Ration CalttnClcir IRA,. brown ItaITlJlt C, D. E and F, Book 3 expire No Change Oct. 30; CI... B u~ rltlan: thin! Inspection .,.r!od ~ Od. II; .UG~ IltArnp I' Aruf !tOME CAN­ NUi(f stAmpl 15 and I, ..pIT" o.t. 311 PROCl:S8tD IOWA: Contlnaed Id . )'OOPS ~r. x v tn4 z upw Nov ••; SHOE DAILY IOWA.N <\&mil No. 1 valId Ind""nl~lr ; FlT£L OIL ""r. I TilE ooupOn. '.3·' • @xplr@ Jail. ~. '44. Iowa Cit y , 5 M 0 r n i n 9 N e'w 5 pap e r

tlVECENTS TBII ASIOCIA1'IID P&1I111 IOWA CITY. IOWA TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1943 "DB ASSOCIATED 1''''. VOLUME XIJV NUMBER 21 FAMINE IN INDIA TAKES BIG DAILY DEATH TOLL • lOr. tage s\al 'one "Do Ine nall ait. ling mer stat ned ree, day etni s and )hly ;ol'l~ heir • \ !r a tof. Uon ties. elze a a n Ha or Kot~r Falls to Forcesi;-lnt-erp-r:l-i:g-* --" 2 Industrial Cities Fall; Ene~y Of Droia Mihailovic Th!~~~a~e:~'i' Troops. in 'Disorderly Retreat" Race for Safety By A. L GOLDBERG lJONDO ,Tn day (AP)-Th Reo ormy orn. hed ermany' STARVING TO DlATH In ,Calcutta, India, thl. tamUy il among the victims of India's severest famine. fJO DO~ ( AP)-](olol'. M011 teJ1l'l!'ro. with ils landlocked har­ From River Bend powerful Dnieper river bend defense. Yc.]1I·op t'tl·o" k, wllilr A • crond mov(,fl 011 th(' pity I'rom the :qe p in the center of the bend Bfllknn [ll'n im,lI Ill. wrsl . '1'hr)' , ma~h cI throngh IHborate ronCl'rle pillboxI' and ·de - and closing in on Krivoi Rog junc- :.":;:~'i ~g(;1i 'nst ~Matig ' ny bloekhon. CR 10 take the t,\rin citi('. in HI e UPPl'I' corner of till' loop AIiird contl'Ol oj' Kolol' (·o\dd br "ijtnficnnt. 'rhe pori ill only 120 mil(" 11('I'O:S Ihl' .\c\J'inl it' f'1~)m nlii('d·hrld BIII'i, Italy, lind il lion, other Russian columns ex­ by ~lol'm, and captlll'l'd /I eil r: ploiting the Kremenchug break­ mlly y(>l play 1\ bill' rolp in RAI. mOt1 F! quontitie " of war mater­ N.A * *:* through threaten to cut oU the S S A U, Bllha~as (AF) ":' ial the enpm)' ]lad b ('n aceumu· kan opel'ation . Nazi forces from escape. A disaster From' the lips of an American de­ 1111 ing for months, . Mediterranean-Based ,- IeCUve, a Baham!\s :' sll{lreme !:ourt 'J'ito in his communiqu(> 1'1'· greater than Stalingrad is in the This skillful R]H'inging of a jUrY heard yesterday the' story, of, u.s. 5th Army portrcl 11le capture of h'nnie, making for the Germans hurrying Bombers, ltaly.;Based. the sil1ll~ ' hairs. ,offered 'by the, nCllr Zagl'cb, the capi lal of southward over inadequate roads "trap-within-a-trap" was abetted mlwn as damning, testimony ,that Croatia, atl' well as two German to sUp through the 50-mile gap by two arms of a larger Soviet Allred de ' Mari~y beat and strongholds in western Bosnia and above the lower arm of the river pincers, one. hammering at t.he Fighters Raid Austria bend. burned to death his young wife's Only 93 Miles dcclared his men had captured gates of Krivoi Rog, 85 miles to I1thtr, Sir Harry Oakes. , There appears no doubt thnt the the southwest, the othel.' racing 2,000 Germans, the lar,est num­ 8per.kJur w1lb , tJl~ 8:H~ance Nazis have started evacuating the southwestward through fallen Me­ Berlin Acknowledges pia.. from hundreds of 'ap­ ber yet. whole Dnieper piliteau and t.he litopol toward the Crimea. First American Use Crimean peninsula. The Kremen­ JlWinces on the Witness stand, From Rome Tilo again insistently charged Thousands KUled Of Newly-Won Fields Ca(II. E. 'W. ' Mdeb.en 01 ~he he was having to tight Mihailovic's chUg bulge brea~through, followed Thousands of Germans fell on Mia 18 I pollee also laid the by Russian cllp~ul'e of Melitopolto the steppes above the Crimea, and II'WIdwork .fCK the introduction Repels Counterattacks forces as weH as Germans In the threa ten the last exi ts froni the the early morning Moscow bulle- LON DON (AP) - Mediterra- tla tlDrerprtnt with whieh At- , Montenegro-Albania border area. ~ri mea , ha~ app:m;niJy ('olla eel tin announced the shattering of a nean-based Am e ric a n heavy To Advance 3 Miles, The SIJCcestl of the gutrrula Ine)' Ganeral Eric , Halllnan 1he whole German right flank in German defense line based on the bombers. escorted for t.he first time campaign. however, wllS said by Russia. will """ to allow that de Ma. Capture Big Junction railway from Melitopol to the Cri­ by long-range fighters, based in rip, In hIJ Cl.ther-ln-Iaw's, I the SWiss radio Lo have Irked Hit­ The r~tteat could become a rout. mea. A number of strongpolnts 11''' Italy, struck at Austria Sunday in ...... 18 .ai ~be time 01 the slay", ALLIED HEADQUARTERS, AI- ler to the point where he was The Na~i hlah command, hoping were captured, including Rodion­ planning to slice ofr one portion fol' exhaustion of the Russian of­ the developing campaign to bring -but it( the .ltrht of tilly '-8. . giel's (AI')-Driving three miles ovka, 14 miles southwest of Mel'­ The PrQsecutiop Tolled out its of Yugoslavia and add it to ihe fensive, appears to have held on topol on an inlet of the Sea of Hitler's southern wall under the of agnill)lt determined resistance and Reich, giving Hungary another , a biggest guns for the start of the too long. Azov. same devastating bomb lire that I«Ond week o! de Marlgl1Y's trial repelling four violent countcrat­ lump-probably as a bribe to keep There arc grave politico I por­ Eight Gel'man counterattacks 'ult a faltering satellite in the war. already has burned and blackened elp for murder, and MeJchen was tacks w.ithin 24 hours, Fifth army tents. to, in the situation In the were beaten down before Krlvoi Meantime allied aviation took south for the German high com­ German cltles from the west. n cal)ed to testify only after Dr, troops have captured the import­ Rog, and one Soviet unit. smashed a hand in the Balkan war by mand. 1l the Naizs are thrown the William Y. Sayad had quoted a an enUre Nazi regiment, said the Gen. Dwlrht D. Eisenhower's threat by the accused man last ant road and rall junction of Spar­ bombing Tirana, capital of Al­ back to the Bug river fOr another at bulletin, recorded by the Sov~et African headquarters briefly an­ Iprinl to anise in the mountainous western stand-and the Bug Js the only St;, "crock the head o:t Sir bania, and. the allied middle east monitor. nounced this memorable action ,ar- lItrry," sector ot the Halian front 93 aJ r- command disclosed Syros island, naturally strong position avoilable Melchen told of being called to west of the so\.Jthern Dnieper-the Front. dispatches said the 23rd yesterday Q.l'alnSi the one Nazi line miles fl'om Rome, a helld- southeast ot Athens, was raidoo German tank division already had Nassau" along .J..lt)l Capt, James early Sunday morning. battlefront in Ru ssia would lie area heretofore almost. Immune quarters communique announced been trapped at Krivoi Rog, itself 0, !)arkEr of the Miami police, by Another angle on the confused within 100 miles of Rumanian from air atiack. the Duke of Windsor, governor of frontiers, It would be within an important industrial and rail yesterday. iBalkan situation was given in The Berlin radio said the Arneri- is the Bahamas, who was anxious Fall of the town, 13 miles from Ankara by the newspaper Ak­ bombing range of the most vital center, and the German com­ mander killed, At some pOints can bombers also had flown in ,ain thot the slaying of one of the LADY Eunice Oakes. the 'mother IGODFREY Hlns, chief defense the Mediterl'aneon end of the bat- sham's Budapest corresponden~ Nazi war making nerve, the Ru­ of Nancy Oakes de Marll'ny, wife council tor de MariJilY. rhe rorJd's richest men be solved, He line, raised a severe threat to who said Hitler was attempting to manian oil fields and installations. German troops even abandoned from Italian bases aJ1d that the Re.Qlleallonec1 de' Marlrny the of Alfred de Marll'ny. What that will do to Rumanian their clothing in their !light, the four-engined craft had then winged lice German fOl'ces between that pOint counter the Moscow ~rJpartite con- DlPt of July 8, the day the body ference by the creatIOn of a Bal­ and Bulgarian war morale, already newspaper Pravda said. as WII 4Isoovered , by lIarold G. and the sea. An allled commenta-I kan confederation to set up a at a low ebb, con only be conjec­ Order of Day on to Britain to make it a inu\\\.e ure CUlAle, a housuuest at the tured, There can be little doubt, An order of the day by Premier bombing, a report American air~ tor declared: "If they don't get Iunited front against the advanc­ force headl')uarters here declined Oake. estate. Weltboume. De out they will be caught in a ing Russians. however, that both Nazi satellite Marshlll Joseph Stalin, ending ~J a....e1!c1 to an exainlna­ u.s. Tax Advisers Recom'mend states, with Russian forces that with the usual grim command to confirm or deny. pockeL" I' The correspondent said Bul- tloa 01 Ills body wl&h a micro­ close, wiil collapse os Italy col­ "dealh to the German invaders" (If the Berlin announcoment is seeN, Melchen aald, ailclinl': North of Rivet garia, Rumania, Croatia, Serbia, true. it would indicate the begin­ . . , Montenegro and Albania would lapsed. ' announced the successful storming )p- ''I found burned hairs on his of the two metallurgical citles. ning of the fulfillment of the allied nch Increased Postal Rates, Excises Spa!'aruse IS about seven mIles mal(e up the federation. forearms ahd the backs of both north of the Volturno river near Cross-Channel Duel Dnepropetrovsk Ilself normally promise to throw the mighty Medi­ 11 hands. There wer,e visible burned the center Lieut. Gen. Mark W. Nuts Down Swedish Plane LONDON (AP)."The longest supplied one-third of a11 .Russia's t.el'\'anean aerial armada into an all hairs on the left side of his beard, WASHINGTON (AP)-A sharPrhad closed the door on any further Clark's Filth army (ront, and is . NEW . YO~ (AP)-The Swed- and heaviest crOSS-Channel gun ca t iron, and the city of more than all-out shuttle-bombing onslaught .om a few on his mustl\che and on his increase in postal rates, boosting ~crease in !'ates on individual lour miles due west Pignataro, ,ISh radIO saI d last night that the d\Jel in months shook the Dover 500,000 is the key to control or ill! on Germany jn conjunction with I've ot leIt eyebrow." ' t f Incomes. which was captured several days I Germ~ns had acknowledged t~at area :tor two hours last night when Russia's lower Ukraine industries. the ~ven mightier Britain-based our Delc:ribing the microscopic ex­ th e ch arge on iust class, ou -0 - ago. The advance placed Clark's , a NazI plane shot down. a Sw~d~sh British long-range bat t e r I e s Dneprodzerzhinsk, formerly Ka­ fleets. a ~ amlnltion of the hairs 011 de Ma­ town leiters from three cents to Senate Begins Debate (A recent north Atrlcan an­ troops across the strongly defended transport la~t Fri~ay rught kl~mg t touched off the firing about 9 menskoye, lies 20 miles to the ~as t rilJl1'. body, Melchen said, fo ur, and larger excises on 50- On Post-War Policy Regia can a] artct, if continued, 13 persons, mcludmg an American. p. m. west. nouncement sald that every ad­ rn- "We asked him how he burned vance up Italy broarht the day called luxuries-including Ilquor, WASHINGTON (AP) -A 501- would split the Nazis' Massico 'Ied himsel!." cigarets, candy and pop-were clOSfJr when Ualy-baaed bombers zed "He replied, 'Maybe lighting emn senate opened a post-war ridge line. would ranre' tbe farthest out­ Gen. Sir. Bernard L. Montgom­ HITLER'S YUGOSLAV HEADACHE ~EfOMES ACUTE ONE ' lur, cicarets.' " , proposed yesterday by the con­ policy debate yesterday and met )IOIts of Hitler's wllr industry.) gressional advisory staff on taxa­ ery's British, Canadian and Indian al! "We asked wh~ther this would immediate demands that the Uni­ The Germans themselves rushed aJteot the forearms,'" . tion. forces of the Eighth army enlarged out with the tirst accounts of the ace ted States pledge itself to join in their bridehead across the Trigno to "'Hardly,' he said." Estimated to yield $1,580,204,000 Austrian attack, picturing the al~ "fi~ then said maybe he burned an inte~national military force to river in the eastern seclor in stern ,p- in new revenue, the program would lied force as made up of 300 heavy the hairs at an open fire at his , prevent future wars, fighting against German forma­ bombers end 200 fighters, and chicken farm where water was place a one-cent tax on bottled Without uch a pledge, declared tions which have dug themselves acknowledging heavy damage at healed for scalding chickens, or soft drinks, and raise the federal Senator Ball (R-Minn) "the odds into the mountains terrain in a de­ one point. The Nazis .said also that blayfle it was when he had a singe gasoline tax from' 1.5 cents to 2 are against preventing World War termined elfort to block any "back Hungary was hit, but this was not by a barber three harcuts back," cents a gallon, III." door" entrance to Rome. confirmed. Representative Knutson, (R- Ball, urging a military force 'Steady ProrrellS' The terse allied announcement Minn) leading 'Republican' mem- amendment to th.e broad-termed "Steady progress continues to said only that the attack was made be made along the whole front," ber oj the house ways and means policy resolution presented by the by four-e.ngined bombers escorted Yanks Destroy More committee, said there was a good fpreigl\ relations committee, de­ an allied announcement said. "Ac­ by fighters, and that heavy cloud chance the proposals would be elared there is a "studied attempt tive and extensive patrolling con­ formations hampered observation Jap Plines at Rabald adopted. to rush this resolution through the tinues on the Fi!th army fronta, ot the damage. The program proposes ior the senate without any full attempt to with small advances in certain first fime to levy excises a,ainst explore by debllte its implications sectors." ALLIEO ' J{EADQUARTERS IN soft drinld, candy ' chewing gum or meanings," In crossing the Trigno river ~ SOUTHWEST P /iL G I F r c, Montgomery's fighters catried the Stali,.. ,.ceive, Hull Tuesday (AP)--General MacAr- and pari-mutuel wagers. "Why, after months of delay, invasion of the peninsula from tlwr's airtQrce destroyed 123 Jap- The tax 00 liq'Uor would be this sudden haste?" he asked the As 3-Power Parley lck 'raised from $6 to $8 a gallon. The cJ'Qwdecj !lenate. southel'J) into central Italy, the Enten Second Week ;lui lIIeIe planes Saturday and Sun- c~aret levy wlluld 10 from $3.60 .~" Ball toolc the floor ute!: Chair­ river in this area being considered the dividing line. The stiffest bas day in raids on 'reinforcementS at p:er "thousand to ,$4 ' per ' ~Qusand riuln:O~rttmPY '(D-Tex)-;,oiDed by MOSCOW (AP)-Secretary ot Ribaul, New Britain, bringing the and larger levies would be 1ffiposed senatortl Vandenberg (R-MIch) fighting is in progress in Chisti rts, State Cordell Hull, the highest so . ~ wiped o~t there in four re- on general admissions to amuse- atJd.Gillette (D-Iowa)--argued tor province. I , ten amaahea to more than 300. ment places. . adoption of 'the committee's rel!o­ Bloody Struu1es U: S. official ever to visit the S0- ~ allied ,airpower may have, ·The postal rate increll8es w~ld lution. Gillette Cautioned the sen­ This fight along the entire Ital­ viet union, was received yeater~ ian front has become one of scores ~ thll ,ltride it takes to de- lift. t,he charge {or first class loca1 ate against "qutbbUng over words day by Russian Premi~r Joseph of bloody individual struales tor ••."1 JIIOl'e< planes. than the Japa- I'TUllhng from two to three cents an and jeopardizing the very thing Stalin. IIIit can manufacture. ounce, airmail six cents to .10 we are trying to tlo." seelc points from which to launch II9artDa the _,nemy's. p I a n e centa an ounce. Charles on speCial commanding positions as the allies Hull and Anthony Eden, British - In two , weeks in the south delivery and 'other classes of mail BrItish Bald .ur their next full-scale assault against foreign minister, bave been hete 1IId, IO\lUIWeBt Pacific to more than would liltewise be increased. Field Marshal Albert Kesselring's British Mosqulto bombers 'Went since lalt week conf~ on wir ID" MacArthur' • . bombers. 81- The staff program was presented forces. and post-war problems of the al~ CIIted 111. fiahters 8S'they'were in to the ways and mean committee, out Sunday against the Rubr and A headquarters commentator WITH TIlED AaMlE8 reeUnr baet in ...... and desperl.tely ellPl'ec1 with advancinr allied forees in lies with Soviet Foreip CommiB- lilt ~ 86~-to" raid of Oct. 12, shortly . after the committee re­ Rhinelatld to' sow fire 'and explo­ stressed that the Eighth anriy's ltal" ac1decl to tile woea ., tile Oe...... tIlelr lbcreaaina" peril.in l'arOllavia where I. rapidl, rro,.nr sar Vyachealav Molotov. stalin ""t, badt · to ,Rabaul oh the jected the treasury's proposal to in­ sion in areas that have hardly present push against the Trigno ar&a II aow UDder domlDa&lon of YurOilav patriot force •. ThIs Central 'p",a map shows peJnts of lI0II- talked with Eden last week. Itrwittb of ,recol)llai ..ance photo- crease estate and gift taxes, which known normal ' sleep in many merely was a "curtain raiser" and Ible AnrIO-"-rleaD Iavaatou Into IR'trlet-beld YUCOIlav territory, to foresiaU whlcb 1I. Nalls are What W81 dllcuaaed by Stalin 3t lI'IDha .aI!o')YI,n; ~e enemy had would have yielded. .