July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013



July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013 Table of Contents






Faculty Well-Being Committee 13 DIVISION OF NEPHROLOGY 110


SHORT-TERM GOALS 2013-2014 15 DIVISION OF PHYSIATRY, PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION 131 DIVISION REPORTS 16 DIVISION OF RESPIROLOGY 132 Cardiology 17 DIVISION OF RHEUMATOLOGY 136 Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology 19 MISSION, VISION & VALUES STATEMENTS 139 Dermatology 20 MISSION 139 Endocrinology 21 VISION 139 Gastroenterology 23 VALUES 139 General Internal Medicine 25 ORGANIZATION CHART 139 Geriatric Medicine 26

Infectious Diseases 28

Medical Oncology & Clinical Hematology 29

Nephrology 30

Neurology 31

Obstetrical Medicine 32

Rehabilitation Medicine 33

Respirology 35

Rheumatology 36


I am pleased to share this annual report for the 2012-13 academic year with you. I am very proud of what our Department has accomplished in this time. We continue to grow in size and impact. Clinically, we continue with our efforts to intensify our focus on tertiary/quaternary acute care while working with our partners to provide integrated patient-focused primary/secondary care to our community. Our researchers continue to be highly productive with over $70 Million in peer-reviewed funding and 750 peer-reviewed publications in this past year. Education within the Department has never been stronger, not only in the provision of high quality education across the continuum, but also as leaders in Medical Education research and scholarship at a national and international level. Our faculty continue to be recognized through local, national, and international awards, a testament to the great impact of their work.

We are now heading into my fifth year as Physician-in-Chief. When I took on this role, we developed a strategic plan that has been my blueprint as we plan to shape the future of the Department. This Dr. Kevin Imrie plan, entitled ‘Sharpening our Focus’ , was guided by three core principles:

• That we would strategically focus our efforts

• That we would align our efforts with the Hospital, Research Institute, and the

• That we would maximize our impact through partnerships with our Academic Health Sciences and community partners.

These principles guided the development of our long-term priorities and short-term goals.

When we published the plan, I committed to updating you on our progress. As I reflect upon the work we have done together since that time, I am proud of what we have accomplished and very optimistic about our future.

I am extremely grateful to our outstanding faculty and staff for all of their hard work and dedication in clinical care, research and education and to the Division Heads for their leadership and council.

Finally, I want to thank Denise Campbell for her work in preparing this report.

Thank you.


Kevin Imrie MD FRCPC

Physician-in-Chief, Department of Medicine, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

Vice-Chair Education, Department of Medicine, University of Toronto


About us:

The Department of Medicine is Sunnybrook’s largest Department such as Clinical Pharmacology and Obstetrical Medicine. Our with 107 full time and 199 part-time physician members. We are members work in all eight of Sunnybrook’s Programs, including organized into 15 Divisions, including uniquely specialized services playing an important role in the new St. John’s Rehab program.

4 Clinical Care: Clinically, our divisions operate 176 inpatient beds Academic Medicine and Medical Education. We are pleased to as well as numerous specialized outpatient clinics. These include have been joined this year by two education faculty, Umberin unique services such as the Thromboembolism, ALS, and HIV Najeeb, a Clinician Educator in General Internal Medicine with a clinics as well as an increasing focus on acute outpatient services focus on the Education of Health Professionals educated abroad such as our Rapid Referral, TIA (Transient Ischemic Attack), as well as Shirley Chow, a Clinician Teacher in the Division of RADAR (Rapid Diabetes Assessment and Referral), TRAPP Rheumatology.

(Treatment of Respiratory and Pleural Problems) and EPIC (Effusion Research: This has been a very productive year for our Procedure Interprofessional Clinic) clinics. researchers. They now hold over $70 million in peer-reviewed grant funding, authored 749 peer-reviewed publications, as well as delivered over 1000 presentations locally, nationally and internationally. We continue to be guided by our cross-cutting focus on Health Services Research, Quality and Patient Safety as well as Educational Research. This productivity is possible only as a result of the very generous investment of our Department members in their colleagues through our practice plan.

We continue to focus our clinical priorities for the Department in two areas, Integration with primary care and other community providers as well as ambulatory alternatives to admission for provision of acute care. This year, our integration initiatives have focused on the North East Toronto HEALTHLINK and have taken the form of increasing coordination of care for patients who are frequent users of the health system as well as improving communication with primary care physicians upon admission and discharge from hospital. Sunnybrook’s leadership in Health Information Technology, including eDischarge has been critical to our success to date.

This year we continued to augment our capacity to provide acute Sustainability and Accountability: We are pleased this year care in the outpatient setting. Our General Internal Medicine Rapid to have met our target of 90% hand hygiene compliance. We Referral Clinic (RRC) continues to expand its capability, seeing continue to work on improving our communication including the its 3,000th patient this year. The RRC was joined this year by an policy of highlighting the accomplishments of our researchers and invigorated TIA clinic. We anticipate the new Cardiology Rapid educators through a campaign of posters and videos accessible on Assessment Clinic to open this fall. Our plans are to expand these line. Finally, the Sunnybrook Department of Medicine Partnership services as well as include urgent ambulatory clincs in Respiratory continued to refine its operations and we continue to develop disease, Cancer and Gastroenterology among others. policies and improve our human resource management functions. In 2014, we will be refreshing our global budgeting process. Education: Our educational programs continue to thrive. Our residency programs underwent a successful accreditation visit The Future: Fall 2014 will be the end of my fifth year as Physician- from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada this in-Chief. I look forward to the 5-year external review the Department April. Our teachers are highly recognized, with a record number will undergo this year. The advice we receive will help us further being ranked among the top 10% of teachers in the University focus our efforts. Next year will see continued preparation for and a number winning external awards. We also continue to the establishment of our Ambulatory Care Dialysis satellite as grow as a center of Education Research and Scholarship. Our well as the building of a rehabilitation medicine program that will educators have been awarded high profile peer reviewed grants bring together our rehab efforts across the three campuses of as well as been published in top tier education journals such as Sunnybrook. I look forward to the challenge.

5 Back Row L-R: Drs. Khalil Sivjee, Johane Allard, James Perry, Kevin Imrie, Maureen Trudeau, Eric Cohen, Rajin Mehta Front Row L-R: Drs. Greg Choy, Neil Shear, David Berbrayer, Richard Jay, Steve Shadowitz Absent: Drs. Michelle Hladunewich David Juurlink, Julia Lowe, Christopher Morgan, Brad Strauss MEMBERS OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE

Chair Dr. Andrew Simor – Infectious Diseases

Dr. Kevin Imrie – Physician-in Chief Dr. Maureen Trudeau – Medical Oncology/Haematology Dr. Michelle Hladunewich – Nephrology and Obstetrical Medicine Division Heads Dr. David Berbrayer – Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Dr. Bradley Strauss – Cardiology Dr. Khalil Sivjee – Respirology Dr. David Juurlink – Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology Dr. Greg Choy (Interim) – Rheumatology Dr. Neil Shear – Dermatology Committee Chairs Dr. Julia Lowe – Endocrinology

Dr. Johane Allard – Gastroenterology Education – Dr. Richard Jay

Dr. Steve Shadowitz – Deputy Physician-in-Chief & Finance – Dr. Chris. Morgan Division Head General Internal Medicine Research – Dr. Rob. Fowler

Dr. Rajin Mehta – Geriatric Medicine Faculty Well-Being – Dr. Ivy Fettes & Liesly Lee (co-chairs)


EDUCATION: The Department A Zahirieh, E Etchells, S Singh, S Ahmed, D Gandell who of Medicine continues to have placed among the top 10% of teachers in the Department city-wide outstanding successes in our (a disproportionally high number 7 of 25). This year, our clinician Medical Education mission. We teachers have also garnered 5 nominations and 24 awards across have had another excellent year the entire spectrum of academic teaching endeavors ranging from in both our Education Scholarship/ the international/national to regional-provincial/local stage. Special Research and Excellence in Teaching commendations to Mary Bell (Colin Woolf Award –Continuing academic activities. Education) and Ayelet Kuper (Helen Beatty Award – Innovations in Faulty Development) who received 2 of the major teaching Education Scholarship and awards for the Faculty of Medicine – University of Toronto. Research: We continue as a primary center and recognized Education Leadership: Sunnybrook continues to play a major Dr. Richard Jay, Chair leader in Education Scholarship education leadership role at the University and Faculty of Medicine and Medical Education research at a local, national as well as level: Senior Academic Leaders: Brian Wong - Director of international level. Several of our DOM members are Principal or Faculty Development and Continuing Education in Quality and Co-Investigators in external grants ( 2 CIHR grants, 5 RCPSC – Safety, Brian Murray - Director of Integrative Medicine. University Medical Education Research grants,/AMS/CanMEDS Research Division Directors: Dermatology (N Shear), Gastroenterology (J and Development grants) as well internal grants (3 University Allard), Clinical Pharmacology (D Juurlink) and Medical Oncology of Toronto - Education Development grants for Innovations in (K Pritchard). Postgraduate Program Directors: Dermatology Education). As well, many of our clinician teachers are carrying (S Walsh), Geriatrics (B Liu)), Medical Oncology (S Berry). Peters- out Medical Education projects (12 of them at last tally) as part of Boyd Academy Director (M Cooper) and the U of T leads for Back Row L-R: Drs. Khalil Sivjee, Johane Allard, James Perry, Kevin Imrie, Maureen Trudeau, Eric Cohen, Rajin Mehta individual/divisional academic pursuits. In the last academic year, the Toronto Addis Ababa Academic Collaboration (G Piliotis, Front Row L-R: Drs. Greg Choy, Neil Shear, David Berbrayer, Richard Jay, Steve Shadowitz Absent: Drs. Michelle Hladunewich David Juurlink, Julia Lowe, Christopher Morgan, Brad Strauss members of our Department have had over 25 publications in J Lowe). A special thanks to Gena Piliotis who after several years high impact Medical Education journals like Academic Medicine of outstanding leadership has stepped down as Postgraduate and Medical Education. As well, Sunnybrook medical educators Program Director for Hematology. and clinician teachers have had 10 international and 11 national It has once again, been a rare honour and privilege to facilitate presentations at major forums for Medical Education Research. and coordinate the Medical Education academic activities of We continue to be a recognized national leader in Patient Safety the members of the Department of Medicine in 2012-13. Our and Quality Improvement. exceptional supportive culture for Medical Education and our Teaching: This year we welcomed two new education faculty outstanding Medical Education Researchers and Clinician members to the Department, Dr. Umberin Najeeb, clinician Teachers assure all of us of continued excellent achievements educator and Shirley Chow, clinician teacher. We are especially in Medical Education. proud of 7 of our clinician teachers: S Walsh, S Shumak,

7 Research

The Department of Medicine at Research Award), Andrea Gershon (Physicians’ Services Sunnybrook Hospital celebrates a Incorporated Translational Medicine Fellowship Award), David very productive year of research Spaner (Governor General’s Research Award, Leukemia and activities and accomplishments. Of Lymphoma Society of Canada), Nick Daneman (Department our 107 Departmental Faculty, half of Medicine Junior Investigator Award), and Sheldon Tobe are clinician scientists or investigators. (Department of Medicine Senior Investigator Award; Northern

Department researchers received Ontario School of Medicine Heart and Stroke Foundation Chair over 368 peer-reviewed grants in Aboriginal and Rural Health). totaling over $70 million, in addition Many members of the Department receive external salary support to another 127 industry-sponsored for their research success, including Canada Research Chair Dr. Robert Fowler, Chair and non-peer-reviewed grants holders Jack Tu, Don Redelmeier, and Kaveh Shojania; totaling nearly $4 million. Department Nick Daneman, a CIHR Phase II Clinician-Scientist; Dennis members authored 749 peer-reviewed publications, 92 non-peer- Ko, a CIHR New Investigator; Harindra Wijeysundera, a CIHR reviewed publications and delivered over 1000 presentations Institute of Health Services and Policy Research Fellow; Rob … all evidence of a collective, substantial continued increase in Fowler, Heart and Stroke Foundation Mid-Career Scientist; research productivity. Ayelet Kuper, a CIHR New Investigator; Urban Emmenegger,

Due to this productivity and impact, members received over 118 a Clinician-Scientist Awardee from the Prostate Cancer Canada; a Focus on Stroke Research Scholarship, from individual awards, including Sandra Black (Researcher of the Richard Swartz, Year, University of Toronto, Department of Medicine; Fellow, Royal the Heart and Stroke Foundation, CIHR, and the Canadian Stroke Network; , the Deborah Ivy Christiani Brill Chair Society of Canada, Academy of Sciences), Donald Redelmeier Sandra Black (Anne and Neil McArthur Award for Outstanding Canadian in Neurology; David Gladstone, the Phase II Clinician-Scientist Research, McMaster University; Peters-Boyd Student Mentorship Award from Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario and Andrea , Fellowship for Translational Health Research, Physicians’ Award), Mary Bell (Robert Hyland Mentoring Award, Department Gershon Services Incorporated. of Medicine, University of Toronto), Andrew Lim (Wayne A. Hening Sleep Medicine Investigator Award, American Academy Department partners continue to be generous in their support of of Neurology; the Circadian Rhythms Section Investigator Award, researchers and research activities and we leverage this support American Academy of Sleep Medicine; Maud Menton CIHR New via the federal Scientific Research and Experimental Development Investigator Award), Matt Oliver (Department of Medicine Quality program. The Department enjoys a collaborative relationship with Improvement & Patient Safety Award), Michelle Hladunewich Sunnybrook Research Institute and the Institute for Clinical and (Leadership Award, Department of Medicine; Fellow of the Evaluative Sciences: partnering with clinical programs to help American Society of Nephrology; American Physiological Society; improve our collective research space on K3-West; and ensuring Peters-Boyd Academy Mentorship Award), Urban Emmenegger departmental research employees have an appropriate home (Human Touch Award, Cancer Care Ontario and Ontario Renal within SRI. We are excited to continue promoting our research Network), Kathy Pritchard (Martin Prize in Clinical Research from activities internally with our scientist poster series, and a revamped Massachusetts General Hospital), David Juurlink (University of web site with research videos to help the world learn more about Toronto Goldie Award), Ayelet Kuper (AMS Phoenix Fellowship researchers at Sunnybrook.


Full-Time Faculty by Division

Our faculty consists of 107 full-time# and of 199 part-time Staff members 30 27

25 20 20

14 15 10 10 6 6 5 4 4 4 # of Staff 5 3 3 1 0

Cardiology Nephrology Neurology Dermatology Endocrinology Rheumatology Gastroenterology Geriatric Medicine Infec?ous Diseases Rehabilita?on Medicine General Internal Medicine

Medical Oncology/Haematology Respirology & Clinical Immunology

The OB Medicine and Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology divisions are not represented on the chart as all members are cross-appointed

9 Full-Time Faculty by University Rank

Our faculty has a similar distribution of academic ranks to that of the university as a whole. 21% of the full-time faculty are full professors and this compares with 25% across the University-wide Department of Medicine.

University Rank Sunnybrook UofT Professor 21% 25% Professor 21% Associate Professor 21% 24% Assistant Professor 54% 43% Lecturer 4% 7% TOTAL 100% 100% Lecturer Assistant Professor 4% Associate Professor

Lecturer Assistant Professor 54% Professor

Associate Professor 21%

Full-Time Faculty by Job Description

45% of the faculty are researchers Clinician Administrator 3 Clinician in Quality and Clinician Administrator Innova8on 3% Clinician Educator 11 2% Clinician Investigator 25 Clinician Scientist 24 Clinician Educator Clinician Teacher 42 10% Clinician in Quality and Innovation 2

Clinician Administrator

Clinician Teacher Clinician Educator 39% Clinician Inves8gator Clinician Inves8gator 23% Clinician Scien8st Clinician Teacher

Clinician in Quality and Innova8on

Clinician Scien8st 23%

10 New Appointments

We welcomed the following new faculty:

General Internal Medicine Rheumatology

Dr. Umberin Najeeb Dr. Shirley Chow

Dr. Umberin Najeeb is an Assistant Professor and a Clinician Dr. Shirley Chow is an Assistant Professor and a Clinician Teacher Educator at the University of Toronto. Her area of academic at the University of Toronto. Her area of academic interest is interest is medical education specifically in challenges and issues curriculum development and quality improvement and patient surrounding International Medical Graduate (IMG) education and safety. Clinically, Dr. Chow serves as a rheumatology consultant training. Clinically, Dr. Najeeb serves as a Staff Internist and has and has a regular outpatient clinic for patients with inflammatory a regular outpatient clinic for Internal Medicine patients every arthritis. Wednesday.


Congratulations to our physicians who were promoted to the Associate Professor rank effective July 1, 2012.

Dr. Dennis Ko Dr. Matthew Oliver Dr. Sunil Verma

11 2013 Department of Medicine Award Recipients External Leadership Positions

Teaching Peters-Boyd Academy Director • Dr. Mary Anne Cooper Young Teacher Award • Dr. Umberin Najeeb U of T Educational/Academic Leaders In-Patient Teaching Award • Dr. Anita Rachlis, • Dr. Steven Shumak Faculty of Medicine Clerkship Director

Pre-Clerkship Teaching Award • Dr. Brian Murray, • Dr. Yoo-Joung Ko DOM Director of Integrated Medical Education

Ambulatory Teaching Award • Dr. Brian Wong, • Dr. Shaheeda Ahmed Director, Faculty Development & Continuing Education in Part-Time Teaching Award Quality & Safety • Dr. Karen Okrainec • Dr. Kaveh Shojania,

Continuing Education Award Director Quality and Patient Safety • Dr. Jeremy Gilbert U of T Division Directors

Research • Dr. Johane Allard - Gastroenterology

Junior Investigator Award • Dr. David Juurlink – Clinical Pharmacology • Dr. Nick Daneman • Dr. Neil Shear - Dermatology

Senior Investigator Award • Dr. Kathy Pritchard – Medical Oncology • Dr. Sheldon Tobe U of T Program Directors Leadership • Scott Berry • Steven Shadowitz Department Of Medicine Leadership Award • Yoo-Joung Ko • Bradley Strauss • Dr. Edward Etchells • Barb Liu • Scott Walsh Mentorship • Gena Piliotis

William J. Sibbald Faculty Mentoring Award Executive Director, Toronto Dementia Research Alliance • Dr. Liesly Lee • Sandra Black

Lead Scientist, Colon Cancer Check program, CCO

• Jill Tinmouth

Canadian Hypertension Education Program Chair

• Sheldon Tobe

12 Faculty Well-Being Committee

The Department has established a Faculty Well-Being committee with the aim to further enhance the environment of the department physicians by focusing on issues relating to their personal, academic and social lives. The Committee is led by Drs. Ivy Fettes and Liesly Lee and advises the Physician-in-Chief on issues relating to faculty well being and satisfaction.

Last year, five meet and greet luncheons were held, hosted by the divisions of General Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease, Geriatric Medicine, Gastroenterology and Dermatology. Feedback continues to be very supportive and the plan is to have future luncheons in the upcoming academic year. An information session L-R: Drs. E. Piliotis, B. Shah, A. Zahirieh, L. Lee (co-chair), for incorporated members is planned as well, to give information A. Tandon; Seated: Dr. I. Fettes (co-chair); about the practical aspects of managing the corporations. Absent - Drs. K. Imrie and M. Myers


Our Strategic Plan 2010-2015, “Sharpening our Focus” was developed in 2009. We are presently working on Short Term Goals for 2013-2014; the following chart highlights (with a check mark) goals that have already been met.

14 SHORT-TERM GOALS 2013-2014

Quality Sustainability/ Clinical Care Research Education Accountability

• Ensure all divisions • Establish named • Make process for • Develop and implement a make outpatient notes professorship and dinner awarding teaching late career transition policy accessible in EPR for the DOM Resident stipends more transparent, • Develop and implement a • Ensure all divisions Research Day focused and merit-based global budgeting model for implement processes for • Establish a funded • Develop and deploy a the academic budgets expedited access from the research chair for DOM regular Departmental • Implementing performance ED, RRC, and inpatient • Complete the transfer education newsletter assessment for wards of research staff from • Nominate at least four Management Committee • Formalize discharge clinic Sunnybrook Department (4) DOM members for members and committee visits in order to improve of Medicine partnership external awards each year chairs care transition from (SDMP) to Sunnybrook • Ensure each rotation has • Revise the SDMP inpatient to outpatient Research Institute (SRI) a structured orientation partnership agreement • Enter formal partnerships • Increase DOM research as well as updated goals • Implement a new with 20 community contributions to SRI and the and a rotation manual pregnancy and parental primary care physicians SRED program by 20% accessible online leave policy • Decrease patient census • Establish a mechanism to • Develop and implement per team on GIM to < 25 find adequate work space a policy for non- (15% reduction) for DOM and affiliated partner members of the Programs’ clinical research department staff in the hospital • Explore the feasibility of • Increase support for DOM implementing stipends for Clinician Scientists and division heads Investigators, in line with • Develop and report one other University of Toronto measure of access, one hospitals measure of process and • Improve visibility and one measure of outcome promotion for DOM for each division Research within and • Improve physician hand outside Sunnybrook hygiene compliance to through deployment of over 90% videos on the web • Deploy a departmental • Conduct an external portal to improve review of the DOM communications research activities and committee functioning


There are 15 subspecialty divisions in the Department of Medicine. Appendix 1 lists faculty by Division.

16 Cardiology

The Division of Cardiology consists of 20 full-time cardiologists, 1 major part-time cardiologist, and seven part-time community cardiologists. The division works with the Schulich Heart Program to provide care of patients with cardiac and vascular diseases, focusing on coordinated and integrated cardiovascular services; cardiac interventional and structural procedures, acute coronary syndromes, and ambulatory care.

Division Head: Dr. Bradley Strauss Clinical:

About 3300 diagnostic cardiac angiograms, 1750 coronary program as well as leading edge echo services, where over angioplasties, 70 Transaortic valvular implants, 25 Mitra clips, 10,000 echocardiographic procedures performed. Sunnybrook 370 pacemakers, 220 ICDs and over 300 EP studies/ablations echo lab is one of only 3 echo labs in Canada accredited by the were performed. Inpatient activities include emergency care, Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (sponsored by American an active cardiology ward and CICU and hospital-wide cardiac College of Cardiology/American Society of Echocardiography) consultation services. The CICU has now expanded its activities for adult echo, transesophageal echo and stress echo. The non- to include full ventilation. Outpatient activities involve supporting invasive lab recorded over 3,700 visits. Cardiology Outpatient a large ambulatory interventional/diagnostic catheterization Clinics served over 12,500 patients last year.

17 Education: The structural heart disease program continues to grow and expand. Currently we are performing 50 TAVI (transcatheter aortic The division is one of three University of Toronto teaching units, valve implantations) annually and with the recent provincial funding attracting trainees in Interventional Cardiology, Electrophysiology, support, will be able to increase TAVI volume to 75 cases next and Cardiac Imaging (Echocardiography, MRI, CT scanning) year and 90 cases the following year. We have an established from the University of Toronto as well as from other prestigious program in mitra clips for patients with mitral insufficiency, institutions, nationally and internationally. The teaching program approximately 25 cases annually. The structural program continues involves undergraduate and postgraduate trainees (residents and to mature, and we now have a dedicated structural heart disease subspecialty fellows). clinical/research fellow. Research:

Major research foci are image-guided cardiovascular interventions and cardiovascular outcomes and health care utilization. In partnership with other members of the Schulich Heart Program and the Sunnybrook Research Institute, the division has access to the Imaging Research Centre for Cardiovascular Intervention (IRCCI), which was funded several years ago by a major national peer-reviewed CFI grant, The Cardiology full-tume faculty produced over 140 peer reviewed publications over the past year and held over $10 million in research grants.

Recent Achievements:

The Cardiology division has now completed the D3 renovations, A number of Cardiology divisional members have received special including the Odette Family In-Patient ward, the Brian W. Gilbert awards and recognitions: Cardiac Intensive Care Unit and the Short Stay Unit. The Cardiology • Heart and Stroke Foundation - Ontario Clinician Scientist division shares the in-patient ward with Schulich Heart Centre Award – Dr. Dennis Ko partners, Cardiovascular Surgery and Vascular Surgery, in an innovative care model. • Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada Distinguished Clinician Scientist Award – Dr. Harindra Wijeysundera The expertise and efficient health care delivery of the cardiac interventional and EP services continue to be recognized by the • Department of Medicine Ambulatory Teaching Award – Dr. Ministry of Health with further expansion of some clinical volumes. Shaheeda Ahmed We are one of six provincial sites recently awarded funding from • Achievement Award – Dr. Martin Myers the Ministry of Health for transaortic valvular implants. Future Plans: Sunnybrook cardiology recently performed the first-in-man collagenase trial for patients requiring angioplasty procedures for The structural heart disease program will be starting a new chronic total occlusions. A large international trial of collagenase procedure shortly, renal artery denervation for patients with for >400 patients, CTO-2, will be initiated in spring 2013 and uncontrolled hypertension. Sunnybrook will be a leading centre.

18 Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology

The Division of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology is a multi-disciplinary team with diverse specialties, including drug safety, adverse drug events, toxicology, pharmacoepidemiology, geriatric pharmacology and cardiovascular risk and prevention.

All members in the division are cross-appointed from various divisions within the department including General Internal Medicine, Geriatric Medicine, Medical Oncology, Cardiology and Dermatology. Members are also cross-appointed from other departments and institutions such as The Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences, and the Ontario Regional Poison Information Centre at the Hospital for Sick Children. Division Head: Dr. David Juurlink

Clinical: Research:

Sunnybrook is one of only a few hospitals in Canada with a Clinical Division members are actively involved in research on drug safety, Pharmacology & Toxicology consult service. We provide inpatient funded by grants from CIHR and the Ontario Ministry of Health and consultation regarding the diagnosis and management of various Long Term Care. Other areas of research include drug utilization drug-related problems including allergy, drug hypersensitivity and cost-effectiveness analysis. and other adverse drug reactions, clinical therapeutics, drug Future Plans: desensitization, therapeutic drug monitoring and management of acute and chronic poisoning. In addition, the Drug Safety Clinic Long-term plans include growth of the consult service and provides outpatient consultation services to patients with known strengthening the educational experience of trainees. These would or suspected drug allergies. be best achieved by recruiting additional faculty with expertise in Education: Clinical Pharmacology and a career focus in medical education. A secondary goal is the ongoing exposure of postgraduate Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology remains a popular elective trainees to the specialty and the opportunities within it. Over the for PGY3/4 trainees in Internal Medicine, who are the first point past 5 years, several residents have opted to include Clinical of contact for consults and who receive 1-on-1 teaching for 4 Pharmacology as part of their subspecialty training, most often to 6 hours each month. However, the educational component in combination with another specialty such as Geriatrics, Critical of the rotation is likely to suffer as the result of Dr. Lisa Thurgur’s Care and Emergency Medicine. move to Ottawa earlier this year.

The division delivers monthly case-based rounds as part of the noon lecture series to all undergraduate and graduate medical trainees at Sunnybrook. These rounds are led by the elective resident (supervised by Dr. Juurlink), and discuss interesting and instructive cases seen on the inpatient consult service over the previous weeks. The division also maintains an active teaching program with trainees in Critical Care.

Elective residents attend and present at Pharmacy Journal Club, and also attend Clinical Pharmacology Grand Rounds (Thursdays) and Toxicology Rounds (Fridays) at the Hospital for Sick Children. The latter are typically followed by 1.5 hours of toxicology-specific teaching.

19 Dermatology

The Division of Dermatology consists of three full-time members, two clinical associates and five part-time members. Services include treatment of skin, hair and nail-related conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, hair loss, skin cancers, acne, and rosacea. The Division provides specialized testing and offers a comprehensive service for cosmetic concerns and records approximately 40,000 patient visits per year in its outpatient clinics.

Division Head: Dr. Neil Shear Clinical: Research:

The division is the leading clinic in Canada for patients with skin Members are continually working to improve therapies and the blistering diseases and skin lymphoma. Working closely with safe use of medications and this work has translated into many the Odette Cancer Centre, members care for patients with skin areas of research. New treatments for disease such as pemphigus cancers, as well as people at high risk of developing skin cancer, and psoriasis have been pioneered in the clinics. and patients experiencing skin side effects of chemotherapy. The Future Plans: division has facilities for laser care, camouflage makeup, injections, patch testing and surgical skin treatments. Sunnybrook is the focus of skin epidemiology research in Canada. Education: The knowledge and skills of this field are much needed in the specialty. On-going excellence in education at all levels is a Sunnybrook Dermatology provides training for all medical students priority of the division. at the University of Toronto, and for all dermatology residents.

20 Endocrinology

The Endocrine Division comprises five full-time Endocrinologists plus Community and Women’s College Hospital Associated Endocrinologists, a nurse practitioner, nurse educators and dieticians.

The full-time Endocrinologists are: Dr. Julia Lowe, (Division Head) Dr. Baiju Shah Dr. Ivy Fettes Dr. Jeremy Gilbert Dr. Jay Silverberg Dr. Ilana Halperin starting 1 July 2013 Division Head: Dr. Julia Lowe Clinical Toronto. Friday afternoons are spent seeing and discussing in-patients with the Endocrinologist on call. Informal teaching The Division offers outpatient clinics in General Endocrinology, is conducted on a regular basis during the various Endocrine diabetes mellitus including diabetes in pregnancy, polycystic clinics & formal teaching sessions are held throughout the week. ovarian syndrome, thyroid problems including thyroid issues in Sunnybrook Endocrine Rounds are held every Wednesday from pregnancy and post partum, and pituitary disease. The Rapid 8 to 9 a.m. The presentations may be clinical or research related, Diabetes Assessment and Referral (RADAR) Clinic was established and are done by residents, Fellows and staff from a variety of in 2012, and provides urgent care for patients with uncontrolled disciplines in Endocrinology or related to Endocrinology. City-wide Diabetes Mellitus.We provide rapid turnaround glucose management Endocrine rounds are research rounds based at the University of for same-day surgery patients with diabetes on insulin. We do Toronto, and are held every Friday from 8 to 9 a.m. prior to the consultations to northerly and rural general practitioners, offered academic half-day lectures. via Telemedicine Ontario. Dr. Fettes, Dr. Silverberg and Dr. Gilbert are actively involved in We work closely with the Department of Family Practice to provide program planning of Endocrine Education at the national level, ambulatory patient care and education through the Sunnybrook through the Canadian Society of Endocrinology & Metabolism Diabetes Education Program (SUNDEC) and special programs (CSEM) and the Canadian Diabetes Association (CDA). Dr. Gilbert are provided for older patients, for people with PCOS and is the Faculty Advisor for the Residents Council of the CSEMwhich pre-diabetes, and for patients on an insulin pump. We have an involves organization of an Annual Residents Educational Program Endocrine test centre in which we perform diagnostic testing, and facilitation of the participation of residents in the Annual primarily for adrenal and pituitary problems. Professional Conference of the Canadian Diabetes Association/ The Division provides clinical support for all of Sunnybrook’s Canadian Society of Endocrinology & Metabolism. Dr. Silverberg strategic priority programs including the Women & Babies program, is the President of the CDA Clinical & Scientific section. the Schulich Heart Centre program, the Odette Cancer Centre Dr. Lowe is involved in educational and research programs in program, and the Trauma Emergency & Critical Care program. Ethiopia, Guyana and Australia. She is the academic lead for Education: the University of Toronto Division of Endocrinology in partnership with Addis Ababa University. Dr. Lowe is also the University of Staff from the Endocrine Division are involved in local, national Toronto Endocrine lead in the multidisciplinary Guyana Diabetic and global education programs. We participate in the training Foot project, which is a collaborative effort between Canada and of undergraduate medical students, postgraduate residents, Guyana to develop a multi-educational program in diabetes and graduate students and other physicians and health professionals, hypertension in Guyana South America. including nurses, nurse practitioners and dieticians.

A structured program with specific training objectives is offered to medical residents and Endocrine residents/Fellows. From Monday to Thursday the residents spend one-half day in clinic and one-day seeing in-patients. Friday mornings they attend Endocrinology academic half-day lectures at the University of

21 Research Important publications from Endocrine Division staff in 2012 related to diabetes. Dr. Shah & Dr. Lowe co-authored (with Our research focuses on diabetes mellitus and quality improvement others) a paper highlighting pre-eclampsia as a rsik for diabetes (QI) initiatives. The division undertakes basic research into the PLoS Medicine 2013;10:e1001425 & Dr. Shah published research genetics and immunology of Type 1 diabetes mellitus, management highlighting the different risks of cardiac complications for South of diabetes in pregnancy, and health services in Epidemiology Asian and Chinese patients with diabetes. Diabetes Care 2013 research in diabetes mellitus, through the Institute of Clinical epub 1st May 2013 Evaluative Sciences (ICES). In 2012 QI projects were conducted in process of care for thyroid nodule biopsy & gestational diabetes The Endocrine Division underwent an External Review in January postpartum follow-up. 2012 and Dr. Lowe replaced Dr. Fettes as Head of Divison in 2013. Plans to recruit an Endocrinologist with an interest in Quality Recent Achievement Improvement for 2013 were successful & Dr. Halperin will start in July 2013. The Division is also going ahead with an Electronic The Sunnybrook Endocrine Division continues to be highly rated for Medical Record in 2013. the training program for rotating Medical and Endocrine residents.

22 Gastroenterology

The Division of Gastroenterology consists of six full time faculty members who share a clinical focus on all aspects of gastroenterology and hepatology, in addition to the Division Head who holds an administrative position. Faculty members have particular expertise in gastrointestinal oncology, inflammatory bowel disease nutritional support therapeutic endoscopy, and endoscopic management of obesity. Nursing support is provided by a clinical nurse specialist with main interests in Hepatitis and IBD Patient education and support and, research. Division Head: Dr. Johane Allard

Clinical: addition, there is an active clinical trials program in inflammatory bowel disease and research on the quality of and education in Working with Sunnybrook’s care programs, including Odette gastrointestinal endoscopy. The division is also actively involved Cancer Centre, Trauma, Emergency & Critical Care and Veterans & in research regarding endoscopy simulation. One member has Community, members provide inpatient and outpatient consultative an ongoing study on the value of email in clinical practice, with services and endoscopic procedures. The division’s gastrointestinal a focus on self-management for patients with chronic diseases. endoscopy service provides state of the art diagnostic and therapeutic intervention for gastrointestinal bleeding, pancreatico- Recent Achievements: biliary diseases, colorectal cancer screening and prevention Research funding: palliative endoluminal stenting for malignant disease and balloon dilatation in Crohn’s disease. New endoscopic programs include -- EUS utilization in Ontario. CIHR. Drs. Tinmouth and Yong Assessing quality of colonoscopy. Canadian Cancer Society, endoscopic ultrasound and enteroscopy (including both video CCO. Dr. Tinmouth capsule and push optical enteroscopic imaging). -- Assessing quality of colonoscopy. Canadian Cancer Society, Education: CCO. Dr. Tinmouth -- Assessing incidence and prevention of esophageal Members provide expertise and training for medical students, adenocarcinoma in persons with gastroesophageal reflux. residents in internal medicine, gastroenterology, general surgery Connaught Foundation. Dr. Tinmouth and specialty gastroenterology fellows. Students at all levels are -- Improving gastric cancer survival: development and exposed to a wide range of clinical issues within the outpatient measurement of quality indicators. NCIC. Dr. Tinmouth and inpatient services. Excellent teaching rounds and clinical -- Colorectal cancer screening. CIHR Dr. Tinmouth conferences are provided on an ongoing basis. The Division of -- Anal cancer screening. NCIC. Dr. Tinmouth Gastroenterology at Sunnybrook has one of the highest teaching -- Investigating impact of ColonCancerCheck feasibility. CCO. rotation score across the city, for gastroenterology. One member Dr. Tinmouth of the Division has a special interest in education of the public -- Dr. Tinmouth: New Investigator Award in HIV/AIDS Biomedical/ on medical matters; he has published the 3rd edition of his best- Clinical Research. CIHR selling book, “Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative Colitis”, which is -- Several clinical trials in IBD, UGI bleed and polyp prevention widely available. (as participating site) Dr. Saibil, Dr. Cohen and Dr. Bernstein Research: -- Quality assessment of simulator-based endoscopy curriculum. DOM U of T. Dr. MA Cooper, Dr. Yong and Dr. Tinmouth The research accomplishments of the division include leading edge research projects in colon cancer and epidemiology with the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences, as well as anal cancer, esophageal adenocarcinoma & gastric cancer. The Division is a partner with the Ministry of Health & Long Term Care Ontario on an innovative nurse flexible sigmoidoscopy program, which aims to increase colorectal cancer screening capacity in Ontario. In

23 Leadership positions: Future Plans include: -- University of Toronto GI Postgraduate Fellowship Director: -- Recruiting a clinician-scientist to conduct epidemiologic Dr. E Yong -- Academy Director for Peters-Boyd Academy : Dr. MA Cooper research to assess the impact of new technology in screening -- Dr. Tinmouth as Clinical-Scientist Lead for CCO and treating gastrointestinal cancers. ColonCancerCheck -- Patient Safety and Quality-Improvement initiatives are being -- Department Director for University of Toronto Gastroenterology: developed by Dr. Bernstein who is a member of the newly Dr. J. Allard formed Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Committee -- Determinants of CommunityHealth 2 Research Lead for Peters-Boyd Academy: Dr. P. Tartaro within the University of Toronto GI Division. -- In addition to current endoluminal stenting procedures, it is planned to add other endoscopic stenting procedures such as esophageal, gastroduodenal and colonic stenting procedures in the coming year.

24 General Internal Medicine

TThe Division of General Internal Medicine (GIM) has 13 full-time faculty members who deal with preventing, diagnosing and treating adults with complex multi-system illness in the inpatient and ambulatory setting. The division is the largest admitting service in the hospital and is responsible for the majority of patients admitted to the Department of Medicine at Sunnybrook. Members also provide consultative services for medical issues in all areas of the hospital. Division Head: Dr. Steve Shadowitz Clinical: Recent Achievements:

Approximately 5,000 patients are admitted to GIM annually. In In the last year, the division, in cooperation with the University of addition, the Division performs about 1,300 consultations each Toronto Department of Medicine, has pioneered a medical short year for other departments. The GIM Division is responsible stay unit rotation for trainees. This eleven bed unit allows for for two unique and highly innovative programs, the Hospitalist rapid flow through the ER, and gives medical trainees a unique Training Program as well the Sunnybrook Patient Safety Unit. experience in independent medical ward management, under Both undertakings are firsts in Canada and both have attracted faculty supervision. considerable external attention. Our researchers continue to publish high impact science in drug Education: safety, medical education, health services research, and critical care science. Our clinical care models were recently the focus In addition to its major clinical presence, the GIM Division is also of a Harvard Business Review/New England Journal of Medicine home to many outstanding educators. Members have been the Health Care Innovation blogpost. Dr. Ed Etchells and Dr. Graham recipients of numerous prestigious awards for medical education. Slaughter have recently been profiled by the Globe and Mail in Some of these awards include the PAIRO Clinical Teaching their Health Care Web series. Excellence Award, and such Faculty level honours as the W.T. Aikins Award, the “Silver Shovel” Award, the E. Mary Hollington Future Plans:

Award, and the Deans’ Postgraduate Teaching Excellence Award. Our division continues to work with the hospital to improve the At the University Department of Medicine level, GIM members flow and quality care of patients admitted through the ER. We have won the Department of Medicine Teaching Excellence Award strive to produce high quality research in patient safety, health and the William Goldie Award. services delivery, drug safety, and medical education science. Research:

Together GIM members hold over $2 million of peer-reviewed funding as principal investigators and more than $1 million as co-investigators. Members have publications in peer-reviewed journals such as the New England Journal of Medicine, JAMA, The Lancet, CMAJ, and Annals of Internal Medicine. In recent years, members have been awarded two Canada Research Chairs in Health Services Research, Career Scientist Awards from the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care, and a Senior Scientist Award from the Canadian Institute for Health Research.

25 Geriatric Medicine

The Division of Geriatric Medicine consists of four full-time members as well as several part-time physician members. The group works closely with the Brain Sciences Program, the Veterans and Community Program and the Regional Geriatric Program of Toronto to provide a full spectrum of patient care for seniors from comprehensive, interprofessional assessments to outreach and in-home treatments. The Director of the Regional Geriatric Program of Toronto which oversees specialized Geriatric services across metropolitan Toronto with an 11 million dollar budget is a member of the division.

Division Head: Dr. Rajin Mehta

The program underwent an external review last year and continues Clinical: with the provision of “patient centred, easily accessible and well The division provides consultations to all areas of the hospital. rated services” with “dedicated and hard working division members Members also provide specialized geriatric ambulatory consultation, who go beyond their call of duty”. The Division has a “strong including the multidisciplinary memory clinic and specialized falls interprofessional team which is unparalled in many jurisdictions prevention program, as well as the Day Hospital. The geriatric in Canada” with “high work satisfaction” creating a “very positive outreach team provides in-home multidisciplinary assessment of learning environment while its members have consistently exceeded the frailest homebound seniors. The Division provides support to expectations in fulfilling their teaching mandate”. Geriatric Emergency Medicine nure as needed. The review suggested aligning with the hospital’s strategic priorities In addition to the Geriatric Trauma Consultation Service and in and phase 2 of the Proactive Geriatric Medicine Consultation line with provincial directives, participation in the Impact Clinic, a Service Study was successfully initated which has further enhanced multidisciplinary collaboration with Family Practice, Allied Health the profile of the Geriatric Medicine Internal Consult team. The and Geriatric Medicine for frail seniors has also been enhanced Division was also the recipient of a generous donation which will and plans are in place to add telehealth. Across the spectrum of be used to develop a Geriatric Medicine educational scholarship our services we provide over 6,000 total patient visits per year. further enhancing our educational profile.

Dr. Dov Gandell, who joined the Division last year, made an Education: impressive debut by placing in the top 10 % of teachers amongst Members of the division are sought after teachers, both locally all Univeristy of Toronto Department of Medicine teachers, won and internationally with multiple elective trainees. We provide the University of Toronto Division of Geriatric Medicine teaching inter-professional education at all levels and have been recognized award, published an article in the CMAJ and is helping to lead the through several awards notably Dr. Dov Gandell this year. Several Proactive Geriatric Medicine Trauma Consultation Service Study. members are involved at a national level including involvement on Dr. Liu, who is the RGP executive director, continues to head the the Royal College Examination Board. The University of Toronto Senior Friendly Initative at Sunnybrook with strategies to improve Program Director for Geriatric Medicine, Dr. Barb Liu, is located mobility and reduce rates of delirium and has been successful in at Sunnybrook as is the co-director for undergraduate education, receiving major grants to promote these strategies provincially Dr. Mireille Norris. The division provides direct supervision for over and nationally. 100 students annually. The education program is the highest rated Geriatric Medicine program amongst the internal medicine trainees at U of T.

26 Research: Leadership:

The division’s research focuses on health services evaluation and Division members provide leadership to geriatric initiatives quality improvement initiatives, such as the early mobilization including leading the RGP and various senior friendly strategies multisite project, and The Virtual Ward project. This is a CIHR that range in scope from local, regional, provincial and national funded UofT collaborative RCT looking at improving the transition initiatives. Members are also involved in a number of physician of care from the hospital to the community. The study randomized management committees including the Sunnybrook Department more than 1500 pateints and was completed this year. Our of Medicine Management Committee and Vice Chair of the Proactive Geriatric Trauma Consultation Service study continued Sunnybrook AFP. Additionally, they are involved with ongoing this year with the initation of phase 2 whereby all seniors over work for the CPSO. As noted above, there is strong leadership 65 who are admitted under trauma are reviwed by the Geriatric in various educational venues. Consult service. We are also active collaborators on a number Future Plans: of studies on falls prevention and patient safety. In total, there is more than 3.5 million dollars in peer reviewed funding relating to The division is looking to establish further linkages with programs the division’s research. where preliminary evidence suggests improved outcomes through such collaborations.

27 Infectious Diseases

The division has two full-time and three part-time members who focus on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of infectious diseases, specializing in hospital-acquired infections, antimicrobial resistance, and HIV infection.

Division Head: Dr. Andrew Simor Clinical: methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Clostridium difficile), and antimicrobial stewardship. A member of the division The division provides inpatient and outpatient consultations is an active member of the Canadian Nosocomial Infection for the diagnosis, management, and prevention of infectious Surveillance Program, which conducts prospective surveillance diseases. The interdisciplinary HIV Ambulatory Clinic provides to better understand the epidemiology and outcome of significant assessment and treatment for HIV-related infectious diseases, healthcare-associated infections. Division members continue to and associated renal, endocrinology and nursing care, with social be successful in garnering peer-reviewed funding, and as a result work counseling. There is a weekly divisional ambulatory care of these investigations, the division has an impressive publication clinic (one-half day per week) for general infectious diseases. record in high impact peer-reviewed medical journals. The division plays an active role in the hospital’s Antimicrobial Stewardship Program, and works closely and collaboratively Recent Achievements: with the Department of Microbiology and the hospital’s Infection In partnership with the Department of Pharmacy, the division led Prevention and Control service. the initiative to implement an Antimicrobial Stewardship program in Education: order to ensure the most appropriate use of antimicrobial agents to decrease antimicrobial resistance and drug costs. The program The division provides training for the Infectious Diseases Residency was initially instituted in the hospital’s critical care units, and in Training Program, Core Internal Medicine trainees, Medical the past year it has been rolled out to several other medical and Microbiology trainees, Family Medicine, Dermatology, Orthopedic, surgical units. The program has been enormously successful, with and Critical Care residents, and elective undergraduate medical greater than 15% reductions in broad-spectrum antibiotic use, students. Elective residents and students are drawn to the division and associated decreases in C. difficile infection rates. from across Canada and internationally. Division members also serve as mentors for undergraduate medical students and for One member of the division is the co-Chair of the Ontario Advisory postgraduate trainees. A member of our Division was recently Committee on HIV/AIDS to the Minister of Health, has recently elected to the Education Committee of the Faculty Council, been appointed Chair of the Ontario HIV Treatment Network University of Toronto. (OHTN-PHO) subcommittee, and has also become a Peer Assessor for the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Research: Two divisional members co-supervised hospitals pharmacists who were successful in the past year in being awarded the First The division includes two Clinician Scientists, one of whom has a Annual John Conly Innovation Award of the Association of Medical CIHR Clinician Scientist Phase 2 Award. Research methodologies Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (AMMI)-Canada. employed by investigators in the division span the spectrum from basic science studies and utilization of animal models, to Future Plans: observational and clinical trials, epidemiologic studies, and health services research. The content of the research undertaken is In the next year, we plan to to complete a more formal and also diverse, including studies of HIV infection, transmission of rigorous evaluation of the impact of the hospital’s Antimicrobial influenza and other respiratory viruses, hospital epidemiology, Stewardship program. We also plan to recruit two new physicians healthcare-associated infections, antimicrobial resistance (including to the division.

28 Medical Oncology & Clinical Hematology

The Division provides consultation, diagnosis and treatment services for a wide variety of cancers and is a key partner of the Odette Cancer Centre. The Division consists of 27 full-time Medical Oncologists and Hematologists who work in multidisciplinary teams across the hospital and at the Odette Cancer Centre providing highly specialized and individualized care for unique cases. Dr. Kathy Pritchard leads the U of T Division as Director for Medical Oncology. Division Head: Dr. Maureen Trudeau Clinical: Research:

Care is provided in a multidisciplinary outpatient setting with over The Division’s clinical trial programs offer many patients from all 5,000 new patients and 23,000 chemotherapy visits annually. The tumour sites the opportunity to participate in leading edge research opening of the newly renovated pharmacy and chemotherapy unit and care options. Medical Oncologists and Hematologists within provides more space and privacy, and enables us to meet our the group hold leadership positions as site group chairs for the patients’ needs more efficiently and safely. More chemotherapeutic Cancer Care Ontario, Program in Evidence-Based Care (CCO- regimens are introduced annually, demonstrating the great PEBC), and the National Cancer Institute of Canada-Clinical Trials advances that have been made in the adjuvant, metastatic and Group (NCIC-CTG). Dr. Craig Earle heads the Ontario Institute for targeted therapy areas, especially new treatments guided by the Cancer Research (OICR) Health Services Research (HSR) section presence or absence of biologic markers. and is highly involved with HSR at ASCO as well. Members also

Programs such as the Myelodysplastic Syndrome Program, serve on ASCO committees. Economic outcomes and research the Locally Advanced Breast Cancer Program, and the PYNK is another developing area of research in the group and Dr. Kelvin Chan is pursuing a PhD in biostatics; he will be the sole Canadian program for young women with breast cancer provide patients with focused, leading-edge care. The presence of ethicist Dr. oncologist with this training. Dr. Georg Bjarnason also pursues Scott Berry in the Division allows a focus on end of life care. studies in chronobiology; he works closely with the European Many of these programs are unique in Canada, and are among Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) in the ways Sunnybrook is leading the future of cancer care. Several this important area of research, especially in renal cell cancer. The Division members participate in National and Provincial cancer presence of the Women and Babies Program at the Sunnybrook Campus was fostered collaborative research with the Hematology drug funding committees (pCODR, OSCCD and CED). program. The recruitment of two clinicians in quality improvement Education: to our staff (Dr. Sonal Gandhi and Dr. Simron Singh), is helping to meet the goals of quality improvement both at the CCO level The Division is a leader in training and academics, both in the and within the hospital. traditional educational model, and in the online and web-based environments. The website has achieved Future plans: national and international attention. The postgraduate training as well as programs developed for Medical Oncology and Hematology The Division plans to maintain its academic excellence in education residents nationwide; and the development & implementation of and research while increasing its focus on patient centred care and training guidelines, particularly through the participation in the clinic care redesign. Our future goals include the development of Program of Evidence-Based Care at Cancer Care Ontario (CCO- a health technology assessment unit, a program in collaboration PEBC), continue to set Sunnybrook and the University of Toronto with Geriatrics, and greater collaboration with SRI with the apart as leaders in Oncology and Hematology education. The recruitment of Dr. David Andrews. postgraduate training program directors for Medical Oncology (Dr. Berry) and previously for Hematology (Dr. Piliotis) are Sunnybrook division members.

29 Nephrology

The Division of Nephrology has six full-time Nephrologists who provide a full range of services to patients with kidney disease. These services encompass chronic in-centre dialysis services and home dialysis services, consultation services throughout the hospital including the initiation of acute dialysis and continuous renal replacement therapy with citrate regional anticoagulation, as well as outpatient clinical services to a wide range of patients with chronic kidney disease. Specialty clinics dedicated to hypertension (Dr. Sheldon Tobe), pregnancy and kidney disease (PreKid Clinic – Dr. Hladunewich), glomerulonephritis clinic (Dr. Hladunewich), HIV kidney disease (Dr. Zahirieh) and progressive diabetic kidney disease (Dr. Naimark) support research and teaching initiatives. As such, the nephrology staff at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Division Head: Dr. Michelle Centre are recognized as national and international experts in their respective fields. Hladunewich

Clinical: Drs. Tanna and Zahirieh continue to co-ordinate Renal Week for the second year medical student MMMD course as well as the Despite significant infrastructure challenges, our clinical program renal curriculum for the PGY1 and 2 core internal medicine half provides excellent care to our patients, both in hospital and within days. Our core rotation for medicine residents continues to rank the community. Our newest initiatives involve the creation of a highly. Clinical fellow satisfaction continues to improve and the vascular access clinic wherein patients are seen in a single clinic vast majority of nephrology residents choose Sunnybrook Health visit by nephrology (Dr. Oliver) and a vasular surgeon. Within Scieces Centre as the site to do their junior attending month. the next few months, a nurse run clinic dedicated to patient education will be launched to assist patients as they choose a Research: dialysis modality. All members of the division are actively conducting research. Dr. In addition to local excellence with respect to quality care initiatives, Tobe was awarded the prestigious Chair in Aboriginal Health from we have a wider impact with respect to quality of care through the Heart and Stroke Foundation. He is now splitting his time the efforts of Dr. Oliver. The Dialysis Measurement Analysis and between Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre and the Northern Reporting (DMAR) system is a web-based quality assurance Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM), creating a new partnership system housed at the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences. between the University of Toronto and the northern communities. It applies the data quality methods used in clinical trials to a web He continues to lead studies in hypertension as the head of platform so dialysis programs can benchmark their respective CHEP (Canadian Hypertension Educational Program) as well as practices against other programs. It is currently operating at a DREAM Global, which will utilize established HIV infrastructure number of dialysis programs in and outside of Ontario allowing to bring chronic disease management to the Third World. Dr. Hladunewich is the co-chair of the recruitment committee for for programatic improvements from this shared knowledge. Data an international consortium funded by the NIH for $10.5 million collected in the system continues to populate the peer-reviewed to develop a database and biobank for the study of nephrotic literature. syndrome (Neptune Study). She was also awarded a CIHR grant to conduct the first Canadian multicenter trial in glomerulonephritis. Education: Dr. Naimark has a successful collaboration with the international The division has a number of successful education initiatives. Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) consortium. As such our own Nephrology Now, The Ultimate Guide to Kidney Disease Research, homegrown clinical databases are now included in important developed by Dr. Tanna and her partners, reviews and highlights high impact papers in the area of CKD progression. leading edge international nephrology literature. Nephrology Now Future Plans: has over 4000 subscribers worldwide (www.nephrologynow. com). It was recently expanded to create a separate website The program has worked tirelessly planning our next phase of for transplant literature, Transplant Now (www.transplantnow. growth. We are well into the planning stages now of our Kidney com). Medical Pearls (, also developed Health and Wellness Centre, which will be located at the adjacent by Dr. Tanna, supplements resident education through daily CNIB building. In this new complex, we will house our home dialysis questions to be addressed with the teaching staff. This initiative training facilities, ample clinic space for a multidisciplinary care model and 24 satellite HD stations. The stations that remain on site (15 has also been expanded to include cardiology, endocrinology stations) will be tailored to provide the best care to the elderly, our and rheumatology pearls. veterans and patients with complex chronic medical conditions.

30 Neurology

The Neurology division has 14 full-time members known for significant local, national, and international leadership and leading knowledge translation expertise from a wide spectrum of neurologic specialties. Neurology is an important leader in the Brain Sciences Program but has important roles across other priority programs at Sunnybrook including Oncology (brain tumours), Trauma (Neuro-ICU consultation and EEG), Women and Babies (neonatal EEG, obstetrical medicine, management of seizures, stroke and sleep disorders). Known for leading research in stroke medicine, vascular cognitive impairment and neurodegenerative disease several scientists and investigators in the division are active participants in large multicentre grants, city-wide and provincial centres of excellence, and attract students at all levels of education. Division Head: Dr. James Perry Clinical: • Multiple Sclerosis clinical research • Sleep Medicine research include basic sleep physiology The division provides comprehensive care for patients with integrated with molecular epidemiology and stroke outcome neurological disorders. The division includes the Rapid Response research. Stroke Team for hyperacute stroke, in addition to a number of subspecialty clinics, Motor Neuron Disease, Mild Cognitive Leadership positions and Awards: Impairment and Memory Disorders, Neuro-oncology, Stroke, Members of the Division of Neurology are often national and Stroke in pregnancy, CNS vasculitis, Sleep Neurology and international leaders in their field of expertise. Multiple Sclerosis. Members also provide laboratory services for Electromyography (EMG), Electroencephalopathy (EEG), Evoked Some highlights include: Potentials (EP) and Sleep Studies. • Dr. Brian Murray – Appointed as Director of Integrated Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre was designated as the Medical Education for the University of Toronto Department Regional Stroke Centre in 2001, which has brought opportunities of Medicine. Also appointed as Chair of the Sunnybrook and responsibilities for leadership in the North & East GTA. In 2011 Research Ethics Board. a fully operational geographically defined stroke unit was opened • Dr. Liesly Lee – Received the Department of Medicine William and will be the catalyst for advances in pre-hospital care, acute Sibbald Mentorship Award. stroke management, and a model laboratory for education and • Dr. Lorne Zinman – Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal research embedded in care. In 2014 Dr. Karl Boyle was recruited in recognition of leadership in ALS and remains founder and from Cambridge UK to bring leadership to the inpatient stroke Chair of the Canadian ALS Consortium unit under a new MRP model. The Acute Stroke Team recently won one of the hospitals ‘Team” awards. • Dr. Mario Masellis – received the prestigious Early Researcher Award from the Ministry of Economic Development and Education: Innovation.

The division has a strong reputation for teaching, and is one of • Dr. Sandra Black – received the Order of Ontario and the most popular training sites at the University of Toronto. Five was named as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. members of the division’s faculty have received teaching awards Continues as Executive Director of the Toronto Dementia in the last two years. Research Alliance • Dr. Andrew Lim – received the CIHR 2013 Maud Menten Research: Prize for new Principal Investigators and the Wayne A Hening Members are actively involved in Research. Feature research Sleep Medicine Investigator Award from the American includes: Academy of Neurology. • Heart and Stroke Centre for Stroke Recovery, devoted to Future Goals: optimizing cognitive and sensorimotor recovery after stroke. • Stroke Research Unit The Division of Neurology will remain active academic participants • LC Campbell Cognitive Neurology Research Unit (including in the Brain Sciences Program which is currently searching for a the Memory Disorders Clinical Trials Unit) new program chief. Recruitment plans include a stroke neurologist, • Motor Neuron Disease Translational Research Unit two behavioural/cognitive neurologists, and a replacement teacher • Neuro-oncology program through the Crolla Brain Tumour Unit for a departing member.

31 Obstetrical Medicine

The Division of Obstetrical Medicine within the Women and Babies Program in comprised of multiple sub-specialists with a strong educational or research interest in women’s health. This division enables the Department of Medicine to provide support to medically ill mothers while furthering the educational and research directives of the program. The goal of the Division of Obstetrical Medicine is to provide a service that aspires to clinical excellence with safe, collaborative multidisciplinary care. Presently, outpatient consultations exist for all subspecialties. Areas wherein it is best to provide care in a combined MFM/OB Medicine clinic have clinic time within the Mother’s and Babies Program. To date, Endocrinology and Nephrology have a Division Head: busy combined clinic. A dedicated hypertension clinic has been initiated and is growing steadily improving Dr. Michelle care for a complex group of young women whose care was previously fragmented across the system. Hladunewich

Clinical Faculty: Research

Dr. Michelle Hladunewich – Director, Divisions of Obstetric Medicine The division now supports a full time research coordinator. Members and Nephrology (SHSC) are participating in numerous multicenter trials in thromboembolism, hypertension and diabetes (PROSPECT, CHIPS, CONCEPT and Dr. Anne McLeod – Division of Hematology (SHSC) MITY). However, the division has now obtained funding for their Drs. Jack Colman and Candice Silversides –Division of Cardiology first CIHR-funded trial entitled MARIGOLD. This study, headed by (Cross-appointed MSH) Dr. Baiju Shah, aims to assess the microavascular complications Dr. Perla Lansang – Division of Dermatology (SHSC) associated with gestational diabetes, which is an ever growing

Dr. Vanessa Allen – Division of Infectious Disease (SHSC) health concern.

Dr. Carl Laskin – Division of Rheumatology (Cross-appointed MSH)

Dr. Lawrence Cohen – Division of Gastroenterology (SHSC)

Drs Ester Bui, (epilepsy), Brian Murray (sleep disorders) and Rick Swartz (stroke) – Division of Neurology (SHSC)

Drs. Jeremy Gilbert, Julia Lowe, Baiju Shah and Ivy Fettes –Division of Endocrinology (SHSC)

We welcome a new recruit, Ilana Halperin. She is cross-appointed to endocrinology as well as obstetrical medicine. With training in safety and quality, her specialized skill set will benefit both the endocrinology and hypertension clinics.

32 Rehabilitation Medicine

The Division of Rehabilitation Medicine has one full-time and a number of part-time physicians (Physiatrists) who treat injuries or illnesses that affect how you move. By taking the whole body into account, they are able to accurately pinpoint problems and enhance performance - without surgery. Additional clinical associates have been appointed with a role to enhance inpatient consultations and provide inpatient consultation service at St. John’s Rehabilitation.

