Friday, December 31, 2010 from the pages of Midnight in New York © 2009 The New York Times Russian Judge Extends Tycoon’s Sentence New York Agrees — A judge on symbol of Medvedev’s inability to politicians are rarely, if ever, held Thursday sentenced Mikhail B. make significant progress on his accountable for misdeeds. to Settle a Case Khodorkovsky, the Russian ty- pledges. Yet, with most of the news coon who was imprisoned in 2003 “I expected a guilty verdict, but media cowed by official pres- after defying Vladimir V. Putin, I didn’t expect such a tough sen- sure, and opposition groups sup- With a Financier to an additional six years. It was tence,” said Leonid Y. Gozman, pressed, people are skeptical a politically tinged decision that co-chairman of Right Cause, a about the possibility of attaining The financier Steven L. Rattner undermined President Dmitri liberal party with close ties to redress. Medvedev has conceded has agreed to pay $10 million to set- A. Medvedev, who has vowed to the Kremlin. “This is shocking. that the country is plagued by tle civil charges that he engaged in revitalize the country’s deeply It was obviously a political, not a “legal nihilism,” but Putin has a kickback scheme involving New troubled legal system. judicial, decision. A verdict this seemed less bothered. York state’s pension fund, ending Khodorkovsky’s supporters harsh is going to resonate and In fact, the new sentence for a scathingly personal and public had asked Medvedev to inter- be perceived very negatively for Khodorkovsky was considered monthlong feud between Rattner vene in the case, which has rein- Medvedev, and for what he has an unambiguous signal that Pu- and the New York attorney general, forced widespread concerns that been trying to accomplish.” tin, now prime minister, remains Andrew M. Cuomo. the Russian authorities readily While the Khodorkovsky trial in control of the country in ad- Under the settlement announced manipulate law enforcement and has attracted worldwide atten- vance of a presidential election in Thursday — just two days before the judiciary for political pur- tion, the everyday failings in the 2012, which he might enter. Putin, Cuomo becomes New York’s gov- poses. But Medvedev refused, Russian legal system are perva- who was president from 2000 to ernor — Rattner will pay restitution and Khodorkovsky’s second trial sive. Nearly two decades after 2008, has repeatedly declared to the state pension fund and will be on embezzlement charges — his the collapse of Communism, cor- that Khodorkovsky, 47, is nothing barred from appearing in any ca- current sentence ran to 2011 — ruption is endemic, government more than a violent criminal. pacity before a public pension fund appeared to end as it began: as a power is often abused and senior CLIFFORD J. LEVY within the state for five years. He did not admit any wrongdoing. The surprise settlement extracts As E.P.A. Moves on Emissions, Fight Has Risks from Rattner less than the attorney general initially sought. In two law- WASHINGTON — With the so stumble by moving too aggres- change legislation essentially suits filed last month, Cuomo sought federal government set to regu- sively to handcuff the Environ- called his bluff. to recover $26 million and to impose late climate-altering gases from mental Protection Agency, pro- With Obama’s hand forced by upon Rattner a lifetime ban from the factories and power plants for the voking a popular outcry that they the mandates of the Clean Air Act New York securities industry. first time beginning on Sunday, are endangering public health. and a 2007 Supreme Court deci- For Rattner, the settlement al- the Obama administration and President Obama vowed as a can- sion, his E.P.A. will impose the lows him to escape the harsh spot- the new Congress are headed for didate that he would put the Unit- first regulation of major station- light he has felt since the spring of a clash that carries substantial ed States on a path to addressing ary sources of greenhouse gases 2009, when the Securities and Ex- risks for both sides. climate change by reducing emis- starting Jan. 2. change Commission filed a lawsuit The administration is on notice sions of carbon dioxide and other “If the administration gets it that detailed his alleged improper that if it moves too far and too fast greenhouse gas pollutants. He wrong, we’re looking at years of dealings with the New York state in trying to curtail the ubiquitous offered Congress wide latitude litigation, legislation and public pension fund. The S.E.C. and Ratt- gases that are heating the planet to pass climate change legisla- and business outcry,” said a se- ner reached a separate settlement it risks a Congressional backlash tion, but always held in reserve nior administration official who in October, with Rattner paying that could set back the effort for the threat of E.P.A. regulation if it asked not to be identified. “If we $6.2 million and agreeing to a two- years. But the newly muscular failed to act. The deeply polarized get it right, we’re facing the same year ban from work in certain Wall Republicans in Congress could al- Senate’s refusal to enact climate thing.” JOHN M. BRODER Street businesses. (NYT)



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JOHN T. WATERS 12/10 THRU 12/11 01 FALCON 2000EX/2000 International Friday, December 31, 2010 2 Clinton Defender Defends Himself Over Clients In Brief

WASHINGTON — After de- Obama. Still, his role in West Af- representation of the Ivory Coast cades of work for some of this rica has stoked growing criticism became an issue. And he is push- Discovers country’s most powerful lobbying that Davis has become a kind of ing back with some of the same Major Gas Field firms, Lanny J. Davis, the lawyer front man for the dark side, willing message-molding that earned who once helped defend Presi- to take on some of the world’s least him a label as a “spinmeister par Exploratory drilling off Is- dent Clinton from impeachment, noble companies and causes. excellence.” He says he’s lining rael’s northern coast this week is suddenly scrambling to defend Many lobbying firms have cli- up State Department officials, has confirmed the existence of a himself. ents with checkered records. In- congressmen and business lead- major natural gas field — one of Since leaving the White House, deed, those are the people who ers to testify about how much he’s the world’s largest offshore gas Davis has built a client list that need help the most in Washington. helped them. finds of the past decade — lead- now includes coup supporters in But many activists — and even Mostly, however, he’s single- ing the country’s infrastructure Honduras, a dictator in Equato- some government officials — said handedly flooding the zone, writ- minister to call it “the most im- rial Guinea, for-profit colleges ac- the list of clients in Davis’s firm ing long, detailed responses to portant energy news since the cused of exploiting students, and stands out. reporters and columnists, and founding of the state.” Houston- a company that dominates the “You look at who he represents, making himself available to any- based Noble Energy in coopera- manufacture of additives for in- and the list is just almost unseem- one and everyone interested in tion with several Israeli partner fant formula. Earlier this month, ly, tawdry,” said Meredith McGe- directly hearing his side of his companies said that the field, he agreed to represent the Ivory hee, a lobbyist for California WIC story. named Leviathan, has at least Coast strongman whose claims Association, which represents “My credibility is the only thing 16 trillion cubic feet of gas at a to that country’s presidency have agencies that serve poor women I have,” he said Thursday. “If I de- likely market value of tens of been condemned by the interna- with infant children, and who fend people in indefensible, cor- billions of dollars and should tional community, and may even faced off against Davis this year in rupt acts then I lose everything I turn Israel into an energy ex- set off a civil war. the fight over baby formula, which have, and I’m just another gun for porter. Israel has had a long his- Davis