CARMEL CLARION OCTOBER - DECEMBER 2012 t VOLUME XXVIII, NO.4 r------ (/-- CARMEL CLARION OCTOBER - DECEMBER 2012 t VOLUME XXVIII, NO.4 Disca iced Carmelite Secular Order, Washington, D. C. PAGE 21 In Remembrance 1 Editorial Fr. Regis, OCD 22 Frequently Asked Questions 2 NGO for OCDS 23 How to Order Interior Castle - Inspiration for a New Initiative New CDs from Fr. Kevin Culligan Fr. John Sullivan, OCD 24 New Evangelization 6 Brookline - Brighton History 25 Nairobi News 15 Our Carmelite Charism in the Service of the Church Thomas Otang'a, OCD 26 Reminders p. CARMEL CLARION is a Catholic publication produced by the Discalced Carmelite Secular Order, Washington Province, with Main Office in Washington, D.C. Discalced Carmelite Friars Change of address: OCDS Main Office Please notify us in advance. 2131 Lincoln Road, NE Washington, D.C. 20002-1101 Extra copies, if available: $3.00 each, plus flat rate of $5.00 for each package to cover actual postage costs Phone: 202-269-3792 U.S. subscription: $15.00 US per year. NEW E-mail:
[email protected] NOTE: International Clarion subscriptions are no longer available due to postage costs. Editor Fr. Regis Jordan OCD Staff Jim Jenkins OCDS Liane Melvin OCDS Request subscription at: Chris Anderson Provincial Delegates Fr. Regis Jordan OCD Official Website: OCDS Washington Province Fr. Paul Fohlin OCD Fr. John Grennon OCD Editorial It hardly seems possible that another year is rapidly coming to an end. I hope the history of the Province as we are presenting it is giving you a better understanding of our Carmelite presence in this part of the country.