Division Head: Dr. David Berbrayer Clinical: Education:

Members provide consultation for long-term care as well as The division is actively involved in undergraduate training, orthopaedic, neurology, family practice and rheumatology. The postgraduate training as well as participating in fellowship training. division also provides clinical care management in Sunnybrook Two formal fellowships were developed by Dr. Berbrayer for Centre for Independent Living (SCIL). Several outpatient programs Sunnybrook Rehabilitation Medicine and advertised on the University have been established which include Head Injury, Spasticity of Toronto website - Amputee Care Across the Continuum and Management, Spinal Cord, Complimentary and Alternative Rehabilitation Management in Acute Care. In collaboration with Medicine, Amputee Management, Foot Care Management, the University of Toronto, a fellow from University of Montreal will Orthotics Care, Sports Injury Management, Complex chronic be rotating in amputee care in 2014. Members of the division are disease management, Integrated care management and ALS involved in undergraduate teaching at the U of T such as ASCM- Management. Several members of our division are actively 1, DOCH-2, Pain Week University of Toronto Year 2, Clerkship engaged in providing diagnostic EMG/Nerve Conduction services Year 3 and Transition to Residency Year 4. Students also spend to the hospital. The division has established links with St. John’s time rotating throughout the division from other universities. Rehab and Toronto Rehab. Occupational Medicine Residents from St. Michaels Hospital

In 2012, Dr. Berbrayer was appointed to the Performance Metrics rotate under Dr. Berbrayer as part of their core curriculum, Committee (a sub-committee of the evidence based committee In 2012, Dr. Berbrayer was appointed a member of the Educational of the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Task Force of the Association of Academic Physiatrists and is the (AAPMR) as well as PCPI representative ( one of two AAPMR current CPD chair of CAPMR and Chair of Education of CAPMR. members). He was appointed editor of Knowledge Now of PMR He was appointed Chair of the Pediatric section of CAPM&R in (journal of AAPMR) and was asked by AAPMR to review research 2013 and is responsible for education across Canada. Dr. Berbrayer papers as well as abstracts for CAPMR at their annual meeting. participated in a medical student contest at Cleveland Clinic as He also reviewed several abstracts which were selected for the an adjudicator and he also serves as a mentor for undergraduate annual AAPMR meeting in Atlanta Georgia. Dr. Berbrayer also students both in Toronto as well as at the American Academy of reviewed several papers for Family Practice Journal, Spinal Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (AAPM&R). Cord, PMR, Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine. He worked with the specialty committee of PM&R to examine underserving of Physiatry across Canada. Dr. Berbrayer has been appointed a member of the Annual Scientific Planning Committee of CAPM&R for their meeting to be held St. John’s Newfoundland June 2014.

33 Recent Achievements: Future Plans:

The division has recorded a number of achievements over the The division anticipates exciting opportunities for collaboration with past year: St. John’s Hospital. Plans include (a) expanding work in amputee -- Dr. Berbrayer received a 25 year service recognition award management to include core rotation both at Sunnybrook and from Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre St. John’s. (b) Increasing treatment/consult of stroke rehab and developing expedited referral to St. John’s as well as the stroke -- A Spasticity Clinic was established and the the division network. It also intends to work closer with Orthopaedics to deal received further funding from Allergan for Spasticity research with multiple trauma treatment and develop opportunities for -- Physiatry Educational Rounds is now webcasted and is a integrated education with allied health staff. part of core teaching at the UofT Division of Physiatry. -- Dr. Berbrayer received the 2012 Scholarship in Teaching Award that recognizes reviewers for making a positive impact on medical education and for being a part of the School of Medicine’s legacy of educational excellence. -- Dr. Berbrayer received a 25 Year Service Award the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, United States. (Distinction) -- Dr. Berbrayer received a Certificate of Appreciation from the editor-in-chief Dr. Stuart Weinstein, PM&R journal, in recognition of long term service and continuing service as peer reviewer for the PM&R journal.

34 Respirology

TThe Division of Respirology consists of five full-time members who along with part-time members provide comprehensive clinical care for a full range of respiratory conditions. The Division runs a number of ambulatory clinics and offers a 24-hour hospital based consultation service. Specific clinical interests of members include: Asthma, COPD, Lung cancer, Blood Clots, Musculoskeletal related breathing disorders and Sleep disorders.

Division Head: Dr. Khalil Sivjee

Clinical: Recent Achievements:

Ambulatory programs include clinics in general respirology, While our divisional name has changed, the Division of Respirology thromboembolic disorders, lung cancer diagnosis and management, continues to be leaders in high level, funded, research in COPD neuro-muscular respiratory insufficiency and sleep. The division and asthma with numerous publications in high impact journals. offers on-site bronchoscopic investigation including fluoroscopic One of our research faculty co-authored a Ministry of Health guided biopsy and transbronchial needle aspiration, performs document on evidenced based best practices for hospitalized ultrasound guided diagnostic and therapeutic thoracentesis patients with COPD. This document will be use by the Ministry of and in conjunction with interventional radiology, coordinate CT Health to guide performance based resource allocation in future guided lung biopsies and tunnelled pleural catheter placement. funding models. Meanwhile, the respirology rotation at Sunnybrook A hospital based pulmonary function laboratory is used primarily remains highly sought after and our teachers remain among the for patients that fall within the hospital priorities but accepts highest rated in the city. The newly formed pleural procedure community based referrals. based clinic (EPIC clinic) at the Odette Cancer Centre is fully operational and has shown to improve quality of care, reduce Education: inpatient stay, and substantially reduce costs.

The Division is strongly committed to teaching/offering leading-edge Future Plans: training programs for undergraduates, postgraduates as well as practicing clinicians. With a clinical focus on thromboembolism, lung With the success of the EPIC clinic and the talents of our clinician cancer, sleep disordered breathing, and respiratory complications scientist faculty, the Division of Respirology will be looking at in neuromuscular disease, the division offers a vast array of clinical other ways that patients with respiratory conditions can be experiences - including ambulatory and acute care Respirology best managed safely and effectively outside the acute care - valuable at both the undergraduate and postgraduate level of hospital setting. Areas of potential development include the use training. Our teachers and our respirology rotation have become of injectible biologic agents that block inflammatory mediators among the most popular in the city. in severe asthma. We will also continue to develop our use of e-technologies and social media in clinical care and education. Research: Finally, we will engage with Provincial health care authorities to Our research interests center on: Epidemiology and prevention develop best practices with respect to the use of low dose CT of venous thromboembolism in fractures, COPD diagnosis for lung cancer screening. and management, lung cancer, non-invasive positive pressure ventilation and hospital systems issues. Our researchers are cross appointed at the Institue of Clinical Evaluative Services (ICES) and are involved with analyzing provincial wide data bases to measure the impact of respiratory diseases in Ontario. They are integral in the development of metrics being used prospectively in the Ontario Health Study.

35 Rheumatology

The Division consists of four full-time members and several part-time members who work to provide diagnosis, treatment and follow-up care to patients throughout the province. The Division cares for patients with rheumatologic diseases through outpatient clinics and inpatient consultation service. We also provide education, counseling and management plans to support patients as they help themselves with increased mobility and good health.

Interim Division Head: Dr. Gregory Choy

Clinical: Research:

The Division provides rheumatologic services to both the Research activities include health services and quality of care immediate catchment area and also communities underserved research in arthritis management, and research in innovative by rheumatologists. There are ongoing partnerships with the methods of delivering MSK education. Both peer-review and Arthritis Society Client Services team allowing for comprehensive contract research is performed within the division. management of rheumatic disease patients. We collaborate Quality and Innovation: with high risk obstetrical units to care for pregnant women with rheumatic diseases. Several ongoing projects are led by individual division members, Education: with others as active participants. They range from small local initiatives to a major national campaign. The Division is committed to teaching at the level of undergraduate, Recent Achievements: postgraduate and continuing education in collaboration with other sites within the University of Toronto and with other groups Dr. Sharron Sandhu will join the division in the next academic year across the country. Members have won several awards for as a full-time member after completing post-fellowship training educational activities in undergraduate medicine, occupational in maternal rheumatology and education. therapy, and CME.



July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013

Cardiology Gastroenterology

Ahmed Shaheeda Assistant Professor Bernstein Michael Assistant Professor

ohen Eric Associate Professor Cohen Lawrence Associate Professor

Crystal Eugene Associate Professor Cooper Mary Anne Assistant Professor

Dubbin James Assistant Professor Saibil Fred Professor

Gilbert Brian Professor Tinmouth Jill Assistant Professor

Hansen Mark Asssistant Professor Yong Elaine Assistant Professor

Joyner Campbell Professor General Internal Medicine Ko Dennis Associate Professor Cheung Mark Associate Professor Lashevsky Ilan Assistant Professor Etchells Edward Associate Professor Leber Alex Associate Professor Fowler Robert Associate Professor Madan Minakshi Assistant Professor Juurlink David Associate Professor Morgan Christopher Associate Professor Kuper Ayelet Assistant Professor Myers Martin Professor Livingstone Donald Assistant Professor Myers Robert Assistant Professor Najeeb Umberin Assistant Profesor Pang Jeffrey Assistant Professor Redelmeier Donald Professor Radhakrishnan Shyam Assistant Professor Shadowitz Steven Assistant Professor Singh Sheldon Assistant Professor Shojania Kaveh Associate Professor Strauss Bradley Professor Shumak Steven Professor Tu Jack Professor Slaughter Graham Lecturer Wijesundera Harindra Assistant Professor Stroud Lynfa Assistant Professor

Dermatology Wong Brian Assistant Professor

Lansang Perla Assistant Professor Geriatric Medicine Shear Neil Professor Gandell Dov Lecturer Walsh Scott Assistant Professor Liu Barbara Associate Professor

Endocrinology Mehta Rajin Assistant Professor

Fettes Ivy Professor Norris Mireille Assistant Professor

Gilbert Jeremy Assistant Professor Infectious Diseases Lowe Julia Associate Professor Daneman Nick Assistant Professor Shah Baiju Assistant Professor Rachlis Anita Professor Silverberg Jay Professor Simor Andrew Professor

38 Medical Oncology & Hematology Zahirieh Alireza Assistant Professor

Berinstein Neil Professor Neurology Berry Scott Associate Professor Black Sandra Professor Bjarnason Georg Associate Professor Bui Esther Lecturer Buckstein Rena Assistant Professor Gladstone David Assistant Professor Chan Kelvin Assistant Professor Hopyan Julia Assistant Professor Cheng Susanna Assistant Professor Lee Liesly Associate Professor Cheung Matthew Assistant Professor Lim Andrew Assistant Professor Dent Rebecca Assistant Professor Masellis Mario Assistant Professor Earle Craig Professor Murray Brian Associate Professor Eisen Andrea Assistant Professor Perry James Associate Professor Emmenegger Urban Assistant Professor Swartz Rick Assistant Professor Gandhi Sonal Assistant Professor Zinman Lorne Assistant Professor Hsiao Janey Lecturer Rehabilitation Medicine Imrie Kevin Professor Berbrayer David Assistant Professor Jay Richard Associate Professor

Ko Yoo-Joung Assistant Professor Respirology & Clinical Immunology

McLeod Anne Assistant Professor Geerts William Professor

Petrella Teresa Assistant Professor Gershon Andrea Assistant Professor

Piliotis Eugenia Assistant Professor Sivjee Khalil Assistant Professor

Pritchard Kathleen Professor Tandon Anu Assistant Professor Selby Rita Assistant Professor Rheumatology Singh Simron Assistant Professor Bell Mary Associate Professor Spaner David Associate Professor Choy Gregory Assistant Professor Trudeau Maureen Professor

Verma Sunil Associate Professor

Warner Ellen Professor

Wells Richard Assistant Professor


Hladunewich Michelle Assistant Professor

Naimark David Assistant Professor

Oliver Matthew Associate Professor

Tanna Gemini Assistant Professor

Tobe Sheldon Associate Professor


1 A special thanks to Arnold Alfonso and the rest of the WebCV Team for providing the summary information for this report. This was a manual process and we have deleted some of the information submitted by the Team, thus there may be discrepancies between the departmental/ divisional summary tables and the listed information for all the categories. OVERALL DEPARTMENTAL SUMMARY Number of Faculty: 107 Number of Clinician Scientists: 24 Number of Clinician Teachers: 42 Number of Clinician Administrators: 3 Number of Clinician Educators: 11 Number of Clinicians in Quality and Innovation: 2 Number of Clinician Investigators: 25

Grants Number Amount Peer Reviewed Funding Principal Investigator: 88 $6,012,221 CAD 1 $50,000 USD Co-Principal Investigator: 31 $10,108,215 CAD 6 $1,319,330 USD 1 $147,198 AUD Co-Investigator / Collaborator: 213 $40,453,929 CAD 6 $2,383,722 USD 2 16,333€ EUR Other: 36 $7,852,349 CAD 9 2,782,254 USD Total Peer Review Funding: 368 $64,426,714 CAD 22 $6,535,306 USD 2 16,333€ EUR 1 $147,198 AUD Non Peer Reviewed Funding Total Non Peer Reviewed Funding: 127 $3,168,459 CAD 4 $1,205,400 USD

Publications Number Peer Reviewed Publications Principal Author 99 Co-Principal Author 34 Senior Responsible Author 135 Collaborator / Co-Author 456 Other Role 25 Total Peer Reviewed Publications: 749 Total Non Peer Reviewed Publications: 92

Honours and Awards Nominated Received Total International Totals: - 20 20 National Totals: 1 37 38 Provincial / Regional Totals: - 12 12 Local Totals: 4 44 48 Other Totals: 1 5 6 Total Honours and Awards: 6 118 124


Number of Faculty: 20 Grants Number Amount Peer Reviewed Funding Principal Investigator: 11 $1,158,900 CAD Co-Principal Investigator: 1 $62,307 CAD 2 $566,643 USD Co-Investigator / Collaborator: 32 $9,320,446 CAD 2 16,333€ EUR Other: 1 $6,370 CAD Total Peer Reviewed Funding: 45 $10,548,023 CAD 2 $566,643 USD 2 16,333€ EUR Non Peer Reviewed Funding Total Non Peer Reviewed Funding: 18 $439,058 CAD 3 $5,400 USD

Publications Number Peer Reviewed Publications Principal Author 19 Co-Principal Author 4 Senior Responsible Author 34 Collaborator / Co-Author 79 Other Role 7 Total Peer reviewed Publications: 143

Honours and Awards Received International Totals: - National Totals: 2 Local Totals 4 Total Honours and Awards: 6

42 Grants, Contracts and Clinical Trials Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Operating Grant. ($995,920 Apr 2011 - Mar 2015, Prorated Amount: Peer-Reviewed Funding $248,980) [Grant] 8. Wijeysundera, Harindra. A Pragmatic Randomized Clinical Division Member is Principal Investigator: Evaluation of Renal Denervation for Treatment Resistant 1. Crystal, Eugene. Aid for determination of medical device Hypertension (PaCE). Medtronic Canada through MaRS position and orientation from a single two-dimensional Excellence in Clinical Innovation and Technology Evaluation image. Normand Robert PhD, Graham Wright PhD: Mars (EXCITE). ($1,042,182 Apr 2011 - Mar 2016, Prorated Innovations. Proof of Principal. ($50,000 Sep 2011 - Aug Amount: $86,849) [Grant] 2012, Prorated Amount: $8,333) [Grant] 9. Wijeysundera, Harindra. Closing the Quality Feedback 2. Ko, Dennis. Assessing the Appropriateness of Coronary Loop: A Web-Based Forum to Improve the Quality of Care Revascularization for Patients with Coronary Artery Disease. and Outcomes of the Toronto Heart Attack Collaborative David Alter, Peter Austin, Therese Stukel, Jack Tu, Harindra (THAC) Regional STEMI Program. Sunnybrook Medical Wijeysundera: Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Health Services Alternative Funding Plan (AFP) Association. Innovation Services Evaluation & Interventions Research. ($455,118 Funds. ($80,961 Jun 2012 - May 2014, Prorated Amount: Jan 2010 - Mar 2013, Prorated Amount: $105,027) [Grant] $40,481) [Grant] 3. Ko, Dennis. Improving the Assessment and Treatment 10. Wijeysundera, Harindra. Economic Evaluation of Renal of Severe Aortic Stenosis by Evaluating Care Gaps and Nerve Denervation for Treatment Resistant Hypertension Advancing Risk Predictions (First ranked proposal in clinical in Ontario. Medtronic Canada through MaRS Excellence committee). David Alter, Peter Austin, Warren Cantor, Asim in Clinical Innovation and Technology Evaluation (EXCITE). Cheema, Michael Chu, Stephen Fremes, Madhu Natarajan, ($97,604 Apr 2013 - Mar 2016, Prorated Amount: $8,134) Mark Peterson, Marc Ruel, Therese Stukel, Jack Tu, [Grant] Harindra Wijeysundera: Heart and Stroke Foundation of 11. Wijeysundera, Harindra. Evaluating Therapeutic Decision- Canada. ($331,058 Jul 2012 - Jun 2015, Prorated Amount: Making, Outcomes and Resource Utilization in Chronic Stable $110,353) [Grant] Angina: an interprovincial population-based study. AUSTIN, 4. Strauss, Bradley. Microvascular Injury in Acute Myocardial Peter C; GHALI, William A; HOCH, Jeffrey S; KNUDTSON, Infarction. Graham A. Wright, Peter Burns, & Alexander Dick: Merril L; KO, Dennis T.; NORRIS, Colleen; TU, Jack V: Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada. Grant-in-aid. ($280,236 Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Operating Jul 2012 - Jun 2014, Prorated Amount: $93,412) [Grant] Grant. ($221,999 Oct 2012 - Sep 2015, Prorated Amount: 5. Tu, Jack. Effects of immigration and acculturation on $55,500) [Grant] cardiovascular risk profiles of Ontario’s four major ethnic groups. Chiu, Maria: Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario. Other Peer-Reviewed Funding Operating Grant. ($50,000 Aug 2010 - Jul 2012, Prorated 1. Crystal, Eugene. Atrial Fibrillation Fish Oil Research Study. Amount: $2,083) [Grant] Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). (Jul 2009 – 6. Tu, Jack. Measuring and improving the quality of ambulatory present) [Clinical Trial] care for people with cardiovascular risk factors and/or chronic 2. Crystal, Eugene. Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Ischemic cardiovascular disease. Alter D, Atzema C, Austin P, Bhatia Heart Disease. Graham Wright: Canadian Institutes of Health S, Booth G, Garg A, Gershon A, Glazier R, Hillmer M, Hogg Research (CIHR). Operating Grant. ($830,540 CAD Jul W, Kapral M, Ko D, Lee D, Lewis M, Manuel D, Palmer L, 2009 - Mar 2014, Prorated Amount: $174,850 CAD) [Grant] Stukel T, TU JV, Tu K, Walton N, Wijeysundera H, You J: 3. Crystal, Eugene. Ontario Research Fund, Research Canadian Institutes of Health Research. ($1,998,740 Excellence Fund. Imaging for Cardiovascular Therapeutics. Dec 2011 - Nov 2016, Prorated Amount: $399,748) [Grant] G Wright: The Ministry of Research and Innovation Research 7. Tu, Jack. Measuring and improving the quality of ST-segment Fund Research Excellence (ORF-RE) program. ($14,490,484 elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) care. Atzema C, CAD 2007 - 2012, Prorated Amount: $1,207,540 CAD) Austin P, Cox J, Huynh T, Jackevicius C, Ko D, Lambert 4. Crystal, Eugene. T wave alternans severity assessment L, Lee DS, Natarajan M, So D, Stukel T, Wijeysundera H: in cardiomyopathy (TASC). V Chauhan, Crean A, Lee, D,

43 Andrew Y, Wright G, Crystal E, Pinter A: AFP innovation & Exchange 2010 Initiative. ($198,726 CAD 2010 - 2013, fund. (Jul 2010 - Jul 2012) [Grant] Prorated Amount: $49,681 CAD) [Grant] 5. Crystal, Eugene. The impact of a Post Cardiac Arrest 14. Strauss, Bradley. Imaging for Cardiovascular Therapeutics. Consult Team (PACT) on process and clinical outcomes in Wright, Graham, 52 Co-Principal Investigators including patients resuscitated from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Dr. Bradley H. Strauss: Ontario Research Fund. Research Brooks SC, Madan M: Heart and Stroke. ($200,000 CAD Jan Excellence Fund. ($14,490,484 CAD Jan 2007 - Mar 2014, 2011 - Dec 2012, Prorated Amount: $50,000 CAD) [Grant] Prorated Amount: $1,998,687 CAD) [Grant] 6. Crystal, Eugene. Viability Analysis and Visualization for 15. Strauss, Bradley. Imaging of disease progression after Fluoroscopy-guided Arrhythmia Therapy. Wright, Graham, myocardial infarction. Ghugre, Nilesh, Graham A. Wright, Crystal, Eugene Radau, Perry: Ontario Centres of Excellence Annie Bourdeau, Alan Moody, Bradley Strauss: Heart (OCE) – MaRS Innovation (MI). Institutional Proof-of- Principle and Stroke Foundation of Canada (HSFC). Grants-in-aid. (CIPoPP) Application. ($90,000 CAD Mar 2012 - Mar 2013, ($140,000 CAD Jul 2012 - Jun 2014, Prorated Amount: Prorated Amount: $62,307 CAD) [Grant] $70,000 CAD) [Grant] 7. Ko, Dennis. Measuring and improving the quality of 16. Strauss, Bradley. Improving the Assessment and Treatment ambulatory care for people with cardiovascular risk factors of Severe Aortic Stenosis by Evaluating Care Gaps and and/or chronic cardiovascular disease. Tu, Jack: Canadian Advancing Risk Predictions. Dennis Ko: Heart and Stroke Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Health Services and Foundation of Canada (HSFC). Grants-in-aid. ($331,058 Policy Research. ($1,998,740 CAD Dec 2011 - Mar 2016, CAD Jul 2012 - Jun 2015, Prorated Amount: $110,352 Prorated Amount: $46,1247 CAD) [Grant] CAD) [Grant] 8. Ko, Dennis. Measuring and Improving the Quality of ST- 17. Strauss, Bradley. Inflammation and Brain-Derived Neurotrophic segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) Care. Tu, Factor: At the Heart of Cardiovascular Risk among Adolescents Jack: Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Health with Bipolar Disorder. Goldstein, Benjamin: Heart & Stroke Services and Policy Research. ($995,919 CAD Jan 2011 - Foundation of Canada. Grant-in-aid. ($104,136 2011 Jul - Mar 2015, Prorated Amount: $234,333 CAD) [Grant] 2013 Jun Prorated Amount: $52,068) [Grant] 9. Ko, Dennis. Socioeconomic status, quality of primary care, 18. Strauss, Bradley. MR-Guided Revascularization of Occlusive and survival following acute myocardial infarction: A ten-year Peripheral Arterial Disease. Wright, Graham, Andrew Dueck, follow-up of the Socio-Economic Status and Acute Myocardial Bradley Strauss: Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Infarction Study. Alter, David, Peter Austin, Susan Bronskill, Operating Grant. ($562,215 CAD Apr 2013 - Mar 2018, Rick Glazier, Dennis Ko, Douglas Lee, Therese Stukel, Jack Prorated Amount: $28,110 CAD) [Grant] Tu, Walter Wodchis: Canadian Institutes of Health Research 19. Tu, Jack. Assessing the appropriateness of coronary (CIHR). Operating Grant - Secondary Analysis of Databases. revascularization for patients with coronary artery disease. ($120,000 CAD Apr 2012 - Sep 2014, Prorated Amount: Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Operating $48,000 CAD) [Grant] Grant. ($455,118 CAD Apr 2010 - Mar 2013, Prorated 10. Leber, Alexander. Cardio Beat- Project. Federal Ministry Amount: $113,779 CAD) [Grant] of Education and Research (BMBF) (Germany). Grant for 20. Tu, Jack. CANadian NEtwork and Centre for Trials clinical research. (40,000 EUR 2011 - 2012, Prorated Amount: Internationally (CANNECTIN). Canadian Institutes of Health $10,000 EUR) [Grant] Research (CIHR). ($9,582,529 CAD Apr 2008 - Mar 2013, 11. Leber, Alexander. EVINCI Trial. EU frame work 7 program. Prorated Amount: $1,437,379 CAD) [Grant] (38,000 EUR 2010 -2012, Prorated Amount: $6,333 EUR) 21. Tu, Jack. CANadian NEtwork and Centre for Trials Internationally [Grant] (CANNECTIN). University of Toronto. Canadian Foundation 12. Madan, Minakshi. CAIN-003 study. Dr. Eric Cohen: Canadian Innovation Infrastructure funds HHSC. ($6,000,000 CAD Apr Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). ($44,595 CAD Jan 2008 - Mar 2013, Prorated Amount: $900,000 CAD) [Grant] 2011 - present, Prorated Amount: $6,370 CAD) [Clinical Trial] 22. Tu, Jack. Cardiovascular and cognitive dysfunction (CVCD) 13. Madan, Minakshi. The PACT (Post-Cardiac Arrest Center alliance. Anand S, Friedrich M: Canadian Partnership of Excellence) study. Dr. SC Brooks: Heart and Stroke Against Cancer. Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow Project. Foundation of Canada. Resuscitation & Knowledge Transfer

44 ($4,302,750 CAD Jan 2013 - Dec 2016, Prorated Amount: of Health Research. Operating Grant. ($518,688 CAD Sep $537,843 CAD) [Grant] 2011 - Aug 2015, Prorated Amount: $129,672 CAD) [Grant] 23. Tu, Jack. Early phase interventions for acute ischemic heart 31. Tu, Jack. The Registry of the Canadian Stoke Network failure. Lee, DS, Newton G, Ross H, Tu JV, Ko DT, Austin (Renewal). Kapral, M, Silver F, Tu JV, Hall R, Phillips S, Hill PC, Farkouh M, Stukel T: Heart and Stroke Foundation of M, Willis K: Canadian Stroke Network. ($1,871,711 CAD Jan Ontario (The) (HSFO). Operating Grant. ($395,275 CAD Jun 2010 - Dec 2013, Prorated Amount: $467,927 CAD) [Grant] 2013 - Jun 2016, Prorated Amount: $0.00) [Grant] 32. Wijeysundera, Harindra. ACUTE Study: Acute Congestive 24. Tu, Jack. Evaluating therapeutic decision-making, outcomes Heart Failure Urgent and Transitional Care Evaluation. Lee, and resourch utilization in chronic stable angina: an interprovincial Douglas, D Alter, P Austin, B Borgundvaag, J Brehaut, M population-based study. Wijeysundera, Harindra, Austin PC, Edmonds, S Friedman, J Grimshaw, J Lee, M Schull, T Ko DT, Knudtson ML, Tu JV: Canadian Institutes of Health Stukel, J Tu, H Wijeysundera: Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Operating Grant. ($221,999 CAD Jul Research (CIHR). Operating Grant. ($518,688 CAD Oct 2012 - Jun 2015, Prorated Amount: $51,454 CAD) [Grant] 2011 - Sep 2015, Prorated Amount: $129,672 CAD) [Grant] 25. Tu, Jack. Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator Selection to 33. Wijeysundera, Harindra. Assessing the Appropriateness Improve Survival in Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction: ISIS of Coronary Revascularization for Patients with Coronary LVSD Study (Ontario ICD Database Phase 2). Lee, Douglas, Artery Disease. Ko, Dennis T, David Alter, Peter Austin, Austin P, Birnie D, Cameron D, Crystal E, Dorian P, Harris Therese Stukel, Jack Tu, Harindra Wijeysundera: Canadian I, Healey J, Khaykin Y, Krahn A, Mangat I, Simpson C, Tu Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Operating Grant. JV, Yee R: Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). ($455,118 CAD Jan 2010 - Mar 2013, Prorated Amount: Operating Grant. ($589,044 CAD Apr 2011 - Mar 2015, $105,027 CAD) [Grant] Prorated Amount: $147,261 CAD) [Grant] 34. Wijeysundera, Harindra. Closing the quality feedback 26. Tu, Jack. Improving Cardiovascular Disease Surveillance in loop: A web-based forum to improve the quality of care and Canada’s Ethnic Minority Groups. Tu, Jack: Public Health outcomes of the Toronto Heart Attack Collaborative (THAC) Agency of Canada (PHAC). ($495,540 CAD Apr 2011 - Mar Regional STEMI Program. Wijeysundera, Harindra, Fam, Neil, 2013, Prorated Amount: $185,827 CAD) [Grant] Overgaard Chris: University of Toronto, Division of Cardiology. 27. Tu, Jack. Improving the assessment and treatment of severe Division of Cardiology Collaborative Initiative. ($60,000 CAD aortic stenosis by evaluating care gaps and advancing risk Jul 2011 - Jul 2013, Prorated Amount: $28,800 CAD) [Grant] predictions. Ko, Dennis, Alter DA, Austin PC, Cantor W, 35. Wijeysundera, Harindra. Improving the assessment and Cheema A, Chu M, Fremes S, Natarajan M, Peterson M, Ruel treatment of severe aortic stenosis by evaluating care gaps M, Stukel T, TU JV, Wijeysundera H: Canadian Institutes of and advancing risk predictions. Ko, Dennis, D. Alter, P. Austin, Health Research (CIHR). Operating Grant. ($331,058 CAD Jul W. Cantor, A. Cheema, M. Chu, S. Fremes, M. Natarajan, 2012 - Jun 2015, Prorated Amount: $110,352 CAD) [Grant] M. Ruel, B. Strauss, T. Stukel, J. Tu, H Wijeysundera: Heart 28. Tu, Jack. Socioeconomic status, quality of primary care, and Stroke Foundation of Canada (HSFC). Grants-in-aid. and survival after acute myocardial infarction: A 10-year ($331,058 CAD Jul 2012 - Jun 2015, Prorated Amount: follow-up of the Socio-Economic and Acute Myocardial $110,352) [Grant] Infarction (SESAMI) study. Alter, David A, Austin PC, Bronskill 36. Wijeysundera, Harindra. Measuring and improving the S, Glazier R, Ko D, Lee D, Stukel T, Tu JV, Wodchis W: quality of ambulatory care for people with cardiovascular Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Operating risk factors and/or chronic cardiovascular diseases. Jack Tu, Grant. ($120,000 CAD Apr 2012 - Mar 2014, Prorated David Alter, Clare Atzema, Peter Austin, Gillian Booth, Maria Amount: $60,000 CAD) [Grant] Chu, Richard Glazier, Moira Kapral, Dennis Ko, Douglas Lee, 29. Tu, Jack. Statistical Methods for Health Service Research. Douglas Manuel, Jillian Oderkirk, Claudi Sanmartin, Gustavo Austin, Peter, Anderson G, Tu JV: Canadian Institutes of Saposnik, Baiju Shah Therese Stukel, Karen Tu, Harindra Health Research. Operating Grant. ($122,994 CAD 2011 - Wijeysundera: Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Mar 2014, Prorated Amount: $40,998 CAD) [Grant] Team Grant: Chronic Disease Risk and Intervention Strategies. ($1,998,739 CAD Dec 2011 - Nov 2016, Prorated Amount: 30. Tu, Jack. The ACUTE Study: Acute Congestive Heart Failure $393,442 CAD) [Grant] Urgent and Transitional Care Evaluation. Canadian Institutes

45 37. Wijeysundera, Harindra. Measuring and Improving the Quality 7. Madan, Minakshi. dal-OUTCOMES study. Dr. Shaheeda of ST-segment Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) Care. Jack V Ahmed: Hoffmann-la Roche Inc, USA. ($49,200 CAD May Tu, C. Atzema, P. Austin, J. Cox, T. Huynh, C. Jackevicius, 2009 - Jun 2013, Prorated Amount: $11,808 CAD) [Clinical Trial] D. Ko, L. Lambert, D. Lee, M. Natarajan, D. So, T. Stukel, 8. Madan, Minakshi. dal-PLAQUE study. Dr. Eric Cohen: H Wijeysundera: Canadian Institutes of Health Research Hoffmann-la Roche Inc, USA. ($44,595 CAD Jan 2011 - (CIHR). Operating Grants. ($995,920 CAD Apr 2011 - Mar Aug 2013, Prorated Amount: $16,723 CAD) [Clinical Trial] 2015, Prorated Amount: $248,980 CAD) [Grant] 9. Madan, Minakshi. EVITA. Investigator initiated project/ 38. Wijeysundera, Harindra. The METS (Measurement of Pfizer USA. ($639,000 CAD May 2009 - present, Prorated Exercise Tolerance before Surgery) Study: An International Amount: $31,950 CAD) [Clinical Trial] Multicentre Prospective Cohort Study of Cardiopulmonary 10. Madan, Minakshi. EXCEL trial. Dr. Greg Stone and others: Exercise Testing For Improving Preoperative Risk Stratification Abbott Vacular. ($6,000 CAD Dec 2012 - present, Prorated for Major Non-Cardiac Surgery. WIJEYSUNDERA, Duminda Amount: $6,000 CAD) [Clinical Trial] N. & CUTHBERTSON, Brian H, W. Beattie, V. Chan, B. Croal, J. Granton, J. Hoch, M. Mamdan, D. Mazer, C. Mccartney, 11. Madan, Minakshi. EXPLORE study. Dr. B Strauss: Abbott P. Oh, R. Pearse, A. Smith, K. Thorpe, H. Wijeysundera: Vascular, Belgium. ($12,000 CAD Jan 2011 - present, Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Operating. ($987,068 Prorated Amount: $4,364 CAD) [Clinical Trial] CAD Apr 2012 - Mar 2016, Prorated Amount: $246,767 12. Madan, Minakshi. REMINDER study. Dr. Mina Madan: Pfizer CAD) [Grant] Inc. (USA). ($52,650 CAD Jan 2011 - Jul 2012, Prorated Amount: $2,771 CAD) [Clinical Trial] Non-Peer-Reviewed Funding 13. Madan, Minakshi. SIGNIFY. Dr. S. Radhakrishnan: Servier 1. Hansen, Mark Silvin. Comparison of the Hemodynamic Canada Inc. ($11,641 CAD Sep 2010 - present, Prorated Performance of the CoreValve and Edwards Valve for the Amount: $3,776 CAD) [Clinical Trial] Treatment of Severe Aortic Stenosis. Pibarot, Phillippe: 14. Madan, Minakshi. TAILOR PCI. Dr. Naveen Perreira: Mayo Canadian Heart and Stroke Foundation. (Via University de Clinic. Grant from Mayo Clinic Center for Personalized Laval). ($10,000 CAD Jul 2010 - Dec 2012, Prorated Amount: Medicine. ($190,000 CAD Jan 2013 - Jun 2015, Prorated $2,000 CAD) [Clinical Trial] Amount: $38,000 CAD) [Clinical Trial] 2. Canada Data Definitions and Quality Indicators. Ko, Dennis. 15. Pang, Jeffrey. AQUARIUS. Cohen, Eric: NOVARTIS/Cleveland. Buller, Christopher: Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC). (2009 – 2012) [Clinical Trial] ($350,000 CAD 2010 - 2012, Prorated Amount: $58,333 16. Pang, Jeffrey. Canadian registry of the biomatrix flex drug CAD) [Grant] eluting stents. Biosensors International. (May 2013 – present) 3. Ko, Dennis. Canada Data Definitions and Quality Indicators. [Clinical Trial] Humphries, Karin: Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC). 17. Pang, Jeffrey. FREEDOM: Optimal management of multivessel ($350,000 CAD 2012 - 2013, Prorated Amount: $175,000 disease to evaluate whether PCI with DES is more or less CAD) [Grant] effective than CABG. NIH. (2007 – 2012) [Clinical Trial] 4. Ko, Dennis. Canada Data Definitions and Quality Indicators. 18. Pang, Jeffrey. RIVAL Study. Jolly, Sanjit S. (Mar 2010 - Dec Humphries, Karin: Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC). 2012) [Clinical Trial] ($350,000 CAD 2013 - 2015, Prorated Amount: $58,333 CAD) [Grant] 19. Pang, Jeffrey. TRACER. Madan, Mina: SPRI. (2009 – 2012) [Clinical Trial] 5. Lashevsky, Ilan. Prolonged Monitoring to Detect Ventricular Arrhythmias in Presymptomatic ARVC Patients - the PREPARE 20. Singh, Sheldon. Development of a standardized data study. Krahn Andrew, Electrophysiology sites through Canada: collection system for ambulatory patients referred for atrial St. Jude Medical Clinical Studies. (Sep 2010 - Sep 2016) fibrillation management: A city-wide collaboration of the [Clinical Trial] University of Toronto teaching hospitals. Ha, Andrew, Mangat, Iqwal: University of Toronto Division of Cardiology. Division of 6. Lashevsky, Ilan. The TU study. Lashevsky Ilan, Dr. V. Cardiology Collaborative Innovation and Research. ($60,000 Chauhan, EP service, Toronto General Hospital: no funding requested. (Jul 2012 – 2014) [Clinical Trial]

46 CAD Jan 2012 - present, Prorated Amount: $30,000 CAD) from Hospital with Heart Failure. Journal of General Internal [Grant] Medicine. 2012 Sep 27; 27(9): 1171-9. 21. Singh, Sheldon. Modified Ablation Guided by Ibutilide 8. Alter DA, Wijeysundera HC, Franklin B, Austin PC, Chong administration in Chronic Atrial Fibrillation Trial. Reddy, Vivek, A, Oh PI, TU JV, Stukel TA. Obesity, lifestyle risk-factors, and Vivek Reddy, Andre D’Avila, Young Hoon Kim, Michael health service outcomes among healthy middle-aged adults Mangrum, Gregory Michaud, Arash Aryana, David Callans: in Canada. BMC Health Serv Res. 2012 Aug 4; 12(1): 238. Mount Sinai School of Medicine. ($27,000 USD Jul 2010 9. Arsenault KA, Yusuf AM, Crystal E, Healey JS, Morillo - Dec 2012 Prorated Amount: $5,400 USD) [Clinical Trial] CA, Nair GM, Whitlock RP. Interventions for preventing Publications post-operative atrial fibrillation in patients undergoing heart surgery. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2013 Mar 31; 1: Peer-Reviewed Publications CD003611. Review. 10. Austin PC, Lee DS, Steyerberg EW, TU JV. Regression trees Journal Articles for predicting mortality in patients with cardiovascular disease: What improvement is achieved by using ensemble-based 1. A Laish-Farkash, M Shurrab, S Singh, I Tiong, A Verma, G methods? Biom J. 2012 Sep 1; 54(5): 657-673. Amit, A Kiss, F Morriello, D Birnie, J Healey, I Lashevsky, D Newman, E Crystal. Approaches to empiric ablation of slow 11. Austin PC, TU JV, Ho JE, Levy D, Lee DS. Using methods pathway: Results from the Canadian EP web survey. J Inv from the data-mining and machine-learning literature for Cardiac Electrophysiology. 2012 Nov 1; (Trainee Publication). disease classification and prediction: a case study examining classification of heart failure subtypes. J Clin Epidemiol. 2013 2. A Shmatukha, B Sethi, M Shurrab, S Ghate, X Qi, J Barry, G Feb 2; 66(4): 398-407. Wright, E Crystal. Visualization of thermal ablation lesions using cumulative dynamic contrast enhancement MRI. Phys 12. Bhan V, Cantor WJ, Yan RT, Mehta SR, Morrison LJ, Med Biol. 2013 May 21; 58(10): 3321-37. Heffernan M, Fitchett D, Dzavik V, Ducas J, Borgundvaag B, Cohen EA, Goodman SG, Yan AT. Efficacy of Early Invasive 3. Abdel-Qadir HM, Ivanov J, Austin PC, TU JV, Džavík V. Sex Management Post-Fibrinolysis in Men versus Women with Differences in the Management and Outcomes of Ontario ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction: A Subgroup Analysis from Patients With Cardiogenic Shock Complicating Acute TRANSFER-AMI Am Heart J. 2012 Sep; 164(3): 343-50. Myocardial Infarction. Can J Cardiol. 2012 Dec 19; [Epub ahead of print]. 13. Blecker S, Bhatia RS, You JJ, Lee DS, Alter DA, Wang JT, Wong HJ, TU JV. Temporal trends in the utilization of 4. Al Khdair D, Alshengeiti L, Elbarouni B, Yan RT, Grondin FR, echocardiography in Ontario, 2001-2009. JACC Imaging. Spencer FA, Pallie S, Brieger D, Eagle KA, Mangat I, Singh 2013 Apr 8; [Epub ahead of print]. S, Goodman SG, Yan AT; Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events (GRACE/GRACE2) and the Canadian Registry of 14. Blom K, How M, Dai M, Baker B, Irvine J, Abbey S, Abramson Coronary Events (CANRACE) Investigators. Management BL, Myers MG, Perkins N, Tobe SW. Hypertension Analysis and outcome of acute coronary syndrome patients in of stress Reduction using Mindfulness meditatiON and Yoga relation to prior history of atrial fibrillation. Canadian Journal (The HARMONY Study): study protocol of a randomised of Cardiology. 2012; 28: 443-449. control trial. BMJ Open. 2012; 2: e000848. 5. Alam A, Lin Y, Hansen M, Callum JL. The prevention of 15. Bonaventura K, Leber AW, Sohns C, Roser M, Boldt transfusion-associated circulatory overload. Transfusion LH, Kleber FX, Haverkamp W and Dorenkamp M. Cost- Medicine Reviews. 2013 Apr 27; 27(2): 105-12. effectiveness of paclitaxel-coated balloon angioplasty and paclitaxel-eluting stent implantation for treatment of coronary 6. Alter DA, Franklin B, Ko DT, Austin PC, Lee DS, Oh PI, Stukel in-stent restenosis in patients with stable coronary artery TA, Tu JV. Socioeconomic Status, Functional Recovery, disease. Clin Res Cardiol. 2012 Jul; 101(7): 573-84. and Long-Term Mortality among Patients Surviving Acute Myocardial Infarction. PLos One. 2013 Jun 27; 8(6). 16. Braga JR, TU JV, Austin PC, Chong A, You JJ, Farkouh ME, Ross HJ, Lee DS. Outcomes and Care of Patients with Acute 7. Alter DA, Ko DT, Tu JV, Stukel TA, Lee DS, Laupacis A, Chong Heart Failure Syndromes and Cardiac Troponin Elevation. A, Austin PC. The Average Lifespan of Patients Discharged Circ Heart Fail. 2013 Feb 6; [Epub ahead of print].

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48 31. Healey, Jeffrey; Gula, Lorne; Birnie, David; Sterns, Laurence; RK, Parkash R, Connolly SJ, Hohnloser SH, Healey JS; Connolly, Stuart; Sapp, John; Crystal, Eugene; Simpson, ASSERT Steering Committee and Investigators. Positive Chris; Exner, Derek; Kus, Teresa; Philippon, François; Wells, predictive value of device-detected atrial high-rate episodes George; Tang, Anthony. A Randomized-Controlled Pilot Study at different rates and durations: An analysis from ASSERT. Comparing ICD Implantation with and without Intra-Operative Heart Rhythm. 2012 Aug 1; 9(8): 1241-6. Defibrillation Testing in Patients with Heart Failure and Severe 41. Khatri PJ, Webb JG, Rodes-Cabau J, Fremes SE, Ruel M, Lau Left Ventricular Dysfunction: A Sub-Study of the RAFT Trial. K, Guo H, Wijeysundera HC and Ko DT. Adverse Effects J Cardiovasc Electrophysiology. 2012 Jul 1. Associated With Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation: A 32. Huynh T, Kouz S, Yan A, Danchin N, Loughlin JO, Schampaert Meta-analysis of Contemporary Studies. Ann Intern Med. E, Yan R, Rinfret S, Tardif JC, Eisenberg MJ, Afilalo M, Chong 2013 Jan 1; 158(1): 35-46. A, Dery JP, Nguyen M, Lauzon C, Mansour S, Ko DT, Tu 42. Ko DT, Guo H, Wijeysundera HC, Natarajan MK, Nagpal JV, Goodman S. Canada Acute Coronary Syndrome Risk AD, Feindel CM, Kingsbury K, Cohen EA, Tu JV, Cardiac Score: A new risk score for early prognostication in acute Care Network (CCN) of Ontario Variations in Revascularization coronary syndromes. Am Heart J. 2013 Jun 30; 166(1): 58-63. Practice in Ontario (VRPO) Working Group. Assessing the 33. Ivers NM, Schwalm JD, Jackevicius CA, Guo H, Tu JV, association of approrpriateness of coronary revascularization Natarajan M. Length of Initial Prescription at Hospital Discharge and clinical outcomes for patients with stable coronary artery and Long-term Medication Adherence for Elderly Patients disease. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2012 Nov 6; 60(19): 1876-84. With Coronary Artery Disease: A Population-Level Study. 43. Ko DT, Wijeysundera HC, Jackevicius CA, Yousef A, Can J Cardiol. 2013 Jun 27. Wang J and Tu JV. Diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular 34. Jackevicius CA, Tu JV, Ko DT, de Leon N, Krumholz HM. events in older patients with myocardial infarction prescribed Use of Niacin in the United States and Canada.JAMA Internal intensive-dose and moderate-dose statins. Circ Cardiovasc Medicine. 2013 Jun 10; 173(14): 1379-81. Qual Outcomes. 2013 May 1; 6(3): 315-22. 35. Jackevicius CA, TU JV, Krumholz HM. Statins: Is it safe and 44. Ko, DT, Guo H, Wijeysundera HC, Natarajan MK, Nagpal effective to use generic equivalents? Can J Cardiol. 2012 AD, Feindel CM, Kingsbury K, Cohen EA, Tu JV for the Oct 10; [Epub ahead of print]. Cardiac Care Network (CCN) of Ontario Variations in 36. Joshi SB, Connelly KA, Jiminez-Jaun L, Hansen M, Kirpalani Revascularization Practice in Ontario (VRPO) Working Group. A, Dorian P, Al-Hesayen A, Crean AM, Wright GA, Yan A, Assessing the Association of Appropriateness of Coronary Leong-Poi H. Potential clinical impact of cardiovascular Revascularization and Clinical Outcomes for Patients with magnetic resonance assessment of ejection fraction on Stable Coronary Artery Disease. Journal of the American eligibility for cardioverter defibrillator implantation. Journal of College of Cardiology. 2012 Nov 6; 60(19): 1876-84. Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance. 2012 Oct 8; 14: 69. 45. Laish-Farkash A, Shurrab M, Singh S, Tiong I, Verma A, 37. Kapral MK, Fang J, Chan C, Alter DA, Bronskill SE, Hill MD, Amit G, Kiss, Morriello F, Birnie D, Healey J, Lashevsky I, Manuel DG, TU JV, Anderson GM. Neighborhood income Newman D, Crystal E. Approaches to empiric ablation of and stroke care and outcomes. Neurology. 2012 Sep 18; slow pathway: results from the Canadian EP web survey. 79(12): 1200-1207. Journal of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology. 2012 Sep; 35(2): 183-187. 38. Kapral MK, Fang J, Silver FL, Hall R, Stamplecoski M, O’Callaghan C, TU JV. Effect of a provincial system of stroke 46. Li BH, Leung AS, Soong A, Munding CE, Lee H, Thind AS, care delivery on stroke care and outcomes. CMAJ. 2013 Munce NR, Wright GA, Rowsell CH, Yang VX, Strauss May 27; Ontario, Canada. BH, Stuart Foster F and Courtney BK. Hybrid intravascular ultrasound and optical coherence tomography catheter for 39. Kasel AM, Cassese S, Leber AW, von Scheidt W, Kastrati imaging of coronary atherosclerosis. Catheter Cardiovasc A. Fluoroscopy-Guided Aortic Root Imaging for TAVR: Interv. 2013 Feb; 81(3): 494-507. “Follow the Right Cusp” Rule. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging. 2013 Feb; 6(2): 274-5. 47. Lugomirski P, Guo H, Boom NK, Donovan LR, Ko DT, Tu JV. Quality of Diabetes and Hyperlipidemia Screening Before a 40. Kaufman ES, Israel CW, Nair GM, Armaganijan L, Divakaramenon First Myocardial Infarction. Canadian Journal of Cardiology. S, Mairesse GH, Brandes A, Crystal E, Costantini O, Sandhu 2013 May 30.

49 48. Madan M, Vira T, Rampakais, Gupta A, Khitani A, Balleza Device Committee Failure Rate of Riata Lead Under Advisory. L, Vaillancourt, Boukas S, Sampalis J, de Carolis E, for Heart Rhythm. 2013 Mar 31. the INFINITY Investigators. A Prospective Randomized 56. Pilote L, Eisenberg MJ, Essebag V, TU JV, Humphries KH, Trial Assessing the Safety and Effectiveness of Ezetimibe Leung Yinko SS, Behlouli H, Guo H, Jackevicius CA. Temporal in South Asian Canadians with Coronary Artery Disease trends in medication use and outcomes in atrial fibrillation. or Diabetes: The Infinity Study. Advances in Preventative Can J Cardiol. 2013 Jan 8; [Epub ahead of print]. Medicine. 2012 Dec. 57. Qiang B, Toma J, Fujii H, Osherov AB, Nili N, Sparkes JD, 49. Mardigyan V, Verma A, Birnie D, Guerra P, Redfearn D, Becker Fefer P, Samuel M, Butany J, Leong-Poi H and Strauss G, Champagne J, Sapp J, Gula L, Parkash R, Macle L, BH. Statin therapy prevents expansive remodeling in venous Crystal E, O’Hara G, Khaykin Y, Sturmer M, Veenhuyzen GD, bypass grafts. Atherosclerosis. 2012 Jul 22; 3(1): 106-13. Greiss I, Sarrazin JF, Mangat I, Novak P, Skanes A, Roux JF, 58. Saposnik G, Demchuk A, TU JV, Johnston SC, Stroke Chauhan V, Hadjis T, Morillo CA, Essebag V. Anticoagulation Outcomes Research Canada (SORCan) Working Group. Management Pre- and Post Atrial Fibrillation Ablation: A The iScore predicts efficacy and risk of bleeding in the Survey of Canadian Centres. Can J Cardiol. 2012 Aug 1. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Tissue 50. Mittmann N, Henry B, Murshed S, Tsang L, Iazzetta J, Crystal Plasminogen Activator Stroke Trial. J Stroke Cerebrovasc E, Bucci C. Does warfarin use impact hospital length of stay? Dis. 2012 Oct 24; [Epub ahead of print]. A retrospective study looking at patients treated for atrial 59. Schmidt M, Dorwarth U, Straube F, Wankerl M, Krieg J, Leber fibrillation. Hosp Top. 2013 Mar 31; 91(1): 20-4. AW, Ebersberger HU, Daccarett M, Huber A, Rummeny E 51. Mohammed Shurrab MD, Asaf Danon MD, Alexander and Hoffmann E. A novel double cryoballoon strategy in Crystal MD, Banafsheh Arouny MD, Irving Tiong MD, Ilan persistent atrial fibrillation: a pilot study. Clin Res Cardiol. Lashevsky MD, David Newman MD and Eugene Crystal 2012 Oct; 101(10): 777-85. MD. Remote Magnetic Navigation for Catheter Ablation of 60. Shah BR, Victor JC, Chiu M, Tu JV, Anand SS, Austin PC, Atrio-Ventricular Nodal Reentrant Tachycardia: A Systematic Manuel DG, Hux JE. Cardiovascular Complications and Review and Meta-analysis A. Expert Review of Cardiovascular Mortality After Diabetes Diagnosis for South Asian and Chinese Therapy. 2013 Apr 3; (Trainee Publication). Patients: A population-based cohort study. Diabetes Care. 52. Myers MG, Godwin M. Automated office blood pressure. 2013 May 1; [Epub ahead of print]. Canadian Journal of Cardiology. 2012; 28: 341-346. 61. Shehata N, Forster A, Li L, Rothwell DM, Mazer CD, Naglie 53. Nguyen HV, de Oliveira C, Wijeysundera HC, Wong WW, G, Fowler R, TU JV, Rubens FD, Hawkens S, Wilson K. Woo G, Grootendorst P, Liu PP and Krahn MD. Canada’s Does anemia impact hospital readmissions after coronary Contribution to Global Research in Cardiovascular Diseases. artery bypass surgery? Transfusion. 2012 Dec 11; [Epub Can J Cardiol. 2013 Jun; 29(6): 742-6. ahead of print]. 54. Normbela-Franco L, Ruel M, Radhakrishnan S, Webb JG, 62. Shurrab M, Laish-Farkash, A; Lashevsky I, Morriello F, Hansen M, Labinaz M, Thompson C, Fremes S, Dumont Singh, S; Schilling, R, Wijeysundera, H Pinter, A; Newman, E, DeLarochelliere R, Doyle D, Urena M, Mok M, Ribeiro D; Crystal, E. Fluoroscopic versus non Fluoroscopic Guided HB, Roifman I, Watkins S, Dumesnil JG, Pibarot P, Rodes- Ablation Procedures: A Meta-analysis Of Randomized Trials. Cabau J. Comparison of hemodynamic performance of self- Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal. 2013 Apr 4; (Trainee expandable CoreValve versus balloon-expandable Edwards Publication). SAPIEN aortic valves inserted by catheter for aortic stenosis. 63. Singh SM, Elliott DE and Shwiri TZ. Atypical left atrial flutter American Journal of Cardiology. 2013 Apr 1; 111(7): 1026-33. following aortic valve surgery. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. 55. Parkash R, Exner D, Champagne J, Mangat I, Thibault B, 2012 Sep; 23(9): 1033-4. Healey JS, Tung S, Crystal E, Simpson C, Nery PB, Sterns 64. Singh SM, Micieli A and Wijeysundera HC. Economic L, Connors S, Cameron D, Verma A, Beardsall M, Wolfe K, evaluation of percutaneous left atrial appendage occlusion, Essebag V, Ayala-Paredes F, Sanatani S, Coutu B, Fraser dabigatran, and warfarin for stroke prevention in patients J, Toal S, Phillipon F, Tang AS, Yee R, Krahn A. Failure rate with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation. Circulation. 2013 Jun 18; of the Riata lead under advisory: A report from the CHRS 127(24): 2414-23.

50 65. Strauss BH. Diabetic patients receiving bare-metal stents: 3. Singh SM, Elliott DE, Shwiri TZ. Atypical left atrial flutter no option patients? J Am Coll Cardiol. 2013 Apr 23; 61(16): following aortic valve surgery. Journal of Cardiovascular 1686-7. Electrophysiology. 2012 Sep; 23(9): 1033-1034. 66. Teitelbaum AA, Qi X, Osherov AB, Fraser AR, Ladouceur- 4. Singh SM, Kadmon E, Suszko A, Chauhan VS. Syncope Wodzak M, Munce N, Qiang B, Weisbrod M, Bierstone D, Triggered by a Premature Ventricular Complex: A Case of Erlich I, Sparkes JD, Wright GA and Strauss BH. Therapeutic Atrial Fibrillation and Paroxysmal Atrioventricular Block. Heart angiogenesis with VEGF164 for facilitation of guidewire Rhythm. 2012; 9(10):1650-1651. crossing in experimental arterial chronic total occlusions. Abstracts EuroIntervention. 2013 Jan 22; 8(9): 1081-9. 67. Tsadok MA, Jackevicius CA, Essebag V, Eisenberg MJ, 1. Abrahamyan L, Wijeysundera HC, Krahn M, and Rac Rahme E, Humphries KH, TU JV, Behlouli H, Pilote L. VE. Is there gender bias in heart failure patients treated in Rhythm versus rate control therapy and subsequent stroke specialized multi-disciplinary ambulatory clinics of Ontario? or transient ischemic attack in patients with atrial fibrillation. 2013 May 27; 2013 ICRH Young Investigators (YI) Forum. Circulation. 2012 Dec 4; 126(23): 2680-2687. 2. Bhatia SR, Austin PC, Stukel TA, Schull MJ, TU JV, Chong 68. Wijeysundera DN, Wijeysundera HC, Yun L, Wąsowicz M, A, Lee DS. Hospital Admission Patterns and Outcomes of Beattie WS, Velianou JL, Ko DT. Risk of Elective Major Non- Heart Failure (HF) Patients discharged from the emergency Cardiac Surgery After Coronary Stent Insertion: A Population- department (ED). 2012 Oct; Canadian Cardiovascular Based Study. Circulation. 2012 Sep 11; 126(11): 1355-62. . Congress 2012. 69. Wijeysundera HC, Trubiani G, Abrahamyan L, Mitsakakis 3. Braga JR, TU JV, Austin PC, Chong A, You JJ, Farkouh ME, N, Witteman W, Paulden M, van der Velde G, Kingsbury K, Ross HJ, Lee DS. Outcomes and care of patients with acute Krahn M. Specialized Multi-Disciplinary Heart Failure Clinics heart failure syndromes and cardiac Troponin elevation. 2012 in Ontario, Canada: An Environmental Scan. BMC Health Oct; Canadian Cardiovascular Congress 2012. Services Research. 2012 Aug 3; 12(1): 236. 4. Czarnecki A, Chong A, Lee DS, Schull MJ, Tu JV, Lau C, 70. Wijeysundera HC, Trubiani G, Wang X, Mitsakakis N, Austin Farkouh ME, Ko DT. The importance of physician follow-up PC, Ko DT, Lee DS, Tu JV and Krahn M. A population-based after emergency department assessment with chest pain. study to evaluate the effectiveness of multidisciplinary heart Canadian Journal of Cardiology. 2012 Oct 29. failure clinics and identify important service components. 5. Czarnecki A, Chong A, Lee DS, Schull MJ, Tu JV, Lau C, Circ Heart Fail. 2013 Jan 1; 6(1): 68-75. Farkouh ME, Pereg D, Wijeysundera HC, Ko DT. Improved 71. Yeung DF, Boom NK, Guo H, Lee DS, Schultz SE, TU JV. outcomes with cardiologist follow-up after emergency Trends in the incidence and outcomes of heart failure in department assessment of chest pain patients without Ontario, Canada: 1997 to 2007. CMAJ. 2012 Oct 2; 184(14): established cardiovascular disease. Journal of the American E765-773. College of Cardiology. 2012. 72. Zia MI, Ghugre NR, Connelly KA, Strauss BH, Sparkes JD, 6. Czarnecki A, Chong A, Lee DS, Schull MJ, TU JV, Lau Dick AJ and Wright GA. Characterizing myocardial edema C, Ko DT. The Importance of Physician Follow-up after and hemorrhage using quantitative T2 and T2* mapping at Emergency Department Assessment with Chest Pain. 2012 multiple time intervals post ST-segment elevation myocardial Oct; Canadian Cardiovascular Congress 2012. infarction. Circ Cardiovasc Imaging. 2012 Sep 1; 5(5): 566-72. 7. Dattani ND, Guo H, Tu JV, Morrison LJ, Ko DT. Trends in Case Reports mortality after sudden cardiac arrest in Ontario. Canadian Journal of Cardiology. 2012; 1. Al Lawati H, Singh SM. ST-segment elevation after abdominal 8. H Celik, V Ramanan, J Barry, S Ghate, V Leber, M Shurrab, S aortic aneurysm repair. Indian Heart Journal. 2012 Sep; 64(5): Oduneye, N Ghugre, E Crystal, G A. Wright. Evaluating the 530-531. (Trainee Publication). extent of Acute Radiofrequency Ablation Lesions in the Heart 2. Gandhi S, Myers RBH. Radiation-induced CAD - Can PTH Using an Inversion Recovery SSFP Sequence. Proceedings be used as a biomarker for CHF? Heart Failure Review. of the SCMR 16th Annual Scientific Sessions. 2013 Apr 1; 2012; Canada. San Francisco, CA, USA, 2013 (Abstract O17).

