Curriculum vitae




01/10/2019–alla data attuale Sviluppatore di applicazioni informatiche Mediasoft srl, (Italia) Applicazione di tecniche di AI, Machine Learning in ambito finanziario e sanitario. Ambiente Tecnologico: Python, Pandas, Numpy, Scikit-Learn, Scipy

01/06/2015–31/05/2019 Assegno per la collaborazione ad attività di ricerca Università del , Dip. di Ingegneria dell'Innovazione, (Italia) Modelli e metodi per la classificazione e l’estrazione di strutture semantiche per sistemi di supporto alle decisioni avanzati, nell'ambito del Progetto PON denominato "PON DIRECTFOOD", SSD MAT/09, ING-IND/16. Realizzazione di un motore di ricerca sintattico-semantico nell'ambito del settore turistico. Architettura Applicativa / Ambiente Tecnologico: Python, Django, NLTK, Javascript, Bootstrap, JQuery, Facebook API, CherryPy

01/10/2013–31/03/2015 Personale tecnico Scientifico ed Elaborazioni Dati Cat. C1 Università del Salento, Dip. di Ingegneria dell'Innovazione, Lecce (Italia) Analisi tecnica dei modelli e relativa implementazione software nell'ambito del Progetto ammesso a finanziamento PON02_00634_3551288 dal titolo "VIS4FACTORY (Visual Information System for Factory)", SSD MAT/09, ING-IND/16.

01/09/2009–31/08/2013 Assegno per la collaborazione ad attività di ricerca Università del Salento, Dip. di Ingegneria dell'Innovazione, Lecce (Italia) Progettazione ed implementazione di algoritmi di ottimizzazione per problemi di fleet management a larga scala, SSD MAT/09. Ambiente Tecnologico: Java 6 standard edition

08/02/2011–20/05/2011 Contratto di lavoro a progetto ITACA srl, Rende (CS) (Italia) Valutazione statistica dei risultati ottenuti e verifica economica nell’ambito delle attività connesse alla realizzazione del progetto di ricerca “TI@ - Tecnologie dell’informazione e delle comunicazioni per la pianificazione e la gestione di servizi di igiene Ambientale”, finanziato a valere sul P.O. Puglia 2007- 2013 Asse I – Linea 1.1 – Azione 1.1.2 - Bando “Aiuti agli Investimenti in Ricerca per le PMI”. Ambiente Tecnologico: Java 6 standard edition

22/09/2010–20/12/2010 Contratto di lavoro a progetto ITACA srl, Rende (CS) (Italia)

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Realizzazione di un dimostratore nell’ambito delle attività connesse alla realizzazione del progetto di ricerca “TI@ - Tecnologie dell’informazione e delle comunicazioni per la pianificazione e la gestione di servizi di igiene Ambientale”, finanziato a valere sul P.O. Puglia 2007-2013 Asse I – Linea 1.1 – Azione 1.1.2 - Bando “Aiuti agli Investimenti in Ricerca per le PMI”. Ambiente Tecnologico: Java 6 standard edition

01/05/2009–31/07/2009 CO.CO.CO. Università del Salento, Dip. di Ingegneria dell'Innovazione, Lecce (Italia) Progettazione ed implementazione di algoritmi per la risoluzione di problemi integrati di shift scheduling e vehicle routing, SSD MAT/09. Ambiente Tecnologico: Java 6 standard edition

02/12/2008–06/03/2009 Contratto a tempo indeterminato Kòmmi s.a.s., Lequile (LE) (Italia) Impiegato tecnico

09/06/2008–08/09/2008 Contratto di prestazione d'opera occasionale Università del Salento, Dip. di Ingegneria dell'Innovazione, Lecce (Italia) Implementazione di un tool per la segmentazione e la previsione spazio temporale della domanda, SSD MAT/09. Ambiente Tecnologico: Java 6 standard edition

28/09/2004–02/12/2004 Docente in qualità di membro esperto per l'insegnamento della patente europea ECDL Istituto di Istruzione Superiore F. Bottazzi, (LE) (Italia)

04/11/2004–03/01/2005 Contratto di prestazione d'opera occasionale Università del Salento, Dip. di Ingegneria dell'Innovazione, Lecce (Italia) Collaborazione per la realizzazione di una versione prototipale di laboratorio remoto nell'ambito del PRIN "Tiger", SSD ING-INF/04.

