SEC Record Book

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SEC Record Book 2018-20192018-2019 RecordRecord BookBook The history of SEC Men’s & Women’s Golf, Men’s & Women’s Swimming & Diving, Women’s Equestrian, Men’s & Women’s Tennis, Men’s & Women’s Cross Country, Men’s & Women’s Indoor Track & Field, and Men’s & Women’s Outdoor Track & Field. IT JUST MEANS MORE. In February, the Southeastern Conference was named HÄUHSPZ[MVY[OL:WVY[Z)\ZPULZZ1V\YUHS»Z3LHN\LVM[OL [OL:,*LZ[HISPZOLK[^VHKKP[PVUHSPUUV]H[P]LWYVJLZZLZ[V Year, which recognizes excellence over the past year. The PTWYV]LVMÄJPH[PUN!HJVSSHIVYH[P]LYLWSH`Z`Z[LTPUTLU»Z SEC was the only college athletics conference named to a basketball and expanded experimental replay rules in list that included the Ladies Professional Golf Association baseball. 37.(4HQVY3LHN\L)HZLIHSS43)4HQVY3LHN\L :VJJLY43:HUK[OL5H[PVUHS)HZRL[IHSS(ZZVJPH[PVU ;OL:,*»ZSLHKLYZOPWILSPL]LZZ[YVUNS`[OH[PU[LYJVSSLNPH[L 5)( athletic conferences have an obligation to aid in Student- Scholars. Champions. Leaders. These are the pillars of the Athlete Development, both academically and athletically. Southeastern Conference, and together they represent the (ZZ\JO[OL:,*^HZ[OLÄYZ[JVUMLYLUJL[VLZ[HISPZOH vision for an 85-year-old intercollegiate athletic conference Student-Athlete Career Tour designed to prepare students for that experienced unparalleled success during the past year. professions after graduation, and this year the Conference Ranging from record-breaking accomplishments by student- ^LSJVTLKZ[\KLU[Z[V([SHU[HMVYHT\S[PKH`ZLYPLZVM H[OSL[LZHUKHKTPUPZ[YH[VYZ[VZPNUPÄJHU[NYV^[OPUTLKPH meetings and development. And the SEC has integrated its sponsorship, and branding, the SEC proved on every front student-athlete leadership councils into its annual meetings ^O`P[PZ:,*VUK[V5VUL [VNP]LP[Z`V\UNWLVWSLHNYLH[LY]VPJLPU[OLPYV^U collegiate experience. ;OL*VUMLYLUJLJVU[PU\LZ[VKLSP]LYYLJVYKÄUHUJPHS KPZ[YPI\[PVUZ[VP[ZTLTILY\UP]LYZP[PLZ^OPJOTHRLZP[ ;OL:,*OHZHSZVHTWSPÄLKP[ZWVZP[PVUYLSH[P]L[VBranding possible for the Conference to support scholars through and and Celebration efforts. The Conference made gains in the IL`VUKNYHK\H[PVU^PUJOHTWPVUZOPWZPUHSP[HU`VMZWVY[Z “It Just Means More” branding campaign, expanding its HUK\S[PTH[LS`WYLWHYL`V\UNWLVWSL[VJOHUNL[OL^VYSK WYLZLUJL[VJVHZ[[VJVHZ[ZPNUHNLYHUNPUNMYVT5L^@VYR *P[`»Z;PTLZ:X\HYLK\YPUNHU,:75.HTL+H`IYVHKJHZ[ The SEC continues to