51 9. H.C. Wijeysundera, D.T. Ko, C.L. Atzema, P.C. Austin, 20. Levitt K, Ko DT. Predictors of normal coronary arteries at W.J. Cantor, T. Huynh, C.A. Jackevicius, L. Lambert, D.S. coronary angiography. Circulation. 2012; Lee, D.Y. So, J.T. Wang, L.R. Donovan, J.V. Tu. Temporal 21. MacFadden DR, Crystal E, Krahn AD, Mangat I, Healey JS, Trends in the Uptake Of An Early Invasive Strategy Post- Dorian P, Khaykin Y, Birnie D, TU JV, Simpson CS, Lee DS. Fibrinolysis For STEMI in Ontario, Canada. Canadian Journal Sex disparities in implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) of Cardiology. 2012 Sep; 28(5 Suppl.): S190-S191. outcomes: Findings from the Ontario ICD Database. 2012 10. Habal MV, Liu PP, Austin PC, Ross HJ, Newton GE, Wang X, Nov; American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2011. TU JV, Lee DS. Association of heart rate at hospital discharge 22. Mutsuhashi H, Fremes S, Ko DT, Radhakrishnan S, Wolff with all-cause mortality in patients with heart failure. 2012 R. TCT-804 Safety and Efficacy of 14Fr Balloon Expandable Oct; Canadian Cardiovascular Congress 2012. Sheath for Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI). 11. Ho EC, Parker JD, Newton GE, TU JV, Wang X, Austin PC, Canadian Journal of Cardiology. 2012 Oct 22. Lee DS. Impact of Nitrate use in the emergency department 23. Myers MG, Valdivieso M. Comparison of automated office on mortality in patients with acute heart failure. 2012 Oct; blood pressure using the Microlife WatchBP Office recorder Canadian Cardiovascular Congress 2012. with the awake ambulatory blood pressure. Journal of 12. Jackevicius CA, Ko DT, Ross J, Tu JV, Krumholz H. Use Hypertension. 2012 Apr; 30(E-suppl. A): e170. of Niacin in the United States and Canada. Journal of the 24. Nili N, Qi X, Qiang B, Ladouceur-Wodzak M, Weisbrod MJ, American College of Cardiology. 2013 Mar 9. Wright G, Strauss BH. The Effects of Bone Marrow Derived 13. Khatri PJ, Webb JG, Rodés-Cabau J, Fremes SE, Ruel M, Mononuclear Cells on CTO Neovascularization and Morphology. Lau K, Gui H, Wijeysundera H, Ko DT. Adverse effects Can J Cardiol. 2012 Oct; 28(5 Suppl.): S295-S296. associated with transcatheter aortic valve implantation: a 25. P.J. Khatri, J.G. Webb, J. Rodés-Cabau, S.E. Fremes, M. Ruel, meta-analysis of contemporary studies. Canadian Journal K. Lau, H. Guo, H. Wijeysundera, D.T. Ko. Adverse Effects of Cardiology. 2012 Oct. Associated With Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation: A 14. Ko DT, Natarajan M, Purdham D, Henry DA, Cohen EA, Meta-Analysis of Contemporary Studies. Canadian Journal Feindel CM, Kingsbury K on behalf of the CCN TAVI working of Cardiology. 2012 Sep; 28(5 Suppl.): S310-S311. group. Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) outcomes 26. Purdham DM, Natarajan MK, Ko DT, Cohen EA, Feindel in Ontario. Canadian Journal of Cardiology. 2012 Oct. C, Kingsbury K. Baseline Characteristics and In-hospital 15. Ko DT, Purdham DM, Natarajan MK, Henry DA, Cohen Outcomes of TAVI in Ontario: Data from the Cardiac Care EA, Feindel CM, Kingsbury KJ. Transcatheter Aortic Valve Network of Ontario (CCN) TAVI Registry. Can J of Card. 2012 Implantation (TAVI) Outcomes in Ontario. Can J of Card. Sept/Oct; 28(5 Suppl.): Abstract 179. 2012 Sept/Oct; 28(5 Suppl.): Abstract 311. 27. Qiang B, Osherov AB, Qi X, Ladouceur-Wodzak M, Gofine 16. Kumaraswaran R, DeSouza RJ, Kharuna M, Crystal EC, N, Anderson K, Courtney BK, Wright G, Strauss BH. Singh SM. The use of the influenza vaccine in patients Quantitative Blood Volume Determined By MRI Angiography with implantable cardiac defibrillators. Canadian Journal of in An Experimental Rabbit CTO Model. Can J Cardiol. 2012 Cardiology. 2012 Nov 1; 28(5 Suppl.): S146-S147. (Trainee Sep; 28(5 Suppl.): S206-S207. Publication). 28. Sarrazin J, Nair G, Nanthakumar K, Leong Sit P, Sapp J, 17. Levitt K, Guo H, Wijeysundera H, Ko DT, Natarajan M, Kuriachan V, Singh S, Nery P, Gula LJ, Downar E, Chauhan Feindel C, Kingsbury K, Cohen E, Tu J. Clinical determinants V, Skanes AC, Nault I. Safety and efficacy of epicardial access of normal coronary angiograms in Ontario. Circulation. 2012; for catheter ablation: A Canadian multi-center experience. 18. Levitt K, Guo H, Wijeysundera HC, Ko DT, Cohen EA, Canadian Journal of Cardiology. 2012 Nov 1; 28(5 Suppl.): Feindel CM, Natarajan MK, Kingsbury K, Tu JV. Predictors S380. of Normal Coronary Arteries at Coronary Angiography. Can 29. Singh SM, Micieli A, Wijeysundera HC. An economic J of Card. 2012 Sept/Oct; 28 (5 Suppl.): Abstract 757. evaluation of percutaneous left atrial appendage occlusion, 19. Levitt K, Guo H, Wijeysundera HC, Ko DT, Cohen EA, dabigatran and warfarin for stroke prevention in patients Feindel CM, Natarajan MK, Kingsbury K, Tu JV. Predictors of with non-valvular atrial fibrillation - A Canadian Perspective. Normal Coronary Arteries at Coronary Angiography. Canadian Heart Rhythm. 2013 May; 10(5): S171. Journal of Cardiology. 2012 Sep; 28(5 Suppl.): S310-S311.

52 30. Thomas RM, Ghugre NR, Wolff R, Osherov AB, Qiang B, Book Chapters Ladouceur-Wodzak M, Husain M, Wright GA, Strauss BH. 1. A d’Avila MD, PhD, JO Coffey MD, SM Singh MD. How to Development of a Porcine No-Reflow Model to Investigate the perform epicardial ablation in post-cardiac surgery patients. Impact of Distal Coronary Embolization in Acute Myocardial In: Al-Ahmad A, Callans D, Hsia HH, Natale A, Oseroff O, Infarction. Can J Cardiol. 2012 Sep; 28(5 Suppl.): S201. Wang (eds). Hands on Ablation – The Experts Approach. Canadian Cardiovascular Congress, October 27-31 2012, 2013 Jan; Cardiotext Publishing. Minneapolis, MN. Toronto, Canada. 2. Osherov AB, Strauss BH. Collagenase Plaque Digestion for 31. Tu JV, Ko DT, Atzema CL, Austin PC, Huynh T, Jackevicius Facilitating Guidewire Crossing. In: Waksman R and Saito S CA, Lambert L, Lee DS., Natarajan MK, So DYF, Wang (eds). Chronic Total Occlusions: A Guide to Recanalization. JT, Donovan LR, Reza MR, Wijeysundera HC. Temporal 2013 May; 2nd ed. John Wiley & Sons. Oxford, UK. Trends in the Management and Outcomes of ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) in Ontario, 2007 3. Singh SM, d’Avila A. Anatomy assessment for atrial to 2010. Canadian Journal of Cardiology. 2012 Sep; 28(5 arrhythmias. In: Auricchio A, Singh JP, Rademakers F (eds). Suppl.): S198-S199. Cardiac Imaging in Electrophysiology. 2012; Springer-Verlag. London, UK. p. 85-94. 32. Venkat Ramanan, Haydar Celik, Sudip Ghate, Jennifer Barry, Vivian Leber, Nilesh Ghugre, Jeff Stainsby, Andriy Shmatukha, 4. Yalonetsky S, Osherov AB, Strauss BH. The Pathobiology Mohammed Shurrab, Eugene Crystal, Graham A. Wright. of CTO. In: Waksman R and Saito S (eds). Chronic Total Exploring intrinsic MR signal relaxation in acute RF ablation Occlusions: A Guide to Recanalization. 2013 May; John lesions using T2 mapping and IR-SSFP CINE imaging. Wiley & Sons. Oxford, UK. SCMR. 2013 Apr 1. Editorials 33. Wijeysundera DN, Beattie WS, Wijeysundera HC, Yun L, Austin PC, Ko DT. Duration of preoperative beta-blocker therapy 1. TU JV. Predicting Heart Failure Mortality From Administrative and outcomes after non-cardiac surgery. Circulation. 2012. Data: Can It Be Improved? Can J Cardiol. 2013 Mar 1; [Epub ahead of print]. 34. Wijeysundera HC, Ko DT, Atzema CL, Austin PC, Cantor WJ, Huynh T, Jackevicius CA, Lambert L, Lee DS, So DYF, Other Publications Wang JT, Donovan LR, Tu JV. Temporal trends in the uptake 2. Ko DT, Wijeysundera HC, Kingsbury K, Tu JV, Cardiac Care of an early invasive strategy post-fibrinolysis for STEMI in Network (CCN) of Ontario. Variations in Revascularization Ontario. Canadian Journal of Cardiology. 2012. Practice in Ontario (VRPO) Working Group. In response to 35. Wijeysundera HC, Trubiani G, Wang X, Mitsakakis N, Austin letter by Dean J. Kereiakes, MD and Gregg W. Stone, MD. P, Ko DT, Lee DS, Tu JV, Krahn M. A population-based J Am Coll Cardiol. 2013 Mar 13; [Epub ahead of print]. study to evaluate the effectiveness of mufti-disciplinary heart failure clinics and identify important service components. Honours and Awards Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2012. 36. Wolff R, Mitsuhashi H, Leber A, Roifman I, Fremes S, Strauss National B, Bakar-Irwin S, Hansen M, Radhakrishnan S. Incidence and Effects of Significant Paravalvular Aortic Regurgitation Distinctions and Research Awards Post Trans-Catheter Aortic Valve Implantation On Short And Received Intermediate Term Outcomes. Can J Cardiol. 2012 Oct 27; 1. Ko, Dennis. New Investigator Award, Canadian Institutes 28(5 Suppl.): S212. September 2012. of Health Research, Canada. (Research Award). 2009 July 37. Yousef A, Wang H, Donovan L, Tu JV, Ko DT. The Association of – 2014 June Ranked first in competition across Canada. Intensive Statin Therapy on Long-Term Risks of Cardiovascular Total Amount: $300,000.00 CAD. Events and Diabetes following Acute Myocardial Infarction 2. Wijeysundera, Harindra. 2011 CCS Young Investigator has been. Circulation. 2012. Award - Clinical Science Category, Canadian Cardiovascular Society, Canada. (Research Award, Specialty: Cardiology). 2011 Jul –2012 July Total Amount: $1,000.00 CAD.

53 Local Teaching Awards

Received Distinctions and Research Awards 1. Ahmed, Shaheeda. 2013 Sunnybrook Department of Received Medicine Ambulatory Teaching Award, Sunnybrook Health 1. Ahmed, Shaheeda. Division of Cardiology Collaborative Sciences Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Initiative Award, University Joint Collaboration with Dr.J. Edwards (SMH) and Dr. G. Nesbitt (Mount Sinai), University of Toronto, Ontario Canada. (Innovation, Specialty: Cardiology). 2011 Nov – present. Awarded for the development of an online echo-case based teaching tool for the Cardiology Trainees. Annual Amount: $60,000.00 CAD. 2. Morgan, Christopher David. Leo N. Steven Excellence in Leadership Award, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. (Leadership Award). 2012 Jul – 2013 Jun Awarded by the Hospital and Board of Directors to recognize extraordinary leadership. 3. Strauss, Bradley. Sunnybrook Department of Medicine Senior Investigator Award, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. (Distinction). 2012 November.


Number of Faculty: 3 Grants Number Amount Peer Reviewed Funding Principal Investigator: 2 $10,000 CAD Co-Principal Investigator: - - Co-Investigator / Collaborator: - - Other: 1 $1,250 CAD Total: 3 $11,250 CAD Non Peer Reviewed Funding Total: 1 $25,819 CAD

Publications Number Peer Reviewed Publications Principal Author - Co-Principal Author - Senior Responsible Author - Collaborator / Co-Author 7 Other Role 7 Total 14

Honours and Awards Received International Totals: 6 National Totals: 2 Provincial / Regional Totals: 1 Local Totals: 1 Unspecified Scope Totals: 5 Total Honours and Awards: 15

55 Grants, Contracts and Clinical Trials carbamazepine hypersensitivity in children. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2013. Peer-Reviewed Funding 4. Baibergenova A, and Walsh S. Use of pioglitazone in patients with lichen planopilaris. J. Cutan. Med. Surg. 2012; 16(2): Division Member is Principal Investigator: 97-100. 1. Shear, Neil. Population-based risk of malignancy in patients 5. Baibergenova A, Shear NH, Weinstock M. Mortality from with chronic urticaria. CDF-Pfizer Dermatology Research acquired bullous diseases of skin in Canadian adults 2000- Grant. ($25,000 CAD 2013 – 2014, Prorated Amount: 2007. Int J Dermatol. 2012 Nov; 51(11): 1325-8. $6,250 CAD) [Grant] 6. Drucker AM, Baibergenova A, Rosen CF, Shear NH. Narrow 2. Shear, Neil. Whole exome mutation screening in patients band UVB as an effective substitute for PUVA: Lessons from with drug-induced Stevens-Johnson Syndrome or Toxic a psoralen shortage. Photodermatology, Photoimmunology Epidermal Necrolysis. Dr. George S. Williamson Research & Photomedicine. 2012 Oct; 28(5): 267-8. Grant (CDF). ($15,000 CAD 2011 – 2012, Prorated Amount: 7. Drucker AM, Cavalcanti RB, Wong BM, and Walsh SR. $3,750 CAD) [Grant] Teaching dermatology to internal medicine residents: needs Other Peer-Reviewed Funding assessment survey and possible directions. J. Cutan. Med. Surgery. 2013; 17(1): 39-45. 1. Shear, Neil. Dr. Jennifer M. Salsberg - The impact of 8. Heelan K, Walsh S, Shear NH. Treatment of mucous skin camouflage on the quality of life of children with skin membrane pemphigoid with rituximab [Research letter]. J disease and their parents. The Hospital for Sick Children. Am Acad Dermatol. 2013; 69: 310-11. CDF Research Grant. ($5,000 CAD 2011 – 2012, Prorated 9. Knowles SR, Dewhurst N, Shear NH. Anticonvulsant Amount: $1,250 CAD) [Grant] hypersensitivity syndrome: An update. Expert. Opin Drug Non-Peer-Reviewed Funding Saf. 2012 Jul 14. 10. Lui H, Gulliver W, Tan J, Hong CH, Hull P, Shear NH, 1. Shear, Neil. Rituximab for severe pemphigus: Paradiso-Hardy F, Bissonette R. A randomized controlled Pharmacoeconomic analysis for Ontario Ministry of Health study of combination therapy with alefacept and narrow and Longterm Care. Walsh S, Knowles S, Mittmann N, Hitzig band UVB phototherapy for moderate to severe psoriasis: S: Hoffman LaRoche Canada. ($51,638 CAD 2012, Prorated Efficay, onset and duration of response. J Drugs Dermatol. Amount: $25,819 CAD) [Grant] 2012; 11(8): 804-12. Publications 11. Matsukura T, Knowles SK, Walsh S, Shear NH. Effect of a single cycle of an alternative dosing regimen for rituximab Peer-Reviewed Publications for recalcitrant pemphigus: A case series of nine patients. Arch Dermatol. 2012; 148(8): 970. Journal Articles 12. Papp K, Guenther L, Shear N, Binder C, Tan J, Lynde C, 1. Alavi A, Lowe J, Walsh S, Juurlink D, Mortaz-Hedjri S, and Gulliver W, Stang P. Understanding and assessing potential Shear NH. Corticosteroid-induced hyperglycemia is increased serious adverse events: A practical approach to understanding 10-fold in patients with pemphigus. Int. J. Dermatol. 2012; the benefits and harm of psoriasis treatments. J Cutan Med 51(10): 1248-52. Surg. 2013; 17: 189-96. 2. Alhusayen R, Juurlink D, Mamdani M, Morrow R, Shear NH, Dormuth C. Isotretinoin and inflammatory bowel disease: Population-based study. J Invest Dermatol. 2013; 133: 866-8. 3. Amstutz U, Ross, CJD, Castro-Pastrana, LI, Rieder, MJ, Shear NH, Hayden MR, Carleton BC (and the Canadian Pharmacogenomics Network for Drug Safety Consortium). HLA-B*15:02 and HLA-A*31:01 as genetic markers for

56 Honours and Awards Provincial/Regional

International Distinctions and Research Awards

Received Distinctions and Research Awards 1. Shear, Neil. Dr. Barry Zimmerman Memorial Lectureship, Received Allergy Asthma and Immunology Society of Ontario, Canada. 1. Shear, Neil. Visiting Professor, Einstein/Montefiore Department 2012. of Medicine, United States. 2013. Local 2. Shear, Neil. Visiting Professor, St. John’s Institute (King’s University), United Kingdom. 2012. Teaching Awards 3. Shear, Neil. Visiting Professor, University of Nottingham, Received United Kingdom. 2012. 4. Shear, Neil. Visiting Professor, The University of Manchester, 1. Walsh, Scott. Bernice Rose Krafchik Teaching Award, United Kingdom. 2012. Dermatology, Dept of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto. 2013. 5. Shear, Neil. Visiting Professor, Cardiff University, Canada. 2012. Unspecified Geographical Scope 6. Shear, Neil. 28th Stiefel Visiting Professor, Royal Society of Medicine, London, United Kingdom. 2012. Distinctions and Research Awards Received National 1. Shear, Neil. Presidential Citation, American Academy of Distinctions and Research Awards Dermatology, United States. 2013

Received 2. In recognition of contributions to the Medical Student Core Curriculum. 1. Shear, Neil. Dr. David Hawkins Lectureship, Department of 3. Shear, Neil. 37th Dr. Hermann Pinkus Lectureship, The Medicine, Memorial University, St. John’s, NL, Canada. 2012. Dr. Hermann Pinkus Foundation, Detroit, Michigan, United Teaching Awards States. 2012.

Received 4. Shear, Neil. Best Doctors. 2002 – present.

1. Walsh, Scott. Resident and Fellows Section (CDA-RFS) 5. Shear, Neil. Who’s Who (Ontario), Canada. 1995 – present. Excellence in Clinical Teaching Staff Award, Faculty of 6. Shear, Neil. Who’s Who (Canadian edition), Canada. 1992 – Medicine, Canadian Dermatology Association. 2012. present.


Number of Faculty: 5 Grants Number Amount Peer Reviewed Funding Principal Investigator: 3 $101,367 CAD Co-Principal Investigator: 1 $32,102 CAD 1 $147,198 AUD Co-Investigator / Collaborator: 11 $1,321,771 CAD Other: 1 - CAD 1 - USD Peer Reviewed Funding Total: 16 $1,455,240 CAD 1 $147,198 AUD 1 - USD Non Peer Reviewed Funding Non Peer Reviewed Funding Total: - -

Publications Number Peer Reviewed Publications Principal Author 2 Co-Principal Author 1 Senior Responsible Author 6 Collaborator / Co-Author 18 Other Role 0 Peer Reviewed Publications Total: 27

Honours and Awards Received International Totals: - National Totals: - Provincial / Regional Totals: - Local Totals: 1 Total Honours and Awards: 1

58 Grants, Contracts and Clinical Trials Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). ($229,876 CAD Jul 2011 - Jun 2014, Prorated Amount: $76,625 CAD) Peer-Reviewed Funding [Grant] 7. Lowe, Julia. Youth Out Reach for Diabetes (YOuR-Diabetes): Division Member is Principal Investigator: Implementation and evaluation of a Systems Navigation Model 1. Shah, Baiju R. Microalbuminuria and Retinopathy in of Transition and Care for Non-Metropolitan Young Adults Gestational Diabetes: The MARIGOLD Study. Canadian with Type 1 Diabetes. Perry, Lin: NHMRC. Partnership Grant. Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). ($100,000 CAD Mar ($735,989 AUD Jul 2011 - Jun 2016, Prorated Amount: 2013 – Feb 2014, Prorated Amount: $33,333 CAD) [Grant] $147,197 AUD) [Grant] 2. Shah, Baiju R.nRApid Diabetes Assessment and Referral 8. Shah, Baiju R. Evaluation of a strategy to improve (RADAR) Clinic. Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre Ambulatory cardiovascular disease screening and treatment for people Services Pilot Project. ($85,000 CAD Oct 2011 - Sep 2013, with diabetes. Shah BR, Zwarenstein M, Zwarenstein M Prorated Amount: $42,500 CAD) [Grant] (Co-Principal Investigator), Mamdani M, Straus S, Parsons 3. Shah, Baiju R. The influence of language and ethnicity J, Bhattacharyya O, Yu C: Canadian Institutes of Health on stroke care. Shah BR, Kapral M, Khan N, O’Donnell M: Research (CIHR). Operating Grant: Intervention Research. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Operating ($149,809 CAD Oct 2009 - Mar 2013, Prorated Amount: Grant. ($102,136 CAD Apr 2010 – Mar 2014, Prorated $32,101 CAD) [Grant] Amount: $25,534 CAD) [Grant] 9. Shah, Baiju R. Healthcare System Sustainability through Longitudinal Efficiency: Improved Quality and Lower Costs. Other Peer-Reviewed Funding Stukel T, Alter D, Bierman A, Glazier R, Guttman A, Katz A, 1. Lowe, Julia. Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Women Laport A, Lee D, Manuel D, Shah BR, Smith M, Tu K: Canadian with Type 1 Diabetes in Pregnancy Trial. Feig, Denice: JDRF. Institutes of Health Research. Emerging Team Grant: Applied (Mar 2011 - Mar 2016) [Clinical Trial] Health Services and Policy Research. ($1,460,779 CAD Dec 2008 - Nov 2013, Prorated Amount: $292,155 CAD) [Grant] 2. Lowe, Julia. Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy and Future Risk of Diabetes in Affected Women and Their Offspring. Feig, 10. Shah, Baiju R. Mobile Diabetes Education Teams in Primary Denice, Shah Baiju, Wu, Fangyun; Hwee, Jeremiah, Ray Care. Gucciardi, Enza: Canadian Institutes of Health Research Joel, Lipscombe Lorraine, Booth Gillian: Canadian Diabetes (CIHR). ($277,601 CAD Jul 2011 - Jun 2014, Prorated Association. ($98,081 CAD Jul 2010 - Jul 2012, Prorated Amount: $92,533 CAD) [Grant] Amount: $3,923 CAD) [Grant] 11. Shah, Baiju R. South Asian HeArt Risk Assessment (SAHARA) 3. Lowe, Julia. MiTy Kids. Feig D: Canadian Institutes of Health Project. Anand, Sonia: Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada Research (CIHR). (Oct 2012 - Jun 2017) [Grant] (HSFC). Grant in Aid. ($140,000 CAD Sep 2010 - Aug 2012, Prorated Amount: $11,666 CAD) [Grant] 4. Lowe, Julia. MiTy trial (Metformin in Women with Type 2 Diabetes in pregnancy). Feig D: Canadian Institutes of Health 12. Shah, Baiju R. South Asian Heart Risk Assessment (SAHARA) Research (CIHR). ($1,700,000 CAD Jun 2010 - Jun 2015, Project. Anand, Sonia: Canadian Institutes of Health Research Prorated Amount: $334,426 CAD) [Grant] (CIHR). Operating Grant. ($714,514 CAD Jun 2012 - Mar 2015, Prorated Amount: $252,181 CAD) [Grant] 5. Lowe, Julia. RApid Diabetes Assessment and Referral (RADAR) Clinic. Shah, Baiju, Dr. Ivy Fettes, Dr. Jay Silverberg, 13. Shah, Baiju R. START- SouTh Asian biRth cohorT. Anand, Dr. Jeremy Gilbert: AHSC AFP. ($72,000 CAD Jan 2012 - Sonia: Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada (HSFC). Dec 2012, Prorated Amount: $36,000 CAD) [Clinical Trial] ($375,000 CAD Apr 2011 - Mar 2014, Prorated Amount: $125,000 CAD) [Grant] 6. Lowe, Julia. The effect of a low glycemic index (GI) diet on maternal glycemic control and maternal and neonatal 14. Shah, Baiju R. Understanding the determinants of adiposity markers of postpartum diabetes risk in women with gestational among newborns of Indian ancestry in Canada and India. hyperglycemia. Wolever, Thomas, Barre, Ed; Darling, Pauline; Anand S, Beyene J, Gupta M, Dunn J, McDonald S, Ray J, Lowe, Julia; El-Sohemy Ahmed; Feig Denice; Josse Robert; Irvine J, Teo K, Saigal S, Pare G, Persad V, Mente A, Morrison Luthra, Meera; O’Connor Deborah; Ray, Joel, Thorpe, Kevin: K, Retnakaran R, Hynie M, Shah BR: Canadian Institutes for

59 Health Research. Team Grant. ($375,000 CAD Apr 2011 - 9. Gucciardi E, Fortugno M, Horodezny S, Lou W, Sidani Oct 2014, Prorated Amount: $97,259 CAD) [Grant] S, Espin S, Webster F, Shah BR. Will Mobile Diabetes 15. Silverberg, Jay David Howard. Cardiovascular Inflammation Education Teams (MDETs) in primary care improve patient Research Trial. Ridker Paul: National Heart, Lung, and Blood care processes and health outcomes? Study protocol for Institute (NHLBI) (USA). (Jul 2012 - Jun 2018) [Clinical Trial] a randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2012 Sep; 13: 165. 10. Ivers NM, Halperin IJ, Barnsley J, Grimshaw JM, Shah BR, Tu Publications K, Upshur R, Zwarenstein M. Allocation techniques for balance at baseline in cluster randomized trials: a methodological Peer-Reviewed Publications review. Trials. 2012 Aug; 13: 120 (Trainee Publication). 11. Juurlink D, Gomes T, Shah BR, Mamdani MM. Adverse Journal Articles cardiovascular events during treatment with glyburide or 1. Austin PC, Shah BR, Newman A, Anderson GM. Using the gliclazide in a high-risk population. Diabetic Medicine. 2012 Johns Hopkins Aggregated Diagnostic Groups (ADGs) to Dec; 29: 1524-1528. predict mortality in a population-based cohort of patients 12. Kiran T, Kopp A, Moineddin R, Victor C, Campbell RE, Shah with diabetes in Ontario, Canada. Diabetic Medicine. 2012 BR, Glazier R. Unintended consequences of delisting routine Sep; 29(9): 1134-1141. eye exams on retinopathy screening for people with diabetes 2. Booth GL, Bishara P, Lipscombe LL, Shah BR, Feig DS, in Ontario, Canada.CMAJ. 2013 Feb; 185:E167-E173. Bhattacharyya O, Beirman AS. Universal drug coverage 13. Lind M, Lipscombe LL, Booth G, Ekeroth G, Shah BR, and socioeconomic disparities in major diabetes outcomes. Alberto L, Soriano LC. Mortality trends in patients with and Diabetes Care. 2012 Nov; 35: 2257-2264. (Trainee Publication). without diabetes in Ontario, Canada and the United Kingdom 3. Carter AA, Gomes T, Camacho X, Juurlink DN, Shah BR, from 1996 to 2009: A population-based study. Diabetologia. Mamdani MM. Risk of incident diabetes among patients 2013 Jun 22; [Epub ahead of print]. treated with statins: population based study. BMJ. 2013 14. Liu SL, Shah BR, Naqshbandi M, Tran V, Harris SB. Increased May 23; 346: f2610. (Trainee Publication). rates of adverse outcomes for gestational diabetes and 4. Cauch-Dudek K, Victor JC, Sigmond M, Shah BR. Disparities pre-gestational diabetes in on-reserve First Nations women in attendance at diabetes self-management education in Ontario.Diabetic Medicine. 2012 Jul; 29, e180-e183. programs after diagnosis in Ontario, Canada: a cohort study. (Trainee Publication). BMC Public Health. 2013 Feb; 13: 85. 15. Lowe J, Lovett E, Attia J, Levi C, Thakkinstian A. Influence 5. Feig D, Booth G, Hwee J, Wu F, Lowe J, Lipscombe L, of Glycaemic Control on Outcomes after acute ischaemic Shah BR, Ray J. Preeclampsia as a risk factor for diabetes; stroke. International Journal of Diabetes Research. 2013 a population-based cohort study. PLoS Medicine. 2013 Apr; May 7; 2(1). (Trainee Publication). 10(4): e1001425. 16. Lysy Z, Booth GL, Shah BR, Austin PC, Luo J, Lipscombe 6. Feig DS, Shah B, Lipscombe LL, Wu F, Ray J, Lowe J Hwee LL. The impact of income on the incidence of diabetes: a J, Booth G. Preeclampsia as a Risk Factor For Diabetes: A population-based study. Diabetes Research and Clinical Population-Based Cohort Study. PLoS Medicine. 2013 Apr Practice. 2013 Mar; 99(3): 372-9. (Trainee Publication). 6; 10(4): e1001425. 17. Morrison MK, Koh D, Lowe JM, Miller YD, Marshall AL, 7. Foster P, Mamdani MM, Juurlink DN, Shah BR, Paterson Collins CE. Postpartum diet quality in Australian women M, Gomes T. Trends in selection and timing of first-line following a gestational diabetes pregnancy. European Journal pharmacotherapy in older type 2 diabetes patients diagnosed of Clinical Nutrition. 2012 Jul 11; 66(10): 1160-1165. (Trainee between 1994 and 2006. Diabet Med. 2013 Apr 16. (Trainee Publication). Publication). 18. Mukerji G, Chiu M, Shah BR. Gestational diabetes mellitus 8. Gomes T, Juurlink DN, Shah BR, Hellings CR, Paterson and pregnancy outcomes among Chinese and South Asian JM, Mamdani MM. Progression through diabetes therapies women in Canada. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2013 Feb; among new elderly users of metformin: a population-based 26(3): 279-84. (Trainee Publication). study. Diabetic Medicine. 2013 Feb; 30: e51-e55.

60 19. Shah BR, Victor JC, Chiu M, Tu JV, Anand SS, Austin PC, Abstracts Manuel DG, Hux JE. Cardiovascular complications and 1. Cauch-Dudek K, Hwee J, Ng R, Ratnasingham S, Victor mortality after Diabetes diagnosis for South Asian and Chinese JC, Shah BR. Use of diabetes education centres by people patients: a population-based cohort study. Diabetes Care. at risk for diabetes reduces access for those with incident 2013 May 1; [Epub ahead of print]. diabetes. Canadian Journal of Diabetes. 2012 Oct; 36(5 20. Sibbald RG, Ayello E,Alavi A, Ostrow B, Lowe J,Boutros Suppl.): S72. M,Goodman L, Woo K, Smart H. A Simplified 60 second 2. Cauch-Dudek K, Hwee J, Ratnasingham S, Victor JC, Zheng screening test (2012) to detect high risk diabetic foot, prevent H, Shah BR. Group diabetes education leads to better foot ulcers and lower limb amputations. Advances in Skin outcomes than individual counselling. Canadian Journal of and Wound Care. 2012 Jul 23; 25(10): 465-76. Diabetes. 2012 Oct; 36(5 Suppl.): S72. 21. Yu CH, Parsons J, Mamdani M, Lebovic G, Shah BR, 3. Hwee J, Cauch-Dudek K, Chen Z, Ratnasingham S, Victor Bhattacharyya O, Laupacis A, Straus SE. Designing and JC, Shah BR. The impact of diabetes education centre evaluating a web-based self-management site for patients attendance on long-term clinical outcomes. Canadian Journal with Type 2 diabetes - systematic website development of Diabetes. 2012 Jul; 36(5 Suppl.): S21. and study protocol. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making. 2012 Oct; 12: 57. Honours and Awards Case Reports Local 1. Klieb, Enepekides, Avon, Sade. Florid cutaneous and mucosal papillomatosis: Muco-cutaneous markers of an Teaching Awards underlying gastric malignancy. Journal of Clinical Oncology. Received 2013 May 1; 31(13). 1. Gilbert, Jeremy. 2013 Sunnybrook Department of Medicine Continuing Education Teaching Award, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.


Number of Faculty: 6 Grants Number Amount Peer Reviewed Funding Principal Investigator: 2 $62,253 CAD Co-Principal Investigator: 1 $56,294 CAD 1 $1,306 USD Co-Investigator / Collaborator: 7 $486,794 CAD Other: 2 $11,163 CAD Peer Reviewed Funding Total: 13 $616,504 CAD 1 $1,306 USD Non Peer Reviewed Funding Non Peer Reviewed Funding Total: 24 $483,894 CAD

Publications Number Peer Reviewed Publications Principal Author - Co-Principal Author 3 Senior Responsible Author - Collaborator / Co-Author 7 Other Role - Total 10

Honours and Awards Received International Totals: - National Totals: - Provincial / Regional Totals: - Local Totals: 1 Unspecified Scope Totals: - Total Honours and Awards: 1

62 Grants, Contracts and Clinical Trials Institute. ($193,009 CAD Feb 2011 - Jan 2013, Prorated Amount: $56,294 CAD) [Grant] Peer-Reviewed Funding 8. Tinmouth, Jill. Identifying barriers to participation in colorectal cancer screening. Nancy Baxter: Canadian Cancer Society Division Member is Principal Investigator: Research Institute. ($204,847 CAD Jul 2011 - Jun 2013, 1. Cooper, Mary Anne. Developing Quantitative Tools to Prorated Amount: $102,424 CAD) [Grant] Evaluate Endoscopic Performance Using a High Fidelity 9. Tinmouth, Jill. Influence of diabetes on cancer screening Simulator. Dr. Mary Anne Cooper, Dr. Heather Carnahan, Dr. and prognosis. Lipscombe, Lorraine: Canadian Institutes of Samir Grover, Dr. Jill Tinmouth, Dr. Elaine Yong: University of Health Research (CIHR). Operating grants. ($277,599 CAD Toronto, Division of Gastroenterology. (2010 – present) [Grant] July 2012 - Jul 2015, Prorated Amount: $90,032 CAD) [Grant] 2. Tinmouth, Jill. Improving the quality of colonoscopy: 10. Tinmouth, Jill. A population-based study of cancer incidence Development and pilot testing of an endoscopist audit and mortality in patients with solid organ transplants. Baxter, and feedback tool derived from health administrative data. Nancy: Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Canadian Cancer Society Research Institute. ($186,758 CAD ($682,732 CAD Oct 2011 - Sep 2016, Prorated Amount: Feb 2011 - Jan 2014, Prorated Amount: $62,253 CAD)[Grant] $136,546 CAD) [Grant]

Other Peer-Reviewed Funding 11. Tinmouth, Jill. Team Grant - Emerging: Colorectal Cancer Screening. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). 1. Bernstein, Michael. A Phase 2A, Randomized, Double-blind, ($2,443,467 CAD Oct 2007 – Oct 2012, Prorated Amount: Sponsor Unblinded, Placebo-Controlled, Multiple Dose Study $122,173 CAD) [Grant] to Evaluate the Pharmacodynamics, Pharmacokinetics and Safety of Anrukinzumab in Patients with Active Ulcerative Non-Peer-Reviewed Funding Colitis. (Nov 2011 - Nov 2012) [Industrial Grant] 1. Bernstein, Michael. A randomized, double-blind, placebo 2. Bernstein, Michael. Dynamic city-wide audit of GI quality controlled, parallell group, multi-centre study to investigate indicators of care among University of Toronto-affiliated the safety and efficacy of CP-690,550 for induction therapy in hospitals. Nguyen, Geoff, Maria Cino, Adam Weizman, subjects with moderate to severe crohn’s disease (protocol.: Jan Irvine, Florence Wong: University of Toronto. Strategic A3921083). Pfizer. ($3,997 CAD Feb 2012 – present, Prorated Planning Innovation Fund. ($30,000 CAD Jan 2013, Prorated Amount: $2,460 CAD) [Industrial Grant] Amount: $30,000 CAD) [Grant] 2. Bernstein, Michael. A randomized, double-blind, placebo 3. Cohen, Lawrence B. Polyp Prevention Study and Extension controlled, parallell group, multi-centre study to investigate Studies. Saibil, Fred: NCI (USA). ($377,435 Jul 1995 - present the safety and efficacy of CP-690,550 for induction therapy in Prorated Amount: $5,470) [Clinical Trial] subjects with moderate to severe crohn’s disease (protocol.: 4. Cooper, Mary Anne. Biomarkers for Assessment Of Liver A3921084). Pfizer. ($3,997 CAD Jun 2012 – present, Prorated Fibrosis. Ms. Tammie Taylor, MLT, Dr.Lei Fu Dr. David Cole: Amount: $3,553 CAD) [Industrial Grant] Sunnybrook Practice Based Research (PBR). ($9,526 CAD 3. Bernstein, Michael. A phase 3, Randomized, double-bling, Apr 2007 - present, Prorated Amount: $149 CAD) [Grant] Placebo-controlled Parallel-group. Multicenter study to evaluate 5. Saibil, Fred. Polyp prevention trial extension studies (DNA the safety and efficacy of Ustekinumab Induction Therapy in methylation; thromboxane B2, others). Dr. L. Cohen: NCI subjects with moderately to severely active Crohn’s disease (USA). ($24,494 USD 1995 - present, Prorated Amount: who have fail or are intolerant to TNF antagonist therapy: $1,306 USD) [Grant] UNITI-1 (protocol no.:CNTO1275CRD3001). Janssen R & D. 6. Saibil, Fred. GEM project: A multidisciplinary Human Study ($4,087 CAD Apr 2012 – present, Prorated Amount: $2,972 of the Genetic, Environmental and Microbial Interactions that CAD) [Industrial Grant] Cause Inflammatory Bowel Disease.Croituru, Ken: Canadian 4. Bernstein, Michael. A phase 3, Randomized, double-bling, Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). ($40,000 CAD Mar Placebo-controlled Parallel-group. Multicenter study to evaluate 2010 - present, Prorated Amount: $11,163 CAD) [Grant] the safety and efficacy of Ustekinumab Induction Therapy in 7. Tinmouth, Jill. Treatment of Anal Dysplasia: Acceptability and subjects with moderately to severely active Crohn’s disease Outcomes. Salit, Irving: Canadian Cancer Society Research who have fail or are intolerant to TNF antagonist therapy:

63 UNITI-2 (protocol no.:CNTO1275CRD3002). Janssen R & D. Research Foundation. ($4,087 CAD Apr 2012 - present, ($4,087 CAD Apr 2012 – present, Prorated Amount: $2,972 Prorated Amount: $3,270 CAD) [Industrial Grant] CAD) [Industrial Grant] 12. Cohen, Lawrence B. A phase 3 randomized double blind 5. Bernstein, Michael. A phase 3, Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, multicenter study to Placebo-controlled Parallel-group. Multicenter study to evaluate evaluate the safety and efficacy of Ustekinumab therapy in the safety and efficacy of Ustekinumab Induction Therapy in subjects with moderately to severely active Crohn’s disease subjects with moderately to severely active Crohn’s disease IMUNTI (protocol no CNTO1275CRD3003). Janssen Research who have fail or are intolerant to TNF antagonist therapy: Foundation. ($4,087 CAD Jun 2012 – present, Prorated IMUNTI (protocol no.:CNTO1275CRD3003). Janssen R & D. Amount: $3,773 CAD) [Industrial Grant] ($4,087 CAD Jun 2012 – present, Prorated Amount: $3,633 13. Cohen, Lawrence B. Inflammatory Bowel Disease Health CAD) [Industrial Grant] Care Assessment. Abbott Laboratories. ($7,040 CAD May 6. Bernstein, Michael. Inflammatory Bowel Disease Health 2012 – Oct 2012, Prorated Amount: $4,693 CAD) [Investigator Care Assessment. Abbott Laboratories. ($7,040 CAD May Initiated Trial/Industry Supported Trial] 2012 – Oct 2012, Prorated Amount: $4,693 CAD) [Industry 14. Cohen, Lawrence B. PYRAMID (Humira Registry Project). Supported Trial] Saibil, Fred: Abbott Laboratories. ($19,206 CAD July 2008 7. Cohen, Lawrence B. ICE Trials The Efficacy of Open Label – present, Prorated Amount: $3,658 CAD) [Industrial Grant] Infliximab for the induction and maintenance of Mucosal 15. Cohen, Lawrence B. PURSUIT Trial (Induction Phase). Healing in small bowel Crohn’s Disease assessed through Saibil, Fred: Centocor Inc. ($23,782 CAD Apr 2008 – present, wireless capsule endoscopy. Merck, Canada. (Apr Prorated Amount: $4,324 CAD) [Industrial Grant] 2011 – present) [Industrial Grant] 16. Cohen, Lawrence B. PuRSUIT Trial (Maintenance Phase). 8. Cohen, Lawrence B. A Randomized Double Blind Placebo Saibil, Fred: Centocor Inc. ($38,528 CAD Apr 2008 – present, Controlled Parallel Group Multi-Centre Study to Investigate the Prorated Amount: $7,005 CAD) [Industrial Grant] Safety and Efficacy of CP-690, 550 for induction therapy in 17. Cohen, Lawrence B. Change in Adipocytokines profiles Subjects with Moderate to Severe Crohn’s disease (Protocol in obese patients treated with intragastric balloon therapy. no A3921084). Pfizer Canada Inc. ($3,997 CAD Feb 2012 Cohen, Lawrence: Private Donation. ($125,000 CAD Jun – present, Prorated Amount: $2,821 CAD) [Clinical Trial] 2012 – present, Prorated Amount: $83,333 CAD) [Donation] 9. Cohen, Lawrence B. A Randomized Double Blind Placebo 18. Saibil, Fred. PURSUIT trial: Golimumab for active ulcerative Controlled Parallel Group Multi-Centre Study to investigate the colitis. Maintenance study. Dr. L. Cohen: Centocor. ($2,538 Safety and Efficacy of CP-690,550 for maintenance therapy CAD 2008 – present, Prorated Amount: $441 CAD) [Grant] in subjects with Moderate to Severe Crohn’s disease(Protocol no: 3921084). Pfizer Canada Inc. ($3,997 CAD Jun 19. Saibil, Fred. Pyramid trial: Adalimumab for Crohn’s disease; 2012 – present, Prorated Amount: $3,690 CAD) [Industrial monitoring study. Dr. L. Cohen: Abbott Laboratories. ($4,940 Grant] CAD Jul 2008 – present, Prorated Amount: $941 CAD) [Grant] 10. Cohen, Lawrence B. A Phase 3, Randomized Double Blind, 20. Saibil, Fred. PURSUIT trial: Golimumab for active ulcerative Placebo controlled Parallel group Multi-center study to evaluate colitis. Induction study. Dr. L. Cohen: Centocor. ($10,269 the Safety and Efficacy of Ustekinumab Induction therapy in CAD 2008 – present, Prorated Amount: $1,786 CAD) [Grant] Subjects with Moderately to Severely active Crohn’s disease 21. Tinmouth, Jill. Assessing the quality of colonoscopy: who have failed or are intolerant to TNF Antagonist Therapy Validation of NEW colonoscopy data elements from the UNITI-1 (Protocol no: CNTO1275CRD3001). Janssen R&D. Colonoscopy Interim Reporting Tool (CIRT). Tinmouth, Jill: ($4,087 CAD Apr 2012 – present, Prorated Amount: $3,270 Ontario Institute for Cancer Research. ($15,000 CAD Jan CAD) [Industrial Grant] 2012 - Dec 2012, Prorated Amount: $7,500 CAD) [Contract] 11. Cohen, Lawrence B. A Phase 3, Randomized Double 22. Tinmouth, Jill. Pilot Evaluation of Fecal Immunologic Test blind, Placebo Controlled Parallel group Multi center study in Ontario. Cancer Care Ontario. ($401,000 CAD Mar 2011 to evaluate the Safety and efficacy of Ustekinumab Induction - Apr 2013, Prorated Amount: $154,231 CAD) [Contract] Therapy in Subjects with Moderately to Severely Active Crohn’s 23. Tinmouth, Jill. Increasing the uptake of colorectal cancer disease UNITI-2 (protocol no:CNTO1275CRD2003). Janssen screening in Ontario. Ontario Institute for Cancer Research.

64 ($457,427 CAD Jan 2011 – Dec 2013, Prorated Amount: health outcomes of ulcerative colitis patients. Alimentary $152,476 CAD) [Contract] Pharmacology & Therapeutics. 2012; 36(11-12): 1032-9. 24. Yong, Elaine. Endoscopic Ultrasonography in Ontario: (Trainee Publication). Healthcare Utilization and Outcomes from 2003 to 2011. 6. Neuman MG, Nanau MR, Cohen L, Hwang P. Genetic Elaine Yong, Paul James Jill Tinmouth: CIHR/CAG. CIHR and Immune Predictors for Hypersensitivity Syndrome to Fellowship Award. ($55,000 CAD Jul 2012 - Jul 2014, Antiepileptic Drugs. Translation Res, J Clinical and Lab Prorated Amount: $26,400 CAD) [Research Fellowship] Medicine 2012; 159: 397-406.

Publications 7. Nguyen G, Saibil F, Steinhart AH, Tinmouth JM. Postoperative health-care utilization in Crohn’s disease: the impact of Peer-Reviewed Publications specialist care. American Journal of Gastroenterology. 2012 Oct; 107(10): 1522-9. Epub 2012 Jul 31.

Journal Articles 8. Tinmouth J, Ritvo P, McGregor SE, Guglietti C, Green J, Claus D, Levitt C, Paszat LF, Rabeneck L. Family Physician 1. Beaulieu, D, Barkun AN, Dube C, Tinmouth, J, Halle P, Perceptions of Ontario’s ColonCancerCheck Primary Care Martel M. Endoscopy Reporting Standards.Canadian Journal Invitation Pilot. Canadian Family Physician. 2012; 58(10): of Gastroenterology. 2013; 27(5): 286-292. e570-7. 2. Cardoso R, Coburn N, Seevaratnam R, Sutradhar R, Lourenco 9. Udell JA, Wang CS, Tinmouth J, FitzGerald Jm, Ayas NT, LG, Mahar A, Law C, Yong E, Tinmouth J. A systematic Schulzer M, Mak E, Yoshida EM. The rational clinical exam: review and meta-analysis of the utility of EUS for preoperative Does this patient have cirrhosis? JAMA. 2012; 307: 832-42. staging for gastric cancer. Gastric Cancer. 2012 Sep 16; 15 (Trainee Publication). Suppl 1: 19-26. 3. Landry ME, Salit IE, Rodrigues-Coutlée C, Money D, Honours and Awards Rebbapragada A, Tinmouth J, Hankins C, Gorska-Flipot I, Archambault J, Franco EL, Coutlée F. Ano-genital human Local papillomavirus type 97 infection is detected in Canadian men but not women at risk or infected with the human Teaching Awards immunodeficiency virus. Virology Journal. 2012; 9(1): 243. Received 4. Murthy SK, Steinhart AH, Tinmouth J, Austin P, Nguyen 1. Cooper, Mary Anne. Outstanding Contribution by a Faculty GC. Impact of gastroenterologist care on health outcomes Member, Peters-Boyd Academy Teaching Award, Faculty of hospitalized ulcerative colitis patients. Gut. 2012; 61: of Medicine, University of Toronto, Canada. 2013 – 2013 1410-1416. (Trainee Publication). 5. Murthy SK, Steinhart AH, Tinmouth J, Austin PC, Daneman N, Nguyen GC. Impact of Clostridium difficile colitis on 5-year


Number of Faculty: 12 Grants Number Amount Peer Reviewed Funding Principal Investigator: 17 $700,184 CAD Co-Principal Investigator: 8 $1,399,845 CAD Co-Investigator / Collaborator: 30 $6,196,249 CAD 2 $252,710 USD Other: 1 $55,000 CAD Peer Reviewed Funding Total: 56 $8,351,278 CAD 2 $252,710 USD Non Peer Reviewed Funding Non Peer Reviewed Funding Total: - -

Publications Number Peer Reviewed Publications Principal Author 18 Co-Principal Author 10 Senior Responsible Author 21 Collaborator / Co-Author 39 Other Role - Peer Reviewed Publications Total 88

Honours and Awards Received International Totals: 2 National Totals: 7 Provincial / Regional Totals: 1 Local Totals: 13 Unspecified Scope Totals: - Total Honours and Awards: 23

66 Grants, Contracts and Clinical Trials Institutes of Health Research, Emerging Team Grant: Health Services and Policy Research. ($1,379,400 CAD Apr 2009 - Peer-Reviewed Funding Dec 2014, Prorated Amount: $239,895 CAD) [Grant] 9. Juurlink, David N. Take a Minute: Developing an online Division Member is Principal Investigator: community of practice and tools to disseminate research 1. Fowler, Robert. A National Comparison of Intensity of End- evidence on opioid analgesics. Canadian Institutes of Health of-Life Care in Canada: Defining Changing Patterns, Risk Research (CIHR). ($24,664 CAD Mar 2013 - Feb 2014, Factors and Targets for Intervention. Fowler, R: Canadian Prorated Amount: $8,221 CAD) [Grant] Institutes of Health Research. ($99,208 CAD 2011 - 2013, 10. Kuper, Ayelet. Teaching the Intrinsic CanMEDS Roles: Prorated Amount: $33,069 CAD) [Grant] Broadening the Curriculum Beyond Bioscience Kuper, 2. Fowler, Robert. A National Comparison of Intensity of End- Ayelet, Jeannette Goguen, Martin Schreiber, Lisa Richardson, of-Life Care in Canada: Defining Changing Patterns, Risk Cynthia Whitehead, Ross Upshur: Department of Medicine, Factors and Targets for Intervention. Kozac J-F, Rockwood University of Toronto. DOM Educational Scholarship and K, Andrea Hill, Wunsch H, Skinner J, Rubenfeld G, Scales D, Research Grants. ($21,006 CAD Jan 2013 - Dec 2013, Heyland D, Stukel T. ($196,187 CAD 2013 - 2015, Prorated Prorated Amount: $10,503 CAD) [Grant] Amount: $32,697 CAD) [Grant] 11. Najeeb, Umberin. Study the impact of novel mentorship 3. Fowler, Robert. A Pilot Study to Ascertain the use of program on integration of IMG residents into their residency Intensive Care Units (ICU’s) as an Option for the Surveillance training Dr. Umberin Najeeb, Dr. Brian Wong, Dr. Lynfa Stroud, of Severe Respiratory Illness (SRI) in Canada. Public Health Dr. Lisa Richardson, Dr. Heather McDonald Blumer, Dr. Agency of Canada (PHAC). ($197,068 CAD 2013 - 2014, Ayelet Kuper: University of Toronto: Department of Medicine Prorated Amount: $49,267 CAD) [Grant] Scholarship & Research Grant. ($10,389 CAD Dec 2012 - Dec 2013, Prorated Amount: $5,594 CAD) [Grant] 4. Fowler, Robert. Comparison of End-of-Life Care in Canada and the United States. Fowler, R: The Commonwealth Fund. 12. Redelmeier, Donald A. A New Model for General Internal ($20,000 CAD 2011 - 2013, Prorated Amount: $6,666 Medicine Teaching Units. Redelmeier, Don, Shadowitz S, CAD) [Grant] Etchells E: Alternative Funding Plan. Innovation Fund. ($90,000 CAD 2011 - 2013, Prorated Amount: $30,000 CAD) [Grant] 5. Fowler, Robert. Optimizing duration of antibiotic therapy for bloodstream infections. Physicians Services Incorporated 13. Redelmeier, Donald A. Generalized Reproductive Assistance Foundation (The) (PSI). ($167,000 CAD 2012 - Jun 2014, and Vascular Illness Downstream (GRAVID) Redelmeier, Prorated Amount: $66,800 CAD) [Grant] Donald, Laskin C, Librach C, Udell J: Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). ($97,307 CAD 2011 - 2014, 6. Fowler, Robert. Regional and temporal variations in incidence, Prorated Amount: $24,326 CAD) [Grant] prevalence and outcomes of critical illness among pregnant and post-partum women and newborns in Canada. Damon 14. Redelmeier, Donald A. Symptomatic Thrombosis and Scales, Stephen Lapinsky, Joel Ray, Ruxandra Pinto, Kazu Occlusions after Reproductive Kindling (STORK) Redelmeier, Aoyama: Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Donald, Laskin C, Librach C, Udell J: Canadian Institutes ($41,325 CAD 2012 - 2014, Prorated Amount: $13,775 of Health Research (CIHR). ($100,000 CAD 2012 - 2014, CAD) [Grant] Prorated Amount: $33,333 CAD) [Grant] 7. Fowler, Robert. Shinning a light on End-of-Life Care in 15. Shojania, Kaveh G. Promoting Real-Time Improvements Canada: Investigating Barriers, Testing Interventions, and in Safety for the Elderly (PRISE) Study. Brian Wong, Ed Disseminating Integrated Solutions for Patients, Families Etchells, Ross Baker, Jocelyn Charles, Barbara Liu, et al: and Healthcare Professionals. Gallagher R, Heyland D, Canadian Patient Safety Institute (CPSI). CPSI 2009 Research Kryworuchko J, Skinner J, You J, Wunsch H: University of Competition. ($260,000 CAD Jun 2010 - Jul 2012, Prorated Toronto Integrating Challenge Grant. ($187,900 CAD 2013 Amount: $10,000) [Grant] - 2015, Prorated Amount: $31,316 CAD) [Grant] 16. Shojania, Kaveh G. Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Patient 8. Juurlink, David N. Canadian Drug Safety and Effectiveness Safety and Quality Improvement. Government of Canada Research Network (CDSERN) David Juurlink: Canadian Research Chairs Program. ($500,000 CAD Oct 2008 - Oct 2013, Prorated Amount: $98,360 CAD) [Grant]

67 17. Wong, Brian. Building Capacity for Quality: A Realist 8. Fowler, Robert. Sex Differences in Admission to Intensive Evaluation of a Co-Learning Model for Resident Education Care Units: The Role of Social Support Factors. Dodek P, and Faculty Development in Quality Improvement Wong, Brian Fowler R, Doupe M, Fransoo R, Wong H, Kozak J: Technology M, Jeannette Goguen, Leahora Rotteau, Kieran McIntyre, Evaluation in the Elderly National Centre of Excellence (NCE). Ayelet Kuper, Kaveh Shojania: University of Toronto. Dept. ($125,807 CAD 2013 - 2015, Prorated Amount: $20,967 of Medicine Educational Scholarship & Research Grant. CAD) [Grant] ($12,712 CAD Jan 2013 - Dec 2013, Prorated Amount: 9. Fowler, Robert. Technology evaluation in the elserly network $6,356 CAD) [Grant] (TECH VALUE NET). Scientific Director: Heyland DK; Co- Investigators: 44 Network Investigators across Canada: Other Peer-Reviewed Funding: Networks of Centres of Excellence (NCE). Cash /in-kind 1. Etchells, Edward. Multi-Center Medication Reconciliation contributions $21,409,646 from other partners. ($23,888,157 Quality Improvement Study - MARQUIS. Agency for Health CAD 2012 - 2017, Prorated Amount: $3,981,359 CAD) [Grant] Care Research & Quality (AHRQ) (formerly Agency for Health 10. Fowler, Robert. Understanding Long-Term Mechanical Care Policy and Research). ($438,568 USD Oct 2010 - Sep Ventilation in Canada: A Programmatic Approach. AMIN, 2013, Prorated Amount: $146,189 USD) [Grant] Reshma; MAWDSLEY, Cathy; FAN, Eddy; FOWLER, Robert A; 2. Fowler, Robert. Age of Blood Evaluation (ABLE) Trial in FRASER, Ian M; GOLDSTEIN, Roger S; KATZ, Sherri L; KING, the Resuscitation of Critically Ill Patients. ($4,020,189 CAD Judith A; LEASA, David J; MCKIM, Douglas; NONOYAMA, 2008 - 2013, Prorated Amount: $670,031 CAD) [Grant] Mika L; ROAD, Jeremy D; RUBENFELD, Gordon: Canadian 3. Fowler, Robert. Council of Academic Hospitals of Ontario Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). ($349,863 CAD Apr (CAHO) Implementation of Antimicrobial Stewardship Programs 2011 - Mar 2014, Prorated Amount: $116,621 CAD) [Grant] (ASP) in Intensive Care Units in Ontario Academic Hospitals. 11. Juurlink, David N. Acute kidney injury from antiviral drugs for Morris, Andrew, Bell C, Fowler R, Burry L, Daneman N, Dresser herpes infections: A population-based study in older adults. L, Elligsen M, Herridge M, Mehta S, Muller M: ($768,000 Garg, Amit: Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). CAD 2011 - 2013, Prorated Amount: $256,000 CAD) [Grant] Operating Grant: Health Services Evaluation & Intervention. 4. Fowler, Robert. DECIsion-making about goals of care for ($99,209 CAD Apr 2012 - Mar 2013, Prorated Amount: hospitalized meDical PatiEnts: a multicentre, mixed-methods $74,406 CAD) [Grant] study. The DECIDE Study. Daren Heyland, John You, Martin 12. Juurlink, David N. Early Evaluation of the New Ontario Albert, Kevin Brazil, Andrew Day, James Downar, Roy Ilan, Narcotics Monitoring System. Sproule, Beth Ann, Furlan Dev Jayaraman, Jennifer Kryworuchko, Francois Lamontagne, A, Dhalla I, Mamdani MM, Gomes T: Canadian Institutes of Irene Ma, Anita Palepu, John Shik, Patricia Strachan: Canadian Health Research (CIHR). Operating Grant. ($197,609 CAD Apr Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). ($157,908 CAD 2012 2012 - Mar 2014, Prorated Amount: $98,804 CAD) [Grant] - 2014, Prorated Amount: $52,636 CAD) [Grant] 13. Juurlink, David N. Electrolyte Disorders from Common 5. Fowler, Robert. Evaluation of a novel cardiopulmonary Medications: Risk and Mitigation. Garg, Amit: Canadian resuscitation (CPR) video decision aid to promote shared Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Operating Grant: Health decision-making. Kryworuchko, Jennifer: Heart and Stroke Services Evaluation and Intervention. ($139,828 CAD Apr Foundation of Canada (HSFC). ($65,376 CAD 2012 - 2014, 2011 - Sep 2013, Prorated Amount: $55,931 CAD) [Grant] Prorated Amount: $21,792 CAD) [Grant] 14. Juurlink, David N. Ontario Drug Policy Research Network. 6. Fowler, Robert. Pilot KT intervention to address gender Ministry of Health and Long Term Care. ($4,700,000 CAD Apr differences in access to post arrest care. Rac, Valeria, Slutsky 2013 - Mar 2016, Prorated Amount: $391,666 CAD) [Grant] A, Abramson B, Dorian P, Bierman A, Parsons J, Scales 15. Juurlink, David N. The Ontario Drug Policy Research DC, Fowler R, Gray S, Dainty K, Zwarenstein M, Kiss A: Network (ODPRN). M. Mamdani (Co-Principal Investigator): Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). ($218,994 Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. MOHLTC CAD 2012 - 2014, Prorated Amount: $72,998 CAD) [Grant] Drug Innovation Fund. ($2,814,586 CAD Oct 2011 - Sep 7. Fowler, Robert. Planning meeting for the PREEDICCT 2014, Prorated Amount: $938,195 CAD) [Grant] study. Christian, Michael, Fisman D, Fowler R, Marshall J, 16. Kuper, Ayelet. A pathway to caring – Introducing a multiple Zygun D: Canadian Institutes of Health Research. ($23,842 narrative approach to the undergraduate medical curriculum. CAD 2011 - 2012, Prorated Amount: $15,974 CAD) [Grant] Locke, Kenneth, Pier Bryden, Ayelet Kuper, Joyce Nyhof-