01/04/2004–31/07/2004 Contratto di prestazione d'opera occasionale Università del Salento, Dip. di Ingegneria dell'Innovazione, Lecce (Italia) Collaborazione per la realizzazione di una versione prototipale di laboratorio remoto nell'ambito del PRIN "Tiger", SSD ING-INF/04.

01/01/2003–31/12/2004 Titolare Manni Immobiliare, (LE) (Italia)


02/2008 PhD. in Ingegneria dell'Informazione Università del Salento, Lecce (Italia) Titolo della tesi: “Feedback control of small-size biped robots: dynamic stability and nonsmooth actuation nonlinearities issues”, SSD ING-INF/04. Relatori: Prof.ssa Maria Letizia Corradini, Prof.

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Giovanni Indiveri

07/2004 Abilitazione all'esercizio della professione di Ingegnere Ordine degli Ingegneri della provincia di Lecce, Lecce (Italia)

02/2004 Laurea in Ingegneria Informatica Università degli Studi di Lecce, Lecce (Italia) Titolo della tesi in Controlli Automatici: “Un algoritmo di pianificazione della traiettoria per la navigazione di robot mobili e sua validazione sperimentale”, SSD ING-INF/04. Relatore: Prof.ssa Maria Letizia Corradini. Votazione: 101/110.

07/1994 Diploma di Maturità Scientifica Liceo Scientifico Statale "T. Fiore", Gallipoli (Italia) Votazione: 45/60.


Lingua madre italiano


Ascolto Lettura Interazione Produzione orale inglese B2 C1 B1 B1 B2 Livelli: A1 e A2: Utente base - B1 e B2: Utente autonomo - C1 e C2: Utente avanzato Quadro Europeo di Riferimento delle Lingue

Competenze organizzative e Ho maturato esperienza nell’ambito della gestione delle risorse umane coordinando gruppi di lavoro gestionali per la realizzazione di progetti relativi sia all’ambito universitario che lavorativo.

Competenze professionali ▪ Iscrizione all’Ordine degli Ingegneri della Provincia di Lecce con il n° 2711 in data 03/07/2006. ▪ Conoscenza delle problematiche relative alla classificazione e all'estrazione di strutture semantiche da testi scritti in linguaggio naturale. ▪ Controllo di bracci robotici e Robot Umanoidi usando leggi di controllo con cinematica diretta e inversa e con dinamica diretta e inversa. ▪ Conoscenza delle problematiche relative alla progettazione di una base di dati. ▪ Conoscenza delle problematiche relative alla progettazione e messa in posa di un sistema informativo.

Competenze digitali ▪ Linguaggi di Programmazione: Python, Java, OPL, AMPL ▪ Linguaggi di Scripting e Frameworks: JAVASCRIPT, AJAX, JQUERY, EASYUI, NLTK, spacy, Django, Google BERT ▪ IDE: PyCharm, Eclipse, WebStorm, Ilog CPLEX Otimization Studio ▪ CAD/CAM SYSTEMS: SolidWorks ▪ DBMS: MySQL, SQL Server, MS Access. ▪ WEBSERVER: CherryPy, Apache, IIS. ▪ Sistemi Operativi: APPLE OS X, MS WINDOWS. ▪ Conoscenza di Version Control Systems: GIT