$400,000,000. .weeks._. In. lb.ls . a~on ..e v e r :y that the heavy fighting tQr Rom~ rulhlq reinfonements from .FraI)ee. l'J.t:'wbile, HUler'~ . ~e aeneral, Field Martl¥1 Irwin Rommel, 11 I the meetings with Hull and Eden • !lilt In air replacements. The tax-framing body previously, British plane got throu.h, was yet to tome. - - reported to bave establllhed beadqual1en in Zarreb In nortliem, Yuroall.vla. ' was not disclosed. • .' - • PAGE TWO THE DAlLY IOWAN, IOWA CITY, IOWA TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 19(3 ======--~====~======~======~=------~--==~======~======~ HE 0 L'\" low N 2, 5, 10 Years Ago- OFFICIAL DAILY BULLETIN Pubbshed every momin, ucep Monday by News Behind the News HEROES Student Publl aUoDll Incorporated at 128-130 IAMERI~~~F I to Iowa Clt)'. lowa. Mr. Willkie Is Turning From The '~ Board of Trustees. Wilbur Schramm. A. Crai, Republican BaIrd, Kirk H Porter, Paul E 0..... Jadr. • PAUL MALLON ;; oyers, Dan McLaU(hUn, John Doran, DoMla Iowan 'files Vol XXI, No. 1684 Tuesday, October 28, -00 T~ Ottilie, Ed Bowman. W A HINGTO. T_lli. Willkie is turning UNIVERSITY CALENDAR Fred Pownall, Publilh Republican. Marie Nau, Advertising Manager Oct. 26, 1941 ... Tue.day, Oct. 28 "Fine Arts," by Prot. Earl E. Har· In energetic front page action of late, he Purdue tromped out a 7-6 AI James F. Zabel, Editor 1 p .m. Dessert bridge (partner), per, senate chamber, Old CapitoL ha ought to correct the mechanical defect Homecoming \·ictory 0 v e r the University club Saturday, Oct. 30 ~11 Entered as second clua mall matter at the pos~ Hawkeyes, coming back in the 7 p. m. Spanish club, sun porch, 7:30 p. m. Iowa Mountaineen: or hi, earlier eampaign for 1944. fourth quarter after Iowa had ,tfj t Iowa Ci~, 10". UDder the act of con· Iowa Union. moving pioture: ''1943 Devil's LIke .t .. For in tahee, h hll8 eodor ed candidates taken a third period lead. of Marcb 2, 1819 7:30 p. m. School of journalism Outing," room 223, engineering tJol\ Ec1g of Te Jersey, Hanley of New York, The 1941 HotaecomJllr bad&'es press conferenee, room N 101 , East building, were to 1'0 on sale today u hall ~ ubscriptJon rate.-By maD, " per year; by and poke kindly of prominent Goyernor Monday, Nov. 1 membera of Alpha XI Delta. Wednesday, Oct. 27 8 p. m, University play: "Allee tile ere 15 nts weekly, $5 per year. Warren of California. (Althougb they have Zeta Tau Alpha and SIKlDa 8 p. m. Concert by University in Wonderland," Univetaity thea· trod Member 01 Tb oclated Press not aid what they think of him, publicly at Delta Ta. sororities competed chOrus, Iowa Union. ter. f)\!. 'ITA The ASSOCiated P UI excluslvely entitled any rate.) for tbe annual award, calltaInS Thunday, Oct. 28 Tuesday, Nov. 2 .... for repdbUc \.iOD 0 dispatcltea of lhla year's teams were: Bar­ 10 a. m. Hospital library (pot- 3 p. m. special social studies tile! ::l'edlted to it or Dot otbcrw.' ited in 1hia _ra Wendt. A4 of DeWitt, luck luncheon), University dub. I workshop, conducted by Dr. Es- • • • 1/1 I, pa and also tb local ftt herelrt Alpha XI Delta; RutJr Goodman, 2 p. m. KenSington, University tMr Coe Franklin, associate for H i carefully arranged Wa hinglon A3 of MUwa1lkee, Wis., lama club. social studies on national A. A. U. to ir jolni ______4192 visit was an effort to parade his band· Delta Tea. MId Jean Cordee, 4 p. m. Information Fir t: "The W, board, Univel'6ity club rooms. A2 of White Plains, N. Y., Zda Jl1Id tt'ag01l before the eyes of reluctal1t or Scoulin~ on rOOI in Tuuhia, Pre. Charle. n. Evan ..... clptured Psychological Kickback," by Lieut 6:30 p, m. special dinner bODor· 193 Tau Alpha. by 30 I,ali. " in ranlrymen and mlrcbed I. th e relr. A bl10nel II hit Col. Andrew J. Boe, ~n e cham- in. Or, Esther Cae Franklin, A. tile _~ ____ 4191 al1tag01listic Republican COllgressme11, By a 13 to 10 vote a senate baa, I. ,, - 'birlf'd, dialrmed bh lund, and e aped. AJlhouAl! ber, Old Capitol. A. U. W .. University club rooms. ror I forelgo relations committee ap­ wolltld~d 'ine fire. he hid in I cactul pilch till ni,hlran ••Iipped 9 p. m. Triangle club dance, Tri- 7:30 p. m. Lecture by Dr. Esther His story, mostly oft the record here, bad 10 0", lorcea wilh valuable inronnatien pirked up II .prilOoer, TUE DAY, OCTOBER 26, 1943 r'll'7lS som thing like til-is: pro v e d leglslation permitting angle club ball room. Coo Franklin, A, A. U. W., Uni· American merchant ships to carry For Ihl. he wean Ihe Purple Hean .nd lb. 51lftr Saer. plng when peace 75 billion dollars 01 unfinished two if the government suddenly . Estimated Income mlnus tenant· a cage throughout Germany, with some com­ trial .. 8:15-Wesleyan Cbapel Hour comet and tttoee who can get out business befween Uncle Sam and should say we want no mDre of s~kholdet's propottionllte share petent lec.tU.rer (perhaps Gen. Franco) stand· For in ian.ce, what will he saV to this: 8:U-Ne'WS, The D&Uy lawan of the productlon ot war goods and war iifdustcies. This wouJa involve your prodUct. of interest and taxe$, throw itl kr. ing by to point out to the German people the "II !I' 0" .4 m,erU:41f1 haJ. loGt ~h, waf', lnto tlle productjon 0( civIlian something like 2~0,000 primary Thought of In thosl! tel'ms "coll- Five by Flve and ring-around.,· wron@'1l8lll of au.ppor~ a mu like Hitl!r..• woulil you tolerate feeing your leader. foocll SOOlHlllt are going to skim contraets and·nwre than' 5,000,000 tract termination" b~omes one of 'rOsie O'Grady. Olvlde by Sel!nIC:k Network Highligh~ the c~llm from ' that 1118h va. of subcontractors. , the vital is ueb of toddy. It i8 one with a touch of Mlckey-~, A, if tley woltldn'l alreQdy Jln01iJ .•• Mr. R~6welt, IMt d~~be'ore IJ fi';7Ifl savings being held against tl1. day On maf\y of them, Uncle Sam peaceti1tlt 1~S{je that must be de- Mouse, Finn, whlchevel" is I imagit&e they do "QAt 1IOW i,. Ham- .qttad' . , .. af'''' all, regard1e" of rig",' or burg, • • Red-NBC "l)en ~ can buy all the things can mefely sa,! we don't waTlt that cided while the wat is going 6n, To highet. Add Louis '8:' -t(a1f!', o r tlJ r 0 11. g, I II m ,tJU 9'f'1na.1I11~' WHO (IHe); WMAQ (87') we want to buy. now, B\lt in many instances he delay mllht cause far greater Datryl F. Zanuck and shake wtIl, • • • • leader . •. " • • • ~an't lIlY tbat wiUlO'Ut wrecking waste than any the etonotny chill and serve piping hot, _ . 1 would like to ask the pr08ecutiOll at· That is one reason why I would like to 1M S-Fred Waring in Pleasure .. In order to do that, they are the proliucer whb tnay have mU- minded congr~s8men are tIllking Ingrid Bergman for garnieb. wrney, though, j~t how he intenQs to 8DS,!er: !! lc1! fannti~ PQ!~ get t(1 ~e!lin t.L~, , • :rIme ,oJ.n( to baye-tQ Find UP. their !tar lions tied up In fRW materials and about today. Re.:lults are guaranteed. ,


IN THE KITCHEN-WITH MRS. C. S. GRANT 'Meellhe Fleet' -,., ~.,...--,....~- ~ Another Welcome Wolf on Camp'"'s- Today , 6 Local Groups Today al Four ,Ato Baby,' Alpha Tau Omega Mascot Plan to Meet --To Parade at Homecoming CaOloUc Daurhlers 01 Amerie_ .. K. of C. hall, 6:30 p. m. E. .a-. * * * * * Child CODMrvalion club-Home of Capitol At U.W.A. Tea • By TRACY* MOBRISON* * There's another wolf on campus, Mrs. E. W. Paulus, 1039 E. Col­ tain lege street, 2:15 p. m. "Meet the Fleet" this afternoon so dust oll that old "I" blanket. Cra..ft nUd - Annex to women's ~'s::~ at • o'clock at 0 ten which the Ato's back in town. gymnasium, 12:15 p. m. :lnetring Iowa City Woman'lI club--lI&era­ University Women', a ociation is The 140-pound SI. Bernard mas­ cot ot Alpha Tau Omega fraternity ture departmenl-Clubrooms of sponsoring, with the coopCl'alion of the Commlmity building, 2 p. m. the Home Economics clUb, to in­ arrived Sunday evening after n Red Cros fToup or the Trtnlty tl'!lduce to the women on campus prolonged summer vacation spent I Episcopal ('hurch-Parish house, Ens. N n din e Holliday of the on a farm near Des Moines. He 10 a. m, until 4 p. m. WAVES. had planned to join the WAGs, Baptist World Wide lulld-Home EnsJlln Holliday, an oilicer in studies but a mix-up in his papers kept of Donna Yedlik; 109 E. Burling­ Dr. Es. lhe bureau of naval personnel, was ton street, 7:45 p. m. ~ia~ for in Iowa City about 10 days ago him out, so he dediced that a few ---- A. A. U. to interview women interested in months of leisure were just what been Visiting Dr. and Mrs. Alcock rooms. joinJng the WAVES, either upon he needed. tor a week. r honor. araduatlon in December or under I Evldentl;r the rural life .....eed iklin, A. the • • • reserve plan which provides with blm, lor he bas rained ) roollls. foc enlistment now wiln the pro­ Jane Weldon, seaman second welrht and has a beautiful coat, '. Esther vision that wom~n will not be class of the WAVES, stationed in If., Unj. called to aetive duty until after and the old sklmach trouble III WaShington, D. C., was a week­ araduation. lone. end visitor in the home of Mrs. ': "Alice All university women are In­ Ato has been with the ATO's Kenneth Berkey and o[ Mrs. Mabel y Thea· vited 10 "Meet the Fleet" Ihls for two years. They got him from afternoon at 4 o'clock a.t a. tea Berkey, 219 