68 Young, Allan Peterkin, Michael Roberts, Debra Hamer, 23. Redelmeier, Donald A. Childhood Cerebral Palsy and Jonathan Fuller, Jesse Kancir: Associated Medical Services. Maternal Cardiovascular Disease. Ray, JG, Guttman A, AMS Phoenix Call to Caring Grants. ($40,000 CAD Nov You J, McDonald S, Redelmeier DA: Ontario Federation 2012 - Oct 2013, Prorated Amount: $26,666 CAD) [Grant] for Cerebral Palsy. ($49,120 CAD 2011 - 2012, Prorated 17. Kuper, Ayelet. Better Education for Better Teamwork: Amount: $12,280 CAD) [Grant] Understanding the Discourses to Improve the Practices 24. Redelmeier, Donald A. Fellowship Award for Jay Udell. of Interprofessional Education. Whitehead, Cynthia, Ayelet Udell JA: Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Kuper, Mary Ellen Purkis, Saleem Razack, Heather Boon: ($165,000 CAD Jul 2010 - Jun 2013, Prorated Amount: Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Operating $55,000 CAD) [Grant] Grant. ($242,261 CAD Apr 2013 - Mar 2016, Prorated 25. Redelmeier, Donald A. Organ Donation after Brain Death Amount: $20,188 CAD) [Grant] in Ontario. Redelmeier, Don and Scales, Damon, Markel F: 18. Kuper, Ayelet. Building Capacity for Quality: A Realist Trillium Gift of Life Network (Ontario). ($90,000 CAD 2011 - Evaluation of a Co-Learning Model for Resident Education 2013, Prorated Amount: $30,000 CAD) [Grant] and Faculty Development in Quality Improvement. Wong, 26. Redelmeier, Donald A. Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium Brian, Jeannette Goguen, Leahora Rotteau, Kieran McIntyre, (ROC) Regional Clinical Centre - Toronto Regional Coordinating Ayelet Kuper, Kaveh Shojania: Department of Medicine, Centre. Morrison, Laurie: Canadian Institutes of Health University of Toronto. DOM Educational Scholarship and Research (CIHR). Institute of Circulatory and Respiratory Research Grants. ($11,212 CAD Jan 2013 - Dec 2013, Health. ($1,002,000 CAD Dec 2009 - Nov 2015, Prorated Prorated Amount: $5,606 CAD) [Grant] Amount: $167,000 CAD) [Grant] 19. Kuper, Ayelet. Knowledge Production Practices and 27. Redelmeier, Donald A. Toronto Regional resuscitation Legitimization Strategies Used by Social Scientists and research out of hospital network. Morrison, Laurie: National Humanities Scholars Working in Faculties of Medicine. Albert, Institutes of Health (NIH) (USA). Resuscitation Outcomes Mathieu, Ayelet Kuper: Social Sciences and Humanities Consortium (ROC). ($648,000 USD Dec 2009 - Dec 2015, Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). Standard Operating Prorated Amount: $106,520 USD) [Grant] Grant. ($51,900 CAD Apr 2011 - Mar 2014, Prorated Amount: 28. Redelmeier, Donald A. Toronto Regional resuscitation $17,300 CAD) [Grant] research out of hospital network. Morrison, Laurie: Heart 20. Kuper, Ayelet. Letting stories breathe: using patient stories and Stroke Foundation of Canada. Resuscitation Outcomes for organizational learning and improvement. Fancott, Carol Consortium (ROC). ($1,500,000 CAD Dec 2009 - Nov 2015, & Baker, G Ross, Whitney Berta, Ayelet Kuper: Associated Prorated Amount: $250,000 CAD) [Grant] Medical Services. AMS Phoenix Call to Caring Grants. 29. Stroud, Lynfa. Numbers and Narratives: Examining the ($14,000 CAD Nov 2012 - Oct 2013, Prorated Amount: effects of two-types of structured feedback on internal $9,333 CAD) [Grant] medicine residents’ recall and subsequent generation of 21. Kuper, Ayelet. The impact of a novel mentorship program on learning goals after feedback. Stroud L, Cavalcanti R, Sibbald the integration of IMGs into their residency training. Najeeb, M, McDonald-Blumer H, Brydges R, Eva K: Department Umberin, Ayelet Kuper, Brian Wong, Lynfa Stroud, Heather of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto. McDonald-Blumer, Lisa Richardson, Khalil Sivjee: Department of Educational Scholarship & Research Grant. ($10,086 CAD Medicine, University of Toronto. DOM Educational Scholarship Jan 2013 - Dec 2013, Prorated Amount: $5,043 CAD) [Grant] and Research Grants. ($10,398 CAD Jan 2013 - Dec 2013, 30. Stroud, Lynfa. Piloting a research protocol and building Prorated Amount: $5,199 CAD) [Grant] key informant networks for a scoping review on training and 22. Najeeb, Umberin. Supporting International Medical Graduates practice models for invasive bedside procedures performed by throughout Residency: Moving Beyond Orientations. Dr. Khalil internists. Brydges R, Stroud L, Wong B, Hatala R, Englesakis Sivjee, Brian Wong, Lynfa Stroud, Susan Edwards, Ayelet M, Imrie K, Holmboe E: Department of Medicine, Faculty of Kuper: University of Toronto: EDF. Education Development Medicine, University of Toronto. Educational Scholarship & Fund (EDF). ($9,600 CAD Apr 2010 - present, Prorated Research Grant. ($9,215 CAD Jan 2013 - Dec 2013, Prorated Amount: $2,778 CAD) [Grant] Amount: $4,607 CAD) [Grant]

69 31. Stroud, Lynfa. Teaching medical error disclosure skills to Slaughter, Graham, Jordan Chenkin, Mark Cheung, Brian postgraduate Internal Medicine, Surgery and Pediatrics Wong, Lynfa Stroud: University of Toronto. Education trainees. Stroud L, Wong B, Coffey M, Papia G, Noussianin Development Fund for Innovation in Education. ($19,984 CAD M, Atkinson A, McDonald-Blumer H, Matlow A, Levinson W: Jun 2011 - Jul 2012, Prorated Amount: $1,427 CAD) [Grant] Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada/AMS. 38. Wong, Brian. Integrating a focus on quality of care into a CanMEDS Research and Development Grant. ($24,804 CAD longitudinal ambulatory care rotation. Matlow, Anne, Tina Jul 2012 - Jan 2014, Prorated Amount: $15,665 CAD) [Grant] Borschel, Brian M. Wong, Heather McDonald-Blumer: 32. Stroud, Lynfa. Towards contextualized performance University of Toronto. Education Development Fund for assessments: The importance and influence of environmental Innovation in Education. ($10,275 CAD Jul 2012 - Jun 2013, factors on evaluation. Stroud L, Ginsburg S, McIlroy J, Bryden Prorated Amount: $10,275 CAD) [Grant] P, McKnight D: Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, 39. Wong, Brian. Piloting a research protocol and building key University of Toronto. Medical Education Research Grant. informant networks for a scoping review on training and ($32,870 CAD Jul 2010 - Dec 2012, Prorated Amount: practice models for invasive bedside procedures performed $6,574 CAD) [Grant] by internists. Brydges, Ryan, Lynfa Stroud, Brian M. Wong, 33. Stroud, Lynfa. The impact of a novel mentorship program Kevin Imrie, Rose Hatala, Eric Holmboe, Marina Englesakis: on the integration of IMGs into their residency training. Najeeb University of Toronto. Dept. of Medicine Educational Scholarship U, Stroud L, Wong B, McDonald Blumer H, Richardson L, & Research Grant. ($9,215 CAD Jan 2013 - Dec 2013, Sivjee K, Kuper A: Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons Prorated Amount: $4,607 CAD) [Grant] of Canada. Educational Scholarship & Research Grant. 40. Wong, Brian. Study the impact of novel mentorship program ($6,350 CAD Jan 2013 - Dec 2013, Prorated Amount: on the integration of IMGs into their residency training. Najeeb, $3,175 CAD) [Grant] Umberin, Ayelet Kuper, Brian M. Wong, Lynfa Stroud, Heather 34. Wong, Brian. A Virtual Ward to Reduce Re-admissions McDonald-Blumer, Lisa Richardson, Khalil Sivjee: University After Hospital Discharge. Dhalla, Irfan (overall study PI), Rajin of Toronto. Dept. of Medicine Educational Scholarship & Mehta (Sunnybrook Lead), Chaim Bell, Wee-Shian Chan, Research Grant. ($10,398 CAD Jan 2013 - Dec 2013, Steven Hwang, Ophyr Mourad, Steven Shadowitz, Brian Prorated Amount: $5,199 CAD) [Grant] Wong: Alternate Funding Plan. Innovation Fund (Multi-site 41. Wong, Brian. Teaching medical error disclosure skills to request). ($91,800 CAD Jan 2010 - Dec 2012, Prorated postgraduate internal medicine, surgery and pediatrics Amount: $15,300 CAD) [Grant] trainees. Stroud, Lynfa and Wong, Brian, Matreiya Coffey, 35. Wong, Brian. Delirium Prevention and Management Strategy Guisseppe Papia, Markku Nousiainen, Adelle Atkinson, Heather in a Senior Friendly Hospital. Liu, Barbara (overall study PI), McDonald-Blumer, Anne Matlow, Wendy Levinson: Royal Deborah Brown-Farrell, Jocelyn Denomme, Beth O’Leary, College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (The). AMS/ Ken Wong, David Ryan, Brian Wong: Alternate Funding CanMEDS Research and Development Grant. ($24,803 CAD Plan. Innovation Fund. ($79,735 CAD Jun 2013, Prorated Jul 2012 - Dec 2014, Prorated Amount: $9,921 CAD) [Grant] Amount: $79,735 CAD) [Grant] Publications 36. Wong, Brian. Development and Evaluation of a Clinical Messaging System for Interprofessional Team-Based Care Peer-Reviewed Publications in the Outpatient Setting. Rob Wu, Amna Husain, Trevor Jamieson, Irfan Dhalla, Dante Morra, Tara O’Brien, Brian Journal Articles Wong, David Frost, Lydia Lee, Joe Cafazzo, Nancy Martin- 1. Ackery A, McLellan BA, Redelmeier DA. Bicyclist deaths Ronson, Sherman Quan, Jennifer Stinson: Department and striking vehicles in the United States. Injury Prevention. of Medicine and Department of Family and Community 2012; 18: 22-6. Medicine. BRIDGES (Building Bridges to Integrate Care). ($201,377 CAD Jan 2012 - Mar 2013, Prorated Amount: 2. Alhusayen RO, Juurlink D, Mamdani MM, Morrow RL, $120,826 CAD) [Grant] Shear NH, Dormuth CR. Isotretinoin Use and the Risk of Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Population-Based Cohort 37. Wong, Brian. Implementing a Bedside Ultrasound Curriculum Study. J Invest Dermatol. 2013 Apr; for Procedures into an Internal Medicine Residency Program.

70 3. Antoniou T, Juurlink D. Bath Salts. CMAJ. 2012 Aug; [Epub 14. Chan WK, Redelmeier DA. Simpson’s Paradox and the ahead of print]. Association between Vitamin D Deficiency and Increased Heart 4. Bajaj RR, Wald R, Hackam DG, Gomes T, Perl J, Juurlink Disease. American Journal of Cardiology. 2012; 110: 143-4. D, Manno M, Garg AX, Kitchlu A, Mamdani MM, Yan AT. Use 15. Christian MD, Fowler R, Muller MP, Gomersall C, Sprung CL, of Angiotensin-converting inhibitors or angiotensin Hupert N, Fisman D, Tillyard A, Zygun D, Marshal JC. Critical receptor blockers and cardiovascular outcomes in chronic care resource allocation: trying to PREEDICCT outcomes dialysis patients: a population-based cohort study. Arch Int without a crystall ball. Crit Care. 2013 Jan 23; 17(1): 107. Med. 2012; 172(7): 591-593. 16. Cook D, McDonald E, Smith O Zytaruk N, Heels-Ansdell D, 5. Bandiera G, Boucher A, Neville A, Kuper A, Hodges BD. Watpool I, McArdle T, Matte A, Clarke F, Vallance S, Finfer Integration and timing of basic and clinical sciences education. S, Galt P, Crozier T, Fowler R, Arabi Y, Woolfe C, Orford Med Teach. 2013 May; 35 (5): 381-7. N, Hall R, Adhikari NK, Ferland MC, Marshall J, Meade M. 6. Berger E, Chan M, Kuper A, Albert M, Jenkins D, Harrison Coenrollment of critically ill patients into multiple studies: M, Harris I. The CanMeds Role of Collaborator: How is it patterns, predictors and consequences. Crit Care. 2013 Taught and Assessed According to Faculty and Residents. Jan; 17(1): R1. Paediatrics & Child Health. 2012 Dec; 17(10): 557-60. 17. Daneman N, Sarwar S, Fowler R, Cuthbertson BH. Effect (Trainee Publication). of Selective decontamination on antimicrobial resistance in 7. Brehaut JC, Carroll K, Elwyn G, Saginur R, Kimmelman J, intensive care units: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Shojania K, Syrowatka A, Nguyen T, Hoe E, Fergusson D. Lancet Infect Dis. 2013 Apr 13; (4): 328-341. Informed consent documents do not encourage good-quality 18. Dhalla I, Gomes T, Yao Z, Nagge J, Persaud N, Hellings decision making. J Clin Epidemiol. 2012 Jul; 65(7): 708-24. C, Mamdani M, Juurlink D. Chlorthalidone versus 8. Buckley NA, Juurlink DN. Carbon monoxide treatment hydrochlorothiazide for the treatment of hypertension in guidelines must acknowledge the limitations of the existing older adults: a population-based cohort study. Ann Intern evidence. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2013 Jun; 187(12): Med. 2013 Mar 19; 158(6): 447-55. 1390. 19. Dhalla IA, Mamdani MM, Juurlink DN. Chlorthalidone versus 9. Carter AA, Gomes T, Camacho X, Juurlink DN, Shah BR, hydrochlorothiazide. Annals of Internal Medicine. 2013 Jun Mamdani MM. Assessment of the risk of incident diabetes 158(12): 923-4. among patients treated with statins: A population-based 20. Dormuth CR, Miller TA, Huang A, Mamdani MM, Juurlink D. study. BMJ. 2013 May; 346: f2610. The effect of a centralized prescription network on inappropriate 10. Carter MD, Juurlink D. Melatonin. CMAJ. 2012 Nov 20; prescriptions for opioid analgesics and benzodiazepines. 184(17): 1923. CMAJ. 2012 Sep 4; [Epub ahead of print]. 11. Chalkidou K, Tunis S, Whicher D, Fowler R, Zwarenstein M. 21. Drucker AM, Cavalcanti RB, Wong BM, Walsh SRA. Teaching The role for pragmatic randomized controlled trials (pRCTs) dermatology to internal medicine residents: needs assessment in comparative effectiveness research. Clinical Trials. 2012; survey and possible directions.Journal of Cutaneous Medicine 0: 1-11. and Surgey. 2013 Jan-Feb; 17(1): 39-45. (Trainee Publication). 12. Chambers C, Chiu S, Scott AN, Tolomiczenko G, Redelmeier 22. Emery DJ, Shojania KG, Forster AJ, Mojaverian N, Feasby DA. Factors associated with poor mental health status TE. Overuse of Magnetic Resonance Imaging.JAMA Intern among homeless women with and without dependent Med. 2013 Mar 25; 1-3. United States. children. Community Mental Health Journal. 2013 Feb 20; 23. Fnais N, Alshaikh M, Yao Z, Gomes T, Juurlink D, Mamdani [Epub ahead of print]. M. Antidepressant use, serotonin transporter affinity, and 13. Chan AJ, Chan J, Cafazzo JA, Rossos PG, Tripp T, Shojania reinfarction among patients receiving clopidogrel: a population- K, Khan T, Easty AC. Order sets in health care: a systematic based study. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2012 Dec; review of their effects. Int J Technol Assess Health Care. 21(12): 1328-33. 2012 Jul; 28(3): 235-40. 24. Gachoud D, Albert M, Kuper A, Stroud L, Reeves S. Meanings and perceptions of patient-centredness in social

71 work, nursing and medicine: A comparative study. JIPC. 36. Kuper A, Whitehead C, Hodges BD. Looking Back to 2012 Nov; 26(6): 484-90. Move Forward: Using History, Discourse and Text in Medical 25. Gilbert CJ, Gomes T, Mamdani MM, Hellings C, Yao Z, Garg Education Research. Med Teach. 2013 Jan; 35 (1): e849-60. AX, Wald R, Harel Z, Juurlink DN. No increase in adverse 37. Kurdyak PA, Manno M, Gomes T, Mamdani MM, Juurlink events during aliskiren use among Ontario patients receiving D. Antidepressants, metoprolol and the risk of bradycardia. angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin- Ther Adv Psychopharmacol. 2012; 2(2): 43-49. receptor blockers. Canadian Journal of Cardiology. 2013 38. Kwan JL, Lo L, Sampson M, Shojania KG. Medication May; 29(5): 586-91. reconciliation during transitions of care as a patient safety 26. Gomes T, Juurlink DN, Shah BR, Hellings CR, Paterson strategy: a systematic review. Ann Intern Med. 2013 Mar 5; JM, Mamdani MM. Progression through diabetes therapies 158(5 Pt. 2): 397-403. among new elderly users of metformin: a population-based 39. Lam J, Gomes T, Juurlink DN, Mamdani MM, Pullenayegum study. Diabet Med. 2013 Feb; 30(2): e51-5. EM, Kearon C, Spencer FA, Paterson JM, Zheng H, Holbrook 27. Gomes T, Mamdani MM, Holbrook AM, Paterson JM, Hellings AM. Hospitalization for hemorrhage among warfarin recipients C, Juurlink DN. Rates of hemorrhage during warfarin therapy prescribed amiodarone. American Journal of Cardiology. for atrial fibrillation. CMAJ. 2013 Feb 5; 185(2): E121-7. 2013 May; [Epub ahead of print]. 28. Gomes T, Mamdani MM, Holbrook AM, Paterson JM, Juurlink 40. Lam N, Weir M, Yao Z, Zheng H, Blake P, Beyea M, Gomes D. Persistence With Therapy Among Patients Treated With T, Gandhi S, Mamdani M, Juurlink D, Wald R, Parikl C, Warfarin for Atrial Fibrillation. Archives of Internal Medicine. Hackam D, Garg A. Risk of acute kidney injury from oral 2012 Nov; 172(21): 1687-1689. acyclovir: a population-based study. Am J Kidney Dis. 2013 29. Gomes T, Redelmeier DA, Juurlink DN, Dhalla IA, Camacho May; 61(5): 723-9. X, Mamdani MM. Opioid dose and risk of road trauma in 41. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2012 Oct; 7(10): 1682-90. Canada: a population-based study. JAMA Intern Med. 2013 42. Mehta S, Burry L, Cook D, Fergusson D, Steinberg M, Feb 11; 173(3): 196-201. Granton J, Herridge M, Ferguson N, Devlin J, Tanios M, 30. Gosselin S, Hoffman RS, Juurlink DN, Whyte I, Yarema Dodek P, Fowler R, Burns K, Jacka M, Olafson K, Skrobik M, Caro J. Treating acetaminophen overdose: thresholds, Y, Hebert P, Sabri E, Meade M. Daily Sedation Interruption costs and uncertainties. Clinical Toxicology. 2013 Mar; 51: 3. in Mechanically Ventilated Critically Ill Patients Cared for 31. Harel Z, Wald R, Bargman JM, Mamdani M, Etchells E, With a Sedation Protocol: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Garg AX, Ray JG, Luo J, Li P, Quinn RR, Forster A, Perl J, JAMA. 2012 Oct 17; Bell CM. Nephrologist follow-up improves all-cause mortality 43. Mittmann N, Koo M, Daneman N, McDonald A, Baker M, of severe acute kidney injury survivors. Kidney International. Matlow A, Krahn M, Shojania KG, Etchells E. The economic 2013 May; 83(5): 901-8. burden of patient safety targets in acute care: a systematic 32. Ho JM, Tricco AC, Perrier L, Chen M, Juurlink DN, Straus review. Drug Healthc Patient Saf. 2012 Oct 5; 4: 141-65. SE. Risk of heart failure and edema associated with the use of 44. Muscedere J, Ofner M, Kumar A, Long J, Lamontagne F, pregabalin: a systematic review. Syst Rev. 2013 May; 2: 25. Cook D, McGeer A, Chant C, Marshall J, Jouvet P, Fowler 33. Juurlink D, Dhalla IA. Dependence and Addiction During R. The Occurrence and Impact of Bacterial Organisms Chronic Opioid Therapy. J Med Toxicol. 2012 Oct 17; Complicating Critical Care Illness Associated with Influenza A (H1N1) infection. Chest. 2013 Feb 7; 34. Juurlink DN, Dhalla I, Nelson L. Improving Opioid Prescribing: The New York City Recommendations. JAMA. 2013 Mar; 45. Patel ZM, Bailey D, Shariff S, Juurlink DN, Gandhi S, 309(9): 879-90. Mamdani MM, Gomes T, Fleet T, Hwang YJ, Garg AX. Statin toxicity from macrolide antibiotic co-prescription. Annals of 35. Kahan M, Gomes T, Juurlink DN, Manno M, Wilson L, Internal Medicine. 2013 Jun; 158(12): 869-76. Mallis-Gagnon A, Srivastava A. Effect of a course-based intervention and effect of medical regulation on physicians’ 46. Paterson JM, Mamdani MM, Manno M, Juurlink D., for the opioid prescribing. Canadian Family Physician. 2013 May; Canadian Drug Safety and Effectiveness Research Network 59(5): e231-9. (CDSERN). Fluoroquinolone therapy and idiosyncratic acute

72 liver injury: A population-based study. CMAJ. 2012 Oct 2; Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. 2013 Jul 11; [Epub ahead 184(14):1565-1570. of print]. 47. Pincus D, Gomes T, Hellings C, Zheng H, Paterson JM, 60. Salanitro AH, Kripalani S, Resnic J, Mueller SK, Wetterneck Mamdani MM, Juurlink D. A population-based assessment TB, Haynes KT, Stein J, Kaboli PJ, Labonville S, Etchells E, of the drug interaction between levothyroxine and warfarin. Cobaugh DJ, Hanson D, Greenwald JL, Williams MV, Schnipper Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2012 Dec; 92(6): 766-70. (Trainee JL. Rationale and design of the Multicenter Medication Publication). Reconciliation Quality Improvement Study (MARQUIS). BMC 48. Quan SD, Morra D, Lau FY, Coke W, Wong BM, Wu RC, Health Services Research. 2013 Jun 25; 13: 230. Rossos PG. Perceptions of Urgency: Defining the Gap 61. Shehata N, Forster A, Li L, Rothwell DM, Mazer CD, Naglie Between What Physicians and Nurses Perceive to be an G, Fowler R, Tu JV, Rubens FD, Hawkens S, Wilson K. Urgent Issue. International Journal of Medical Informatics. Does anemia impact hospital readmissions after coronary 2012 Dec; [Epub ahead of print]. artery bypass surgery? Transfusion. 2012 Dec 11; 49. Quan SD, Wu RC, Rossos PG, Arany T, Groe S, Morra D, 62. Shekelle PG, Pronovost PJ, Wachter RM, McDonald KM, Wong BM, Cavalcanti R, Coke B, Lau FY. It’s not about Schoelles K, Dy SM, Shojania K, Reston JT, Adams AS, pager replacement: an in-depth look at the interprofessional Angood PB, Bates DW, Bickman L, Carayon P, Donaldson nature of communication in healthcare. Journal of Hospital L, Duan N, Farley DO, Greenhalgh T, Haughom JL, Lake Medicine. 2013 Jan; [Epub ahead of print]. E, Lilford R, Lohr KN, Meyer GS, Miller MR, Neuhauser DV, 50. Redelmeier DA, Chan WK, Mullainathan S, Shafir E. Social Ryan G, Saint S, Shortell SM, Stevens DP, Walshe K. The benefit payments and acute injury in low income mothers. top patient safety strategies that can be encouraged for Open Medicine. 2012; 5: 101-8. adoption now. Ann Intern Med. 2013 Mar 5; 158(5 Pt. 2): 365-8. United States. 51. Redelmeier DA, Detsky AS. Pitfalls with Smartphones in Medicine. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2013 Apr 63. Shih AWY, Weir MA, Clemens K, Yao K, Gomes T, Mamdani 27; [Epub ahead of print]. M, Juurlink D, Hird A, Hodsman A, Parikh C, Wald R, Caderette S, Garg AX. Oral bisphosphonates in the elderly 52. Redelmeier DA, Dickinson VM. Judging whether a patient is and acute kidney injury: A population-based study. Kidney actually improving: more pitfalls from the science of perception. Int. 2012 Oct; 82(8): 903-8. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2012; 27: 1195-9. 64. Smith OM, McDonald E, Zytaruk N, Foster D, Matte A, Clarke 53. Redelmeier DA, Markel F, Scales DC. Organ donation after F, Meade L, O’Callaghan N, Vallance S, Galt P, Rajbhandari death in Ontario. Canadian Medical Association Journal. D, Rocha M, Mehta S, Ferguson ND, Hall R, Fowler R, 2013 May 14; 185(8): E337-44. Burns K, Qushmaq I, Ostermann M, Heels-Ansdell D, Cook 54. Redelmeier DA, McLellan BA. Neglect of Traffic Crashes in DJ. Rates and Determinants of Informed Consent: A Case Modern Medicine: Dangerous Disregard or Brilliant Brushoff? study of an International Thromboprophylaxis Trial. J Crit PLoS Medicine. 2013 Jun; 10(6): e1001463. Care 2013 Feb; 28(1): 28-39. 55. Redelmeier DA, Yarnell CJ, Thiruchelvam D, Tibshirani RJ. 65. Staples JA, Redelmeier DA. Medical emergencies in medical Physicians’ warnings for unfit drivers and the risk of a road imaging. BMJ Quality & Safety. 2012; 21: 446-7. crash. N Engl J Med. 2012; 367(13): 1228-36. 66. Stroud L, Cavalcanti RB. Hybrid simulation for knee 56. Redelmeier DA, Yarnell CJ. Can tax deadlines cause fatal arthrocentesis: Improving fidelity in procedures training. mistakes? Chance. 2013; 2013(26): 8-14. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2013 Apr; 28: 723-27 57. Redelmeier DA, Yarnell CJ. Road crash fatalities on US 67. Stroud L, Oulanova O, Szecket N, Ginsburg S. The benefits income tax days. JAMA. 2012; 307(14): 1486-88. make up for whatever is lost: Altruism and accountability in a 58. Redelmeier DA, Yarnell CJ. Lethal misconceptions: new call system. Academic Medicine. 2012 Oct; 87:1421-27. interpretation and bias in studies of traffic deaths. Journal 68. Stroud L, Wong BM, Hollenberg E, Levinson W. Teaching of Clinical Epidemiology. 2012; 65(5): 467-73. disclosure of medical error to trainees: A scoping review. 59. Redelmeier DA. The exposure crossover design is a new Academic Medicine. 2013 Apr 24; [Epub ahead of print]. method for studying sustained changes in recurrent events.

73 69. Stroud L, Wong BM, Hollenberg E, Levinson W. Teaching general medicine: more global, less local. Journal of Hospital error disclosure to physician trainees: a scoping review. Medicine. 2013 May; [Epub ahead of print]. Academic Medicine. 2013 Jun; 88(6): 884-892. 79. Young JW, Juurlink DN. Tramadol. CMAJ. 2013 May; 70. Westcott M, Martiniuk AL, Fowler R, Adhikari NK and 185(8): E352. Dalipanda T. Critical care resources in the Solomon Islands: Letters to Editor a cross-sectional survey. BMC Int Health Hum Rights. 2012 Mar 1; 12: 1. 1. Dhalla IA, Gomes T, Mamdani MM, Juurlink D. Opioids 71. Wong B, Kuper A, Robinson N, Morra D, Etchells E, Wu versus nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in noncancer R, Shojania K. Computerized provider order entry systems pain. Can Fam Physician. 2012; 58(1): 30. and medical education: Balancing educational opportunities Honours and Awards with the safety of the training experience. Med Educ. 2012 Aug; 46 (8): 795-806. (Trainee Publication). International 72. Wong B, Kuper A, Robinson N, Morra D, Etchells E, Wu R, Shojania K. Computerised provider order entry and Distinctions and Research Awards: residency education in an academic medical centre. Medical Education. 2012 Aug; 46(8): 795-806. Received 73. Wong BM, Cheung CM, Dharamshi H, Dyal S, Kiss A, Morra 1. Redelmeier, Donald A. Best Lecture Award, International D, Quan S, Sivjee K, Etchells EE. Getting the Message: Traffic Medicine Association. 2013. A Quality Improvement Initiative to Reduce Pages Sent Student/Trainee Awards to the Wrong Physician. BMJ Quality & Safety. 2012 Oct; 21(10): 855-62. Received 74. Wong BM, Etchells EE. Improving Communication of 1. Juurlink, David N. The Ronald D. Mann Best Paper Award. Critical Laboratory Results: Know Your Process. BMJ Quality Hospitalization and surgical rates in patients with Crohn’s disease & Safety. 2012 Aug; 21(8): 624-6. treated with infliximab: a matched analysis. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2011 Aug;20(8):838-48, Co-Supervisor, Awardee 75. Wong BM, Kuper A, Hollenberg E, Etchells EE, Levinson Name: John Leombruno. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug W, Shojania KG. Sustaining Quality Improvement and Patient Safety, United States. 2012. Safety Training in Graduate Medical Education: Lessons From Social Theory. Academic Medicine. 2013 Jun 26; [Epub ahead of print]. 76. Wu R, Lo V, Morra D, Wong BM, Sargeant R, Locke K, Cavalcanti R, Quan SD, Rossos R, Tran K, Cheung M. Evaluating the intended and unintended consequences of communication systems on General Internal Medicine inpatient care delivery: a prospective observational case study of five teaching hospitals. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 2013 Jan; [Epub ahead of print]. 77. Wu RC, Lo V, Rossos P, Kuziemsky C, O’Leary KJ, Cafazzo JA, Reeves S, Wong BM, Morra D. for the Interprofessional Communication and Collaboration Working Group. Improving Hospital Care and Collaborative Communications for the 21st Century: Key Recommendations for General Internal Medicine. Interactive Journal of Medical Research. 2012 Sep; 1(2): 1-10. 78. Wu RC, Tzanetos K, Morra D, Quan SD, Wong BM. Educational impact of using smartphones for clinical communication on

74 National Local

Distinctions and Research Awards: Distinctions and Research Awards:

Received Received 1. Fowler, Robert. Clinician Scientist Award, Heart and Stroke 1. Juurlink, David N. Goldie Award, University of Toronto. Foundation of Ontario/Canada, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. (Research Award). 2013 May. (Research Award). 2010 – 2013. 2. Shojania, Kaveh G. Canada Research Chairs Program Total Amount: $165,000.00 CAD. Award, Principal Investigator, Sunnybrook Health Science Centre/University of Toronto, (Research Award). 2008 – 2013 Student/Trainee Awards: Tier 2 CRC Patient Safety and Quality Improvement (Successfully Received re-applied for Tier 2 CRC after moving to University of Toronto). 1. Fowler, Robert. Abstract Scholarship Award, Awardee Name: Total Amount: $500,000.00 CAD. Mentee, Andrea Hill, PhD. American Thoracic Society. 2013. 3. Etchells, Edward. 2013 Sunnybrook Department of Medicine 2. Redelmeier, Donald A. Anne and Neil McArthur Award for Leadership Award, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Outstanding Canadian Research. (Research Award). 2012. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 3. Kuper, Ayelet. 2011-12 CIHR New Investigator Award, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Canada. (Research Teaching Awards: Award). 2013 March – 2018 February Received Total Amount: $300,000.00 CAD. 1. Cheung, Mark. 2012-2013 Peters-Boyd Academy 4. Redelmeier, Donald A. John A. Buchanan Visiting Professor, Mechanisms, Manifestations and Management of Disease The University of Calgary, (Research Award). 2013. Teaching Award, General Internal Medicine, Dept of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Peters-Boyd Academy, (Undergraduate 5. Redelmeier, Donald A. Canada Research Chair in Medical MD, Year 2). 2012 July - 2013 June. Decision Sciences, Government of Canada, Canada. (Research Award, Specialty: Medical Decision Sciences). 2010 – 2017. For excellence as a problem-based learning tutor. 6. Stroud, Lynfa. Certificate of Merit Award 2013, Canadian 2. Juurlink, David N. Top 10% of Teachers, General Internal Association for Medical Education, Canada. (Distinction). 2013. Medicine, Dept of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. (Multilevel Education). Award promotes, recognizes and rewards faculty committed 2011 – 2012. to medical education in Canadian medical schools. 3. Kuper, Ayelet. 2013 Helen P. Batty Award for Excellence and Provincial/Regional Achievement in Faculty Development (Category: Innovation in Program Development and Design) awarded to the Wilson Distinctions and Research Awards: Centre Qualitative Research Atelier Series group, Member Received of the Course Planning Committee continuously since its inception in 2007, Centre for Faculty Development, Faculty 1. Kuper, Ayelet. AMS Phoenix Fellowship (Year 1), Associated of Medicine, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. (Faculty Medical Services, Ontario, Canada. (Research Award). 2012 Development). 2013 May. July – 2013 June. Total Amount: $50,000.00 CAD. Recognition of an outstanding faculty development program within the Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto which led to the enhancement of instruction, career development, professionalism, inter-professionalism, and/or health professional leadership. Total Amount: $1,000.00 CAD.

75 4. Stroud, Lynfa. Peters-Boyd Academy Clerkship Teaching Student/Trainee Awards: Award 2011 - 2012, Faculty of Medicine, Peters-Boyd Received Academy, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. (Undergraduate MD, 1. Wong, Brian. Conference Scholarship Award, Research Clerkship). 2012. Supervisor, Awardee Name: Peter Wu. Division of General 5. Wong, Brian. Department of Medicine Young Teacher Internal Medicine, Department of Medicine, University of Award, Dept of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, (Specialty: General Internal Medicine). 2012 July – Toronto, Canada. (Multilevel Education). Sunnybrook Health 2013 June. Sciences Centre. 2012 July – 2013 June. To support residents to present research abstracts or clinical 6. Wong, Brian. Professional Development Program Award vignettes which they did under the supervision of GIM faculty for Excellence in Continuing Education, Dept of Family & members. Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, 2. Wong, Brian. Outstanding Student Poster Award, 4th Annual Canada. (Continuing Education). 2012 July – 2013 June. Patient Safety Symposium, Research Supervisor, Awardee Awarded to individuals or teams in recognition of outstanding Name: Adina Weinerman. University of Toronto Centre for contributions to the Professional Development Program in Patient Safety. 2012 July – 2013 June. the Department of Family and Community Medicine. 7. Najeeb, Umberin. 2013 Sunnybrook Department of Medicine Young Teacher Award, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 8. Shumak, Steven. 2013 Sunnybrook Department of Medicine In-Patient Teaching Award, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.


Number of Faculty: 4 Grants Number Amount Peer Reviewed Funding Principal Investigator: 1 $98,995 CAD Co-Principal Investigator: 1 $625,000 CAD Co-Investigator / Collaborator: 3 $587,953 CAD Other: - - Peer Reviewed Funding Total: 5 $1,311,948 CAD Non Peer Reviewed Funding Non Peer Reviewed Funding Total: 1 $150,012 CAD

Publications Number Peer Reviewed Publications Principal Author 1 Co-Principal Author - Senior Responsible Author - Collaborator / Co-Author - Other Role - Peer Reviewed Publications Total 1

Honours and Awards Received International Totals: - National Totals: - Provincial / Regional Totals: 1 Local Totals: 1 Unspecified Scope Totals: - Total Honours and Awards: 2

77 Grants, Contracts and Clinical Trials 4. Liu, Barbara A. Implementation and evaluation of an early mobilization strategy for older patients. Liu, Barbara and Straus, Peer-Reviewed Funding Sharon, S. Marr, D. Brown-Farrell, K. Wong, M. Zorzitto, D. Knights, S. Sinha, T. Izukawa, J. Ritchie, D. Ryan, K. Thorpe Division Member is Principal Investigator: and representatives from 14 CAHO hospitals: Council of 1. Norris, Mireille. Hospitalized Older Person Educational Academic Hospital. Adopting Research To Improve Care curriculum: Enhancing practice and patient safety. Linda (ARTIC). ($1,250,000 CAD Feb 2012 - Jan 2014, Prorated Anderson: Education Development fund. ($17,276 CAD Amount: $625,000 CAD) [Grant] Jun 2007 – present, Prorated Amount: $810 CAD) [Grant] Non-Peer-Reviewed Funding 2. Mehta, Rajin. Gandell, DovSunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. Proactive Geriatric Trauma Consultation Service: An 1. Liu, Barbara A. Integrated Primary Care Team (IPCT) innovative model of care to improve quality of care. – AFP supporting complex frail older adults. Naglie Gary, Feldman Innovation Fund $94,000. Sid, Purbhoo Dipti, Katz P, Jackson L, Karuza J, Goldhar J, Liu B, Chan G, Gruneir A, Hawker G, Mamdani M: Ontario 3. Mehta, Rajin. The Virtual Ward Study - AFP Innovation Ministry of Health and Long-Term. BRIDGES: Buildling Fund 91 800 bridges to integrate care. ($150,012 CAD Jul 2012 – Jun 4. Gandell, Dov. Geriatric Medicine Residents-as-Teachers. 2013, Prorated Amount: $150,012 CAD) [Grant] Education Development Fund. ($5,285 CAD April 2013) Publications Other Peer-Reviewed Funding Peer-Reviewed Publications 1. Liu, Barbara A. CIHR Team Grant for the development, testing and knowledge translation of innovative approaches Journal Articles to optimize gait and balance of older adults. B. Maki, MT Bayley, D Brooks, GR Fernie, AJ Flint, SB Jaglal, B Liu, 1. Dov Gandell, Sharon E. Strauss, Maria Bundookwala, WE McIlroy, A Mihailidis, SD Perry, MR Popovic, JW Pratt: Vincent Tsui, Shabbir M.H. Alibhai. Treatment of constipation Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). ($1,499,982 in older people. CMAJ. 2013 May 14; 185(8): 663-670. CMA CAD Oct 2008 - Sep 2014, Prorated Amount: $249,997 Publications. Ontario, Canada. CAD) [Grant] Honours and Awards 2. Liu, Barbara A. Completion of the derivation of a clinical decision rule to predict mobility decline among independent Local seniors with minor injuries in the emergency department (Phase 1B). Emond, Marcel, Griffith L, Lee J, Perry J, Sitois Teaching Awards MJ, Veillette N, Verreault R, Daoust R, Le Sage N, Liu B, Received Noore L, Naglie G, Wilding L, Worster A: CIHR. Operating Grant. ($788,869 CAD Apr 2011 – Mar 2014, Prorated 1. Gandell, Dov. Geriatric Medicine Teacher of the Year 2012 Amount: $262,956 CAD) [Grant] - 2013, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto. Ontario, Canada. 2012 July – 2013 June. 3. Liu, Barbara A. Evaluation of the Integrated Primacy Care Awarded to the best teacher of the year by the subspecialty Team (IPCT). Feldman, Sid; Naglie, Gary; Purbhoo, Dipti, residents in the geriatric medicine program at the University Hawker, Gillian; Mamdani, Muhammad: University of Toronto of Toronto. Departments of Medicine and Family and Community Medicine (Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care), Provincial Building Bridges to Integrate Care (BRIDGES). BRIDGES. ($75,000 CAD Jul 2012 - Jun 2013, Prorated Amount: Honours $75,000 CAD) [Grant] 1. Mehta, Rajin. CPSO Physician Recognition- November 2012.


Number of Faculty: 3 Grants Number Amount Peer Reviewed Funding Principal Investigator: 2 $22,589 CAD Co-Principal Investigator: 1 $74,980 CAD Co-Investigator / Collaborator: 15 $2,501,583 CAD Peer Reviewed Funding Other: 7 $685,144 CAD Total: 25 $3,284,293 CAD Non Peer Reviewed Funding Non Peer Reviewed Funding Total: 28 $336,195 CAD

Publications Number Peer Reviewed Publications Principal Author 13 Co-Principal Author 2 Senior Responsible Author 2 Collaborator / Co-Author 47 Other Role - Peer Reviewed Publications Total 64

Honours and Awards Received International Totals: - National Totals: 5 Provincial / Regional Totals: - Local Totals: 5 Unspecified Scope Totals: - Total Honours and Awards: 10

79 Grants, Contracts and Clinical Trials of Health Research (CIHR). ($2,498,494 CAD 2013 - 2018, Prorated: $208,207.83 CAD) [Grant] Peer-Reviewed Funding 8. Rachlis, Anita Rochelle. Angiogenesis and adverse pregnancy outcomes in women with HIV. Serghides, Lena: Division Member is Principal Investigator: OHTN. ($300,000 CAD 2011 - 2013, Prorated: $100,000 1. Daneman, Nick. Making Difficile More Facile in Ontario: CAD) [Grant] Finding the Active Ingredients in Successful Clostridium 9. Rachlis, Anita Rochelle. Canadian HIV women and difficile prevention efforts. MoHLTC AHSC AFP Innovation reproductive health cohort study; a Canadian Observational Fund Award. Innovation Fund Project. ($70,854 CAD 2011 Cohort (CANOC) affiliated study. Loutfy, Mona: Canadian - 2012, Prorated: $17,713.50 CAD) [Grant] Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). ($1,192,492 CAD 2. Simor, Andrew. Analysis of investigations, treatment, and 2011 - 2016, Prorated: $198,748.67 CAD) [Grant] outcomes associated with Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia 10. Rachlis, Anita Rochelle. CCTN Clinical Trials Support. in Toronto. Physicians Services Incorporated (PSI) Foundation. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). CIHR Canadian ($19,500 CAD 2011 - 2012, Prorated: $4,875 CAD) [Grant] HIV Trials Network. ($566,260.59 CAD 1992 - 2012, Prorated: $13,482.40 CAD) Other Peer-Reviewed Funding 11. Rachlis, Anita Rochelle. CIHR Centre for Neuro-AIDS 1. Daneman, Nick. Developing a Clinical Prediction Rule Research (LOI) Team Grant: HIV comorbidity funding opportunity. for Clostridium Difficile Infection to Enable Inter-Institution Rourke, S., Letendre, S., Bendayan, R., Gill, M.J.: Canadian Comparisons of Incidence Rates and Promote Quality Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). ($10,000 CAD 2012, Improvement. Brown K, Fisman D, Daneman N (Supervisors): Prorated: $5,000 CAD) [Grant] Canadian Institutes of Health Research. PhD Doctoral Award. 12. Rachlis, Anita Rochelle. CIHR Centre for REACH in HIV/ ($105,000 CAD May 2011 - Apr 2014, Prorated: $35,000 AIDS (Research Evidence into Action for Community Health). CAD) [Grant] Rouke, Sean: Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). 2. Daneman, Nick. Estimating longitudinal healthcare costs ($2,500,000 CAD 2009 - 2014, Prorated: $416,666.67 for infectious diseases using administrative data. Sander, CAD) [Grant] Beate: CIHR. Operating Grant. ($209,548 CAD Mar 2013 - 13. Rachlis, Anita Rochelle. Creating responsive community- Apr 2016, Prorated: $22,057.68 CAD) [Grant] based primary healthcare models for HIV in Canada. Kendall, 3. Daneman, Nick. Optimizing Duration of Antibiotic Therapy C., Rourke, S., Tyndall, M.W.: Canadian Institutes of Health for Bloodstream Infections. PSI Foundation. ($167,156 CAD Research (CIHR). ($24,940 CAD 2011 - 2012, Prorated: Jun 2012 - May 2014, Prorated: $83,578 CAD) [Grant] $6,235 CAD) [Grant] 4. Daneman, Nick. Optimizing Treatment Duration for 14. Rachlis, Anita Rochelle. Impact of HIV infection and Bloodstream Infections. Fowler R, Liles C: MoHLTC AHSC antiretroviral therapy on mucosal and systemic memory CD4 AFP Innovation Fund Award. ($99,581 CAD Mar 2011 - Feb T cells. Routy, J.P.: Canadian Institutes of Health Research 2013, Prorated: $33,193.66 CAD) [Grant] (CIHR). ($750,000 CAD 2010 - 2015, Prorated: $125,000 5. Rachlis, Anita Rochelle. A randomized controlled clinical CAD) [Grant] trial of micronutrient and anti-oxidant supplementation in 15. Rachlis, Anita Rochelle. Interdisciplinary HIV pregnancy persons with untreated HIV infection (MAINTAIN) (CTN 238). research group: care and research to optimize HIV-positive Cameron, William: CTN. (2009 - 2012) [Clinical Trial] women’s health during preconception, pregnancy and 6. Rachlis, Anita Rochelle. A study of an HPV VLP vaccine in motherhood. Loutfy, Mona; Serghides, Lena; Yudin, Mark: a cohort of HIV positive girls and women. Money, Deborah: Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). ($900,000 Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). ($1,389,045 CAD 2011 - 2014, Prorated: $225,000 CAD) [Grant] CAD 2008 - 2013, Prorated: $231,507.50 CAD) [Grant] 16. Rachlis, Anita Rochelle. Involving people living with HIV/ 7. Rachlis, Anita Rochelle. Advancing Primary Healthcare AIDS in training Medical students in HIV counselling and for persons living with HIV. Liddy, Clare: Canadian Institutes testing. Jaworsky, Denise: Canadian Institutes of Health

80 Research (CIHR). ($299,920 CAD 2010 - 2013, Prorated: quality of life for women living with HIV. (ELLA study ANV- $74,980 CAD) [Grant] 12-003). Abbott. (2012 - present) [Clinical Trial] 17. Rachlis, Anita Rochelle. Predictive value of inflammatory 3. Rachlis, Anita Rochelle. A multicenter, randomized, biomarkers in untreated HIV disease progression and their double-blind, double-dummy, phase 3 study of the safety response to initiation of antiretroviral therapy. Substudy of and efficacy of ritonavir-boosted elvitegravir versus raltegravir CTN-240, the VALIDATE Trial and CTN-238 the MAINTAIN each administered with a background regimen in HIV-1 Trial (CTN 254). Canadian Institutes of Health Research infected, antiretroviral treatment experienced adults. (GS- (CIHR). (2011 - 2014) [Clinical Trial] US-183-0145). Gilead Sciences. (2008 - present) [Clinical Trial] 18. Rachlis, Anita Rochelle. Screening for HIV-associated 4. Rachlis, Anita Rochelle. A Phase 3 Open-label safety study neurocognitive disorders:evaluation and clinical application. of elvitegravir/cobicistat/ emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide Rourke, Sean: Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). single-tablet regimen in HIV-1 positive patients with mild ($440,697 CAD 2012 - 2015, Prorated: $110,174.25 CAD) to moderate renal impairment. (GS-US-292-0112). Gilead [Grant] Sciences. (2013 - present) [Clinical Trial] 19. Rachlis, Anita Rochelle. Stemming the epidemic of liver- 5. Rachlis, Anita Rochelle. A Phase 3 open-label study to related morbidity and mortality in HIV-HCV co-infection: is evaluate switching from a TDF-containing combination regimen ART enough? Klein, Marina: Canadian Institutes of Health to a TAF-containing combination single tablet regimen (STR) Research (CIHR). ($1,924,155 CAD 2010 - 2015, Prorated: in virologically-suppressed, HIV-1 positive subjects (GS- $320,692.50 CAD) [Grant] US-292-0109). Gilead Sciences. (2013 - present) [Clinical Trial] 20. Rachlis, Anita Rochelle. The Canadian HIV and Aging 6. Rachlis, Anita Rochelle. A Phase 3 randomized, double- Cohort - Determinants of increased risk of cardio-vascular blind study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of elvitegravir/ diseases in HIV-infected individuals. Tremblay, Cecile: Canadian cobicistat/emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide versus elvitegravir/ Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). ($2,489,724 CAD 2013 cobicistat/ emtricitabine/tenofovir fumarate in HIV-1 positive - 2018, Prorated: $207,477.00 CAD) [Grant] antiretroviral treatment-naïve adults (GS-US-292-0104). 21. Rachlis, Anita Rochelle. Understanding virological and Gilead Sciences. (2013 - present) [Clinical Trial] host determinants of HIV disease progression in a cohort 7. Rachlis, Anita Rochelle. A Phase 3 randomized, double- of slow progressors. Tremblay, Cecile: Canadian Institutes blind study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of elvitegravir/ of Health Research (CIHR). ($983,939 CAD 2009 - 2014, cobicistat/emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide versus elvitegravir/ Prorated: $163,989.83 CAD) [Grant] cobicistat/ emtricitabine/tenofovir fumarate in HIV-1 positive 22. Rachlis, Anita Rochelle. Universities without walls: a CIHR antiretroviral treatment-naïve adults (GS-US-292-0111). training grant in HIV/AIDS health research. Rouke, Sean: Gilead Sciences. (2013 - present) [Clinical Trial] Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). ($1,790,000 8. Rachlis, Anita Rochelle. A phase 3 randomized, open label CAD 2009 - 2015, Prorated: $255,714.29 CAD) [Grant] study to evaluate switching from regimens consisting of a 23. Simor, Andrew. Risk factors for influenza infection in ritonavir-boosted protease inhibitor and two nucleoside reverse hospital-based healthcare workers. Canadian Institute of transcriptase inhibitors to emtricitabine/rilpivirine/tenofovir Health Research (CIHR). ($1,700,000 CAD 2011 - 2014, disoproxil fumarate fixed dose combination in virologically Prorated: $425,000 CAD) [Grant] suppressed, HIV 1 infected patients (GS-US-264-0106). Gilead Sciences. (2011 - present) [Clinical Trial] Non-Peer-Reviewed Funding 9. Rachlis, Anita Rochelle. A phase 3, open-label safety 1. Daneman, Nick. Community Acquired Clostridium difficile study of cobicistat-containing highly active antiretroviral in Ontario. Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences (ICES). regimens in HIV-1 infected patients with mild to moderate MOHLTC Applied Health Research Question (AHRQ). ($45,495 renal impairment (GS-US-234-0118). Gilead Sciences. (2011 CAD Jul 2012 - Jun 2013, Prorated: $45,495 CAD) [Grant] - present) [Clinical Trial] 2. Rachlis, Anita Rochelle. A cross-sectional, multi-country, 10. Rachlis, Anita Rochelle. A phase 3, randomized, double- non-interventional epidemiological study to investigate the blind study to evaluate safety and efficacy of elvitegravir/ population and disease characteristics, barriers to care and emtricitabine/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate/GS-9350 vs ritonavir-boosted atazanavir plus emtricitabine/tenofovir

81 disoproxil fumarate in HIV-1 infected antiretroviral treatment- 17. Rachlis, Anita Rochelle. A phase lll, randomized, double- naïve adults (GS-US-236-00011103) (QUAD). Gilead Sciences. blind study of the safety and efficacy of GSK1349572 50 mg (2010 - present) [Clinical Trial] once daily to raltegravir 400 mg twice daily both administered 11. Rachlis, Anita Rochelle. A Phase 3, randomized, double- with fixed-dose dual nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor blind study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of GS-9350- therapy over 96 weeks in HIV-1 infected antiretroviral therapy boosed atazanavir vs ritonavir-boosed atazanavir each naïve adult subjects (ING113086) (SPRING 2). GSK/ViiV. administered with emtricitabine/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (2010 - present) [Clinical Trial] in HIV-1 infected, antiretroviral treatment naïve adults (GS- 18. Rachlis, Anita Rochelle. A phase lll, randomized, double- US-216-0114) (Cobicistat). Gilead Sciences. (2010 - 2012) blind study of TMC278 25 mg qd versus efavirenz 600 [Clinical Trial] mg qd in combination with a fixed background regimen 12. Rachlis, Anita Rochelle. A phase 3b randomized, open- consisting of tenofovir disoproxil fumarate and emtricitabine in label study to evaluate switching from regimens consisting of antiretroviral-naïve HIV-1 infected subjects (TMC278-C209). a non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI) plus Tibotec. (2008 - 2012) [Clinical Trial] emtricitabine (FTC) and tenofovir DF (TDF) to the elvitegravir/ 19. Rachlis, Anita Rochelle. A phase lllb, randomized, open- cobicistat/emtricitabine/ tenofovir disoproxil fumarate label study of the safety and efficacy of the single tablet single-tablet regimen (EVG/COBI/FTC/TDF) in virologically regimen of dolutegravir/abacavir/lamivudine once daily suppressed, HIV-1 infected patients (GS-US-236-0121). compared to atazanavir/ritonavir administered with the fixed Gilead Sciences. (2012 - present) [Clinical Trial] dose combination of tenofovir/emtricitabine once daily in 13. Rachlis, Anita Rochelle. A phase 3b randomized, open- HIV-1-infected antiretroviral naive adult women. (ARIA ING label study to evaluate switching from regimens consisting of 117172). GSK/ViiV. (2013 - present) [Clinical Trial] a ritonavir-boosted protease inhibitor (PI/r) plus emtricitabine/ 20. Rachlis, Anita Rochelle. An open-label trial with TMC278 25 tenofovir fixed-dose combination (FTC/TDF) to the elvitegravir/ mg OD in combination with a background regimen containing cobicistat/emtricitabine/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate single- 2 nucleoside/nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors in tablet regimen (EVG/COBI/FTC/TDF) in virologically suppressed, HIV-1 infected subjects who participated in TMC273 clinical HIV-1 infected patients (GS-US-236-0115). Gilead Sciences. trials (TMC278-TiDP6-C222). Janssen Pharmaceutica Inc. (2012 - present) [Clinical Trial] (2011 - present) [Clinical Trial] 14. Rachlis, Anita Rochelle. A phase 3b, randomized, open- 21. Rachlis, Anita Rochelle. OHTN Cohort Study capacity label study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of a single building grant. Mittmann, Nicole: Ontario HIV Treatment tablet regimen of emtricitabine/rilpivirine/ tenofovir disoproxil Network (OHTN). ($287,400 CAD 2012 - 2013, Prorated: fumarate compared with a single tablet regimen of efavirenz/ $143,700 CAD) [Grant] emtricitabine/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate in HIV 1 infected 22. Rachlis, Anita Rochelle. Phase llb, dose ranging study antiretroviral treatment-naïve adults (GS-US-264-0110). of oral GSK1265744 in combination with nucleoside Gilead Sciences. (2010 - present) [Clinical Trial] reverse transciptase inhibitors for induction of HIV- virologic 15. Rachlis, Anita Rochelle. A phase lll study to demonstrate suppression followed by an evaluation of maintenance of the antiviral activity and safety of dolutegravir in HIV-1-infected virologic suppression when oral GSK1265744 is combined adult subjects with treatment failure on an integrase inhibitor with oral rilpivirine in HIV-1 infected, antiretroviral therapy containing regimen (VIKING-3). GSK/ViiV. (2011 - 2012) naïve adult subjects (LAl116482 LATTE). GSK/ViiV. (2012 - [Clinical Trial] present) [Clinical Trial] 16. Rachlis, Anita Rochelle. A phase lll, randomized, double- 23. Simor, Andrew. Canadian MRSA Pneumonia Outcomes blind study of the safety and efficacy of GSK1349572 50 mg Study. Pfizer Canada. ($219,300 CAD 2011 - 2012, Prorated: once daily to raltegravir 400 mg twice daily both administered $41,750 CAD) [Grant] with an investigator-selected background regimen over 24. Simor, Andrew. Laboratory-confirmed influenza surveillance. 48 weeks in HIV-1 infected, integrase naïve, antiretroviral Public Health Agency of Canada. ($7,750 CAD 2012 - 2013, therapy-experienced adults (ING111762) (SAILING). GSK/ Prorated: $3,875 CAD) [Grant] ViiV. (2010 - 2012) [Clinical Trial] 25. Simor, Andrew. National point-prevalence survery of MRSA, VRE, and C. difficile infection in Canadian hospitals.

82 Pfizer Canada Inc. ($141,000 CAD 2012 - 2013, Prorated: immunization of health care workers. Can J Infect Dis Med $70,500 CAD) [Grant] Microbiol. 2013; 23: e93-5. 26. Simor, Andrew. National surveillance for MRSA and other 6. Burchell, A., Bayoumi, A., Rourke, S., Major, C., Gardner, S., healthcare-associated infections. Public Health Agency of Sandstrom, P., Rachlis, A., Taylor, D., Mazzulli, T., Fisher, Canada (PHAC). ($36,750 CAD 2014 - 2013, Prorated: M., Brooks, J. Increase in transmitted HIV drug resistance $18,375 CAD) [Grant] among persons undergoing genotypic resistance testing 27. Simor, Andrew. Persistent MRSA Bacteremia in Toronto in Ontario, Canada 2002-2009. Journal of Antimicrobial Hospitals - Pilot Study. Sunovion Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc. Chemotherapy. 2013 Feb; 67: 2755-65. ($20,000 CAD 2011 - 2012, Prorated: $7,500 CAD) [Grant] 7. Daneman N, Downing M, Zagorski B. How long should 28. Simor, Andrew. Surveillance for and laboratory characterization we delay peripherally inserted central catheterization in the of MRSA in Canadian hospitals. Public Health Agency of context of recently documented bloodstream infection? J Canada (PHAC). ($10,000 CAD 2013 - 2013, Prorated: Vasc Interv Rad. 2012; 23(1): 123-125 2. $5,000 CAD) [Grant] 8. Daneman N, Elligsen M, Walker SAN, Simor A. Duration of hospital admission and the need for empirical antipseudomonal Publications therapy. J Clin Microbiol. 2012 Aug; 50(8): 2695-701.