withdrew from his his client won. “It is an illustra- hire. But when I see that I can help tory of dependence on foreign $100,000-a-month contract with tion of what most of the American get out the facts, and improve peo- energy. (NYT) the Ivory Coast on Wednesday people think of as wrong with ple’s lives, and peacefully resolve night, saying that the embattled Washington.” conflicts, then I feel an obligation Vatican Creates government refused to accept his Davis says he is aware of the to do so.” GINGER THOMPSON suggestion to talk to President criticism, particularly since his and ERIC LIPTON Financial Watchdog The Vatican on Thursday created a financial watchdog agency and issued new laws to Former Israeli President Katsav Convicted of Rape fight money laundering and ter- JERUSALEM — An Israeli es against Katsav while he was any wrongdoing, and his lawyers rorist financing in a major ef- court convicted the country’s still the head of state. said it was possible that he would fort to shed its image as a tax former president, Moshe Katsav, “Never before has a president in appeal the ruling to the Supreme haven that for years has been of two counts of forcible rape on the democratic world been found Court. mired in secrecy and scandal. Thursday, a verdict that many guilty of such deeds,” wrote Zeev Katsav, looking ashen, made The decrees, which go into ef- Israelis described as a low point Segal, the legal commentator for no comment as he left the court fect April 1, were passed as the in the nation’s history, but also the newspaper Haaretz. accompanied by his lawyers. His Vatican’s own bank remains redemptive, in that it upheld the A panel of three district court son, Boaz, said that the family was implicated in a money-launder- value of equality before the law. judges in convicted Kat- steadfast in its support of Katsav ing investigation that resulted “There are no two states of Is- sav, 65, of raping an employee — and that they remained convinced in 23 million euros ($31 million) rael, just one state,” said Shimon identified only by her first initial, he was innocent. Katsav was al- being seized and its top two of- Peres, Katsav’s successor as pres- A. — on two occasions while he lowed to go home on Thursday. ficials placed under investiga- ident. “There are no two kinds of was minister of tourism in 1998. Sentencing is expected in Janu- tion. (AP) citizens here; citizens of only one The court also convicted him of ary. Katsav had contended that kind exist in Israel — and all are sexually abusing and harass- the rape accusation was all a plot Bomb Kills 14 equal in the eyes of the law.” ing another complainant and of by the former Tourism Ministry The verdict capped an unusual harassing a third while he was employee, who he said was seek- On Afghan Minibus four-year spectacle that began president. ing revenge after she was fired. A minibus packed with wom- with accusations of sexual offens- Katsav has consistently denied ISABEL KERSHNER en and children was blown apart by a roadside bomb in southern Afghanistan’s Hel- Isabelle Caro, Model Who Battled Anorexia, Dies at 28 mand Province on Thursday, and officials said 14 passengers Isabelle Caro, a French model Wednesday that she died after She was 5 feet 4 inches tall and had were killed and at least four and actress who became the in- returning to France from a job in battled anorexia since the age of wounded. Afghan and NATO of- ternational face of anorexia when Tokyo. 13. ficials blamed Taliban insur- she allowed her ravaged body to Though her anorexia was al- The image, displayed on bill- gents for what a NATO spokes- be photographed nude for an Ital- most certainly a factor in her boards and in newspapers as man called a “despicable at- ian advertising campaign to raise death, its exact role was not clear, Fashion Week got under way tack” meant to kill innocents. It awareness about the disease, died and her weight at her death was that year in Milan, was shocking. was at least the second time this on Nov. 17. She was 28. not known. But Caro weighed Caro’s face was emaciated, her month that a roadside bomb Her friends and family initially only about 60 pounds when she arms and legs mere sticks, her had killed more than a dozen ci- kept her death secret. Danièle posed, reclining and staring bale- teeth seemingly too large for her vilians in Helmand, where U.S.- Gouzard-Dubreuil-Prevot, Caro’s fully over her right shoulder, for mouth. In large letters, “No — An- led forces have intensified their longtime acting instructor, in- an advertising campaign for the orexia” ran across the top of the campaign against the Taliban. formed The Associated Press on Italian fashion label Nolita in 2007. photograph. WILLIAM GRIMES (NYT) national Friday, December 31, 2010 3 Families of Troops Bear the Brunt of Deployment Strains WAUTOMA, Wis. — Life children. Those families — more And a paper published in the 5:30 a.m. to dress and feed them changed for Shawn Eisch with than a million of them since 2001 journal Pediatrics in late 2009 before shuttling them to day care. a phone call last January. His — have borne the brunt of the psy- found that children in military Evenings are the reverse, usually youngest brother, Brian, a soldier chological and emotional strain of families were more likely to re- ending with him dozing off in front and single father, had just received deployments. port anxiety than children in civil- of the television at their rented orders to deploy from Fort Drum, Siblings and grandparents have ian families. The longer a parent ranch-style house in Fayetteville, N.Y., to Afghanistan and was mull- become surrogate parents. Spous- had been deployed in the previ- N.C. ing who might take his two boys es have struggled with loneliness ous three years, the researchers He has moved twice and for a year. Shawn volunteered. and stress. Children have felt found, the more likely their chil- changed jobs three times in recent So began a season of adjust- confused and abandoned during dren were to have had difficulties years to accommodate his wife’s ments as the boys came to live in the long separations. All have felt in school and at home. military career. But he does not their uncle’s home here. Joey, the anxieties about the distant dan- But those studies do not de- mind being home with the chil- 8-year-old, got into fistfights at his gers of war. scribe the myriad ways, often im- dren, he says, because his father new school. His 12-year-old broth- Social scientists are just begin- perceptible to outsiders, in which was not, having left the family er, Isaac, rebelled against their ning to document the rippling ef- families cope with deployments when Sullivan was young. uncle’s rules. And Shawn’s three fects of multiple combat deploy- every day. “I’m not going to put my kids children quietly resented sharing a ments on families — effects that For Tim Sullivan, it has meant through that,” said Sullivan, 35, bedroom, the family computer and, those families themselves have learning how to potty train, braid who handles child support cases most of all, their parents’ attention intimately understood for years. A hair and fix dinner for his two for the county. “I’m going to be with their younger cousins. study published in The New Eng- young children while his wife, a there.” The once comfortable Eisch land Journal of Medicine in Janu- sergeant in a support battalion to He says that if his wife stays in farmhouse suddenly felt crowded. ary found that wives of deployed the First Battalion, 87th Infantry, the Army — as she has said she “It was a lot more traumatic than I soldiers sought mental health ser- is deployed. wants to do — he is prepared to ever pictured it, for them,” Shawn, vices more often than other Army Sullivan’s days have revolved move again or even endure an- 44, said. “And it was for me, too.” wives. They were also more likely almost entirely around his two other deployment. “I love her,” The work of war is very much to report mental health problems, children, Austin, 4, and Leah, 2, he said. “I’m already signed up. I a family affair. Nearly 6 in 10 of including depression, anxiety and since his wife, Sgt. Tamara Sul- made a decision to join the life that the troops deployed today are sleep disorder, the longer the de- livan, deployed to Afghanistan in goes with that.” JAMES DAO married, and nearly half have ployments lasted. March. He rises each weekday at and CATRIN EINHORN


