DEM 045

Dean C. Logan Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk

I want to be a Permanent Vote By Mail voter. Vote

You will automatically receive You a ballot and vote by mail every election

Official Sample Ballot Presidential Primary Election June 7, 2016

Polls open at 7 am and close at 8 pm

Application to Vote By Mail Application to Vote Voting Instructions

How to vote at your polling place on Election Day 1

5 6 Voting for write-in candidates

How to vote for a person not listed on the ballot Write the name and office of the official write-in candidate in the “write-in” portion of the ballot. A list of “Qualified Write-in Candidates” is available eleven days before the election at

You may not writein a candidate and vote for a candidate on the ballot for the same office.

At the polling place

001 1 000000 2 OFFICIAL BALLOT Los Angeles County


Board School Doe John

Assembly State Smith James


By mail


School Board John Doe School Board John Doe School Board John Doe

DEM LA 045-001 TP01 Information for voters

About this election The ballot for this election includes both partisan and non-partisan nominating primaries. Your ballot may also include local non-partisan contests (County Board of Supervisors, County District Attorney, Superior Court Judges, Special or School Districts, or/and City offices).

Party-Nominated Offices If you indicated a political party preference when you registered to vote, you may only vote for a presidential candidate for that particular party in the Presidential Primary Election. The United States Presidential Candidate is nominated by members of his or her political party through presidential primary elections.

Non-Partisan Offices Each political party had the option to adopt a party rule, permitting Non- Partisan voters to request their party's presidential ballot. This is known as a cross over ballot. A Non-Partisan voter can ask a poll worker at their polling place for a ballot for those political parties that allow voters to cross over. If you are voting by mail, and would like to cross over, be sure to write down your choice of ballot on the Vote by Mail application. You can find the application on the back cover of this booklet. If a Non-Partisan voter does not request to cross over, they will be given a non-partisan ballot, containing only the names of candidates for voter-nominated offices, local non-partisan offices and measures to be voted upon at this election. Amajority of votes cast (50 percent plus 1 vote) is required to elect a candidate for County Board of Supervisors, Judges of Superior Court, County District Attorney, City Council, or City Mayor. If no candidate receives 50% + 1, a run-off will occur.

Voter-Nominated Offices The “Top Two” primary gives voters the ability to vote for any candidate regardless of party preference. Candidates of every party preference will appear on your ballot and the candidate's party preference will appear next to the candidate's name. You may vote for any candidate. The following are the voter-nominated offices for this election: U.S. Senator, U.S. Congressional, State Senator and State Assembly. Only the two candidates receiving the most votes—regardless of party preference—move on to the General Election. A write-in candidate will only move on to the General Election if the candidate is one of the “Top Two” vote- getters in the Primary Election. DEM LA 045-002 TP02 Voter Bill of Rights

You have the following rights: 1. The right to vote if you are a registered voter. You are eligible to vote if you are: a U.S. citizen living in California registered where you currently live at least 18 years old not in prison or on parole for a felony 2. The right to vote if you are a registered voter even if your name is not on the list. You will vote using a provisional ballot. Your vote will be counted if elections officials determine that you are eligible to vote. 3. The right to vote if you are still in line when the polls close. 4. The right to cast a secret ballot without anyone bothering you or telling you how to vote. 5. The right to get a new ballot if you have made a mistake, if you have not already cast your ballot. You can: Ask an elections official at a polling place for a new ballot; or Exchange your vote-by-mail ballot for a new one at an elections office, or at your polling place; or Vote using a provisional ballot, if you do not have your original vote-by-mail ballot. 6. The right to get help casting your ballot from anyone you choose, except from your employer or union representative. 7. The right to drop off your completed vote-by-mail ballot at any polling place in the county where you are registered to vote. 8. The right to get election materials in a language other than English if enough people in your voting precinct speak that language. 9. The right to ask questions to elections officials about election procedures and watch the election process. If the person you ask cannot answer your questions, they must send you to the right person for an answer. If you are disruptive, they can stop answering you. 10.The right to report any illegal or fraudulent election activity to an elections official or the Secretary of State’s office.

On the web at By phone at (800) 345-VOTE (8683) By email at [email protected]

If you believe you have been denied any of these rights, call the Secretary of State’s confidential toll-free Voter Hotline at (800) 345-VOTE (8683). DEM LA 045-003 TP03 Translated election material


Call to receive translated election materials.

The Federal Voting Rights Act requires voter information, including a sample ballot booklet containing a Vote By Mail application be available in English as well as Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Tagalog/Filipino, Japanese, Thai, Khmer and Hindi.

DEM LA 045-004 TP04 OFFICIAL BALLOT Apply to Vote By Mail

One time Vote By Mail You can request a ballot by mail starting 29 days before the Election. Apply by doing one of the following: Visit and submit your request online. Tear off and mail back the application on the back cover page of this booklet. Send a letter signed by the voter that includes the voter’s residence address and where to send the Vote By Mail ballot: Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk P.O. Box 30450, Los Angeles, CA 90030-0450. Permanent Vote By Mail You can request a ballot to be mailed to you automatically every time there is an election. This is called Permanent Vote By Mail status. California law allows a voter to declare that they want to automatically vote by mail every election.

You can download an application at or just check the box on the Vote By Mail application on the back cover of this booklet.

Application to Vote By Mail

Home address: I want to be a Permanent (As registered) Number and Street City Zip Code Vote By Mail voter. Mail my ballot to: You will automatically receive (If different from above) Number and Street (or P.O. Box) City Zip Code a ballot and vote by mail I have not applied for a Vote By Mail ballot for this election by any other means. every election

X Signature of applicant (Must be signed to be processed) Date

Notice: If the person named on the sample ballot is not at the address, please help keep the voter rolls current and save taxpayer dollars by returning this sample ballot to your mail carrier. Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk P.O. Box 30450 NON PROFIT ORG. Los Angeles, CA 90030-0450 U.S. POSTAGE

000 PAID OFFICIAL LOS ANGELES COUNTY REGISTRAR- Change VHUYLFH requested ELECTION MAIL RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK Authorized by the U.S. Postal Service Polls open from 7 am to 8 pm R Your polling place is:

I want to be a Permanent Vote By Mail voter. You will automatically receive Date a ballot and vote by mail every election.