Peer-Reviewed Publications 9. Daneman N, Grunier A, Bronskill S, Newman A, Fischer H, Rochon P, Anderson G, Bell C. Prolonged Antibiotic Treatment in Long-term Care: Role of the Prescriber. JAMA Journal Articles Intern Med. 2013 Mar; 1-10. 1. Abraham AG, Strickler HD, Jing Y, Gange SJ, Sterling TR, 10. Daneman N, Sarwar S, Fowler RA, Cuthbertson BH. Effect Silverberg M, Saag M, Rourke S, Rachlis A, Napravnik S, of selective decontamination on antimicrobial resistance in Moore RD, Klein M, Kitahata M, Kirk G, Hogg R, Hessol NA, intensive care units: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Goedert JJ, Gill MJ, Gebo K, Eron JJ, Engels EA, Dubrow R, Lancet Infect Dis. 2013 Apr; 13(4): 328-41. Crane HM, Brooks JT, Bosch R, D’Souza G; for the North American AIDS Cohort Collaboration on Research and Design 11. Daneman N, Stukel T, Ma X, Vermeulen M, Guttman A. (NA-ACCORD) of the IdDEA. Invasive cervical cancer risk Impact of Mandatory Public Reporting of Hospital Rates of among HIV-infected women: A North American multi-cohort Clostridium difficile in Ontario, Canada. PLoS Med. 2012 collaboration prospective study. J Aquired Immune Defic Jul; 9(7): e1001268. Syndr. 2012 Dec 18; [Epub ahead of print]. 12. Do J, Walker SA, Walker SE, Cornish W, Simor AE. Audit of 2. Blitz S, Baxter J, Raboud J, Walmsley S, Rachlis A, Smail F, antibiotic duration of therapy, appropriateness and outcome Ferenczy A, Coutlee F, Hankins C, Money D; and the Canadian in patients with nosocomial pneumonia following the removal Women’s HIV Study Group. The effects of HIV and HAART of an automatic stop-date policy. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect on the acquisition and clearance of HPV and the progression Dis. 2012; 31: 1819-31. of cervical cytopathology using a multi-state model. J Infect 13. Elligsen M, Walker S, Simor A, Daneman N. Prospective Dis. 2013 May 4; [Epub ahead of print]. Audit and Feedback of Antimicrobial Stewardship in Critical 3. Brown K, Khanafer, N, Daneman N, Fisman D. Meta- Care: Program Implementation, Experience and Challenges. Analysis of Antibiotics and the Risk of Community-Associated Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy. 2012; 65(1): 31-6. Clostridium difficile Infection. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. (Trainee Publication). 2013 May; 57(5): 2326-32. 14. Elligsen M, Walker SA, Walker SE, Lepiane F, Lathia N, 4. Brown KA, Daneman N, Arora P, Moineddin R, Fisman De’Angelis C, Simor AE. Comparison of mortality between DN. The Co-Seasonality of Pneumonia and Influenza With nosocomial and community-acquired febrile neutropenia Clostridium difficile Infection in the United States, 1993-2008. patients treated initially with cefazolin plus tobramycin: Am J Epidemiol. 2013 May 9; [Epub ahead of print]. retrospective chart review. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 2012; 31: 1141-50. 5. Bryce E, Embree J, Evans G, Johnston L, Katz K, McGeer A, Moore D, Roth V, Simor AE, Suh K, Vearncombe M. 15. Elligsen M, Walker SAN, Pinto R, Simor AE, Mubareka S, AMMI Canada position paper: 2012 Mandatory influenza Rachlis A, Allen V, Daneman N. Audit and Feedback to

83 reduce broad-spectrum antibiotic use among intensive care Raut A, Rea E, Remis RS, Shahin R, Wright AJ, Zagorski B, unit patients: a controlled interrupted time series analysis. Crowcroft NS. The impact of infection on population health: Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2012; 33: 354-61. Results of the Ontario Burden of Infectious Diseases Study. 16. Elligsen M, Walker SAN, Simor AE, Daneman N. Prospective PLoS One. 2012 Oct; 7(9): e44103. audit and feedback of antimicrobial stewardship in critical 24. Louie L, Wong H, Mubareka S, Simor AE. An unusual cause care: program implementation, experience, and challenges. of false-positive results with the BD GeneOhm C. diff assay. Can J Hosp Pharm. 2012; 65: 31-6. J Clin Microbiol. 2013; 51: 1348-9. 17. Gillis, J., Cooper, C., Rourke, S., Rueda, S., O’Brien, K., 25. Loutfy MR, Walmsley SL, Klein MB, Raboud J, Tseng AL, Collins, E., Rachlis, A., Hart, T.A., Raboud, J; the OHTN Blitz SL, Pick N, Conway B, Angel JB, Rachlis AR, Gough Cohort Study Group. Impact of hepatitis B and C co-infection K, Cohen J, Haase D, Burdge D, Smaill FM, de Pokomandy on health-related quality of life in HIV positive individuals. A, Loemba H, Trottier S, la Porte CJ. Factors affecting Qual Life Res. 2013 Feb. antiretroviral pharmacokinetics in HIV-infected women with 18. Hutson J, Gill S, Wang X, Gruneir A, Daneman N, Fischer H, virologic suppression on combination antiretroviral therapy: Rochon P, Anderson G. Use of clarithromycin and adverse a cross-sectional study. BMC Infect Dis. 2013; 13: 256. cardiovascular events among older patients receiving 26. Lowe CF, Kus JV, Salt N, Callery S, Louie L, Vearncombe M, Donepezil: A Population-based Nested Case-Control Study. Simor AE. Nosocomial transmission of New Delhi metallo- Drugs and Aging. 2012; 29(3): 205-211 B-lactamase-1- producing Klebsiella pneumoniae in Toronto, 19. Isogai, P.K., Rueda, S., Rachlis, A.R., Rourke, S.B., Mittmann, Canada. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2013; 34: 49-55. N. Prediction of health preference values from CD4 counts in 27. Mataseje LF, Bryce E, Roscoe D, Boyd DA, Embree J, Gravel individuals with HIV. Med Decis Making. 2013; 33: 558-66. D, Katz K, Kibsey P, Kuhn M, Mounchili A, Simor AE, Taylor 20. Justice, A., Modur, S., Tate, J., Althoff, K., Jacobson, L., G, Thomas E, Turgeon N, Mulvey MR. Carbapenem-resistant Gebo, K., Kitahata, M., Horberg, M., Brooks, J., Buchacz, Gram negative bacilli in Canada 2009-10: results from the K., Rourke, S., Rachlis, A., Napravnik, S., Eron, J., Willig, Canadian Nosocomial Infection Surveillance Program (CNISP). J., Moore, R., Kirk, G., Bosch, R., Rodriguez, B., Hogg, R., J Antimicrob Chemother. 2012; 67: 1359-67. Thorne, J., Goedert, J., Klein, M., Gill, M., Deeks, S., Sterling, 28. Matlow A, Forgie S, Pelude L, Embree J, Gravel D, Langley T., Anastos, K., Gange, S; for the NA-ACCORD and VACS JM, Moore D, Mulvey M, Simor AE, Thomas E, Vayalumkal Project Teams. Predictive accuracy of the Veterans Aging J. National surveillance of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Cohort Study (VACS) Index for mortality with HIV infection: aureus among hospitalized pediatric patients in Canadian a North American Cross Cohort analysis. J Acquir Immune acute care facilities, 1995-2007. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2012; Defic Syndr. 2013; 62: 149-63. 31: 814-20. 21. Klein, M.B., Rollet, K.C., Saeed, S., Cox, J., Potter, M., 29. McCracken M, Wong A, Mitchell R, Gravel D, Conly J, Embil Cohen, J., Conway, B., Cooper, C., Cote, P., Gill, J., Haase, J, Johnston L, Matlow A, Simor AE, Smith S, Du T, Hizon D., Haider, S., Hull, M., Moodie, E., Montaner, J., Pick, R, Mulvey MR. Molecular epidemiology of vancomycin- N., Rachlis, A., Rouleau, D., Sandre, R., Tyndall, M. and resistant enterococcal bacteremia: results from the Canadian Walmsley, S. for the Canadian HIV-HCV Cohort Investigators. Nosocomial Infection Surveillance Program, 1999-2009. J HIV and hepatitis C virus coinfection in Canada: challenges Antimicrob Chemothe. 2013. and opportunities for reducing preventable morbidity and 30. Mittman N, Koo N, Daneman N, McDonald A, Baker M, mortality. HIV Medicine. 2013 Feb 14; 10-20. Matlow A, Krahn M, Shojania K, Etchells E. The Economic 22. Kuster S, Coleman B, Raboud J, McNeil S, Gubbay J, Katz Burden of Patient Safety Targets in Acute Care: A Systematic K, Loeb M, Low D, Simor AE, McGeer A. Risk factors for Review. Drug Health Patient Saf. 2012 Dec; 4: 141-65. influenza among health care workers during 2009 pandemic, 31. Murthy SK, Steinhart AH, Tinmouth J, Austin PC, Daneman Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Emerg Infect Dis. 2013; 19: 606-15. N, Nguyen GC. Impact of Clostridium difficile colitis on 5-year 23. Kwong JC, Ratnasingham S, Campitelli MA, Daneman N, health outcomes in patients with ulcerative colitis. Aliment Deeks SL, Manuel DG, Allen VG, Bayoumi AM, Fazil A, Fisman Pharmacol Ther. 2012 Dec; 36(11-12): 1032-9. DN, Gershon AS, Gournis E, Heathcote EJ, Jamieson FB, Jha P, Khan KM, Majowicz SE, Mazzulli T, McGeer AJ, Muller MP,

84 32. Nam RK, Saskin R, Lee Y, Law C, Klotz L, Loblaw DA, Simor 41. Wu K, Simor AE, Vearncombe M, McClure J, Zhang K. A AE, Seth A, Narod SA. Increasing hospital admission rates Caenorhabditis elegans host model correlates with invasive for urologic complications after transrectal ultrasound guided disease caused by Staphylococcus aureus recovered during prostate biopsy. J Urol. 2013; 189: S12-8. an outbreak in neonatal intensive care. Can J Infect Dis Med 33. Quach C, McArthur M, McGeer A, Li L, Simor AE, Dionne Microbiol. 2012; 23: 130-4. M, Levesque E, Tremblay L. Risk of infection following a visit 42. Yin VT, Weisbrod DJ, Eng KT, Schwartz C, Kohly R, Mandelcorn to the emergency department: a cohort study. Can Med E, Daneman N, Simor AE, Kertes PJ. Antibiotic resistance Assoc J. 2012; 184: E232-9. of ocular surface flora with repeated use of a topical antibiotic 34. Raffi, F.,Rachlis, A., Stellbrink, H-J., Hardy, W.D., Torti, C., after intravitreal Injection. JAMA Ophthalmol. 2013; 131: Orkin, C., Bloch, M., Podzamczer, D., Pokrovsky, V., Pulido, 456-61. F., Almond, S., Margolis, D., Brennan, C., Min, S.; on behalf 43. Yin VT, Weisbrod DJ, Eng KT, Schwartz C, Kohly R, Mandelcorn of the SPRING-2 study group. Once-daily dolutegravir versus E, Lam WC, Daneman N, Simor A, Kertes PJ. Antibiotic raltegravir in antiretroviral-naïve adults with HIV-1 infection: Resistance of Ocular Surface Flora With Repeated Use of a 48 week results from the randomised, double-blind, non- Topical Antibiotic After Intravitreal Injection. JAMA Ophthalmol. inferiority SPRING-2 study. Lancet. 2013 Jan 8; 381: 735-43. 2013 Apr 1; 131(4): 456-61.

35. Schultz L, Walker SA, Elligsen M, Walker SE, Simor A, Abstracts Mubareka S, Daneman N. Identification of predictors of early infection in acute burn patients. Burns. 2013 May 8; 1. Chakra C, Labbé A, McGeer A, Simor AE, Gold W, Muller [Epub ahead of print]. M, Katz K, Powis J, Pépin J, Valiquette L. Outcomes of Clostridium difficile infection in Canadian hospitals: a 36. Seah C, Alexander DC, Louie L, Simor AE, Low DE, Longtin prospective cohort. 2012 Oct; Annual Meeting, Infectious J, Melano RG. MupB, A new high-level mupirocin resistance Diseases Society of America, San Diego CA, Oct 17-21, mechanism in Staphylococcus aureus. Antimicrob Agents 2012. (abstr. 688). Chemother. 2012; 56: 1916-20. 2. Golding GR, Simor AE, Mounchili A, Mulvey MR, Gravel 37. Simor AE, William V, McGeer A, Raboud J, Larios O, Weiss K, D, Katz K, Loeb M, McGeer A, Kibsey P, Weiss K, Smith S, Hirji Z, Laing F, Moore C, Gravel D. Prevalence of colonization Frenette C. Molecular characterization of methicillin-resistant and infection with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolates from patients with and vancomycin – resistant Enterococcus and of Clostridium bacteremia identified by the Canadian Nosocomial Infection difficile infection in Canadian hospitals. Infect Control Hosp Surveillance Program (CNISP), 2008-2010. 2013 Apr; AMMI Epidemiol. 2013; 34: 687-93. Canada – CACMID Annual Conference, Quebec City, QC, 38. Stone ND, Ashraf MS, Calder J, Crnich CJ, Crossley K, Apr. 4-6, 2013 (D2). Drinka PJ, Gould CV, Loeb M, Malani PN, Mody L, Nicolle 3. Golding GR, Simor AE, Mounchili A, Mulvey MR, Gravel LE, Simor AE, Smith PW, Stevenson KB, Bradley SE. D, Katz K, Loeb M, McGeer A, Kibsey P, Weiss K, Smith Surveillance definitions of infection in long-term care facilities: S, Frenette C. Characterization of MRSA bacteremia and revisiting the McGeer criteria. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. variables associated with mortality identified by the Canadian 2012; 33: 965-77. Nosocomial Infection Surveillance Program, 2008-2010. 39. Tadros MA, Williams VR, Plourde S, Callery S, Simor AE, 2013 Jun; CHICA Canada 2013 Conference, Ottawa, ON, Vearncombe M. Risk factors for Staphylococcus aureus June 2-5, 2013. surgical site infection during an outbreak in patients undergoing 4. Lee C, Walker S, Daneman N, Elligsen M, Palmay L, Coburn cardiovascular surgery. Am J Infect Control. 2013; 41: 509-12. B, Simor AE. Point prevalence study of antimicrobial utilization 40. Tan, D.H., Raboud, J.M., Kaul, R., Brunetta, J., Kaushic, C., in a Canadian tertiary-care teaching hospital. 2013 Apr; AMMI Kovacs, C., Lee, E., Luetkehoelter, J., Rachlis, A., Smaill, Canada – CACMID Annual Conference, Quebec City, QC, F., Smieja, M., Walmsley, S. Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 Apr. 4-6, 2013 (SP23). Coinfection Does Not Accelerate CD4 Count Decline in 5. Locke T, Quach C, Golding G, Mounchiili A, Pelude L, Untreated HIV Infection. Clin Infect Dis. 2013 Apr 25. Coyle D, Gravel D, Simor AE. Microbiology of MRSA in pediatric and adult inpatients at hospitals participating in

85 the Canadian Nosocomial Infection Surveillance Program 13. Sarwar S, Daneman N, Fowler R, Cuthbertson B. Impact (CNISP), 1995-2007. 2013 Apr; AMMI Canada – CACMID Of Selective Decontamination Of The Digestive Tract On Annual Conference, Quebec City, QC, Apr. 4-6, 2013 (SP19). Antimicrobial Resistance In The Intensive Care Unit: A 6. Lynch T, Knox N, Du T, Miller M, Gravel D, Frenette C, Katz Systematic Review And Meta-Analysis. 2013 May; 2013 K, Kibsey P, McGeer A, Moore D, Simor AE, Suh K, Taylor American Thoracic Society International Conference. G, Mulvey MR. The use of whole genome sequencing to 14. Schwartz C, Lam W, Kertes P, Daneman N, Simor AE. differentiate Canadian NAP1 Clostridium difficile isolates Antibiotic resistance of ocular surface flora after continued currently indistinguishable by pulsed field gel electrophoresis use of topical antibiotics following intravitreal injection. 2012 and ribotyping. 2013 Apr; AMMI-Canada – CACMID Annual Nov; Annual Meeting, American Academy of Ophthalmology, Conference, Quebec City, QC, Apr 4-6, 2013. (F3). Chicago, IL, Nov 10-13, 2012. (abstr. PA061). 7. Mataseje LF, Bryce E, Roscoe D, Boyd DA, Gravel D, Katz 15. Tadros M, Coleman B, Haider S, Johnston L, Iacovides H, K, Kibsey P, Mounchili A, Simor AE, Taylor G, Mulvey MR. John M, Katz K, Laffin N, Lee C, McGeer A, McNeil S, Powis Surveillance of carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae J, Rubinstein E, Smith S, Suh K, Taylor G, Watt C, Williams V, and Acinetobacter baumannii in Canada: Results of the Simor AE. Epidemiology, outcome, and characterization of CNISP 2011-12. 2013 Apr; AMMI Canada – CACMID Annual isolates associated with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Conference, Quebec City, QC, Apr. 4-6, 2013 (D5). aureus (MRSA) pneumonia in Canadian hospitals. 2012 Oct; 8. Mitchell R, Wong A, Embil J, Johnston L, Conly J, Gravel D, Annual Meeting, Infectious Diseases Society of America, San Golding G, McCracken M, Simor AE. Vancomycin-resistant Diego CA, Oct 17-21, 2012. (abstr. 1554). Enterococcus infections in Canadian acute care hospitals, 16. Williams VR, Simor AE. Colonization and infection with 1999-2011. 2013 Jun; CHICA Canada 2013 Conference, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in patients Ottawa, ON, June 2-5, 2013. at a Canadian outpatient hemodialysis centre. 2012 Oct; 9. Mounchili A, Mataseje L, Bryce E, Roscoe D, Simor AE, Katz Annual Meeting, Infectious Diseases Society of America, K, Langley J, Taylor G, Gravel D, Mulvey M. Epidemiology San Diego CA, Oct 17-21, 2012. (abstr. 1398). of carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae in Canadian 17. Wong H, Elsayed S, Hussain Z, John M, Katz K, Krajden S, hospitals, Canadian Nosocomial Infection Surveillance Lee C, Mazzulli T, Richardson D, Toye B, Watt C, Simor AE. Program, 2010-2011. 2012 Oct; Annual Meeting, Infectious Characterization of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Diseases Society of America, San Diego CA, Oct 17-21, isolates from patients with persistent or recurrent bacteremia. 2012. (abstr. 833). 2012 Oct; Annual Meeting, Infectious Diseases Society of 10. Mulvey MR, Boyd D, Du T, Hizon R, Miller M, Gravel D, America, San Diego CA, Oct 17-21, 2012. (abstr. 388). Frenette C, Katz K, McGeer A, Simor AE, Suh K, Taylor G. 18. Wu L, Walker SAN, Elligsen M, Palmay L, Simor AE, The molecular epidemiology of Clostridium difficile in Canadian Daneman N. Assessment of antibiotic use and need for hospitals, 2007-2011. 2013 Apr; AMMI Canada – CACMID antimicrobial stewardship in long-term care. 2013 Feb; 44th Annual Conference, Quebec City, QC, Apr. 4-6, 2013 (C2). Annual Professional Practice Conference, Canadian Society 11. Palmay L, Elligsen M, Walker S, Simor AE, Rachlis A, Hospital Pharmacists. Toronto, ON, Feb 15-17, 2013. Mubareka S, Allen V, Pinto R, Daneman D. Hospital wide Honours and Awards roll-out of antimicrobial stewardship: a stepped wedge randomized controlled trial. 2013 Apr; AMMI Canada – CACMID National Annual Conference, Quebec City, QC, Apr 4-6, 2013 (H2).

12. Rea M, Golding GR, Simor AE, Mounchili A, Gravel D, Distinctions and Research Awards: Katz K, Loeb M, McGeer A, Kibsey P, Weiss K, Frenette C, Received Mulvey MR. The effect of SCCmec type and colony spreading ability of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus on 1. Daneman, Nick. Clinician Scientist Salary Award (Phase 2), the survival of Cae norhabditis elegans. 2013 Apr; AMMI Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Toronto, Ontario, Canada – CACMID Annual Conference, Quebec City, QC, Canada. 2012 - 2015 July. CIHR Clinician Scientist Apr. 4-6, 2013 (SP32). Salary Award. (Research Award). Total Amount: $300,000.00 CAD.

86 2. Simor, Andrew. Editorial Board Award of Distinction, Co- Local author, Top Paper Can J Infect Dis Med Microbiol 2012. 2013. Distinctions and Research Awards: A. Simor. A Caenorrhabiditis elegans host model correlates with invasive disease caused by Staphylococcus aureus Received recovered during an outbreak in neonatal intensive care. 1. Daneman, Nick. Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre Simor, Andrew. Pharmacotherapy Best Practices Award, Department of Medicine Junior Investigator Award, Sunnybrook Co-Supervisor, Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists, Health Sciences Centre. (Research Award). 2013. for manuscript. 2012. Student/Trainee Awards: Elligsen M, Walker SAN, Simor AE, Daneman N. Prospective Received audit and feedback of antimicrobial stewardship in critical care: program implementation, experience, and challenges. 1. Daneman, Nick. Interprofessional Education and CJ Hosp Pharm 2012; 65: 31-6. Interprofessional Care Showcase, Awardee Name: Palmay L. Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. 2012. Student/Trainee Awards: 2. Daneman, Nick. Graduate Research in Progress Conference, Received Awardee Name: Palmay L. University of Toronto - Faculty 1. Daneman, Nick. First Annual John Conly Innovation Academy of Pharmacy. 2012. Award, Awardee Name: Palmay L. Association of Medical 3. Daneman, Nick. Resident Research Afternoon Competition Microbiologists and Infectious Diseases, Vancouver, British Winners, Supervisor, Awardee Name: Derek McFadden. Columbia, Canada. 2012. Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. 2013 May. 2. Daneman, Nick. Best Practices in Pharmacotherapy National 4. Daneman, Nick. Trainee Travel Award, Awardee Name: CSHP Award, Awardee Name: Elligsen M. CSHP. 2012. Derek McFadden. Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. 2013 June. Total Amount: $1,000.00 CAD.


Number of Faculty: 27 Grants Number Amount Peer Reviewed Funding Principal Investigator: 20 $2,058,895 CAD Co-Principal Investigator: 7 $569,077 CAD Co-Investigator / Collaborator: 52 $10,533,999 CAD Other: 4 $295,680 CAD 3 $451,478 USD Peer Reviewed Funding Total: 83 $13,457,651 CAD 3 $451,478 USD Non Peer Reviewed Funding Non Peer Reviewed Funding Total: 31 $1,092,336 CAD

Publications Number Peer Reviewed Publications Principal Author 23 Co-Principal Author 9 Senior Responsible Author 33 Collaborator / Co-Author 177 Other Role 1 Peer Reviewed Publications Total: 243

Honours and Awards Received International Totals: 2 National Totals: 3 Provincial / Regional Totals: 1 Local Totals: 5 Unspecified Scope Totals: - Total Honours and Awards: 11

88 Grants, Contracts and Clinical Trials Strategic Planning Innovation Fund. ($30,000.00 CAD Nov 2012 - Nov 2013, Prorated: $18,461.54 CAD) [Grants] Peer-Reviewed Funding 8. Earle, Craig. Ontario cancer study feasibility project. Hoch J, Peacock S.: Applied Research in Cancer Control (ARCC). Division Member is Principal Investigator: Operating. ($50,000.00 CAD Aug 2011 - Jul 2012, Prorated: 1. Bjarnason, Georg Arnold. The impact of gender differences $4166.67 CAD) [Grants] in diurnal proteomics on prognostic indicator development: 9. Emmenegger, Urban. Overcoming Resistance to Systemic A proof of concept study in indolent vs. aggressive chronic Prostate Cancer Therapy by Autophagy Modulation. Prostate lymphocytic leukemia patients. Ontario Institute of Cancer Cancer Canada. Pilot Grant Program. ($120,000.00 CAD Research. ($585,129.00 CAD Jun 2009 - 2012, Prorated: Jul 2011 - Jun 2013, Prorated: $60,000.00 CAD) [Grants] $81,645.91 CAD) [Grants] 10. Emmenegger, Urban. Studying Autophagy as a 2. Buckstein, Rena. Alemtuzumab and CHOP chemotherapy Complementary Therapeutic Target in Antivascular Tumor for aggressive histology peripheral T-Cell lymphomas Therapy. Cancer Research Society. ($120,000.00 CAD Sep (ACCAPELA). Dr. M. Crump, Dr. R. Meyer, Dr. J. Mangel: 2011 - 2013, Prorated: $60,000.00 CAD) [Grants] National Cancer Institute of Canada (NCIC) ($618,962); Bayer Inc ($11,293.80). ($630,255.80 CAD Jan 2006 - Jun 11. Petrella, Teresa. A randomized phase II study of Interleukin 2013, Prorated: $84,034.11 CAD) [Grants] 21 (IL-21) vs. Dacarbazine (DTIC) in patients with metastatic or recurrent melanoma. NCIC. ($1,120,000.00 CAD Jun 3. Buckstein, Rena. Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS) in 2010 - Jun 2013, Prorated: $363,243.24 CAD) [Grants] Canada: A national prospective study of the epidemiology, quality of life and impact of co-morbidity/fraility on disease 12. Pritchard, Kathleen. Sunnybrook and Women’s College outcome. Rockwood, Kenneth; Alibhai, Shabbir; Gedded, Comprehensive Multidisciplinary Breast Cancer Research Michelle; Kumar, Rajat; Leber, Brian; Leitch, Heather; Sabloff, Centre. Berry S, Blondal J, Bronskill M, Burns P, Catzavelos Mitchell; Shamy, April; Wells, Richard.: CIHR. ($100,000.00 C, Chart P, Goel V, Hanna W, Holloway C, Jong R, Kahn CAD Jul 2011 - Jun 2014, Prorated: $33,333.33 CAD) [Grants] H, Lickley L, Narod S, Paszat L, Plewes D, Rakovitch E, Roche K, Samuels T, Sawka C, Semple J, Seth A, Shumak 4. Chan, Kelvin Kar-Wing. A population study on discontinuation R, Slingerland J, Sutherland D, Taylor G, Trudeau M, Vergidis of adjuvant trastuzumab in breast cancer. Canadian Cancer D, Warner E, Wright B, Yaffe M: Canadian Fund for Innovation Society. ($82,294.00 CAD 2011 - 2013, Prorated: $27,431.33 (CFI). ($11,250,000.00 CAD Jul 2000 - Jun 2013, Prorated: CAD) [Grants] $865,384.62 CAD) [Grants] 5. Chan, Kelvin Kar-Wing. A population-based study on 13. Singh, Simron. Improving Physician and Chemotherapy adjuvant trastuzumab-related cardiotoxicity in patients with Nursing/Pharmacy communication at the Odette Cancer early breast cancer: Incidence and clinical outcomes. Krahn Centre: Implementation of a Pilot Web- and Smartphone-based M, Trudeau M, Yan A.: University of Toronto, Faculty of Communication Application. Cheung M, Trudeau M, Etchells Medicine. Dean’s Fund. ($10,000.00 CAD May 2010 - May E, Smith A, Stewart J.: Innovation Fund Provincial Oversight 2013, Prorated: $2,972.97 CAD) [Grants] Committee of Ministry of Health and AFP. ($99,650.00 CAD 6. Chan, Kelvin Kar-Wing. Health Consequences and Cost- Nov 2012 - Nov 2014, Prorated: $31,888.00 CAD) [Grants] Effectiveness of Hepatitis B Screening Before Adjuvant 14. Singh, Simron. Patterns of Care of Neuroendocrine Cancer Chemotherapy for Patients with Early Stage Breast Cancer: A in Ontario: Health services delivery to a population without Modeling Perspective. Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation guidelines. Dean’s Fund, University of Toronto. ($9,487.00 (CBCF). ($105,040.00 CAD 2013 - 2014 Prorated: $26,260.00 CAD Jun 2008 - Jul 2014, Prorated: $1,538.43 CAD) [Grants] CAD) [Grants] 15. Singh, Simron. Waiting times for radiation therapy in Ontario 7. Chan, Kelvin Kar-Wing. The Current Management Pattern and associated cancer outcomes. Paszat L , Barbera L, and the Prevalence of Lymphoma Patients who are Hepatitis Sutradhar R, Przyzbysz R, Irish J, Mcgowan T.: National B Core-Antibody Postivie but Surface Antigen Negative and Cancer Institute of Canada (NCIC). ($253,714.00 CAD Jul their risk of Hepatisit B Virus Reactivation with Rituximab. 2007 - Jun 2014, Prorated: $36,244.86 CAD) [Grants] Hicks L, Feld J, Cheung M, Kukreti V.: Division of Medical Oncology, Department of Medicine, University of Toronto.

89 16. Spaner, David. Improving glucocorticoid therapy in leukemia. profiling.Kidney Foundation of Canada (KFC). ($146,500.00 Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Individual CAD Jul 2010 - Jun 2013, Prorated: $48,833.33 CAD) [Grants] operating grants. ($378,000.00 CAD Mar 2013 - Mar 2016, 4. Buckstein, Rena. Exercise during induction chemotherapy Prorated: $40,864.86 CAD) [Grants] to improve health and treatment tolerability of patients with 17. Spaner, David. Interaction of cancer initiating cells with the acute myeloid leukaemia: a randomized phase II study. tumor microenvironment during leukemogenesis. Canadian Alibhai SMH, Brandwein J, Buckstein R, Culos-Reed N, Oh Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Individual operating P, Tomlinson G.: The Ontario Ministry of Health and Long grants. ($710,000.00 CAD Mar 2011 - Feb 2016, Prorated: Term Care. AHSC AFP Innovation Fund. ($179,903.00 CAD $142,000.00 CAD) [Grants] Apr 2011 - Mar 2013, Prorated: $67,464.00 CAD) [Grants] 18. Spaner, David. Multi-nuclear receptor blockade as a 5. Buckstein, Rena. Long-term QOL, physical function and strategy to improve leukemia immunotherapy. Canadian disability in AML survivors. Alibhai, SMH, Brandwein J, Cancer Society Research Institute (CCSRI). Innovation Buckstein R, Gupta V, Li M, Tomlinson G.: The Leukemia and Grants. ($200,000.00 CAD Feb 2013 - Jan 2015, Prorated: Lymphoma Society (US). ($579369.00 CAD Oct 2011 - Jun $41,666.67 CAD) [Grants] 2014, Prorated: $210,680.00 CAD) [Grants] 19. Wells, Richard. Iron overload and the progression of 6. Buckstein, Rena. Phase II trial of Azacitidine plus Deferasirox myelodysplastic syndrome to acute leukemia. Novartis in higher risk Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS). Prica, Anca, Pharmaceuticals Canada and Novartis Global. ($267,765.54 Buckstein, Rena: Canadian Insitute of Health Research CAD Dec 2011 - Dec 2013, Prorated: $128,527.46 CAD) (CIHR). CIHR Fellowship (Health Professionals). ($50,000.00 [Grants] CAD 2012 - 2013, Prorated: $25,000.00 CAD) [Research 20. Wells, Richard. Studies of the pathogenesis and progression Fellowships] of MDS. Aplastic Anemia and Myelodysplasia Association of 7. Buckstein, Rena. Safety and Efficacy of a Therapeutic Platelet Canada. ($30,000.00 CAD Mar 2013 - Mar 2014, Prorated: Transfusion Strategy in Outpatients. Tinmouth, A., Buckstein $9,230.77 CAD) [Grants] R, Fergusson D, Giuliyi A, Sabloff M, Sheppard D, Tay J.: Canadian Institutes of Health Research. ($93,303.00 CAD Other Peer-Reviewed Funding Apr 2012 - Apr 2014, Prorated: $44,785.44 CAD) [Grants] 1. Berry, Scott. Shining a Light on End-of-Life Care in Canada: 8. Buckstein, Rena. Two-year QOL and physical function in Investigating Barriers, Testing Interventions, and Disseminating older and younger AML survivor. Alibhai, Shabbir, Buckstein, Integrated Solutions for Patients, Families and Healthcare Rena: The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. ($360,000.00 Professionals. Dr. Robert Fowler, Scales, Dr. Damon; Rubenfeld, CAD Jul 2011 - Jun 2015, Prorated: $90,000.00 CAD) [Grants] Gordon; Ross, Heather - UHN - University Health Network; 9. Buckstein, Rena. Validation of a Myelodysplasia-Specific Downar, James - UHN - University Health Network; Berry, Measure of Quality of Life. Robert Klaassen J, Martin Osmond, Dr. Scott; Gandhi, Dr. Sonal; La Delfa, Ignazio - St. Michael’s Rena Buckstein, Gregory Abel, Alan List, Azra Raza.: Canadian Hospital; Zimmermann, Camilla - UHN - University Health Cancer Society. ($178,443.00 CAD Feb 2013 - Jan 2015, Network; Sinha, Samir - Mount Sinai Hospital; Laupacis, Prorated: $37,175.63 CAD) [Grants] Andreas - St. Michael’s Hospital; Dev, Dr. Shelly; Stukel, 10. Chan, Kelvin Kar-Wing. Assessment of Cardiotoxicity by Therese; Myers, Dr. Jeff: University of Toronto - Dept of Cardiac MRI in Early Stage Breast Cancer Patients Receiving Medicine. Integrating Challenge Grants. ($199,345.00 CAD Adjuvant Trastuzumab. Brezden-Masley C, Chan KK, Kirpalani Feb 2013 - Jan 2015, Prorated: $41,530.21 CAD) [Grants] A, Nisenbaum R, Yan A, Clemons M.: Canadian Institutes 2. Bjarnason, Georg Arnold. Differential protein expression of Health Research (CIHR). Rx&D Collaborative Research. in renal cell carcinoma: new biomarker discovery and clinical ($112,500.00 CAD Oct 2009 - Oct 2012, Prorated: $12,162.16 applications. Bjarnason GA: Canadian Cancer Society. CAD) [Grants] ($323,202.00 CAD 2009 - 2012, Prorated: $40,400.25 11. Chan, Kelvin Kar-Wing. Automation of hepatitis B testing CAD) [Grants] prior to chemotherapy - a quality assurance project. Feld, 3. Bjarnason, Georg Arnold. Utilizing personalized medicine Jordan, Zurawska U, Chan KK, Krahn M, Mackay H, Hicks to improve patient management in aggressive kidney cancer: L, Bell C.: Grant Miller Cancer Research. ($20,000.00 CAD Identification of prognostic and predictive markers via microRNA Sep 2010 - Sep 2013, Prorated: $6,486.49 CAD) [Grants]

90 12. Chan, Kelvin Kar-Wing. Understanding & Reducing the 21. Cheng, Susanna Yee-Shan. The Association Between the Risk of HBV Reactivation in Patients Receiving Rituximab: Transfer of Emergency Department Boarders to Inpatient Developing an HBV Care Map. Hicks L, Feld J, Chan K.: Hallways and Outcomes of Oncology Patients. Dr. Cheung, Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, Innovation Funds Matthew: ($56,925.00 CAD Dec 2009 - present, Prorated: Provincial Oversight Committee (IFPOC). (Jul 2012 - Jun $5,022.79 CAD) [Grants] 2013) [Grants] 22. Cheung, Matthew. Improving Physician and Chemotherapy 13. Cheng, Susanna Yee-Shan. A Phase III Study of the Impact Nursing/Pharmacy communication at the Odette Cancer of a Physical Activity Program on Disease-Free Survivial in Centre: Implementation of a Pilot Web- and Smartphone- patients with High Risk Stage II or Stage III Colon Cancer: based Communication Application. Singh, Simron, Cheung A Randomized Controlled Trial. (Apr 2011 - present) [Clinical M, Trudeau M, Etchells E, Smith A, Stewart J.: Innovation Trials] Fund Provincial Oversight Committee of the Ministry of Health 14. Cheng, Susanna Yee-Shan. A Phase III Trial of Irinotecan/5-FU/ and AFP. ($99,650.00 CAD Nov 2012 - Nov 2014, Prorated: Leucovorin or Oxaliplatin/5-FU/Leucovorin with Bevacizumab, $31,888.00 CAD) [Grants] or Cetuximab (C225) for Patients with Untreated Metastatic 23. Cheung, Matthew. Patient Identification and Tracking in the Adenocarcinoma of the Colon or Rectum (CRC.5). (2010 Odette Cancer Centre: Full implementation of a real-time, Mar - present) [Clinical Trials] passive RFID-based system to improve the process and 15. Cheng, Susanna Yee-Shan. A Randomised Phase III study quality cancer care. Innovation Fund Provincial Oversight of Capecitabine or 5-Fluorouracil-based Regimen with or Committee of the Ministry of Health and AFP. ($98920.00 withou Oxaliplatin as 2nd Line Treatment of Advanced or CAD Mar 2012 - present, Prorated: $72,541.33 CAD) [Grants] Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer in Patients who have Received 24. Cheung, Matthew. The Cancer Survivorship Ambulatory Gemcitabine-based Chemotherapy. (Apr 2010 - present) Clinic: A Multi-disciplinary, Inter-professional, and Virtual [Clinical Trials] Follow-up Network for Cancer Survivors. Innovation Fund 16. Cheng, Susanna Yee-Shan. A Randomized Phase III, Provincial Oversight Committee of Ministry of Health and AFP. Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Multi-Centre Study to ($99,700.00 CAD Jul 2011 - present, Prorated: $47,682.61 Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Everolimus (RAD001) in CAD) [Grants] Adult Patient with Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma after 25. Cheung, Matthew. The Current Management Pattern and Failure of Sorafenib Treatment - The EVOLVE-1 Study. (Aug the Prevalence of Lymphoma Patients who are Hepatitis B 2010 - present) [Clinical Trials] Core-Antibody Postive but Surface Antigen Negative and 17. Cheng, Susanna Yee-Shan. An open label, single-centre, their risk of Hepatitis B Virus Reactiviation with Rituximab. Phase II study for radiosensitization of AVASTIN (Bevacizumab) Division of Medical Oncology, Department of Medicine, with Sterotactic Body Radiotherapy(SBRT) for Colorectal University of Toronto. Strategic Planning Innovation Fund. Liver Metastasis. (Jan 2012 - present) [Clinical Trials] ($30,000.00 CAD Jul 2012 - Jul 2013, Prorated: $27,692.31 CAD) [Grants] 18. Cheng, Susanna Yee-Shan. An Open-label, Multicentre, Randomized Phase 2 Study Evaluating the Safety and Efficacy 26. Cheung, Matthew. Understanding & Reducing the Risk of of 5-FU/FA and Oxaliplatin (Modified FOLFOX-6) in combination HBV Reactivation in Patients Receiving Rituximab: Developing with IMC-1121B or IMC-18F1 or Without Investigational an HBV Care Map. Hicks Lisa, Cheung Matthew, Kukreti Therapy as Second-line Therapy in patients with metastatic Vishal: Innovation Fund Provincial Oversight Committee of colorectal cancer following disease progression on first-line the Ministry of Health and AFP. ($64,640.25 CAD Nov 2012 irinotecan-based therapy. (Jul 2010 - present) [Clinical Trials] - Nov 2014, Prorated: $20,684.88 CAD) [Grants] 19. Cheng, Susanna Yee-Shan. ICGC Pancreas Xenograft 27. Dent, Rebecca A. A Multicentre Phase II Study Assessing Protocol. (Dec 2010 - present) [Clinical Trials] 12-weekly Intravenous Bisphosphonate Therapy in Women with Low Risk Bone Metastases from Breast Cancer Using 20. Cheng, Susanna Yee-Shan. Phase 2 Placebo-controlled Bone Resorption Markers. Clemons M: Canadian Breast Double-blind Trial of Dasatinib added to Gemcitabine for Cancer Foundation. ($288,500.00 CAD May 2010 - May Subjects with Locally-advanced Pancreatic Cancer. (Nov 2013, Prorated: $85,770.27 CAD) [Grants] 2011 - present) [Clinical Trials]

91 28. Dent, Rebecca A. Evaluating Quantitative Ultrasound Data 36. Earle, Craig. Determining the optimal sequencing strategy from Patients Receiving Cancer Treatment. Czarnota GJ: for the treatment of pancreatic cancer. Tseng F. Jennifer, Earle Terry Fox Institute Research Team. ($318,309.00 CAD Jul CC and Curnen M (Co-mentors): American Cancer Society. 2010 - Jun 2013, Prorated: $106,103.00 CAD) [Grants] Research Scholar Grant. ($728,000.00 USD Jan 2010 - Jan 29. Dent, Rebecca A. Optical Sepctroscopy for Improving 2015, Prorated: $143,213.11 USD) [Grants] Chemotherapy. Czarnota GJ, Chin L, Dent R, Holloway C, 37. Earle, Craig. Evaluating Quality improvement interventions Kiss A, Lilge L, Spayne J, Wright F, Zubovitis J.: Canadian in colorectal cancer surgery in Ontario. Simunovic, Marko, Breast Cancer Foundation. ($302,990.00 CAD Jul 2010 - Jun Baxter N, Brouwers M, Earle C, Forbes S, Smith A, Stukel 2013, Prorated: $100,996.67 CAD) [Grants] T, Urbach D: Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). 30. Earle, Craig. “Fostering independence in nursing and Operating. ($206,338.00 CAD Mar 2012 - Feb 2015, Prorated: outcomes research”. Friese, Christopher: National Institutes $68,779.33 CAD) [Grants] of Health, Primary Mentor. ($653,229.00 USD 2008 - 2012, 38. Earle, Craig. Randomized trial of an early palliative care Prorated: $65,322.90 USD) [Grants] team intervention for patients with metastatic cancer: effects 31. Earle, Craig. A method for the secure computation of on aggressiveness of care, quality of death and caregiver statistics on health records. El Emam, Khaled, Earle CC, bereavement. Zimmermann C, Leighl N; Mittmann N, Hales Kantarciouglu M: Canadian Institutes of Health Research S; Lo C; Rydall A; Donner A; Earle C; Tannock I: Canadian (CIHR). Operating. ($172,462.00 CAD Mar 2012 - Feb 2013, Cancer Society Research Institute. Operating. ($660,568.00 Prorated: $114,974.67 CAD) [Grants] CAD Jul 2011 - Jun 2014, Prorated: $220,189.33 CAD) [Grants] 32. Earle, Craig. A pharmaeconomic policy model for hepatitis C: development and applications. Thein, Hla-Hla, Dore G, 39. Earle, Craig. Training Grant- Entitled Excellence in Radiation Earle C, Feld J, Fisman D, Krahn M, Wong WWL: Canadian Research for the 21st century (EIRR21). Liu, Fei Fei, Earle Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Operating - Priority CC, et al.: Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Announcement: Hepatitis C. ($159,080.00 CAD Oct 2011 ($325,000.00 CAD Jul 2009 - Jun 2015, Prorated: $54,166.67 - Sep 2013, Prorated: $79,540.00 CAD) [Grants] CAD) [Grants] 33. Earle, Craig. A population-based outcome and economic 40. Earle, Craig. Transition to Survivorship: Translating knowledge evaluation of interventions for gastric cancer. Coburn, Natalie, into action for testicular and endometrial cancer populations. Brar S, Dixon M, Dobrow M, Earle C, Irish J, Johnson A, Jones, Jennifer Michelle, Earle CC, et al: Canadian Institutes of Karanicolas P, Kiss A, Krahn M, Law C, Mahar A, McLeod R, Health Research (CIHR). Operating Grant. ($311,007.00 CAD Paszat L, Wright F: Canadian Institutes of Health Research Mar 2010 - Feb 2013, Prorated: $69,112.67 CAD) [Grants] (CIHR). Operating. ($123928.00 CAD 2012 Jul - 2015 Jun 41. Eisen, Andrea. Hospital -Based Smoking Cessation Prorated: $41309.33 CAD) [Grants] Demonstration Project. Ontario Ministry of Health and 34. Earle, Craig. Canadian Team to Improve Community-Based Long-Term Care. ($100,000.00 CAD Jan 2013 - Dec 2014, Cancer Care along the continuum (CanIMPACT). Grunfeld, Prorated: $25,000.00 CAD) [Grants] Eva, Aubin M, Brouwers M, Carroll J, De Angelis C, Earle C, 42. Eisen, Andrea. Rapid Genetic Testing for BRCA1 and BRCA2 Fillion L, Groome P, Heisey R, Husain A, Jones J, Krueger P, in Newly Diagnosed Breast Cancer Patients. Metcalfe, K, Krzyzanowska M, Lofters A,, Manca D, Maxted J, McBride Eisen A (CO-I), Narod S (CO-I), Akbari M, Chun K, Cil T, M, Miedema B, Miller F, Mittmann N, Moineddin R, O’Brien Kiss A, McCready D, McGillis Hall L, Wright F.: Canadian MA, Porter G, Sisler J, Sussman J, Webster F Winget M: Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). ($321,439.00 CAD Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Operating Mar 2013 - Feb 2018, Prorated: $21,429.27 CAD) [Grants] - Team Grant. ($2,476,376.00 CAD Apr 2013 - Mar 2018, 43. Eisen, Andrea. Risk Factor Analysis of Hereditary Breast Prorated: $123,818.80 CAD) [Grants] and Ovarian Cancer. Narod, Steven, Eisen A, Ghadirian P, 35. Earle, Craig. Comorbid Conditions in Cancer Survivors: Foulkes W, Rosen B, Bordeleau L, Kim-Sing C, Ainsworth P, Costs and Quality of Care. Frick, Kevin, Snyder C, Earle CC, Robidoux A.: CBCRA. ($1,489,500.00 CAD Jul 2009 - Jun et al: National Cancer Institute (USA). ($749,070.00 USD 2014, Prorated: $297,900.00 CAD) [Grants] Jun 2010 - Jun 2013, Prorated: $242,941.62 USD) [Grants] 44. Eisen, Andrea. The Association of Mammographic Density and Breast Cancer Following Treatment for Ductal Carcinoma

92 In Situ. Rakovitch, Eileen, Yaffe, M, Narod S, Vesprini D, ($36,992,837.00 CAD Jul 2010 - Jul 2015, Prorated: Causer P, Eisen A.: Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation – $7,277,279.41 CAD) [Grants] Ontario Region. ($277,705.00 CAD Jun 2011 - May 2014, 51. Petrella, Teresa. X chromosome genes as potential Prorated: $92,568.33 CAD) [Grants] prognostic biomarkers and therapeutic targets, building on 45. Eisen, Andrea. The Effect of Prophylactic Salpingo- the observation that women with melanoma have a better oophorectomy on Markers of Health in Women Who Carry a prognosis than men. Spatz A, Petrella T, van den Oord J, BRCA Mutation. Narod, Steven, Murphy J, Harvey P, Cheung Van Kempen L, Bastian B (Team Grant): Melanoma Research A, Rosen B, Finch A, Eisen A.: Canadian Institute of Health Alliance. ($1,050,000.00 CAD Jul 2011 - 2014, Prorated: Research (CIHR). ($382,000.00 CAD Sep 2012 - Aug 2015, $300,000.00 CAD) [Grants] Prorated: $106,111.11 CAD) [Grants] 52. Pritchard, Kathleen. Canadian accelerated partial breast 46. Eisen, Andrea. The Effects of Preventive Ovarian Surgery in irradiation. Whelan T, Olivotto I, (co-PIs), Berrang T, Germain Women at High Risk for Breast and Ovarian Cancer. Finch, I, Grimard L, Julian JA, Kim DH, Levine MN, Perera F, Amy, Eisen A.: Canadian Institutes of Health Research Pritchard KI, Roy I.: Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). ($163,230.00 CAD Jul 2012 - Jun 2015, Prorated: (CIHR). ($899,947.00 CAD Oct 2011 - Sep 2016, Prorated: $54,410.00 CAD) [Grants] $179,989.40 CAD) [Grants] 47. Gandhi, Sonal. Shining a Light on End-of-Life Care in 53. Pritchard, Kathleen. Health consequences and cost- Canada: Investigating Barriers, Testing Interventions, and effectiveness of Hepatitis B screening before adjuvant Disseminating Integrated Solutions for Patients, Families and chemotherapy for patients with early stage breast cancer: Healthcare Professionals. Fowler, Rob, Rubenfeld, Gordon; A modeling perspective. Chan K, Feld J, (co-PIs), Pritchard Scales, Damon; Dev, Shelly; Gandhi, Sonal; Myers, Jeff; Berry, KI, Hicks L, Wong W, Krahn M: Canadian Breast Cancer Scott; Laupacis, Andreas; Zimmermann, Camilla; Downar, Foundation (CBCF). ($105,040.00 CAD Apr 2013 - Mar James; Sinha, Samir; La Delfa, Ignazio; Stukel, Therese; 2014, Prorated: $26,260.00 CAD) [Grants] Ross, Heather.: University of Toronto. Integrating Challenge 54. Pritchard, Kathleen. Imaging with 111In-pertuzumab to Grants. ($199,345.00 CAD Feb 2013 - Jan 2015, Prorated: predict response to Trastuzumab in HER2 positive metastatic $41,530.21 CAD) [Grants] breast cancer. O’Reilly, R., Levine M, Pritchard KI, Pond G, 48. Ko, Yoo-Joung. Pan-Canadian Colorectal Cancer Consortium Caldwell C, McCarty D: Ontario Institute for Cancer Research - Q-CROC-01 study to identify molecular mechanisms of (OICR). ($621,512.00 CAD Jul 2011 - Jun 2014, Prorated: clinical resistance to standard first-line therapy in patients $207,170.67 CAD) [Grants] with metastatic colorectal cancer. McNamara, Suzan. Batist, 55. Pritchard, Kathleen. MA.32 - Predictors of metformin Gerald. Gallinger, Steve. Gill, Sharlene. Burkes, Ron.: Terry benefit in women with early stage breast cancer. Parulekar Fox Research Institute. (Jan 2012 - present) [Grants] W, Pritchard KI, Shepherd L, Chen B, Goodwin P, Gelmon K, 49. Ko, Yoo-Joung. The role of single nucleotide polymorphisms Whelan T, Stambolic V: Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation of iron regulatory genes in chronic kidney disease and cancer (CBCF). ($449,997.00 CAD Apr 2011 - Mar 2014, Prorated: treatment induced anemia susceptibility and response to $149,999.00 CAD) [Grants] therapy. DeAngelis, Carlo (PI), Battistella Marisa, Hladenuwich 56. Singh, Simron. Patient Identification and Tracking in the Michelle: McLaughlin Centre University of Toronto. Accelerator Odette Cancer Centre: Full implementation of a real-time, Grant in Genomic Medicine. ($175,142.28 CAD Apr 2012 - passive RFID-based system to improve the process and Apr 2014, Prorated: $84,068.29 CAD) [Grants] quality of cancer care. Dr. Matthew Cheung: Innovation 50. Petrella, Teresa. CCS Clinical Trials Group. Ralph Meyer, Fund. Provincial Oversight Committee of Ministry of Health Baruchel S, Bradbury P, Bramwell V, Brundage M, Chapman and AFP. ($98,920.00 CAD Mar 2012 - present, Prorated: JA, Chen B, Chi K, Couban S, Crump MR, Dancey J, Ding $0.00 CAD) [Grants] K, Eisenhauer E, Gelmon K, Gilbert RJ, Goss G, Jonker D, 57. Singh, Simron. The Cancer Survivorship Ambulatory Clinic: Leighl N, Mason W, Mittmann N, O’Callaghan C, O’Sullivan A Multi-Disciplinary, Inter-Professional and Virtual Follow-Up B, Oza A, Parulekar W, Petrella T, Richardson H, Ringash Network for Cancer Survivors. Innovation Fund. Provincial J, Saad F, Seymour L, Shepherd L, Spatz A, Squire J, Oversight Committee of Ministry of Health and AFP. ($99,700.00 Stuart G, Tsao MS, Tu D, Ung Y, Whelan T, Wong R.: NCIC. CAD Jul 2011 - present, Prorated: $47,856.00 CAD) [Grants]

93 58. Spaner, David. AMP kinase in the pathogenesis and treatment 66. Warner, Ellen. Neurodevelopment of children exposed in of CLL. Spaner, David: Leukemia and lymphoma society of utero to chemotherapy for maternal breast cancer. Nulman, canada. Operating grants competition. ($120,000.00 CAD Irena. : CBCF. ($436,257.00 CAD Mar 2011 - Mar 2014, Jul 2011 - Jun 2013, Prorated: $60,000.00 CAD) [Grants] Prorated: $141,488.76 CAD) [Grants] 59. Trudeau, Maureen. A population-based study on early Non-Peer-Reviewed Funding discontinuation of trastuzumab in early stage breast cancer. Chan, K, Krahn M, Yan A, Trudeau M, Gavura S, Brezden- 1. Bjarnason, Georg Arnold. A multicenter open-label Masley C: Canadian Cancer Society Research Institute randomized, two arm study of Irinotecan (CPT-11) versus (CCSRI). ($82,294.00 CAD Jul 2011 - Jun 2013, Prorated: the combination of Oxaliplatin and Irinotecan as second line $41,147.00 CAD) [Grants] treatment of metastatic colorectal carcinoma cancer. Sanofi 60. Trudeau, Maureen. Breast cancer transition care: A Synthelabo. (2000 - present) [Grants] multidisciplinary, interprofessional and virtual follow-up 2. Bjarnason, Georg Arnold. A multicenter randomized network for cancer survivors. Del Giudice, Lisa, Trudeau M, double-blind placebo controlled phase III study of the Eisen A, Cheung M, Singh S, Smith A, Stewart J, Harth T, efficacy of Xaliproden in reducing the neurotoxicity of the Krol H, Leahey A, Weiser K: Sunnybrook Health Sciences Oxaliplatin and 5-FU/LV combination in first-line treatment Centre. AHSC AFP Innovation Fund. ($100,000.00 CAD of patients with metastatic colorectal carcinoma. Sanofi. 2013 - 2015, Prorated: $16,666.67 CAD) [Grants] (2001 - present) [Grants] 61. Trudeau, Maureen. Improving physician and chemotherapy 3. Bjarnason, Georg Arnold. A multicentre open-label nursing/pharmacy communication at the Odette Cancer randomized study of 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) and leucovorin Centre: Implementation of a pilot web and smart phone- (LV) or Oxaliplatin or a combination of 5-FU/LV + Oxaliplatin based communication application. Singh, Simron, Cheung as second-line treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer. M, Trudeau M, Etchells E, Smith A, Stewart J: Ministry of Sanofi Synthelabo. (Aug 2000 - present) [Grants] Health and AFP. ($99,650.00 CAD Dec 2012 - Dec 2015, 4. Bjarnason, Georg Arnold. A phase II, open-label study Prorated: $18,852.70 CAD) [Grants] of Interferon alfa-2b in combination with SCH 66336 in 62. Trudeau, Maureen. Measuring the quality of systemic patients with metastatic renal cell cancer. Schering Canada therapy for early breast cancer using population-level quality Inc. (2001 - present) [Grants] indicators. Krzyzanowska, M, Booth C, Enright K, Trudeau M: 5. Bjarnason, Georg Arnold. Phase I study of safety and Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation (CBCF). ($242,352.00 immunogenecity of ALVAC-CEA/B7.1 vaccine administered CAD Jul 2011 - Jun 2014, Prorated: $80,784.00 CAD) [Grants] concurrently with chemotherapy or following chemotherapy 63. Trudeau, Maureen. Tumour RNA Integrity as a Biomarker in patients with stage III colorectal adenocarcinoma. Aventis of Chemotherapy Response in Breast Cancer Patients. Pasteur. (2001 - present) [Grants] Parissenti A, Trudeau M, Parulekar W, MacLean D, Chapman 6. Bjarnason, Georg Arnold. The role of melatonin in radiation- J-A, Robinson A, Easserman L, Shepherd L: Ontario Institute induced inhibition of neurogenesis. Rapid AstraZeneca & for Cancer Research (OICR). ($381,847.05 CAD Apr 2010 - CARO Evaluation of Radiomodifiers (RAZCE). ($22,727.27 Mar 2013, Prorated: $95,461.76 CAD) [Grants] CAD 2011 - 2012 Prorated: $5,681.82 CAD) [Award] 64. Trudeau, Maureen. Understanding risk-benefit trade-offs 7. Bjarnason, Georg Arnold. Utilizing personalized medicine of genetic testing in chemotherapy treatment decisions for to improve patient management in aggressive kidneey breast cancer. Marshall, D, Bombard Y, Leighl N, Trudeau cancer: Identification of prognostic and predictive markers M, Deal K: Cancer Care Ontario (CCO) / Ontario Institute for via microRNA profiling. Bjarnason GA: Canadian Cancer Cancer Research (OICR). ($192300.00 CAD Jan 2011 - Dec Society. ($146,550.00 CAD Jul 2010 - Jun 2013, Prorated: 2012, Prorated: $48,075.00 CAD) [Grants] $48,850.00 CAD) [Grants] 65. Warner, Ellen. Multisite randomized controlled trial of 8. Chan, Kelvin Kar-Wing. Tenofovir for the Prevention fo The first on-line intervention for young women HBV Reactivation in Patients Receiving Chemotherapy with with breast cancer and their male partner. Fergus, Karen. : Rituximab for Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma”. Feld, Jordan, CBCRA. ($457,080.00 CAD Mar 2010 - Mar 2015, Prorated: Hicks L., Chan K: Gilead Sciences Canada Inc. ($430,340.00 $89,917.38 CAD) [Grants]

94 CAD Dec 2012 - Nov 2014, Prorated: $125,515.83 CAD) BioScience. ($400,000.00 CAD Oct 2007 - Jun 2013, [Industrial Grants] Prorated: $69,565.22 CAD) [Grants] 9. Dent, Rebecca A. A Phase II Trial of RO4929097 for 18. Ko, Yoo-Joung. A phase II study of maintenance therapy Advanced Metastatic or Recurrent Triple Negative Invasive with temsirolimus in androgen-independent prostate Breast Carcinoma. Leighl N: Princess Margaret Phase II cancer after first line therapy with docetaxel. Yoo-Joung Consortium Study. (2010 - present) [Clinical Trials] Ko, Urban Emmenegger (Sunnybrook), Christopher Booth 10. Dent, Rebecca A. Locally Advanced Breast Cancer (LABC) (Queens), Srikala Sridhar (UHN), Robert Kerbel (Sunnybrook), Education and Preceptorship (LEAP). Dent R, Spayne J, Scott Berry (Sunnybrook), Eric Winquist (London): Wyeth Holloway C, Wright F.: Sanofi-Aventis (Canada). LEAP Pharmaceuticals. ($370,975.00 CAD Dec 2007 - present, program. ($75,000.00 CAD Jul 2007 - present, Prorated: Prorated: $19,188.36 CAD) [Grants] $3,571.43 CAD) [Industrial Grants] 19. Ko, Yoo-Joung. A randomised phase III study of Capectibine 11. Dent, Rebecca A. Pilot Investigation of Ultrasound Imaging or 5-fluorouracil-based regimin with or without oxaliplatin and Spectroscopy and Ultrasound Imaging and of Vascular as 2nd line treatment of advanced or metastic pancreatic Blood Flow as Early Indicators of Locally Advanced Breast cancer in patients who have received gemcitabine-based Cancer Response to Treatment. GJ Czarnota, J Spayne, chemotherapy. Ko, Yoo-Joung, Malcolm Moore; Sharlene JP Pignol, E Rakovitch, F Wright, S Foster, M Kolios: Grant Gill: Sanofi Aventis. ($50,000.00 CAD May 2010 - present, Agency: ART Advanced Research Technologies Inc. (2006 Prorated: $13,888.89 CAD) [Clinical Trials] Jul - present) [Industrial Grants] 20. Ko, Yoo-Joung. A study of AGS-1C4D4 given in combination 12. Dent, Rebecca A. Steering Committee Member, Beatrice with gemcitabine in study with metastatic pancreatic cancer. trial - An International Multi-Centred Phase III: Trial of Adjuvant Agenysis. (Nov 2009 - present) [Clinical Trials] Bevacizumab for the Treatment of Triple Negative Breast 21. Ko, Yoo-Joung. K-ras and B-raf status in paired metastatic Cancer. Cameron D.: (2007 - present) [Clinical Trials] colorectal carcinoma samples. Derek Jonker, Yoo-Joung Ko, 13. Eisen, Andrea. Cancer Prevention Program for Women at Jean Maroun, Tim Asmis, Horia Marginean,Nirit Yarom,Rebecca High Risk of Breast Cancer. Sunnybrook Health Sciences Auer, Calvin Law, Corwyn Rowsell, Liying Zhang, Suzanne Centre Foundation. ($250,000.00 CAD Dec 2011 - Dec Kamel-Reid: Amgen Canada Inc (Mississauga, ON) (investigator 2013, Prorated: $120,000.00 CAD) [Grants] initiated). ($130,960.00 CAD Dec 2009 - present, Prorated: $11,555.29 CAD) [Grants] 14. Emmenegger, Urban. A Phase II Study of Maintenance Therapy with Temsirolimus in Androgen-Independent Prostate 22. Ko, Yoo-Joung. Phase 2 placebo-controlled double-blind Cancer After First-Line Chemotherapy with Docetaxel. Ko, trial of dasatinib added to gemcitabine for subjects with Yoo-Joung: Pfizer/Wyeth Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc. locally-advanced pancreatic cancer. Otsuka Pharmaceuticals. ($315,000.00 CAD Dec 2007 - present Prorated: $40,000.00 (Jan 2012 - present) CAD) [Grants] 23. Ko, Yoo-Joung. Radiosensitization with Bevacizumab 15. Emmenegger, Urban. Creation of a urinary microRNA for Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) for Colorectal signature for high grade prostate cancer. Danny Vesprini: Liver Metastasis. Ko, Yoo-Joung, Chung, Hans (Co-PI): Relay for Life Competition 2012. ($100,000.00 CAD Nov Hoffmann-la Roche Limited, Canada. ($63,830.00 CAD Dec 2012, Prorated: $100,000.00 CAD) [Grants] 2010 - present, Prorated: $22,010.34 CAD) [Industrial Grants] 16. Emmenegger, Urban. Hypoxia: a Mediator of PSA Surge 24. Petrella, Teresa. An open-label, multicenter, phase III trial in Prostate Cancer Patients Undergoing Antiangiogenic of ABI-007 vs. Decarbazine in previously untreated patients Therapy? University of Toronto Dean’s Fund. ($10,000.00 CAD with metastatic melanoma (CA033). Petrella, Teresa: Abraxis. Mar 2009 - Feb 2014, Prorated: $2,000.14 CAD) [Grants] ($86,000.00 CAD Mar 2010 - present, Prorated: $8,322.58 CAD) [Grants] 17. Ko, Yoo-Joung. A multi-institutional phase II study of single agent Abraxane as second line therapy in patients 25. Petrella, Teresa. HMP II - Depression and Interferon substudy. with advanced transitional cell carcinoma of the urothelium. Petrella, Teresa: Merck. ($72,800.00 CAD 2008 - present, Yoo-Joung Ko, Srikala Sridhar (UHN), Eric Winquist (London), Prorated: $6,169.49 CAD) [Grants] Christine Canil (Ottawa), Som Mukherjee (McMaster): Abraxis

