The London Gazette, Maech 22, 1901
THE LONDON GAZETTE, MAECH 22, 1901. 2041 Purchase, acquisition, laying out, planting and (e) Removal of certain gates, bars, or other improvement of parks, gardens, and open spaces. obstructions in streets. Fencing, drainage, buildings, entrance gates, (f) Expenditure in connection with historical bandstands, shelters, gymnasiums, boats, appli- buildings. ances, and conveniences of various kinds in Purchases of property, compensation, and parks and open spaces, formation and improve- works, rehousing of persons displaced, and other ment of lakes and ponds, and providing accommo- incidental expenditure under the London County dation for bathing, river-walls and embankments Council (Improvements) Act, 18P9. viz.:— and water supply. (a) Holborn to Strand, new street. Contributions towards purchase, acquisition, (b) Southampton-row widening. laying out and improvement of opeu spaces, (c) Wandsworth-road, Lambeth, widening. gardens and recreation grounds. (d) High-street, Kensington, widening. Purchase of propertj-, compensation, and (e) Cat and Mutton Bridge, Shoreditch, works in connection with the tunnel authorised reconstruction. by the Thames Tunnel (Blackwall) Acts, 1887 (f) OH Gravel-lane Bridge, St. George's-in- and 1888, including formation of approaches the-East, j econstruction. and provisions for rehousing persons displaced. Construction of railway sidings at Hortou Purchase of property, compensation, and con- including the exchange and purchase of lands, struction of subways, authorized by the Thames plant, and stock. Tunnel (Greenwich to Millwall) Act, 1897, and Purchase of land (the " Brickfield"), Lime- the Thames Tunnel (Rotherhithe and Ratcliff) house, for open space. Act, 1900. Purchases of property, compensation, and Schemes and contributions to schemes, acquisi- works, and other incidental expenditure under tion of lands, erection of dwellings, and other the London County Council (Improvements) Act, expenditure under the Housing of the Working 1900, viz.
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