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It is not known whether the listed clients approve or disapprove of Houlihan Lokey or the advisory services provided. 1210 business Friday, December 31, 2010 4 New Capital for Groupon Sets Stage for I.P.O. the markets The 30-year-old founder and the largest ever for a startup, a $500 million, according to two peo- DJIA NASDAQ S&P 500 chief executive of Groupon, An- venture capital record held by ple familiar with the fundraising. D 15.67 D 3.95 D 1.90 drew Mason, is scheduled to raise DreamWorks Animation SKG for Meanwhile, Groupon, whose 0.14% 0.15% 0.15% as much as $950 million from in- the last 15 years, based on Thom- revenues top $1 billion, continues 11,569.71 2,662.98 1,257.88 vestors in the next few weeks, lay- son Reuters data. to grow at a breakneck pace. In ing the groundwork for a multi- Groupon has gone from a the last month, the site’s subscrib- EUROPE billion dollar initial public offer- quirky idea to Web darling in er base has jumped 42.3 percent ing in 2011. about two years — an especially to more than more than 50 million BRITAIN GERMANY FRANCE The social buying site, which fast evolution that got a turbo worldwide, the company said. On FTSE 100 DAX CAC 40 offers coupons for local business- charge when the Chicago-based private exchanges that facilitate D 25.35 D 81.28 D 39.89 es, has so far locked up $500 mil- company spurned a $6 billion trading in tech startups, Grou- 0.42% 1.16% 1.03% lion in fresh capital from Fidelity takeover offer by Google in the pon has an implied valuation 5,971.01 6,914.19 3,850.76 Investments, Morgan Stanley, first week of December. approaching $5 billion, up from T. Rowe Price, and other large A frenzy of activity followed the $1.2 billion in June. ASIA/PACIFIC investors — allowing Mason and failed bid. Within days, institu- With its giant war chest and in- eight other directors to take a tional investors started lining up, vestor buzz, Groupon is now ex- JAPAN HONG KONG CHINA significant amount of cash off the ready to provide significant capi- pected to hold an I.P.O. at the end NIKKEI 225 HANG SENG SHANGHAI table. In the coming weeks, the tal infusions. On Dec. 20, Groupon of 2011, these people said. 115.62 30.04 8.04 company could bring in another hired its first chief financial offi- “The market has been waiting D 1.12% U 0.13% U 0.29% $450 million, according to a Secu- cer, Jason Child, an a long time for that innovative 10,228.92 22,999.34 2,759.57 rities and Exchange Commission veteran with number-crunching young company, like a Groupon, filing on Thursday. credentials. By Thursday, Fidel- to hit,” said Paul Bard, a vice AMERICAS If successful, Groupon’s latest ity, T. Rowe Price, Morgan Stan- president at Renaissance Capital. CANADA BRAZIL MEXICO fund-raising effort would mark ley, and others had committed EVELYN M. RUSLI TSX BOVESPA BOLSA 14.76 352.40 12.94 D 0.11% U 0.51% U 0.03% After Movie, Economists Questioned About Ethics 13,434.41 69,304.80 38,243.14 WASHINGTON — When the Academic economists, par- their ties to Wall Street as con- Stanford business professor Dar- ticularly those active in policy sultants, advisers or corporate COMMODITIES/BONDS rell Duffie co-wrote a book on how debates roiling Washington and directors. to overhaul Wall Street regula- Wall Street, are facing greater Universities and medical GOLD 10-YR. TREAS. CRUDE OIL tions, he did not mention that he scrutiny of their outside activi- schools have tightened disclo- YIELD sits on the board of Moody’s, the ties these days. Faced with a run sure requirements and conflicts D 7.07 U 0.01 D 1.28 credit rating agency. of criticism, including a popular of interest policies for scientists, $1,404.68 3.36% $89.84 As a commentator on the econ- movie, leaders of the Ameri- engineers and doctors in recent omy, Laura D’Andrea Tyson, a can Economic Association, the years, and the main professional former adviser to President Bill world’s largest professional so- associations for political scien- Clinton who teaches in the busi- ciety for economists, founded in tists, sociologists and psycholo- Foreign Exchange ness school at the University of 1885, are considering a step that gists have adopted ethical codes. Fgn. currency dollars in California, Berkeley, does not most other professions took a During the American Economic in dollars fgn.currency Thu. Wed. Thu. Wed. usually say that she is a director long time ago — adopting a code Association’s annual meeting, in of Morgan Stanley. of ethical standards. Denver next week, its executive Australia 1.0157 1.0176 .9845 .9827 And the faculty Web page of The proposal, which has not committee will take up a propos- Bahrain 2.6523 2.6518 .3770 .3771 Brazil .6011 .5942 1.6635 1.6830 Richard H. Clarida, a Columbia been announced to the public or al to “consider the association’s Britain 1.5415 1.5509 .6487 .6448 professor who was a Treasury of- to the association’s 17,000 mem- role regarding ethical standards Canada 1.0002 .9994 .9998 1.0006 ficial under President George W. bers, is partly a response to “In- for economists,” according to an China .1514 .1510 6.6037 6.6247 Bush, leaves out the fact that he side Job,” a documentary film re- internal committee agenda ob- Denmark .1782 .1772 5.6117 5.6433 is an executive vice president at leased in October that excoriates tained by The New York Times. Dominican .0268 .0268 37.36 37.36 Egypt .1722 .1722 5.8065 5.8075 Pimco, the bond fund manager. leading academic economists for SEWELL CHAN Europe 1.3286 1.3214 .7527 .7568 Hong Kong .1285 .1285 7.7821 7.7827 Japan .01227 .01225 81.52 81.63 Oprah Winfrey’s Worldview Shapes a Cable Network Mexico .08076 .08091 12.383 12.360 Norway .1698 .1690 5.8889 5.9189 Singapore .7761 .7731 1.2885 1.2935 For decades cable channels programs the way Winfrey rec- expected to eventually earn a So. .1510 .1503 6.6230 6.6551 have been built around specific ommends books on “The Oprah quarter a month in subscriber So. Korea .00088 .00087 1132.8 1146.0 interests like news, sports or clas- Winfrey Show.” fees from each of the 85 million Sweden .1481 .1467 6.7522 6.8166 sic movies. Beginning this week- “This network will be mind- households that will receive it. Switzerlnd 1.0689 1.0563 .9355 .9467 end, there will be something alto- and heart-food for people,” Win- OWN is not just a symbolic gether different: a cable channel frey said in an interview. move to cable from broadcast. shaped around a person, Oprah Her network is also the most- It’s also a bet by Winfrey and her Online: MORE PRICES Winfrey. watched experiment in the tele- backers at Discovery Communi- AND ANALYSIS The channel, called OWN, short vision industry. Winfrey is taking cations that media will be more Information on all United for the Oprah Winfrey Network, an enormous risk by ending her personalized in the future. will depend in part on Winfrey’s 25-year-old broadcast talk show “If there’s a channel launch States stocks, plus bonds, mu- powerful role as a tastemaker for in 2011 and moving to cable, hop- that anyone thinks can be very tual funds, commodities and for- her millions of fans. When it starts ing that her viewers will move successful, it’s OWN,” said Rich- eign stocks along with analysis of Saturday at noon, OWN will es- with her. Whether they watch, ard Greenfield, a media analyst industry sectors and stock indexes: sentially recommend television they’ll be paying for it: OWN is for BTIG Research. (NYT) business Friday, December 31, 2010 5