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Patente di guida B


Pubblicazioni ▪ G. Ghiani, A. Guerrieri, A. Manni. “Extracting semantic roles from ungrammatical sentences”, INTELLISYS 2018, AISC 869, PP. 1223–1228, 2019. 7_91. Ungrammatical sentences present a challenge in a number of Natural Language Processing tasks, including those used in automatic Question Answering. In this paper, we introduce an algorithm that identifies the most likely decomposition of a (possibly ungrammatical) sentence into its semantic roles. The algorithm makes use of a chart parser - using a “tight” hybrid syntactic- semantic context-free grammar - that identifies whether each substring may play the role of either a main or a subordinate clause (like a declarative clause), or a semantic role like subject, predicate or complements. Then an Integer Programming Problem is solved in order to find a coverage of maximum likelihood. At this stage, the model tries to partition the sentence in substrings in such a way that: a) each substring is assigned a clause (main or a secondary clause) and a semantic role; a measure of the overall likelihood is maximized. The validity of this approach has been assessed on a testset obtained by randomly perturbing a set of grammatical sentences of various nature. ▪ G. Ghiani, A. Guerrieri, A. Manni. “A tourist advisor based on a question answering system”, In Proc. of 2017 IEEE Intelligent System Conference, INTELLISYS 2017, Londra, UK, 07-08 Settembre 2017. . Tourism is one of the world's largest industries with a global economic contribution in the order of billions of dollars each year. With the intensified competition in the sector, it has become paramount to facilitate the creation of highly personalised services and experiences. In order to achieve this, most tourists currently rely on search engines when seeking relevant information. In this paper, we introduce a Tourist Advisor which uses a Question Answering System (QAS) to provide accurate answers to the tourists' questions instead of simply identifying a set of documents that are likely to contain some relevant information. The QAS has several innovative features, including the utilisation of a “controlled” natural language as a means of representation of both the domain knowledge and the common sense. We present the architecture of the system and discuss its deployment in a pilot study carried out in one of the most renowned Italian tourist destinations. Results show that when compared with traditional web search, our system provides much concise and precise answers in a shorter amount of time. ▪ G. Ghiani, A. Guerrieri, A. Manni, E. Manni. “Estimating travel and service times for automated route planning and service certification in municipal waste management”, Waste Management. Vol. 46, Dicembre 2015, Pag. 40-46. . Nowadays, route planning algorithms are commonly used to generate detailed work schedules for solid waste collection vehicles. However, the reliability of such schedules relies heavily on the accuracy of a number of parameters, such as the actual service time at each collection location and the traversal times of the streets (which depend on the specific day of the week and the time of day). In this paper, we propose an automated classification and estimation algorithm that, based on Global Positioning System data collected by the fleet, estimates such parameters in a timely and accurate fashion. In particular, our approach is able to classify automatically events like stops due to traffic jams, stops at traffic lights and stops at collection sites. The system can also be used for automated fleet supervision and in order to notify on a web site whether certain services have been actually provided on a certain day, thus making waste management more accountable to citizens. An experimentation carried out in an Italian municipality shows the advantages of our approach. ▪ G. Ghiani, A. Grieco, A. Guerrieri, A. Manni, E. Manni. “Large-Scale assembly job shop scheduling problems with bill of materials: models and algorithms”, WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics, ISSN / E- ISSN: 1109-9526 / 2224-2899, Vol. 12, 2015, pp. 161-172. In this paper, we study an assembly job shop scheduling problem with tree-structured precedence constraints and jobs characterized by specific bills of materials. We propose a mathematical model to deal with a simplified version of the problem, as well as a fast and efficient constructive heuristic that is able to easily face real-world-sized instances. The production schedule takes into account the actual availability of materials in stock as well as the supply times and the capacity constraints, with the goal to minimize the average delay with respect to the due dates associated to the customers’ orders. Computational results on data related to real-life instances show that the mathematical model is able to solve (not always to optimality) small-sized instances only. On the other hand, our heuristic approach is able to solve efficiently very large problems. Moreover, the proposed heuristic turns out to be scalable as the instance size grows. ▪ G. Ghiani, A. Grieco, A. Guerrieri, A. Manni, E. Manni. “A fast heuristic for large-scale assembly job

