Ration CalttnClcir IRA,. brown ItaITlJlt C, D. E and F, Book 3 expire No Change Oct. 30; CI... B u~ rltlan: thin! Inspection .,.r!od ~ Od. II; .UG~ IltArnp I' Aruf !tOME CAN­ NUi(f stAmpl 15 and I, ..pIT" o.t. 311 PROCl:S8tD IOWA: Contlnaed Id . )'OOPS ~r. x v tn4 z upw Nov ••; SHOE DAILY IOWA.N <\&mil No. 1 valId Ind""nl~lr ; FlT£L OIL ""r. I TilE ooupOn. '.3·' • @xplr@ Jail. ~. '44. Iowa Cit y , 5 M 0 r n i n 9 N e'w 5 pap e r tlVECENTS TBII ASIOCIA1'IID P&1I111 IOWA CITY. IOWA TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1943 "DB ASSOCIATED 1''''. VOLUME XIJV NUMBER 21 FAMINE IN INDIA TAKES BIG DAILY DEATH TOLL • lOr. tage s\al 'one "Do Ine nall ait. ling mer stat ned ree, day etni s and )hly ;ol'l~ heir • \ !r a tof. Uon ties. elze a a n Ha or Kot~r Falls to Forcesi;-lnt-erp-r:l-i:g-* --" 2 Industrial Cities Fall; Ene~y Of Droia Mihailovic Th!~~~a~e:~'i' Troops. in 'Disorderly Retreat" Race for Safety By A. L GOLDBERG lJONDO ,Tn day (AP)-Th Reo ormy orn. hed ermany' STARVING TO DlATH In ,Calcutta, India, thl. tamUy il among the victims of India's severest famine. fJO DO~ ( AP)-](olol'. M011 teJ1l'l!'ro. with ils landlocked har­ From River Bend powerful Dnieper river bend defense. Yc.<lte l'day with the capture l'Ie&rIy 200 die dally in Calcutta alone. Appeals lor tood have been made to the Allies. (Intern.tional) bor big ('nol1l!h to IIceommodllte the cnti r allied Mediterranean of the iudn 'trilll citi. of Dnepropetrov. k and Dneprodzerhin k. fJ('('I, hllR brl'n WI'l'st('(l i'rol1l t hl' Grl'man'l by till' force of O('n. By KIRKE L. SIMPSON ~pnn tlle cnemy into a " diMrdel'cd l'etrellt" nCllr Kl'ivoi Rog, and DI'njll, Mihllilovic, Will' minh.trl·, Ihl' Yllgo~ll!\, Ilovernmrnt III CaiJ'o As!oclaled Press War Analyst 1;iJ1rd 2,000 Germllll); in n new brenk·through Ilbov tIro ' Cl'im a, flllllollnced y(,RiPJ'{lay. A desperatc Nazi race fol' surcty ~ro . ('ow said todllY. A Iso elaimhll\' J1 IV sll('('r~" R lIA'ai 11,1 the NIl1.i, in Y ngosl:lVia, from the Dnieper bend is under­ A badly mlllllecl OPI'mlln al'my or pl'l'hap. 1,000,000 faced 1\ Orn . •Jo !';ip Hroz, Im own liS 'I'ito, Il~);('rt('d in n commnniqll(, lhlll way with t)1e onsurging Red dl'hae1r in onthrrll RussiA, judging from Mo. COW'!! disclost1l'l's Befecfive, - . Testifies hi); Y'u!!'oslav PIlI'tislIlI ' IVcr lorked in d~p(ll'nto (·ombnt with , n· army's capture of t.he Dnepropet­ and th(' IlllmissioJ) of danl! t' emanating from Berlin broadcasts. ImllM eral Mihailovic'. hrtnik. in th(' Montenegl'in hills. rovsll bastion at the uppcr elbow A midnight llpplementllry bllJIetin broadclU:t from Moscow A); inll'/'ne('in(' :-;Iri/,!' 1'1'1/(·11('11 II IH' W pitch of inlt'nRity, 1'<'))01'\<; said one ovict arlllY ero ('d the Dni('pt'r 11(,8r ICaidaki, 10 miles or ~he great river bend. A' 1'rw thAt Hitll'1' W:1~ shnpillA' nrw movr. 10 ('onll'ol tll . eething brlow Dn<>]1I·op t'tl·o" k, wllilr A • crond mov(,fl 011 th(' pity I'rom the :qe p in the center of the bend Bfllknn [ll'n im,lI Ill. wrsl . '1'hr)' , ma~h cI throngh IHborate ronCl'rle pillboxI' and ·de - and closing in on Krivoi Rog junc- :.":;:~'i ~g(;1i 'nst ~Matig ' ny bloekhon. CR 10 take the t,\rin citi('. in HI e UPPl'I' corner of till' loop AIiird contl'Ol oj' Kolol' (·o\dd br "ijtnficnnt. 'rhe pori ill only 120 mil(" 11('I'O:S Ihl' .\c\J'inl it' f'1~)m nlii('d·hrld BIII'i, Italy, lind il lion, other Russian columns ex­ by ~lol'm, and captlll'l'd /I eil r: ploiting the Kremenchug break­ mlly y(>l play 1\ bill' rolp in RAI. mOt1 F! quontitie " of war mater­ N.A * *:* through threaten to cut oU the S S A U, Bllha~as (AF) ":' ial the enpm)' ]lad b ('n aceumu· kan opel'ation . Nazi forces from escape. A disaster From' the lips of an American de­ 1111 ing for months, . Mediterranean-Based ,- IeCUve, a Baham!