N.Y.S.E. Most Active Issues Twins Have Second Thoughts on Facebook Deal Vol. (100s) Last Chg. Citigrp 1383650 4.76 – 0.01 SAN DIEGO — Some people go shares have soared since, putting Yet their battle with Zuckerberg BkofAm 864533 13.28 – 0.03 to court hoping to win millions of the current worth of the settle- is what has had them riled up. S&P500ETF 632211 125.72 – 0.20 SPDR Fncl 357958 15.93 – 0.05 dollars. Tyler and Cameron Win- ment, by some estimates, at more When they talked about him, and iShR2K 333131 78.76 – 0.15 klevoss have already won tens of than $140 million. told their version of the founding of Pfizer 293839 17.49 – 0.11 millions. But six years into a legal Next month, the twins and Facebook, they helped finish each GenElec 286936 18.19 – 0.08 feud with Facebook, they want to Narendra plan to ask a federal other’s sentences, easily reciting US NGsFd 283495 5.89 + 0.05 iShEMkts 277486 47.31 + 0.24 give it back — for a chance to get appeals court in San Francisco every detail of a tale they have evi- Petrobras 254038 37.56 + 0.88 more. to undo the deal so they can pur- dently told time and again. FordM 233542 16.69 – 0.05 The Winklevosses — identical sue their original case against “It shouldn’t be that Mark Zuck- SprintNex 182385 4.16 – 0.01 MBIA 179057 11.87 + 1.51 twins and Harvard graduates — Facebook and Zuckerberg, and erberg gets away with behaving GenMot n 165069 36.82 + 0.80 say that they, along with another win a richer payday. They could, that way,” Cameron Winklevoss Anadarko 156324 75.59 + 4.86 Harvard student, Divya Naren- though, lose it all. said. dra, had the original idea for Face- Still, they say it’s not about the The company declined to make Nasdaq Actives book, and that Mark Zuckerberg money, it’s about the principle — Zuckerberg available for an in- Vol. (100s) Bid Chg. stole it. They sued Facebook and and vindication. “The principle terview, and Andrew Noyes, Zuckerberg in 2004, and settled is that they didn’t fight fair,” said a spokesman, said Facebook QiaoXing 458267 2.85 + 0.14 four years later for $20 million in Tyler Winklevoss during an in- would have no comment beyond SiriusXM 265341 1.63 – 0.03 cash and $45 million in Facebook terview recently. “The principle what “is already in our appellate Cisco 252516 20.23 – 0.02 shares. is that Mark stole the idea.” briefs.” In the past, Zuckerberg PwShs QQQ 245052 54.66 – 0.13 Microsoft 203088 27.85 – 0.12 They have been trying to undo His brother, Cameron, chimed has denied he stole the Facebook Intel 186303 21.02 + 0.08 that settlement since, saying they in, “What we agreed to is not what idea from the Winklevosses, say- ChinaDir 143144 1.86 + 0.43 were misled on the value of the we got.” ing they planned a dating site, not MicronT 129132 7.90 + 0.15 DryShips 126859 5.37 – 0.09 deal. But it has not been an easy Facebook denies it did anything a social network. Oracle 125011 31.29 – 0.21 decision. improper and says the Winkle- While the Winklevosses could XOMA rs 104375 5.33 + 0.23 As recently as Thursday, the vosses simply suffer from a case end up losing their settlement, NewsCpA 91207 14.49 – 0.08 brothers considered dropping of “settlers remorse.” the risks for Facebook are high Novell 85350 5.94 + 0.01 Yahoo 79764 16.76 + 0.15 their effort to unwind the agree- To make matters more compli- as well. If the court unwinds the Dell Inc 75812 13.65 unch. ment, and went as far as drafting cated, the twins are also at war agreement, the company will a statement to that effect, accord- with the lawyers who helped them have to decide whether to offer Amex Actives ing to people close to the case. win the settlement. The brothers them a richer settlement or face They decided to keep fighting. fired them, accused them of mal- a trial. Recent trades on a private Vol. (100s) last Chg. Their argument is that Fa- practice and refused to pay them. exchange suggest that Facebook ChiGengM 233189 4.18 + 1.54 cebook deceived them about A judge recently found for the now is worth around $50 billion, ChinaShen 154653 8.00 – 1.29 the value of the shares, leaving lawyers, and ordered the twins and the company may not want RareEle g 149830 16.74 + 1.95 AvalRare n 49942 6.40 – 0.14 them with far less than they had to pay the 20 percent contingency the negative publicity associated Crossh g rs 41918 2.62 + 0.32 agreed. fee, or $13 million. For now, the with a trial, especially if it decides GenMoly 41738 6.68 – 0.32 Whatever their value at the money and shares remain in an to move forward with a public NthgtM g 39348 3.21 + 0.05 time of the deal, Facebook’s escrow account. stock offering. MIGUEL HELFT ChiArmM 36744 4.29 + 0.88 DenisnM g 31426 3.44 + 0.03 PudaCoal 26163 13.80 + 1.21 VantageDrl 25004 2.03 + 0.03 Rentech 24629 1.21 – 0.03 Conveyor Belts Bring Profit to a Japanese Sushi Chain Ur-Energy 24349 2.98 + 0.15 Anooraq g 22052 1.60 + 0.05 SAYAMA, Japan — The Kura ers have tightened their belts in In November 2009, Soho’s Hos- NovaGld g 21341 14.38 + 0.03 “revolving sushi” restaurant response to two decades of little pitality, the company behind chain has no Michelin stars, but economic growth and stagnant celebrity restaurants like Nobu it has succeeded where many of wages. and Roy’s, filed for bankruptcy. Japan’s more celebrated eater- Many other restaurants and Roy’s is now run by another com- Stocks on the Move ies fall short: turning a profit in a dining businesses in Japan have pany, while Nobu’s chef, Nobu Shares of the following companies may punishing economy. not fared so well. After peak- Matsuhisa, has opened a new res- have unusual moves in U.S. trading. Efficiency is paramount at ing at 29.7 trillion yen in 1997, taurant elsewhere in Tokyo with Kforce Inc. (KFRC US) advanced 0.1 Kura: absent are the traditional the country’s restaurant sector Robert De Niro. percent to $16.55. The staffing com- sushi chefs and their painstaking has shrunk almost every year Along with other low-cost res- pany said it started a stock buyback attention to detail. In their place as a weak economy has driven taurant chains, Kura has bucked plan that is effective from Jan. 6 through are sushi-making robots and an businesses into price wars — or the dining-out slump with low Feb. 11, according to a regulatory filing. emphasis on efficiency. worse, sent them belly-up. prices and a dogged pursuit of ef- Nektar Therapeutics (NKTR US) rose Absent, too, are flocks of wait- In 2009, restaurant revenue, ficiency. In the company’s most 0.8 percent to $13.06. The biotechnol- ers. They have been largely re- including from fast-food stores, recent fiscal year, which ended on ogy company said Chief Operating Offi- placed by conveyors belts that fell 2.3 percent, to 23.9 trillion Oct. 31, net profit jumped 20 per- cer Bharatt Chowrira will leave the com- carry sushi to diners and remote yen — 20 percent below the peak, cent from the same period a year pany Jan. 3, with a $600,000 one-time managers who monitor Kura’s according to the Foodservice In- earlier, to 2.8 billion yen. severance payment, as well as monthly 262 restaurants from three con- dustry Research Institute, a think In the last two months alone, payments. trol centers across Japan. tank in Tokyo. Kura has added seven stores. Old Dominion Freight Line Inc. (ODFL Absent, too, are the exorbitant Bankruptcies have been ram- “It’s such a bargain at 100 yen,” US) fell 0.7 percent to $31.83. The U.S. prices of conventional sushi res- pant: in 2009, 674 dining busi- said Toshiyuki Arai, a delivery regional trucker said John Yowell, its taurants. At a Kura, a sushi plate nesses with liabilities of over company worker dining at a Kura chief operating officer, died. Yowell had goes for 100 yen, or about $1.22. 