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shop scheduling problems with bill of materials”. Advances In Mathematics and Statistical Sciences, Vol. 40, 2015, pp. 216–223. ISBN: 978-1-61804-275- 0. In this paper, we study an assembly job shop scheduling problem with tree-structured precedence constraints and jobs characterized by specific bills of materials. We propose a fast and efficient constructive heuristic that is able to easily deal with real-world sized instances. The production schedule takes into account the actual availability of materials in stock as well as the supply times and the capacity constraints, with the goal to minimize the average delay with respect to the due dates associated to the customers’ orders. Computational results on data related to real-life instances show that our approach is able to solve efficiently very large problems. Moreover, the proposed heuristic turns out to be scalable as the instance size grows. ▪ G. Ghiani, A. Manni, E. Manni, M. Toraldo. “The impact of an efficient collection sites location on the zoning phase in municipal solid waste management”. Waste Management. Vol. 34, Issue 11, Novembre 2014, Pag. 1949–1956. . In this paper, we study two decisional problems arising when planning the collection of solid waste, namely the location of collection sites (together with bin allocation) and the zoning of the service territory, and we assess the potential impact that an efficient location has on the subsequent zoning phase. We first propose both an exact and a heuristic approach to locate the unsorted waste collection bins in a residential town, and to decide the capacities and characteristics of the bins to be located at each collection site. A peculiar aspect we consider is that of taking into account the compatibility between the different types of bins when allocating them to collection areas. Moreover, we propose a fast and effective heuristic approach to identify homogeneous zones that can be served by a single collection vehicle. Computational results on data related to a real-life instance show that an efficient location is fundamental in achieving consistent monetary savings, as well as a reduced environmental impact. These reductions are the result of one vehicle less needed to perform the waste collection operations, and an overall traveled distance reduced by about 25% on the average. ▪ G. Ghiani, E. Guerriero, A. Manni, E. Manni, A. Potenza. “Simultaneous personnel and vehicle shift scheduling in the waste management sector”. Waste Management, Vol. 33, Issue 7, Luglio 2013, Pag. 1589-1594. . Urban waste management is becoming an increasingly complex task, absorbing a huge amount of resources, and having a major environmental impact. The design of a waste management system consists in various activities, and one of these is related to the definition of shift schedules for both personnel and vehicles. This activity has a great incidence on the tactical and operational cost for companies. In this paper, we propose an integer programming model to find an optimal solution to the integrated problem. The aim is to determine optimal schedules at minimum cost. Moreover, we design a fast and effective heuristic to face large-size problems. Both approaches are tested on data from a real-world case in Southern and compared to the current practice utilized by the company managing the service, showing that simultaneously solving these problems can lead to significant monetary savings. ▪ A. Manni, G. Parlangeli , M. L. Corradini, “Robust stabilization of nonlinear sandwich plants containing generalized hysteresis nonlinearities”, In Proc. of 17th IFAC World Congress, Seoul, Korea, 06-11 Luglio, 2008. . In this paper an approach for the stabilization problem of sandwich nonlinear systems containing a general nonsmooth nonlinearity is presented. The proposed solution is based on variable structure control theory and ensures the robust ultimate boundedness of the system trajectories in a neighborhood of the origin. Theoretical results have been validated by simulation on a mechanical system representing a robot-like system with one link, preceded by an hysteretic block and a first order actuator dynamics representing a DC motor and the simulation results have been confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed solution. ▪ M. L. Corradini, A. Manni, G. Parlangeli, “Variable structure control of nonlinear uncertain sandwich systems with nonsmooth nonlinearities”, In Proc. of 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, CDC07, New Orleans, LA, USA, 12-14 Dicembre, 2007. . In this paper an approach for the stabilization of sandwich nonlinear systems containing a general nonsmooth nonlinearity is presented. The proposed solution is based on variable structure control theory, and ensures the robust ultimate boundedness of the system trajectories in a neighborhood of the origin. Theoretical results have been validated by simulation on a mechanical system representing a robot-like system with one link, preceded by an hysteretic block and a first order actuator dynamics representing a DC motor. ▪ A. Manni, G. Indiveri, “Feedback control for a small-size soccer playing Humanoid Robots”, In Proc. of Workshop on Humanoid Soccer Robot, In Conjuction with 2006 IEEE International Conference on Humanoid Robots, Genova, Italia, 4 Dicembre,