95 26. Petrella, Teresa. Pilot study of neo-adjuvant use of comparing gemcitabine versus gemcitabine plus AGS-1C4D4 vemurafenib in patients with BRAF mutant melanoma with in patients with previously untreated, metastatic pancreatic palpable lymph node metastases. Roche. ($200,000.00 CAD cancer. Annals of Oncology. 2013 Apr. Mar 2013 - present, Prorated: $200,000.00 CAD) [Grants] 4. Barbera L, Atzema C, Sutradhar R, Seow H, Howell D, 27. Selby, Rita. Dabigatran and lab monitoring in Ontario. Husain A, Sussman J, Earle C, Liu Y, Dudgeon D. Do patient Boehringer-Ingelheim. ($7,000.00 CAD Apr 2012 - Jun 2013, reported symptoms predict Emergency Department visits in Prorated: $5,600.00 CAD) [Industrial Grants] cancer patients? A population based analysis. Ann Emerg 28. Selby, Rita. Resource Utilization associated with Oral Med. 2013 Apr 6; 61(4): 427-437. Anticoagulant Management (ROAM) in Canada: a Multicentre, 5. Blayney DW, Stovall E, Earle CC. Introduction to the ASCO Prospective Study. With Dr. Nicole Mittmann: Boehringer Quality Symposium - November 30 and December 1, 2012, Ingelheim. ($1,000,000.00 CAD 2008 - 2013, Prorated: San Diego, California. J Oncol Prac. 2013 May; 9(3): 113. $166,666.67 CAD) [Grants] 6. Blum JL, Barrios CH, Feldman N, Verma S, McKenna EF, 29. Singh, Simron. A randomized, double-blind, multicenter, Lee LF, Scotto N, Gralow J. Pooled analysis of individual Phase III study of everolimus (RAD001) plus best supportive patient data from capecitabine monotherapy clinical trials in care versus placebo plus best supportive care in the locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer. Breast Cancer treatment of patients with advanced NET of GI or lung origin Res Treat. 2012 Dec; 136(3): 777-88. (RADIANT-4). Novartis. (Dec 2011 - present) [Clinical Trials 7. Brar SS, Mahar AL, Helyer LK, Swallow C, Law C, Paszat L, Steering Committee] Seevarathnam R, Cardoso R, McLeod R, Dixon M, Yohanathan 30. Spaner, David. Development of PPARalpha inhibitors for L, Lourenco LG, Bocicariu A, Bekaii-Saab T, Chau I, Church cancer therapy. spaner, none: Inception Sciences. Operating N, Coit D, Crane CH, Earle C, Mansfield P, Marcon N, Miner grant. ($265,000.00 CAD Aug 2011 - Jul 2012, Prorated: T, Noh SH, Porter G, Posner MC, Prachand V, Sano T, van $22,083.33 CAD) [Industrial Grants] de Velde C, Wong S, Coburn NG. Defining Surgical Quality 31. Spaner, David. Improving the efficacy of Ofatumumab in in Gastric Cancer: A RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Study. CLL. spaner, david, none: GlaxoSmithKline. ($305,000.00 Ann Surg Oncol. 2013 Aug; 217(2): 347-357. CAD Mar 2011 - Feb 2013, Prorated: $101,666.67 CAD) 8. Brawarsky P, Neville BA, Fitzmaurice GM, Earle CC, Haas [Industrial Grants] JS. Surveillance after resection for colorectal cancer. Cancer. 2013 Mar; 119(6): 1235-42. Publications 9. Burris HA 3rd, Lebrun F, Rugo HS, Beck JT, Piccart M, Neven Peer-Reviewed Publications P, Baselga J, Petrakova K, Hortobagyi GN, Komorowski A, Chouinard E, Young R, Gnant M, Pritchard KI, Bennett L, Ricci JF, Bauly H, Taran T, Sahmoud T and Noguchi S. Health- Journal Articles related quality of life of patients with advanced breast cancer 1. Abdul-Razak A, Siu L, Mormont C, Quinn S, Giri N, Wang T, treated with everolimus plus exemestane versus placebo Laurie S, Hotte S, Singh S, Winquist E, Chia S, Letourneau plus exemestane in the phase 3, randomized, controlled C, Chen E, Chan K, Soulieres D, Nguyen F. A phase II trial BOLERO-2 trial. Cancer. 2013 May 15; 119(10): 1908-15. of dacomitinib, an oral pan-human EGF receptor (HER) 10. Byrski T, Dent R, Blecharz P, Foszczynska-Kloda M, Gronwald inhibitor, as first-line treatment in recurrent and/or metastatic J, Huzarski T, Cybulski C, Marczyk E, Chrzan R, Eisen A, squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. Annals of Lubinski J, Narod S. Results of a phase II open-label, non Oncology. 2013 Mar; 24(3): 761-9. randomized trial of cisplatin chemotherapy in patients with 2. Ali A, Warner E. PYNK: Breast Cancer Program for Young BRCA1-positive metastatic breast cancer. Breast Cancer Women. Current Oncology. 2013 Feb; 20(1): e34-39. Research. 2012 Jul; 14(4): R110. 3. B.M. Wolpin, E.M. O’Reilly, Y.J. Ko, L. Blaszkowksy, M. Rarick, 11. Campone M, Bachelot T, Gnant M, Deleu I, Rugo HS, Pistilli C. Rocha Lima, P. Ritch, E. Chan, J. Spratlin, T. Macarulla, E. B, Noguchi S, Shtivelband M, Pritchard KI, Provencher L, McWhirter, D. Pezet, M. Lichinitser, L. Roman, A. Hartford, Burris HA 3rd, Hart L, Melichar B, Hortobagyi GN, Arena F, K. Morrison, L. Jackson, M. Vincent, L. Reyno, M. Hidalgo. Baselga J, Panneerselvam A, Heniquez A, El-Hashimyt M, Taran Global multicenter, open-label, randomized phase II trial T, Sahmoud T and Piccart M. Effect of visceral metastases

96 on the efficacy and safety of everolimus in postmenopausal S.D. Rubin, S. Ranganathan, S. Redhu, and M.E. Trudeau. women with advanced breast cancer: Subgroup analysis A randomized phase II study of lapatinib + pazopanib versus from the BOLERO-2 study. Eur J Cancer. 2013 Jun 1. lapatinib in patients with HER2+ inflammatory breast cancer. 12. Carroll, J, Heisey R, Warner E. Family history and breast Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2013 Jan; 137(2): 471-82. cancer. CMAJ. 2012 Sep; 184(12): 1391. 21. Czarnota, G., A. Sadeghi-Naini, N. Papanicolau, O. Falou, 13. Chan E, Chan G, Ehrlich L, Hull P, Kreder H, Chu W, Chow R. Dent, S. Verma, M. Trudeau, J.F. Boileau, J. Spayne, E, Emmenegger U. When the tumour is not the culprit: S. Iradji, E. Sofroni, J. Lee, S. Lemon-Wong, M. Yaffe, and Avascular necrosis of the hip in a patient with castration- M. Kolios. Quantitative ultrasound evaluation of tumor cell resistant prostate cancer. Current Oncology. 2013 Jan; 20: death response in locally advanced breast cancer patients e48-e51. (Trainee Publication) to chemotherapy treatment administration. J Acoust Soc Am. 2013 May; 133(5): 3539. 14. Chan JA, Stuart K, Earle C, Clark JW, Bhargava P, Miksad R, Blaszkowsky L, Enzinger P, Meyerhardt JA, Zheng H, Fuchs 22. de Oliveira C, Bremner K, Gunraj N, Chan K, Krahn M. CS, Kulke MH. A prospective study of Bevacizumab Plus Understanding the Costs of Cancer Care before and after Temozolomide in Patients with Advanced Neuroendocrine Diagnosis for the 21 Most Common Cancers in Ontario. tumors. J Clin Oncol. 2012 Aug; 20 30(24): 2963-8. CMAJ Open. 2013 Jan. 15. Chen C, Baldassarre F, Kanjeekal S, Herst J, Hicks L, Cheung 23. Dixon M, Seevaratnam R, Wirtzfeld D, McLeod R, Helyer M. Lenalidomide in Multiple Myeloma - a Practice Guideline. L, Law C, Swallow C, Paszat L, Bocicariu A, Cardoso R, Current Oncology. 2013 Apr; 20(2): e136-49. (available on-line Mahar A, Bekaii-Saab T, Chau I, Church N, Coit D, Crane at CH, Earle C, Mansfield P, Marcon N, Miner T, Noh SH, Porter G, Posner MC, Prachand V, Sano T, Van de Velde CJ, Wong 16. Cheung WY, Aziz N, Noone A-M, Rowland JH, Potosky S, Coburn N. A RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Study of the AL, Ayanian JZ, Virgo KS, Ganz PA, Stefanek M, Earle Management of Familial Gastric Cancer. Ann Surg Oncol. CC. Physician preferences and attitudes regarding different 2013 Feb; 20(2): 533-41. models of cancer survivorship care: A comparison of primary care providers and oncologists. J Can Survivor. 2013 Sep; 24. Dolly Han; Martina Trinkaus; Sophie Hogeveen; Muhammad 7(3): 343-54. Mamdani; Scott Berry; Raymond Jang; Jeffrey Hoch; Christine Simmons. Physician experience and challenges 17. Chia SK, Bramwell VH, Tu D, Shepherd LE, Jiang S, Vickery obtaining unfunded oral chemotherapy across Canada. T, Mardis E, Leung S, Ung K, Pritchard KI, Parker JS, Journal of Oncology Practice. 2013 Apr. Bernard PS, Perou CM, Ellis MJ and Nielsen TO. A 50-gene intrinsic subtype classifier for prognosis and prediction of 25. Earle CC, Ganz PA. (Special Series: Adult Survivorship) benefit from adjuvant tamoxifen. Clin Cancer Res. 2012 Cancer Survivorship Care: Don’t let the perfect be the enemy Aug 15; 18: 4465-72. of the good. J Clin Oncol. 2012 Oct; 30(30): 3764-8. 18. Clemons M, Gelmon KA, Pritchard KI and Paterson AH. 26. El Emam K, Samet S, Arbuckle L, Tamblyn R, Earle C, Bone-targeted agents and skeletal-related events in breast Kantarcioglu M. A secure distributed logistic regression cancer patients with bone metastases: the state of the art. protocol for the detection of rare adverse drug events. J Am Curr Oncol. 2012 Oct; 19:259-68. Med Inform Assoc. 2013 May 1; 20(3): 453-61. 19. Coburn N, Seevaratnam R, Paszat L, Helyer L, Law C, 27. El Emam K, Samet S, Hu J, Peyton L, Earle C, Jayaraman Swallow C, Cardosa R, Mahar A, Lourenco LG, Dixon M, G, Wong T, Kantarcioglu M, Dankar F, Essex A. A Protocol Bekaii-Saab T, Chau I, Church N, Coit D, Crane CH, Earle C, for the secure linking of registries for HPV surveillance. PLoS Mansfield P, Marcon N, Milner T, Noh SH, Porter G, Posner One. 2012 Jul; 7(7): e39915. MC, Prachand V, Sano T, van de Velde C, Wong S, McLeod 28. Evans WK, Wolfson M, Flanagan WM, Shin J, Miller AB, R. Optimal management of gastric cancer: Results from an Asakawa K, Earle C, Mittmann N, Fairclough L, Oderkirk International RAND/UCLA Expert Panel. Ann Surg. 2013 J, Fines P, Gribble S, Hoch J, Hicks C, Omariba DWR, Ng Mar 8; [Epub ahead of print]. E. Canadian Risk Management Model: Evaluation of Cancer 20. Cristofanilli, M., S.R. Johnston, A. Manikhas, H.L. Gomez, Control. Int J Technol Assess. 2013 Apr; 29(2): 131-9. O. Gladkov, Z. Shao, S. Safina, K.L. Blackwell, R.H. Alvarez,

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101 leukemia cells in immunocompromised mice. Cancer Res. North S, Choueiri TK, Heng DY. The association of clinical 2012 Nov 13; 72(19): 4931-43. outcome to first-line VEGF-targeted therapy with clinical 96. Yan Y, Li X, Blanchard A, Bramwell VH, Pritchard KI, Tu D, outcome to second-line VEGF-targeted therapy in metastatic Shepherd L, Myal Y, Penner C, Watson PH, Leygue E and renal cell carcinoma patients. Target Oncology. 2013. Murphy LC. Expression of both Estrogen Receptor-beta 3. Arce C, Gandhi S. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAT) at the 1 (ER-beta1) and its co-regulator Steroid Receptor RNA Odette Cancer Centre: What have we been doing, and how Activator Protein (SRAP) are predictive for benefit from do we compare? J Clin Oncol. 2012 Sep; 30(27): Abstr 131. tamoxifen therapy in patients with Estrogen Receptor-alpha 4. Arena FP, Noguchi S, Pritchard KI, Burris III HA, Rugo HS, (ER-alpha)-Negative Early Breast Cancer (EBC). Ann Oncol. Gnant M, Hortobagyi GN, Lataini L, Yardley DA, Melichar B, 2013 Apr 11; Petrakova K, Harb W, Feng W, Cahana A, Taran T, Campone 97. Yudin M, Loutfy M, Cheung M, Money D. Physician attitudes M, Baselga J, Sahmoud T, Lebwhol E, Piccart MJ. Everolimus regarding pregnancy, fertility care, and assisted reproductive for postmenopausal women with advanced breast cancer: technologies for HIV-positive individuals and couples. HIV Updated results of the Bolero-2 phase III trial. 2012 Sep 13; Clinical Trials. 2012 Nov 29; 13(6): 357-66. Abstract 103023. 98. Zhang L, Bridle BW, Chen L, Pol J, Spaner D, Boudreau 5. Baltzer H, Alonzo O, Metcalfe K, Narod S, Warner E, Yaffe JE, Rosen A, Bassett JD, Lichty BD, Bramson JL, Wan Y. M, Semple J. MRI volumetric analysis of fibroglandular tissue Delivery of viral-vectored vaccines by B cells represents a to assess risk of the spared nipple in BRCA1/2 patients who novel strategy to accelerate CD8+ T-cell recall responses. are considering prophylactic nipple sparing mastectomy. Blood. 2013 Mar 28; 121(13): 2432-9. 2013 May; Presented at the 2013 annual meeting of the 99. Zinzani P, Garico B, Walewski, VanHoof A, Soubeyran P, Canadian Society of Plastic Surgeons, 2013 May. Cabarri, Buckstein R, Esseltine, D-L, Theocha P, Enny 6. Ben De Mendonca, Carlo DeAngelis, Flay Charbonneau, C, ZhuE, Elsaye Y, Coiffier, B. Bortezomib plus rituximab Tiffany Leung, Maureen E. Trudeau. Use of performance versus rituximab alone in patients with high-risk, relapsed, data to drive process change and improve patient wait rituximab-naive or rituximab-sensitive follicular lymphoma: time for chemotherapy treatment. J Clin Oncol. 2012 Dec; subgroup analysis of a phase 3, randomized controlled trial. 30(Suppl. 34): Abstr 223). Journal of Hematology and Oncology. 2012 Oct 22; 5(1): 67 7. Berinstein N, Buckstein R, Cussen MA, Ghorab Z, Chesney 100. Zurawska U, Hicks L, Woo G, Bell CM, Krahn M, Chan K, Feld A, Cheung M, Imrie K, Pilitotis E, Miles EA. Sustained J. Hepatitis B Virus (HPV) Screening Prior to Chemotherapy Immune Competency and Long Term Molecular Remissions for Lymphoma: A Cost-effectiveness Analysis. Journal of in FL Patients with FLIPI Score >1, Treated Front-Line with Clinical Oncology. 2012 Sep 10; 30(26): 3167-73 R-CHOP and 90Y-RIT. 2012 Dec; 2012 ASH Annual Meeting. Abstract 3681. Case Reports 8. Berinstein, N.L., N.M. Pennell, M.A. Cussen, K.R. Imrie, E. 1. Bedard G, Zeng L, Verma S, Lauzon N, Holden L, Dennis Piliotis, R. Buckstein, Z. Ghorab, E.A. Miles, A.E. Chesney, K, Poon M, Chow E. Osteonecrosis of the jaw appearing and M. Cheung. Sustained Immune Competency and Long as bone metastases in bone scan in a patient with breast Term Molecular Remissions in FL Patients with FLIPI Risk cancer. J Pain Manager. 2012; 5(4): 361-63. Factors >1, Treated Front Line with R-CHOP Followed by Consolidative 90 Y-Radioimmunotherapy and Maintenance Abstracts Rituximab. Blood. 2012 Dec; 120(21): 3681. ASH Annual 1. Ali A, Fergus K, Wrigiht F, Pritchard KI, Kiss A, Warner E. Meeting Abstracts. The impact of a breast cancer diagnosis in young women on 9. Bjarnason G, Spaner D, Ackloo S, Li J, Zhu P, Nuin P, their relationship with their mothers. 2012 Dec; Presented Geraci J, Dharsee M, Martino T, Wang C, Evans K. Diurnal at the 2012 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, proteomics and biomarker discovery in indolent versus December 2012. aggressive chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients. J Clin 2. Al-Marrawi MY, Rini BI, Harshman LC, Bjarnason GA, Wood Oncol. 2012 Oct 13; 30 (Suppl): Abstr 10622. L, Vaishampayan U, Mackenzie M, Knox JJ, Agarwal N, Al- 10. Bombard Y, Rozmovits L, Trudeau M, Leighl N, Deal K, Harbi H, Kollmannsberger C, Tan MH, Rha SY, Donskov FN, Marshall DA. Access to personalized medicine: the case of

102 gene expression profiling in breast cancer. 2013 May 27; 18. Cheung M, Sousa P, Trudeau M, Beattie K. The association Canadian Centre for Applied Research in Cancer Control between the transfer of emergency department boarders (ARCC) conference; Vancouver, British Columbia: May 27. to inpatient hallways or off-service beds and the quality 11. Bristow B, Curle E, Gibson L, Court A, DasGupta T, Eisen of oncology care. 2012 Oct; University of Toronto Patient A, Di Prospero L. Smoking Cessation Deconstructed: Safety Symposium. Essential Elements for Integrating Smoking Cessation into 19. Chiarelli AM, Marrett LD, Majpruz MD, Carroll JC, Eisen A, an Ambulatory Cancer Centre. 2013 Mar; Presented at the Meschino W, Shumak R, Warner E, Rabeneck L. Evaluation Radiation Therapy Conference (RTi3). of the first year of Ontario Breast Screening Program: High 12. Bristow B, Gibson L, Curle E, Court A, DasGupta T, Eisen Risk Screening. 2012 Oct; Presented at the International A, Di Prospero L. With a Little Help From My Friends: An Cancer Screening Network Meeting Interprofessional Approach to Integrating Smoking Cessation 20. Chodirker L, Wells R, Buckstein R. A Canadian survey of into an Ambulatory Cancer Centre. 2012 Sep; Presented at primary care physicians knowledge, workup and referral patterns the 2012 International Cancer Education Conference, Ann in elderly patients with MDS and unexplained cytopenias. Arbor, Michigan. 2012 September. Leukemia Research. 2013 May; 37(Suppl. 1): S142. 13. Buckstein R, Cheung M, Piliotis E, Lenis M, Liying Z, Wells 21. Clemons MJ, Cochrane B, Califaretti N, Chia SKL, Dent R, Lam A, Prica A, Chodirker L, Lin Y, Callum J, Mamedov RA, Song X, Robidoux A, Pond GR, Parpia S, Pritchard A. The Independent Effects of Frailty and Comorbidity on KI, Levine MN. Randomized phase II placebo-controlled trial the Quality of LIfe in MDS Patients. 2012 Dec; 2012 ASH of fulvestrant plus vandetanib in postmenopausal women Annual Meeting. Abstract 699. with bone only or bone predominant, hormone receptor- 14. Buckstein R, Shabbir A, Khalaf D, Lam A, Mamedov A, positive metastatic breast cancer (MBC): OCOG Zamboney Zhang L, Lenis M, Cheung M, Callum J, Hsiao J, Lin Y, study—NCT00811369. 2013 ASCO Annual Meeting (May Rockwood K, Wells R. The Independent Effects of Frailty 31-June 4, 2013), Abstract 574. and Comorbidity on the Quality of Life in MDS Patients. 2012 22. Craig Earle, Ilia L. Ferrusi, Maureen E. Trudeau, Natasha Dec; 2012 ASH Annual Meeting. Abstract 53423. B. Leighl, Eleanor Pullenayegum, Hoa Khong, Jeffrey Hoch, 15. Caceres G(Caceres, Gisela); Johnson J; McGraw KL (McGraw, Deborah Marshall. Central reporting of human epidermal Kathy L.); Basiorka AA (Basiorka, Ashley A.); Liu KNA (Liu, growth factor receptor-2 (HER2) status and adherence to Kenian); Smith, LJ (Smith, Larry J.); Daugherty FJ(Daugherty, testing and adjuvant trastuzumab treatment guidelines in F. Joseph); Wei S (Wei, Sheng); Komrokji RS (Komrokji, Rami Ontario. J Clin Oncol. 2012 Dec; 30(Suppl. 34): Abstr 166. S.); Zhang L(Zhang, Ling); Littleton N (Littleton, Neil); Wells 23. Crump, M., J. Kuruvilla, S. Couban, D. Macdonald, V. Kukreti, RA (Wells, Richard A.); Sokol L (Sokol, Lubomir); List C.T. Kouroukis, R.M. Meyer, M. Rubinger, R. Buckstein, AF (List, Alan F.). Targeted Repression of TP53 Promotes K.R. Imrie, M. Federico, N.D. Renzo, K. Howson-Jan, Erythropoiesis in Del(5q) MDS and Overcomes Clinical T. Baetz, L. Kaizer, M. Voralia, H.J. Olney, A.R. Turner, J. Resistance to Lenalidomide. Blood. 2012 Nov 16; 120(21): Sussman, A.E. Hay, M. Djurfeldt, B.E. Chen, and L. Shepherd. Abstract 920. Gemcitabine, Dexamethasone, Cisplatin (GDP) Compared to 16. Campone M, Lebrun F, Noguchi S, Pritchard KI, Burris HA, Dexamethasone, Cytarabine, Cisplatin (DHAP) Chemotherapy Beck JT, Ito Y, Yardley DA, Bachelot TD, Pistilli B, Melichar Prior to Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation for Relapsed B, Petrakova K, Arena FP, Erdkamp F, Harb WA, Litton and Refractory Aggressive Lymphomas: Final Results of the JK, Panneerselvam A, El-Hashimy M, Taran T, Gnant M. Randomized Phase III NCIC CTG Study LY12. Blood. 2012 Characterization of patients who received prior chemotherapy Dec; 120(21): 745. ASH Annual Meeting Abstracts. for advanced breast cancer (ABC) in BOLERO-2. 2013 ASCO 24. Cukier M, Liu N, Law C, Saskin R, Singh S. Epidemiology Annual Meeting (May 31-June 4, 2013), Abstract 557. and Survival of NETs Cancers in Ontario - a population 17. Chapman JAW, Shepherd L, Ingle JN, Muss HB, Pritchard based study. European Neuroendocrine Cancer Society. KI, Gelmon KA, Whelan TJ, Elliott C, Goss PE. Competing Copenhagen 2012. 2012; risks of death in NCIC CTG MA.27 adjuvant exemestane 25. Cukier M, Liu N, Law C, Saskin R, Singh S. Survival of versus anastrozole. 2013 ASCO Annual Meeting (May 31- Patients with Neuroendocrine Cancers in Ontario over the June 4, 2013), Abstract 564.

103 last fifteen years. European Neuroendocrine Cancer Society. versus placebo in the treatment of patients with advanced Copenhagen 2012. non-funcational NET of GI or Lung origin. 2012 International 26. Cukier M, Liu N, Law C, Saskin R, Singh S. Patterns of Care of Society of Gastrointestinal Oncology. Sept 13-15/12. Neuroendocrine Cancers in Ontario: Health Services Delivery. 35. Gauthier I, Mok G, Jiang H, Huang SH, Chan K, Witterick European Neuroendocrine Cancer Society. Copenhagen I, O’Sullivan B, Waldron J, Bayley AJ, Cho J, Cummings B, 2012. 2012; Dawson LA, Hope A, Kim J, Ringash J. Outcome of IMRT 27. D Ng, I Ferrusi, H Khong, C Earle, M Trudeau, D Marshall, for hypopharyngeal cancer compared to conventional and N Leighl. Cardiac monitoring during adjuvant trastuzumab radiotherapy. Radiother Oncol. 2012 Sep 17; 104(S2): S53. therapy for breast cancer. Cancer Res. 2012 Dec; 72(24 36. Giacchetti S, Dugue PA, Innominato PF, Bjarnason GA, Focan Suppl.): Abstract P5-18-14. C, Garufi C, Tumolo S, Coudert B, Iacobelli S, Smaaland 28. Eisen A, Carroll J, Chiarelli A, Horgan M, Meschino W, R, Tampellini M, Adam R, Moreau T, Levi F, Group AIC. Sex Rebeneck L, Shumak R, Warner E. Implementation and moderates circadian chemotherapy effects on survival of uptake of a provincial, population-based, organized breast patients with metastatic colorectal cancer: a meta analysis. screening program for high risk women in Ontario: The Ontario Annals of Oncology. 2012 Dec; 23(12): 3110-6. Breast Screening Program (OBSP) High Risk Program. 37. Goodwin PJ, Parulekar W, Gelmon KA, Shepherd LE, Ligibel Presented at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, JA, Hershman DL, Rastogi P, Mayer IA, Hobday TJ, Lemieux 2012 December. J, Thompson AM, Pritchard KI, Whelan TJ, Mukherjee 29. Eisen A, Yeung L, Iyler R, Trudeau M. Variation in utilization SD, Chalchal HI, Oja CD, Tonkin KS, Bernstein V, Chen BE, of adjuvant chemotherapy in early stage breast cancer: Data Stambolic V. Effect of metformin versus placebo on weight from the Cancer Care Ontario New Drug Funding Program and metabolic factors in initial patients enrolled onto NCIC (NDFPARCC Conference 2013, Vancouver, British Columbia, CTG MA.32, a multicenter adjuvant randomized controlled May 27, 2013. trial in early-stage breast cancer (BC). 2013 ASCO Annual Meeting (May 31-June 4, 2013), Abstract 1033. 30. Enright K, Grunfeld E, Yun L, Moineddin R, Dent S, Eisen A, Trudeau M, Kaizer L, Earle C, Krzyzanowska M, Fidani 38. Hassan S, Petrella T, Kamel-Reid S, Sade S, Al-Habeeb A, C. Monitoring acute care utilization (ACU) during adjuvant Ghazarian D, Wright F. The role of intralesional interleukin-2 for chemotherapy for early breast cancer (EBC) as a measure in-transit melanoma: a validation study. 2013 Mar 7; Society of quality. Presented at ASCO’s Quality Care Symposium, of Surgical Oncology Cancer Symposium. Abstract P169. 2012 November. 39. Heng DY, Xie W, Regan MM, Harshman LC, Bjarnason 31. Enright KA, Grunfeld E, Yun, L, Moineddin R, Dent S, Eisen GA, Vaishampayan UN, Mackenzie M, Wood L, Donskov A, Trudeau M, Ghannam M, Kaizer L, Earle C, Krzyzanowska F, Tan MH, Rha SY, Agarwal N, Kollmannsberger C, Rini BI, MK. Acute care utilization (ACU) among women receiving Choueiri TK. Extrenal validation and comparison with other adjuvant chemotherapy for early breast cancer (EBC). mdoels of the international metastatic renal-cell carcinoma Presented at the ASCO Breast Symposium, 2012 September. datatbase consortium prognostic model: A population-based study. Lancet Oncology. 2013; 14: 141-8. 32. Eric Tseng, Richard Wells, Shabbir Alibhai, Adam Lam, Alex Mamedov, Lisa Chodirker, Liying Zhang, Dina Khalaf, 40. Hortobagyi GN, Piccart M, Rugo H, Burris H, Campone M, Anca Prica, Martha Lenis, Rena Buckstein. The effects Noguchi S, Gnant M, Pritchard KI, Vittori L, Mukhopadhyay of Azacitidine on quality of life: A Prospective Longitudinal P, Sahmoud T, Lebwohl D, Baselga J, Hart LL, Baselga J, assessment. Blood. 2012 Nov; 120: 4938. Noguchi S, Burris III HA, Eakle JF, Mukai H, Iwata H, El- Hashimy M, Rao S, Panneerselvan A, Taran T, Sahmoud 33. Eric Tseng, Soojin Seung, Nicole Mittmann, Jeannie Callum, T, Lebwhol DE, Gnant M. Everolimus for Postmenopausal Richard A. Wells, Tony Kim, Rena Buckstein. Utilization Women with Advanced Breast Cancer: Updated Results of and Costs of Red Blood Cell Transufsions Pre- and Post- the BOLERO-2 Phase III Trial. Cancer Research 2012 Sep Azacitidine in Higher-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndromes. Blood. 13; 71: Abstract 103028. 2012 Nov; 120: 4261. 41. Huang SH, O’Sullivan B, Xu H, Zhao H, Chen D, Chan K, 34. Gaurav S, Singh S, Kulke M. RADIANT-4: A randomized, Hope A, Kim J, Ringash J, Dawson LA, Bayley A, Cho J, double-blind, multicentre, Phase III study of everolimus Goldstein D, Gilbert R, Waldron J. The characteristics of

104 cervial lymph node resolution following primary radiotherapy concordance evaluation: A Canadian experience. J Clin +/- chemotherapy for N2-N3 head and neck cancer. Radiother Oncol. 2012 Dec; 30(Suppl 34): Abstr 179. Oncol. 2012 Sep 17; 104(S2): S42. 50. Khella HW, Bakhet M, Allo G, Jewett MA, Girgis H, Von 42. Innominato PF, Giacchetti S, Moreau T, Bjarnason GA, Both I, Bjarnason GA, Yousef GM. miR-194 and miR- Smaaland R, Focan C, Garufi C, Iacobelli S, Tampellini M, 215: a convergent microRNA network suppressing tumor Tumolo S, Carvalho C, Karaboue A, Poncet A, Spiegel D, progression in renal cell carcinoma. Carcinogenesis. 2013; Levi F. Fatigue and weight loss predict survival on circadian 51. Lee JW, Brackstone M, Gandhi S, Salinas C Arce, and chemotherapy for metastatic colorecta cancer. Cancer. R Dinniwell. Salvage Radiotherapy and Cisplatin for Triple 2013; 119: 2564-73. Negative Breast Cancer: A Multi-Centre Study. Cancer 43. Ito Y, Noguchi S, Deleu I, Baselga J, Hortobagyi GN, Bachelot Research. 2012 Dec; 72(24): S3. TD, Masuda N, Pistilli B, Pritchard KI, Iwata H, Gnant M, 52. Llombart-Cussac A, Pivot XB, Biganzoli L, Cortes-Funes H, Eakle JF, Csõszi T, Srimuninnimit V, Puttawibul P, Roila F, Pritchard KI, Pierga JY, Smith IE, Thomssen C, Palacios G, Panneerselvam A, Taran T, Sahmoud T, Rugo HS. Incidence, Srock S, Sampayo M, Cortes J. A prognostic factor (PF) index management, and resolution of noninfectious pneumonitis for overall survival in a HER2-negative endocrine-resistant in BOLERO-2. 2013 ASCO Annual Meeting (May 31-June metastatic breast cancer (MBC) population: Analysis from 4, 2013), Abstract 561. the ATHENA trial. 2013 ASCO Annual Meeting (May 31-June 44. Jayakar J (Jayakar, Jennifer); Wells RA (Wells, Richard 4, 2013), Abstract 555. A.); Khalaf D (Khalaf, Dina); Mamedov, Alex); Lam A (Lam, 53. Marshall D, Bombard Y, Trudeau M, Leighl N, Pykerman Adam); Lenis M (Lenis, Martha). Validation of the Nordic K, Deal K. Patient preferences: Understanding Risk-Benefit Scoring System for Erythropoietic Stimulating Agents in Trade-offs of Genomic Testing in Chemotherapy Treatment MDS Using IWG 2006 Erythroid Response Criteria. Blood. Decisions for Breast Cancer Patients. Value in Health. 2013 2012 Nov 16; 120(21): Abstract 1721 May; 16(3): A147-A148. 45. Jennifer Jayakar, Richard Wells, Dina Khalaf, Alex Mamedov, 54. Marshall DA, Bombard Y, Rozmovits L, Trudeau M, Leighl Adam Lam, Martha Lenis, Rena Buckstein. Validation of the N, Deal K. The Value Of Personalizing Medicine: Medical Nordic Scoring system for Erythropoietic stimulating agents Oncologists’ And Patients’ Perspectives On Genomic Testing in MDS using IWG 2006 Erythroid response criteria. Blood. Of Breast Tumours In Chemotherapy Treatment Decisions. 2012 Nov; 120: 1721. 2012 Nov; International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and 46. JT England, L Zhang, A Mamedov, R Buckstein, RA Wells. Outcomes Research (ISPOR); Berlin, Germany: November 3-7. MDS in Canada: Does bigger income lead to better outcomes? 55. Masui O, White NM, DeSouza LV, Krakovska O, Matta A, Leukemia Research. 2013 May; 37(Suppl. 1): S41. Metias S, Khalil B, Romaschin AD, Honey RJ, Stewart R, 47. Katherine Enright, Eva Grunfeld, Lingsong Yun, Rahim Pace K, Bjarnason GA, Siu KW, Yousef GM. Quantiative Moineddin, Susan Faye Dent, Andrea Eisen, Maureen proteomic analysis in metastatic renall cell carcinoma reveals E. Trudeau, Leonard Kaizer, Craig Earle, Monika K. a unique set of proteins with potential prognostic significance. Krzyzanowska. Monitoring acute care utilization (ACU) during Mol Cell Proteomics. 2013; 12: 132-44. adjuvant chemotherapy for early breast cancer (EBC) as a 56. Matthew C. Cheung, Maureen E. Trudeau, Ben De measure of quality. J Clin Oncol. 2012 Dec; 30(Suppl. 34): Mendonca, Kathy Beattie, Philomena Sousa, Simron Singh. Abstr 220). Patient Identification and tracking for chemotherapy delivery: 48. Katherine Enright, Mohammed Ghannam, Lingsong Yun, Use of RFID or barcode technologies for automated self Nathan Taback, Christopher M. Booth, Maureen E. Trudeau, check-in. J Clin Oncol. 2012 Dec; 30(Suppl. 34): Abstr 316. Monika Krzyzanowska. The use of routine surveillance imaging 57. Maureen E. Trudeau, Philomena Sousa, Kathy Beattie, scans in women with early breast cancer (EBC) treated in Thane Fitzgerald, Michael Jung Chu Leung, Matthew C. Ontario, Canada. J Clin Oncol. 2013 Jun; 31(Suppl.): Abstract Cheung, Simron Singh, Ben De Mendonca. The use of 6628. 2013 ASCO Annual Meeting. technology to improve the delivery process of ambulatory 49. Kathy Vu, Sherrie Hertz, Esther Green, Leonard Kaizer, chemotherapy at the Odette Cancer Centre (OCC). J Clin Maureen E. Trudeau, Vicky Simanovski, Andrea Lischka. Oncol. 2012 Dec; 30(Suppl. 34): Abstr 290. Chemotherapy safe handling and safe labelling guideline

105 58. Messmer D, Lorrain K, Bravo Y, Stock N, Bundey R, Correa HA. Clinical management and resolution of stomatitis in L, Poon M, Stebbins K, Cabrera G, Chen A, Jacintho J, BOLERO-2. 2013 ASCO Annual Meeting (May 31-June 4, Spaner D, Prasit P and Lorrain D. Inhibition of Fatty Acid 2013), Abstract 558. Oxidation Leads to Apoptosis of Resting and Proliferating 65. Petrella T, Laredo S, Oh P, Marzolini S, Warner E, Dent Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Cells in Vitro. Blood (ASH R, Verma S, Eisen A, Pritchard K, Trudeau M, Zhang Annual Meeting Abstracts). 2012 Dec 1; 120: 3879. L, Bjarnason G. A pilot study evaluating the benefits and 59. Michael Crump, John Kuruvilla, Stephen Couban, David feasibility of an exercise program for breast cancer patients Macdonald, Vishal Kukreti, C. Tom Kouroukis, Ralph M. receiving adjuvant chemotherapy. 2012 Dec; San Antonio Meyer, Morel Rubinger, Rena Buckstein, Kevin R. Imrie, Breast Cancer Symposium 2012. Abstract 1116. Massimo Federico, Nicola Di Renzo, Kang Howson-Jan, 66. Petrella T, Mihalcioiu C, McWhirter E, Belanger K, Savage Taraq Baetz, Leonard Kaizer, Michael Voralia, Harold J. K, Song X, Hamid O, Cheng T, Davis M, Lee C, Spatz A, Olney, A. Robert Turner, Jonathan Sussman, Annette E Monzon JG, Hagerman L, Chen B, Dancey J. Final efficacy Hay, Marina Djurfeldt, Bingshu E Chen, Lois Shepherd. results of NCIC CTG IND.202: A randomized phase II study Gemictabine, Dexamethasone, Cisplatin (GDP) Comparet to of recombinant interleukin-21 (rIL21) in patients with recurrent Dexamethasone, Cytarabine, Cisplatin (DHAP) Chemotherapy or metastatic melanoma (MM). J Clin Oncol. 2013 Jun; Prior to Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation for Relapsed 31(Suppl.): Abstract 9032. and Refractory Aggressive Lymphomas: Final Results of 67. Petrella T, Oh P, Marzolini S, Laredo S, Dent R, Warner the Randomized Phase III NCIC CTG Study LY12. Blood. E, Verma S, Eisen A, Pritchard K, Trudeau M, Zhang 2012 Nov; 120: 745. L, Bjarnason G. A pilot study evaluating the benefits and 60. Mok G, Gauthier I, Jiang H, Huang SH, Chan K, Witterick feasibility of an exercise program for breast cancer patients I, Kim J, Waldron J, O’Sullivan B, Ringash J. Does IMRT receiving adjuvant chemotherapy. Presented at the San for hypopharyngeal cancer improve loco-regional control? Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, 2012 December. A comparison to 3D conformal radiotherapy. Int J Radiat 68. Phi X.A, Houssami N, Leach M, Podo F, Sardanelli F, Warner Oncol Biol Phys. 2012 Nov; 84(3S): S492. E, Trop I, De Bock G.H. Which screening strategy should be 61. Neil L Berinstein, Nancy M Pennell, Mary-Anne Cussen, offered to women with BRCA gene mutations? Preliminary Kevin R Imrie, Eugenia Pilliotis, Rena Buckstein, Zeina findings of an individual patient data meta analysis. 2013 Ghorab, Ellen Anne Miles, Alden E Chesney, Matthew Jun; Presented at the International Student Congress of Cheung. Sustained Immune Competency and Long Term (bio)Medical Sciences Conference (ISCOM), 2013 June. Molecular Remissions in FL Patients with FLIPI Risk Factors 69. Prica A, Chan K, Cheung M. Combined Modality Therapy >1, Treated Front Line with R-CHOP folllowed by Consolidative Versus Chemotherapy Alone As an Induction Regimen for 90 Y-Radioimmunotherapy and Maintenance Rituximab. Primary CNS Lymphoma: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis. Blood. 2012 Nov; 120: 745. 2012 Dec; 2012 ASH Annual Meeting. Abstract 969. 62. Nicholas J. Chin-Yee, Andrew Yan, George A. Tomlinson, 70. Prica A, Tseng E, Wells R, Alibhai S, Lam A, Mamedov A, Craig Earle, Maureen E. Trudeau, Murray Krahn, Dennis Chodirker L, Zhang L, Khalaf D, Lenis M, Buckstein R. Ko, Monika Krzyzanowska, Raveen Pal, Christine B. The effects of azacitidine on quality of life: A prospective Brezden, Kelvin K. Chan. Impact of center case volume longitudinal assessment. Leukemia Research. 2013 May; on cardiotoxicity during adjuvant trastuzumab in breast 37(Suppl. 1): S138. cancer. J Clin Oncol. 2013 Jun; 31(Suppl): Abstract 6625. 2013 ASCO Annual Meeting. 71. Prica A, Tseng E, Wells R, Mamedov A, Zhang L, Lenis M, Buckstein R. Predictors of azacitidine response: A 63. Nikonova A, Guirguis H, Buckstein R, Cheung M. Delays in prospective longitudinal assessment. Leukemia Research. diagnosis and treatment of Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma 2013 May; 37(Suppl. 1): S80. Do Not Affect Survival. European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO). 2012 Sep 28; 72. Prica A, Wells R, Buckstein R, Chodirker L. Immunosuppressive therapy for patients with myelodysplastic syndrome: A single 64. Perez AT, Rugo HS, Baselga J, Hart L, Pritchard KI, Arena center experience. Leukemia Research. 2013 May; 37(Suppl. FP, Eakle JF, Geberth M, Hortobagyi GN, Csõszi T, Gnant 1): S165. M, Chouinard EE, Noguchi S, Srimuninnimit V, Puttawibul P, Heng DYC, Panneerselvam A, Taran T, Sahmoud T, Burris

106 73. Pritzker KPH, Trudeau ME, Pritzker LB, Wang X, Zhu M, Guo Solymoss, MD, Marie-José Miron, Erik Yeo, Reginald Smith, B, Shepherd LE, Chapman J-A, Parissenti AM. Determining Sam Schulman, MD, PhD, Jeannine Kassis, MD, Clive triple negative breast cancer patients not responding to Kearon, MD, PhD, Isabelle Chagnon, MD, Turnly Wong, chemotherapy: A novel RNA test. Breakthrough Breast Christine Demers, Rajendar Hanmiah, Scott Kaatz, MD, Cancer: TNBC Conference 2013, London, England, June Rita Selby, MBBS, MSc, FRCPC, Suman Rathbun, Sylvie 26-28, 2013. Poster Presentation. Desmarais, MD, Lucie Opatrny, MD, CM, Thomas Ortel and 74. Quan ML, Paszat, LF, Fernandes K, Sutradhar R, McCready, Jeffrey S. Ginsberg, MD. A Multicenter Randomized Placebo DR, Rakovitch,E, Warner E, Wright FC, Hodgson N, Controlled Trial of Compression Stockings to Prevent the Brackstone M, Baxter N. The effect of surgery type on survival Post-Thrombotic Syndrome After Proximal Deep Venous and recurrence in very young women with breast cancer. Thrombosis: The S.O.X. Trial. Blood. 2012 Dec. Presented at the 2013 annual meeting of the American 81. T. W. Fyles, W. Shi, M. Pintilie, S. J. Done, N. Miller, L. Weir, I. A. Society of Clinical Oncology, June 2013. Olivotto, M. Trudeau, D. McCready, F. Liu. Post-Menopausal 75. R Buckstein, A Prica, L Chodirker, N Zhu, T Nevill, H Leitch, Women With Luminal A Subtype May Not Require Breast K Yee, BF Leber, M Sabloff, R Kumar, M Geddes, M Lenis, C Radiotherapy - Results From A Randomized Clinical Trial Li, A Mamedov, D Khalaf, L Zhang, K Rockwood. Frailty is an Of Tamoxifen + Radiation. ASTRO 54th Annual Meeting independent prognostic marker for overall survival in MDS: (October 28-31, 2012) Results of a Canadian MDS registry. Leukemia Research. 82. Theis B, Eisen A, Hey A, Sellick S, Evans B. Smoking 2013 May; 37(Suppl. 1): S76. cessation referrals in Ontario’s Regional Cancer Programs: 76. Rena Buckstein, Shabbir M.H. Alibhai, Dina Khalaf, Adam comparable measurement with regional flexibility. 2013 Jun; Lam, Alex Mamedov, Liying Zhang, Martha Lenis, Matthew Presented at the Canadian Society for Epidemiology and Cheung, Jeannie Callum, Janey Hsiao, Yulia Lin, Kenneth Biostatistics Biennial Conference, St. John’s Newfoundland Rockwood, and Richard A. Wells. The Independent Effects 83. TM Petrella, S Laredo, P Oh, S Marzolini, E Warner, R of Frailty and Comorbidity On the Quality of Life in MDS Dent, S Verma, A Eisen, K Pritchard, M Trudeau, L Zhang, Patients. Blood. 2012 Nov; 120: 699. and G Bjarnason. A pilot study evaluating the benefits and 77. Rugo HS, Burris III HA, Gnant M, Baselga J, Piccart MJ, feasibility of an exercise program for breast cancer patients Noguchi S, Dakhil SR, Srimuninnimit V, Puttawibul P, Csoszi receiving adjuvant chemotherapy. Cancer Res. 2012 Dec; T, Heng DYC, Bourgeois H, Gonzales-Martin A, Osborne K, 72(24 Suppl.): Abstract P2-12-03. Mukhopadhyay P, Taran T, Campone M, Hortobagyi GN, 84. Trudeau M, Chin W, Arano G. The RNA disruptive assay Sahmoud T, Pritchard KI. Safety of everolimus for women (RDA) has the potential to be a cost-effective healthcare over 65 years of age with advanced breast cancer: 12.5 technology in detecting non-responders to breast cancer month follow-up of Bolero-2. 2012 Sep 13; Abstract 103063. chemotherapy. ARCC Conference 2013, Vancouver, British 78. Ruste SAD, Eisen A, Pritchard KI. The first 10 years Columbia, May 27, 2013. experience with genetic testing (GT) for BRCA1/2 mutations 85. Tseng E (Tseng, Eric); Wells RA (Wells, Richard A.); Alibhai in a publicly funded program at a tertiary care teaching SMH (Alibhai, Shabbir M>H>); Lam A (Lam, Adam); Mamedov hospital in Ontario, Canada. 2013 ASCO Annual Meeting A (Mamedov, Alex); Chodirker L (Chodirker, Lisa); Zhang LY (May 31-June 4, 2013), Abstract 1550. (Zhang, Liying); Khalaf D (Khalaf, Dina); Prica A (Prica, Anca); 79. Simron Singh, Maureen E. Trudeau, Kevin Robert Imrie, Lenis M (Lenis, Martha); Buckstein R (Buckstein, Rena). Ben De Mendonca, John Fralick, Matthew C. Cheung. The The Effects of Azacitidine On Quality of Life: A Prospective association between the transfer of emergency department Longitudinal Assessment. Blood. 2012 Nov 16; 120(21): borders to inpatient hallways or off-service beds and the Abstract 4938 quality of oncology care. J Clin Oncol. 2012 Dec; 30(Suppl. 86. Waldron JN, Huang SH, Xu W, Zhao H, Chen D, Kim J, 34): Abstr 113. Bayley A, Chan K, Gilbert R, O’Sullivan B. Neck-specific 80. Susan R. Kahn, MD, MSc, Stan Shapiro, Phil S Wells, outcome of N2-N3 Head and Neck Cancer Treated with Marc A. Rodger, MD, FRCPC, Michael J. Kovacs, MD, Radiation +/- Chemotherapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. David Anderson MD, Vicky Tagalakis, MD, MSc, Mira Johri, 2012 Nov; 84(3S): S206 PhD, MPH, Adrielle H Houweling, Christina Holcroft, Susan

107 87. Walker M, Richardson H, Goss P, Jabs D, Jones G, Commentaries Wactawaski-Wende J, Cheung A, Winquist E, Spadafora 1. Li Y, Spaner DE. Micromanaging a large tumor suppressor. S, Lickley L, Ellard S, Cooke A, Eisen A, Verma S, Hey Cell Cycle. 2012 Dec 15; 11(24):4497. A, Tu S, Gelmon D, Meyer RM, King WD. Vitamin D and Mammographic Density in Postmenopausal Women: A cohort Letters to Editor study nested within the NCIC CTG MAP.3 chemoprevention trial. 2012 Oct; Presented at the AACR Frontiers in Cancer 1. Ho G, Leblanc K, Selby R, Richardson R, Hladunewich Prevention Conference M, Battistella M. Use of Fondaparinux for circuit patency in hemodialysis patients. American Journal of Kidney Disease. 88. Wood L, Bjarnason GA, Black PC, Cagiannos I, Hend DYC, American Journal of Kidney Disease. 2012 Nov 14; [Epub Jewett M, Kapoor A, Kollmannasberger CK, Mohammadzadeh ahead of print]. F, Moore RB, Rendon RA, Soulieres D, Tanguay S, Venner P, Finelli A. Using the Delphi Technique to improve clinical Honours and Awards outcomes through the development of quality indicators in renal cell carcinoma. JOP. 2013 Jun 4; 000870. International 89. Yardley DA, Hortobagyi GN, Lebrun F, Beck JT, Neven P, Baselga J, Petrakova K, Dakhil SR, Sabatini S, Komorowski A, Distinctions and Research Awards: Chouinard EE, Young RR, Gnant M, Pritchard KI, Zhang J, Received Ziemiecki R, Panneerselvam A, Taran T, Sahmoud T, Noguchi 1. Pritchard, Kathleen. 2012 Martin Prize in Clinical Research, S. Patient-reported physical, emotional, and social functioning Massachusetts General Hospital. (Research Award). 2012 in advanced breast cancer: Insights from BOLERO-2. 2013 July-2013 June. ASCO Annual Meeting (May 31-June 4, 2013), Abstract 553. 2. Pritchard, Kathleen. Listed Member, Best Doctors in 90. Yeung L, McAuley G, Gavura S, Meyer R, Kaizer L, Trudeau America. (Distinction). 1991-present. M. Clinical trials and cancer drug programs: Setting reimbursement principles. 2013 Mar; Canadian Agency for National Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH) Symposium, May 5 to 7, 2013, St. John’s, Newfoundland. Poster Presentation. Distinctions and Research Awards:

91. Yu, JL, Kurin M, Pasetka M, Srikala S, Warner E. Febrile Received neutropenia with adjuvant docetaxel and cyclophosphamide 1. Chan, Kelvin Kar-Wing. CIHR. (Travel Award). 2013 June. (TC) chemotherapy for breast cancer. 2013 Apr; Presented $1,000.00 CAD. at the 2013 annual meeting of the Canadian Association of Medical Oncologists, April 2013. 2. Spaner, David. Governor General’s Award, Principal investigator, Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Canad. Book Chapters (Research Award). 2012 May - 2012 July. Top ranked grant in 2011 competition. 1. Boileau JF, Rana P, Yaffe M, Rakovitch E, Pritchard KI. Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS). World Breast Cancer Report 2012. Student/Trainee Awards: 2012 Nov; p. 489-496. International Prevention Research Received Institute (iPRI), France. 1. Verma, Sunil. Abstract Prize - Oral Presentation, Canadian 2. Cheung M, Imrie K. Multiple Myeloma Surveillance Association of Medical Oncologist (CAMO). 2013 February. Counterpoint: Canada. Patient Surveillance After Cancer Treatment. In: Current Clinical Oncology (eds). Patient 2nd Prize - Research Supervisor: Awarded to Kit Man Wong for Surveillance After Cancer Treatment. 2013; Humana Press. project titled “The Role of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor p. 503-9. Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors in Treatment of Advanced EGFR 3. Kollmannsberger C, Bjarnason GA, Ravaud A. Toxicity Wild-Type Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer”. management of renal cell cancer patients on targeted therapies. In: Lara PN, Jonasch E (eds). Kidney Cancer: Principles and practice. 2012; Springer Heidelberg Dordrecht New York. p. 265-284.

108 Provincial/Regional Teaching Awards

Received Distinctions and Research Awards: 1. Chan, Kelvin Kar-Wing. Outstanding Teaching Award, Received Oncology, Dept of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Medical 1. Emmenegger, Urban. Human Touch Award, Cancer Care Oncology Training Program. (Postgraduate MD, Subspecialty). Ontario and Ontario Renal Network. (Distinction). 2013 April. 2012 July-2013 June.

Recognizes health care professionals, providers and volunteers 2. Hsiao, Janey. Ambulatory Teaching Award, General in the cancer and renal system, demonstrating exceptional Internal Medicine, Dept of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, and compassionate patient care. Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Ontario, Canada. (Multilevel Education). 2012 November. Local 3. Trudeau, Maureen. Education Award, Oncology, Dept of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto. 2013 Distinctions and Research Awards: June. Received 4. Ko, Yoo-Joung. 2013 Department of Medicine Pre-Clerkship 1. Emmenegger, Urban. Research Summer Student Award, Teaching Award, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Sunnybrook Research Institute, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ontario, Canada. Centre. (Research Award). 2013 April. Student/Trainee Awards 2. Pritchard, Kathleen. Senior Scientist, Research Institute. 2003-present Received 1. Chan, Kelvin Kar-Wing. First Prize Award, Awardee Name: Urszula Zurawska. Medical Oncology Research Day, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 2012.


Number of Faculty: 6 Grants Number Amount Peer Reviewed Funding Principal Investigator: 1 $50,000 USD Co-Principal Investigator: 2 $475,209 CAD 2 $353,158 USD Co-Investigator / Collaborator: 12 $1,296,762 CAD 1 $97,424 USD Other: 1 $122,951 CAD 1 $2,032,258 USD Total: 15 $1,894,921 CAD 5 $2,532,840 USD Non Peer Reviewed Funding Non Peer Reviewed Funding Total: 1 $7,692 CAD 1 $1,200,000 USD

Publications Number Peer Reviewed Publications Principal Author 9 Co-Principal Author 2 Senior Responsible Author 14 Collaborator / Co-Author 15 Other Role - Peer Reviewed Publications Total 40

Honours and Awards Received International Totals: 3 National Totals: 1 Provincial / Regional Totals: 1 Local Totals: 9 Unspecified Scope Totals: - Total Honours and Awards: 14

110 Grants, Contracts and Clinical Trials 7. Hladunewich, Michelle Adrienne. The Accurate Measurement of Glomerular Filtration Rate in Patients with Kidney Disease. Peer-Reviewed Funding White, Christine: Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR). Operating Grants. ($346,118.00 CAD Sep 2009 - Aug 2012, Division Member is Principal Investigator: Prorated: $19,228.78 CAD) [Grants] 1. Hladunewich, Michelle Adrienne. A Pilot Study to Assess 8. Hladunewich, Michelle Adrienne. The IgA Nephropathy the Efficacy of Rituximab Therapy in Patients with Treatment Immunopathogenesis Network. University of Toronto. Resistant Idiopathic Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis Department of Medicine Research Challenge Grant. (FSGS): Integrating an Assessment of the Relevance of suPAR ($300,000.00 CAD Jun 2013 - Dec 2015, Prorated: $9,677.42 and Activation of Podocyte B3 Integrin. National Institutes of CAD) [Grants] Health, Rare Diseases Clinical Research Network. Neptune 9. Hladunewich, Michelle Adrienne. The Role of Single Consortium Pilot Projects. ($100,000.00 USD Jul 2012 - Jun Nucleotide Polymorphisms of Iron Regulatory Genes in 2014, Prorated: $50,000.00 USD) [Grants] Chronic Kidney Disease and Cancer Treatment Induced Other Peer-Reviewed Funding Anemia Susceptibility and Response to Therapy. Battistella, Marisa: R. Samuel McLaughlin Foundation (The). Accelerator 2. Hladunewich, Michelle Adrienne. Curcumin to Prevent Grant in Genomic Medicine. ($40,000.00 CAD May 2012 - Perioperative Complications after Elective Abdominal Aortic Apr 2013, Prorated: $33,333.33 CAD) [Grants] Anuerysm Repair. Amit, Garg: Canadian Institutes for Health Research. Randomized Controlled Trials Program. ($320,853.00 10. Hladunewich, Michelle Adrienne. Virtual Ward For Home CAD Jul 2011 - Jun 2013, Prorated: $160,426.50 CAD) Dialysis – A Novel Model to Address Transitions of Care. [Grants] Chan, Christopher: Baxter Pharmaceuticals. Baxter Clinical Evidence Council for Home Haemodialysis. ($194,848.00 USD 3. Hladunewich, Michelle Adrienne. Development of a Jul 2012 - Jun 2014, Prorated: $97,424.00 USD) [Grants] Patient Centered Decision Tool for Nephrotic Syndrome Management. Gipson, Debbie: Patient-Centered Outcomes 11. Oliver, Matthew J. Does formal geriatric assessment predict Research Institute (PCORI). ($656,315.00 USD Jul 2012 - the need for home care assisted peritoneal dialysis? Jassal Jun 2014, Prorated: $328,157.50 USD) [Grants] V, Oliver MJ: International Society of Peritoneal Dialysis. ($50,000.00 USD Jul 2012 - Jun 2014, Prorated: $25,000.00 4. Hladunewich, Michelle Adrienne. Microalbuminuria and USD) [Grants] Retinopathy in Gestational Diabetes (MARIGOLD) Study. Shah, Baiju: Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR). 12. Oliver, Matthew J. ICES Kidney, Dialysis and Transplantation Bridge Project Funding. ($100,000.00 CAD Mar 2013 - Feb Program. Garg, Amit, Arsh Jain, Joseph Kim, Greg Knoll, 2014, Prorated: $33,333.33 CAD) [Grants] Charmaine Lok, Matthew Oliver, Michael Paterson, Robert Quinn, Ron Wald, Matthew Weir, Ziv Harel, Ann Young: 5. Hladunewich, Michelle Adrienne. Rare Diseases Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Health Services Consortium for Minimal Change Disease (MCD), Focal & Evaluation & Interventions Research. ($802,025.00 CAD Oct Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) and Membranous 2012 - Sep 2017, Prorated: $120,303.75 CAD) [Grants] Glomerulosclerosis (MN) - NEPTUNE Study. Kretzler, Matthias: The National Institutes of Health Office of Rare Diseases, 13. Oliver, Matthew J. Reducing the risk of serious adverse The National Institutes of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney events and improving quality of life for patients with kidney Disease, NephCure Foundation and University of Michigan. disease: the role of arteriovenous fistula creation in hemodialysis Rare Disease Clinical Research Consortia. ($10,500,000.00 patients. Quinn, Robert: MSI Foundation. ($48,000.00 CAD USD Jul 2010 - Aug 2015, Prorated: $2,032,258.06 USD) Jul 2012 - Jun 2014, Prorated: $24,000.00 CAD) [Grants] [Grants] 14. Oliver, Matthew J. Reducing the risk of serious adverse 6. Hladunewich, Michelle Adrienne. STandard versus events and improving quality of life for patients with Accelerated initiation of Renal Replacement Therapy in Acute kidney disease: the role of arteriovenous fistula creation in Kidney Injury (STARRT-AKI). Wald, Ron: Canadian Institutes of hemodialysis patients. Quinn, Robert: Canadian Institues Health Research (CIHR). Operating Grants. ($227,720.00 CAD of Health Research (CIHR). Health Services Evaluation and Jul 2011 - Jun 2013, Prorated: $113,860.00 CAD) [Grants] Interventions Research. ($152,879.00 CAD Mar 2013 - Feb 2015, Prorated: $25,479.83 CAD) [Grants]

111 15. Tobe, Sheldon William. DREAM-GLOBAL: Diagnosing Publications hypeRtension - Engaging Action and Management in Getting LOwer Bp in Aboriginal and LMIC - A Research Proposal. Liu, Peer-Reviewed Publications Peter, Karen Yeates, Norm Campbell: Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Team Grant: Implem Res on Journal Articles Hypertension in Low/Middle Income. ($180,4101.00 CAD 1. Blake PG, Quinn RR, Oliver MJ. The risks of vascular access. Jul 2012 - Jul 2017, Prorated: $354,905.11 CAD) [Grants] Kidney International. 2012 Sep; 82(6): 623-5. 16. Tobe, Sheldon William. First Nations Community-Based 2. Blake PG, Quinn RR, Oliver MJ. Peritoneal dialysis and the Chronic Disease System Improvement Strategy. Harris, process of modality selection. Peritoneal Dialysis International. Stewart Brian: Canadian Institutes of Health Research 2013 May-June; 2013 May-June; 33(3): 233-41. (CIHR). ($24,999.00 CAD Oct 2012 - Oct 2012, Prorated: 3. Brown P, Jay R, Fox A, Oliver MJ. Chronic fondaparinux use in $24,999.00 CAD) [Grants] a hemodialysis patient with heparin-induced thrombocytopenia 17. Tobe, Sheldon William. Heart outcome prevention evaluation type II and extracorporeal circuit thrombosis-A case report trial( HOPE-3). A large simple randomized trial of combined and review of the literature. Hemodialysis International. 2013 cholesterol modification and blood pressure lowering in July; 17(3): 444-9. middle aged people at average risk. Lonn, Eva and Yusuf, 4. Clark E, Wald R, Levin A, Bouchard J, Adhikari NK, Salim: AstraZeneca. ($909,482.00 CAD Jul 2009 - Jun 2015, Hladunewich MA, Richardson RM, James MT, Walsh MW, Prorated: $151,580.33 CAD) [Industrial Grants] House AA, Moist L, Stollery DE, Burns KE, Friedrich JO, 18. Tobe, Sheldon William. Heart Outcomes Prevention Anne J, Barton J, Lafrance JP, Pannu N, Bagshaw SM; For Evaluation (HOPE-3). Lonn,Eva and Yusuf,Salim: Canadian the Canadian Acute Kidney Injury (CANAKI) Investigators. Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). ($4,565,353.00 CAD Timing the initiation of renal replacement therapy for acute Sep 2008 - Jan 2013, Prorated: $602,971.15 CAD) [Grants] kidney injury in Canadian intensive care units: A multi-centre 19. Tobe, Sheldon William. MEthods of ASsessing blood observational study. Can J Anaesth. 2012 Sep; 59(9): 861-70. pressUre: identifying thReshold and target valuEs (MEASURE 5. Cornelis T, Spaanderman M, Beerenhout C, Perschel FH, BP). Daskalopoulou, Styliani: Canadian Institutes of Health Verlohren S, Schalkwijk CG, van der Sande FM, Kooman Reserarch (CIHR). ($97,872.00 CAD Jul 2012 - Jun 2013, JP, Hladunewich MA. Antiangiogenic factors and maternal Prorated: $97,872.00 CAD) [Grants] hemodynamics during intensive hemodialysis in pregnancy. 20. Tobe, Sheldon William. Transformation of Indigenous Primary Hemodial Int. 2013 Apr 1. Healthcare Delivery ( FORGE AHEAD): Community-driven 6. de Oliveira C, Wijeysundera HC, Tobe SW, Lum-Kwong MM, Innovation and and Scale-up Toolkits. Stewart, Harris: Canadian Von Sychowski S, Wang X,Tu JV, Krahn MD. Economic analysis Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). ($2,500,000.00 CAD of Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario’s Hypertension Apr 2013 - Apr 2018, Prorated: $122,950.82 CAD) [Grants] Management Initiative. Clinicoecon Outcomes Research. 2012 Nov; 4: 323-6. Non-Peer-Reviewed Funding 7. Gadegbeku CA, Gipson DS, Holzman LB, Ojo AO, Song 1. Hladunewich, Michelle Adrienne. A Randomized Controlled PX, Barisoni L, Sampson MG, Kopp JB, Lemley KV, Nelson Trial of Rituximab Versus Cyclosporin in the Treatment of PJ, Lienczewski CC, Adler SG, Appel GB, Cattran DC, Idiopathic Membranous Nephropathy (MENTOR) Study. Choi MJ, Contreras G, Dell KM, Fervenza FC, Gibson KL, Fervenza, Fernando: Mayo Clinic. ($6,000,000.00 USD Jan Greenbaum LA, Hernandez JD, Hewitt SM, Hingorani SR, 2012 - Dec 2016, Prorated: $1,200,000.00 USD) [Clinical Trials] Hladunewich MA, Hogan MC, Hogan SL, Kaskel FJ, Lieske 2. Oliver, Matthew J. Peritoneal dialysis catheter placement, JC, Meyers KE, Nachman PH, Nast CC, Neu AM, Reich HN, use and technique failure in Ontario. Perl, Jeff; Oliver Matthew: Sedor JR, Sethna CB, Trachtman H, Tuttle KR, Zhdanova O, MOHLTC/Ontario Renal Network. ($10,000.00 CAD Apr Zilleruelo GE, Kretzler M. Design of the Nephrotic Syndrome 2012 - Apr 2013, Prorated: $7,692.31 CAD) [Grants] Study Network (NEPTUNE) to evaluate primary glomerular nephropathy by a multidisciplinary approach. Kidney Int. 2013 Apr; 83(4): 749-756.