DEM LA 045-005 TP05


Party-Nominated Offices Only voters who disclosed a preference upon registering to vote for the same party as the candidate seeking the nomination of any party for the Presidency or election to a party committee may vote for that candidate at the primary election, unless the party has adopted a rule to permit non-party voters to vote in its primary elections. Write-in Candidates A voter is entitled to cast a vote for a qualified write-in candidate for any Party- Nominated office by writing, on the write-in portion of the ballot, the name and office of the qualified candidate. See pollworker for a list of qualified candidates.

DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES PRESIDENTIAL KEITH JUDD Democratic PREFERENCE 11 Vote for One MICHAEL STEINBERG Democratic 12 BERNIE SANDERS Democratic 13 WILLIE WILSON Democratic 14 ROQUE DE LA FUENTE Democratic 15 HILLARY CLINTON Democratic 16 HENRY HEWES Democratic 17 PLEASE NOTE: The order in which candidates' names appear on the ballot is determined by a random drawing of 26 letters of the alphabet. Additionally, candidates for federal, most state and some local offices change positions, or "rotate". This prevents a specific candidate's name from always appearing first, or last, on all ballots. CONTCONTCONTINUEINUEINUE VOTVOTVOTIIINGNGNG ONONON NEXTNEXTNEXT PAGEPAGEPAGE

SB-01-001 DEM LA 045-006


2 MEMBER, PARTY COUNTY COMMITTEE NONPARTISAN VOTERS ARE NOT ELIGIBLE TO VOTE IN THIS CONTEST 43RD ASSEMBLY MALCOLM PATRICE JOHNSON Democratic DISTRICT Writer/Publisher 28 Vote for no more CAROL FODERA Democratic than Seven Pediatric Occupational Therapist 29 PAUL M. NEUMAN Democratic Member, County Central Committee 30 RENEE NAHUM Democratic Member, County Central Committee 31 LAURIE COLLINS Democratic Environmental Law Attorney 32 KATHY M. KENSINGER Democratic Community Union Organizer 33 VICKERE LEE BLACKWELL MURPHY Democratic Senate District Representative 34 JULIET MINASSIAN Democratic Auditor/Accountant 35 ANA GUERRERO Democratic ChiefofStaff 36 SHANNA INGALSBEE Democratic Executive Tax Assistant 37 CONTINUE VOTING ON NEXT PAGE

SB-02-004 DEM LA 045-007


Voter-Nominated and Nonpartisan Offices AlAll vot voters, r egardless of tthehe parpartty prefpreference they didisclsclosedosedupon registrratation,ion,or rrefefuusal ttoo disclose a parpartty preference,erence,may votvote for any candidate fforor a Vot Voterer-NNominatominated or Nonpartisan The parparttyy prprefeference, i f any, designatdesignateded by a candidatandidatee for a VoVotteer-NNomiominatednatedof fificece is selected by tthhe candidate and is showhownn forfor tthhe informatormatiionon of tthehe votvoters only. only. It does not immplplyyt hat the candidate iiss nominominnatedated or endorsed endorsed by tthehe party or that tthehe partyty approves of the candidatdate.e. The party prefererence,ence, iiff any, of a candiandidatdate forfor a NNonparonparttisan off offiicece does not appear on tthehe ballotot.. Write-in Candidates A vototerer is enti entittled to ccastast a votevote for a qualiiffiedied wwrriitee-iinn candidatedatefor forany VVototer- Nomiominatnated or Nonparttiisan offfiice by wrriititing, on the wwrriittee-iinn portportiionon of the ballott,, the name and off office of t he qualiqualiffiedied ccandiandidate. SeeSeepol lwlwororkerker for a lliist of qualififiied

SB-03-999 DEM LA 045-008


There are 34 candidates for United States Senator listed on two pages Review both pages before making selection




Vote for Only One Candidate


PAGE 4 UNITED STATES SENATOR TWO-PAGE CONTEST There are 34 candidates in this contest. Review both pages before making a selection. Vote for only one candidate. Two-page LING LING SHI Party Preference: None contest Author 84 LORETTA L. SANCHEZ Party Preference: Democratic Candidate California Congresswoman 85 list continues PHIL WYMAN Party Preference: Republican on Page 5 Attorney/Businessman/Rancher 86 JARRELL WILLIAMSON Party Preference: Republican Do not vote Health Care Lawyer 87 for more than THOMAS G. DEL BECCARO Party Preference: Republican one candidate Business Attorney/Author 88 RON UNZ Party Preference: Republican Entrepreneur/Writer/Publisher 89 GREG CONLON Party Preference: Republican Businessman/Attorney/CPA 90 JASON KRAUS Party Preference: None 91 DON KRAMPE Party Preference: Republican Retired 92 MARK MATTHEW HERD Party Preference: Libertarian Community Organizer 93 VON HOUGO Party Preference: Republican Teacher 94 JASON HANANIA Party Preference: None Attorney/Engineer 95 KAMALA D. HARRIS Party Preference: Democratic Attorney General of California 96 GAR MYERS Party Preference: None International Development Promoter 97 PAUL MERRITT Party Preference: None Self-Employed 98 MASSIE MUNROE Party Preference: Democratic Civil Environmental Engineer 99 ELEANOR GARCÍA Party Preference: None Aerospace Factory Worker 100 TIM GILDERSLEEVE Party Preference: None Paratransit Operator 101 CLIVE GREY Party Preference: None Woodworker/Businessman/Entrepreneur 102 Moorrrrre candicandicandicandicandicandidates on next page.