strengthen its relationships in Media [VKV^U[V^U3VZ(UNLSLZPUYLJVNUP[PVUVM[OL:,*»Z and Sponsorship;OL:,*,:755L[^VYRPZUV^H]HPSHISL WHY[PJPWH[PVUPU[OL9VZL)V^S;OLWYV\KSLHN\LHSZV VUL]LY`THQVYJHISLWYV]PKLYHUKL]LY`UH[PVU^PKLT\S[P JLSLIYH[LK[OLJVU[YPI\[PVUZVM(MYPJHU(TLYPJHUZ^OV channel subscription streaming service in the marketplace. `LHYZHNVPU[LNYH[LK[OLZWVY[ZVMTLU»ZIHZRL[IHSSHUK ;OL:,*5L[^VYRHSZVYLHJOLZ JV\U[YPLZV\[ZPKL[OL football. U.S. ;OL:,*»ZAthletic Achievements have historically been— ;OL:,*PZHWSHJL^OLYLInnovation and Leadership are and continue to be—unprecedented. The SEC continues to L_WLJ[LKHUKW\YZ\LK/V^L]LY[OLW\YZ\P[L_[LUKZIL`VUK ^PUUH[PVUHSJOHTWPVUZOPWZPUT\S[PWSLZWVY[ZPUJS\KPUN JOHTWPVUZOPWYPUNZHUK[YVWOPLZ[VPUJS\KLVMÄJPH[PUN Ä]LUH[PVUHSJOHTWPVUZOPWTH[JO\WZPU[OLSHZ[[^V administration, and other initiatives. For example, on the `LHYZ[OH[L_JS\ZP]LS`MLH[\YLK:,*[LHTZ>VTLU»Z heels of its football collaborative replay successes, this year Final Four, College World Series, College Football Playoff *OHTWPVUZOPWHUK[^PJLPU,X\LZ[YPHU 2 MEDIA SPONSORSHIP + SEC-ESPN Network / Altice Agreement TV Ratings ;OL:,*,:755L[^VYRHUUV\UJLKHUHNYLLTLU[ The SEC participated in the 5 highest-rated ^P[O(S[PJL<:(VULVM[OLSHYNLZ[IYVHKIHUK JVSSLNLMVV[IHSSNHTLZVU;=MVY[OL communications and video services providers in ZLHZVU(SHIHTH]Z.LVYNPH¶*-75H[PVUHS [OL<UP[LK:[H[LZTLHUPUN[OL:,*5L[^VYRUV^ *OHTWPVUZOPW.LVYNPH]Z6RSHOVTH¶9VZL OHZSVUN[LYTKPZ[YPI\[PVUHNYLLTLU[Z^P[OL]LY` )V^S(SHIHTH]Z*SLTZVU¶:\NHY)V^S (\I\YU]Z.LVYNPH¶:,**OHTWPVUZOPW major cable provider in the United States. (SHIHTH]Z(\I\YU¶0YVU)V^S SEC-ESPN Agreements with Hulu and YouTube ,:75»ZWYLZLU[H[PVUVM[OL*-75H[PVUHS TV *OHTWPVUZOPWIL[^LLU:,*VWWVULU[Z.LVYNPH ;OL:,*,:755L[^VYR»ZHNYLLTLU[Z^P[OV]LY HUK(SHIHTHKLSP]LYLKHTHZZP]LV]LYUPNO[ [OL[VWJVU[LU[WYV]PKLYZ/\S\HUK@V\;\IL rating as part of its MegaCast production, up ;=THRL[OL:,*5L[^VYRH]HPSHISLVUL]LY` MYVTSHZ[ZLHZVU»Z*VSSLNL-VV[IHSS7SH`VMM UH[PVU^PKLT\S[PJOHUULSZ\IZJYPW[PVUZ[YLHTPUN 5H[PVUHS*OHTWPVUZOPWVU[OLZHTL[OYLL service currently in the marketplace. 5PLSZLUYH[LKUL[^VYRZ SiriusXM’s First College Conference-Branded *)::WVY[Z»JV]LYHNLVM[OL:,*65*): Channel ZLHZVUH]LYHNLKHOV\ZLOVSKYH[PUNZOHYLVM The Southeastern Conference and SiriusXM [VWWPUNHSSV[OLYUL[^VYRZ SH\UJOLK[OLÄYZ[JVSSLNLIYHUKLKZH[LSSP[LYHKPV JOHUULS:PYP\Z?4:,*9HKPVHUL^HUKL_JS\ZP]L H\KPVJOHUULSKLKPJH[LK[V:,*ZWVY[Z delivering fans and alumni across the country