112 8. Hallan SI, Matsushita K, Sang Y, Mahmoodi BK, Black S, Manns B, Tonelli M, Strippoli GF, James MT. Associations Ishani A, Kleefstra N, Naimark DM, Roderick P, Tonelli M, between hemodialysis access type and clinical outcomes: Wetzels JF, Astor BC, Gansevoort RT, Levin A, Wen CP, A systematic review. Journal of the American Society of Coresh J; for the Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Prognosis Nephrology. 2013 Feb 21; 24(3): 465-473. Consortium. Age and the association of kidney disease 18. Tangri N, Kitsios G, Inker LA, Griffith J, Naimark DM, measures with mortality and end-stage renal disease. Journal Walker S, Rigatto C, Uhlig, K, Kent DM Levey AS. Risk of the American Medical Association (JAMA). 2012 Dec; Prediction Models for patients with chronic kidney disease: 308(22): 2349-60. A systematic review. Annals of Internal Medicine. 2013 Apr 9. Ho G, Leblanc K, Selby R, Richardson R, Hladunewich 16; 158(8): 596-603. MA, Batistella M. Use of Fondaparinux for Circuit Patency 19. Tobe SW, Moy Lum-Kwong M, von Sychowski S, Kandukur in Hemodialysis Patients. Am J Kidney Dis. 2013 Mar 14; K, Kiss A, Flintoft V. Hypertension Management Initiative 61(3): 525-6. (HMI) Prospective Cohort Study: Comparison between 10. Hughes SA, Mendelssohn JG, Tobe SW, McFarlane PA, Immediate and Delayed Intervention Groups. Journal of Mendelssohn DC. Factors associated with suboptimal initiation Human Hypertension. 2013 Jun; [Epub ahead of print]. of dialysis despite early nephrologist referral. Nephrology 20. Tobe SW, Moy Lum-Kwong M, von Sychowski S, Kandukur Dialysis Transplant. 2013 Feb; 28(2): 397-2. K. Hypertension Management Initiative: Qualitative Results 11. Myers MG, Godwin M, Dawes M, Kiss A, Tobe SW, Kaczorowski From Implementing Clinical Practice Guidelines in Primary J. Conventional versus automated measurement of blood Care Through a Facilitated Practice Program. Canadian pressure in the office (CAMBO) Trial: masked hypertension Journal of Cardiology. 2013 May; 29(5): 632-5. Elsevier. sub-study. Journal of Hypertension. 2012 Oct; 30(10): 1937-41. 21. Tobe SW, Tremblay G, Lindsay P, Reid D, Campbell NRC, 12. Naimark DM, Harel Z, Mineddin R, Bergman A. The Impact of Quinn R, Rabi N. Challenges and scientific considerations Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate Reporting on Nephrology in hypertension management reflected in the 2012 Referral Pattern, Patient Characteristics and Outcome. recommendations of the Canadian Hypertension Education Nephron Clinical Practice. 2012 Oct 16; 121(1-2): c10-5. Program. Open Medicine. 2012 Oct; 6(4): 127-133 13. Odutayo A, Adhikari NK, Barton J, Burns KE, Friedrich JO, 22. Wald R, Friedrich JO, Bagshaw SM, Burns KE, Garg AX, Klein, Lapinsky S, Litwin S, Meret A, Moineddin R, Richardson Hladunewich MA, House AA, Lapinsky S, Klein D, Pannu NI, B, Richardson R, Zaltzman A, Hladunewich MA, Wald RM. Pope K, Richardson RM, Thorpe K, Adhikari NK. Optimal Mode The epidemiology of acute kidney injury in Canadian critical of clearance in critically ill patients with Acute Kidney Injury care units: A prospective cohort study. Can J Anaesth. 2012 (OMAKI) - a pilot randomized controlled trial of hemofiltration Oct; 59(10): 934-42. (Trainee Publication). versus hemodialysis: a Canadian Critical Care Trials Group 14. Odutayo A, Hladunewich MA. Moving Points in Nephrology: project. Crit Care. 2012 Oct 24; 16(5): R205. Renal hemodynamic and metabolic physiology in normal Abstracts pregnancy. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2012 Jul; (Trainee Publication). 1. Barbour S, Cattran DC, Kim J, Wald R, Levin A, Hladunewich MA, Reich HN. Asians with IgA Nephropathy Have an Increased 15. Oliver MJ. A Brazilian experience in assisted automated Risk of Progression to End-Stage Renal Disease. ASN. 2012. peritoneal dialysis: reliable option or just palliative therapy? Peritoneal Dialysis International. 2013 May-June; 33(3): 230-2. 2. Battistella M, Ho G, Leblanc K, Huh J, Ng J, Selby R, Richardson R, Brien B, Hladunewich MA. Use of Fondparinux in severe 16. Rabi DM, Padwal R, Tobe SW, Gilbert RE, Leiter LA, Quinn renal impairment and hemodialysis. NKF. 2012. RR, Khan N; Canadian Hypertensive Education Program and Canadian Diabetes Association. Risks and benefits of 3. Beanlands H, McCay E, Sidani S, Pahati S, Horsburgh M, intensive blood pressure lowering in patients with type 2 Cattran D, Hladunewich MA. Factors Associated with diabetes. Canadian Medical Association Journal. 2013 Jun; Self-Care Among People with Stage 1 To 3 Chronic Kidney [Epub ahead of print]. Disease. WCN. 2013. 17. Ravani P, Palmer SC, Oliver MJ, Quinn RR, MacRae JM, 4. Dulai M, Ravani P, Oliver MJ, MacRae J, Devoe DJ, Quinn Tai DJ, Pannu NI, Thomas C, Hemmelgarn BR, Craig JC, RR. Willingness of physicians to participate in a randomized

113 trial comparing different forms of vascular access. Canadian 2. Tobe SW, Liu PP. What Does the Finding of Hypertension Society of Nephrology. 2013 Apr 25; Presented at the CSN Tell Us About Cardiovascular Risk Profile Even When Blood in Montreal, Canada. Pressure is Controlled? Canadian Journal of Cardiology. 5. Gemini Tanna. The Nephrology CanMEDS OSCE: An Innovative 2013 May; 29(5), 526-7. Elsevier. examination designed to assess physician competencies Other Publications in non-medical expert roles. International Conference on Residency Education (ICRE). 2012. 1. Nadeau-Fredette AC, Hladunewich MA, Hui D, Keunen 6. Hladunewich MA, Fervenza F, Hogan M, Reich HN, Cattran J, Chan CT. End-Stage Renal Disease and Pregnancy. Adv DC. A Pilot Study to Determine the Dose and Effectiveness Chronic Kidney Dis. 2013 May; 20(3): 246-252. (Trainee of H.P.Acthar® Gel in Subjects with Persistent Proteinuria Publication). and Nephrotic Syndrome due to Idiopathic Membranous Honours and Awards Nephropathy. CSN. 2012. 7. Hladunewich MA, Fervenza FC, Beck lH, Reich HN, Sethi International S, Irazabal MV, Eirin A, Ayalon R, Cattran DC. A Pilot Study to Determine Dose, Effectiveness and Depletion of Anti-PLA2R Distinctions and Research Awards: Antibodies of Adrenocorticotrophic Hormone (ACTH Acthar® Received Gel) in Subjects with Nephrotic Syndrome and Idiopathic 1. Hladunewich, Michelle Adrienne. Fellow, American Society Membranous Nephropathy (iMN). ASN. 2012. of Nephrology, United States. (Distinction). 2005-present. 8. Lee T, Biddle AK, Barbour S, Lionaki S, Hu Y, Derebail VK, 2. Hladunewich, Michelle Adrienne. Elected Membership, Hladunewich MA, Poulton CJ, Mahoney SL, Hogan SL, American Physiological Society, United States. (Distinction). Falk RJ, Cattran DC, Reich HN, Nachman PH. Prophylactic 2003-present Anticoagulation in Membranous Nephropathy: A Decision Analysis. ASN. 2012. Student/Trainee Awards:

Book Chapters Received

1. Tobe SW, Epstein M, Sun Haowei (Linda). Chapter 40, 1. Naimark, David. Young Investigator Award - Aging, Cardiovascular Complications in Patients with Renal Disease. Nephrology/transplantation, Co-supervisor, Awardee Name: In: Rosendorff, Clive (ed). Essential Cardiology: Principles and Ruth Sapir-Pichhadze. American Society of Transplantation, Practice. 2013 May; 3rd ed. p. 687-700. Springer New York. Seattle, Washington, United States. 2013 February. 2. Hladunewich MA, Davison JM. Acute kidney injury (AKI) $1,000.00 USD. in pregnancy and critical care emergencies. In: Maternal National Critical Care - A Multidisciplinary Approach. 2013; Cambridge University Press. Distinctions and Research Awards: 3. Hladunewich MA, Odutayo A, Thadhani R. The normal Received and diseased kidney in pregnancy. In: Schrier’s Diseases of the Kidney. 2013; 9th ed. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 1. Tobe, Sheldon William. 2013 Certificate of Excellence Award, Co-Chair of C-CHANGE, Hypertension Canada, 4. Singh SKS, Hladunewich MA. Kidney Transplantation and Toronto. (Distinction). 2013 June. Pregnancy. In: Current Progress in Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2012; (Trainee Publication). “In giving this award, we particularly commend the members 5. Tobe SW, Hua D, Twohig P. Chapter 16. Clinical Practice of C-CHANGE for their unprecedented initiative, resulting Guidelines. Future Medicine, Hypertension ebook 2013 Jun in the harmonization of guidelines for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease. This initiative resulted Editorials in the harmonization and integration of more than 400 recommendations from eight separate guideline, into 89 key 1. Blake PG, Quinn RR, Oliver MJ. The risks of vascular access. recommendations for the management of cardiovascular Kidney International. 2012 Sep; 82(6): 623-5. risk factors.”

114 Provincial/Regional Received 1. Hladunewich, Michelle Adrienne. Peters-Boyd Academy Distinctions and Research Awards: Mentorship Award, Dept of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Received University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 2012 July – 2013 June. 1. Oliver, Matthew J. Department of Medicine Quality Improvement & Patient Safety Award, Awardee Name: Dr. Any PB FOM member demonstrating exceptional commitment Matthew Oliver. Alberta Health Services, Calgary, Alberta, within the Mentoring Program for medical students. Canada. (Research Award). 2012 October. 2. Tanna, Gemini. In-Patient Teaching Award, Dept of Medicine, Optimizing Peritoneal Dialysis Quality Improvement Team. Faculty of Medicine, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. (Postgraduate MD, Core Program). 2012 July – 2013 June. Local 3. Tanna, Gemini. Sunnybrook Advisory Council Education Award - Teaching, Dept of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Distinctions and Research Awards: Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. (Multilevel Education). Received Ontario, Canada. 2012 July – 2013 June. 1. Hladunewich, Michelle Adrienne. Leadership Award, Student/Trainee Awards Department of Medicine, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Received Toronto, Ontario, Canada. (Distinction). 2012 November. 1. Naimark, David. Second place, resident research competition, 2. Hladunewich, Michelle Adrienne. Recognition of Service - Nephrology, Principal Supervisor, Awardee Name: Maneesh 10 Years, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. (Distinction). Sud. Sunnybrook Department of Medicine, Ontario, Canada. 2013 June. 2013 May.

3. Tobe, Sheldon William. Recognition of Service-20 years, Risk of End-Stage Renal Disease & Death After Cardiovascular Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. (Recognition of Service). Events in Chronic Kidney Disease. 2013 June.

In Honour of Your Achievement and with Appreciation for Your Support and Dedication to Sunnybrook Patients. 4. Zahirieh, Alireza. A Sunnybrook Moment of Service Excellence, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. (Distinction). 2012 July – 2013 June.

In honor of outstandign service and dedication to patient care. 5. Tobe Sheldon. 2013 Senior Investigator Award, Department of Medicine, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. (Distinction). Teaching Awards


Number of Faculty: 11 Grants Number Amount Peer Reviewed Funding Principal Investigator: 25 $1,690,296 CAD Co-Principal Investigator: 7 $6,695,313 CAD 1 $398,223 USD Co-Investigator / Collaborator: 45 $6,219,109 CAD 3 $2,033,588 USD Other: 18 $6,674,791 CAD 4 $298,518 USD Peer Reviewed Funding Total: 95 $21,279,509 CAD 8 $2,730,329 USD Non Peer Reviewed Funding Non Peer Reviewed Funding Total: 20 $235,003 CAD

Publications Number Peer Reviewed Publications Principal Author 5 Co-Principal Author - Senior Responsible Author 17 Collaborator / Co-Author 48 Other Role 10 Peer Reviewed Publications Total: 80

Honours and Awards Received International Totals: 2 National Totals: 12 Provincial / Regional Totals: 5 Local Totals: 9 Unspecified Scope Totals: - Total Honours and Awards: 28

116 Grants, Contracts and Clinical Trials Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). ($1,411,055.00 CAD Oct 2008 – Sep 2013, Prorated: $282,211.00 ) [Grants] Peer-Reviewed Funding 7. Black, Sandra E. Sartans to Slow Alzheimer’s Disease: A Randomized, Open-Label, Head-to-Head, Proof-of-Concept Division Member is Principal Investigator: Study of Angiotensin Receptor Blockers versus ACE Inhibitors 1. Black, Sandra E. A Phase II, Multicenter, Randomized, in Hypertensive Mild-Moderate AD Patients using Ventricular Double-Blind, Parallel-Group, Placebo-Controlled Study to Enlargement as Primary Outcome. Black SE (PI), Greenberg Investigate the Efficacy and Safety of RO4602522 Added B, Lanctot K, Masellis M, Oh P, Thorpe K.: Alzheimer’s Drug to the Background Therapy of the Acetylcholinesterase Discovery Foundation. ($922,388.00 CAD 2013 - 2016 Inhibitors Donepezil or Rivastigmine in Patients with Moderate Prorated: $115,298.50 CAD) [Grants] Severity Alzheimer’s Disease. Black SE (PI), Herrmann N 8. Black, Sandra E. Towards Functional Imaging Biomarkers (Co-PI), Lanctot K, Lam B, Masellis M.: Hoffman-La Roche of Alzheimer’s Disesase. Black SE (PI), Grady C, Schwindt Ltd. ($240,000.00 CAD 2012 - 2017, Prorated: $40,000.00 G, Stefanovic B.: Canadian Institutes of Health Research CAD) [Grants] (CIHR). ($203,013.00 Oct 2010 - Sep 2013, Prorated: 2. Black, Sandra E. Development of the Toronto Dementia $67,671.00 ) [Grants] Research Alliance (TDRA) Database and Creation of an 9. Black, Sandra E. Validation of ocular measures as Integrated Discovery System in Neurodegenerative Disorders. potential biomarkers for early detection of brain amyloid Lang AE, Greenberg B, Tang-Wai D, Freedman M, Keren R, and neurodegeneration. Black SE (PI), Caldwell C, Chow T, Pollock B, Strothers S: University of Toronto. Department of Fischer C, Freedman M, Greenberg B, Houle S, Hudson C, Medicine: Innovation Fund. ($75,000.00 CAD Jan 2012 – Dec Kiss A, Lang A, Mandelcorn E, Margolin E, Masellis M, Pollock 2012, Prorated: $37,500.00 CAD) [Grants] B, Rogaeva E, Swartz R, Strother S, Tang-Wai D, Tartaglia 3. Black, Sandra E. Genetic-cerebrovascular interactions in D, Valliant J, Voineskos A, Yang V.: The W. Garfield Weston brain atrophy and cognition. Black SE (PI), Albert PR (Co-PI), Foundation & Brain Canada. Multi-Investigator Research Lanctot KL (Co-PI), Chan PC, Masellis M, Herrmann N, Oh Initiative (MIRI). ($1,498,490.00 CAD 2013 - 2016, Prorated: PI, Swardfager WS.: Heart and Stroke Foundation Centre for $187,311.25 CAD) [Grants] Stroke Recovery. ($48,194.00 CAD 2012 - 2013, Prorated: 10. Gladstone, David. “Spot Sign” Selection of Intracerebral $24,097.00 CAD) [Grants] Hemorrhage to Guide Hemostatic Therapy (SPOTLIGHT): A 4. Black, Sandra E. Imaging Neuroinflammation in Alzheimer Randomized Controlled Trial. Gladstone DJ, Aviv R, Demchuk disease with Moderate White Matter Hyperintensities: An A, Hill MD, Butcher K, Black S, Mamdani M, Thorpe K, [18F]-FEPPA PET/MRI Study. Black S (PI), Swartz R (Co-PI), Sahlas D, Spence J: Canadian Institutes of Health Research Nestor S, Mizrahi R, Suridjan I, Rusjan P, Wilson A.: Heart and (CIHR) – National Award (operating grant). ($1,708,141.00 Stroke Foundation Centre for Stroke Recovery. ($50,000.00 2010 - 2015, Prorated: $284,690.17 ) [Grants] CAD 2012 - 2013, Prorated: $25,000.00 CAD) [Grants] 11. Gladstone, David. Cardiac Monitoring for Stroke Prevention: 5. Black, Sandra E. Improving EMR uptake using a customizable The EMBRACE Study Program. Gladstone DJ, Dorian P, tool integrated into workflow across the health care system O’Donnell M, Spring M, Mamdani M, Thorpe K, Laupacis A, as a means to optimize knowledge exchange and patient Kapral M, Aviv R, Blakely J, Cote R, Sharma M, Shuaib A: education. Ween J, Saposnik G, Swartz R, Selchen D, Silver Canadian Stroke Network – National Award. ($952,718.00 F, Basile V: Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. Academic 2010 - 2013, Prorated: $238,179.50 ) [Grants] Health Science Centres AFP Innovation Fund. ($50,400.00 12. Gladstone, David. SPARTACUS: The Ontario Atrial Fibrillation CAD Feb 2011 – Feb 2013, Prorated: $16,128.00 CAD) Stroke Prevention Registry. Gladstone DJ, Swartz RH, on [Grants] behalf of the UofT Stroke Program Investigators: Ontario Stroke 6. Black, Sandra E. In Vivo Brain Mapping in the Dementias: System / Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. A Longitudinal Brain-Behaviour Study with A Focus on ($85,000.00 2010 - 2012, Prorated: $14,166.67 ) [Grants] Cerebrovascular Disease. Black SE(PI), Caldwell C, Gao 13. Lim, Andrew. Identifying Genetic Determinants of Human F, Herrmann N, Kiss A, Lanctôt K, Lobaugh N, Masellis M, Sleep and Circadian Rhythms. Palmer, Lyle; Mukherjee, McIlroy W, Rogaeva E, Stefanovic B, Stuss D, Swartz R.: Sutapa; Ryan, Clodagh; Kowgier, Matthew; Pare, Guillaume; De Jager, Philip; Bennett, David A.; Buchman, Aron S.:

117 Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Open Operating 21. Swartz, Richard H. Post-stroke triage “DOC”: simple screening Grant. ($446,488.00 CAD Jan 2013 - Jun 2017, Prorated: for Depression, Obstructive. Heart and Stroke Foundation $49,609.78 CAD) [Grants] of Ontario (The) (HSFO) – Grant in Aid. ($143,598.00 CAD 14. Lim, Andrew. Sleep Fragmentation and the Risk of Stroke Jun 2012 - Jul 2014, Prorated: $66,276.00 CAD) and Heart Disease. Palmer, Lyle; Mukherjee, Sutapa; Ryan, 22. Swartz, Richard H. Provoking action: Real-time activity Clodagh; Kowgier, Matthew; Bennett, David A.; Buchman, monitoring & prompting post-stroke. Heart and Stroke Aron S.: Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario (HSFO). Foundation. Centre for Stroke Recovery Catalyst Grant. Bridge Grant. ($70,000.00 CAD Jun 2013 - Jun 2014, ($49,000.00 CAD Jul 2012 - Jun 2013, Prorated: $49,000.00 Prorated: $5,384.62 CAD) [Grants] CAD) [Grants] 15. Masellis, Mario. Development of a City-Wide Movement 23. Zinman, Lorne H. Clinical Trial of Ceftriaxone in Subjects Disorders Program Through the Establishment of a Uniform with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis - Canadian Project Clinical and Research Database. Lang AE, Marras C, Miyasaki Management. ALS Society of Canada. ($100,000.00 CAD J, Kleiner-Fisman G, Steeves T: Division of Neurology New 2009 - 2012, Prorated: $12,500.00 CAD) [Grants] Initiatives Program 2013. ($26,540.00 CAD May 2013 - Apr 24. Zinman, Lorne H. Neural Mechanisms of Cognitive and Bulbar 2015, Prorated: $2,211.67 CAD) [Grants] Motor Decline in ALS. ALS Society of Canada. ($100,000.00 16. Masellis, Mario. Orthostatic Hypotension in Lewy Body CAD 2009 - 2012, Prorated: $12,500.00 CAD) [Grants] Spectrum Disorders: Cognitive, Structural and Perfusion 25. Zinman, Lorne H. Targeting Nuclear Factor Kappa Beta Perspectives. The Consortium of Canadian Centres for in ALS: A Phase II Clinical Trial. ALS Society of Canada. Clinical Cognitive Research (C5R). Research Grants Initiative ($500,000.00 CAD 2013 - 2016, Prorated: $62,500.00 Awards. ($19,974.00 CAD Jun 2012 - Dec 2013, Prorated: CAD) [Grants] $12,615.16 CAD) [Grants] Other Peer-Reviewed Funding 17. Masellis, Mario. Parkinson’s Related Dementia: A Pharmacogenomic Study of Cholinesterase Inhibitors 1. Black, Sandra E. “Spot Sign” Selection of Intracerebral Investigating Cognitive Benefit, Motor Worsening, and Brain Hemorrhage to Guide Hemostatic Therapy (SPOTLIGHT): A SPECT. Black SE, Freedman M, Tang-Wai D, Kennedy JL, Randomized Controlled Trial. Korngut L, Jette N, Pringsheim Chen R, Herrmann N, MacIntosh BJ, Kleiner-Fisman G, Lee T, Black SE: Canadian Institutes of Health Research J, Lang AE.: Parkinson’s Society of Canada, Garden Centre (CIHR). ($209,496.00 CAD Oct 2011 - Oct 2013, Prorated: Group Co-Op Corp. New Investigator Award. ($90,000.00 CAD $100,558.08 CAD) [Grants] Sep 2011 - Aug 2013, Prorated: $45,000.00 CAD) [Grants] 2. Black, Sandra E. “Spot Sign” Selection of Intracerebral 18. Masellis, Mario. Standard Treatment Algorithms Against Hemorrhage to Guide Hemostatic Therapy (SPOTLIGHT): Non-Dopaminergic Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Gladstone DJ, Aviv R (PI), STAANDS-PD. Lang AE, Marras C, Miyasaki J, Kleiner- Demchuk AM (PI), Black S, Butcher K, Dowlatshahi D, Hill Fisman G, Steeves T: Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre M, Mamdani M, Sahlas D, Spence J, Thorpe K.: Canadian AFP Innovation Fund. ($97,656.00 CAD May 2013 - Apr Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). ($1,708,140.00 CAD 2015, Prorated: $8,138.00 CAD) [Grants] Apr 2010 - Mar 2015, Prorated: $341,628.00 CAD) [Grants] 19. Masellis, Mario. Transforming Dementia Care in Ontario: 3. Black, Sandra E. A Novel Ultrasound Phased Array and Application of Genetic Testing to Treatment of Parkinson’s- Sonication Method for Stroke Treatments. Hynynen K, Black Related Dementia’s. Ministry of Economic Development and S, Chopra R, Goertz D, Stanisz G.: National Institutes of Innovation (MEDI). ($150,000.00 CAD May 2012 - Apr 2017, Health (NIH) (USA). ($2,515,716.00 USD Sep 2008 - Aug Prorated: $30,000.00 CAD) [Grants] 2013, Prorated: $503,143.20 USD) [Grants] 20. Swartz, Richard H. Improving EMR uptake using a 4. Black, Sandra E. A Phase II, Randomized, Multicentre, customizable tool integrated into workflow across the health Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial Comparing rFVIIa care system as a means to optimize knowledge exchange to Placebo for Treatment of Subjects with Acute ICH and and patient education. University of Toronto. Division of Contrast Extravasation (the Spot Sign) Identified on CTA. Neurology - New Initiative Fund. ($30,000.00 CAD Jul 2011 Broderick JP and Gladstone D, Aviv R, Black S, Hopyan - Jul 2012, Prorated: $2,307.69 CAD) [Innovation Fund] J, John V, Lam B, Swartz R, Ween J.: National Institutes of

118 Health (NIH) (USA). ($6,749,831.00 USD May 2008 - Apr Levine B, Alain C, Black SE, Graham S, Gryfe P, McIntosh 2013, Prorated: $1,124,971.83 USD) [Grants] AR, O’Connor P, Stuss DT, Turner G, Ween J: Canadian 5. Black, Sandra E. ADNI (Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Institutes of Health Research. ($853,770.00 CAD Oct 2009 Initiative): ADNI-1, ADNI-Go and ADNI-2. Weiner M, Black - Sep 2014, Prorated: $170,754.00 CAD) [Grants] SE (Site PI): National Institutes of Health (NIH) (USA). (Sep 13. Black, Sandra E. Evaluating the impact of cerebro-vascular 2005 - Aug 2012) [Grants] disease burden on disease progression: retrospective analysis 6. Black, Sandra E. ADNI (Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging of ADNI data. Duchesne S (PI), Black S, Bocti C.: Canadian Initiative): Alzheimer’s Disease Cooperative Study - Project #2. Institutes of Health Research (Catalyst Grant - Secondary Weiner M, Black SE (Site PI): Canadian Institutes of Health Analysis of Neuroimaging Databases). ($100,000.00 CAD Research (CIHR). ($1,500,000.00 CAD Sep 2012 - Aug 2013 - 2015 Prorated: $16,666.67 CAD) [Grants] 2017, Prorated: $250,000.00 CAD) [Grants] 14. Black, Sandra E. Examination of the intensity of music- 7. Black, Sandra E. Automated dementia diagnosis based on supported stroke rehabilitation. Fujioka T (PI), Dawson texture analysis of neurologic images. Caldwell C, Black S, D (Co-PI), Black S, Ross B, Stuss D.: Heart and Stroke Soucy JP.: Canadian Institutes of Health Research (Catalyst Foundation of Ontario. ($140,000.00 CAD 2012 - 2014, Grant - Secondary Analysis of Neuroimaging Databases). Prorated: $46,666.67 CAD) [Grants] ($100000.00 CAD 2013 - 2015 Prorated: $16666.67 CAD) 15. Black, Sandra E. FMRI Neurofeedback Applied to Motor [Grants] Imagery in Stroke. Graham SJ, Black SE, McIlroy WE, 8. Black, Sandra E. Beta-amyloid measurement in the Staines R, Boe S, Cassidy R.: Heart and Stroke Foundation ocular lens as a presymptomatic diagnostic test of incipient of Ontario. ($120,784.00 CAD 2011 - 2013, Prorated: Alzheimer disease using normal pressure hydrocephalus as $40,261.33 CAD) [Grants] a unique test ground. Tang-Wai D, Lang AE (Co-PI), Black 16. Black, Sandra E. Heart and Stroke Foundation Centre for SE, Cusimano MD, Goldstein LE, Greenberg B, Margolin Stroke Recovery. Sandra Black (Site Director, SHSC), Hakim E, Munoz DG, Caldwell CB, Valliant JF, Schweizer T.: W. AM (Site Director, University of Ottawa), Levine B (Site Director, Garfield Weston Foundation. ($99,360.00 CAD 2013 - 2014, Baycrest), Mearow KM (Site Director, Memorial University). Prorated: $24,840.00 CAD) [Grants] SHSC site principal investigators: McIlroy WE, Stefanovic 9. Black, Sandra E. Canadian Atherosclerosis Imaging Network B, Graham SJ, Gladstone DJ, Swartz RH, Mochizuki G, (CAIN) - “Hearts and Minds”. Tardif J-C, Tardif J-C (Project Macintosh BJ.: HSFO, University of Ottawa, Baycrest Centre Leader), Moody A, Black S(site Co-PI), Rutt B, Spence for Geriatric Care, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. JD, Fenster A, Frayne R, Freidrich M, Lespérance J, Chow ($40,000,000.00 CAD 2002 - 2012 Prorated: $1,875,000.00 B, Beanlands R.: Canadian Institutes of Health Research CAD) [Centre of Excellence Funding] (CIHR). ($1,400,000.00 CAD Apr 2008 - Mar 2013, Prorated: 17. Black, Sandra E. Impact of music-supported rehabilitation $210,000.00 CAD) [Grants] on behavioural and cortical functions in stroke recovery. 10. Black, Sandra E. Canadian Stroke Registry. Kapral M and Fujioka T, Dawson D, Black S, Ross B, Stuss D, Cohen E, Silver F (Project Leaders), Gladstone DJ (site PI) and Black Henri-Bhargava A, Lim-Lambie F: Canadian Institutes of SE (Co-I) at Sunnybrook. Canadian Stroke Registry: NCE Health Research. Operating Grant. ($461,247.00 CAD Apr Canadian Stroke Network. ($615,000.00 CAD Apr 2001 - 2012 - Mar 2015, Prorated: $153,749.00 CAD) [Grants] Mar 2013, Prorated: $38,437.50 CAD) [Grants] 18. Black, Sandra E. Impairment of Vascular Autoregulation 11. Black, Sandra E. Communication and Imaging Infrastructure in the Cerebral White Matter Predicts Future Leukoariosis. for the Canadian Atherosclerosis Imaging Network (CAIN). Mikulis D & Black SE, Mikulis D, Black SE(Co-PI), Silver Tardif J-C (Project Leader), Moody A, Black S (Site Co- F, Aviv R, Gladstone D, Da Costa L, Fisher J, Crawley A, PI), Rutt B, Spence JD, Fenster A, Frayne R, Freidrich M, Kassner A, Tomlinson G, Poublanc J.: Canadian Stroke Lespérance J, Chow B, Beanlands R.: Canada Foundation Network. ($388,000.00 CAD Apr 2010 - Mar 2013, Prorated: for Innovation (CFI). ($5,500,000.00 CAD Jul 2009 - Jun $97,000.00 CAD) [Grants] 2014, Prorated: $1,368,500.00 CAD) [Grants] 19. Black, Sandra E. Improving Performance in Drivers with 12. Black, Sandra E. Diffuse Brain Damage Effects on Distributed Mild Cognitive Impairment: An RCT of Cognitive Training. Systems: Multimodal Brain Imaging and Rehabilitation. Naglie, Gary, Binns M, Black S, Bedard M, Dawson D,

119 Fischer C, Freedman M, Herrmann N, Korner-Bitensky N, Kennedy JL, Chen R, Hermann N, MacIntosh BJ, Kleiner- Levine B, Schweizer T, Tang-Wai D: Canadian Institutes of Fisman G, Lee J, Lang AE: Parkinson Society Canada. Health Research. Operating Grant. ($562,765.00 CAD Jan ($90,000.00 CAD Jul 2011 - Jun 2013, Prorated: $45,000.00 2012 - Jan 2017, Prorated: $110,707.87 CAD) [Grants] CAD) [Grants] 20. Black, Sandra E. Lipidomics of Neurodegenerative Disease: 27. Black, Sandra E. Prediction of Hemorrhagic Transformation A Systems Biology Approach to Integrative Research Training. of Ischemic Stroke with CT Perfusion Derived Blood-Brain- Bennett S, Figeys D (PI), Tandon A, Fraser PE, Baetz K, Barrier Permeability Surface Area Product. Lee T-Y, Aviv Schlossmacher M, Slack RS, Park DS, Black S, Baenziger R, Black S, Gladstone D, Symons S.: Heart and Stroke J, Couture JF, Messier C, Yao Z, Fai S, Arnason JT, Woulfe J, Foundation of Ontario. ($453,370.00 CAD Jul 2009 - Jun Lanctot KL, Bickel D.: Canadian Institutes of Health Research 2014, Prorated: $90,674.00 ) [Grants] Team Grant. ($1,789,998.00 2009 Jun - 2015 Mar Prorated: 28. Black, Sandra E. Spatial working memory training as a means $306,856.80 ) [Grants] to rehabilitate spatial neglect arising from right hemisphere 21. Black, Sandra E. Medical Imaging Trial NEtwork of Canada stroke. Danckert J (PI), Ferber S (Co-PI), Roy E, Black SE.: (MITNEC). Tardif, Jean Claude, Black SE (Co-PI), Beanlands Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario. ($141,000.00 CAD R, Benard F, Burrell SC, Evans AC, Rayne R, Friedrich MG, 2012 - 2014 Prorated: $47,000.00 CAD) [Grants] Lal C, Lee, TY, McEwan A, Pibarot PJ, Turcotte E, Valliant 29. Black, Sandra E. The GENetic Frontotemporal Dementia JF: Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Operating Initiative (GENFI): a new multi-centre platform for the study Grant. ($9,000,000.00 CAD Jan 2011 - Jan 2013, Prorated: of frontotemporal lobar degeneration. Masellis, Mario and $4,846,153.85 CAD) [Grants] Rossor, Martin, Frisoni G (site PI), Ayoubi T (site PI), Masellis 22. Black, Sandra E. Modelling the heterogeneity of brain aging M (site PI), Rohrer J, Warren J, Fox N, Ourselin S, Rowe J, and dementia risk - integrating brain structural and functional Nestor P, Pievani M, Ghidoni R, Borroni B, Galimberti D, changes. Xiao S (PI), Black S, Mitnitski A, Rockwood K.: Scarpini E, Fenoglio C, Black SE, Chow T, Freedman M, Canadian Institutes of Health Research (Catalyst Grant - Tang-Wai D, Tartalia C, Keren R: Canadian Institutes of Health Secondary Analysis of Neuroimaging Databases). ($100,000.00 Research. Catalyst Grant. ($686,959.00 CAD Oct 2010 - Oct CAD 2013 - 2015 Prorated: $16,666.67 CAD) [Grants] 2013, Prorated: $222,797.51 CAD) [Grants] 23. Black, Sandra E. MRI-guided focused ultrasound IVIg 30. Black, Sandra E. The Language Impairment In Progressive immunotherapy for Alzheimer’s disease. Aubert I (PI), Hynynen Aphasia: A Longitudinal Neuropsychological And Imaging K, Stefanovic B, Black S, Andrews D, Branch DR, McLaurin Study. Rochon E, Black SE (Co-PI), Levine B, Leonard C, J.: W. Garfield Weston Foundation. ($150,000.00 CAD 2013 Freedman M, Chow T, Tang-Wai D, Graham N.: Canadian - 2014, Prorated: $37,500.00 CAD) [Grants] Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). ($614,202.00 Apr 2007 24. Black, Sandra E. Neurological Registry Best Practice - Sep 2013, Prorated: $94,492.62 ) [Grants] Guidelines and Implementation Toolkit. Korngut L, Jette N, 31. Black, Sandra E. The Neurotrophic Effects of Lithium Pringsheim T, Black SE.: National Population Health Study Carbonate Following Stroke: A Feasibility Study.Lanctot KL of Neurological Conditions, Public Health Agency of Canada. (PI), Herrmann N (PI), MacIntosh B, Gold A, Stefanovic B, ($209,496.00 CAD 2011 - 2013 Prorated: $69,832.00 CAD) Albert B, Swartz R, Black SE, Tennen G, Gao F, Hopyan [Grants] J: Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario. ($130,576.00 25. Black, Sandra E. NOninvasive Repeated THerapeutic CAD Mar 2011 - Jun 2013, Prorated: $55,961.14 CAD) STimulation for Aphasia Recovery – NORTHSTAR. Thiel A [Clinical Trials] (PI), Black SE (Co-PI), Lanthier S (Co-PI), Rochon E (Co-PI), 32. Black, Sandra E. Understanding the Epidemiology of Chen JL, Heiss W-D, Mochizuki G, Paquette C.: Canadian Neurological Conditions and Building the Methodological Institutes of Health Research. Operating Grant. ($500,000.00 Foundation for Surveillance. Jetté N, Pringsheim T, de Robles CAD 2013 - 2016, Prorated: $62,500.00 CAD) [Grants] P, Hamilton M, Korngut L, Maxwell C, Oskoui M, Zinman L, 26. Black, Sandra E. Parkinson’s related dementia: A Zygun D, Black S, Gallagher C, Hogan D, Holroyd-Leduc pharmacogenomics study of cholinesterase inhibitors J, Lorenzetti D, Marrie RA, Patten S, Steeves T, Svenson L, investigating cognitive benefit, motor worsening and brain Wiebe S, Wolfson C.: Canadian Institutes of Health Research SPECT. Masellis, M, Black SE, Freedman M, Tang-Wai D,

120 (CIHR). ($482,400.00 CAD Sep 2010 - Mar 2013, Prorated: 39. Gladstone, David. The SPOTLIGHT study: A Multicentre $116,709.68 ) [Grants] Image-Guided Emergency Treatment Protocol for Patients 33. Gladstone, David. Communication and Imaging Infrastructure with Intracerebral Hemorrhage. Gladstone DJ, Aviv R and for the Canadian Atherosclerosis Imaging Network (CAIN) Demchuk A: Ministry of Health & Long-Term Care, Ontario – Magnetic resonance imaging characterization of carotid Stroke Network. ($85,000.00 CAD 2011 - 2013, Prorated: plaque and prediction of end-organ and clinical outcomes. $28,333.33 CAD) [Grants] Tardif J-C, Moody A, Black S, Rutt B, Spence JD, Fenster A, 40. Hopyan, Julia Jasmine. 30 day event monitor belt for Frayne R, Freidrich M, Lespérance J, Chow B, Beanleands recording after acute cerebral event. (EMBRACE). Gladstone, R: Canada Foundation for Innovation (new initiative fund) David, Dorian P, O’Donnell M, Spring M, Mamdani M, Thorpe – National Award. ($21638735.00 2009 - 2014 Prorated: K, Laupacis A, Kapral M, Aviv R, Blakely J, Cote R, Sharma $3606455.83 ) [Grants] M, Shuaib A: Canadian Stroke Network. (2009 - present) 34. Gladstone, David. PARTNERS: Promoting Adherence to [Clinical Trials] Regimen of Risk Factor Modification by Trained Non-Medical 41. Hopyan, Julia Jasmine. Canadian Atherosclerosis Imaging Personnel (Volunteers) Evaluated Against Regular Practice. Network (CAIN). Black, Sandra, Moody, Alan; Spence, David; Chan R, Hachinski V, et al.: Canadian Stroke Network – Tardif, Jean-Claude; Beanlands: Canadian Institutes of Health National Award. ($770,000.00 CAD 2008 - 2013, Prorated: Research (CIHR). (Apr 2008 - Mar 2013) [Clinical Trials] $128,333.33 CAD) [Grants] 42. Hopyan, Julia Jasmine. Canadian Atherosclerosis Imaging 35. Gladstone, David. Prediction of Hemorrhagic Transformation Network Study. Moody, Alan, Black, Sandra; Leung, General; of Ischemic Stroke with CT Perfusion Derived Blood-Brain- Milot, Laurent; Aviv, Richard: Canadian Institutes of Health Barrier Permeability Surface Area Product. Lee T-Y, Aviv Research (CIHR). (Apr 2008 - Mar 2013) [Grants] R, Black S, Gladstone D, Symons S.: Heart and Stroke 43. Hopyan, Julia Jasmine. Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Foundation of Ontario – Provincial Award. ($90,674.00 CAD Factor in Ischemic Stroke Trial (GIST). A Pilot Study. Atkins 2009 - 2014 Prorated: $15,112.33 CAD) [Grants] H, Sharma M, Gladstone DJ, Black SE, Hakim A, Hogan M.: 36. Gladstone, David. The ‘Weight Times’ Strategy: A Simple, Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada (HSFC). Centre for Low Cost Intervention to Improve Safety in Patients Receiving Stroke Recovery. (2007 - present) [Grants] Thrombolysis for Acute Stroke. Swartz RH, Gladstone DJ, 44. Hopyan, Julia Jasmine. INTERSTROKE: Importance of on behalf of the UofT Stroke Program Investigators: Ontario Conventional and Emerging Risk Factors for Stroke in Different Stroke System / Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Regions of the World and in Different Ethnic Groups. A Pilot Care – Provincial Award. ($99,500.00 CAD 2010 - 2012, Case Control Study. O’Donnell, Yusuf S, Saposnik G, Kapral Prorated: $16,583.33 CAD) [Grants] MK, Oczowski W, Gladstone DJ.: Canadian Institutes of 37. Gladstone, David. The CLOQS Trial: Countdown Lights to Health Research (CIHR). (2007 - present) [Grants] Optimize Quality in Acute Stroke. Swartz R, Gladstone DJ, 45. Hopyan, Julia Jasmine. Promoting Adherence to Regimen Silver FL, Selchen D, Black SE, on behalf of the UofT Stroke of Risk Factor Modification by Trained Non-Medical Personnel Program: Academic AFP Innovation Fund, Sunnybrook Health (Volunteers) Evaluated Against Regular Practice (PARTNERS). Sciences Centre. ($84,500.00 CAD 2010 - 2012, Prorated: Chan, R.: Canadian Stroke Network. (2009 - present) $14083.33 CAD) [Grants] [Clinical Trials] 38. Gladstone, David. The Spot Sign for Predicting and Treating 46. Hopyan, Julia Jasmine. The Neurotrophic Effects of ICH Growth Study (STOP-IT Study): A Phase II, randomized, Lithium Carbonate Following Cerebrovascular Accidents: multicentre, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial comparing A Feasibility Study. Lanctot, Krista, Hermann, N; Swartz, R; rFVIIa to placebo for treatment of subjects with acute ICH Black S; Tennen G: Canadian Institutes of Health Research and contrast extravasation (the spot sign) identified on CTA.. (CIHR). (Oct 2010 - Oct 2013) [Grants] Flaherty M and Jauch E.: National Institutes of Health (NIH)/ 47. Hopyan, Julia Jasmine. The Spot Sign for Predicting and National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). Treating ICH Growth Study (STOP-IT Study). Flaherty M, ($1,791,105.00 USD 2008 - 2013 Prorated: $298517.50 and Jauch E.: National Institutes of Health (NIH) / National USD) [Grants] Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). (2008 - 2013) [Clinical Trials]

121 48. Lim, Andrew. The Clinical Profile of Parkinson’s Disease Proposals. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Pathology. Buchman, A., Lim, Andrew S.; Shulman, Joshua International Collaborative Operating Grant. ($686,959.00 CAD M.; Schneider, Julie A.; Hausforff, Jeff; Nag, Sukriti; Leurgans, Oct 2011 - Aug 2013, Prorated: $358,413.39 CAD) [Grants] Susan E. Yu, Lei; Levine, Steven; Vanderhorst, Veronique; De 55. Masellis, Mario. Validation of Ocular Measures as Potential Jager, Philip L.; Lesne, Sylvain; Bennett, David A.: National Biomarkers for Early Detection of Brain Amyloid and Institutes of Health (NIH) (USA). R01. ($2,248,533.00 USD Neurodegeneration. Black SE, Caldwell C, Chow T, Fischer C, Aug 2012 - Aug 2017, Prorated: $405,473.16 USD) [Grants] Freedman M, Greenberg B, Houle S, Hudson C, Kiss A, Lang 49. Masellis, Mario. A Potential Biomarker for Vascular Dementia. A, Mandelcorn E, Margolin E, Masellis M, Pollock B, Rogaeva Mikulis DJ, Black SE, Cohn M, Crawley AP, Dufort P, MacIntosh E, Swartz R, Strother S, Tang-Wai D, Tartaglia D, Valliant J, BJ, Mandell DM, Masellis M, Tang-Wai DF, Tartaglia MC: Voineskos A, Yang V: Brain Canada. ($1,489,069.00 CAD Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Operating Mar 2013 - Feb 2016, Prorated: $165,452.11 CAD) [Grants] Grant. ($324,598.00 CAD Mar 2013 - Apr 2017, Prorated: 56. Murray, Brian. Online Interactive Modular Course for Inter- $25,967.84 CAD) [Grants] Professional and Continuing Education in Sleep Health 50. Masellis, Mario. Delineating Pathways Causing Vulnerability Agency. Horner, R.: Faculty of Medicine Support. ($6,300.00 to Neuropsychiatric Symptoms in Alzheimer’s Disease. CAD Apr 2013 - present Prorated: $6,300.00 CAD) [Grants] Finger E, Masellis M.: Canadian Institutes of Health Research 57. Murray, Brian. Post-stroke triage “DOC”: simple screening (CIHR). Catalyst Grant: Secondary Analysis of Neuroimaging for Depression, Obstructive sleep apnea and Cognitive Databases. ($100,000.00 CAD 2013 - 2015, Prorated: impairment. Swartz, Richard.: Heart and Stroke Foundation $16,666.67 CAD) [Grants] of Ontario. ($71,799.00 CAD May 2012 - present, Prorated: 51. Masellis, Mario. In Vivo Brain Mapping in the Dementias: $60,753.00 CAD) [Grants] A Longitudinal Brain-Behaviour Study With a Focus on 58. Murray, Brian. STAR (Sleep Troubles and Relationship Interactions of Alzheimer’s and Cerebrovascular Disease. to perinatal outcomes). Stremler, Robyn, Donna Brown, Black SE, Caldwell CB, Gao F, Herrmann N, Kiss AJ, Cindy-Lee Dennis, Ellen Hodnett, Kathryn Lee, Charles Lanctot KL, Lobaugh N, Masellis M, McIlroy WE, Rogaeva Morin, Brian Murray, Eleanor Pullenayegum, Clogdah Ryan, E, Stefanovic B, Stuss DT, Swartz R: Canadian Institutes of Rory Windrim: CIHR. ($198,952.00 CAD Jul 2010 - present, Health Research (CIHR). ($1,411,055.00 CAD 2008 - 2013, Prorated: $22,105.78 CAD) [Grants] Prorated: $235,176.00 CAD) [Grants] 59. Swartz, Richard H. Effects of Cardiac Rehabilitation for 52. Masellis, Mario. Predicting Outcome in Parkinson’s Disease Individuals After Transient Ischemic Attack. McIlroy WE, Cognitive Impairment. Marras C, Duff Canning SJ, Fox S, Brooks D, Oh P, Black S, Ween J, Gladstone D.: Heart and Kennedy JL, Knight J, Mapstone M, Masellis M, Meaney CA: Stroke Foundation of Ontario. ($240,000.00 CAD 2009 - Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Operating 2012, Prorated: $30,000.00 CAD) [Clinical Trials] Grant. ($584,214.00 CAD May 2013 - Apr 2017, Prorated: 60. Swartz, Richard H. Frequency of Fabry Disease in an $24,342.25 CAD) [Grants] unselected group of cryptogenic stroke patients: a multi- 53. Masellis, Mario. Sartans to Slow Alzheimer’s Disease: A centre cohort study. Canadian Stroke Network. Canadian Randomized Double Blind, Face-to-Face Proof-of-Concept Fabry Stroke Screening Initiative (CFSSI). (2010 - present) Study of Angiostensin Receptor Blockers vs. ACE Inhibitors in [Cohort study] Hypertensive mild-to-moderate AD patients using Ventricular 61. Swartz, Richard H. Improving EMR uptake using a Englargement as Primary Outcomes. Black, SE, Greenberg customizable tool integrated into workflow across the health B, Oh P, Masellis M, Lanctot K: Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery care system as a means to optimize knowledge exchange Foundation (ADDF). ($992,388.00 CAD Mar 2013 - Feb and patient education. Saponsnik, Gustavo.: St. Michael’s 2017, Prorated: $82,699.00 CAD) [Grants] Hospital. Innovation Fund. ($14,500.00 CAD Jul 2011 - Jul 54. Masellis, Mario. The GENetic Frontotemporal Dementia 2012 Prorated: $1,115.38 CAD) [Innovation Fund] Initiative (GENFI): A New Multi-Centre Platform for the Study 62. Swartz, Richard H. Improving EMR uptake using a of Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration. Masellis M, Black customizable tool integrated into workflow across the health SE, Chow T, Freedman M, Keren R, Tang-Wai D, Tartaglia C.: care system as a means to optimize knowledge exchange and Centres of Excellence in Neurodegeneration Initiative: Call for patient education. Ween, Jon.: Baycrest Centre for Geriatric

122 Care. Innovation Fund. ($29,200.00 CAD Jul 2011 - Jul 2012, intracerebral hemorrhage. Gladstone, David; Aviv, Richard; Prorated: $2,246.15 CAD) [Innovation Fund] Demchuk, Adrew, Hopyan J, Ween J, del Campo M, Silver 63. Swartz, Richard H. IMS-III: Interventional Management of F, Casaubon L, Jaigobin C, Selchen D, Saposnik G, Chan Stroke Trial. National Institutes of Health (NIH) (USA). NINDS. R, Jin A, Mehdiratta M, Dowlatshahi D, Stottts G, Sharma (Sep 2010 - present) [Clinical Trials] M.: Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. Ontario Stroke Network Research Program. ($97,500.00 CAD Jun 64. Swartz, Richard H. In vivo brain mapping in the dementias: 2011 - Jul 2013, Prorated: $45,000.00 CAD) [Grants] a longitudinal brain-behaviour study with a focus on cerebrovascular disease. Black SE, Caldwell C, Gao F, 71. Swartz, Richard H. Validation of ocular measures as Herrmann N, Kiss A, Lanctôt K, Lobaugh N, Masellis M, McIlroy potential biomarkers for early detection of brain amyloid W, Rogaeva E, Stefanovic B, Stuss D, Swartz R.: Canadian and neurodegeneration. Black SE, Lang AE, Tang-Wai D, Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). ($1,411,055.00 CAD Tartaglia C, Freedman M, Chow T, Fischer C, Masellis M, Sep 2008 - Sep 2013, Prorated: $277,584.59 CAD) [Grants] Pollock B, Swartz R.: Brain Canada. ($1,498,490.00 CAD Mar 2013 - Feb 2016, Prorated: $166,498.89 CAD) [Grants] 65. Swartz, Richard H. INTERSTROKE: Importance of Conventional and Emerging Risk Factors for Stroke in Different 72. Swartz, Richard H. Validation of ocular measures as Regions of the World and in Different Ethnic Groups. A Pilot potential biomarkers for early detection of brain amyloid Case-Control Study. O’Donnell M, Yusuf S, Saposnik G, Kapral and neurodegeneration. Black SE (PI), Caldwell C, Chow MK, Oczkowski W, Gladstone DJ.: Canadian Institutes of T, Fischer C, Freedman M, Greenberg B, Houle S, Hudson Health Research (CIHR). ($112,395.00 CAD 2006 - present C, Kiss A, Lang A, Mandelcorn E, Margolin E, Masellis M, Prorated: $11,627.07 CAD) [Clinical Trials] Pollock B, Rogaeva E, Swartz R, Strother S, Tang-Wai D, Tartaglia D, Valliant J, Voineskos A, Yang V.: The W. Garfield 66. Swartz, Richard H. PARTNERS: Promoting Adherence Weston Foundation. Brain Canada Multi-Investigator Research to Regimen of Risk Factor Modification by Trained Non- Initiative (MIRI). ($1,498,490.00 CAD Mar 2013 - Feb 2016, Medical Personnel (Volunteers) Evaluated Against Regular Prorated: $166,498.89 CAD) [Grants] Practice. Chan R, Hachinski V: Canadian Stroke Network. (2008 - 2013) [Grants] 73. Zinman, Lorne H. A methylation study of C9orf72 and the development of a novel diagnostic test. Rogaeva, Ekaterina.: 67. Swartz, Richard H. Spot Sign Selection of Intracerebral W. Garfield Weston Foundation. ($150,000.00 CAD 2013 - Hemorrhage to Guide Hemostatic Therapy (SPOTLIGHT): A 2015, Prorated: $25,000.00 CAD) [Grants] Randomized Controlled Trial. Gladstone DJ, Aviv R, Demchuk A, Hill MD, Butcher K, Black S, Mamdani M, Thorpe K, Sahlas 74. Zinman, Lorne H. Bulbar motor deterioration in ALS. D, Spence J.: Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Yunusova, Yana.: NIH. ($2,389,340.00 USD 2009 - 2014, – National Award (operating grant). ($1,708,141.00 CAD Prorated: $398,223.33 USD) [Grants] Jul 2010 - Jun 2015, Prorated: $341,628.20 CAD) [Grants] 75. Zinman, Lorne H. Dementia Network of Ontario Research 68. Swartz, Richard H. Téléréadaptation pour les personnes Database. Stong, Michael.: Ontario Brain Institute. avec un accident vasculaire cérébral. Tousignant Michel, ($28,500,000.00 CAD 2013 - 2018, Prorated: $2,375,000.00 Berg K, Corriveau H, Dubois M, Gosselin S, Kairy D, CAD) [Grants] Swartz R,: Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). 76. Zinman, Lorne H. Establishment of a Canadian ALS Patient Operating Grant/Subvention de fonctionnement Application/ Registry. Lawrence Korngut. : ALS Society of Canada. Dem. ($247,199.00 CAD Oct 2012 - Sep 2016, Prorated: ($340,000.00 CAD 2012 - 2014, Prorated: $113,333.33 $46,349.81 CAD) [Grants] CAD) [Grants] 69. Swartz, Richard H. The Neurotrophic Effects of Lithium 77. Zinman, Lorne H. Magnetic resonance imaging biomarkers Carbonate Following Stroke: A Feasibility Study. Lanctot, in ALS. Kalra, Sanjay.: CIHR. ($841747.00 CAD 2012 - 2017, Krista, Herrmann N, Gold A, Black S, Tenne G, Swartz R, Prorated: $140,291.17 CAD) [Grants] Hopyan J, Albert P, Gao F, MacIntosh B, Stefanovix B, Kiss 78. Zinman, Lorne H. Understanding the epidemiology of A: Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario. ($132364.00 neurological conditions and building the methodological CAD 2011 Jul - 2013 Jun Prorated: $66182.00 CAD) [Grants] foundation for surveillance. Jette, Nathalie.: Public Health 70. Swartz, Richard H. The SPOTLIGHT study: An Multicentre Agency of Canada (PHAC). ($402,000.00 CAD 2010 - 2013, image-guided emergency treatment protocol for patients with Prorated: $100,500.00 CAD) [Grants]