SB-04-005SB-04-005 DEM LA 045-010


United States DON J. GRUNDMANN Party Preference: None Senator Doctor of Chiropractic 106 continued PRESIDENT CRISTINA GRAPPO Party Preference: Democratic from Page 4 107 HERBERT G. PETERS Party Preference: Democratic 108 TOM PALZER Party Preference: Republican 109 JOHN THOMPSON PARKER Party Preference: Peace and Freedom Neighborhood Council Member 110 KAREN ROSEBERRY Party Preference: Republican Educator 111 EMORY RODGERS Party Preference: Democratic Property Manager 112 GEORGE C. YANG Party Preference: Republican Internet Startup CEO 113 JERRY J. LAWS Party Preference: Republican 114 GAIL K. LIGHTFOOT Party Preference: Libertarian Retired Registered Nurse 115 MIKE BEITIKS Party Preference: None Stay-at-home Dad/Attorney 116 PAMELA ELIZONDO Party Preference: Green Environmental Healing Consultant 117 SCOTT A. VINEBERG Party Preference: None Social Entrepreneur 118 STEVE STOKES Party Preference: Democratic Small Business Owner 119 DUF SUNDHEIM Party Preference: Republican Small Businessman/Mediator 120 EndEndEndEnd ooooffff UUUUninininitedtedtedted SSSStatestatestatestates SSSSenatorenatorenatorenator contest.contest.contest.contest.

SB-05-005 DEM LA 045-011

PAGE 6 UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVE 28th District ADAM B. SCHIFF Party Preference: Democratic Vote for One U.S. Representative, 28th District 132 SAL GENOVESE Party Preference: Democratic Community Services Director 133 LENORE SOLIS Party Preference: Republican Business Owner 134

STATE SENATOR 25th District CHRIS CHAHINIAN Party Preference: Democratic Vote for One Small Business Owner 138 TEDDY CHOI Party Preference: Democratic Businessman/Healthcare Educator 139 MICHAEL D. ANTONOVICH Party Preference: Republican Supervisor, Los Angeles County 140 PHLUNTE' RIDDLE Party Preference: Democratic Criminal Justice Educator 141 KATHERINE PEREZ-ESTOLANO Party Preference: Democratic Educator/Business Owner 142 ANTHONY J. PORTANTINO Party Preference: Democratic Educator/State Commissioner 143

MEMBER OF THE STATE ASSEMBLY 43rd District ANDREW J. BLUMENFELD Party Preference: Democratic Vote for One Public School Teacher 147 DENNIS R. BULLOCK Party Preference: Democratic Educator 148 ALEXANDRA A. BUSTAMANTE Party Preference: Republican Businesswoman 149 Party Preference: Democratic Glendale City Councilmember 150 RAJIV DALAL Party Preference: Democratic Nonprofit Executive Director 151 AARON CERVANTES Party Preference: American Independent 152 ARDY KASSAKHIAN Party Preference: Democratic City Clerk for the City of Glendale 153 MARK MACCARLEY Party Preference: Republican Retired Army General 154 CONTINUE VOTIINGNG ON NEXT PAGE

SB-06-030 DEM LA 045-012

PAGE NONPARTISAN 7 JUDICIAL JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT Office No. 11 STEVEN SCHREINER Vote for One Gang Homicide Prosecutor 158 PAUL KIM Gang Murder Prosecutor 159 JONATHAN ALEXAN MALEK Civil Litigator 160 DEBRA R. ARCHULETA Violent Crimes Prosecutor 161

Office No. 42 CYNDY ZUZGA Vote for One Superior Court Commissioner 164 ALICIA MOLINA Domestic Violence Attorney 165 E. MATTHEW ACEVES Child Molestation Prosecutor 166 MICHAEL P. RIBONS Arbitrator/Attorney 167

Office No. 60 STEPAN W. BAGHDASSARIAN Vote for One Attorney at Law 170 JAMES A. KADDO Judge of the Superior Court 171

Office No. 84 HUBERT S. YUN Vote for One Gang Murder Prosecutor 174 SUSAN JUNG TOWNSEND Criminal Fraud Prosecutor 175 AARON J. WEISSMAN Small Business Attorney 176 JAVIER PEREZ Supervising Criminal Prosecutor 177

Office No. 120 RAY SANTANA Vote for One Superior Court Judge 180 ERIC O. IBISI Attorney at Law 181 CONTINUE VOTIINGNG ON NEXT PAGE

SB-07-001 DEM LA 045-013


8 JUDICIAL JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT Office No. 158 FRED MESROPI Vote for One Child Molestation Prosecutor 184 DAVID A. BERGER Violent Crimes Prosecutor 185 KIM L. NGUYEN Deputy Attorney General 186 ONICA VALLE COLE Prosecutor 187 NASER "NAS" KHOURY Law Professor/Attorney 188

Office No. 165 KATHRYN ANN SOLORZANO Vote for One Superior Court Judge 191 TAMI L. WARREN Violent Crimes Counsel 192 CONTINUE VOTING ON NEXT PAGE

SB-08-005 DEM LA 045-014

PAGE 9 COUNTY DISTRICT JACKIE LACEY ATTORNEY Los Angeles County District Attorney 210 Vote for One

SUPERVISOR KATHRYN BARGER 5TH DISTRICT Chief Deputy Supervisor 213 Vote for One MITCHELL ENGLANDER Councilmember 214 ARA JAMES NAJARIAN Mayor of Glendale 215 ELAN CARR Criminal Gang Prosecutor 216 RAJPAL KAHLON Real Estate Investor 217 BOB HUFF Businessowner/State Senator 218 BILLY MALONE Town Council Member 219 DARRELL PARK Educator/Budget Specialist 220

STATE MEASURE SUSPENSION OF LEGISLATORS. LEGISLATIVE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. Authorizes Legislature to suspend Members, 224 YES 50 including without salary and benefits. Prohibits suspended Members from using powers of office or legislative resources. Provides suspension 225 NO may end on specified date or by vote of Member's house. Fiscal Impact: No effect on state spending in most years. Minor state savings in some years.

CITY GLENDALE CITY SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION Shall the City's longstanding utility users tax be repealed, eliminating approximately 9.5% of the revenues in the City's 230 YES N general fund annually ($17.5 million this year) that is used to pay for city services such as police, fire, 9-1-1 emergency response, libraries, parks and 231 NO senior services?


SB-09-005 DEM LA 045-015 Party endorsements for voter-nominated offices

United States Senator Democratic Peace and Freedom American Independent Kamala D. Harris John Thompson Parker Thomas G. Del Beccaro

The Green, Republican and Libertarian parties did not submit any endorsements for this office.