10 million yen went under, the restaurant with his sister and her been with the company since 1983, ac- Such measures are helping highest number in the last five 3-year-old son. “A real sushi res- cording to a regulatory filing. The com- Kura stay afloat even though the years, according to Teikoku Data taurant?” he said. “I hardly go pany plans to start a succession plan country’s once-profligate din- Bank, a credit research company. anymore.” HIROKO TABUCHI “at the appropriate time.” (Bloomberg) Travel Friday, December 31, 2010 6 Short-Term Vacation Rentals Pile on Hotel-Like Luxuries A self-absorbed hotel snob, rious boutique hotel.” requires homeowners who list effort is the surplus of vacation Jennifer Treadwell prefers to In an effort to distinguish them- with the agency to include certain properties built during the boom. stay at Four Seasons and similar selves from other short-term standard perks, among them, Even mom-and-pop outfits are upscale hotels when she goes rentals and capture a share of the 800-thread-count linens, two stepping up the service, offering on vacation, for the high level $100 billion hotel market, many bathrobes per room, wall safes, airport transfers. of service and vacation rentals are trying to suitcase holders, alarm clocks Last year, Greybeard Realty, Pr a c t i c a l luxurious stand out by essentially posing and L’Occitaine toiletries. which manages more than 200 Tr a v e l e r amenities they as hotels — offering everything “If you want to have your villa rental homes in the Black Moun- provide. The from regular maid service to min- filled 52 weeks of the year, you tains of North Carolina near Michelle idea of renting a iature toiletries to concierges. have to be competitive with the Asheville, with rates from $650 Higgins vacation home That’s good news for travelers resort market,” said Steve A. a week, added a guest services was never very looking for an alternative to tra- Lassman, vice president and division to handle event tickets, appealing. Then she discovered ditional hotels, as the heightened general manager at Villas of grocery baskets and restaurant the Cottages at Cape Kiwanda on competition creates a greater di- Distinction, which has been of- recommendations. Similarly, the Oregon coast, where $500-a- versity of places to stay at a range fering triple American Express Globe Homes and Condos, which night two-bedroom cottages offer of prices. Rewards points for certain rent- manages about 50 properties in flat-screen televisions, surround- Late last year, Wimco, an als. The company markets one of Los Angeles and Palm Springs, sound systems, spa-style robes, upscale Caribbean villa manage- its newest properties, Nandana, Calif., recently hired a full-time in-room Internet access and ment company on St. Bart’s, be- as a “private resort.” The five- service manager to assist guests whirlpool tubs. Guests have ac- gan providing daily housekeep- bedroom oceanfront estate on with theme park tickets, child cess to a fitness center nearby ing and weekly cocktail parties Grand Bahama Island, says the care and other requests. “I need and a concierge who can book a for guests at waterfront restau- Web site, “goes beyond the tradi- to be able to compete with the massage or surfing lesson. rants on the island, and will soon tional villa vacation by providing hotels,” said Sebastian de Kleer, “I’ve been staying there since offer cellphones programmed to guests with a range of luxury ser- president of Globe Homes and they opened, and I never really ring the concierge. To maintain vices, amenities and activities,” Condos. “At the same time, I need thought of them as that vacation a level of consistency among its including an infinity pool, Jet Skis something more to differentiate rental place,” said Treadwill, a properties, Lifestyle Villas, which and an 18-hole golf course. Nan- myself from other vacation rental health coach from Portland, Ore. manages beachfront homes and dana rates begin at $6,500 a night. companies and individual hom- “I always assumed it was a luxu- condos in Los Cabos, Mexico, One reason for all this extra eowners.” journal Friday, December 31, 2010 7 China’s Red Tourism Boom Taps Revolutionary Spirit for Profit

YAN’AN, China — The explosives had been of a crucial moment in the Chinese civil war, many of them yuppies, journey to revolution- set, the watchtower manned and the dirt bat- when the Kuomintang tried overrunning ary sites to rekindle their long-lost sense of tlefield cleared of rubble. Communist soldiers the Communists in 1947 in their mountain class struggle and proletarian principles. armed with rifles took up positions at the foot redoubt here. The show, complete with live “Commercialization is not bad as long as we of the barren hills. Their foes, the Kuomint- explosions, takes place every morning on the don’t vulgarize the traditions and as long as ang, loomed in the distance, advancing on the outskirts of Yan’an, a dingy city of two million we keep the spirit without violating it,” said garrison town of Yan’an. in the northern province of Shaanxi. Tan Huwa, a historian at Yan’an University. Then a yell, “There’s no electricity!” Capitalism is thriving in China, but red is far The Yan’an area, with its distinctive cave No electricity meant no show. from dead, at least in Yan’an. “The Defense homes and yellow loess hills, was used as the Hundreds of Chinese tourists streamed of Yan’an” is a recent addition to tourist at- main revolutionary base until 1948, enduring toward the front gate demanding their money tractions in the city that try to evoke the glory bombing by the Japanese during World War back. Other visitors stripped off their gray days of the Chinese Communist Party, after II and assaults by Kuomintang troops. It was uniforms on the battlefield — they had paid $2 its leaders entered Yan’an in 1936 following here that the top Communist leaders, such as to take part in the production. the Long March. Local officials and business- Mao Zedong, forged the ragtag Red Army into So went a recent performance of “The De- people here are profiting handsomely off a a populist guerilla force. fense of Yan’an,” an hourlong re-enactment boom in “red tourism,” in which Chinese, “I’m here to be educated,” said Ma Tao, 32, a civil servant wearing eyeglasses who was Edited By Will Shortz struggling into a Red Army costume at the crossword entrance to Yangjialing, a narrow valley in PUZZLE BY CALEB MADISON Yan’an where the Communist leaders had re- ACROSS 41 San Francisco’s 123456 78910 11 12 13 Museo ___ sided in cave homes for several years. 1 One likely to die Americano The Yan’an tourism bureau says on its Web on the road? 14 15 42 Red giants in the site that visitors to the city surpassed 10 mil- 7 What something night sky 16 17 may go down to lion last year, up 37 percent from the previous 45 Procure 18 19 20 21 year. Tourism got a big boost in 2008 when 14 Foster girl 47 Big hit the local government decided to waive ticket 15 Poster girl 22 23 24 25 48 Cross character prices to the main sites; the same year, the 16 Debunked? 49 Not dormant 26 27 28 29 30 city invested $15 million to build new plazas, 17 Response to 51 As museums and other showpieces. The tourism great news 31 32 33 34 bureau’s Web site now boasts of the “Yan’an 52 Ice legend’s 18 Big tin exporter: family 35 36 37 38 39 Revolutionary Holy Dream.” Abbr. 54 Head start? But there are those who are not happy with 40 41 19 Beat badly 56 It’s often hung the way renovations have gone. 21 Battle joiner’s illegally 42 43 44 45 46 47 “There was a stark beauty, this totally choice 57 “The Humbugs primitive cave city that was the brain for the 48 49 50 51 22 Kind of replication of the World” whole war effort in China,” said Sidney Ritten- author, 1865 23 Sticks up for, 52 53 54 55 56 berg Sr., a business consultant who was the maybe? 60 Be coerced first American to join the Chinese Communist 62 Relationship in 57 58 59 60 61 Party and lived in Yan’an in the late 1940s. 25 Serbian the 2009 film “I city where Love You, Man” 62 63 Rittenberg took his wife to Yan’an last year. Constantine the He said he was stunned by the changes. Great was born 63 1974 hit with Spanish lyrics 64 65 “The caves, are they still there?” he said. 26 Org. with towers “Yes, but you have to go down to the edge of 64 “Got it” 12/31/10 (No. 1231) 27 Luzón, e.g. the city to see them. And they’ve virtually de- 65 The Allman 4 Switch sides? 27 Cartoonist, at 43 “The 28 Thingamajig Brothers Band, times Transcendence stroyed this museum to Chinese revolution- 5 Some county fair e.g. of the Ego” writer ary history. I think it’s a real travesty.” 31 Film in which contest entries 29 64-Across, to a Eddie Murphy cat EDWARD WONG 6 Folks getting into 44 Some muscle voices the DOWN cars dragon Mushu dirt 30 Debugger? 