S. Johnson strect. III tbe Home Economics dflllnr a Cedar Rapids kennel, but origin­ • • • ... ally he came from Connecticut, a Mr . Thomas Perry of Columbus IteIIl In Macbride hall. I blue blood with a pedigree. As Ensign Holliday pointed out I Junction has returned home after I He is the rather or seven little when she was in Iowa City, sen­ attending the Federated Women's St. Bernards, but he and his wIfe, club and visiting her mother, Mrs. ior women should be particularly a "comely matron" fl'om Winter­ interesled in fields open to both of­ William O. Coast, 106 E. Fairchild lice and MRS, C. S. GRANT, 229 S. Summit street, is pictured with her granddaughter, Joan Funk, wrapping set, are now separated. street. licer candidates and enlistees such n box o[ food to bc sent to a friend in the armed forces. Mrs. Grant's large kitchen affords plenty or Ato was brought back from Des • • • as meteorology, avi a tion con trol cupboard space. Her walls are covered in a cream sh ade of Sana tis, her woodwork is done in block ann Moines by Thomas Tierney, P4 of tower work, translation, communi­ Mr . Charles DeLung of Well· the curtains are o[ unbleaChed muslin. Included in th e box are cookies and paslry goods, some or which Milford, and Herman Holland, A2 man was the gue t yesterday in callons and code, aviation naviga­ are lis led in the recipes below. "We must remember nol to send extremely perishable food," said Mrs. of Boone. When they called for the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl II tion, radar and positions in the Grant, rejecting the preserves her granddaughter is handing to her. Mrs. Grant has suggested several him, he recognized them imme­ Calta. 720 E. Davenport street. are reo bureau of supply and accounts. foods that would be appropriate to send a son or daughter in service, things they would surely diately and nearly knocked down Ensign Holliday has served in a • • • ~portant appreCiate. "Hermie" by jumping joyfully on Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Grillet, ,851 Phi this personnel capacity for a public his chest. Dearborn street, had as their din· n N-IOI utility in Los Angeles, hel' home­ The time has come to thinlc Inspecting the new ATO quar­ ner guests Sunday, Mr. and Mr.;. town, nnd was employcd as a civil­ * * * 3 pleda~ about sending Christmas treat:! to lers at 728 E. Bowery street, Ato F'red Wade and family. me. Ian in the navy depm:tment before men in camps here in the UnIted seems to express approve!. A 'KIlIY her enlistment in the WAVES. new bearskin rug was subjected Servillf as hostesses this after­ States. Boxes are alreadY on their to careful scrutiny, but it was nOOD are Elva Jane Bolle, A4 or way to the men overseas, but re­ eventually given the canine "0. This I ATO IDrblancJ Park, Ill.. chalrman: member, there arc many who are K." Mary ROOsI, A3 of Sioux City: ASK opolitanUB I still over here and will be tar Tha' be remembe ... hit old .:::======Iyesterday to spend a two weeks' IUD Stamy. A2 at Marlon; Juan- l a Ha\. cia)" at school II evlclenced by furlough with his parents, Mr. and om 7:30 1\& Kleckner, N2: Natalie Wells, trom their homes on Christmas. MARJORIE hit happy rflllPGIlIe when he II Among Iowa MI·s. E. C. RichardS, 905 E. Bur- S. T. of Prot. A4 ot HI,hland Park, III.: Mar­ They need a touch of cheer just as called "Ato Baby," and he stili jorie Besior, C4 of Newton, NOVY wer, 925 the others do. lovflll to ~tch . ' C'I'~ Peopl~ lington sll·eet. He is stationed with Phyllis Peterson, AS of WII. nl .. the· army air corps at Kearns, "One homely thought prevails the ENGAGED Nor has he lost hill old hatred MORRI· Ire also UAmsburr; Helen RIeke, A4 of Utah, world around; . of 'cats. \Vhen the fellows scratch BI,lnlown; Elizabeth Brinker, their fingers on the back of furni­ .. • • • Mrs. R: F. Hartsock, route 1, left lAO .u of Keokuk; Ruth Anderson, Food well prepared; we meet on ture and call "kitty," he jl\mps to Elsworth Smith, of Fayette, Mo., SON Ai of Denver, Col.; ~far&,aret common ground." attention and his 140 pounds go In re~ently {or Manitowoc, Wis., to is spending a week with his par­ Bararrover, A4 of Cedar Rapids, Mrs. Grant gives us a few sug­ search of hili old enemy. spend a few weeks with her son, ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. nNG and Sheila Smith, A3 of Harvey, gestions for foods suitable for mail­ Smith, 1730'n Muscatine street. II tpeak He still enjoys playful wresUing, Donald Hartsock, during the ill­ UI. ing and sending. For some of her but doesn't bite his QPponents. In • • • These Question.: in ness of his wife: vmns Janice Liepold, A2 of Winnetka, recipes, she refers to those of a fact, Ato has never been known to Mrs. Vance ~. Morton, 6 Wool! ~. 27, at 111., is chairman of the "Meet the If any individual is fullY navy officer's wife, Mary Louise bite anyone. He isn't too tond of • • • court, is recovering from a severe he "Re· Fleet" committee, which includes covered by accident irisur­ Barrall, who has collected recipes overalled men, but his Eastern Richard W. Burger arrived Sat­ illness in University hospital. of the Phyllis Willer, A4 of Tipton; Mer­ from all parts of the wor-ld and breeding has made him give up urday .from the University of WiS­ • • • ance, is traveler's insurance will be rill Keys, U 01 Cedar Rapids; gathered them in the cook book, barking at them. consin in Madison to spend a week Mrs. William Mu sser and daugh­ necessary when he under­ lbl'()()fi\S Ftances Arthur, Louise Johnston, "Around the Wol'ld." He loves chUdren and coUele with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ter, DorQthy, leU recentlY for their and Doris Campbell, J3 of Cedar takes a trip of any distance? "Attracti ve cookies for the coeds, and they feel the same F'rank Burger, 629"E. Brown street. home in Tucson, Ariz., alter visit­ :POLD Rapids. Christmas box are GIDlersnaPll," He attended the University of Iowa ing friends in Iowa City. way about him. Ato Is probably , ~lrm'D said Mrs. Grant. The cookies ,8re befo,re enterin, training in the ... How much would insur­ very crisp and very . delicious. one 01 the few lentlemen to have lIMn welcomed on the naVy V-12 prograll1 .1Mt July. A reception wiU be given 10- ance against loss of a dia­ "Even though the recipe makes a second and third floo... of Cur­ • • • morrow evening from 8 until 10 mond engagement ring cost? singles I Time Magazine large batch, they are so good that rier hall. E. Y. Sangster and son, Jim, 1106 o'clock at the Trinity church by On AD), s Of the they don't last long," added Mrs. MR. AND MRS. Milo Novy, 519 N. Johnson street, announce the en- He Is a well-known figure around E. College street, aUended the members of the Vestry and their Iyed oft Publishes Article About Grant. Iowa-Purdue game at Lafayette, wive,s In honor of the rector and Insurance Problem gagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Marjorie, to the soda fountains, where he CObJIalt S. T. Morriloa are no Former Student Gingersnaps Howard ~oder, rou'te 1, son of Charles Yoder of Muscatine. The cere- generally has excellent manners. Ind. his wife, the Rev. and Mrs. Fred­ I'e urged 1 tsp. vinegar mony will take place in Iowa City Dec. 15. Miss Novy is a graduate However, one day an ice cream • • • erick PutPlan. regular 2 tbs. hot water of Iowa City high school and attended the University 01 Iowa, where cone 1n the hand of a college Vern A. Long, who is stationed • • • hursday In the Oct. 25 issue of Time 4 tbs. shortening. h b ...., T G S' 1 d! student proved too great ~ tempt.a- with the navy at F'arragut, Idaho, Mrs. N. G. Alcock, 430 Brown S. T. Morrison s e was a mem er u! au amma sorority. he IS now emp oye n .. spent the weekend witb his grand­ street, will enlertain at a small magazine appears an article tell- Put this lall into a measuring the o.ilce~ . 0 f Mon t gomery W ar d an d company. M r. Y 0 d er was gra d fi- iJ'on, and he stood on his hl'nd legs ~ 5) Ing of the unique business built cup, then fill cup with black mol- I d d' f . (a teat whl'ch makes him seven mother, Mrs. F.' A. Mezlk, 1120 N. tea this afternoon from 5 to 5:30 &CO. ated from Center high schoo an is at present engage 10 arrmnt,(. up by Martin H. Heeren, wb 0 was asses. Do this twice and add: leet tall) and ate the delicacy In Dodge street. h 0 nor i n g her daughter-in-law, %OS~ East Wublna10Jl Street awarded the degree of doctor of I cup of brown sugar The couple will make its home in Iowa Cily.___ ..-_____ one gulp. • • • Mrs. Robert Alcock of Pasadena, Telephone "U philosophy by the University of 1 tap. cinnamon Ato Is also a hero. One of the Pfc. Clifford Richards arrived Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Alcock have Iowa in 1938.' 