\s :' sll{lreme !:ourt 'J'ito in his communiqu(> 1'1'· greater than Stalingrad is in the This skillful R]H'inging of a jUrY heard yesterday the' story, of, u.s. 5th Army portrcl 11le capture of h'nnie, making for the Germans hurrying Bombers, ltaly.;Based. the sil1ll~ ' hairs. ,offered 'by the, nCllr Zagl'cb, the capi lal of southward over inadequate roads "trap-within-a-trap" was abetted mlwn as damning, testimony ,that Croatia, atl' well as two German to sUp through the 50-mile gap by two arms of a larger Soviet Allred de ' Mari~y beat and strongholds in western Bosnia and above the lower arm of the river pincers, one. hammering at t.he Fighters Raid Austria bend. burned to death his young wife's Only 93 Miles dcclared his men had captured gates of Krivoi Rog, 85 miles to I1thtr, Sir Harry Oakes. , There appears no doubt thnt the the southwest, the othel.' racing 2,000 Germans, the lar,est num­ 8per.kJur w1lb , tJl~ 8:H~ance Nazis have started evacuating the southwestward through fallen Me­ Berlin Acknowledges pia.. from hundreds of 'ap­ ber yet. whole Dnieper piliteau and t.he litopol toward the Crimea. First American Use Crimean peninsula. The Kremen­ JlWinces on the Witness stand, From Rome Tilo again insistently charged Thousands KUled Of Newly-Won Fields Ca(II. E. 'W. ' Mdeb.en 01 ~he he was having to tight Mihailovic's chUg bulge brea~through, followed Thousands of Germans fell on Mia 18 I pollee also laid the by Russian cllp~ul'e of Melitopolto the steppes above the Crimea, and II'WIdwork .fCK the introduction Repels Counterattacks forces as weH as Germans In the threa ten the last exi ts froni the the early morning Moscow bulle- LON DON (AP) - Mediterra- tla tlDrerprtnt with whieh At- , Montenegro-Albania border area. ~ri mea , ha~ app:m;niJy ('olla eel tin announced the shattering of a nean-based Am e ric a n heavy To Advance 3 Miles, The SIJCcestl of the gutrrula Ine)' Ganeral Eric , Halllnan 1he whole German right flank in German defense line based on the bombers. escorted for t.he first time campaign. however, wllS said by Russia. will """ to allow that de Ma. Capture Big Junction railway from Melitopol to the Cri­ by long-range fighters, based in rip, In hIJ Cl.ther-ln-Iaw's, I the SWiss radio Lo have Irked Hit­ The r~tteat could become a rout. mea. A number of strongpolnts 11''' Italy, struck at Austria Sunday in .......18 .ai ~be time 01 the slay", ALLIED HEADQUARTERS, AI- ler to the point where he was The Na~i hlah command, hoping were captured, including Rodion­ planning to slice ofr one portion fol' exhaustion of the Russian of­ the developing campaign to bring -but it( the .ltrht of tilly '-8. giel's (AI')-Driving three miles ovka, 14 miles southwest of Mel'­ The PrQsecutiop Tolled out its of Yugoslavia and add it to ihe fensive, appears to have held on topol on an inlet of the Sea of Hitler's southern wall under the of agnill)lt determined resistance and Reich, giving Hungary another , a biggest guns for the start of the too long. Azov. same devastating bomb lire that I«Ond week o! de Marlgl1Y's trial repelling four violent countcrat­ lump-probably as a bribe to keep There arc grave politico I por­ Eight Gel'man counterattacks 'ult a faltering satellite in the war. already has burned and blackened elp for murder, and MeJchen was tacks w.ithin 24 hours, Fifth army tents. to, in the situation In the were beaten down before Krlvoi Meantime allied aviation took south for the German high com­ German cltles from the west. n cal)ed to testify only after Dr, troops have captured the import­ Rog, and one Soviet unit. smashed a hand in the Balkan war by mand. 1l the Naizs are thrown the William Y. Sayad had quoted a an enUre Nazi regiment, said the Gen. Dwlrht D. Eisenhower's threat by the accused man last ant road and rall junction of Spar­ bombing Tirana, capital of Al­ back to the Bug river fOr another at bulletin, recorded by the Sov~et African headquarters briefly an­ Iprinl to anise in the mountainous western stand-and the Bug Js the only St;, "crock the head o:t Sir bania, and. the allied middle east monitor. nounced this memorable action ,ar- lItrry," sector ot the Halian front 93 aJ r- command disclosed Syros island, naturally strong position avoilable Melchen told of being called to west of the so\.Jthern Dnieper-the Front. dispatches said the 23rd yesterday Q.l'alnSi the one Nazi line miles fl'om Rome, a helld- southeast ot Athens, was raidoo German tank division already had Nassau" along .J..lt)l Capt, James early Sunday morning. battlefront in Ru ssia would lie area heretofore almost. Immune quarters communique announced been trapped at Krivoi Rog, itself 0, !)arkEr of the Miami police, by Another angle on the confused within 100 miles of Rumanian from air atiack.
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