123 Non-Peer-Reviewed Funding ($28,966.00 CAD Feb 2013 - present, Prorated: $28,966.00 CAD) [Clinical Trials] 1. Black, Sandra E. A Phase 3, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel-Group Efficacy 10. Lee, Liesly. A Multinational, Multicenter, Randomized, and Safety Trial of Bapineuzumab (AAB-001, ELN115727) Double-Blind, Parallel-Group, Placebo-Controlled Study, in Subjects with Mild to Moderate Alzheimer’s Disease who to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability and Efficacy of Daily are Apolipoprotein E ε4 Non-carriers. Amount paid to SHSC oral Administration of Laquinimod 0.6 mg in Subjects with in 2011-2012: $91,272, Amount paid to date: $127,852. relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. Teva Neuroscience Inc.. Wyeth Research (Pfizer). ($150,000.00 2010 - 2012, Prorated: ($20,000.00 CAD Jan 2008 - present, Prorated: $1,052.63 $25,000.00 ) [Clinical Trials] CAD) [Clinical Trials] 2. Black, Sandra E. A Randomized, Double-Blind, Parallel- 11. Lee, Liesly. A phase III double-blind randomized placebo- Group Placebo-Controlled Phase III Study to Evaluate the controlled trial of minocycline in Clinically Isoltaed Syndromes Efficacy and Safety of Desmoteplase in Subjects with Acute (CIS). MSS of Canada. ($10,000.00 CAD Apr 2009 - present, Ischemic Stroke (DIAS-4). Gladstone, DJ. : Lundbeck. (2009 Prorated: $714.29 CAD) [Clinical Trials] - present) [Clinical Trials] 12. Lee, Liesly. A Population Study of Risk Factors for Multiple 3. Bui, Esther. Cerebral Metabolic Changes in Thalamic Sclerosis: The Canadian Contribution to an International Study Stimulation. University of Toronto. ($10,000.00 CAD 2009 ENVironmental factors in Multiple Sclerosis (EnvIMS). MS - present, Prorated: $0.00 CAD) [Grants] Society of Canada. ($5,000.00 CAD Apr 2012 - Mar 2013, Prorated: $3,750.00 CAD) [Clinical Trials] 4. Gladstone, David. Desmoteplase In Acute Ischemic Stroke (DIAS-4): A randomised, double-blind, parallel-group 13. Lee, Liesly. An international, multi-center, randomized, placebo-controlled phase III study to evaluate the efficacy double-blind, placebo-controlled, Parallel group study to and safety of desmoteplase in subjects with acute ischemic evaluate the efficacy and safety of two year treatment with stroke. sponsor: Lundbeck A/S. (2009 - present) [Contracts] teriflunomide 7mg once daily and 14mg once daily versus placebo in patients with a first clinical episode suggestive of 5. Gladstone, David. The CLOQS Trial: Countdown Lights multiple sclerosis. Sanofi-Aventis (Canada). ($20,000.00 CAD to Optimize Quality in Acute Stroke. Swartz R, Gladstone Jun 2009 - present, Prorated: $1,500.00 CAD) [Clinical Trials] DJ, Silver FL, Selchen D, Black SE, on behalf of the UofT Stroke Program: Roche. ($100,000.00 CAD 2010 - 2012, 14. Masellis, Mario. Heterogeneity in Clinical, Neuropsychological, Prorated: $16666.67 CAD) [Grants] and Neuroimaging Correlates of Familial Frontotemporal Dementia due to Progranulin (PGRN) Mutation. Family donation 6. Hopyan, Julia Jasmine. A Phase II Prospective, Randomized, to Sunnybrook Foundation - FTD research. ($25,000.00 CAD Double-Blind, Placebo Controlled Study of NTx™-265: Human Apr 2012 - Mar 2013, Prorated: $18,750.00 CAD) [Donations] Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) and Epoetin Alfa (EPO) in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients (REGENESIS). Cramer S, 15. Masellis, Mario. Pharmacogenetics of Rasagiline in Parkinson’s Hill M, Ehrenreich H, et al.: Stem Cell Therapeutics. ( 2008 Disease (PD). Masellis M, Lang AE, Kennedy JL, Macciardi F.: - present) [Clinical Trials] Teva Neurosciences Inc. ($143,258.00 CAD Jan 2012 - Dec 2013, Prorated: $71629.00 CAD) [Investigator - Initiated, 7. Hopyan, Julia Jasmine. DIAS (Desmoteplase in Acute Industry-Sponsored Study] Stroke) 4 trial. Lundbeck A/S. (2009 - present) [Clinical Trials] 16. Perry, James. A randomized double-blind, placebo- 8. Lee, Liesly. A Double-Blind, Randomized, Multicenter, controlled, multicenter phase II study evaluating the efficacy Placebo-Controlled, Parallel-Group Study Comparing the and safety of onartuzumab (MetMAb) in combination with Efficacy and Safety of 0.5mg FTY720 Administered Orally bevacizumab or onartuzumab monotherapy in patients with Once Daily Versus Placebo in Patients with Primary Progressive recurrent glioblastoma. F. Hoffman-La Roche (Genentech). Multiple Sclerosis. Novartis Canada Ltd. ($38,051.39 CAD ($25,000.00 CAD 2012 Aug - present, Prorated: $25,000.00 Feb 2011 - present, Prorated: $0.00 CAD) [Clinical Trials] CAD) [Clinical Trials] 9. Lee, Liesly. A multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, 17. Perry, James. An international phase 2 randomized double Placebo-Controlled Study of the Efficacy of Natalizumab on blind placebo controlled study OF Rindopepimut/GM-CSF Reducing Disability Progression in Subjects With Secondary versus Placebo added to standard of care maintenance Progressive Multiple Sclerosis. Biogen Idec Inc. (Ontario). temozolomide in patients with newly diagnosed EGFRvIII

124 positive glioblastoma. Perry, JR.: Pfizer (Celldex). ($30,000.00 7. Chaudhary S, Scouten A, Schwindt G, Janik R, Lee W, CAD Mar 2012 - present, Prorated: $12,857.14 CAD) Sled JG, Black SE, Stefanovic B. Hemodynamic effects of [Clinical Trials] cholinesterase inhibition in mild Alzheimer’s disease. J Magn 18. Perry, James. An Open-Label, Three-Cohort, Phase II Reson Imaging. 2012 Dec; [Epub ahead of print]. Study of E7080 in Subjects with Recurrent Malignant Glioma 8. Chow TW, Fam D, Graff-Guerrero A, Verhoeff NP, Tang-Wai (HOPE). Eisai Inc. ($30,000.00 CAD Jan 2012 – present, DF, Masellis M, Black SE, Wilson AA, Houle S, Pollock Prorated: $0.00 CAD) [Clinical Trials] BG. Fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography in 19. Perry, James. Cilengitide for Subjects With Newly Diagnosed semantic dementia after 6 months of memantine: an open- Glioblastoma Multiforme and UnMethylated MGMT Gene label pilot study. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. Promoter (CORE). Merck KGAA. ($27,000.00 CAD Nov 2013 Mar; 28(3): 319-25. 2010 – present, Prorated: $0.00 CAD) [Clinical Trials] 9. Chow TW, Fam D, Graff-Guerrero A, Verhoeff NPG, Tang-Wai 20. Perry, James. Glioblastoma in the Elderly (CE.6). Perry, DF, Masellis M, Black SE, Wilson AA, Houle S, Pollock BG. James: National Cancer Institute of Canada (NCIC). Clinical FDG-PET in Semantic Dementia after 6 Months of Memantine: Trials Group. ($180,000.00 CAD Oct 2007 – present, Prorated: an Open-Label Pilot Study. International Journal of Geriatric $29,117.65 CAD) [Clinical Trials] Psychiatry. 2013 Mar; 28(3): 319-325. 10. Crete-Nishihata M, Baecker RM, Massimi M, Ptak D, Publications Campigotto R, Kaufman LD, Brickman AD, Turner GR, Steinerman JR, Black SE. Reconstructing the Past: Personal Peer-Reviewed Publications Memory Technologies Are Not Just Personal and Not Just for Memory. Human-Computer Interaction. 2012; 27(1-2): Journal Articles 92-123. 1. A.J. Moszczynski, A. Tandon, F.M.S. Coelho, L. Zinman, B.J. 11. Cummings J, Froelich L, Black SE, Bakchine S, Bellelli G, Murray. Mortality Associated with Periodic Limb Movements Molinuevo JL, Kressig R, Downs P, Caputo A, Strohmaier C. of Sleep in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Einstein. 2012 Randomized, Double-blind, Parallel-group, 48-Week Study Dec; 10(4): 428-32. (Trainee Publication). for Efficacy and Safety of a Higher Dose Rivastigmine Patch 2. Alex Moszczynski and Brian J. Murray. Neurobiological (15 cm2) versus (10 cm2) in Alzheimer’s Disease. Dementia Aspects of Sleep Physiology. Neurologic Clinics. 2012 Nov and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders. 2012 Jul; 33(5): 341-353. 4; 30(4): 963-85. 12. Djalalov S, Yong J, Beca J, Black S, Saposnik G, Musa 3. Alexander LD, Pettersen JA, Hopyan JJ, Sahlas DJ, Black Z, Siminovitch K, Moretti M, Hoch J. Genetic Testing in SE. Long-term Prediction of Functional Outcome After Combination with Preventive Donepezil Treatment for Amnestic Stroke Using the Alberta Stroke Program Early Computed Mild Cognitive Impairment Patients: An Exploratory Economic Tomography Score in the Subacute Stage. Journal of Stroke Evaluation of Personalized Medicine. Molecular Diagnosis & and Cerebrovascular Diseases. 2012 Nov; 21(8): 737-44. Therapy. 2012 Dec; 16(6): 389-99. 4. Bodle JD, Feldmann E, Swartz RH, Rumboldt Z, Brown 13. Eilaghi A, Brooks J, d’Esterre C, Zhang L, Swartz R, Lee T, Turan TN. High-resolution magnetic resonance imaging: T-Y, Aviv R. Reperfusion is a stronger predictor of good an emerging tool for evaluating intracranial arterial disease. clinical outcome than recanalization in ischemic stroke. Stroke. 2013 Jan; 44(1): 287-92. Radiology. 2013 Jan; 5. Boulos MI, Shoamanesh A, Aviv RI, Gladstone DJ and 14. Farb NA, Grady CL, Strother S, Tang-Wai DF, Masellis M, Swartz RH. Severe Hypomagnesemia Associated with Black S, Freedman M, Pollock BG, Campbell KL, Hasher L, Reversible Subacute Ataxia and Cerebellar Hyperintensities Chow TW. Abnormal network connectivity in frontotemporal on MRI. The Neurologist. 2012 Jul; 18(4): 223-5. dementia: Evidence for prefrontal isolation. Cortex. 2012 6. Buchman AS, Nag S, Shulman JM, Lim AS, Vanderhorst VG, Oct; [Epub ahead of print]. Leurgans SE, Schneider JA, Bennett DA. Locus Coeruleus 15. Finlayson O, John V, Yeung R, Dowlatshahi D, Howard P, Zhang Neuron Density and Parkinsonism in Older Adults without L, Swartz R, Aviv RI. Interobserver Agreement of ASPECT Parkinson’s Disease. Movement Disorders. 2012 Nov; Score Distribution for Noncontrast CT, CT Angiography, and 27(13): 1625-31. CT Perfusion in Acute Stroke. Stroke. 2013 Jan; 44(1): 234-6.

125 16. Fraser KC, Meltzer JA, Graham NL, Leonard C, Hirst G, hyperglycemia and a developmental venous anomaly (DVA). Black SE, Rochon E. Automated classification of primary Neurology. 2012; 78(11): 838-839. (Trainee Publication). progressive aphasia subtypes from narrative speech samples. 26. Konvalinka A, Srivastava S, Masellis M. Taking the kidney Cortex. 2013 Jan; [Epub ahead of print]. personally: The quest for novel antigens of idiopathic 17. Freedman M, Binns MA, Black SE, Levine B, Miller B, membranous nephropathy through proteomic approaches Ramirez J, Szilagyi G, Scott C, McNeely A, Stuss DT. Object – per ardua ad astra? Current Pharmacogenomics and Alternation: A Novel Probe of Cognition in Frontotemporal Personalized Medicine. 2013 Mar; 11(1): 5-7. Dementia. Alz Dis Assoc Disord. 2013 Apr; [Epub ahead 27. Korngut L, Genge A, Johnston M, Benstead T, Bourque P, of print]. Briemberg H, Casey A, D’Amour M, Dupré N, Figlewicz D, 18. Freedman M, Binns MA, Black SE, Murphy C, Stuss DT. Hader W, Johnston W, Kalra S, Melanson M, O’Connell C, Theory of Mind and Recognition of Facial Emotion in Dementia: Rouleau G, Shoesmith C, Wee J, Zinman L. Establishing Challenge to Current Concepts. Alzheimer Disease Associated a Canadian registry of patients with amyotrophic lateral Disorders. 2013 Jan-Mar; 27(1): 56-61. sclerosis. Can J Neurol Sci. 2013; 40(1): 29-35. 19. Gauthier S, Patterson C, Chertkow H, Gordon M, Herrmann 28. Kwong J, Vasa P, Campitelli M, Hawken S, Wilson K, Rosella N, Rockwood K, Rosa-Neto P, Soucy JP, Al Rashed A, L, Stukel T, Crowcroft N, McGeer A, Zinman L, Deeks S. Bartha A, Bergman H, Bethell J, Black S, Bocti C, Borrie The risk of Guillain-Barré Syndrome following seasonal M, Burham A, Cook C, Crowson J, Donnely M, Feldman influenza vaccination and influenza healthcare encounters, H, Heckman G, Hogan D, Hsiung GY, Inglis G, Jacova C, a self-controlled study. Lancet Infectious Diseases. 2013; Laforce R, Lactot K, Lee L, Leclair K, Masellis M, Massoud 13(9): 769-76. F, Moore A, Prasad S, Rabheru K, Sadovnick D, Trudeau L, 29. Lam B, Masellis M, Freedman M, Stuss DT, Black SE. Vedel I, Williams M. Recommendations of the 4th Canadian Clinical, imaging, and pathological heterogeneity of the Consensus Conference on the diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease syndrome. Alzheimer’s Research & dementia (CCCDTD4). Canadian Geriatrics Journal. 2012 Therapy. 2013 Jan; [Epub ahead of print]. Dec; 15(4): 120-6. 30. Laperriere N, Weller M, Stupp R, Perry JR, Brandes AA, 20. Gladman M, Cudkowicz M, Zinman L. Enhancing clinical trials Wick W & vanden Bent MJ. Optimal management of elderly in neurodegenerative disorders: lessons from amyotrophic patients with glioblastoma. Cancer Treatment Reviews. 2013 lateral sclerosis. Curr Opin Neurol. 2012; 25(6): 735-42. Jun; 39(4): 350-7. United States. 21. Herlihey TA, Black SE, Ferber S. Terminal, but not concurrent 31. Lim AS, Chang AM, Shulman JM, Raj T, Chibnik LB, Cain prism exposure produces perceptual aftereffects in healthy SW, Rothamel K, Benoist C, Myers AJ, Czeisler CA, Buchman young adults. Neuropsychologia. 2012 Oct; 50(12): 2789-2795. AS, Bennett DA, Duffy JF, Saper CB, De Jager PL. A common 22. Herrmann N, Black SE, Chow T, Cappell J, Tang-Wai polymorphism near PER1 and the timing of human behavioral DF, Lanctôt KL. Serotonergic Function and Treatment of rhythms. Ann Neurol. 2012 Nov; 72(3): 324-34. Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Frontotemporal 32. LIm AS, Myers AJ, Yu L, Buchman AS, Duffy JF, De Jager Dementia. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 2012 PL, Bennett DA. Sex differences in daily rhythms of clock Sep; 20(9): 78-797. gene expression in the aged human cerebral cortex. Journal 23. Honjo K, Black SE, Verhoeff NPLG. Alzheimer’s disease, of Biological Rhythms. 2013 Apr 1; 28(2): 117-129. cerebrovascular disease, and the β-amyloid cascade. Can 33. Links K, Black S, Chow T. A Case of Apathy Due to J Neurol Sci. 2012 Nov; 39(6): 712-728. Frontotemporal Dementia Responsive to Memantine. 24. Husain Z, Thibault I, Letourneau D, Ma L, Keller H, Suh J, Neurocase. 2013 Jun; 19(3): 256-61. Chiang V, Chang EL, Rampersaud RK, Perry J, Larson D, 34. Makedonov I, Black S, MacIntosh B. Cerebral small vessel Sahgal A. Stereotactic body radiotherapy: A new paradigm disease in aging and Alzheimer’s disease: a comparative in the management of spinal metastases. CNS Oncology. study using MRI and SPECT. European Journal of Neurology. 2013; 2(3): 259-270. 2013 Feb; 20(2): 243-50. 25. Kalia LV, Mozessohn L, Aviv R, Da Costa L, Lang AE, Shadowitz 35. Mansfield A, Danells CJ, Zettel JL, Black SE, McIlroy WE. S, Masellis M. Hemichorea-hemiballism associated with Determinants and consequences for standing balance of

126 spontaneous weight-bearing on the paretic side among design principles for global public goods – moving genomics individuals with chronic stroke. Gait & Posture. 2013 Jan; to responsible innovation. Current Pharmacogenomics and [Epub ahead of print]. Personalized Medicine. 2013 Mar; 11(1): 1-4. 36. Martino R, Martin RE, Black S. Dysphagia after stroke and 44. Özdemir V, Fisher E, Dove ES, Burton H, Wright G, Zimmern its management. Canadian Medical Association Journal. RL, Masellis M, Warnich L. End of the beginning and public 2012 Jul; 184(10): 1127-8. health pharmacogenomics: Knowledge in ‘mode 2’ and P5 37. Masellis M, Sherborn K, Rosa-Neto P, Sadovnick DA, Hsiung medicine. Current Pharmacogenomics and Personalized GYR, Black SE, Prasad S, Williams M, Gauthier S. Early Medicine. 2012; 10(1): 1-16. onset dementias: Diagnostic and etiological considerations. 45. Ozdemir V, LLerena A, McKinnon RA, Srivastava S, Dove Alzheimer’s Research & Therapy. 2013 May; 5(Suppl 1): S7. ES, Ferguson LR, Masellis M, Nair B, Gurwitz D, Warnich 38. Mittmann N, Seung SJ, Hill MD, Phillips SJ, Hachinski V, L. Building a socio-technical GPS for global personalized Cote R, Buck BH, Mackey A, Gladstone DJ, Howse DC, medicine. Current Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Shuaib A, Sharma M. Impact of disability status on ischemic Medicine. 2013 Mar; 11(2): 87-92. stroke costs in Canada in the first year. Can J Neurol Sci. 46. Park M, Buchman AS, Lim AS, Leurgans SE, and Bennett 2012 Nov; 39(6). DA. Sleep Complaints and Incident Disability in a Community- 39. Moszczynski AJ, Tandon A, Coelho FM, Zinman L, Murray Based Cohort Study of Older Persons. American Journal of B. Mortality associated with periodic limb movements during Geriatric Psychiatry. 2013 Mar 25; 2013(12): 123-6. sleep in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients. Einstein (Sao 47. Perry JR. Thromboembolic disease in patients with high- Paulo). 2012 Dec; 10(4): 428-32. grade glioma. Neuro Oncology. 2012 Sep 14; 14(Suppl. 4): 40. Nalls MA, Duran R, Lopez G, Kurzawa-Akanbi M, McKeith 73-80. United States. IG, Chinnery PF, Morris CM, Theuns J, Crosiers D, Cras P, 48. Ramirez J, Scott CJ, Black SE. A Short-Term Scan-Rescan Engelborghs S, De Deyn PP, Van Broeckhoven C, Mann Reliability Test Measuring Brain Tissue and Subcortical DMA, Snowden J, Pickering-Brown S, Halliwell N, Davidson Hyperintensity Volumetrics Obtained Using the Lesion Explorer Y, Gibbons L, Harris J, Sheerin U-M, Bras J, Hardy J, Clark Structural MRI Processing Pipeline. Brain Topography. 2013 L, Marder K, Honig LS, Berg D, Maetzler W, Brockmann K, Jan; 26(1): 35-8. Gasser T, Novellino F, Quattrone A, Annesi G, De Marco EV, 49. Sahlas DJ, Gould L, Swartz R, Mohammed N, McNicoll- Rogaeva E, Masellis M, Black SE, Bilbao JM, Foroud T, Ghetti Whiteman R, Naufal F, and Oczkowski W. Tissue Plasminogen B, Nichols WC, Pankratz N, Halliday G, Lesage S, Klebe Activator Overdose in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients Linked S, Durr A, Duyckaerts C, Brice A, Giasson BI, Trojanowski to Poorer Functional Outcomes. Journal of Stroke and JQ, Hurtig HI, Tayebi N, Landazabal C, Knight MA, Keller Cerebrovascular Diseases. 2013 Jan; M, Singleton AB, Wolfsberg TG, Sidransky E. A Multicenter 50. Saposnik G, Gladstone D, Raptis R, Zhou L, Hart RG, Study of Glucocerebrosidase Mutations in Dementia with Investigators of the Registry of the Canadian Stroke Network Lewy Bodies. JAMA Neurology. 2013 Jun; 70(6): 727-35. and the Stroke Outcomes Research Canada Working Group. 41. Nestor SM, Gibson E, Gao FQ, Kiss A, Black SE. A Direct Atrial fibrillation in ischemic stroke: predicting response to Morphometric Comparison of Five Labeling Protocols for Multi- thrombolysis and clinical outcomes. Stroke. 2013 Jan; 44(1). Atlas Driven Automatic Segmentation of the Hippocampus 51. Saposnik G, Kapral M, Cote R, Rochon P, Wang J, Raptis in Alzheimer’s Disease. NeuroImage. 2012 Nov; [Epub S, Mamdani M, Black SE. Is pre-existing dementia an ahead of print]. independent predictor of outcome after stroke? A propensity- 42. Nir Lipsman, Michael L. Schwartz, Yeuxi Huang, Liesly Lee, score matched analysis. Journal of Neurology. 2012 Nov; Tejas Sankar, Martin Chapman, Kullervo Hynynen, Andres 259(11): 2366-75. M. Lozano. MR-guided focused ultrasound thalamotomy for 52. Schwindt G, Graham N, Rochon E, Tang-Wai D, Lobaugh essential tremor: a phase 1 pilot trial. The Lancet Neurology. N, Chow T, Black S. Whole-Brain White Matter Disruption 2013 May 1; 12(12): 462-468. Ontario, Canada. in Semantic and Nonfluent Variants of Primary Progressive 43. Ozdemir V, Borda-Rodriguez A, Dove ES, Ferguson LR, Aphasia. Human Brain Mapping. 2013 Apr; 34(4): 973-984. Huzair F, Manoloupulos VG, Masellis M, Mikilus D, Warnich L, Srivastava S. Public health pharmacogenomics and the

127 53. Skarpathiotakis M, Mandell DM, Swartz RH, Tomlinson G, consequences in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Folia Phoniatr Mikulis DJ. Intracranial Atherosclerotic Plaque Enhancement Logop. 2012; 64(2): 94-102. in Patients with Ischemic Stroke. American Journal of Abstracts Neuroradiology. 2013 Feb; 34(2): 299-304. 54. Stamenova V, Black SE, Roy EA. An Update on the 1. Au K, Black S, Bilbao J, Masellis M, Keith J. Mesial Temporal Conceptual-Production System Model of Apraxia: Evidence Sclerosis: Associations with age, cerebrovascular disease, from Stroke. Brain and Cognition. 2012 Oct; 80(1): 53-63. and TDP43 in Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration. Neurology. 2013 Apr; 80(Meeting Abstracts 1): P05.100. 55. Tardif J-C, Spence JD, Heinonen TM, Moody A, Pressacco J, Frayne R, L’Allier P, Chow B, Friedrich M, Black SE, 2. Au K, Black SE, Bilbao J, Masellis M, Keith J. Frontotemporal Fenster A, Rutt B, Beanlands R. Atherosclerosis Imaging Lobar Degeneration (FTLD): Updated pathology and co- and the Canadian Atherosclerosis Imaging Network (CAIN). existing neurodegenerative phenomena in a cohort of 52 Canadian Journal of Cardiology. 2013 Mar; 29(3): 297-303. patients. Modern Pathology. 2013 Feb; 26(Suppl. 2): 414A. 56. Tippett WJ, Alexander LD, Rizkalla MN, Sergio LE, Black 3. Barbara G Vickrey, Liesly Lee, Fraser Moore, Kathy Fortin. SE. True functional ability of chronic stroke patients. Journal Health-related quality of life over time of patients with multiple of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation. 2013 Apr; [Epub sclerosis treated with interferon beta-1a: the COMPARE ahead of print]. study. 2013 Jun 13; Barcelona, Spain. 57. Weller M, Cloughesy T, Perry JR, Wick W. Standards of care 4. Boulos, Murray et al. Restless Legs Syndrome is Associated for treatment of recurrent glioblastoma: Are we there yet? with Lower Quality of Life and Depressive Symptoms in High- Neuro Oncology. 2013 May 15; 15(1): 4-27. United States. Risk TIA and Minor Stroke. Sleep. 2013 Jun 5; Baltimore, USA. (Trainee Publication). 58. Wong A, Xiong Y, Wang D, Lin S, Chu WCW, Kwan P, Nyenhuis DL, Black S, Wong KS, Mok V. The NINDS-Canadian Stroke 5. J Pongmoragot, A Rabinstein, Y Nilanont, R Swartz, L Network Vascular Cognitive Impairment Neuropsychology Zhou, G Saposnik. Pulmonary embolism in ischemic stroke: Protocols in Chinese. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery clinical presentation, risk factors and outcome. 2013 Jun 6; and Psychiatry. 2013 Jun; 84(5): 499-504. Neurology Residents’ and Fellows’ Day University of Toronto. 59. Wu L, Neto PR, Hsiung GR, Sadovnick AD, Masellis M, 6. Lee L, Alfonsi J, Salemi M, Wong A, Hohol M. Evaluating the Black SE, Jia J, Gauthier S. Early-Onset Familial Alzheimer’s non-medical expert CanMEDS roles utilizing a novel, portable, Disease (EOFAD). Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences. rapid electronic assessment tool. 2012 Nov 20; University 2012 Jul; 39(4): 436-45. of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine, Summit on Educational Technology. Ontario, Canada. 60. Xi Z, Zinman L, Grinberg Y, Moreno D, Sato C, Bilbao JM, Ghani M, Hernandez I, Ruiz A, Boada M, Moron FJ, Lang 7. MI Boulos, BJ Murray, B Corrigan, N Petrescu, JJ Wortsman, A, Marras C, Bruni A, Colao R, Maletta RG, Puccio G, SE Black, RH Swartz. Restless legs syndrome is associated Painero I, Pinessi L, Galimberti D, Morrison KE, Moorby C, with lower quality of life and depressive symptoms in high- Stockton JD, Masellis M, Black SE, Hazrati LN, Fornazzari risk TIA and minor stroke. 2013 Jun 6; Neurology Residents’ L, Villagra R, Garcia RR, Clarimon J, Mayeux R, Robertson and Fellows’ Day University of Toronto. J, St George-Hyslop P, Rogaeva E. Investigation of C9orf72 8. Rogaeva E, Xi Z, Zinman L, Grinberg Y, Moreno D, Sato in Four Neurodegenerative Disorders. Archives of Neurology. C, Bilbao JM, Ghani, M, Hernández I, Ruiz A, Boada M, 2012 Dec; 69(12): 1583-90. Morón FJ, Lang AE, Marras C, Bruni A, Colao R, Maletta 61. Xi Z, Zinman L, Moreno D, Schymick J, Liang Y, Sato C, R, Pinessi L, Rainero I, Galimberti D, Morrison K, Moorby C, Zheng Y, Ghani M, Dib S, Keith J, Robertson J, Rogaeva E. Stockton J, Masellis M, Black SE, Hazrati LN, Fornazzari Hypermethylation of the CpG Island Near the G4C2 Repeat L, Villagra R, Rojas-Garcia R, Clarimón J, Mayeux R, in ALS with a C9orf72 Expansion. Am J Hum Genet. 2013 Robertson J, St George-Hyslop P. Investigation of C9orf72 May; 22 in four neurodegenerative disorders. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders. 2012; 33(Suppl.1): 69. 62. Yunusova Y, Green JR, Greenwood L, Wang J, Pattee GL, Zinman L. Tongue movements and their acoustic 9. Rohrer J, Frisoni GB, Galimberti D, Masellis M, Rowe JB, Borroni B, Bruni AC, Finger EC, Gerhard A, Graff C, Sorbi S,

128 van Swieten JC, Tagliavini F, Benussi L, Binetti G, Black S, Student/Trainee Awards Chow T, Colao R, Dopper E, Fenoglio C, Fox NC, Freedman Received M, Fumagalli G, Ghidoni R, Giaccone G, Jones M, Keren 1. Black, Sandra E. Training Program in Neurodegenerative R, Nacmias B, Ourselin S, Padovani A, Pievani M, Scarpini Lipidomics, Awardee Name: Lam, Benjamin. Canadian E, Tang-Wai D, Tartaglia MC, Warren JD, Rossor M. The Institute of Health Research, Ontario, Canada. 2012 May GENetic Frontotemporal dementia Initiative. Dementia and -- 2013 April. Geriatric Cognitive Disorders. 2012; 33(Suppl.1): 81-82. Total Amount: $20,000.00 CAD. Honours and Awards 2. Black, Sandra E. Canada Graduate Scholarship - and Charles Best Doctoral Award, Awardee Name: International Nestor, Sean. Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Ontario, Canada. 2011 May -- 2014 April. Distinctions and Research Awards: Total Amount: $90,000.00 CAD. Received 3. Black, Sandra E. Focus on Stroke Research Fellowship, 1. Lim, Andrew. Wayne A. Hening Sleep Medicine Investigator Awardee Name: Boulos, Mark. Heart and Stroke Foundation Award, American Academy of Neurology, United States. of Ontario/Canadian Institute of Health Research, Canada. (Distinction, Specialty: Neurology). 2013. 2011 July -- 2014 June. Total Amount: $1.000.00 USD. Total Amount: $150,000.00 CAD. 2. Lim, Andrew. Circadian Rhythms Section Investigator 4. Black, Sandra E. MD/PhD Scholarship, Awardee Name: Award, American Academy of Sleep Medicine, United States. Schwindt, Graeme. McLaughlin Centre for Molecular Medicine, (Distinction, Specialty: Circadian Biology). 2013. University of Toronto. 2012 May -- 2015 April. Total Amount: $250.00 USD. Total Amount: $18,000.00 CAD. 5. Black, Sandra E. MD/PhD Scholarship, Awardee Name: National Schwindt, Graeme. Canadian Institutes of Health Research, 2012 May -- 2015 April. Distinctions and Research Awards: Total Amount: $72,000.00 CAD. Received 6. Swartz, Richard H. Summer Studentship, Awardee Name: 1. Black, Sandra E. Fellow, Royal Society of Canada, Academy Karen Lien. Canadian Stroke Network (CSN), 2012 May of Sciences. (Distinction). 2012 September -- present. -- 2012 August. 2. Lim, Andrew. Maud Menton New Investigator Award Total Amount: 7,000.00 CAD. (Clinical), Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Canada. 7. Swartz, Richard H. Summer Studentship, Awardee Name: (Distinction, Specialty: Genetics). 2013 – 2014. Menal Huroy. Canadian Stroke Network (CSN), 2013 May Highest ranked open operating grant application (clinical) -- 2013 August. by a new investigators in the Institute of Genetics. Total Total Amount: $7,000.00 CAD. Amount: $30,000.00 CAD. 8. Swartz, Richard H. Research Summer Student Award, 3. Masellis, Mario. Early Researcher Award, Ministry of Awardee Name: Karen Lien. D+H SRI, 2013 May -- 2013 Economic Devolopment (MEDI), Toronto, Ontario, Canada. August. (Research Award). 2012 May -- 2017 April. Total Amount: $3,200.00 CAD. Total Amount: $150,000.00 CAD. 4. Zinman, Lorne H. Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal, (Research Award). 2012. ALS Research and Leadership Activities.

129 Provincial/Regional Teaching Award:

Received Distinctions and Research Awards: 1. Lee, Liesly. 2013 Department of Medicine William J. Sibbald Received Faculty Mentoring Award, Sunnybrook Health Sciences 1. Lee, Liesly. MS Ministry of Health & Long Term Care, Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. (Distinction). Neurology, Ministry of Health & Long Term Care, Ontario, 2. Student/Trainee Awards: Canada. (Distinction). 2012 July -- 2013 June. Received Experimental Surgery Follow-up and Care Guidelines Initiation. 1. Black, Sandra E. SRI Research Summer Student Award, 2. Gladstone, David. HSFO Phase II Clinician-Scientist Award, Awardee Name: Muir, Ryan. Sunnybrook Research Institute. Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario. (Research Award). 2012 May -- 2012 July. 2009 – 2012. Project title: “Improving the Detection and Treatment of Atrial Total Amount: $1,600.00 CAD. Fibrillation Following Transient Ischemic Attack and Stroke”. 2. Black, Sandra E. IMS Summer Undergraduate Research Total Amount: $195,000.00 CAD. Award, Awardee Name: Nastis, Sofia. Institute of Medical 3. Gladstone, David. Early Researcher Award, Ontario Ministry Science (University of Toronto) & Sunnybrook Health Sciences of Research and Innovation. (Research Award). 2011 – 2014. Centre. 2012 June -- 2012 August. “Stopping Bleeding in the Brain: Developing an Innovative Total Amount: $4,800.00 CAD. Image-Guided Emergency Treatment Protocol for Patients with 3. Black, Sandra E. Brain Sciences Summer Studentship, Intracerebral Hemorrhage”. Total Amount: $150,000.00 CAD. Awardee Name: Au, Kelvin. Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. 2012 June -- 2012 August. Student/Trainee Awards Total Amount: $2,000.00 CAD. Received 4. Lim, Andrew. D&H SRI Summer Student Research Program 1. Black, Sandra E. MITACS Accelerate Research Internship, Poster Competition - Best Poster (Clinical Evaluative Sciences), Awardee Name: Gonzalez, David. MITACS & HSF CSR, Neurology, Primary Supervisor, Awardee Name: Mr. Shahmir Canada. 2012 April -- 2012 July. Sohail. Sunnybrook Research Institute, Toronto, Ontario, Total Amount: $15,000.00 CAD. Canada. 2013. 2. Black, Sandra E. HSFCSR Summer Student Award, Awardee Best poster in the Evaluative Clinical Sciences division of the Name: Dmytriw, Adam. Heart and Stroke Foundation Centre SRI Summer Student Research Program Poster Competition. for Stroke Recovery. 2012 June -- 2012 August. Total Amount: $500.00 CAD. Total Amount: $2,500.00 CAD. 5. Masellis, Mario. Sunnybrook Brain Sciences Summer Studentship, Neurology, Primary Supervisor, Awardee Name: Local Zhe Yu. Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 2012 May -- 2012 August. Distinctions and Research Awards: Total Amount: $2,000.00 CAD. Received 6. Masellis, Mario. Sunnybrook Brain Sciences Summer 1. Black, Sandra E. Researcher of the Year, University of Studentship, Neurology, Primary Supervisor, Awardee Name: Toronto, Department of Medicine. (Research Award). 2013 Julian Li. Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto, May -- 2014 May. Ontario, Canada. 2013 May -- 2013 August. Total Amount: $3,000.00 CAD.


Number of Faculty: 1 Provincial/Regional Honours and Awards Received Distinctions and Research Awards: International Totals: 3 Received National Totals: - 1. Berbrayer, David. Service Award, Ontario Medical Association, Provincial / Regional Totals: 1 Physiatry section, Ontario, Canada. (Distinction). 2012. Local Totals: 1 The Section Service Award is awarded in” Recognition of Unspecified Scope Totals: - significant service to the OMA, medical profession, or public Total Honours and Awards: 5 within a Section.” Service to OMA advancing role of Physiatry in the medical profession. Honours and Awards Local International Distinctions and Research Awards: Distinctions and Research Awards: Received Received 1. Berbrayer, David. 25 Year Service award at Sunnybrook 1. Berbrayer, David. 25 Year Service award, AAPM&R (American Health Sciences Centre, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation), United Centre- Toronto. (Distinction, Specialty: Physiatry). 1988 States. Distinction). 2013 January. June -- 2013 June. On Jan 23,2013, Dr. Alberto Esquenazi, President American Sunnybrook Board of Directors recognized Dr. David Berbrayer Academy of Physical Medicine and rehabilitation presented me on Monday June 17, 2013 for 25 years service as active staff with a 25 year pin and letter for long term service to AAPM&R. at the hospital with Board dinner and certificate of recognition. 2. Berbrayer, David. Certificate of appreciation by editor-in-chief Dr. Stuart Weinstein, PM&R journal- lead journal of AAPM&R (American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation), United States (Distinction, Specialty: Physiatry). 2013 January. 3. In recognition of long term service and continuing service as peer reviewer for journal PM&R. Wall certificate and letter of appreciation.

Teaching Awards:

Received 1. Berbrayer, David. Scholarship in Teaching Award-Recognizing reviewers 2012, Physiatry, Dept of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, School of Medicine Case Western Reserve University, Ohio, United States. (Undergraduate MD, Year 4). 2012 January -- 2012 December. Received certificate Scholarship in Teaching Award-Recognizing reviewers 2012- “ for making a positive impact on medical education and for being a part of the School of Medicine’s legacy of educational excellence’ signed by Megan McNamara MD, MSC Director, Center of the Advancement of Medical Learning, Case Western Reserve University, School of Medicine.


Number of Faculty: 4 Grants Number Amount Peer Reviewed Funding Principal Investigator: 2 $135,179 CAD Co-Principal Investigator: - - Co-Investigator / Collaborator: 6 $1,989,263 CAD Other: - - Peer Reviewed Publications Total: 8 $2,124,442 CAD Non Peer Reviewed Funding Non Peer Reviewed Funding Total: 3 $398,450 CAD

Publications Number Peer Reviewed Publications Principal Author 4 Co-Principal Author - Senior Responsible Author 5 Collaborator / Co-Author 12 Other Role - Peer Reviewed Publications Total: 21

Honours and Awards Received International Totals: - National Totals: 2 Provincial / Regional Totals: 2 Local Totals: 2 Unspecified Scope Totals: - Total Honours and Awards: 6

132 Grants, Contracts and Clinical Trials (CIHR). Team Grant: Chronic Disease Risk and Intervention Strategies. ($1,998,744.00 CAD Apr 2012 - Mar 2017, Peer-Reviewed Funding Prorated: $399,748.80 CAD) [Grant] 5. Geerts, William H. Prospective evaluation of long-term Division Member is Principal Investigator: outcomes after pulmonary embolism. Dr. Susan Kahn (McGill 1. Gershon, Andrea. Impact of pulmonary function testing University), Drs. A Hirsch, J Granton, C Dennie, E Lang, on health outcomes of individuals with chronic obstructive W Geerts, C Holcroft, et al.: Canadian Institutes of Health pulmonary disease. Gershon A, To T, Aaron S.: The Lung Research (CIHR). Operating Grant. ($479,053.00 CAD Apr Association & Pfizer Canada. ($50,000.00 CAD Sep 2011 2009 - Mar 2013, Prorated: $89,822.44 CAD) [Clinical Trial] - July 2013, Prorated: $26,086.96 CAD) [Grant] 6. Gershon, Andrea. Validation and use of evidence-based 2. Gershon, Andrea. Pulmonary Function Testing in Ontario. asthma care performance indicators in Ontario (VALUE-API). Gershon AS.: Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Teresa To, Lougheed D, Dell S, Tamari I.: Ontario Thoracic Care. ($545,460.00 CAD Apr 2011 - Mar 2016, Prorated: Society. ($50,000.00 CAD Sep 2011 - Jul 2013, Prorated: $109,092.00 CAD) [Grant] $26,086.96 CAD) [Grant]

Other Peer-Reviewed Funding Non-Peer-Reviewed Funding

1. Gershon, Andrea. A pragmatic evaluation of telehomecare 1. Gershon, Andrea. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease for patients with congestive heart failure or Chronic Obstructive Surveillance Program. Gershon AS, To T.: Ontario Ministry of Pulmonary Disease. Henry D, Stern A, Krahn M, Alter D, Health and Long-Term Care. ($644,460.00 CAD Nov 2010 Gershon AS, Liu P, Jaakkimainen L, Shah B, Zwarenstein - Mar 2015, Prorated: $145,915.47 CAD) [Grant] M, Booth R, Browne G, Bowles K, Donnelle L, Franek J, 2. Gershon, Andrea. Ontario Asthma Surveillance Information Jadad A, Mitsakakis N, Pham B, Paulden M, Ritvo P, Scott System - Renewal. Gershon AS, To T.: Ontario Ministry of RE, van der Velde G, Ladak N.: Ontario Ministry of Health Health and Long-Term Care. ($150,000.00 CAD Apr 2012 and Long-Term Care. ($990,203.00 CAD Aug 2011 - Jul - Mar 2013, Prorated: $112,500.00 CAD) [Grant] 2014, Prorated: $330,067.67CAD) [Grant] 3. Gershon, Andrea. Respiratory Research Response 2. Gershon, Andrea. Canadian Cohort Obstructive Lung Disease Program: Providing Evidence to Support Chronic Obstructive (CanCOLD). Bourbeau J, Tan W, Aaron SD, Atherton JK, Pulmonary Disease Drug Policy. Gershon A, To T, Upshur R, Baglone C, Benedetti A, Chapman KR, Cowie RL, Coxson Stukel T.: Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. HO, Daskalopoulou S, Despres J-P, Fitzgerald JM, Gershon Drug Innovation Fund. ($641,824.00 CAD Sep 2009 - Mar AS, Goldstein RS, Hernandez P, Lacasse Y, Lavoie K, Maltais 2014, Prorated: $140,034.33 CAD) [Grant] F, Marciniuk DD, Meidinger D, O’Donnell DE, Rabasa-Lhoret R, Sin D.: Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Publications Operating Grant: Industry-partnered Collaborative Research. ($1,108,844.00 CAD Jan 2011 - Jun 2013, Prorated: Peer-Reviewed Publications $443,537.60 CAD) [Grant] Journal Articles 3. Gershon, Andrea. Canadian Network for Observational Drug Effect Studies (cNODES). Suissa S.: Canadian Institutes of 1. Austin P, Stanbrook M, Anderson G, Newman A, Gershon Health Research (CIHR). ($3,500,000.00 CAD Jan 2011 - AS. Comparative ability of comorbidity classification methods Dec 2015, Prorated: $700,000.00 CAD) [Grant] for administrative data to predict outcomes in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Annals of Epidemiology. 4. Gershon, Andrea. Measuring and improving the quality of 2012 Dec; 22(12): 881-887. ambulatory care for people with cardiovascular risk factors and/or chronic cardiovascular diseases. Tu J, Alter D, Booth 2. Crighton EJ, Feng J, Gershon AS, Guan J, To T. A Spatial G, Hillmer M, Lee D, Stukel T, You J, Atzema C, Garg A, Analysis of Asthma Prevalence in Ontario. Canadian Journal Hogg W, Lewis M, Tu K, Austin P, Gershon AS, Kapral M, of Public Health. 2012 Jul 19; 103(5): e384-e389. Manuel D, Walton N, Bhatia S, Glazier R, Ko D, Palmer L, Wijeysundera H.: Canadian Institutes of Health Research

133 3. Diamantouros A, Bartle W, Geerts W. Patient information Abstracts about warfarin: An assessment of accuracy and readability. 1. Akseer N, Gershon AS, Stanojevic S, Zhu J, Dell S, JAMA Internal Medicine. 2013; 173:582-583. Simatovic J, Feldman L, To T. Have emergency department 4. Gandhi R, Salonen D, Geerts WH, Khanna M, McSweeney wait times to see a physician for asthma decreased over S, Mahomed NN. A pilot study of CT detected asymptomatic time? A population-based study of trends from 2003-2010. pulmonary filling defects following hip and knee arthroplasty. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. J Arthroplasty. 2012; 27(5): 730-735. 2013 May 21; 187: A5024. 5. Gershon AS, Guan J, Victor JC, Goldstein R, To T. Quantifying 2. Camp P, Marciniuk D, Doucet M, To T, Prosser R, Kozyrskyj health services use for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. A, Garvey N, Reimer K, Vanderloo CG, McRae L, Gershon American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. AS. The prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 2013 Mar 15; 187(6): 596-601. (COPD) in individuals with diabetes, hypertension, asthma, 6. Kendzerska T, Mollayeva T, Gershon A, Leung R, Hawker or mood/anxiety disorders: a Canadian population study. G, Tomlinson G. Untreated obstructive sleep apnea and the European Respiratory Journal. 2012 Sep 22; 40(Suppl.): 60S. risk for serious long-term adverse outcomes: A systematic 3. Filion KB, Chateau D, Dormuth CR, Gershon AS, Targownik review. Sleep Medicine Reviews. 2013 Apr 30; [Epub ahead LE, Durand M, Tamim H, Teare GF, Ravani P, Ernst P, and of print]. (Trainee Publication). the CNODES Investigators. The use of distributed-protocol 7. Kwong JC, Ratnasingham S, Campitelli MA, Daneman N, prospective meta-analysis of observational studies to assess Deeks SL, Manuel DG, Allen VG, Bayoumi AM, Fazil A, Fisman adverse drug effects: proton-pump inhibitors and the risk of DN, Gershon AS, Gournis E, Heathcote EJ, Jamieson FB, hospitalization for community-acquired pneumonia. American Jha P, Khan KM, Majowicz SE, et al. The impact of infection on Journal of Epidemiology. 2012 Jul; 175(11 Suppl.): S1-S145. population health: results of the Ontario burden of infectious 4. Gershon AS, Croxford R, To T, Su J, Stanbrook MB, Aaron S. diseases study. PLoS ONE. 2012 Sep 4; 7(9): e44103. The impact of pulmonary function testing on health outcomes 8. Netto FS, Tien H, Ng J, Ortega S, Scarpelini S, Rizoli SB, of people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Geerts W. Pulmonary emboli after blunt trauma: timing, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. clinical characteristics and natural history. Injury. 2012; 43: 2013 May 21; 187: A5018. 1502-1506. (Trainee Publication). 5. Gershon AS, Hwee J, Su J, Victor JC, Chapman KR, 9. Thirugnanam S, Pinto R, Cook DJ, Geerts WH, Fowler RA. Stanbrook M, Aaron SD, O’Donnell DE, Bourbeau J, Tan Economic analyses of venous thromboembolism prevention WC, To T. Quantifying the burden of undiagnosed and strategies in hospitalized patients: a systematic review. Crit overdiagnosed chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Care. 2012; 16(R43): 1-19. (Trainee Publication). (COPD). American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care 10. To T, Stanojevic S, Feldman R, Moineddin R, Atenafu EG, Guan Medicine. 2013 May 21; 187: A3640. J, Gershon AS; RESPONSE Team. Is asthma a vanishing 6. Kendzerska T, Gershon AS, Leung RS, Hawker G, Tomlinson disease? A study to forecast the burden of asthma in 2022. G. Obstructive sleep apnea and long-terms adverse outcomes: BMC Public Health. 2013 Mar 21; 13: 254. which set of factors is better in prediction of a cardio-vascular 11. Vozoris NT, Fischer HD, Fang X, Anderson GM, Bell events development? American Journal of Respiratory and CM, Gershon AS, Stephenson A, Gill SS, Rochon PA. Critical Care Medicine. 2013 May 21; 187: A5944. (Trainee Benzodiazepine use among older adults with chronic Publication). obstructive pulmonary disease: a population-based cohort 7. To T, Feldman L, Foty R, Dell S, Gershon AS, Zhu J, Su J, study. Drugs and Aging. 2013 Mar; 30(3): 183-192. Simatovic J, Licskai C. Using the air quality health index to measure the impact of poor air quality on chronic diseases in Ontario: A population-based study. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2013 May 21; 187: A5082.

134 8. To T, Kozyriskyj A, Prosser RJ, Gershon AS, Camp PG, Provincial/Regional Doucet M, Garvey NJ, Reimer K, Gilbert C, McRae L. Burden of comorbidity on asthma mortality: A national population- Distinctions and Research Awards:

based study from Canada. American Journal of Respiratory Received and Critical Care Medicine. 2013 May 21; 187: A1628. 1. Gershon, Andrea. The Ontario Lung Association/Pfizer 9. Vozoris N, Fischer H, Wang X, Anderson GM, Bell CM, Canada Smoking Cessation and COPD Award 2011, Ontario Grunier A, Gershon AS, Stephenson A, Gil S, Rochon Lung Association, Ontario, Canada. (Research Award). 2012. MD. Adverse respiratory outcomes of benzodiazepine use 2. Gershon, Andrea. Fellowship for Translational Health among older adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary Research, Physicians’ Services Incorporated (PSI) Foundation, disease: a population-based cohort study. American Journal Ontario, Canada. (Research Award). 2013. of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2013 May 21; Total Amount: $300,000.00 CAD. 187: A2450.

Other Publications Local

1. Gershon AS, Victor JC, Guan J, To T. Pulmonary function Distinctions and Research Awards: testing in the diagnosis of asthma: a population study. Chest. Received 2012 Oct; 142(4): 1072-1073. 1. Gershon, Andrea. Junior Investigator Award, Sunnybrook Honours and Awards Health Sciences Centre, Department of Medicine, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. (Research Award). 2012 National Teaching Awards:

Distinctions and Research Awards: Received Received 1. Sivjee, Khalil Y. General Internal Medicine, Dept of Medicine, 1. Gershon, Andrea. Pharmacologic Management of Chronic Faculty of Medicine, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. Disease in Older Adults II New Investigator Award, CIHR New (Multilevel Education). 2011—2012. Emerging Team in Pharmacologic Management of Chronic Named in the 10% teachers city wide. Based on RATE system. Disease in Older Adults. (Research Award). 2012. Total Amount: $60,000.00 CAD. 2. Gershon, Andrea. (Declined) Pharmacologic Management of Chronic Disease in Older Adults II New Investigator Award, CIHR New Emerging Team in Pharmacologic Management of Chronic Disease in Older Adults. (Research Award). 2013. Total Amount: $30,000.00 CAD.


Number of Faculty: 3 Grants Number Amount Peer Reviewed Funding Principal Investigator: 3 $71,748 CAD Co-Principal Investigator: 2 $118,088 CAD Co-Investigator / Collaborator: - - Other: - - Peer Reviewed Funding Total: 5 $189,836 CAD Non Peer Reviewed Funding Non Peer Reviewed Funding Total: - -

Publications Number Peer Reviewed Publications Principal Author 5 Co-Principal Author 3 Senior Responsible Author 3 Collaborator / Co-Author 7 Other Role - Peer Reviewed Publications Total 18

Honours and Awards Received International Totals: 1 National Totals: 3 Provincial / Regional Totals: - Local Totals: - Unspecified Scope Totals: - Total Honours and Awards: 4

136 Grants, Contracts and Clinical Trials Publications

Peer-Reviewed Funding Peer-Reviewed Publications

Division Member is Principal Investigator: Journal Articles 1. Bell, Mary. Peer-to-Peer Mentoring For Individuals with 1. Brosseau L, Wells G, Brooks S, De Angelis G, Bell M, Early Inflammatory Arthritis: An Effective Study (Pilot RCT). Egan M, Poitras S, King J, Casimiro L, Loew L, Novikov M. Ed Keystone, Sydney Lineker, Joanna Sale, Sharron Sandhu: People Getting a Grip on Arthritis II: An innovative strategy Canadian Initiative For Outcomes in Rheumatology Care to implement clinical practice guidelines for rheumatoid and (CIORA). ($46,506.00 CAD Dec 2010 - Aug 2012, Prorated: osteoarthritis patients through Facebook. Health Education $4,429.14 CAD) [Grant] Journal. 2013 Jan 25. 2. Bell, Mary. Physician’s Tool to Evaluate Joint and Bone 2. Chow SL, Chandran V, Fazelzad R, Johnson SR. Prognostic Complaints. Canadian Initiative For Outcomes in Rheumatology factors for survival in systemic lupus erythematosus associated Care (CIORA). Ruben Taveres, Mary Aisen: Canadian Initiative pulmonary hypertension. Lupus. 2012; 21(4):353-6. For Outcomes in Rheumatology Care (CIORA). ($47,808.00 3. Embuldeniya G, Veinot P, Bell E, Bell M, Nyhof-Young J, Sale CAD Dec 2011 - Aug 2013, Prorated: $27,318.85 CAD) [Grant] J, Britten N. The experience and impact of chronic disease 3. Bell, Mary. Peer to Peer Mentoring For Individuals with Early peer support interventions: A qualitative synthesis. Patient Inflammatory Arthritis: An Effectiveness Study (Pilot RCT) – Education and Counseling. 2013 Mar 4; http://dx.doi. Follow-up Evaluation. Ed Keystone, Sydney Brooks, Joanna org/10.1016/i.pec.2013.02.002. Sale, Sharron Sandhu, Deborah Weber: Canadian Initiative 4. Kitto S, Bell M, Goldman J, Peller J, Etchells E, Silver I, Sargeant For Outcomes in Rheumatology Care (CIORA). ($60,000.00 J, Reeves, S. (Mis)perceptions of Continuing Education: CAD Jan 2012 - Jun 2013, Prorated: $40,000.00 CAD) [Grant] Insights from Knowledge Translation, Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Leaders. Journal of Continuing Education Other Peer-Reviewed Funding in the Health Professions. 2013 Feb; 33(2): 81-88. 1. Bell, Mary. Virtual Peer-to-Peer Support Mentoring for 5. Ruben Tavares, Janet E. Pope, Jean-Luc Tremblay, Carter Adolescents with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: A Feasibility Thorne, Vivian P. Bykerk, Juris Lazovskis, Kenneth L.N. Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. Stinson, Jennifer and Bell, Blocka, Mary J. Bell, Diane Lacaille, Carol A. Hitchon, Mary Jane, Kohut, Ahola, Junkin, L, Speigel, Lynn, Amaria, K, Avril A.Fitzgerald, Wesley K. Fidler, Arthur A.M. Bookman, Kaufman, M, Victor, J, Cooper, D, Luca, N, Forgeron, P, and James M. Henderson, Dianne P.Mosher, Dalton E. Sholter, Marcinko, J: Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Majed Khraishi, Boulos Haraoui, Hong Chen, Xiuying Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis. ($99,987.00 CAD Apr Li,Andreas Laupacis, Gilles Boire, George Tomlinson and 2013 - Jul 2014, Prorated: $18,747.56 CAD) [Clinical Trial] Claire Bombardier. Arthritis and Its Predictors: A National, 2. Bell, Mary. Getting a Grip on Arthritis Online. The Arthritis Multicenter, Retrospective Cohort Time to Disease-modifying Society. Dr. Sydney Lineker (Brooks), Dr. Sydney Cecile Antirheumatic Drug Treatment in Rheumatoid. The Journal Lineker, Lynn Moore, Dr. Mary Jane Bell, Dr. E. Badley, Dr. of Rheumatology. 2012; 39: 11 V. Curran, Mrs. K. Drouin, Ms. L. Fleet, Mrs. B. Hajdu, Mr. 6. Sandhu S, Veinot P, Embuldeniya G, Brooks S, Sale J, Richards C. Hogben, Mrs. F. Kirby, Mr. J. McCarthy, Dr. P. Tugwell, Dr. D, Huang S, Zhao A, Bell MJ. Peer-to-Peer mentoring for J. Wootton (SRPC): Canadian Institutes for Health Research Individuals with early Inflammatory Arthritis: Feasibility pilot. Planning and Dissemination Grant (CIHR). ($198,680.00 CAD BMJ Open. 2013 Apr; 3(3). May 2012 - Apr 2014, Prorated: $99,340.00 CAD) [Grant] 7. Tavares R, Bykerk V, Huang S, Bell MJ. A parallel group cohort to determine the measurement properties of an early inflammatory arthritis detection tool. Rheumatology. 2013 Feb. 8. Tavares R, Wells G, Bykerk V, Guillemin F, Tugwell P, Bell M. Validation of a self-administered inflammatory arthritis detection tool for rheumatology triage. The Journal of Rheumatology. The Journal of Rheumatology. 2013 Apr; 40(4): 417-424.

137 9. Tavares, R Pope, JE Tremblay, J-L, Thorne, C Bykerk, V.P. Letters to Editor Lazovskis, J Blocka, K.L.N. Bell, MJ Lacaille, D Hitchon, C.A. 1. Shu J, Veinot P, Tavares R, Bell MJ. Comment on Evaluating Fitzgerald, A.A. Fidler, W.K. Bookman, A.A.M. Henderson, Patient Satisfaction in an Outpatient Academic Rheumatology J.M. Mosher, D.P. Sholter, D.E. Khraishi, M Harou0+B15i Clinic. Journal of Clinical Rheumatology. 2013 Jan; 19(1): 54. , B. Chen, H. Li, X. Laupacis, A. Boire,G. Tomlinson, G Bombardier, C. Time to disease-modifying antirheumatic Honours and Awards drug treatment in rheumatoid arthritis and its predictors: A national, multicenter, restrospective cohort. Journal of International Rheumatology. 2012 Nov; 39(11): 2088-2097. Distinctions and Research Awards:

10. Tran CSJ, Nyhof-Young J, Embuldeniya G, Veinot P, Diamandis Received P, Das L, Cho R, Bell MJ. Exploring the learning and support 1. Bell, Mary. Excellence in Rheumatology 4th Best abstract needs of individuals with inflammatory arthritis. University of award, (Specialty: Peer to Peer Mentoring), 2012 Excellence Toronto Medical Journal. 2012 Aug; 89(2): 88-94. in Rheumatology Conference, Madrid, Spain. 2012 January – 11. Villeneuve E, Nam JL, Bell M, Deighton C, Felson DT, Hazes 2013 January. JM, McInnes I, Silman AJ, Solomon DH, Thompson A, Bell MJ, Veinot P, Embuldeniya G, Nyhof-Young J, Sale J, White PH, Bykerk V, Emery P. A systematic literature review Sargeant J, Tugwell P, Brooks S, ross S, Tonon R, Richards of strategies promoting early referral and reducing delays D, Boyle J, Knickle K, Sandhu S, Britten N, Bell E, Webster in the diagnosis and management of inflammatory arthritis. F, Cox-Dublanski M. (January 25 - 28, 2012). Peer to Peer Postgraduate Medical Journal. 2013 Apr; 4(89): 231-240. Mentoring for Individuals with Early Inflammatory ARthritis: Case Reports Peer Mentor Training. # OP04.

1. Bell MJ, Tavares R. Developing and Testing an Early National Inflammatory Arthritis (EIA) Detection Tool. 2013 Mar; http:// Distinctions and Research Awards: Received 2. Richards D, Boyle J, Veinot P, Bell M. I Get By With a Little 1. Bell, Mary. Consumer Champion Award, 2011 Canadian Help From My Friends: Peer to Peer Mentoring in Early Arthritis Network Annual Scientific Conference, Quebec, Inflammatory Arthritis. Health Canada. 2013 Mar. Canada. 2011 October – 2012 October. Abstracts 2. Bell, Mary. Best Poster award for the consumer category, 2011 Canadian Arthritis Network Annual Scientific Conference, 1. Bell MJ, Veinot P, Embuldeniya G, Nyhof-Young J, Sale J, Quebec, Canada. 2011 October – 2012 October. Sargeant J, Tugwell P, Brooks S, Ross S, Tonon R, richards Richards D, Boyle J, Veinot P, Bell M. (October 27 -29, D, Boyle J, Knickle K, Sandhu S, Britten N, Bell E, Webster 2011). Consumer Involvement in the Development of a F, Cox-Dublanski M. Peer to Peer Mentoring for Individuals Peer to Peer Mentoring Intervention for Individuals with Early with Early Inflammatory Arthritis: Peer Mentor Training. # Inflammatory Arthritis. OP04. Excellence in Rheumatology. 2012; Madrid, Spain. 2. Chow, S, Mahendira, D, Herman-Kideckel, SM, McDonald- Student/Trainee Awards: Blumer, H. Immunology for Rheumatology Residents: Received Working towards a National Curriculum Consensus. Arthritis 1. Chow, Shirley L. CRA Abbvie Summer Clinical Studentship Rheumatism. 2012 Oct; 64(Suppl 10): 1888. United States. Award, Rheumatology, Awardee Name: Mehwish Indrees. 3. Mahendira, D, Chow S, Herman-Kideckel SM, McDonald- Canadian Rheumatology Association, Canada. 2013 June – Blumer H. Updated Results of National Survey on Immunology 2013 August. Curriculum for Adult Rheumatology Residents: Improvement Total Amount: $5,400.00 CAD is Needed. Journal of Rheumatology. 2013 Jun; 40(6): 965- 966. Canada.



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140 Annual Report July 1, 2012– June 30, 2013

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