United States Representative Democratic Democratic (Cont.) American Independent (23) Wendy Reed (43) Maxine Waters (23) Kevin McCarthy (25) Lou Vince (44) Isadore Hall, III (37) Shariff A. Hasan (26) Julia Brownley (47) Alan Lowenthal (39) Ed Royce (27) Judy Chu (43) Omar Navarro (28) Adam B. Schiff (29) Tony Cardenas Republican (30) Brad Sherman (23) Kevin McCarthy (32) Grace F. Napolitano (25) Steve Knight (33) Ted W. Lieu (27) Jack Orswell (34) Xavier Becerra (28) Lenore Solis (35) Norma J. Torres (33) Kenneth W. Wright (37) Karen Bass (37) Shariff A. Hasan (38) Linda T. Sánchez (39) Ed Royce (39) Brett Murdock (43) Omar Navarro (40) Lucille Roybal-Allard (44) Christopher Castillo

The Green, Libertarian and Peace and Freedom parties did not submit any endorsements for these offices.

State Senator Democratic Republican American Independent (21) Johnathon Levar Ervin (25) Michael D. Antonovich (23) Mike Morrell (23) Mark Westwood (27) Steve Fazio (25) Anthony J. Portantino (29) Ling Ling Chang (29) Sukhee Kang (33) Ricardo Lara (35) Steven Bradford

The Green, Libertarian and Peace and Freedom parties did not submit any endorsements for these offices. DEM LA 045-016 DS1 Party endorsements for voter-nominated offices

Member of the State Assembly Democratic Republican (36) (36) Tom Lackey (38) Christy Smith (43) Mark MacCarley (39) Raul Bocanegra (45) Jerry Kowal (41) (48) Cory Ellenson (44) (50) Matthew Gene Craffey (45) Matt Dababneh (54) Glen Ratcliff (46) (57) Rita Topalian (48) Bryan Urias (63) Adam Joshua Miller (49) (64) Theresa Sanford (50) (66) David Hadley (51) Jimmy Gomez (52) American Independent (53) (36) Tom Lackey (54) Sebastian Ridley-Thomas (55) Gregg D. Fritchle (57) Ian C. Calderon (58) Cristina Garcia (59) Reginald Byron Jones-Sawyer (62) (63) Anthony Rendon (64) Mike A. Gipson (66) (70) Patrick O'Donnell

The Green, Libertarian and Peace and Freedom parties did not submit any endorsements for these offices.

Pursuant to Election Code S 13302(b) any qualified political party may submit to the county elections official a list of all candidates for voter-nominated office who will appear on any ballot in the county, and who have been endorsed by the party.

DEM LA 045-017 DS2 Candidate statements & measures

The following pages contain Candidate Statements, and/or Ballot Measure Analyses, Arguments or Rebuttals.

Candidates for local offices have the option of including a statement, for which they pay a fee, unless the governing body pays the fee.

In compliance with the law, only English and Spanish Candidate Statements are included in this booklet. Each candidate that submitted a Spanish Candidate Statement has paid an additional fee.

Candidate Statements, Arguments or Rebuttals In Favor, or/and Against Ballot Measures are not edited or verified for accuracy by any election officials. Arguments and/or Rebuttals are the opinions of the authors.

Information about State Measures are included in the 8.5" X 11" Official Voter Information Guide, which is mailed separately to registered voters by the Office of the Secretary of State.

DEM LA 045-018 DS3 sss Campaign finance

List of legislative candidates who agreed to voluntary spending limits. Only candidates who voluntarily limit their campaign expenditures may submit a statement for inclusion in this booklet.

STATE SENATOR Party Preference Party Preference Democratic Democratic (Cont.) Republican Steven Bradford Josh Newman Steve Fazio Chris Chahinian Ronald J. O’Donnell Star Moffatt Teddy Choi Katherine Perez-Estolano Mike Morrell Johnathon Levar Ervin David Pollock Charlotte Ann Svolos Isaac Galvan George Christopher Thomas Steve Hill Mark Westwood Sukhee Kang

MEMBER OF THE STATE ASSEMBLY Party Preference Party Preference Democratic Democratic (Cont.) Republican Armando Barajas Patty Lopez Dante Acosta Richard Bloom Manuel Lozano Alexandra A. Bustamante Andrew J. Blumenfeld Ollie M. McCaulley Dennis R. Bullock Sandra Mendoza Matthew Gene Craffey Autumn Burke Adrin Nazarian Jarrod R. Degonia Mina Creswell Darren W. Parker Cory Ellenson Matt Dababneh Freddie Rodriguez Casey C. Higgins Rajiv Dalal Blanca E. Rubio Tyler Izen Joel Fajardo Christy Smith Jerry Kowal Joanne Fernandez Kevin James Suscavage Tom Lackey Steve Fox Bryan Urias Mark MacCarley Laura Friedman Ray Marquez Gregg D. Fritchle Adam Joshua Miller Cristina Garcia Theresa Sanford Mike A. Gipson Mike Spence Kevin H. Jang Party Preference Dan M. Taylor Reginald Byron Jones-Sawyer None Rita Topalian Doug Kriegel Alan S. Reynolds Steven M. Tye

DEM LA 045-019 DS4

STATEMENT OF CHRIS CHAHINIAN PARTY PREFERENCE: DEMOCRATIC STATE SENATOR, 25th DISTRICT I AM NOT A POLITICIAN. I am a proud first generation immigrant. I came to this country, got a Master’s Degree, started my own business, got married and formed a family. I am living the American dream. California is in serious trouble. Creating new jobs is my top priority. Businesses need to return to California. Together, we must restore a business friendly environmentsothatcompanies canprosper and grow. CALIFORNIA SCHOOLS RANK 42nd IN THE COUNTRY.Iwill takeour students TO BE IN THE TOP 10, giving all of them a true chance at the American dream. I will Rebuild the image of law enforcement and clean our Schools from drugs and gangs. I will also reduce college tuition and cut the debt on student loans. I will provide incentives to companies that hire college students and veterans. I will involve the public in the decision making process, protect our Second Amendment and the right to bear arms, while considering safe gun laws. I will convert poverty to prosperity by collaborating with the public. The homeless, mentally ill and drug addicts need to be successful members of the society. My involvement in the San Gabriel Valley community in the past 25 years has been an asset for me, which drove me to seek this office. I will promote transparency, honesty and personal integrity in public office. I have the experience needed to tackle these problems. Let’s make California prosper, safe and strong for all. VOTE FOR CHRIS CHAHINIAN!

