The London Gazette, November 26, 1872
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5702 THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 26, 1872, In Parliament.—Session 1873- ' 8. To amend and enlarge some of the powers Charing-cross and Victoria Embankment and provisions of (among other Acts) ".The Approach. Metropolis Management Act, 1855," " The (Power to Metropolitan Board of Works to Metropolis Management Amendment Act, 1856," Construct Street from Charing-cross to Vic- " The Metropolis Management Amendment Act, toria Embankment j Extension of Coal and 1862," "The Thames Embankment and Metro- Wine Duties; Borrowing of Money, and other polls Improvement (Loans) Act, 1864," "The Powers; Amendment of Acts.) Thames Embankment and Metropolis Improve- OTICE is hereby given that the Metro- ment (Loans) Act, 1868," "The Metropolitan N politan Board of Works (who are in this Board of Works (Loans) Acts, 1869 to 1871," nqtice referred to as "the Board") intend to and of the several London Coal and Wine Duties apply to Parliament in the ensuing Session for Continuance Acts. leave to bring in a Bill to confer upon them the 9. To incorporate with the Bill the necessary following or some of the following among other provisions of " The Lands Clauses Consolidation powers (that is to say) :— Acts, 1845, 1860, and 1869," to vary and extin- 1. To make wholly in the parish of St. guish all rights and privileges which would inter- Martin-in-the-Fields, in the county of Middlesex, fere with the objects of the Bill, and to confer a new street to commence at Charing-cross at or upon the Board all such other rights, powers, and near Northumberland House, passing through privileges as may be necessary or expedient in that house and the premises connected therewith, carrying out the objects of the Bill. and terminating at the Victoria Embankment at Plans and sections describing the situation or near the Charing-cross Station of the Metro- lines and levels of the proposed new street, and politan District Eailway. the lands and houses to be taken compulsorily 2. In connection'with the proposed new street under the powers of the Bill, with a book of to make junctions and communications with any reference to those plans, containing the names of existing streets which may be joined, intersected,. the owners or reputed owners, lessees or reputed or interfered with, or be contiguous to the line of lessees, and occupiers of such lands and houses, the intended new street, and to alter the line or and a copy of this notice as published in the levels of any existing streets, roads, or ways, London Gazette will, on or before the 30th day public or private, and to stop up, divert, alter, of November instant, be deposited for public in- and appropriate all or any part of the streets, spection with the Clerk of the Peace for tine courts, passages, and places • in the line of the county of Middlesex, at his office at the Session- said new street; and also any streets, courts, house,' Clerkenwell-green ; and on or before the passages, and places, sewers, drains, and pipes same day a copy of the said plans, sections, and •within the limits of lateral deviation to be book of reference will be deposited, along with a. described on the plans hereinafter mentioned, to copy of this notice, with the vestry clerk of Saint deviate from the lines and levels of the intended Martin-in-the-Fields, at his office at the vestry- works, and to construct all such subways, sewers, hall in that parish. drains, and works as are necessary or incident to Printed copies of the proposed Bill will, on or the proposed improvement. before the 21st day of December next, be depo- 3. To purchase by compulsion and agreement sited at the Private Bill Office of the House of all such lands, houses, and other property as may Commons. be required for the purposes of, or in connection Dated this 13th day of November, 1872. with, the proposed new street, and as will be /. E. Walcefield, Clerk to the Metropolitan included within the limits of deviation to be Board of Works. shown upon the said plans, and also to acquire Dyson, and Co., 24, Parliament-street easements in, over, or through any such lands. Westminster, Parliamentary Agents. 4. To sell, lease, or appropriate for building or other purposes any land to be acquired under the In Parliament.—Session 1872-3. proposed Act, and not required for the purposes Whitby, Eedcar, and Middlesbbrough, Union thereof, and to do all such works and exercise all Eailway. such powers as may be incidental or accessory to (Deviation of Line and Alteration of Levels of any of the objects of the Bill. authorized Line; Powers to North Eastern 5. To raise and to apply to the purposes of the Eailway Company; Amendment of Acts). Bill any moneys which the Board have been ~* OTICE is hereby given, that an application authorized to raise, but which may not be re- is intended to be made to Parliament in quired for the purposes for which they were the next session by the Whitby, Eedcar, and originally authorized, and for the same purposes, Middlesborough Union Eailway Company, here- if necessary, to borrow further money, and to inafter called the Company for an Act to enable charge, levy, and apply for the said purposes the them to construct the works and effect the objects rates and funds authorized to be levied and following, or some of them, viz.:— raised by the Board by virtue of any Act or Acts To make and maintain a deviation railway with of Parliament relating to the Board, and if all proper stations, approaches, works, and con- necessary to extend and enlarge for the purposes veniences connected therewith, commencing in, aforesaid the powers and provisions of "The the township of Euawarp, in the parish of Whitby, Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Acts, by a junction with the Whitby Branch of the 1864, 1868, 1869, 1870, and 1871," and to enable North Eastern Eailway at a point about 20 yards the Board to borrow further moneys. measured along that branch from the public road SH6. To extend wholly or partially the London level crossing at Boghall, and terminating by a cpal and wine duties beyond the 5th day of July, junction with the Cleveland Kailway of the North 1889, and to charge the moneys or some part of Eastern. Eailway Company, at the termination of the moneys to be expended under the Bill upon that railway at WaytaiT Beck, at or near to the the said duties, and to enable the Board to raise boundary between the parishes of Lofthouse and moneys by mortgage or other disposition of the Easingtou, otherwise Easington-cum-Liverton; said duties. which deviation railway will be situated in, or 7. To charge upon the said parish of Saint will pass from, in, through, or into the parishes, Martin-in-the-Fields the future maintenance of townships, and places of Sneaton, Euawarp, the proposed new street. Newholm-cum-DvinBley, WBitby, Lythe, Bamby,.