in- depth and comprehensive access to SEC-focused ZWVY[Z[HSRHUKUL^Z 3 SEC OFFICIATING INNOVATION LEADERSHIP + Officiating Innovation Media participation in spring football game officiating 0UTLU»ZIHZRL[IHSSMVY[OL:,*ZLHZVU[OL:,* The SEC invited media members to participate as game implemented a collaborative process for instant replay VMÄJPHSZK\YPUN:V\[O*HYVSPUH»Z:WYPUN-VV[IHSS.HTL PU[OLZWVY[VMTLU»ZIHZRL[IHSS<UKLY[OPZ\WNYHKLK HUKLUNHNLK^P[O[OL:,*5L[^VYR[VWYV]PKLILOPUK Z`Z[LTMVYPUZ[HU[YLWSH`YL]PL^ZWLYZVUULSVWLYH[PUN the-scenes information and experiences in order to MYVT:,*/LHKX\HY[LYZHZZPZ[NHTLVMÄJPHSZ^P[OHSS educate the public on procedures related to SEC YL]PL^ZPUJVUMLYLUJLNHTLZ;OL:,*PZ[OLVUS` MVV[IHSSVMÄJPH[PUN conference utilizing a collaborative replay process in Athletics Directors attend Strategic Leadership Program 0UIHZLIHSS[OL5*((7SH`PUN9\SLZ6]LYZPNO[7HULS SEC Athletics Directors participated in the U.S. Army HWWYV]LKHYLX\LZ[MYVT[OL:,*[VHSSV^L_WLYPTLU[HS >HY*VSSLNL:[YH[LNPJ3LHKLYZOPW7YVNYHT1\S` Y\SLZMVYHJVHJO»ZJOHSSLUNLZ`Z[LTHUKL_WHUK PU.L[[`ZI\YN7LUUZ`S]HUPH;OL.L[[`ZI\YN [OLU\TILYVMWSH`Z[OH[TH`ILYL]PL^LK[VTVYL Program is a leadership development experience for resemble the process used by Major League Baseball. senior executives that encapsulates such leadership [VWPJZHZSLHKLYZOPWZ[`SLLTWV^LYTLU[VM[Y\Z[LK Baseball Wireless Coach-to-Catcher Communication HNLU[ZJVTT\UPJH[PUNSLHKLY]PZPVUTHUHNPUN[V_PJ ;OL5*((7SH`PUN9\SLZ6]LYZPNO[7HULSHWWYV]LK immature leaders, avoiding cognitive bias, common HYLX\LZ[MYVT[OL:V\[OLHZ[LYU*VUMLYLUJL[VHSSV^ mistakes in team-building, separating personal and L_WLYPTLU[HSY\SLZMVY^PYLSLZZJVTT\UPJH[PVUMYVT WYVMLZZPVUHSYLSH[PVUZOPWZ^LPNOPUNYPZR]ZYL^HYK the dugout to the catcher in an effort to improve pace controlling “the narrative,” and transforming tactical VMWSH`*H[JOLYZ^PSS^LHYHULHYWPLJL[VOLHY[OL[`WL success into strategic effect. VMWP[JO[OLJVHJOPUNZ[HMM^HU[Z[OYV^U 4 TIMES SQUARE Spotlighting Academics Using its SECU Academic Initiative, the SEC sponsors, supports, and promotes collaborative higher education programs and activities involving administrators, MHJ\S[`HUKZ[\KLU[ZH[P[ZTLTILY universities. The SEC College Tour, intended to advance the merit and academic reputation of SEC universities beyond the traditional SEC region, visited both [OLLHZ[HUK^LZ[JVHZ[ZVM[OL<UP[LK :[H[LZPU0U[OLMHSS:,*\UP]LYZP[` admissions administrators visited Boston, Massachusetts