1 Creator of TV’s 7 Bait 32 Court 46 ___ National 33 Lit “Alias” Park 8 Bucks, e.g. proceedings 35 Be revolting 2 Blimp navigator 50 It may stick to 9 Rock’s Brian 34 Freak 40 Homes within 3 Boxer who wrote your ribs 620 Eighth Avenue, New York, NY 10018 36 Self, in a Latin 10 Freaks (out) • nations “Reach!” phrase 53 Language related 11 Not going to Finnish Tom Brady, Editor anywhere 37 Many users e-mail: [email protected] ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE follow its 55 Dummy on a 12 Carrier of drum • directions greyhound track TimesDigest Sales Office ASHSLO PIANO cases, maybe 38 “Gentille” one of 58 Coll. peer phone: (212) 556-1200 CHAR TERM EMBER 13 First in line, say song leaders OUSE ATCO CALEB fax: (646) 461-2364 15 Over and over 59 Uptown’s dir. in PLAN TMAN AGER 39 Problem for one e-mail: [email protected] 20 Like M&M’s who’s trapped N.Y.C. • STEVIE ORNO For advertising information WINETASTER 24 Sacrifice fly? 42 Visit 61 Really try and to request a media kit JAPESAVOWARNO contact InMotion Media: OPERATIN GROOM For answers, call 1-900-289-CLUE (289-2583), $1.49 a minute; KIAS OTAY AMPLE or, with a credit card, 1-800-814-5550. phone: (212) 706-2700 EARTHANGEL Online subscriptions: Today’s puzzle and more than 5,000 past e-mail: [email protected] puzzles, ($39.95 a year). • FISC OOLONG Home delivery subscribers who have FORT HERE CORD Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. not received TimesDigest should call NONET EMMA KWAI (800) 698-4637 or e-mail NOTRESPASSING Read about and comment on each puzzle: [email protected] ELVER TNT NTS Crosswords for young solvers: OPINION Friday, December 31, 2010 8

editorials of the timeS PAUL KRUGMAN Governor Cuomo The New Voodoo Andrew Cuomo’s inauguration ceremony could finally end the scandalous gerrymander- Hypocrisy never goes out of style, but, even on Saturday will be comparatively modest — ing that allows even the most incompetent and so, 2010 was something special. For it was the a long way from former Gov. George Pataki’s corrupt legislators to keep getting re-elected. year of budget doubletalk. black-tie gala and marching bands. That is A majority of legislators in both houses One day deficits were the great evil and we appropriate at a time when New York State is signed a pledge to establish such a commission needed fiscal austerity now, never mind the mired in both a fiscal and political crisis. immediately. Now that they are re-elected, state of the economy. The next day $800 billion Even so, Cuomo will need more than sym- some are already waffling. A few Republicans in debt-financed tax cuts, with the prospect bolism to turn the state around. He will have are even hinting that the whole matter should of more to come, was the greatest thing since to quickly confront all of New York’s vested be done with a constitutional amendment, sliced bread, a triumph of bipartisanship. political and economic interests. which would ensure that nothing changes It was the politicians — and, yes, that mainly His most pressing task will be to carve $9 bil- for another decade. Cuomo can improve the meant Republicans — who took the lead on the lion out of the state’s $135 billion budget. His chances for real electoral reform by repeatedly hypocrisy front. rash campaign promises to cap property taxes reaffirming his vow to veto any redistricting In the first half of 2010, impassioned speech- and end a small extra tax on high-income earn- plan “that reflects partisan gerrymandering.” es denouncing federal red ink were the G.O.P. ers will make that even tougher. To clean up Albany’s swamp, Cuomo should norm. And concerns about the deficit were the He needs to jettison the property tax prom- immediately — next week — introduce an om- stated reason for Republican opposition to ex- ise. He will also have to negotiate less-gener- nibus ethics reform bill. tension of unemployment benefits. ous pension plans for state workers. And he That must include the creation of an ethics But the tone changed during the summer, as will have to come up with other savings from enforcement commission to investigate mis- B-day — the day when the Bush tax breaks for the state’s big-ticket school and Medicaid bud- deeds in both the Legislature and the execu- the wealthy were scheduled to expire — began gets. Those cuts must be made. tive branch. All lawmakers must be required to approach. Cuomo’s first budget is due on Feb. 1. If he to reveal the sources and amounts of their How did Republican leaders reconcile their makes the tough but necessary choices, the outside income. There can be no exceptions purported deep concern about budget deficits Legislature, the unions and others will protest for lawyers like Sheldon Silver, the Assembly with their advocacy of large tax cuts? Was it fiercely. The new governor can significantly speaker who could have clients with business that old voodoo economics — the belief, refut- increase his political leverage, and public sup- before the state. The public doesn’t know. ed by study after study, that tax cuts pay for port, by also committing to reform the state’s Effective reform will also require sweeping themselves — making a comeback? No, it was opaque budget process. changes in the state’s shamefully lax campaign something new and worse: 2010 marked the The need for reform goes far beyond the bud- finance rules with much stricter limits on con- emergence of a new level of magical thinking: get. Based on the 2010 census, the Legislature tributions by individuals and limited liability the belief that deficits created by tax cuts just is supposed to start mapping new Congressio- corporations. don’t matter. For example, Sen. Jon Kyl of Ari- nal and legislative districts in time for the 2012 Cuomo repeatedly reminds New Yorkers zona declared that “you should never have to elections. During the campaign, Cuomo prom- that their tarnished state was “once a national offset the cost of a deliberate decision to reduce ised to work for an independent, nonpartisan model.” Now it is a model of dysfunction. Cuomo tax rates on Americans.” redistricting commission. That one reform has a lot of work ahead and no time to waste. It’s an easy position to ridicule. After all, if you never have to offset the cost of tax cuts, why not just eliminate taxes altogether? But Haiti’s Presidential Vote the joke’s on us because while this kind of mag- ical thinking may not yet be the law of the land, An agreement reached this week between remains in dire need of a new, legitimately it’s about to become part of the rules governing Haiti and the Organization of American States elected president. There is, of course, no undo- legislation in the House of Representatives. points the way out of the country’s paralyzing ing the myriad disasters of Election Day. The So if taxes don’t matter, does the incoming presidential election crisis. The deal will allow answer is not a full, new election. majority have a realistic plan to cut spending? experts from the O.A.S. to re-examine the re- Haiti and the O.A.S. have the right approach Of course not. Republicans say that they want sults of the Nov. 28 vote to try to clear up the with their agreement to let the outside special- to cut $100 billion in spending, which is itself uncertainty over who won second place and ists into the national tabulation center to exam- small change in a $3.6 trillion federal budget. will go on to a January runoff. ine everything: tally sheets, voter rolls, writ- But they also say that defense, Medicare and While there is wide acceptance that the ten reports about irregularities and incidents Social Security — all the big-ticket items — are top vote-getter was Mirlande Manigat, a for- on Election Day. They will be able to consult off the table. So they’re talking about a 20 per- mer first lady, there was widespread anger in candidates and interview citizens. cent cut in what’s left. Haiti — and skepticism internationally — af- They must be allowed to throw out dubious How will this all end? I have seen the future, ter the national election council announced results, using standards already established and it’s on Long Island, where I grew up. last month that Jude Célestin, the protégé of by the election council. And they must report Nassau County is one of the wealthiest coun- President René Préval, had narrowly beaten whatever they find and their decisions to the ties in America and has an unemployment rate Michel Martelly, a popular musician, for the