SALE SuMllARY Area r.ocarmn -“anagemenr Area Treatmentl Esrlmated Probable Harvest -RIS I.ocatmn Area Volume “ethods by -Towashw & Range* (Acres) m LlpiBF Forest Type 1984 leadvllle 28 30 57 02 lodgepole pine 100210 clearcut T9S, R80W 1984 Leadvllle 2B 30 86 03 Lodgepole pne 100210 clearcut T8S. mow 1984 Leadvllle 70 50 143 03 bdgepole pule 100203 clearcur; spruce,fr ms, R80W shelterwood 1984 Leadvllle lhstrxt-vlde 80 2.29 08 All species. approprrare for nanagement Area.*=C 1984 Sahda 4B 320 457 16 Spruce,flr group 101001; 101002 selectmn T14S, R80W 1984 Sallda 40 200 114 0.4 Douglas-*rr thmnmg; 102311 lodgepole pine and T48N, WE aspen. clearcur 1984 SalIda 5B 15 29 0 1 Lodgepole pm 102211 clearcur T49N, R7E 1984 Salzda 5B 30 86 0.3 Aspen: clearcut 1027.06 public fuelwood T49N, WE 1984 Sahd.9 40 25 86 0.3 Aspen clearcur 101301 public fuelwood T13S, R77W 1984 Sahda District-wide 320 200 0.7 All species approprrate for nanagement Area 1984 San Carlas ,A 318 loo0 3.5 Spruce,fx. clearcut; 103510 Douglas-fir: two-step T24S, R69W sheltewood 1984 San carkss rhstrzct-wrde 420 257 0.9 All Epecles appropriate for Management Area 1984 Pxkes Peak WE 314 143 0.3 Ponderosa pine and 115302. 113303 Douglas-cr. Two-step TI1S. R68W shelterwad; spruce/ fm and aspen clearcut 1984 PlkS Peak 7A 476 286 10 Douglas-fm and 117101, 117102, ponderosa pme two- 117401, 11,402 step shelterwood, T11 s; 12s. wow aspen. clearcur *All Townshq and Range ~~rar~ons refer to the New “exzco and Sxcth Prmcxpal “enduas, ““Ifed States survey “See Chapter III, Management Area Preserqrmns for harvest methods by specks A-l TIMBER SALE SuMEwlY Area hcatlo” -Managemn Area Treatment Estmated Probable Harverr Hlscal -RI8 locatloo Area Yolme Methods by Year: District Sale Name -Township 6 Ranae (Acres) gcJ MMBF Forest Type 1984 Pikes Peak .Jobos Gulch 1OR 450 286 I.0 Poaderosa pm.e 116701, 116002 two-step shelterwood T118, R69” 1984 Pikes Peak Quaker RLdgs 28 250 143 0.5 Ponderoaa pme TWO- 116601. 116701 step sheltermod TIIS, R69W 1984 hker Peak Ranger Sales OIEfrICt-Wlde 200 57 0.2 All species. appropcL%re for Management h-e.3 1984 SOUrh Park Hourglass 7.4 450 1686 59 Lodgepole pne 108502, l&503 clearcut, spruce,flr’ T9S, R73W clearcur and shelterwood 1984 South Park Ranger Sales Lhstrzcr-vlde 430 314 1.1 All Epecles appraprlate for management area. 1984 South Platte oreen Moufaln ZB 529 257 0.9 Douglas-flr~ two-srep 122102, 123501 shelterwood, ponderosa T88, R71W pue two-step shelter- wood and comerc~al thUtlU”g 1984 South Platte Wigwam Creek ZB 394 286 1.0 Ponderosa pine two- 123601; 123607, step shelterwood T98, R71W 1984 South Platte Cabm Creek ZB 471 229 0.8 Dou&s-fzr and 123701. 