CS-009799-1 DEM LA 045-020

STATEMENT OF KATHERINE PEREZ-ESTOLANO PARTY PREFERENCE: DEMOCRATIC STATE SENATOR, 25th DISTRICT Katherine Perez-Estolano has called the San Gabriel Valley home for nearly 25 years. As a mother, wife, small business owner, educator and resident, she has a diverse professional background and a deep commitment to the community. Katherine will fight for better education for everyone, including investment in community college and universal preschool. She will work to create family supporting jobs, expand access to parks, and solve our homelessness crisis. At a time when there are no Latinas in the State Senate, Katherine brings a critical perspective to the table. Katherine is the only LGBT candidate in this race, a community also underrepresented in Sacramento. Katherine is not an institutional candidate, she’s a community champion. Katherine started her career in public service in Pasadena, working as Deputy to Mayor Bill Bogaard. Katherine served as first Transportation Manager for South Pasadena. As a small business owner, she understands the challenges of running a company. She also started a non-profit organization that focused on engaging diverse communities in land use decision making. Katherine is an Adjunct Professor at the USC Price School of Public Policy, and served as an Adjunct Professor at the UCLA School of Public Affairs. She attended PCC, CSUN and UCLA. She is endorsed by California League of Conservation Voters, Equality California, the California Latino Legislative Caucus, the California Legislative LGBT Caucus and hundreds of community leaders. Katherine is committed to working on behalf of others and will be your champion who will address the tough issues facing our communities!

CS-008577-1 DEM LA 045-021

STATEMENT OF ANDREW J. BLUMENFELD PARTY PREFERENCE: DEMOCRATIC MEMBER OF THE STATE ASSEMBLY, 43rd DISTRICT Born and raised in our community, Andrew Blumenfeld is a public school teacher,a community activist,anda dedicated public servant.After he was elected to the La Cañada School Board, he quickly earned a reputation as a fair-minded leader who was able to get things done. As President of the Board, he provided strong financial oversight and built consensus to improve local public schools and break down achievement barriers. As a fifth grade teacher, Andrew Blumenfeld works with children living in extreme poverty. Each year they beat the odds and are some of the highest achieving students in the state. Andrew Blumenfeld will be a powerful advocate for public safety, expanding public transportation, improving our water and power infrastructure, and creating an education system that helps every child succeed. Andrew will call for an audit of the Los Angeles and Glendale Departments of Water & Power to ensure ratepayer dollars are spent wisely. He will build on his strong record of eliminating waste, and putting the needs of residents and taxpayers ahead of special interests. Andrew Blumenfeld understands that California is far too diverse for one-size-fits-all legislation. He believes local problems need local solutions, and will fight to put your needs first. “As a member of the Assembly, I will fight to get statewide special interests out of the legislative process and prioritize your voice on our local issues. I humbly ask for your vote on June 7th.” –Andrew Blumenfeld Visit for more information.

CS-009816-1 DEM LA 045-022

STATEMENT OF RAJIV DALAL PARTY PREFERENCE: DEMOCRATIC MEMBER OF THE STATE ASSEMBLY, 43rd DISTRICT No one is ever truly prepared to hear, “You have cancer” – three words that change your life forever. I was diagnosed with cancer eight years ago and given a grim outlook. If I hadn’t had proper health care coverage or if medical advancements weren’t available, I wouldn’t be here and my family would be bankrupt. Today, we live in a society where even if you’re middle class, you can be one illness away from lacking the means to survive. I believe that it doesn’t have to be this way – and that’s why I run the Multiple Sclerosis Hope Foundation. We all know someone affected by a debilitating illness – Cancer, Alzheimer’s, MS, Parkinson’s. I believe there is no such thing as an incurable disease; there are only diseases that haven’t yet been cured. What if, instead of our politicians trying to be everything to everyone and accomplishing little, they could do one thing: fix our broken political system that puts power in the hands of lobbyists and special interests who stand in the way of reforming our healthcare and education systems? Imagine the possibilities. We could save lives and give our children a future worthy of their dreams. As a lecturer at our district’s community colleges, I’ve seen the possibilities when our students have a fighting chance. Together, I believe we can do anything. Let’s use this election to make a real difference. It’s not about being a Democrat or a Republican. It’s about believing in something bigger.

CS-010002-1 DEM LA 045-023

STATEMENT OF LAURA FRIEDMAN PARTY PREFERENCE: DEMOCRATIC MEMBER OF THE STATE ASSEMBLY, 43rd DISTRICT Laura Friedman has a proven history of creative and effective leadership. Laura Friedman has served as a Glendale City Councilmember and Mayor since 2009. She is a Metropolitan Water District Board member and Immediate Past-President of the Independent Cities Association. Laura Friedman took on the NRA and banned gun shows from city property, including those happening across the street from a community college. The League of Conservation Voters named Laura Friedman their “2014 Environmental Champion.” She fought to restore the L.A. River, ban plastic bags and promote sustainable building standards and energy conservation. Laura Friedman believes that anyone working full time should not be living in poverty. That’s why she is leading the fight for a $15 minimum wage in her city. Laura Friedmanwill be a championfor the rights of women, including access to safe and legal abortions and reproductive rights. Laura Friedman helped revitalize downtown and bring back thousands of jobs. That is why she was named Woman of the Year in Glendale. Laura Friedman was a successful television and film producer. As an Assembly member, she will fight to keep entertainment industry jobs in Southern California. Laura Friedman is endorsed by State Senator Carol Liu, Supervisor Sheila Kuehl, former Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky, Los Angeles Councilmember Mitch O’Farrell and by more than 30 local mayors, councilmembers and school board members. Laura Friedman is also endorsed by the California Nurses Association, National Women’s Political Caucus, Planned Parenthood Advocacy Project, and Sierra Club California. For more information:

CS-009877-1 DEM LA 045-024

STATEMENT OF MARK MACCARLEY PARTY PREFERENCE: REPUBLICAN MEMBER OF THE STATE ASSEMBLY, 43rd DISTRICT Lifelong District resident, Major General (Retired) Mark MacCarley grew up in Burbank and is currently a resident of Glendale. Having raised his children and run several businesses and a law firm in the District, his focus has been on the District’s working families. A reserve Army Officer in 2001, after 9/11, he was called back to Active Service, thereafter serving almost 11 years in duty stations around the world, including Kuwait, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Upon retiring from the Army he founded the Veterans Mentoring Project, which helps returning Student Veterans transition to civilian life. Believing in “selfless service”, Mark has traveled the district, listening to people about their concerns. He has set his 3 priorities: PUBLIC SAFETY - As a Reserve Deputy Sheriff he recognizes the effects of well meaning but ill-conceived actions such as Proposition 47 and AB 109 prison realignment. He will work toward common sense solutions. JOBS - The best way to fight poverty is creating new jobs and economic opportunity not chasing them away with high taxes and stifling regulations. Growing the economy will be one of his top priorities. EDUCATION - We need to reform California’s education system. We are failing to meet the needs of the next generation and are not providing the educational opportunities that will allow our children to live out the American Dream. For Mark, election to the California Assembly is about “selfless service” to the community. It is not about making a career out of politics. Go to for more information.

CS-009883-1 DEM LA 045-025

STATEMENT OF KATHRYN BARGER CANDIDATE FOR SUPERVISOR, 5TH DISTRICT The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors touches all of our lives. I know because I have worked for Supervisor Mike Antonovich for fifteen years as his Chief Deputy Supervisor. My understanding of our community and working families starts with having been born, raised, and lived almost all my life in the Fifth District. I am committed to a fiscally accountable county government that balances budgets by holding down taxes and spending while investing in critical needs - public safety, economic development, transportation, and services for children and families, especially foster care, mental health and homelessness. As the wife of a retired LA County Deputy Sheriff, I know the importance of public safety to all our communities. My anti-crime record has earned me endorsements from The Los Angeles County Deputy Sheriffs, LA County Firefighters along with support from three former District Attorneys – Gil Garcetti, Steve Cooley, and Robert Philibosian. I’m also honored to have won the support of twenty local Mayors and Councilmembers and to be endorsed by my mentor, Supervisor Mike Antonovich, as well as Supervisor Sheila Kuehl. Based on my lifelong experience working in our community combined with bi-partisan endorsements of my candidacy for Los Angeles County Supervisor, I humbly ask for your support. For more information go to

CS-009832-1 DEM LA 045-026

DECLARACIÓN DE KATHRYN BARGER CANDIDATA PARA SUPERVISORA, 5° DISTRITO La Junta de Supervisores del Condado de Los Angeles afecta a todas nuestras vidas. Lo sé porque he trabajado para el Supervisor Mike Antonovich por quince años como su Supervisora Delegada en Jefe. Mi entendimiento de nuestra comunidad y las familias trabajadoras comienza por haber nacido, haberme criado, y haber vivido casi toda la vida en el Quinto Distrito. Estoy comprometida con un gobierno del condado fiscalmente responsable que equilibre los presupuestos manteniendo bajos los impuestos y los gastos invirtiendo al mismo tiempo en las necesidades críticas - seguridad pública, desarrollo económico, transporte, y servicios para los niños y las familias, especialmente los cuidados de hogares sustitutos, la salud mental y la falta de vivienda. Como esposa de un Agente del Alguacil del Condado de LA jubilado, conozco la importancia de la seguridad pública para todas nuestras comunidades. Mi trayectoria anti-crimen me ha otorgado el respaldo de Los Agentes del Alguacil del Condado de Los Angeles, los Bomberos del Condado de LA junto con el apoyo de tres ex Fiscales del Distrito – Gil Garcetti, Steve Cooley, y Robert Philibosian. También me honra haberme ganado el apoyo de veinte Alcaldes y Miembros del Concejo locales y estar apoyada por mi mentor, el Supervisor Mike Antonovich, así como la Supervisora Sheila Kuehl. Con base en experiencia de toda la vida por el trabajo en nuestra comunidad combinada con los respaldos bi-partidarios a mi candidatura para Supervisora del Condado de Los Angeles, le pido humildemente su apoyo. Para más información, visite

CS-009832-2 DEM LA 045-027

STATEMENT OF ELAN CARR CANDIDATE FOR SUPERVISOR, 5TH DISTRICT Age: 48 Occupation: Criminal Gang Prosecutor Tragically, violent crime is up more than 20% in our community. We desperately need a Supervisor who has real crime-fighting experience, not another career politician. That’s why I’m running. Elan Carr’s Crime Fighting Plan: 1) Put more criminals behind bars and keep them there, instead of releasing felons early onto our streets. 2) Hire additional police to serve in our communities. 3) Stop crime before it starts by investing in afterschool programs and early job training for at-risk youth. I’m proud to serve in our military. While deployed in Iraq I lead an anti-terrorism team in life-saving missions, then prosecuted terrorists who attacked American troops. And for the last decade I’ve fought dangerous criminals on our streets as a criminal gang prosecutor - prosecuting some of Los Angeles County’s most notorious gangs, as well as cases of domestic violence and animal cruelty. That’s why 66,000 police officers across California have endorsed me. Good jobs are key to preventing crime. As Supervisor I’ll cut red tape to grow our economy and create jobs. And I’ll fix our schools because the way to a good job is a great education. I’m running for Supervisor because every family deserves to be safe.