1 tsp. ginger Ivorite with everyone. They are I boys had a short in his radio, and Heeren's business is known llS % tsp. cloves not hard to prepare and are very Homecoming it caught on tire. Ato barked until Ihe National Registry of Rare Flour enough to. roll. These tasty" said Mrs. Grant. someone came to put out the blaze. Chemicals. In the 16 months since must be rolled very thm and baked ' Corn Monument T. Ie HII lint day on camjllll tbls it was eslablished, the Registry quickly, about 400 degrees F. Dec- Spiced SUlar Doulbnuts .. )'ear Ato pulaed a cUaappearlll1 has 10cated rare chemicals for orate some of the macaroons with . 3 tbs. shortening War Influenced act. He wa. reporteclly seen at chemistry laboratories, govern- candied ginger, some with candied Hi cups sligar Canler hall, prowlln, around ment agencies, the army and cherries and some with blanched 2 eggs " The traditional corn monument bls old haunts on Dubuque -­cordial, foreign governmcnts. Its func- almonds. 4% cups flour which will be erected by engi- stree', renewiDC acquaintances block, lion is to hunt rare chemicals not "Very apropos in the box would with several 01 bis old caDine sold by agencies. b e Surprise Ma.caroons," sal d Mrs. 4 lsp. bakl'ng po\vder neering students at Homecoming friends, and lDAklnc social eaUs " to aet Chemists save time by applying Grant. They are attractive and 1 tsp. salt this yeal' will be of a wartime at sorority ~o_. view. to 1¥eren's registry for chemicals easy to ship because they do not 1 tsp. nutmeg nature, and will not be of the Rumor also has it tbat he took . Get it which it would take them weeks tend to crumble. 1 cup milk elaborate type formerly con- a look at the Iowa river. One of "Esti· or months 10 concoct themselves. Surprise Macaroons 2 tbs. cinnamon structed. Ato's few d~' likes is bathroom;. ry Tax According to Time, Herren's 1 cup shredded coconut Th t d t ·tt i He will stan patiently while he card index may well be the most 1 cup b rown sugar Cream together shortening and. chargee ofsu the en deSign.comml of theee cornn is being bat hed , b ut he wou ld e what priceless in existence. The cards 1 cup butter 1 cup SUgar. Beat. egss; add. Sift Imonument, of which Roger Lapp much prefer an early morning if what bear such titles as~ "Michler's 2 well beaten eggs together flour, bakmg powder, salt of Iowa City is chairman, met swim in the river. td tha~ ketone," or "4,4 Tetramethyl- Ph cups oatmeal and nutmeg. Add alternately with Thursday afternoon to declde Now that he Is back, his friends " 1 cup chopped ral'sl'ns are wonderina if he will continue WI you dl am ino b enzop hen one. milk to creamed mixture. Roll out upon the type or monument. • )u start The Registry, set up by Chi- 1 cup chopped pecans Th t t f th his cultural pursuits. At summer 1 II. 'nch th'lck on ll'ghtl "oured e exac na .ure 0 e monu- I t years aao he ccom rake It tago's Armour Research found- 1eve 1 t sp. sod a 1'. u, y II ment was not diSclosed, but Prof. sess on wo • a - len the alion, makes no chemicals itself, Y" tsp. cinnamon board. Cut with doughnut cutter. Thomas G. Caywood, of the col- panied Joseph Cortez of Des l' " yoU'd Heeren came to Iowa from Ca~- hunks of meat," said Mrs. Grant. meatless nights with baked pota- corn will be used in making the a box of dog biscuits and lots of r forlllS thage, m" where he earned hIS Mincemeat keeps indefinitely and toes," said Mrs. Grant. monument. The corn will be milk and table scraps. padded bachelor's degree ..While he was improves with age. It makes an Escalloped OYsters worked into the design so as not So dust off that old "I" blanket. tree 10 here he worked ":'lth Pro!. H .. L. attractive filling for Banbury 1 pt. oysters to require as much time or ma- Ato's making hili first official and till Olin of the chemical engmeerIng tarts which can also be sent in a 1 cup cracker crumbs (rolled terial as have monuments of pre- appearance at the Homecoming department. In 1939 he went to Chri~tmas box. very finely) vious years. game. I\rmour institute and has been Mincemeat 4 tbs. oyster liquid ~~:;;;;;:::::::::~:::::::;;;;;======:~ ~re yoU cha!rman of the c~emical en~in- Cold boiled fresh tongue, 2 lbs. cup melted butter , ee * lusband nng .research sectIOn there since (chopped very tine) Butter dish. Roll crumbs very \ . 1941 fine. Take each oyster and roll tel that . Finely chopped suet, 1 lb. (op- in crumbs and lay them in the pan THESE ARE AMERICAN SOLDIERS GOING INTO ACTION. You need not " yoOt tional) Universi.ty Directory surtax Prof. Earl E. Harper Tart apples, finely chopped, 5 only two layers deep. Add melted worry about their flinching or failing-no matter what tough going t~ey' LiUJtl. if butter and liquid. BaIce 30 min- lbs. utes in hot oven. Very rich. ies. ' . To Lead Discussion Seeded raisins, 2 lbs. may meet. You can count on them to do what we're asking of them-to rnanoff. At Y. W.C.A. Meet Sultana raisins, I lb. NOW ON SALE pay, with their lives if need be, the price of victory. But victory cannot 111: Cleaned currants, Z lbs. at Ute tenant. Prof. Earl E. Harper, director of Shredded citron, I' lb. Women's Club Tours be bought by these men alone. We've got to pay our share of the cost , share Powdered cinnamon, 1 tbs. . in Mr. tile school ot fine art5, will discuss University Museum too. Invest your share-tod.ayl . ~ , "The Importance of Hymns in Mace, 2 tbs. . \ ,undl' Worship" tomorrow afternoon at Cloves, 1 tbs. The Iowa Federation of Wo­ Department of 'Publications : ellbf~ 4 o'clock at a meeting of the "Re­ Allspice, 1 tbs. men's clubs was conducted on a w-. EaR BaD lilloUi Resources" group of the Salt, 1 tbs. tour of the university museum Fri­ ~ Brown sugar, 3 Ibs. Ua tile fh,ytt, Y. W. C. A. in the University club­ day afternoon. rooms of Iowa Union. Sherry, 1 qt. Pattr Pittman, 'a member of the LOCAL BOOKSTORES Back' the .Attack • With War .· Bonds ~ :e "ell, All members of the Y. W. C. A. Brimdy, 1 pt. museum staff, served as. a guide ~ .. IIId Interested university women Chop fine the larger ingrecii­ and explained the various points [noladflll a ID&p or u.e UDivenK, 01 ioWa aad Iowa Clb an4 pe Invited to attend this meeting, ents, mix well together and pack of intetest. The tour included bird , 11l&lnl or the AnD, an. NaYJ ...... Uft perIOIUleL KaflBret Barngrover, A4 of COOar ina stone crode. It sealed in glus hall, thll Laysan Island cyclorama, Rapids, chairman ot the group, has frui t jars, j t will keep indellnitely. mammal haU, and the ethnological PRICE - 35 cents llUWunced. "Doughnuts are usually a fa- exhibits. . THE DAILY IOWAN: 'tUESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1943 'AGE FOUl 'BE DAILY IOWAN, IOWA CITY, IOWA . Irish Rated Tops Again by Tha Assoiated. Press ------~------,.----~~~------~~ 1 ------. .Army, Navy Schweitzer THE BAILY IawAN Pre-Flighlers Next in Line Says ••• Prepare For Notre Dame Garners * * * SPORTS • By Ralpb A. cbweitzer Next Game 97 of 103 First Place Games to date It W T Pet. The Seahawks swung sharply Votes This Week 165 121 39 5 .756 Inlo action yesterday following a The ranks are beginningfto thin. - weekend of rest and pointed 111m By HAltOLD CLAASSEN Ye , the number ot teams unde- ~. activities toward the gathering NEW YORK (AP) - By men threat -to thejr unbea ten record In feated and untied has dwindled who know their football best, it i.3 ,,'r:t~ the form of the Centaurs of Ft. Notre Dame 97 to 6. until there is really no more than • f \::1 -___ Riley. a handful left. Of the major -::.:._:-::::.-- For the fourth straight time in . The Cavalrymen have a date next Saturday with the Seahawks The Associated Press' weekly poll chools till in this category, Notre Dame stands oui as the tops of the Tired Hawkeyes Rest in the Iowa stadium tor the first to determine the country's best nation. Following close behind are An oqncefllenf Clears of the Seahawks' two home games iootb3Jl team the Irish topped the Army. Navy, Southern California, this season and the first fup-rught Before Starting prill all-service gridiron contest ever table, this time by garnerm. 