and Providence, 9OVKL0ZSHUK[V[HSR^P[OOPNOZJOVVS counselors, and in the spring, the group traveled to San Diego and Pasadena, California, to promote SEC universities to prospective students and parents. The SEC Academic Leadership +L]LSVWTLU[7YVNYHT:,*(3+7 JLSLIYH[LKP[Z`LHYHUUP]LYZHY`PU 6J[VILYVM;OL:,*(3+7HPTZ to identify, prepare, and advance HJHKLTPJSLHKLYZMVYYVSLZ^P[OPU SEC institutions and beyond. Amended SEC Bylaw Related to Hiring of Coaches and Athletic Personnel :,*)`SH^ UV^PUJS\KLZSHUN\HNLZ[H[PUN[OH[HU :,*ZJOVVS»ZWYLZPKLU[VYJOHUJLSSVYT\Z[JVUZ\S[KPYLJ[S` ^P[O:,**VTTPZZPVULY.YLN:HURL`ILMVYLJVUZPKLYPUN OPYPUNZVTLVUL¸^OVOHZLUNHNLKPU\UL[OPJHSJVUK\J[ THE SEC LEADS IN HZKLÄULK\UKLY5*(()`SH^ZVY^OVOHZWHY[PJPWH[LKPU SOCIAL MEDIA ENGAGEMENT activity that resulted, or may result, in a Level I, Level II, or major infraction.” 438,000 FOLLOWERS JVTWHYLK[V2MVY)PN Multi-Year Agreements for Championship Locations 2MVY)PN;LU 2MVY(** 0U[OL:,*[YHUZP[PVULKP[Z-VV[IHSS*OHTWPVUZOPW 51K for Pac-12 .HTL[V[OLUL^4LYJLKLZ)LUa:[HKP\TPUKV^U[V^U ([SHU[HHM[LYWSH`PUNP[Z[P[SLNHTLPU[OL.LVYNPH+VTL 655,000 FOLLOWERS JVTWHYLK[V2MVY)PN;LU ZPUJL 0[^HZ[OLOPNOLZ[H[[LUKHUJLMVYHU:,* 2MVY7HJ2MVY(** -VV[IHSS*OHTWPVUZOPWNHTLZPUJL HUK[OLZLJVUK 2MVY)PN highest of all time. ;OL:,*>VTLU»Z)HZRL[IHSS;V\YUHTLU[^PSSILWSH`LK 124,000 FOLLOWERS PU.YLLU]PSSL:V\[O*HYVSPUHMVY[OLUL_[[OYLL`LHYZ compared to 82K for Pac-12, .YLLU]PSSLWYL]PV\ZS`OVZ[LK[OL:,*>VTLU»Z)HZRL[IHSS 2MVY)PN2MVY)PN;LU ;V\YUHTLU[PUHUKHUKOHZUV^ILLUH^HYKLK 30K for ACC [OL[V\YUHTLU[MVY HUK 5 STUDENT-ATHLETE BRANDING + CELEBRATION DEVELOPMENT Announcement of SEC Football Media Days in Atlanta The SEC announced that the College Football Hall of Student-Athlete Career Tour -HTLPU([SHU[H^PSSZLY]LHZ[OLWYPTHY`OVZ[]LU\LMVY ([V[HSVMJ\YYLU[HUKMVYTLY:V\[OLHZ[LYU UL_[`LHY»Z:,*-VV[IHSS4LKPH+H`Z1\S` Conference student-athletes participated in the second ;OLL]LU[^PSSTHYR[OLÄYZ[[PTL:,*4LKPH+H`Z :,**VYWVYH[L*HYLLY;V\YPU([SHU[H5V]LTILY ^PSSILOLSKV\[ZPKL[OL)PYTPUNOHT(SHIHTHHYLH ¶;OLNYV\W]PZP[LK[OLOLHKX\HY[LYZHUK ZPUJL TL[^P[OL_LJ\[P]LZHUK[HSLU[HJX\PZP[PVUZ[HMMH[ several corporations including Turner Broadcasting “It Just Means More” Campaign and Associated Branding System, Mercedes-Benz Corporation, the Atlanta Braves When the SEC kicked off its comprehensive “It Just organization, and Delta Airlines. 4LHUZ4VYL¹THYRL[PUNJHTWHPNUP[ZL[V\[[VZOV^
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