CS-009864-1 DEM LA 045-028

STATEMENT OF MITCHELL ENGLANDER CANDIDATE FOR SUPERVISOR, 5TH DISTRICT Occupation: Councilmember The 5th District Supervisor seat is open for the first time in 36 years. MITCHELL ENGLANDER brings new energy combined with EXPERIENCE as a LOCAL ELECTED LEADER, POLICE OFFICER, BUSINESSMAN and COMMUNITY VOLUNTEER. PUBLIC SAFETY FIRST for our families and communities: - As a reserve Police Officer, I patrolled our streets for over a decade - As a Councilmember – secured life-saving resources for our Fire Department - I created FireSTAT-L.A. which improved emergency response times - Put more Police Officers on our streets - Updated technology for 9-1-1 centers EXPERIENCED PROBLEM SOLVER: - I opened local Community Service Centers to help residents where they live, rather than having to go downtown to resolve their issues - Created efficiencies - saving hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars - Expanded anti-gang programs to keep at-risk youth on the right path COUNCILMEMBER, BUSINESSMAN and COMMUNITY VOLUNTEER: - Balanced budgets, passed pension reform, and reduced business taxes - Collaborated with schools, community councils, non-profit and faith-based organizations, and businesses - Created job-training and workforce programs during the recession Join business and community leaders from the Antelope, Crescenta, Santa Clarita, San Fernando, and San Gabriel valleys, in supporting: MITCHELL ENGLANDER for SUPERVISOR – New Direction. New Energy. Protecting families and communities.

CS-009840-1 DEM LA 045-029

DECLARACIÓN DE MITCHELL ENGLANDER CANDIDATO PARA SUPERVISOR, 5o DISTRITO Ocupación: Miembro del Concejo El escaño de Supervisor del 5o Distrito está abierto por primera vez en 36 años. MITCHELL ENGLANDER trae energía nueva combinada con EXPERIENCIA como LÍDER LOCAL ELECTO, OFICIAL DE POLICÍA, HOMBRE DE NEGOCIOS y VOLUNTARIO DE LA COMUNIDAD. LA SEGURIDAD PÚBLICA EN PRIMER LUGAR para nuestras familias y comunidades: - Como Oficial de Policía de la reserva, patrullé nuestras calles por más de una década - Como Miembro del Concejo – aseguré recursos que salvan vidas para nuestro Departamento de Bomberos - Fui el creador de FireSTAT-L.A. que mejoró los tiempos de respuesta a emergencias - Puse más Oficiales de Policía en nuestras calles - Modernicé la tecnología para los centros del 9-1-1 PERSONA EXPERIMENTADA QUE SABE RESOLVER PROBLEMAS: - Abrí Centros locales de Servicio Comunitario para ayudar a los residentes en el lugar donde viven, en lugar de que tengan que dirigirse al centro de la ciudad para resolver sus asuntos - Fui el creador de eficiencias - lo que permitió ahorrar cientos de millones de dólares de los contribuyentes - Expandí los programas contra las pandillas para mantener a los jóvenes en riesgo por el camino correcto MIEMBRO DEL CONCEJO, HOMBRE DE NEGOCIOS y VOLUNTARIO DE LA COMUNIDAD: - Equilibré presupuestos, aprobé reformas de pensiones, y reduje los impuestos comerciales - Colaboré con las escuelas, los concejos de la comunidad, las organizaciones sin fines de lucro y basadas en la fe, y los comercios - Fui el creador de programas de capacitación laboral y fuerza laboral durante la recesión Únase a los líderes comerciales y de la comunidad de los valles de Antelope, Crescenta, Santa Clarita, San Fernando, y San Gabriel, para apoyar a: MITCHELL ENGLANDER para SUPERVISOR – Nueva Dirección. Nueva Energía.Protección delasfamiliasylascomunidades.

CS-009840-2 DEM LA 045-030

STATEMENT OF BOB HUFF CANDIDATE FOR SUPERVISOR, 5TH DISTRICT Occupation: Business Owner/State Senator Bob Huff is a business owner who has used his business skills to save taxpayer dollars and create jobs. He’s a state senator who eliminated government waste by requiring mandatory fingerprinting to stop welfare fraud, cutting his own salary and outlawing pay increases for politicians when the state was running a deficit. He successfully fought to kick three corrupt Senators out of office. Bob’s efforts to prevent a 76 cents per gallon gas tax hike helped earn him a 100% rating from the California Taxpayers’ Association. He co-wrote measures providing tax incentives to keep and create good jobs in Los Angeles County. To keep neighborhoods safe, Bob helped prevent the release of 10,000 dangerous felons from prison. As Supervisor, he’ll save tax dollars by reinstating immigration control enforcement in county jails to more easily deport violent criminals who are here illegally. He will use performance based budgeting to make government more accountable. He’ll fight for communities that get shortchanged in transportation dollars and services when compared to downtown Los Angeles and the Westside. Bob Huff will strive to improve our quality of life, ensure children get a quality education and push to ensure corrupt government officials are prosecuted. Please visit:

CS-009907-1 DEM LA 045-031

STATEMENT OF DARRELL PARK CANDIDATE FOR SUPERVISOR, 5TH DISTRICT Age: 47 Occupation: Educator/Budget Specialist DARRELL PARK is the ONLY candidate for Supervisor endorsed by the DEMOCRATIC PARTY. As a lifelong progressive, Darrell is committed to ensuring that county government serves the best interests of everyone, not just the rich and powerful. For nearly a decade, DARRELL PARK served as a Budget Specialist in the White House. In this role, he helped in the historic multi-year balancing of the Federal Budget. He is an educator, has written a book on solving the problems we face, and spends his time figuring out how to make government and start-ups better through more effective budgeting. As our new Supervisor DARRELL PARK will: -Create new jobs by investing in green energy -Keep our air and drinking water clean -Expandprogramsthatk eepkidssafe -Effectively provide services to our most vulnerable citizens -Reform our foster care and criminal justice systems “As the ONLY candidate endorsed by the Democratic Party, I’m running for Supervisor to raise the quality of life of everyone in Los Angeles County. We need new leaders with new ideas and progressive values, willing to bring people together to tackle the problems we face. I would be honored to earn your vote.” -Darrell Park For more information, visit or call (626) 460-0450