97 Purdue. Pennsylvania, Washing­ DodAer R"lo' Mvstery ~ 01 the 103 first place votes cast. ton, and Iowa Pre-Flight. They're to be staged here. So tar as Iowa not exactly in that order, because Citr"is concerned, next Saturday And, as in the past three weeks, there are some football greats who • '''est Contract l've For Fipal Games wiit belong to the army and navy, Army and Navy come right behind have sullered at least one defeat since the Hawkeyes have an o~ but the Notre Dame margin is Had int Baseball' Upsetilh, tho ~uon crld dope. the this season by meeting one Ilt tlte Illinois to Play Here date and Iowa football interest 08 * * * almost as lopsided the scores ~""rgin& c.,.uows lro.. t~ Ca.alry real big boys. S'aY$ ~eo puroc~er py WHITNEY MABTlN will be focused upon the clash the F'rllDk Leahy machine has RepbCMltat Trauung Ctnttr. Ft. Riley. ,. " . Nov. 6; Servjce Cedis between the two service elevens. Kan..,. have ,..ulled .mt~ tht ".ti"".L One-&wo- tbree NEW 'XO'8K (AP,) The old pro­ pounded out over Pittsburgh, YORK (AP)-President pies/un ~ .. this ~:con. \.,nnln~ th,..., Here is how they line up across mW fessor, li~ting sllghtly to port as a Glasener, Thompson both of them powerhouses. Georgia Tech., Michigan, Wiscon­ IIId 1oI1!1l,: but one ,.me. Coooc:" 'rln the nations this week: Branch RIckey yesterday dispelled Saturday'S game will terminate, W~ch ·..... Irymcn C ...",rated their result of downin~ a bottle of the sin and Iilfnois. ..hodule by ....orlnl: a )·c.r·o (;I'O"'lh 011 1. Notre Dame Time out to consolidate their wibi much of the color and afmoi· the fog obscurLng Leo Durocher's same, was munching a hamburger, Army got five 01 the iirst place Ih" h ,~hly looled ..don (rum .e.".t 2. Army lorces and make personnel re- phere of an Annapolis-West Point 1.:11' .... 1.. lng by • One pOint m,ar,in. Th,.,v Iuture with the Brooklyn baseball tickets not marked lor the Irish 3. Navy with onions, as his Monday morn­ adjustments has been taken by the meeting, a week in which the an­ 1\,\ ,""Ir .I~ ,;,'" then. ;>ddinS Lowry clup !:>y 'announcing abruptly that lnl{ class of football coaches tiled but trailed 1,023 to 891 points. The F,~ld . No.. "." A,r Bas. and Donnr U, 10 4. Southern California. Iowa football squad befoL'e the hual observance of Navy day gave remaining ballot was earmarked \hc c."".lty 11.1. Stoll to mUl Ihe C]l.tc S. Mlehlpn the peppery' pilof again would in. One of the pupils eyed him I "O<>ldC'O" C<"n!.'''1'S ore C"mp 0,,,,,1. Oct. distastefully. three November games. a military theme to the city's not- for Purdue, fourth place team for Scaha\.~. OCt.. SO. dlld KaIll:lS 6. PemtfJ)'lvania :3'. raw_ manage the Dodgers in 1944. Bill Alexander, Georgia Tech­ With an open date Saturday, mal life. Although beaten once, the second straight week. 11. Tha~¥,in& D.y. ,. Purdue Coach Slip Madigan decreed tMt by Great Lakes 21 to 19, and tied Although the same ten clubs re­ The contract is for one year, You would have to make it ham­ 8. W.. bln ~ton and is to manage only. The terms burg, WOUldn't you proCessor? his players could rest yesterday once, with Camp Grant ll.lst Safur­ mained in the select cycle there 9. Duke and today before staring prepara- day, the Centaurs will ride into was little resemblnnce after the 18. Texas , were not disclosed, but Durocher After we had Hal Hamberg in our tions for Ule Homecoming game Iowa City Saturday with the most hair all afternoon. Navy just had top four between the rankin, of UHigh Grid Champs Let's take a look at Saturday's said "it is the best contract ~'ve too mU'C for us. They've got too with IllinOis here Nov. 6. powerful opposition the Seahawks y terday as compared with that ,ames. First of all, the big game ever had since I've been in base- many -teams ahd too many backs. And they can use a rest, too, have met this year. days Hawkeye even ago. in tne midwest. One fellow haft the bail." llicker himse)l, in respo~se Was a treat game. aIter the pounding they took try- Lieut. , Seahawk Southern California hop p e d audacity to bet me even money tt ing to stop the unbeaten Purdue , began this week's in­ Prepare for Tussle suggestion that the document, Capt. ,fohn' E. Welchel, Navy- from seventh to fifth following itS that Minnesota would take Michi­ to a eleven. The teams played on even tenslve drills with the statement 6 to 0 verd iet ovet the Collet(! of gan. Poor boy! But he wasn't so ):lie" tepI~ces a player-manager 'We're oui to-win every game. Thl.! terms for 48 minutes, 7-7, but that the Ft. Riley riders will fur· Highlights ,. :reel'l sduaq seemed better to :.IS Paci!ic. The latter club kidded With Tipton Eleven fat in lhe minority as you lhight con'tract puroener had this year, than ~il\(e. pey tried a little of Purdue tinally cracked through tor nish, "The sternest test we've !rom sixth to tenth, and Mlchlgan, guess. Some pretty big national cailed for a substantial salary cut, everythfn~. a 28-7 win, although two of their faced this year.'l Lieutenant Fau\'­ victor over Minnesota, shot from AIter last Friday nighL's tri­ Iowa now has contributed ten experts were piCKing Mfnnesota'to scores were oC the donated variety. ot declared that' the Centaurs are tenth 10 seventh. Duke and Iowa warned that he wouldn't advise ' 014 professor

Of Local Patriotic Adivities * * * * If * • • • * * * • • • * * riVE ~ Six activities which the localf.------: Verterns of Foreign Wars post No. . NOTICE 2581 has engaged in supporting Photographs submitted w;th during the alJ-out war effort will oominations for the social com­ be tenninated aeter Nov. 1, ac- mitlee and central party com­ cording to a letter re:ld to Mayor mittce are ready to be returned, Wilber J. Teeters :md Ule City Dean Ewen MDCE;w n, chalr­ council la t night. man of the social ommfttee, The letter read: "To The Honor- announced yeslel'day. Students ary Mayor and City Council of are requested to caB for them Iowa City: as soon as possible at the oWre "Johnson county post 2581 of the of student acrairs, V. F . W. has been doing its utmOlit -- to cooperate with other patriotic agencies in upporting civilian de­ fense and in aiding the govern­ ment in its all-out war effort. The Judge Orders Mother POSt has been happy to have been able to participate in such war activities as well as in olher To Give Up Working worthy community enterprises. All ---- of its mcmbers wilh the pos ible Court Order Requires exception of 12 dLgruntled com- H S H rades have earnestly desited U,at er to tay at ome, its salutary program in the r - Care for 3 Children spects could <\Od would be main- _ ____ • :If. • tained for the dUl'aUon of thc "Unnecessory parental abscntee- By RAY* *HUFFER * * * * beln.. absorbed* *Into * the earth degree wilh highest distinction. pre. ent emerjtency. However, due ism from a family of small chil- With sC;Jrcely enouah.. time aR he turns to rock. The wolf The yeal' attel' his graduation Irom to certain unCortunate occ urren~es clean the p'lint from his brushes lure and the other human the Iowa, he studied with Euge~e beyond the control of the post., the drcn when nol economically jusli- befOl'e his induction into the anny I wanting a Ilew world or true eorth under* the * nails * of his rliht '1 Savage at Yale university. Baclc form In the picture ha ve helped following activities will have to tied result!! in ruinous damage to two weeks ago, William AShby earth for Ihelr OWII, lhey elected forepaw. But each animal WllS at Iowa, he completed work for be terminated from and afler Nov. the children and society in gen- M!lCloy, son of Prof. and Mrs. C. Irom their numbers an Indian dead. their COb rot her" Force-Ior­ a master's degree in psychology of 1, 1943. eral," District Judge James P. H. HcCloy, recently finished three malden to build It lor them. Earth Grew Good (the hero of the lett art, teaching a year in the de­ I. Delrayln&, neeesury maln- Gaflney sta ted in a court order I arge mura I s ror th e mam. 1ounge The maiden's people made a Finding these small grains of panel) acconUnr to the Je&'end: partment oC fine arts as a gradu­ lenance of the JohnlOn county th . I b t th .is ate aSiistant. I. I r yesterday in which he ordered the in e servIce c u 0 e army large hole in the bottom of the earth, the Indjan maiden breathed Because the world too small Ie",ct ve service or dra t board. nirforce technical training com- sky (shown in the top of the paint­ upon them and they grew. Then for the co-existence, in a peaceful WhJle teachln.. arl at Drake Z. Defraylll&' all heCletaary mother of three minor children to mnnd installations at Truax field, ing) for her to descend to the wat­ she placed the handful of earth state, of both Good and 1i:vil, the university from 1937 to 1939, maintenances e"penses of John- give up her position as on 10wn Madison, Wis. I ery world below. Fearing that she upon the turtle's back, where it Indian giant has taken It upon McCloy made two trips to Eur­ 80n co un t y civilian defense City waitress to I'emain at home Virtually unaided while painting would be drowned, water Iowl spread until it was the whole himself to rid the world of Force­ ope to study under Jean Charlot, counciL and care for her children. the murals tor the Truax field I flew to her aid and supported her world. There was general rejoic­ for-Evil. Assisted by his "broth­ and in 1939, he Joined the slatt S, J>efrayln .. necesury main- The tather, mother and thrce service club, McCloy worked alone in mid-air. ing, and liCe was restored to the ers", he finally brings to earth the of 'he art cducatlon department tenanee expenses of Johnson children nppeared in court yester- dny