president, election council and the people of well below the national average. So it should No. 2 spot. Haiti. Process and communication are para- be weathering the economic storm better than Independent observers stationed across the mount, so Haitians see that their democracy is most places. But a year ago, the county elected country on Election Day had concluded that it lawful, transparent and trustworthy. a new executive who railed against budget was Martelly who had easily bested Célestin. It may be hard to hold the runoff as scheduled deficits and promised both to cut taxes and to The U.S. Embassy and the United Nations is- on Jan. 16. But long delays cannot be tolerated. balance the budget. The tax cuts happened; sued statements shortly after the vote voicing Préval is supposed to leave office on Feb. 7, the promised spending cuts didn’t. And now concern about irregularities. Angry support- though he could legally remain until May 14, the county is in fiscal crisis. ers of Martelly and the other losing candidates the technical end date of his five-year term. Nassau County shows how easily respon- staged raucous protests that briefly paralyzed The country is rightly eager for a new govern- sible government can collapse in this country. a country already stricken by January’s earth- ment to handle reconstruction and contain All it takes is disgruntled voters who don’t quake and a raging cholera epidemic. cholera. The sooner Préval hands off the reins know what’s at stake — and we have plenty of The country has since calmed down, but to a legitimately elected president, the better. those. Banana republic, here we come. sports Friday, December 31, 2010 9 Little Ice Time, But Big Thrills In Brief In the third period of a game against the Rangers two weeks Garnett Could Miss ago, Phoenix Coyotes goaltender 2 Weeks With Injury Jason LaBarbera made a big save The Celtics’ Kevin Garnett but was slow to rise from the ice, could miss two weeks because favoring his groin. of a strained right calf. Gener- On the Phoenix bench, before al Manager Danny Ainge said thousands of raucous Madison Thursday that a magnetic reso- Square Garden fans, reality struck nance imaging test and a thor- Tom Fenton like a blindside hit. ough examination showed Gar- “Immediately it went through nett’s injury Wednesday night my head: God, I might actually be was muscular and unrelated to going into this thing,” he said. a right-knee injury that forced He didn’t. But that night Fenton, him to miss the 2009 playoffs and by day a Manhattanville College was surgically repaired. (AP) graduate student, was an emer- gency backup goalie, or EBUG, one of a subspecies of Average Suspended Buckeyes Frank Franklin Ii/Associated Press Joe hockey players called upon Pledge to Return to drop everything to fill a roster The emergency backup goalie Tom Fenton, right, watching spot when a professional goalie is Scottie Upshall and the Coyotes against the Rangers. Ohio State players facing five- injured or ill. game suspensions next season, EBUGs have become some- including quarterback Terrelle thing of a staple of minor league hardt, against the Ottawa Sena- women’s teams. Pryor, would not have traveled hockey and occasionally find tors until a farmhand arrived mid- Coyotes General Manager Don with the team to the Sugar Bowl their way onto an N.H.L. bench way through the first period. And Maloney said he found Fenton if they had not pledged to re- for an evening. One thing they all in 2003, Chris Levesque, a British through mutual contacts in New turn in 2011, Coach Jim Tressel have in common is they are not Columbia college student, found York. said on Thursday. Tressel said expected to play, and usually they himself in a Canucks uniform for More typical of the EBUG ex- he wanted to make sure that the do not. In fact, it is not believed a game. perience is the vagabond life of players would not “skirt the con- that an EBUG has ever played in EBUGs in the N.H.L. are gener- Jack Kauffman. In his five minor sequences” by playing in the an N.H.L. game since the league ally not paid, nor do they receive a league seasons, Kauffman, 23, has Sugar Bowl, then declaring for mandated after the 1965-66 season per diem. Fenton said the Coyotes traveled thousands of miles for 11 the N.F.L. draft. (AP) that teams dress two goaltenders. paid him a little more than $100 games and countless practices Under the league’s collective bar- and implied that it was for gas and without ever appearing when it n.B.A. scores gaining agreement with the play- parking. EBUGs in the minors re- counted. ers union, teams may sign an ama- ceive $50 to $100 a game and a per He has dressed for four teams WEDNESDAY’S LATE GAMES teur player to a one-game contract diem. in the E.C.H.L., a midlevel profes- Philadelphia 123, Phoenix 110 Sacramento 100, Memphis 98 in an emergency. Fenton got his opportunity after sional league formerly known as Utah 103, L.A. Clippers 95 Other EBUGs who have suited Coyotes goalie Ilya Bryzgalov had the East Coast Hockey League. THURSDAY up for N.H.L. teams in recent sea- flulike symptoms. He has practiced with two oth- Orlando 112, Knicks 103 sons include Nathan Deobald, a “They tried to get their guy from ers. He has signed autographs, Calgary drama student who was San Antonio, but this all happened hugged young fans and even had N.H.L. scores on the bench for the Edmonton Oil- a few hours before the game,” said his jersey auctioned. WEDNESDAY’S LATE GAMES ers in a game last season against Fenton, an Ontario native who “I would do this stuff for free Phoenix 6, Los Angeles 3 the Vancouver Canucks. In 2008, played for American Internation- just to be able to go out there and THURSDAY Atlanta 3, Boston 2, SO the Washington Capitals dressed al College and works with goalies skate and have a jersey on,” he Columbus 3, Toronto 2 their Web site editor, Brett Leon- on the Manhattanville men’s and said. MATT CAPUTO Tampa Bay 4, Montreal 1

Houston 75/ 56 Tr 75/ 44 r 62/ 38 c Cape Town 82/ 63 0 79/ 63 PC 82/ 63 T WEATHER Kansas City 67/ 47 0 46/ 13 r 26/ 11 PC Dublin 48/ 39 0.01 46/ 41 c 45/ 39 PC High/low temperatures for the 21 hours ended at 4 p.m. Los Angeles 56/ 45 0 56/ 44 PC 58/ 48 c Geneva 39/ 32 0 47/ 31 S 42/ 29 S yesterday, Eastern time, and precipitation (in inches) Miami 76/ 62 0 78/ 67 PC 78/ 67 PC Hong Kong 72/ 57 0 59/ 50 S 59/ 50 S for the 18 hours ended at 1 p.m. yesterday. Expected Mpls.-St. Paul 41/ 34 0.25 25/ 5 Sn 13/ -4 Sn Kingston 84/ 72 0 83/ 75 S 83/ 74 S conditions for today and tomorrow. New York City 40/ 28 0 46/ 36 S 47/ 40 c Lima 76/ 63 0.01 81/ 62 c 82/ 61 PC Weather conditions: C-clouds, F-fog, H-haze, I-ice, PC- Orlando 74/ 43 0 76/ 56 S 78/ 58 PC 46/ 42 0 43/ 34 c 39/ 32 PC partly cloudy, R-rain, S-sun, Sh-showers, Sn-snow, SS- Philadelphia 44/ 20 0 45/ 33 S 50/ 41 c Madrid 49/ 34 0.07 48/ 37 Sh 48/ 34 PC snow showers, T-thunderstorms, Tr-trace, W-windy. Phoenix 51/ 44 0 47/ 33 PC 53/ 36 PC Mexico City 74/ 45 0 73/ 41 S 75/ 41 S Salt Lake City 23/ 20 0.02 20/ 7 SS 20/ 8 PC Montreal 34/ 23 0 38/ 36 r 40/ 23 Sh U.S. CITIES San Francisco 53/ 41 0 51/ 45 c 51/ 43 r Moscow 24/ 14 0.20 16/ 7 Sn 16/ 10 SS Yesterday Today Tomorrow Seattle 37/ 29 0 38/ 25 PC 39/ 24 c Nassau 76/ 57 0 77/ 69 PC 80/ 69 PC Albuquerque 44/ 32 0.02 28/ 9 Sn 29/ 10 PC St. Louis 59/ 41 0 64/ 27 r 38/ 18 PC 43/ 36 0 43/ 32 S 37/ 32 c Atlanta 53/ 37 0 62/ 51 PC 64/ 49 T Washington 48/ 28 0 50/ 37 PC 54/ 46 c Prague 17/ 9 0.02 31/ 24 SS 31/ 26 PC Boise 31/ 23 0 17/ 5 PC 21/ 13 PC Rio de Janeiro 81/ 71 0.18 83/ 72 Sh 85/ 75 c Boston 42/ 29 0 48/ 35 PC 52/ 37 PC FOREIGN CITIES 54/ 36 0 52/ 39 c 54/ 37 S Buffalo 41/ 18 0 47/ 39 c 50/ 29 Sh Yesterday Today Tomorrow Santiago 78/ 52 0 82/ 55 S 82/ 55 PC Charlotte 49/ 24 0 58/ 42 PC 61/ 49 c Acapulco 90/ 68 0 86/ 70 S 88/ 70 PC Stockholm 21/ 18 0.13 21/ 18 PC 28/ 19 Sn Chicago 43/ 33 Tr 54/ 24 r 32/ 16 W Athens 52/ 43 0 53/ 46 S 57/ 50 c Sydney 82/ 65 0 90/ 65 S 95/ 67 S Cleveland 45/ 29 0.01 48/ 42 c 48/ 26 Sh Beijing 27/ 14 0 37/ 16 S 39/ 18 S Tokyo 48/ 38 0 52/ 39 S 50/ 36 PC Dallas-Ft. Worth 70/ 59 0 61/ 32 c 52/ 24 PC Berlin 24/ 9 0.27 35/ 29 Sn 37/ 26 Sh Toronto 43/ 19 0.02 48/ 44 r 47/ 15 Sh Denver 30/ 26 0.11 13/ -4 Sn 23/ 1 PC Buenos Aires 88/ 68 0 90/ 70 S 90/ 64 S Vancouver 38/ 27 0 34/ 24 PC 36/ 26 PC Detroit 39/ 26 0.01 48/ 38 r 48/ 23 Sh Cairo 74/ 56 0 65/ 50 PC 63/ 53 PC Warsaw 26/ 16 0.21 26/ 23 Sn 33/ 24 i sports Journal Friday, December 31, 2010 10