CS-009801-1 DEM LA 045-032

CITY ATTORNEY’S IMPARTIAL ANALYSIS OF MEASURE N REPEAL OF CITY’S UTILITY USERS TAX Residents of Glendale currently pay a Utility Users Tax (UUT) for water, gas and electricity service. The current rate is 7%. The UUT is a general tax, meaning that UUT revenues are paid into the City’s General Fund. General Fund revenues are budgeted by the City Council annually for general City services, such as police and fire protection, 9-1-1 emergency response, parks, libraries, and street maintenance and repairs. If approved by a majority of Glendale voters, Measure “N” would amend the City’s Municipal Code by repealing the UUT on gas, electric and water service in its entirety. This measure is on the ballot because a number of residents circulated a petition and obtained sufficient signatures to qualify for the ballot under California Elections law. Therefore, the City Council placed this Measure on the ballot. If the measure is approved, the General Fund will no longer receive UUT revenues resulting in a loss of approximately $17,500,000 per year. The UUT is the City’s third largest source of General Fund revenue (9.5%) after property and sales taxes. If the UUT is repealed, there would be a significant impact on the City’s ability to provide services and programs at current levels. The City Council will have to decide, as part of the budgeting process, whether alternative revenues are available, or whether City services and programs will have to be reduced or eliminated. Current options being considered to offset this potential revenue loss are to: eliminate 53 full-time sworn police officer positions; eliminate 37 firefighter positions; close the equivalent of two fire stations; eliminate the Police Department’s DNA Crime Lab; reduce the number of on-duty paramedics; eliminate the Specialized Fire Department Emergency Service personnel, including the emergency preparedness unit, the arson investigator, the hazardous materials response team and the search and rescue team; eliminate youth anti-gang and anti-drug prevention programs; reduce pothole repair and maintenance of city streets, storm drains and other critical city facilities and infrastructure; and, close most libraries in Glendale and eliminate librarians and library staff. For a more detailed discussion of the potential impacts of Measure “N”, we refer you via the hyperlinks below to the Staff’s impartial reports to the City Council. December 8, 2015 Report: packets/Reports 120815/CC 8a 120815.pdf March 1, 2016 Supplemental Report: packets/Reports 030116/CC 8a 030116.pdf

(Continued on next page)

PR-004669-1 DEM LA 045-033

CITY ATTORNEY’S IMPARTIAL ANALYSIS OF MEASURE N (Continued) Measure “N” requires simple majority approval of the voters to pass. A “Yes” vote on Measure “N” will repeal the Utility Users Tax A “No” vote on Measure “N” will not repeal the Utility Users Tax. MICHAEL J. GARCIA City Attorney

The above statement is an impartial analysis of Measure N. If you desire a copy of the Measure, the proposed ordinance, or the existing code, please call the City Clerk’s office at (818) 548-2090, and a copy will be mailed at no cost to you.

PR-004669-2 DEM LA 045-034

ARGUMENT IN FAVOR OF MEASURE N Stop the Utility Tax Argument in Favor of Measure Taxation and spending are out of control at every level of government. In a stagnant economy with declining real income, local government continues to grow. Even though Glendale’s population is essentially unchanged since 2000, the General Fund has grown an astonishing 77% from just under $100 million to $177 million for 2015. In just six years, total budgeted city revenues including GWP grew from $708 million to $832 million, a whopping 17.6% increase. In 2014, 10 city employees banked over $300,000 per year; 31 made $250,000-$299,000; 135 made $200,000-$249,000; 237 made $150,000-$199,000 and 343 made $100,000-$149,000. California’s governor made only $212,640 in 2014. (Source In 2014 the median fulltime city employee received pay and benefits totaling $105,211. Government elites enjoy pay, pensions and job security the average taxpayer can only dream about. It gets worse. We have to pay these people the rest of their lives. Glendale’s unfunded pension obligations are officially $411.9 million. But the real number, according to Stanford Institute for Economic Research, could be as much as $1,425,003,510. (Source: The City Council has caved into the salary demands of public employee unions and has failed to control the growth of non-essential services. Passing this measure will reduce utility taxes by $17,500,000, just 9.5% of the General Fund. The idea that a 9.5% cut can, or should, compromise public safety is extortionate nonsense. WILLIAM A. TALIAFERRO Resident & Tax Payer JOHN M. VOORS Resident & Tax Payer

PR-004669-3 DEM LA 045-035

ARGUMENT AGAINST MEASURE N Why do Glendale’s most respected leaders and organizations all say vote NO on N? Glendale’s FIREFIGHTERS and paramedics say vote NO because Measure N means: - SLOWER 9-1-1 EMERGENCY RESPONSE times for victims of heart attacks, strokes, car accidents, fires and other emergencies - CLOSING two Glendale FIRE STATIONS and eliminating nearly 40 firefighters and paramedics - Eliminating Glendale’s Emergency Preparedness unit, arson investigator, hazardous materials response team and search and rescue team Glendale’s POLICE OFFICERS say vote NO because Measure N means: - SLOWER POLICE RESPONSE to 9-1-1 crime calls and less investigation to solve crimes - CUTTING the number of on-duty POLICE officers - REDUCING police PATROLS in our neighborhoods that keep our families and homes safe - Closing the Glendale Police Department’s DNA Crime Lab for prosecuting criminals Glendale’s PARENTS and TEACHERS say vote NO because Measure N means: - CLOSING most LIBRARIES in Glendale and eliminating librarians that help students learn to read, do their homework and succeed in school - Eliminating youth anti-gang and anti-drug programs that keep kids on the right track and out of trouble Glendale’s BUSINESS leaders and realtors say vote NO because Measure N means: - A less safe Glendale with deteriorating roads and infrastructure drives away business and good jobs - More crime in our neighborhoods will DECREASE HOME VALUES Why is this misguided and poorly written initiative on our ballot? An out-of-town group collected signatures to put this same measure on the ballot in several cities. They don’t understand Glendale’s needs or how Measure N will hurt Glendale.

(Continued on next page)

PR-004669-4 DEM LA 045-036

ARGUMENT AGAINST MEASURE N (Continued) Don’t believe their lies about out of control budgets and pensions. Get the facts at Glendale residents know that we live in a great community with safe neighborhoods. Let’s keep it that way. Just say NO on N. ARA NAJARIAN Mayor ofthe CityofGlendale PAULA DEVINE Glendale Councilmember LAURA FRIEDMAN Glendale Councilmember VARTAN GHARPETIAN Glendale Councilmember ZAREH SINANYAN Glendale Councilmember

PR-004669-5 DEM LA 045-037 Save time and money!

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