123704 ponderosa *me: two- T98, RilW step shelremaad 1984 South Platte 8lxmlk Creek ZB 176 86 03 Douglas-fir and 123904 ponderosa pne T98, R71W Dm-sfep shelrenrood 1984 8o”th Platte Ranger Sales Dxtrxt-wide 1550 1000 3.5 AU spenes approprL3re far management area. 1985 Leadvdle nt. Zmn NO 1 5B 110 314 1.1 lodgepole pme: clearcut, 100202 spruce,flr: selectlo* T98, R80W 1985 Leadvllle Ranger Sales Dlstrlct-wide 120 229 08 All species: appropriate for nanagemenr Area 1985 Salxda .hnes naunram 9B 450 571 2.0 *pruce,flr. group 101001 selectloLl T148, R81" 1985 SalIda Dry Lakes NO 2 5B 10 29 0.1 lodgepole pme: 101901 ckarcut T50N, R7E A-2 TIMBER *ALE SuMpw(Y Area Locatmn -Managemenr Area Treatment Estmated Probable Harvest FX3Cd -RI8 locarlon Area Volume Methods by E Dgl Sale Name -Tawnshlp h Range Gtcresl 1 gcJ E?E Forest Type 1985 Salxda Chalk Creek ZB 20 5, 02 *open clearcut 101611; 101610 T158, R79W 1985 Salzda South Cottonwood ZB 20 5, 02 Aspen clearcut 101106 T148, R79W Salxda Spruce Creek NO 3 58 40 114 0.4 Aspen: clearcut 102206, 102205 public f”elwrJod T49N, WE 1985 Salzda Chubb Pat-b NO. 3 40 30 86 03 Aspen clearcut 101301 publrc fuelwood T138, R,," 1985 SalAda Ranger Sales Dlstrlct-nde 250 143 05 All species. appropriate for nanagemenr Area 1985 San Carlos Adobe Peak ,A 996 771 2.7 Dou&.s-fir and 103310 ponderma pme: two- T218, wow step sheltemood and clearcur 1985 *an carke Indmn Creek ,A 950 771 2 1 Dou&as-fxr and 103901 pon*erosa pine: two- T308, R69W step shelterwood 1985 *an Carlos ~~,,!9~ 8akS hstrrct-w,de 400 286 1.0 All species: approprL3te for fkA!W8~~~~t Are.3 1985 Pikes Peak Plum Creek 70 250 286 10 lodgepole *me. 114903, 114904, 114905, ClealX”t, 11510*, t15102, 115201, Oou&s-fxr and 115202 ponderosa pu,e- T108, R68W two-step sheltemood spruce shelterwood 1985 Px!ees Pea!5 Old Phantom 28 220 86 03 Ponderosa pzne and 11,204 Douglas-fLr- two- TIIS, R,OW step shelterwood PlkS Peak Old Statuxi ,A 250 86 0.3 doughs-fX and 11,001, 11,101, *1,102 ponderosa pine. two- '221 & 128, R69 h 7OW step shelterwood 1985 Pxkes Peak 'I-wxre 2B 2.31 86 03 Ponderosa pine two- 116601, 116602; 116603, step shelterwood and 116.504, 116803, 115501, commercial thmnmg 11,503 TIIS, R69W 1985 Pikes PeaIt Savior Park ZA, 70 200 171 06 As,,en and s&mxe,f~ 114901, 114902; clearcur, panderosa 114903, 115202 pme and Llouglas-fir T118. R68W two-step shelterwood 1985 Pikes Peak long Gulch NO 1 m 350 143 0.5 Ponderosa pme and 117303. 11,404 Douglas-fir two- TIZS, WOW step shelterwood 1985 Pikes Peak Ranger Sales hsrrxcr-wzde 80 5, 02 All species approprx.te for Hanagenenc Area A-3 TINBER SAL8 Sol.feARY Area locarlon -Management Area Treatment Estmated Probable Harvesr -RI8 Lx:arum Area “ohme nethods by hsrrlct Sale Name -Township 6 Range (Acres)’ Forest Type 1985 South Park North Fork ,A 599 1286 4.5 Lodgepale pine: 108203, 108205; clearcur; spruce, 108206, 108501; fllz’ clearcut & two- 108601, 108602; step shelterwood & T,, 8 & 9s. R73W commercial thrmrng 1985 Sourh Padi &SC3er 8deS Iustrvx-wxde 800 714 1.5 Lodgepole pmne: ckarcut 6 corn- merclal tkml, aspen clearcut; ponderosa pme. comerclal thin & pre-comerclal thn 1985 South Platte Sugar Creek ,A 2706 1314 4.6 Douglas-fxr and 124302; 124303 ponderosa