Football Physics Pit Size Against Speed N.B.A. Standings EASTERN CONFERENCE LOS ANGELES — The Wiscon- Badgers (11-1) have plowed over T.C.U.’s is predicated on how sin offensive coordinator Paul the competition, but their offense well the University of Texas re- Atlantic W L Pct GB Chryst not only calls plays, he is far from plodding. cruits. The Wisconsin safety Jay Boston 24 6 .800 — writes story lines. When he sized The T.C.U. defensive coordina- Valai, who hails from the Dallas Knicks 18 14 .563 7 up the Badgers’ battle with Texas tor Dick Bumpas compared the area, said that the perception that Philadelphia 13 19 .406 12 Toronto 11 20 .355 13{ Christian in the Rose Bowl on Sat- Badgers’ size versus the Horned Texas selects the best 20 or so Nets 9 23 .281 16 urday, Chryst predicted it would Frogs’ speed to a dump truck and recruits in the state is true. Valai be easy to write about how the a Ferrari. “I mean, we are fast, but said he would have gone to Texas Southeast W L Pct GB Miami 25 9 .735 — Badgers’ overwhelming offen- the reality of it is when the dump if he had been recruited by Coach Orlando 21 12 .636 3{ sive size would match up against truck is going full speed ahead, it’s Mack Brown. Atlanta 21 13 .618 4 T.C.U.’s defensive speed. a dangerous weapon,” he said. “Coach Brown picks his,” Valai Charlotte 11 19 .367 12 “That’s the first line of the sto- Wisconsin ranks fourth nation- said. “The rest of us mortals go to Washington 8 22 .267 15 ry,” Chryst said. ally in scoring (43.3) and its 45.2 other schools.” Central W L Pct GB The comparison offers a parallel points a game average in the Big While T.C.U. recruits may be Chicago 20 10 .667 — to the greater scope of the match- Ten is the second highest total in a few inches shorter and many Indiana 13 17 .433 7 up between T.C.U. and Wisconsin. league history. During the Bad- pounds lighter than the proto- Milwaukee 12 18 .400 8 The Horned Frogs hail from the gers’ current seven-game win- typical Texas recruit, the Horned Detroit 11 21 .344 10 Mountain West Conference and ning streak, they have had 83- and Frogs do not lack speed. The star Cleveland 8 24 .250 13 earned their way here by suf- 70-point outbursts and have scored linebacker Tank Carder is a model focating their opponents with a at least 31 points in each game. of the T.C.U. player. Lightly re- versatile, complex defense. They T.C.U. runs a 4-2-5 defense, cruited, he played a lot at tailback are 12-0 and ranked No. 1 in total which is either innovative or a and quarterback in high school. WESTERN CONFERENCE defense, allowing only 215 yards a fancy way to term a nickel de- Now he has evolved into a second- Southwest W L Pct GB game, nearly 35 less than second- fense. The versatility of the extra team all-American — not bad for San Antonio 27 4 .871 — ranked Ohio State. T.C.U. will head defensive back has helped T.C.U. someone who was known more as Dallas 24 6 .800 2{ to the Big East in 2012, but for now become one of the most cutting- a BMX bike rider than a top foot- New Orleans 18 14 .563 9{ it represents the small programs edge defenses in stopping spread ball prospect. Houston 15 16 .484 12 from the non-Bowl Championship offenses; hybrid defenders can Carder seems to be following Memphis 14 18 .438 13{ Series conferences. run sideline to sideline, but are the path of other T.C.U. stars. Pat- Northwest W L Pct GB “I don’t feel like we’re the small athletic enough to drop into cov- terson said that T.C.U.’s last five Utah 22 10 .688 — guy,” T.C.U. Coach Gary Patterson erage. But how successful the 4-2- starting linebackers play in the Oklahoma City 22 11 .667 { said. “We’ve only lost three games 5 defense will be facing a power I N.F.L., although none was highly Denver 18 13 .581 3{ the last three years.” team like Wisconsin is a mystery. recruited out of high school. Portland 16 16 .500 6 The Rose Bowl will be a fasci- “Certainly, we’re not thinking “We’d all like to get that guy that Minnesota 8 25 .242 14{ nating matchup of football phys- that we’re going to roll the ball out already looks the part or makes Pacific W L Pct GB ics. Wisconsin’s average offen- and just say, ‘We’re big, so there- the plays,” Patterson said. “But L.A. Lakers 22 10 .688 — sive lineman stands 6-foot-5 and fore we’re going to be able to run for us to build our program at our Phoenix 13 17 .433 8 weighs more than 320 pounds. The the ball,’ ” Chryst said. “You’ve got place because of the way recruit- Golden State 12 19 .387 9{ largest T.C.U. defensive lineman, to earn everything that you get.” ing is in Texas, we’ve had to do it a L.A. Clippers 10 23 .303 12{ Cory Grant, is 6-2, 305 pounds. The Like most programs in Texas, different way.” PETE THAMEL Sacramento 6 23 .207 14{ The Clock Ticks for a Jets Fullback, and a Record Is Approaching FLORHAM PARK, N.J. — As if Or he could return and break the separate seasons. He made four For another, Richardson men- fullback Tony Richardson needed running backs record for games Pro Bowl teams. Throughout, he tored his presumed successor, a reminder, the faux street sign played. struck teammates as meticulous, John Conner, throughout this sea- hangs inside his locker at the Jets’ “You do think about it,” Rich- thorough and detailed, a pro’s pro, son. Richardson said he believes facility, depicting a hobbled old ardson said. “You think about the the ageless fullback. Conner will start at fullback for man, bent over, leaning on a cane. record. You think about the end.” “There’s nothing typical about the Jets next year and for a long “Geezer crossing,” it reads. Richardson never set out to him,” said Thomas Jones, a former time beyond that. Richardson turned 39 this carve the longest career at one Jets running back now with Kan- Conner’s considerable skills month. His real age, according of football’s most punishing posi- sas City. “Fullbacks don’t wear could leave Richardson without to his teammate and good friend tions. In Dallas in 1994, he wanted three-piece suits. Fullbacks don’t a choice in his football future. If Dustin Keller, falls somewhere to make one team, play one game, play 17 years. That just doesn’t he returns next season, he wants between 39 and 93. As Keller likes finish one season. happen. He should be a first-ballot to play only for Coach Rex Ryan, to say, Richardson once played Each year bled into the next, as Hall of Famer, period.” only for the Jets. Few teams keep football in a leather helmet, and Richardson dispatched dozens This season feels different from two fullbacks, as the Jets did this on Sunday against Buffalo he will of players drafted or signed to the others. For one, Richardson season, particularly if the backup take part in his 234th regular- replace him. He left Kansas City passed two mentors in games is 39 years old. season game, the second most for after 2005, 11 seasons in the books, played, first Marcus Allen (222 Richardson has never served in a running back in N.F.L. history, and even his father, Ben, a retired regular-season games), then a backup role but said he would ac- behind Lorenzo Neal’s 239. Army drill sergeant, assumed his Emmitt Smith (226). Richardson cept one. But other complicating Though Richardson would son would call it a career. watched the way those two con- factors remain. Should the Jets prefer to focus on the playoffs, Instead, Richardson played ducted themselves, the atten- win the Super Bowl, Richardson is his decision, the decision, looms. five more seasons, including this tion they paid to their bodies, the more likely to retire. Should labor Richardson could retire, ending one. He paved paths for five dif- teams of specialists they selected. strife lead to a lockout next sea- his career after 16 seasons and one ferent running backs to reach at He overtook them because he son, he will definitely call it quits. year on the Dallas practice squad. least 1,000 rushing yards in eight watched and learned from them. GREG BISHOP