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2006. rol_for_a_Small-Size_Soccer_Playing_Humanoid_Robot/links/57e3becd08ae112d973bbdc5.pdf. Given the intrinsic instability of walking humanoid robots, the design of controllers assuring robust stabilization of walking gaits is one of the most important goals. Small humanoid robots today available in RoboCup, often lack computing power: they are frequently actuated by microcontroller based position servos with limited or no feedback. As a consequence it is very difficult to implement feedback control techniques on these platforms in order to guarantee stability. This paper describes a control architecture aiming at decoupling the problem of stable walking in the two relatively simpler problems of legs gait generation and upper body feedback control to guarantee dynamic stability. The presented implementation of the proposed architecture builds on the use of the GCoM point (Ground projection of the Center of Mass) that may be considered a suitable stability index only in quasi static robot states (like when kicking a ball from standing). The presented solution is particularly suited for small size robots having limited onboard computational power and limited sensor suits. The proposed method has been validated through Matlab simulations and experimental tests performed on a Robovie-MS VStone’s platform. Although the performed experiments are rather preliminary, they suggest that the designed architecture is effective. ▪ M. L. Corradini, A. Manni, G. Sammarco, G. Parlangeli, “VRL, a novel environment for control engineering practicing: an application to a fault tolerant control system”, IN Proc. of 9th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, ICARCV2006, Singapore, 05-08 Dicembre, 2006. . Virtual Remote Laboratory (VRL) is a powerful tool for an effective active learning in Control Engineering formation because it gives the opportunity of testing remotely control laws both by simulations within a virtual reality framework and by remote experiments. In this paper the virtual environment VRL is described and an application of a fault tolerant control law on an inverted pendulum is shown. ▪ M. L. Corradini, A. Manni, G. Orlando,G. Parlangeli, “A Fault Tolerant Control strategy for linear systems subject to a class of faults”, In Proc. of 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, CDC06, San Diego, CA, USA, 13-15 Dicembre, 2006. https://doi.og/10.1109/CDC.2006.377654. This paper proposes a fault tolerant control strategy for failures belonging to a class of functions. To this purpose a robust sliding mode controller has been designed ensuring the robust boundedness of system trajectories. The controlled system is proved to have a complete fault tolerance to such faults, being passive for soft faults and active for severe faults. Theoretical results have been validated by simulation. ▪ A. Manni, A. Di Noi, G. Indiveri, “A Control Architecture for dynamically stable gaits of small size Humanoid Robots”, In Proc. of 8th International IFAC Symposium on Robot Control, SYROCO2006, Bologna, Italia, 06-08 Settembre, 2006. ly_stable_gaits_of_small_size_humanoid_robots. From the 1970’s biped robots have had a large attention from the robotic research community. Yet the issue of controlling dynamically stable walking for arbitrary biped robots is still open. We propose a simple control architecture based on the use of the FRI (Foot Rotation Indicator) point and the support polygon. The major advantage of the proposed architecture is that motion planning (and eventually sensor based re-planning (slower feedback loop)) is limited to the leg joints whereas the trunk and arm degrees of freedom are controlled in closed loop (faster feedback loop) to achieve overall dynamic stability. Such architecture allows to decouple the problem of dynamic stable walking in the two relatively simpler problems of gait generation and robot stabilization. This architecture is particularly suited for small size robots having limited onboard computational power and limited sensor suits. The effectiveness of the proposed method has been validated through Matlab simulations and experimental tests performed on a Robovie-MS platform.

Trattamento dei dati personali Autorizzo il trattamento dei dati personali contenuti nel mio curriculum vitae in base all’art. 13 del D. Lgs. 196/2003 e all’art. 13 del Regolamento UE 2016/679 relativo alla protezione delle persone fisiche

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Consapevole che, ai sensi dell’art.76 del DPR 445/2000, le dichiarazioni mendaci, la falsità negli atti e l’uso di atti falsi sono punite ai sensi del Codice penale e delle leggi speciali vigenti in materia, dichiara sotto la propria responsabilità: che quanto dichiarato nel seguente curriculum vitae et studiorum comprensivo delle informazioni sulla produzione scientifica corrisponde a verità

Taviano, lì 11/03/2020

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