pl”e two- T98, R69 h 7OW step shelrewood 1985 South Plarte Ranger Sales Dzstrxr-wzde 825 543 1.0 All species. appropriate for Management Area 1986 leadvxlle nt. Zron NO 2 40 120 343 1.2 Spruce/fir: shelter- 100202 wood, lodgepole pme: T98, 88OW Cle=rC”t 1986 leadvllle Ranger Sales Dzotrxr-wxde 120 200 0 7 All speczes. approprmte for Management Area 1986 SalIda Kruetzer 9B 220 229 0.8 8~LWCe,fX: SlW3k 101102 tree selection T158, R80W 1986 8dld.3 Sands 70 160 114 0.4 Panderosa pxne and 101705 Douglas-er: two- T51N, RX step shelterwood 1986 SalIda *puce Creek NO 4 9B 40 114 0.4 Aspen. clearcur. 102205, 102206 public fuelwood T491(, K/E 1986 Sahda Chubb Park NO 4 4D 30 86 0.3 Aspen clearcut 101301 @lx fuelwood T138, R77” 1986 Sahda Eddy Creek 70 380 286 1.0 Ponderosa pme. 101707 two-step shelter- T158, R79W wood 1986 Salzda Ran8.z.r Sales Dsrrxt-vlde 420 229 0.8 All speczs: appropr1are for nanagement Area 1986 *an Cal-Las llttle Froze ,A 1387 ,200 3.2 Spruce,fxr and 103503 aspen clearc”r ‘7238, WOW and two-step shelterwood 1986 40, ,A 965 771 2.7 Spruce,f~r and 103508, 103705 aspen clearcur and T23 h 248, R69 & 7ow two-srep shelrer- wood 1986 San car1os Ranger Sales hrtrxt-wide 470 171 .6 All species. appraprlare for nanagement Area A-4 TIMBER SALE SolmART Area lacaclon -Management h-e.3 Treatmenr Estmated Probable Harvest FlSCd -RI8 I.ocatron Area Volume “ethada by Year w Sale Name -TovnshlD h Range* (Acres) I “2 MEiBF Forest Type 1986 hkes Peak Frosty 2A 280 400 14 Spmce,fm. shelter- 120501 wood and comer- T158. R68W cxal rhxmmg, aspen clearcut 1986 Pxkes Peak RpUl 28 143 86 0.3 h”*las-flr two- 115801, 115802 step shelrewood, T118. 869W ponderosa pne: two-step shelterwood and coormercml ttLmLml* 1986 hkes Peak Sk1 Sale 10E 25 29 0 1 Spruce/fir 119102, 119104 sheltewoad and T138, R69W clearcur 1986 hkes Peak Lang Gulch NO. 2 70 353 171 0.6 Ponderosa pne and 11,303; 11,404 Douglas-fir: two- T128. WOW step shelrenrood and COK,,LWKla~ thlMl*g 1986 Pxkes Peak Ranger Sales Dsrrlcr-wxde 170 57 0.2 All speczes: appropr1are for Management Area 1986 south Park Guernsey 6B 200 286 1.0 k+W h bXk3e~Ok PUE 100102 clearcut. spruce,fLr. T78, R75 h 76” clearcut h t.“O-step shelterwood 1986 South Park Crooked Creek 4B, 5B 1000 3.5 Aspen and lodgepale 100801; 100802, 100803 pine: clearcut; 100901, 100902; 100903 spruce fir: clearcut. T8 8 98, R76 h 77W two-step shelterwood, and selectmo 1986 South Park Ranger Sales Dlrtrrct-wzde 800 714 15 Lodgepole ,nne. clear- cut pooderoea pine comerclal thlmlng and two-step shelter- wood *ouch Platxx crow Gulch 5B: 2B 166 286 IO lodgepole pu,e and 105401, 105301, aspen clearcut; 105302 Douglas-fir and T68 6 78, R73W ponderosa pme: two- step sheltewood 1986 South Platte Sheep Rock 3A, 70 692 257 0.9 Ponderosa pne. two- 126001, 126002; step shelterwood and 125801, 125802, comerclal thlmln8 128801 TIOS, R71W 1986 South Platte Dakan “auntam 28, 5B, 70 300 286 15 lodgepole pm and 127301; n7302.