and night as weU as weekends The maiden then called the otter and the beavel' because they dark warrior, Evil, and as the of the University of Wisconsin, coun~y civilian defense corps. day In l\nswer to a complaint filed because arrangements for ass!!.t- water animals to her, and she or­ tried, and to the muskrat bccause warrior is torn to pieces, his body wbere he taught IInUl his Induc­ 4. Defrayln.. nevessary ex- by Mrs. Mabel Evans, Johnson penH of the JohnllOn county cOJ.lnty pl'obntion orticer. ants fell through, owing to the dered the beaver, the otter, and he was triumphant. becomes the rock of the hills, and tion Into the army. bond sales office. The father of the tamily is at militated routine schedules of the muskrat to dive to the boltom Comparable to another lelend his entrails become the vines of Having exhibited his work In r 5. Derraylll&' the expense for work from 7 a. m. until 3 p. m. s~ldier assistants wh.o were to help ot the waters and bring up a from the Blb,e, that of Cain and lhe forests and fields. number of the finest shows in (his salaries or wares of &'uards of every day except Monday, and the hIm. handful of soil. Abel, Is the story 01 the rl&'ht Hllhes! Distinction country si nce 193 4, he has neVel' the Iowa Clb airport In protect- mother [s employed lrom 11 a. m. Used Tower Each returned, ooe by ooe-the panel which depicts another old A graduate of the University of sent any of his work to Europel\1\ Inr the CAA war tralnlnr serv- until 8 p. m. daily except Fridays. . All three panels, one above the otter empty-handed, the beaver Indlall lerend In which Foree­ Iowa in 1933, McCloy was a mem­ exhibitions because he wants "to with some gl'een grass, a nd final1y for-Evil, h a v In, been van ber of Phi Beta Kappa honorary be an American paintcr, pre-em­ lee. The threc childl'cn art' leCt in IIII' place ~f the club, and t~e other 6, Defraylnr maintenance ex- school each day 01' at home with two Clankmg it on either SIde, are the muskrat with small grains of Qulshed by Force-for-Good, Is fl'u te)'nity and received his B.A. inently." penile of Iowa Clb police blClyele the mother's brothel'. One 01 lhc each so lat'ge thot their creator ------.------~------~------projee& and obllrallons PerUln- children has rheumatic fever. had to use a tower to pai nt them. --~------~I In .. thereto." In the court order Judge Gaff- The leC! panel 01 the mural de- Correction The above decision was author- ney stated that "the Ca ther's salary picts the Indian story of ~ he gr,eat ' The Knights of Columbus Kenneth Smanev i Don Cossac~ (horils ~onterl was one of the lour fraternal Ized at a meetlni ot the V. F . W. and his accumulated properly are tlood (perhaps the same one Noah Oct. 21 and was signed by Charlie adequate to support the family and knew), and is qUit unique be- organizations contributing to To Head 4-H Boys F. Smith, post commander. tha£ it is unnecessary economically cause of the strong circular mo- the resuscitator presented to the The V. F. W. has appeared for the mother to be engaged in lion which is crossed by a most city Saturday, Oct. 24, instead WILLIAM A. l\teCLOY Called Tops in Entertainment of the - Kiwanis club as pub­ Kenneth Smalley of Iowa City several times before the council outside work for pay." powerful diagonal line. was elected boy's county 4-H c1uh since Sept. 13 when 12 members Therefore, the mother is required With birds, bears and fish lished in Sunday's Daily Iowan. asked that n requested renewal of to give up her job by Dec. 1, 1943, around him and a beaver on his cording to another of the old Wis- By JAMES n. BURNSIDE The presentation of the check president 10r 1944 at a meeting a class B beer permit not be I to take care of her children at shoulders, a huge Wisconsin In- consin Indian legends, is pictured They were turning the people. On the Russian military march- from the Knights of Columbus of Johnso n county 4-H clubs held granted to the organization. An Ihome, or the children will be taken dian IS shown attempting to sub- in the center panel. The legend is : away from Iowa Union in droves ing songs, including the well­ was made by Grand Knight in Iowa City Saturday night. unsigned letter accompanied the to a juvenile home were their due the flood waters, according The Jndian race who Ilved tar last night and the lucky multi- known "Hymn of the United Na­ Clyde R. Burnett. This resuscitator-inhalator­ Other officers elected were Ken­ objection stnting that the true expenses will be paid by the to an age-old Indian legend. above the sky became restless tudes who got into the jam-packed tions" (The Morning Greets Us), purpose of the organization in mother. The creation of the 1V0rld, ac- and tired of their old abode and, aspirator automatically adjusts neth Lacina, West Branch, vice­ mnlntainin, allegiance to the gov------'-, ------_ lounge were almost unanimous the Cossacks were at their best, itself to any size lung and a president; Austin Colony, Iowa ernmenl and to its object~, "[ra­ in their comment that the bigat- and it was a pleasure to see as well near normal respiratory I';lte. It Cit y, secretary-treasurer, and traction-the Don Cossack chorus as hear the husky Muscovites warns the operator when an ternal, historical and educational," VOLUNTEERS ROLL RED CROSS BANDAGES Clair Yeggy, Solon, historian. had been neglected, because "tor -was ju:;t about the Clnest enler- throw back their ehests and bel­ obstruction i l present and en­ ~om e time, OUI' post commnTJder tainment that has ever hit Iowa low to the rafters. Maybe it WdS ubles him (0 change the appar~­ More than 100 boys and girls hilS depended on finahclal returns City. the charm of their IURty person- tus to an efficient aspirator by and their parents attended the Irom the F. V. W. club, which has It I preUy hard to say ju t alihes, 01' maybe it was the feel- . the turn of II single lever. By mee~ing which opened with mo­ which the two made the operated under the authority of !Tost commotion0' about the event, ing of them as brothers-in-arms, tUl'1ling the same lever he can tion pictures, followed by 'separate the elected officers of lhe post. for nearly halt of them are not · also change the phase of oper­ Now we [incl that the club has the wildly enthusla.stle audience yet naturalized Americans, but ation to that oC an inhalator. business meetings of the boys and overshadowed the posi and Our I or the thundering rlants of the their naturally vigorous voices ra­ The automatic breathing phase girls. orgonization Is more commercial, steppes. But It' a sate Kuess to diated more satisfaction than any eliminates the necessity for A report ot the October en­ than patriotic. This condition can- I say that If the Co sacks ever male group heard for a long time. bod i1y pressure on the injured rollment campaign showed and noi be remedied by the eleeled again come within shouting patient. increase of 20 new members in distance of the university, they'll As it was, the Cossacks created a officers of the post, because they more than mild sensation. the boy's clubs whiie one girl's hove been relieved of their normal hear more shouts of praise alld Equally satisfying and for more club dOUbled its last year's en· dulles by their commander, In a clamor for a return enra&,e- beautiful were the lyric voices of rollment~ In the beef club, en­ direct definnce of o\.lr constitution, ment. the tour tenors of the: chorus. At meeting ' and the draping of the rollment exceeds last year's hy and he has usurped their authority It was an evening ol extremes, times lalsetto ,md again the clear, charter. five members. to carry out his own personal say The business session wlll pre- to the least , and the Cossacks bell-like beauty of a good tenor, The entertainment program, in­ plans." gave a performance which should the voices were outstanding in the cede a program given by La Vae cluding music, games and folk TWo I At a meetlll&' of the cOUDcll secure more firmly their title as Huffman, CHadys Emersoh, Eliza- dances, was under the direction IIplocl Sep&. 