Linking Bantu to Benue-Congo: A view from the northern fringe of the Grassfields Berlin, 21–22 February 2010 Figure 1: Lower Fungom (based on Hombert (1980:84), with updates) Linking Bantu to Benue-Congo: LEDE&M ∗ ',281#=>*0216* A view from the northern fringe of the Grassfields 933@C,@8 Jeff Good B1>*0 University at Buffalo '3@30,/7*#03,6
[email protected] B1)-#B3,6 1 Introduction &*,0/G#>177,-* [1] As more and more descriptive data become available on more and more African languages, <(/61>1213)#A,C1@,7 there is increasing need for some objective inter-linguistic framework within which these ',281 data may be classified and compared. Unfortunately, no such ideal classification has been $'()'*+#,'-"./ '(5( '()6,/71 available for the languages of Africa as a whole, and in recent years descriptive linguists 9*)#A7(2@*0#H%1IJ#* '1223)- '()$*) have tended to use Greenberg’s “genetic” classification as a frame of reference within which K1#A7(2@*0#H/3*J +,! to locate the languages they are describing. Although most of these linguists have not con- 43281)#H$16J &-() <%,77#'*$,5 :( 43281) cerned themselves with testing the validity or otherwise of Greenberg’s classification, their 9,)-#H5,$J ./,0 '/(!"H%(AJ 4()- unqualified acceptance of it in print has lent a certain “respectability” to his classificational '*$,5 9,)- units. This acceptance is potentially misleading to non-linguists, especially historians, and 01()'*+#,'-"./ has helped obscure the fact many of these classificational units have never been scientifi- &,$1#H%55J +83, '/(! cally established. (Dalby 1971:17) 2'+)*13#4.+5 4()-#H$57J# [2] .