13 the I~uance of the beer one of the most versatlJe choral group, if that could be possible. beth McLachlan, Mrs. R. E. Rose of Virgil Copeland of North LiD­ ieeOnd permit was held up pendlll&' groups in lhe country, or in the and Mrs. Lyle Fountain. Refre; \- erty. ReCreshments served at the (kllol further Investllatlon. The entire world, [or that matter, Cor they've Iowa CIOty Clubs ments will be served during the close of the evening consisted of 1ft u. council and city attorney were seen most of it and have been evening. sandwiches, doughnuts and pop. appointed at that lime as .. ape. gIving the same type of exhibitions A large attendance is desired os clal committee to lnvestl ..ate the wherever they go. If the Cossacks plans for the annual dinner will permit Issuance . want a crescendo, they go at it BAPTIST "'"' ORLD WIDE GUILD b e dIscusse.' d oath in the office o( of Mayor A petition signed by 53 men iII­ with a will and leave little doubt The B aptist World Wide guild Wilber J . Teeters. De' eluding Post Commander Charlie 'JI t th ' . t 7 45 . Coulter qual ilied (01' the position 'In one's ml'nd ~bout what they WI mee IS evenmg a : 10 Teeters Swears In a th h f D Y dill<., 109 E after taking a civil scrvice exam- F . Smith was submitted Sept. 23 to mean. And, on the other hand, if e .ome 0 onna e . the council asking tor the beer B ) gt t t Ward M. Coulter ination August 23. Prior to his permit and offering reasons for its Lhey wish the mood to be that of ur In on s ree . apPoinlment to the pOlice depart- an early morning church chOir, -- As Police Officer ment, he was a local bal·ber. Of issuance. they have th e remarkable ability 1 OLD CAPITAL AUXILIARY A vacancy was left in the police A conflict between the two fac­ t .. r t h . d Old Capital auxiliary L . A. P. tions in the V. F. W. ensued and ROLLING BANDAGES as their contribution to the "Double V" profram are Lois Anne Dunn, A lor 1011]( o smg In per ec al mony an M N 29 III t t Ward M Coulter 2106 Musca- for c e when Harland Sprinkle NAS the 12 members opposed to the City; Bernadine Feller, A2 of Victor; Dorothy Jo Bean, Al of Pella; M.rs. Jack Johnson, chairman of the pitch at a .tone so low as to be ni~g O~t 7:~0 iI~~dd o~~~~!~ ~~~l~ tine avenu~ , becam~ a police om- joined the armed forces this sum- I detecli permit requested that their case tudent Red Cross; Jean Stamy, A2 of Marlon; Marlorle Van Hosen, AZ of Des Moines, and Maurine barely audible. And the listener M FI n H I 'lJ .'d \ eel' yesterday, upon laking the mer. role il Holland, A2 of loux City. had only to close his eyes and . rs. or~ ce ug les WI. pre I e. ~lIiiii~iiilliiiiliiiiillii' iiiiii~~~~~~~~~.~, be heard by the state board which the illusion was there. A p~b\lC card party Will be he~d ,. Harry was attending a New York en­ Perhaps the createst extreme :..t 8 0 clock and. refreshments ~vlll day of campment at the time. ~------~------~~------~* * * '* * * T of the amadn, ,roup Is the be se~ed durmg the ~vellLng'l A cancellation of the request tor NOT[CE ~ de Ma ISUI Women May RolI- All grocery stores, mea t ,lants' tiny director. Serle "Hop- Those III char!fe 01 the SOCIal hour "Sir; the beer permit was submitted at O'-My Thumb" 'larott. Standlnc are Mrs. Carne ~ryauf, Mrs. Mary 11 markets and retail stores w'Jl fingel'l the meeting of the council Oct. on a huce pedestal 10 tbai the Schump and Mr~, L. R. Morford. and the request was accepted. close [rom 1 to 5 Saturd.1Y I law WI A plan and report concerning afternoon, Nov. 6, lor the I audience could &,e,t a rlimpse ot I H. G. L. CLUU-- Sir 0: Bandages for Viclory Homecoming f 0 0 t b a I I game him, the Cossacks leader barely The H. G. L. club will meet Ft. Riley retard: post-war planning in a rehabilit.a­ tlon and readjustment program with TIlinois according to an­ cave away the secret of why the Thursday in the home of Mrs. C:OUl't . necessary aller the war was sub­ -Register Today, Tomorrow nouncement made yesterday by slncers are the I'reat Iroup that Thomas Reed, route 5, at 12 :30 tor VS. liIid hi mitted by Police Chief Ollie While. :If. :If. :If. Marian Means, secretary of the they are. But with marlonette- a poUuck dinner. lhe cal 11 :If. . ' chdmber of eommerce. like control, a flick 01 the tln.er James The report was turned over to the Universi ty women may regi:.!ter oenter need only to brill&' a• zoning and planning committee. • brourht forth an anrelic pianiS­ IOWA CITY REBEKAH laid oj Recommendations by the city today and torrtorrow {or service in cotton blouse with them to wear simo, or a twist of the wrist, a LODGE NO. 416 eyiden counCil, the Engineers club and the the "Double V" program rolling while at work. The Red CrOll8 thunder In&' forUSfllmo. And, best The Iowa City Rebekah lodge lEeks former city engineer have already bandages. Merely by signing her lumtshes tbe headdress.. of all, there was no Hallln&' of No. 416 will meet Thursday at 8 Seahawks murde been submitted to this committee name and indicating when she No nail polish may be worn but Home Nursing N~ght al'llUl or touslln.. 01 the head, p. m. in the home of Mrs. Telford The for research. would prefer to work, any inter­ there is no regulation forbidding Jarofrs posture and mlUlary Larew, 215 Woolf avenue. As~ lenties: ested 1itudent volunteers to con­ the wearing of a watch or similar walk are probably as &'ood an sistant hostess will be Mrs. Chris illlu t il Many I.C. Packages tirbute ber time to this work. jewelry. Class Starts Octo 28 example of a Russian Cossack Sorensen, Mrs. H. l. McCreedy tilied LIsts of the times open wlU be Rolling qandages is a place to a mldweslerller will ever see in and Mrs. T. J. Parker. Mrs. Melvin hllrs aRlO- October 30 To Servicemen Abroad at U,e Unlvenlty Women'. ge~ acquainted with many of the An evening class in home nurs­ the pOcket-slle edition. I Westcott will be In charge of the after L • elation desk at the bottom of the Returned for Addresses faculty wives and Iowa Citians iog will be offered by the Johnson tould I .1&1n In Old Capitol and it will whom students would otherwise County Red Cross starting Thurs­ of wea .,e PCIIIIible to rel'ilter there any never have occasion to know. Many packages intended for time between i o'clock and 5. Those women who have worked ~ay, Oct. 28. Elsie Laughlin will UNIVERSITY of lo.WA STADIUM - men In service overse~ hav~ been Jea~ Slamy, A2 of Marion, at" the Red Cross center before tea~h the class once a week at 7:30 SERVICE MEN­ returned to Iowa City residents chainnan has announced. that the seem to have enjoyed every minute in. room 14 of the medical labor­ ~ail of address, hours rolling bandages arc 2 P. M. ~ecau.s.e Jn~uflicl~nt. fo~ of it and slate that it· really isn't atory building. CARRY t according to an llwesb,aUon made . Monday, Wednesday and Friday work when they have so much fun. Mrs. Mildred Johnson, county Ord, by the Johnson county chapter of nights, from '1 o'elock to 9:30 in Miss Starny broucht, out the fact ALL SEATS RESERVED •.. $1.50 the American Red CroSfl. the Red Cross bandage rolling cen- that the Johnson cllunty qupta for nurse, will instruct the afternoon TRAVELERS Persons sending packages had ter in City hall lind Tuesday and Red Cross bandages is high and class . which starts Tuesday, Oct. W1J. Tickets on Sa.le at omitted the branch of the service Wednesday afternoons from 3 that almost every I university wo­ 26. The class will meet at the CHEQUES , . of the in most cases. The address must o'clock to 5 in the river rOom at ... unions man cOuld afford to contribute a courthouse at 2:30. include rank or grade, name, serial Iowa Union. small part ot her time to a "worthy No malter what braoch of the setTice' you are headed for, you will WHETSTONE'S STORE No. 1 baliot. number, branc~ of service, anny • Accordinl to Miss Stamy, the and significant C8U$e." The home nursing course, con­ AMERICAN EXPRESS TRAVELERS CHEQUES the ltestway to carry your bers ' or fleet postofflce number and the work isn't at all dff!icult and since sisting of twelve two-hour classes, mooey. They are oot only spendable C"erywliere, butChey b.,.e 110 import.nt turn~b II TWO naa HOI safety fearuce Ihat prorKU you. It is lhis: j( they are lost or stolen, you let a & city of poetmaster in whose care it doesn't require great deal of is open to ,all persons in J ohn50n prompt refuod. The packages are sent. concentratiOrl, rolling bandaces Iowa City firemen bad two calls IlJeetio offers an excellent oppcrtunity to Sunday mornina. The first was a county. Anyone interested in tak­ Issued in denomin.tioos of $10, ,10, '50 and '100, Co.t 7,¢ for each ATHLETIC OFFICE $100. Minimum COSl 40~ for '10 10 '.so. Foe sale al banlu and Rail",a, luthor 'ssues Wedding Permit catch up on all the campus news. small roof fire at the J. P. Mc­ ing the course may contact Mrs Express Offices. The Clarence J. Heisner, 31, and J,t­ 'MIA 8talll7 said lbat a nea' Laughlin home, 403 S. Dubuque R. A. Rogers, phone 7493, or Mrs. UNIVERSITY OF IOWA ata~11I tie E, Davis, 31, both of Iowa _D7 pis are needed for the street, and the other was a garage William Peterson, phone 5591. "1 e: City, were cranted a marri8le li­ Work ami Uaat as many as rePs­ fife at the Jo1m E. Brigp home, The Johnson county quota of AMERICAN' EXPRESS'l II~ IOWA CITY, IOWA 101 !Q cense yesterday by R. Neilson Ier can be 1IMlII. UDlvenlb wo­ 336 Beldon avenue. The damage Red Cross home nusing certifi­ ilerei! Miller, clerk of district court. men who worlt at the aea Cross of both fi res was slight. cates for 1943-44 is 250 . .L ' TRAVELERS CHEQUES . *.